Y & ? saw-" - f , mi f '- C v ' .1 Wu m. W 1 jA 7 4. I-jT i ri "u i& l.r. t. ' ? (.JT " i-t m ym hr.f- KS. ft s. ZhtiiJ . &!? rwfc ft !ri ,y . iM fl ftv T "C Si r., i i.f. i !fc , i . i izm . 4t tl W F-S , A--. "v. AflT ' r 4rt t iaaaaav r'U'-iJ?, '. lswn iii,ai byr - .N' 4V$- IT- i''piii 2 TvT "1B t 3, -Z- .'SBROS L ft.1 . ii' ' i .3E-. ' 81181144 nHrai fttA?., rfi-t.,Mf V"'l ."llL-.-L llMMCNtiMiMEnN te nmkitHn .. Aizm . tlKLV irritLiaENCER. AtWssAssW.) , ts-r' , .Trf" :v , t MfttM MMVMlUMtWOWtHW ,..ETi' m t ED FROM iivwrr. Of TM WAT MM COUNTRY. COKM; MiiiviiTnmrTH iksssHssiv ION OMT 1RM0TBW WCT OtH.T WW WIIMWi, HHI WW PUWJCATTW1 WT of ) pmth; all menvimm ru IMLL sst sjsmssasiCft TO THE WAITK CT. , I. I ..W-.- - . - -- .--- -- . ALLLrjtTlWHTlURAMItO , THB INTLl40Ii U. LAMCASTC ft"- LANCASTER, MARCH IS. & Tke Hew CaMaeU . " ' llAirnlAul hui AftnlnlnlfT tlWtlUTtlt. fA vIvImwi fieplwiwiiiij Mwft7 y a fine collectiea'of cabinet officers, the beet and front rank of their party, very unusually geed, se far as lta ma ils concerned. Thev are all men of i and unstained repute and of geed tal- f.rAll the beei'talent in the party !as ". of course, been taken ; and among that vvfUek has been left, which we thought '" timilt te have been taken. Thnnnan is es- j conspicuous. 'The reasons prevailed te keep this great ir or ine narnr euc or me caumev :m?m n,.ijj.u.w wr!i n ''Jn...rtl viiig. Iiava tAAn walffliHr Imf. nn urA lA'?iawW' them net we cannot judge them. ,0 It eati hardly be'dteputed that the abserice "lMBiTKurman, connected as it Is with the e of any representative from ttie of the nation in the great West, of hhe is chief, weakens the cabinet. hat two. members of it are taken from x one, ine rnaie ei me presiuent,, is a .."' fitteweakneie te it una,i (ne nennern if MH-IVlCTaiwn uiuKuiuuici, oe.pn nlTnT.ii i ii n ii 1 1 ii i I.. ltn iuiIiIha an ... n7.mt '.( in ii -... i I. . -" !iiJrLmg,lf tae xmmKiuueiHaat m iivi uu ij ilweBt of strength te it: Slhit en' the ether side of the account the gainsImpregnabK strength from esauame cuaiacier leruiiegrjiy ana nfeach member; of it. As a personal jwuiican Deieuna wiin any Lnd it lias great strength of I in the tWe'N"ew Yerk, repre- he will administer its pplitical jfrmnlne ftllll Mr. JWllltnOV. I.!l 1 , thou tare nqwler the flrsr'time in national eflee, have political Bkill and ex- Ig'perlence which will be of prime value te an administration which proposes te establish tjgaenai ana party peucy ve wnicu ucaa- wTvA.net.eXpectaturst unanimous assent. -Mr. 4;i',Bs.ycrd , the chief of the cabinet , is net much Jf 'of statesmanship. All the members will flaifcave an ardent desire W promote the best .iMrc' 34 tVATrarn nf thfi ennntnr. Thrir hlerh renu. ,. x, ., -. .. -r ' tatibhs are a guarantee 'that the geed of fc$mf - n"0" wM I their aim. And it is 'MW' '' well if the cabinet has in it the elements W retpolltteal leadership that will cause its rrmym m ii ijiKin wim v ii lrjt vai r. ,;Xi in such considerations as these may per- -1 tr -- , . .. .. --.-.. 'S.ws,'" waakneasea in the selection which wnhavn' pointed out; and at any Tate we have the knowledge that geed men are in place. r. I pi- r tft.UV. JLfi J.H fm k m V H n f. "Bra t . JTAiewer uweeier neare re V Dt . itTtie Louisville Qomer-Jeww. Mr. WWaitereen'spaperj has shown a disposi dispesi i&"fjp?& tiemtei several weeks te criticise Mr, SlWcaeiWnd 'veryseyerely, Its editor was " -mr,- ' ' , MHHd te hL5' 'nomination at Chicacd ' r-Waeternen has always'Jiad a sympathetic - M-TA M T... JA L J if A1-. . - cab- the sflrerqiestien reason te charge that the Uf OT jpi'KentBcky editor peedlcts that Mr. r ,4ckwlBd'8''4a8h feUy-in forcing an issue ..... v.fetwitK rtHjeOw'- rrec'PHaOen and UUlding sjHnrain uongreasjviineuigivmg inera ;iMulte reach,. commenground,'? will .Wpjppwad by an.ekeatttivft. career aliew- h' MMaWPPSerteajppHur hj own master a ofjHwlmnwtatien as heha itcharactejr.awdiMrtack of m naueeMjum aaa et per. intaaewitkttw, public men' of rismkhlaVenly' the 'deeper, ia an ill.tlmd'COurace and con- east a mere lurid light upon vilti- .rt. t, frui,; :" wsr: i -vfet jv- . ' Ni -. Ivv- . tuVItlitei'lKj BtreMir suepected that all i ? ..-Tir.si . . ,. i " . . ..i ,j. ,t i&rfuWMmWHMavf ioreeoamg. et me euiwnai 'risvil DronhAjVUre'nremDted bv the Wt Mr. Cleveland has shown hUnself te - net be exactly, what the C'eurfcf- .-". L'. Ar'ttlVfimm nant nun. In e?,,atipsinineni .in the ceun- ' .i-" - vt,,w.r.",u"" ..dia i,-s t .S' try, itaia rashJaaaWery .. Itupert, s ? " llv-.i; ... .1 saaBw , , - iiWHernwwiu-wi WaBBBBBBBBBJH cent iv ilOttUi w pnMKt net Inclined te him; but te i from all sides, te .s.tJ3$ -., "? " - ,., -J. lr.kd.thaii. i? 4BV5fl! accompany nor .tp(Ilfollew A' 'Aif. Zfttiwy ym U quiaitfeas 3T.T- '.'