rv:v.-- .t',11!, fnMlinM t mlw&ii '"s., ttiSfiVPV LANOASTEH, PA., Fill DAY, FJ313KUA11Y 27, 1885. PBICE TWO CENTS. VOLUBLE XXI- NO. 1511. !,-' ea 7rWJfVftVW7irJW' F 0FK1CKS I'OR KVKItYIIODY. .1 rr.w im...s rittni ri; i.n ;; ,ii,iii;v im'1 hook. A I iil of l'ut lliliie for llnuur) Uriimi nils Tin- l4n.l .it 1'riiniUi' 11ml I. In l(;lil. MMIi lint llnni-i, tllir 1 m nt) four t car. In llm tlllilcrlif... " llnl . ii hi lmltii'l viWi fHMirimix Aeire V.iCfi'r.' .1 unf riiim f rrfriif ion. CUiMi A.i mi' nwillhrtrvUtrrtori'ieln miyiinci in '''ii mil of ('ler ik'.V u tin' profit r, iin-l In mine, iiMifief "f tifinil ilemit pitliltr nlHl, Hull Mtvrpmi inrmnnm nfrtMir- , nfimnitiiNit Ktiirri'uiiiii' iikihi iikihi jii'e'.., . .. I.n .1 finrlil iiHiiiii'rwinif." (luiier t leicliind In (Scnrgn Wll'lun Ciiilis. Vliicc llh i-'is tlmi nftlie Deiueemllc I'ti'il dcutial In ktlsemi' Inquiries hate Is'i'li made lit till' Isililii.lMUt in li llie Inderal 1 elllces new 111 exisli inn In Washington and I elsewhere tilled III mint cases by "ollenslte lurtKin mill unscrupulous inanlptilateis of I local 1 irt m 111 wincnl "and te I hi i'inilliil lis mil. kl in pes.sil.ln of thnlr pinst'iil Inciiiu- ils'llts an-l In In' minted li. tlm Dcuiniiatic uraim trim m wn-uin'ii. Te Iv Mr ii tit mi urate 1 letters hate benu received 011 llm lniMrtiUit point and iiin kindred topics, mill .TO applicants hate presented Hii'iiim li thelr ilahns and lln'lr merits in (nr-en Mu.l .1 tin-in Ii in' u decided preluience fur Remi miIi. ular plice; but tery few he pie-empt-irilt insist nil luting tlieir own way tlmt tin i Iiim' ti Im lemlnrliil wunaiiv nth. r kimIiiM. cswvlilly If III" salary Is higher Tin' Imiii !! m 1 11. lining anxious I .lhiitI.uii and inform nt least Us muni liuniu dlale leiistiiiiiuti -the ll.neO Democrats nr I .tin iM n .lilil (there may I"' morn since tlin elc-tinn 1 "ii tint lniirtniit theme, Likes great pleasure in stating tli.it from 1111 e.xauil ii.uiiiii mill niter iiliuiiil.inti'erii'i'tliiii' of tlin (Hirkit I'litieii of the rnitcil Sliitiw lllue IIimiK. -'i iipili'il liy 1'l.iri'im- I". I llr.iullU, II. It , WiisIiiiikIiiii, 1. '.. iukI fimiWicI liy linn rer tilt Hiii.ill "lint of llfty louts, thi'ii) Ntf inn te If nieri' tli.m iiem'li pl.uu loge iruuiiil II t'i.HKifhNiii.111 IHutilnml will l- htlr liltnwlf te w inn i're!r iii-ogiiltlen for his tumim-mlit iiintlHieuK tlicrn N no rt-.ivn li OMryoiii'elllKiiii slienlil net Im nirimim'l.it(.'l. Tin' iiLut'i in' tliuie. llll tllOllgllHOIIIIMlftllUIII in.iymiiHi lilfili. e must I111U' them. Mr.'llicst.mil Ik-cIiis lii-i I01111 .mil l ilr.iw les.il.ir en tlif Teiirtli of M.inli, tliox-ime il.ij tint ii'M'l.mil Uikes his si!it. "llm new 1-01iKrrM.si11.nl xlieulil Iemi no llme tlii'refern