THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCES, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1885. CRIME AKlt CAMVAhTi. f A ltunanay iu.y Arrested In Columbia Narrow Kxxpn FromSerleniAecldmit. Hegular Correnpendencn of lrriLtiaijccEH. Cet.uMniA, March laOn Monday, last, Oillccr Jehn fllllxTt received n description of 1'atrick Qulnn, aged 10 years, who ran away from his home in Heading en Monday morn ing. Yesterday morning the runaway whs naught in Columbia by the officer, and Ids father tolegraphod for. IIe camo.te town and the lad was rcturned te Reading en the 12:40 p. m. train. Patrick raid lie did net leave home for ill-treatment, but bocause h do de sired te sea the world outside of Reading. . On Tuesday morning upon entering the room in the Gem cigar manufactory, where he is employed, Carrie Rockwell found tlie lire in the steve nearly out Te renew it she placed several pieces of weed upon the dying embers, and upon them she wok pouring coal oil, when it suddenly ignited, and the flame which issued from the steve deer severely burned hcrface and hands. Mrs. F. X. Zcclhuber, wife of the grocer at Fourth and Union stroetn, v. lilie waiting en a customer yesterday, fell through u. trap deer behind tlie counter and Inte the cellar. She received injuries of a serious diameter. In Tnule Circle. lluslncRi is very dull lti Columbia, Even drummers complain about It, and say it is hardly worth tlie treuble It takes in coming te the borough. They seli but llttle and in some cases nothing at all. Merchants say business could nofpesslbly boduller and this is why they rofuse te lay In a heavy stock of spring goods. Rut geed times are coming and complaints will seen be at an end. The ofllce en the llrst fleer of the Keeley stove works at Maple and Second streets, has been removed te the inspecting, room. A large fire proof wall Is being built around the sale or vault in the cellar of the works. This is commendable, for all the valuable books and papers of the company are con fined in this sa te. Personal Felnl. About two hundred persons participated in a birthday surplse party lest evening, given te Mrs. KaufTman, residing en Fifth street. The lady received many beautiful present. A pleasant and cnjoyable snrprise rerty was given te Miss Ilattle Miller, nt her home en IjOcust strcet, ahove Fourth. About twenty ceuples were- present Ms. V. llnrdinan and wifu left for Atlantic city, yesterday. Alisses Mezio and Oertv lleyd are visiting in Philadelphia. All Aruiiml tlie Town.. Orien ledge, Ne. 870, I. O. O. F., hugely enjoyed the beautiful pound cake, presented by several members, last evening. It was as fine in taste as it was in appearance, and re-' fleets cream upon its manor, .Martin ninuu. Soverel appropriate Odd Fellows designs were Iced upon the cake, as was also the names of several members of the ledge Troes In front of private residences, busi ness places, and in fact overywhero, are be ing doceratod, with cards announcing that Be-and-spisa candldate for a certain county office. Tlie read committee of councils would de a wise act in repairing the gutter crossing at Fifth and Hridge streets. Snow foil in Columbia this morning te the depth of y, Inches. Market was one of tlie smallest this morn ing held in Columbia this year. xr. jrevn sick at Ay. Physicians Differ en tlieQuettleii Whether IIe I Unwell Kneugh te Need Letlce Ueneflt. The Mount Jey Star ami -Vetra relates u case in that borough where physicians were radically opposed in their diagnosis or the casoef a presumable invalid. Hlx years age Frank .Oarpenter, sr., was hurt at the Mt Jey "steam mill, and has been walking en the street with a crutch ever since. IIe was a member of the Odd Fellows and Knight of I'ythlas, and the benefits derived from that source were sufficient te support iiim and Ids family for the lest six years. Doubts arising as te Mr Carpenter's indis position, the Knights of Pythias secured Drs. Zlegler, of Mt. Jey, and Davis and Welchans, of Lancaster, te make an examination. They presented a written report that they found no organic disease or Injury at all. only that he was a llttle weak from long inactivity and from excessive use of tobacco and chloral. Tlie Knights therefore discontinued the weekly dues. The Odd Fellows, howevcr, were net satis fied with the above dlagnosis.They employed two physicians of Columbia, Drs. Armer and Tayler, and they gave him another examina tion and pronounced lilm a complete physi cal wreck with a spinal lesion, being abso lutely unable te walk any dlstance erect without support. Under the direction of the Odd Fellows, Carpenter was a few weeks afterwards taken te the University at Philadelphia, and Dr. Ashhnrst, prolesser en surgery, examined him and found no spinal lesion or slightest eviuonce of injury for him te treat, and tben turned him ever te Dr. Weed, professor en nervous diseases ; he was kept under his care three weeks and he was unable te find anything ailing him that required treatment, and lest week lie was sent home a well man. He has slnce been seen repeatedly walking the street, erect and at a fair gait, carrying a cane in ene hand, but no crutch In the ether. reREia.x imms turn vf. An Estate that Seem te Have lleen Escheated or Settled Toe Previously. In the summer of 18S3 Jeseph Steiner, a German, died at Knullinan's hotel, en the Ilarrisburg turnpike, fetid it was pet kne'wn thet he had any relatives.' 