Ih t mfaftti tuM, t vi'j VOLUME XXI-NO. OYKK 2,000 CASES SOLD. ax Avriri: maukkt i.v nut i.kAv. ttiiMKitnvs sales ei'xkw. I.lsl or tlieTrniusif linns I'urnl.lieil by Our Cor- lriiitnleiiM Tim New Yerk llnverfi Cem. plaining e! While Vain In I he I'mnstl- vimlii Tolmire Oilier Markets. , The hs-al tobacco in.ukel has been f.ilily active duringthe p.iilweek. Hkllcsei Prey loeit Mies liy themselves and etlicr packeis or ever loe cases or 'SI and 000 wsm of 'SJ pbettt 200 cases of the latter being very line 'M leaf taken by tlie home trade, and a large a.'apurtieu hdug low gr.tile geutl-t, soine of viliidi la intended ier exportation. 1). A. Mayer at liH commission heuse sold 207 ?tses in five lets ; Greve A Cellins sold te a Harrisbiiig iKnixj Imposes or 'M; llln. Utubakcr, for expert. 80 cases eri'K'l : nod 1h.hu' Knullni.iii, 200 cases Ter expert. .Jehn Wilsen sold 15 e.i'3Ds '81 j Martin Hlckhain, (17 eases '81, and C. A. Heese, Ml cases or '81 ; Shlndle.v. lleishey. 200 eases '81 toNewberg & t'a, II. N. 'front ptitcliascd for Hliis He.tch A- Sen, or New Yerk, 07 eases or '81 leaf Irein Israel 1-andls, 6wm ft nut C. A. Keese and 32 cases ftein Polwiler, HerslieyA Ce., making a total el 2,05,1 eases. Soveral r these transactions Indtide lesales, which Mould probably reduce tlie actual mIes te 1,100 or l.iioe cases. Nilca eT Sen 'liilMttn. Frem dlllcreiitseUiuuser tlie count' our correspondents report numerous Bales of new leaf. M. II. Kuiilliii.inhasWougiit'the following lets in tlie southern township': Jehn 1'. Gable, 1, iu'ie IV,, I, 2; Ames L. II isliatt, 'a am-, 8j, .1, 2, and ', acre,, ft, 2k, ; Isaac Urban li4 ai'ie, 8, 'J, and 2 acres, ti, I, 2; Jelin IC. Habeekcr, u ncie, H, 2; Abraham llerr, l, ncie, liu 2; Jehn j. Hrub.iker. l acie, II, I, 'J; Jehn Gaia, U, acre, 10. I, 2; Jehn Laiul, P4 acres T, :i, 2; Win. Sellers, Nacres, u, ij, :i, 2, ., i at.l(. y j .,. j.c, vi.iik, i', t le, in. si, j: ifeiamlus lltubaker, 2 acres, 10, f., 2 ; Jehn Cieli,'l acie, 8, 7, :i, 2 ; Valentine Haves, 1 acie 0, , ;ij Goe. Cnni bell 1 acie.le, a; Themas Armstrong P. nefc, H, .1, 2; Wm.,IIInus, ps acie, 10, R .1, l! ; .rabies Vkjus54jr,tty, 2, - and 5, acie, 7, In eastern .S.ilislmiv .IimiOi AHmIiiiI buughl the lolleuing lets: 8. V. Lawrouce Jf aero seed leaf, I,., 1,2; 8. V. Urn relief, P. acies H.nau.i, 17, fi, 2; .Ina KlnM'11 2i, Havana, 17. f., 2; Win. Ooed 1 acrn llm.iii.i, 17, 5, 2 j Wm.doed, i, acres Havana, II, ft, 2; Win. lioed i, acie seed leal, It, 4, 2. I'rem U.ittiitid M'elnit J.O. Wilcox Iwilght the rollefiig: ('. ( Hrinlen P, wm IIaana, 10, 1,2; 0. C. liriuleil 'i aero Havana 8, I, 2; .Ine. Katun l.ure Haana, 10, 1,2; Jiik. f I lick 1 acie Havana 8, 1, 2. J. K. hnadeiA Sens bought tlie billowing in tlie irinit. nl l.e.imau IMace; Silas Mai ion I aero of feed leal', 12, 1; 2; Klixs lleishey 1 acie seed leaf, 10, l,2;.Iacnb Itcaiell 2 acies seed leaf, 10,1,2; Christ Hoever 1 acniMiedkMf, 12,1, 2, and 1 acie Hvbrid 10, 1,2. I'lie li'llevvlug ciopser lobaice have ls-ii lieught by .1. (i. Zeek, around Dan and vicinity. , ' '" J. O. Ilihilen, 1 .leu', Med leal, n, I, 2; David F. Stellyrus, I ncre Havana, 8J, It, 2; ItavidSleltzltis, ?, aue ll.iv.m.i, Ii',, 2 ; ,1m. Hlein, !, acres Havana, 8, :i, 2j David Htelt7i. Ins, 1,.11'ium'ciI leaf, b, 1,2. .1. (t. Wilcox b)iighl trein Clnist. Alean Alean tler, 1 acie H.vvnna, H, l,2;Cbrist Alexander, , heed leaf S, I 2; .Jacob Hehrer, $ acies llavaii.i, Hi, (liieiigh, no tillers j Hairy .Shimi, I, aeies Havana, i. l,2;.IaceblTinblc, .t acies Havana, l'Jij, I, 2; Mike .Smith, 1 acie Havana, s, I. Nulllleis. M. Oppeiihoiiner beuglit in Mltlu lliltain tlie follewing: K. A. Hutu ii, :i acres, 2ijt ft, 2 ; V. K. Al Al OAander, P, acies, 20, ft, 2 ; Jehn 1'lera, 1 acre, 1ft, ft, 2 ; A. A. llauna, :i, acres, 21, ft, 2; Jeseph Miller, 2 acies, p,t, ft, 2; Heward lliadley, 2acre, ;;e, ft, 2; all Havana seed. II. II. Mlllei bought Imiiii N. II. Wells, t acie, 11. 1, 2; Jacob llurhheiir, (wn II, ft, 2; Jacob Ilcrstieur, l'i iwiep, it, l,2;iJelin Killing !,, ncre, 'J, I, 2; nil seed leal. In Oregon and viiiuity thn lollevvlug s.des aie rei"jrlcd. Abiain (i. Klielliy ft acres Havana te 1'iaiik Itulledge at 2s7 : Martin Ceiney .1 acres Havana te Amu Hosteller ler I J, 0. and 2 acres seed leal nt ll.lt. Jehn Hruliakei te s.nne.1 acres ll.iv ana, II, I. Mr. lCnchhntl, of Ilallimere, bought horn fieiiiAbram ,. Shciik, et Maner, i acies or Havana heed at 20, t, 2. K.unucl Mihiie bought or M. 11. Boyd, tglcn, 2 acies of Havana seed at 12, 2. Mr. Ilencdict, aijent ter Mr. McLaughlin bought liem J, W. Zimmerman Upper I.e.i I.e.i ceck, ene aue or Havana at II, 0,2; and trein Mr. Simpsen a let Ter which he paid 15 cents lei vi ippers. In the viciultv el l.iudisville tholellouiug eieps were beld: Heuiv (jamler, Danitl Ktut7, Heuiv Haue, Havana, all te ene party, en private terms. Abraham Kurt, Havana, at la tents thieiigh ; Martin I. liauy, Havana, 1ft, 1,2; iicni. Heir, Havana, 20, I, 2 ; Daniel Miller, III, 4,"2; Jno. Seigel, Havana. 21',, 0, 2 ; IteuJ. Xelt, Havana, 10, 0, :i ; A. stiller. Havana, 2.1, (5, :! j lieorge Maun, li"), 0, It. riime Ilre., el Pali v die, Inve puivhased tlie lollevving lets in (Vruarveuaud vicinity: Daniel Kdwaids, 1 aero seed leaf, 1ft, ti, ;t ; 1 aero Havana, 15, tl, II ; Jeseph Iduinger, 1 aero Havana, ft leuud ; 1 acie seed leaf, 12, I, 2 ; Jehn ItciUiiydcr, 1 acies seed leaf, 12, I, 2; Millaid Iteuner, 1 aero seed leaf, 10, ft, !l ; Geerge W. Himpsuu, 2'j acies seed leaf, in , round; Jehn l''eiein.ui,2'5 aerenseed leaf, 10, 0,3 ;G. W. Hii der, 1 acie seed leal, 12, 5, 2 ; J. W. Steltluss, P4 acres, seed leaf, 11', ft, 2 ; Jonas Stelt7fuss, I ii'teh, 11, -1,2; oteplien Kteltluss, 2acies, 12, ft, 2; Ames Steltrfuss, 2j acies, 10, 5, 2; lMnicl Hpetti, P4 acres, 11, I, 2 ; Jehn Grille, 1 acre, 10, -I, 2 ; Isaac Styei.lacre, 11, 1,2; Clinten Tieub, 2 acres, it, 0, 1,2 ; same, 1 aero Havana, 0,1, 2 ; Jehn Thompson, P, acies seed leaf, 10, (1, 1,2; Mine, 1 acie Havana, 10, 0, -I, 2. .Samuel Moeto has bought tlie lollevving leLs.lu Cu'iuaiven : William Shirk, 2 acres Havana, 10, 0, II ; William MtCaa, 2 acies, 10, ft, 3 ; same, 1 a re, 12, 1. 