.rl'i.' n... gf' t CTPWX."" u j"pivr.v.j nuu,jHV vmwi.uitVllMlii umauremi;! v7 Wattewm does net appreciate tand tba' sort of, man ; and se te hub BMi.ewn uenciencies. trnme; hewavV,iwlll net confound WaAersen'a .ebtakm with Mr. Cleve- rd U' tsirnrtia Heard. . . (stipudirtdtwafta htolnneceaeei J ibly he ww' ' crime was tantiaHr iwre" agamet nun. 1 "e k,mW ,iw .cenvic i n luuih M hnVit' titit te 'let escape'1 Ifce wneceiit suKer. n, if be fasj.necenuy, Ituw, i numeieWiarHiy of t martyrs It 'diaiiseem''tliat wkea ng like .deg'tnere .aWdd at nainf'sp gwi,' siw Otis wenKe.m reimeylvaaia, imui"skW suffer. The heard aetMSUmda keeffen him and )hkIi aaaVthe govatner comes afterward. leaHjf jtlieae asaermcea tliat'JueUee i Ki ,viif must OYeettMWW", aadtWaer" la wadv tnhiihievpi' tlui uudu ;pdii-iut thetfA1? "wt ,n , eMftts Jte qeJWM.wn'cu are very)! ff4rnk.SPMMV -air,wH 1 K iJlfiBfKiJiewFPS? HUT e lenuftu T' fcg& ViVn-r f 1 j. 'i if : imam jmm ui .i ,n BlOmM,l , ?i.M:JHP.SfflF -. iV. vvistJbneeaM !'riiVden baaed Ves the jary'ev I aapresmijuitjief guilt -whkk ?, iwy.'feripwfuve Uve iutervejiUei 'laet that tkejtuy lU Ji Lfeabed eflky- upon mm -JjLg !.r n. r. .': 'A &H.tfJteirV '. ,Miet)tV'Xtarica4 ar Hbeml m.ffhrtafVtbe beSeHt' of threat y UbMiU m te doubt whn there le no room iecit.Oibr juries agntade Het .doubt la Mate that Hre.reiuiynet clearly prove and eV'prMeneV tipetV insufficient' evl- Iriimck'eeaes n these a cdiiscieatleus ftrtdere-takinj(rftrdonbeanloal(l kpply the remedy. They would inqulre net sim ply whether the convict ia Innocent but whether, he bee been proved guilty beyond a reMeehlfl doubt; andifeur beard did this, , ft number of executions thai have taken piece m thte state since the beard liks ex ist ;weui1 probably ,have been stayed. tiTbether Dr. Geersen was lirevcd mitltv or net, as the' law demands his guilt jte be proved, we de net say, for we de net tfnew hei.tYua fayt iliat. thA lurv and linnlntl I beard and' governor hung him, isnetint all entliled te be deemed te be conclusive tvl- eence of his guilt, in view or tne record or these executioners. . "TKLt. the truth" bnrn this letter." i-r . . i , I I 1 1 .. is better advlen thnn AK esteemed contemporary who objects te Cleveland because, with chancteristld sim plicity, he dropped the" Stephen " from his name forget that net long age the Republi cans elected en one ticket a president and ylce president who hul changed their names. Mrs. Jehn Davib acenw te liave been a conspicuous flgtire in Washington during 'ille past few daj's. Hut where was Mr. Jehn Davis T Thh lovely young ladles t lint derive their mental nourishment fiein Vnssar collcge have away of treating 'politics that is leth simple and in the highest hoiise commend able In the late campaign the Cleveland and 8t Jehn girls joined forces and great was the joy of the Blalne maidens when they were informed that the Maine fttatcsmau was the victor. Tlie oppencnls of the latter wpre mercilessly guyed, and a supper at their exponse was partaken of be fore .the true result became known The real victors were ontcrtained at a handsome feast by the Kepubllcaa girls en Wednesday evening. The exercises began with the following dlrge by the nr.tl-Cleve-land -club: And many a Reed Hrpubllrntt hurrabrd for Blaine, And reviling tlin Uttle Democrat Hhe Mild, Ynnre left aerftlii ! Se we don't grudse you or idae you or Cleveland your sue- ccaa le-mgni, SO tnkc, pray, the geed wlshcfl that me yours liy right. Quickly the Democrats girls in stteng chorus responded ; t Come rally te-night my lrl, Sing " Victory .'our Cle eland lias cenfjuered, Trliiinntumt are we. We!VA fMVn ttu. eti.Aki-B nud !. 4t. tew nf humiliation, And new you mint tee. We knew It U hard nut we did It liefore t 1 Teu have enr example, le e)i we did of yore. 'or yean twenty-four jeu have lived at jour case; You've staid at the Vlilte lleiute and dene what yen pleased, fnnvervnnrfil And fender your stay ueuld surely liave lieen If net with a Jimmy you tried te get fit. This mede of celebrating a tilumph by n grand conjoint Jolllllcatlen of victors and vanquished has many features about it well worthy of imitation by the male brethren of the fair participants. Tun arrest of Uazeu may have something te de with the line weather. The Pbikcb ok WAtEa will breath freer since he has received official assurnnce from the Irish Invincible) that they will net kill him en his Irish trip. m Americans are accustomed te severely reprobatetho extravagant Ills, that Congress often takes In river and harbor, public building appropriations and the like, but they are merely drops In the bucket te what Great Britain is forced te expend in sea sons like the present It was only en Thursday that 330,00d pounds was voted by the Jlbuse of Commens for extra naval expenses, and Parliament is new te be asked lta assent for an Increase of 20,000 men in the army. The expenses of the Soudan campaign ..te the end of March will be 13,000,000, and the total cost of the war is estimated at 200,000,000 ; the civil service es timate shows an Increase of 2110,000 in the pollce and Becrc t ser vice account the direct result of the dynamite explosions. . When all these things are considered there is a fair ground for American felicitation en the score of governmental expenditures, Wt 1.1,1am Henry itABmseN, who, of all the presidents, served the briefest time, de livered the longest Inaugural. It contained 8,578 words ', Cleyeland'a, had 1.