'J.' B. 'Kauffman, of this city, became the administrator of the estate, the appraised value of which was ever $1,000. Seme time after the death of Steiner, Tlies. B. Helehan, esq., notified Qovemor Pattlsen that deceased had no relatives. The matter was referred te the auditor general, and that official appointed Charles J. Lan dis deputy escheater, 'te ascertain whether there were any relatives. He directed his precept te the1 sheriff and twenty-fenr men, "geed arid true," were empanelled te hear testimony. Frem all the testimony presented at that time It appeared that Steiner did net have any relatives, and It was se certified by the deputy 'escheater te .the, auditor generai. Under the law the Infermer is entitled te one third of an escheated estate, and Mr. Hola Hela ban was paid something ever three hundred dollars, upon his giving bend 'te refund the same, if any bleed relations turned up. The German consul at Philadelphia was informed of Steiner's death, and he made injuries as te whether Hteiner had any rel atives in Germany. Recently he received Information that Stelner had a brether living in Germany, and he consulted his counsel, Stephen S. lleuiak, esq., in "rcference te securing the estate of docedeut for his brother in Germany. Mr. Remak has been in corrcspendenco with Jehn A. Ceyle, esq., of this city, hi ror rer ror erence te this matter, and this morning Mr. Keinak was hi the .city, J and '.with Mr. Ceyle, filed a travcrse te the lnqusltien find ing that Steincr died leaving no relatives. The commonwealth will new fllea ropllca repllca ropllca catien, after which au issue will be framed te determlne whether the man in Germany claiming the estate is the brether et defend ant If he proves his relationship Mr. Hol Hel Hol lehan will be required te hand back the amount received by him as informer. This case is something new in the practice et Lan caster attorneys and the outcemo will be watched with a great deal of interest. March Argument Court. Thoceui t was cugaged all Woduesday after noon in hearing argument in cases en the orphans' court list. In the estate of Andreas Gels, deceased, the oxeceptlous te the auditor's report wero withdrawn and the reimrt centinued: In the estate of Frauds II. Gretr, the ex ceptions te tlioceiillrmation of sal e were sus tained and the sale was set aside. In the estate of Jehn Dcrr, deceased, the exceptions te the administrator's account were withdrawn. Ames Kurtj; j pf Upper Eoaceek; twos ap pointed guardian of the miner children ,of Jehn Horstlate Of Upper lcaceck town ship. Jehn 11. Heusor, of West I.mnpcter, was appointed guardian of the miner child of (leorge Freelich, late 'or Strasburg town- The court comiuencod Jiearlug argument of rases en the quarter sessions list tills morn ing. St. Jeseph' Day. Te-day U St Jeseph's Day. According te popular tradition it is the day upon which the birds cheese their mates. Special sorvicea were held in honor of the day In the three Cat hoi ie churches of the city and at SI. J oseph's hospital. Til J! ALLVR1XO BVDA WATER. Preparing fur It Manufacture During the Heated Reason That 1 Coming. The first of April Is a field day for the sale of soda water, and every dealer Is Wtklijg'clahortte preparations for the season iwhlclf begins then and fends in Novembor.or later, If the weather Is mild. A ropresontatlvo of the Intklmeiinckii called at a drug stere en West King street yosterday and became Interested in the erec tien of a fountain,,' , p xi ,. metal ornaments, which made them leek as dear as ft mirror.' , , , I ,"It is tedious -work te mount soda foun tains," said the 'gentleman; whose patience was well nigh exhausted In attempting toget caught the fine thread en the great spigot, " and I assure you the profits of soda at flve cents a glass will net II pure syrups are used much mero than pay for this treuble ; then thore 1 great rlskef llfe n round this inlernal machine." The thread at lest was found and after se'- oral revolutions the part arrived in its place. "Pangoreus? Well. thorp Wncarbeuieacid gas prossure of 180 ' pounds square inch, and through careless eperating it is liable; te oxnledo. Soveral vears aire in Har- rlsburg two young clerks wero severely hurt, having been burned by the flying acid du ring the explosion. Iiore are copper genera tors which, in a measure avert such disaster, but there is no oxcuse for carolessnoss." The cleric hoped for n geed demand for soda water the coming season, if the skating rink patrenage held out The young man who takes Ids " host girl " te the rink will find It hard te resist the cooling invitation from 'the soda water' font, when spring weather once fairly sets in TUB CUF.AV OPERA. "I'atlcnce" Snug With Nucress te a Large Audience Ijt Krenlng. ' Thelntercsl InMlie company jtew. perform ing 'at the opera .hous'e Is uliabatedj and, although the audlence was small at" yester day's matinee, In the evening the house was again crowded, These. present included the best known patrons of atriusementrf of the city. At Iteth performances the opera "Patience" was given with success. The singing