Wr II) JS& J) I Udl I ,U' UT :iyf'1 ft i 'J ! rrr M t . i "TWOTIinTiKSciSTBKrPA., TUESDAY, MARCH 24-, "l885. VOLUME XXI--NO. 174. PRICE TWO CENTS. . ' I TlfSALlSBllRY TRAGEDY. Did the Welsh Mountain Bandit Sheet Down Edward Linvillc ? MIDNIGHT MliRllKU MYSTBRY.1 A (liaplile Ail-mint' i of llin Huntlny Nlsht Iliirim In tin- llhieil-StHliieit Hume- Me.ul. f the I'eqiifu Vidlcj Cem- lilrte tai tlcul.ua of the l)eiernle mill Tcrtlble AITrrtj. t !? I I A lopresentativo el the tNri:i.i.ifii:Ni'Mt, ilil itclictl yesterday le the hcoiie el llie. Llnvllle tta;;edy, in Salisbury township, en' Sunday night, sends st gtuphle account of emj el tlie most despcrate crimes ecr por per )ctr.itL'il In this county. A peaceable lauilly have thcii dwelling burglarieusly entered In tlie U.td hour of night by m ike men ; an unprotected 0111.111 or niiiUlle age is a saullcd in her bed chainber; her biether coming lc her loscue Is ruthlessly shutdown lihe a deg ; as he lies weltering In his Meed tlie uavage inuideieis, legardlcM of his dy ing condition, threaten a Hlniilnr late tothe bistci if alie docs net promptly batlsf lhtr (leniand for money s and when they Boctire their booty tliev lleotheHccnoof tlielr villainy mid oscape tlie lespenslhllity of their ciime. All or tliis happens en 11 Sunday night, in oneoftho lichesl and inel deinely settled sections el thocetmty, ipilckly billowing an attempt at wholesale lobbeiy in tlie name noiglibeiliond the pi e ions nlgld,lwluri.'lMs.tS Itnstrateil only bv the bloody replilv!ioftl(e tliievci Willi a ti.ip gun, and succeeding a Ien,? sciies el' (liines. whose, purpetrateis, h,e 111 1 le tlieir hiding placas in the WeNhl liieiuitaiu, overlooking the l'eipn'.i Valley en the south and the t'ouestega valley Oil thej upper bide. 1111. sh.m: of 1 111: eerriiiuiNcr The ItK-alitv that has been Rtained witli tills fiiglitlul tragedy is in the extieuie east ciu sideul liuucistri comity, the exlcnuive and populous tow nsip el .Salisbury, and U of that beaulilul and paturosipie 1Viiic.i valle.v whu h Ktietches ueilhward I10111 the IVnusylvaiiia rail re id atthe'iap, liitlie Mine ildge, te the Welsh mountain en the north. riicU.ipaud vUinily weie the icude.velis tliiitj live .veaiHiitf el the taineuging el Itorsethlevos, mill robbers iiiid buigl.us led b 1110s ri(iuen and liill'ltiii, whose pluiidi'i vv.i shaied by men el better social standing. Tlircoei lour miles bnlew wa-tthe scene et the l.iiueus riiristiitia tint, in which Uersueli was killed hv his escaping Sl.ive.' ' f f ' ml along tlie Welsh meuulaiu Im .ve.ns have tanged be rnr.ird and hl-t It unlit bind. 'I'he lllue Ueck, long tliue their foi fei foi tieis and ( i.iggy lookout, clowns 0110 n the upier lidgesj and further west tlie suioUe liiiIs lazily up fiein his methei's eottage; vvhile ,1 hceic oft lititisei, cabiim and dug-outs el the mountain siptatteis sUuul with open doers te welcome or conceal him. Ki 0111 these places el rcluge Alie .mil his associates have" illicd out in all illii't tiens, and their cijileits slnuj IhT.I would nuke a story te 1lv.1l nnv et the lumeni annals of crime. Ilut.i small ptrt of these have ever been piiuted. nd II tlie names et tho-iewho have aided then nefarious oKjratlen, wlie have traded m their spoils and shared their booty, were told, 111" levelalimis would be inoieastonlhing than were the dls"liiires el tlie old Gap gang. It only need be mentioned here that ei hue ler which no uidiitmenls have ueeij drawn, and eiiti.tgus of whitli no ,ut.euut has ever appeared in punt, have stained the record of the Welsh mountain gang with deeper liue than tlie (hiil.cu thieving and huioUe heuse plundering with which thoceiiiiuiiuity is lamiliar. It 0110 victim, in paiticular, v lie w ill lemcuiber hew he w as tottured until he conducted Ins assailants te tlie place vv hore his geld was hidden or it auethei, who was bucked and gagged In rovenge ler peppering oneot tlie gang witli bird shot, will new tell the stories et thier dieadlul openeneo, the analogy with the I.inville tragedy 111 ly threw some light 011 tlie perpetrators el this last tool deed. 'llie JUIil ou 'Nl"i' lU'udfrwiii. Tlieie is lillle room for doubt that the midnight visitors te 'Siiulie Samuel Hen Hen dereon's hen loest en .Satutday night weie hoineoftho meunlalii gang, who have been rcndeied desperate by the long continuum e et the sovcre winter ; and it is only a reason.i reasen.i reason.i bie infeieiiLO that connects the same marau ders with the dirclul events of the next night. Mr. Hendersen lives near the White Herse, witli his two bicholer bn.tlieis, and the thioves who vinled tlieii premises inade a 11.11 row escape liem death. On account of the licfiucncy et thievish dopiedatiens in his vicinity, the sipiiie's hued man had putupa spilng gun 011 the chicken house, whkh dischaiged with the opening el the deer. Uite Saturday night Us loud explosion wakened the inmates et tlie heuse mid warned them that the tliieves had been interrupted in their operations. Investigation et the Hacks showed that tluee men had been in the neighborhood. They had Hied te roll tlie chicken heuse and the disLliargoeftho gun scucd them oil. That ouuefthcni had been hit, 11 track et bleed proved. lit thru tlig'it IIipv lelt I cliiuil two horse-, oneol which washiicliedteiiii Amish wagon, leaded with Iced. Twoef tliothievosdropped theli hats, leaving them en thogietiud. Mi. Ilendoisen and kindly took charge et llie horses, wagon, Ac,, until morning, whcuihey were identilled by ?elin Ksh, an Aniishinaii ofthe iicighboiluxld.Hiem hose mi-eiiiiscs the pretwrtv had Urn stelen., - I It Is believed that the team wiW taken le haul awiiv thosipiiie'schiekons and the Iced, alter width it would have been iibandened. M Villi Mdlll'.S lU.OOIIV 11 UHK. v in if tin' iiiiin r iiiw Miiinieiit uiinj,e I.I Mil The l.lmtlle lldiiifMctiil, Within less than 11 lnileef tlie llcudei llcudei sen pl.ue r.dw.ud M. I.iuville and lilssitei lluiiu.i, neitlier of whom is mauled, lived itleuu in Halisbu-y tow nshlp, alieiil live miles noilheastef theG'ap and threc-ljuarlcisef a mile fiem the White Herse. Mr. I.iuville was a fanner by occupation mitt 00 ypanef age. Ills sister Is almost 'JO yearn his junior and Iho pieperty 011 w hlch they llv edls the old homestead, with u large comieuaniy. joeuuig hotise and bam. The buildings slalid en the side of a small hill mid although the ilch ceuntiy around is thickly settled tliene.uest heuse te Mr. l.luvllie's is probably liOOyaids distant. Slucoriirlstiiiaslhe I.Invilles have employed no help, hut previeus te that time Widten Watsen worked for and reslded with them. IslTI.U 11 V MASKi:l Ill'ltOLAHS. Hetw ecu 1- and I o'clock 011 Monday morn ing Mr. ldnv lllf, w hese 1 oeni was only a few stepsfienith.it of his sister, was awakened In- si're.ims In her loom. Ileal ouce walked .icin-s the hall le the iliaiiibernud npeuwl tin), iKsir. l pen