&S3. CgEsjBjf-cetJNTV furnishes a very im portant precedent In the matter of courting In church. Iteretqfore it lias always been the general impression that levers might wltfe perleut prop'riety " make eyes ' at eacli ether and listen te the ministerial advice nt the same time. It is therefore .somewhat of A shock te notions that were solidly anchored te learn that a church deacon in Warwick: township, Chester county, has caused the ar rest of several young ladies and gentlemen for misbehavior In church, ene or the strong counts in tho-indlctment being that tlrey did their courting Jn Ged's temple. It istobe hoped that when this cause comes te trial the dotense will be ably represented, for ene 'of,' life's chief sweets lles trembling In the bal ahce. The Bishop's Vl.lt. A country minister recently made, the fol io wing announcement te ills congregatien: "On nextSabtmth morning the bishop will be with us, and will dellver the sermon. May the lord help ani Strengthens all." i ' 'I' ... , r A Honors tf Mr., lUiululL The Pittsburg Kamnel J. Ilandall club called upon Mr.ltandall at his residence in Wwtfclagten Thursday: Se did a delegation from the 'Veung Men's Demoeratlo club, of PfeiladelBfcla. The former visit wasafernial eall. tetMeh!qUlte a number efdlstinKulshed f PensylvIan mixed in during the alter- neBB.wnsi eiu hbm ibjuukjuuii wun euaer teluU Mr. Randall made a brief apeeclt te the boys, in wa(hfhe congratulated them en having at last captured the White Heuse. He' declared that,"1 inplte or some expecta tion te the contrary, .this would be a Domo Demo Dome emtio admlnlstraUen. In roreronco , te his Southern' trip, he alluded te the growing prosperity of, the ceun try, and the annihlla- tlen of soetlenal differences and 'wound up with a, glowing tribute 'te President Cleve land. "'Charles McKennai'nf a'ltUburg, re sponded liapplly 'and"" then 'the- boys were served with refreshment. .They came away enthusiastic for Randall for 18S&. Tlie Seutbwn Kxeerslealsts. The following has beea. received from the party of New Orleans escarajofilste from this eUy. It Is dated Palatka, "Flerida, March 3: '"Our party arrived Jiere 'all well. We vtaMed an immense. orange gre-e, and hew we dW eat I The weatawrlsM been superb, jsswshleB and Warmtfc. Jeae weather. We take a trip up the Bt Jehn river te-day, and wta Se doubt enjoy mm hugely," W OH aae OeHwi Hywuieet, 'i.rjeaatkms te the Gorden Bieerlal fund te IImi ameant f i,eoe have haea jectl ved from OtisM, taludlugll.oeefroiB 14 Hung Chang. Ike two sisters of General Gorden have de eUd she otter of a governwit annuity. i. 0sl Ai.:CAXCntM l jwis1 xrtt'iiiftiiev 9sy9rwr0T. miv v9wenHit. vsjt' dIMen Much KiiHCtMHUTeMM Mat VkrMe-Ir. renle'MrkVslU- ' " meat of Hie Clrid Cm,- " - ; r nan i , Tlie New Vetk. Medical Recerd, whiehhae, horetofore been quoted In these dlspatehes In connection with accounts of the condition 'of General Grant, -will en Saturday contain the following article : t In vlew of the recent doveloDmeDta In ClaW oral Grant's condition, the Recerd' bulleMil of two weeks age, which has been se largely quoted by the press of the country, reaulMa Heme exphinauen. It la lair te state that " tb facts at that time presented by the M(tU Recerd were fouuded en the best authority, that of Dr. Fordvce Barker, the attefcdlna physician Of General Grant, and this expla nation is manifest in the following note I NO. 24 EAUT THIRTT-KtaitTR flTaF.T. Dkab Uk. HnnADT The statement watch I made te you was literally true at the time. i maue it, ana l am certain mat ur. ueugus Would then have made precisely the same.' I .saw Dr. Douglas last evenlng, and he then nam wiai wuai i nau ieia you was exactly what he would have said at the time. But the Monday after I saw you the action of Congress bad a most depressing effect utoen Gen. Grant t his vital powers suddenly btvke down, and the, local malady suddenly as sumed a new aspect. Ths newspaper' ac counts have been greatly exaggerated, :nd we have never anticipated any such a speedy termination as they have indicated, I de net bolieve that Dr. Douglas ever used the word "cancer" in connection with the .oase. We liave always speken of it as epitheliema -of a malignant type, probably. It was. greatly Improved for a time by the local troatment of Dr. Douglas, and the local condition was manifestly Improving until the moral shock liroke down tils genera! system. Kver faithfully, v Fokdvek Barkkii, Wedliesday Noen, March 4, 1885. It is a matter of deep regret that the grave suspicions