was probably the best yet heard from the company. Frank Dcsheii, who by .tlie way has made himself qulte n favorite here, took the charac ter of Jlnnfiernrand his' acting and singing were marked by the same cleverness that he displavcd In tlie ethor character, In which he has been seen and heard, ne was well supported by R. S. Nodlne, jr., as Oro.tueior. Miss Sltutuan was a neat llttle iVifi'eicc. and Miss Carter a stntelv I.mlu Jane. The latter and Miss Dcsheii made a great hit In their duet, being recalled iieless.than four times. Jftie uragoens wereweaic ny iiumuers inn strong lu voice. The 'party 'of maidens was very thin, there being no mero than a hall dozen In it at any time. The company needs fomale recruits. This evening the company appears in "Glrolle-Glrolla," which has net been sungliore for long time. 1'rctentatlen te l'est 405. At the meeting of Admiral Reynolds Pest 403, last evening, Comrade W. F. Hanibright en behalf of Mrs. McGlnnis, widow of the late Comrade Andrew McGinnls, presented the lKst with u lcautirul picture cntitled "Missing." It roprescntsa dead soldier, who has fallen In battle In the witdorecss, but whose fate belng unknown te his comrades, was reported missing. The thanks of the pest were voted te Mrs. McGinnls. Alter the close of the regular business of the pest the lieys Indulged In u mum seciable. A Yerker Iidured NearMnrlettn. Frem the Yerk Dally Yosterday afternoon as Lewis Kemrrcrnud James llaruhart, aged ulxmt eighteen years rejldingjin Yerk, en East Baptist um-iiud, wero walking along the railroad near Mari etta, the former was struck in the hand and ankle by the pieces of a signal cap which was exploded by a losing engine. Twe of his fingers were cut and his ankle se badly cut and bruised that he was unable te walk. His wounds were dressed in Marietta mid he was sent te Yerk en the 'J o'clock train last evening. The Weight or Leral Mall. The welghhers, who for a month past have lcen daily weighing the mails carried en the Quarryvllle railroad, have finished their labors aud make the following report of the result: Frem the 11th of February te the 10th of-March the total weight of malls re ceived in this city per Quarryvllle lead was 0,073 pounds. The wcigiit of 'mail sent was 9,117 pounds. ' -- r - I'ctty Theft. Themas Keller, a stranger, stele a basket from in front efDunn'sDOcent store en Wed nesday afternoon. He was seen, followed and arrested ny Ollluer vWcaver.' The man .was under the Inlluence of liquor and Mr." Dunn would net make a complaint ter larceny. He was committed for a short term by the mayor this morning. The Lnte Mn. (latella Perter. Ga7c)la Perter, of Mount Nebo, died en the 15th instant . She was bem October IS 1803, in the heuse wherein he died. Deceased was the widow" of Albert Perter, who died some years age, and had long lived with her brothers. The funeral servlces took place en Tuesday, The Het drain .Market. Kiem the West Chenler Lecal Npwh. Jeseph 0. Walker has Just ceuiplelnd the erection of a new elevator at thin Gap, Iin caster county, which is said te be the best grain market along the line of the Fenniyl vauia railroad in Eastern I'cnnsylvaniiu Opened nn Otttee. The Fert Scott Daily Monitor, eT the 13th instant; records that Messrs. Darlington it Butler, have opened a real estate and lean oflice in that city. Tlie Monitor says : " It is gratifying te bid them a hearty welcome te our city nnd wish them success." , : Reduction of Wage. The Marietti Hellew Ware company has reduced the wages of its empleyes 10 percent It is said that the cause of this is dull times, occasioned by tlie attempt of ether manufac tories of a similar kind te form a peel against the one in Marietta te close It up. At the Station Heuse. Three drunks and twolve vagrants were the inmates of the station heuse last night Twe drunks paid costs, ene was committed and the ledgers, wero discharged. s (Tye gas -and six gasoline lights were re ported us net burning en 'Wednesday night Nearlug Completion. The creamery which Is "being built by Carter & Rakcstraw, en the banks of Octoraro creek, near Christiana, is rapidly Hearing completion. The Cngine te be placed in it is nearly finished at the works of the Chrisllana Maclune company. Appointed Teller. Charles Konlghin'acher has been appointed a teller In the Ephrata National bank. Victim et The Floed. Great damage lias been deiwa by-the oyer eyer oyer flew resulting from -the ice Wrge at Wnverly.' ''Mb., and that several lives have been lest'' A roller party, which left Marshall In a skill' with previsions te rellove the distress, found a woman en a hill, whero slit had been two day and nights without slielter. A family was rescued from the second story of a heuse, after being two days without feed W. J. Whlte and his affianced. Bertha Rey nolds, attempted te cress Cedar creek, at Falrtneunt, Minnesota, en Tuesday night in a wagon, but were swept down by the cur rent and drowned. A Leng Walt for a Slclgli'lllde. Ill 1300 a prominent Democrat tif Wurts Wurts Wurts bere, N Y., took a cutter te the yillage black smith shop te have runners put en it. When he learned after election that .Lincoln was elected president he changed' Ids .'mind, nnd 'requested the proprietor te store the cutter away until he