euieiiiig iiu rvi iiiii-u iui.'ii,iii were black masks ever their ftwvit, staudlug at the bed of his sister. Hurdly had he closed the deer Uifuru one or lip) uiimbcr llrisl 11 ixivelverat him. TJielmll slruck him ou the lower part et the lelt side, causing but a slight llesh wound. The lopert of the Urst shot had scarcely died nvvay before tint man llreda second time. This Imll struck Mr. I.iuville ou the lelt breast Just above the heart and paed through the lung. Th injured man fell uihjii the lloer uud seemed te im very seriously hurt, The thrce rehlicrs th(it began asking for money, and threatened te kill the wounded man and his sister nfilcss they told thctn where It "was kept Finally tlie men vere told that nil the monp.viiilhe heuse was in iiRCvrctiiryn Mr. Lluvllle'n roeilt. HVNivridNI 'nhl ifruiHK.' Twe orihe lldeVes Ihbn went te that' rcxiiu, where they secured $7(1 in notes and a small 'lidnttiilnii'lianKP. Tllileffiiftnlim guarded Hit llelliirJ.uiiill Jtlidiifelufus Ihotiflhey all began giowllngabelit theHcanriiniountef money they had seemed. They claimed that mere as secicled in the heuse and they mtixl hn cit urlne' wJjiUl Ujlf,brtll nrlsenpri 'They ransacked "the wliole building, and finally uieu being convinced that they could find no 111010 money started te go. llofero leavlnc the heuse tliev uarneJ the Llnvllles net te give tlie nlaim' until they li.ul bfbn goue ten mmiiies. , fti A nnui:pveANi I . f TJiVf Ue ilcaiilt UvUueSilraedCM M '1tJut.11 rh..if fliiil ,.ii-t,Aiierk.l u'iil.il? woman with most brutal display of lolcnce. ' Jleriqlyfirojecjerliad (Kjchjiliet down In cold Meed and was in dying condition. Hut their backMi eroieaieely turned until the aflrlghtul but hnioie woman, 1 calling her brother's per ilous condition, net out for tlie neighboring houseofColciuap Montgomery and awakened the family. In a shett thne a number of inuighlMirs. 'gfttbtitnljall (hiifluiuifrnd the greatest (xilletnenl picvalled. nviNfl M vr-r. After liUslhtur had gouefiirasrdsUnio the wounded man inade Ids' vv'ay te his own room whero he w.u feiiiut in his bed, miifcriug ter ribly I rem the wound (. Medic.il aid was at oiiceHQnt fer: and hi about an hour Dr. Mai- (it1,.bf AVhiloilterse, arrived and he was hoeii jefned by Dr.Swing ofCeatevlllu. The pliy Niciansrcuiaiucd w lib the wounded man near 1 v .ill lili-lil iitiil ni'Tlil:ivtiMltlnr nrnliclllTli'fd :v D v : . v . .'.. -y t .. ' r 1110 wound talal, ana sUiled mat ileaili was a matter el .1 lew hours or a day at the loncesl Mr. liinville, sliauge tesiy, vvus conscious all day and told the story alieut nsglveh iiIkjvc. When a leprescntalive of llin 1 jpM.i.Mtu.NUKnpv.iH at the house, about four 'b'llork.eirfJulld.iy, he was able te speak te iind''rciiiignii'd li lends, several el whom he called Inte liKroem. rm: Hisinii's (omiiiien. Ml-4 Milvllle M fpuntl t( IjeJii a gieatly piesti-alfd Condill ' rflnj li'ui net yet re- ceveied liem her leiuble lilglit and vv.tsalse grfdiy Mm 1 icd at tlie loiiditieu of her brethei. .Sim H.iy:i that she awoke, as she supposed, seen altei the uiuu had enteiedUiu revni. Tliev all vMirc in nks, width scorned te be luaile eT bl.ieki lellt. Twe weie armed with pistols and one had a gnu ; they also had daik l.mtcips. When they touched her she HciiSutieil, and her bielher einie le tlie room. She was unable te give much el a description of llie men ; but evidently his some suspi cion as le their Identify. new 111 1 net si w v-i i.m ki'.i:ii. I Mtei llie ei ib'iueiil, an ex imlualieu was inade el the lieuse, le learn hew the thleve-i had elleeted mi eutt.iuie. It was leund that Ihey had cut 11 hole, large enough te admit a man's hand, through llie panel el Iho front illH)noiv;trljp,kHej.rAllui:tlil, bad bwri done it wriuiJurtWiiijittci tesjfii tl(i(beHihid 0i 11 the k'ny" iipMu Uielnslde. 'riiislii.te ltekivl:is though it had been cut With a large sharp pocket kuile. u examination el tlie piemues was made bv the ncighlieis el Mr. I.iuville, but no trattspfthirtljioyiiseoiihl m leund. 1 I hem wdm loot iiiarksontheWiontiioiMi, but mAli ing could be undo et them. There were no troekH of horwwer c.vriiages' mill1 the lieiixn or barn, and it is certain that the villains walked le lliophice Uhnfn' llley did theii bloody vierk. ilin,r.Aiis or n .nciji.ne. G1c.1t cm itement picvails iu the uviglibor uvigliber uviglibor heod, and if the crime can be triced leiihj pel son who may be captmed, he will have haul work te save hliusell fiem Ix-ing ly mlicd. Tim n'ople et the v alley .y tli.tt l hey have bevn attbd inerey M tliieves, who have been reiibliig 'ihi'in ffofljenri New-' since iliey h.iv ' begun te murder, the cill7cns are bound ibiit nothing shall be lelt undone te bring the criminals te justice. It is believed tliat tlie crime was com milled bv thisowhe were acquainted witli the liablts et Mr. I.iuville and sister, and posse-tsed .1 thoieugh knowledge of the piemises. The thieves, no doubt, believed that .Mr. lduville kept lonsiderablo money iu the house, as lie was well oil. Had they been a low das later they would have so se iMiied lunch mere than they get, as Mr. I.iuville exiiected te ret oho considerable niouej' in u low davs. The inuideied iii.111 had no knew 11 enemies 111 the neighliorheod ; but gu the ether baud seenitd popular with tlio-'peeple. He was quiet, unassuming and hitcrlurcd with no one. lie .ihv.tyM pielerred te be about home, ami business tliat would keep him away at night had te be very important. 1'ro 1're iiucntly when drawn upon a jury he made the lone condition of his sister and household Mt excuse le be exempted from scivice. 1 in; susi'l.ertiii ahhassi;s. . , Tlie lolathes and lriends et T.invilles de net seem te suspect any particular ene et being guilty el the crlme; but there are htludroUsel (toeplo iu the neighborhood who aie Inclined te the beliel- that lie Welsh lueuut.iin gang are tlie gfiilty parly. The iiieunl.iiu isabeul two miles truiu Mr. l.iu- ville's house, and lieiuhis l.inu Iho hoiises wheie a uumberel notorious criminals 111.1K0 their hilling placesat times can be plainly seen. It l'.jks as though the Welsh mountaineers had something te de with this ntlalr' and, judging Ireiu their icteid of the past year, there me men there hiding who aie capable of (eiumittiug ulnte-a any crime, it ceineied, iu their atlciupts'te leb.md plunder. IlllOI'I'I.I) hOVti: 1M.IIMH.U. esteiday while search vias being made el Mi. I.iuville's prenuses.loi'semo traces of the tliievi).s, an umbielki, which they had stolen Ireni the house, w as teiind In a llei soiue illstaiice avvjy. ' It is sulniescd that they drop ped it in llieir lllglil. i' mm 1110 puice vinere the umbrella vas leund it was evident that tlie thieves went ten aid the mountain. Mlt. l.l.SV 1I,I.;'S (OMIIIIO.N. Themas McNeil, M. IVnn Cooper, Jehn ('. I.iuville and Constable Samuel llewiu.m, pieiuiuent citizens et Silisbuiy, cime te laiiicaster