rf' t r v. ,-.. '4A ..- kr& J iiL ,"' HE 'i a 1! . C T' s? . j: .v 711 : wmi rt. IV'3?V' 'MJiKJ!. JJ - ' & "Wj fer-ff JC M ?r y re-H 1.1 s,1 mX' BS'f.11 Ss?s K pm, , .tSStu f m K- X mr iS ,. . M $mi u-va MJJ4 1 .-.' fS ,&& iT5 ( C i r$ TV -. i i z--5 Xftt i ,r tr A i. i y , 1 m . i .v xvtfr or rttrfttti . ii -I. i it . ,'- i RtMMiMMMMM B-Tf-MMMMMV TntTHMSVe mewihtifr -tJ&M tfa J of the, I WBO 1M 10S W 1 me en Inure' Juht;thcl West end : retnrnM te lmm The party een- of Jehn Keller, wMTj n'd two llRUtth- Jenry lNtumgw-MJf and Wife i Geerge hdwifc'i V. YeckJIr and wlfe'i Abr. r, Mill Landis Htfrbeck, of this city) , ii. BUMii'wiwathdBen. nini-in-Hana; KjBalr, and "Wife! Jehn Fendrich and ueiumumt nt. jinsmn who nnu Mer, useeeia tfiearneiti county j aiex- r Mcuraw anai cunebicr, ninaueipnia. returned tqrarhHa say they hna a most Slfnl titmr both en route and durlntr toy lVthe Seuth. They traveledin uuuuvn netei car, "au nicneiw,- iur sec 'of iiearly 4,000 miles, and hed all wfiifert of home durlntr thetr jeurney. ft route was via Pittsburg, Cincinnati, isville, NSfiiiville, Mobile ana jnew wis. ter " taking in " the great exposition and ng ' me town rer a lew unys, iney lied their Joumev te Jacksonville, Fla., e they remained three days ; thence by er te jfaiatKA, Where tuey saw me won wen won leraneesrroroof CeL Hart, said te be finest in the peninsula, ene of the trees incr naa diuckbu irem it u.uuu ueucieus rzi'.rT" : ii.4i" Ti.:.. : - . . v "BCWigea. jrruui rumiKu mey lveui up uis f smt te silver springs ana inonce te m. 'Augustine by rail, where they met Mr. jsprecner ana uauginer, ui uns cuy. Hu mming te Jacksonvllle they started for home .via Savannah and Augusta, Ge,, Columbia, J.YC., Charlette, N. C, Danville and Rich- i .Mttul, va., whonce they ran down te Old J.Petat Comfert, and spent a day s then en te i!4fliMcas0R ket annSc?lde l1!!' emtrred during the trip ten I'liliaueipina anu ent or lncldent ec- rlt( Hia tli 4n n tlirk itlnnutivn nf a? -aay ene of the party. J!'- " A Fine Collection of Curleiltlei. Frctn the Oxford Press. tM ikP,v' itioekout, Lancaster county, informs us lLTJ-WA?i- ' that he was recently well pleased andsur- 3 pnsea en visiting ins resiaence a miun .'yn-t i.tlmnnimtn find tlinre sileli a line Uispiav lef curlositles brought from the Islands of ?.the sea, from Seuth America and clse- V(f,"j! "Wh0 recently returned home from Seuth i -X. , . Atnaiten. AinnriL' the rnllfwtlnti arn Hnme of the very liandsomest MKiciiiioiisef coral and sea urchins he evor saw. Alsea tmmber of very flne photographic vlewa en the Sandwich Island, In the Southern Pacific ocean, of the mountains en them mid of the volcano Mauna Lea in octlve eruption. Mr. APresten was a member of the United States '' jtovernmont surveying party which vlslted these islands two years age te take ebserva tiens of a total eclipse of the sun. Among the views Is ene et the Careline islands which appears only as a frlnee of palm trees in the waste of water surrounding them. Tliere are also views of Lima and ether Seuth and Central American cities, which are very In teresting. u , DUh of Mm. Jehn Dutrjr. Mrs. Kate Duffy, wife of Jehn Dully, and daughter of Jehn C. Van Camp, and sister of the late Lieut Van Camp, died at her res idence Ne. COS, North Queen street, yosterday afternoon, aged 42 years. Mrs. Dufjy was an , accomplished and attractive woman. Her 'first husband was CapL Harry Whitby, a circus manager, w he was shot and killed by a drunken rough, In Memphis, Tcnn., seme fifteen years age. On the death of Captain Whitby, the widow came into possession of a flne larm in the eastern part of the city, and Reino ether nrnpertv. which she leased, and .resided at Ae. 608, North "Queen street. Re cently she married Mr. Jehn J. TlutTV. Mrs. fc -L . Duiiy's death wa ew& by Orepsy. Her r7& "r, "r runwal rvuttake place en Saturday artorneon at 2 o'clock. The Knnuu Excnnlenltw. Among the patties who left te take up their residence In Kansas from Mount Jey, Ellzabethtewn. Marietta, and vicinity en Tuesday were Isaac L. Brubaker and family, Aaren Brandt, Xanneeus Brandt, David Martin, Pharlea Metzler, David Rohrer, Christian Rohrer, Abraham L. Brubaker. Jehn Mi Engle and family of seven, David S, Engle and wife. Jacob Nornheld and family of Ave, Jeseph Hclsey and family of seven, Matblas Crell and family of five, D. B. Keeperts and family of five, James Raymond, Reuben Swords, Henry M. Brandt, David Breneman and family or eight, Aaren Brene man and wife, Rev. Levi Wonger and family, Mrs. Solemon Helsey, Mrs. W. M. Lyte, Ames Hhule, Jehn Herr and family, Henry Eyer and family of eight. Leander Engle and family of seven, Milten Engle and family of three, David W. Engle audi family of tour, Mrs. Geerge Herr, Abram Hunts berger, etc. Reuben Horshey and wife, of Kansas, who were in en a visit, also returned home with the party. Death of Mrs. Uhler. Mrs. Anna K. TJhler, widow of the late .Levi Uhler, only sister of Abraham Kauif man, of Manhlem borough, and step-mother of Mrs. Gea W. Hensel, of Quarry vllle, died at her home in that borough this morning, of apoplexy. On Saturday last she walked from her own te her brother's residence, and though feeble, appeared te be In her usual health. On Sunday nfternoen about tlAlCrat Q svlrwtlr tie llraa afylnlran 1 1 iltf. frmrtiX iiHAnlnH ah.1 wimAtnftfl IIHItAIIDnlnila Hi "" iHAIUlOAJf, UUIA 1DI1UUUUU uiiLvuagivua Sa 41? .until Hnalli Anilajl I.a anHanntfa f ra TThlav ,2 B, ..v.m.u. ....B- ....