Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 02, 1885, Image 1

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lie; JJnhit Out That tli Fermer Hateful ITe.
illrtlunti of Secretnrle of (lie treasury
Were Net Itcallzed The Silver Slile
of tlie Currency Contreveniy.
I Tliorlends "f silver hi the Hoiihe of Rop Rep Rop
vsentatlvcs while at first inclined te make a
lirmal reply te the letter, of Prosldent-olcct
llevciand, since it lias been given toUiepiib-
t, ucciueu ni a conieronco held en Tuesday
uning, te renly openly te Uie parts of the
ltcr with which they de net agree, They
- nicy ma net invite a contreversv, but, en
i contrary, wero anxious te avoid it. They
fce say it was net till it had heennie known
ht a determined effort was liclng inadote
Idtice the president-elect le commit himself
Id ids admliiLstratlen in advance te the geld
ue ei uie currency question that they deei-
II merely te ask toceininlt hiinself
I lib cabinet was formed and lolli'Hldes of
l miostleil could be considered.
lJ'hey proposed at Hint te solid a delegation
Mireseni meir vieivs te liim ; hut, aucrcoiu aucrceiu
kmlcatlng with him, at his suggestion, they
kntapaporsiguedliy nearly ene hundred
lembcrsef the present Congress and inein-
crH-oiect in tlie next Congress. Ne reply
Pas necessary, they assert, and nene was ex-
cted. they further say that, wlille re
citing the step the president-elect has
Been In advance of his Inauguration and en
le formation of his caliinct, they de net pre-
pe hi nave a controversy unless it is forced
en tneni. They bolleve, howevor, in the
I'vcruiuent, und assert that they will, at all
alntaln It.
They furnish the following nsa statement
i tiicir viewh :
I tn the leller no disticllen is Made belwcen
liver coinage and sllver bullion. Wlille it Is
riie that sliver bullion, which Is excluded
eiu ceinage aim subsequently rrem mono meno mone
ry use. is worth less fin tlie ratio et in In n
Ihau 85 per cent of the cold dollar, sllver
Dins which are admitted te monetary use the
mho as geld are equal in value te geld coin.
fle silver dollar will exchange ler as Much
in geld dollar. It wilt even buy the cold
rrltervraat ealnrufi a Tun lia In
yydii ?eoeoooo or diver, with ew.oeawe in
dthdersirver te ever 1000,000,000 of geld. Al-
ngetner ?i,;ioe,ooo,000 or silver .coins nt Uie
totuef 1SU le 1, nre.hcldln circulation in
iirppo,sifie by side with S2.600.000.000 of mild.
ii taiwr nti1"tlli itiAlnJln.. n.. I
i Jff.Crtlflcate,-w have less tliuli frStuxw,- 1
-, ........a uuwiig ui ui' ; wUUViy IKWO
C milNI Mllll It..... tMtui n.A mahI .Wmu.
mr equally ;fuU tender for eventldng, It
:uimcuk te understand why "the secretary
i eiawuif iuikuiiuw u an cum u? no
'J w w.w Rlitui MHHinQUUb Jl
if, wftlle receiving ihIe the. (reus
niaiustActieti. lNr.'Bnrtittte
uucaics, geiu or geu cerimcaies, lin pays
I Olllv cold, bis KtncW Of celli Avntilri .IIimT.,1
iish. If, en the ether haiul. he should nnv
I out nioie silver and lnivr and less trnlil. Mm
IvliAracter of the resorve In the treasury
would chance. In ether words, this i a mut
ater entirely under dm crjntrel of thn wvniliirv
of the treasury. Theroiweuld be noneod of
local ICUIIcr. irtlinnnn ivlin rncnlves innnnv
bt) permitted te choase tlie kind he will have.
Irgeld is true, hut only as treasury and bank
m, -.-. iiiiu aiuvi viuutlVO itlUltUJU
SuhjIes dlsplace it. The withdrawal or u liun
llred millions or bank notes, or the issue or a
'hundred millions, has the hhiiie ctrecten geld
as se much In silver orwilver certlllcatcs.
has it never been proiiesod te withdraw
j" mnminira an a,niv"is in provenimg
r l vS v'? mwpTiwiWf, ma iiiwd new nai.-HB, or,
lKIiAW altl niitmv our constitution, or J
&'JlW';A'J;16;!IeJ BeUj thesU--
fw 'T-TwTi.nTi ;ijrnw:;eH" "ijr, iu viuer
t?.W by Con.wsMEl5ui3e Uie leal standi'
I'd et value.
in lBien:KnMyrsnd neither
My statty 1 iV i pci'srtiy te pstab-
imirress nor an
Z- li-li an v ethor s
jkl Hi The "act te streiigl
tPsr,uPue crmiM,!'
mf 11JIU.V ilAU..4. AHf fM.
WlVHieBt of
itia liends in caln.J-TluSr
endfac-act of
lgiuy M, 1670, previd6,l,'jbEfl
Lcflfundlnir btinds iniiin ol'Pke then wrannnt
'standard value. -Wliichla tSe Wme as the
I Ull
i; present value. The reMuniptiuuact el Jnnti-.
L ary 1 1, lb" .r, provided thatreut and after tiie
f flrst day of January, 187, the seOfetrfry or
t ll.n Ininl.H.. ul.f.lllil .mlilili. 111.. .L.I..II llm
f outstanding legal toider notes.
c Uy the act of 1'ebltiary 3K, 1B78, providing
for the resuinptim et tUe ceinage of the
1' Kliiiiilnril ilnllnr. Klvnr illtllnra worn mniln
Llepd tecirter "for iul iiebW and dues, public
I ami private, unieHspxncrwoxpres?iysiipu-
latcil in tlie ceiuraj," anu jiore is net a pub
lic obligation eiit&uidimljtaud never was.
' containing a stipulation jbr payment in
geiu. i
lu January, 187(1 Congress adopted the lol lel lol
lewimr ueucurren; roHeluliou. otlerod by
LtStanlcy Matthewsithen senater, new en the
Jmu promo bench : I
i "iiiai uii) uie tonus ei uie u illicit iaies
hssuoder axtlierifeil te be Issued under the
!said acts (f Congress Iiereinberore rw.lted,
Itfare iyi)V' pnuiiipat anu interest, at tlie
FMiuien ei miu LMveruineni ei me unitea
I". KLites. Ill 'ilver dollars of the celnncn nf the
j United fititesceut;iinlng412Ji grains each or
r Hiauuaiu mivur, aim mat te rosiero te ua
ceinage hicii siner coins as a legal tender in
payinentMsald bends, principal and interest,
is net Inlelatlqn orthepublio faith, nor in
derecatiii or the rights or the public
Thoeinlonsol secretaries or the treasury
'from 178 down" are rolerrod le as authority.
jiie oinieus ei secretaries are vamauie
when tipiiei ted by facts and sound reasons.
but eu'lit net te control unless thev are. It
caunoje forgotten, howevor, that tliese saiue
secre nes nave Hteaiiiiy preuictcu wnat has
netui'ii place.
