INTELTjIGENOEK,rHURSDAY, MA3JCH 10, 1885. f ; ! H ' ' t I''m- f .-'-r i , i , . , ii i -' THE .LANCASTER DAILY AN KNOINKKK'S RTOKY. The linur nils (en, Iho night Mn iluik, The fust oxiiress wan lale. Andlfthi'ruifllu mllroiullire enu lliltitf 1 fiercely hate, 11 tlnl'liliiRit run iipllkn An e 1 twin or ii freight, j ti. Tlie dear old niRlne shot ahead, 'I IieiirIi IiIr the Infill she drew : l!e?nrillcn quite or rleud niul night, Shu shook heriell mill tlcwt Anil, spite nl irnnlci mill curvei niul cuti, I dreve llie darling t lircnu;li. , ill. i I tlmiiKlit 1 knew tlm (I Irks nml ways ' or nrry eiiP-linHD toad That crowd Hie truck, mul small iepecl 'I'e liny Hiicli I lienrd ; Hut whistled for tlm cre-nliiffs, while Our s peed m in scm rcl y slew i Hilv;um Cll. u .lutni we Hew mound ncunc, And dint til through nciil, 1 saw iiHlelit that made uic.sturt ABlrrfrHnWlrtttl'nj ' ' , ficlhl tnilii lay .before tin, llfn. .,. A uiiKen Inn Tilt.' '" '" " '" " Acress tbe truck It length VsMitntyclicil, And net u w lipid was stirred. , While ilOMii,thHKtiuleniy,Mirmap,hiui n phi uyiiiK iikeu nun; I nulled i llie u eni,'nml worked tlie val von, lint could netHjipuk n Meid, i, l 'ill (in VI. 1 did tny best, lint toward thu Vlglll IV spceilCII 1IKO II Willi, llli nut it lnme lint tlmt me might i;nthieii,'lilt.ltlindasli,. 7 rl And 1 peulil only stand mid nIiiiii And milt tlippniuliicciiili. . , . . VII. A level henil.iilliihtiiliiK brain. Oil, who can tell I hell' worth? Above nil vtiluci wealth can glie, Or rank, or place, or blrlli i And Miii'h n lipadnt Niicliu tliuii Outweighs tlm solid eurlh. Vllt. It wasn't mine some ether iiiim'd ; A briittcilinii ruvtho-frclght,-Wlie naw im nlmliiK nt hit train And coming for It straight i And when beget lilt work In, jeu Slny bet luuliiln't wait.' ' ' .11 As quick n thought that fcllew ; Jumped , Audlmlletlut'nuprlui?llii. j ii 1 And Hum hn put tlm tmlii ln'trii," .lust whi'ie tin mill begin. Amlslgirillcd tnhlsi'tiglnccr Te go ahead like sin 'i'he engine piinHtunrWiiti; thf tiflrf ' bUirlMHlOHljjIkehillllll. 41 j Aiict tliieiiKlirllttlAfidicu 1 sifi i I l Our Mni' et shining lull ; lint when w r aped ncitw the space, My very bemd turned pale. XI. Tlm buffer ofthereaiuioit cm We teie uwuy with eue ' Hut that was nothing; dnivn I dropped,! And praved upon uijrkncpi ' That I might never knew nguin se v ery tight u squeeze. XII. ' A little matter Had you steed Whcip 1 Mas standing then, Veu might hav e said that It would test I The powers of tngne or pen Te well describe, that biiikcinan's deed I One of a million men, l'rem Dritkc'.fTi-arelcr') Magmlne. Til I! A t.ll.t TJCItSS. Tlie Wnl That I'ellnws the Seuth Sea Veynjjcr, VttC tioed T.iii.k or 111. James 8. Whitman In Anicile.m. If there was anything that gave a delight lul relief te thb monotony Of our thtco thtce thtco menths' sea voyagefrem Husten te Valparaiso, it was the albatross. He is ene of the sailor's most constant visitors in tlie Southern seas. nstaiit visiuirs in tne soiiinern seas, latan ItnpqMng vHilnr, inditiir! He untiTiwwiaf bhet freih Ihwlemls, And whn first eaine and In a sudden wu s:iv eiieling round us a great majestic bird, with n s)lpnin-liV)kiiig mid heavy-lieaked head of gray, n large white body charmingly lialatietil by ilark-coiereu wings, that extended from tip te tip the length ot'eno'H ouUlretehed hands ferrmbre, with a lllght swill, easy and gracelul'alxive that of nnylitlie r bird. Nowagain.we s;iw him gliding across the essel's wake, and then MVM'cping in long, wavo-liUe curves. ever the mean iwv'lJr ivs (he ili p'cetililj rJacJiJj piue if the Kuilers called him the. "inan-e -viur bird," and if tills was te Indicate Ids strength in mev ing through thc.aire. battling with the winds, it was a ifuAt fitting epithet. As he Hew he seemed tu show no muscular oxer exer oxer tien whatever. Heur alter hour, day Ulter day, Avitli head and wings perfectly motion less, ve saw hlni whcelingand gliding as if hehadstiuck a lurgaln with the winds te cairy liinl vvlilcli viay he liked. An inclina tion of the body, often till tlie pinions be-i-amn ulirest veitieal, acted like a rudder, and at Iho same time seemed te glve him re newed impetus. And thus he went, sway ing slewlvtirst te thlsMdethen te that, his keen eje peeling ever the surface with a glance that tlui'W contempt uimn tlm ether birds et ti mpest-lnving kind. It was during the month or July that our geed little ship was lighting her way through the stormy waters about C:ie Hern. The nlbatresscs had lelt their hiding grounds and were joining the gieups et caiHi iitgoens, Hter lerin'v lsititLs, iinillether birds! r umirv uuiiyi-iu i- l-ead jadv keeluiih- liiV itninuulr. indeed a r.ivrneus let. They most anything, but iuk