called for it The owner of the shop forget all about It until u few days age the Demecrat put in an appearance, and ordered the Jeb te be coin Dieted. Thocittter , was brought out in a dusty and dilapidated eonuiueii iuiu iiuuu uii, nuu us oilier new calls it a Clevelund cutter. Cel. lleckwell te he Suspended. f CeL Rockwell, ene of Presiding Garfield's chums. .will'' seen be suspended as'.sutierhi- tendent efi public gardens Kandi grounds. & 4V.uv.. w.v.u.aa.u .itv.a llia MIU llU.b superintendent shall attend stiictly te the business of his dejiartment, and cease officiat ing at White Heuso receptions as aid te the mursbal of the district 1. '. Preparatory, te 'placing me part in position' the aflable cleric was "dexterously- applying tlie chamois skin te the silver faucets and Free .Soup. , There wero .121 rations of soup gltreh out this morning. Amusement. , The MrCtiull JVirw. The event of thAHftiunti 'lit the opera Hup, tjill be, the nppearatjre here neil .iienuay mgni.ei Mct,nuiisepera company In " Patience.'. The party Includes tucV.axcel. lent artist as Mnry Heebc, Kote I.clghten, Digby Dell, I.aura Jnyce and ether. They are new playing at thn Philadelphia theatre te ImmDnse business. They will bring Ihelr nwnnrchritm, nnd Lam-otter peeple will be glad te hear that. I f there is net a ruth for reserved seats It will he because the people of nnr city de tint care teheiir n line company. ' ( .MAKKKTS. Philadelphia Market l'HiLADKLriiiA, March 1'J. flour inarktt but nlendv i Snnerflne. M 60W2H7 tKxtrm. I 3H)i l'enn'a. famllv. HCJkeTi Winter clear U tj i ue siruignis, n ugi ie I mnn. exuneiear, tl 00Q1 bej de straights, HMfS out winter pat efiti, M liS 25 1 spring de, $i 0001 75. Kye (lour at it W3 !2)(. -wheat market qnletbut steady; Ne. 3 Wen tern lied, (ViKQSGat Ne. 8 de, at te Ne, 1 Pa. de, tOKe ) Ne. 2 Delaware, de. 91e. Cern market It nn but quiet s stenmer 40)(t49c( Ne. S yellew and mixed, 4flKV)0 No.iSde, ITQtSc. Oats dull nnd steady Ne. 1 White, SSKe i Ne. 1 an, at .V.)fT7e ! Ne. 3 de, KtiXe ; re jected, 31kQV I Ne. 2 IlllXOd, 35a35)Jc. Ilyeiiulftat 70c. , Hredn Clevor dull at 7k8Ke i Timethy dull at II (O0I.V riaxxccd lit il W &1. Winter bran II mint tl7fiOQIs. ! Previsions baiely steady, and unlet t mess erk, 113 R0Q14 1 Iteef bams, ttl )Qi2 t city mets cef, 113 SO. Bacen: SitSWc : Hmoked Bhoutders. CVie: .. .. ...... 'll .. .AY . k. ... .". salt de, KiQWe; smoked hams 1K811HC tiVmui pickled de, ttjioiec, tard unlet i city refined, at 7Mst8e t loose liei i el butchers', 6XtWc prime steam, 17 a1 30. . Butter tnarkat dull and prices hcaVy t Creamery extras, OQ'Oe 11. V. and N. Y. dO,2ia i'3 1 Western dairy extras, 23e dd geed 1 te choice, lSQliic. ' . Uells at HQllct packing butter, 7(1100. , rv Kggs linn nnd fairly netlve ; Extru, l'liO Wc. Cliccse unlet and easy ; New Yerk Full Cream, 12tf4c sOhle Flats, cholce, HailUe de lair tn prime,! mjiu4c ; renn'ivpari isunis, m ec ; ue iiiiiuti, 110.1c. i, H ,1 4r retreleum dull ; Heftned, "Ke. J WhlskvnrmerattlSO New Yerk Market. NBwYeBK.llarch PLFinn r 8 tale nnd Western unlet mid iinclmnged In prlce ; low grades held nrin. nniiineni easy Wheat IriMtc hlirhi lc hlghernnd firm, wllhless delns Ne. 1 While, nominal ; Ne. 2 lted, Aprlli Wi($ flRSUc: May, WJQWttic; June, W.9c; .luly,Wl$6'A.V". Cum U.i)p. lilifher. with moderate business t Mixed western spot, taasic; de future, WftQ "a ... Uuts !(ic higher ; Ne. 2 Apill.Sct "May, 3i837c; blnte, 3sg(lc; Western, 30lue. Stock Market. guotutlens by Itced, Mcdranu A de, U&nkert, Ijinc-uiler, l'n. ' II A.M. 11 M. it. X. MlHjeiuI Pacllle. Mlchluan Central mii't h New Yerk Central ,. K)M ft, n New Jersey Central...,, , Ohie Central Del. Lack. A. estcrn .... Denver & Kledrunde Krle Kansas A Texas IjikoHhero ,... Uhlcagn ft N. W com N. N Ont. A Western Ht. Paul A Omaha Pad He Mall Rochester Pittsburg ... Ht. l'anl Texas Tactile Union Pacific..... Wabash Common.. Wabash Preferred West'n Union Telegraph. Louisville A Nashville ... N. Y., Chi. ft 8t. I iAihlgh Valley.. .. Lehigh Navigation . . 1'ennsylvanlH Heading l'.T. Alluirale Northern l'clflc Cem... Northern l'acllle l'ref... IlestenTllle Phlladnlphlaft Kile Northern Central. Underground Canada Southern en People's I'asxenger JurskV Central 3 Philadelphia. Quotations by Associated Press. Stocks steady Philadelphia ft Klin 11. II Heading ICalliead Pennsylvania llallruud Lehigh Valley Kallread United Companies et New Jency ... .(...' Northern I'ucine,... Northern l'acltle Preferred Northern Central Hailread Lehigh Navigation Company v NorrTstewn Itahreud CentnilTninspoitatlen Cmnpany....,,, M llutTale. New Yerk ft Phlladelnhla 2 Lltllngchuvlklll ltallread.... Vy, New Yerk. Quotations by Associated Press. 