- VV. pr .' '-was born in Manheim. and spent all ,her- 1irm ntirl naaAil It Fa In tfiaf Ivirrtilfth B. She wns n Htrlet member of the Kefennetl ivais- s church and a regular attendant at its servlce. ii-. lir- : ----- --,. - Her funeral will take place en Monday next at v. o'cieck. interment in me nauuman V & ' f K ! 1.Wab..l .J a t'v BRIEF COUNTY ITEH9. i fe Paxson Brethers, Ellm, this county, have WnwWL 9la thelr store te Edgar Fulton, of Cecil iWlWiA"; -I l"T" wJi - --VSl4FWl:?3IJU,. HP tlnM-AM Dlnnl. nf T anneetaf fr.mriA.l9 8&Wm iCeleraln, has gene West te establish a '.Isls&wl;''1 Pearson D. McCord, aged 73 years, who &&& died In SDrlnirfleld. was burled en Wednes- lUi VVKV3 1 a? in the M. E. church cemetery, in that .go. and Mrs. Esther Rhlel, aged 70, was r" J$!P it,e'1 m tQ8 Amlsh burying Kruunu in i, '-nAiewer vajrnarven, tne same any. i,. Levi Bamet et White Reck, died Sunday 'varirnlnfr anAti attniif (lO tnr4. flnHfil tfinlr t 'Uami nn W-ilnneiiatr vrini-nlnfr. Tntnrrnant Si A at Union cemetery. it. . : -1 5 railed te Make Freper lleturn. Qeorge N. Lefevre, of West Lampeter township, failed te relura te the assesser , certain moneys at interest Commissioner 'Hartman.wlie knew Uiat Lofevro had money lnvosted, Hable te taxation had him and the assessor summoned te appear bofero the commissioners this morning. The parties - appeal eu anu wneu uuuer eaui i.oievre admlttedthatbehad (0,000 at interest llable te taxation. Commissioner Hartman knew ' Lealled a witness te prove that fact Lefovre imen aumuted mat ne nau ii,vuai interest 'ublect te taxation and with that amount he was 'assessed. There, are hundreds of ether r MIUUI UitSBS 111 U1U UUUIltJ. ft W, j M. DutU Funeral. rawTlte funeral of Mrs. Sarah R., wife or the mWeDr. William Davis, took place Irem her '"Jferj tat residence Ne.8 West King street, at neon i. AnHr nn.l wnii ia.m t.-sttltf atiAVIlln.1. HflV f a..u ilea vetjr Aawe"-, .m wwm .vt. ael Frayne, pastor of the Olivet Baptist ?:li, read a portion et the scriptures and ered an oration, after which the solemn tei precession meveu re voeuwaru xiui etciv tihere tlie Interment was made. srs. Rebert A. Evans, Chas. M. Hewell, l Baker and Win. O. Marshall, were the L bearers. 1 Mpfi Terre Hill Should Bank. -ftciV uiu vorrtei ueaumv cubic .Tarre Hill should have a bank. The noar near 't'fij ene Is five miles away. At least tfl,000 a witii h handled here ou cigars alone, be- ' aHieatlie business of three stores, two furnl , tMW fiuterics, and ene blacksmith and wheel- ".yfffejbt shop. Thoetl'ert te orgaulze a bank ;ild be pushed en te success. 1 u ' 1'retbjierUn ItetrUdnment. ,H young folks of Ue Presbyterian church wttl ghe amlssletf band entorutnment in the W.vt.t r.l.l.Vn..t UMh 1Q1. .14.1. wmu --iiuuv uvvuiiik w. ,uhi, m i ;iu e'eteek. Mrs. Westlake, of Mlllersyille, will read "The Songs of Seven," by "Jean Iaayimv." Mule quartette anu niuea quar- ' X( lc At the Station Heme. ,9Wnecn ledgers and two drunks were tlie - eeaSpant or the station beuse ou Wednesday ' ' "Ji't ' ne drunk paid costs, the second , j,piCommitted for a short term and the ' diletews wero dlscliarged upon their premise 1.4-iolMTeUie city at once. ti'$iwa2tmm2iiwt'fa ,!.', W 1ti-'Tr-lm Ce-Haaadw a Muamk AnbMt Tiiun. The Italian commander at Mtewh has kken extraordinary precaution te prevent treason among the native. He has recolved reports that El Mahdl has been sending nmlsiwrfeH Inte Massewah. Hostile Arabs last night again stele up te the llrltlsh camp during the darkness and attacked a slkh (Indian) sentry, stabbing him te death. The Independence Delge, of Brussels, an nounced in a dispatch from its correspondent at Reme that Italy will Undortake the relief of Kassala. The correspondent says that plans for the nocessary campaign have been completed by the general stalT of the Italian army and forwarded te Massewah. A dispatch from Bunkln nays that the Mahommedan natlve troops from India who are new assembled thore unanimously re pudiate Kl Aintiui. Tney say mat no is net even a Moslem and they are disgusted with his pretensions te be considered the subcoh subceh subcoh er of the prophet They bollevo him te be Immensely olated with the Idea of a war bo be bo tweon England and Russia en the frontlers of India, but they state that In the event of such a war being doclnred every natlve regi ment In India could be doublecf or trobled by volunteers detormlned te resist Russian In vasion te the death. Fire Extlngnlnltad br City Kinplnyps. Thore was a slight flre in the green heuse In the rear of Adam Lafidls' house, near the city mill, botweon 8 and 9 o'clock en Wed nesday night Werd was sent te the em em peoyes at tlie water works, near by, they nt nt tached the city hese te the plug or the water works and extinguished the Humes bofero mn ph ilnmnue v,ea dene. Willam Helino, the ongineor, and William Flsher. the ilro ilre man, wero the city empleyes who extin guished the flre. A SllnUtorWhe IMItaken for Statesmen. rromtheMt Jey Starand News. Rev. J. T. Sliallur, lately appointed pastor of the United Brothren church, bears a clese roscmblanee te Coiigressinau Jehn A. Hlestand. He has soveral times been taken Ter Rlvivallst Meedy and ence for President Garfleld. All our roaders who de net ler ler senally knew hlui, may Judge rretn this, that his