Ts'.f .-', Vi V", '.-) rtMai"vH 0" : - . t ).T vXi f THE LANOASTEB DAILY lyTELMGENOBB, SATURDAY, FEBBUABYgajg. ,j 1 M.UT.H DOl.OIIOHt. IIccuiimj nf 0110 dear Infant head Hllli uetiltn hair, Te 11111 nil little heads A halencart . ,, Ami ter one saintly lace I hiifw Alt 1'HlHHMO lllll, , ttcinimner two itlili',i'.mii'M or heavenly mini Which looked wllli JjiillnB MJ mlllMllll IlimiiKh, Alleles new lilt iiiliimiwit Willi Dars WliulnVr their hiiu. lleciillpnnf little death nultlu'il lips Whlittnmcillilnill . Jlv inline In plaintive limns, 11 wilcvsl.lll t'puu my ciirlu tain apical I'miuihlliltui small. T 11 little hands held l "" " Lenir, IneK IW,, , . ,. ,,1, .Vew cauu m i I mulct tliieiiRli jxai!ji'iM' In ri'arer lis'. . Till! Illrtlf I l-IIIIHOl llllllll 111 mum, a or rr.tu 1tr.Mi1. ItntliiR l.iiiinr.t That All U Vanity, Hen. (ler- 1I1111 Limited lie mill, t'lein the I.emtim Tch'ifniph. 1 Ceil known wli.it my uuxlcty Ju Ter inv We, for I illcil i van npi te nil tlei In UiM w'nrlil unit IhuH It comfort, iienurmintl Hlorles." It wirt I'l'ti'nilH!!- II, IS77, tilii-nen llioexHilltlim te SliaUii, M." iiillim milliwatt or Khartoum, villi rinirciniipaiilc-i iiflnillllciiiit tiiie, te lunik Hi" iiovker hliiva nilillnu I" Its w-ryiWn, Hint Hen en wmle llii'iotlmniilcrlitle tteriK which tiny be llllf iilteU'il t 11 llniu wlicli tlii-rp N Ien much fcu-im te fe.ir lu himiirtiiallvtalil ilewii Ills llle for tlune wlinm Im liml Milnly Mrlyn te mmv Thuv l.riMtne IiiifK'Iy tlie spirit with wliiili ni.tilen iiIwiijb ro re kI.iiI.mI llfe nml lli. " '",11 '" J , miii," Im kijs wiltliiK l ,'' rrlcnils 'lies nml iiiieiinm te this earth, you li.ne 11 Ives mul t.iinllless I, leimU de. , have none ..i 1 ..... r. .... Yeu urn mil V Ol llll'lll, illll, till! ' f. , ", inlletlimnt Intervals let el vi'" your Owl I inn elillircil continually te 1I0 no. I mwui b llilHtli.it j oil li.i e only ureal iriais mu n n-. tbolllneioriiHilliI, whi'iiieu ii-el yeiirw'ir ulUTly weak, new unit Ihcii. "I" constantly In niitl.ty. Tlie l..lv lyM iiKnlni rt tlifs constant IranliiK en '( ! It lH '"T,,' Oil it t It IMUHOH llH!titO tO WIH& 1-illll lllll ii '.'..... ...! I ,.'ll lLil lllll 114 IIIV lll'lll 111 II Hill A III It 11 111 IHIi" " Mho utterly .liaison iimiiey, name, Riert, honor -0110 wlie mcr wWieh te w lii inula HK.1I11, 0110 Wlie ienhH..i """-" wium) .Vt k,hM nml ronlrelliT of eUI, e 0 who h.iH SliiMllliy Ix-ly '""' nil fiicrgctle niiirll, nml 0110 Mho IoeUh en tk-atli lis 11 ro re ro leaiD from misery. If n r.muet itiul him, then let inu alone." . . . Thatln-tluitlve lmli;i? lolife whltli In natural te till men, Ueln co lint te Iiaui 0ITIHlIIU.VHKlllllfll'I.VI iKIUllillH l.'fli or Jehn WfHlnv, or rreniwill I urlUiiH. When I1I1 KX)rf'ouil.iueel.imlw prei-i,il I1I111 en men Mile with llielmmilil.iliitalip wieli: 'I niuit net i-enipl.iln ir llicy Ji.ioie thmiuhterwhatl h.noiilie.ul.VKOiiet hreiili. There Is only mm Itiue te it, anil Ih.itJH leatn, ami I often tool I Wi 'l10",,,.,,'".,i"? 1 ...if... ,. ..... " (me . -111 li.ilill v 1l0Ullttll.lt lfUorileiiMiHlnr.iclst.ililHil ns he left the. imlaie, he kiw thoilawerenlyaiiln-trutiienl i.filelheraniv. tuewiry referrnte teilealn ll was wilh him the (jreatnlea-e. "I lne in life as luimht, nml hIieiiIiI only H wi-.irlneni for ix-rlirt lne." ii-jiri'SKt in hit. Tiim .met ini: "ener w rile-. ami, Imvlim will, Movmen 11m "II 1111r ii;ly H MI111III1111' It tiek leeiiiirl li.itfnlnii;. Ner ml j our It ur iiIi out 11 nl of II lUnrrell hiiiI fiirrenm t'linlnnlnl. Kniiii llmrimeliiml Uwler. Ikiiierufl is he thin that the wlml wenlil ai imrvntlv Mew lilm away; Corcoran Is no heavy that he reiilil wllli'tnml a Iiliz7.ini. mncrortHchifliMari'hiillew.hisuicriHUnlveu, anil his hair 11s w hlle as lliu newmt el lrestisl nller. Coreeraii'sihecUsaro full, his l.u-e l.irne. anil his CNCH, llkt) hW mouth. Mrentf anil nilhcr fierce. Itiiiii'iiift, the mhi of a lireaeher.MattisWire with literary ainhillen, anil he has attained it. Ceixsirau, tliewui efa slKR'iu.iker, ri"elMsl tohrceiuo wealthy, anil he Is new ihtIliiih the rliliest el WnslihiKteii millionaires. UantreIX ins hut llttle ler his iierviiial uiiiMMmnini. Corcoran Is rather i.T 1 i.Z. 1 .. .. II....I..I. t.l ll III llllll a iiuui1, aim 110 iih,m in nih" - " ."... out era kinilliei. Iletli r lliene niit men llm en ll-st Mllhlii 11 stone's threw el tlie White Hmw. I'oieer.in has a l.ice, mul lUiternu a library w lileli he weuhl net Iraile icu-m. Holh Inn e muvceileil in their anibi. liens, .mil ImiIIi 11 III prekibly lliu in history. TIHTIfs ('AI.MMS Is l rs IMIlir.lt. All truth Is calm. lirfiiKi' ami rock ami loner; The mere of truth. Urn inoicef calm, lli:,ilirus Wlls l(ll'r Oilmen 11111 "if l.t'lll. from tin lUlnriiiiil Mi-HneiiRiT. The nuiuluT of pisiple wlie obscne tlie l.cnten -.w)ii as a tline el liiiniiliatleu anil fasting, II weuhl ms-iii, Is im.ie.viliiK from 1 ear te vir. True, there are iiwny wlie refuse te "keep it In any 11 ay ami-w he re canlitas a.'icllc el l'elfry." Ne ileubt osilisebsorietl by hemn there is hcen in it llllllll that is hlMlll anil unreal. inn criticism anil heartless Jeers iihkli are elten inilulgcil in ceiiicinlUB the linings or thfobseiM'rxer 1-ent wein te us in e iissllnglv bail taste. Whether this yearly fait erlgfn.itcil mUIi the Alstleser uitli the lleiuaii ( alhellc 1I11111I1 meil net mallei It llievMsrui itsi'lf Is whulceiuiiunil Ix-nellcial in Its tnltuencc en tlie nilnils anil hearts et Ihiwu whoeberio it. Anil ir it eier falls In this it is hecnitHP it h net kept in git ralln. WAIT liecls ) lll'lll ll.Uk. lllll seen hi llc. 