Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 19, 1885, Image 1

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    xHHs.. 37 . J. . I !....
ffi. 'i a
'smmMESSmwUm' 3ITTTAI I 'V fvufci
. r "M H-.HK .M nW Vh. IBM IBM HB1 W
r -t; jiHi 2XA "HWi,n H v aMr
rnr.n. xixneitr msEHiiewEt.s him-
A Man fculTerlns from Mnnln-Petu Cnmmltllsl
li .lull nnil Lett I" Inlllct Mint Horrible
Torture ou UlmMlf, Itesuttlni: - , ,
lit HI. Terrible Death. W .
yA v ji a a. 'J
A torrlble ense or, suicUtoeoeuiroil In the
Lancaster county prison jlnst' nlghh when
Frederick Nlxilorr,niesldviitorthls elty,toek
his lire. Thn innn 'was rnniinlttcil te jail en
Monday last liy Mnynr Hoseninlller, ler live
days, thechaign ngaliisl 111 1 11 being dllihk'eli
anil disorderly conduct. When admitted te
tlte Institution liii was found le Iki stiflciing
I mill maula-pelii, nml.thn doctor treated lilin
for that disease ii)i te. thu llmoer his (loath.
At tinici Uie ln'afi Was jeryiqlenl.
He occupied a eell en tlie west side of the
i.!uAti ..i.l lii lint iimmi line A'.ikitiinlm II
u null in in n f I f-t ". , ....-.... ... ,
was thought Ii'imI uUput soine one.inlo thei
cell with Nlxderf, anil Frank KiiiKi uniuscii
lar looking lollew, who had beeii committed
for lighting was placed llieie. In the, even
ing Xlxduif became very wild and King,
who was greatly frightened, was taken te
another cqll, luvnrdhig tu lily wishes. Some
medicine w'uS given to'N'l.xderf and he Ito Ite Ito
eame qtilel. Dr. ltohrer, of thn prison, was
sent for and liu lemalncd with the man until
after 111 o'clock. Soen after he loll, Nlxderf
again lieoaine violent nnil feran hour r morn
leaied likeiiniadniiiu. Hlsyellsand screams
could he heard all ever tint prison.
ih:s'i:uati: athsmi'ts at auicihfc
About 11:111 1. nl. Vatehman riarr heard u
neise in the cell, uml upon looking in saw
Nixderl trying te cut with a sjioen.
Harr walked away, hut had net gene far ho he ho
lero he heard anoheliko the bieaklng of a
Ijettln. Hontenco icliirned le the cell and
feunil Nlxderf cutting himself across
the abdomen with the neck .of a
broken bottle which he held .in his hand,
liarr lan ler Keeiier llurklielilef ami Wat'h
iiian Armstrong. Whciu.flidy' eiuue back back
Mlxderf had cut a gash, about eight inches
long, across his ubdemei), and was pulling
out hls1ntnsthle( With 'hH Inhd. Mr. Iturk Iturk
helder caught held of hint, but N'ixderr
Hcenied very strong and it was as much us
the keeper could de te held his hands. Thd
cnizj' man was oer-j)eweellnnUhls hands
wcretied. Dr. Uoluerwas sent for and, was
seen en hand, lining quickly followed by Dr.
Musser. 'f hey at ence proceoded te sew up
the wound, but ixilair lest eonsideroblo
hloed and sank rapidly. He died about ftye
o'clock this morning.
The liettle, from which the lead mail so se
cured the fatal weapon, was kept tiehlntl the
w ater closet. It ia nf a (pmrt si7e and shaped
llke llio-ie used ler bottled whiskey. It was
used for coal oil, and for seme reason a llke
ene is kept hi eacli cell. After the Inittle had
been broken a long, sharp point, with an
edge llke a knife, was left attached te the
heavy neck. Willi such a weapon as this It
u-a-s an easy matter for the desierate man te
juiilct this kind et'a wound ujien himself.
Tin: ih:ai man's iiimteiiy.
j)(S'Cw.'d was a son of the Inte Jeseph Nlx Nlx
eorf and wurt about ,'U years of age. He was
man led te I.i-7le Cenner years age, and
they had six children. His brothers, Harry
auif.lelm, rosideln Altoenaand he has two
Msteis In this city. HNagetl mother lives at
thn extreme upper end of Netth (Jucen street.
Korseiiio mouths past he has been drinking
very hard, and at times seenied te De,' out of
liis iiiiml. He bec.une careless in conduct
iinil appearance, lisiked very wild and his
actions w ure strange. I le and his wife sea.
rated seme lime age, and she leek her chil
dren le Coate.sville, where she new lesldes.
Nixilei f was committed te the prison at the
request 'of his friend,, who thought he would
Jlic'rn liaveau epiK'rllinity. hC, bfcring up.
'I'hfl inaver sjiys Unit ulienhe sent him out
lioblieuVdoWiloncoor hard drinking, but
lid net Jiave mania petu as yet.
Js'lxderC was fenncrlj emplnyed by ! rank!!! Hui ev,teriiiaii. and alter leaving
him he began hliekslering. or late he has
nf .lively been able le ie anything en account
of his line for iliink.
tiik riiiiisi:u's iMii'inr.
Corener Henainiiii lsitcd the prison this
morning, and ciiiiuiirllud a jury i-enslstlug
of David Warrel. A. S. IMwards. M. V. It.
Keller, A. M. Hlaile, Johp U. IVhl and
Christian Clait. Thov rendered a 01dlct el
ileathfrem suicide, and no ene waseensuied.
lill.hVIt IX A iritHVK.
n I'-Mt Boiei'l I"ii'llitlMOieH Inte h Cur Near
I'nell Willi llenult'-Xrulu Detention.
This morning ai iuir-P''t ur o'clock as
Mini) freight cars w ere heing Kicked front a
siding, a hair-mile west of l'ueli, ene of the
ears jumped the ttack Just in front of U11 0.1st
bound frelghl train. SeVmt cars of te
ivii,t tniin were wiueked, tlie
...wrflin iln'mllcil. and three cars
..t,..." ;'r--;-- :. ' ....,..
llenrv utiiiz. inn iin-iiii"!
of the lrcizlit
train, was killed. He wim u res Ulent et t oi ei
uinhlii, about 'i" yeai-s or age, had liecn en
the read ler about a year and 11 hall, and
leaves a jwlfu and ene child survWnjj him
in Columbian The engineer, Jaenb JShultz,
ani old railroad man, also et (Jelnmbla, w-as
badlv scalded and otherwlso inlured. He
also has a Jamil v in CeluinbU Jehn Keeeh
the conductor ei the train, llkowlse a resi
dent of Columbia, wus also injured, but net
The News exprebs, due in this city at ft 27
a. 111., did -net icach heie until 11 e clock.
All the morning trains from the cast wero
also considerably delayed.
Iater news Irem the wreck is that the
liurnodcarswcre loaUed wltli miscellaneous
freluht consigned 10 Hicinuian iv v.u., .iuhu
Hest, .1. It. ltoyer, Watt, Shaud Ce., and
ether well-known T.mcaster inerchants.
Several ether were broken, and
the freight stiewn en the track. The englne
was tin nw n upon its side and badly damaged.
Tin: nijws in cei.i'suilA.