apitoaranceranks hlgli. The 1'lne Orave Inter-County ilrldge. County Commissioners Whltsen and Mer cer, of Clicster county, wero in consultation with our comtnisslenors In roferonco te the Pine Orove Inter-county bridge, about which thcre is a dlspute as te the amount te be paid te the contractor. After seme discussion a coinpremlso was ollccted as te the amount te be paid Contractor McMellen, and ir the coin cein coin peomlso is approved by the Chester county court, the contractor will be paid the balance due. Attempt te Commit Sultldc. Frem the Oxfeid Press. Mary Ella Smith, residing near Oakwood, Cecil county, Md., lntely inade two unsuc cessful attempts te end her life. She first re ro re serted te a dose or laudanum, which caused her te remain In n dcatli-llkosleepfer soveral hours. On recovering from this she sought the garret nt her home and attempted te hang herself, but fortunately was discovered In the suicidal act by moiiibers or her family and her Hfe saved. The Western Union Telegraph Office. The ofllee of the Western Union tolegraph oempany.at the Pennsylvania railroad depot, will hereafter be open only during the tline passenger trains are at the station, between the hours ef8 In tlie morning and 0 In the evening. Wanted for Desertion. Our pollce have rccelvcd word te be en the lookout for Jehn I.cnnen, a resident of Coatesvlllo, who dosertcd his wife several woeks age. He Is supposed te be in this vicinity. Last Day for riling Applications. Saturday, March 21, will be the last day en which applications for Hccuse ler hotels, eating houses and liquor stores te the April term can be liled,and these Interested would de well te inake a note of this. Des't forget Monday, March 10. On that day the ontlre stock and fixtures of Celvlu's livery stable, conlstlngef the finest stock of horses, robes, Ac, In the city, will be sold at public sale Punning en Goldsmith's Peem. Frem the Bosten Musical Herald. Dr. Ven Buelew intends te go te England shortly. The English muy sing, "Man wants but little Herr Ilulew, Ner wants that little lone." Pipe Line Heb, Itean, Chestnut Senxl, Jet Black, Bay, Mahogany Bay, Dark Uren and Serrel horses, Bay Ponies, buggies, carriages, wagons, slelglis, harness, robes, Ac., will be told at Celvln's sale, March 16. Where She Would Shine. Frem the Burlington Free Trcs. Yeung lady, who wants te be an opera slnger, "What rele de you think I would de best in, papa. Papa,who has seme practical ideas, "Break, fast rolls, my dear." Gene Te Flerida This afternoon at 1:35 Samuel M. Miller, of Providence, started for Flerida. He Intends te purchase timber land in the Southern part of the state and erect a saw mill. On March ICth the publie will have en oppor tunity seldom offered te puichase a flne euttlt at Celvln's sale. Wen the Geld Medal. Rudelph Gates wen the mile race and the geld medal atthoManncrcherrlnk, en Wed nesday night The tlme made was 3:18. There was a large attendance. Anether French Victory In China. The French, after five days' fighting, have carried theCldnese positions around Kelung. Forty Frenchmen were killed and two hun dred weunded. Riad the handsome bills posted up giving a description of property te be sold at Celvln's livery en March 10th. Amusements. JIarrli' Mammoth Qpera Company. A woek of light opera, at popular prlces, will commence at the opera house next Monday, the 10th. The narrls Opera company, which Is new playing te crewded bouses In Washington, D. C, will pre pre ent the following favorite productiens: Mon day, " Olivette j" Tuesday, " Chimes of Nor mandy;" Wednesday (matinee and night), "Patience;" Thursday, " Qliolle-Girerta ;" Friday, "Iltllee Tayler;" Saturday (matlnce and night), " Mascot." Each opera will be given with every attention te sclonce and artistic detail, and the costumes, which are all new, will be a revelation te Lancaster audiences. The characters will be sustained by artists of well known ability, assisted by a full and well-tralned chorus, J7ie Suydami.Tht evening the com pany under the management of the Buy dam Brethers will appear lu the opera house. This is the third visit of the troupe te this city, and horeteforo they have been greeted by large houses. They have visited all the towns In the eastern part of the state, and business has been every where large. The prices are low and no doubt crowds will fleck te te the epera heuse te see Jelly Charlie Maurtttiusasfurnpfj Dumpty, I you are In want of u flne driving bone, double team, or wagon of any kind, attend Col Cel vln's sale en March 10. DEATIIS, Lib. In this cltv. en the 11th Inst.. All.nrt T .... tu the 50th year et of his age. Ills friends are rcjpeetfully Invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of Jt. O. Albright, N,e. 302 Seuth Prince street, en Friday after neon at 2 o'clock. ltd DDFr.-March 11, lte5. in this city, Kate, wife of Jehn Duffy, in her 4id year. The relatives and friends of the family are respeetfully Invited te attend the funeral, from her late residence, Ne. SeS North Queen street, en Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery, JesDAif-In this city en the 12th lust., William Dlller Jerdan, in the 27th year of bis age. The relative and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of his mother. Ne. 239 North Arch alley, Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Inter, mentat Woodward 11111 cemetery. ml2-2td Ublkk. At Manbclm, March 12. 