Tr fr, n VM ! VOLUME XXI NO. THE METHODIST CONFERENCE. Titv fu:smux mtAirise te its vlehv AND FIX 1811 ISO Vl'lTH WORK. Traveling IlcnretiiKlected anil Candidate! for AdmlMten Introduced TheObaervancoet the Hnbbath Tract Society Anniversary, The Presiding Klders. 111 tlie M. Ii coiifcrenee en Tuesday, Rev, Geerge W. Maclaiighlln, corresponding sec retary orthe Pennsylvania Seaman's Friend secictj, presented n report or the work orthe socletyliice Its Ineoptieii. Hlbles ntul cloth, ing havolieoii distributed, mid nearly 40,000 men liave received substantial reller. Tlie Scriptures in ten languages wero distributed during tlie year. Tlie following wero elected traveling ilea ilea eens: J. It. Smith, J. ). Martin, Arthur Oaken, (3. W. Riingan, Henry Hess, A. N. Mllllsen, Alfred lleohner, William Ramferd, Charles jr. Rerer and Cloergo W. Rrodhead. C. E. Adanisen wasrecelvednsan oflbctlve elder. Invitations te held the next eontcrence in Centenary church, Went Philadelphia, and the western church, Twentieth and Walnut streets, were tilneed before thn ninr-llmr. Tim Centenary church was selected by a vete of H0le4D. Candidates for admission were then intro duced as fellows! Edward P. P. Phream, F. G. Coxeu, C. II. Jehnsen, L. M. Magee, Wll Ham K. .Smith, Allred F. Tayler, James K. Raymond, Thursten R. Nowberry. II. c. uauilwin, Samuel C. Cmter, Andrew Stray. ion, Concern roneiied that SlT.noe liml lir.. pended en lioeks published in Cincinnati aiid New Yerk (luring tlie past year. The Tract Cause coiiimittce rccemiuendcd that Rev. William Swindells be npiieiiitcd corresponding secretary of the Tract society and Rev. J. R. MoCullengh editor or the JViilmlelphiit Methodist. The repert was adopted. i niisiiitvANui: or thi: HMiiiATii. The repert or thoceminlttooon the Sabbath recommended a better observation orthe Sab bath, and te this end advised th'e discontinu ance or sympathy or oneeurgoment or Sab bath oxeurslen trains, the purchasing or read ing or Sunday papers, or holding funerals en Rie Sabbath. The holding or stock in railroad companies violating the Lord's day was do de clared Inconsistent with Christian propriety. Rev. 11. T. String nieed te strlke out the last clause. After considerable dobate, the motion was carried, and a clause inserted protesting against the overstrain en the loer occasioned by Sunday work. Addresses were then made bv Rev. I). I'. Kidtler, Rev. I)r.McCauIoy,presltlent or Dickinsen coIIeko ; Rev. C. C. McCabe, 1). I)., and Rev. A. J. Kynett. Rev. James Merrow elfered a resolution repelling " the iresent jialnrul cenlllct be tween labor and capital in many parts or the conferciieo'torritory." Prolessor Llttle oli eli oli jectedtotho phrase "cenlllct or labor and capital." Rev. Dr. Carrow moved te lay the resolntlen en the table. On motion It was re ferred te a sjieclnl committee. Reperts el the committees en Frecdmen's and "Women's Foreign missionary societies were read and approved. A cominlttee was appointed te present memoirs te tlie Inte Hisheps Wiley and Simpsen. At u memorial servlceiield in the afternoon llieinelrs orthe following were read: Hevs. W. McCombs, M. I). Kurtz, J. F. Kessler, Mrs. F. A. Cassavant, Mrs. M. L. Grlllltli, Mrs. Rev. T. S. Themas and Mrs. Pitcher. The thirty-second annicrsary or the Oou Oeu Oou feronco Tract society was -olebrated In Madisen stroet church, Colseu Uieskel, esq., presiding. Addresses were made by Rev. J. O. Wilsen en the geed work accomplished by tracts and by Rev. S. M. Vernen, I. I)., en the propagation or Christian literature. Rev. J. 11. McCiilleiigh, corresponding sec retary, read the rojiert or the leard ir managers. It slated that l,-liil,570 tracts wei e distributed during the year, making a total or?(000 worth since 1S5I. The cash in the treasury amounts te SM.75. The following lay directors Ter the ensuing year wero elected : lleniamlii Seotleld, Jeseph Tliompsen, Jeseph C. Heiskell, W. (I. Spon ger, K. A. Redding and Themas Ilradley. Injiidlrleiit le (Irani I'ermlsilcui. In tjesi)onsetea letter Irem Jehn J, Wall lusklug that the use orthe chaiel at the Pliil Pliil adelphla JIouse of Correction be granted at a convenient hour when mass could besaid by a Catholic priest, and at which the Catholic inmates could attend, the beard of managers llrected the secretary te reply that "It nveuld be injudicious te grant permission te Jtiave religious sen ices efa special and dis--tlnetive character, and that tlie present geed order mid discipline ol'tlie house would suf fer from these piccc-nical services of the in mates. In view or the character and moral standing of the inmates or the house, the ! beard does net believe the scruples or any one's const ieuce can be very much disturbed, even in a compulsory attendance uihiii such services as are new held in the chapel or the hoiiseAwhleh are purjiosely made as devoid or denominational character as jiesslbie. jPiffercnt ortleiis or the Heuse cannot lin net apart for distinct rituals and the services )f the various denominations or Christians." vv.zi.r.n i.a wrjuis. The Liv?"' LlKhtft r Atlanta liml the rroieet iiriuru fii tjuilgn iiu uiy, Seme consternation has lieen created among tin! Jawyers or Atlanta, Git, liy the receipt or a loiter from United States Judge HeCay, who lls lately been in Klrkbride's asylum, Philade.'phia. The Judge announced his Intention of being in Atlanta in a low days In take his seat upon the bench and proceed with business. The lawyers are net ipiite satlslled in allow trials te go en belore him after tliejr lain oxcrlence. and the ques. .lien is, what can thoydenliouilt? They had about count te thu conclusion ihnt Judge McCay was dUimsed or, and a and a grand assault was te Jm made en President Cleveland te appoint taiiiie promi nent Deniecrat te the place. Hew te receive thejudgoandhewa UnitoilStatesJudgo who Jias conildeuco in his own sanity can besliul up by lawyers who bolievo he should be con fined by his friends are questions hard te suiswer. Cause nf u l'atul Heller lUnlotlen. The workmen employed in removing the debris from tlie Kutlner building, Charles ton, W. Viu, found the liedy of Geerge "Welcher, Iho porter, under the exploded lioiler." HI head had been blown oil'. The uerseus who were injured are Improving. It lias been discovered that the salety-valve el tlie boiler hail been plugged with iron, and It Is supposed that It was doue Intentionally. Kutluer's safe, has been opened. All the lioekn and (1,300 in currency were dostreyod. The Iekh by tholiurnlngerRulfnor Ilrothers' rtere and the Hale liouse Is much larger 1 ban was at II riot supposed. It will amount le fully 5l"fi,iMK, with f 18,000 insurance en the whole. Ktutn Appropriation lloreniiiieiitleil. Tlie npproprlatlens committee, at HarrU HarrU burgapireiriatedfnt),000 te the Harrfsbnrg sane hospital, divided as fellows : Salaries, 1U,W j repitllf1, VIVI,UW , lll.'