-Th friends orsllvercencur in the opinion
, tlmtt is most doslrable "te maintain and
confine in tise the mass or our geld epin, its
weliw the mass or sllver already coined."
'Wyagree; tee, that ills of inomenlous
inirtance te pruvent tho'(eoln el the) two
iviils from jttrtiug company. Hut Uie two
jials, as um,i,K. linve already parted com-
h under f1'"1 imiuenL-oersflverdenionoti-
ion In ether feinitries, aiidnne liestillty of
p treasury ! the banks te silver in tills.
Jit that the coutliiued ceinage or silver at
lorate of 6000,000 a year will arlve BM
It i.f fin-illation in the near future, or form
I te a prem'1"11, dees net te tliem soem te be
Mstaiued b' facts or sound reasoning. Tlie
te-ei -.iuiiie of currency in the United States,
eutside or geld, is less than $750,000,000.
It is believed te bei a nrinelnln of
I'coneniicscienco, iwrroctlyJwell settled, that
jfa toIue of f760,000,000 isinet sullicient lu
ltsclt te lnaliitalu tirlees In tills oeiintrw ,it
the level Of international jprlces, then geld
will come here and stsvtiere in suOlclent
.amount te make, with Uirolutne alreudy in
Iclixutatlen, what will cAstitute our dlstrl-
iouuve eiiare or tne wert s money, as deter-
niiicd by our interuatJbnal trade. That
li 0,000,000 is net a MMQcleut volume te
rUiiiinln prices at the vferld's level, Is evl evl
rncedbythe fact Uiat'Wue10001000,geld--a
pinii.vntuiu pin in rwiiHm, iu itwai, m m eir.
iuii ruiiur in uw wri win or earUM
i no aw
tJ aMmla
ituaaaaa idtSSmmmtmtktt ealtK
-.- r- .. 1n f . lt( lMiMffgm ff gt ,
nue. Jlvr W'eiaJS ttm rate of only
f, !, a year.) "- null eiii.mI.
.....- I . .N .. U -.. . ., ,
r,;,; ",;.,'i www na r-,
"6 !. ir -- v2!t
" Th Inter precauaaiSjr(ii)iuta
wl by, Mr. ClevriauA. OZ&mint out at
aiu n iri Baa. jtl.w ti
instance, ivhcre he argues that sliver -will
drive geld oiiVecirculttUoii( thus decreasing
the veln (no of currency, and wages wlU-ge
down In consequchce". The letter concludes
as fellows !
In view of the rast interests involved, the
friends efsllvcr did net think it tee much te
ask that the question of stepping the coinage
of sllver should net be separated from Its
rotation te the whole currency question, and
acted upon by Itself. The currency quostlen,
it is bellnved at the prcsent tlme, overshad
ows all ether questions, and all the friends of
Rllver have asked is that the prosldent-oloct
should glve it full consideration and hear
both sides bofero committing ills administra
tion te arty particular view
' ii .
Why Net lime n Telephone anil fire Alarm
lit the Almslieinc 7
Frem the New Kiu.
Why the peer directors should hcsltate
about'placlngatelophono and llre alarm at
the almshouse Is a conundrum which would
puzzlea Philadelphia lawyer te And out.
The flrst would pay for its rental lu the In.
creased dispatch it would afford te the trans
action of bttslness, and might pay for
ltwlf in a single instance lu giving
prompt noltce te tlie police or flre depart
ment lu case of an emergency liable te
occur at any tlme in such an establishment.
Aside from this, It would be such an accom
modation te the public as always iustllics the
trilling expennn Incurred by a public institu
tion Hiinperted by the public. It Is net
ercditable te the intelligent and wealthy
county of Ijancaster that the management of
her eleemosynary institutions should court
noterioly by trudging along se far lu the rear
of the wheels or progress.
Se far imiMlie alarm Ikix Is concerned it
seems likeau insult te intelligence and com
mon scuse tn offer any argument in its favor,
after tlie terrible lessen taught by the late
ilre at lllockley. wherolieth lifeaud nrnncrty
might linve been saved had Imincdfate con
nection been established with the 11 rn depart
ment. Hut If tlie cost or that Is lu the way,
let us have teleplione connection.
Ilclay 'Will he IMngi-reu.
Frem the Lancaster Inquirer.
Twe weeks age tlie Inquirer directed the,
attention or tlie guardians of the peer te the
insitlllceucy of the arrangements ler the
extinction of lire at the almsheuse and the
hospital. Hince then our daily conlemporios
liave pointedly referred te the same matter,
dwelling particularly upon the astounding
fact that these bulldiuus. with their heltilcas
lmtimn frniplit Mini their v.ilnn te thn rnnntv.
"j i. .i'iiii i iirf in if .iaw .i.m i...i .i.
alarufayatetul r,' 'X i i' J f&K-
A i&kmiw vnptr ii tnltl Infer tb ue' iIImm. ,
ters ilieuld glve this mutter, their most
enrncart attention. -,
"Delay will be dangcreuv
Anether Creat te Hie Uxie)tlnii
"Tte 'iiarv:crTH fllPfeprkitlcr bill
tbo'Heuse Vrlday,iuid. with It the clnwwrap?
preprlatlHg 800,000er tiie New Orleans X3xi
Iolt4en. The debate Tblirntay and Friday
Iijckswlyr shown, that V hu-ge'iiiHHbfr of
Republicans were; HnwiHing.-W'.veWc Um
weway-wiked for cent. M exwwdlUire'
ittm aweeted aad centruUed by. We: go varn-; npitnj u ure-iiiwwwuni'jWiwtiitT'
'declured themaelveii. willing te. awMi'Kr
llerr's amendment, which provided that tne
money appropriated should 13 used first in
the payment of iudebtness new outstanding
which is due te icrseiis living eutside of
T.ieulshha, includinKthodebtsteforcigncrAor
foreign nations, and such as are due te stales
and territories; and (2d) lu thopayment of all
premiums awarded iy the oxpesltion. This
amendment was adopted by a vete of 120tl
yeas te 58 nays. Mr. Tetter, of New Yerk,
who had ulrcady opposed the appropriation
en the grounds that it would cneourage a
spirit of dependence upon Uie general govern
ment in the cemuiunttes where a proper sonse
of fell-respect ought te result In eftbrts te help
themselves, then moved te htrike out the
clause altogether. Hut this motion was lest by
IE! yeas te 1511 nays.
JA.' Joint Committee "f.tlie (Inin.l Army l'M
- A. joint meeting of the committees of
OoergeH. Themas and Admiral Reynolds
Posteof, the Grand Army or the RepHWIe
was bold at Alderman Jlarr's oHlee eh'Satiir;
day evonlngte make arranmen(a flora
j.up?i uuHurvwice in jiecoraiieH iwy.