Cem miii a, March. 10.--The news that
Henry ('hit, of Columbia, an btra Jircman
en the lVnnsyianla ralliead, had met his
in i. n u rock at l'aell, has cast a gloom
overtheso with whom the young man was
aciiuaiiiLcii, mi.. v -' . .
ceased resldeil en Maner street, ai
11I1011I 2T. yaus. JIe J.i inarrled un
Vhlhl, a boy. ,A ine.nher of ( hhj
aim luuy aie iiumiiiuu-
aim m uk""'
uud has ene
tribe Ne. :), 1. O. It. M., J10 leaves 111s iciiuw
V." V.. ., ,,r tlmlnssef h in te whom
,. . ".." "--. . . , r.ii;..
be" wne g e. y atta.-he.i: A general
! ' .r.,. ..'."... r. ,.,ll.,.lnru.Hlld with SlISIlUO.
lianiia relliug'mlH, .wlmrq hp! wW einployed
liaiiiia rglliiig'mll, Whero lieiwa- einployed
Ve"ieus te ghlng en the read,' his sad and
J...-. ti.i.. .i.uliiur is lesrietted bV all. '"
renuliM will be Interred In Columbia, but 011
what day has net yet been decided.
J.tTAh lt.Ht.HOAi ACVlllKST.
A riaeuuu pud n I Irr11w.11 KJIleil In a Wreik 011
II, e lJUlcrn Slope ut Hie Allecheny
Al.ioeNA, l.i., Mai; 1U.-A set ions freight
awideutei-curied early Ihl-iuerulng en the
l'ennsylvania railroad near AlU'grippus en
the eastern slopeofthft Allegheny mountains.
V11 e.vt Ixmnd ft night train hroke in two ami
the forward portion of It Irtirrylng forward
.enrment contact with tl.e rear portion eel
I lilt-d with another train In front Muny pup
wero wrecked uud the llugmeu en 1110 rear
train, J. Michaels, Vas killed, Fireman Iluf'
gan had his head and Toce badly cut and iiia
-ui faint ui-ed. ami Conductor Hatch and
Kuglneer Fex were soveroly Injured. A
large wrecking force was immediately dis
patched te the eccneuuil thetracks have been
.lea red. m
Kxpliluu et nu OU TMik. j
A large tank at, Uie Pit worel ' jrxm
Flemlng, Mi'owtWpAwk,inear!New erk,
exploded with a terrific report Wednesday
evening. Fifteen thousand barrels or oil
were destroyed. Tlie less is estimated at
DrttruHlte Fire In lluntlngileu County.
The machine shop and foundry ;f Honj.i Henj.i
inln Summers, at Pelcrsburg, Huntingdon
county, was dohtreyed by llre last ednos ednes
day night Less, ferOOO ; Insurance, 2,70a
Tin: scheme or' itAniites.
Anil lleiv It Was KITectiially Kijncliliril m tlm
tTnlteit Htiites Srimlc.
lit the o-tcutlve session nt the Hennte, en
Wedncsday, the Injunction of the' secretary
was removed from the following resolution.
Introduced, by Mr, Kdnitiiids last tfrldnyntul
ngrccd te by thoScnnteoii Monday,: ,
Whkiikah, The Senate of the Vnltml
States hna learned that the gevcniinent ofthe
republie.dr Guatemala lias set en feet, or
,Uirenteni.toseteii: feet, an Invasion orthe
torrlterlos of the remilillcH of Nicaragua,
Cesta ltlcn and San Salvader, with the pre.
fessed object or consolidating Inte ene goV geV goV
eriimenl'the icpuhllcs efCenlral Ainerlcaby
lorceoranus, and against tlie wishes or thn
several republlc-s cincerucd ; and
"Wiii:ui:as, There is )emllug between
tlie Culled States and the republic of Nica
ragua a treaty providing for the cpnstiiictien
el an inter-oceanic canal aciess the colitl celitl
iieiilanil 111 the republic nf Nicaragua, for
the benerit efall thejCentrnl Amerlean llo lle
publkw, as .well lis 1 Ihei Cnitf t states,
which treaty.'lt is inidhrstebil, .Uie' repiiblic
el Nicaragua lias ratilled ; therefore be It
iJienelv&l, vis the jtldginenl of the Senate,
that lit V'r-w of lllic siiecial and important
interests orllie Cnllcil States In conjuuclleu
with thoseol the lepublicsef Nicaragua nnil
Cesta ltlca hi the intor-eceaulo transit across
the continent in pregiess of itdjnstmelit, that
any Invasion el the torrlterlos of Nicaragua
or Cesta lUce by the forces eflluatemala
under tlie circumstances, and, with the pur
poses liefore stated, -Is regarded bv the Senate
and ought te be trealed iy the llnlted Slates
as an act efunfileiidlV and hestile lulorfor lulerfor lulorfer
onco with the rights of the United States and
of the republics of Nicaragua unit Cesta Hlea
in respect te said mutter.
A copy ofthe resolution was transmitted le
the president.
HftHr.Tiiisa or mai.velm hay.
AVIiellitH Iliin Apimlnteil I'lmt AinMaut 1'ixt-
mater Clenernl.'
Kiem'llic I'lttsliiirgl'liieiilclnTclr-irrapli
Mr. Hay has the reputation of being ene of
the foremost lawyers in l'lttsburg. He was
bem In Philadelphia. He studied law, under
Chief .lustice lteasle, of New Jerf-ey, nnd
allerwaidacamoteVlltsburg, here he has
'practiced, law successfully for the pafctEO
yours. He will be leineiiilii'ied as taking a
prominent part as a member of the consti
tutional coiiNcntlen In 1S7'I, and he used his
inllueiicq te have the new constitution
adopted. He iniMjr held any elllclal
position, although frequently urged te
run for olllce by his Iricnds. The
only nlllee for which'he has ver been a can can
tlidate was that of prothenotary, about twelve
vsars age, lK'lng defeated, the county lielng
largely Republiciin, In 1S7I, lie was uilanl uilanl
ineusfy elfered the nomination of lieutenant
governor, ana iwe years age 1110 nomination
forsupreniejudgo, txilhel which lie declined.
He has IxiOii an active churchman, holding
prominent positions or trust In the HpisceKiI
church In the Pittsburg diocee.
Mr. Hay has been in ill health ler a long
time. Last winter he was confined te his
bed. Within the last coujile of meutlis he
has been ihs-Idedly imprexuig, and lis new
able te inove aieuiid agatn, though as ynl he
Is net dbvMlug his time te thopraetleenllaw'.
Hisfritntls Stide that, Uiere Is; no doubt but
that within a few mere weel.s hew ill Ik) fully
restored .0 health again.
A frniiiirtiniiii lntliii:ilelv uciiu.iinteil with
Mr. Hay was asked whether he thought the
appointment would be accepted. Heilecllned
t expuitsnii iiplnlQii, thepglf Jijs iiuiliuer'
indicated that it would be an-opted. He was Mr. Hay
was almost restored te health again. The
iniprossien among the genllenien'.si mom in
timate acquaintances is that Mr. Hay's
health w III admit el his assuming the duties
hi cnnnivtien w illi the assistant Mistmnslrr
gcueialhhlp. , ,
M I.I.I .l.V-.M'C'.IIVVJ.l
,11 A I VII.
Ariiliilteuii'llN fur llui i:enl C'einili'lvil.
Tim Arllili' nl Acieeiiieiii.
The (lnul arrangements for the great fuiir fuiir fuiir
roundscientllleBlevo nmlest between .Iehhi
1 Sullivan and Deminick K. McCallrey wernj
completed yesterday, and the aitleles or
agreement signed-by both men. The dale
of the meeting was "fixed for the owning or
Thuisday, A pill 2, instead or Monday, March
ISO, as originally Intended. Siilliuni-vlslicd
a still further" postponement, but com pin
mlsed en that dale. The initch will lake
placeat luiliistrial ball, Philadelphia A plat
form, .'Ml font squaie and .ri feel JtheMi Uie
le el ofthe IliMir, will be ens-led'lii the cen cen cen
tioef thn hall, mid en this al-feet ring wilt
he pitched. The 3-feet platform eiitnldii the
ring will all'erd standing I'oein for the sis1 sis1
ends, timekeepers and referee, and precnt
such a damaging fall as Sullhan gave Char
ley Mitchell in New Yerk when he pushed
him through tlie reiies nnd elf the stage.
