raa te: " ,?mf. w, Ai , i? ,-w'if K' b ; A.J!. t V k?tsii W ? i ,K-. Cl V- AA-' mmamm :&. i ft - WSSBS? t Tft wnrrr MM(V MKItOHUiiUlDTO ' fM MMMHTIM, BUT l,- AtLYftNORYMOt MM TO.TMC WASTK 1 ijv TtUMMTe: jLIQENOER, .,.y. LANCASTER. PA. : Intelligence;. )mhK.' ' fWttrtnA'lheveert .te 4 It? (AMCU 8, 1KB. r. OKJrrta d's CsMsct. I hii-AYoshinten: and the t(,,W still In .Ms pocket. pnef4Fvi.n umbiie ium yemo yeme Lapert1kfii .11. It may be reas rtMMtiiMlHit Mr. Bayard will be ,, of; m& Than that nothing leabjbeisep'ns mere" nearly cer- her. the, ru.me nor the place is rtebeciisl l this instance. The 4bMnt arttwlf in deference net only flwt.ttH JfrJ'3'ayard was," after Mr. $Md'; IM wett rilnspiciums candidate ' theNtpriiaitin.i nomination, but hli wstirift,'inineKe, experience imteni:18tl:.Wt& has the .social thei jkaic'iirAip,- and the Mf ig egression that beQt the e. ijfcwitf Mi adjdlgnlfy,:it ; and 1L.IL-J i 1T !.? 14. hew cauea wv.HWmee a (however, from the Sen- Witli a distiHctten JCSaOl HwTT W TMs"FMMi Mn. CleyelAnd; like the ensible man .that he has shown himself te be in ether duties, makes his journey te Washington without ostentation. He had no desire and would net have lecn nble te repress the popular wish te make his inaugura tien the occasion of an honest, hearty ex ex ex prcssionef the gratification of the people ever the restoration of the Democracy. Hut his administration will prove that lie is a man et work and net of show. It Is te 1)0 hoped Hint the ground-hog hwi n sunshiny day for Cleveland's inauguration. Whatever way be the fatoef the silver currency, the ground-hog still relgni JIIstiiktie novreir, home of lmkeil Ijeans and " culchaw " gets a very koveto scoring from ene or Mussiichtissctta' prominent citizen, lien. Ames A. Lawrence, in seme testimony befere a commlttae or the loglsla leglsla turd charged with an inquiry Inte the condi tion of aflalra In Hint city. The law against intemperance, he declared, wiw n practical dead-lotter. "The proNentNituatlon is horrl herrl horrl ble te contemplate. We nre at bad as Hedem and Gomorrah, nnd iloservo their fate. The trnlllc in tlie souls of our youth li almost beyond conception, Thore nre 3(55 charitable institutions In Bosten, ene for each day In the year, and thore would be work for ninny mere. Theso are mnde necessary by syste matic violations of the lawsngalnstintempor lawsngalnstintemper lawsngalnstintempor ance and llcontleu-snoiw. " Such testimony coming from a source se unlmpoachnble should cause Vostenlans te desist for a whlle from the taeg?f the "Thingnea or the HmsWmmI Uis "Unknowable and kite LsHmtlontetlie set wvers "'' "H. V K"S5 W, eMEumfiMHl -pj-t ,'- , ?, m e 'or Utia pest new; jb' be the one that has d originally discusecd ; it tlrrnWitai avvft been a perfectly Ii Pl eraK efMpveland is a stranger i tne leaders ex fms than three years iling first heard his i was first brought into .for governor he and been close friends, il. That the new presi- surround himself with - i. . rvb. .... - tener'grl,',ttBectual ability may ue teff nee ttcm btcitien of such as Bay ,XiainarT 'G'l and Vilas, who in ' tielri,iHntl-'jite;Vnd acquirements are Mtilfjlffiik bNlia f-&mav rannt tfnh!tlAt. ni. mwnn lUv n hwwkii. xiiuk uv euuiuu pef eminent practical RA-. M--vT'. F.V.iS DM vn mm. t H Mr. MsbuJ (eniinal'tittd ,4mtiinet , A ., ...-. ; wmvin 7r ..k.. -w f'bil3t.Xcfcv?,l fcbnM,j i.T"kia 4 1JEINI !3K3E icommen sense like endahip and saga- iyecK n troublous tural. Mr. Cleve- h executive chair l stranger te public KHtkan be is bow te r&uaa m ,jic, man- coaidence ; and he Ihtejassociatien with jiir-i. . - ly needs net only klndreilpellUcal,in- c(m.fidantc in his ititfal politician and peasure the prac- 1 judge of meny LWpa:philoseplier,a wnroeea eream- (bequiWaplace mA (, u 1 WIBiHRs BMdlia tl .WP u APJ ViHWt PB1 ttMat v North .t T New Yerk i7We'liUilBgs hVkiM, tatiaUlMjaieeMtoalyl'evertkea by miw, s,wa; iilMlrtd for 'inaUuce, kiita ;Vy rsttMrtnilMe oetfrse ia the late 'political wpalgM ;bat H l emlnenUy safq en the objieteibclal'cu(U)ms. It ban often cn- ed ill many readan er.iMm; y e'pwif by Mloe"VWe "kave matri H 1mm