was a delicacy that they would nsk their lives, for. Noseoner did a little morsel of the savory feed, trailed from a hook ever the stem, catch tlie e.Ve of tlie albatross, than he would hover wistfully ever it, and then throwing out Ids webbed feet, which seemed te act like an anchor, he would suddenly diep down and take the fatal bite. New and then, however, a wise old biiil would Inke his position, with all the diguitv of n swan, close by llie bait, and glance," at us and about him, as if he meant us te uudeistaiut that "you can't feel me," And thus he would sit until lest insight. The first allmtiess wn caught was a iowor iewor iower ful bird of about eighteen pounds' weight It took alL a, man's strength te pull him aboard, rivslstitig;t us lielilld, Willi his lingo wings, and delending himself with his lor ler midable beak. When ence ujien deck, lie was the clumsiest and most helpless creature im aginable. Ile had net space enough te get the iioct'ssaryinKimeiitumlte sciufllitin faitothe air. Even in the waterhe had tenn seme distance along tlie surface, paddling with his feet and beating the air w itli his wings, be fore he could rise. Our flrst imite, a dare devil sort el fellow, nau all along uenn pant .1..- - .u ..H... 1,,.ltt,i tnk.l! ri'Cltn nlltntrnsi irt el fellow, liau all along uenn yxuit 16 Seme doughty .decdj J'flie albatross itly gnve liiinusL'tliojepportunity he ,s we hiut get Iftlrlyentuf Oape Hern lllgiu no upparen wiinleil. weather, and wero cuievliuf a day of com par.Uive calm. The ninte steinl forward, a iiistel in each hand, keenly watching tlie tow bints that still elided about us. Ihi had gained a ime exnerionce with tlie lovelvcr. as a scout , in tliq . West, nnd had hHeadypievcd hls'skill' en' beard ship by I ii caking, in two successive shots, a string and hottle that hung by it from the Olid of the main-yaid. Ne sooner did two birds cress the hews within pistol shot than two lupid icperts weie heard, and after a few tiieiiienls hwl'iiwrtuiiijun (uiai;wa.s seen struggling In the w'ater ivlthtwe Wenndeil albatresM's seme lilty yards distant. He ie- turned tiliimpbanity wan ms iries, uui lilceding nnd exhausted, and within an ell of making feed for the sharks that put in nn appearance Just as he was being raised veij Iho vessel's side. We saw nnmoreof the nlbattess after we had pas,ed the thirtieth parallel nt south latitude. Ile hnd iollewed us, like a faithful ! friend, for ten days or mere, even many hundreds or miles Irem laud, and was neyer .seen off thelng'9XTvitir'.b'e'llB. "l'! our gallev-reluse, or lestlng at niglit nil wmpiu'd fn sleep, und cradled by the friendly nursing of the winds and waves. in;wjr;,1,?j,i,l! Ciinn Hid limiiuiiteilii 'lelfiiiiiji, The eiieslinu is elten oskeTl " Hew shall we make Uriiiers of our lieys ?" A full and satisfactory answer te this question depends iilMiuti variety el conditions. Ii theOrst plftiv, Very mnHi,l'deiiends' upon' Hhe early illiprtsjslens llliw me f'j roceivon. ji uiuiuu is lielil tee closely nbevu Ills back In Ills youthful iluyn, he that lie begins te feel the yeke of opineslon, tliore will seen begin te ilovelopn feeling of iliKilst that will con cen con tlntie le grew, outreotltiK levq for home anil jts mirreiiniUtigJ, VIilleiart'ntiil ajitherlty di4n;'".(.iaproperlt-J it blieulil be with great rWilitcnM liiil vvitlf a vlow'te the best roeiI ofthe I'hilil. The llrst htcii Hlieulil be te ercjte in the young heart an Intcnse levp for home and Its iiirreuudinfrs. Let this bccoiue he Htruui: that it can llud oxjircs exjircs oxjircs Hien hi thought, " Thcre i no place like home." Te accomplish this home must be something innre than a inore name. It must have ItsMK-lal, its Intellectual nttrnctienf), E0 strong that they overpovvor any tloslre te lireah away from its heallhy lnllucn lluenre for the puriwue of trjing any of the nnsaiurii'lery nltrnctlens el village or city I llfe He should he held nt home in this way I until he nrrlve nt years discretion. N'ext, It Is linportnnt,-iriie wetiltl be liuld upon the inrin, te cronte In Ills heart ntt uttachiiteut te tlie work or tin) lUnn, nml tills t-nnnet boil oiie by making It bitrileiiHeine, or as It has rfomu rfemu times Ikjch exnreftfwil, ile net bear tee hanl upon tlie grlnustone. Let the boy feel that he eccuplel nn Important pesltl6n as nn ns Hlstant or even nil vlucr, that his presence. Is nocessary in the general management el nftalrs, thateur Interest Is his Interest, that When you nm nway he Is te le Iho dlrecleil or nlluM-M, and tliore vlll coutiuue lanrewiiili n strehrfnttneh'ni6iit ' Mr thh7fitnn nnrt HH t-m. pleyninnts. He.vh are Het leaving the tertus wholly Innn choice. Many nre compelleil te go, liclng literally driven nway by the nx crelses of tee rigid miiulhorenee te tlm lilea that n Ixij; s $linglymi pbjiyt for dnulgery. l d nU bilekf 'thai lbiiffi biicll H-tailHeJl by Tcldney tlisense. atop Itnt unce by Hunt' Il4ld ney nnd I.lver Iteiuedy. (loed news miRlit te be told i mid It U (?6eil news Unit Hunt' Uenicdy has tured the uartt of kidney iIIsPakisi, nnrt ran de It again. 