Sullivan is in. high ' llesli. and weighs
about 220 pounds. He will train at Hen,
park, under Iitsy Sheppaid's Instriutlenh,
and hopes te work oil' the odd tw only pounds
bofero the night of tlie match.
McCaffrev, under the guidance if All
J,uit, his tfustw trainer, wiUlget liiinselfinte
shape "atllilly May's, arid will stalq about
111$ pounds On April 2. J 16 lexprej-ses great
eonlidence in his iilulilv te beat the Mg ltes-
ten clmmplen, and has wen a great many
cool-headed sporting men eer le Ids way el
thinking. , , ,
Tlie prices of admission will be l, ?2, and
Tin; .VKir mi:xwe
Troup. (lluinlliiK Hie ,lall and
llnlilliiK lliu
Inlormatien from Spiiuger, New Mexico,
reports the troops from l'eit Union lmVe
taken possession of the jail and are guarding
It. Lee and KImberly, the efllcct-i who were
there, are new acting w Ith the troops. In ad
dition te Monday's slain Jehn Currie was
also shot and died yesterday, making four
ilnntlin niuoiicrthe attickluc party.
A large number or cowboys eame in te rej
force the despoiadees' ranws, mil 1110 pros
ence or the United States troops held thein
in check. A rumor is current that a band br
men is coming from Dedgo City te take a
hand hut is net confirmed.
Hegers, the leader ofthe Haten crowd, run
Jim Mastersen out of that town, and Heb
Mastersen, his brother, who headed the gam
blers of Pedgo Citv in their allair with the
authorities almut a year age, Is said te be
coming with his gang te wieak engeance en
lurni.1 ii.irlv.
".. I-----.?. ill. ...j ..
Kogers men uave eiueicu in i-jiiiu-
gers men bave eulered the cuizens ej
liger te loiive' town, and ijipiolbleoclr
k TseKiMiUcti; iTipeiWy l'giititl)heja if,
the opposing forces'ef MoHierAclrtos will
tS prlu
'mil the
be lelt tohcttle matters between Iheni
A IU111I Hint U (iratrliil.
The Maiine band bless the day that Cleve
land was elected. Had Aitlnir been nom
inated and ro-elceted the nienibeiH were 10
wilved te resimi. as they couldn't stand the
pressuie. l'lesldeut Ailliiirhas 110 ear I'er
music, but he erdeied up the Iniid te thn
Whlte llouse en mery on-.isieu m m.ii
festivity te add te Uie scene. Tills made the
liroefllionnisiclansabiiriloui beside hiter
ferini'with their eppnrliinllU's for earning
extra iwy ter work done In their leisure.
Hut Cliiveland, apparently, bus no Inclination
te call upon them for duly, at the hlte
Heuse. The liand has net been eulered thore
sluue tlm Inmigiiratinn, net even 101110 liinnai
rts-optleiiH, until 'l'llPi'lny night, when they
were at the Whlte Heuscv l'i(ler Arthur's
administration they yeii always prnseit.
Tlm Player That AreHmit te theKaliili.
'reiu the Suit iJikn'Trllmm'.
i'I.q K.Klpni iiimeurHrH nlnv US el'
their ew n companies. Something takes In Uie ,
liist, and then a dozen eenipaulert or supes
.,,.. utni-le.l mil nu thn DliLfillal lOllllWUV.
under thn Impmsslen that men will net get,
mad eueugli 10 turewawny iirsii-mi w
tables, een for thn tieasuroel burying
lirteenth-rate human sticks. Hut seme of them
take mighty nig clincea u ji
Viet Up ..'erTlienucUcs.
Whlle Jftjqtiln Mlller has been drcainlng
upon thojrllle of the "Greut JUver,' obllvi ebllvi obllvi
Jein of CiUifrly,hlieillS-l,royi,Vl,8hter
Maud has been inning iinuemiu uuiums
married without wuiting for POM a "magnt
nndblesslng. Itvasarrandestind ntlalr; took
place in Kagleahoed, N. J., tlie "iwrty ofthe
llrstturt" lielng the eldest son or .7. Steole
Mackaye, t he actor. Tlie brace et erratic pl.iy.
...,ii.ia Jrnnniuillvlrnte. and nrebahlv the
utage will beceme the refuge apd support
tlipjr erring chJUIrpp.
ner.ntws in skssies.
Objection In the Moillllratlen of tlie Inne or
the I'nllinnii Coin puny A Iticcry 1U-
riiuleii nnil n Kllt The Ijni-nler
Slmreliulilem ltercnlril.
Quite n miiuhct1 or the Lancaster sharehold
ers or the Central Transportation company
ntteuded the meeting or the company held in
Association hall, Philadelphia, yesterday
morning ler Iho puriHe of considering the
action or the ttennl ordlrecters medllylng
tlie lease with Iho Pullman l'alacu Car com
pany. Among these present wcrofleorgo K.
Hceil, holding a larue inniilx.r or proxies,
Jehn Keller, Charles A. I'endersinllh, Jehn
II. WarM, W. A. Atlcp and ethers rrem
Ijincaster, where about 2,200 shares or the
stock are held, seme or which was
bought as high as M",, ou 11 par
value or SMI ier shale. The company, it will
Is) remciiibered, was organized seme filteru
years age, and was an Insldn nrrangeiiient of
ihe Pennsylvania railroad cemiany, te run
the sleoper nnd parlor cars ever its Hue. It
made a contract with Pullman te lease
its franchises te him, en 1111 annual rental of
12 per cent, which enabled it te declare n (lint amount tuul Its stink was
easily worked oil" en the public at from foil te
JOS jier share. As Pullman's lease was seen
te expire It has new terminated the
management in anticipation of possible
changes recently Ix-gan te reserc I imtismiU
oniiedlvldendsaild thus aivuinulaled ulal ulal
ance or ff.50,000 en hand, which with Hit
slopping cars, (estlmated te Ih worth at least
M,000 aplece), eonstltnte the assets el the
Thore are 11,000 shares el the stock out
standing, and it Is quoted nu the markctnt
IllHHlt f2S.
It .seems that a quiet arrangement had been
made ly the management or the concern te
niake a new deal with Pullman, by which
he was le liny out the company with an ex
change of one share or his stuck Oalueilnt
About till) Ter four shares el the Central i or
for him te take tlie fiV,0,nei) of cash iism-Is and
the 119 cars (which he iilesatf;i,RniliwlOaiid
te pay" percent, lease 011 the stock for which
he has rm merly paid 12, thus net only
cleaning out the present available cash assels
ofthe shareholders, but cutting down thelr
dividends from 12 te ) per cent.
iiiii:akimi rm: si.a'ii:.
Wlicn the two hundred stockholders get
together yesterday, the slale-makcrs were
surprised te discover that tlieir plans were
known mid wete te be obstructed. They
were caught entirely oil' their guard.
, Promptly at eleven o'clock William V..
, IJf'iJcwViChvell-knewn as the olHtruelerof
the Pennsylvania railroad shirohelilers' iui-
nual meetings, arose and neuilnated T. Wal
ter ferchalrman or the meeting. The president
of the company, Jehn C. liingham, wasen
Uie pt.itleriu In a moment. Air. Lockwood
p'nt' his noihhtatien te the iiieetlng, but it
was net can led. The piesldent niNlded at a
certain shareholder and he 111 ose and nomi
nated Hubert Cress well. Anether gentleman
shnuteiVint the name or Merris J. Nagle.