this ineining le cooler with llie commissioners upon the pmprlcty et ollor ellor oller mg .1 toward and taking prompt mid vigoieus measures te hunt down 'the mur derous huiglars. A meeting appointed for II a. m. hilled because, as It was net icgular meeting day, roiuuussiencis iiaitmau ami Gingrich weie net in town, and aunlherais eiutmcnt was ipade ler Uill p. 111. Tlie ncighlKUsel Mr. I.iuville reM)rl that tlie dispatches sent out last niirlit anuounc anueunc inir Ids death weie in euiatiii" and imiiginat 1 ve. Ileing of lemaikably vigorous coiistitutien he was still living and his condition was a llttle e.isler vvlien they left liis morning, though llttle or no hepq was entertained el' hlsiecevcry. The (oniinissienois and Mr. I.iuville s lriends had n long prlvate session this nftor nfter nftor nneii; and while tlie county authorities are detei mined te eneigctlcally coenorato iu so se euiing the dotvttleii of tlie ci lininals, it Is net v et determined .whether It w ill be ad vKible te publlely precl.din tlie hioiisviies that will be taken te secure that resulU vtlt. I.INMI.Ul Sl'lI.I. l.IMIi:lllN(l. The latest mlvlces this afleruixm from the flap, the nearest olegraph BtaUoii'tolIiln BtaUeii'tolIiln BtaUoii'telIiln villo's. reneit Mr. Iilnvllle still living. Ills sister has somewhat rocevored from ihe ellectsofherlrlght. The ball which"' onleicd Mr. I.inville's Ishly, and which of course cannot be ox ex tniL'teil or searched for In his nresent eendl- ftIvlT,ls1iilpitesaa te be qY pintTliUly e The jblilleinm tliaIfhl shot flWHl nt; UiDi;fafler n'lSHingth.ieuah lilsilelhiilgiind'inllktiug u slight llcsh vvetiuil, glanced ireni ms no, went threugl- the doeraudlodgcd hi a. p.iiti, tlen, inakhigahole ulut three Inch-M iu depth. '- i Mn it r. UAsn:xn aiiritAtix. llin ill S1lm.1l llniir TaiJered by Tlilevr Ami Treperty Dentreyed. 'l'liluves luive been vlslUnir the school lieut.es of bmlsbiiry township, but they beem te Iki mero anxious le destroy prej-crly than te carry ituwity. ( , On Friday evenliig llie sWiOul hnuse at Coepervlllo was entered, one window being nntliely broken out, A large let or books were (uirnel,atij.l perkily pensartd lsiks,Ac., stelen. UuHalurdiy evenlng, llin ,'hiiyrna scIkhiI heuse was broken open j Iho leaehcr'H bell, mid a let of books wero carried oil" ; a large dictionary W113 IhriiJq ploces and the books buriied lit tlie' slMiH-wbO J '' Sericl llinn Kliilm. Thieves' cntored Iho shible of .lelin H. Ilegers, at. (ioedvjtlo, last nlgjil. mid stelen sorrel untie. TJie thlovcsnte bcllevcd te be bo be leng te the Welsh mountain, The moun tain l being heiircbed te-tliiy for the stolen mare. A IILST VlirSTJilt huiciju:. A NsiftlvpJSpiuy lOnXfcr J'liuUl llmpiii'd ppcclnl Dlipntch tetlia Intkliieknieh. Wi.jt UliIftKlf, March 21.-Thoceminls-Hion of the late postmaster of (he borough expired home weeks age. The Democrats naturally desired the vwancy kept open until thore would be an opportunity fera xsuiiiit.iiiiiij I'li'dinni. iu 1111 il i.j ji if uj'jnjiiiL' inent, JAvcry cpnldorable miinber of the Itcpnjjjjeanjsluue'lj'Uds Ulu.liiuL ihefugjil as a matter of t.isle tli.it therb Mieuld 'be 111; Democratic president te till It by his apiielut- the lit no unseemly haste for llie, appointment te be made. L ininnmiil -fat-very aitxl(nipJ,n",get uu irt.ul me eusly unlit one, that ukpii representations made le I'rusldciit Arthur he delayed Issuing Iho commission lie vv.vs ilu.illy persuaded en the eve el his term te de it; but tlie men tal condition et the appointee, William Shields, was known te be such that (ears were entertained of his isuly (ommhsieu of Heme at t 01 vlolcnve that would vindicate the opposition mlide te his selection. IlltOWNH II I.MHI.1.1'. These itpprehctisleiiN were icalied te-day. Tlie iMjdy'er William Hlilulds, the ticnlyn ticnlyn peinted KMlnlnsteref this place, was found diewiicd alsiut li iir-piit Iho o'clock tills liieiniug In Ijaniili'it mill dam, about two tulles east of this lioieugh. Mr. .Shields was id his olllre until ii late heilr lastulghU Ne Inimeillalo'ciiuse IrfttsMigncd lerthe 1 ash act ethci than the vveriy and lesfienslbilily he lelt iu his new positieh weighing en a mind tilteily linlllled te licar them. t'orener Krncst Whlle was sent ler about (i o'clock and pioceeded at eik e te llie scene. Ilisjurv retulcied a veidkt that .Shields tain ill Ills diSiCl? iftiiliFsulc ide li diirtv dlirtm- t The news el tliosuiude siue.ld vvitligreal rapidity, and iu oherlUuii! Jinoplevvcio dis cussing it alt ever (own. " Diveastsl ws,aljmit iuni of age and wnsa vigorous Hiaker. lie was a wldewi'r and leaves but ene Wirt "Charles H," new lesiding in Williainspert, I'cnnsylvaiil.u I'esttnastei Shields icceivcd his cemtiiis sien en Match "ml, mid euleied uihiii Ids duties ou Match :ird. , . 1 IIIHUCl'KSSlON ThuftjtflluiiT''DeiuiJtAJici-lipiiiiiJileii haiiiglx't'ndisOlisscIl boferoShloltis' flca'h, is new revived. Ktr.i Hv.tus, who li.t-s been i haiiniau of the Democratic county comuillee lerscveiiileaiH, and isiiniveis.dly ii'sic lid, is tlie most likely camliilate. mri:i.i.txa helliK it(iisi:i. A I'lii) Vetr CnllliM Slalieii Tliut Va I'l.ili.i lily tniiM'il li allrfcilltn I'lite. Iietwccu one and two oMek Monday afternoon the dwelling heuse. et Abraham C. jNillth, sjttuled about liailyi 111II0 cist of Col Cel lins ktiitietil (VmOy Lilnslilp, took Inn and was burnisl le the gieuud. The heuse is built en the. strip of ground between the canal and the Susquehanna liver. 'e one was en the preipitesat the titnq exUeptMr. Smith, who had built a lire In the itlove Iu the parlor. A lew minutes aftRrwaid.s he saw a geed deal of suioke outside tlie build ing ..tud going out-, te learn vvlieie it came fietti Ji'ojilibcejervil he 'upper uit of his hotise je lx iu fktuigs. J le hurried Upstairs Willi a bucketful of Milter, but the thimes hud gained sm It headway that lie was driven Hack. He then removed us nun li furniture as he could from tholewei p.utel the build ing, which, being .1 two-slerv frame, w.u verv seen vviatmed in ll.uues and entiiely destieved, together with the liiinltuie in tlie sis'enil story. The les't et heuse and ftlini ftlini ture will probably exceed SI.WO The heuse wits insined, but the furniture was net. The origin et the lim Is net known te a lertainty, but It was probably caused by a slunk fiem the parlor stove through 11 defec tive line into n second story room and set tliig.Jne te vi:iej the furultuic. in.Ainn is 1111: i.ewr.n i:mi. Ii'C..lf of VVIIUaln C. ItKU, tint IJivt "f IIU CclierHtleii. Wllluitit !. Tk, the last or his generation el llie well-known Hisk l.unily, died 011 Monday evening at his home near .Mechanics Greve, in Diupiore tev uship, at thonpeold age of 77. He was a man of sterllug integ rity ; one of our nnwt suecesilul farmers and beloved by nil who knew him. His home wasu favorite reseit with Ids many li lends, and nothing pleased him better than a galh galh galh oiiiigthcie el young people. He was and had ler a long time been .1 member and olll elll olll ceref Chestnut Level I'leshjtcrJ.ui church. He was mi uncle of K. fll. Risk, esq., of tlie Kx'hnxncrj nud Jenvcs two sons and a daughter, all el whom have been living with him. Iciitti 11I a 111111g Weman . Hannah r.van, youngest daughtei el lletiert l'v.ius, esq., el Quariyidle, died at hei I'.itlier'a home in that pl.ue this meiiiiug. -Miss l'vans was a most estimable young woman. She his for several jears lived with lier Inellier Iu I'ltllailelpiua, and nau ecen home en a visil fei about 0110 week when she died. I.Ut of IJiiilaliuisI l.i'tliii-. The tollewlug is thelist et uiiilaliiu'd let ters lemaining in Iho postelllco let the week ending Match 'ii, JbiSTi : .