5 inlHwileeilXw The Itcpiitntlnu et it standard Artliln IvKohlem Ihjnrcd by surreptitious rlvalrj'- linl linl linl tatorsefjloslettcr's Htemacli Jllttprs have net only le-t money liyjitteiuptliigiiudprliniid rein pctltlnn'ivltfi It, hut have nctuiilly eentrllinlcd te enhance ttieestlmiitleii In wlileli the gpnulue mpdlcliip Is held. The public nl large has for many ypars bpen acquainted with the car ina ks that distinguish the real Ireui the Hpurleus, anil cannot be persuadisl that ether articles sold In n soiuettimt similar ruIce mil equally geed. JVler and iiKiic, const Ipal Ien, dyspepsia and llvur com plaint nre net curable bj- cheap local hitter, cyn ejicncrs and tonics, lull ,t he facti Is tog will pievennnd tee generally known te admit of conscientious dispute, that for these and ether maladies Iho great household inPdiclun Is a safe and thorough ipniPdy. Net only In , the United States, but In Mexico, .Seuth America mid the West Indies ts lneilts arc widely xecegnltcil Wintry Winds. " Its nil right for ivicts le sing tlm pisl-es of the beautiful snow, nnd the jneny slelgh belts, ami' tharluglng skates en the i;asy Ice, but they fca'n't till the bin with tlm i-ort 'efUluir when ene IsHfttlniwlth his feel ,n a tub of het watei, his head done up In llaniiels, and i Itli liiusturd planters en both sides of bis chest. What u per son needs then Is a thoieugh dese or Kidney Kidney Wert teact ns n catharllc, for nothing will m qitlcklj- relieve, that congestive, fevcrlhoonill fevcrlheonill fevcrlhoenill llon jihlcli conies et a. hard cold., Often these celilsnausq bilious utfaets, lame backs, disor dered kldnejs, ihcumntlsm, eatarih, etc. Kid. ltey-Wert pan be lelled en te bilng back a healthy condition. "ueruii en cel tins,' Ask ter "Heugh en t'enghs," for teusjhs, I'elds, Sore Threat, llerscness. Troches, Jr,e. Liquid, 250. ('-') llenenty llie llesl I'elir. In ndvci Using a nicdlriuelt Is boil tube hen estt Ucceiitleil.wlll never dej the nqeplnlnnn't staiid It. Let the truth be kneM n that Jlnrileck Bleed Hitler euro sprntula, and all eruptions of the skin. This medtrine Is sold evcrj-iihcreby druggists. Fer sale uyjf. 11. Cnchrau, druggist, 1.17 nnd 139 North (Jnccii street, Lancaster. in its'i: ine viivus. Imparity of llloed, hew eyer, t generated. Is nlwnynprerent In the body when pain l( fill; It spreads and fcrmcntswhcrcvcra wrakfpet or low vitality exists. llitAituitETU's PiLLsmcthe ene gicat mid un failing lcmedy, because they take Jielil jmd ex ex plenly what Is huitful; te -when rick; hare p.iln, dizzlir,, lhenmatism, colds, or costive cestive ncss, takd fieni threo te live, nn If thoy'de net njletiitcln four hours or se, take thice or four mere The) cleanse the beuvls nnd ,licnlatlnn from all iuipuiltlesnf the bleed, anileftpfi raire life. IIbamhiiltu's 1'ILLs piesei v'v the vigor of youth, nnd Tern longpeiled keep off the debili ty etage. bold In evel) ilrugmid uiedUliie store, with plain printed dliectleiiM for use " UOUdll ON PAIN." Citrus colic, eraium, dlarrha-a; i-xleruully for uelics, pains, spmlus, lieadaehe, ueiiralgl i, iheu lnatlsui. Fur limn or beast. 'Jomid&eo. 'i) NKVKUdlVliUl'. 4 If veu lira troubled itli nervous or sick head ache, de net give up your cauulneurabli) until yen bet en have tried Dr. beslle's biwrjal Prescription. he testimonials In another column, il.'llwil ISIICKI.KN'S AUNIC'A MAl.Vti. TUn best H.ive In the world for Outs, I'.rulses, Seres, ulcerH,.Salt IChuiiiu, fiver boles, Tetter, (.'happed Hand, Chilblains, Cerils, mid all bkln Kriinlleus. and nesltlvcl v cures Piles, or no nay run Hired il is gliai.lllll eu ie kiwi jH-rieci suiih- faction, or money rermided. IteT rer hale by 11. U. Coeli rriee, -i eeius jmt nan, druggist, Nes. 1 17 and !"') Ninth Uueen Alrei-tl.anrusi te vr. A Werd of Caution Itallread men, ineehanlcs, eeiiiuieit lal tiavel ers, base balllsts, farmers, and ethers who labor out et doers, are peculiarly liable te accident mid ln)ury. 77iukm' J.'clrclrir (HI for brut-en, burns, bites and sprains, Is ene el tliellnvstap plicatiens jet devUed for sale by II. II ( och iiiu.diugglst, 1.17 and :m Ninth "nirn st t, I.nncuster. NKVKH (1V K I P. If vim ale siitleilng with low and ilepiessed still its, less et appetite, genenil debllllj, dlier ileivil bleed, weak" constitution, headache, or any disease of a billens nat ill e, bj nil means pin cine it hottle et Klpctrlc llltteiH. Yeu will be surpi Iscd Iiihii' tlm rapid liupiev euient that u III fellow': Veu will ! Insplied with new lifui, gtrength iind activity will leliini: pain and ml-v cry will cease, and heneeleilh you will lejelcp 111 thepraUoef Kleetrlc llltteis. bold ut fill cents u bottle by II. II. Cra-linm, druggist, Nes. 1.17 nnd IXi .Seith IJuceii street, Ijinruster, I'll. () THIN I'KOPJ,!.. " W ells' Health Itenewer " i futures health and vigor, cuies Ujspeiisla, Impett-ney, beviril lie .liiniy. . , , it- (-) C'uii'l Nt) llneiigb. 