-.Mlaillll 1II11-JIIMI, Aeialrs in cellar, $10,000. This is the rickety shell that Governer rutllHeu se strongly con , demued as lieiug unhealthy and unsafe. The j. . rcrKinpme, ucorge 11. Lerah. leiin ji. Held, Charles W. Lamilev. Themas Ogle, Jr., and O. CoiikIcIeii. J he cominlttee mi exhibits nP thn linnlr iicemmiiieu iiisu uu jiiiuiiinniii n vny inn JMIU1 fI',miu mill Jlilll j-tuiut; n i-iy liufpiutl 2,000, ut the same time Increasing the appro appre appro iprUtleu for the conutructlen of a selulers' ilienw Irem itie.OOO te f lOcloea The municipal V-orpetallcn coinniitteo decided te report cdllrmatiiely the Stewart bill, pensioning Jlronien and iollcemen In cities et the tlrst and second classes. A Man V'lw Declines Semetlilii);. i SUitliew Arneld lijii declined the Mcrteu prerw.v)rshlp or EnglKU Jltorature at Oxford, which nnys fl.DOO a year. He wishes te be u"ree te devole lilmselt te general llternry work. JLlape ftprluci Kteruut -I'rem the LeuUrllle Courier-Journal. It is thought In Washington that Phil Thompson will be oppelntodlasslsUnt attor ney general. ATM(I A 'flB' V. ii 'Ac -A,al vmj 'ncepar 175. a muNii-run adhihistuativx. The" Hungry ana Thinly Democrat" Net no IniMrtuiiat After All. Washington Cerr. N. V. Herald. Formerly Washington during the months or March and April was crowded with ofllce Boekorsorallgrados, and from the heada of Important bureaus te the lowest ntul most obscure clerks overy person in oillee was norvettsly approhenslvo of being summarily turned out te make place ter new favorites. Men and women went about with long faees and hunted thelr "lnllucnce, " which, in tlie slang of the departments, meant the senators, representatives ami ether Inlluential persons whose "work" had get them place j whlle crowds or hungry aspirants' te oillee beset cabinet olllcers and ceugressmeii te get placeholders turned out and themselves put In. During n part or Oeneral Grant's eight years, In fact, this mlsorable game went en all the tlme ; net with the general's consent, for he urged upon Congress the adoption of sound civil sorvice rules j but against his will and greatly te his disgust and worry. WhonOenoral Garfield eame in this wild scramble was the general disgust, and men stalked through hotel lobbies, nnd the departments, boasting of premises whleli had been made them, nnd of rewards they had eanied. miNcmv. vnnitAi's, hut aiisknt. ething or thin kind has been seen or heard here under President Cleveland. Theso Re- publican Journals which had se much te say nlKHlt tllO "llllliprv DnilllVnilu " urn mil In are put te sliaine by the condition el things Tliore is no clamor for place or reward ; there Is no tilK of " promlses" maile : tliore la neurimnnv for oillee. Ne doubt a geed many Democrats would llke te take olllce-thelr Republican brethren have nover shown n lack or greed in this matter but the fact is that there are tliore nocrewds oretllco-seckors, and that the doliberalion of the prcsldent and his cabinet In selecting men le till even vacancies and expired tonus causes no pretest or clamor. A part et this decent resorve Is due, no doubt, te the well uudorsleod fact that Mr. Cleveland canie into oillee absolutely un pledccd. He made no iiremises linf.irn n- alter his nomination, or at any tlme during, friends and supporters and the managers eli the caiiVAHM te make promlses for him. Hey camointe the presidency, therefore, with Ills hands Tree. Ne man in the whele liarlv or country could ceme te him with n "claim" or en tlie pica el an engagement made that he should le rewarded. The wlse courage erthti lircsldent In this matter Is new the seurce of nu vini iii-v, ; .inn jiti iHisiiivi'iv iiirn:iiin mut constant comrertlohlin and te his cabinet, Hew Vonrliees Met thu Oltlc-lliiiitcT. f ltaltlineie Sun Ceirugpniulcnic. fi Although tlie olllce-linutera are thinning' out and these that remain cannot conceal their discouragement, the pressure nixm the tlme and attention of cabinet miiiisiers, sena tors and ethers supposed te have iullilcnee shows but llttle aliateinent. Te-day SeiinteV Voorhees who has (piite eueugli te de with seething the sorrows efhis en n constituents, was approached by a woir-eyod olllce-liunler rrem some ether state, who Inquired, "Sen "Sen ater, when will you lie at leisure 7" He ic ic plled, "When 1 am In my crae." The weir- eyed, unabashed, again asked, "When can I see you," and the eloquent senator answered In the saine sort tones ns before, "Xew, ir your eyes are upon me." The female applicants are scarcely less numerous than the male, and ran manage quite Irequeutly le secure audiences when these of the opo epo ope slto sex hesitate te take the venture efa rebulf. One orthese te-day get into tlie prlvate room or a cabinet minister despite his orders that no ene should be admitted. She laid her pa pers en Ills desk ami at ouce plunged into the middle erhcr story. The wearied states man saw that this was a case where cavalier treatment would net work, sohesiiiiplvsauk luck Inte ids chair, closed his eyes as tightly as pessible and gave no sign orcensclousnoss. This vanquished his tormenter, who gath ered up her papers and went out with the remark that it was no use te talk te a man who would net leek at you. (iitAii.t.n te in: nrvAi.r.KiK Tlm P.rllMi M'lir fllllie DliwllMlid Will 111 Aliiiiiiei-ini-ut of tlie Ailvanrc. Tlie Kugllsh war oillee is dissatisfied with Genei-al Graham's management or the ad vance and he will probably Ik recalled. The SV. Jiimc.i Gttzellc denounces "the Incaxicity shown at hciidquaiters," and says: "This mutdcreus iniliUiry sciillle would nevcr have happened R Generals MeNeill ami Graham had taken precautions which should havocs' havecs' curred te a cadet." The general press com ments are In the same tone. The latest returns regarding the casualties In Sunday's engagement show thai, including the Indian troops and exclusive or camp-followers, neliicersnml ill men wero killed and that (i olllcers and IUiS men were wounded. Onoelllcorand 10 men are reported missing. The guards and marines, while advancing from tlie Hashecii ereba te-lay te meet the convey from Suakln, hail several musketry skirmishes with the rebels, during which hi orthe British were wounded and I man was killed. The hotly efShelkli Fuggl,ih,niinrirOsiiiaii Digua's most famous chiefs, was discovered among the Arahdeadleltin the battle-lleld or last Sunday at General McNeill's zerelrx Osmau DIkuii lias ordered his Arabs net te attack the lirlllsli positions in entrenched zercbiisen Iho read te Tamal, but le intercept inn iiuNiiey uu 1-onve.vs ii wairraiiii puiens en the way le the zerebas se as te starvothe garrison. Tlie dead Arabs found iiikiii the Held near Tamal after the recent engagements were very much emaciated, proving that Osmau Dlgna Is short of feed. Twe jiower jiewer ful native tribes