1S35, Mr. Anna K. Uhler. only slsteref Abraham Kaurtmnn, esa.. aged 81 years, 11 months and 12 days. Funeral Monday, 16th Inst, at 9 a. in., at her late residence. Services at Befemiel church, Manheim. Interment at Kautrmsn meeting house. Frleud and relatives are layiled. 3td i v SV' m&J-T Jmrvmllr Philadkpbu, March IS. rier dull and un chai.(redi8uperiic;fil S Kxtra.W H0m IennV family. a-6el TO i Winter elears, $409 4OtdOitriUglrtji,44iMlnn. extra clear, Vt 0801 se i de stralshU, M m0 ou t winter pat ent. It 730325 1 spring de, 3 OOflS 75. Hva llmir nt Kl DO. Wneat dull and unoeHlod : Ke. S Western Hed, fW.e t Ne. 3 de, atsiftiue i Ne. 1 l'a. de, U3c Ne. 2 lielaware. de, MHc (Vim ilnii and Irrviriilan klnntncr. 4S jsasi Ne. 2 yellow and mixed, l3)ie t Ne. 3 ei?' rinll nnd wenk i Ne. 1 Whltn. XI )SJ9 3Cji0j J9H0 1 Ne. a de, at 8714037X0 1 Ne. S de. 36Q3C. re' Jectcd, MHfte i no. . nuxea, we, uye nominal! e. j-b. ie. Bccds-Clover dull at 7iQ8Je ( Timethy dull at 1 53 1 Flaxseed at $1 MtYf Gu. Winter bran firm at f 17(417 30. , Previsions matket linn, tiutanlct t mess perk, 111 00 1 beat hams, 1.1 G0OU w f city inesi beer, viai. Ilacen, (Me Smoked Bheuldcni, rVe salt de, 3U3Va smoked hams, lOHffiUHei pickled de, 9iei0c. Lard firm i city renncd, nt WW t loose butchers', CKG I prlme steam, 17 ;s$a7 30. lluttcr market dull and prices unsettled! Creamery extras, 272rte 1 11. C. and N. Y. de, 27(J 28e i dnlry extnis, SWiISe de geed te choice, is U'Jic : tveaiern ue, iotc.ve. KelU nt I Of? 1 70 i packing butter, 7Q1SC r.ggg easier unu mat Kei quin j i.-ui 20XO Cheese quiet and weak; Neur erk Full Crenm, I'AiQl.Ke: Ohie Klats, cholce, 11o;i1e fair te prlme, SJOJlOJie l'unn'a part skims, 4j Gc i de full de, UiJc. Petroleum dull t Kenned, 7c. WhHkvflnneratlllW. New Yerk Market. Nsw VeRK.Mnrchll. Kleur State and Western Mltlieut notable cluingu mid trading cjulet. Betllliern sienny. Wlient variable i nnd Irregular ; opening strong mid t.lfhlia htizher. lnler lest advance and de- pllneci &.?4e. nlth n mmleriile trade I Ne. 1 White, nominal Ne. 2 Hed, Am II, iXiidfSlUe Mey, weoijiej June, OlOtne t July, WtQ Wc. Cem Early months nnu. late kQJfe lewer Mixed western spot, 51(j.'4e ; de future, MffS-'c Oats without decided chaiiRO 1 Ne. 2 March, 3et April, 37(:e: May, 37He Stale, Xllla ; Western, 38$llc. Ure Stock Prices, Cuicaoe. Cattle Itecelpts, 5.9J0 head : and I liln. iiients. 2.oe head i market slew and barely steady tidy fat 1,100 te i.ttoe pound steers tu uesi demand ; sales 1,030 te l,?e pounds utH'Jig ; ,2uote l,Xl pounds, f4 OeffJ .1. ; 1,3m te ...kit.iila t 'm? no . liiitchntV ktnfr. 4 Ml! 1.B0U pounds, S 2505 W'S butchers' stuff, cmnnuin. -2 'i",.i 1X1 ! medium. S3 OOfM 23 1 iroed. (.1 20G4M); Blockers, 3 C0Q4 20; feeders, $ I 10 4 no Texnns, f 104 75. MORS HCCCipiS, 2i,UM llCItll l 8Ullim-lll1, !,. ; market strong and 5e hlichet t rough packing, $1 W(4( parking and shipping, Vt) te 4ue pounds, (4 0A4 M: light, IM te 215 pounds, $12.'i4 Mj skips, f3W$l 2.1. Sbcep Receipts, 2,VM bead ; shipments, 1,100 1 market steady and prices linn ; liilerlur, 50fl2 75; Uli'dliim, W W'l 23; geHl. SJ 60 (4 no : choice, f IQ4 50 ; extra sheep and lambs, $IG0Q3. Kast I.inintTT. Cattle market was firm, with the demand slew ; prlme sold nt 13 75Q ; fair te geed, .VT(3 W ; common, l UHil 73 ; ncelpts, Mi head ; shipments, l'J. Hogs active, linn: Philadelphia, 5 15f?5)t best Yorkers. 3i)0a5 10; cominen, Ii fceQI MM receipts, lne head shipments, Snehend. Sheep wnru In fair demand and held fllinly; receipt, 800 head : shipments, 430 head ; prime, H 40U2IU); fair te geed, $37301. m Stock Market. Quotations by lteed, McQrann A Ce , Bankers, Lancaster. Pa. 11 A. K Missouri Pacific. Michigan Central New Yerk Central 91 ! New Jersey Centrul 40)i Ohie Central.. Ilel. Ijick. A Western 1U Denver A UloUmnde .... Krle Kansas A Texas l)i JjikoBIiero 03 Chicago A N. V com OfJVi N. N.. Out. A Western St. Paul A Omaha. 2f Pacific Mall lit Hechcs,ter A Pittsburg .... .1 St. Paul 73 Tnxas Pacific M Union Pacific Mi Wabash Common li Wabash Preferred .... West'n Union Telegraph., u) Louisville A Nashville ZIY, N. V., Ciil. A hU I. Ijhlgh Valley Lehigh Nuvlgatlen Pennsylvania. Wi Ueadlng 'J 1-1'i P. T. A llutrale Northern Pacltle Cem.... . . Northern Pacltle Prof.... ! Itestenvllle Philadelphia A Krle Northern Central Underground Canada Southern Oil 7.,i Peeple's Pussungcr Jers")V Ccntml 40 ni 7i New Yerk. Quotations by Associated Press, Stocks n.ulet nnd firm, Meney easy at lc. New Yerk Central Krle Itultread Adams Kxprcss Michigan Central Kail read Michigan Southern Hall read., Illinois Central Jtallread St C.'K 14J2 1 iss 120 . l H 40K 1W Cleveland A Pittsburg Kallread Chicago A lteck Island Kallread Pittsburg A Kert Wayne Hal read Western Union Telegraph Company.. Teledo A Wabash New Jersey Central New Yerk Ontario A Western Philadelphia. Quotations by Associated Press. Stacks strong. Philadelphia A Erie It. It 17K Heading Kallread W, Pennsylvania Kallread Hk Lehigh Valley Kallread 57 United Companies or New Jersey 1K3 Northern Pacinc lt: Northern Pacific Prefened 13;, Northern Central Kallread lx Lehigh Navigation Company 40 NorrTstewn llaliread 107 Central Transportation Company at llutrale, New Yerk A Philadelphia 2U LIUle Schuylkill Hallread K NEW Anrr.llTIBSXESTS. PUBLIOSALeT ON 'erIDAyV MARCli 13, of Household and Kltchen Furniture. nt Ne. 217 Kast -Ml 111 In street. 