Ih mmtmacmi. - i - S-i -. - .1 T r-. tIW) Vlf --rTr-P--. 0- - VOLUME XXI-NO. 167. DIVIDING THE RAIMENT. THOSE wne mtEir Tilt: VH1ZE& AX rut; ltr.i'viii.ivAif c.tvvvs. The Milt lilim Slute Cler Threii;li Wlllimit n Si rati h lit M.ir flu Surf, Allleli en I lir l-lrn llri:irlmtnl Chief Pint. ImiiipiI fur Twe Wrrku Lenger. Twi'iity-sev en or (he twenty-eight llfrpub Ilwin iiicmburM of city councils, win will nssuine the inities fifliilive en llie lint Men. Jay r April, met In caucus en Satunlay night, In common council chamber, anil nominated city nlUcen mr the ensuing year. Aiue3 I'rban, select leuneilumii fr-eni tlie Vemlli waul, who was a suppeitcr of the IndciKmleiitll(kvtatltlip'lntu lloetlon, was tlie ahnoiitec The following; all' r whom woieou the siatoel' the city ling, whohave been running the nllaliser thoeliyfor tlie last low yu.it s, wcre the micccsslul eandl dates: City Treasurer (.iavieti F. Mveis. Superintendent or "Water Works-Jacob IIiiIImcIi. Stieet Commissioner Jacob Hertz. Oly Solicitor .!. W. Jehnsen. City Regulator Allan A. Ilcrr. Assistant Rcgulalors-Isaie lluhley ami Hebcit Albright. Messenger Jehn Loucks. iu:reiu: this cavcus. The caucus was called ler 8 o'clock, hut ler an hour before thattline (he candidates for tliobevcr.il elllces wcre en hand and were deployed in skirmish line lietn IHi.sIi'h coiner, around the nfjil.il e te "West King htieet, and along that stieet te Hull's drug Mere, It was amusing te watch the seu-mi members el council li.Ving te tfoMgoJlhocnii tfeMgoJlhocnii tfoMgeJlhocnii tliUatcs, all or whom hail, it ).fcu appeal te make, le convince the jrio'mher' that they were the piepcr poisons te select ler the elllces for which they weie candidates. The mostceulldcul candidate was S.uu Cen, el theThiid waid. In hisewn mind he was the coming street comiiiissieuer and whenever he could get a listener he would detail le him (he names of all thoceiiucllmeii who li.ul premised te ele Ter him. The number he counted en was sixteen, lle did iet h.ie tnoie than tour votes en any imu Fallet and Sam by this Hum has concluded that there weie twelve liais. Se h um was Kim el' his election that he was telling Jehn Ik Smith, also a cuididate ler the game olllce, hew he would lav crossings, objecting te the manner in which Commissioner Deeit did his work. Smith said Cox's ideas weie net "tactical and intimated that if Sam could build 11 geed hew dirt ter the city, which was doubtful, he did dot, knew! anything about Mreetweik. Smith next g.ie Cot Ins ideas hew street crossings ought le be laid, andr 'lisintctosted party who listened te the talk' if the two statesmen, walked away In dis gust, miitteiiug something that founded likoneitherol theiii knowing .uiytlilligalieut city work and that it wasiiVproliajile that either would he Vailed upon l leek alter the city's sheets this year, but niiivhosnlueolhoi year. vw'viiimi i in: iti;iru:H. Hy 8 o'clock all the members were en h.iuil except I'lh.tu. Theciewd of ollice-seokeis, their backers, the buhl wet ken of the wards, :iud Mime or tlie little bosses of tlie several w.uds adjourned te Cuba Myers' restaurant while the members weiein caucus. Menlzer, ene el the big beiscs, hapicus te be a mem ber el council this year, ami he had the ad vantage of llesses JSenscnig and McMellcn. Neither Sensenig nor McMcllcn pill in nil apnoaiaiiee, tlie friends they wanted nomina ted having been beaten at the iiiim.iiy elec tions unit eier the otheiH theyiiad no nillu fiice. A tlnlving business was done at the bar whilothe llttle bosses and ward werkciH discussed the chames et the seveial appli c.mts. Thepaity divided up in gieups el lour and live, and theie was nlwayH ene in each gieup who called Ibr tlie ill inks as often as the boys get dry. I'cle Fonlney e idently buiied the hatrhet with Squlie M punier, le"r thesotwewcic Inseparable during the evening l'cte probably convinced thealduimau that he wasn't a suppeitcr of the inille ticket in the Fourth ward at the last election. Among the ether notables present dining tlie evening wcre Lew ll.iitiii.iu, Buck Leibley, Ileugy I.eenaiil, Obey llobinsen, I.ittle Hebby Wei. del, Jake Price', d Mushy, Johnny Potts and ICpli. Shaiib. ' l.lTTLli rM'.i:.hAX rSKKS Heggy Leenard isaw.irniHiipoiterel Heb McDonnell, a caudidate for chief engineer of the t'nedcaitiuciit, and Uncle Lcibley favors Ilany Shaiib. When these two llttle be.us lluck and 1 leggy met (in front ofthe liarj lleggy asset (oil that the Third ward mem bers were ler his- man ; that they could net lot'use him, because he had made them ceunciliiicn. This bold statement In ought lerth a disclaiiucr lieui lluck, who then and then) in the pic.-cuce and within the hearing of all, proclaimed th.it lleggy vvas a "sucker," that he neer was able le de linj llilng politi cal In the ward, and never would de any IMilitical weik unless he was paid. lleggy retorted by charging tli.it lluck had leceived f.s'i I ren i lless kei te ucceiiipllMh n certain thing In the Third ward, and that he foully betrayed Levi and wasn't man enough te hand back te kevl the money he had rccuiwid. Alter Heggy hail made this nK'eeh lluck was going te make another, but his friemls ad vised him net te tin he, as il might raise a distill bance. lleggy wasn't satisfied, mid he Nerved notice en lluck that he was going te beat him at the nel piimary election, lluck Mid he couldn't, and after some further chin niusic, in order te duterniiue who is le Imiss the Third ward in the Inline, a mutual liiend proposed a plan which both accented. The plan is this : Scjiarate ballets will be nrepaicd and each Republican as he lexsits (lis vote will be asked tu, determine who is te boss the Third waid by voting a ballet, of which the following is a copy : r.eh.s u( tlir 'I'lilul Waul One te lie MiUil lnr, llci'j: JiK.iBLm, ll(S.iir I.Misjaiii. The lesiilt is te be accepted as liiuil, and the deleated -audidate is le move out of llie waul te save all trouble hi the Inline. The above is about the only unpleasantness that eccuried at the restaurant ilurlng tlie evening. ' IN I'AUCt'S I'fllt Till! I'lTY llPl'll'IW. When theeaiicus was called loonier HeIniiI A. ICvaus was elected chairman and Hervey lluist was clivled as clerk. Nuiulii.ilIeiiH were declared le Iki hi elder and for city tieasuier, V. K. Mvers was nominated and settled bv acchiniaCien. .Jacob JUiUmcIi was also neniliiiitPd Ter the olllce 'orhtinorliilen 'erhtinorliilen 'orhtinerliilen dcnl ofthewalcr works liyacclainatlen. The next olllieou the list wasst reel coniinisHienor. mid for it tlie following parties weie placed in nomination ; , ( ' ' I Jacob liertz, Nlulh wank- ' Jacob (ireenaw alt, Tirst ward. Aliller Kvkiuan, l-'eurth wank Sam'l 11. Cox, Third ward. Harry llaitley, Filth ward. Menue Wenger, Keceiid ward. p'raiik Haines, fourth waul. Joint Doisley, Suventh ward. Jehn it. Sinllli, Koveutli ward. Jehn V. Stauirer, Second ward. It tool; seven ImUeIh te doulde this olllce. All el