have rebelled agahml the Mahdl. The Kgyptlan lam of il,O00,0Oil will be issued in Londen. Paris and Rerlin at three percent One-hair per cent, will be added tothe sinking fund for the reduction of the lean. The issue jirice Is te. A I.CllANOS hAtrr Klt'S CltlMi:, Twcnlj-IUe Tlieutuid Dellar of Ceiillillni; Client' Jllenev Carried Oft. Jehn Reusen, aged X years, a preiiiiucnt lawyer of Lebanon, disajipeared Monday night, nnd his whereabouts Is iinkuewu up te 11 o'clock Tuesday night. In his lllght It has been learned that he took wUh him "i,000 belonging te persons or I'liaueu, which he had received for the purpose or s.ife investment. The money was given te llenseii mostly by ladies, In sums rang ing from ?M0 te $1,000. The defaulter was well known throughout the county, ami was a church meuther. He leaves a wlfeimd feurchlldreu. Reusen had preperty te the value ofsevoral thousand dollars, but en ex amining the records nt the court heuse It was discovered that it was mortgaged te its full value, leaving nothing for his I'.uuily or creditors. The tUsappenmucn has created tlie greatest excitement and Is the sole topic ofcen venation. Rpiipeii's Mends endeavored at first te keep the matter quiet, but as the sums appropriated by him wero se large, and the aggregate Increasing every .minute, they were at last compelled te acknowledge that he was a defaulter te many thousand dollars. llli onion, iluceb Thompson. Jacob Thompson died Tuesday nftorneon, at IlSiii, nt his residence n Memphis, Tennes, see. He was secretary of the Interior under President Rttclmnan, but at the breakup of the cabinet, after the president's refusal te treat Willi the Seuth Carolina commissioners he abandoned his pest without resigning. During the rebellion Mr. Thonip'eu aided the Confedorato eause from Canada as a cial commissioner, plnnning the release of the rebel prisoners in the Northwest, mid conducting, or instigating, ethor operations in the loyal states Curiously enough, Mr, Jetlerseu Davis does net mention him in his history of tlie Confederacy. I'leatantly BurirUed, A pleaaiiit surprlse was given" te Fred, S. Stitrglsen his blrlhdaj'en Tuesday evening by his numerous Indy friends at his home 117 Fast King street. The party enjoyed them, selves very much In various ways, having music both vocal ami Instrumental ; and after haying purtaken of elegant refreshments, the fun was kept up until n late hour, A Dukedom for Karl Spencer, F,url Spencer, lord lieutenant of Ireland, U te te created n duke after the return of the Prince and Princess of Wales from their Irish tour. -?- . ' t - a . - 'A NEW NATIONAL BANK. uvimLv LAvtfcnmt ami neam.y 1USADV FOll A TlllAT, TMV. The Northern End or tlie City Waken Up te the Need or Hetter lliulneM Fnrllltle. Meeting or 1'rorpectlte gtacklielilcr. An AMiired Snrceit. An Informal meeting or persons faverable tothe organisatien or a new national bank In this city was held In the directors' room or the Farmers Northeru market heuse at 10 o'clock, and was called Ut erder by Owen P. Rricker, esij., en wIume lnotleu H. G. Raker, esri., was called te the chair. Mr. Rricker was chosen secretory. After a frce discussion among theso present j from -which It appeared tliore was a unanimous wish te establish a new national bank, with the banking heuse north of the railroad and convenient te the Northeru market, Kx-Mayer Stautler moved the ajt ajt ajt pointnient of n conimltlce or llve te nolect ft proper location for the banking liouse end repert te an adjourned meeting. The mo tion was agreed te nnd the chair npixilntcd Win. I). Stautler, Aaren H. Sunnily, J, W. Ryrne, RenJ. 1.. and Robt. M. Mor Mer row, said committee. Jehn R. Dlll'enliaiigh moved that ihe capital stock orthe new bank lw net less than ?100, 000 with the piivllege or Increasing it te ?200,00a The motion was carried unanl unanl lueusly. J. W. Ryrne moved that the shares orsteek lie 5100 each, and that the maximum number of shares nwarded te any stockholder be ten. i.'m! ',K Htoner moved te amend by limiting the maximum uiiinber or shares te any sUJckholder te twenty. The amend mentwas accepted and the motion asainendcd carried. Mr. Itricker innved that a cominlttee or three be appointed by the i'hair te select net lOSSt-thnn llvn nnnifm f'np Km ti..n. Imut n.i;i Jproiient thwu te the next meeting te select 'front TJifclfflMIttt'Wwr smrreetL te and the ciiiar at lYa Owe P.RrlcUer, C. 1. JRen JRen giereml II; Jj. Stchimwi (wld committee 'he meeting adlourtied te rpcenvenunt the saine plac-e en KatnnUy afternoon next at 2 o'clock. - IT is hound te en. There is no doubt the nuw bank will be fiigniunsj. rera long tlme past there luw leen rfclonlretelmve a national Kink cv.tau 5,'l'n0llM rthe ralreaJf and there wan ,WKHUsappelntment nxpresseU by many subSTtrilwre te the Fulton National lank when it was determined te locate it se far down town. Frem that tlme te the present the question or establishing a bank near the Northern market has lieen agitated and has iinall.y culminated in the present movement '1 here will Isj no larkWreniial in mart with. and had suliscrlptlens been asked1 for te. day It is helleed all the stock would have liecn taken at jir. There Is a very considerable interest In the project hi the rural districts, as well as in the city, es liecially In the upper part orthe county; and )atreuagfl is premised the new enterprise Irem Manheim, I.ltltz and ether lielnts through that section or the county which has contributed te thu successor the Northern markotandtelho development or business In its locality. There appeared te 1st a disposition among the friends or the new kink te purchase at ence the line three-story brick building en the west slde or North Queen street ImjIew Walnut, new occupied by H. 1,. Stehman as nclgar factory. It Is believed it can lie lieught for f 12,000 or $15,000, and would require but lilllAaltoralleii, except the erection efa vault te lit It for n banking house. i i m i 3ii:meutai. h.i r. Tlie ArniiigvmenU belli); Made fur IN I'repei Olnrnanre The Orator Clmien. Tim Joint (situmillce el Admiral Iteynelds and Geerge II. Themas pets el the (Irand Army el the Hepiibllrtippehited tn'niake ar rangements for the decoration "or soldiers' graves en memorial day, May .".Oth, met at the nllice or Alderman ltirren Tuestlav eve. nlng. Thonratienon the evcnlng of Decoration Day will be delivered at Fulton opera heiist) thisyear, iuslvad el at the court house. The ceromenlos incident te the decoration orthegraves will be iH'gHti nt J o'clock in the morning. Comrades A. I). Ggyer, Dr. J. A. IZ. Reed and Adam Delict wero npiieiuted as the cominlttee te secure Hags. Comrades Rciijiuulii llcurj', Henry Shniib, and Jehn Hlack, jr., werenpiiolnteirtheceni- iiiiueiMiii iicarsesami conveyances, The cemmittee le secure (lowers ami cresses are Jehn Illaik.Jr., l'nuik llnumiend and Miles