Fer a time the utmost disorder reigned. The
president seemed desirous or putting the
nomination efMr. Creaswnll, but Iho share
holders boMuteusly objected. "We want
no cut and dried allair, " sheutcil one; "Uie
stockholders are going te 11111 this meeting
and net the elllcers."
After seme further dl-ussleuarraiigeiiieiits
were made for taking a stock Mite en the
question or 11 chairman ler the meeting, w lien
(Jen; -Wageur lalscd the point that it was
J m possible, as the tellers limit tlrst le sworn
and tholhterslockholilcrs must also be swein
te. A pii.positien was then made by lr.
Or lilt thatncommltteooltwo, totie named
by the pu-sldent, Is) chosen te select a rhalr-
inaii. ' , ,,
Mr. I.eckwixMt sin'emled Iho motion and it
was agreed le.
I)r. uciiiiiiiii ami Jnsepii i. "s"ii "''
reuiliiig their action a motion was made
1l1.1t Mr. I'msswell be elected chairiiiau by
ais'laiualien, and a etn wastikenen it. The
ayes win e cry weak and the nees ery strong,
but I'er all that Iho piesldent ths-tdeil ,Mr.
Cresswell uhvtetl, and tlosiiltesheutsof "Nel
no 1" he took his place at tliochalrnian'st.ible
and called I'er nominations for weretary.
I in: MCivriNfi i)it(iM.i:n.
Jehn Staullerwasches.n te act as secretary
ofthe incetlng.
Tmnicdlatcly afler the organization had
been completed Mr. Cresswell said :
"flentlemen, I have been chairman el the
annual meetings or this company ler several
vears, and, I, cuiqe here tivilay te act as
eliainhaV narely at the request or the presi
dent. 1 haVh net yet decided w hettier 1
shall votefbt or against the premised mrsiifl.
catien. I new want te say that if thore is
any objection te 1110 as clmlriuan 1 will witti
draw and reluse te sere."
I)ald McMeuaiiiin, who lnul Ik-i-ii a pioml pieml pioml
nuutilgurein the pieliminary proceed lugs,
and had at ene time lieen named Ter chair
man liimseir, objected, but n howl from the
meeting that be should sit down and allow
business te proceed quielcd him for a time,
and Mr. Crcsswell-iotainedthechair, Henernl
Wagner nlfensl hlsservices te mahiUln order
should the chair deem them necessary.
The call for the meeting was then read.anil
subsequently, at the request or Tlies. .1.
Lynch, the lease, dated February 17th, IsTe,
et the Central Transportation company's pro pre
lwirtv te the Pullman company, was ale
i . l)r, Qemmlll then asked rer the leading or
ItUe lease te tbe Pennsylvania railroad coin
'p.'"iy, which expired previous te the making
01 1110 loase Jtisi roan.
Tlie chairman stated that no copy et it was
te be had.
in: WAN'ir.ii no 'iiiiri.iN'ci.
"Then all X have te say is," said Themas
Walter, a stockholder, who speke with con
siderable emphasis, that it shows great
ilmcliilleu en the part of the elllcers. We
want this meeting conducted en business
nriiieiiiles like business men, and we want
4notr(lUiltiem Uie pirMdeut, diristni-s or
'anyliOily else. We ure uolhcie for .unuse-
liieui; wneu wn wain niiiiisi-iiiiiiii u ui
get ether acini's."
' We have no copy el' that lease," re
plied the chairman.
"Wnstheie ever a lease?" Mr. Walter
nskrd. " Aliswer me that,"
Ne, sir," answored J. V, Cottrluger, scc scc
retaryer Uie CcntralTninsportatlen cemiuny,
" wo'nevor had 11 lease."
' Cettiinuer subsequently stated that tlie
contract under which the company dealt
with Iho Pcuusylxaula 1uil10.ul company
prier te ltfiO was ene which had been tmns tmns
feried te it by the Woedrull'isunpiuy. This
was, en motion, lead.
lieneral waguer iiieu wisueiiie uine u
list read or the sixteen ceuiuuiics with w hlch
the cetnpany had tantructs, rel'eiied te In the
original lease with Mr. Pullman, which had
liceiiread. "Whenjwe have that list," lie
s;iii, " we c:H call Ter uuy ene or these i-en-trauts
we want and il'we don't get tliem we
Will knew the reason why."
IIIUIITS or Till! rillNV.
A lequest was made Ter the opinion of hU.
JieerK0 W. lUildle and Mr, (lisire llldille as
te tlie ights'er the company under the lease
which has been niodilled, and tlie meeting
voted In I'aver or thn reading. The chair de
sired te have the uiedllied lease lead llrsl.nnd
he decided.
Mr. Lockweil appealed from Uie decision
of the chair.
"The secretury will lead the nibdillcd
loase,"!or4erod.Mr. Ores.swcll. ;
!" dot utiuerataiKi inai iue cnairreiuses
torccegnlzo mi appeal from his ruling?"
nsked Mr. LeckwjxHl, withconsidernblo feol feel
iug. "Yes, sir!" was tlie respense from Mr.
Cresswoll, as he smlled dclightedly nt his
nrbitrary action.
Ill nu instant half a dozen gentlemen
were oil their feet, protesting "Sfnlnat nucha
' I niove we adjourn," shnnteij lr. Le1' Le1' Le1'
woeJ. 'Second tl)0 inotleu," said sqme ene
A moment later the nieellnif had nd lourried
111 disorder, and Chairman ('(esswejl, Prfsl
dent Hlnghaiii 'and Secretary Slaufl'er had
left the platform. Klve nilnulcs and the
meeting had been reorganized with TheinaH
Will ler as, chairman, Mr. Huntffer as sis: ro
tary, and Air. Jxickweml In possession of the
Jloer. In taking the chair Mr., Waller stated
that " he was going' te be president of tlie
women as well as the lrlcn. " He alxiinltiated
Sitg law, he said, hi politics, religion, and In
10 Centml Transiwrtatleii cempatiy as well.
Mr, Lockwood having Iho Jloer he ofTerod
11 res.ilutl(u )roldlngfer thoappelntmonl of
a cominlttce of llve stockholders te take Inte
eeuslderatinu the recommendation' of the
heard et directors nod report nt a sttbseqticul
meeting, te lie called after giving two weeks'
notice. The resolution alvi jirevided that
the elllcers of Iho company should furnish all
the Information and fiicllllles required.
The resolution was amended that the
chairman should apxiiut the committee, and
was then adopted by a unanimous vote.
HAVnUUU FHMAI.K Hi'iriuen.
"And it's thnllrst mneting.yeu'vn ever
been In, Mr. Loekwneil," skid 'UnuWnlter,
"wliei-e the vote has been unanimous." This
sally provekod coiwKlerftblot. laughter,
winch was roneweil when! Mr.' Walter de-'
elared that If tlie choice or the committee
was left te him and he was te go 11(1011 it lie
would, hi all probabilitycheoso, four women
te serve with lilin.
"I lielleve in women voting every where
elsewhere, as well as hore,"'he said, " and I
want you te knew Just where I stand en that
Dr. flemmill iiinied that the committee be
dhecled te report at the annual meeting of
the stockholders lit order te legalize the pres
ent meeting and the action of lis committee,
Mr. I.oekweod declared thul this was net
neci's.sarv. TI1010 could be no doubt about
the legality el' the pieceedlugs orthe took teok toek
iiolders. He objected te icpertlug at the
annual meeting,, he sold, the con
tract lietween the Pcuusyh aula railroad coin,
pany and Mr. Pullman had net neon signed
yet and could net be until the shareholders of
this 00111)1:1113 accepted this modification.