2 ; lthuleu Giiriuiu, 1 acre, 10, 0, II ; I hi, id Claik, 1 acres, 10, (S, J; Henr Tamers, 1 iieui, Ui, &, -I.j , , , Meinckaud Wilsen, mf i;oceHon,iCbester (anility, liave hild ei)lit( acires 'of Tlavann lolucce te Steiner A Ce., or Lancaster. They received 20 louts fur wiapiiers, t) ler heeeuils, and 2 Ter gieuiid leaves. Tills is tlie lirstiuid only crops that has been sold in l'oeesou township, although a laige amount vvasraised last ear. mi: m:vv mmii; maukiii'. I'ieiii tlie Tobacco Leaf we niake the fel low ingeMiacts: Western Leaf Tlie week lias net been an ai'tive one, though ve nole inipihy fiem iii.iuufactureiH and sales te them, and for lor ler elgn atveunt. Tlie trade In new tobacco seems te lie hi isker at this tline'than in lor ler nier ears, owing te tlie scarcity el doslr.ible old sle-k. Tlie situation of tlie uiaiket is exeelient, Italy aiiueiiiii lug an avvaid for 2.",000 hogs heads, ineliidliig 1,600 heavy Clarksville ler Apiil.'ie. This extra demand lretn tlie Ital ian Kegie Is an unexiticted and delightful Ihmiii -te sellers, if net te buyei-s. Light tear sold at 7(3,11 and heav y leal at 8l."i. Virginia l.eal A llllle niore activity was shown this week In Virginia leal. Heme geed sales weie made of roumieu expeit teKuvu and a lew sales of geed oxpeit leaf, Tliore was net milclij demand ten bright, tobacco. Tlie usual nuantHy or 'jrighteiittcrsniul a feW vv rappers comprised the Biiles. A lnrgtt uuantity of scraps lias been sold here within this week. Prices, 7, 11U. Seed Leaf Trade has shown no sign of Iin Iin prevnient during tlie jnist week. Kvery thing Is being purchased In small parcefs, and very little is sold that does net occasion a less te tlie seller. Helders or 1882 Pennsyl vania are net inclined te pait with their goods at tlie prices ellered for them, mid liouce low sales el this tobacco are made. The 18S3 Penn sylvania Is being worked oil' gradually, and as iiiauulacturerH (-an work as binders that which was originally intended ler wrappcars, at tlie pilees pai.'i lorutiieyiieein it a geed article te buy. Tlie 1S81 Pennsyl vania continues te be sold, and btfore a gicfit while tlie niarkt t must 1st entirely bain of this toliacce. Tlie losses Incurred by packers last year have lundethcm cautious In buying doubtful crejH of the new tobacco. Much mom has been deuu In Wisconsin than In any ethor state. A number of our largest packers w he went te Pcimsylvaula lpr the puqtoseol buy 168. ing new tobacco lmve returned alter making some punlnises. One firm said te us: "We have a large nicking house In Lancaster, but we have net bought a pound or tlie 1881 Pennsylvania ns yet; H Is u nlee leaf, line and silky, but It lias viille veins.'' Certain large firms who in previous years have been heavy Investors have net yet commenced buying. Spanish Havana llllerH sell ,erv moder ately : ;,'() bales changed hands at imm 80 te tefl.15. Hunialra lftO Uiles vvere tal.cnatfieni$l.:t0 le 9I.MI. JVtir A slight Improvement was ioneptl ieneptl ioneptl ble In this branch. In addition te the usual deinaud there was an extra Inquiry for old bright Hand 12 inch, low grades, tlie stock or which Is very much leduced both here and In llaltlmere. Prices continue linn, and Ihere are no Indications el recession, leal nil ing se bighas te pievcnt It. P.xperts, 101,029 iKiunds. flunking--Increased sales are lejKitled or both common and flue goods. Ci'ars Meid activity was observable In tlie cigar in.u kut. I lim V Wcrkly Iteiieil. Sales el seed led tob.i'-ce reported ler ihe Lnii:i.i,kii:nci:h by.LS. (tans' Sen A-Ce., toUteed brokers, Ne. 131 Wider street, New Turk, for tlie week ending March 10, 1885: 100 cises, 188.!, Pennsylvania, 8Cyl2'iU ; UK) cases 1882, Pennsylvania, lt12c ; 200 eases 1881 Peims.vlv aula, 7(ij,nc. ; 1W) ciises, 188.!, St-ile Havana, 82lc.; 200 cnes, Sun dries 50t28c- Total, l.OftO cases. The Tiitniece .loie mil hi lt: editorial re view el tlie market sas: In looking ever tlie lepoilnef H,lesef '81 tobactes it: the coun try, esieeially these el Peimsylvanl.i, a pleas ant lealuie is met with in the, as a whole, low liiuiaiien ei prices, neie anil ttieru a gissl round liguie aiipeais, but tlie mass Is verging upon rales which isTiuit the bone that the views el exiKirtcrs ran be met this vear. Seme el the Havana seed el 'si Peuusvl .-.. . ....... - . vanla aie maivels In sie, textuie and gloss. They surpass the lines! Sumatia that overeaine le this country ; but tbeiu ex ists tee much vvell-gieimded suspicion ro re gatdiug tboiipieai,i''eol this tobacco, when once tliieugh lei mentatien, as te create an overwhelm leg excitement among tlie liuyeis. The little 'M Peniisylvauia llavau.i seed glow n was beautltul lielore packing times; it resulted in heavy buses te Investors. It tlui'sl Peiiusvlvaulallavati.iseed eropsheuld iiirueiii wen in six meniiis irem new, ine predlLlieu that tint days el Sum.itia hi (Ids country are numbered, is in place. Pennsylvania has a large nu mbei et toliacce giewuis witli siiM'iiei' iutelllgeuce ami oiln eiln oiln catien. AVby can't they devi-e means liy whicli the dcterierallug ( lunges in the le.il during tlie fermentation process can be avoided? Why handle the lender Havana sied plant like the bulky, cearse grained native seed ? 1 1 thocliiiiatiuiulliieiice changes the leaf alter it is packed, why net overcome it by improved means or pi (nervatien ? I'lillnilclplila .VMrkcl. Trade continues te impiove in all Inanities and priees are Mini. Cigar niiuutactuieis aieseaiehing Torgeod learauil they find It In 'M Pennsylvania which has the call ever all others.theiigh thcteis geed item ind for ether varieties. .Sumatra has Its special Ii lends, ami will sell. Havana sells m very niie lets at lull ligiires. ltcveipls ler Iho week-4itl e.ises innisll eut, 117 eases Pennsylvania, SI eases Ohie, 1.17 cases Yerk state,7.t cases Wisconsin, 10 bales. Sumatra, 111. I bales I lav ana and lliibhds. Viigiiiiaatid Western leal leh.it si. Sale fur ileuiestic nse la cises Con Cen liectieut, 713 cases Peniisylvauia, 21 cases HeusMtnnlc Havana, 10 cases Little Dutch, 72 cases Ohie, ft'i cases Vel k stale, 10 eases Wis consin, 10 bales Sumatra, 1 0,1 1 rales Havana ami II hhds Western leal In transit direct le in. mul. u tuiers. Ltportedef leal tobaite Te Liverpool, ft2, 101 Itis; te Glasgow, llft,8l7 Ids; te ItarbadiHM and Trinidad, 2,8 U Ihs ; leLd, !K),S2I ltis. Netitlit'rn mul Wc-lern .M.itkttrt. Iteieits Irem all sections or the Seuth and West show cnceuiaging.utlvity inthe (oli.iae trade. Halls vh. Woeilni Cieii t. t'lein the Toliatce Jein nut. Having tailed te Incline Coiigre.it te in crease Iho duty en Sumatia, tir, at least, lead the Importation et this tobacco with mere re strictive measures; growers and dealer; in seed leaf aie exerting their ingeniilly te bat bat tle with this hydra-headed enemy el our tobacco culture w itlieiit the aid el legislation. We have frequently pointed out in tbese miliums the advisability of t hanging our mode of (lacking seed "leal. The wooden cases am well enough adapted for tlie display of Imaginative tares; but ler Iho lei menta menta teon el leal or fei less expensive traus(orta traus(erta traus(orta tien, they sue, and always have, lernied In adequate means. In haidly any ether eoun eeun Iry in the world is leaf tobacco packed In cases. All L.LStaud West India tobaccos, as well as these el Seuth America, are lucked in bales and the lermeiitatieii et the tobacco in such pack iges has been found quite satis l,u lery in all climates. Tlie preierence ler Sumatra in this country lies a geed deal with Iho inode it i packe'd in. 