KItn. Hubert C. McDonnell was elivted elder marshal for the parade, and he appointed the following aids : Frem Geerge H.Themas pest, A. D. Gyger, Lawrence lleyle, Martin Stark, and Irem Admiral Reynolds pest, Heward Het, J. A. Ilellinger and David Hartman. Cel. Henry II. Turner, or Ixiwvllle, New Yerk, has accejited the hnitatien te deliver the Decoration Dayoratlen. A gcntlemaii el" this city, who knows Cel. Turner, has this te say el him : In the sum mer or 1SHI he was ii lawyer of high standing, and hedrepicd Ills pmctice te assist in rais ing and organizing the tlrst New Yerk artil lery. He served that year and In 1S0: as its lieutenantcolenel in Virginia, ami Maryland, iiuder General Harry, who Was chief ornrtil ernrtil ornrtil IcrylnJheAnny ofthe Potomac.. Cel. Tur ner received the thanks erhls commanding olllccrferlhoclllclout manner in which he discharged his duties. After the war he re turned te the practice of his proresslen. He Is new one orthe regents or the university or the state or New Yerk, lle Is an able and Interesting speaker, and his services nre In demand In Northern New Yerk. HIitiirhaiirrH hy Hull HreriNund llenmerM. A telegram Irem Ottawa says : "It Is well known that the half-breed disturbances In tlie Northwest, i leaded by Leuis Hie!, are much mere horieus than the government Is willing te ncknowledgo." The minister of the Interior lias received Information that there are COO hair breeds under arms. The lieutenant governor, who Is in Winnipeg, lias been In constant communication w 1th the authorities. A detachment of meunted im1 Icemen, with Held guns lias been sent Irem Winnipeg. The Nineteenth. H.italllen, at Winnipeg, Is new under erdeis for n forward movement If neecessiiry. It Is reported that the Oklahoma colonists at Celleyvllle, Kansas "are socking te getn large force into Oklahoma whlle General Hatch Is busy watching Captain Couch at Arkansas City. The plan Is te send in men in small squads and scatter thomever the country, keoplngsceutsridingtowarn them ofthe upproaclief troeM. They have received large reinforcements from Texns, and pre. iwwotewearout the Ninth cavalry by lone marches." " ' " AnsiuiH ami lottery. Rig Hen Smith, ldghly colored. nndwJIin Frasbury, slightly colored, nfler drinking mere than they should have drank.get Inte a dispute, nnd from words canie te blows, Hg Hen planting hlu big list en I'resburv's oye mid closing Jt up, and bruising his 'loco se badly as te mnke it almost as black as Hen's own. Presbiiry made complaint against Smith, and the latter entered ball for a hear ing before Alilnrmau McConemv. I'leur lUrieU te be (rued Hut Onre, Michael H. Miller, or Topton, Rerks county, is circulating u petition te be pre sented te the state legislature, praying for the enuolment eru law, that flour luurels shall be used but ence for packing Heur. It Is In tended that such n law should prevent the buying up et barrels, which may pnadhly have coma out oriieuses In which contagious dlseaseJi have prevailed, and from tilling them the second time with Heur, At I lie Kinks. Thore was a large attendance at the Minn, norcher link en Tuosdey evening, the at traction lielng the onemlle race botween I-rank Luis end Frank Hell no. I.utz wen the race In 3:30. The bat carnival, advertised te take place nt the King street rink did net come oft; there net being n sulllclent number entered te make it interesting. " ."xv : -A' Ov MIVHHIh LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, 1IOSTIT.K NEHIUHOIIH. HulMIng n Wall te Darken the Wlinlewx of Hie Wldener Building. Frem tlie Philadelphia I'rens. Tlie arcliltccui of what is known ns the new Wldcncr building, nt 433 Walnut street, wero rather nstonlshed when a parly of workmen dumped fiidlr toeli Tuesday morning en the low feet of ground bctwecn tlionewstnicturo and the headquai ters of the Jofl'erson Fire Insurance cempanj-, next deer, nnd prepared te put up n brick wafl that will doprlve the eectipanUi orthe eastern slde or the Widoner heuse ornllcliance or getting light and air. The watl, which Is the result or n fend bo be twecn the two real cstale owners, will ceme within six inches orthe Widoner windows. 1 he new building was commenced several weeks ega Ills being erected by Messrs. Klklns nnd Widoner. When the officers or the Jollerson Insurance company saw that the building would ceme within live ieet of thelr own nnd darken the lawyers' ollices en the Western slde. Ilinv mndn nverlni- . Ilwi syndlcntotegotltputbacknvo feet, se that thore might Ie an Interval or ten feet between the walls. This, they said, would be better for both sldes, as It would secure ventilation mid an extensive vlowef the vault or heaven. Messrs. Klkins and Widoner, howevcr, ro re Hised le ceme le terms. The managers or the Jeilorsen company wero very much annoyed, and determined upon rovenge. A bullder was employed te put nn the wall en the oxtremo limit or their land for the exprcss purtiose e'f brlnK lng the now-cemcMto terms. The foundation was completed yesterday and the wall will be run up rapidly te the second story. When it has get as far as that its ewners will step and await development. If Messrs. Llklns and Widoner de net then couie te tonus the wall le built up ene or two stories higher. "It'll make a cellar out of the new build lug," gleefully exclaimed an occupant of ene of the Jeilorsen enices, "whlle It only abridges our llve feet sioce by nlne Inches, the thickness orthe wall. H ltdeesn't make the HOW rooms dark ennilirh It will lw. ml.,i. ed black. We mean business. The Wlde lierbulldingwlll have te ceme down. There's no help for it" The contest has caused initie mi erilinii.,.i among the neighbors. The Jeffersen build- IIIK is (sVIIIilcd liv iiImTiiL flcrhtenn and each out el ihciii has olfereil his HerviccM fnx) or cliarge te th ceiniwny in the event of any legal complications, llofere the wall wnicoin wnicein Jiuiiiced I memlierri of the bar held a meeting and nemii rnririni heuw ever the title-deeds, e that the new ;nii unguium immige te tlie extent or an Inch eh the land of their rivals. The brick -layers en the wall were encouraged Tuesday by the appearance or elghteen heads out of the yarleils windows. The owners of the heads smiled with Jey el the progress or the work. Many sarcastic remarks were made bv Iho opposition workmen, but thu feud was n lined entirely lei comments upon each ether's personal appearance. J "riw'uKjtA r axTBiiiH nirenvt:. The Hill I'uiue lh Delaware T-CglOatnr AricrScirral Venn," C.iliU-il. A sjteciid dlsiatch te the Vrei from I)eer, nuiieunees that the Fougeray illvorce bill the Delaware Senate, and Is new a law. This action concludes ene of the most protracted and earnest struggles ever made te have matrimonial bends set aside by law. Thocasehasa peculiar Interest here hountise oneoi me parties new lives in Philadelphia, and the