'Stocks nrthe and steady. Meney easy at lc New Yerk Central i. ,.',.. n$f Erie ltallread l4j Adams Kx press ,ti Michigan Central llnllread i u Michigan Southern ltallread i. MK Illinois Central Itullreud WJl Clerclandft Pittsburg ltallread 1W Chlcngeft Heck Island Hailread..; 11; Plttsbmgft Fert Wayne Ital rnad ,iss Western Union Telegraph Ceiuiiany ,.i &7) Teledo A Wabash .........:..., 1J New Jersey Central 30 New Yerk Ontario A Western lul It E ATI IS. hTAUW'KK, In Lnndlsvlllc, Lancaster county, Pa., en March 17, 1S3, Mrs. Kllzaheth BtanlTer, In ihH'lthyeiiref her age. The lclatlres and fi lends are lespccttllly in vited te attend the funeral, from the residence et hi'rtjeii-ln.latf, C. II. Ncwcoinber, en Friday ineinlng, March .20, at 10 o'clock. Services at the Landlsvllle meeting house. nu lUuntimiiT. .t Hiinhur)', Pa., en March is, 1n. Mrs. Cathatlnc, lelletef the late Capt. W A. Ilambrlght, In the 7'M yenrqrhcruge. Hericlallvesand friends are ivsrwictfiilly In vited te attend the Itinera), from" her late residence, Nn. 321 Seuth Queen street, eh to morrow (Friday) nrternoetr nts o'clock. Inter ment nt Woodward Hill cemetery. ltd A-j;ir a n ri:itfikEMkl(Ta. v DIOR REST. X; A Twe-Story IIKIUK HOUSE, with seven rooms and hall, en Knst Ficdcrlek street. Call en CKO. MIULMYKH, It Ne. en North QnccnStrrct. FOR RENT. 'TI7 Tlie IlUll'K DWELLING HOUSE Ne. 400 Neith Oneen Htieet.ll rooms, lias, Hunge, Het nnd Celd Water, Jlath, bewcr Conneetlnus, Fruit. Alse llrick Stable for two horses. Alse Mr. Jehn rt. Hehrefs private llrst class IIHK.K STAULKnnd Can luge Heuse (stabling lnurhnres), has Water and (ias In building, nnd Includes the adjoining hostler's bilck lodging house, with three rooms, situate en West Lemen street, ami tn rear of Mr. Herner's residence. Apply te IIAU8MAN ft IIUUNS. Heal Estate Agents, iiilfi-dtldlt Ne. 10 West Orange street. 1011 SALE. . Fer Sale Cheap. ONE 25-Herse Power Engine, with New llellvr and meant Puinp, all com plete. Price, 760. One 10-Herse Power, Engine And Beiler, complete. iPIUCK, 91H. TWO Ten-Herse Power Engines, without Hellers, S27Beach. One 16-Herse Power Engine and Beiler, neatly new, Canten Monitor inaWu. PUICE, K30. A LI. (I UA It A .WEED. Twe Cylinder Boilers, M feet long, 30 inches In uiaineier, in goon eruer, DUO EACH. , Pit ICK, B -XIAO, THE-? Poerloaa Portable and Traction Bn Bn glnes and Oeiser'B Separators. ALSO, IK-HOUSE l'OWBIt ' Engines and Boilers) New. PHICE, WHO. Call and gee them, craddrcsall . i j "J " 5 -Ezra F. Landis, Ne. M7 NOHTH ClIKltltY 8TUEET, mlMincedftw Lancaster, l'u. LSI k' fldlet r.u ia iui 11 I'lL rt "'9 1"K lKK '17K M'l DiW tHp, )i t si" ii" 57 lH Mt? a" ti f t.t s4 iik wk mi S7J2 3V, '31 30 . &7U &7' MK ". i 0 UVA MW 63i S 3-KI iii S $i 1J)J i$, v. 'IH 3ll ' .' , KXW AUmRtWEMESTH. ONK TRIAL OF" MILLER'S PURK llOItAX SOAP will convince, every person that It U net only the llcst but the Cheapest, matl-flmd iU: IiAR0KS,ir"iiKHT'4ANI) MOST comptete assortment of Playing Cards, In the city from 8 cents per pack up nt IIARTMAN'StYKl.I.OW FltONT ClOAU . HTOIIK. SLATE WORKS. AllpersenswIshlngMAltlll.KI.KnHbATK MANTKLS.ernny ether MMe Werk, will de well by calling nt our works er.send Ter our lllustia lllustia ted catalogue. ' i -' 1'ltANK.IAefHON.tlllIO., a Cerner front and Locust Ht., Columbia, l's7" ninrS-Smds ttfi fkViWORTHOFMILLINERY pXvf fJJJ Qoeds te bn sold nt a very heavy reduction, en Recount of rnmeval te nnr new store, no North (Juccn street, (Strains' Old Stand.) NEW YOKK AND PAItlS UII.MNKUV CO., JanB-Ud 22 West King nt., Lancaster, l'u. PENNA. CIGARS FROM ULO0 PER Hundred up, at IIAKTMAN'S YBLLOW KONT CIUAH WTOHK. T O OUR CUSTOMERS VNDTHEPUH- I.IC. -T1IK- S1N0ER SBWINO MACHINE OFFICE, Will be removed en the 1'IltST DAY OK AritIL, 1S85, froniNe.28 Knst Klnif htieet, te the morn commodious and convenient onion, Ne. 1MKAHT KINO HTHKKT, where we ulll bn rucaseu in nil an nruers ler uie .eauing iienu ne Hln cer Hewing Machine. . TllksINOKR MANUFATLtltl.NO CO., (febZS-lrnd A. J. M1TCIIKLL, Agent. REDUCTION IN OVERCOATS. In order te reduce our large stock nt Fur Beavers, Meltons, Kerseys nnd Corkscrews for Overceatings, I will, for the next CO days, make unto your order, In first-class style, ni greatly reduced prices. All garments are gnanmicuA te flti perfect and only the liest quality ,oftfhn ,eftfhn mlngs are used. " A. II. ItOHKNSTKIN, rinn Tiillnrlng. rM North Queen street, opposite the l'osteirtco. m24-emdu "DOSITIVK IUni,K' SAl.K OK I'KR. X s SONAL EFFECTS. JOHNS. UOIIHKIt will sell at his iCHldcnce. Ne. 402Nerth Queen street, Lancaster, HATI'lt DAY and MONIIAY, MAHCII a) A W), Ills entire IIOUSKIIOI.IXJtMlDH. Catalogue ulth full de de serlptlen will be ready ubnut 21st, mid will be dlltrlbuted ercan be hnd by application at thu nheve address. Personal lntpeetleii of the goods before days el sale Invited. This sale will In elude a Large Number of Choice, Valuable and Dtstruble Articles. Catalogues can be had en und after Friday, Mai eh 2". marin-ttd FNB" Havana Fillers aed Sumatra Wrappers. IN LAHUB Olt SMALL QUANTITIES. Al.0 Old Havana Soed Leaf Constantly nn hand at moderate lirlees' LEWIS bYLVESTLH A CO., Dukeund Chestnut Streets, Lnucaitei martlmWAS TSiiampaeni:. BOUCHE "SEC." THE FINEST CHA.MPAO.SK W INK SOW 1MPOHTE1I. ATHEIOAHT'S OLD WINE STOKE, Ne. 21 East Klnn StniKT. II. E.SLAYMAKKIt, Agl. GsUblUhed, 1785. fubl7 tld AFTER ALL OTHKHS P'AlL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, NO. 319 North Fifteenth street, below Ciillewhlll street, Philadelphia. Cures nil Secret l)lcnfces el both sexes. Twenty Years Experience. Cen sulfatien by mill. NEHVOUS A.VI1 M'h( I At, DISEASES. New book Just nut. Send ler It Price sec. Hours-11 till S, nnd 7 te If) p m febaviydftw T ANCASTKU CORK A'ORK.S. XJ DISSOLUTION OF P AHTNEHSIIIP Ne tice Is