(iiic.5' .n(. M.uv llauuiau, Miss Maltha Ilinkley, Miss Vraiicie Wester, MissS.dlle l!enes,Mlss I.. Iltevvu, Katuiie C.uiethers, Mis.s Mmy bouley, Miss Sdlie i'ty, Mrs. Knte Ik Gall, Miss Anna M. Jehnsen, (for,) Miss Men, 1 Kailtliuau ('J,) Miss Minnie 1,'llher, MissThcodesla Mlller, Sue Ik Mae, Hannah McCetmell, Miss l'uuu.i McClaiti, Miss Auilie' Mevvter, Mi.is Cathatine It.vlev. (li'iil'n lif N lt04 llarlliolemow, D.iv id Ik llrubaker, I. Ik litirklinlder, l'lauk C.usen, James I'ailny, N. II. Kieein.tu. Cont.iilticist Cent.iilticist ner, All)crtGlrt.cndiiuer, J. K. Griehrer, D. 1. Harrison, Lewis It. Hewell, Joint A. llostetter, Samel C. ICeniper, Jehn Lichty, James McI.cnaghiin,.I. Miteheistelter, Hli-.mi C.Montier.ChiirlosMorse, l-'rank J. Nichols, William K. ri'aust, Ih.ue IMckcl, Lew Is I'ewcll, Jehn 1'elly, 11. F. Itapp, Samuel Ileineer. ('has. Ik lleynelds Ileuiy Hey, Wiles Ut'kinird, S. Huslauk (ler,) Jehn Schbethauer (for,) Max Shldt, Jeseph Slcrnn (Ind.? H. StcllL'lev. Jehn Stelt. J. li. St'jigervviilt, l'cter Siiiiiuier,' JC Taltershall, Henry Zcigeiifuss. A Heavy I'ailiire. S. II, IteyueUty,, iilteniey for Gen. Simen Cameren, te-dav Issued execution ugalust M. M. Iletlntan, of Maytown, leaf tobacco dealer, ferfO.OOO, mid thosherlll' has levied upon his property. Theto me ethor Inilg Inilg nictltslgianwniellinau, making his liabilities nbbut M,000.u " " J'o-iiieiioh's Crciiialliin. Tlie; ptifly of the, f.illier-iii-aw of Chailes Lucdekin, U.inrlve In this eilv lieiti SU. Leuis le inorrevv evenlng en the Day o e o pletiS. It will be kiketi to'the ciciuateritiiii for cremation and will lie placed In the retort id ( o'clock iu tlje evening. I Sale pf f!eri'. Samuel ITess, auclteneer, sold nt publie sale yesterday ler Daniel Legan at his sale and uxchumre stables Imcester eitv. IU head of western horses, at an uvonige prke of l-lss ' lnirlivad, Cdiilrlutrtnhn. Hveln.irt' .w.isMil dllluien . i.nu 1 riiriy ..?..r 'J jlj?fnr'flel lie ivifi the appolnt appelnt nl made, though It was such a censpku- SALES OF TOBACCO. 1 i; TltAUti IX MA STUCK XUT VKiir AVTirt.. no Tlie Iliijl 14 ill J,'cv la-af Jvnt l.'ntMmltrlj- In llin l'lclil-ItrMirln el llie 8alr During the I'lut Wtfik Coiiillllen r the New lurk, I'IiIIsiIMiiIiIh iiikI (lllirr Mftrkela. Trade In old tobaccos has net been se active during lh( week Just closed as It was the vv eek before. C. A. lteose sold te it New Yerk Ilrni70crtscser811earj Dan. A, Mayer sent te New Yerk IM cases of 'fcO, and 01 cases of 'H'k Twe ether linns, who tin net wish te h.ivu their names used, shipped ever 100 cases of '81, 'K! and 'W. Sale of Ncit Teli.imn. J'lie weather has licen se relil and dry that dealers iu new tobaccos have been greatly ro re tarded In their ojieratiens. A dozen local houses have buyets employed, but they are net buying very extensively. Following aie the sales it'iHiiled by a iitiiii her of our corresjiendciits hi dlllctcnt sec tions el the ceunty: Ames Funk, of Maner, bold 8 acres Havana te McLaughlin, at IkJ, 0, 3; il. llarnish and Christ. Shcnk, U acres llavatm le Gee. I'rls man, at 17, fi, Z The following Mies weie nAde In Cress well and vicinity : Te Mr. Ite'jcustclti : Ahtahaui Finhel 1( acres, 21, 0, 1; Joint Stchuiail i! acies, IB, II, Te lleckcr lltes. : Abraham .Shank li acres, lu, 1, 3j lleujamlu (larher 3 acres, P., 0, .1 j Christian Herr Nacres, 15, 0,2; Henry Shttmau .') acres, 111, C, H ; Jehn Green, 1 acre, l'i, 0, .'I; luiuiel K'uhns 1 acre, lti, 0, .'!; Abra ham Yeung 1 aero, 15, 0, 3. Te I. Katillman : llcnrv Kradv I acre, seed Ieaf8, I, 'J, 1J4 acres, 10, I, i Te Mr. Hernshelii : Moses llrcucmau I acre, hi, I, li; Jacob llelsey I acre, an, I, 2; Jaceli llelsey, jr., '4 twie, It', I, i During Iho jKist two weeks, Mi. Win. F, Hamilton of I'.liAthethlevvn, purchased Iho fellow lug tobaccos, all choice leLs, for .Sylves ter A Ce., Lancaster, I'a., 1 ucies seed leal of Jacob Ik Geed at t, 'J, 'i and ', aero Havana seed atr; yK aero xeed leaf el C. 11. Geed at ,r, -',,-; I ifie le.tf of A. IL Geed at '1. .'!, " ; iwrn Havana seed el A. Hetleritt 11,2; , aero Havana seed of J. Ilreiieuiau alii, 2. acre Havana seed of W. II. Sho She waiter at 10, I, 2 ; 1 acie Havana seed of K. II. Wegelmtitli at S, 2j '4 aero seed leaf of G. I!. Snyder nt x, .1, 2; ', aero Havana seed 01 G, It. Snyder, at H, 2 J lj aero Havana sissl of S. IC. Harnes, at , 2 ; I aero seed leaf of J. I'lescett, id 1(1,3,2; 2 acres Havana seed of ls.ni' Helluiaii, alb, 2; 1, aeru seed leaf el Samuel Sheatler, at le, I, 2. Jeseph I'Vkcrt I aero hied Jle.il,, t)f 3, 2; . I&ue Wilmerl.icie Havana seed, ft, 2; Martin Miller 2 acres seed leaf, 7, 3, 2, Jiacre Havana seed, 7, 2; Jem Diemler SuvresKeed leaf, It, 3, 2 j Jin. N. Itisidr lacre M-edJcaf, fi,-2j II. Gellsi 1 in'ies"d leaf, 103, 2; Kiun'l Hprr,l ai'l" seed leaf, 'p, .!. All Oregon corieNixjiidetit vvrllen j There weie a few lelLui'd-lmyirn In t,hl wUeii this wceU and liuglit the following letf: M. II. llrubaker bettght7 aerps of Havana seisl Ireni Jai'eb M. HetM, at 2tS, 8, l'i from James C. Ilrewit 2 acres en prlvnte terms. Ames Hosteller bought from Daniel Kelhl 2 acres Havana nssI at 13, (I, 2; Hmauuel Kelhl, 2aer.es.il 1.1,0,2. l'cter Demmel, lieiight In Dnnnore mid Matlie, the Inllowlug'lelX for J. Gust, Zeek : It. ICrli, I acres, 12, !,' (. J6hn Dartman, I a ic, I, .1, 2; W. II. 'Uehhiftnn. 1 acre, Ji, 1,-2 Themas Itobinseu, it acres; 7, I, 2; Oliver Grell, l'j actes, 7, 3, 2; Ames Nell, , acre, 10, . I, 2; lleujamlu M vers, p, acres, hi, (1, .1 ; M.tlen I". I'ckman, l4 acres, H, 3,2; Abra ham .Shecm.ikct, Us .1,3; Christ. Ilawkmau, P, acres, 12, '1, 2; Jehn Harnes, 2 acres, 8, .1, 1; Samuel Harnes, 2 acres, 7' . 3, 2 ; Themas Went, l'j' ivres, JO, 3. 