i as JOHN CHARLES BLACK COMMlSSlONEn OF FENBIOXS VND12H TUB ItHir AmtlXIHTBATlOS. The Career or a Man Who Attained Dis tinction In the Late War While Yet a Yeung Stan The Heavy Respond Respend blUtlcs eflllii Ofllrc. Twe days after tlie advent of the new ad ministration te turner, Air. Lnmar, (secretary of the Interior, at the request of the presi dent, telegraphed General Ulack, or Illinois 'thoretiuu'stthathoouldlako the oillce of commissioner of pensions. The gentleman thus distinguished. Immediately acccpted the appointment Dy wire." As head or an Important branch of the interier depart ment, General Mack will nil a very respon sible position, the salary of which, llve thou sand dollars a year, is hardly commensurate, perhaps, with the hard work and honorable distinction involved in it Jehn Charles Black, the new commissioner pr pensions, was boriiutLexltigton, Missouri, in i January, 183a He receUcd ail ucadomie education, and graduated at Wabash collcge, Indiana. A short tiine uiterward he entered the army in the Thirty-sevcnth Illinois rogl regl went When he lcrtlt, in 1805, he held the rank or brevet brigadicr-neneral. His next step was te procure admission te the bar. IIe entered tfie onice or, n prominent nrm in Chicago, for tills purpose, and in due tlme was admitted te the practice ethis profession. His home is at Danville, Illinois. General Black has been nctle in politics, (is a Democrat, and has been frequently nom inated for elllcc. Sevcral unsucccssrul noni neni noni natiens for Congress, the last only last rail, uave maintained his prominence in local party struggles and are significant or the respect in w iiich his ability is held. General Black was the Democratic candidate for Uou-tenant-gevornor In 1872, and when General Legan was sent te the Senate In 1879, Black was the Democratic caucus nominee. IIe was a delegate at largote the last Demecratic national convention, before width an iitlcmpt was inade te put liiin in nomination for the vice presidency, which he precnted. tiffins ! Thine Fair Shew. Frem the Macen (Ga.) Telegraph, Match 8. When the Macen A Brutisw Ick railroad was being built a half deen gaunt-looking Montgomery county crackers camoeut or the weeds ene day, and with great scriousness began te oxamiiie an cngine that was at tached te a construction train, the like or which nene or them had evor seen liefore, The solemn crackers walked round the en gine in silence, nshamed toshew surprise and fear, and trying te appear contemptuous. Having cempleted the circuit, they paused directly in front or the cngine and steed chewing their quids. Finally ene breke the silonce : " Wat yer think eu't, Bill ?" "Waal,1' said Bill, "ct's right purty, but it don't pcer like it'd make es geed tiuie as er steer 'r niine." This lurninlied the cue. "I reck'n it ciint pull more'n two him nerd." "tjimme or geed ex team every time," said another, and se en. i Presently the cngine gave u blast and started slowly. The races or the crackers blanched, but they still steed their ground. When the mochlne reached within a low feet of them the eldest, with a sudden show or onergy, exclaimed, moving aside : "Oh ! gel darn et, boys, let's gi e the tiling or fa'r show in'." They did se with a slightly acceleratcd motion, and the thing meicd en. Our Republican triends seem new illsposed te give rresldcnt Clevelaud a "fii'r uhewln'." She Was Used te Harder Founding. Frem the St. Paul Herald. A gentleman passing through the brass foundry in Minneapolis the ether day found an intelligent-looking lady Bcated In the C'ntre or the shop, working a cluster or clever blossoms en a Mshet ground. She were a peaceful smile, and secured wholly uncon scious of the tcrrible din that llllcd the build ing. "Doesn't the pounding disturb you?" inquired the fcentleman, steeping eer the lady. ' "'Oh, no," she replied, smilingly. "De you enjev It?" "Yes, sir.-' "De you often ceme here ?" " Kegularly thiee timeu a week." "I don't see what there Is about this es tablishment te attract a person that etten." "Well, you see the physician says I must avoid anything that will aflect my nerves; and, as at this hour, three days in aweek, my sister takes a leshen en the piano, 1 coine down here where it is comparatively quiet" THE COACHMAN'S DAY HAS OONK II V. The inald was young, the muld w as fair, And many le ere sought her ; Her lather nas a millionaire And she an only daughter. Ne suitor that the maiden met Te dream of lei e had taught her. Until In Cupid's silken net Her falhei's coachman caught her. Then anxiously she passed the daj s. Elopement contemplating. Until she caught the skating craze, And took te leller skating. She thiew the coachman ever then Te him It was a crusher Aud eloped one night at lml f past ten Aud man led a pole " rusher." 