'Iho taie is an almost positive one, figuring between I and 0 pounds. The examination and sampling of a hale is a much easier and lesi expensive matter than that of a ease et seed leal, while the Ireight en a ct-se averaging a tare el ene bundled pounds amounts te very lotpeUablo sums teeveij sblpjier. A change in this dheUien is being begun. Seveial large packers el '81 Wisconsin are new engaged in packing their tobacco in bales, the exact shape and sioef the Sumatra bales, The last dilleriug but little fiem that which holds Sumatia has beeu obtained fiem manutacliirersel cane goods In this country. Tlie hands, instead el' being tied vv ilb leal', aie (led with bast, allbrdmg quite a Having. The Inle will weigh en an average or 17ft pounds and the shipment el tlie toliatce packed in this manner will cost considerable less than the tobtcee packed in cases. Several packers will sliu t at packing '81 Pennsylvania Havana in tlie same manner next week. They expect te find the tobacco in a great ileal better condition, alter it has sweated, than II' it bad been packed in cases. This new way or attacking Sumatra iscauv ing much anxiety among the seed leal inr specters, whose occupation will be among the recoitlsel past and valiant deeds, If the ventures prove nuccesdiil. A VVHi-'n Attempt at Sultlilr. ' Mtiv. Nivhelas Kunl, living with hoi hus band and three small children at Kuterprise, six miles lieni Titusville, P.l, tlievv a pistol finin her skct as the lauiily sat down te lueaktast Sunday meiiiiug, pointed it at her side, and, bidding laiewell le her IiiisIkiiiiI and children, pulled the liigger, sending:! bullet Inte her body en tlie It'll side, just below the ribs. Tlie alarmed husband juniie(l Irem his chair tee late te stay the woman's baud, and when he had laid her en a bed In the next loom she hogged him loge and leave her te tile. A physician who was called In probed In vain for the ball, and Mrs. Kufitz new lies in n precai ions condition. Tlie only conceivable cause ler the deed was the fact that the husband and wile lived unhappily together. A JMrtlianil u Weman lliinccil liy a Med. The Chicago liitcr-QccmCa Omaha, Neb., special, says: About ene o'clock tut Sunday nieinhig alxitit eighty masked men went te the heuse where Themas Jonas and Mrs. Tayler lived, near Spring H.iuche, Clay county, took them te a bridge a low leds away and hung them tlioielioiu. They were Hupimseu te have been implicated In recent robberies hi that vicinity, and in tlie murder of IMwiulteberts n month age. Four ethor persons in' the heuse at the thne were tied and gnat ded until daybreak. Three of them vvere warned te leave the county. Notlce was also served en William and Jehn Jenes te leave the county within thirty days, or sutler the same jieuidty. Aniriliaii Iiiterel In fluiiteiiiala. The secretary of the navy has instructed Commander Wiles, of the Vautlc, new tit "New Orleans, te go le Livingstone, Guate mala, cniuiuiinlcate with Iho Aincifcau old eld ciaW at that place, and use e ery exertion te protect American Interests. The president of the Ceutiiil Seuth Ameri can eable company telographed from New Yerk te the secretary or the stiite that " he had information that a vessel, supposed te bavelieeu sent by the government or Gitatn mala, was en its way te cut the cable line," He naked protection ler the company's property. THE LITTLE RED HULL 1 lit! HKASV TnATVt.KAUBUAXA rf.NVl! ASIt 1HKU tlAMV. Clia.ril rreiii One lllvrr le I lie Other Itiei- Iiir Willi Hfvrn lliillcU III III, llel). Nllr en Murrsy Hill Ne linn In- Jurril I'HlnllliR Mm Tumi lied. A gatcmau w he was watching si small en trance In Iho high plank fence aieund Ager's slaughler-yard, at I'orly.sevcnth street, and thoKastriver, New Yet k city, at neon en Monday, becoming interested in the eelise, began te stare nt the sun through n bit of smoked glass. Whllohewas thus engaged allttle red bull lelt Iho herd In Iho ard and walked through thegateway, and vvhui the gateinan turned his gae Irem heaven te earth the little bull was in Forty Hevcnth street, and had headed vv estward w Hit si slew but stately trot. Ileiiuan tirubc, the ueuli- gent gateinan, tluew down his bit or black ened glass and started nller the bull. Hew as a shaiiely imlmal. He had a small lilack patch en his left shoulder, Ids neck was thick and bis horns weie stubby. Tlie warm sunshine kissed his ml ilaukssind made him reel geed. He tossed his head in the ait, gave a couple el sunt) snorts and increased his pace as Grulie tliew nesu him. " HiKidhltn oil 1 Head him oil 1" cried Iho gatcniau te two iiii-ii who weie crossing First avenue, just ahead of the bull. The men plated themselves r.ucl'ully out or loath or possible danger and ene cried "Shoe J" in a loud veite, wliile Iho ether thiew aHtoneaud stuick the little red bull en the Hank. A mangy little cur. md two small boys who saw the man thtew thosteuo ran alter Iho bull. The cur sprang at his nose and the boys began pelting him witli stones. An apiile seller en the corner struck him with :i brick. The bull began tedlsplay some teuiicr sit these interruptions, and be dis charged a kick at the deg's head, but his aim was bad, and he missed the head by alHiutau eighth nl an inch. Tlie cut ictiiriicd te his work with renewed real, and tlie little bull sttucK a Koas-yeii-pleaso gall stialght west through Forty-seventh" slieel, with bis tail elevated sit an angle of thiity-tue tlegtees, and i-iinting in the diitstien el Hunter's Point. ivvunei.N neus i.n ri'iisrn. limbo followed alter him as best he ttuihl, ciiisinglhe bull, the small boys and (heir deg by turns. Othei Isivs and etlicr dogs seen joined in the pursuit. Pelkeiiuu Clark, el the Fifty-liist strict station, was slaiiiliug at Stroud avenue, ruminating en tlie excel lence of civil sen Ite reform, vv lien the little ttsl bull, new going at a lull gallop, swept down the sltle street. Twe decu dogs of high mid low tlegree, vv ere barking and snap ping at bis he-id ami het Is. motley throng of boys and men lelfmvcd alter. Policeman Clark cried out 1 'Stand back, tliete, je while Oi took his mate." The human crowd fell b.uk, but thoi'-iiiiue pursuers yelled en In hind. Clark tiled and si yellow tleg diepieil out of the nice, mid gnawed nt his leg, vvbeie tlie xdit tun m's bullet had Liken etlect. Twe moie shots ami asiiddeii jump by the bull showed that he bait been struck, All ofhisgeod temper was goue by this tinie ; his eyes were rolling ami he lanwllh lewcrctl head and bems htsikiug and kicking viciously at the pa' k of tlegs. When be i cached Thlnl avenue, Forty Ferty Forty heveuth stieet was in n tumult. Nurse girl's, old women, men and Iniys lied beleiu the wild rush et the pursuit or joined in the pro pre cession ami aimed bricks, sticks or stones or whatever caine haudv te thtew at the bunted animal. Hcvci.il silko silke men en the way leek the bull for a targit and be steed the nisiladu biavelv. Justus the bull had es.ai'd collision w i(h otieol thoiieii pillars et tlie elevated read a policeman esnisl Ilre en him at sheit i.iuge Irem behind a truck. A bound in the air and si short Icllew or agony showed that be had Ixsin phet ami bleed seen dyed the black spot en Ins shoulder a bright red. At Lex ington avenue, the bull tinned south. An old Irish woman stetHl directly in Jds path way. She seemed paralyzed with Jear, mul unable In get out of the way. With a deep mean the bull sprang at lift, knocked her down and swept en down tlie avenue with a bitet tlie old woman's calico til ess Muttering en the end or bis born. "Miirtbcrl" cried the old woman. "I'm kilt, ler hIiiiie!" She wsis picked up .mil leuud tobeimhuit. Down Lexington avenue te Tliltty-clghth stieet, the bull lushed with the eiewil, new numbering fully .Mm, :i scuie tlegs ami a