hereby given that the sirtnershlp liereto lierete liereto fero existing between O. V. Dedge aud II. (i. Dedge, lu thnbuslncss of maiiufarturiiig eniks, under the firm name of O. . Dndge A Sen, U dissolved. The business In thn Intuit- will he carried en by II. II. Dedge, who solicits n contin uance of the generous patienage herttefni,' extended tn the Una. (I. W. DODOE, ;mlG-3tdced It. (i, DODilE. C aijj'at rkieaut's "dlii) wTnk STOKE -FOIt- LISTON'H EXTRACT OF MKKF. FIS1C1T IS TDK MOULD, Established, 173.1. II. E.SI.Ai MAKEIt, Agt.. lebK-tld Nn. 2) Eat King St. mOTOHACCO nUYKHSAND I'AL'KKRa Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Sample Tags, ALL STYI.EiSartd QUALITY et t AIMHIOAHD STRING TAGS, And all kinds of 1'HIN'ILVU u-ed by Leaf In bacce Dealers, executed lu the BEST STYLE and at the LOWEST PRICES. Call nnd co etir samples. promptly attended te. Oidt is by mull STEIJiMAN & HENSEL, 1NTELLIOENCEH llnlldliig, . Lancaster, Pa ma-tfd LACF. CURTAINS, Te Clese Out. LACE CURTAINS 2 Pair White, at 1.23; wcicl 1.71apair. 1 " " 75; " l.M " 1 " " !W: ' 1.73 K " Cream, at.. 73 j " i.w 1 " ' 2.60; " tW) " 1 " " 2.75; " 1( " 3 ' " 1.75; " 2JI0 " 3 " White, at 3.e; " seu " 4 " " SOU; " flim " 3 " " .(); " Him :t " 3.l); " " 4 " Cream, nt 2..V); ' 3.50 " li " CrcamSwIss All- pibitie nui; " nm 0 " " H.UI; " 12.011 " 3 " " 10.0O; " 15(0 " 3 " ' 13.50; '.si () Three, 3X and yard long. Poles for lee. Elegant for 50c. up te fl&ti apii-ce. Wall Paper in Great Variety eT Every Description. FANCY and PLAIN WINDOW SHADING ler all Styles of Windows. PIAEES W. PRY, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER PA. T HIS PAPER IS PRINTED J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK, Ftiriefint Ink Works, 26th aed l'enn'a. Avenue lant-lyd PHILADELPHIA, PA. LEO AT. NOTICES. ESTATE OF FREDERICK PEl'SC'II, late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary nn aaldestutu haviugheeii granted te the undersigned, uii persons Indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment and these having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent will make the h.iiihi known te him without delay. t'KANK PEEIEVEH. Executer. 11. C. Kamny, Attorney. ml3;tdeaw ESTATE OF PHILIP CHRISTIAN ltannluger, lata of Lancaster city, dee'd. Lettero testamentary nn said estate having been granted 'te the undersigned, all poisons In debted thereto are requested tomake Immediate payment, und these having claims or demands against the same, will present them Itheut de lay for settlement te the undersigned, residing In Lancaster city. ' IIEKKY U. SIIUEINEIt, Executer. II. C. OacBiRR, Attorney. fobSHUdTli-eiiw ESTATE OF JACOB RURKHOLDER, late of West Lamiictertewnshln. deceased. Letters of adnflnlstratlen en said estate bavli us- been granted te the undersigned, all licrsetis ., qcoicuiauivieurureuiiesicuioiuakeiiiimeuiaiD ai payment, and these having claims or demands iiujiuii it,, nuu tuuw iu.t miu iitiima ui t,i:iiiiiiiv(-, iiirulnst the same, will mesent them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, icsid. Ing (n West .Lampeter township. JOHN CHHISTIAN LEPEVElt.JU., Admlnlstiaters. II. CABrixTKB, Att'y, in-3tdeawWA3tw Ar.;r Anrr.RTtHEMESTs. HAPPY THOUGHT AND Tobaccos eulv " BTOKK. REHECCA T CIUAK PALM TOILET SOAP, .... WITH A Special I.lnoefgowl quality t.ew-1'rlced Seap, IIUllLKY'S DUIUI STOIIK, n West King Sttect. ROSCOE MURPHY, V. V.H., ORAMMTK OF The l'MinsjIvanla College or Denial Uurgery, with Dlt. II. I). KNKlllT, . .131 North tjuecn street, Lnnraster, l'a. Dentistry In all lis branches. marll-7td.tWAS3ind CHAPPED HANDS AND AFFECTIONS of the, skin ne ven bother these whnnsn MILLEH'S PUHE IIOItAX SOAP, limrT-fimd LANUAHTHIt WAS KJRHT OAMiEI) Illoknrytewn when settled Jit 17IS. lust 1BJ yenrHliefoi'e the advent of .iiii,i,r.ii l'uur; iimr7.nul no IHAXbOAP. TONT KAlIi TO TRY TIIK CIGARS. XJ Twe for fie, thn best In the town for thn money, at HAHTMAN'3 1KI.I.OW FUONT CIUAH STOKK. IS "iJsiH) IN MANY MKDI- 30RAX X C1NEH '.H and In all Hkln llcullnir Prenarn- liens, but in nnthlner mere nrefltidilv than In MILLEH'S IM'KK IIOKAX SOAP. mnrt-fimd GiIjASS SLIPPERS HAVE REEN IN T trisluced In Venice, but they won't be be be coine popular here until tlie Inst art of darning stockings Is levlved. Use .MILLEU'.S HOHAX hOAP for washing these darn'd stockings. mar'-Cmd T710R RENT " H At Ne. NOHTH DUKE STHEET, Twe Law eniees; n basement 10 by 33 feet, well lighted, heated by furnace, water, etc. Alse Larga Hall suited for Halls, Pairs nnd Conven Cenven Conven tteinvon easy terms. inll-2t II. PHANK KSIILEMAN. iVn Li VIC L yT AN 1) ' SEND YOUR l ' Clothing te " ItALIMI SIMON, THE LONDON CLOTHINO HE.NOVATOH, Ne. 1W North Duke street, dents' Clothing, Ladles' Hncuues, I Inters, lllan kels, Ac, rennnated In the lest manner. The only ltene wiling Weiks Intlicclty. tnlfi-2t M" ONIlV MNTEI). Security will be Urst Morlgage en Heal Estate worth twoerthree times the amount of the lean. Apply te HA t MM AN A Itt'lt.NS, Itiid Estate Agents, nil.VJtli Ne. 10 West Orange Street. REMOVAL. DH. A.d.HEHH Ilasicineved bis olllce from Heulhucst corner Prliice anil Chestnut streets, te his new resi dence, seuthncKt coiner Orange and Mulberry Htrtels. febwimd T HE SALES OF MILLER'S UORAX nnd Other ((Mm last rear amnnnte.i tn One 11 III Ien. Pour Hundred und Seventy-four Theu, sand, hlx Hundred Pounds. Ihls year vtocx vtecx iwrt te greatly overrun that nuinlier by the fast Inert using naif of MILI.EH'H PCHE1IOHA.V SOAP. liiaiTCuid R ED SEAL BRAND CORN AND TO. MATOKSlw a Can,. ' Cans fer25e. Oranti lated Sugar, C)(c. v.. ted sugi let-ted C lust received B.2s0 .s. e seleetfd Ceifee i hate same roasted dally. 