Frank Ilanuuend.U. Y;-Menry?M8&nFX&
and Tin, J. A. E. llecil nre the members el".
tlie committee trem ,1'est W, and K.r (WW;
"DeMunll, Joint 11. Ieuk, Hemy Sliaub, 'Jehn,"
ad'Adam Delict are'lhe cehWis3 frem:
, . An BraaMntieBi,WM eected byjkf-rteei
lien of ,T, Ctarr m claalrmaa, ivMSTmmJk,
Jr.y as . seeretary iwd.Dr. J, A. KiwaCa'.
treasurer. Cdmrides'Henry; ,Gyar.;-Mc-"
Dennell and lictz were nppointeu as the ft-1
nance committee
Comrades Leng, lllack and i'lte asacom asacem asacom
mllteo le arrange for scrvlce in ene of the
churches, en tlie .Sunday evening following
Decoration Day.
Comrades llellinger, Sliaub and Ham Ham
eond wero appointed as the committee en
Thojelutcomuiitleo adjourned te meet at
Alderman liarr's ollice en March 17.
I.Ut or Unclaimed I.etterB.
The following Is the list of unclaimed let
ters remaining in tlie postfllceTor the week
ending March 2, 1885:
XiiidiM Lint Miss Sarah A. Itrewn, Miss
Anna llurkle, (ter.), Miss Delilah Hess,
Mrs. LIzzK) Hoever, Miss Hetty A. Kendig,
Miss Mazie Iawrence, Airs, Mary M. liaiidis,
Mrs. J. (. Martin, Margarctha Meyer, Mrs.
Mary K. Morten, Miss Emma Ktaull'er, Miss
Rebecca Wagner.
acuta' VMf Themas Rarklv, E. K Ruf Ruf
llugten, M. R. Rusheiig, .Samuel Christ,
Jacob Diller, Jeseph M. Dve, A. R. Freeze,
Uriah Fry, Max Cans, R. V. Green, Maj. F.
Hcin, Win. J. Israel, Walter Kalne, Mr.
Kehlor, Michael Moreny, (for.), Andrew
Mvers, T. W. Mlssiier, Frederick Schaeirer,
Jehn A. Shank, William Virgin.
Forty Hours' Devotion at .St. Jeeih'.
The forty hours' devotion was inaugurated
utSU Jeseph's Catholic church en Sunday
morning. The mass of exposition was cele
brated at 0 o'clock by FathorGretcrmyer, the
pastor ofthe church. At this aonlce the
number of communicants was very large.
Father Myers, or St. Jeseph's hospital, celo cele celo
brated the 10 o'clock mass and preached a
acriueu explanatory of the forty hours'
devotion. He dwelt partlculary en the graces
derlvcd from a proiier observanco of this
beautiful and linprcssive dovetlon. The
vh ii ivh was also thronged at the evening
service. Father Kaul, of SL Antheny's and
Oana, of Iykens, also assisteilat vesterday'H
horvice. and ether clergymeu will Is) pres
ent this evening and te-morrow evening
when the closing services will be held.
I'all et an Awning.
About three o'clock yesterday unernoen
the large wooden awning en the Orange
street side of tlie store, en North Queen
street, occupied by Gansman it Rra, gave
way under the heavy welght of snow and
cjune down with a crash, brenklng te pieces.
It was very fortunate thai no one was walk
Inu under It at the time, and that the crowd,
who usually leaf there, were absent The
large barber pole of Gutflelsch's barber shop
was broken down but a fine gas lamp es
caped damage. The wreck blockaded .the
sidewalk for a short tlaae but was cleaned up
and. piled en the curb in a abort time te the
;couvenkee of padaatrhms.
fJ9HVa vJJlw HllpViVJVv HJPV SttflB flBIH
iurrtMMlteiprtMSear kmn. -"Ut
hi arrwd lw arvetl the Kunuilbn kaa tua
hHmiv July euJUiuiiu' bla uaU ' i the alaikuti
eenaiMK aa tmeta ma aaarer an
for n saarbiK w tUtJthvTclnuv,
way!itaiibafieUiBaareraiMt raa MH
i'ij;' !'
An Important Itellglmi Kteut In Tlie lllttery
el The l'rmlijlerlan Clmrch Heme In.
teresllng Fact Alient Tlie Ilevoloii Ileveloii Ilevoleii
inent of CIiIiipmi CUIIIriilien,
Yesterday was the occasion of tlie quarterly
administration of the Hely Communion In
the Presbyterian church of this city. Six
new members wero added te the church by
cortlllcate and thrce upon profession of faith.
Included among the latter was ene whose
case was se netable that It was inade the
occasion et special remark by the puslor.llev.
J. Y. Mitchell, D. ., The cenvert te Chris
tianity was ene who had been born and
educated a pagan, and the event Iltiv. Dr.
Mltchel thought was without precedent In
"De Yeu" Is u Chinese lauudryinaii who
has been lu the city for soveral years, and
who is well known a the proprietor of the
laundry en North Duke street, oppesllo the
court house. Fer six mouths or mero he has
been the subject of attention from Heme el
the ladles or the Presbyterian congregation,
ami lias shown a profound solicitude for the
faith of Christianity. .Several weeks agen
missionary lately returned rrem China, Mr.
Henry, spent several hours with him and re
ported le Dr. Mitchell that "De Yeu" wasn
Hlncore and deveut convert le Christianity,
willing and anxious tn make public profes
sion of the Presbyterian faith. Further ex
amination confirmed this and lie was accord
ingly liaptfecd and admitted le the congrega
tion yesterday.
Resides h(s concern for himself anil at
tention te religions instruction, the Presby
terian Chinaman manifests much interest in
the spiritual welfare of his countrymen. He
lias made ireqtient trli te Philadelphia,
where there ure numbers of his Chinese ac
quaintances, te promote the Interests of Chris
tianity among tliem ; and is applying himself
te study, with the ultimate purjiose or return
lug te his own country te de missionary
work among his people. It Is said that or a
hundred Chlnose youth sent te this country
by their government te be educated, every
ene returned te become an active Christian
lentl Werk hy Heng Wihi.
Ung Heng Wee Wee, the Chinaman
brought te this country by Dr. J. 8.. Mcsscr
,wiiIUi,iU..y.N., Jiad beeu.ceiiHrincd .' ",0
JSjjifceepal iiMaleti J)i6fe-:he'r;Mths native
land. Wlille here he was connected "with Ht
James p. Kctiurch and after he iad com-;
pieicu nis cuucauen anu jusinuie a a
prluter, lm returned te Chliia,.whcre he' has
dene very, effective werkaa a nreaeher and
nilssleuary. Ubi. friends' here are infrc infrc
Iintrwimnnkntleii . wlUi him 'and he. Is
aiwaya pitwAlfeatiaJiML'.lj Mi alia.
ceat . .. - i. - '"''j,4.