in in.ikiin; known hlsilli' iiiul 11 nm.'iiij; Ins pti'LiiniiH-. Tlu-ri' iii.iv Ik) neiln ttlie tt.ml ellkn ami ilen t knett linn. I'ur tliu Inlomiitlen ami lllll(;lll'lllllllt nf.ltl Hlll-ll is pilllltsllisl till) U-.iutilul. Iifi-llki- ami .KMinite pertr.ilt tthtili .iilern- tin' lii-.nl of tills .irtii'lu. It lias lieni MMiml, iipinllrsvi el i-xjn'iisc, ami nullii'i tunc imr skill lias Ihtii hjuusI te m.iki) it liisteru.illy 1nv11r.U0 .mil .niistleally win thy efllii'snlijist. im eirn i:s 111 nr Att tnni.ii. Irninllii' .intlierit.t tthkh Ins lii'i'ii cllcsl, isinnriiiKl lit Mr. llU-sUml's own olsTtu elsTtu olsTtu liensoii .1 us 1 nt tisit te W.ihIiIiikIeii, from wl ii h lit- has lust ri'ttmii'il, ttn Irani that tin- rellnttliii; I'ltiss v ill Is. hiiiitliiKlm'mnlK'nts tettmtl tht' I'lesii el iiet tti't'k ; ami tliose who hiti' net til pirkisl out Ihi'lr imsts ttill de tt I'll te iiiake 11 M.'ln lien at e" '""1 notify llie new I m .iMorreiiKrossimui : In the c ti'i-ulite ili'iitrtinriit : I'iimiIu scvrttarv te the prt'shli'iit, fl,i".0 j Clllliul lit- .ipiKiintini'iitel t'el. Uimnnt) ; 11s KisUntMs ntarv. i'A--'l; tttei'Ms-iitittulurks SiHHl I'.u-h , Klfnnraplii'i, fl,N ; 01111 i-h-rk efi-lassfnur; tot-lerkof -l is thris); two t-lorkHef rl.iss two ; nun rlrrk of t-l.ivsoue; Htcwaril, i Mm; dud il.iy uslit-r, JI.Iik) j 0110 ilat usher, ,.fl,J: lle mi-hWiip'ri", f !,) u.H'li . two iliioikruperH, fli'J"! r.u-h ; 0110 uiKht iishtr, fl.jm i'.m-'Ii ; mm watt-hm in, einm mill olio llrillll.lll. S-slil. hi tliu hint" ilep.irtiui'lit thru' an' I?- i'i miiis finpleyt'il, draw inn sal.irii'K of lieni t"Ji ler mi-ker, up te Sl.rkid ler lirst assistant. In tin- lii'.isurv ili'iMitmrnt tlmiu ,110 plan's ler JI,7mI. The uS;sislant Mert'tani'S vl fl..VM ami the t-liliif rli-ik f 'Tun; hut Ihi-rciirul'i'ilhslreui tli.it ilettn lefirji). Tin- llrsKomptielU'rol thi' tn-asury, WlttlUH.ll.il III $.,111111, Is IIDt te IM Mllt'I'll .it ; ami iillej;tftliur this ili'p.iilmi'nl ellurs tin w lilnst possihle nmm of M.'lr lien, net only lu thi'tarlctv hut in thn numlier of oIIIiek. The tusisury alenii would luroiiinieilato and Kitisly the I.ani-.tsler t-eunty licumi'iiiry. Thi' War department ompleH Ikll null and women, el whom neuu necsl iliiAny llKliliKKt tlmusli all K-'t hU-Ker wages than the pnt ales in the regular army. In the Naty ili'1'.irtiuent theie is work fei .-. ji .,..1-., ns mill II the new navy Is te I m i-i'instrui-teil light oil, mero positions will lut e te he in.uiv. The Interior ileparliuent has Hisitieus for T),7l Im lulling the land, ensieii, iMtontnmlciliunitleniil ellUes. Thurome O'.O empleyes anil ellielals in the I'ostenieo department and olitieusly a few mere win l wiiiuiicil tlieiein. Mkottise In tliu department of . I ustlee, w hli h new h.is only I hi. , Alr.l i-ertalnly de net erewil the goteiii geteiii niunt prititlngelllfii; nerlSW the Agricultural linrtiui , .... ... I'olletting is the pitronageol the mini at riiiladelphl.i ; Superintendent, t l,fiHO ; as hatcr, inelter and ruliuer, tsiiner mill en uniter, feiu in all, M.OOO e.u'h ; assistant as- " -... I. ..