ontcrtained bf the serious nature of General Grant's disease are conflnnedby a diagnosis of epitheliema of the. tengue and fnuce.s. Tills disease, the name of which is new perhaps heard or by the general public for the first time, assumes an importance as te study which it could never otherwlso ob tain. Consequently the dolly papers are educating the ncenla with reffard te 1L se that the terms epitheliema, malignancy and lufllltratlen will be as well understood us in former times were these of sup puration, pus-track and hullct-cysU. As might have been anticipated under the clr clr cumstances. the publUhed reports of the gen gen eral's condition are very much exaggeraled. The disease is by no means as extensht) as ia generally believed. In fact, the ulcerations, small in extent, are limited te the right pil lars of the fauces, the Interior one being per forated at lta lese. The adjoining right side of the root of the tongue is indurated te a slight extent, as is also a neighboring gland under the angle of jaw en the right side of the neck. The reef of the mouth, along the line of the hard palates and te the right et the median linc,?centaIns three small warty-llke excrescences Which show a tendency toward coiipreurerauon. The epiglottis is tree from any abnormality, as are ail oilier parts of the threat. Although the induratien of the tengue has existed mere or less since last fall, when the patient was first seen by Dr. Douglass, tlin uleoretlorw liare appeared qulte recently. It was during their progress that the general suffered from pain in the right ear, which has been entirely relieved by the lead application el n 4 per cent. solution of cocaine. Under the name treatment all pain In deglutition is new entirely controlled, and the patient Is kept in it very comfertablo rtate. The pulse, which normally sixty per minute, occasionally reaches eighty beats. The bodily tempera tempera ture is normal. The appetite is fair, which is saying everything in Its favor, as the general is net a hearty eater. Ills bodily condition Is, however, much below par, and is mero te le considered ut present than the local disease. The treatment of the caae has been niwvwmii a.iu iiuiiiiicu, i Mia lae uu ii ludlcleusly conservative lrem the start, i fluid extract of cocoa is administered In The ternally, and iodeform. Is dusted. upon the ulcerations. Contrary te the general im pression, tlie tengue itself is net ulcerated, nor has It been, as far as we can learn, at any time during the progress of the disease The troublesome teeth said te have been extracted for the roller of lingual ulceration was en the oppesito or sound sfdoef the mouth, and was removed te rollevo a persistent ache of the left ear. AS ATJIOCIOVa MVKDKR. Tlie TfUI in France of a cUn Who Cut Ills Victim Vp and Threw tte Seettens In the Ittrer Seine. A sensational trial, bristling with truly Berglan enormities, began Wednesday In the Asslze court of tlie Seine, Pari An exotic Individual named Miclie, alias L' Hemme, alias l,a Q etse If ana, was tried for the mur mur der of a well-to-de poultry merchant named Iioben. ' The evldonce shown that Mlelle and Leben ontered the former's apartments at Ne. 23 ltue de Lyen. Shortly afterward the con cen con clerge heard the voice of a man crying, "Help, helpl", "A Vnsnatsin .'" "An te tours !" A body was heard falling with a heavy thud ; then came a sort of 'death rat tle. The concierge, terrifled, exclalmed, "Mlelle Is murdering somebody I" anJ jj. .MielIe-l rooms. Mlelle replied, "It lspDiJusip"' The concierge said, "Ifittanethihg, then open the deer," Tliis Wtolie refused te da The con cierge ran out and get a policeman. Mlelle then opened the deer of his apartment, and with a pleasant smlle, said : "My dear friend, I have just had a Uttle family quarrel. We are all liable te such" quarrels, and mine ia new happily ended," The policeman was satisfied and rellred. Soen afterward Mme. Mlelle entered the room and seeing her husband covered with bleed and his shirt tern te shreds, asked, "Yeu devll. what have you been doing new T" Mlelle said, ' A friend of mlne came te soe me and get drunk and tried te Jump out of the window. Te, prevent a catastrophe I had te fiitht him. Hence the debris.' Mielle then locked his wife In her bedroom and was heard working with carpenter's tools for se vend hours. MIellp then disappeared. A long black trunk was also removed from his rooms at the same time. "Tills happoted last April. On May 0a sailor ilshed out of the Seine, near tha statue of Henri Quatre, tlie upper part of a. man's body, tlie vertebral column bearing marks of having been severed by 'a carpenter's saw. Next day another sailor discovered near the same place n man's head. Ten days after a pair of thighs, then a pair of feet and a pair of awns were found floating in the Seine, all these sections bearing tlie marks of hav ing been separated by means el a saw. These