policemen, close at bis heels. Tlie stieet was lull el ladies ami il'lldicn, who weie viewing the sun through smoked glasses. They lied Irighteiietl bclote the i.iewd and took lOfuge en the steeps. At Fortieth Mlcct a Ixiy cariying a iitclicref milk', in getting out of the way, It'll and the white liquid spiead ever Iho strict. Sonic of the tlegs dropped liehiud te lap it up. At Thirty eighth ilicet a Kilicftiuau shot a big short tailed bundle tleg that had been tleing noble sen he. At Tbiity-seventh street, a little cur fell lfuie the policeman's deadly aim, lolled ever yelping and bit the dust. The bull turned vvest again at Thirty-sixth street. MumtAV mi. i. i:fi ii;n. On through the quiet precincts el Murray Hill tlie yelling chase went. The windows of brownsteno mansions along the route vvere Idled with spectators. The bull's Hanks were dripping with bloody foam, he breath ed heavily and tlie pursuers yelled with delight as tlieysaw by his lowered tail, dis tended nestnls anil slackening pace that he was rapidly getting wcakei. llut seldom haspe game an animal given the ioliceor the city se pioleugcd a chance te display their bad marksmanship. A nurse ghlllcd be fore him at Sixth avenue, and lie ran evci the baby di riage she lelt behind, smashed it le bits and rolled tbeiulaiit into (he gutter, whete it was loud all light. A Sixth avenue bel-t.iil air that stepped his passage had ene et its windows biukeu as the animal crashed into it. The passcnucis hi the car became panic-stricken and Miss Mary Greene, el Ne. !il2 West r'tirly-elghtli street, who was en beaid, had te be helped, In a (.tinting condi tion, ten di ugstere, wheiu she watievlved by the usoet bartshetn. The hull bad paisetl ever Ihis route much quicker than it lias taken te tell it, ami when he reached Kighth avenue, going along Thlitv-slxtli streelhe was badly winded, hut as full or light as ever. The tlegs barked at his heels tirelessly; the crowd kept up Its Iho of bilcks and ether missiles. At Kighth avenue tut old man who was ciessiug the stieet, Wiisdlrcctly in the way of the infuii atetl beast, it diverged fiem its stialght line tureiigu ine iiiiiitiiuei ine sueci long eneugu te rush at Iho old man, who lay down, ami the bull tvisscd ever him, trampling him untier-ioei, nui uui seriously injuring nun. At Ninth avenue, (lie little letl bull upset a peanut stand and gored a deg. At F.leventh avenue, Policeman Hubert Maglnley joined In the puisult- His rovelvor was leaded In every chamber. JuiiininguiMm a passing truck he made the driverdiive alongslde the iiauting, but still imcemiucrcd brute, anil with the pistol point almost behind tlie animal's ear, he emptied live bands into Ills haul. At each dischaige the bull would meinciiLully stagger and given piteous lol lel lol levv. Hut he ran en with seven bullets in Ids body till midway between Klevcnth and Twelfth avenues, whero he tell in the stieet exhausted. A policeman ran up, and placing tlie 111117I0 of Ids pistol directly In the curl In his forehead, tired. The little red bull rolled his eyes upward, Ins limbs trembled anil with it convulsive movement of the body he was dead. The pack of yellluirdegs were driven away befere they could sink their teeth In the qulveiing llesh ; the dead animal was leaded en the truck ; Giube, led lu'tbu face and blown with bis wild run, climbed up and took ase.it beside the tl river, and by the same route he passed ever under such ililUc uit citcuiustauces, the little red bull was driven back. He was the property of Pat lick McKeen, el Ne. tttfl Third avenue. A MUtllrt'clctl l.t-tlir. 'Ilieie Is at the protlienntary'sollieo a letter addressed " Geerge H. Klrby, esq., dork, prothnnetary olllee, Lancaster, Laneaster Ce. Pa." Tlie letter is pest-marked " Kirk's Mills, Pa., Mar. II." Thore Is no man 'named Gee. II. Klrby at the prothenotary's olllee or known by the protueuutary or his cleiks. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1885. WAS VAHSKht. ilVlLTV Of TJUCA&UlTt Illitt tiMtlen of III, ManlffMe-llulilln'ii CorMiiii CerMiiii CorMiiii tlen 0iieKrtl le Dm I'rlnre's Mll, Mr. Parttell It apjiears Is te In) attacked rreui an entirely new quarter. Tlie manifesto read by Mr. Clancy at the meeting of the Nalloiiallstpectlon or tlie Dublin munlclial council en Thursday last has been suliinllled tothe solicitors ler the crown. The iiiaui iiiaui fesle was an expression ortheatliliido pieper te be observed by the National League towards the Prlnee or Wales during his com ing visit te Ireland. II advised Nationalist (e maintain an attitude eT reserve, te make no hostile demonstrations mid no expressions of welcome, and deelaicd that the visitor (he PiIiku and Pilncess of Wales te I10 I.1111I was InopiKirtiine whlln an liusjieak nbly Indecent coteile remalntd In Mi.stessleii or Dublin Castle. When Mr. Clancy read (he niaiilleste he announced that it was lieni Mr. Parnell and In Mr. Sexten's baud wilting. Jehn Dillen denied the authen ticity or the document. On Saturday Mr. Parnell admitted that Mr. Clancy'sslateiucul was con 1 ct and ex plain til that tlie document was profited Ter Mr. Clancy's personal ill ret Hen ami nse and net forpublicatlen at the time as a manlfesle. On Friday the National League Issued a in.milesle embodying (he sentiments contained hi the document icad by Mr. Clancy and el which the latter was apparently the drall. 'Iho whole matter has Ik en placed Is'loie the 1 tow 11 solicitors, and these lawyers have tendered an opinion that the manifesto el Thursday is a treasonable ileruinunt. Ills believed tbatlhe gevcruiutiil will bcosenio sevete action upon the opinion of Iho snliti snliti ters, but Its action is awaited with interest. ThoierHratlon of Dublin, by a vote el II le 17, tcec(cd si motion te picsciit an add 10.1s te the Prince el Wales en the iit'casieu of his visit 011 April stb. During thodebate tin the prejMiscd addicss Timethy Daniel Sullivan, home rule member or parliament ler West Meath county, ilescilhcii tlie ptope-'tl visit el Iho Piiiicoel Prince el Wales as 1111 attempt le ililieally whilewasb Dublin Cast 1 0. "All the is-rliiiiii-sef Aiaby," cued out Mr. Sulli van, "could netjsweelen Dublin C.islle." This ext lamatleii was reteliisl with iheeis. l-.iuicK r.gaii, ptesttieiiiei 1110 lilsn Nat ional Leaguu el Ameiica, has ttxeived a crible message lieni Timethy Harrington, M. P., announcing Iho decision of (he Dublin 1 nrptiralinii te 1 el use te extend hospitalities te the Piince ami I '1 lines of Wales. Mr. Fgau ti'legi.iphctl in icply: "Manly atti atti atti ttuloet Dublin corporation will wild thrill of pihle te every tine Irish heart. In the 11.111100I Iiinh National Leiigue of Amerita thank (I " m;.v.ite ii.ii.iK',i ttUci'KtiHUH. Allet ncy fit ucral ltt,rj;i, (.ray rurrlc. Oil llitt Isfiiitteilitl I'rle In Urlatfitit-, Tlie scnateisldp ill Delaware was decided in short ertlei Monday night and Gray wen by. 1 narrow margin. AslaleasH e'chskan arr.iugeiuent was made iK-twccn the 1 .010 and Mailiu tiicii whitli i.iuiu within an aie et giving the former the vitlery. Martin had but live votes and these sign oil lofeinooior te Lere as siHiii us their sticnglh would elect him. The lre men 