a4BlBUt)d Ud)y WKfJirtrtiK te reach that bUss- futlceadltk'A. Time, wberoef the memory of uaa runneth net te the contrary, it has told when it was proper te wear full dress and when it would be glaringly improper. fIt baa eve gene into the small details of maaciUiae drew in this regard, and the ex treme taste of the suggest Ien h with the co gent reasons therefer ncceminnying them areeharacteristic: " A white necktie of lawn ia the correct tiling for evening dress, end it leeks clean, has the merit of simplicity, and costs very little. Nowadays, happily, a man who lias an evening suit, a clean and whole shirt and cellar, presentable beets or pumps, and a white nocktle Is as well equip ped for the grandest occasion at night as the richest millionaire can be. All the rest do de pends en himself, en his iutrinsla quality, ills breeding, his manners ; Ter the hotter a man is dressed the mero he may exhibit the defects of his training. ITe may net lie up te his clothes." It will be a refreshing neelty in the White Heuse te have a president with con victions and with the. ceurage te maintain thern: MeBertR. hmbB rmm ero of tieu. 1., than I ha e idlroctien u mills ? mre- 0prklit must abUity te beat This se- tal one of the MCmVX be -awaited jtMe lawyer and an ' pewnai ia mesi I atwrfy general, j coilructienist t as sratrweuld desire ; Hhi Old Whig eutki of , winch Imuuc, tadbJk Pemoerats, mMi.- ) Llllne doubt be a Jwea net.;4 his case, as aHllArj r's: the appointment Mai ibW 4ebatsr, and lite iimiRlofltehk eve. WWtUeflrst iWi.; HeUiui lutMMiF3tUMt. M5K: ""r .. " kjiiaaiMnHec lae raS5k&A Orkenk county, in this state, has ether claims te distinction besides its stout ad herence te the political principles that were first enunciated in this country by Jeffersen. It claims as a citizen the original inventor or the roller skate that is new driving half read a great part of the population of the United States and at the same time setting a number ofrellgieus conferences by the cars. lie rejoices in the very romantic name of Nerval Hege, and U Is claimed for him that as a lad of seventeen he iu 1854 drew a model of the roller skate that is substantially the same as that la use te-day. IU three rollers and a spur te serve as a brake were the only points of .difference. This last inlvbj patent new, and he cannot de it tee quickly. A roller skate that could be stepped would meet along felt want, for the habit that 11 has te run away with a beginner at the art is a serious obstacle te lta popularity. Mr. Hege has the deer open te immortality and wealth if he cau realize In the reller skale this Messed con' summation. Tun zephyrs that will blew te-morrow w III all be Democratic. ft 11-m i iiiaii tin t" uifl . i n.v9K&Zf i of nmmKl0IV a )trWmpPHVea- Ithv iiMMUurlli (Par- to-lieWeo.wttI be i deposed f r: i "J? iltloeltsi baw that I ( 1JV1 t ' ms e lMJK w ummmm BIrWip' itmmimi Fir,-' &', mrmmm, T' "3" llCttg hutd W.WgeJiig te in lier haadsbasklea Ifltiuifar'sb disastrwis J The Russe-A,fghan f Contention, and it is a war betwtn ng- mtwtr pewar rens tea PER30NAL. RiciiAnu A. PnocTen says that a hand at whist can be made up In 035,013,65'J,COO way Jehn TeciCEn, ox-presidont of the Phila delphia fc Reading railroad company, dled Monday In Philadelphia. Jehn S. Clauke'h famous l)ero plcture, al al leged te be worth W.000, new turns out te be the work of an ordinary Qerman artist Kkv. IjKonabe"Woombv Bacen has withdrawn Ids appUeallen for membership hi the Presbytery of Philadelphia, owing te dlHereuce In point of dectrine, Senater Eemunds has made himself un popular as presidinK omecr of the Honate and 'bis election as president pre' tern after the new administration gees in is in doubt. .Jehn 1. Pmtwrs, a nephew of Wendell Phillips, and a grandson or Jehn Phillips, the first insver of Bolten, died en Hundav at 'the age of 47. He was a man of many bone- PWMips Andever academy. KPer-K IiKe XHI.was sovrnty-ilve years old Monday. Iu replying te the congratulations of Ute College eCOardinals, he expressed deep regret at the present position of the Papacy, which, he said, ws in the hands of the despeUer.! KeUbrae