1 i: i, !, s ami 35 cents per peuna. CLAIM K'rt TEA AND COPPEE STOHE. Ne. 38 West King Street T HE"ACM1V Flftien cents font lanre cake, or tue cakes for 23 cents Is.the price of " ACME " Transparent OlyecrliinSnnp. Contains 30per cent. Olycerlne and Is the soap for the bath, fmperted and Do De mestic Se ips(PCHE) nlMays en linndut Lencst Prices at OOOHRAN'B DRUG STORE, Nes. 1T7 AND IT1 NOHTH QUEEN HTHEKT, deeJCind Lancaster, Pa. pROMIT AND I'AREFUL ATTENTION OIVC T n Till: I'KIXTIKO OK PAPER BOOKS. Our tyi1 being new nnd the paper first-class luikliiiu (mi ran glvuentlln -atlifsctlen, I'roof I'reof I'roef nsullngeurf fullj done. STEINMAN fc HENSEL, lll'llfd ISTKLLKIKXCEK OltlCC. ClONSUMITION 1 HAVE A POSITIVE I rriuedy for the nbete disease : by Its use hniiMiiids of ces of the nht kind nud of long tanillng have been cured. Indeed, se strong Is my fulJttn ttseltlcney that I Hill send TWO HOl-rWRS PHEE, together w itb a valuable trea Use en this disease te any surfercr. (live ex ptfss aud P. e. luMicsi. Hit. T. A. SI.OCUM, iiM-r.iiideetlARmw Isl lVail St., N. Y. T7IOR THE BUST BARQAINS EVER AJ eireied ill I.aiicaile rtti Lndles' and Oent'M nimisiiiiig lineus, tJUl't) HECHTOLD'ri. All Full and Winter (Joeds closing out with out legnnl te cost. New Is your time te save mnuey Please eall and examine goods and learn pilces before yeulmy. Ne treuble te show goods 4 HEN ICY IIECH'IOLD, Ne.. 12 North Queen Street. P.h. ChiilcollulldlngLntsen Charlette, Marj' aud Ifazel streets forcale. ULASXWARE. II 1 11 II A- MARTIN. Queensware CHINAHALL HOUSLKEEPEHS LOOK TO YOUH 1NTEUEST. -A LINE OF- White Granite and Decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, AT LOWEST PRICES. Our waies arc carefully selected. Ne Ooeds inlsrepieaentfd. We exchange nny nrtlcies net satisfactory. High & Martin, ' NO. 16 EAST KING STREET, I.ANCASTEH, PA. OlttWERlES. AT BURSK'S. a,S0i TWO-POUND CANS Ml & Seil's TOMATOES. " CHEAPEST ON KAKTJI. ONLY FIVE CENTS A CAN- Fieb (ioeds of KS1 paeklng, and every Can guaranteed. Give them a trial. The packers' less w ill be your gain. We make n small profit. PntTpa I IViflen 1 Why the people coine fiem all WUJ. wuet8CClloseftnoct.. Illld county around te us for Cottee, and why! Uecause we give the in leal uiluc. We buy geed, sound, clean CnP.ce and have It flesh-rousted almost dally. A I. n r. ... A t... ' niwi it vs jjiuniii My niuil iumT, Sparkling Drips ! Jl that ue sell, tlees llkeh What Is It 7 Whytliatele rant llght-coleied Syrup (i het cakes at ill cents u quart, .lust lecelvcd another let et ii lilils.,er 1,'j.Vlgallnnb, BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. P. S. Alse, thn above goods sold nt eurbnincb, corner Chctnut and Miuy streets. Until stetvs connected by telephone. Heeds delivered te all parts et the city. llOVSEEURNISIltNU OOODS. T HP. CHEAPEST PLACE TO HUY AT T I LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Geal Oil Lamps atui Gas Fixtures, Ne. 24 Houth Queeu Street, febSMyd LANCASTEH, PA. iininil'seN's, AMVaEMESTH. JpULTON OPERA HOUSE. -ONEAYKKK,- 00MMLNC1NQ ON JIONDAT, MARCH 10th, 1885. Mat Inces Wednesday and Saturday, nt 2.50. , Just what the public want First-class Comle Opera nt the People's Popular Prices. ADMISSION, 10 and 20 OENTS. HE.HEUVED SKATS lOe EXTHA. Fer sale nt Opera Heuse, new open. HARRIS COMIC OPERA COMPANY. HEl'EHTOIHE t Monday Kvenlng-"OI.lVETTE." Tupsday "CHIMES OK NOHMAN- Wednesday Evening" PATIENCE." Thursday EvenIng-"(lIltOKLK-(IlKOPI,A." Friday Evcnlng-71IIM.EE TAYI.OH." Haturdny Evening "THE MAHCOT." Wednesday Matinee" PATIENCE." Hat ui day Matinee "THE .MASCOT." Thn Operas presented with every attention te detail. tVKWAA'n jutiuiir costumes, h'UT.t. V1IOKVH ANlt ORCHESTRA, Etc. mnrl29td F ULTON OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, MARCH 23. -THE- McCaiill Opera Ceipe Ce. JOHN A. MtCAULI., Proprietor nnd Manager. In Gilbert A Bnlllvau's Esthetic Oiwra. PATIENCE! lib the satuu Cast as presented at the New Yolk Caxlnn and llaverly Theatre, Phll'a. (IIARdTEKa n v MAIiY 1IEEIIE, .1 II. IIYLE), I.AIHCA JOYCE 11EI.I., DIOIIY HKI.b, HOSE LEIOHTON, CEO. AI'l'I.EII) , ETIIEI. Cf.AIHE, (JEO. HOSEMAN. Urg Chorus. ADMISSION HESEHVED HEATS Complete Orchestra. . .75, te nnd 35 CENTS. 75c. and ll.en. Sale or seats Hill open Thnr-day March 111, at Opera Heuse etllee. mernliiir, tnlD-Md FOR SALE OR REST. HOUSE FOR RENT. A thrce-stnry Hrlek Heuse, Ne. sti West Chestnut street. mlB-tfd FOR SALE OR RENT. An excellent Dwelling nn easy terms, situ ate Ne. 15 Shlppen street. mlO-tfd II.PHANK ESHI.EMAN. TpOR RENT. JG The hall 30x50 feet en third story of Stein metz building, Ne. UK North Oueen street. Ap ply te J. I,. BTEINM KTZ. fltfd TTIOR RENT. JL" Kir 'Irst-Class Hestniirnnt. also first-class Har ber Shep, corner of Centre Squnrn and North ijiicfn Direct, iii'st location in inn city. Apply in IIIHSII A HKO.'S. TJWR SALE. JD Twe Hundred Cases '83 Pennsylvania Leaf Tobacco, In Hist rlas order. Apply or write te U.K. WElSEHACe, Ne. Ill Ninth tleorgeht., Yerk, Pit. mai?