3VECIAT. SOTICF.S. The Iteputatleii of n Standard Article Is seldom Injured by surreptitious rivalry. Imi tators or Hostettcrs Stomach Hitters hue net only lest money by attempting underhand com petition with it, but have actually contributed te enhance the estimation In which the genuine, medicine Is held. The public at large has for many j ears been acquainted w Ith the car marks that distinguish the real trein the spurious, and cannot be persuaded that ether urtlelcs Beld In a somewhat Hlmllargulaonre equally geed. Fcyei und Bguo,censtlpatlon,dyspcps In and llver com plaint aia net curable, by cheap local bitters, eye openers and tonics, but the fact Is tee well proven and tee generally known te admit of conscientious dispute, tlmt for tbose aud ether maladies the great household medicine Is tt salu and thenmgh remedy. Net only In the United States, but In Mexico, Seuth America und the West Indies, Its merits are widely .roceguUod anditsicpututioiileo flimly establiaticd te be shaken. , - " nits llkl "UOUGHON l'AIN,-Vl'LASTEn, 7 Pereus and strengthening. Improved, the best for backache, pains In chest and side, rheumu turn, neuralgia, -uc. xuiiggisiuriuun. i) " AN END TO 1IONK SCKAl'INU, Edward Shepherd, of Harrlsburg, III. says; " Having received se much bcuetltfrem Electric Bitters, I feel It my duty te let suffering humanity knew 1L Huve had a running sero en my leg for eight years my doctors told me 1 would have 10 have the bone scraped erlegamputatcd. I used. In itead, three bettles of Eloctrle liltters and seven boxes llucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg Is new sound und w ell." Electric Hitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, Iters are seia u niiy ecu is a ueme, i' Arntcnalve at 23e. er box by 11, Druggist, Nea. 1J7 aud 139 North ster, Fa. W una liuckien'i II. U. Cochran street, Lancaster, FILES I PILES 1 1 TILES 1 1 1 Sure cure for Blind, Bleeding aud Itching Files. One box has cured the worst cases of Se years' standing. Ne one need suffer five minutes after using William' Indian FUe Ointment. It ab- knrii tuvnei-fl. sivfla IniLant relief. Frenared enlv uuuys iiuiiuiB nvva m jwuuiw, ler rues, line. Sold Itching of the prlvate part, nothing else. by druggists aud nulled en receipt of mice, 1. Sold by 11. u,gecimm, w una iw xnertn CJueeu uet. il V' mmmfm iBrmcLtsx fVWwMHlHHW .fcA Mrs. Jnlla M. Brandtfe, BrMfenert, ' Coen.,' sntdi ''MyraotherliMferoTertfcirfjryeanibeen nffllctcrt lrlth kidney, liver and heart disease. She walked out this summer for the Brut time In years. We feel that we ewe much te Ged's mercy and Hu jit's (Kidney ana Liver Rekkdt," lnUMwdcedftw Heme Items and Tepic. "All your own fault. If you remain lclc when you can (let hop hitters that never Fall. The weakest woman, smallest child, and sickest Invalid can use hop lilttcrs with safety and great geed. Old men teileting around fiem Ilhcuinatlsm, kidney trouble, or any weakness will he made almost new by using hop bitten. 49 My wlfuand daughter were uiade healthy by the use of hop bitters, and I recommend them te my people. Methodist Clergyman. Ask any geed doctor if hop Hitters lire net. the best family mcdlclne On earth ! I I Malarial Fetcr, Ague and llllleusiirss, wilt lca cot cry neighborhood no seen ns hop bitters arrive. "My mollierdrovo the paralysis and neural, gin all out of her system with hop bitter." Ed. 0U'f go Sim. WKcep the kidneys healthy with hop bitters and you need net fear sickness. Ice w titer Is rendered harmless and meie re- 1 freshing and reliving with hop bitters In each draught. The vlgoref youth for the aged and Infirm In hop bitters ! I t " At (he chunge of llfe nothing equals Hep Hitters te allay all troubles Incident Thereto." " The host periodical for ladles te lake monthly and from which they they will receive the great est benefit is hop bitters." Mothers with sickly, fretful, nursing chil dren, will euro the children and benefit them selves by taking hop bitters dally, Thousands die annually from Beme form of kidney dlcae that mljzhthave been prevented by the timely use of hop bitters. Indigestion, weak stomach, Irregularities of the bowels cannot exist when hop bitters are used. A timely utoefhop Ulttcis will kei'p a whele family In robust health a J car at a little, cost, TopieCucc real genuine sleep andchlld like repese all night, take a llttle hop bitters en re tiring. 