nor his successors could ever accept this state of affairs. Gkn. QsAinria'QiUifernla friends are sgl iillim iiiiliMMljii lfi il n ill i bearing vine yard, witfc a lM)ence and etlier necessary buildings, and te Woder the entire property 'tn;aenaral',amnt.M lean. The property would be deeded te Mrs. Grant The vine yard wettia ee uaaer uie oireciien, or a kiUedvWeiafBrte J - ,u , ,IUn, Kui;Bi.AtiB-WAWfBB, only sister otllea. James G. Blaine, who has been ill fcr bem Ubm at ber beardiag-aeu') in Balti M7waOM Monday' theegbt te bodying, MiA Mr bpetheM in Washuwtea. were telo tele mjihsd ler. Ek'-8eeretary Aaiae,' wlthdua SmwUk Margaret and his brother, Rebert G. BUtee, wet te Ualtimere and spent the afteraeea with Mrs. Walk-. Miss R. B. Ci.vur.ANP, who will proslde ever the White Heuse for her bachelor brother. Is soed-lookiBir, but net pretty, Khe drewes neatly,'-but plainly, aud wears few ernameuts. - Wle has for a long time been a lecturer by Frofcaaten, her pevlaltybelng educational subject, aud her audiences us ually the pupils of girls' schools. Site speaks several languages, la a constant reader, and, , w axceoUenaUv wU-lnforuied ia history and. iMBt La and fn alt Us vital Darts as ffimt.nviltUil. nnd withal Tar innrn .beautirul III its quaint, strertg'stinpllelly than many a mero medern and expcnslve struc ture. ,, It was, however, never eccuplc;! by Whit Whit Held, nor even) finished by him. He had in tended that It should be a home-schcol for negre orphan children from the Seuth. With this end In vlew he had employed a number of Moravian mechanics, whom he had met at Savannah, On., and brought with him from there ns his hired workmen. But liefore the walls were up te the height of the second story, a sovero winter was upon thorn and still werse, n yet soveror quarrel had sprung up bclween Whltlleld and tils Mo Me ravlnn workmen. The great prenbher had a great iempcr, nnd peremptorily ordered them off ills premises I A row or bricks In tiie walls encircling the building, botwecn the first and second stories, that may still be seen, tradition says, marks the place whero Whitfield stepped building. r The work was net rostimed till 171.1. Iu the meantime the Moravian workmen went ten mlles southward, and thore, met by a colony of thcirco-rellgtoulsts from Germnny, began the settloment and building of Ilelhlo Ilelhle Ilelhlo liem. They Ixmght the wliole Nazareth tract, including the unfinished negro-erphan home, from Whltlleld. The latler they completed In 1743, from which date It lias been In the possession and servlce of the Moravian church. At the present time it is held by the Moravian Historical society, which occupies the second story for its li brary and museiim ; whilolhercstof thcis'ia thcis'ia cietis mansion serves as n temporary home for disabled missionaries nnd their families. Of the thrce chief workmen em ployed by Whitfield en this building, ene was Peter Roehlor, n graduate, aud somo semo some tlmo prolessor of the University of Jena, and a highly learned man, who afterwards became ei-D4jb0maetrdlaUiutai&ued bish- Kn-becn the in- aT lawk MMMntnn tf ??g JW'.PwIss Wyeyr:ia Conden. He iftmittmntttftktAmn atL4caster about FJfMrBwlMH-Uaiwaw;istorer the MvnviaaeliaMaia.tfMAtiMjde of this century ;wMU a breAer.served in that ca- lijlty atliWis, awt died ther, jk 1800. An- Jfcev:iWBOW-s;fe.llw- mechanic 'at WhlMeM bouee,'a4ae became's blshen in after yeaw, T4-t A Wbeeanleil 'we anythiflg UlAHt-T-MrMB.0rFjrevl iMwnrij-aaaUax facts :aradef.lM.iaMindec i -tOWee -.street ! He' made hltuseU an architect thttiugh dlfll. culties that weaiu Have detcrrcu most men. He built his finnVcotteiUuillutNewbilryitort, Mass., about 1912, and within a few years four ethers nt'tlie H.U1I0 place. It was nn ex amination of these mills, by the late Hen. A. Ii. Hayes, Christopher Hager, David Iongon Iengon Iongen eckcr, nnd ethers, sent en as a com cem com uiitlce of observation, that delcrnilntd the clioice of James ns architect for the Ijancastcr mills, which were built bo be bo teocn 1818 nnd 185a Itcfore tills James had built a mill nt Salem, Mass. ; ene at Itockpert, Mass.; ene at Sag