1 ounted en 10 votes t it t.tm 011 Iho llrst li.illet ami these with the .Martin men would have been enough, us Kepreseutative Ile.nn's alisence, Ihreugh sickness, in ule 1ft votes a majority of the caucus. On the llrst ballet, however. Lere It'll sheit 0110 vole. It was that of .Senater Cav cutler, of Kent, who, although he hail net tiiiiuuHUtl hiim-dr, vvas itganleil sill along as lei Lere, lie voted a blank, as did also Senater Mustard, of Susst-K.' While ttiay's vote was 1.1, Martin get hlsjfi vetesand LoreO. On the second ballet Sujiater Cav cutler anil Mustard voted ler GJny.giving him la voles and tlie caucus iHiiiiluatfen. Ijeic again nveivetl '.land Martin 'ft. Ol the ten members rutin New Castle deuiily six vettsl fel Lere 011 both ballets. Gi.iy will lill llayard's se.it ably itml well. He isas handsome a man as can lj) leuiitl in thei euntry, a iit-iretl Apelle in form, ever six ftet in height, with hi it k nyeiuiid hair a little thin en the lop or his head. He is a Uncut speaker, with 1111 easy and pleasant maimer. Already it is pi odd led that ill a lew yens he w ill be felt in tlie S"uale. Gray is lorty-live yiars old. He was apiMiiutcd attorney general in I1"'.! for live years by Governer II, ill, aiiij was re.ipKtinttsl by Gov Gev ei nor Slecklev last l.ill for another term of llveyeaia. This is thoenlv eiln tihe has ever heltl. G 1 ay's eleit ion as st-natei makes .1 vaiancy in the atteiuev generalship, and already can didates are being spoken or ler that iisitfeu, pi euiiiient among whom .110 Deputy Attorney tieiieial Cooper, the present SMiker el the Senate, and Jehn II. Paynter, or the Sussex bar, son-in-law of Governer Sim kley, who makes the appointment. imiiii nrritA that jx ijilaj: lltn llitirlAl'eliit.in I'lt-HtMit " Oltlt-llt" le a ratltvil HeiiMV lMt l-v.'itltip:- I'lilleu epeia hoiii-e was packetl last night unthetilst iipKar,iiit'u nt the Harris Opera company in "Olivelte. " The management when the building was tilled refused te sell any uioie tickets, and many jN'ople were turned away Imm the detus. The perfor mance vvas quite .1 geed one, and ,it would have lK'cii!!Xcellont,butlertho iuabililyofthe littlowemauwhotfKiktliotitlerolotDsieiipiii stature and vocal requirements te thu part or Oltccttc. Despite this defet t it is net May ing tee much when it ississertetl tint it is as geed a presentation el And rail's charming epeiaas has ever Ihcii given in thUcily. In (he putsel fVitriicet and Itnthililn il was suiierier te any. 'i'lie audicnce w,n libtu.il in it 1 applause and the ptetty nuinlicra et the epcia were etithusl.istically eiitsnetl. Mr. Frank Deshon, as Oi'Hfiictif, and Miss A 1111I0 Cuter, as JJu lliilih; wen lavorlreiu thestait. The make up, couleillons and singing et the termer, while boiileriiigen tlie gietesqiie, weie veiy entei tabling ; and Miss Caittir'srichcotitialle voice ami natural noting ninth enhanced her, personal charms. The ether p.ut.'t were capibly taken, with the exception noted, and the chorus, though small, showed attunes sin prising strength. All in all il was a geed entertainment, and tliueHra lieuse is well worth a visil dining the cempany's' slay. This evening "Tlie t'hiniea et Normandy" will be rendered. JIM) IO HUltSE HALV.H. f'ftqilii I'ieiii 11 lllMttiiit Coming le Iluy Liin cithlrr Stepprri. Auctioneer Howe began selling lieies at Colv m's mIe vesleitlay aftornuen, ami by evening every one in the stable had lieen dis posed of. The animals aie all drlvers and well-knew niii theeily. The pricesf woie as lollews : Pair 10.111 lierses, $200; 10.111 horse, " Hill,"$li2.ft0; luyiiisue, "Ilelle," 5175; cieain horso"Jec," jj200; bay mare,"Fanny," 9J11.SU; bay 111.ne, "Satlie," ?118 ; seirel mare, " Nell," fNS ; sorrel horse, " Pipe Line Heb," 5152 ; grey hnrse, " Dik-," $112.50 ; pair sorrel marcs, " Cricket " ami " Kale," f 112 j two saddle horses, fleo and f Ifd ; bay horse, " Goerge," fJtK) ; lref black hors'es, $.'st(); iMiny and plueten, f l(l," ; " Hlack, Hell Hell Jeunder," f 112. The sale aiueuuteit teftl,- 110.2'.), and all the property was net disposed of, ewinu te tlie inipraich of iiiirlitf:ilL Thos.ile drew a large nmnlier of preniincnt horsemen lieni ditlcrent places auilagrc.it many of the animals were purchased by ioi' iei' ioi' seus residing out of the county. i.iki.v.n'h sai.i:. Samuel Hess, auftlenecr, sold at publlu Kile yesterday for Daniel' liOgan, at his stables, this city, seventeen head of line Canada horses at an avonige prlce citiyi jwr head. One julr sold for fillO. A Weniaii Slaja a Diplomat. A Hruskels girl en Monday fellow cdv the Japanese tharge d'alValrcs In The Hague te Potterikuu, and shot him in the head with a lovelver. She then attempted te commit suicide by stabbing hersell with a dagper, but only Indicted a slight wound. The wounded man subsequently died In a hosni hesni lid. He had premised te marry the gill, who learned that he was married already, and thathls wlte was coming te The Hague. fatal Kiplu.ien ofnllellr. A beiler at the colliery of Lawiouce it llrnvvu, at Malieuy Plane, Pa., e.pleded Monday aaernoen. Ames Grinder, tlie llro llre inaii, was iu badly Injured thai he diett seen afterwards. Anether man named Craw fold and 11 boy named Smith wero severely In j 111 oil. The colliery. wll be Idle for bevend w eeks, N THE NAUMAN ANSWER 101111: 111 1.1. is i:QVirr or Tin: nr.y. m:itsus J.STA TL'. Tlie Ktl.illenn That llnl.li-il llclurtli thn Iwitn Ames H. IIcmiIitmiiiiiiiiI III, I), milliter mul I Htni-lii Ijiw Tlie i:iriitllliura tin Mr. Nuitiiian'it lltiu.r. Following Is the answcrol'Gisirge Natiiuau and LI7I0 H. Naiiiuati (e (he bill In eipilty recently tiled by Iho administrator el' Iho Hendersen estate te discover assets tr the estatoallegetl te 1st In their imssctsieu : 1. Thev admit the Tacts set birth in Iho Hist paragraph or the plalntill's bill. 2. They Iwllove the r.u ts set forth in the second paiagr.iph or the plalntill's bill te be true. J. They admit the facts set lettli In the thiid paragraph el thu plaiutlirs bill. I. They admit the latts set birth In the fetltlh ialagiaph or the plalntill's bill. ft. Thfv-admit the lads sol forth in Ihelillh paragnii'li of the plaiutlirs bill, but there vvas liirther .1 parel agreement lielween Iho said AiiiesS. Hendersen ami llieaild Geerge Nauiiiau, that buslieuld pay f250 per year le (I10K.1I1I AiiiimS. Hendersen, dining the Lit ter's Hie. 0. Te the sixth p.iiagi.iph of plalutilPs bill they answer that oil May 7, lhH3, the Mid Ames 8. Hendersen vvaseiigagetl hi tlie busi ness or banking, In theeily el Laucas(er,and had bi en se engaged si nte 1851. I'ieiii tlie vear InM he was in partnership with lien. 1. II. Hiester, Jehn K. Keed and Davitl Sliult., until (he withdrawal et the latter In IsMi; lieni hW, with Jehn K. Htedautl Hen. Isaac C. i Hester, until the death or the latter in 1871 ; fiem s7l, with Jehn IC. Heed, Until the ileal h of the latter in 1Ns2; and Irem 18S2 be t-eiultif led the buslnesi alone. The various llrms wllb vvbitli he was connected always enjoyed thu highest crttlil, and bis own ci edit was unquestioned up te his death, every demand bein.; promptly met. 7. They admit Iho iactssct lerlh in the sev enth paragraph el the plalntill's bill. They lurllier answer lli.