2; win. Klnsey, I acie, H, 2; Geerge Ohleui.m, t acre, fr, 2 ; James O. Ilcse, l'i acres, lit, I, 2; Jehn Haines, 2 acres, 8, 3, 2; AL-rahitu Shoemaker, 2 acres, hi, (1, 2; Benjamin Myers, 1 acre, 10, Hi, 1), 2; Franklin Haines, I acre, tl, 0,2; M.tlen ICckmau, I'J acres, 12, i, 2; Ames Null, 1, acre, 10, I, 2 ; Ollver Grell, 1 acre, 7. ., 2; Harrison Leng, 1 acre.'t), 4, 2; Samuel Martin, 2 acres, 15, 7, -I, 3 ( Hcnjanilri Tcnis, 1 acre, 7, 1,2; Benjamin Cutler, ', m-re, 11,5, 2; Samuel Leng, Ji acie, tl, I, 2: Hugh Went, 'j aire, 10, I, 2; 'Cliemas AVentz, 2 acies, 10, I, 2; Geerge Colsten, ', acre, 7, 3, 2. The following Irem the lower end of the county are reported : Te Jno. llildbr.ind ; Win. Kuukle, Lden, 1 acie 12, I, 2 ; David Wallsirn, Colerain, 1 aiiee, .1, 2 ; Jehn Walbern, Colerain, 1 aero H, 1,2 , J. M. Dcaver, urumeie, .J acres v, 1,2. Te Ketidig A Sen : Jehn 1 lie, Fulton, 1 acie 10, I, 2 ; Win. Faxon, Llttle Uriuiin, 2 ucies 22, 5, .1. Te Hernshelii : Abram Shenk Drtimer", 3 actes 10, 4,2. Te. L. T. Henscl : M. Ilerr, 1 aero 9, I, 2 ; A. Lelevre, 1 acre 10, J, 2 ; 11. F. llaget, 1 aero '-', I, 2 ; Jehn Keen, 1 aero 8, 2, 2. Te J. Gust Zeek ;J. W. Lcfevre, 1 acie IU, I, 2 ; A. Keehl, 1 acreC, 3, 2. M. Oppeiihenner bought the following, all Havana seed : Ik A. Urewn, 3 ii'-res, 20'i, fi, 2 ; Andrew llatuia, 3i actes -1,6,- ; Jescjih Miller, l1, acres, IP, b, 2 ; Heward JJradley, 2 acres, 20, fi, 2 ; Joel Carter, 2 acres, 111, ft, 2 ; Geerge Tellinger, 2 acres, 10,fi, 2 : V. K. Alexander, U,i acres, 2l, 5, 2; Jehn I lerr.t, 1 acre, 10, fi. 2. I'.ixHin Hies. told 2 acres te Kendig at 2.1, fi, 2. J. C. Wiiglit el Fulton sold 4 acres of seed leal le J. Oust Zeek for 12, 4, 2, and an actoel Havana ler 13, I, 2. The following sales et Havana seed are 10 iHirted front Salisbury tewnship: Tu U.S. Kcuilig A Ce.: 11. 11. Simmons, H acie lfi, I, 2 ; Win. llaml.'e, 1 aero 5e through J J. L. Withrow, i acre private terms j Gee. Tew 11 send l'j acres en private terms. Te San 1 ml Moere: Ik Fewn.ill i acres, Havana, l.i, I, 2. Te Daniel A. Ma.ver: W. F. llriiiten 3 lines, 11 thteugh; Nolde MiGevvan 2 acies, II though. Fiem I'.iiiulise levvnship we have the lel lowing sales of Havana te Brimmer: Gee. Howe 3', acres, ti Ihieitgh ; Samuel Overly 1', acres, 13, I, 2; Samuel Snyder 1 ncies, Ot, Ihietigh. The lollewhu: sales took place t Nine I'eiutsaud vicinity en March 17th. Stephen Hiest.iud 1 aero of Havana 15, I, 2; Jeseph IttisH'l, of "S.disbuty, lucre Havana II. 1,2, i, item seed leaf 0,2, 2; Jehn J. Kevler?, acie Havana 17'j, I, 2; acie Havana 15, I, 2; 1 aero Glessner 8, 2, 2. Tiie j:jihriitu Jlcvteiv, s.tys : the-'SI crop is en Iho meve hi lids vicinity. Seme very line lets have been brought and delivered te town for shipment. A. W. Monter has made pun bases in I'phral.i, West Kail and West CtMUiliee tow nships, and Satn'l Wiest, or Scliectieck has Is-'cn buying in Chiv, but .tl what pi ices we have net learned. Messrs. SohlemridgoA Hess, had tleliveied at l'ar l'ar inersvllle,70,(HJ( Kiunds of Havana 011 Satur day. Messrs. Kegcrieis tV. Flickinger, of llichkuid, Lebanon county, are purchasing extensiveiy in this vicinity, and en Tuesday shipped a car of very line seed leaf anil Havana te IUchland, where they recently orected a very commodious warehouse. The following me seme of their purchases mid prices-paid : Daniel G. Ilrewn, 14 wrosseed leaf at lfi, 5, .1; Joel vveuger; - ucnMHiiiiuiiiitii Joel Wenger ; 2 acres seeil 1e.11 ai 1 iu, ., .I', A. VV. IWipi', JJ4 lu-ius llilt.IIH.ll, !,'. 3 ; David Mussulman, 1'4 acies seed leaf and Havana euprlv ate tonus ; S. II. Sensenig, 2 acres seed Icartmd Havana sced leaf at 13", fi, 2, Havana at 18,5, 2; Mrs. Jeseph Uupp, aero Havana nt 21, 5, I; David Hamisli, 2 acres seed leaf and Havana at 9 cents through ; 1 less A Brown, 3j acres seen icai aim 1 lavana seed learnt 17, lti, fi, 2, Havana at 10, 0, 2; A. Myers, 1 aero seed leaf and Havana seed leaf lit 10, 5, 2, Havana 15, fi, 2; Samuel H.inilHli. luere Havana at 22. 11. 2: Wnvne Caritcntcr. i acres seed leafatiljj cents through; SteneriV Fiisnacht, 1 ncreseed leal and Havana-seed leaf tit 7, 4, 2, Havana at 1.1, 1, 2 ; Samuel Sinner, M ucre seed leaf at 7. 1, 2; Steucr it Manning, aero seed leaf and I lavmia-secd leaf at 12, C, 2, Havana at 11, I, " We try very haul loglveoiir leadniafull ami eon'ect llgures of the sales of tobacco hi llie county, mid have succeeded se vvell that thus far we have heard but a single coin- plaint. Herell la: , A'rer.r.s. Fa., March 20, 1S85. Si us If you don't repert Iho loliaeee sales any nearer correct tlum yen did mine, you may stepiny viaperwlien tlie time expires, or ure you weijtlug iu Iho luterest of the buyers T Igave your man llie figure and saw him t.ike tbeiii'deiMi, correctly, but they ceme out wrong. M. l'l. Ilevn. We linve no recollection of the figures sent by Mr. Ikiyil. It would Iki wonderful if the printers In handling he many thousand fig ores did net onto In a whlle make mistakes. Again, It often haptens that two or 111010 corresiKiudeiils seit,d rcKirls of the s.11110 ftilus, and llieir llgdres de net always agree. 1'erhaps Mr. lleyd was look ing at the "ether fellow's" figures. We will be pleased le hear fiem our cor respondent vvhenever he may have anything te reiHirl, and cheerfully correct any mis mis ttkes he may point out; but as tothe silly threat "jeu may slop my p.iior,"er the sil lier slur that we are "working hi the Inter est of Iho buyout" we deem litem beneath consideration. TlieUnullng.ft'riiifc says tli.it De Witt C. Hillcgas, of Heading, received last week ever 40 tens of leaf tobacco, mid en Monday he will put 40 hands te weik, te assett lobacie. Hep-aid rer tlie leal 1 le 18 cents 11 pound, the iirice dejHindlng upon the kind and quality. Seme el It is Havana seed and the rest seed leaf. The most of it was bought Ireni Um caster county farmers, and the balance from Chester county farmers. A Chester county paper reports that Abram Marshall, ofnearNerthbrook, will plant ene hundred acres of his farm iu toh.i've this coming sea-ieu. Tim Jtew Yeik Miirkil. Fiem Iho Tebami l.e( we take the fol lowing Htimm.iiy of Iho New Yeik market ler Iho just week": Western Leaf Theto has been nonie do de deinand and billing tlie pest week, tlteiigli transfers were hi 11 small way. They in cluded old lugs, both ler home trade mid ex ex eort. Virginia Leaf--Fer this variety of leaf the inquiry was moderate tlie past week, n few tierces of old bright wrappers and the usual (itiautity or old bright cutteis comprising the reported soles. Seed Leaf The inquiry for this tobacco is still Icssacthe than might le.iseuably be ex pected, thu rejsirtisl sales for the week amounting te only l,'Ml rases. Less was dene litis week tlian hist. The new Wiscon sin is the talk of (he market. Several p.i k ers' samples were shown this wink and Ihey ttppearisl te give satisfaction. This tobacco premises well, and if anything should ix-cur te iti.ike it (all te fitlldl what is cxx'ted el it, Iho dis.ipsilnlmcnt te jKickers would Iri gieat. There will be but lew lets ellered ler S.1I0 until thu licgiuuing of April, as many firms have net entirely finished packing and wauttefignm out just what llie goods cost Isjfore