Harber, Ij. I., and ene at Olneyville, R. I. He built ene at llcadincr. in '50 ; ene at Harrisburg, in '60 ; ene in Pitts burg, iu 'SO; one atCanndten, O., in 'M. He was elected te the United States Senate from Rhede Island and served with distinction eeu in these days when " there were giants." A piemlncnt Seuthern gcntleman, who called upon Cleveland when he was visiting New Yeik, writes te a friend in this city: "I like Cleveland's manner very much. It impresses me with the idea that he will make a model president He 'means busi ness' all the time. Sinecures will be lopped oil', and if any unlit men happen te be appointed tliey will be ousted when their Incapacity Is discovered." It would net have been difficult ler Mr. Cleveland te have m'aile up a geed average cabinet from the gentlemen w he w cre seen at his rooms as callers during his visit te New Yerk. Fer instance, ene day he could have taken for sccrotery of state, Jehn Jay, of New Yerk ; secretary of treasury, Jehn It McPheraen, of New Jersey ;, Bocretary of navy, Win. A. -.Wallace,' of Pennsylvania ; secretary et war, Gen. Jno. M. Corse, of Massachusetts ; secretary of interior, Adon Aden wain J. Warner, or Ohie ; attorney general, Jno. Loe Carrell, of Maryland ; postmaster general, A. II. Colquitt el Georgia. Or, en another occasion, -ns- t group as this could i-e been formed by a political jelne- ,,6fec.reta,ry of "late' liuls 'MeLane "f nMinry,a,,ir 80C")ta1ry of treasure " Barlew, of New Yerk ; secretar''- navy Gcn- Jelm D- Imboden, or Ylr.ia; secretary of war, ex-Gov. Inger bqU et Connecticut ; secretary of interior, It . Jehnsen, of Maine; attorney general, j108. M. Norwood, or Georgia; peatmastcr r, jenn au wamuen. ei wcsi viririnia. - - .. . v boy. wiie Is a seaman A iancasicr ceiinijaiai en boare the unueu buiic writes under date of Foe Chew, China, Janu ary 18, as follows,te ene of his friends at heme: "SInce I wrete you in September we have had an oxtensive cruise, around the coast of China, Japan, Cerea and ns far north as Russlun Hlleria, Slnce leaving the United States we have seen many curious and inter esting sights and you have no idea or the strange things that are going en in seme parts or tlie world 1 have been in. This place is situated en the Min river, 40 miles Inland from the sea. Tlie population is ever a million. It isthomestoxtonsivotoashipping pert in China. It has been the principal place for the fighting botweon tlie French and Chlnose. On both sides or tlie river, from Its mouth te the city, is ene continual line or rerts, water battories and breast w erks or dlflerent kinds; but they ure net or much use te them, as tlie Chinamen are tlie most cowardly race or pcople en the face el the earth, Thore is no light in thorn. What naval ships they have are oqulpjied with the very latest improved guns, Ac, aud thnv should be nble te compcte with any Bhips hi the world, but they have no grit te light In two hours the French, with live ships iu the river, sunk and captured se von Chinese ships, aud the balance took te their heels te a place or safety. The lollevving day the French took a run up te within ten miles or the city and silenced every fort and battery en the way, and in quite a number of cases completely demolished them. We linve Just relioved tlie U. 8. ship Mopecacy. Mho has gene te Sbangliai te have new boilers put iu her. We expect te be here about thrce months; then go te Shanghai make a short stay thore ; proceed teAugasskl, Japan; from thore te Heng Keng, China. Frem thore we expect te start for- home by tlie way of the Cape of Geed Hepe, around the coast nr Africa. I unless the war new irelnir en here will Interfere). Qy the time we arrlye in America our ship will have covered about 86,000 miles ; nearly the distance of thrce times around the world. Te me it lias seemed twenty years slnce I lea home. During our eruise I have been in seventeen dltlorent countries and forty-two sea perta; have seen all colors 'and kinds of people from ' tlie Heathen Chinee ' up te the most civilized 1 i have eight months mere te serve, my time expiring Oct. 6th, although it niayi be later or earlier when we get back, most probably the former. This war may some what prolong our stay, but I bone net J de net knew wtaetherl shall go te sea again, but most think I wilt" Sinduae. TI1K X.