3"None gcnulne without a bunch of green IIeps en the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous BtiilT m 1th " Hep " or " Heps " In their name. febW-lruTu,Th,Bftw Gallaut Itescucs. There can be something heroic In a medicine as "ell as In Individual. JJurdeck Bleed BUtert luie effected many a gulhint rescue among the suffering sick. Thousands have escaped the miseries of dyspepsia aud nervous debility through the use of this w onderful medicine It Is emphatically the best stomach and bleed tonic In the weild. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. " HOUGH ON COUGHS." Ask for " Iteugh en Coughs," for Coughs, Colds, Sore Threat, Liquid, 25c. Hoarseness. Troches, 15e l) A dm okitiem I euro veur cough thoreu with Hale's Ilenev of Horcheuiid nnd l'lke's Toothache Dreps ctuc in ene minute. iiiU-lwdeed&w xDUNG MEN i-HEAD THIS. Tuk Voltaic llRLT Ce., of Marshall, Mich., offer te send their celebrated Electro-Veltaio Rxlt and ether Electme ArrLUifcuen trial for thirty day, te men (olderoung) afflicted w Ith nervous debility, less of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alie feriheutnatlsm, neural gia, paralysis, and many ether klndred diseases. Cernplctc rcstonitlen te health, vigor and man man man hoeu guaranteed. Nerl'k Is Incurred as thirty days trial la allot ud. Wrlte them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free. dcc20-lydftw CATARRH OF 'IHEHLADUER. Stlnc lug, Irritation. Inflammation, all Kidney rlnarv Complaints, cured uy'Ilurhu and Urinary Fulba." $1. (I) Called te French. We feci called upon te preach a few gospel facts facts that are north knowing. We want everybody te enjoy all that Is possible In this world. We wantallthoae who are suffering from rheumatism, neuralgia, and all ache, sprains and pains te knew that Themrit' Kclrctric Oil Is nn unfailing and splendid cure. Fer sale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 113 North Queen strict, Laucaktcr. Commence the Year Xtlght. Won't make tee many resolutions, but held en like grim death te these jeu de make. If your physltu) system Is out of order you should at tend te that at once; for Its no ue trying te keep a stiff upper Up w hcu j our kidneys or liver are taking the ceunigu out of jeu. lfeu have really made up jour mind te turnover a new leaf, commence the year by taking a thorough course of the celebrated Kidney-Wert. Thou sands of pcepld testify te Its geed effects for kidney diseases, biliousness, piles, constipation, etc. DH.FRAZIER'S KOOT HITTERS. Frazlcr's lioet Hitters are net a dram shop beverage, but arc strictly medicinal In every sense. They net strongly upon the Liver und Kidneys, keep the bow ell open and regular, cleannn thn bleed and n stem of evcrv Impurity. .. . . . . : . .. .-...,. .... i. .. - Held by druggists, SI. bold by II l. tuvuniit, hi una wj norm viuecn sulci. () llUCKLEN'H AllNICA SALVE. The best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Beres. UlLerM. Salt Uhuum. Fever Seres. Tetter. Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Cerni, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Flies, or no pay required. It la guaninteed te give perfect satis- mciien, or money reiunucu. i-nce, la iuiiim im box. Fer nalq by 11. 11. Cochran, druggist. Ne money aula bv 1 i tents per 137 and lit North Queen street. Umcualer, Fa. Frem Cleveland, Ohie, Cemes u letter signed T Walker, saving: About six months aae commenced taklug Iturdeck liloed ItiUcrt for pietructcd case ui pleased te state have i ecev ereu my appctlte and wonted strength. Feel better altogether." Fer sala by H.lt. Cochran, druggist, 137 und 139 North Queen street. ItAI'IO TltANSlT. The latest and bent form of rapid transit Is for u person troubled with a sick headache te tuke n dese of Dr. Leslie's bpeclal Prescription and what u rapid transit train the atlllctlen takes for Its departure. See advertisement In another column. dccJO-ljd(l) "What Can't lie Cured Must He Endured." This old adage does net signify that we must s u Her the miseries of dyspepslu, when a medi cine with the curutlie pmiieitles of Jlurdeck JJIoed Jliltert Uaiallable. It Is one of the most substantial find lellable remedies sold te-day. Forsale by ILK. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. liquid llcef Tonic I endorsed by Atkfer Celden't; tale no ether. Of m'Mndced&w Jihyslctaiis, Irugglsts. Net a Case. Neta case or rheumatlsra.net a case neuralgia, net a case of lameness, net a case of pain or sprain net one has railed te go when attacked by TVieninV JCclectrle Oil. Fer sale by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 aud 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. THE HOPE OF THE NATION". Children slew In development, puny, scrawny und delicate, use " Well's llculth llcnencr." 4 'Spent Fifty Dollars In doctoring ler lhcumatlsm before 1 tried Themas Kcleclrle Ull. f. Used a &e-ceul uottieot this medicine, nnd get-out In one Meek, ter burns and spmlns It is excellent." Jas. Durham, East Pembroke, N. Y. Fer sale by II. II. Coch ran, druggist, IS1 and 1J9 North Queen street, Lancaster. ULASsirAJtj-:. H IG1I & MARTIN. Queensware -AT- GHINAHALL. HOUSEKEEPERS LOOKTO YOURINTERE8T. -A LINE OF- Whita Granite and Decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, AT LOWEST PRICES. Our wares are carefully selected. Ne Goods misrepresented. We exchange any articles net satisfactory. Ugh & Martin, NO. 16 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. -ffrlTHOUT EXCEPTION. THE BEST W Clears la the town, two for c, at HAHTJTAN'8 VXVLO) FRONT C1GAU '-' .-.'' 1 Aiw-.wssl . ,- - ' yft .-. . 'A.1-.. -. H TJKT3 REMBDT. Thirty. Tears Itecerd. Endorsed, by Physicians. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. NEVER KNOWN TO F.AIL. CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE DIDNEYB, LIVE", BLADDElt, AND UUINAKY OUOAN8, DROPSY, GRAVEL, DIABETES, BBIGUT'S DISEASE, PAINS IN THE BACK, LOINS OU SIDE, NERVOUS DISEASES, RETENTION OR NON - RETENTION OF URINE. By the use of this REMEDY, the stomach and bowels speedily regain their strength, and the Bleed Is purlned. It Is pronounced by hundreds of the best doc tors te be the ONLY CURE for all kinds or Kid. ncy Diseases. It I purely vegetable, and cures when ether medicines fail. It is prepared expressly for these diseases, and has never been known te fall. One trial will convince you, Forsale by all druggists. PRICE, !.. Send ter I'AMriiLrr or Testimonials. HUNT'S REMEDY COMPANY, PROVIDENCE, It. I. (1) H AIM UENEWKIt. . HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer. Seldom does a popular remedy win such 11 stteng bold upon the public confidence as has Hall's Hair kenkwek. lire cases In which It has accomplished a complete restoration or color te the hair, and vigorous health te the scalp, are Innumerable. Did peeple like 11 fur Its wonderful power te restore te their whitening locks their original color ana beauty, siiaaic-agea people llke it because It prevents tnem from gettln ng isli bald. keeps dandruff a war, and makes thn hair grew thick and strong. Yeung ladles like It an 11 dressing because It gives the hair a beautiful glossy lustre, and enables them te dress It In whatever form they wish. Thus It Is the favorlte of all, nnd It has become se simply because It disappoints no ene. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOR THE WHISKERS Has become one of the most Important popular toilet artlcle for gentlemen's use. When the beard 1 gray or naturally of an undesirable shade, Hcckinuiiam's DteIs the remedy. rnr.rAKU nv R. P. Hall & Ce., Nashua, N. H. Beld by nil Druggists. ml2-18 PUOUSAN DS OP CASES OF SICK Headache are permanently cured every year (as the hundreds or tcstlmenl ran Js In my possession will testify) by the use or DR. LESLIE'S Special Prescription. This Remedy stands to day without a rival, and with scarcely a com cem com iicilterln tb world. Thousands or Physicians hrougheut the country have acknowledged their inability te euro II, and ere new prescrib ing Dr. Lesllw's B pedal Prescription for all cases el Sick HEADACHE In either Its urrieus, bilious or congestive fenn, arising fiomehstmctloii, congestion or torpidity el the liver. When I say that Dr. Leslie's SPECIAL Piescrtntlen will euro the most obstinate cases of Sick Hiadache, 1 mean lust what 1 say, and that Is, that It net merely reltev ea but POSITIVELY cures, no matter hew long the cese may have been standing. 