- TWilald' la China. "
lVitlmt the last alxtyi years tln;
wars, Ju which Uh rkki aud th ma
' ory.!'ere'Her; 'theuen thend VantaM
field ftwttle waawith nerik atf
nel an aaaiHvt.arreKS-aud apeant ..'Mai
put down the formklableTlTo-Pingai'uf'Y
nan rolielliens, and by a Teat as wonderful us
Sherman's march te the hca, crossed the des
erts with armies ami reeenqurcj III. She
pluckily trieil te held her own with France
and Kngland in IbUO, and will yet win a
" consclence victory " ever the United HLatw
by getting back without asking, the une.x
isjctcd balance of the "Indemnity' which the
Great Republic was greedy enough te take
without anyjust claim. She has csUibllshed
strong garrisons te warn oil' Russia from fur
ther aggiesslen in Cerea and the Kimgarl
Vnlley, and has cleared Formosa or the Jaiv
auese. 8he Is new displaying wonderful
firmness in her dutonuluatlen te kceji the
French from her neuthcru Isirdcrs.
In dliilemacy. tee. China has net been he-
' liludhatid, as witness her legations mid con
sulates, in J.ureK) anil America. WItli,J,i WItli,J,i
WB'Svald"ahe lux UmkcriFlMi thn liinimetm"
jtiaIIa 'twntf ml..AHilX.JL'-tt-'J,l...i...i.CI .
aren In Cuba j and .Peru i yen. and evi
Denver and Han Fra4eflL-()Bei aml
vada. v -C"'''fS;)tV.V JtiwM
A lBl OI BBHIfB SV"""1"
iiMWMuim .nun xvwpiary
;UcJ" her vecab
. niuMinn
nlkal ,tn Ivar'
r ni a i-
JKurefiaand At
fn material, u
at i
which se nfteii lescSts ' ;
Thore is geed reason f.r Iieimj in the quiet
and steady,, progress of this wonderful rare,
and it'niawwjcs characteristics which, may
Justify the trust of the American missionary
who; after iqicuding titty years lu the coun
try, believes "that the regeneration of China
will lx accomplished, like the opei-atloii of
leaven lu meal, without shattering the ves
sels." Fair Convert te Cremation.
The wire of Congressman Krmeiitrnut, lu a
recent letter from Washington, 1). 0., te a
rriend in Reading, says : "Yesterday 1 had
the pleasure or meeting a most Interesting
woman, Miss Kate Field, who lias been
everywhere am seen everything. Te n small
audience in her own parlors she read a
woiiderfully'clevor papemii Cremation."
The audience consisted efMrs. Jehn Field,
of Albany, N. Y., and half a dozen ladles,
among theinMrs. Sonater McPhersen, or
New Jersey ; Lauder and Mrs.
Stephenson, whose liuslcmd is exocutive
ofllcer or the geological survey or the South
west." Mlxs Field's entire audience was
coiiverlcd te cremation as u sanitary meas
ure. .An (lid iJidy'H Serious Accident.
Catharine Gill, mother of ex-Policeman
Jehn GUI, met with u serious accident at her
home; Ne. 8 Charlette street, en Saturday
aftorneou. She was alxiut descending tlie
steps leading te her cellar when she slipped
and fell te the bottom of the steps, fracturing
a bone in the leg near the knee.. A young
man named Kshlemau and ethers heard her
cries for help, unci they reinoved Mrs, GUI te
her boil mom. Dr. Cariouler luippnied te
be ill the neighborhood and ha wnssiiiniiiencd
te dress her wounds. Dr. McCermlck, her
regular physician, was also scut ter, and these
physicians Het tin) broken limb. Mrs, Gill is
an aged weiimn.and her injury is considered
te be serious. ,
Cloned Their Engagement.
On Saturday evenlng the J. 11. Keane
company made their last apiwarunctf In the
epera house te a large audience. 'ITJiey acted
'Pfcul Pry" and "Solen Shingle" in a style
that pleased.
This company is under the management of
Harris, the great museum man, and play
evorywhereat low rates. They apppear at
all of Uie Harris museuuis. On .Saturday
they-were endeavoring te arrange te'play In
Reading Uie present week.
He Threatened te Sheet.
Kmanuel Hehein entered suit en Saturday;
before Alderman lonuelly, 'against Jm j&
riH'Mry.eruiMMcu. -Hehelu al-
'A aftlinftnf MlM MWtWat
watiftewniKi 4m W. Kea, Ma,
Mary atMas, m SMedar
lOawl II o'eUkik, A aUUaa
AU nn.k flUA aMa
jmMKL ' -- --
weamm mmmt mum ?
. will . t .!
Drinking Laudanum and Biddbig Hit Frlenda
Uoed.iiye, He Afterward HepcnU MU Act.
Considerablo excitement was oaused en
Satunlay evening by Iho attempt of Thco-defa-Rock,
ft liarlicr whose shop Is at Ne. sit
West King street, te commit sulcide nylak.
iug about nit eunce of laudanum. Reck bad
been drinking seme during the evcnlngaud
about eight o'clock, after shaving a gentle
man, and wlille the shop was full of cus
tomers, he excused himself and went out.
He' seen returned and theso in the shop
noticed that he had a small vial In his hand.
He went te the Washslaud mid drawing the
cork from the bottle, drank the contents.
Theso who saw him, bollevcd that he was
takliic. medicine. In a short lime he bciran
te talk about dying ami even went se far as
te bid several men goed-byo, sayltig that he
would dle in a short time. One of his em em
peoyes, who had ertcu heard him talk of
sul'-lde, began te Hiisect that all was net
right, lie went te the washstaud and thore
found the empty vial, which was labeled
"laudanum." llr. McCermlcki wliolivesnear
by, was Killed in but Reck, being slightly
under the Influence of liquor, refused te take
any medicine and d eel a red that he wanted
te die. Finally the physician1 succeeded lu
getting onietics into him by deceiving him.
Reck agreed te take a last glass of beer with
a friend previous te leaving 'this earth, and
before he took the draught, an emetic was
siippeu into lu tunes no discovered
that they wero attempting te glve him some
thing and he rebelled. He leek sullicient
however, te make him deathly sick and seen
began vomiting. While in that condition he
was net se anxious te dle and asked for
something te bring him around safely.
Alter a tlme Dr. Foreman also caine In and
the physicians worked with the man until 1
o'clock .Sunday morning when he had ftilly
recovered. Sunday he was allle te be about
as usual and was net se eager te bid his
friends geed bye or lackle any laudanum.
Reck Is a well known Imrber, but it scorns
that he id ways wants te de something out of
the usual run. beluu dcslieus of havimr
lieople talk about hint. Fer seme tlme he.
has been speaking of suicide todltlercut
liersenM. He asked ene young gentleman
the iHistmudoefHUic.ldo and tlielattcr quickly
advised him te the tise of one of his razors.