the iiIkive candidates roieived votes in. llie lii-st few ballets oxeept Doisley, Sjnltli1 and Haines. Tlie light narrowed down en the last ballet te Jacob Uerlz, Jacob llreona llreena walt and Harry Hartley, and the vete en that ballet wns us lollevv s: - Hertz.. .. , ., ( ,tx. ':. (Irecnawalt. ' r Hartley The next ellleer vettsl for was city collciter for which thure wero tlirisjcandldales: Ik 11. Fulton, the present ineiiinlient, J. W. Jehn, son, whowiiseuchnHl out of the olllce last vn.ir lnr Fulton, mill Jehn W. Dcnllncer, us. sisUuitle District AUorney Klicrly. Three ballets were leipiired te decide this contest mid Johuseii wen by u vete or IT te 10 cast for Dunliuger. Fur regulator Win. 11. (lerliart wasacandi date against Allan A. llerr, butllerrwen by a vete or 2J te fi. Fer assistant icguliilers the candidate were iMiie Ilubley, Hobeit Albright, Jeseph llrienlimll, (leorge Ashbyund Jacob Walt. Albright and llubley were the successful caudid.iles. Fer ineiiciiger, JeUu t1, OmUftjn wiu.a caniitddte iigalust Jehn Loucks, but Ijeucks wen by a vete 25 te 2. 'resirdfMNn tuk Kini) h'ki'autmkmt quus- 1 THIN. This completed the list Ot city officers with llie exception of chief, engineer or the lira de partment. Jt was net deemed prudent le do de do clde the question ns le who should Ikj llie 'chler hy (Mucus and llie incmlHjrs present resolved theinsolves Inte nconror ncenror nconrer euco Roiinulttee and dlscusMed the fiiestlen as te whether a Ue'publlam, should net be placed iu nomination for the olllce iigalust llarry.N. Unwell. Mr. Heard favered the nomiuatleti el'a llepublicait at ence and Mr. lttddle epimxea it. , Tlie killer Mid It wasMlll sevehll weeks until council would meet te nomiiiate and elect a chier engineer mid tlierew.ii nothing le be gained by unilun haste. II was dually decided by a vete of 15 te Vi te place candidates in nomination and then leave the matter for Dual disposlteti until Saturday night, Marches until which tlme candidates may be nominated. The fol lowing wete then placed iu nomination ; II. H. VenderKiiiilli, fiocetnl ward. , Jehn S. Urciieniitu, Third ward. ' Harry Shaiib, Fourth wank' Hubert C. McDonnell, Seventh ward. , t COMMON WUlWIIf OUCUH. The incmboraef eniiiiiieh council met im mediately after the adjournment or thojeiut caucus and selected Heney N. II lirstns presit dent and Jacob M. Chilkts as1 clerk ter the ensuing year, by a unanimous vete. m;i,i;it ciii'Ni'i i cauci'h. Helierl A. Kvalis was elected picsideuter select council by a iiiiaulmeus vote for the ensuing year, hut when it came te nomtuate aclerk there wastieuhUv, Fer the olllce of clerk there wcre Unco candidates: Alderman J. K. Hair, Third waid. Jehn W. Dcnlinger, Sixth waid. I'M ward S. Smelt, Sixth waul. On the lirst three ballets each of llie candi dates received two vetei. On the leuith bal bal eot the vete steed, Itarr 1, Denliugnr.'l and Hmelt7.lL The name el' Alderman Itarr was withdrawn atlcr this ballet, and llie next ballet steed, Dcnlinger It, Smell. . 'I. A low ether. ballets were takcu witlitlmsame result, ami) Ihejselcct council, nicinbern adjourned nml'will endeavor lb ugtc6 en h I'lerk at Iheir next lueeting. nii: m.n tv.wr.a iti:.snitt:i. A 'Netfrvinllijf Vli lery; Wiiii liy tln AVcutfni ' ' lUllriiml sirlhrls. l'"or the lirst time iu the history of i.illread strikes iu llie West the Mrikem have sceied a uotevvorlhy victory, and this alter a long stiike in which neither violence nor iiitinii iiitinii datien was used. On Satiitday the tracks el the Wabash and brauchef, the Misseuii Fa clllcaiid Its siiire el' ceuuccliug lines were covered with freight trains which have been lying Idle for weeks. Sunday alleruoeu, when the lailiead com panies sent out wen! of their capitulation, llie t strikers tolled up their slcevei.and went lle Weik Willi, a will. Tlie moctlugef the r.iilvray enicfilHiuid'thu sLile reprufeutatives el Texas and Kuns.u breuglit about this result, liuveruer Mariu mid the Kt.ite iKiard orceuunissiouersot Kaus.isc.une all the way irem TuHka te belli bring nlmut a suttlo suttle ment, but they didn't come until they werei given positive assurance that tJeneral Mana ger Heme, ofthe tieuld liuei, was willing le discuss the ipiestieu in all its details and licentiate terms. Hesldes the Kansas delegates the Ixuril of lailiead ceuiuussinnciH et Misteini weie iu attfml.iui.eal the meeting and they were ac iiiliipanlixb hy Adjutant lieuei.d Jamisen, Ijilxir Commissioner Kelcliklsky and Attor ney lieueral Henne. lioveiner Marmadiike was at home and sultriing with iiciuerr liage or ,tlie nose and did net attend the iiipctiilg. Hesides Memri. lluxle'and Hayes the niilread CiMnpauie.-t were represented by tlie attorney of tlie Missouri Fat-Hie and by Solen Humphreys and Themas H. i'utt, 10-teivei-sef tlie WalKish company. Asa lesult et thoienfeiencoit wasieselved te restore the late of wages which prevailed up te September, and le give Hie lueu ene ami a h.ilf tune ler all extra work. This was mete than they asked ter, their request being that the railroad companies restore rate which pievailed prier te thn January cut. This proesition was Hist matin by the slate Ollicials and that it was kindly received by the lailread companies was proven lnlei, when Mr. Hayes drew up a circu lar iu which he embodied net only the above terms, but iuseitcd another clause te the effect that hcncolerth the railroad companies would notify empleyes i fa cut thirty days iu advance, se as te give them time te enter their objections and se as te de away with another clash like the picscut one. This latter clause Mr. Hayes inserted, net only toceuciliatoall artics,'hut iu defeieucote tfie Texas law re quiring railroad companies In give thirty days notice of a cut iu wages. The lesolutieu was iu the fbi in of a prositien which came Irem the btate ellicials, ami which was ac cepted by llie state authorities. jin.K.s or mi-: cinu sr.urtvi:. ;iitiniilHi.leiMr liltni C'titilUlriit Tlial tint Lairit Will lit' rallhrnlly IHiM-rtcil. Dermaii II. Katun, president of tlie civil service coiiiniis-ien, Iu reiiMinie te an in quiry as te the ciifeiccmcutnl llie civil ser v ice I ulcs by the new administration, said le an Associated Press icpertcr: "Viicjiucies are being legularlylilled under the rules. Theio is net the least sign et tlie examinations IK-Ing arrested or of the rules being disregarded. When Congress, at llie session Just closed, uiade an increased appro priation ler carrying en Hie work of llie com mission It dim July I, ISs'ite July I, IhMi, It knew llie hiI icy el the incoming nnwident and must have axpivti'd the 'Werk ni tliecoinniis tlieceinniis tliecoinniis 'sien le go en. 