1 have testimonials from persons who have been afflicted for twenty years, being confined te bed two or three days at a time every two weeks, that have been permanently cured by two bettles or Dr. Leslie's Special PRESCRIPTION se that they have net had an attack ler ever five years. If you arc troubled with Sick Headache and wish te be CURED be sure and give this remedy a trial. Fiv, 11.00. S. 11. ARCHER, Saratoga Springs, N. T. FOR SALE BY DRUG0IST3. dSUyd Fer sale only at J. It. KAUFFMAN'S Drug Stere, Ne. SB North Queen street, Lancaster. Fer colds, use KautTinan's Cough Syrup, the largest anu eesi ler -a cenu. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Iuipetency and all Discuses that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Lassitude; Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, und many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. Full particulars fu our pamphlet, which we de sire te send free by moll te ei cry one. This Spe cific urediclne Is sold by all druggists at $1 per fiackage, or six packages fur V, or will be sent ree by mull en receipt of the money, by ad dressing the agent, 11. II. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sole Agent, Nes. 127 and 13U North Queen sticet, Lancaster, Pa. f)n account et counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellew Wrapper 1 the only genuine. k'rapiwr 1 I TflK OU. n.vi aii.iiui.-r. t.u., -. JIUUUIO.N. Y. M ANIIOOD RESTORED. bemkdt ritEK. a -victim of vnuthful lmnriideiiee causing Pre mature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lest Manhood, Ac, having tried In vain every known remedy, has discovered a simple self-euro, which he will send FREE te his fellow sufferers. Address, J. II. REEVES, lltMymwlAlyw 43 Chatham SU, New Yerk City H EADQUARTERH FOR THE INDIAN MEDICINES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere, NO, S EAST KING ST., iAucester, Pa. HVECTACLFS. CUTERIOR SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Field Glasses, Barometers, Tele scopes, Magle Lanterns, Thermometers, Draw ing Instruments, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. List and Descriptions of our Tan Catalogues sent FREE en application. . QUEEN&CO., NO. M4 CHESTNUT ST, . PHILADELPHIA UiAttHydAw HlfllllliriJLVllUWHH M-KmL. .-t-zt. nmM. a 3-rrar . jmib HbCir . M . vJLm if yi Cy' w"i rfsASM wW aC vejujuahv iiyvnv H AGKK A BROTHER. new Spring DRESS GOODS. HAGER & BROTHER have new open French, English and American Dreso Goods in the no west deelans andoolor andeolor andoelor ings. Purchasing theso (reeds dlroet from the Importers we are onabled te ofTer the Latest Noveltloq at the Lewest Prloes. SPRINO WEIOHT OLOTH8 in Plain and Tricot effects in all Shades and Qualities. EMBROIDERED OHUDDAH CASHMERES and ALBA TROSS In Newest Styles and Colorings, with Plain Materi als te Match. English Camers'Halr, Bisen Oletha, Mahairs, Tricots, Feule Beige, Albatross and Cashmeres. We are new showing the handsomest line of CASH MERE PLAIDS we have evor purcbosed. French and American Satins, New Designs in Batestes, Full Line Dress and Shirting Percales, Scotch and American Ginghams. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. B OWE IIS A HURST. BOWERS & HURST, Nes.26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. WK OFFKll Special Prices in Bleached and Cream Table Linens. Having bought n I.iukc Let considerably unih-rMiliie, c shall elfci tb.iii -iy low. Bargains in TOWELS, just opened. TURKEY RED TABLE CLOTHS, all sizes, very low. SHEETING and SHIRTING MUSLINS, all widths and best makes at Reduced Prices. QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, the boetfor.the money in the mar ket. Elegant Qualities at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.76,$!00 and upTC COMFORTS and BLANKETS, Let. yjfc J BOWERS &1URST,- ... Nes. 26 and 28 1TORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. N- KXT DOOR TO Till: COURT HOUSH. CARPETS ! OltEAT SALE OF CAKl'KTd NOW GOINO ON AT FAHNESTOCK'S. (Netl)oerto Hip Ceuit Heuse.) - CARPETS FROM AUCTION. CARPETS FROM OTHER CHEAP SOURCES. CARPETS TO SUIT ALL TASTES. CARPETS TO SUIT ALL PURSES. ALL OUH CAIU'ETS AT MUCH LESS THAN HEGULAH I'ltlCES. ItAO CAIU'ET, 16e Ul'. R E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. "MIEA.V STORIi GARPETS FROM AU6TI0N. METZGER & HAUGHMAN, HAVE NOW Ol'EN A LAUOE AND HANDSOME VAHIETY OF INGRAIN, RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, UOUGHT AT AUCTION FOH C.VSII AND TO HE SOLD CHEAl FOK CASH. Carpets at Oarpets at Carpets at Carpets at Carpets at AT Carpets at 15 ets. Carpets at 30 ets. Carpets at 60 cts. letzger & laughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. 49- Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. CLOCKS, MIltliOHH H.7' RHOADH. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The season is new at hand for refurnishing and restocking the Household with articles of use and necessity as well as ornament. When buvintr solid, sterlincr Silver there is satisfaction in the thought of its being able te be used for generations ; net only used new, but by your people that fellow after you. Our stock of plated Goods is very complete and we keep only the very best makes, in all the different grades. Knives, Ferks. Spoons, &c, are cheaper new than they have ever been. New is just the time te buy, before the Spring trade makes prices go up again. ' But you cannot tell en paper what can se 'much better Tee under stood by calling and seeing for yourself, and consequently being con vinced. H. Z. RHOADS, Lancaster, pa. Ne. 4 West King Street. (9 Stere" oleaos at 0:30 o'clock, p. m., except Saturdays. llOVMEFVBNISJUKO UOODS. S1 UIRK'S CARPET HALL. CARPETS ! REOPENING OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Best Seleeted Line of Carpets ever ex. hlbitedln this city. WILTONS. VELVETS, oil the Trading Makes of BODY ANDTAPE8TRY BRUSSELS. THREE-PLY, All-Weel and Cotten Chain EXTRA SUPERS, and all qualities of IN GRAIN CARPETS, DAMASK and VENETIAN CARPETS. RAG and CHAIN CARPETS or our own manufacture a speciality. Special Attention tiald te theMf nufactura of CUSTOM CARPETS.' Alse a Full Line of OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, WINDOW SHADES, COVERLETS, Ac., AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL Oer. West King and Water Sta., Lancaster, Pa. .lil . rf ifc.,, Vt NAJApMte, . K. - ,ir WAPK'' -'wt?1' ' ' ",-',,": Hv IV . DRESS GOODS. THIS WEEK offered very low, to'cleseouf tha ' . J? '-(4 CARPETS ! Lancaster, Pa. 121 cts. 20 ets. 35 ets. 65 ets. 85 ets. Carpets at 25 cts. Carpets at 40 cts. Carpets at 75 cts. AND MiOSZF.S. CARPETS ! .. ?r 5- firrAMDAKD OJ ' B ., EbQERU (Cr UAKKET -STRKRTV XjANC OUB LAXQK STOCK Of BUGGIES & CARRIAGES Cempriijei; the.Latent Stylea nit the met Klc f?irilrf!5,?P?'..y.,cn .w errEB at SnKATLY UEDUCKD FHtCKS. peSUPEHIOIl QUALITV OK OUR WORK e mw .u'iKvriiuuBiienea. ny made In the laree HALF THE rillCE; lKerquejtlened. Our work In as line nn no in the larser cltlea. andKtir.n at Linen, ; Is lh e uina te order 101 vpnng. ENCOURAGE rAIH DEALING And Honest Werk. .All Werk WARRANTED. REPAIRING mOMPXLV ATTENDED TO. ene set of workmen especially employed for that " Aew SLEIGHS left at Lew FiKiircs. Give ",aca"- nertO-lfd1 QUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD. ' SECOND GREAT ANNUAL SPRING Carriage Sale! -AT- NORBECK "ft HILEY'S, Cerner Dnke & Vine Slreete, LANCASTER, PA., Saturday, March 21st., 1885. 100 FINE VEHICLES I XVV ALL STYLE8. As Fine Quality und Workmanship as any built in the City or County. BUGGIES, Teil und No-Tep. FAMILY CARRIAGES, 1 and 2-8eat I'lMTTOKS, MARKET "WAGONS, Ac. Alse, a Larue Let of SECOND HAND WORK. An Extra line Extension-Tep PLATFORM PHAETON, for four persons, which wai en exhi bition and Krcutly ndmtred at the Inte Fair. Alse, Geed brcend Hand PLATFORM CABRI OLET PHOTON. ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR. 1 his Werk will be en exhibition and ready inspection n week before the nale, se that tin deslrinK Vehicles may bring competent Jud for esfl lililiri. lll..liilnil llm ..Mn '13 Our Werk, sold at former sales, lm proven our statements correct In regard. te i utility, aud we still continue te deal fairly and honestly with still continue te deal fairly and honestly with our customers. Uulckand laive sales ulve us 1U1. IITJU1H. "The nimble slxtwnc A Ih lmltpr.hnti the slew shilling." uen't forget the day auddute. Salecemmenccs L 10 R. in.. Mnd V It. In at HI a. in., and S p. In! xr.ii curity, TERMH Four months nole, wlthapprered uMcouniuiiuweacesn purcnesers. yNORBBOK- &0MJXEY,,r XAvanrenr. pNOmE AtTD ROLLER WORKS. -BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOILER WORKS. AS WE HANDLE OUB OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AGENTS, CAN INSURE OUR PATRONS LOW PRICES AND GOOD WORK. BOILERS. Vertical and nnrlzent.il.Tubular, Flue, Cj Under, Marine, Deuble-Deck und Portable. FURNACE-WORK, BLAST-PIPES, STACKS, Ac, Ac. TANKS