1-ule te rommence at 2 o'clock, p. m. SAMUEL S. KISSELL, ltd Auctioneer. F OR SALE EXTRA FINE SAUER KKAUT bv tbe auart nrLrnllnn.elienii.nl the Law llulldlng Kcstuarant, 31 North Duke street. mllMtd K1TC1I A STAPLEFORD. fMxmi HATS. v LEE, the Hatter, IS SELtlNO CLOTH HATS AT $1.00 Ne. 23 North Queen Street, inarMyd LANCASTER PA. TESTATE OP CHARLES EFFINGER, -- laieei i.anea-siercuy, uee u. j.eiiers 01 na- ministration en said estai no having been granted te the undersigned, nil norsens indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same. will nrcsent them without dclav for set tlement te the undersigned, residing In said city. CAT1IAK1NK KKtlNUEK, iul2Gtdeaw Administratrix. T HE " ACME." itivvii iun in luiiijaiKU uuki., . w u whub iur 23 cents Is the prlce of "ACME "Transparent Ulyceilne Seap. Contains 30 nor cent. Ulycerlne and Is the soap for the bath. Imported nnd Do De mestic Soaps (PUKE) always en hand at Lewest Prices ut COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, Nes. 137 AND 139 NORTH QUEEN STREET, dec&emd Lancaster, Pa. CALL AT STOKK REIGART'S OLD WINE -FOB- IISTON'S EXTRACT OF BEEP. FINEST IN THE WORLD. Established, 1783. II. E. 8LAYMAKEK, Agt. feb!7-ttd Ne. 29 EastKIugSL NOTICE. Kids will be received by the Finance Com Cem mittee of Lancaster City, at the Mayer's Offlce. until 2 o'clock p. m., TUESDAY, MAKCU 24, 165, ler 4 per cent. Lancaster City bends, te the amount denemii KU1WUII1 VI VlVV.VKAi mJ.VW 1UI ei tiw.uje, f w,uue tnereer te be Issued In denominations et 1500, and 120.000 Indeuemlna. tlens of $100, rcdeemabble In lawful money of the United States after ten years and within twenty years from April 1,1885, and free from taxation, first of Ji n. Interest payable quarterly en the Juty, October, January and April, at the if the city treasurer, lilds wills be re- ofllee of the city treasurer, lilds wills be re ceived for the whole or part thereof. Address H.N.HUHST, Chairman Finance Committee Mavea's OvrieK, I Jincaster City, Pa. niAl7,ll,H.18,21ftltw -MAMPAGNE. BOUCHE "SEC." TUE FINEST CHAMPAGNE WINE NOW 1MPOKTED. AT KEIOAKT'S OLD WINK STOKE, Ne. 29 El ST Kixe Strmt. Ii. E. SLAYMAKER, Art. Established, 1785. febl7-t 7-tia ESTATE OF PHILIP CHRISTIAN Hannlnger, late of Lancaster city, dee'd. Letters testauicntary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in. ebted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without de lay for settlement te the undersigned, residing in Lancaster city. UENKY M. SIIRUINKR, Kxeeuter. U. C. jBaCBAKCH, Attorney. febJ-W4Th-ew V 12 k. 3 r. . fiOJf !I4I ix i".;$ '.'.'.'. li'4 W. 17K Ct 04 Ji 'Jifl .... 1UJ4 SfiU 25 .1 VI lf 1Z)J ii" ou riji 31 31V? '.'.'.'. 67 .... 40 It 1-13 8 13-15 Vi lrtJ jrjjr ABTtmrurMKitTii, u-vtJf vi.r H AlPY THOUGHT AND REBECCA TnbAeeeii ent v 8e ner nluir. nt UAUXMANS YKIjI.OW FJIO.NT bTOUK. C1GA11 FIVE YEARS OF CONSTANT STUDY and expcrlence have reunited In the nuinii fuctureer MILLEH'H l'UUK IK) It AX MO A I' at the price Of Cheap Soaps 7e. a cuke. tnT-Cmd TT3EM0VAL. XX DH. A.J. IlEItlt I Inn removed hU odlce from southwest corner l'rlnce and Chestnut streets, te his new resi dence, soutliwest corner Umnge and Mulberry streets. febft) lmd ALIi CLAIM TO HE GOOD. FEW ARE better, but MILI.EK'8 l'UUK 110KAX SOAP Is certainly tlie best and meat economical artlcle In the market. Selling price, 7c. per rake everywhere. niTenid DOG LOST. Yesterday memlni;, slrnjednway fiinii Ne. 139 Kant Chestnut street, nn Kiiallsh l'ii l)0(f. A liberal reward will be paid for its return te t he above address. nile-tM XED S13AL BRAND CORN AND TO IX MATOBSOe.a Can,3Cuns ferSSc. linn Iftted Sugar, 6We. It.. Just received 6 .we B.s, MATOBSOe.a Can,3Cuns fer25c. llmnti seiccicu i.eueu IS, , 22, S3 and CLAUKK'S otlee i havosaine rousted dully, U, 15, 3.1 .lleenlH tier nennit. 1TKA AND COrKKl HTOUE. Ne. US West King Street 3t1 fT- rkTVT. WORTH OFMILLINERY tJJXvrjVVv Goods te be Beld at a very heavy reduction, nn account of removal te our new store, W North Queen street, (Htmuss's Old Bland. I NK.W YOKK ANI PAKI8 MILMNKKY Ce.. janS-tfd 2i West King HU, Imcaster, fa. THE ONLY ARTICLE fUIAUANTEEl) absolutely pure nnd sultalila for nil pur poses Is MlLLKll'S PIIKK ItOltAX SOAP. 1117-einil THE ONLY ARTICLE HUITAI1LE FOR all purposes Is MILLEIt'S PUKE 1IOKAX bOAP. VorHaleovorywhoront7c.pcrbar. One trial will prove It. Ask your gieccr rer It. m7-Uind A RARE CHANCE. Fer rent, the STOKE KOOJI and IlWISMe INO, 143 and 147 North Queen sti cut. This Ins been one of the lending tlrecery stores of this city for ever SO years. Kent vcty reasonable and possession given April 1. Fer particulars, upplyte ciiAKi.KtiiNArr, Ulrurd Heuse, 231 nnd 2W North Oticen street, m11-4ia Lancaster, l'a. SHERIFF'S HALE. On FRIDAY, MARCH 13. 1KM3, 111 be sold nt the residence of Frank A. iHIlcnderflcr, Ne. IS Neith Shlppen street, 2 lied room Sets, Purlei Hull, Hat Rack, nnd a large assert mentef Heuse heldnud Kltchin Fiirnltuin. Hale locemiiicuco at lOo'rleck. UhO. W.IOM LIN SON. mll-2td hberllT. AT MILLER'S STEAM BOAP WORKS tliere are dully turned out tens mid tens of the favorllennd only reliable IIOKAXSOAP te gladden the hearts, suve the lmeksnnd blench In viririn whiteness the linen and ether garments. the laces and all the pretty ti Dies that adorn the fair ladles of the hum. ti. 1117-tmd HU n L E Y ' S (ILYCr.RINE COLD CREAM hasstoeil the test of 15 wars use. and proved a tiiesteftlclent icuiedy ler Chapped Hands and Lips, Chafed Skin mid Snuliiiin. Fer saleat HURLEY'S IIKUO STOKE. 