'Ilicj IiiiiiIi Urn uhlnliilt hills of ilaj The el II lanliet brook ilclay, 1 lie ikk1 1 an well niruril te mill. Avr.vi al sutler. Iliimn Itnm mill Tepltfc Allioiirewn liuilU irieinriimlimlnW when oil can lliil bop liltlei tint lleici Kail Mm wenktmt woman, Binllel ehllil, mul ulekMtliivnllilriin nn Imp tillterinOthi.afi.ty mill Rtt'llt RlKlll. Otdiiieii tetUllns aiiimul Hum lltieiuiintUtii, klilncy tiutibln, or any neiikiiemi wlllbiiiiiiule illlnesl imwtijriulliB lioi'eltlei"' nr ly nlfiuiiiil iluualiler cie niiiile healthy by lliu Hi" 1 it liepliltli'H),aiiit I iciumiiieml llicm te my people. Mettie!ll tltlK)iimil. AtkniiVKiMnlilefliirlf I1011 llltlfm arc. mil tlm bet liiinlly lueillcltie On cut III I ! I Muliitlal l-eiirvBiirt ami IlllleiniiiPra, will U aVe ei cry 111 IkIiImii lieml nn neon an Imp lilltrii ill 1 lie. , I'.MyiiHillierilhiliillie paiatynis aiel nriinil Kin all out of lieriiyrfliMii Willi lieplillli'm." lit, (JlHfKO A'MHi M'Urcptliuklilnejulieallliy with hop blltim ami you neeil net fn.11 hlckiiea. hi! water lureliileivil linrinles mul mom ro re rrMliliiRnintrvtlvliia wllh hop lilttei In caili ilraiiKht. The ilgei efyuUlli lnrtlin iiEnt ami liilliiulu hop blller ! M . At lliu rhiliiunel lib Ililiiciiilii Hep lllltcr leiillayall lniiiliUn liulilunl 'I lien te." " lliu bent ! rloillniller ImlleHlotake tnentlily anil from which tliey Ihey wIIIiimImiIIiii meat- cut benellt is hop blllcra." Mothers with nltkly, lulfiil, nureliiit ihll iltrii, will euro tlm chllilrcn ami benellt them m'lii by inking Imp bltleis ilnlly. TIuhimiiiI ille aiminlly fioiimeinii lerm of klilnt-y illfr.ueihiiliiilKlil ,,,,v'! ,"','u picienleit by tlie tlnu ly ue of liii blltem. tiullKfalteii, weak ntuniaili, liii'RtilarltltMtif tlinliewvUraiiiint exist when hop hlttinmiu llttsl A timely line or Imp Hitters will ki-i p a w hele lanillv In leliuiil health a) ear at a llttle coil. Te prin'ms! leal Kcnuliie sleep iiiulihltil llke irpneiuill nl;lit,takii 11 llllle hop bittern oil le llrliiB. -Neiii) t'eiiuliie without a bunch el giccn Heps mi tlm whllii label. Hliiui nil Hum lie, IwUeiums tiitf lib " Hep " or " Hep " 111 Hielr n.imt). It llllllll ii,Th,Aw 7uiTji kn i-kija ii this 1 iib Voltaie llrw Ce . of Miirnhall, Midi., eiler teiieiiil tln'lr celebniliil Kikitke-I oitaie llr.LT ami oilier larcTKieArrtiAnuriiiiilrlnirui thlily it-iy, te turn (ehl or veiiiib) allllcti it w llh iipriim iltliillty, liwa of iftallty ami iiiiiiIiimhI, ami all klmlreil tieilbli'9. Alu fur ilii'iimatlim. nciiml Kin, iwraliiils, ami many oilier kliiiluilillcacii. Uoiiiiilctetfslonillon te health, iler ana mini IkmhI Kii.inuileeil. Ne rlk Is Inriimst s thirty ilnyalrlil Is nllewuil. Wllle them nleiiinfur lllimtrateil iKimnliletlicc. ilec-JiljilAw ItllUIIII O.V I'.MN" Cure relle, rranips, illaiihiea t externally ler nrliw, inbis, sprains, lieail ulie, neiiralRla, then mutism, ter limn 01 beast. IMnuiK'H.'. ii) tlKIIIVAI. "HON mrrKKH. 11 n 11 1111 11 00 w w . It Kf. it q IT IT IT IT I O II WIT IT IT I II t WW WW II (Kl W W W JIM 11 n in ii ct H I iniit ii e hit! ii k U (Kl M NN '"1, iinii urn TTTTTIJT fHR T T rl! T ... Hill T kitH unit . ." tun l I 1 11 Thbinicolcllin.eombliiliiiflroiiwIthpiiipyeKiv I11I1I11 teuleii, iiulrklv ami isiiiiplctely OlMlhS IIVHPKfSIA, INIHIIKHIION. ffAliAIHA, IVK.l llrlr.ns, iniriiiir, niiijii', i.iu"i ""'i KI'.VKIlmulJK.llllAUilA , lly taplil ami thoteiiKli lowlmllatleu with tlm bloeil II reaches iiTery pmt et the nyntMin. IMirl. lies nml imrlihes thu blneil, MniiiKtlieiis tlm muscles ami nerves, mul tonei ana InvlKumtcs lliiiyli)iiil A linn ApiHitlier-lkMttenl6 known. It will ruru tlm worst cjuii et llyapcpsln, umvliiK b11 ilUtirssliiit Bympleiiis, mah us lasl lair tlie reial, llelrliliiBi "l"it " "l0 btemach, .11' sr Ah llllllll. Iinii't allow aiiieiiv te iiiiike jen In lleie any oilier leim ily l JiiBl us uisiil ler nkk hemlai ha us Hr. l.iflliH.S)i'i.hil 1'rcseilpllini, ler It Is net trim. 'Ilils Is tlm only remeily in tlm world timt strikes at the root of tlie iliiciuc 11 ml ilrlres II out. (1l1eltatll.1l. Pl-ei Ll-nu Ulle! ti) ieiikIiii Unit llatu'a lleiiey or lloielieiiml ami Tar weuhl rule. Pike a TuetliHLhu lininsi un: liieuu minute. TiHwileistAw ipeiikM Klglit I'p. "Have tileil Tlinmnt' KeUttrir (HI ler croup llllilcli,liil II ml II tli" best 11 incill I liaveeier unci! In my f.imil) ' Win. K), Sf" I'liuiuiilh Aieniiv. Iluir.ile, N V. Kemale by II. If. tis.'h ran, 137 mul I.M North ijuisni stivcl. 1I1IN Pl.OI'I.K. " Wells' Health liiinewer" imterra health mul ilKer, chics Hispepula, luipetency, Seiual Kit blHly. il. I') lle II Willi fliil-nte. Wnnaler Uiin ill 11 uirlt, et W'aleilisi. luwn, write "W'ecaii with plrasiiie sa that 7limi .VlirfrfrWI, Klieslhe In t aUiiictl'in et iinv llnbneiit we sill r.icrlimlv who loes will lmiciie ether. 'Mils lemeily Is 11 lerlaln cum terall ai tics, spmltii, ami utiis. Fer sain b II. II CiK-liian, Miami IJU Ninth iucn stint. rn.Ksi I'li.Kstt pii.KHnt Huid cure for IUI111I, lllceilliitranil Itclilm; Piles. (Inu box has runs! Iho wett cases of in j cum' Btmiilliiit. NoeiioiiismI niiirer III iiiiiliinliii alter iisIiik William' liiillaii 1'llu Oliilmenl. It lib. nubs tuiiiem, allas llililntr. acts a peiilllic, Ulles Instaiil rillel. l-rcilicu only mr rues, ilchliiR or the prlnilc parts, nelliliiK civ Selil liy lruiltMiiiiil mallril en 111 dpi el price, II. huh! by II. H 1'iK.hiau, 107 anil 13J Neith Queen strict ID Hit WILLIAM'S. 1MHN PILKeIsTMLNT. L II Mel iillum, coinliKteroii the II ft W. II. l: . Hi,rliii;lli 11. 