elleriug them. Notwithstanding the tobais.e leeks and premises well, ills gener ally bcllevcd that very llttle will be purchased until it has passed through the sweating pro pre (ess. Ills diflictilt te Imd a liriti that has net packed some of this variety of leaf, and that Is uelic.nly te swear by it. Spinlsh -Havana fillers are in moderate demand, with sales of KM bales.it front 7. te 51.15. The ieiortsliem the Vnelt.i Ab.ijeand itomcdiea fiislriU3 ymfum llie l'lici' that the licavcy ralna that Tell during the'flarly part of Fcbntary tterleusly iuijulreil the new crop. I f w e are te bcllove tlie nd vUxm rei-civ-ed, the telmsii iirstwitTcml from worms and drought and then thu lulliHcanieand washed it out, which Is an old story, 'I'lihi condition of things lias net lncres.cd prices here, hew ever. Te n se the language of a prominent Importer, " Business here is loe dull for the rnrtUl falltire of the crop, even in a fact, te iticrease prices." The new erep proiulses te yield 11 large supply of vvrapisirs, nut some of litem will be llltnsy in character. ' Htmiatra Is disposed tl in a jobbing way, with mIes net exceeding IN) lmles at J 1.30 te fl.tXv Tli"iirst aiictiotwiale lit AmsU-rdam Is new erllcially anneunccl te take plaee en the.Htlt prex. ALtliisSidnnlHUit(i,IHli lmles will he olfered, which in half llie amount enVreil.tt the sjtine' f0d last year. IjiUMt adv k os s.iy this tobacco is unsetthsl Iu color, but it is hoped that age will remove this do de fivt. Sumatra wrappers, f 1.30 tejl.tvs. l'lug -There have lieen seme dosirabie goods ellered at low liguies, but our Jebljers iMimet Ik) tempted bevend their iiumediate wants. All accounts Ireni Virginia iudidtu very linn prices, nud esslbly an advatice, as llin eoitrse of tlie leal market continues strong and advancing. The exierts were 108,202 jieimils. tiMiit' Weekly Itrfirt. Sales el seed leaf tobacco rcisntttl for the Inti:i.liei:nii:h by J. S. Gans' Sen it Ce., tobacco brokers, Ne. 1J1 Water street, New Yerk, for the week ending March 23, 1S: SOU i-iisps- ms.1. lVniisvlv-niil.i. .sr12Ui!. : 300 eases 1831, I'ennsylvani.i,e5illc,; loe cases 18S3. state Havana, p. t, : 100 cases 1S3, Wis consin Havana, 1.1 ',0-500.; ! cases, sun dries OfiiS-. Total, 1,000 cases. I'lillailelilil. Jlarkt't. The suver.il branches ofthe trade are 10 ported satisfiu tery, and the condition ofthe seed leaf trade is much better than at any time since the hrst of tlie new year. Nev er theless il is still of a conservative kind. The conqietilieii Is keen and margins small, and a very unsatisfactory tr.tde fellows as a result. Mautir.iUincrs buy in doubt, and are ex tremely cautions. A large quantity el 'KJ I'euitsjlvauia has changed hands at low fig ures, while Havana seed et all grades, witli Ohie mid state seed, shows gradual improve merit in demand, but oil in pi ice. Sumatra leund admuers te 11 considerable extent. Havana, as usual, hells well, especially il il Ills quality. Iteceipts ler the week :-'.! cases Conned!, cut, W0 ceses I'eiiusvlvauki, t"7 cases Ohle M) case., Yerk sUile, 3.1 lases WLscensln, SC bales Suiuatrii, 127 bales Havana and I.! hhlia Virginia and Western leaf tobacco. Sales for dotnestie use : eases Connecti cut, '.til cases Feiinsylvaiiia, 2fi cases Housa Heusa tonic Havana, II cisea Little Dutch, 70 casus Ohie, IKic.tses Yeik state, .-.I crises Wiscon sin, 22 bales Sumatra, 210 bales Havana and 20 hhds Western leal in transit direct te man ufacturers. Hx pert of le.ir tobacce: Te Liverpool, 31, 3iV.ilb.i; te Glasgow, 13,117 lbs; te Glasgow, 10,310 IIjs; total 00,700 lbs. llaltniieli) .llutkit. Iteceipts were better of Miuyland tlie past week, but the shipments sllll in excess, (aus ingu fuitlier reduction iu sleck. Htisiness continues restricted for want et suitable sam ples, and vv ith large supplies seen expeeted a mero actlve market is anticipated, l'rices am firmly maintained. Of Ohie we nole liiither sales el'iAl liluls taken I'm oxpeit. .iiiii'i.mi uvr or iii'a.v;.s.s :i:xTitr.t. Out) One el llin (Mil Ciliillj Heniilemeii i.ifi in t'enlre txiinn ?. Mr. Michael Habeilmsh tivilay leiueved his private losidenco fiem Ne. 20, iu thu southwest ( orner el Ceutie Squ.iip, vvlieie he h.is lived for twenty yearn, te the icsldciiie Ne. 21 Seuth Frlnce stroet which he recently pttichascd from Geerge M. Franklin, esq. He will continue his business at tlie old stand. Mr. Chailes l'.rnst has lenled the thud lloer of the Habcrbush building for n icsi icsi denie for himself ami vv lie. With lids excep tion the only laniily having a private rcsi rcsi rcsi tlouce iu Ceittte Squ.iie new is that of the late Kev. Jno. J.Stiiue. It Is easily iccallcd when the piesetit busi-iu-in entilrn of llie eilv was (illite lull V eccu pied with the homes et our clticns; and when such prominent Limilics as these of F.maniiel Heigart, Tliein.iM Ik Fmuklin, Beiijamin Cliatuimeys, Christian Klcller and ethers lived hi the Urst square of Fast King strcek The gradual oncte.iclnneut el the tidu of busluess upon the old homesteads unmistakably dem onstrates thu rapid advance of the commer cial interests ofthe city. A lll.uk AkaaUant. Jack Williams, n negre, who had his pet or red paint out in Bart township en Mon day, was ledged In Jail this morning by Cen- stabloJaines Miller, et ijtmrryviue, te an swer the chat go of assault mid battery upon Jacob Lutz, proprietor of llie Green 'lroe hutch Turuplke lUi'illen. At 11 meeting of tlie stockheldeis of the liiicastur mid l'phrala turnpike company en Monday, le llli the vacancy embed by Iho death of tlie late Hen. Themas F. Franklin, euu of the directors, Waller M. Franklin, esq., Ids seu, was elected 11 director, and also ptesldcitt el thoceinpaiiy. A Cleveland I'm;. Mr. Henry Feil", ofMeuutvllle, hasachleken thutluid an eggiueasuriug 8 by 7 inches. Who cm beat it T The egg w eighed 1" f ounces, Tlti; MKTUUDia TH. The Cmitlntiatliiii (if llin riiHililelplila Cell. ferenta Heotlen. The I'lill.idelphl.i renference resumed its hcssIeii in Chesler en Monday morning, Bishop Cyrus I). Fess In llie chair. The elirhtccnth qttcslleii was taken up. The names of the fellow lug were (railed, their cliaratlers passed, mid lltry were eon een tlnueil as supernumerary : F. M. Cellins, M. Ik llcsl, II. U. Scbrlng, J. II. Altlay, .1. Thompson, W. Tricked, S. II. Gllllngham, 11. Owen, T. M. Iliema, Ik II. Sanderlln, W. II. llurrell, 1. Ik Merrill, S. 11. Ilelsncr, W. C. Jehnsen, G. Oram, II. II. Calloway, II. II. Hotline, W. W. MeMichacI, J. W. Wheelcr. With work, J. Nclll, A. Wallace, A. Cather, J. Gregg. 