Dr. nemmlll, upon this statement, with
drew his resolution,
William A.Atlee esii.,then oll'erod n resolu
tion le employ counsel te compel thn elllcers
ofthe cnmuuy te giie llui committee thn
desired information. It was carried.
Jehn ('. niughain, the president oftheceni
pany, then asked pet mission te speak, anil
stated that thncenliany was perfectly willing
te glMt the desirisl 'information, 'that the
papers had been loll at the office by mistake,
ami Unit hu was unwilling te allow the com
pany te go into piint im refusing tofelve Infor
mation atn meeting or stockholders.
The meeting then ndjeurned.
itr.Ainse ha ah
Impurtaiil Itniuerit rjenctrtilng.TU leu. of the
a t. . c r
N ewr Jerry Central. , '
Numerous rumors alfecttng the Reading"
and Jersey Central railroads prevailed
In Philadelphia en Wednesday, One
el these, that the Heading company had
iiifornieil tbe "JeWy Central directors
that they i'euld" net HtistaTit' the Icasa
et'the Jersev readhwa'Siiitnle'd by tiiddlrocters1
or the Heailiiig' iVlfnuiny. They alsrf XVd
lii el vilenleiltliatlhfl Jersev Central directors
wero considering anv such preposition al'a
inis'ting held lrfUhenl In the irfleriwdri..
'I liey ceniPMii inavH iiiiNiuicaiiDii u uie leesy.
is all that has btriilintttet tettw' Jersey
Central ceiupimyr' ',.
Some well Informed flnauclal men In-slsied,
that this mmllllcntimi prewsl considerably'
low er terms than thupropesltion!" named In the
Heading's plan or reorganization. Thoillreo Theillreo Thoillree
toisol'tlio Heading ilLSlsted thai such was
really net the caw.V
Later in thn aftoriieou came the news that
the first mortgage bondholders el the Jersey
Central railreatl llatl applied lern ns-elver,
and still anetlicrwas that.the Heading ro re
cehcrs were preparing te inform the court
that they could net provide the Interest 011
Iho Jersey Central consolidated mortgage,
the amoiiuLsduneiK'ar trusts efthatenuiimiy,
or the taxes due (the stale or New Jersey.
Neither or these miners could be continued.
Itnlil lUllniud HurtsUra.
Tnouiiiuasked men about 22 yturs eh,
walking into Dispatcher Sliaunon's.enlfO ut
the depot of the PHtsbiiig, Clevelarid. V
Teledo railroad, at Youngstown, O., ut mid
night, Tuesilay night, ami drawing revolvers
lemandctl him te held up his hands. They
then pieis'eded terilln the elfice, bill found
all valuabh's leclted in n safe. They then do de
mamleil of Shannen te open the safe. He
did net knew the combination and still cov
ering him with their voveUors they went
threiii'b his Dockets taklm; V in money and
a geld watch and chain. The approach of a
yard engine frightened the men away.
Hurglars also enlnred the depot of the Ash
tabula A 1'llisburg read, carrying oil a
valise. They attempted te break into the
ticket olllce but falleiL There is no, due te
tlie burglars.
Ilupril hy u fla) miiig Weman.
The Heading Times narrates that Jonathan
Mever and his son AVIIIIaiu, living near
Hobeseula, llerka county, fell In yltli a gay
young woman ex Hunting en yieujiesuaj,
who H'liewil tin' m of WW thai thyi iuid
drawn from the lank with which tolinveu
geed time. Karly his iiiorniug.lethivroyers
worn ledged in Jail,!!! a drunken condition.
They ure said te be tlie executers in the rslate
,r Iho hite.SainuelNairlc. the Hale el whose
jHTsenal prejieity takes place le-ilay en the
lariu near Helnheldsille, Uils county. Tlie
Heading police hue, sutllclent Inferinatlnn te
warrant the arrest or two parties te-day
whom, it is believed, woredlrectlyconcerned
in relie ing the Meyers r their t.W.
lliifm (lets mi Apprniiriatleii.
The secretary of Uie treasury has issufad
a warrant for $3,9e0.73 in favor of Mr.
H. II. Hayes, being tlie sum appropriated by
Congress te rcimburfie him for payments
made en account ofthe oxpcnsesof the com
mission nppninted te go te Louisiana in
April, lvii. nrranis w cre aise isaucu in
the iiniiiu or Charles H. Heed Ter ?a,000 nnd
inthonameorOeorBoScQvillofor S:i,000 for
scrvices rcndeieil ns counsel for the dolense
in the case or the United States npalnst
Chailes J. Oulteau.
SnggefclliiB U C'liange of Khiiiu.
J-'ieni the Oxfenl l'res.
The name or the village lllrjl-iii-Haud,
Lancaster county, should lw changed te
lllrdlnhan. The brevity and euphony ob
tained bv dropping tht llnal d and tlie
hvphcns'whlch nie it(s;es.sary te compound
Uie (.euteiice feiiMlug the name ought te
commend tlm change.
Nerr IJuentleueil.
K10111 tlieSHcruinente Dillen.
As the reporters were gathering the
names of the ladles nt the masquerade last
evening, one or the lntter'entered dressed In
an elaborate costume. Slie was Immediately
appioaehed byii iniwspaper llend, who po
litely asked: "Your name, plea-se?" "My
iiamnlsMlss Hrewn." "What is your char
tictet?" "Ithasnever been questioned. Yeung
man, yeii are a little, loe fresli."
Killetl hy a I'ellreiiiau. '
Henry Watsen, 11 policeman in Mt. Ster
ling, Ky., arrested a boy uauied Jehnsen
Wednesday. The boy's father demanded
lilsielease. Wntsnn iirew a revelver ami
shot nnd killed Jehnsen. Jehnsen's step
son then llred three times nt Watsen with
out ellect. AVutsen hurried te the Jail, us
tliprewas much I'sclteiiient and threats of
r-r- ' )
Thu Prelileul'M JllrthdiiJ.
Wednesday was the' 48th anniversary el
the bit th of thb piesldent and mnsteflis
callers took occasion 'te congratulate lilin,
nnd wisli him " many happy returns or the
lav." A little child, te whom the president
hail been particularly kind a feY days , be bo be
fere, sent the prosldent a haudsouie bouquet
el violets with her card, wishing him the
compliments ofthe season.
Preparing Picnic flreuml.
from the I.elnen Times.
The Cemwall railroad company have a
large force of men at work clearing away the
underbrush and small trees from s tract of
land III Uie Cornwall hills, between Cole,
brook nnd Aft. Hepe, nnd will use the place
ns n picnle resert during the coming summer.
tlm Hiatnry of An r.ntcrprle that tin Dene
anil la Doing 11 World of flood for
Yeung Men ami Women In flit lug
Them a flood rMnmtlen.
Twelve years age last November, Mr. 8. S.
Hpencer, silperlntcitdent of Jehn Fnniuniit
Cc'h cotton mills, established a night school
for the IkiiieIU of lliose empleyes or the milt
who choselo avail themselves orthe fiiclll
tles presented. Mr. Sjiencer precrly con
cluded that irtlielxiys could be Induced te
atlelid school, much gefsl would lie accom accem
pllshcd, and te-day a iiumber el young men
or tilts City are Indebted te the eillclent corps
or teachers or the Cnnostega night school nnd
ami the liberality or Jehn Fnniuin .V Ce. rer
nil the education they have.
The school Is kept In pleasant quarters, In
the building rormerly known as the olllce of
Ne. 3 mill, a story ha lug lcen added for the
main school room. The school is rim en
what Is known as thoslngle room plan.