He did net fellow this advice, howevor.
The family of Reek knew nothing of Uie
affair until he had recovered, but a large
crowd gathered at the shop after the repert
get en the town. Reck Is lucky in liclug
saved, but If he lived In New Yerk he would
yet have the pleasure of standing trial en the
charge of attempting te Like his own lire.
Jill. lll'.OIC AdAIM O.N DKCK.
Mr. Reck was uptown te-day looking Utile
tho.weriM) of Uuv ear. He denies that he had
ny iiuickW intent; and explains that he took
the laudanum only with a piliiiose te make
Him siccp aim, Having itceii tfriiiKiuga iittic,
he mlsRAicylatcd the preicr Jde of a dose.
He. nxaebil many congratulations en his
I organized an .lOTrpnc-cHlU lobe
he Rlltcnhouse-Bquaro Female
MMNociatlen. Tlie members will in-
F'.S.'i.Tlf .1 ... ....
three-sets of yeiingladies profit
eiit Mj
tsty. A halt Is te be engaged,
'JyapiKilntcd uynutasiiitu will be
fthe place. At the nicotine at
anil a
(i nMoclatleu was organ (zed
i en tlie
of roller skulinc. Of the
m ineintterH, n iieueunccil the aniuso aniuse
uient as vulgar and prejudicial te
hcallh, and the opinions of el the
leading physicians of the city wero read te
back up their argument; but as " iiicnileers
voted In favor of roller skating, a rink will
adjoin Uie gymnasium, Tiie club members
will also form a riding club in the sprlng.and
daily lidos will be taken through the irk
in pleasant weather. The by-laws of the as.
soclitien state that gentlemen will net le ad
mitted te the rink or gymnasium, and that
only riding masters employed by Uie assiv
elation will accompany theiiicmlwrs en their
riding expeditions. Lady friends of liiem
lers are te Ihj admitted ns iicchiters te the
rink and gymnasium. Negotiations are be
ing made with a view of getting tlie City
iustiliile hall, at KIghtccutli and Chestnut
streets, en account of its convenient situa
tion. 4(MinlTulu nt the IiiaiiKiiratlnn.
,TiKtate Guard is Kfrwrttelpate jil the in-auiratf.rW-twt'leii
In WHShlugteH., At
S,0tWH will be In line, wHIi MaJerGneral
Hurt ran ft, two or three1 brigaillera, iiiciudlnK
'Geit- Reaver, and, no, end "of xlenls aii'd
jther-.W. "jied. line efllccrs. The
ees of' j.uiree,..uayav Msw
UajTli'a".' absbnee Jte Uaeae
,': b; umxprnaii'mum:
V- sjw K . ex-
whole laaa
will cost the co vet
goUier nearly or quite hall's
uire. "-
Death of a Cotten Operative.
Frem th lIurrlHhunr 1'itlrleU
Miss I.uclla O. McGIInu, formerly an
oiieratlve In the Harrbburg cotton mill, died
en Saturday last at the residence or her
niotlier, 110 Liberty street, this city. Miss
McGIInu went te Lancaster te work at the
Fulton mill en New Year's'day, but getting
sick she caine home a few weeks since, she
sutlcrcd front an Injury received four years
age, in Uie Lancaster cork factory, where she
was caught In a shaft and soveroly hurt
Tlie result of that injury was n spinal ulfcc ulfcc
lieu, ending In paralysis. Miss McGIInu was
an industrious, upright girl, and lately em
braced religion.
i -The
Theatrical Season.
During this month the poeplo of tills city
will lw able te see shows at low prices.
Draper's " Unde Tem " party open the ball
en Wednesday evenlng for two nights. They
will be followed by the Suydam Humpty
Diimpty'-' forthrce nights mid the Harris
opera company for a wcek.
Mr. Yeckcr lias arranged te have Mo Me Mo
Caull'sNew Y'erk epera company appear
norueii jMiircu'i m an onureiy new piece.
Tlie company iitcludcsMlsses Mary ItcelK),
Laura Jeyce, M.r. Dighy Rell and ethers.
Death of a Sllulfcter.-
Hamuel llcrsliey, one of the eldest Men Men Men
nouite prcacliers in the county, died at his
home in Mount Jey borough, en Friday. He
was a man of considerablo ability and un
doubted piety. Owing te extreme age he re
tired from the active ministry several .years
age, but his ad vlce and counsel wero ever at
the service of his friends and neighbors. He
leaves a wife, fedr sous and three daughters.
Ills futieral will hike plaoe en Tuesday at the:
Meuiiouile church In Mount Jey, the Inter-,
incut te be made In (he Mcnnonlte burying
Ii ' i W i '
Frem the ,Htw Orleans 1'arty.i
A postal card from the. New Orleans pxctir pxctir
bienists says that when they reached Nash vllle
at 10 il ui. en Thursday, tiiey found the
weather delightful, ua snow thore, On Fri
day, when" they urrived lu Mobile, at 9 a. in.,
they found the grass green, the air balmy
and.tho.whelo appearance of nature, like a
May day In Lancaster. Ut te that Urns
everytmng tmu geno well witn uie party ana
Uie uienbers of it were enjoying themselves
a ueiere nerau. iiiuy urrivvu in
New Orleans en Friday.
A Helclde'a, tMntaga Jtequut.
Dr. Alexander Wolf,' who has "baen an at
tendant at a private surgical Jteapttai in Kew
Hjjfct CSNaviMri
Olmreife Mtfawi thair I
r-mmzi ' .. "
nwwu our.
I. unil (M) illtd I
BJK I'finale Atldrllr''liil(.
A nnflPHiW7i iiiTTTnrriiffttttffeiHeiiJli
. .StMiMSklMjrc
" u., . , ,' "' '
Trying an AiwaiUt In Which It la Charged Tluil
Hefrndant Threatened te WaileThrnngli
the Heart's Illeml or Uie l'lulntlir.
Heme Current Biulnesn Dlrerccd.
An adjourned court of quarter sessions
was begun at 10 o'clock this morning with
Jttdge Patterson presiding. Thcre are en
the list for trial 42 cases, the most Important
or which are the following : Kmanuel Rerk
helser, murder ; Jeshua Potts, abortion ;
Jehn F. Smith, embezzling tax money j
F.mnia J. Carberry; keeping a bawdy house ;
Rctijatnhi Reet et. al., conspiracy ; Jeseph
Horzeg, forgery, seven Indictments ; Jaoeh
M. Uutt, forgery, tlirce Indictments ; Jehn
IC. Dennlsen eL al., conspiracy te defraud ;
Ames R. Hestcttcr, forge ry.
Tlie first case atlached for trial wa4 that or
coiniuenwcallli vs. Andrew J. Jenes, as-
B....1I T !.! Jf llr....... W,F l.lll.... IlKt'Mbll 1..