1 H. Hughes, A. Heward. Tlie nineteenth question was kikcn up, nud the iiames of the following weie called, lliclr characters issed, and they were con tinued as superannuated: A. Alvvoed, I'. Hellew ell, . I. D. Leng, J. Carlisle, J. A. Watsen, K. M. Cooper, W. Cooper, D. I). Shields. The third question et the discipline was taken up, and the following persons were continued en trial : Frank F. Bend, A. At At At vvoed Thompson, Ames A. Arthur, Abraham M. Nlven, Win. it. SweMg, Benjamin M. Neill, Alpha G. ICv-nctt and James H. Me Klnlay. A long mid spicy discussion ensued ever the resolution that whenever 11 pteacher Is trausferied Inte tlie coulercnie one or tonal standing should go out of Ik The (solution was finally adopted, but net until aflcr Bishop Andrews raped the body te order, ana declared that llie proceedings were mere like theso of a i-elitic.il meeting than a Methodist cenfcrciuc. Hev. J. II. Ihirgis was granted a super numcraiy relation and tr.inslorred bick te the Italy lenfereuce. J. S. Cook was changed "irem elks.tlve te supernunicraiy, witli weik; M. II. feisty, Irem efTectlvote silpernuiiierary ; D. L. I'atlersen, from snier nnmcrary with work te Niiporiiuiiierarv; James Masen, liem siiperiitiiueraty with work te supernumerary, and Ik il. Hefluiaii, Irem supernumerary te suiernuinerary with work. H)in'tliy Willi (Irnnt. Cin;sTi:it, I'.i., March 2k At the session el Iho Fhiladelphia Methodist Lpiscepil confer cenfer etiee, litis ineruiiie;, the following icsolutieu was ellered by Professer Ch.is. J. Llttle, of the Dkkinsen I'ollege fecultv and skite librarian of IVunsvlvania, and unanimously passed : Wiimuivs, The ee-s ofthe AmerKan peo ple are new turning witli anxiety and leve te Iho sick chamber of tlie great and magnani mous soldier, who was In the I'lovidenceot Ged itpi-eluted le lead the aimlcs ofthe na tion te the siiccesstul preservation of its unity ami the accomplishment or hiiuinn lib erty within its borders; therefore, JlcMlrnl, That we, the pic.ichers of this cimfereni , for ourselves and our people send te General Grant the assurance of our iiflis-tien and the prom is. of our fervent prayers, beseeching Almighty Cled le lighten ids stirTerings, and If it tsj srsible te length en his da-s, le strengthen them with might hi the inner man ami surround him with tlie shillings of the Divine luce : se Hut if, as vv 0 fein hoi". he shall be s(arel te llv e yet innny dayw te Ids family, te his country, the jMiace of Ged, which pesselh allundersUndlng.inay rest upon him always, or if it be aptieinted te him te light, new his last light, his Ian enemy may be put under his fed. sin: unevxii-iitM ej;rrA; vxeaht. Illft TImih llelng tti, Hit J Making lkrcarA lkrcarA tlen Keran Katly Atrearancninl Ilril- llanL St" f'harW Frmiilscits', who s 0110 of the liest ground hog hunlers In llie county, caught ene ah ve last summer, leek it home with hint and gave il quarters In the back yank The sapvieits animal was net long in making for Itself 11 dec buriew iu the ground, 111 which te spend the winter. It went iu aller the first heavy Irest kist fall and remained until ycslcnlay, except that it caine out a llttle vvhile en tlie Mli el January te sec it Charley celebrated the anniversary of llie battle of New Orleans, .13 patriotically as his father used le de, and again en Candlemas Day, just long enough te see lla Bh'idew in the sun It ought te have lieen out a week age, and would have been, had net Wiggins and llazen between tlieiu, out of pure malice, get up Hie disgrace fully cold snap erweathcrth.it has Ik.ch nl nl llictlngthe world for a week. But thogiound thegiound thogieund hog will stand this nonsense 110 leugci. He cime out, as abev e sUded, j i-Elnrday, took .1 drink of ice water and ate a bread sandwich, and then commenced heuse cleaning by bringing liem his buriew ids soiled winter bedding, and replacing it vv ith clean dried grasses, rags and ether material m reach. His movements undoubtedly portend the advent of spring. We see Irem tlie Philadelphia iVcis this morning, that ene el its correspondents caught n ground-hog vestcrday, which is said le have reached Philadelphia via imdei imdei gietiud railroad from tliolnnksel the Sus quehanna. He was no doubt a carrier sent out by the most Illustrious prophet, priest and king of all the ground-hogs, te wake up his llcge subjects and let them knew that the spring campaign is about te begin. Uelibeil by n New Hearder. C. O. Kiiutltiiau. a boarder at Ne. II Last Chestnut street, was robbed en Monday by a fellow boarder of a silver watch and 10 111 money. The vv atcli Is dosei ibed as a hunting ease, American Heme, Ne. 010,5"!. The money stolen consists el a f5 geld piece, three silver dollars and the balance iu small change. The thief is descrllied as being liveiect, nine inches hi height, has dark hair and moustache, vv ero blue; suit and speaks with a German accent. He represents hitnsell as a hard vv are agent. The thief cime te the beardinir heuse en Saturday afternoon and en Sunday he inade inquiry as te what thoetherlHiatdors worked at, when they went le work, and lie nsked many ether questions winch were considered tilvial at the time. He displayed a Luge number of keys, and with 0110 of these be open ed Mr. Kaulliuau's trunk and abstiael ed llie nioney. Mr. Kiiiillui.iu did net miss the money until last night, when he went te his trunk' te gel money te buy a pairef shoes. W. S. Martin, telegraph operator at the Cone-dega tower, had his trunk lausaiked and $1 taken by thu .s.11110 thief. Meeting "t IIiIiIrh Mcci. Jeeph Beale, J. A. Solt,er and J. P. Moeto, appointed by tlie Chester county court viovTers en a proposed iutor-ieuuty brldgoever the Octoraro ctcek wheie thu Christiana re.ul cresses in.u sireaiu, i-amy in Siulsbuiv, n-ineaster county, and partly iu West Salisbury, Chester county, will ineet,at Chiisti.uia, en Saturday, Apiil l,at 10 il 111. UAVKIX AXIt OAM.AUIIMl. .linlge tiimlbini (imiilH a Writ of IU rer ami They Ale Itele-iinl oil Hall. Ciiio.vne, Maiih 21 Judge Greshain, in tlie United States circuit ceuit, tills morning granted a writ of errer in thoease of Mackin and Gallagher, who wero convlcted of elec tion frauds. They wero admitted te ball iu the sum or f50,d00 each mid roleasod from jail. The time forsendiiiB Iho two men te the onileutiary expired at neon te-day, mid irthe writ had net been giauled they would have been taken te J0II0L The time for hearing the vv lit of error has net yet been llxcd upon. Londen Journals Want Lewell le Itekl.te There. Londen", March, 2k The afniM and Jhitly Ncici, whlle offering a cordial wol wel wol cemo te Phelps, hepe England will be able te retain Lewell as a guast The Tunes says: "If Lewell remains In Hnglmid vv 0 shall Rsk America te lie consoled for his less by regard ing him te Ijo deputed sllll us a ropresenta- llve of tlie iiigiiest cuiiuraei 1110 rupninic and or Knglisli literature." It adds "We part with iAiwell with the keenest icgict. Per haps it would be lietter rer the two countries had lie permanently lekdncd his 'Hist." ew Yerk' MuidiJ'ta lUeilleu Hill DeleiiUd. Ai.iianv, N. Y., March 2k In the Senate a bill changing the time for holding inunici- ikiI elections hi the city of New Yerk from Jail