fragments of tie corpse, when put together, enabled the police te identify .them as the re mains of, Loben, the poultry merchant It new appears tlmt Mlelle, while his wife was locked up in her bed room, had sawn the body of his victim into about twenty sec tions and packed them into ,a long black (runic, wnicu no tprew fnte tne Seine en April SSI. i Mlelle was discovered by gendarmes at Barsur-Aube. He plunged Inte We river and swam across te the ether bank. The gendarmes did the same, but' Mlelle was a geed swimmer and distanced his pursuers. After an exciting two mile chase ever fences and ditches he was finally captured. Leben'a watch, jewelry and money were found in Mielltt's pocket. The.trhilhrlngs te light, details of such a revolting nhd repugnant nature that it is impossible, te narrate them: Tlie trial ex cites the greatest interest, ami will probably last for three days." I Ceufeulnc Unrdcr After Ttdrtr Vars. About thirty years age "Mrs. Abigail Gardner w&a convicted e( the murder of her husband in Ilingbam, Mass., and sentenced te Ufa imprisonment Hhe refused te tuai knowledge tlie, crime and her motlve of Its coinmissien could net be' divined. Mrs. Gardner is new seventy -seven years old. She is an inmate of the Heuse of Correction In Newlledfbrd. -A few days age she sent for Rev. MrCee, the ohapUfuef the iustttuUen, and tnaee'a confeMlea te him that .she poisoned her husband with arson 11 As te the motive she could account fWscsit, but ataipjy reiterated that a demon sewaed te urge her en until the. murder waseewHuHted. Her husband, she says, was a 'kind man and she nerer could ceirpjaln of his treatment of her. Mrs. Gardner is overwhelmed with re morse for her act. " if'. ' ! - iarth V'4 ' ef Skelbyvine, PJL, has x nrduaung atpeti atpeti Hetter teluadeprei fAMit; MetMent tf Maynooth col cel and. Hm renefted en what ia con- sllered smed auUieritv.will lie nttnelnted tit succeed Cardinal McCabo,deccasod. v iXnwiif Beeth. -it Ii said, lrf newilfmV nwivwi wi leavuia; uie mage, iiw purpose betnr te play a series of farewell engage Menta ia the larger cities of the country next ' 'Nra r Dew announces that he haw aban doned the Kepubllcan party because be lias "no longer any doubt that it lias deliberately made alliance offensive and defensive wMt the beer and whisky interests. llKHRr W. Br.Atn'a term as U. H. senator 'from New Uampshlre expired en the 4th inn. uoveraor Jteie lias appointed xiir. ttlalsi MHsialAa Ad luthklnl ktll ILm fel.ln OHUt awnwHil au iiineitiaa uuui UVi BUatv MegWature which Will meet in June, shall fteev nn successor. I '"jfa tk TTiit a las smruMrfAil ! lKr advised Gladstone, after the dhlslen en the vote of censure, te resign and te reconstruct a ministry which should be based upon a thorough and consistent foreign policy. Mr. Gladstone declined te resign, maintaining that he held power under a com mission irem tae people, President Clkvki.Aki has retained A. Ii. Pruden as assistant te l'rlvate Hoctetarj Hectetarj Hoctetarj Lament Mr. Pruden was appointed assist ant secretary by General Grant. As a bearer of presidential communications te Congress, be Is a familiar figure at the capltel, and his retention is said te be heartily commended by members of both parties, JestATt LOCKE dropped dead In the In dianapolis Journal olllce, Indianapolis, en Thursday morning from heart disease. He was editor and proprietor of the Journal n number of yeara age, and later was business manager ei tne vnicage wattcr, unuer u. 41. Heward's ewnership. He was Interested in a California colony near Leu Apgelcs, .whonce be roturned ten days aga T. B. Ar.nnicn, tlie proprietor of tlie i- Mnitc Monthly, was visited a low days age in Bosten by a young lady who, te his great surprise, announced hernelf ns lielng the Charles Egbert Creddock whose lieautifiil and powerful stories of Tennessce mountain life have, during soveral years past, been ap pearing in the Monthly. Her name Is Mur frees, and her manuscript is as vlrlle as Is her literary style. The discovery or her. sex has catiBed a genulne sensation in Bosten literary circles. F,x-PnKsnKNT AiiTitun has been elected an honorary member of Uie New Yerk Cham ber of Commerce en motion of Coruellous N. Bliss, who said : "Mr. Arthur lias, by his prudent' and conservative course and by the ability of bis administration of the ex ex ex ocutlve branch of the government, earned the respect and conlldenco of meu of all par ties. He has always been ready te listen with Intelligent appreciation te the represen tatives of business men and his recommen dations te Congress relating te commercial and financial nllalrs liave been especially sound." M'ECIAT, NOTICE. Out of a Kwani. That is where the Influence conies from which gives people In the country malarial fever and horrtlJle Kue. This Inlluenre drags Its victims down into the Sleuah of DonneiHl. and irlvctt them awful visions of the