'Unit work' does go en regu larly and 1 feel sure that it w ill go en. Very many of Ihoelllco-sookers who lingered here soine time after the lib et March seem te have icached Ujo saine conclusion unit have i ('turned home. Since that date examina tions have been held at Cincinnati, Nashville, Memphis, Hroeklyn, New Yerk and Wash ington. Applicants have been notified of ex aminations seen te he held iu the Southern and Wosletn states, hxaiul hxaiul natiens and appointments go en as heretofore iu the oustems nervicu and for clerical positions in posleflices. Kxcessive Humbert) aru applying le be examined, es pecially lorsemenal Washington, under the belief that aibitiary ami partisan luminals being made or aiestsiu lobe uiade. 1 liavu heard of iioclse of such lemevals and de net 'liolievo that any michi reni(ialsj will le made, Tliere vv ill ilelitlilcm be honie rcuiev- als ler geed cause, but net enough te give places le half of these seeking te lie exam ined. The old time partisan prescription is net in my opinion te bu renewed. Our imlltics aie new iuo.re chilicd and a sound public opinion is ineiu foiiuiilable. Within tlie last ten tlavs the comniissleii has uiade ccrtitlca- liens for lliling eluven vacancies iu tlie de partments at Washington, which isalNiutthe usual rate, and live piouielions ami four permanent apimiutiuoiitsnfler piohatien have been made liem among these selected under the rules. Sovend of these eases weie iu the treasury ilejuirtiuciik" OiieliniUtl tlie IVmrtli Aiiiiitenutry. On Kuturday tlie fourth anniversary of the dedication ofthe auditorium of HL Stephon's I.utherau church was celebrated witli special servims. Iu honor or the occasion the altar was decorated with Hew era and the busts of Iattlier and Molaucllieii, preseulgd te the church by Frankyrpn.weie pi'ilii position tin Uic altar. Thepprumii ,wairiclu'.l by IteV. Meister fnuu 'lwlah' 68 :'7 " Miue house shall be uallevl an heuse el prayer." Thoatteuduiice was very larB0- 1'iinerul of Daniel 11. llrl.mun. The funeral or tlie late Dauiel H. lCrismmi, who died iu Nebraska, took place from his mother's re-ildciusj en Sunday afternmiii and was largelyattoiuled. Uopresontatlvos of our two iiniiiii Arinv i'esis ami ei uie suvenu lislges of Odd Fellows, or this city, woie present. The interment was in.ule at lian lian caster isjiiietery.; sirliKcn WJlh I'aral).!. Tlie many friends of l'hlllu Copeliind, herse dealer, will rogret te loam that he was stricken with paralysis en Friday, nml that hi physician ijives but little hepe or hla ro re ro ceverv, considering him te be iu a very critical condition. Mr. Cepcland removed te Flilladelphla, from this city, a low mouths uge. BIG BLAZE IN COLUMBIA. HIE 1-IHE TUAT AHUU&KD Till: HUH. OUOIl EAtlLX bVffUAY MllllStMI. the WirchniiHr, I'lunliiK Mill niitl flllii-r I'nip. rrljrfifF.H. Illrtr. In llAiiirn- Uwi llntiKliij; from WI2,fJOO In WIA.IMMI-A Nuiiilicr of Arrldciit. ItcgularOoiiutipeiidciico of Intku.Ucikmkii. Cel.UMiiiA, Maich It). The dull lolling or bells and the shrill whistling or F. It. 11. en gines awoke the echoes In Columbia about Ills Sunday morning, ami neon the heavens wero III up wllli a lurid glow ever the south, ern portion or the borough, " Hlel.'s saw mill Is en lire," was the wenl sent te the scores of citizens in llie northern portion of our iMireiigh, as half dressed they ran about in an excited manner. Tlie lepert was verb lled'by llie entire lira department scudding toward Frent street, lioleiv Mill, where the building was ill llames. About llie tlme named above, IMvvard Cnsqwell, employed In the Susquehanna loll ing mill, noticed a tire burning in tlie old Irame win chouse owned by F. S. Jllet., and tslluated direclly opposite that gentleman's planing mill, which has, up te Saturday night, licen occupied by Jacob Sncatli, he having leased it from Mr. lllcU some tlme age. With two oilier empleyes el the mill he hastened te the binning building, and iiN)ii arriving at the Krene, found that it had been fired near Us centra en the first Heur. They quickly meused Fredeiick ami Samuel Sarbaugh, who leslde In a heuse of Mr. Hlcl.'saml which adjoins the mill. Together the men attempted te extinguish tlie llames, but their progress wasse rapid, (hat hi less lime ,tliai 'it takes le write this, thn vvaio vvaie vvaio heuso was ene mass el' burning liiiilers ami loefargono te be gotten under eoiiliel. Frem this building the ll.iines spread te thoSirlieiigh residence, and llie large brick planing mill. The general alarm vv hlch had been sounded was seen ansvveied by llie appearance of the Columbia llie department. The Vigil lirst te arrlve stationed themselves at Frent ami Mill streets but they could de but llttle mere than te play a plug stream iien the burning buildings, as the l'ue plug furnished but llttle water. The Shavvnce Iniys arrived with a rush mid shout, and dragged their section pljKj into ,Sh.ivv:;ee creek, but mud instead el water was taken, and it tilled the engines. The lire had te Is) drawn Irem it, ami the engine was taken Ien plug te the rear et the milL The Columbia l-eys altachcd te the plug at Second and Mill streets, but thev ditl net have hose enough, In play (he full force el their stit-aiu upon the fire. Their (Iravvb.ifkK, aided by the lierce wind which blew, pronounced llie deem of the mill, ivarchoiiseaiid privateilwelllugs. They were seen past saving. This was quickly in.ule evident, and instead or wasting water en them, tlie no..les weie diiected towards buildings Inclese proximity. They were thus saved. a ne.i.N iioi'si.se.N rim:. At about U p. III. it npcared le the I11111 I11111 I11111 drcdsorsectaters present, that the southern jKirlleu et Columbia would be devastated by the tlie lieud, or at least a de.cn houses, en I'ciry, Mill, Second and Thiid streets, weie alire. Tlie saving of tliese buildings K due te the neble clbirUs ofthe Vigilant company and the bucket brigade. Thnferiucr had two plugstieams en Sirend ami I'eny streets, and quickly extinguished llie het cinders as they landed en tlie shiugle roots. The latter also weiktd faithfully, and fully a halldeen houses were sav ed through Iheir action and successful work. Among the houses oil tint by living embers weie tliew of Mrs. Autwer ter,.f. Heisdnger.WidevvMekaughlin, Hugh McClarin, Jehn Smith, ami William Oreeu, en Ferry ; Mrs. Mackinaw, Themas Kejes, Mrs. llorshey, IMw.ird Slnw, en Sevend street, Wm. Charles, butcher. 