'lianuel speak te hlglil) of lluuleri. mood littler; they have been ngl eat blessing tome. CursdiiM". of biliousness mid dtspepsl.i tieui which 1 Had siitfei-pit fni yetim." ''Mr .1. Mai-sh. lianuel speak te hlghlj of llmtlecl. illoetl llunkef Toiento, out. ler sale i n. u. i.ecu ran, drngglht, 137 and V.i. Neith (jius-n stieet, Lancaster. Hew nhsiiid te wheiue with a cough which Hale's Heney of lloichenui! and Tar wlllcuie. Pike's ToelhachP lireps euiii In one inlunte. mil: IwiIpimLVw ,.HttMt Tliiiinlir II Dunn the Ages, Tluit for lameness, rheuumtUni, for nehes, for pains, and ler sprains Or Thmnui1 Kctetlrir Oil Is a positive and lellable ivinedy Dr. TViqmcis' Keteelrie Oil can he puicluised of any diugclst. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druj'gist, 1'17 and 13"l North (Jueen sliect, I.nncaster M A GltBAT DI'-LOV KIU Mr. Win. Themas, of Newton, la.snys ".My wile has been scileiislyiitrcctcdwlthn cough ler twenty-tlve r years, and this spring mole BCAerely than ovcrbeteie. She had ui d many leniedles without rcllef, and hlnguigcd,te,ti'- Dr. King's New IJlsrovOiyJdlflae, witltniestttmtlfylug ie sults. The Hist bottle icllcved her vciy much, nnd the second his absolutely cmed her. she has net had sil geed health for thirty yenis.l' bottlislreeiit Cochran's ding stoic, Nes. Il!7aud IJaNerth Queen stieet, l.aiieaster, l'a. Large hlze, 11.00. 1 , J4i All Admlren Handsome I'are. A puin, ileal- skin will luuke an) face hand hand hand souie. Miiullrstly uuithjng which stienglhens and em lehes the bleed will directly alli-Plthe, whole pciseu. All eruptions of theskln dlsiq. iieiiriw lien Jlurtleet Jlleuil lltltert are einplej ed. Theyiue a vegetaliln remedy of Inestimable value, tersiileby II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 mil U'J.S'iiltll (jnueli illiut, Lancaster MOTIIEKH If you are falling : broken, worn mid pe i,e Welbt' Health lltmcupr," tl. :bui1 hit I in ; i tYiii ITOIlS, Dmg ('-') COM,. BIl. MABTlN, WllOLKSil-K ANUKKTAIL Dealer iu All Kinds of Lumber anil Ceal. -Vakd: Ne. till North Water and I'llnrei stivels, iibeie Lemen, Uincnsier, imvu -AU.M0AB11N EBft .V J KKI'KUl IfH, COAL DEALERS. Oryictei i Ne. 1 North Clupen.titrtfcl, and Ne. Mil North P rln oust liift. i Vakemi North Prlncii utieet, near Heading Depot. LANCASTKlt, PA. auKll-tfd rieAi M. V. B. COHO?, ' TO NOUTH WATKll STItKKT, iJllicaster, f . wumuimwnBrrn.PluifBiw DUMBER AND COAL. C0WNCTI0H WITH TIIK TKlumONIO KXCHAMQB. Vabd anp OrlCB-. Ne. SM NOUTII WATKIt 8TUKET. , fv'hlTd ti: O. J. 8WARK A de: COJiL. Oviics j Ne. 20 Centre Square. 5 , Yards: East Mulnut und Marshall streets (Stewart's Old Vard.) .. . , , lleth Yard and Oftlee connected with the Tele- phene Krebaiure , arKlNliLlNt VTOOP A8IECIALTV,C OCtlMmdllftFH MEDICAL- H UNT'S 11KM KPY. 11 Thirty. Years Hccnrd. Kndertcil. by Physicians. HUNTS KIDNEY AND LIVER4 REMEDY.. KEYER kewm te fil. ClfltKS ALL IHSKASKS OK TIIK DIDNKYH, I.1VKU, III.ADDKII, ' ANIHJIUNAltY OltOANS, llltOPHY IIHAVKL. IIIAIIKTKH, HIIIUIIT'M DISHAHK, I'AlNSlNTIlKllACIf, LOINS OU. Slim, NKIIVOUH IIIHKA.HLS, ItKTKNTION lilt WIS i ItLTKNTION OK UHINK. Uy I he lise or this UKMKIIV, the stomach and bnnrls spppdily icgulu their sliength, and the llloed Is purlllcil. i It Is pronounced by hundreds of Iho best doc tern te be the ONLY CLUCK for nil kinds or Kid ney Diseases. It Is purely vegetable, and cines wHen nthrr Itlnillffiieu full It It Is prepared opresly for tliPsei1lenscs, nnd has never been known le fail. One trial will convince you. Korsnteliy nllilrifggists, ' IMtlOK, Wl..1. Sbnii feu 1'AUriii.irr eif Tkrtivesiais. HUNT'S REMEDY COMPANY, l'ltOVIDKNOK, It. 1. (I) JT-IDNRY-WOHT. DOKS HONIIKItKULCUItKHOF1 KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER GOMPLAINTS. iWcuusp. It nets en Iho llOWLI.b and h I I1NKY8 at Iho SAM K TIM K. Itecauseltcleiinsps thosystemel thiiimtioiieus hiiiuem that daveleps In Kidney nnd lliliuiry liiscasrs, llllllnusncss, .laundlcc, Constlixitlen, 'Unn, or In lthcuuintlsm,i u ralgla, Nervous Dis orders mid nil Female CemplulnlH. rlj6LlDI'n00F OKTH13.