0 . Ann- j, li. eajs Mline lieen a mTiit siilbiS'r with lliu piles. I usdl nil niereiia rciueilli'S mul cniplnieil many phliv I ins, luit te iiojiiiriie-e A f rieiiil rvteiniiicnili u lir Willi un's liiillaii I'll" Ointment, w tilth I am Krulclui Iiiniv ln curcil me." hebl by II. 11. Cochran, 137 ami 1JJ North ijiiicn btuel. (S) MOlllblM MOIIIKIfSM MOIIIKIIi'" Am von illiturbiil at ulnht ami broken of ) our ml by a hlik chllil siiireilaa ami crilng will! in III 1 ai nvi I'hn Olllv ll oriiijnie tun ii-cin. It Is lnviiliiulile ferillsenwsipcculltirtn women, ami te all pvnuiin wheleail seilniilary lives. Aiiunfulllii(tuiiii.ilyliirillsfiieii of the Liver ami Kidneys. . , Persons miuYHuir fnnu thm trerter oierweik, lien 0119 troubles, Iimh of appellte, or debility, expcrlunieinilckiellcf mid icnewcd enciBy by Itilees net rniisn lleailaelie or iiroduie Censtb patlilll-DI'llLKJlunllieilllllleiJllO. It U 111" only pirpiirallen of linn thaliniiM' 110 Injurious elicits. 1'h) l Iimih ami ilnitfKlals tee euimenil It as Urn best. Tiylt. The Kvntilmi has Triulu Mink tun! rressejt red Hue., en wn.ppcr. u1 ake ,m eUmr.ade, im.y by IliLTIMOItK, Mil. scpwiydftlyw tYiiirrt riiiMiKY i'i:neuAU AN OLD SOLDIER'S EXPEItlENCE. ' CAi.VrnT, Texas, Slay .1, It!. 1 wlih te ei pics my uppirclatlouel the vnl liable iilnllUei el Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a ceri.ii iti:.Mi:ni. " While with Cliuulilirs army, Jusl belemllm battle el Vliksbuii;, 1 ceiitraelnl a nut era celli, which terminated In a ilauiicreus rough. I found no teller till oil our mutch we caumtea coiintiysleir, where, en usklnit fur some, rcuiidy I wusurgid letry Aim's Ciikkkv Putekai. ' I did se, and was rapidly mini. Hlnrethvu I haie kept the I'riTerii. ceimlantly by me, ler (1111II1 like, anil I h ive found It te Ihjiiii Invnlii able lemeily for 'I hunt and Limit Diseases. I. W'. W'iiitlki. ' Theuwinds of tcttliueiiiali lertlfy te Ihe preiupl cine or all Ilienchlal and I.iiuk Airir Airir tlens, by tlie iiwi of ier' CiiKRnv I'mieual. IIcIiib icrypalstaliliMlicyeuiiBislclilliliiii take Itlradlly. rRXI'AKKII nv Dr. J. 0. Aycr & Ce,, Lewell, Mass. l-etd by all DtiifiglilH. filOriiiatl tt-idni:y'Weiit. DOLS WONDhlltt LctKl-.SOl' KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER G0MPLA1NTS. lbcuusell nelson Hie Ll Kit. 1SHWKI.S and K I DN m h at Hid SA M L TIM K. IUcauelti.Iiaiii'itlies)steiiiorilicpiileiiiiin hiiiiiers that iluirleps In Milne) and t'llimiy DUeases, ltlllliiines, Jaiindli e, Coiisllpillen, I'llci.erln llhciiiii.ill'im.NiinilKla.Nrrimw DIs DIs eldeisiiiid all I'cinile Ceniplatnts. rf-hriLIDl'ltOOK ()KTIIIS-a It will .invly uie(-ONTll,Tl()N.I'ILKS ami UIIKUMATDjM by causliiK Klthl. AOIUIN of all tlm 111 guns and function llictcby. OLEANSINQ THE BLOOD. Itcsterliig the 1101 lual (mwer te thiew oirdU eirdU case THOUSANDS OK CAHKS Ol I h" werel lerins of their teriiblu illM-jiaca h.110 liCCtnniltklyrelluTt.il, ami In 11 slieil tlmii I'UllrKOTL ClM'.KD." I'llie.ll. Mipililer Dry. Sold by druitBlsts. Dry can talent by in ill. W'KLLS 'JK'IIAUDMIN ft CO., lliirlliiuteu, M. tuml ktaiupy tilry Almaiiae of Is-O. KIDNE WORT. J.lllfiSlllltt'tHtftJlllW MKMCAT rnllKY IIAVH WON TII12 IIIOIIKHT 1 PltlZKfl.- Ik'tuien's Oapclnn rinntcrw neTer roll tlm kln, hands or linen. They nropiempt mul 1 el lulu. &V, "IliTlbuitA. CUTICURA. Mrs. Hmllb's t'a "! What Hi" Hey. Mr. Mc Klnstrr Has In fty AImiiiI ll. TeTiiBl'unuut 1 have been a fearful suirerer lerflfl "n yeiirH,mostertli itlnui with what has I ein Vailed KenJina or Halt lllieimi, lVerlasls ami Lepm, nml the like, ami havii always been told Hint limit) was no cni for iiir, , niul ; lmye 1 u.. .11.. ,.rni,pit Unit I nnd tit neon rfli' n lire I hivu hcetiiie badly nllllcled unmetlines that them was net Iho smallest spot from the erowiiermyhiadlotl.il roles of my feet t hat was net dlseVil and as 1 nrt m. ejlmsen. It wen II eoninieiice lu smuH whlle sisils, which I ad n silvery aiieaianre.liutweni mil ileep, lint If I atleinptcd te lual lhc.ni. or sim alter their nrst a ipcaiiuici, they would bum and run .tOBclher until Ihcni -was a reniplclii drj-, led scale, which win Id bctome se lunameil twle crack, anil' leek fiery and aimry, and tlm buriilns nciisnllen would be nlmnsl intolerable. .,,,i I was at Union 110 Inme Ihal I ceutil ";c'y Kit about, and could net ilrcrs myself without "..- ..: t i.-iv., fried iiianv lumed es. and luiTe paid Hi In a slnule liisuiiicn te a ph)lclan biithivoetcreblaliicd only temporary relief. Alllmiii,'h bellied for a time, 1 seen relapsed iimilnlebnasfiiidly troubled as evcr.aiiildurf UK Iho winter of lsst mul 1W2 I uifi red se iiiiilIi us te be eullielyillsceiirucil. Last .lime, , 1 was lull lsi d bv Kfderaiul -Mrs. I.. ( Mihlnslry, who are well known In lhe iiulens, te try your CUTicviiA lUMrtUKiit nnd 1 felt semeliiiw 11 Iltlle leiiraire, tiem their faiorubie uplnlnn of them, le tiy their 1 Irtiic. About the 1 second week ej .1 illy last I timiiiienci il taklnir the reiiiislli-s, and I lllll SIX Wel'k'S I OCRnil hibi-ith lie. inniij ., UtMTlttSU. itm uoeva. If ?Oll OlAOVUH, Te keep tbe hand warm MITTEN8, Te keep the hands warm. HOCKH, Te keep the feet warm. KAK MUFKM, Te keep the car Tranu. MUFKtiKllH, Te keep the nctk warm, UNDEItWKAlt.l Te keep the body warm. Ge te ERISMAN'S, Ne.17 WKST KINO BTKKKT. m.UI-OlltNJ. about as of a 1TII. pnivnneiit. until new (Oct. 1) I 11111 tibe KikhI as new and my fleah If as the llesli elttttl. Mlth llbNtl. H.llt I icrtllv tliatlliiiabovestaltmeuliif my wire is coin . l, and 1 Jein with her In eiiircssfui? my Knilllude for thu Kicnl bent-lit lie Il,,f,'lIrI,',I.l,a' Icertlly that the abeve statement Is correct i U...111. 