011 Third street between 1'nleii and I'crrv, and the coal olllce of S. l-'llberl V Sen, 011 Second and Mill streets. All danger was net ever until upaiks liem the burning mill, dwelling and warehouse, had ceased flying, and this net before a!0a. 111. At that hour, nothing was lelt of the above, except smoking ruins ami diaricd Umbers. llrtnerii WI2.04MI nil. I il.,000 liuis, The less cannot be preK-ily stated just new, but it is Iwlievcd te be between Sl'.yMM and f ir,0(XJ with no iiisiinuice. Nothing iu tlie mill was saved except the boiler and and engine, and these the llames could net touch, being iu a stone ami luick building. Mr. t-neath mauagetl te saie his Mrienter tools, but Ids lumber and ether weed weik for his new houses, teuether with a planer, unm all ileslrevfsl. Hislmsis belvveiMi fsoe and jl.OOO, with Moe insurance. Three small luiubcr piles bosiile the warehouse were also bullied. In the latter building, was a let of odds and ends t'sOOQ feet of while iiinelliHiriiigaud acarload.efcyiiress shingles The dwelling heuse and ollice coiikiiecd all the worldly goods of the Saibaugh's, and all was lest. Samuel had been pre paring te go le housekeeping, ami had his goods all jiald for except ene or two pieces. New he has nothing. It is a terrible blew te this family, as 1)103' are w itheul shelter and clothing; nothing wassavodexecptouostove, tlnee chairs, two dressers and a half de.eu ieccs erixxlding. Hut they will net want, oralreadyald has been ettered. W.A. Ileilig, manager of the Columbia branch sleru el Kline A KpiHirheiiuer, of Heading, started the geed weik by an eiler el'dry goods, etc. The heal cast Irem llie llamiiiK hiiildhiKH was intense, and greatly Interfered witli the firemen's works. Se great was it that iu passing iu front or his ruined home, Fiodor Fiedor Fioder ick Sarliaugh had Ills hands and neck badly scorched. IH Iiirrmllary lhl;lii. There is 110 doubt of the lire being of in cendiary eiiglu, and it is thought tku iu cendiary covered the fleer el .the warehouse with oil, as a strong odor of oil pievailed when the lire was llrsl discovered. Mr. Hlel. ket Ids valuable books iu iieu sales in the olllce, hut as they have net yet been eHMicd, it is net known if they me damaged. These books and paci kept iu the desks in the ollice were destrojed. Te show hew strong the w hid was we state that this meiuiug cimleis were found at Nlxlli anil walnut sueeis, a 111110 away liem tliocenll.igratinn. Christian Creeger had 0110 of his arms severely cut by broken glavs, as he was at tempting te loscueMiH. I.euis, mother el David kevvis, ami who resides Iu a Irame building adjoining llie Sarbaughs, but whicli, slrange te say, escaped witli only a scorching. Mrs. Lewis Is an invalid, anil se great was the heat, that It wasiuipessible le rescue her by the fient el the house. A win. duw svish at llie side was biokea, ami the lady taken out by this exit. II010 it was Mr. Creegervvas injured. Hy the hi caking of a ladder Jehn 1 1 Hilar was thrown te the pavement iu front of his residence en Second stieek vvhoreho was at work wetting his lioiise, shaken up. jie was severely Hundreds of Hjeclaters visited tlie sceno yesterday, and coinmeiits were fieely ox ex cliaiiged as In who tired the warehouse. The manner in which It was set, disjiels the Idea that il was a tramp. The llie deartmeut, especially the Vigilant, 111 e te be compliment ed for their splendid work, while the water company t te be censured for iieglevting tlie llre plugs. ' l'ervenai. William Mcixell, of Washington borough, Ihls morning left for Ephrata, wliere he will fill a clerkship In the Kphrata national bank, of which establishment his brother is cashier. Mr. Melxell has 1111 morons friends iu Cel-, iimbla, and tiiey will be pleased le learn of Ids new position. Mr. and Mis. Hrisbiu and daughter, MM Sue, orOseeolo, Clearfield county, who went Seuth with the liiuicaster county jurty, are new visiting Mr. ami Mrs. J no. Fendrk-h. Janitor Hpotten, or the Columbia M. F. church, was iiresentecl with faai'J, raised Ter him hy a Uisket collection yesterday. Jacob Hruinmer, express driver, of tlie II. A O. Ik II., has tendered his resignation or that position, te go into jetreet April 1st, 18S5. It has been accepted ami Jehn Klinefelter has been appointed te the place. Mr. Hruin Hruin eor has served the company's Interests most faithfully and olllcieiitly. lle has been iu lis employ eleven years, uud did net leso tx tin. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1885. gle day by Illness During Unit tlme he was oil' duty only ene week. ltrllgleua Nete. The closing sermons or his pastorate iu Columbia were dollverou yesterday morn, big mid evening by llie llev. 11. W. HutnphrlsH iu the Methodist Kpiscepal church. Large cengi ('gallons weie present and the sermons weie most beautilitl, elo ele (iieulaud Interesting. The Helhel church was packed last night, attracted no doubt by the iiuuoimceiuoiit of the K:ull,ii- sermon "The llallnlujah Hall, rnail,'! I)y Mr. Jenes l''" I'Jvangellst. II was virtually a sermon for railroad men, and proved lliiit Mr. Jenes was as line a speaker as he Is a vocal Isk llermiKli IIiiiIk'M. Manager Silas Krem has madu anangc lueuts ler the appcaiancoeflho justly faineus lleuaid.V lingers combination, el live stars, for Iho M('lieK)lltau rink for Monday ami Tuesday or next week. II Ce. ('., as an ergauir.it Inn, dens nothing In behalf of their member, Private Jehn (Irauley, this eveiiiug, the members will semi petitions te the Northern Central rail road company, the authorities at Hallimore, and te the conductor who was whipped hy (Irauley, asking that a light sentence he im posed iihiii their erring cum 1 ado. Hugh and ('hallos McCall, brothers in dulgcd Iu disgracelul light en Saturday afternoon, at or near the live Feiiils. Their quarrel originated atlholrheiiio, wliere lleice words were used towards each oilier. Meet ing at Iho above place, their dispute was leiievved, and ended iu Hugh having Ills face horribly gashed ny stones thrown at him by Chailes. The elegant lesldence of Mr. Hachcu heiuier situated 011 Chestnut street, is se r.ir completed, that en Wednesday it will be occupied by Mr. II and family. Twe old and six young rabbits, assuredly a happy l.uuily, 0.111 lie seen In W. II.Hcittle s stele window, oil North Third street. Yesterday alteriioeu, Mrs. HlizahUh Ilite slme, Hiiskilued injuiies te her neck, legs and arms hy a fall down a Might el stairs, at her home en Sixth stieet, between Walnut ami Locust. A rallllug match was held at James Kl caddcu's hotel, en Comineice stieet, oil Sal unlay night, by Jul lies Haughey, for a large meerschaum pipe. James Melllide threw- iS, which being the highest; the thrower was awarded thepii.c. nit: . 'T j:vi,ii:i:. hniii-IIIiiIh In Mm) WlieWlnh Iti llltfitss IIih Hi .ivcnly l-lii iiuinf num. I'limi Uic Nt link Him. The epimrluuities elleicd te the Inh.ibi Inh.ibi tantsefaiiy iarlicular sH,t en thoe.uthte witness an is li.soel thesiiu aioseraieth.il eveiylswly will hepe ler a tair day le-day, se tint the moon may be clcaily seen when il slides like a bl.ick scneu aciess llie sun's lace. Asseeu Itein New Yerk and its neigh borhood alieut hall lliesuu will be hidden iK'hiiid the misiii. It is what Iskuevvu as an annular ecliiise, and se Iho sun will net Is; enllielv hidilcu as seen liem any iarter llie earth, fail along a 11. mew line running Irem Callleiiiia te Hudsen's Hay the moon will cover the ceulie el the sun, only a bright lim iciu. lining visible all mound the moon's (due. TheapiKircnt siziel the sun, as seen Irem the earth, is se neaily equal te that or Iho iniMiii that Iho slight cli.iuge vv hiiii 01 cur iu their distances Irem the earth, owing le the is'ceutricily i( the orbits of the carlh and moon, cause new one and new the ether te appear the l.uger. If the moon ecliises llie sun when the termer is in tlie ue.iier part el (hoot bit, it covers the whole el theselarihsk, and theie isa total (siip-e ; if It eclipses the sun when when il Is iu the luither put of its orbit, then an edge of the sun shows all mound the moon, as en this occasion. Aslionemers ray ceiiiniratively little at tention te annular eclipses, because it is only iluriuglet.il irliises that the splendid and myMei ions kinners of tlie sun are displayed sifrreumtfiig Iho hidden king of il.iy. These streameisel light, knew 11 under the general 11,11110 of the corona, still icmaiii, te a large degree, unexplained phenomena, but a con clusive ptixiftli.it thi'y are net deceptive ap iearaui;s, nssome liave suggeslctl, has Is-en liiruished in tlie i,it vcir or two by llie sun cess el alti'inpts te obtain photographs el them in bie.ul d.ivlight, ami vv lieu Iheyceuhl net even bedctr.