-u lliesaiu eenveyant e was aifepletl by them in tlie most crlect geed failhantl under the following circumstances. The premises eon v eyed adjoined the heuse in width tliOHald metS. Hendersen resided, anil he ousted thereon, in tlie year I80'l, a two-storied house of luudern Niw, which was Inthatjcar ecciiiied by thu ilelentlauts at his icipicst. The prtqierty was then sisiesseil in thu name or the said Guirge Nauiiiau, mul he lliei caller paid all Lixert, cost of repairs, impievemenls, 11111I all ether expenditures connected witli the pteierly, and, after thu year 1ST I. paid, In ad'litloiijthercte, an annual rent of$2fte, which was the full rental value or the premises occupied by thu defendants. He bail, up te lKN'l, exicudetl a colisitleiable amount el money upon the house and let oc cupied by tlie defendants. In the spring of lss.1, .the defendants, having six chlldieii, ami tee Heuse being tee small ler incir proi prei er accommodation, it becitne necessary either te enlarge the said heuse or te meve tlicrelrem te soine ether dwelling. Li?le II. Naum.ui Is'ing unwilling te leave tlie ncigh ncigh ncigh horliettd, her lalhei being then iilmut 70 years of ag,", the Mid Gtsirge Naum.111 agretsl te enlarge the heuse at his own exs'Iihc, pio pie vitled that it could Isi done with some ilell ilell nlte understanding and witli some assurance that tboexMiiditiire would eniiie te his Mid wife's licncMU The. said Lizzie II. Nauiiiau sHike toiler l.dher, and he ellered tot envoy ami did convey the premises dcseriltcd in the plalutilPs bill te his said daughter, Iho conveyance being in.ule with the intention that the Mitl Geerge Naiiiuati should eulaige and huiirove the said beuse, anil thu Mitl Geoige Naum.ui did eulaige and improve the sdd lieuse, ami all the exiKnitlilurcs and liiipiovemeiils made by him in se enlarging and improving the said house were made with tlie knew ledge or the Mid Ames 8. Hendersen and 111 accordance witli plans made belore the Mitl con veyance was made. And the Mill Geerge N.lunian tlid jny the annual sum el SJ-'iO after the Mitl coiiveyante, the mid conveyance having been made iiimu a verbal agreement with the Mitl Geerge Naum.ui that he should, during Hie life time el' the said AiiiesS. lit tulerseii, pay him annually ?250. Anil the Mid defend ants ais'epted the Mid tenveyauie, and the Mid Geerge Nauinan expended bis own money upon the Mitl premises in the most pet rect geed faith, ami without any knowl edge en the part of the Mid defendants, or either et them, that tlie slid Ames S. Hen Hen dereon was insolvent, and without any rea son en Hie p.ulel' either of llieni te believe that he was insolvent, ami without any Idea th.it he was making a greater prevision teri Ids daughter than he was able te tle Ter each or his lour children, or greatei thin vvas rea-. sensible and proper under Ihuc lie uiust.iuies. 8. That Iho wiid Geerge Nauinan lias, sinte IhOMitl tleetl erIav7, IknI, expended upon tbuiuipievciuciit ei tlie Mid teal estate the sum et l,702.0a, whith mid money was spent in enlarging and iiupiuving the beuse elected thereon ami the appurtenant cs, and for this money se expended the defendants iuakeclauu.mil ask te be allowed theielur, ami the said delendauts answer tint this money was expended by the mIi! Geerge Nauinan in jierrect gtl faith ami for the benefit of Ids wife and children, hu believing Ins wile's title le the premises te be geed. And he apicuds hereto a stale men I el the payments 111 iking up Mid sum off 1,70-05. Ami the Mid defendants further answer, that they tle net knew new, el their own knowledge, whether the Mid AmesS. Hen Hen dereon was insolvent en May 7, 188.1, e r whether he has a single creditor 111 Ids busi ness new the tit Id te whom vvas 111 existence Iheu, but they tle net desi 10 te raise lids tiiiustieii, nor te raise tliu question whether tlie consideration ler the conveyance wits sulllcient ; they sue perfectly willing te ro re ro ceuveydio premises te the administrator, have never refused te de se, ami otter te tle se new, but 011 condition only that they be allowed ler the expenditure inatle by theui in geed faith iiiniii Iho Jjprujiuity, and pray tliat il be ordered that they shall 10-convey iiHjii condition that, out el the proceeds ol'the Mle or the premises, Iho Mid Geerge Nau inan shall llrst be repaid by the Mitl adminis trator ot'the estate el Ames S. Hciulei-seu, deceased, his Mid exiK'iidituroef ?l,7fi'i.05. And theysubmil themselves te the order or this honorable court. Gr.ouen Nausi.vn, Lix.tilll. Naijman. bclietlttle 0 I2iiendlturet liy lleutiie AViitiiitiii, Jtierrcille in the Kmhth J'timtmph nf the Antucr ; Philip Htuklulifrir tl.fHJ e-J lieorge M. SU'liiiinui A Ce .. 1 le 1-! Ktails.V Ovuitltei i-Vl I- 1'i'tui Until MM hiui-tlierA. 1'fclircr. .... IM l) Siiin'l Itciietlltt ITUtiil VV. II. Ilitciiiaii 2M 1'J tl. Seller & Buns I'M te Win. jlfC'liire linn I'eiin'ii It. It. Ce 3S l'eut. ,t lilt) -'Jit") Win. WehlBCll , -1IM .1. Veiiilt'lsndtll I'll") h'.ll. Dinkelberg MM lMllllilliX llle U." t) A. is. XIcIieIh JLC'e Kl KS Jelm Ileal 47ll G.tireflngtr HI tut B.iiiincl Flick 117 -ii .lelm lliitk 10 .VI II. Gilbert A tvm 1,'t tt O. A.mcliiiulllcr , 'il i'i II. MuI.aiiKliliu Hu II. I.ceiiaiil i SO .Muiitluill A Itcnglcr. VI 73 II, V. Ilaitiiiaii ti 77 r W'.Kry 1I'I7,I W. .I.llatk, beii.V Ce ni a C Cooper.... u 'ii JI,7iiJ 05 ite n ni: i the jie.vA'k ihiawkk. Tlie OnitltiiiltiTliiituY'oiuigStepf'Kriice llvlncetl for Hlmliicits Dene lllm. On Wednesday evening last, a boy about 15 years or age and very poorly clad, came shfverlng te the restaurant of Jeseph W. Tshudy, under the market lieuse. He told a very pitiful tale, stating that his parents wero Isith dead and he had no place te go. Mr. Tshudy bccanie interested hi the lad and told him he might remain with hhn at thu restaurant. Slnce that thne thu lad' has been doing odd jobs and at night slept with Tshudy. This morning xvhen the lattcrivwokethohoy wasinisslug. Tshudy leuud that his bunch of keys hail been stolen. He believed that the boy bad taken them le go out for a short time and hu awaited Ids re turn. He did iiotcenio and in tlie course ofaceuplo hours Tshudy breke open thu money draw te find that It had lceii reblHid. Monday aftei neon he placed tj 1(1.02 in tlie drawer, and but 3.50 were In It when opened. The boy elves his miincs Caleb Towiisend. and he U believed te be Irem I Coatesvllle, MOIIHIMI A VIXlhAllKhVUlA 1IU1IE. He Hrrkn I'rolrttleii In s Cjlittilniit Httcel Slere mul U Item licit liy a I'lillct-iimn, A de.ir, darling, dashing dude, Mitnteihig down Chestnut slrcel, fell in with a let el guying urchins en Monday afternoon, mid bo be bo rero the torrlble youngsteis had get through with him Iho "charmer " n;oelved nsovero shock le his norveii'l syslcni mid had le lie escerleil le 11 car by a stalwart resorve olllcer. Uninlndrtil or Ids Inunlnent, awlul tlanger, the young man, at rayed In all the glories and aecosseriiH or dudodem was carrying lilmseirMlIsi.ictorlly.aecertllng te the ideas el" his class, and believiug th.il the curious expressions 011 Iho r.wes el (he isscrs-by