-ffO It will Surely Cure CONSTIPATION, 1MLK1 nnd KIIEUMATISM by causing FJIKK ACTION ernll the organs and functions thereby. '. CLEANSING THE BLOOD. Itcsterlng the normal power te threw off dis ease. THOUSANDS OK CASES Of Iho worst forms of these terrible diseases have been quickly rclluved, and In a short time l'KKKKCTLY CUltED.; Price, tl. Liquid or D ry field by drngglts. Dry enn be sent by mall. Vt'KLLS.ltlHIAHIIiONACO., r.urliiiglen, Vt. Send stanii for Dairy Almanac nl lsV. KIDNEYWORT. JanXllnlleeilA.'llilw T llinUSANDS OK OAHKM OP SICK Headache me i'i-inuuentlyeiireirth-iiry year (as Hie hllllilri'dsef teHtluienuls In my possession will testify) by the use of nit. LKsmrs Hppcl.d I'l-escilplleii. This Keincdy n lands to te tlay without a rival, and with searcelj-a coin cein coin pptlterln the world. Thousands of Physicians Ihrougheiit the country liiive nckne ledged their inablllly trtcure It, and me new liruerll Ing Dr. LpsIIh's Mpcclal Prescription ler all cises et .Sick HEADACHE In either Its net rnun, bilious or congest! witnnii, m siiig riomebstrilctloiconges'.lonoi torpidity el the 111 or When I say that Dr. Leslie' HPHCIAL I'lesrrlpllen w III cure the most obstinate cases et sick iieau.iene, i mean , Is, that It net uiorely ml sick Headache, 1 mean Inst w hat 1 say, mid tlmt biievcs uui I POSITIVELY curcsm mutter hew Innfj the case "may have iM-ltll DlHlKllllg. llluivii tesliiuenluls from. iNjiaens who have lM'cn atlllcted for twenty veal's, being confined te bed tun or three itaS at a tlnm eveiy two weeks, that have been permanently cuied by two Unties or Dr. Leslie's Spin lal VHKSfUIFTION se thai they have net had an attack ter ever tlve pars. II you are tumbled with Sick llunduche and wish te Ixi CURED liesurttundglvelhUiemedyatrUI. I' S. II. AKL'IIEH, Saratoga fapilng. N. 1'. reiiSAI.E IIV liKIHiOISTd, I I,, U! ! UJ'IJU ViiciMiln'ienly at .1, It. LAUFKMAN'S Drug ' Store.'No. M North Oik nu street, Ijincnster. Ker ! dJn-lyd colds, use jvauuman's i.engn nyrnp, luemrgesi mid best for ii cents. TTEADQUAHTKKS FOB THE INDIAN MEDICINES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, Ih '". -vr- Lecher's Drug" Stere, ' NO, tl EAST LINO HTl, buiieusler. I'n MANHOOD BKSTOBED. HKUKUV yKKU. A victim of youthful linpnidence causing Pro Pre mature Decny, Nervous Debility, Lest Manhood, Ac., having tried In vain every known romedy, has discovered a simple self cure, which he wfll send II r.E in ma leuewbiinerers, Aiiun-ss, .1. II. UKKVKS, JliHycetl.tlyw Chatham HI.. New Yerk City FnUSITUJlK. T AII'KB A. HK1NIT.HH 5NO. 28. - NO. q8. Special for Spring, 1885. ,MV STOCK OF T.J'i: 'i it!).i i FURNITURE i .j rur inn niiinis iiiuiu, IS EQUAL TO ANV IN THE CITY. AND AT I'HICKS THAT CANNOT II K UNDEHSOLU. ALL GOODS GUAKANTKEI). ! ihi iFffl!..f WSH- Ne. 28 East King Street LANCASTKlt, I'A. decC-Cmd MUtHtAUKa. QTANDAttrtAtThVAbfi WbltK. " " -r. " VO " EDGERLEY 8c CO., ICnrrtage ltulldcrsL MAItKET 8TIIKKT, JlRA'ltOK fOSTfiKriCK, LANCASTKlt, PA. l ' t , UUK IiAKUK HTOOK OV ' i OTGGIES & CARRIAGES Ceinprlsps the Ijitest Styles nnd ,0ie most Klo Kle gantly finished, WHICH WK OKKKll AT rinlshed, WlltUn WK OKKKll AT TLY UKDUOKD I'KICES.. , . 1 sui'Eitien QUALrrx W'itrinwpiiit encer questiened: Onr work U ns llhe ns UIIE.A1 Thes Is no longer questioned nny inadn In the larger cities, ana BOLD AT 1IALK TIIK l'KICK. Mew l the time te order fersnrlmt. ' KNCOUllAflK tfAlIl DEALING , ' And Honest Werk. All Werk WAltRANTKrt ItKPAIItlNII. PUOMI'Tr.YiAlTEKDKU TO. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. . i . i - i , ', -A fowHI.KltlllSleftntLowKlgiires. (llvb us a call. , . nerX-tfdAK. r uu T e vn WOKK HUSTA1NH euu weut; HECONI) (1UEAT ANNUAL 3PK1.N6 Carriage Sale! . n -. -AT- NORBECK & MILEY'S Cerner )uke & Vine 8 1 roots, LAN(JAbT,KU, PAf , ,, , v Saturday, Marcn,21st., 1885. i . ii inn FINE VEHICLES I -IvV ALL HTYLKi). . , " "t 'i ' As Fine Quality nnd Workmanship u any built In ihe city or County IIIKKUKS, Tep mid No-Tep. ", ' FAMILY CAltUIAOKs, 1 nrtd 5-Pat riLUTONil. MAItKLT WAHON3, AC. Alse. aLftrpn Let rtrSi:i56.sfn!ltANl WOlth'. An Kxtra Kine Kxlenslon-Tep PLATFOItM I'llitTON, for fetir pprseus, which was en exhi bit Ien and greatly admired ntthalatn Kulr. Alse, (feed Kerend-Ilnnd 1'LATFOltM CADItf OLKT PH.LTON. ALL WORK rjUARANrfcED V OR ONE YEAR. TblsAYOrKwIll bo'eriSi.vbilltlon.niid leady for Insppcilen a weekbl'fote the' pnli-.'sn that loose, desiring Vehicles may lirlnn competent. Judge te c .vanillin the ssiue. ' Our Werk, sold ntlermcrsnlcf, has proven our siaicmcuis correct in rcKaru te quality, nnd we still rontlnue te deal falily nnd honestly with. eiircnstnmcrs. Qnlcknnd larKO sales alve lit inirpreiiis. --lnoniinuienixprncois neticrman 11 11111 tlin slew shilling." Don't ferzet the il.iV nnd dale. 9nlecoinweicci at 10 a in , nnd 'J p. in. ' TKUMU Four months nctc.wlthnnprevca se curity. JJIscCmnt uUewelcB.Vi purchasers. NORBEOK & MILEY. , MJcurxEJtr. PNOINI: AND I'.OILIM'. WOHKfJ. BEST Steam Engine -AND- ' ) BOILER .WORKS. AS WE HANDLE OUtt OWN GOODS, II.W i: NO AlihNTS, CAN ISHlltK (,lllt I'ATIIONH LOW PltlC'KS AND LOOD WOlth. 