future. Ilmwn's tren flitters Is the grand tonic, which hulldtupthe forlorn system, and raises sntTerlng victims nf malaria in tne niitnrsi enjnymeiuei cnmpietu health. ItciiresllvercemplHlntnnd cnnectsiill CAJCniAOKH. CJTANDABD CAR1UAGE WORK. EDGERLEY 8c CO., (Carrlage Ilulldeni), MAIIKKT 8TKKKT, KKAIt OK l'OSTOKKfCK, l.A.NOASTKK, PA. OUR i, AltUr: STOCK Of - BUGGIES & OARBIAGES Comprises the Idlest HI vies and tlin most Klo Kle gsntly Finished, WHICH Wi; Or r Kit AT QUKATI.Y KKllUCKD fltICt.3. . The fiUl'KIt fOll QUALITV Of OVK WOUIC Is no longer questioned. Our work Is as tine as any made fn the larger cities, and SOM) AT IIALf TI1K l'tifCK. New I lha time te order for spring. KNCOUltAOK FAIlt DEALl.Vd And Honest Werk. All Werk WAItUANTKI). HEI'AIItlNO rUOMI'TI.Y ATt'ENDEI) TO. One set of workmen especially employed for tlmt purpose. mr A few St.KIUIlS left at l.nw Flirurcs. (llve us a call. nei'JU-tfd&w e iUB WOBK SUSTAINS OUR WORD. SECOND GREAT AN.NUA', SI'lllNR Carriage Sale! AT NORBEGK & HILEY'S, Cerner Dnke & Tine StrctiLs, LANOASrau, pa , Saturday, March 21st., 1885. infi FINE VEHICLES I lVV ALT, STYLES. As Fine Quality and Workmanship as any built In the City or County. - BUGGIES, Tep and No-Tep. FAMILY CAKKIAUE8, 1 and S-Seatrif .STON8, MARKET WAGOX8, Ac. Alse, a Larfee Let of SECOND-HAN l WORK. An Extra Fine Extension-Ten PI.ATreUSf i"ll.t.TO,ier lour perxens. which niuen exm bltlen and greatly admired at the lute Fair. Alse, uoea ccone-llana l'i I'LATI'nilU IIAIIRI. uu EiniAiun , ALL WORK QUARANTm) FOR ONE YEAR. This Werk will be en exhibition and ready for inspection a week liefore I he nule, Kethat thme dcHlrinft Vehicles may bring competent JudKes te examine the sumo. Our Werk, sold nt former sales, hasprmen our statements correct In regard te quality, nnd w e still continue te deal falily nnd honestly with our customers. Quick ana large sales give us fair profits. "The nlmble sixpence is better than the slew BhUllng." Don't forget the day and date. Sale commences at 10 a. m., and 2 p. in. TEUM8 Four months note, vlthnpineved se curity. Discount allowed cnslj pnrcliusci's. NORBEOK & MILEY. MACUINEBY. HAVING DISSOLVED PARTNKRSH1P and permanently closed the Chestnut Street Iren Works, I deslre te Inform my old patrons and the puhlle generally, that lam still In the business, being located fn the l'enn Iren Company's Works, North l'lnm street, where 1 am making Iren and Urass Castings of every de scription, and will be pleased te solve all who may favor ma with their patronage. Frem M years experience In the business and using the best material and employing the best mechanics, X am satisfied 1 can guarantee entire satisfaction. Castings made from a mixture et Iren and steel which ure mere reliable for strength and dura bility than the best cast Iren known. V teeth re'i pinions, rolls and rolling mlll.werk a spec ialty. Castings made of very soft Iren, and brass eastings of every description. I have all the uit terns of the well and favorably known Mewrcr Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and lmnnneil. also en hand. Mills completely fitted up or In parts, te replace old ones which huve been In use jer years, guaranteeing mem le Ive satisfaction. It. I ang-lt-Cicd ftlCUULLKV, A TREAT POR WORKINGMEN AT SECUTOLD'S. Just received, a job let. of Men's Heavy Gray and White Undershirts at 23c ; usual price, We. AUe bctterqnalltles at very reduced prices. Woolen and Cotten ShlrU, Knit JuoketH, Ho siery, 1'auts, Vests, Overalls, Gloves, Mits, Hand kerchiefs nnd Notions aenarullv. All of wtttnh will be sold at prices te suit the present times. n . HENRY 11KCHTOLD, no, en nenn uueen sireet. ' B.-helGO Building Stone and baud for sale. aplALIi f EGARTiH OU)' WINE ITTO'S EKTAtTD OF pBEEP. VISB8T IN THS WOtP. ? Ktehllbel.lW, H.K.HLAYMAKEKiAgt..' fet17.tta ' Kb,SatKiRg5L PfeM 4- ISsTsMUsristtlMi lsrJtrfl filfl1tfllllWl ;ffF nut -fr. KRMfirjrr. -V4 ttt t !vs .4 ? -.- -v- -- HUNT'S KIDKKt ANDXIVKR REivlED'YI Never Known te Pail. It cures when all ether medicine fail, as it acts directly and at once en the Kidneys, Liver and Itowels, restoring them te a Deal thy action. It is a safe, sum and speedy cure, and hundreds have. been enrea uy it wnen puysician and l inr -fends had siren them up te die. Ii fc Beth a "Safe Care" and a " Speeiic." HCUllKH all Diseases of the Kidneys, Illadder and Uiinnrv Onraifs i lira liver, repsy, (Irarel, Ulabetas, Drlghfs Disease, Nervous Diseases, Kxcesses, lemaie wcaanesscs, .Tmindlcc, Sour Stomach, Dys)epsla, Constipation. Piles, i'nlns In the Hack, Leins and Side, lteten- tlen or Non-iietentlon of Urine. $1.23 AT DtlCCinlSTS. VSTTAKK KO OTHER. Send for illustrated Pamphlet or Solid Testi monials of Absolute Cures. HUNT'S REMEDY CO., (3) Providence, it, I. rllON RlTTRRfl. nr Iren with tiu re vese- talile tonics, quickly and completely CUUK8 DYSrKPSIA, INDIOKHSION, KALAKIA. WEAKNKbH, IMl'UltR 1ILOOD, CHILLS