The firm of Fnrnuni it Ce. pay all the
expenses Incident te tlie school, Including
the furnishing of books, slates and stationery.
A. J. Dunlap for n number or years has been
the principal or the school, and during Uie
winter Just closed he hed nble assistants In
Oeorge A. L-tnenud Jehn K. Snyder.
Mr. Spencer nlse made n new departure
when.the school was opened last NoveinlHjr,
In having n departmeni rer girls, and during
tlie session, 27 girls attended.,
The school closed rer the year en Wednes
day even in g, when prizes were awarded te
these, round worthy. When the pupils had
assembled in the main mom Mr. Dunlnp
obngratulatet! thorn en the progress made hy
them during the year and hoped te see
them all back again next winter. He
thou read the following roll or honor Ter
attendance, all en this roll having attended
school every night during the session, which
lasted four menths: Oeorge Ziegler, Jehn
Fahrlugcr, flllliert Queen, (loergo lumber,
WlllloWehr, Martin .legler, Heward Falk,
Augustus Klaus, Herman Heyor, Oeorge
Murr, Win. ISraii, Win. Murr, Jacob Frail,
Minnie Sadler, Aiinie Kedon, Lizzie Hedtn.
The following are the statistics of the
school :
Jleut. (Ilrln. Total
- umber of hclielnrs mi roll . Ct
hole 1111111001- In utteuuance
ler month . -
AYOniKO number In attendance
for month . . . ....
71 -r,
yi xi
n is
li TO
7S 1
n S3
ifet term.. i.tiiii.'.iiki .-..IN (Kl'T-v li
Ter, cent, of nttenuance for
Ver pent, nt attendance for
term...... ., ..i. ... ... 10
Mr. Dunlap next announced the winners
nt the prizes offered at the beginning of Uie
Bession for attendance and schelarshlii, ami
said In order te secure a prize a pupil had te
have an average or erer Wl Master Heward
Fallt'was called forward and given the ilrst
iTlze, " lllhle Scene! and Stories,'' he having
atlaliieil a jiercenUirrt ftf OP, The folleviliig
1 Were the w fnners of the ether prlziw t
Ml')SleJiader.. ,....,. ......IH I'rrCeiil.
'l.tzxIeMeden. ...... ' '
TraueesTagfr.,,......... .. W "
. Annie llentt;i'... ...... v.. ...-' .1
4rVr;:!!U!:r;sw::H .
.laoel, r-ntll - '- . ...i ' "
Annie UikIi-ii
Murtln ZleKlbr
liee ZlcKlcr.,
Ainr. Kluiill
. 'ft
. .
Christian Itelitle
Willie tirkii .
WIMIiiMurr ..
I.ydla W'eldle
.Irdiii Moere ...
lilllwrt guren v-
Jehn llinknsill '-
liee. Murr v-
Ailum 'elmaii J1!
Mnry Klurnlf '-'I
l.vAla Weldle.
The prizes given w'ere books, and were en
titled "Yeung Felks' Ideas;" "Hamhles
Around Londen," "Weeds' Natural His
tory," " Kxploratlens of the World."
T he books were distributed te Hie Miocoss Miecoss Miocess
ful ones by Mr. Spencer. He cengmtulateil
the teachers en their having se successful a
school, and gave ell a hearty Invitation te re
lurn next session nnd avail themselvs el the
chauce te swure a coinmen school 'education.
He was t)articularly well pleased that the de
partment for girls had proved se great a suc
cess, the (irst season that It was established,
and announced that each or the girls would
receive a present.
The school was open during the irast win
ter 82 nights. Following are tlie branches
taught: Heading, sellliig, penmanship,
mental and written arithmetic, grammar,
book-keeping and history.
Heme Entered atVecaimllle anil Meney sto
len lllf? lloetyat Kill ri I lie.
The house of Samuel Lewis, Vogansville,
wasentered by lh!ees en Wednesday night,
nnd u large sum of money was stolen. The
eutrunce was effected by cutting a glass out or
llib kitchen w indew and then unlocking tlie
deer. The following werolhearticles stelen:
Threetwenty dollar notes, two ten dollar
notes, a let or silver and a check ler leurieen
dollars. Suspicion resls ukii iartles who
make their headquarters in the Welsh ineun-
' Atelephoue message was received at the
station house from New Helland, this morn
ing, stating tliat a bay horse, HI hands high,
trotting -wagon, set or harness and hutlale
robe, were stolen from the stable orUeergo
JJuchman, alFalrvillc, Kast Karl township,
last night. Our poliee wero asked te be en
the lookout for the stolen team.
Why Striker Were Arrested.
Forty arrests, including fifteen women, Uie
wives of the strikers, wero made nt West
Newton, Pa, Wednesday afternoon for
complicity in the attnek upon Suporin Superin
dent Larimer, or the Yeugh Slope mines
last night, and warrants are out for
upwards et sixty mom The prisoners wero
held In 91,000 bail each, and in derault were
sent te the f)recnf.bnrg jail. The assault was
entirely unprovoked and has created gre3t
Indignation. Uarliner's condition Is very bo be bo
rleus. Headling Hrethers' mine at Hrldge Hrldge
vllle started up te-day nt thn price demanded
hy the strikers.
A Leg fireuuil till' ey u Kulllni; Tree.
Whlle William uud Henry Hern were cut
ting down n tree Tuesday itllernoen In n
weed about three miles went of Akinn, Ohie,
tlie tree fell liel'nre the men thought it would
come down. Hetli made despornte ellbrts te
getaway, but William was caught. He was
hi the act or climbing ever a leg when the
railing tree foil upon his legs, holding him
securely. His leg was completely shattered
uud ground into small imrtlties. it was
with great difticnltythat he was removed.
His brother carried hlni three miles en his
Ixiek, where the limb was amputated. He
may die.
An Outbreak In Paiiuma.
Anether outbreak has omirred In Panama,
owing te Aizpnru declaring hlmselt'presldent.
Stores tire being pillaged nnd the mob
threaten te burn tlie city. Marines from n
United Stutes steamer ure ready te land.
lOngllsh forces ure guarding the Panama
raj I read property.
lluuaway ut Kphralu.
The horses of A. It Hitzer, or Kphrata,
.scared yesterday whlle being driveu in that
village and ran off. Mr. Hitzer was thrown
irem Uie buggy, but was net seriously in-
JlirCll. IUO linguy luiei niviii, mm
ene herse i
10 wu imiiiv nun.
Fleadlng Guilty te an Unnatural Crime.
At Lake Geerge, New Yerk, en Wednes Wodnes
Newman A. Hler ploaded guilty of Incest
and was sentenced te 13 years and 0 menUis
Imprisonment at hard labor In the Danno Danne Danno
inera state prison.
Cuunlerfelllni; the Utelet Cole.
& InmannmhAr nf cnnntnrfnlt silver del-
l- ...... 1.. -Unl.l.lln.. In DnB,nM 1ttllrvllfAI
In color than the genuine and has a nmoetlior
Interfiling Item Clipped and Ceu.Ienrd from
the Oxford "Pre "
. Hey, Charles R. Kd wards, who haft bf en
supplying ion nnd Heck Presbyterian
chinches for some time has docltued a cal) te
ma pastorate. I
J. Milten Heep, Andrews Ilrldge, Intends
IfiMmAvn lAll.AlUu.Hm . a ..' .'.,.
. iLiiiuiu ,,, iiiuviiuuu jiuu nun ceiiimci me
hotel and farm of William Hallls. . I
James C. Pollock lias removed from Ilus Ilus Ilus
solvllle, Choster county, Wednesday) te
Union, whero he will Ijegin the butchering
biisliiesa tlie latter part of Uils month.