wero but a maollesladeii of the vveerul havoe which he fellmre hu was mak ing vv itli the hearts or Iho " lair ones" wheni no iiouereii wnn a smile. The uusviupa thelli! small toy who gaped, laugheil and yelletlat him gave the nice young man a' pain, w hlcli seen lietame a torture. A II eyes vvere directed te him, ami seen a lai go crowd or men, women and children weie following at his heels. " The uiiloilunale tluilu began te twist his Invisible mustache and whirl Ids c.inoipilte fleieely. Ills fuitlve glances te (hu rear bo be bo leketietl consternation. At last, unable le longer bear tbutatiuti and jeers of (hu crowd, the disciple el ies (helie itlcas lushed riandcdly in a hatstoie en Chestnut street, aliove Ninth, while the throng, enraged by (he retreat, yelled and shouted with derision. "What Is It? What's the mallei ?" was hcaid mi all sides, "Wliy, it'satlude; didn't you see liiiu?" was almost invariably the reply. The excitement naturally blocked tlie street and interfered vvllli business, se the policeman en the he.it, in order te disperse the mob, persuaded the young man le put himself under Iho biotistlen el tlie law mul get en a street car. 'Ihuiliule finally agreed te onto merw face Ids tm iiieuterit, ami, witli tlie olllcer by hit side, leieed Ills way through the ciewdaml iKxirdcd a pissing ear. As tlie eiing man tlrepped iiiteaseat in the coiner a parting shout arose luiiu the creud, which seen disieistsl. 1. 1 tiers of Ailiiuiilslratieii lir.iutt'il. The following letters weie granted liy thu register of wills, for the weckeudUg T1101 day, Maith 17 : AiiviiNlsritATie.v Im.ic lliumuer, tle eeaseti, 1.110 01 new 11011.11111 ; Dr. Jelin II Kehler, New Helland, adiuhiistrater c t. :u Davitl Miller, tleceasetl, lain of Salisbury tewimhip; A. S. Trell b, lloueybieok, Ches ter county, administrator. Mary It. Tennis, tliss-asetl, l.doer Druiuore township ; Samuel Tennis, Druniere, adinln adinln istrater. llarbara A. Haer, tleceasetl, late or War wick township; Kuiauuel S. Mitmich, Hast Heinpliehl, ami .Samuel GiiiIk', Warwick, administiateis. Levi Waidley, tleccased, I.ite el Strasburg borough ; Jehn Walilley, Strasburg, admin istrator, c. t. a. Hliz.i Klieily. tlecoi'-edjlato et Clay town ship ; Isisiel S. KheiJy, Kast- Cocallce, atl atl niinistraler. Alary Ann While, dortset!, late el Jlait Jlait heiiu borough j J. M.tKnxinbiger, Maiihcim, administrator. ' Hebecca Bether, doisatsetl, late of Adams town ; William JJoeher.,AdHiiiRiovvn, admin istrator. J, Ti.siAMiJNTVitx---ITenry'M- Svyattley, tlet easetl, late or li.sP"IIeinri!lliL township ; Jacob 8. Tieut, Kast llcmplleld, executer. Hcliiamin ltuth, dccc-asetl, latoef Umcaster city; Mary A. Huth, city, executer. Fretl Peusrh, tleeeased, late el Laucastci city; l''rauk Pleiller, city, executer. Christiana Frccdinaii, dece.isetl, late of Lancaster city; I,euis F. l'recdinan, city, cxtx'uter. Catliorine Heyer, tlcteasctl, late of Cts-aliee township; Phaies Heyer, Lebanon county, executer. Sarah Dillcr, 1 let e.t'cd, late of Karl town ship; Ailatu Diller, Firl, exeeutei. Sanih H. Davis, dot eased, late of Iiucaster city; lleberl A. l.vatis, cily, executer. ivate iiuiiy, tictcisetl, late, el cily ; Jelin Dully, city, exet ii-itu. L.uic.ister Si: COS it AltfMSV. Vleilner llUhep I'allew., of Iho Iteferiuetl l.'ptt l.'ptt tepal Clitircli. The Itight Hev. Hisliep Samuel Fallows, or Chicago, preaching in the St. Paul Iteferiuetl Kpiscepal 1 hiirch Sunday night upon the " Signs el' thu Tunes," made soine unusual statements, lie said it vvas .1 remarkable fact that tlie great mass el intelligent, lai seciug business men, peliticiansaud worldlv werldlv worldlv wise jieople generally, could net, or would net, read the signs of 'the times in their heat ing upon that far mere Important mattei tlie second turning et Chrit. A great many of the impel taut events which have hapieued in modem times were lorcteld, the sieaker thought, centuries age, and weie foreseen then by students el the signs el the times. He thought the events et te-day weie as pregnant of indications as thoseol 1,siki years age. The present condi tion of Fg pt was te the preacher a sign and an uv idence of the coming fulfillment of the prepliecylh.it 1'gypt would be ruled by the Jews. IJecnusiilcTcd thu tle. lunation of'l'ng ef'l'ng laml equivalent te Miat, as it would hu a con trol in the interest el the Jewish bondholders. Fartbquakes, iioslilenee anil famines vvere prophesied a signs te be seen belbie the ad vent of Christ. The earthquakes in Italy, the appre lolling cholera iiestllenee, and the Iambics which have prevailetl in Asia were (he signs (e meet these prophecies. It has been ineiiliesied that iniuuity would abound. and the bishop thought the full measure of this prophecy hail been fullillcd. KlLLLJI 711" KOI.hV.H SKATIMI. Tlie l'ltlfiil III atli el Olie et ll)oMatllMiiiniiinie Oariluii Haii-m. One of the contestants in the icceut six days' rellerskalhig match at Madisen Square Garden, Jeseph Cehen, has forfeited his life for tils experience, lie was a tlry goods clerk, but being out or employment entered the roller-skatingr.icoiuoider te earn money for the support el his w ife and child. Cehen was in 110 condition te eutliire the strain of such a trial, and idler tlie llrst day went around the track in such a disabled condition that the managers ence or twice erdcicd him of. The agreement hew ever, was that ev cry man w liest-dd en tlie track twelve hours each day would get t50 for Ids labor at the lluish, and this inducement kept Cehen hob heb liliug along. When he went ler Ids money en Monday, howevor, it was lefused him. Tills se dis couraged him that 011 Wednesday he was tee sick te go around and took te his bed. He kept breeding ev er ids troubles until Mon day morning, whan he died worn out fieiij physical and mental exh mistieii. United State. Si'iiate Werk. W.vsiuscneN, Mar. 17. Sonate Blair's resolution of yesterday authorizing the com cem com mittce en education and labor tosltdurlugthe rocess, was laid befere Iho Senate and wad adopted. Ciillem's resolution te appd'it a select commlttee te Invostlgate the subjeet of lutor-state commerce xvas then laid befere the Senate. After a long dobate the amendment requiring a icpert 011 or befere the second Monday In Doccinljer next was adepted and the loselution passed without division. The Senate then went into executiv e session. hcrleun ltlet In 11 Town III Ireland. DuiuAN, March 17. Fortadewu, u manu facturing town of soveral thousand inhabi tants, ten mlles nertheast of Armagh, was the sccne of a sorleus riot te-day. A lietly et Nationalist rioters wrecked the heuses or certain obnoxious persons i bands of Oningo Oninge men juraded the streets,and great oxclteiiicnt prevailed. j Trains New Muting. SlllMMA.Me., March 17. The executive coiuuiittee of I lib strikers have announced ac ceptance or tho'terins of the circular and trains begsm moving te-day. WMATItMK UiJllVA-TlONH. Wasiiimjtex March 10. Fer the Middle Atlantlt) ntate, fair, cold xvnathnr, followed during Wednesday by slowly rising toin tein toin jierature, 'jorthwesterly, shitting te soitli seitli soitli vveilorly winds, ilslng, followed in