ether, until n few years nge, resided there. The contestants were Rene J. Feil, geray, who, for years, lias Iweu seeking a dl voice rrem his wire, Sarah J. Fougeray. Tlie lirtles are first cousins. They were married clandestinely In Camden nbent lfslT, nnd a vearer se later the ceremony was again pub licly iwrfernledat the request nMietli. The giri s ircnts elij(s;leil te the match. aim. lougcray'sfHther. Fdwin U Mlnlzcr. incsal l,lli Seuth street, and she new makes her home with him. Some eight years age the ceuple lecame estranged and separated. The husband seen liegan diverce proceedings and the wlfe resisted the suit. II was withdrawn. She then hud him brought Inte court and he was required te gl ve IkhiiI ler the jKiyinent or a statist sum for her sup port. Anether suit ler divorce was seen brought, and, being again opposed by the wile, was aliandened, and tlie husband was seen after arrested for failure le pay the meney required Ity the erder or the court. Despairing or securing separation in l'enu sylvanla, Fougeray moved le Wilmington, where henpened n brush factory. He applied te the courts there, nnd in 1831, te the Dela ware legislature. Mrs. Fougeray and her family went down and opposed the bill. Her husband's family was also represented. The i re pi mil was defeated. Meantime n new nctlen te resist the iuv- mem hi inn money hi rnnaiieiplila was brought and again railed. In l!s2, Fougeray ouce mere applied te Iho Delaware legisla ture. Fx-Cengrc-ssman Whitney, new judge, was his counsel, And Congressman Lere ap peared for Mrs. Fougeray. Fougeray spent money lavishly nnd wine flowed llke water, but tlie bill was again dcrealed. The ellert at the present session was even mere expen sive for the. applicant, and he has been suc cessful at last only nner a hard fight. In the proceedings he has sjeiit thousands or dol lars, ami hi all or them he has nevcr attacked his wife's character, nit alleged Incempatl. billly, whlle his wil'e charged him with im fallhliilness. f.l.M'II.I.K MAY RRVOI'Kll. The I'Mel Hall Itemeed mid tlie Chance for I.lle In UN I'm or. Jai-, Fa., March 2. This place and vlcin l;y Is still much egltated ever the Mnville tragedy early en Monday morning. Iiter aivnuuts show that the sheeting was dene In the most cold-blooded manner, Mr. Mnville having first been rendered jxiwerlcss ami then deliberately shot bv the burglars for re fusing te tell where his money was placed. It is stated that Miss Mnville recegnltl ene or the men, but roruses te glve Ids iiame nt present. The authorities are en his track. The pistol kill has been s.irely removed from the Injured man. Mr. Mnville seems te Imj doing very well, and the chances for recovery nre in his favor. Tlie removal or the biilletjvas ellecled under the medical sujiervisien of Din. Martin mid Swing. Junier Millenary Hutertnlnment. The Children's Missionary society of St. Jehn's Lutheran Sunday school gave an en tertainment in tlie church Tuesday evening that was largely attended. The choir or St. Jehn's ojicned the entertainment with n line "selection, and Rev. R. Stall, the pastor, iiiinincii uiiu diiiiu leaning mill prayer. There were a number or pieces or music well rendered by the Sunday school mid choir, and about twemy of the Sunday school scholars gave Interesting recitations, all or which wero well delivered. Rev. Slull made nn address In which he gave seme account or the origin or the Children's Mis. sienary society which has contributed sulll sulll cleut funds te cdueate nnd maintain nnathe evangelist, Furalielhi Abraham, hi Contour, India. An annual contribution of ii cents enables all te bccouie members or thu mis mis slemiry society, of, which nearly nil the children and teachers are members. The collection that wnsliftedut tlioenlertalninent amounted te $12.71. An AfcteiiUhcd Mlllilummi. Ill Macon.Georgla, whlle the Putnam Rifles, who are en thelr way te New "Orleans, wero waiting for thelr train te leave. Capt. I. II. Adams walked Inte the Indies waiting-room te Hieak te a frlend. Just ns he reached the mlddle orthe room alady hurriedly lorther seat near Iho tire, and running up te him "patted him en both cheeks, pulled at his pluniffanrHwhied the buttons en his coat " Why," she-cald, "what n pretfy man you are. What a pretty talLen your head.. Where did you get your prettcleNies 7 Wbydldn't yen tell me you were coming i'i. i Never having seen the lady befdref-lhe cap tain's amazement may be Imagined. He was about te suggest that she was mistaken In thinking that she knew him, when a man walked up nnd drew the lady away. .She was crazy and was being carried te a lunatle asylum at Mllledgeville. . ' ' ..-I t'eaat of the Annunciation. Te-day H the feast of the annunciation in the Catholic, churches, being the commem oration of the announcement te the Virgin Mary or her divine maternity. Special ser vices were held in the several Catholie churches of the elty In honor .of the, day, i.,t' vasi yfjtm-imAMm '-'sJv: x". ,t 2:;,: COLUMBIA'S REGULAR BUDGET. if Kir WAitmwvHi; for thk krrlrt stove ironies. The Career or a Nehller In the lingular Army. Haw 1UU VretpecU ftr the CeinliiB Year A Cew' Painful Situation. Nenm Nete About tlie Town. Itejrnlnr Corrcgpenacnco of IicTELtiaixcxR. Cot,HMniA,Mareh2i. A new warehouse, 40 by SO feet, is being erected by and at the Kcoley stove works. It will costf7,C50abevo the foundations, and wilt be built exactly llke the old ene, that Is, se far as appoarance, con struction and quality Is concernod. Jacob nlleath received llin mninrf fw iiu nriu.. Thlslsacommendablomovoon the part of ::" "'umkuiw, in wiui me new warehouse, they can have steves ready for shipment at a uav s notice. Heretofore orders could net be lllled nntll tlie stoves were completed, but row being en liandowlngtescarclfyofstorago Career of n Columbia Heldter. Sevon years age our townsman, Harry Nowcemcr, left home and Joined the United States army. During the llve years he was a soldier he was stationed nt Fert Douglass, Utah. AVlien hLs tlme was served he did net re-cnllst but accepted a position as driver or ?.i. - 01';'cr"''et team between Salt Iike - Ity and I- ort Douglass. In a Iotter te Jehn Mclntyre, received yesterday, he savs the est is the place for young men j all can And eiuploymenu Ne mere Fast for him. Harry Is n son of Jehn Newcomer, who at ene tlme was oversoer or tlie Strlckier farm. Hefore Joining the army he was a brakeman en the I'cnnsylvanla railroad. Hun Hall I'l-onpeU. llase ball will net lw the principal amuse ment In Columbia this summer, If, Indeed, It can be classed at all with eurnmnseiiienis Se much money was lest in the clubs last year, that no jwrseii reels llke investing llieir spare cash in the saine this year. Ilesides suitable grounds will be dilllcult le get, but It Is Ijelieved Ifeiintigli money can be raised by subscription, we msy, after