Themas W. Drewn will roinevo next week
from the Paxson farm, Celeraln, te Uiry J. r.
Carter farm, near Hemnville, Uhesterceunty,
which he purchased a short timu ugn. I
Snntlicl Dersoy and his son-in-law, Ansen
Ambler, wlll'remove te the farm the fernicr
has purchased Irem Themas Oriest. Wesloy
Thompson will romeo te Day Wilsen's
fitrm. Hntli places are In Fulton township,
this county.
Hrisbiu Skiles new resides net far from,
Christiana. Hoexiioctsto mill farming ami
go te the (lap whom lie will keen a hotel,
provided he can obtain license. Mr. Skiles
Intends te have a Hale seen and will sell his
hounds. He has 33 foxes in captivity, and
will, it Is said, glve ene te every purchaser of
ene of ills dogs.
William J. Wrlghtsdalc, this
county, has In his possession six hickory nuU'
and six chestnuts which wero gathered by
Saruh Ashton In 1827.
Mr. Slater II. Morgan, or " Morgan I'ann,"
Falnneimt, liancaster cenntj", who is ene or
Uie progresslvo tanners or the " lower end,1'
Is supplying n considerable quantity of butter
in Oxrerd. His herd or Jerseys have win
tered well, ami he will be projiaretl te enter
upon the spring campaign with an increase
and improved facilities in the butter making
Jacob Cauftman, T.lttle llritaln, this county,
sold seme grain at Whlte Heck n rew days
age, and plaecil the money recehed rer It In
his noeketbeok. Ou his way home .Mr.
Caiill'man accidentally lest thn hook contain
ing the money, alieut $IS0, ami at last reports
had net found if.
Hase ball apicars te lie theabserbiug inter
est in the amusement line in Christiana mid
an effort is being made te re-establish the
clubs the coming siiiumer. The roller rink
fever has sulnlded, tlie attempt made by a
speculative Individual te fasten ene en the
Mepln ami niake a biisiness of this felly
tailed and he has left the town in disgust
Jeseph II. Hresius, Andrews lirldge, is
erecting a line frame house en a handsome
site. It Is T shape IS by 20, 3(1 by 31 feet -two
and a-hair stories, contains l.'l rooms and
is slafe roered. Twe two-story luy windows
add much te the building; het and cold
water will be introduced and a heater put in
the cellar; the bath room will contain all
modern conveniences; rooms of first Jloer
will be finished in chestnut and the upper
steTlea In yellow pine. ,
A Warm Reception for a Sheriff.
Frem the Harrlilierg Telegraph.
On Monday Sheriff Mumnia, accompanied
by Constable Fex, went te the house of Jacob
II. Landts, In Derry township, te eorre a
writ or ejectment. Mrs. Landis, who had
heard of their coming, prepared two kettles
of bpl leg water and a,n nxe,aiid w lien,thogeod.
natured sheriff enleredlhe deer she dAhed
at him with a , ludlu' of 1 silling water.' The!
sheriff batight Ii'nr'arni te prevent her threw-1
ing it, when the water splashed 'en histCtce
undover her.iirm, etkUIkiUi wereuPCHlded.
llefnm Hhi tnlil Ancunv nnoUier'.stimilv'ef
het water slit) wa'ovcrrajwered,' Censtable
Fin aaalstlng. In th me WO the' latter; was,
cul en Iho lianil with the nr.v, which another
niemlier ofthe LaiulLs fumlly was nourish
ing. Whlle the sherill was removing the
reimIs from thn hnuse Mrs. I Hindis followed
li i in nbeut, ailing hlni vile 11:11111-, and ex
pressing :i desire te sheet him.
A Well.KneHii l.anillertl Me at Carllile.
Mr. 15. S. Wilder, familiarly known as
"Harney" Wilder, who for many years
kept tlie Half-way house, lielowSteelten, and
the Bridgeport hotel, opposite Harrlsburg,
and who has been for the past live years pro
prietor of the Mansion house, Carlisle, died
ut that place at 11 iW a. in., Tuesday, nf hem
orrhage of the bowels. He was taken sick
a few days age, Mr. Wilder was aged about
12 years and leases a widow, one son and
three daughters. Mr. Wilder was a gentle
man or line physique and possessed great
strength. He was an atloetlenato husband
and lather. He was a member In high stand
ing of the Masonic Older, uiul his funeral
will take place under the illrocllen or the
Knights Templar.
Hurled Under an Aialunrlie.
James I'enemrd and a party which -went
up Hldger Canyon, Mentana, te rescue the
Schlasmuii party buried in an avalanche, re
turned Wednesday witli the bedius of
Schlessinan, ene et Uie Huzzard brothers and
P. J. Smith. Thu ether Hazzard could net be
Ibiind. The sllde had demolished the cabin,
and all wero badly crushed. They were dug
out or eight rector snow with Umber across
their liodies. Tlie cerpsps were hauled by
hand through the deep snow llve miles, te I
where horses could be used. The parlies
must have been dead three weeks. A II were
buried in the afternoon.
Mr. Cletelaml llehluil Mr. Arthur's lhu.
Mr. Artluu's four stylish bays, with bdnged
tails, still remain in the Whlte Heuso
stables, and President Cleveland takes
a spin generally every afternoon with
them although net In a gorgeous feur-ln-hand,
llke Mr. Arthur. As seen as he can
attend te it the president will buy a ltiiref
horses for his carriage euly iw a On Mon
day afternoon, when Mr. Arthur paid a long
visit te his successor, they went up stairs into
the prlvate apartments 'or the White Heuso.
Mr. Arthur will Im entertained at dinner be
Jero leaving Washington hy President Clove Cleve
land. Kent te the Insane Asylum.
Gabriel Kautz, a resident of the Eighth
ward, has leen of unsound mind for the last
few years, but has net been violent. Yester
day, however, he suddenly becanie ytorse
and his family considering tiat his and their
safety required that he be cenllncd, had him
arrested by OfllcerRitchey. He was oxam exam
ined hy Drs. Heland and A. J. Herr this
morning and en their certificate that he was
of unsound mind, Kautz was committed te
tlie county ipsane asylum.
The Opening of North Plum Street.
This morning, at 10 o'clock, was the time
designated for the meeting or Iho viewers
appointed te assess damages te preerty
owners by tlie proiesed opening of Plum
street, between the New Helland tumpike
and Liberty street. Only Unco or the vlow vlew vlow
ers put in an appearance, and by agreement
or all the parties interested an ndjeurnment
was had until Friday, April It), nl 10 o'clock
in thn morning.
Preparing te ltelt Harriet.
General Valalorie ofMexlco, In cenimand
or 8,000 troops, has been ordered te immedi
ately join his femea with 7,000 troops new In
thu state of Micheccaii and proceed te the
statoerchlapa, which borders upon Guate
mala. Tliese troops are new in motion.
Weteni Cattle Men In Seuu.
The Nntienal Helsteln catlle breeders' as as as
boclatieii Is In sossleu in Clilcaga In the ub ub
sence orthe president, Mr. Win. M, Siugerly,
or Philadelphia, Is presiding. The subjects
or discussion nil pertain te the breeding or
Helsteln stock.
He Will perte Twenty Venrs In Prison.
Nkw Yerk, March lU.t-Clwrles, 11. Cum
mlugs, convicted of, a lU'iullah assault en a
ten-yeur-eld B,rl named Zoe Martin, was
sent te prison for twenty yeara. The court
e.xprossed rogret that he could net be hung
for Uie crime. , .
. n I
The Cabinet MeeU.