&DIBS. "Tlie Indies! Ue4 blew tncin I UuUulvfts everyone; . Slay the ej e of the Father TholntDef ihoijeii . Watch ever and Veep llifin holy and pure, With hoie te Mustaltt and laltli te enuiite, Whether ller or OaugUU'r, sweetheart or They puriiy,wevten.wftketarmy. our Jives. V udUiiutud her empire e ntiebUnir her sphere, lt pv.ry wan uew in aiicKUMioe, vu aw. ,T-'. u Ci2d blew iwr-," . a. address. as followed by Rev. Stall and Capt, Denues. and Rev. F. J. C. Meran, orueiumma. . . A committee was,'en motion, appointed te make arrangements for holding a county convention in the tiear fnture with a low of erganising an auxiliary county association. BVECIAL NOTICES. There's net a cbarui that lights tlie facn With se InclTalJe a grace, As sweet, tilnk lips and Ivery teeth; And nothing new, beneath the sky, Can brnut Ira nucha these supply, Save BOXODONT, Hint wears Ifie wreath. in I lwdeeilAw Hern Items and feplc. "All your own Inult Ifyim remain slek when yen cm (Jet hop bltters that never Kail. The weakest woman, smallest child, nnd Klckcstlnvnliilcan use hop bltteis with safety nndgrcntgewl. Old men tottering around "from lthcuiimtlsm, kidney trouble, er'nny weakness will be mmin almost new by using hop bitters. 9 My wlfeaml daughter were mnde healthy by the uuoeriioplillters.andl recommend them e my people Methodist Clergyman. E D Y Ask any geed doctor If hen Hitters nre net the best family medicine uu earin 1 1 i Malarial Fever, Ague nnd llllleusncgtt, will lenve every uclghhei Iie(k1 us seen us hop bitters arrive. "My mother dreve Hit) parnlyxU and neural, gin nil out et her sydtum with hop bitters." .'(. OtucgeNun. 9-Kccp the kidneys healthy with hop bitters and you need net fear sickness. . Ice water Is rendered harmless nnd mole iw freshing nnd reviving with hop bitters In cadi draught The vlgoref youth forthenged nnd bill nil In hop bitters I I t Never Known te Fail. It cures when nil ether medicines full, as It nctl directly mid HI onee en ine nuineys, i.ivnr nnd liowels, if sleilnp them te a healthy net Ien. 1 1 Is n safe, sum and speedy cure, and hundreds linve been cured hv It when physicians nnd frfends had given them up te die. II is Beth a "Safe Cure" and a " Specific." " At the change of III" nothing ciiiuls Hep llltters te allay all troubles Incident 1 hereto." "The best periodical forladlestetuku monthly nnd from which they they will receive the great est benctlt Is hop bitters." Mothers with sickly, fretful, nursing chil dren, will euro the children nnd beneilt them selves by taking hop bltters dnlly. 'Thousands ille annually from reiiiu form el kidney dlsene that might have been preeiited by the timely use of hop bitters. Indigestion, weak stomach, lrtcgiilarltlcs of the bowels cannot exist when hop bitters nre used. A timely use of hop Hitters will keep a whole family In rehtist health a ear at a little test, Te produce real genuine sleep undihlld like lepose nil night, take a little Imp bitters en re tiring. -.one genuine without u bunih of green Heps en the white label. 8hun all the vile, jHilsoneus stuir w 1th " HOp " or "Heps" In their name. reliJJ-linTii.Th.lAw " ijuTfiiazi k iih hoot ihtteTkT. Fmzlcr's Reet bitters lire net u dram shop beverage, but are strictly medicinal In every seiiKO. They net strongly upon the I.lvernnd Kidneys, keep the hew els open nnd rtgulnr, Cleanse the bleed and system of eterv Impurity. Sold by druggists, tl. bold by II. It. Cochran, 137 and 1X1 North Queen street. (t!) " Ilenr Cress Was the Man." This queetien was asked In n ivceut law -mi It concerning n limn who hud actMl unili tiwintly. Thiianswer was,"ha was se cress that when he tidied up the cow at milking llnie It made the mllkseur." Probably this peer fellow lias ds wpl.i. llutjthe nerHt dyi))Csla (an be cuied by lining BrownVlren llltters. Mr. .1, M. Coart Ceart wrlgbt, of Codem, Minn., had dypeptl i, but new wiltex, llrewn'n Iren llltters are truly tbn liet remedy I ever used for