-clcd by the wnse et light. The special le however, will be well worth witnessing, ler the visible ojieratieii el the laws by which worlds are hung iu the heav ens and uiade te rovelvo svvlltly iu fixed 01 hits, with far mere than the pieeisiun el the finest chronometer movements, must al waysapeal H)vverfully te the scuse ofthe Hiifilime in the human mind. The black cin le of Iho moon will In-seen deeping upon the sun's edgealKMit thirteen minutes alter neon, ami the etiip;e will end a little livloie.'l tM.iei;. Unit II Wilt Vlnllile In Til). llilllll. III sti ictaccoiilaiice with the nil ueuiii'cineut uiade hy the astronomers thentwasan crlipse of the sun this altciuoeii. ISaer's almanac gives the particulars as fellows : An annul. ir(s'lliseiif the sun, en the leth of Maich, at IJo'clei'k .(0 niin. iu the altci iifMiu ; visible here as a initial wHivie as lol lel lol eovv s; Comincnceineut at I-o'clock 1M niin. iu the altei neon ; middlual I o'clock I- mill, iu Die afternoon ; lermiuatieu at '- o'clock .V, mill, iu llie alteriioeu. Duration of Iho eclipse - benis and '- iiiiiiutes. Six inches of llie northern portion of tlie sun will Inj ebscnred. q'he(siiiM)iipiOiirsas an annular eclisu in Oregon, Wasliluglen territory and Hudsen I ay. Although the cold weather ll.ig was Hying fieni tlie iKtslelllcu building, the grouudheg atlcr a si.-wcc1;h' n.ti, caine outel his hole long enough te hsik at the oeliise, which didn't amount (e miiiii,oveulhieugli smoked glass. MVllltV.lt AMI I.YXVIIISU. A ViiiniR Nt'Kie AmmikkIii In VV(1 l ik 11 in Oulikly Aimwcnt for Ilia t'lliin'. News lias t cached Wheeling, W. Va., of aliellier uupioveked and cold-blooded mur der, swiftly followed this tlme by a summary and ten bile punishment at tlie hands of Judge Lynch, in Princeton, Mercer ceuuly, West Virginia, iu the oxtieiue .Southern paitef the state. Tlie murdcierwasa young coleied man named Arthur Jacksen, aged alxmt IS years, and his victim Jehn Ferry, a vvcll-kuevvii and rcsicctetl cltl.cn. I'erry was proceeding along a read near Princeton when Jat'ksen, who had concealed himself iu a clump or laurel bushes iu a lonely sjiet, llrcd en him with a lille, the lull stiikiug Ferry hi the bicastand killing him instantly. Jacksen then robbed tlie Ixxly et several dollars in money and a part of the clothing ami walked oil. That night he attended chinch, wearing tlie dead man's coal, and was at ence ancstcd. Tuesday morning he had a preliminary ex amination, at which liu ceutessed his guilt. The minder and the cool and nonchalant demeanor el' the prisoner cieatcd intense ex citement, ami Jacksen was with dilliculty lemeved te jail. The excitement continued te increase during the day and evening, and about 11 o'clock a mob made a lush Ter llie jail, forced an entrance, leek Jacksen outside and hanged him ten Dee, filial ltalbfuy Att Itlrnt In Texnti. Sunday iiiernliig'H lust-lxnmd passenger train en the Texas iV Facilie was wiecked twenty miles west of Dallas, 'fox., by tlie giving away el a bridge that had been re duced te a skeleton by a heavy storm, 'iiie engine and the baggage and mail cars fell nearly twenty Teet, lint the passenger cars w ere net derailed. The list el casualties is as billews: (k J. Ilolheck, llreiii.iu, or Pitts burg, Fa., killed ; ij. Heech, nativity un known. Hiimiosed te be fatally maimlcd ; Stewart, mall agent, of Texas, injured iilxmt tlie spiue and shoulders; Woedrull', lug gage master, of Texas, leg broken. The striking trackmen get out an engine and proceeded Willi tools and material (oetl'ect lepalrs. I.Ut or Uiiclalmeil lJtt,cm. Tite follewliiB is the list of uiiclaiiued lot ion remaining hi tlie postelllco I'er tlie week ending March Irt, 1BS5 ; Ladies List: Mrs. Faiiuiu CeiikhI, MHj Kale Fellz, Miss Mai y C Fex, Miss Faiinie lless, Miss Maggie l'lolleiv, Miss Maggie Jehnsen, Miss Florence Lance, Miss Klien Milter, Miss M. Montgomery, Mrs. Seles Mrs. Sarah Wanner. (icuts.' List: Oust Utilize, .Tames Coyal, Themas Doneghuo, Jehn II. llewer, BenJ. Hatslleld, J. II. Keller, Walter Klesser, James Myers, Oce. Y. Scanise, W. V. Shirk, Messrs. Khali, David S. Slmpf, llenj. H. Slaull'er, Daniel Walbern. MAIIGH ARGUMENT COUKl tiii: VSVAT. AMOUNT Ol' llVilxr.SS ten tu k.i vim eh. AkeiiiiU of .tt111l11IM1.1l11rn, lilt-., t'elillriiK il. l.liriirTiaiilirrcil-(limiillaiet.liiiilntcil. Mint tllaiiciMi lliinhims A ISiliiilicr eT tin. Inii,y IVtiiiln Whit Want IHtincm. The March term or the argument court was opened at II) o'clock this morning, with Judges Livingston and Patterson en tlie IkuicIi. T here 111 e en llie list Ter argument 27 cases in the common pleas coil it, 12 iu Iho orphans' celli! and 111 iu the quarter ses. sieus. The accounts or bl administrators execu. culeisaud guai dl.ins and willows' appraise ments In 2!l estates weie pieseuled, lead and ceullrmed nisi. Tlie following casei weie disi,ed of Willi, out argument : II. N. Knox vs. (ieorge Happ, rule toshow teshow toshew ciuso why defendant should net Inciease Ills IhiikI leSir.O. Itule made alMelutc. William Hauey vs. Abraham II. Slanll'er, rule te shew-c.iustj why appeal should net be quashed. Itule made absolute. The exceptions te ihe auditor's reieit iu Ihuostateof Jehn Slrehm, sr., weioulth weieulth dravvii and Iho ieKiit absolutely continued. Tlie following current business was trans ited : i.ici;nsi;s i iiAsi'i;ui(i:i. 