-.. I Hnll linn mill jkili4 b.iter, assisiani iniiiieriiiiu iieuui, iki iwsi-i-un"t eeiner, f -M1" '' ' "V 1 1 1 0 r, tl,tMi 1 hlef MMsiiul imd Ihird rla.sosnie appointed hy the iireslilcnl iiml iimlli mini liy IheHeii 1I0. The Aalitrli'er IliKt-eliisspmlmaslerH range from ft.l,INiil te tiMKHIi lliose or net eml i-lasti from t2,(HHi te fJfUM I llieMi of llie llilrd elass from JI.OeiMiiJI.tiM S 11ml lliiiHii n the fourth el.iss fieiii t or ?fi 11 .tear In (inula ear. Tost-uiastei-Hef llie femtli elass us eitoai-eiuH'ii-Kattou hascil iinn tlii'wlmle of llie lii rents eellis ted ill their ollli-e ami 1 oiiiinissleu upon the annum! el earn eled M.niin, at the lolletv ing rulim: On tliu Hint f.Ml, nr lens lief 'liiiir ler, ll per 1 1'iitiltii ; en llie next f Hid, or less, per iii.irter, w Kr feutiitii ) en IhentixtSUW, or less per quarter, f.0 per u'litiim ; mill en Hit) lialimrn, III per euntum. IN l.tNI'AHrUII I'Ol'-N. It. The pii'slileull.il iNistellhtiM In Lalii-asler i-eunly ttltli llie Kilarles ami allottiiiue Ter elerks am as fullettn! liimeasler . il , Jl',tieil; six 1 lerks, Hi'i, $sei), fii (7ihi, filiil, tfiOl;iu 111I1IIII011 lntlieH letter earrlen, who all gel (, cxeepl the last apMilutisl, wliesti h.iIui.v for (he llrsl uir it iHNi . . ., C0I11111I1I.1 JI.IKni; twmlerkt J,lllauil?'Ji. Marletla-fl,.M, oneilerk flml. ML Jey JI.UiK) ; elerk, $1.11. I.llltr fl.ltu Ollli'iit llke Mlllerttllh', Maiihehu. New itellaml, Strasliuig, MpliniU, r.llr.ilslhlewii and elheit doing a large liiislnnvi run well iiitewaiil f l,iiK.ilarv. Ml Ihesti nlllies liate-heieleliiin In-eii lllhil at llm Niiggt'sllen el llm llepiililiciu isingrtissiuan. lie has iietir tilled te hate Iteliulillivint apHiiilleil. 1 111: riii.i.r.i inn's iii'im'iu rollewilig tt tlieorgilll.ltieu el the nlllie of thiM'ollis-ler or Intern. il icttiiuii for this, the Mnlli illMinl: Collis'ler, kun-.islei J.1,S75; I ih'putv i-ollieler, Uiueaster, J1,MM; I deputy uillei ler, l.:iniuter,JI,l()i;,Jd( putv iiillin'te'rs erk, fl,Hl eaeh; I deputy ttil-lei-lei, West rul, tl.lmij I deputy eollivter, Marietta. Jl, Inn ; 1 ileputt lolleiter, Sinews liurg, Jl.lim; I depnt.t isilleilei, Shipl'i ns Imig, tl.liM; I ilepui.t lolhster, l.measter, 1,100; I deputy eolleeler, l,auister, f l,(Hi; I deputy eollei ter, Ijuu-iister, &w, J Menv kii's-i-tauil gaiigei-s IjiinixiMir, ?l iiu-h per ilat ; I Ntetekivperailil