te spriii; was defeated, TUB HEADING RAILROAD. .HI Dili: HVTI.RIl ltETr.BMIXr.il TU JEXJI its vni:.iKST vvxnn iex 1 lie Cmin.cl liilerp.ted Called Inte Court nnd (Iltru slurp Xntlre Tlinl'll It Time le Ocilt f.icilliiB-Nii MureTxinB l)l lame Truiupetlnc. I'llli.AliKi.t'iiiA, March 2k Judge Butler, of the United States circuit court, te-day sent for the counsel eeuiicctcil with the Heading railroad litigation, and questioned them In re gard lothe progiessmadeln rcorganlrlnglhe allalrs of the oeiuimiiy. He Bald that ten months had elapsed since llie apKiititiueut of the receivers, and the filing of llie original bill under which the appointment was Unde le hasten llie dlsposllten of which no attempt nallsraclery te the court had lx.cn made. He also Intimated that lliis crlti clsin might apply te llie proceeding brought by various IkiikI holders) nnil remarked that the ceurt'Inid given repeated notlceof lis desire that seme agreement among the parlies might be uiide, and unless such an agreement was inade the case must be brought te a conclusion, as it was the Intention of the court te ciuse 11 rule te be entered le show cause why the pro ceedings under which llie receivers were appointed, should net be vacated. The court was determined, he said, te bring the litigation te an end, mid new gave the parlies' lu interest warning te that eftect, as they seem te have employed their time Iu trumpeting te each ether at long distances instead of trying te reach seme conclusion which might solve the dlfll lulty. He said that he had intended te notify counsel el the disposition ofthe court in chambers this morning had they inade their appearance. He then speke el the Interest about falling due 011 Heading securrilcs, and remarked thatallthe payments ordered by the ceuit had lieen prev Meunl. Hxplanutlonsef the delays in clined wero made by counsel, but the only ene of any consequence vvaa that occa sioned by the death of James I". Gevveu, letiusel ler llie lecclvcrs. I.IMlSI.ATiri! MATTEIt.t. The llnii-e Heail Over Car In Werk What VV at Hene In llutli ItraiKliet Te-day. Haiiuisuuiie, Pa., March 21 The Heuso did mero business te-day than at any pre vious session this e,ii This improvement was due te the impeiative absence of talk. Ileii'K) bills vv.'ie passes f finally as follews: Regulating the publication and distribution. r jitiblle documents. '1 he blggest Hems ure Ihese: Phamphlet laws, 15,000; report of the huiK-riutendenl of public iustnictlen, 2l,tKWcijiie nhoenavs, 30,000,nrgricultural report, 31,000; Smull's hand-book, 25,00a Permitting defendants te testify lit crimi nal casts; providing that policies of lusur lusur raiice en bulldlncn et state uermil nchoels Iw held in tmst for rcparing and building the same ; autberiziug an auuicenal Judge hi North umberland, county. The SoiirIe pill te crcate an additional law judge lit Cliester county was jissed second reading. The Heuso bill te prevent the accru ing of the right of way by user aeress hinds belonging te universities ami college wanauicudert ou third reading, te Include semlii.iricn and wilusils. The liome amended the lire cscipe hill, requiring ropes and chains le Ikj provided in hotels, and manu factories, removing the ambiguities lu the act. The hill te niake tlie skindard weight et a (piart of milk two pounds vv.w under consid censid consid atieu when the Houi-e adjourned. i.v -im; ti;NAn: The Bullitt bill.rer the government el Phil adelphia was recommitted te glve a delega tion or Philadelphia councils an opportunity te opiieso tlie bill. The bill providing ler a commission le icv lse the mining and ven tilation laws was passed finally. The bill repealing the futhei supplement te au ai t of dividing cities Inte Ihree classes, and providing for the assessment mid collection el city ami school taxes was amendment en third reading te niake the salary el each assessor 5500, Instead of f 1,000. The congressional apportionment bill was agreed le en second leading, with tlie under standing tliat any auieiidinenUt might le ellered te-morrow. MO 111: XOMIXATIOXS. A Solid Vluldretv from thehtiite er5Iltiliiil. W.vbiUNcne.v, I). C, March 2k Among the nominations sent in by the picsideut to te dav were : ilenry L. Muldievv, of Mississippi, te be assistant secrcdiy ofthe interior. William J. Sparks, of Illinois, te ha com missioner general ofthe laud ofllce. Te be collectors of customs Francis B. Tor Ter icy, of Maine, distiictef Bath Jlalne; J. P. Donwetth, et Maine, district of Aroostook, Maine; Daniel McConvllle, of Ohie, te be auditor or the trc.isuty for the postefllco department. fruiccdlnt iu the bunale. At 12:10 the gallories were cleared and the deem closed. It is supposed the Well and La Abra tieatles wero then taken up, and In dications show that Morgan will eonisuine a large pirt of the day in speaking hi lav or of the treaty. luvcMlgallni: the SlUeuuduil or I'tiiiikjiviuim .Mllltiii. Wvslu.NiiTe.s, March 2k The 1 10.11. il of jnqniry toinvestlgaletho alleged chargosef misconduct against the members or the Pennsylvania volunteers, met heie lo le d.ij. Twe witnesses were examined, both lesideiits of Washington. They said the chaiges against tlie Fourteenth and Eighth regiments weie untitle; that the former Ictt the city bofero the alleged misconduct 00 cuiied, mid that the latter wi nut iuany way a patticiiiant. AdJ11tat1tG0ner.it Guthrie s.iid tlie only charges 110 nan seen weie mew con tained iu the nowspaiiers. Gianteil a Ilalieiiit Corpus llieriiic. HiiADlMi, Pa., March 2k The court this morning granted a habeas corpus hearing, te Sam'lG. Wenitch, a woalthycattle dealer ai Sinking Spung. He was arrested upeu a chmge of attempting te bilbe Peer Director Henry Sheai or, for tiie purpese or controll ing the election of certain elllchds at the county almshouse. The hearing will take place next Satuid.iy. A Mar) laud Dry C1101U .Vleiiluuit Algm. Ci:ntiu:villu, Mil., March 2I.-Joseph L. KUiett, dry goods, has uuide mi assignmeiit. Liabilities estimated at fU0,(Wi) ; asseks, fi),- 000. 1 1 The l.ilet Uullcthi or tirant' Cointlllen. Nkvv Y'eiik, March 2k Giant waiveiy restless the lln.1 p.ut of liLstfiilglit, but slejit pretty well the latter part. He s.ild this morn ing he felt very eomfeitablo, but very tiied. lilglit Sture lliillcllnc'i l)etrojeil, 'mki.nsV1i.i.i:, U I., March 2k Fire ou Bay street, Clinen, this morning destroyed eight stere buildings with nearly all their coutents. Less, ?50,000. ll.il 1 Ins Advatiiini; t ban fcahailur. Ut Li 111:11 r.v i), San Salviuler, March 2k Piesldentlkmies Istulvaiielug oil sail Salva Salva eor with lilleen theus-aud men. IfEATUEIt JXlllVATIOXa. Wahhimoien, March 2 1. Fer the Middle Atlautle slates, fulr, w'ariuer Woalher, oxcept In oxtiemo noithern poitlen, whero local snows will occur; southwesterly winds, falling barometer. Fer Wednesday, fair warmer weather is indicated for the Middle States. i t