and fKVKHandNKURALUIA. fly rapid and thorough assimilation with the bleed it reaches every part et the system, puri nes and enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles and nerves, and tones and invigorates the system: A one Appetizer nest tnme Known, It will cure the went case of Dyspepsia, re mevlne all distressing: svmntems. such as Ine the Feed, notching, Heat In the Stomach, i xast Ifcarthnrn, etc, The only Iren medicine that will net blacken or I nj u re the teeth. It Is lnvaluable for diseases peculiar te women, and te all ncrsens who lead sedentarv Uvea. An unfailing remedy for diseases of the Liver and Kidneys. Persons suffering from the effect of overwork, nervous troubles, less of appetite, or debility, exporlcnee quick, relief and renewed energy by Its use. It does net cause Headache or produce Const! Censt! Const! pntlen OTIIElt Iren medicines de. 1 1 Is tbe only preparation of Iren that causes no Injurious effects, rhyalctans and druggists recommend It as the best. Try It. Tbe genuine has Trnde Mark and crossed red Hut's en wrapper. Take no ether. Made only by UttOWN CHEMICAL CO., 1ULTIHOKB, Ud. septa-lj dftlyw uiuaawAitK. H1 Oil & MARTIN. Queensware AT GHINAHALL HOUSEKEEl'EItaLOOKlOYOUKINTKntST. -A LINE OP- White Granite and Decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, AT LOWEST PRICES. Our wares are carefully selected. Ne Goods misrepresented. We exchange any articles net satltfact ery. High & Martin, NO. 15 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTEU, I'A. CUAL. B. MARTIN, WR0U8ALK AD KTAIL B, Dealer in All Kinds of ksber and Ceal 49-Yard: Ne. f-J0 North Water and Prince streets, abeve Lemen, Lancaster, nS-lvd J AUMQARDNER8 k iEFPERIES, COAL DEALERS. Ornccs : Ne. 129 North Queen street, and Ne. Mt North Prince street. Yards: North Prince street, near Heading Depot. LANCASTEU, VA. auglMfd c IOAU M. V. B. COHO, 3.10 NOU1H WATElt UTUEET, Lancaster, Pa., Wltm-iaALK AMD BIT AIL DIAtlB IV LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection with tub Txuruosie ExcuAHea. Yard and Orrics: Ne. S NOUTH WATEU BT11KBT. feb28-lyd Q J. 8WARR A CO COJIL. Orrics : Ne. ae Centre Square. Yardsi East Walnut and Marshall streets. (Stewart's old Yard.) ISetli Yard and Office connected with the Tele Tele Tele phene Exchange ' -KINl)LIN(l WO0rA8PK0IAl.TY.- ectlMmdMAFU ' rruiH iikst JL theClty.nt IfAUTUA.NS 6e HAVANA CIOAR IN YELLOW FHONT ClOAB MTOUE. OUPERIOR SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. MlcroHcepci, Field Glasses, llaremeters. Tele scopes, Magle Lanterns, Thermometers, Draw inir Instruments, I'hiloaepblca! and Chemical Apiiaratus. List and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues sent FIIEK en application. QUEEN & CO., NO. 024 CHESTNUT BT. PHILADELPHIA. inars-iyustw T HJ9 PAPER J8 PRINTED WITH J. K, WRiaHT m CO.'S INK, . ,r - FtirMui hk Wb, 2S4 af 1W1. km lxWlftf r ' FMn,ABLVHIA,FA. 3K3 mm rrr oe w w w wn h " .sa. ii nK no e w ww w nn H" C hnn hnn e e wwww nnn "as,, Ii n i noe wwww k nn "a 1IBU K k OO W W N MM DBSa it St R O O MM N II RRR O O NNM l ft R O O M MM 11 K it OO M MM Enik Hrrrr,TrrrT fiK" 5R,r B88 H ? I rKh liiti! Ii t r Eii E I "aaa . ,v if- vn' 3 ft M i afjB. 9fnAm V Jfr- cpxtpjux. 1L1- i-pLinir' bbenkmanJ V? TTT? . i.. . '-. D0 N( DO ,NOT FAIL "TIE ?ELLE.GITf This is the Easiest Working and Lewest ALSO THE H00SIER Fer Sewing Oats. ClOVOr OT Ttmethv Soed. Thl Sms.ll VTenhtnn hsui nn eaual 'I for Accuracy and Slmpllelty. AGENtS "WANTED. , FLINN & BRENEMAN, GREAT HOUSEFUBNISHINQ STORE. Ne. 1 52 North Queen St.. ctectca, Mnuteaa H. Z. RHOADS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The season is new at hand for refurnishing and restocking the Household with articles of use and necessity as well as ornament. When buying solid, sterling Silver there is satisfaction in the thought of its benign able te be used for generations ; net only used new, but by your people that fellow after you. Our stock of plated Goods is very complete and we keep only the very best makes, in all the different grades. Knives, Ferks, NnnAns Mm ova AHanwiAM haI 4-l. 4.t.tww l.. .. r.m .TT.i. t .let uuwiu,wa, cud uicagi wjw uucsu the time te buy, before the Spring bug you cannot ten en paper wnat can se mucn better ee under stood by calling and seeing for yourself, and consequently being con vinced. H. Z. RHOADS, lancastkk. pa. ' Ne. 4 West King Street. f$ Stere olesos at 0:30 o'clock, p. m., except Saturdays. 1NSVRAJICE. jjn INSURANCE The Fidelity Mutual Life Associatieny NO. 914 WALNUT STREET, r - PHILADELPHIA. INCOltPOItATED IN 1S7S. 4,000 31E3IBEH8. ' 9,000ft00 IN8VRANUE. A Steady, Conservative Growth nom the llcglnnlng, with a Net Aunuai Increase of ever One and One-Half Millien Dollars Insurance per year. INDEMNITY KESERVE, $200,000. 