,1411. JWI JV. JIIUIHIfUl ."" W1,IIIIF,
appeared as the prosecutor, and he tedlllcd
that en the let Ii of December there was puli
llu sale en the premises of Dr. Krelder, in
Fulton township, which was coudticted by
witness, as Uie agent for the doctor ; liofero
the commencement of the sale Jenes walked
te where witness was standing, ran his list
under his nese and threatened te"wado
through his heart's bleed." Several wit
nesses corroborated the testimony of the
The dofenso was that thore was a dispute
between prosecutor und defendant about tlie
saloef seme pigs ; the prosecutor called Jenes
a thicr and a rascal. Jenes; retorted by call
ing Itrewn a liar, but he denied having made
any attempt te strike Itreun. Jury out.
Ill the suits, or .Samuel Wetzel vs. the
county or limatcr, Jehn IL Holllnger vs.
Gcerge IL llcntiettsnU'Iclerla Rcnnelt, and
Jtyseph RrletitJiall Tavftatrick Cherry, in
whlch'nltkwer0t'l&rr5lMiVf- trials, the
ceutt'tlieajitHsed the wiaMeMLJawl' denied the
rub wJcea-ferr."-', J1&$gffl''&t.
dlaiPef tha mljJItaTWtfwii B.',Hwt, of
Hlrasbu jmriff e.T,,
A peUtletPjiIMMHrVwi tn (hereeurt ier
per for Fast Cocalie tftwiwhip.' tTkem'WM a
tie for that ofllce at the lafe elecHaH. Tne
court will make an apiiniineHt Satunlay.j
An lusiin xvarf crntitiwl tn n.aeriaiM .iRn
amount of damages sustained by ChrlwWan'
Hershbcrgcr by reason of the preixwcd citkha
Ing of Filbert street
William Gast was granted a renewal of
his soldiers' license.
Country Solidly Fry pre.cnled thn.reimrt
of the Imcaster cedutv ' virweni ICTie
l'lne Grove bridge. The Chester county
viewcrs falled te iigrce with our viewcrs.
The Lancaster viewers claim that the bridge
is renstrurtni uccerdiinr te the plans and
Hlieclllcatlens and se reH,rt. 'illU Limit
county viewers reported le their court that
the bridge was net se constructed, they re
commended that $500 Is) deducted from the
contract price, ami a rule has licen granted
en Capt. McMcUcn, the contractor, by the
Choster county court te show cause why fWK)
should net be deductcdfreui the contract
price. "-"' --
Kuiina A. Gardner, Driimore, was divorced
from her Imsbaud Henry C.-Gardner, en the
ground or cruel treatment and abandon
The UreecedUiK of ltd Regular Monthly Meet
ing The seventeen-Year Luriitln te
lie On II11111I.
Hen. J, 1. Wrckersham presided at the
meeting of the Linniean WA.ietyeu Saturday
last The donations te the library, consisted
or proceedings or American Philosophical
society, whole number 117 ; annual repert or
Rullale Historical soclety, and ether docu
ments, Including copies or the journal or the
electoral cellege or Pennsylvania, by Dr.
WIckersliani. Te Uie historical section a
nuinlier of donations, collected by Dr. S. S.
itathven, cre prcscntcil, among them direc
tories of Lancaster county for ISotMie, 1871-75.
. The donations te the museum were : A flue
litilawtiuufif jollectlon of neaily mounted
srna, winni'l vy ijJ. ,. I. "VIckeraliani,
ever ferty yearuait) InTftrtiwHWy ajjil Chester
ceunUea. 'A geed iwany.i ty, ftn.eHnmi.
were eerrecilv named, at Uau.Haaa (key wer
oeUocted by the lata Ur. r&rpoeto. V,nv
: jtnanderWHr nenatert a line specimen c-t tne
ld by himself 1h Uie slate., of Cjithuahua
e. a itjeii many rears awv-iiie eeui-.
tfBJUMtttllifiliaiid- b:-lawa'' reported
pruatram mwj.wm mmmm
tw mitw aai.nuji
let Uie'
mm.kmmttM wttl i
itflM nadea fuiiHi
mm ' tTUli aavanimm vmr
.- . . ...
I ttaAAa. um ttiaw fe s KrtBlia "Mh MWW
them and report te tuSflWB9i';&?.'fS
a motion va transier' uimperaniym.w4i
Viinnti Unnlil rThrlwifui, 'aiuur.lAllrtt. II... 1
twundand unbound volumes of Uie U. S.
Patent Ofllce Gazotte, se that they could be
accessible' te parties desiring te examine
thcm,'was laid en Uie table until next meet
ing. Curators were autherised te have
pamphlets and serials bound.' The following
chairmen of committees were appointed ;
Mainmolegy, Ur. M. L. Davis; Ornithology,
C. A. Hcinltsh ; Horpetelogynud Ichtliylegy.
Dr. T. It. Raker t Kutomelogy, Crusbicea'aiid
Myriapeda, Dr. S. S, Rathven ; Hetany. Mrs.
L. P. Zell ; Geology and Paleontology, PreC
J. S. Rtahr; Mineralogy. W. P. Klngj
Archaeology and History, 8. M. Sener ; Cou Ceu Cou
chelogy, ltadiata, Zoophytes, Ac., Dr. S. S.
Rathven : Riolegy and Microscopy, Dr. IL
. Knight .
Adjeurned le Saturday afternoon, March
IS, at 2X0.
Ttie Leah ut Mine and Orange .Street Repaired
at Ijiit.
Sunday forenoon the breken water pipe,
cerner of Orange and Linie streets, which,
for several days past had caused much an an an
noyance te residents and ethers, was re
paired. Rofero the repairs could be made it.
was necessary te step off the water net only
from the 8-Inch main with which the plug
was connected,' but also from Uie 20-inch
main en Orange street becnuse the water
from Uie larger main was backed into the
smaller ene, and Uie leaky steps lu the latter,
pemltted a sufllclent amountef water te pass
Ui rough te prevent the workmen rem
emptying the breken pipe. Hence, about
one-half of the city was without water for
several hours,
- Tlie break was . found te he .in the cress
plpe connecting the 8-inch, main with the
plug. It was caused uy Uie unusually se vere.
frost, which had raised Uie plug' seme thrce
Inches abeve its proper place, and as the cress .
pipe could net raise with it, it was of course,
Thore is at. least, ene ethor pipe broken in
mucli the same manner en Water street near
Calder's dyo-heuso; and several ether plugs
are se far lifted out of the. ground by Uie'
frost that they are leaking.
The .broken 'pipe connecting the .water-,
main with Uie stand-pipe In Uie Western,
reservoir has net yet been repaired and can
not be unUl the weathor.inedorates. - -
- " k " ' -; h
Veea Kam'ed by County Oflkxn, '
The ioUewlhg was .returned te-day te Uie
oeuatty iMijdUers aa tlie amount of feesVarnetl
HKtMatmenUi:, -
uu.tu ter aaaalkat tkta ait ite
w wpW 1 " . w y 1
lttr waft m metefm wnrpaftC tM
TBaai m4 an vi
ranks wme,
tM umm w u
10 unKe nW&ywmmMAMHtV'. BKiMk'ef
In I
. V.