for Water, Acids nnd Oil. HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical aud Horizontal. Stationary, from two te sixty horse-pewec. Portable Engines, en Wheels and bills ; Six Blies 1, 0, 8, 10, IS and SO borse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Mills and Large Mills. Batk Mills nnd Cob Mills. Leather Reller. Tan Packers, Tripple Gearing for herse pew er. PUMPS. lielt and Gear Pumps; Mining Putupaj Cem- .CUtrjed Pumps and Heaters. . Cerllrfrujal Pump, Hteaui I'uinp. Ueaiiiiit,' Pulley.,, Fly Wheels, Clamp Bexes. Hangers, Couplings, Cellars, Steel steps and Tew, .Pulley- Plates, Packing Bexes, Mill Spindles, Mill Bushings. Ac., Ac, Ac. PIPES. ' -V Wrought Iren, terrtav. Steam and Wtecr. Cast 44 Beiler TubtawSlCaitlnp. . Vj ac wrprrrwiBi FaTjTINGS. srj Fer Water nnd'trteaBi, Vulvae, Cook,, gteam ivaier nnaiewm, uivee, cecsa,, sujani uges, Gauge Ceck,GsjW Water Oaugeuf afety Valves, Whistles, CleUiV'lves,v, Gocmers. Pateuf HeirrewWnt-J.n-U--'' brlcatera. Glass OliCn0s.(ihus J ' uau; SU! brlcatert. Glass OU Cupe. ! rubes, injectors. ;rk' , Beiler. Feeders. ' r PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Gum and Piuw-' bage. BELTING Gum, Cotten and Leather. - CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren and Brass. Beiler Iren, Sheet Iren, IUr Iren, and Steel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and Public Buildings. STEAM HEATINO. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur nished at Reasonable Rates. Repairing pieulptly and carefully at tended te. Address, Jehn Best & Sen, NO. 333 EAST FULTON STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JaulMydAw H' AVING DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP and perniauently closed the Chestnut QA ltnti n Works, I dcslre te inform my old patrons and the publle generally, tbatlam still In the business, uclnir located In the l'cnn Iren Company's Works, North Plum street,- where 1 am making Iren and Brass Castings of every de scription, and will be pleased te serve all who way favor me with their patronage. Frem 40 years experience In the business and using the best material and employing the beat mechanics, I am satisfied I can guaruntee entire satisfaction. Castings made from a mixture of Iren and steel which are mere tellable for strength e.id dura bility than the best cast Iren known, V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a spec ialty. Castings made of very soft Iren, and brass castings of every description. I have all the put terns of the welt and favorably known Mowrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved, also en hand. Mills completely fitted up or In parts, te replace old ones which have been in use for years, guaranteeing them toglvesutlsfactieu. R. (f. MeCULLEY. auglMmd PENNA. 0IOAH9 FROM fl.00 PER Hundred up, at HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIOAR STORE. s AINT-RAPIIAEL WINE. INFORMATION. The Saint-Raphael Wine has ndellcleus flaveur and is aruuK in tne :lnal cities of Russia, Germany,' North and Seuth America, Great llvltlUll. i ,tn ndla, and toen, The quantity exported is sufficient nroef of Its stability and annually Is sumclent proer el atiivlnv iinivAm. nvhlln for the itavlng powers, while for the real connoisseur there is no wine that can vn ceusiaerea us .nnnrim. iiirThs Saint. Raphael Wine Cempany.Valence, Department of the Dreme (France. H. E. SLAYMAKER, Ne. EAST KING 8TBKET. nma rfetl irm:-',A.u. at. Laae.. .e r....,i e,i7 IM....1.. T.U CemwaU......7. .ArtlTW. Lebanon.,..-.... gee SOUTHWARD, Leave. a.k. Lebanon.. 7.9) Cornwall....... 7.3 Manhelm.i 8. OS Jancasier 8.3S ' Arrive. Klngnt., Lane. S.40 Artt, VVlLBON, HupU 1 J. M. IIAVARD, HllpU ( U0KOB ELTX, SUpt, P READING A C0L1 AURANOEMENT OF SUNDArr MORT VMkvm. 4 Quarrj-vllle Lancaster, King Street Lancaster..,,... Marietta J unction f- VlUlllUUttt,..,,,.,,,,), 'tJO M ARIIVI. k t Reading , g , OUU1J LVATB. Re&dinir ABRIVB. Marietta Junction...., Chlcklea Columbia , Lancaster.,.,, fci idincasicr. King Btreel , ij H""',l,u i'l. ..rI5 ityfai. Fer connections el cester Junction, llarlc 1 1 rterrxa '"..t, . ... 