ds)Kpsla neil bll Ions complaint." l'NKUMONIA I'ltEVKNTEl). OVSTEH lUV, QUKEXS CeOV'V, ) EwTeltK, April 11, lsa. J I believe 1 have been saed from n terrible III by Allceck'h Poiievs Piasters. About a month age I was attacked with a violent pain In my thcst.o(ceuipaufed by fcicr mid great dltllcully Inbreathing. I apprehended pneumonia, which Is se prevalent at present; 1 went te bed nnd applied ene of Allcock's Plas ters between my shoulder blades uudtwoeu my chest. In nn hour my breathing was much easier, Iu two hours the pain had left me, nnd the next morning I uwoke jierfeclly fnc Irem fever, I went about my business as usual, and at the end et n week took the plaster en". Fer the fast ten years Allcock's Piasters have been usid by my family with the beslvtrect Iu colds, coughs and pain In the side and back. K. II. HHKKWOOn. ll sure te ebtalu " Allcock's " Pereus l'lailer, ns nil ethers are worthless Imitations. PILES I PILES 1 1 PILES 1 1 1 Sure cure for Blind, Ulccdingund Itching Plies. One box has cured the -worst cases or an years' standing, tle one need stirrer It vu minutes alter using William's Indian Pile Ointment. It ab serb tumors, aunyg ncblng, nets as poultice. K1VC8 lupiein iviivi. Itching brdrui: UM 1... T,-1 " (i) BKOWN'S IIOUSKIIOLI) PANACEA. Is the mpsterlectlve Pain Destroyer In the weild. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied externally, nnd thereby mero certainly KELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It Is warranted deuble the strength of any similar preparation. It cures naln In the Slue, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, ItheumatlBin, Toothache nnd ALL ACIIKR, and Is The Oreat Believer of Pain. " BUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACEA " should be In every rauiliy. A teaspoeuiul et the Pa In a. tnmfilcr of bt urnti t IhwpnijHMM fnrre(MJSSjapaivanfaHKiiiu, 11 prv- u'u eeatuue, will lsut-Aii. ui'A a a bottle. m31-lydM,W,8w tumors, nunys Itching, acts as peulllce. Instant relief, l'rciwied only for Piles, g of the private parts, nothing else. Sold LEGAL KOT1CF.S. TMSTATE OF LOUIHA KISliHY, Jii of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad- LA'PK niliilulnitliin mi ftiilil fMLutti luLvlnir btMSli irnititt'd te the underxlgued, all persons Indebted thereto nre requested te make Immediate payment, and thesu having clalmi or dcmandi against the same, will present them without delay for set- of Lancaster. JOHN K1SLKY, Aduilulstmter. 11. Fhask Ksiilemaji, Att'y. feblo-OtdTnenw E STATU OF HKRNAKD MULIIATTAN, late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters tcMtamentary en Bald csUitehnvIngbcen granted te ine iiuuersigueu, oil pcrseiiHiiiuuuicu iiicruui are requested te inake linmcdiate payment, and theso Having claims or acmauns against tnu same, will present thorn without delay for set' Moment te the undersigned, residing en East Orange street, Lancaster city. Pa. Fit ANCIS MtCLAlN, Executer. PuiLir I). Baker, Attorney. fcbi7-UdTueuw THE BEST 5e HAVANA OIGATt IN theClty.nt HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FHONT CIGAR BTOUE. PENNA. OIGAltS FROM J1.Q0 FElt Hundred up, at HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FltONT CIUAK STOUK. s AINT-RAPHAEIj yine. INFORMATION. ' COTTON GOODS AKE TjpWKK IN PRICE Tlf Mi EVEtt BKreilll EH have new In store full linen of nil the bee. . m f fJ: Muslins, Sheetings arid iTibkiri LiNirieftri iGswzz'rs: ' ) . ?. i ,-4 v 7JS! JiMi) KHjdfflSiil itjf mUm Ant WHICH THEY WILL HELL AT ABOUT MANUFAl ntKHHS' PKICKS Pride or tne West, Wamautta, WilllamavlUe, ' ' Dwlght Ancher, rruit of Leem, Hill, - Semper Idem, Appleton A., Adriatic, Honest Widtfc Pippttil, i And etherbest makes of Bleached niidViitilradicd MUHLtNS, Ti , MOHAWK 'vAtSj nm lONuiidPEPPEUlLL.' , v.SJJ ,W enttMIMb ANU MILLUV UAbN5, ALL WIDTHS,!), 51, e-l, M, 111. 