24 West King Street. -ITIOR RENT. Jj Mr. Jehn fe. llehrer's first-class DWELL INO HOUSE, corner or North Queen and Lemen streets, 20 ROOMS. The best or modern con veniences, none better In the country. Veiy Hiiitnble for a first-class PRIVATE ilOARDINO HOUSE. Alse, has first-class 11RICK bTAllLE and CARHIAtiK HOUHF.. Alse fei rent, the DWELLING HOUSE NO 4(1 North Queen street. Apply te IIAUHMAN IH7RNB. Real Estate Agents, mll-dtldK in West Orange street. A TREAT FOR WORKIKQMEN AT DECHTOLD'S. , .1 nut receive J. Jet let or Men's Heavy (Jmy and White Undershirts at 23c ; usual price, 30c. Alse betterqualltles ut very leduccd prices. Woolen nnd Cotten Shirts, Knit Jackets, He slery, Pants, Vests, Overalls, Cilnvcs, .Mlts.llaiid kerchiefs nnd Notions geiiemlly. All of which will be Beld at prices te suit tint piesent limes, HENRY llKC'lllOLU. Ne. W North Queen htreel, P. S. Choice llulldlng Stene mid Kiuil fur wile. rpHIS YEARTHERE WILL RENO END JL of dirty linen t wash tbe pelltlialurtlcles we mean and that Is the only thing en earth that 3IILLKR'S PURE IJORAX SOAP won't make spotlessly bile. mT-fimd Havana Fillers and Sumatra Wrappers. IN LARUE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. Al0 Old Havana Seed Leaf Constantly en hand ntinederuteprlcts LEWIS SYLVESTER A CO., Dukeand Chestnut Streets, Lancaster inarT-liuWAS RI'IIANH' COURT SALE. ON THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1:35, at the Leepard Hetel, In the city of Ijineaster, the undersigned administrator of Albert M. .ahm, deceased, will expose, by virtue ei an or der or the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, te public sale, all Hull certain three-story blink DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT OF GROUND, e. an Aertn imesircci, in ine v;iiy ei i.aucis- ter. The let contains In front : lei eel and In depth 133 feet, late the property of Albert 31. .ahm, deceased bale te commence at 7 o'clock, when attend unce will be given and terms made known by EDWARD J. .AHM, Administrator of Albert M. Zatim, dee'd. II. Kiif HEKT, Auctioneer. fehlB-3wd REDUCTION IN OVERCOATS. In order te reduce our large stock at Fur Heavers, Meltons, Kerseys and Corkscrews rer Overceatings, 1 will, ter the nert oe days, make up te your order, In first-class style, at greatly reduced prices. AH garments are guaranteed te fit perfect and only the best quality or trim mings are used. A. II. ROSENHTKIN, Kine Tailoring. 37 North Queen street, oppeslto the PostelUco. nm-eindil M ADEIRA AND SHERRY WINES AT Eeigartfs Old Wine Stere. II. E. SLAYMAKER, Aek.it, Ne. 29 Eaht Kine St. rcbU-trd Established 1783, T O TOBACCO BUYERS AND PACKERS. Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Sample Tags, ALL STYLESand QUALITY of CAKD1IOARD STRING TAGS, And all kinds of PRINTING used by Leaf To bacco Dealers, executed lu the BEST STYLE and at the LOWEST PRICES. Call and see our samples, promptly attended te. Orders by mall STEINMAN & HENSEL, INTKLLIQENCKR niillding, Lancaster, Pa. luil-tfd piULTON OPERA HOUSE. -ONE WEEK,- 00HHENCIN0 ON MONDAY, MARCli 16th, 1885. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, at 2.30. Just wLut the pnblle want First-class Ceiule Opera at the People's Popular Prices. ADMISSION, 10 and 20 GENTS. RESERVED SEATS , 10q EXTRA. Fer saleat Opera Heuse, new open. HARRIS' COMIC OPERA COMPANY. REPERTOIRE t Monday Kvnlng-"OLlVETTE." Tuesday "CHIMES OF NORMAN DY." Wednesday Evenlnc " PATIENCE." Thursday Evening "GIROFLK-OIItOFLA." STIdaV VOnlllir "1IILLK.K TAYLOR ivenliig "1ULLF.K TAYLOR." Saturday Evening" THE M AbCOT." Wednesday Matinee "patience." Saturday Matinee "THE MASCOT." The Operas preseuted with every attention te ueiuu AXMr AND BRIQHT COSTUMES, FULL CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA, Etc. marl2 9td pOTE IS MAKING OABIN-T PHOTOGRAPHS XT 3.06 X DOIIlf, AT NO. 109 NORTH QUKKN STREET. JatKI Lancaster, l'a, AirvBMMtattB. pULTON OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAT, FRlDiYiB48ATlIRD AT, MARCH 12,13,14. ItKTUItN or SUYDAM Great Nevelty and Pantomime Shew. MAURITT1US, The Great Clown and New Acta, New Features, New Novelties. ADMISSION 10 and 20CKNT8. 11US1;HVEISKAT3..... lOCTS. kxtha. Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 O'clock. Sccure reserved enits nnd avoid the crush nt thedoeis. mlO-Btd roll HALF. OH UXNT. 1JI0R RENT. wC Tbe hall 3050 feet en third story of Btcln- marobulld.nK.Nl,.33XNe,.hguee,.MNreefeTAr fitfd RARE CHANCE. Al.eathcrnnd Finding Stere. with Stock, rer sale; doing a very geed business. Ooed rea sons rer helling out. Possession given Imme diately. Inquire nt this office. feb23-lmd -TOIt RENT. Jj t Irst Class ltetaiiiant, also first-class liar- tier Hliini. corner of Centre Hanaro and North Queen slicet. ilest locution In the city. A n til V te III1ISII AIIKO.'H. ITtORHALH. J Twe Hundred Cases '83 Penns)lvniibi Leaf Tobacco, In llrst-claw order. Apply or n rite te U.K. WhlSKIlACe, Ne. lit) North (Jcorgebt., Yerk, Pa. uiar7-2nd PUBLIC HALE. ON FRIDAY, MARCH 13. nt one o'clock, a. in, at Ne. 610 Knst King street, consisting of Household floods of nil kinds, Steves, Furnl lute, '1 Inwnre.Chlnnwnrc, (ilassware and every thing permlnlng te housekeeping. ni'.