'til i? i ilanctlett l J ttliMitt ' uiasee time tables at nl j .sui iivr. - . Aievi iiuairyvuie, J V '? aiiwi. and Arrive Reading1, Leave Iteadlmr. Arrive Lancaster. If i .. i. Lancaster. Klnir Btre if.fi 'UffSP i uux ty v uie, e,u p. Ul. C. G. Hancock, Gen'l ntir,Z.' .v.wwjz.1 'a is. ft Ttek 'ft .,'i.ji PENNSYliVANL ULE. Trains leave Lancasl Philadelphia its fellow '.AlIillOAB fKKBO S f-J.ll aadUaveiniaglT9 at Leave "T.Sve WESTWAnn. su. Kavb Klnrpail im.. el WayPassengert ljt. Mail train vfa Mt. Jey ', Ne. 2Mall Train n, Celftai'a; Niagara Express ,7.m.9, Hanover Accem, ...... VJ05lls; Fast Line f. HtJOnBl. , FredeHck Accem in, (laka'A: Lancaster Accem. a. Mt. J07. Harrlsburg Accem... Columbia Accem.... Harrlsburg Express. Western Express t ... Pacific Express! ..... a;am i. ih 18-10 it, . tl:Ji EASTWARD, Mall Express! .. Phll'a. Express! Fast I.tnel LaaMtr.Fhll ' iDf;i ft? r- Harrlsburg Express Mincasicr Accein. ueiumbla Accem, Heasnera Express Johnstown K. B.Trir5ssv::?!"r, i.'i A.SilwAJ" rrM&r3SSZtW Harrisburg Accera.,.Z sburg Ms, Viet LRSfi8Ti&h The MarMtta, Aieiii!Ttr4KtMW.tMnas 6HlAa bla at Ma. m-aud reri-Stai!3feA.:AUe, Ieares Columbia at ll-K a&i.iaiidW8 . ib. "reacliin, Marietta amm w sp 'li1 '"!, r ivtiA at )p. m.narAH 8&&M also.UiaveKBte'lSnntl sr.i Iho 1 erk Acceti.adi?-U cave Quan-yvllle. j i v. jn., TancajtML g iik s99 'rrlvAlSadlng.m , d.Taj Xfjgfg ' itlM eavc-HeadlnK..-00 Niftj& &&W sra m Mjmmmmifsr l mc" ' 1 v mri" m fttwS" i VJ m mimzijmi' EM&Lm ! U 1 ' m3&teriMPwm&. . wmTvrM't'r?Hlsl&-$u ar.t i8fj.,VTJi;DTKtjj4B ' tarn n'tfime'mjiteitjm ...... imMrf&M-9.W-W S8t xpresst. wrfJHMfiai i HiSrTr.'AiH --m hvMmAnfm. a ..junnuarnveff ai, i.suvrwcn with IfArrlKTmru .RndAArl ''The Fn-arlck.ACWialWwrt,eeJief. m , will run through toFredeilak AA;,;W- i CeluinWnntl2.i5arja cache X9crmittlllM . yf ,.TII. 7 m. .? thrr.3i' Hanover AceoinineiAlliMt.liMastcotLtteuHBisr at Lancaster with Nlags xnreiMat32)a.MgwiH M. .t...l. .tln.. n T ,. r .--.. ,UII LUIUUjfU WJUUIU'BI.UIUlJf, VJ Fast Line, west, en -uudiiy. wkl step at Dnwningtewn Ceatw villa. . fa amkktJC1' t The only trains wbfch tun atMT.OTi Ewday f the Mall train west rt i by way oelusiMa. , m:uvq unuy ucvn juuuuay. ,( - vi , it OORNWAM, AND LEBANONVANI) COLEBROOK VLLErAILBOAD9. SOtTBWAKO. i l Trains leave Lebai en doily .(except SuaSsy) at 0 30 a. in., M JO and e p. in. , Arrive at Cornwall tt .40a. in., 11:40 p. ra and 7:Wp. m.-; at Conewuto B-t7JUfl-ni:,lti5ana.SLW p. in., cennecll ng wl tl (he Pennsylvania RalUQad for point east and wTu v ' n. K0FJHWA1D. ft , , ji Trains leave Couege at 7:30 .,m8J0aaC essp.iu. .Y "i ' Arrive at Cornwall atS.-OO 0. m., fcw and e p. m. ; at Lebanon at Oft tCm, 4 ) and .)ft p. m,. connecting at Lcbaien with X hRelpls and Reading Railroad for points agfe and west, mid the Lebanon and Tisment .Branch, for, Jouoa Jeuoa Jouea town, Pincgre e and 1 rement." The 6.30 a. in. train elli step only 'at Cornwall, Colebrook and Hella're.t . "tj F TOBACCO AXVCIOAJW. V ' 'MIVVvm4 TT L.STKHMAi&CO, JLJL.m Holiday kAbjm wr. , ' v miwisaniir C.3BHTW'J ft t ' .S SV -v 4s1 'T Erelents. J SJP1tM -.1 IK MEERSCHAUM SMdiaHSJB'yitfiS. "!W -TURKISH ril'C, F.IC1WIAB, $s?M (.VflPES, CIGAR tWil ClUAJtBfnrKKOJ'- JVf DEKS. CIGAR CASES. SMOKIWb'IT. Vfei V ., &' ...;&-.. ,'...!-.. JS3fcSA' M. CIOAK'ETTE CES.'ASH 2HT" !5k ifmi Ne. 116 i(!-(kOHM94r(. VX JlTAKjirtl."iA m ' ' ' u NDERTAKI 40-. . 1 . . A'm P9- L L fL. iRQTJB.A UNDERTAfcEF? Cep. Seuth 0MiMKlsL.j l .castsv iu. ja?i Personal atlenti thing In the Unde Having secured chanle, 1 am pre iirlventeftll ukliigHaelu; ae HrrecM ui .reataairaJl sterlng at very j ederute jm-V furniture upheli nee, emre II. RO JanlO-tJd fir j -'8VMJM9M. (I v v-v jtVsr, C1QUITABLE aTb'K 1843 S 54,000,00 . W$g. In! fiati? m! n&ffirti The only Busir ableinl0QSert S years. TheMf one. v EQU1TABLX D SURANCC S en m'jj- 0i; w. OLD re.ri .-,.. N W. Cor. We tfK! ?S0NSUMpf0K y remedy fei tM uiuusanus e v standing have t ftft my faith In its t Tit liOTTLEU FRH 1. tlse en this dls4 '" nr.,.nnf1 I ,' AAM mn iiissr v k no. " MATCH CASES. C'ANHC ASK -uar. Oi l trslHt V Asftd aif iretVtAur nrhffi&l i$J trevbtv te iiSw JJU um W'J Writ M r i mMWrntm 5 i v i ""!Si I ' .tt VcSl e'KkU fhi amnfiK W$ Wf "nl 2$ Ai Omf trfK 9.i1 mrur i w, y i6 s AtitiM ivirwBi rue , 'iwssn ''JwT''id fiAC(-M.JB i. '.BRlf '5 3 ui,MMm4SH jianK ,. .a c invMMMnta&Br t .mytiil,' (i " WB ihl2,vl 1 SJBWV n a MSMli. .,' A THHL,Tr.ll . n- .M vsr t"j".r '" t' n .a wwmr .. -WKmI :.. V1 JB ' i II III i Wlnii ,,AMBk i S.SFrmti. MBT 8 r 1V'3I'jSl nKfeNBsl, ;'. 9K'il lnrVJwHitiliblW "9 SSmtOMhM 1 Tlr'WjM)ctiM . "I na-flmdeed? iwfi imjknmhM!i& m -. ii& A ffi . 2 Sii a aft ft leMe-amatw lr ;Wfe! Hi . .A -.n- v r J"l V-v.nfc .At.