-2Hd FOR RENT. TweStnres and two Dwelling Houses, en the northeast corner el North Queen and Walnut streets. Pnrterni", apply te IIENHY W. HESS, nill-lld ,'lttl North Queen street. FOR SALE. Just received from North Carolina, one carload of Ne. one 7-inch C YI'ltEaS SlIINtil.KS which will be sold ns cheap as eall lie pin chased elscwheie. Constantly en hand and for sale all kinds of Lumber, Ceal. Hegular eah prices p.itJ for all kinds of grain. II. II. UOIIHKIt, ml!Ctd&'.'tw Leamaii Place, Lancaster Ce, Pa. EVVVATIOXAU T OOK AT THIS! ANDTIIENEMIIH CE IT. Boek-keeping1, Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Correspondonco, Practical Penmanship, Practical Grammar, Drawing IluBineas Documents, All ler :(.- tnra months, or it.1(l ler ti mouths, at Lancaster Commercial College. Address, H. O. WEIDLER, Ne. 10X EAST KING Sl'ltfcKT JanhUfd f'a Sl'ECTACI.ES. CUPERIOR SPECTACLES AND- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Field Glasses, Uaremctcrs, '1'cle '1'cle scepes, Magle Lanterns, Thermonicters, Draw Isig Instruments, Philosophical and Chcmtcnl Aipnratus. List and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues .-eut PHEE en application. QUEEN& CO., NO. 21 CHESTNUT ST. man) 1) dAw PHILADELPHIA VNDERTAK1XQ. TTNDERTAKINO. UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, l.AKtUSTXB, l'A. Peisenal attention given teall orders. Every thing in the Undertaking line furnished. Having secured the sei vices of a first-class me chanlc. 1 ain prepared te de all kinds of Unhel. storing ut very moderate prices. All kinds of Furniture Upholstered, (ifve me a cull. L. R. JaulO-tld ROTE. JTATCUES, JtC. vyATCHES, OLOUK8 AND JEWELRY. GREAT REDUCTION IN PHICKS OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND LOUIS WEBEH'S, Ne. 159-1-2 North Queen Street, Opposlte City Hetel, near Pa. It. H. Depot. Ketalllng at Wholesale Prices. Extra Lew Pi Ices. Kenan lug at Jy31-lyd STOCKS. 1 -DOOR, WHITE A CO., H BANKERS. PltlMEHAlLWAYSEUIIHlTIES ALWAYS ON HAND i'Oll INVESTMENT. MlnneupelU Heal Estate 7 per cent, bends for sale at 101 and Interest. Proprietors of "Peer's Manual of ltaltwaye." Correspondence Invited. 45 Wall Street, New Yerk, octt-lydeod M 'ADEIRA AND SHERRY WINES AT Reigart's Old Wine Stere. 11. E. 8LAYMAKE1C, Aqkmt, Ne. 20 East Kine St. fcblMfd Established U NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AND OUNNEHS. All persons are Mrcby for bidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall or Speedwell estates, In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed orunln erunln orunln clesed, cither for the puniose of sheeting or fish ing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassing en saldlanUs of tbe undersigned after thU notice. WM. COLEMAN KItEEMAN, ii, 1-i.uui yvi.iir.n, EDWAUD C. KUEEMAN, !Attorney for 11. W, Celeman's helrj. ecUltldiw vi.eTiusa. SPRING OVERCOATS. We have prepared, with givat vuvc an unusually Hue stock of thesi goods, in all grades of Ca&simerrs Meltons, Kcrseys and Worsteds. Yen Pfinnet fail te make a pleasliu choice at satisfactory prices. Send for Samples. A. C. YATES & CO., 602, 604, 606 CHESTNUT STJ Phlladelphla. nii-Xnid I DRY U 001)8. rV.W SPRINO Dress Goods AT THE NEW YORK STORE CASII.MEHE.4and LA&HMt.KE HKIGKS, Dotlble Feld, 12ic a aid. ai-lnrh K1NE COI.OHEI) I SII.MLHI S, !Se. a Yard, I7uall Sold at Xe COPUHE DHES4 OOODS, .is-lneh Wide, 37Jc. a Yard. PINE ALL-WOOL (MSIIMEHfS New bprlng Celnra, in Inches Wide, sn Cents a atd ALL-WOOL MATINS, 10 Inches Wide, New Celers, 7V;. n Ynrtl 6-1 CLOTH BUITINCS, All-Weel, 5()c n YatdJ fi I FINE CLOTH SPITINOS, All-Weel, 75c. nYard. 0-1 TKICOT CLOTHS, New Celers, ilOl'iYarl EINEFHENCH ItEP SUPEH, Sptlng Shade", ll.uln Yard Special llargatn WAMSUTTA TWILLED Ml SI IN, 10 Cents n Yaid, Hegular Price 1". fonts WATT, SHAND & GO 8 and 10 East King Street, LANCAhTEIt. PA. TOHN. K GIVLER. ti. 1'. RATIIVOl MEROHAUT TAILORIU DEPARTMENT. Uf-opeiiiiiKei our Merchant Tailoring Drptl iiiciiL niiu u r iiil' suit uiliill 'l NEW GOODS OF LATEST STYLES, roll SPRING TRADE. under thu hiltiervUInu et Mil s . It 'l VON, who has been enraged lu the business this city tern period et almost 4ieir, 11 satlsfuctlnn guaranteed lu eerj paiticular early call lespeettully solicited JOHN S. 6IVLER & G( 25 EAST KING STREET, I.ANCASTEH, P J. D. MARTIN & CO. WE WILL OPEN AND HAN E ON DISPL.I IO CRATES DECORATEI DINNER SETS, -IN- KIOTA, GARFIELI -AND- CHILEM PATTEMS THESE SETS CONTAIN. Twelve Dinner Plates, 12 Tea Plates. 1 J HreJ fast Plates, 12 Soup Plates, 12 Fruit buiieersl tnu. nutters, '.' Handled Teas, 12 Handled tl fees, 1 Cream, 4 Meat Dishes, 1 Cot tired Hut I Dish, 2 Covered Dishes, 1 Sauce Ueat, 1 beup ' recn, 1 Pickle Dish, 1 Pitcher, 1 Sugar, 1 .1 ug. 130 PIECES FOE $13.69. WHITE DINNER SET! OF THE IIKST ENOL1SH WAHE, 103 Pieces Dinner Sets, $0.75. Ihcsii goods are guunnitrra net tevmrr ii t7 L-mi-fc, nuu lire ueuiuii iiupt'iu riietiH. J. B. Martin & M Cor. West King and Frincp Sis I LANCASTEH, PA. R OTE IS MAKINO OABINHT PHOTOGRAPHS AT 3.00 A POZKM," AT Kt Itrt WnilTII nilVl'V KTIILTIi Janl9tfd ' Lanceatcr, l'al