1 .. ..r..,iinti. inn 11 In Oils f emmiiul- ty, where hollies. He Isa wi 1 II knew 11 dealer In sleik, and his sUitcmciit. with that of his wife, la hilly untitled te credit. Diini! at Miiiiatruil, l'rovhue of Quebec, this t cut) -icl cull, day of I .tteber. !. y Minuter 0 the tietptl. LATrn. 1 have sei n Mrs. Smith iccenllyiind bclleiuherte la. thiireu8hly iiiul twriiiaiieiit ly nurd. L. c. Mi KlNMIli. Utr'y AihctU Vh. Cun., V. Q , . 1 1. "'' - X.II. I!nme, Kept.'', 1SPL ( ITIILRA ISBSOLVBST, HlO IICW l.llKlll l'Ut1')0,1, and (. iTiciKA, and Ctniccn Ki.tr, Iho ureal skin 1 urea and iMiiullflem, arc sold eicrywhcm. I'iKis! Ci'TituiiA.SOO! fceAr.-r.icnlat l.Kseti- BST, f I.OI. Pin-iKit Diu'ii Ann CUKMUAtCe, lkmieN. CATARRH. IIIHIIItr. VI IIM.SAM10 DI'-IILl-lTlii.'M or Will II IIA7.KI..AMKIIU AN PINK.CA NAD11N Kill. MAItH. OLD, CLO- i:i( IILOSSOJI, Kle. Called SANFORD'S RADICAL CORE, Kertlm Immcdl.ilollcIlcfauiiri'rinaiientCuie el ciery forinerCalnrih, fieiiiiiMiiipIn Celd tn Ihe Head le Less of Hmell, T.mli! and IlcariiiK, LeiikIi and Catarrhal Consumption. Complete, treatment, eenslitinK of one boltle Uadlcal Cure, 0110 box Catartlial Niltcnt andonolm andenolm andonelm 111 in cd Inhaler, In mm pneka-ac, may new be luil of allilniKslststortl.ei). Ak fur .Sa w roiie UAtilCALCUIlE. Complete Trtalmenl with Inhaler, 1.00. "Ill" only absolute epecille we knew of." Mnl. Timt. ' The best w e hat round In a llle llmc of millerliitf "Iter. l)r Wxuiiint. . Jnten. "After ii loiiastniRKle with CaUirrli thii IU01 (ALt't'iiKhu cuiiiiiicivd." A'ff K Ii. Menree, Isitiiburah.l'H. "1 hale net found u ciim that It did net rclleie lit mite, ' A tufrrtv "f, -' cheiler. Malt. l'errKr. Dme AMiCiiKMtcAi, Ce., ltoslen. W. B. HESON, I.AT or 11. II. WUITHUt, NliHTII (JUKKM BTaKKT, Lakvahtkk, l'A., Importing Tailor. NKW YOUK 1'AItLOHSt ESHLEMAN'S LAW BLOCK, North Duke Btreet, Lancualer, Vn. ALL TUB LATICST STVLKS I Fenctax arp DomkstieCiotiis rea BUITS AU Tkecsirs. A PKItKECT KlTtlUAIlANTKKD. I hum Just opened at tlie abote pallers with a flne llnu of Fnn'lKii and Demestic (Imnls for thu Winter and Pprliiu of lsnS, w here I will be plenscil te hate my friends and the puhlle call and see mystiKk. . w. a. naLu3jn. -13AU0A1NH. WATT, SMAND & GO., Ollnr Kxtiaeidlnnry Inducements teparltea furnishing Hiiuses, Hotels, lletmlliiK Houses, Blankets, Table Unens, SHEETINGS, AT TUB LOWL'ST IMIICK8 KVKK KNOWN BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. AI lt..'in, tint, i.i Uiuiid W pair. Damask Table Linens, 2je a Yard. HAND LOOM TABLE LINENS, 37ca Yaul. KLK0ANT DAMASK TAIILK I.INhN,37Kc, Sen. .Vic, wiKc ft TSc a vard. TOW KI.S.NAl'KlNH.TOltKKVltKD CLOTHS at Kxticnicly Lew Prices, -AT THF TMArXtAHt'S HVtBM, K t TUTKR1Kj!MlMiBI& U ILR.-TIMKTABLKl , ,, ,. (rieaTn Lancaster for 'MIllcrsTtll M tsMS S-ewani! II JO a. m and tee, tsm. 8-09 and Mtt f. m. (MralraTO MlllcraTllla fur latnetr lit M 8 co and KHO . in. and l.-ou, s no, few una TiW p. M. T KHANON r- I.ANUAHTICR JOINT "J 1: LINK RA1I.K0AD. AHRAiiaiMRT or rAMinat tkaiiw, BUNDAV, M0VF.UUr.lt 1TH, 1M4, B uminu a. sutten. NEW YORK STORE. 8 and 10 East King Street, LANCASTKIt, PA. . NOKTinVAHU. HumW. Leave. a.m. r.K r.u. a.m. r.H; kiukSI. Ijinei. n. me s,m i, Ijincastcr B.I7 11M m M0 . MAnhrlin.,.1... 7.1S l.'il i.31 . K.W Cornwall 7.43 1.58 0.U7 . . Arrlte. Lebanon fim 113 0. MS tM I EOUTllW'AUD. Iavc. ' A.M. P.M. r.M. A.M. .. Lebanon 7.91 1X.'1 7..HI 7.91 11M Cornwall 7.M 12.U 7,40 7.M ItH Manhctm ....... KM 1.11 MS 0.S1 B.1S lAucaster 8.33 3.(10 S.W B. S.M 'Arrive. Kins 8I IJine. 8.40 . 8.57 S.M . ,, fTt 1 Hi x" . , jA , J ' A M. WlUM. Hunt. IL . C It. It. I. M. llAVAim, Hupt. 0. and C. ft ML U. K. R. .tiBcinflB ELTZ, Built. 1'. ft 11. K. IL itHly J3KADINQ A COLUMBIA. AltltANOKMKNT OF I'ASSF.KUEU TBAIN8. BUNDAr, J0V. 18, 1684. NOUTIIWAKD. LIATB. ?)uarryvllte Jincastcr, King Street. ltncnstcr Chlckles , 1 tlartclta Junction Celunmia. a.m. r.KT r.w. ... 11-21 .... S..T0 ... 7- ... 3 ... 7:40 11.30 M ... 7.11 1,.. 3.35 ,...71 .... .0t ,..4 IM U0 3.M A.M ARRIV1I. Heading,,. H MACMXr.HY. KATCHS OH FUIINAUUS. A TERRIBLE BREAKDOWN IN I'ltlCKS AT Burger & Sutten's NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Man- COLI.IMjMOLTAIO IILKCTKIO I'LAhTKIW. Fur thu relief and preientlen, the tnstantit is eiilill' il, of Khctiiiiiitlsiu. Ncurali!l.i, clatlc.l, Ceuillis, (,'olds. Weak- luck. Stomach mul How Hew els, Shi sill 11 (t l'alus, Numhni-ss, Hysteria, re- male l'alns, ritipitiiiinn. iijsm'.i:i, j. .-j t-""-nlaliit. unions Ictir, Jlal.irl.i anil I.pklcmlcs, ns-e Cellins' rinslersjaii hlncil iiilha Pereus 11.1! ilccicij ttheie. Kliclile Plaster com- l.i!,tmr.uid laugh nt pain. IchlW.S.Vw vi:ciAi. yeTicrs. In tain the ijesuie llllc.l tttlhllsht . In tain thecheck with hcauty Klew, I nlcss the tielh are pure and tililte, t'lile-s the linnilh Is like the kmm And sO.ODOST nlene supplies Thee lii'Uiitlfa that we all se pi lie. i:l liideedAw MtOCl.ll ON COltNh' A8k for W ells' " lliiiigh en Coins.' complete euro. Ions. Hind 01 anil ml ns, IV ijnlck nulla, llllllll) ,t... if.ttifl.ttliii; H.1I11 of enltlni; I ' . .1. .. . ....... a,.-. 11 IVC, JU'J uu at eneii nun Ki-i 11 nniiin 01 jiik ,,.,.-,., j "oellllNIi ivKUr It will rellete the issjr llttlrt suircn r Imumll.ilelj ilcpend 11)1011 tt tlicri- Is no mlttake about It. There 1 net u niothereiiiMilh whehas etei ii-ed tt, who will net tell J en at once, tliat tt will ligul.ite tlm hew els, and irlve list le the mother, und relief nud heulth le the child, operating like magic. It U perfectly tmtu te use In nt ciucs, and pleasant te the tasle, mulls Ihu pieacrlpllen of mm of thu eldest and bent fem.iln phsliinus In thu United btiitc-. heldelttywhcie. a tents a bottle. nujSl-ljilJI.W.tiftw DK.FKA.IM.'S UUD1 HU'lLltS. Fi-.nlei's Heet Hitlers alii net a drum lmp beteniKe. hut nui slrltllj 1111dlcl11.il lu ctcry ieiic. 