'I'he leslaur.uit license if Charles as:h, Flint waid, city, was trauslcriisl le Charles Knapp. The tavern Hi enseul Heniy Myers, Thiid ward, city, was tiauHleiictt te (ieorge Al. Smith. The tavern license el Jacob Lilt, Hart, was trauseried te J. Miller Hupp. i'he tniveru license el Charles Miller, M.tu heiin township, was Iranslerred le N. W. Fiev anil the tavern llrensoef N. W. I'-tev. Ids! liemplield, was tiansferretl le Heoige 1.. ivrause. (irAltlll.VNS VI-I'OINTI.I). Simen i'lberly, Clay, was .iipein(cd guai (liau of the miner children el VMa Lberly, deceased, late of Clay. Dr. Jacob II. Sealing, of Lli.ds'lh touu teuu sbiii, waSHjiiHiiiilcil guardian et the miner cliililreu el Jehn Wliitiuyer. II. S. LlH'rly, Clay, wasappoinleil guaidiau el the miner children of Jehn llehiily, who are legatees or the estate el Jehn Farnsler, deceased, Inte of Lebanon county. (korge W. Walten, or Ceuey township, was aiiiteiuteil guardian el' the miner seu of Kcujamiii Mimiich, late of Ceney. Henry .. Mai tin, lOasl L.ui, was appointed uuardiair of the miner giamlchihiieii of Nancy Skiuller, deceased, late el the s.11110 township. Aaren Kline, el Clay township, wui a siiiileil guaidiau ofthe miner gnmilchlhlreu of Henry Hecker, late of Wniwick township. Samuel Ki-ath, el Mliabcth township, was a'iiiitcd guariliau el the iiiiuer grantichil dren of Jehn .irliu.m, (ItsiMscil, late el I 'A iaheth township. Mist i;i,i.m;e!'s iu-sIni.ss. The court reluvsl le allow the guardian ac count iu tlie estate of Susan F. Slander le be lllisl, because the glial di.ui charged $7."coni $7."ceni $7."coni inKsien in an iwt.ite el tU2sti2. Kuc Means, Harry '. Hall and V.. M. Weidel, who served lerms ler misdemeanors weie discharged this meiiupg by taking llie bemiit of the insolvent ad. A rule granted en Linn Keiler te show catise why cei tain fnmils in the late lieclien iu lul township should net be investigated. The ictiirus elcUed Keilci asoneof thesupcr thesupcr visers of thai township, but Iho potilien of twenty-live vetei-s alleges Iraud. Issues vv ereiiianled teav crtalu the amount efdam.iges sustained by Philip Iviihlmau, Ami Catharine Skimm, Catheihie D. and Agnes Kelly and Philip Diet, by leasen of the opening of Delphin street, Irem Straw -lierry te Hrnad ; Carolinn and William Sny der, by u-asen el the opening of Filbert stieet. IIIVOHCI.S VVAMI.II. The billowing applications lordiven e weie filed Hits merning: AcquillaSchatiugcr vs. Nathaniel Sell. lun ger, desertion. Anna W. Hal, vs. Chaikn Hat, doser deser doser tlen. A1111.1M. Hair vs. Cyrus C. li.iii, dccitlen and cruel treatiuciit. Mary C. Miller vs. ChiisLui Miller, baibar baibar eils tieitmeiit. (iiristi.inua A. Heal vs. Christian Hear, ilisoitien. Fanny LiseiihIciii vs. Hirnli.iril Fiscusteiu, cruel licatiueiil. ui:i'iritt.ivA. cei'M-r ff.11.un 11:1:. AttiT. Vim h dim usi.lt, 11 tlit I'rini. tiles llMil lnr .linn fltli.h,t'Ni.ti; fJ.imllilali-14. The Ilepiililittiu county coiuiuittee met at II o'clock this morning 111 the Central Ho He piiljlieau loom telix thotiniefer the Republi can piimary election. The following substitutes weie elected te (ill vacancies in the coininitb'e : NeivvimmI J. It. Ilshlciuau. Mouiilville S. .M. Fridy. Nerthweslern Henry S. Copienhollor. A motion vv.is madu le llx Saluiday, Iho 2.ld of May as llie lime for holding the primary. J.'W. Jehnsen metcd asau amend ment tlie UOtli of May, ami Al. Stolier Iho second Saturday Iu June. The last named date was defeated by a large majority. The aeih of May was defeated by a vote of 21 te 27. On the ipiestieu of adopting the 'J: Id of May the chairman. was unable te divide whether tlie veasornavswereln the majority. whcrcuHin ox-Slierill Slrine proposed Satur day, the 0th of June, which was carried by a vete of 20 te l'J. Dr. Kechuck ellcied a lesolutieu whicli was adopted te the clfecl tli.it if tlie slate convention he held before tlie delegates leit can Ik) elected, under Iho piesent call the chairman of the county committee shall call llie committee together te select delegates. W. S. Smith, of Ceney, offered a resolu tion kixiug all candidates for nomination al Iho primary f I each, except candidates for iccoider, who shall Iki taxed fit), and for so licitor?,"), and striking from the tickets the names of candidates vv he have net iaid. Tlie resolution was adopted after lieing amended se as te fix llie assessments as fol fel fol eows: Hecerder, Sit); solicitor, fT ; Jury commissioner, ioer director and piiseu in spector, ?.'t well. Tlie Miktrt'HMsi ir llie lleiibclinltl. lieui lliu Census Hcpeits. 'flu! number of domestic servants is I,t7i5, (XK), nu increase of only ten icr cent, hi- tlie (I (ratio, alllieiigu tlie population g.iuien uuriy IKircent. iniwuiliore was ene servaui 10 overy 7.70 lamilles; hi IbSO ene servant te 0.2 1 families. Tlie old region of household slaves abounds still with tlie largest pioiiertions of servants, Virginia, Maryland anil Dolaware leading all tlie states. Noxtcemo the states north of them, although doiuestlosoivico has decreased thore since IS7U. Comparing our in-deer servants witli England's we liuil that l,2H7,Ooe are in-deer servants there, exix-eding the imriculturists by llfty ier conk that Is ene jiersen iu overy 22 is an in-deer servant tliere, while here the proportion is 0110 in 17. Anllt'H Taken from (he Crematorium. Tlie ashes or Mr. NowberrylU. Hills, of 'Chicago, who was cremated In this city oil Saturday, were net removed from the rolert until Sunday. Tlie Incineration was com plete within an hour alter they wero placed in the retort, but it was found te 1 10 necessary te contiuiie tlie heat for sonie tlme longer te volatle llie zlne case In which llie umiy was enclosed. Messrs. Ik W. Hills and C. W. Waile, In whose care the lxnly was breuglit te Lancaster, remained here until Sunday afternoon at 6:18, when they left, taking with thorn the ashes of their relative, which weighed four and a half ixiiinds. An Amlralile St'ltli'ini'iil. Michael Heas npjtoiredat the olllce of At deriuan Hair, at 1 o'clock 011 Saturday alter alter neon, te answer llie charges of assault and battery and malicious mischief, preferred by Adam lllldebrand. These suits grew out efa collision or teams en the Lititz turnpike a few days age, and the facts were published attlietfine. Hofero the hour designated for the hearing the parties interested compro mised their ditlerencca ami the alderiiiau was saved the tumble of disposing of the case. V A llVUKH IIOU) ACT. Kiitfiliit; Hie Mount of n Ijtily In a ll.illlniure Hetel atMlilnliilit. An audacious attempt te dishonor a wcll kimvvn and highly rcspectable lady was made at Iho Hetel Albien, isirner or Cathedral and Illchineiiil streets, llaltlinore, at an eaily lieurHiinday morning. On Saturday a young man iiained (iraham Foarre, seu el the late Juilge Foarre, or llie Maryland court or ap lieals wrote a nole te Mrs Klrkl.ind, who is also a guest at the Albien, roquestlng her te meet him Iu the prlvate parlor al H o'clock hi llioevenlng. Mrs. Klrklaml declined te de se, and became indignant al the Insult. About 1 o'clock Sunday mornlngshe was awakened by a hand passlngever her race. Hhoateuco made an outcry, ami iikiii lisiklug up dis covered young Foarre lleelngf'iem her loom. ThoeccUiaiilM of the heuse worn aroused anil ene or the guests went te I'earre's room, but round llie deer locked 011 llie inside. Tlie deer was lereed open and the room round vacant. An Investigation was then made, anil It was ascertained that Foarre had get out of his window, crawled along the heavy cernice and ellected an eutraiicu te Mis, Kirklaud's room by her whitlow-. loiter a letter was given Mrs. Klrklaml by a colored waller, which was written hy 'i'earre, in which he asked Mrs Klrklaml fe leave her livilrijeiii deer eien, se he could ceme in after he letiirued from ihe ojiera. This last nole was net deliveied te (he lady until Inte Sunday, and alter Iho assault was attempted. Yeung Foarre, en liiuliiig he was recognized, llisl front tlie hotel and went te Ids home Iu Cumberland, i'he all'alr has created Intense excitement. Mrs Klrklaml is alMiutXi years old and the daughter efa well known merchant. Who has been separated liem her husband for about a year, and lias applied I'er a divoice. She Is-ars an unblem ished character. Peane Is itlKiul22yenrHnf ace and a "dude" In appearance, lle was in lull evening (licsHwhi'ii heenteietl theladv's mini. He sent for his overcoat and trunk ami has net been scru since. Hisariest will piebably be ellected en Monday. .sales ExntA en ins a it r. 