1 . BOILERS. Vei Heal and lloil.enll,Tiibiihtr, Flue, Cylinder, Murine, Dmitdflifclr anil I'ertuble. Fint.VAL'K-WOUK, IILAVl'l'il'KS, iTACKS, ' I ) ?tc- 'VtX I T'ANhV Idr Wilier, ACIifs and fill. IIOPiTlNli KNOINLs. ENGINES. Veitieal ami llmlrentnl. Ktntleiuiry, from two te slly hprse-pen er. ferlahle L'ilt;lm. i WJieels mid Mils; hlc Sizes I, !, s, (0, 15 mid 'Jlhelfe power. SAW MILLS. l'euy Mills mid I.aute Mills. Hark Mills uud CulOlllla. I.eathei Hellers, Tan Packers, Tilpple'fjrarln); ler horse power. Wieught Iren, ferlits, Steam und Water. iCust , t . ren i-ilies; i v ft 1 .ioiirfreWciirisW. I ! M J I PITTINGrSjn. Fer Water and Steam. Valves, Cocks, slcam (iaiiL'Ps, liaiiRe Cocks, tilass Wiitcrliuugps, barely Valves, Whistles, I Hobe Valyt, (ioveineis. Patent Self Feed I ng Lus hi Icatnrs, CJIuss Oil Cups, Uluss Tubes, Injectors or Heller Feeders. PACK IMS Hump, Asbestos, Uum und Plum bago. IIKLTINO iJuiii, Cotten anil Leather, CAS1TNOS IlPuvy and LlRht Iren and Bras. Heller linn, Sheet lien, liir Iren, nnd btcel. HEATERS Fer Duellings, Schools mid Public llutldlngs. STEAM HEATING. Kstlniatcs, DruuInKs und Pattern Werlc fur plalicilnt hcaseuabli) Itutcs. OTr Itppalilni; pininptly and curi-fully ut tended te. Addiess, Jehn Best &uSpn, ' !N0. 333 EACT-Flift5tlNiTREEl I.ANOASTKIt, I'A. J.mlVlyilAw - - - I Lfi H AV1N0 DIHSOIA'KD I'AHTNKKrllUP . und vteriuuiientlv closed the Ohcttnut Htieet lien Winks, 1 ursliu tn lnfenn my old nations uud llie pulille generally, thutl urn still In the business, hclii)leeatedilu the l'enn, Iren Company's WorKiiNehlrl'litm street, hern 1 um making lien und llnus Custlngs of every dei. uciiptlen, und.nllllbfYiili'iised te serve ull b()' may favor inn v'lhyihilj' putreiiugn. Frem 40 year experience in IIia llimlness uud Using the best nmtei lul uud employing thu hestmechanlcs, 1 am sutlsilfd Ingimiiuiteuentli'0 satisfaction. Castings niuile from nnilxtitru of Iren- nndlsteel which me mere reliabln for strength nml dura hlllty than thn best east Iren known. Vte&th l-ell pinions, rolls and trilling mill werlc-n spec" lally. Castings tnude of verysnltlreii.andlirass raHllngs of even' description. 1 have all the pat terns of theMfll aiid,lavernbly known Alewrer Cern und C'elj Urusher, retltted' and Iniprnvcd. ulse en hand. Mills completely Tilted up er1 In parts, te replace old ones which haveueen In use for years, guaranteeing them tegtve sat Ufaetlen. H, cf. MeCULLKY. aug-ll-dnid , ' ' 8 AINT-KAPHAELs WINK. INFORMATION. The Snint-Hnphucl Wlnnhasadcliciodsllaveiir und is drunk In the principal cities of Itussia, (ienuany, North uud beutu Amertcu, Ureal Ilritaln. I udla, and be en. The quantity exported annually U nuUlclent proof of Its stability and stnylng 'powers, while ler the real connetoscnr there Is no wine that can be considered its superior. . ' ' S-ThcHalnt-ltaphnpMVInoCempany.Valence, Department of the Dreme (France. ) H. E. SLAYMAKER, (18-tfd Ne.MEAHTKlNGBTUKICT. PUMPS. Ill It and Leer I'mbps; jMliibiK I'limps ; Com bined Pumps and Healers. Ccrltriliupil I'liuip. .ttcaui l'uinp. liiarlm;. Pulleys, Fly iVhii Is, Clump Deves, llHUKers, C'nupliiiKs, Cellars, bteel Stps uud Tees, Pulley I'lutm, Packing Jleves, Mill Splndli's, Mill ItnahliiRs, Ac.; Aft, 4c. PIPES, , mtr H AOKB A 11U0T1IKH. CLOTHING SPRING WOOLENS. SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS Our Assortment of STANDARD AND NOVEL STYLES of OeatlnffB, Suitings, and Treuserings for Men and Beys' Spring Wear are new Oompleto and Ready for Inspectien. READY-MADE CLOTHING. IN Business Suits, Dress Butts, Beys' Suits and Children's Suits. SPBIMr OVEECOATS. FURNISHINC OOODS-Leadlug New Shapes of E: &W. Oellars and Ouffa. Novelties in Noelcwear. Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, Etc. HAGER & 25 WEST KING STREET. JB OWKBH t HURST. BOWERS Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. WK (JFPKIC Till.1 WEKK Special Prices in Bleached and Cream Table. Linens. Having IieiikM it Lnigr reiiBlderalily nndur vnlnc, wc nliiill etti;i tlieni very low. Bargains in TOWELS, just opened. TURKEY RED TABLE CLOTHS, all sizes, very low. SHEETING and SHIRTING MUSLINS, all widths and best makes at Reduced Prices. QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, the best for the money in the mar ket. Elegant Qualities at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and up. COMFORTS and BLANKETS, offered very low, toclpse.eut.the J-iOt. B0WEKS& HJBSETY. Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET.iSaNOASTER', PA XTKXT DOOB TO TIIK COUBT IIOUSK. FAHNESTOCK'S. NOW OPEN OUR NEW UNC OF LUPIN'S MAKE BLACK CASHMERES, Hired (mm the Impeiteri, nmliit les prices ler Bame nnmbern than lermerly. 'thi-1 iiiuke of C'liHUinerert Iieh the repiitatlnn of lieine far miiierlortenny ether inailu IiniKii(ei, en ue-ennt of their Wright nnd llrilllant Ulaeki ; for mourning pnnxei thny arc uueiinalletl. Alse, Lupin's Wrap Henrietta Cleth, All Prices. - LTJPIK'S MAKE BLACK CASHMEKE SHAWLS, Sl.Nlil.i: AND DOUItl.K, At flM), ri ( W' Jl.eft, i.00, $,50, 7.rl, VM, HMi, tHilk), I1I.00 und 110.10. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa. c -wkap STOBM GARPETS FROM AUCTION. METZGER & HAVE NOW Ol'KN A I.AKUK INGRAIN, RAG, HALL DOIKIIIT AT AUCTION FOIl CASH Carpets Oarpets Oarpets Oarpets Oarpets Oarpets at 16 eta. Carpets at 30 ets. Oarpets at SO eta. letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. - Between tbe Cooper Heuse ana Serrel Herse Hetel. OASFITTIXO, AC. "TJllilNN A BltKNEMAN. FLINN d t TlVt r Qr rn-i- . tn -- a. A. . J II'I'IJ '"J,'"PU"0 u pi lur lurniuiuiiK una reuiLiuy numun, Ji'lIotalngaddriineToto'tiiofuriilshingof n heuse than handseme fGAb UTYTTTPPQ A eVin.l. it -.TM . -11 lu 1 i.1 i. only the wealthy could enjey, new the prices are be low that PINE GIOOD3 arewltbln the reach of all. In the way of Common Goods 'S'vQ have uite'tC stoeic of olegant Patterns, but net the prevailing style, for which we will net rofuse any roesonablo offe'r. PLUMBING and GAS-PITTING promptly attonded te. HEATING by Het Air or Steam. Estimates given en all kinds of work. r'l GREAT ki .i.f ! . j i ii FLINN & BRENEMAN'S UNoaiDziNertni uueen St., iievHEFVJiNiatuxa ueims. j. , .,. n . ., S1 IIIRK'.S C'AHPKT HALK CAR PETS ! 'HKOI'KNINQ OK SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, , ..We are new prepared te show the tra f hlbitcd In this city. WILTONS. 'VEL V te show the trade the Aii4ueuurfa( a iiunu'i ui. jtii-if imji iiiiu iiiijn VrUiuu rA j GHAIN CAHl'KTS, DAMASK and VENETIAN CAHl'KXH. own manufucture a sncclalltv. Sneclal Attention nald te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CAHl'ETS. AjseaKillI Linu Of OILCLOTHS, HUGH, WINDOW'BIIADKS, CO VKHLin'S.'AQ.,' ' .tj ! nl .'1 IV 'Hi 'll 7 SHIRK'S CARPET HALL M... i Oer. West King and uoedb. ' l .i v i CLOTHING t. . I & SPRING BROTHER, & HURST, ALSO - HAUGHMAN, AND IIANDSOMK VAIUKTY OF AND STAIR CARPETS, ANU TO UE SOLD C11K.U- FOH CASH. at 12 J ets. at 20 ets. at 35 ets. at 65 eta. at 85 cts. at Oarpets at 25 cts. Oarpets at 40 ets. Oarpets at 75 cts. BRENEMAN, jT jn. f . fl. . . 9 41A.A.I TT STOVE STORE., . Lancaster, Fa. CARPETS ! Largest and Ucst Selected Line of. Carpets ever ex. QVERCOAfife iti'ti, nn tee iniuing siaKKS nt iium.tA.iArHiiii Cotten Chain KXTUA. BUl'KUS. and aU qualities of IN. HAG nnd CHAIN CAHl'KTS nf our -AT- ) ' . Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. 1 el23-2xudftw . jE4.rjfi;jfy evxdk. LANOASTKbTnd" MILLEBSVILIiK U.11.-TIMK TA1JT.K t Cars lenve Lancaster for MUlnravllle nt 7.en, Shoe anrtll JO . m;, nnd !w, lm, e-w una t-M p. in. Cars Itmte Mlllcrovllle for tanenitcr nt cm. 8.-00 and 10:00 a. in. and 1.-00, 3.00, 6;U0 nnd 7:0) p.m. KliANON ft LAN0A8TEB JOINT LINBJtAtLKOAD. ABRAxaixiirr e? tamiwuih traims. 8UNDAV, HOVEMHKH lflTH, ISSI, ISJI. Huntttitf. A.Mi i r.v. 8.U1 . 4..11 S.10 ' 4.4S 8.4 MO U.' B.47 9.45 O.M A.M. r.M. 7.S1 la.-m 7.r um ll.'.'l R.1S 9.49 6.11 NOttTlHrAfll). ICv, aim. r.v .KinirHU Lane, am . J.aneater...... fl.47 11.V1 llanhelm.t.i.i. 7.13' r.n. fi.Oll ti.m S7 uernmui..;..., t.m . Arrive. lUnniin aen BOUX11WAKI). . Iavc. a.w. rbixnen 1M 15 Ctn r.v. ilii 1.15 zee r.M. &18 .JUnhclin i 8.0.1 uinciuuir, B.x KlnrHt, Lane. 8.40 , A. M. tViueir, Hupt, 1(. A 0. J;l. irxvARD, MnpU C. and & 9.07 R.M ILK. (.'.A Ml. II. . It. It. usewia jilts, nupi, r. A it, J 1. 11. a2Myd TDKADINO ft COLUMBIAi AlUUNdEJIKNT Or I'ASSKftdKll TltAlNS. auMUArrNev.if, jssi. ROUTHWAKl). ATM. A. M. r. H. Quarry vllle c-23 .... lnctister, King street.... 7J0 .... l.anciMtcr.. ,;...t 7:40 1?90 P. M. A. M. i:30 7:ai 3' 10 9-OiJ XM 9.10 .I.V. .... 4:01 .... S:t0 .... 6:50 ... P.M. P. 0:10 .... TM .... 8-i'. .... 8-;B .... 8:1.1 S:l 8SII 5:.T(l 9-;tl C-40 aim. Liiil vniciies 7rM Alurlettft Junction 7:M Columbia.. i. 70 12:40 ARRITK. Heading.... e-.a HOUTIIWAKD. A.M. . .......... 7:10 2.S0 LIlTk w. w. Heading 7:10 12.u) AKR1VB. P. v. Marietta Junction 8.S9 .... UhleklM 90 .... Columbia 9:23 2.(fi I-ancastcr 9:12 2.00 LancMtcr. King Street. ... 90 . . . Ouarrvvllle...ij....' titt" .... i'e? connections .nt Keaillnir. llanbvlm. Caster Jqnctlen.llarlctta Junction and Celuiii' hla sce time tables at all ulatlem. " " bUNIJAY; Inve Quarryvllle, 70 a. m.t I.anMtp, King Street, 8.0ue.m., 45 p. ra.; Lancaster, 8:10 a. in. and 4:43 p. in. Arrlve Heading, 10:00 a. in., 6 Jf p. m Iamite Heading, 8M a. m. i p. m. Arrlve Lancaater. 