&td WOODSlDir A RISSELL. YTIASTERN MARKET HOUSE. SALE OF STALLS, CM SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1WS, at S O'CLOCK. Stabling for Over lOOIlersea. lmili luil TARE CHANCE. FORRENT. A BUTCHER SHOP, COAL YARD, DWELLING, STABLE, SHED AND HAY SCALES. 1 he undersigned eilers bis excelletit butcher shop, coal yard, dwelling and ether necessary bnlldlngs combined, In tbe borough or Middle town. 1'u., for lent. The butcher shop ban an established business. Is situated en tbe Penn sylvania onnal.uleng the prlnclpul street of tbe town, u lib unter Inside, well arranged te carry eir all eltiil. Twe geed pumps In the yard. An Improved smeke house. In fact, everything complete. 1 he coal janl Is adjoining vvltnlui go sheds, with apartments, for a variety of coal, nil under reef. A new iwc-slery llllICK DWKLL 1NO euthe same premises, with geed cellar, out building, fruit, etc. The butcher shop and dwelling will be rented with or without the coal yard. Kxamlne the premises. This Is u Hire chance. Old age the icasen for renting. mMind CHRISTIAN KRAMER. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OK VALU AIILB CITY l'KOI'KRTY. ON SATURDAY. MARCH lt,lS, llv virien of anil In tiursuancn or an order of tint Orphans' Court tbe undersigned will sell at public saleat tbe Coejwr Heuse en West King street, Lancaster cn, ra.ine lonewuigrcai es tate, v Iz i .Ne. I, All these live twostery WRICK DWKLL1NO HOU'iKt, wp'i two-story brick back buildings, and ether eutliulldliigs, and lets or ground theiete belonging, situate Neh.'JII, VI.1, ill, '217 nnd SI!), en the uei lb slde or Knst Frcdi-r-ick street, Lancaster elly. Kaeh heuse has a frontage of Kl rtet, cinches, Including un alley (except 21'J. which rmuUt 21 feet, 8 Inches), and in depth lll'i fecL Ne S. All that certain two-story FRAMK DWKLI.INU HOUbK, with one story frame back building and let of ground thereto belong ing, situate en tbe east slde of Market stieet, north of Frederick street, Lancaster city. The let fronts l'J feet, mere or less, en Market street, and extends In depth 8Stcct, uiere or less. Ne. 3. All that certain let or plcce or ground situate en the southwest corner et North bhlp pen and Kast New streets. In the City or Lancas ter. Tbe let lias a frontage of ltil feet en Shlppen meet nnd hx tends in depth along New slicet feet, te JcHcrHOiiulley. Ne. 4. All that certain Let or plccu of ground, situated ou the west side or North Lline stieet, north et .lames, In the city or Lancaster, con taining In front en said North Llme street, 00 feet and In depth 3l!rcet, te Cherry alley. Ne. ft. All that certain Let or plcce or ground, situated ou the east side of North Lime street, north of Frederick, in the city of Lancaster, containing 43U feet In front en said North Lime street and in depth HIM rect, te ether ground of Cee. bhulmycr, deceased. These tv emi properties, except Ne. '2, will be sold separately or tegetber, as may be most ud ud vuntngeeus. bale te commence ut 7 o'clock p. m. en said day, when attendance will be given und terms muke known by JULIANA 8I1ULMYKR, Kxecutrlxer Oce Hhulmyer, Deceased. IlKsnr bni'HERT, Auctioneer. tl9,'-,-tl2t)Au,O,7,!),10.11.1' ueusEFUJtyisuixu aoevs. MIE CHEAPEST PLACE TO RUY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Geal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -u A P. Ne. 24 Seuth Queen Street, feb271yd LANCASTER, PA. wAxcima, &c -yy-ATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICES OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, at LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposite City Hetel, near l'a. R. R. Depot. Retailing ut Wholesale Trices. Repairing at Extra Lew Trices. Jy3Md pilOMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION UIVKNTOTUK riUNTINO OP PAPER BOOKS. Our type being new and tlie paper ilrst-class we knew we can give entire satisfaction. Proof reading carefully done. STEINMAK & HENSEL, 1U9 Ifd lNTELLKIBNCER OftiCO. TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND THE PUB Lie. -THE SINGER SEWINQ MAOHINE OmCB, Will be removed en the FIRST DAY OF APRIL, 1885. fromNe. MV4 East King street, te tne mera commodious una convenient emce, Ne. 110 EAST KING bTREET. where we wUl be pleased te nil all orders ter the Leading Genu Genu Ine Singer Sewing Mncbine. T1IE8INUER MANUFATURINQ CO., feb'JS-lmd A. J. MITCHELL, Agent. CAPE. SURE AND SPEEDY CURE. kJ RcrruRK, Varicecxlk and Srscixt, Diseases or either box. Why be liumbuggcd by quueks, when you call find in Dr. Wright the only Km- geu uy quucKS, tthe only Kxu. who liiakna a ulaii riireieiAM in Tiiuaeeipma who uiakes a specialty of tbe ubev e diseases and curks them t CURxa euAiUMTKEii. Auvick FBBK, duy ana evau. ing. Strangel-s can be troated and return home uu same uay. unices private. 1JR. W. II. WRIGHT, Ne. 241 North Ninth street, above Race, T. O. Her 673. Philadelphia. anv-J-lyd4w AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL, COXSCLT DR. LOBE, NO. 319 North Fifteenth street, below Callewhlll street, Philadelphia. Cures all Secret Discuses of both sexes. Twen (y Years Kzporlence. Con sultation by mall. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. New book just out. Send for it. Trlcoeoc Hours 11 U112, nud 7 te 10 p. m febaj-iyaw ClOTMVm. READY FOR TRADE. We open the campaign fully equip oil with nncntire fresh stock of SPEIM OVERCOATS -AND- IEDIUM-WEIG-HT SUITS In nil the varied styles new in rogue. Prices Rule Unusually Lew. A. C. YATES & CO., 602, 604, 606 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia. m2 3md M YERS & RATJ1FON. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. Slightly Diiinaced Goods 1y Water unit Smoke. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF GOODS WILL RK SOLD REOARDLEbS OF COST IN THIRTY DAYS. 49-Call ut once and SECURE HARGAINS. Your only chance rer Cheap Clothing Is te ac cept this opppertunlty. MYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LANCASTER CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KINGr STREET, LANCASTER. PA. H 1RSIIABUO. SPRING OVERCOATS. All the Leadluif Ktvles. Shadu.1 and Ounlltlea all our On u Mutiuractiiru ; all the Rest Goods at Ruttem l'lltcs. We are selling n hoi Id, Reliable, Wcll-Madn and Geed Fitting SPRING OVERCOAT for se.oe. ALSO UALANCE OF lVlnter Overcoats, Winter Underwear. Gloves, Knit Jackets, Scarfs and eckviear. CLOSING OUT AT TRICES REGARDLESS OF COST- HIR8H & BRO., PENN HALL CLOTHINQ HODSE, Cerner North Queen Streot and Cen Cen teo Square. T3UROER & SUTTON. A TERRIBLE BREAKDOWN IN TRICES AT Burger & Sutten's, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. In order te clear our tables of OVERCOATS and Heavy Weight SUITS we will efTcr them at prices that Is bound te sell. GOOD, STROSO WORKING COATS for 2.00. Odd Coats,VeryGeod, All Sizes, from $2 te $5. THESE ARE THE REST HARGAINS WE EVER OFFERED. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. We have received another let of theso nebby 25c. TIES ; they are selling very fust. We have a complete stock of plcce goods, in cluding the latest styles or checks ; in fact, all that Is new and stylish, which we villi make te order very reasonable. A geed fit guaranteed. CALL AND SEE THEM. NO TROUDLE TO SHOW GOODS. BURGER & SUTTON, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTER. TA. OltOCERIES. T BURSK'S. INAUGURATION OF EXTRAORDINARY LOW TRICE. THINK OF IT. ONLY FIVE CENTS A CJlJi -FOR FRESH TOMATOES. Whvveu could bardlvbuv the emntv can for that 3,oeu cans, all tbe packer had. EVERY CAN GUARANTEED. We geld 2,(100 cans for 7e and 4 caimlorliSe New we seli them ut FIVE CENTS A CAN. DON'T MISS THE UARGAIN. BURSK'S, 17 EAST KINO STREET. NO. CTORAGE O AMD- COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIEL MAYER, decS-lyd 18 Went Cetnut street. SLATE WORKS. AllpersenAWUdilngMARnLEIZEDSLATE MANTELS, erany ether Slate Werk, will de well by calling nt our works or send for our Illustra ted catalogue. FRANK JANHON A BRO., Cei nor Frent and Locust St., Columbia, Tu, DXT GOODS. N EW SWUNG STYLES. Jehn S. Givler & Ge. 4T-OFKER-6 NEW SPRING STYLES -IN- French Satlnea, American Satlnes, French Zephyr Ginghams, Bcetch Zephyr ainghams, Pongeo BllkB, In Plain, All-Over Embroltlerod Pongee, Different Width Embroidered Pongee. NEW THINGS -1N- Silks and Dress Goods RECIVED DAILY. Call unilv nnd frnt. thA Choice Styles at the LOWEST CASH TRICES, JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, TA. 3rStore open In the evening. B AROAINS. WATT, SHAND & GO., NOS. 8 A 10 EAST KING STREET, ArcShenlngri Choice Line of NEW SHADES in their Popular Quality of Colored Dress Silks, AU1 Hiprrviiid Spec lai Ilaigalns In COLORED DRESS SILKS at Wo.tKJie A 75c a jaid. RKAUTIFUL Pin Check Dress Silks, FIFTY EIGHT Cents n jnrd. Werth Seventy live Cente. An Entirely New Line of the Fa mous CACHM1RE ROYAL BLACK DRESS SILKS, At 11.00, tl.25,IL37K.1.50,l.T5. - They are the best possible value for the money r Avvcniy neccs lopuiareuaucsin COLORED SATINS. Suitable fei Fancy Werk, 3714c, vv euld be cheap at 50c, at the vm. N 8 and 10 East King Street, LANCASTER. TA. J.n- MARTIN & CO. THE FOLLOWING MAKES OF Bleached luslin WE INTEND TO SELL AT Manufacturers Prices. WI LLI AMSVILLE, WAM8UTTA, FRUIT OF TI1K LOOM, TR1DEOF THE WEST, HILL ORSEMTERIDEM, FOREST DALE, AND DAUNTLESS. ALSO Unbleached Muslin, -1N- CONE8TOGA, TERTERILL. ATTLETON"A AUGUSTA, AND ENTERTRISE. 6,000 YARDS ATTLETON "A" MUSLIN AT 6f CENTS. Bleached and Uubleached SHEETINGS IN ALL WIDTHS. TABLE LINENS. DAMASK TARLE LINEN, WITH NAPKINS TO MATCH. TURKEY RED TAHLK CLOTHS, WITH NAT- KINS TO MATCH. NAPKINS. An Elegant Assortment ill GERMAN AND IRISH LINEN, in All blzea. Bleached and Un bleached, from c.'c. te ts.ea per dozen. Cor. West King nnd Prince Sis., LANCASTER. TA. HATH AND CAl'S. B ELOW COST AT- STAUFFER & CO'S. A Ileuvcr Shoulder Cnpe, n Ruailan Hair Shoulder Cape.a bllver Halrbheuldur Cape, Twe Dezen Lad lea' und Genta" Fur Cups, IIulf-Dezen Robes. SOMETHING NEW I THE YOUNG MEN'S FAVORITE 1 Tbe Cassimere Tourist Hat! Durable, Neat and Tretty. Evervthlnir Nait Iti Rnrlnv Rivln. Atiii.A Leading Ulecki In Skeleton, Extra Light Weight, beinland Full Stiff Hat. Seft Hat lu YeSng 2?d Old Gents' Style. KNOX'S NEW STRING SILK HAT new In. W, D, STAUFFER & CO,, (Shultz'a Old SUtud.) Leading Hatters and Furriers, NOS. 31 A 33 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER I'A ' EDUCATIONAL. OOKATTHISt YORK STORE M J. B. Marl & Ce, ANDTHENEMRRACE1T. Boek-keeping1, Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Correspondence, Practical Penmanship, Practical Qrammar, Drawing' Business Documents, AH for 3fl for 3 months, or 0O for 6 mouth", at Lancaster Commercial College. Addrenn, H. O. WEIDLER, Na 10X EAST KING STREET, lW-ua J,ncaur, it. 'i X V .u&- ' J ,Ji rJL, ,11 va y V. V! 1 lis-, ,