U'llVli w. ..
li en
J i 'no
Al nk
Kn it j!
Samuel cl
(leuiinv Vi(
er. n.a
eue famfr.
.levl L.
Jacob Ai til
(Ice. tJnl n,"l
.Inuiisi l( ri Uuh'i
il. II. Veiilif
Kiininil (Irii-J.
Whillclit H. Ihji
Michael Nell. 1
(ioeruo Buldeii'lii
Ilenj. Jllilill, fi rim
iuiij. jeifiin. . i nttnv jjimi. im
!.riinril 1 lidditnnn. mtUJlDhlll
lli'tiry Hlinck, lemUer tnerehaAt,
.nihil 11. Moen, uuueK.wayu.
itifi. it, Clarien, iiriuaieyf, "
W. II. I'litten, nitVcuaut, CiHamb"
i:.n Iiiim.i' Wnat KMi . :
iuhw. t)nlile:tiliiHilnlHdiutt.itMli
Henry h. Miller. f.,rirtMfKsli)i.
win. li. waiuT,tiaijftpaftciei
Itnhert tV. Tbeiua.' jllrntMViidahl;
J. lies", lannui . vHriij'H'VJ.J';, 1
A.I'. Mcllvatii.fsnneT
(!. Sln.-etz. rci Uuijiit.mifwaiil. ell
A.i.iin fiilid.tit)iiter.!iMi
' "HH'
- - - ---- -. . --- --.--..;.. : a- ,
2iK.i;iKr arif
.lehiiMin MIllcr.Taniier. VyhrWh,
II. I.. Kill, mcrcnaiil. Clavr
O, K. .Mnrrli)il, laniu'r, Fulton, f'l
Jehn (J. i:;Il, firmer, Mti Jey.twp,
M1!..... ln..lilAitnMll 1 lid d
Itfirten 1". Ileam fnniicr, Kant CAealiee
Aliniham erlnuui, fanner. aner. a
i. II, miekcii, iii.Trcnani.jnur'tiiK1.
Win. jleXcat, laieier, JHarlrtU.
I. V llnnd ..fill. it. Ub wnnl. nltV.
.liiceii K. StaiillerjJiHtlen of lieice. Itar
.lelin Kane, iifliirnimni nuer.
Wlnllcld S. Siiiltnanerrhatit.Ceniiy
I. neiXT lianiiwera, inrmur, r.itin
a.Ii.i.1 iili.irifli. It., luti.lffpeiicr..' K. 1
'.-.. - ' -."",. -.. -"7:r..-r-. -- . ,
i..i Hnviinr. lir-trauiiTRrnin'YfBni. v
" .::..'.'"; r..'ii-L.i .u-
il.i. MciiiKur, ueniei , 7 Di:;i'iti
niirmn. laraer.- r minii.
iniHT. ilsaeeiifiiB;
KnviFHHiQr, njiiiram. , , . -.1
racierijBaii'"iini ij
.We?t'i fapeiS
.;M. ""
.&' rv minii; in
jiiiuen jBinennu'd. jii';!'r
Eld I -.Km!-: Je v. tr
.Jehn Keunta, ceftcnnih, Sltjei
rtniuii lull iiiiiiii, IJIIil-.-.iM'IW
JelitiO. Klscr.f.iri. .lil'frtvv
Klurlhi IJewlniui, A "I'-'HiAJlpxIter.
11 if-1 1 rr 111' ,7iTiaai llnaiM
Ahum Nell, fanner, Mnrnttts. . ,
I). A. Phlirur, carpenter; t ward, city
Iliilliy , riiuiit:M KVIIiiuumni m
nipnneii urissuiKcr, lunnur, .
r. 1:. uriiKer, niariiienitejj
ii. 11. nwut, incrcnaii.
a .1 Km-ilii. af
--"' '.".'.va-m.iiiiia
S"i . li'"T'iKr. fanuer.
Itehert 1.. HIiM,,ii.
U. 1). Miller, rturuki'Vpeti
iiiiiiu ilishit,,
Alinilinin Hoever, I itBlB
Ien. I., llrandt. JiiHthyial
.lelm Sliriiumd. lalmn 1". 1
'. li. llmtettcr. fiiniu r. I
tiee. C.Tn'ire. furniir Kb
Cyrus JYir, fanner, SUnw
iieueri unison, mriiicr, w
Hannicl llurner. faniier;.
Jonas Kal.y, lariner, 1 unvH
(ice. tVull.Kileim ktrntr.
(iee. W. Hull, iliUKKlst, 1st 1
Miller 11. .Morgan,
Theu. Cox, hlacksinltli Y(
.iimn jiikm, itiriucr, .iianfi
V. C. Kvans. coal dealt r.'V
David DaiidU, fanner, Kaat
iv 111. nievciisen, carper, uir.i
Andrew Stener. funnel Cea
.faint's (iarvln. nifHHiiii-n.'ilJiira
A. J. Yiindt, hilMirer, liitt,-a
Jacob W
, lAsher, clcrlJl
ll.O. I.leht
n 1 v. carm-iiK
; carpenter)
Calvin Cnrler, fanner
Then. Hear..h iivkHinlth
uui ill 111 1 til. mi iiitri. . 1
HylvcsterMiuIU, ljiheier.0
.vuraiuini j.iiecKaucid, ian
Aaren Wlslcr. liiaeldiil !.
Uce. L. lliickwuller, fa nnv.
Aiitlieny Jnint, cari.iye tua
.loceh Olie, curpi.'iilcr. Mar
1 W. PiiKev. ruriniM. Drum
inaricri iiikiih, unuur, ua
iiKecKT, .1 a
' JMIUIW , . i-
fnnner. WfiUl
van- Kbit. MaaksniUtfUCT
Ilim.M B l'Mlt !! 1 1. fcnili
'Helwr .fetmAU.4i.armlffi'1
i Jehn M. Ban
JIj.a irtuW
Kd.K. Itever. mi
Kred. Jlrlniiucr. llvcrj-
H. S. Hever, anddler, Ml.4oy.lier. f, !
Ii. II. lMcree isial deider. VeHt(
1. W. Ulley.MBbei-ur, 7lh waw; city.
C. A. SclmtTHiir. lumber niurchuiit, Marietta".
J. Alhvd Myers; druRRlnt, Columbia;
W'ui. Murxli, inervhuit, Hallnbui y.
Jacob k ready, farmer,- Unplie.
.lelin ".. Heed, clerk; 34 ward, city,
IV. II. ricking, farmer; KastHclupIleld.
Daniel MeUOHitn, lacmur, Bart. '
Win. Kote. dealer7th' ward. city.