9.1'J n. m., and S:42 p. m.; Ijinciuter, King Street, l7 n. m., tM ii. in.; CJuarryvllIe,C:40p. tn. A.M. W1I.SIIN, Supt. C. (1. lUvoecc, Uen'l. I'Mi. x Ticket Agnnt. PENNHYliVANIA KAIliBOAD KCIIKD ULK. Trains leave I.ancnqterandleuMiand Hi live at Philadelphia 1.3 fellows : Leave I.eave WK8TWAHI1. fhllHdelphln. Lnnraster. NewiiKxpregst 4:.'in. in. i.r.ii n. m, fiT0 " WayrassenKert ... 4. Mnfl train via Mt. Jevl 7:00 " la Alt. . 'J.3I Ne.SMall Train via. Celum'a. flJS " 9.511 " 9-M " lA't p. ra. 1:4 JUI " t-fSi " Niagara Kipresa 7:40a. m. Hanover Accem via. Celum'a, Fast Mnef 11:10a.m. rcdci1ck Accem via. Celum'a. Lancaster Accem yIa.Mt.Jey. Harrtabtirg Accem 2:ltpiin. Columbia Accem , 4:40 Ilarrliburg Kxpress... 6,40 " Western Kzpresit v.. . 9:10 " Pacific Kipreait..."- " " Leave T.n 7:40 " 11:15 la'ia. m. Arrlve nt Philadelphia. S-Wi a. m, 4.-2.1 7:50 " 10-S) via. Mt. Jey. 11:15 a. m 3-15 p. ra. 6.05 ' , 5:45 " 7S5 " KASTWAKD. tancaiter, Mall Krnrcsst I'hll'a. Express 2 " rant Line t f:35 " Harrlsbnrg Kxpresi , 8:10 " Lancaster Accem. ar.. 8.5") " Columbia Accem 9-00 " Scashnre Errireis 12.58 p.m. Johnstown Express t 2:50 " SnndayMall 2 43 " Iay Express t 0.18, " Tli-r1alinrc AAtnm ' ?. l- 0 45' ine jutrieiia lccomnieuarioii leavre uauizi. but at '44.xa. and rrarliMMarleltn atSA5. Alse, leaves Columbia ftt 11:43 n. m. and 2:15 p. m., rrachlnr Mniiet taut 1201 and 2-Xi. Lcavt A f lettunt iiftp-m.andarrtTiwiatCeluinbK alfe, leaves at 8.15 and arrives atS.'4A. - " ThoTerKAccommoautlnn'leaTt Ifarlctta. 7:10 and arrive at Lancaster at tm, connecting irtUi llarrUburi; Erprcsa nt 8;10. . . T1A VrAll'lir Aiwmmniliiflnn. tt4h rrinni..t 'Sngat fancKterilth'AtLtne,vest, at L35 p. iu.. wui run luxeuKULuxrcunncv.-. The Frederick Accommodation, cast, leaves Columbia at 12:25 and reaches Lancaster at -!M p.m. Hanover Accommodation, west, cenncctlni; nt Lancaster with Niagara Express ut 91 a. in. 111 ran through te Hanover, dally, excenl buinluv. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when nagged will step at Dnwnlngtewil, Ccsiteivllle. rurlethurg, lit. Jey, Kllzabcthtewn and Mlddlelewn. t The only trains which run dally. On Sunday tlie Mall train west runs by way of Columbia. j Lertve dally except Monday. COBNWALL AND r.KUANCjN AND COLEUUOUK VAI.1.T.V UAILUOAD3. BetmiWAnD. Trains leave Lebanon dally (except Sunday) at 6:30 a. in., 12-Jte and 7:30 n. in. .Arrive at Cornwall ut C:tea. m.,2.40ri. m. nnd 7:40 p. in. j at Conowage nt 7.-J0 a. in., 1:25 and 8:20 p.m., connecting with the reniisyU'unlullallitwd for points cast and west, WOBTBWABD. Trains leave Conewago at 12S0 a. m.,S::ani. 8.-25 p. m. Arrive at Cornwall at 8.-03 n. in., 4 13 and .) 05 p. in. ; at Lebanon at 8:20 a. in., 4'30aiid:15p. m,. connecting nt Lebanon with Phllailrlphliaiitl Heading Hull ion d for ihiIiiIh east andet,und the Lebanon und Trvment llnincli for Jenes town, l'lnegreve and Trcment. The C Je a. in. train will slop only at Cornwall, ColeUreok and Hellalrc.. HATS A Nil CAl'S. inOTH HATS. ' LEE, the Hatter, 111 BKLLIMI CLOTH HATS AT $1.00 Ne. 23 North Queen Street, lnuillyd ' I.AXCAUTKH. I'A. B KI.OW COST AT- STAUFFER 8c CO'S. A Heaver Shoulder Cape. U Hitsslau llnlr Shoulder Cape, a Mlver HatrHnnnlder Cape, Tu n Iiezen Ladles' and ticnls' Fnr Ciiiti, Halt liezen ttebes, aOMETIIl.Ml NEW I TIIK VOU-Nd MEN'S FAVOHITK I Tbe Cassimere Tourist Hat! Humble, Neat und l'retty. Kcrytli!n New iu Hpilng Htyles. All the Leading HlecVs In Skeleton, Kxtra Lights eight, beniland Full Htltr-Huts. Seft Hats In Veunir and Old Gents' Style. KNO.X'S NKtV" Sl'KlNO SILK HAT new In. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., (Shults's Old Stand.) Leading Hatters and Furriers, NOS. SI A 33 NOUTH OUEKN bTltEKT. LANC.VSTEll 1!A TOVACCO AND OlOAUa. L. JEHMAN A.CO. H. Holiday Presents. MEEHSCHAUM SMOKEIIS NDl'll'KS, .TUHK1S1L. l'll'KS, fUENCH HHlAlt l'li'ES, CIO Alt AND OKlAHETTK HOI.. DEHV, CIG Alt CASES, HMOKEH'S SETS, CIGAHETTK CASES, ASH HKCEIVEKH. MATCH CASKS, CANES, Ae. All In (;i cat variety and at very low prlcni. -Call and examine our goods. Ne trouble te show thorn, B, L N it CO., Ne. 11C North Queen street. SAFE,.SUJIE ANP SrKDY QVRET Hunxns, ViBicecxi.cand,HrciiL Disiabcs or cither box. Why be humbugged by quacks, when you can find In Dr. Wright the only Hko Hke ulaii riiysiciAji' In Philadelphia who makei n specialty ex the above diseases una cunm them T Cubes euaiumxkd. Apvick KK,day ana oven even In p. Stnuiffcrs can be treated and return home the same day, . OlUces private. . 1IH. M H.lVHianT. Ne, 2(1 North Ninth 'street, nbove Haec, P. O. Hex 071. l'blladciphiu, (anJO-lydAw