'lllf llln I'llii-K llriillKtit rnrClllli.lWHlii III Went Ijllliptltr Tuillmlilp. Seme lemaikahle sales of old ehluaware and imliiile household articles were made by Auctioneer II. F. Howe en Fi 11 lay and Satur day for the estate of Miss Barbara 1 looser, al herehl home 1 11 West Laiiiifter township. Many of the things sold wcre Irem 120 le 130 years old, am", had lieen long kept iu llie llouser family, Miss lleiisj-r being H years old at the time of her death, 'fhere weie nearly 1,000 sales made during the two days, which would be at about the nde of two a minute. Someol'thc 111010 notable ofthese are given : Five and oiie-h.ilfdocu el China ciqis and SMiicers at f2U le J2I 'rdejn ; cie.im iorco ierco iorce lahi pile hers bronchi from f2 te (2..V) ; I de, wlile glasses, $10.20 ; an elglit-day clock, f(il ; tumbiers, Ml le 7." eenls each ; Vr vanls of homespun linen, al M) cents a yaid ; orco erco orce l.tin platters, Irem i'l te f.1 ; common walk ing slick, fl.M) ; iHinxiaiu teapots Irem $I.S5 te PS eat h ; shaving mug, fl.7.". Net less than no cents was paid ter the Uiuniswl plale. Many Lanc-.istii.msalleiidrsl tliHtwie. .Inliii W. .lat k mii' SfrliniA MUhap. On Saturday evening, between and 0 o'clock, Jehn W. Jacksen m.deja misstep en the stairway leading te his lotlgingTreoin ever II. M. .Shreiner's jewelry "ftore, Ne. SO Neilli tjui-en slns't, ami falling te (he lst lst tem, bieku Ids rigid Hugh bone alxmt mid way Itjtvvcen Iho knee anil his hip joint Mi. Jacksen ImmiiIs at the (ir.qK) hetel, but has for many ye.us hail dislodging re)iii and library in llie building adjoining, in which ler many years in paitnership with Iho kilo Mich.1erZal1tuhec.il 1 led en Iho jewelry bosi besi nc.s. Alter supper, Satifrday, h0J1.ul geno te his room, ami alter spending some tune there, starlfd te collie down Khun, carr.ving awash-howl with him. Having a lew years age sutlcred a iaiti.i! jiaialysis ofthe right leg he has siuie been somewhat laiiiu ami was coining down slabs very cautiously, holding by the ralliui; with ene band and en tying the basin with the ether. Thinking he vvas al Iho bottom el the slain when he was a step or two liem the bottom, he slopped oil ami fell heavily te the Meer, with llie 10 sult above stated. Dr. F. C. Albright set the broken limb, and Mi.lack.sen is te day com paratively celiifin table. A Dill It, Iti'iliitetlit) 1 loll. Ill' Ktlsll'lll d Heek Oil CullllllfllLI'. II10.1kf.tst. One l.uge cup el lil.it k lea alxmt half a pint without sugar; two 011111 es of white or blew 11 lucid, toasted, with plenty of butter. Dinner. Soup, eltcii with mallow; Irem four le six and oiie-h.df ounces of roast e I toiled meat, vegetables iu moderation, legu minous preferably, and cabbages. Turnips weronlmestauil potatoes .illogethcroxiludcd. Afler (liuuera llttle IreshfiiiiU Fer second course, a salad or slewed Iruit without sugar. Immediately idler dimiera largecup of bl.ick tea, without milk or sugar. Supper. A large cup or bl.ick lea as befme. Anegg,aIittle fat roast meat, or lieth, orsemu ham witli its fat, Ixilegua s.iusage, smoked or fried llsh, about 0110 ounce el white bread, well buttered, occasionally a small quantity of cheese, ami some fresh Iruit. On tills diet the valient lest twenty iMiunds iu six mouths. A lintel KrrMT Hulillftl. The hotel or O. F. Hrukiker, at New Hol Hel land, was cntcicd by Ihieves last night and ever ene hundred dollars worth el liquors wero stolen. An cntrance was atl'eeteil hy boring holes in an euler cellar deer near the bell, which was then forced open. The thieves lint went te work en a barrel of common whisky and net liking that liquor they turned the spiggel and lelt the whisky run 011 tlie lloer. They carried away w itli llieni a twolve gallon keg of old whisky and a ten gallon keg of gin. 'fhe empty twelve gallon keg was found this morning in a let alieiit two hundred yards south or tlie hotel. Mr. Hruhakcr lias suspicion or certain parties and it is pmliablu that arrests will be made during tliu day. A I'urtuiie Alter Many Yearn. A. A. Willet, el Aiueiieus, (J.l, whose great-giaudfallier, a prosi)eroiis meichaut iu llaltiiueiu during tliu war 1S12, had two valuable merchant vessels valued at ever f200,(W impressed by tlie federal govern gevern incut ami for whicli he nev or received any remuneration, owing te tlie less of the nocos necos noces sary paiien, lias (list rocelved a letter from It. T. Merrick, of WasliingUn, telling liini that the long missing papen have been found IU tllU 1I1CM Ol 111U ll.IVy 11UHII V111U111. .1111, that iidt only Is he secure iu his claim for me t-uu,eixi, mil una no cm ceuuci buvuiuj buvuiuj twe yean' intcri'st hi addition. Curlier I.uimgcrs. A gang or twonty-eno boys, who wero nr icsled Ter loalingatthecoriicr or Seulh Queen and Conostega streets, w 010 given a hearing by Alderman Sjmrrier en Saturday evening and wero discharged wllh a reprimand, the alderman assuring theiu that if they weie again breuglit before him en a similar com. plaint he would sentence them te the full IKJiialty provided by law. 