Thes. Fordney, fjinue'r, Manhefui twp.
Win. H. Amnegi ceachuiaker, Knhrnlii.
Lewis S. MiUT.hlauksmlth, Warwick.
ince. t. l-iiuenien, liianaiter.
Jacob K. Ciktecl, euntlcmau,' Mt. Jpy bert
Ontccra Ileeever Frem IUiieM.
OiTlcer Alt, of tlie Fourth ward, who ha
liceu cenllued te the house for seme tlme
with the mumps, has recovered and was able
te go 011 duty te-day. ei' -
Olllcer Creamer, who hiis.beeu coullned te
the heuse for the past threoWeelvSget out for
the lirst tlme today, but will net go 011 duty
ratal. Wreck or a lluMtUi.'.
A large heuse at CeseiiLaplial of Uie
Italian province of the Bancr.iauie, was
wrecked Jsuiiday by the fail.irfjii fleer, Sixty
porsens'woro lu the building t the tlme pr
tlie dijaster, nnd all wera injured mero or
leos"6uyeroly. -Twenty of them' are net ex
pected te recovert' tgr
1 1
HI, 100 for Car Ticket.
It costs Uie Philadelphia ,poatetllco fm it
year, for street ear tickets lof.tliiwe carriers
whose routes are. net covered hy (he cabs
which are connected with tke'elllce.
Tammany Off for Watiliiten,
KiswYeiik, March 2, TJieTamuiany Hall
contingent, nearly 1,000! akengV statett for;
"Washington tills mornliig,;aecompaulodvby
tne Beveutii, liegimeiit ua.-jehu Kelly,
'was net with them.
" V-
, HendrlckVUlt Senate and Heuse,-
WAsniMaTON, March. 2..yk President
elect Hendricks visited both the Sonate and
Heuso, te-day aiid was cercMally greeted by 1
tlie memeers, lrreapecttveer party,
1 ni wwiwiitiw hw j;i ni if jmmy.;'' ,-
. LoKbeMarcu 2. A 'Ji)lilTMiiili Til
' ' . '
Nrtner, tiemngt:gmt
wteDK dark, Tv1
tmet, JttaHlp. :. - &,
tax. AA4i.mairmM
i .
iwl.. :
im. JtnunimMmm
awuvn uansBHra aiia. luarw
r i -itti laMn 'iTi antu ir
t'Oalaiat)M.f'. "
SClSl-uiul wu
u'Jvy twrir H .
I'hrlnt. H. mhM, farmer; Mil titiumtv
,Vred 1.. ,rey:tleiiaw,WiW'.. "
yj. q: Ktnmp, janaer.i Maiteifc.'fgwfe, r
i ,Ielm A.'JJeam,iiadilleijflislck.iM?3"
J iB. N. Martin, furiurr, riceca'.V'ife fefe
r Tiaafli lifi 1 1 ' - ih warU.ctaii
aMttatJiauaiag ri "taaaW
A. I
.jfi jA
sin ,
I'ti !ii
ir K,i'ivudrfi
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ii, .. lit,.
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tnniitfX Zl it r .'.
t '
"IJp,) ,,T)j
- nttM'1't
iitr. n-4
S0COII v,.
lea, rA
Mr. ir,iJ-,
.alKinl .fetfe
J. A
J!' M
it '..
ir u
'thing ?pt "
nryiiM ! .
w4 1
i dMts
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Uh sUf,
li.lVf' li.lVf'
lnejij" .d.
nn t.
l' lin.
. t&
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Wnat IKirfgfii'", i -m
CP- i...
. IlA&,niiil 1
ftlS if-
;'ineC.' 1
; bank iu -r
ttUHt wi
i6riJU W'
,BBUay ii:
, "4 ja.
Kalii. tl:.' If
Pj!f niV
hoiueTK ,r
..:. .. S. J . 1
aeniij (m'j
Uillf 1
ib ifiU
! iht i.
yOHleM At.
L'-t.-.l. .il -'"I
Kiijviain iti
:vtr.v- nj
's&WrN '
IS J' v
II -i
I 1 tv rt;
1 'ih.hl
elPhlif Wtty 1
ir.i ,-
Deuiwratla . Miiiuit4a Aet .
rRantuuv preidl,aiid;- Uierewa
1ltia.llMI Hlu. ItlMlInn kA Iam
iviiuwiw uimninniHIAVI
te the axclMMfie efcbnafBtalat
tary 'Prince; falinierbualy rem Hide
men that it was S5 years sfnee thel
nin. tei ipe BHuiUjiMeasaniiOeje
agreed that tba eominitteo ahenld
iuauirural preeeediiiK at' Ui eahtfa
take carriages i and ridb te Uie grail
iiuui ui uiu wecuiive mansion,
the procejlon.' ? "" ,
Tho'Deiiicof a Hetel Full
Cologne, ftCarch2.Thii,.duh
ten uewu ims.D)enuug. yne el
semewhat slew and allowed Uie i
all oscape withqnt Injury; It, lu
Intention of the owner of the'
tear it down in the springand rei
u nuiy miu inure iiuHient sirucvur
Were .They Guard hw Cleva
Albany, ."Y., Jfiirch a'iTwl
liiu near thT Tewiiei- manklAlt.!'vI
laud lives; Were arrested kKlay,:
leuiui 10 no mw xpm uewonye
tostatelliokwnsiuess. Heme su
wero men hSd. by Cleveland'a"J
Without his
. .- . --, . . ' j
intake la, tUain
h iFiirthS-.a
ei earthijua
Loje and A
, a nmiieer t
theso places n
but it Is ifl
iy "- m ,,,.,.)
r tee yiiiaaw r
tT'. :-VSfl
The Kew Yerk akaataa
IJkw VeiJKHarcb St At no
uer et bkm en me isaiaefi 1
had' tlwindiM ceiislderaWr.
stoel: Waiten 13flvmlle7M
Beytli7,;6van ilfcKlt I
.111, Seheum DIekeyilQuV Wa
1 t hirtii" TTii I i.m.u.l'tl.Ll4i 1
nan i-J mm jcmtu '!
1 - ' f' I
BvV. '
17 V
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MpjaBf 1 f fid 01 (l;lf;0i, I
HIKrMfc! ' "" ' " H
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Bvw W"14' ' ' ' '''-j' r ' h-
ll j a?t V w U t in , 1 .
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IjJJJJJJJJJJJJJJjl'. tfi9 v -' 'l :';-) u'ii.
pH' '"'. i it 'I'-, K'uote
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Wf ! it3 Ai ui ( 1 ., 1
m ingl
B'' f, . ' T- " la1 ' fi.
B. 4 Wll'-i ;., lUit,',.,, , f,
m ' IhO - ; p,y lhs.
m - uti'M ' " nrL.n
Hl- .consuls. ' 1
V fhnttia
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