11 ,,' The Salnt-Itaphael Wine has sidellcleus flaveur and Is diunlc in tlie pal cities et llussia, Germany, Brlteln, ii iirineiiiai ciiiva ui uuuw. North and Seuth America, Ureat udla.andsoen. The quantity exnprted 11 jr uiiu niiniiallv Is sutHclent nroef of its slnblllty Btavmir nowers. while for the real coiinefssoiir thore Is no wlue that can be. considered Its "'to'TheSalht-Baphacl Wlne Company, Valence, PeiMrtment of the Droine (France. H. E. 8LAYMAKER, fpj-tra ' NP. 3D BAST KINO STREET. '. n via UDinilVTn MVnlllTNR VT Tbreat English Kemedy. An unfailing ItCUUKM nil Dlflcesc of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Urinary Organs : Droisy, limvcl, lllnhctss, llrlght's Disease, Nervous Diseases, Excesses, Female .Weaknesses, Jaundice, Sour Stomach, DysiH-iisIn, Constipation, Piles, l'alus In the Hack. Leins and Side, Heton- Hen or Non-Uctcntlen of Urine. f 1.25 at nncoeisTS. &TTAKE SO OT 11 Ell. hend for Illuslralcd Pamphlet' of Solid Testi monials of Absolule Cuies. HUNT'S RBM13DY CO., (D Providence, U. L rVJlltlTVUE. AIrEil A. HEINITSH. w NO. 28. cure for Impeteney and all Diseases tuat fellow lAMOIMBiPOI the Hack, IMn Airci. nnd mam NO. 28. Special for Spring, 1885. MY STOCK OF FURNITURE Fer tlie Spring Trade, IB KQUAL TO ANY IN THE CITY, AND AT PKICES THAT CANNOT UK UNDKUSOLD. ALL GOODS UUAUANTEED. WAITER A. HEINITSH, Ne. 28 East King Street. LANCASTEIt, PA. ,OUil TOILET QUILTS at wry Lew Pilccs. JIAItSKILLKS tiUlL' che-Hcd dlicit from the importers, at l..vi, S1.73, ii, tU t, WH-4 if. In all finalities and sixes, pa w,i, ei.au, , i l 'P n erm&n Dies and Danmk T&blt Linens,.Bleach(d Damask Table Linens, Damask Cleth, with Nankins te match. Nankins. Towels and Tei , .., , a, p. Linen Bheeimga and Pillow Casings, and a fall line t White, 8erkt tad Orajr Maaketi AND OTHER DESCUIPTION8 OF 0001)3 811 'ABLE FOR i .". -, 'Uffl " Heusefurnish ng. 49-As this Is the season for the pun laun of Cotten, Linen a l(u nu Inspection of the nbee, all of which will boseldutvei) iw prices. 4"- il HeusefiirnUhlBg Geed, .'4, i HAGER & BROTMERfl Jj Ne. 25 West King Street, T0Wr:K3 & 11U1VST. Lancaster.iPal ..Al... . ' ....It BOWERS & HURST, aft 1 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN r ! 4 i 'i rf STREET, LANOASTERJ PAI j e oiese uut dv lviarcri h.. Il , T iim $ 4.u r r.'.- ci.nb I I . B . We w III muke Prices VEKY LOW. Our Stock W? PEUSONS IN WANT OF v ii ! 2f v' Wl f -, . .. . .. . . . .. .j:-' re sua mast tie nsiutn i h ' As '"4" i c,. dccivcmd B. R MAltTIN, WHOLESALE AND BETAU. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber and Ceal. aa-VARii: Ne. 420 North Water and Prlnce streets, above I-cmen. Lancaster, n3-lvd TJAU1MOAKDNERS & JEFFEU1ES, COAL DEALERS. Offices: Ne. lit North Queen street, nnd Ne. IM North Prince street. Yarus: North Prlnce street, near Heading Depot. ' LANCASTEIt, PA. nugli-Ud e OAU M. V.' B. COHO, SW NOltTII WATEIt STItEET, Lancaster, Pa., WHOLESALE AND ItKTAll. DEALKR IN LUMBER AND COAL. COHKXCTlOX -WITH TI! TKLSrilOKIO EXCUAHOK. Yamj Alie Office : Se. 330 NOltTII WATEIt STItEET. febiMvd C.J BWAKU &. CO., COL. UlT": JJ?:rM,l,ir3S2K3 ilarshalt streets. lleth Yard and Ottlce connected with the Tele phone Exclmncn WKINI)I,1.; WOOD A 8PECIALTY.- ectlWmdJtaFU ULASBWAJtE. H IGH & MAKTIN. wars w -AT- USSBST " -vr"-- " rf EJ-' 'W UH1NA wm. t mmmm HOU8KKEEPEHSLOOKT(jrjllJrIWUIr., White Granite and Decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, AT LOWEST PRICES. Our wares ure carefully selected. Ne Goods mlsrepiesented. We exchnngu uny articles net satisfactory. High & Martin, NO. 16 EAST KINO STREET, ' LANCASTEIt, PA. Sheeting and Shirting Muslins, Table Linens, Tickings, Bed Checks, Calicoes, J , -y Counterpanes, Quilts, Comforts, Blankets, Cottenades, Hosiery, Gloves, f"!n-rcinfa TTnmtinMrr WHrrivirra nMrl Tnaat.Hrirra . IVII.I. Ilfl WF.I.l.TdlllVK UK A IMI.I, lltrVClltM I'ltHfllTAMI Vfl. ri BOWERS & HURSr Nes.26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pafl pHIEAI 8T011E. ,4. "'w W DEOEPTIOMOTICE TO THE PTIBna Ml Our Buyer, always onthe alert for Bargains from Flree or anywhere ael was in Philadelphia this week, and after a thoreuirh and aad dilbrent oeao'l and inquiry, can assure the public, that with the exception of a 'FeV,PUiv of CHEAP CARPETS, damaged by water at Lippincott. Sen & Ge's Auottel Store, there were no ether kinds of Dry Goods damaged by the laturM&l Philadelphia. We Bought a Let of BED CHECKS. DAMAGED, ON SMS BOARD BY-WATER, and a Few Pieces or the Damaged STAmOARPIlilJ wuicn we Dner ut xmrgain xtices, -AT- letzgjer &Hauguma,u's,Chpftjpi 43 WntT KING ST., LANCASTER; A S a- ll!tic Mt"19 Coeiicr llouse and Serrel Herse Hetel. UlRK'S t'"1 " J.