'fhe noisy crowd that has its hoadquarten at the corner of Conostega and Frince streets might profitably heed llie s.11110 warning. Cult Iu' iJirije Sale. Cyrus Celvlu is le-day selling out the en tire stock of his livery stable at tlie City hotel. Thore is a very large crowd In attendance at the sale, people being present from tlie prin cipal places in tlie southeastern jvtrt et the state. As Mr. Celvlu has line stock, geed prices are being received. m Tlie Success or a Printer. Alliert Stitlle, who learned his trade at tlie iNTULMUKNCKll Olllec, llllt WllO llllii beOII 11 resident ofthe far West for a number efyean, wassiiecessrul at the last election, having been chosen le serve the dear people as slieritl el' Assetan county, Wushiiigteit territory. His many friends iu lliis city will be pleased '(e hear (if ids geed luck. The Klue or Iho Air Breaks IIU Neck. I.ceul, known as ' King of the Air," a tight-repe walker, while giving a jierfor jierfer jierfor inance iu Stockton, Cab, Saturday evcnlng en a cable titretched across the Htreet full and death jui hour later. PRICE TWO CENTS. TUB BACKBONE KKSOLUTION, OfEEItEll 111' VAX Wrcit, AUA1X HE. FOllE TllU SEXATE. Senater i:u1Ul'hiunrtcrlrrtlin (Irani hi lllrcnl mill 1'rnniliilriit Tlie I'rciililciifii Nomliie- llini or Jtucqili H. Mlllrr for Cent- liduleiipr ul Mflvriuiv. Wash iniith.v, March 1(1 Senate. Hlalr ellercd a resolution continuing the Investiga tion of llie illHcrences lietvveeu capital and laimr, lint it was under objection laid ever until to-merrou-. Van Wyek's backbene resolution was Ihen laid licfore llie Senate and Kuslls (Alabama) made a Rccch iiieii it lle ilenied that the tltle te the lands wai a legal ene and that the grant vvas Illegal and fraudulent. NoiiiliialeilCmiinilatlein-r of lluteiiue. WAMtlNfiTeN March 10. The jinisidcnt le-day nominated Jeseph D. Mlller, el West Virginlt, tobecoiiunissloiicr of levenue. The rrrelilriil' VMIurs. W.vsui.vine.v, Mar. 1(1 Among tlie pren idenl's callers le-day, wero Heury Ward Hcccher, Vlce President Hendricks, Seoro Seero Seore lary Uayanl, Senater Voerhoes ox-Senaten McDonald and Wallace ; (ion. Weaver, Hen. H. F. Meycn, el Harrisbiirg, Fa, and a large number or ether distinguished sjrseus. Tlie lliiiiiiicrfi It, Itrttirn le Ihrlr llltl Oiiitrlcm. Wasuimiki.n, Marcli la Ocnenil Sheri dan received a telegram from Oencral Hatch (Ills morning, staling that uen tlie lcceipt el the president's proclamatieii, concerning theOklaliauia lands, most of these prewir ing te iiivade the Indian territory decided te ifiiiin home. Ne Truth III a Itinmir. WAsui.Nine.v, March 1. It is authorita tively learned that tliere is no truth in llie rexrl cabled fieni a Palis new spaxir, that the Chinese government has asked mediation of tlie Fulled SLites w ith France. raiiililliliit UN I'mt til lluly. W vsniNd-ie.v, March hi. Faircliihl le day iclievisl French of llie duties as assistant stvictaryet the treasury, lle iwelved llie heads of tlie bureaus and chiels of llie divl siuiisaheul neon. CAI'lTAEAXlt EAHOlt. A M.iiiii)iuik Mill llcmimcH Weik anil .tin- Jiirlly.ur llie Strikers lit (urn. Pim,Aiii:i.i'iii.v, March 10. i'he Kconeuiy mills of Sevill, Schollehl, Sen A. Ce., at Maiiayunk, which have lieeu closed for some lime past, owing te a stiike among Iho operators against reduction of wages, skirted up again te-day, and the majority of tlie hands returned te weik. Sevwal days age a committee or the ktrikencenfcircd Willi Iho senior member ul the firm, and, tlie uiall"r iu dLs dLs pute wan freely discussed. Mr. Ht.-ho-Held submitted a plan Ui tlie committee by which he agreed le pay the .weaven the sumo ralb-ef WHijc.s which prevailed bo be bo feroUio last projiesodrfdudiori VhTch ledT te tlie Inauguration ofthe strike. Tills, was acwplfslbylhoslrlken and -they returned 10 workie-ilay, , ., 'I'riiptiix'il llf.liullim lii rnriiat ..1lcii- W.irm. DiiNvim, Cel., Mar. lil-Arter running several months en short time the coal iiiaua gen ofthe Colerado Ceat and Iren cenquny's works at Hev-!iuer, aimouiice a reduction in wages of blast liirnace-meu from 5 te 15 per cent., le take ctlect en April lsU This Iu etlcct will iiiake wages about equal te the Pittsburg scale, but a tlilleieni'e hi tlie cost of living. The men have net yet siguilied their intention or accepting the reduction. OHJECTIXil TO llAJtlllOY lnxilEE. Km Slltilder Will Stoutly lttlst llui Silirme With Hit Meltllrrs. Liur.iU'Mi, Kan Salvader, Match !!. The decree issued by Harriet en l'ebiu- aiy 2:-, proclaiming the coiifetleratieu of the Central American slates, was kept a secret and vvas only brought te the knowledge of the ether four republics Maich 0, when it floated the greatest Indignation. On Maich 11 the Congress of San Salvader authorized the government le employ all possible means ler tlie defense of the country, which it pie claimed iu a state of siege, en account of tlie attitutoef Sau Salvader, which has S,000 moil en the frontier ami plenty el aitillery, and also because of tlie action of M ex ice in ad vaiiciug her forces toward Cliatemaku The excitement here is subsiding. Tlie enthusi asm iu San Salvader, both ofthe inhabitants and the government, is Increasing, mid they are leselvetl le die ratiier than accept tlie du du crce of H.irries. Dt'itriiUlle I'ire In HuIkKuglaiitl. Londen, Maich Ilk Fire iu Hull, Fng l.iud, Ibis morning destroyed Stead's seed crushing mill. Helten's corn warehouse and a portion of tlie Hull corn exchange Were spn-adbya large quantity let escaping oil, while binning oil (lowed through llie streets in some places tvv e feet deeis The total less will reach f 100,000. Twe men wcre borieusly burned. m .llntiit Uuable te S!v'i. Fi:vv Yeiur, Jlarch 10. Last night (Srant had w hat the doctors call a bad night, and is net quite se well te-day. He was restless ami constantly wakeful, although he fell asleep after daybreak and slept until late His sleeplessness is said te be llie result of constant pain and activity of mind witli many subjects. A ll.tru and IU Content Cimmiineil llUADlMd, Pa, Mar. 10. A l.uge barn, belonging te Uicliard Leap, at Doughisville vvas totally destroyed by lire last night. Six, horses and US head of cattle wcre burned besides all the crops, the machinery ami ad joining building. Less f 10,1X10. Itlsbclioved that tramps set the barn en lire. A Collision llvtnecit ltiuaktim anil Afghan Calcutta, March 10. It is rumored here that tliere lias been an actual collision 1a tween the Russians and tlie Afghans. The government is' very reticent A Journalist Dies of Heart DUcanf. Mr. Caiimui,, Fa., Marcli 10, Fref. J. I Hichardsen, editer or the Hloemsburg Journal, dropped dead here this morning of heart disease. A New Yerk l'lrin l'nlla. Nkvv Yiiuk, Marcli 10. Tlie ftilure or Williain VossikCe. wasaiinouiiceil here to day. M'EATllElt lXlilVATlOXH. Washington March 10. Fer Iho Middle Atlantic) states, fair weather, except iu llie oxtrcme southernjportiou, local snow, slight change iu toiupcralure in southern portion, colder woather in northern jiortleii, variahle winds, shifting te northwesterly. A Verdict fur liillter Villen. I.onuen, March 10. In the case of Gcerge Grant against Edmund Yates for ?3,000 damages for Ube I, the jury returned a ver dict in favor of Yates Waived a Hearing. H.ittnday ovening at 7 o'clock was llie tlme fixed by Alderiiiau Hsrrfef the bailing of C. C. Amwiike en the complaint m.uie that he has killed te maintain iilseliililien. When tlie case was called the defendant waived a hearing ami entered lull for trial at the April term of tlie court. Tlie Mormeu rrealtleiit 1'ugltlt e. Jehn Tayler, president of tlie Mermen church, was subpieiiaed recently te testify iu sonie polygamy cases He did net ajqwar. and his heuse iu Salt UlUe City was searched en Saturday by deputy marshals, but he had fled. ?J -fl w Si1