Northeri jHiitleu by falllujj barometer, IWUCE TWO CENTS. C1IAKLICS HK1GGS HANGED j-'-iu him MUithF.n ei' ins irfi; i.v Vllll.AHV.I.VHlA. Ne llinmisl iMrltlrtit Attending the J:r ntien. Iln lienleHiti Iho I.rtut any KnintletlKn of 1 tin Deeil-llrlef Ill.lery of llm fl linn That tins Ilccu lltpl.ltnl. I'll 1 i.A 111:1, en i.v, Pa., March 17 Charles llriggs, the wile murderer, vvas hanged In the corridor of the county prison at Ktel this morning. The execution 'was without unusual hid den!, and te all apiiearanccs llrlga's death was palnleas and almost Instantaneous. H0 maintained te the last his assertion that he knew nothing at all or the murder, iiisiouvei ms t: 111 mi:. The vi line of which Hrlggs vvas convicted uhh Iho mtinler of Ida wife en the 7th of July, IKs,t, Tliey lived at Ne. 125 Tayler street, Philadelphia, until a low days previous te ihe murder, when, after a quarrel with his wife, during which hu Ibreaetued te kill her, holcfttheirhenio. lletlld notreluin until the day of the murder. On the evening or (hat day he returned home and vvas visited by hii employer, William Marshall, and his wife, who left about nine o'clock. Aller (he vlsilers had taken their flcjmiliiie, Mrs. llriggs went te market, ami returned about q 11, liter pist niue with a neighbor, Mrs. Helmes. The little daughter or Mrs. Hrlggs was sent out Tern bottle of elder, ami Mis. llriggs, who had lice 11 cleaning lieuse, Invited her friend loge upstairs and see the roein. llriggs Mid he would clean the stair reds, and started down tlie cellar Mylng that he would would get the liquid preparation used Ter that purpose and clean them at once. Allcrsi Tew minutes he called Treiii the cellar and Mrn. llriggs went duw 11 le assist him in the seaich for the Imt Imt tle. A moment aflcrwauts a struggle vvas hcaid, and Iheu .1 crstsh sis H the hanging slieir bail fallen witli all (he bottles. Twe policemen caine Inte the heuse and encountered llriggs coming up from the col cel lar with n razor coveted with bleed in his hands. He handed tlie razor le the ollleers, wltlitheieiii.uk, "Well, I've doneit," and made no rosislante te an est, Mrs. Hriggs was round in the cellar Willi her threat cut, ami tlietl within a short time. Hriggs is .m Hnglishmau, ami a weaver by Dade, at was his wire. On the trial ler Ids crime his counsel, Mr. Jesi.ih II. Adams, urged tlie pleael insanity. II vvas shown thai Hriggs ii id been 011 a pio pie pio eougcd ilcbsmch just before the murder, ami, at thotimeof the killing, was nut. It vvas al leges 1, accountable for his act. The Jury, however, convicted him. Mr. Adams asked for a new trial, und, this lieing refused, a-IH-aletl te the supreme tuit'rThe'Judgiitut of the tuarter sosslena belng confirmed in the higher court, Mr. Adams then applied for a commission in lunacy te In) appointed, which xvas also denied- An appeal te tlie, beard or pardons te recommend arenrfove"lo jGoyei nor Paltlsen mef with a like result, and 1110 1,111 nope 01 me cenucmneu man was gene J " -v I.KtllSLA TI I'M VJtOVMMlUSUS. Tii-iiioiretv Fixed le Cenltler the Senatorial -Apportionment ltlll. II vuuisiiuiifi, Piu, March 17 In thu Heuso te-day Siiedgrass intretluccd two mils ap ap ap propiialmgljleoxjo te reiuiburse counties or state hospitals for the maintenance of indlj gent 111S.1110 from June Hi, 18n1, le June I, ISKi, and f 100,0111) ler the treatment of the Rime class or persons ler two e.um, ending June la, 18S7. The bill te admit te practice in any court en simple motion and evidence that he is of geed professional standing and character any attorney who has been admitted te-practico in any com t et common pleas or the supreme court, was jusscd finally, after .1 piolest from Gieeii, of Berks. After a long debate the bill te tix the minimum school term at six months vvasileleatcd yea'JI, nsiys 70. The Heuso adjourned en an amendment tothe bill le in'imit defendants te testily in criminal cases excepting muidereis Irem its piovisieus. Tlie Senate passed finally the bill regulat ing Iho election or principals and teachers el public high and normal schools. Among the bills intieductd worn the lollevving: Hess: Toprevido for the labeling et any barrel or ether vessel containing leimented liquors, giving n.une of each ingredient. MeAteer: Empowering the government te appoint a trustee or director or all savings banks with no fixed capital ler every f 100,000 dt'iieslts, and prohibiting school beards Irem appointing n superin tendent or principal teachers, vv he may be within two degrees or relationship liy bleed or marriage te any member or the beard, To-inenow at 11 a. lit., was fixed ler the consideration el the senatorial uptwilion uptwilien mentbill. On third reading the Demeciats fought ier Thursday, ew ing te the absonse of Wallace and Hall, but their preposition was defeated by a party vole. J. C. Arneld, or Lancaster, was continued nelaiy public -ve jfuxxr 11 us txMts. Tim Hulled .Stlltet Will Until Tlie Itepulillc or fiiittein.ilit Kespetiiillile for Injury te A111erlr.n1 Interesln. Ni:vv YeitK Match 17. Mr. James II. Hcaid, secretary or the Centi.d and Seuth American telegraph company, stales that he has reecivcil advices te the eflect that the authorities or Mexico, San Salvader and Nic siraifgua have iKwtetl guauls at the cable landings eflliat ceiupatiy, and that the lol lel lnwing lolegiam from Secretary of SUte Hayaul shows Hint the ITnitcil States govern ment has determined te pielect Ameiicati pioperty fiem Injury : Wahiunoien, D. C, Maich 17. J.xvii:s A. Scnv.viHr.it, President of the Central and Seuth American Telcgiaph Company, New Yerk. A telegram Is te-day sent te the United States location. Guate- insila, holding that republic losiiensiblo for injuries by its authority or with Its con nlvance te" tlie cable or Iho interests of the I'nlted States cltUens in Central Ameiic.u Tlie Waclnrselt, new en loute te La Union, will be duly instructed. II.vv.vm. Gen. Grant l'liivlng 'I'essiini. Nnvv Yeitic.'Mareh 17. At the losldente orGen. Grant this morning, his son, Cel. Fred. Grant, stated that Dr. Douglas was mistaken in believiug the goiier.il was asleep when the doctor left the heuse at 11:15 o'clock last night The general dreads te lw a bur bur den uponanyeno and he closed his oyes last night and lay quiet until tlie phys ician had lelt the heuse. Theu he boeame resttess and was avvake all nighj. This morning he has had no long sleep, but has doed while sitting in two chairs. Miss S.tr S.tr teriswill arrlve en the steamer Baltic. OlnervliigM. I'Htrltk'n Day. Nr.vv Yeiik, March 17. St. Patrick's T).y was ebserved hore by two jwrades. The woather was all that could be desired. Hai.timeiik, Md., March 17. Tiioie vvas a street parside here te-day In honor of St. Patrick's Day. One Hundred Arrested for I'lajlng Dominoes. Br. Mahvh, W. Va.,Mar(,h 17. More than 0110 huuilied persons have been Indicted hore for playing dominoes in public. There am soveral women en the list, two physicians, a minister and an attorney. Te Mediate. Ilettteen Chin sutl I'l-nitcr. Paws, March, 17. The .e Jlfatin te-day ronerts that Germany will modlate betvveen Fi-ance and China for the scttlement of their dllllcultlcs, 1&-1 l