'Iliey act Htieuglv upon lh Lit 1 rand Milnit-s. keen Iho bowels open unit tegular, cleiiiiiu tlie hhssl anil sjsti 111 of cieiyliiipuilty. .sold by diiigKlils, 11. Nihl by IL It. Cechnin, lJ'und 1SJ Ninth IJuten stietl. t-') Mr. InliiKlr), liulethcr fuineus women hate wen a leputa lien for tacl.il beauty Allne complexion makes iinu haiiiUiiinc, eteu though thu lam Is net et peril ft mould Jtunleck Heed lllllert act ill lectlj upon tlm clicul itleu, and soglve thu skill a ehnirness and Hiiioelhncus ethuiie uniit laliinble Fer sale by 1! 11. Cochran, liiauilleU North ljuecn si leet III!. IliAlLUh.lIAtlH OINT.MLM'. '1 he gnati st bleselng that has la'cn ill.-cot cud lu thlsgeucnitlen. sine euro loillells, lliu in. betes, ('ills, Flesh Wounds. Nuu Nipples. Hard and Belt Coins, Chapped Lips unit llaiiils. l'liu nlesmul llliitelies l'lleu One. Mild by Diugglsta freldbyll II Cm liiaii, 1.17 and 1 SI Ninth liiieen trctt . lliri'ti Awn) Ills Crnli lies. "Suireiid fieiiilthcuinatl'iui mi badly hid le ue c iiltclics, but Ilium them uway alter aipl lug IheMtii'lMrelrle (III te my llnibs. I new li 1 el belter than 1 hate for jcars." F. L. I.ll.hs. ."' V.Ik Mli'U, lluiralii, N. .. Fer wile hj 11. II. Cechmu.lJi and 13'J Ninth (liiis-nsticet IIKM lltlt AliLi: f.capi:. Mih Mni A. Dalley, et Tiinkauiiiick, Pa. was allllitul fur sK eai"s with Attliiiiiiiiiiil II1011 el Ills, dining which lliini tlm l'stph)slcjiiiis eeiild cite no relief. Her lliu was iie-uini ID of, cuuiii git c no inn .. ivi "' : ,: v., ,. ....,,,.. i..u, n.ti,i,i,.ii niiM'iireilaltottluef Dr. King's New Discovery, when luiiiicdl.Uu lellel was fill, and by ceiitlnuliiK lis iisu forasliert tliii0 8hiwasiiniplelcl ciiicd, gaining hi llesh fiO Bs. In 11 few mouths. , ,, Five Trial Untiles of this ceilaln cute of a I Tlu-e.it mid Lung Diseases ill II. II. Citfliraii s IlliurMine, Nus. lJJniiil 1JU North (Juten allirt, Lancaster, I'a. Linge Hollies, t.u) (I) i.irrrini ritesi mi. hi:mii:. 18 W'kst 35TII firitUKT, N'i:w YeitK. June 1, isjsl. 1 hat u been 11 sulfi rer In the past with Jlalarl 1, whlihllnally hccaine Chills and Feter. Ticat meiit by my physician railed te help me 1 used l',BAMnKru' Pills and was cured. 'Ihlr tcenth months lute elapsed since then, and 1 liituh.idiieiccunvnce. Oilier members of my family used them fur the tmiua tieuhle, w llh thu iHtmegoedicsult. 1 cheerfully endorse them for that Illness, mid also as a pleasant luxnllvu or imrgatlte, accoid acceid lug te the number taken. Tney niv new a huuM'lielil remedy with me, mid I am inner without them, I would gladly git e the details of the foiegelng lu any w he might clioeso le call upon 1110 fur thcni. J i:.bKUUK, Dentist, A Clelg) man's Teslliuiill). W F.. lili!erd, pastor Jl K. chinch, lluthwill, O11L, was fortwejears asiillcivr with Dtspep sin In Its weist fin 111, until, as he stales " llle be iiiiiiciiuiielii.il burden." 'I line bottles et llur tliick HUxxl llilleri fined him and he tells us Hut lei cut letter tli.it he eenslilcis ll Ihu best lamily meilleiiiu new heron) thu teiintiy fur dispepi, a audliter itiuiplaliit. I'nrsAle by II. H. ( "til ran, IJ7iiiid UJ Ninth Ijueen sin ft. IIKOW.V.S HOUHLIIOLD PAN AUK . Is Hie most elliellte l'nlii Det.tnitcrlnlhiiwiiild. Will most siiiely Miiliken the bhssl whethei Liken iiiliin.illy or uiiplU it ;x;; i;ill.v. "iijl Iheivby niiiii" is'ilulnly IthLll.N I. PAIN, whither chronic or acute, than anyetlici lulu alletlater, and ll Is wamuilcil iloulile the gtrcugtli of any similar iiu'iurutliiii. It cures pain lu tlie Mile, Hack or Hewcts, Mini Threat, Illieninallsiii, loelliacliu and ALL ACIII. and Is The (lieat Kelleter of Pain. " IIKOWN'8 lint'SKHOLD PANACHA "sliuuld Im lu every tauilly, A le.ispoenfiilorthu Panacea lu 11 tumbler n't' I water swim Icnul, If tutv fernd, taken r.i iiedllmc, will lllthAh III' A COLD, atentsa bottle. ,,.... HOSTETTER'S CELLDIIATED STOMACH BITTERS. II) the mil el Hiwtitter'bBteumch Hitters thu hagg.iul appcuianie of the toiiuteiianie and sallow ncss of d)speptifH are supplanled by a hculthlcr leek and in the feed Is assimilated, the body iic.ulies substance Appetite Is 111 vtureil, mul thu ncrtuus )tem rufieshtil tilth niuch needed slumber, through the usu et this medicine, which Is nle henellil.il te peisens of a rheiinidlie tendency, and an Inestimable pie pie teiitltuef fetci aiulKgue. Fer sale by all Dingglita and Dealers genoi genei Hy. I- lindeedfttv HUi:.VT INDIAN Mi:niciNi:. KA-TON-KA. THE CHEAT INDIAN MEDICINE -FOIt THU 1II.OOD, LIVKK, hlDNias AND blOMACII. Ills Made by tlm Indl.ins. Used by thu I lull ins. Sold hi IheJiidLins. It Is Puiely Vegetable. It siuely ciiies nil illstacs or tlm Mein.ich, Liter, liewelsaiid Hloe.1. 11 Is almost spetlllc ferull rerius el Illieuiii.itUin. ll will eui dls rasu w hen all ether rcniedles have lulled. Dliec- tleusiirti plainly piinleiluii ctei) ihiiiiii. All tlilica or Iiiili.ins lull e I hell uicdtclucii, but KA-TON-KA Is a remedy of the Pacific Coast, and Is used Uy all. It Istoinpescd et iisiis, herns miu ii.uks gat he led und piepaicd by the WAKJI hl'ltlNU INDIANS, OF OIILUOK, And Is raieniblv known und iieed In all parts of thciMithl The sick or ailing should net delay lis use. It will pivtent as well us cum disease. Its prim Is one dollar per bottle, or six bottles rnrllttulellait. Ask for It and sin that ten get II It Is hir S.1I0 by all Diugglsts. and by thu llltl.liON- INDIAN MLDIClNK (.OMPANY, Ceny, I'a. Medoc Indian Oil, In order le rlcar our tables et UVEIU'OATS and Heavy Weight KUlTh we will offer them ill prices that Is hound te bell. GOOD, STRONG WORKING COATS for $2.00. Odd Coats,VcryGeod, All Sizes, from $2 le $5. TIIF.SK AKKTHK HF.ST IIAUUAINS WKfcVKIlOFFEIlKll. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. W'e hate received another let of thesu nebby . T1KS: they ate selling icry rasL W'n hate a complete stock of piece goods. In cluding the latest styles of checks; lu fact, all that Is new and stilish, which we will make te order t cry rcisenablc. A geed lit guaranteed. CALL AND SKK THEM. NO TUOUIILE TO SHOW 0OODS. BURGER &.SUTT0N, Ne. 24 Centre Square, a BEST" STEAM ENGINE 9-M SOUTHWAKII. A.M. 7:10 M. 1'JUI) r.M. tH me 2M B:M ... r.M. 6;10 .... TM 8,- 8:25 8:13 8.50 0- jiiiiiii.t'iii.. HO tee 6-OT 6'M 6.10 Ijin- LIAVI. Heading.... ARRIVE. Marietta Junction.. B.M Chlckles 0-91 Columbia frn Ijincastcr ..., 9:11 ijincAstiT. King Street.... n-ae Ouarrvvlllu .iivm Fer connections at, lleadlnir. caster Junction, Marietta, I unction and Oelum bin sea lime tables at an statieiui. SUNDAY. Leave Quarryvllle, 7-ttln.in.i Lancaster, King St!cct,t.eua.in.,4.'J3p.iii.: iJincaster, 8.10 a. ui. and 4.13 p. in. Arrive Heading, 10-00 a. m., GX p. m l,cave Heading, 81I a. in., 4 p. in. Arrive Lancaster, 019 a. in., and 5 42 p. m.t Lancaster, King Hlreet, 8.57 a. tn., 5.30 p. m.I Juarri-vllle,0:IOp. in. A. 11. WILSON. Snpt. C. U. Hakcece, Ocn'L l'ass. A Ticket Agant. '" 7& " AH') '&$& rtfti rftJw.S iiS" . A" .. . . . ViVj? 3S?J '.w . vm s - JTEJ TJKNNSYLVANIA nAILltOAD SCHED- JL ULK. AND Beiler Works, TOTERS w- LANC'ASTEH. PA. IIililAMSON .t rOSTElt. jlv I). .Ml Tf IV lliVJ ou FURNACES FOH Niagara Express..., Hanover Accem Fast I.liief Frederick Accem.., Lancaster Accem.., Harrlsburg Accem,, leiuuuua accem Ilanialiiiri; Express... Western Express t ..... l'aclfle Expresst EA8TWAKD. Mall Express) ........ l'hil'a. Express Fast Llnet Harrlsburg Express... laincastcr Accem. ar.. Columbia Accem Bcasherc Express Johnstown Express f , Sunday Mall Dav Exnrcssl llarrlshiirg Accem.. Iave Lancaster. 0:20 a. m. B10 041 " 0 35 9M 9M " luep.ru. 1:15 2-JO - 7J0 -7: 1115 l-.33e.iri. Arrive at $2.75 MADE 6TKONG AND CUT F sme.NAULV, IDE MATEIUAL OF WHICH H bTlllCTLV ALL WOOL. All -Weel Worsted Pantaloons, $3.50. I'altenis in lllack Hcrrliihone will make a gmid Dica Pant with D.nk or Light Ceat and Nest. II Igliergnide goods In lilebe Cemimaiigh and Itelli.ilr (..isslmerc, ninglng fnmi 1i) te i,..Vl. White Dress Shirts, 25 Centa. FINISHED WITH 11FTTONS HOLES. AND UUTI ON rrivale Dncllings, Schools and Pub lic VuiltliiigR. Call and see thein. Made of heavy Iren, slui slui ple of construction, durable, ecoiiemlcat, the most Uiidlattng Surfate of any Heater lu the umikcL NOTHING CHEAP but the PllICE ! OUR OWN PATENT. 7-Ilailug ueeii lu use In many et the luiges rrstdentes In lanivnsterlti the past ten years 1 the best of evidence of Its merits.; Am Jehn Best & Sen, K. 33 EiST FIILTOX STIlEtT, Trains leave Lancaster and loave and arrlve at I'blladclpUlaid rollettst I.cavn WF.STWAHD, Phlladolphle. .newb r. j press t i .ma. m. Way Passenger 1 4,10 " Mail tniln vtaML Joyt 7.00 " Ne. 'J Mull Tralii via. Celiim'a. ,. 7. ui a. m. .via. Celiim'a. . 11:10a.m. .via. Celnin'a. .via. lit. Jey. . 2:14 p. tn. s:iu - B:t0 " 9:10 " HrJO " luiva Lancaster. l'hltadclDhla. 1:00 e. m. 3ffit.ui, 4S7 " 4.-S5 " 5,15 " 7.50 " 8:10 " 10-M 8.55 " via. Mt. Jey. ene " ll:45a.m, 12-Jtsp.tn. 3:15 p. in. 430 " 6S " S.42 " 5:45 ' 618 " 7ri5 n- " 0:45 Ttin KfiirTnttfL AeenTiimnitatfnn leaves Celllin- hla at C-10 a. m. and reaches Marietta at6 55. Alse, leaves Columbia at 11:45 a. tn. and 2:15 p. m., reaching Marietta at 12-01 and 35. Leaves .1 , Icttu at 2.50 p. in. and arrives at Columbia also, leaves at 8.15 and arrives at 8 45. The Yerk Atcommediillon leaved Marietta 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8:00, connecting with Harrlsburg Express at 8:10. Tbe Frederick Accommodation, west, connect ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, wet, nt 1:35 p. in . will run through le Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, cast, leave Columbia nt l'2.'25and reaches Lancaster at' 12:50 'llanbvcr Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster it 1th Niagara Kxprcsa Bt 9.50 a. m. win run through te Hanover, dally, excent Sunday. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged will step nt Uowningtewn, Coatesvtlle, I'arkcsburg, ML Jey, Ellrahcthtewn and Mlddlotewn. 1 The only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train west runs by wny of .Columbia. Leave dally except Monday. OKNWALTi AND LEBANON AND COLE11UOOK VALLEY HAILUOADS. BODTKWARn. Trains leave Lebanon dally (except Sunday) at 6J0 a. m., P2J0 and 7:30 rt.m. Arrive at Cornwall at 6:10a.m.. 12:40p.m. and 7:iup. in. ! at Conowage et7:aia.m.,l:25anC8fl0 p.tii.,conticctlngwlththel'cntisylvanlaltaUrca ter points cast and wesL HORTUWARD. Trains leave Conowage at 7:30 a. m.,8J0an 'Airivent Cornwall atS.OO a. tn., 4.18 and MS p. in. t at Lebanon at 8r20 a.m., 4:.i0andB:l5p.ni!. (ennectlng at Lebanon with l'hlladclphiaand Heading Hallnxid for points cast and west, and the Lebanon and Tivment llranch for Jones town, l'inegiove and Trcinent. ThuCJDu. m. train will step only at Cornwall, Colebrook and llellalre.. , !M ' g. .4' rm anl5-lydin LANCASTEK, PA. 1HF. (.KKATKST 1 UN ; ai: ill SILDICTN'E ON 1 MIOUKANDSOl' CASKS (IK IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN Ol Ll ceilaln tonne Tooth Teoth Toeth acini lu ene mliiutii, lle.id.iehu In lit e