-- jwr n ', 'I 4 JH . I MTr--j CARPETS ! CARPETS ! KEOPEMNG OF SHIRK'S CARPET JHAE1 W nre new mciurcd te hIiew the inidn thu Laiveat and lU'ht Selected Linn of Car itv. wiire.Ns. vELVh'is. ai tliu Tradliu: Makes or heiiy aniitai i ItltUS.SKLS.THItKE-PLY, All-Weel nnd Cotten Chain KA.T11A BUPKK9, and aM ViuuttUel AHKand VKNETIAN CAlll'KTS. II AU Wld C11A1.N. OAKl'lj't'S hllillcd In this c IllfllbUVI c rrtl GUAlk CAKPKT8, HAM own inanufncturen speciality. Hpeclal Attention paid te the Manufaoture of CUSTOM (LI Aisuaruii i.inoei eiiiUiuiii, iiuuD, ninuun niiAur.9, t,uvfiaijr.is, .Ac,,' -AT- SHrlrKCARZEr Vwi. 7? Ir 5?" -ypr lr rlkM Vaa4 Hnvr rvvtri WnlaM Qfa T .BMAOBaiK Ba' wu. Tjwiuauigauu ssawi. uie,,umRra,.v ,r !B3WKi-swSRrp'w--Mte- . rt. "1 -ZTTZ'Fi WsM-sSlriyfr wiws"js. v TT JUL jsass y! 'gs-n. a. " mmrmz- .. i-XlL -l.W-liiSSl ."TTS. frST-iW? S-ii i.3 iO.Jl &bi 'TSWTkt;TEB LJtSJXAk.ZAMHX iiravxAJfcE. -C1QUITABLE LIFE 1NSUKANOK COM JCJ PANV. Assets, 854,000,000. Surplus, $12,000,000. Indisputable Creditors' Assurance fyuilable Lire Insurance Company. The only lluslncss Mnn's Pnlley written, pay. able In 10, 1.1 or 3) years, uud non-ferfeitablo after 3 years. The Barest ln estmcut and best paying ene. JJQUITAP.LK HOES THK LAUOEST INSUKi BUUANCK UUB1NE88 IN THE WOHLP, W. J. MADDEN, OLD POSTOFFICK BUILDING, N W, or. Weit Klntt Bt. nnd Centre Sauare. ,rv. ciiivenuii utssiiuae. rain in iitmnaa t vision, l'rtuuuture Old Age, and many ether diseases, that lend te in. sanity or Consumption andn Premature Grave. Full partleulBi-s in our pamphlet, which we de de slre te send Iree by mail Ui everyone. This Hpo Hpe Hpo cllle jnedlelne U sold by all druggUts ut jier paokge.erUpaokttofor s, or will be sent free by Swn receipt of the money, by ad dreMl.tlj?t5?fi..iKf ut8aI. Ment NOS.1JI and 1W North Queen street,- Lancaster, Pa. On account et counterfeits, we tare adopted the Yallew Wrapper t lift only enl no. XWllA.I''fV",- ) h O0TE1H MAKING OABIN8T PHOTOGRAPHS AT 3.Ce A DOXXH, AY n), let) nuniu tjuAcin diaedi. 1...1NM Tjmraialjir. lik JUIIIbllt Lancaster, la. TUB COIiD AIH OF WINTER CAUSES ebupped bauds, lips and faces. CREAM OF ROSES WlLLnALWAiB CUUE THEM, ONLY 10c, AT , COCHRAN'S DRUG STORH, NO.. Vn AND MHOKTI QUEEN 8TUEET, ?a?ffi&fe fc jjiff c jwvaway ...H MZi-f???-i .j.iv '.l'sm The Koafien is new at nandTrreflirnMikhMP Household with articles of use and necessity a-w"fe'cMiifikiirs TXTVinv. Itnninn enltrl afai-liner RIIttet. fVinra WBatfatfaJirart thought of ita behig abie te be used for ge aeratiens ; net baly u! new. but by your people that fellow after you. v Our stock of plated Goods is very com plete and we, keep 01 the very best makes, in all the differe.pe grades. Knive, Fer1 Spoons, ac. are cneaper new tnan tney ua e ever eeen, ew.is the tune te buy, beiore tne spring traae mi sea prices go u ag; . But veu cannot tell en paper what can' e much better, fce u: steed by calling and seeing for yourself, aw consequently being & vinced 1 Hf H. Z. RHQADS, .. .'.. ... t& . M.ajaft. .m.i m t .'- i rne. wnvMng , except 3atwUya LANCASTEIt, PA, , 0- Stere closes at 6:30 o'cleok. p. m hooks. y i . v JOHN BAER'S SONS. mm n WMii Si't n1 ifurepi wyyj wtJfi t fl '&&-$ "'n-trTT BABIES AGRICULTaRAL yir 5 lflsP JMh Ki Mil j. ii FOR 1885. Will be sent Postpaid en Remittance of JMffti .address, Sixty Cents for Twelve Copies. JOHN BAER'S!SONS, NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STFElTfLAMOJ IT y mmmw i " T f 1 rf?i; Y ,ft Ml'..- immn Cents for . STOCKS. TOOOlCwiHTE & CO., M BANKERS. PltlMK RAILWAY SECUP.IT1E8 ALWAYS ON I1ANII FOK INVESTMENT. Mlnneapella Heal Estate V per rent, bends for sole nt 101 and Interest, Proprietors of "Peer's torrenpenuenco invitca. Manual of Itallwaya." 45 Wall Street, ecu-iyuew h New Yerk. 1 WRICSHT ! ' (1 1. INK, CO.J! i i. vi I 'r. :i FtltMilUWiavWaUWi! !JJ i JauH-Jyd 1 .-u :tn.. W' ,.t . 1 ""J '!