all, have a llrst-class amateur nine, orcenrso we will tlUVO lets or Cltlbs llke llin Mlnru A Inrte nl but we nre referring te a club that will' be an honor te Columbia. A Cen' I'alnfnl Freak. A cow owned byllenrj' Kllneslcaver, who resides near Columbia, alarmed nf the sight of n niimlwr of boy carrying' gvergrecnH, and locemlng l'awildcicdj'O'.tei day ran head Inte Mr". K.'k Urn, ene or lier horns going clean through n beard. In altemptlnir m Tree herwqrtlie horn was broken off near the heaii. The pain must have Jicen Intense, for tlie animal Iwcame wild, and tore around the baru-yard, doing considerable damage, for a quarter of an hour, before It Avas driven unit ns Kian. Town tiettn. FrankStocker has changed his resiilence Trem iAKiwt street te Walnut, below Com-iiien-e. " 4 Jehn llrewn, yesterday purchased of I. Hogentogler, a Inter ground abeve Sevcnlh street, extending from Locust te nlley " II." for $i00. ' Thirteen dirty, hard-looking tramps, last night slept in tlie dirty, hard-loeklng, leckui owned by Columbia. The library or St. Jehn's Lutheran church Is being overliauled. Heeks worth it, are be ing re-bound and numbered. New books tire te be purchased, their selection new Ikj ing made. 1. R. R. engine Ne. 821, was taken" from thoCeliimblasIinp this morning, and Riven atrial. It prevcti satisfactory. Fully llve hundred isirsens attended the public sale or Lloyd Milllln, yestcrday, at Ills firm near Columbia. Forty Alderney cows were Kehl, and 10 ern mixed breed.. They brought from ?100 apiece down lefcS aplece ; n herse, several shoals, and llin dairy fixings wero also disposed or. C. K. Heiinclt returned te his business In Hu lelstewn this morning. Ills illness was net ns sovero as was at first believed. Samuel Rrosey, the youth who is claimed te be lncorrigible,.was taken te the Heuso or Heftige te-day, by Ofllcer William Wlttlck. A uecded Improvement Is being made te gutters at street crossings the ice Is beiiiR cleared from them. Master Ferter Clark and Miss Annie Champliu ilulshed their engagement at the rink last evenlng. There was a large nuill nuill nuill once nnd it gave credit te the two skaters as liclng the finest that have ever apiieared In Columbia. Samuel Filbert will decorate Armery hall for ' La CheclaUiire," and this is sulllclent proerthatlt will lx well-done. The event win ceme en en irlday anil Saturday oven even lugs and Saturday nllernoeu or this week. -i xixi:.yi:ai:.ei,i .vt'itnmiKss. Mitry Cenner C'enfe. That Slie Killed Her I.lllle CeiihIii. Thochlld.inurderre)orted from Scellsville, Va, seme ilays age, has been fully confirmed by the confession or Mary Coejier, the nine-year-old girl who committed the crime. The victim was Molvllle Harrett, a boy or soven visits and n cousin el the young murderess. The two children lived with their undo near Scellsville, In Albemarle county. The girl was susixvted orthe horribleerimo, but tlie only evfdence le support the suspicion was the statement et her llttle llvo-year-old sister. Streng circumstantial ovldenco pointed le the undo of tlie children, David Cooper, as the murderer, mid he was taken te (all, though the smaller or the girls suited from the tlrst that her sister killed, thelxiy "for citing her egg." The girls wero te be taken te the court house, te testify before the grand Jury, and in talking te Mr. Illedsoe and ethers last night that tlie elder of the gills acknowledged that she killed the boy, saying that she and her sister persuaded him te get Inn chair, ostensibly te put np a swing ; that when tlie ree had lieen attached te the celling or the cabin she made a loop, Inte which he was made te put his head ; that then she knecked tlie chair rrem under him and struck him soyeral sovero blows evor the neau wan a suevet uer Hrnld Cut On III the Night. In Cohoes, New Yerk, Agues Shea, dang li ter or Foermastor Shea, had her golden tresses cutoff clese te her head, en Monday night, as was supposed for n time, by some unknown persons who had stolen Inte her bedroom. Thore was a queer feeling alient her head and she put her hand thore. The discovery led her te shriek, nnd her Bister, who wns sleeping by her, went Inte a fit rrem fright. Mr. Shea nnd family en learn Ing what was the matter, examlncd the win dows and doers, but feuud them all secured. The long braid was found lying en tlie stand in the arler. Mr. Shea new thinks that Agues who Is snbject te freaks orsounambu ersounambu orseunambu Usui, cut them oil herseir. Nothing however was found In the room witli which shoceuld accomplish tills net. Half Duck, Half Chlikcn. Frem the Mt.ltollj-Kche. Some years age thore lived In Antrim township, Franklin county, an old Gor Ger man farmer who, in his early struggles In life, liad been generously assisted by Gen. Simen Cameren. One tlme a hen belonging te his fariner hatched out a rant avis that was hair duck and half eliloken. When It was full-grown many per sons ndvlsed the aerinan te ndvertlse and ox ex hlblt or soil the wenderful fowl, but remem bering his old benefactor, he concluded te send It le Mrs. Simen Cameren as u present. It was accordingly neatly coeiied up and sent te the Greoucastle exprcss oltice, The rami, or had Innocently Inscribed the' contents or the coop with the address thus : "Mrs. Simen Cameren. Half duck and halfchlcken, Har rUburg, Va." Oil a VUlt I'rem California. Mr. Edward Hoever, or Ran Francisce, Cal., a" former Fennsylvan.'an, has been en n dying visit toVerk te tee his brother, Jehn Hoever, and bin nlster, Mrs. Cornbower. Fd. served his apprenticeship at saddling in Lan caster. He lias always been n geed clever fellow, mid has been successful en the Fact lle coast. He had visited tlie Fast and took a wlfe with him hi 1670 during the Centennial. Change of Market Day. Next Wednesday will be tlie rirst or April, end the market committee of councils have decided te have the Central market on'.Tues en'.Tues day morning instead of fedneaday morning, crWM ,n - a- ,-j ,- ,. ' " i -f'.-'i-T - - s ' ? -. j? rKvar ,vfai ,i 2 ;ma . , . : - . m MABCH25, 1885. " M ?! . vinvji l;w.' TKAtKllOBllEHS O.V TKtAr Trainer nnd n rlfll 111 Arraigned Hcrore the Klk ten, MU Court. Leen Grimth and William Trainer, were put en trial at Klklen, Md., e, TueX morning r(,r rebb.n 0Inu3 en he central division of the Philadelphia, Wilmington ,t Raltlmore railroad, en he 2d of January. Thore wero two IndiclmenU against each forrebbory and taking n watch fjortheast Star, and of ene dollar from Wll. ni Aiueny, colored. Trainer was 18 years old i July last. Grlflltlfls in his 2011, They leek far from the common Idea of trah robbera Grllllth has a simple leek nn Tralner a sullen appearance. Reil, we tried togcther. M. T. nilllgan, conductor of the train, snl.i e!flhSi" I'An'Vl statl0" Haltlmer, for Oxford nt 0:10 o'clock p. m. Twe young men H, ? m,J'3U,d n.?1 re?n' Boten at Rising 2 mir ylmar, the next statlmi. Did net sen OUUlllirillO lawnimn. TmlA. ..i.. ,T - j f, " -nj. , revolver at him aniTtehl him te stan back or he would blew out his heart. 