WAsniNOTOtf, March 10. A regular meet
ing of the cabinet was held te-day. All the
tnombers were present. It Is understood
that the trouble In Control America was con
sidered. - r
Grant "llefrenhed ThU Morning,
Nkw Yeiik, March 19. Grant passed a
geed night and arose early tjiis morning jr
I freshed.
1 1 ' " '
T.KSBI.X ItAXOEU nx A .1101.
Iteinarkahle Illii.tratlnii or the Miuiimary
Vengeance or Melt Hplrlt-The T.jlieticrs
or the Wild West Hnng Unpopular
People With Hhert Shrin.
HAR'ri.fa'i, Neb., March iS-Mrs. r.llza
Tayler and her brother, Themas Jenes, wero
banged hy a mob near Kalrlielil, In the ox ex ox
tremo westem part of the slate, ou Sunday
morning, details of which have jusl been
obtained. A man named Jlehcrts was killed
hi that uelghliorheod early in January, and
young Tayler, son or Mm. Tayler, was arrest
ed en suspicion. His mother and her brother
Tjm.' 6he,f jvere etunectcd accessaries, and
Inaiiy otliercrlihoVwdro charged ifp'to'lhem.
Tmmedlately after' the murder of Hebetts
they were warned by the vigilance conimit cenimit conimit
tce te loave the cenntry within thirty
days,," but they paid. .riert heed1 te this
warning, nethwithstaudliig they had
been threatened with death If they per
sisted in remaiuliig. Tlie result was that at
about 2 o'clock en Sunday morning Tem
Jenes was aroused hy a noise, and going te
the deer, dlscoverod that his heuse was sur
rounded by a great crowd. He quickly
closed the deer ami asked w hat was wanted.
A volce from without asked hew many per
sons were in the house and who they were.
Jenes replied that besides himself and slster
thore wero llve ethers. " In that case," said
the spokesman, "we don't want te sheet
into Iho house and will net de se if Jeuesauil
Mrs. Tayler will coine out."
After seme parleying Jenes went out,
crawling through a window and leaving his
llrearms behind him. He was Inimcdiateh
seized and bound. Mrs. Tny ler went out Iho
same way and was also bound. These two
weie taken te ene slde and a confeienceer
hair an hour was held. The rest of the In
mates orthe house were brought out and c
corted under guard about two miles Irem Iho
sccne of their arrest, while Jenes and Mrs.
Tayler were taken In the ether direction.
That was the last seen or them alie. When .
daylight came the bodies of Tem Jenes and
Mrs. Tayler were found hanging slde by side
from a bridge nbeut a mile from their home.
A great ileal et hard-feeling against this
family has existed in that place ever ulucothe
sheeting or Kebcrts. On tlie Oth or 10th of
January Mr. Heherta and a Mr. Hycrs had
been cutting weed ou seme railroad lands
en which Mrs. Tayler claimed te have seme
title. They had liauled oue lead' oil', mid
were going alter another when they met two
men going from Tayler's in a wagon. After
Roberts and Byere get a few reda'past the
men one of them get out of the wagon and
shot'Heberta deait. The sheeting or Jtelierts
was by Uie Taylors laid upon a young Texas
lad who disappeared about thattinie, and has
net lieen seen since. Mrs. 'Tayler s.nd Tem
Jenes wero bellevetl by thpic neighbors te ,?i
liave insUgated the murder, Mrs. Tavler' Y-
two sons, 13 and ID years old, are In Jail
awaiting trial for the crime. The ether mem
bers of tlie Jenes family have lieen ordered
feleaM the country. , ,
oeiiiitma vr state MOxnr.
Various Appropriation-. W1U JteperUsl Kainr
tly In Ihn Ueiie A private Appro
priation llefeateif"
HAltnisntiiie, Pa., Mar. 10. In the llouse
te-day bills were favorably reported appre
priating JW!,000 Ui the Anthraciln Miners'
hospital, Ashland ; f 1G3,M te thoNerristown
hospital and 723,000 te the Harrlsburg State
Lunatic hospital ; te prevent the adulteration
or milk and toprevido for the organization of
abattoir companies ler the slaughtering of
Wayne, or Chester,, introduced a bill for
tlie maintenance ami Improvement of reads
ami highways ; providing for the prompt pay
ment of read tax in cash, nnd requiring
supervisors te contract with tlie best and
lowest bidder for nil read work.
The bill appropriating f6,000 te thu Hoslue
Heme, Phitadelphia,fer fallen women, caused
much discussion, .some of the member claim
ing that tlie institution had doue much geed
in reclaiming ruined Women and ethers de
neundng it as unworthy or state recognition.
The bill was defeated, yeas 130, nays I!.
Less than the two-thirds of tlie whole llouse
is required te pass 11 private appiopriatleu
Tn the Senate the congressional appoition appeition appoitien
ment bill was reported affirmatively. The
bill te create a buieau of forestry was nep-i
lively reported. A motion failed te lecon lecen
sider the vote by which the state lunai y bill
was defeated, thus killing the measure for
the session. The Bullitt bill for the govern
ment or Philadelphia was discussed at
length. On the call or the previous ques
tion the Democrats declined te vote, defeat
ing tlie preposition. The wrangle continued
until adjournment without action,
The goveruor sent in the nomination of
Scott Patten, or Columbia, as notary public,
but no action was taken en the appointment.
On the Mete fc'rent Suaklu They lire Altai kill
hy IteheUamt forty of Their Infan
trymen Hllleil.
Si-akin, March 10, 10 u. in. The whele
force started this morning, at seven o'clock-,
with aday's rations and ene hundred rounds
or ammunition te each man, In the direction
or Hasheen. The troops are,at this hour, three
miles from the city. Tlie cavalry has been
sent ahead te beat up the enemy, and fight
ing is oxpected at any moment.
The rebels flung themselves upon tlie ad
vancing column. They wero allowed te ap
proach within ten yards or the Hrltish line
before the latter opened tegular tire. The
Arabs replied promptly and the British rc
tlied. The object or the reconneissanco having
been accomplished, the Arabs showed no dis
position te fellow. The Bengal cavalry took
many prisoners Captain Birch was speared
through the shoulders, and four of the In
fantry were killed, among thorn Lleutciuuit
Suaperteil Murder of The reraenn.
Sr. Papi, Minn., March 19. Mrs. 1). M.
Hiitten, n woman ofthe town, was found
dead In her room last night. Alengside was
a man who was also dead. The latter was
IdentinedTas Harry W. Kellogg, a foniier
merehaht'ef Nellsville, Wisconsin, who has
n wife and' live children. It was at Ilrst
thought the man hud shot the woman during
a levor's quarrel nnd then shot himself, but
later developments have led te tlie arrest or a
man uauied Borgsterm, en suspicion or kill
ing both parties. The police are also after
the woman's husband, who is a gambler.
Deuble Tragedy In Indiana.
IJuchaiit, hid., March 10.-A double
tragedy occurred at the country losidcnce et
L. Hubbell, nertheast of this city, yesterday.
Win. Hubbell, who wns drinking 11 man uud
subject te aberration of mind, had been nil-
judged Insane, Mid was about te be lemeved
te an asylum, but taking advantage of ids
watchman, 1 totally shot his wife, and then
turning tlie still smoking weapon te his own
head, blew his brains out.
The Senate Anxlem tn AiUnuru.
Wasiiinoten, March 11'. In oxccntlve
session te-day Senater Sherman offered 11
resolution providing for thn nppointment of
two senators te wait upon the president and
Inform him that unlesa he had seme further
communication te niake tlie Sonnte was ready
te adjourn, The resolution lies evor until
Washington March 10. Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, local anews, followed by fair,
slightly celder woather, winds generally
shifting te westerly.