lnlinites, i:unicbe In ten niliiutes, bem 'llire.it in one night, Ncunilgl.i lu I lire" te flic nilnutes. MODOC INDIAN OlLlsui-cdliilciiiallyiisitcll nscsleriially. Eteiy family should huoabot hueabot huoabet tlo within ivaeh. II Is a doctor in tlm house. Fin s.ile by all Druggists I'riioiV'.pcrbettlo. I-'Ugoslitebottles,Mio. IN 111 AN COIM. II h lll'l" 1 a prompt spetltle for Coughs, Colds mul 1 uug diseases, Ms.', per bottle. La ten-k.i, Mislec Indian Oil mul Indian Cuiigli Syrup fur snle (wheleiilcand letall) lit Ceclniin's Dtug Mere, Nes. 1J7 ami 1J0 Ninth (Mien .licet, l-iucaster, I'a. 1JVWAw WHITE DRESS SHIRT, CO Cents, Iti:iNFOHCEII FHONT AND HACK FINISHED IIUTTON IIOLE8. White Dress Shirt 75 Cents. WAMSUTTA MUbl.IN, LINEN HOjOM AND CUFF IHE IlK-sT WHITE DRESS SHIRT HAVING DISSOLVED PAHTNKUSUIP and permanently closed tbe Chestnut fetreet Iren Winks, 1 deslie le Inform my old natrens and the puhlle generally, that lam still am milking Iren and Ilruss Castings of et cry de ii thu buslucs, being located lu the l'cim Iren Cenuiany's Works, North I'luni street, w Hem 1 I i 1-TIIE CE1 EllltlTED EIGHMIE. r ? SICK G 1 llAY'tSSl'lX'Il'IOMKniClNK, CAIllllAUVS. HOUHII ON COUGHS," Ask for "Heugh en Coughs," for Coughs, Colds, Hore Thiiuit, llersencss. Troches, 15c. Lliul.l,-25ci. () HUCKLKN'S AH.NI0A 8ALVK. The best S.Uve In the world for Cuts, Hrulses, Beres. Ulcers, f-ult ltheiim, Fcier bores, 'letter, Charmed Hand, Chllhlulns, Cerns, and all Skin vr,.t.tii,y niifl TinAltlvelvemeA Files, or UO P.1V l-eeulred. It Is guaranteed te gtve jicrfcct satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. r 137 and Ien, or money rerunded. Price, 23 cents per . ForsulebyH.il. Cochran, druggist, Nes. ind 130 Nuitli Oiiecn street, Lautastur, l'u. AVhy Hi) Deirunut? 'I'riui. miu mu lu a tutscrubln cundllltin uu iiieweak, piiluaud neiveus. oil cannot sleep ut night, nur enjoy our tiiiklng heuni yi-l why liieu heurtl Out at the diuggUl'sii bollle. of Jlurileck lltewt Jlttteri. They will lesloie you te health and peace of inliid. ler sale by II. II. Cochran, IJ7 and l North Hiiecu street. OTAN DAUI) I'AKMAUK WOKlt. EDGERLEY & CO., (Cuiil.ige IHilUlcrs), MAHKET STKKF.T. 1IKAH OF POVrOFFlCE, LANOAbl'EH, I'A. OUlt LAIllii: hTOCK OF BTJGG-IES & CARRIAGES Coinprlseslhe Ijitet Slvhisand the mini Kle. mini I y Flnlslieil, ttiucii r. urir.u .u ?ii,i.Jti.v iii-iiiici-'ii piiiccs. TbehUPEHIOH (JUALITV OF OUlt WOKlt Is no longer questioned. Ourwerk Is us line in any made In the larger cities, and bOLD AT HALF THE THICE. N'etv Is the tlme loonier ler spring. KNCOUUAGi: FAIit DEALING And Henest Werk. All Werk WAHHANTED. HEl'AIHINH PHOMl'TLY ATTENDED TO. One set of tvei biiiuii especially euiple) td ler tluil puiiwe. A IcWBLrill'liaiuiiai um riguirs. uive us a (4ill. nevAi I fit Aw Hcldiicheuie pelliilm illlt ruled ui el j ell'(ils Hie hiiiidriMlsiif Ifsllnieiiliili lu my hmmm.Iiiii will testll ) by the iimieI - 1)15. LKSI.IK'S Suet lit I'lcMrtplluii 'Mils Heiiiedy sluulslo sluulsle diiv without n ilt.U, unit wilh se.iiielyitieui-iietltiii-lu the weild Thousands or PhysUl.ius tliioiiuheiit the isiiiulry bun' acknowledged their inability le cine II, and mr. imw pnisinu lug Dr. Leslie's Hpctl.il l'leociiptleii for .ill tases et &itk HEADACHE in ellhci Us uerteus, bilious or cuugeslltu lenii, arising Hern obstruction,! ougcstleu or tin pldlly et the llttr. W hen I nay that Dr. Leslie's ,,i.fi, i i Bl'1'.lvlAli Piescriptleiitt III curolhe most elwllimtewiscs el hick llcailaihu. 1 mean lust w hut I say, and that Is, that It net uicicly ttlteies hut POSITIVELY cures, no mutter hmv long the citse may hate l.,wllt ut 11 Mil lit If t linvu testiineul.ils from tmrsens who haiti lK-en allllctcd lur twenty nnn, being reutined le lied two or thlie dajs ut atlnmuieiy two weeks, that have been pennaneutly cuitdhy two bottles of Dr. Leslie's Special l'HKSCMPTION e that they hat e net had mi attack ter ever III u 1 'ir'yeii'iiiu Doubled with Sick lleiidaiheand wish te be '1 he ltie.it EnglMi Hi misty. An unfailing cuiu fur lmpeteney and all Diseases mat iiiiiiiw Leis of .Memery, Uiilicrs.il Lassitude, fain In the Hack, Dliuneis of Isleii, Pienialiire Old Akc, and many oilier diseases that lend te In sniilly or Consumption niidii I'leiiiutiijtKji'aie. Full paiileuhiniliKiiiriwinphh't, hit I; e do de do NiieloM'iid lieu by mull tu in ciy ene. 'Ihlsbpo 'Ihlsbpe 'Ihlsbpo cllliiimilleluels sold by all druggists at 11 per liatktige, in six paeKiiges ier ti, in win mti Dee by mall en iccelpl of tlie money, by ad dicsslng Iho agent, ... II. II COCHI'.AN.lliugglst sole Agent, Nes. i37audlJO Ninth (Jiiecu strict, l-uncastcr, On neceiint et csntiiterfells, we hue iidepted thu Vellow W'rainier; thu only genulim. llir, uu.lt jmiiicini, i.ii , Uu train. N. Y. TT KAUtlUAltTKUS I'OllTilK INDIAN MEDICINUS, Ka-'.en-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, AT Lecher's Drug Stere, NO.OEAhTKING bT Uincaster, Fa. Bi'riiiilen. and will bu lileascd te serve all who may tutor me with their patronage. Frem 40 icarsexpcrleiiceln the business mid using the beat material iindciiipleylngthebcstmechanlcs, 1 am satisfied I can guarantee entire sattsractlun. Castings made from a mixture of Iren mid steel which are mero rcllable fur strength and dura bility than the best cast lien known. V teeth roll pinions, lolls und rolling mill work a spec ialty. Castings made of vcryBortlien.nndbrafcs castings or every description, i iiuieuii me pat terns of the well and faterably known Mewier Cern and Cob Crusher, retltted nml Improved, also en hand. Mills completely fitted up or In pails, te replace old ones w hlch