200,000 TAID IN LOSSES-ALL LOSSKS HAVE BEEN AND IN FULL., PLAN. ThA Kntnrnl Pletntiirrt Rvatpm. mnillflrd bv n SO iwrcwiL Imillntr. three times a year. Policies commuted te Paid Up limited te Mxedannnul dues. The ycarl v liability mlum, but the actual cost Is mero tlmna hnlflesi. C. H. BARBER, Agent, STEVENS HOUSE, fcbW lmced CLOTHING. rjlAILORINO. W. B. NELSON, Lats or D, It, Winters, North Quxkx Strkitt, IAHCASTXR, l'A., Importing Tailor. NEW YOUK PAULOUS : ESHLEMAN'S LAW BLOCK, North Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa. ALL THE LATEST STYLES In Forkien and Demestic Cleths ren Surra and Trecbirs. A l'KHFECT HT GUA11ANTEED. I have Just opened at the above parlors with a fine line of FeivIrii and Domestie Goods for the Winter and Spring et 188., where 1 will be pleased te have ray friends and the public call and see ray stock. W. B. NELSON. M ERS & RATHFON. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. Slightly Damaged Goods by, Water anu Smoke. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLAItS WORTH OF UOODd WILL UK .SOLD liEGAltDLES.S OF CObT IN THIRTY DAYS. Call at nnce and bECUUE 11AKUA1NS. Your only chance for Cheap Clothing It te ac cept this oppperfunlly. HYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LANCABTEU CLOTHIEUS, NO. 12 EAST KLNQ STREET, LANCASTEU. PA. CJPECIAL NOTICE. , Aniieuncenieiit Extraordinary ! THE U UK A1KST It EDUCTION EVEH MADE -IN- IIiIEaOTHIlG AT- Ne. 6 Bast King Street:. In order te reduce a heavy stock- before mov ing, I shall inaVe up toenlerall Hues nfgoeds ttt A Reduction of 25 te 30 Per Cent. I have also a number or CUSTOlr'-MADK SUITS, net called for, which will be sold at u great siicrMce. This reduction Is for cash only, and will extend te the FIKST OK M Altull. ' N. D. Will remove en or about the Itrst of April te NO. 4S NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Oppesite the Posteftlco.) H." GERHART. A ITER ALT; OTIinns FAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, HO. tia North Fifteenth street, below Callow hill street. Philadelphia. Cures all Secret Diseases of both sexes. Twenty Years Experience Con sultation by mall. NKHVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. New book Just out. Send for It. Price We. Hours U till 2, and 7 te 10 p,,tn. febH-a.w HENRI GERHART'S, V i ! r''vtJ'v i A 4M. rarmers l TO",EXAMNE. . PEED'GTITTER." Price Feed Cutter lathe Market. SEED SOWER Lancaster, Pa. and iwexzem.. buoy unye ovei ucdu. nuw lejuau trade makes prices go up again. . CASH ASSETS, $50,000. ALWAYB WILL BE PAID Prcmlnms collected Cah Certificates after fiv veyean. EXPENSES of members Is limited te the ordinary level-pre LANCASTER, PA. CLOTBIKO. FH rsr rtTTfe 1T0 keep the hands warm ; . MITTENS, Te keep the hands warm. SOCKS, Te keep the feet warm. EAR MUFFS, Te keep the ears warm. M0FFI.ERS, Te keep the neck warm. UNDERWEAR,', , Te keep the body warm., Ge te ERISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WEST jilNG; STttEKT. e - - T3URGER t SUTTON, A TERRIBLE BREAKDOWN IN TKICE3 AT Burger & Sutten's, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUABE. In order te clear our tables of OVEHCOATS and Heavy Weight SUITS we will offer them at prices' that Is bound te sell. GOOD, STRONO WORKING- COATS for $3.00. Odd Coats, Very Geed, All Sizes,rom$2te $5. THESE ARK THE BEST HAHOAINS E EVEK OFJTKKED. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. We have received another let Of theso nebby 25c. TIES t they are selling very fast. Vv'e have n complete stock of piece goods, In cluding the latest styles of checks ; in fact, all that Is new and stylish, which we will make te order very reasonable. A geed fit guaranteed. CALL AND SEE THEM. NO TKOU11LE TO SHOW OOOD3. BURGER ISOTTON, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. -ECONOMY IN CLOTHING. Bargains Added Te-day. Te create work for our hands and keep them together during the dull sasen, we nrganlie teKlay a SPECIAL SALE IN OUR t CUSTOM .DEPARTMENT. Having bought for cash at a late New Yerk sale a Large and Fine Line of PANTALOON. INCH, we nre prepared te offer SPECIAL IN DUCEMENT B. ALL-WOOI, l'A NTH. made te elder, ut $3 oe. ALL-WOOL PANTS, made te order, ut $3.80, ALIWOOL PANTS, made te order, ut SLOu, ALI.-WOOI. l'A. NTS, umde te order, ntiLse. ALL-WOOL 1'ANTn, inakO te order, at 18.00. There are chances for lllg .Bargains In this offering. The prices are down lis, 33, andSOper rent. Don't forget amidst tbenetse of the cloth Inir dealers, lust new. that we have the first claim en your attention as efferers of the Best and Newest Clothing and Goods In the Piece at Prices guaranteed lower than any competitors. - SAMPLE PRICES In our Northwest (Vludew, Marked la Plain Figures, Business Suit te Order as Lew as $10.00 I. ftAI SMA5 & BRO,1 Nes. 63-63 NORTH QUEEN ST., '(Right en the Southwest Cor, of Orange Street,) LANCASTER, F-A. rf Open evenings nntll 8 o'clock. Saturday lOo'cleck. ' until I -JS- I i f? 'n. sr J ' V 'I s i 'A J" '$.. .A A if 4., fVrif'rjkx i w ' -A . ; -Uf .:. .-? , Aj