1 le ll ted Info the water-closet and locked the deer. Whlle there he hid his watch in his Ixjet Mr Garoytestitlodthatliowas ene or four pa songers In the car, nnd was made te hand ever his watch, with hLs lift as an allorna allerna live. Ills iwckct-boek, which had a lanre sumofrnenoyliiit.thorobljcr did net git? Uvl'iviiibonrcelorc,l SilI(l Trainer heliltt .". !ls ,,t'aa nnil demanded his note. '"""""-' "e Kave him n dollar Delectlye Miller, or the Pennsylvania rail road serviee, logetiier with Detectives Ottv ?'.. yencM' arrested the reblicrs. MUIcr tes. tified that he recovered the preperty and his revolver from Trainer. Tlie revolver, which is a very large ene, was shown In court, The defense called several U'llnnawa !. i,.u.i fled te tlie geed character or the accused, and that Grimth was weak-minded. Wm.Tralner, oneordefendants, wasswern. and admitted committing the offense. He said he did net knew why he did It, He was halfdrunk en clder j he was cither drunk or crazy ; he lest or threw away some chance ami told Grlfllth he would get It back I r Te had te take up a collection. The act was net premeditated. Grllllth had no part In tlie robbery. In renlv in n (.iif-iir... ,... .,. court as te whether he hud read many novels, JlSrn1 tvJ?t.,,Bl,?' 'L'd read all kinds, Heme orthe Wosfeni kind. -t lri?iUh put ut" tand nd denleil" nny knowledge or Trainer's intention te rob fnni rnrtwIP"?"! In it. GrUllth's father lestllled te his seu being weak-minded, and gave several Instances te show it The pris oners Juniwa etr the train idler the robbery when it was going nrteeu miles an hour. The court without concluding adjourned. THK HIHHISQ POOR JUnF.VTOll. Mi Colleague Will Take no Action le Fill ilia Vacant l'laee. H. H. Lengcnccker, thonbsendlngdlrector orthe peer, continues te be missing. His efllcial term will expire en the first Monday of JMinary,ll(,7a -The beard or peer directors consists or six members, mid-four constitute n quorum for the transaction or buslness. The lieard have net taken any action en the absence or Lengcnccker and say they will net fill his place. The remain lug liienilwrs are very punctual in their attendance- and say they cm get along the iMlnnce orthe year without -Mr. Loinf Leinf licckcr. hey state that R a member is olected te take ids place, he will have te Ijo paid at the rate or f r) per annum. Lnngencckcr was elected under tlie old law which provided ler a per diem nav nnd If he ilneu nr.i ..u...i le his duties the county will net be subject te any expense en his account. jriiK law or thi": cask. The law; governing vacancies in the beard or jioer directors was pased en February 27. LOS, and is as fellows : ' "i hat in ease or any vacancy or vacancies, by death, resignation, removal, neglect, ro re rusal or otherwise, or nny or the said dlree- '.n,.,."aJril-v of ,no remaining directors shall fill such vacancy or vacancies hyap hyap peintment or ene or mere citizens or their counties respectively, as the case may ro re ro nulre, te sorve until tlie next general elec tion, when another director or directors lmlj Ijo elected te serve for the period or periods which such director or directors were te liave served." , Vlllathifrllie Crelun AVnlcr Suiinly. A .startling revelation as te the pollution or the sources or the Creten water supply in New Yerk was made Tuesday morning In lhpshae ern report from Dr. C. W. Kdsnn. tothe beard of health, embodying resuILser an exhaustive examination or the Creten river mid its water shed during Iho past win ter, by order or the beard and ox-Mayer Fd son. The Hiibstance eflt Is that the resident IKjpulatien in the whele district is rapidly en me increase, aim mat at no single place, ,small or large, in Iho entire district, is any prevision made for the disposal or the sewage, the volunie or which grows in exnet proportion tothe population ; that all or this filth new finds lu way directly or Indirectly into the natural drains or the region, the running water courses, and through these into New New Yerk's reservoirs and water p!)os. At two points en tlie Creten the inspection discov ered oxtenslvo condensed milk ractbries, ene employing 100 ami the ether evor 75 Imnds, located en the very liank or the stream that had closets for the use or the empleyes open epon epen Ing directly en the water. At another xiiut a slaughter house, where catlle were constantly killed, was placed en the bank, and nil the elfal nnd sow-age went Inte the river, whlle nil nleng the stream and its tributaries were found houses with sownge arranged en the plan of the condensed milk; factories abeve alluded te. The repert, after submitting numerous ether details el'a net less nauseating charac ter, says that, "whlle these conditions are net held by the health efllcers te present any immediate or specially alarming danger, they show the necessity for prompt measures te avert a ferther contamination of the city's water by compelling the adoption in tlie up country towns or seme system or drainage that will lead their sowage awny from the streams, Instead of Inte them." Sent te I'rlen. Sarah Scott, who has figured nsn defendant en n number or occasions before our magis trates for drunkenness and disorderly con duct, was arrested last evcnlng by Otllccr Raruheld, en a warrant issued by Alderman Harr, charging her with tlie usual offense. This morning she was committed ferfi veduys. ArreMed Ter Wlte-Heathi?. Andrew Starr, of Na 837 Fast Chestnut street, went home en Tuesday evcnlng uuder the iullucnce of liquor and beat his wife. She made complaint against him before Alder man Ferdney for assault nnd batlery, and he was arrested by Ofllcer Wlnewer. He was locked up at the station house, and after a short incarceration wns released en ball. ii . . Went te Jein a Circuit. ' Geerge Goedlmrt, tlie well known bill paster, or this city, left nt 11:10 last night for Indiannpells, where he Joins Jehn Deris' circus, with -which he travels this season as nn advertising ngent. The show will travel through the far wostern country and Canada, and Its principal coniictiter will be Cele. A H'cII-ICiiuhii l'lrin Dlnsolieil. Tlie well-knewn firm or Urlwin it Jlurger, carpenters and mill men, has been dissolved by the retirement of Mr. Urban. The re maining partner, Mr. Rurger, will contlnue the business. At the Station Heme. Husluess was n trlfle dull at the station heuse en Tuesday evening, only eighteen "knights of the read " applying ter lodging. They were discharged this morning. Twenty-llve gas unit gasoline lights failed te bum lest night. Exploiileii of Natural Clan. An oxpleslon of natural gas at Reaver Falls, Pa., en Tuesday morning, completely demolished a two-story fratne heuse. Mrs. Rebert Alley, who lived lu the house, was bdly burned, V ..J . THE UTlJTjrii ll(fX8ET, CO T. ThlHr or Ferij Them Tbone Action 1 el I we M isrci TtrRsi 'etn KriMTjj ten ter (h ' ' .' Wasiithote: te-day nominal Yerk, te be lulu lie also sent 1 names for past Henry C. Sham T. Grass, nt Alb Ne Action i The Republic this morning te tlen, which Is n JlFnelveit, Tha olullens of the day of March Ini for nny standing March' HLiJ 1 tm? ""JIJ " -T le LHTH VI betwee: '.rvl ncrft. MMa t -Infl i, nt Krte, rrsi, ,md; berma.'