haiubecn in nse fur) curs, guaranteeing theiiiteglvus.jtlsr.ict Ien. H. C. McCULLEY. luig llOiinl TOll A CCO ASH via Alts. XT L. HTEUMAN A CO. Holiday Presents. MEEHSCHAUM 8MOKEH8 NDl'IPKS, TUKltlSH ril'ES, FKENCK 11BIAK PIPES, CIGAll AND CIOABETTE HOL DEHS, CIO Alt C.VSE8, SMOKEIl'8 SETS. CIUAHETTE CASES, ASH HECE1VEUS, MATCH CASES, CANES, 40. All In great variety and at very low prices. ' J 1 iWM WALT. VA.Vr.lt. uevsr.runsisn ia ti e uuns. T UK CHEAPEST PLACE TO IIUY AT Ilecf mid w iienipiiN. itltett "felden's I.lnuld Is nurtlculiiily nserul In Diphtheria, Fever, i every depresliigillieinii." fSI IwdemLt MOTIIhltS, If you aru falling i broken, worn and nun eus, te "Wells' llcullh lluuewcr," 41. IMiig gliU. (-) pUAMl'AONT- BOUCHE "SEC." THE FINEST CHAMPAGNE WINK NOW 1MPOHTED. AT llEIGAHT'S OLD WINE hTOUU, Ne, M I'.ast Kt.su SrilKET, II. E.bLAYMAlillH.Aul. Jistuhllhud, 17W. Iubl7 tut CURED LOW PRICES bvrOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Ceal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -U AT- lie sure und give this remedy u trial, t'wer, ll.u). 8.11. AHCHElt, Saratoga Spilngi, N. I", Kim hale liVTiiiUGnisTA. OJu-lycl Ter sale only nt J. II. KAUFFMAN'8 Drug Btnru, Ne. 50 North Queen street, Lancaster. Fer colds, nse liuiilliiiaii,3 Cough yrup,thelurgcst aud bctt ler 23 (.cut. J P. fluii iv m Ne. 24 Houth Queen Street, ftWMj'd LANCASTKIt, l'A. l'ulciit Iloseiu tint will net wi Inkle. II is easy telaundiy and wilt leek titun longer iiian nnj nnj elhcr. PHICE.IIUU EXC1I, OH J.VI0 PEH HALF DO.EV. NIGHT SI11KTS ,vi, 75e and l.m. OPEN FHONT MUHT.S IX ALLtsUES HATS and CAPS. Yeung Cent's Stiff and elt Hats In New i,,i,...u ,. c.ttiai.itiilv nrrii lin-. Alauv or them in e very slyllsh anil initie tllffeicut te tluwe worn hist season. ltwlUnffuid us iileasuru te show these New btjles tniill who will laverus with a visit. Hup Threw Wihv RhAP. via imuu jviiui wuuv, 1 UlETOOUIlhl'ECIALOHDEH. Calf Uppers, Grain Tops. It Is il sewed shoe and wiimiutcd solid Leather all through. 'Inn style is Full Londen loe with bci eled edges. W'e lull e a complete assortment el sUes, nnd It Isiinule In two widths. FOR LADIES, $2.50, Is the pi Ice of our Curaciu Kid Shee, Frenih lllll r 11 tt OIKl'll llllllllll llili-. ,i,i;,i. ', ...... 111011 hense Myle. It Is vciy neat lilting and ene that Is sure te give Mitlsfactleii. arFrem Maichlst our hleivs will be open eteiy utciilng. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 36 and 38 East King St, LANCA8TEH. FA STOCKS. -pOOH, WIUTUA CO., CIBANKERS.O I,K,UE1tAtKSVMTV'AYSON Mluncapelts Heal EsUito7per cent. lmds for sale utlul and lntctvsL Proprietors of "Peer's Manual of Hallways." Correspendenco invited. 46 Wall Btroet, New Yerk. ocU-lydecHl plIAltUS W. l'KV. WE ADVISE 'I OH AVE PAPER HANGING! DONE NOW, HEFOHE THE Sl'lllNG HUSH COMMENCES. Thuassoiliiientef WLL PAPER In LAHIlE.thostjlesaiel'HETTVand P1II0E1 t.dtv ii'nnrii leenuii'd totleall kinds of work piemptly. (SILT PAl'EHS In all prudes, COM-invVAli:KMliil.iiveiiirIetv.HECOIIATlUNS I lu new styles and colorings. A few of theso Cheap Dade Shades remain. Our new-stock Is lu, und Lu get-mid prettier than bofeie, and LOW EH In pilce. PLAIN SHADING, all Celers and Widths. Only the best makes of Spring Hellers, in Weed und Tin for all classes of Windows. PULLS. LOOPS, COUI). PICTL'HE W IHE, NAILS. Ac.. LACE CUHTA1NS, POLES, Ac. i-Call and uxamlue enr geed. Deuble tu show tbeui. NO H. L, & CO., Ne. 116 North Quccu street. USDKKTAKJSa. Ct v. Ih9 m rfii . jt. -'T'J! rfs j. v v TTNDEHTAKINO. PIAEES W. IRT, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN LANCASTEIl. l'A. STREET. JXSUJtASVK. tOL.sR.sR.OTE UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Slrttts, LASOIBTKB, l'A. I'ersenal attention given te all erdera. Kvery th ng lu the undertaking line iiinimuyu. .'ir'iiSi Having secured the services of a flrsmlaM ' V; "H chanic. 1 am l'rcrrrt te de jllklnte of Uphek? , JB siering in vuiy luuuciuw i,..w. ... ... Fumlture Upholstered, tllve me e cU. T T? ROTE. JanlO-lfd X?1'1! i X' Jk '5J ii I ,"Xf: wat c ma, jtc V.i -piQUITAmiU Lll'E 1NHUKAN0K COM- Assets, 854,000,000. Surplus, 812,000,000. Indisputable Creditors', Assurance Equitable Life Insurance Company. The only lluslness Jtan's Policy written, pay able In 1U, 15 or !W years, ami non forfeitable after 3 years. The sarest Investment and best lwylng oue. E0H1TAI1LE DOES THE LAIKJEST l.NSUHi 'bUHANCEllUblNEStSlX THE WOULD. W. J. MADDEN, OLD PObTOmCK HU1LDINU, X W. Cor. West Kiutf St. aud Ccntte Square, OTORAQK O An COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIEL MAYEH, ducS-lyd U West Chejtnu t utltcL WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELKY.i; I !V"' ' GREAT REDUCTION iv rniCKS ok avatciies, cnjuiia mv ' unit xiuitAt u -n. . W LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North QmSwt, e,,rviita Cltv Hetel, near Tn. U. U. Beet. 1 sell Ueld andStlver Watches, and repair U -Bame at extra low prices. , Jrwya TtTANIIOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful Imprudence eanlii rlj- mature ncciiy, nervous viiuuimii- Ae., having tried in vain every J'l0'nl,"?Jtj ,' lias discovered a limpid self-euro, which be WBI. ' y c. .. 1 1 nun olio i virvvinhu ritrinunantTiirarfj. AddrcM. BBKVW.,,'? jio-iyeouatyw wi,iuihiiiiphiw wwg CAKE, BUKE AMU Hl'lSKlIX VIUKB. , U HurrVRX. VARUiocxinaeruiu v efeltnersax. iiuyuii B,i'i,'!urp"cl "iJ when ou can nua in ir. v nni im VLBPmBiciA In Philadelphia -WMj siwctalty or tne aueve uisee n " IntC. 6tranKercftnlotreB,lee ine earae eay. uwcw1J,,i''t(j'wjU11 Ne. s ll North Maun .. r. II. . M luii'U-tVilAW