. MaiMtl.. sonatem kMU ', . '. .. B 5. "" .a f-j i ' VJ ' ' - V"i; -iiuci" uw IIUUIHIHU nmoh.ef H:lc ii." dale Daased. BleMA.i) ''' it, as prevWJbt4 innilUeeefMMlaeli. engn,beiHlllhj leik iiiK iiiu rc'ess e recinded. Ne nctlen wa will be held Inn d 07eii rcsolutlei committees of th clerks, have beci which are still p Considerable 1 it was stated by i cured empleymi the Sherman r would favor an mlltee list. The was alluded te a . iH sn and wiejMieffi. -au "ier,nw.ffawfa A. 'ir.i t mt k'ftjS - '.tlfc f A Senate', te WuiAtn't ,"' " ulreduced, twfijpr,thr ling. i iug was niiuiMWtr.l,1 ite wnaieni'rniii.hif for their cletfe (l ' lotion was aSaSl' ' dire rerislen?tftfi( , hject of final wgfcHin the president Wi) remain un i)c (, A.. tl.,.1 .f S' .j V- If the Scnute sheu woek was made mal action a tacit that the miner tr at such times as t' with iiomlnrtlem In the Senate derstandina:iirttiirl i t U.tll. , IL.M.I11, T ... .Senata wm! iirvt imi-il ,Vi '.1 ' r&gi erry, of ArL'mi tM llrll (llAQnualfl iaA i..A ,m sworn in, after i 'ilcli the Senate went oxecuuve sossten and nentlunml Mtn'd -.rr.t lien or the Well nd I.a Abra- treaty. 1 I. j! First Coiniitreller Dm ham in Official Urf i , iiJJS First comptre icr nnrhara, awareed ihelF of his oi1ce Ihmornliil-.'firVer iceretlrh s- flrafennipnjiery vjVji, duties awroiiceretirii s- flrar vmiprn)i.,.; nnti'lul !rair I ...ItLrifcIvil -..... .u, v u. .., nyia muni iiiuivHiuaii? to-tbeiiow-c reMmaeter V "'vrji.lj-pi, ,-). wl -JMSTMenice deiriuiOii( te-tt OXOUM,STeXAZOMJmVAli?rfc ( Tlie Hill raMe, Tblrt Juiut,ihe W' SelHUllnte, , emllf;bTr leuse bills w-ere i!fhrPp. iiialnsuntute.xjtjjanli. , ? ii ,yi J-. fTzj'LVr5WSa ... - . . . v. !, laijssieaen the punishment M" saiwHi who allow iniile one fcml'i"i. tegether.and nrbh tiliin,-,.il.?A&.......'" i! in rinks unless hey. present .a wrjlteii nole of perinlss en from thAir . ... . requiring casks ai l oilier vessels1 cdnlaliiinK Intoxicating llque -s telwU!lcd-with tlie In. grcilients in tlie II ,,iers j apjirep'rlating 5100, 000 for the cstnbliilunentef n Bohliers' home. Hills were hi trod unxl rei?nl.illncrlif. t,,i.. Ju3ftt'3SXM&$ r vmi" VA,ifjmiLZ.. ,.11nV'S orce-operativostovs, and nllowlnglliepajt M mcnlofwagcsing.xxlsfiinilsh'edbv coeiw." ' &, r siercs, anu miking the position of cou ceu stables salaried. . bill Tvas-Tjwitd wennd reading authorial .g the prinlinr or l&oetl copies of Smull's l.indboe'k, w'was the slate phannacy bill. In the Senate th- principle bnslucss was Iho consideration J the congressional appor tionment bill, giving the RepuWicau 19 and the Democrats t) Hstriets. Tlio-ne,orw.. ellered the Stewar" and Lewryills of the last session ns subsytutcs, but they were re. Jecteilbyaparty vcp. ThebiUS.wn.. .i ilrd reading without changing the jieliticiil complexion or any or the districts. A bill i was passed finally . prevent adulteration of" dairj-preiliicts. "JF ! ' 2' AllElllCAh CAJfJfJSDlJtnVK. Tliof.-in.-e Order i:ivedJTrem1rreiilllrlUln ' ferhl.rArmleS'mj Chicago, March .-TheNfK.F.urbauk canning cempanf Has rccelywl; during tlie last soven days, cl i. erdew feifcamieU fsf for the use of. RrltlshVai-iny, which, wlih iitlitienal" bnlers recefy. mnriihl. make the aggregate!. '',!., ""'PP011 ''"of i,!1"11!1 Iho-e. 'ors came' from tins war depj.tnK.if. t -,. in .i- . coupled cd this amount IKJimds. Hritish two weeks te 1111 e orderk,c-.rhoAniimir - packing cempanj- i also in recelbt er.n.i-.. '1 te supply 5,400,000 iwiutids.' 'Theso arev " largcsterders ever oeilved' here. The-ca'iil', nlng houses are wi kin day' and nteht In ' order le meet these 'Jeinands,;'i C.rant Take aVi e Tbreugh'Ui" l"ark. -NKWenic,Mar i25. -- -r - -., .-ii- dltleii this mernhiL sheweif5nSiniisldPrAi.ii'' ImprovemcnL Al r rollrlmrjabent 10s!W o'clock last night Hi. general firtHtite a qillel and rorreshing sli uber, wl$' centlniiHd witli but short Inter als untlti3feiilng, f' i nwakening lie was .miarativ6' trio from pain. His sleep li I been ,1itar'tlian ler any night of tlie we h. At lioeii'lhe; pem;ral left the house for n rlve thre'ugli the park in the warm nnd pl ant sfiiisHina, ' A .Stampede for Feil iled U.lMUIliead laud' Ti'csen, Arl7en Jrarehiae. Tha an- lieimcement that t i rerrelttHlSlAnds jf the Texas l'aclfie ralln id woraepen e .utry,. caused a great rush j tha United Stales land elllce. The elllccrs aave air.thpy can de te make entries. Tiir sinils of acres will be reclaimed. Serlem ltebc WlNNIl'Kd, Maul cltemcnt eentiniics Hen in the Nertliw ion erilalf-Hreedt. ba, Marcliva5.- Tde ox ex er the half-bfeed ri'el." U H U reported new that fifteen meuutci iKjlIeeho'iMteuipiedte enter Carlten wero 1 lied, and ths the mbela hill n mndn fnvl v v. iIau nrttiriVwiM . - - ' Jul? i Newark Likely-te 1 New JerseyM Capital. Tm.vTnv r t .r.if.1. va fJeiiyOrant's ct.u-'Msr'l conimltlce en rovel tiennry ................ W., .,,4t..ft ., a Jietise iA"i created iiv J; l sensation te-day by rfpertlilgif favorably tl.a . . j. - .- - resolution prevldhi) for the. reaV of the', capital te Newark. hasty caeyaiw heiva- that mere than hall i(inciiitiMarc v.Mly te vete for the rosel den, ?lrej ', i Great Kju lb ""it lit, Londen. Rosten, March S A prlvatafpableiant says thore is great c Itemeut-Ja Londen, as It is reperted 2.-),000 illitla have" bon ajleir out. ltumorsare tl ck. HialvRmish has 10. , Jected the English p .ijjesals. j jte ' A llar-Ke per Maritir Savannau, 0a.(l larwf. Swiit.l'ihilir- Wasiiinoten. Mi rhSfi 'MKIiHet t Atlanlie stales, fah i-ehli westerly winds, bee mill In Boulheni portion T$ ture, generally high r bai ,8Scurlllel'allii' Londen, March ' hien between Russli. u'Ml incb ing. Consels are eiiiV a rines ene jer cent, IQ" wwr I, viil Meetlue of N iat HU en Lit ird n& ' S PlTTSBWllCl, WW'1! Nail association W t"rf: nlllrmed th'jcard ' if riarr'i fair and stocks ami) tii'-v vrH ier, n German urn 'icoperjfivwilUhet in n' vy-'l drunken brawl this i'ewIff.Jirpi.wdfitJj murderer Is unifer, tt JJ Ml lrW7Lf Vmymmm ni'rlU-.J! ! r.r I "Rlfl (MI ' 3 1IU .3 I a..tM'.ji-ii.-... ftf i . jiKirr ' ui KWt WS)iIi""S 1. il.. WW Li frt-F ...Htf'U TV l4 . .'JI U 'IM UUH TiTw'M. i'Fi m w m 4i S1 M m i.-ry si ::l i L?B Ji-.l T.ll s It' B . m 'X&3-! m ?.! t ii. VJ ji , '1M ,-TWJ 1 .' r cri' Y ty'Vi ml H'- . i. r S3ftOi Vt- jrJ-iZ : -." .tr .:?': ; t .. .ti. s.;. - . ijaaaM. ?Vs Ptt'VV Wu Jt.3