ganger, Hiluliildge. fl'peril.iv; I Mmekivper and ganger, Voik, $1 iMr il.it', 1 ster(keeK'rniid ganger, 1'gaiiH tllle, $1 jsTilay: I soii'keeiemiuiil gangers, l.iuiMtsler. JJ l'- 1l.1v; 1 nlerekeeis'i ami g-iuger, Kplirata, SI 1st day ; I storekeeper imd g-mger, lllnkliiy's llrldge, .I per il it-; I Meiekteper audgangei, eik, j.l s'r day ; I Muri'ki'i'per and ganger, Uiuiel.f.l in'rilayi I gaugii. W rlghlMtilh'. ieivitii.ris's; I luspts luspts tei et tiili.iiiu, UiiH'istei, reis itit lei-n. t 1 tin rn i.n. Niiapiiintnientt 11111I1 r the new adminis tration hat" ti'l In en made ler, In or hy UiniiiMi r isiuul.t or l.mraster ismnti.ms. t tut It xlmiild Is' lenieiitlirred that foil feil foil (iesxiimii llleslaiiil's term I't-glns and Hie llrM of hisisdart will liueaiiieil liniiieiliately alter ihhiii nexl'W ednesilay. With liter terty thousand nlllies in tliu ile Dirluieiittiii Wusliiiiuteti.iud uieiii than liltt 1I101IS.1111I in ether partN or the eeiintiy, -iml .)0K KfiKNAN'S SAD FATK. 111: ii.ih nerii 1.1 us vvr err .it tin: i..ixv.isn:n stock i.iiv. AIIiiiii'IImk lii (Irt 11.1111 tlin rllilller, us tn III. t'li.lem, lie Ml..nl I'lulir tin ttln-i-l. 11111I Mil Ti-rrllilt) I'ulr. Ilruiiglil le tlin I'llJ. mere Mstilli-i'x ill Kim-aster i-euuly than in ant ether i-euntv In the t'nitid States-all .teaming tnr holiest, ear.dilu ami filthliil liemei-rits, he will Is' a iMHirseit orisnigress erisnigress imm If Im iIims net puit lile for .ill tliu l-in-i.islt r eeiiutt Kemei nits. .iiuiri' "iiui:i: wi;v i umvr nr iti- 1.1 In Nt ( eiiuteiiiiin it riinillil.il' 1 1 If Htm .tln-ii,l '.' ti.iiiilli.il Intiii lli-i.1 nuts . iiiiliu r 'I he lieltyshuig filur uml .S-'iidin' ' 10 marks; I'mlcr th halelul Inllueiue or lotatieii, just when tlie right kind "la man i-eulil Ihveiiiu a power in IpkIiiIIeii and a iM'iiellt tiihiseenstlliients he is reunited te lii-ike plain Tei a gnen man, who must pass thieiigh the Mint) eourseel pupilage ami cixHirii'iue. Wolieliete this te le wieng and the ellis-ta injiii imis te llm tsiuimeu tte-illh. nfxnii-se when a nun his preteil lalse te hisienstllilents the wiin I he H le le metisl ihelielter ;liut thiseeiitlnud turning nut el the r.utlilul seitantx te In ike room for wilile one else h is heen a damage In the state." .. . or course it is net wNe te remote tin) rigid kind of in 111. hut thetmuhli) Is de we eter Unci him ? Constant elts-liens are attempt te siuiulile u")ii('ailtle'rt " strong 111 111." As tilings go we see t'ery little dilleieiii-e lio lie lio tttienthe ttlsileiii or old meiuliert in our legislallte IkkIIi-s and the younger ones. Iteth are eii dlt amhltieus te inlreiluie Inelisli lulls unit te'.e fei outrageous ai ai ai propiiatiens. Ir men wire taught the pieper theory el peteriinu nt, it would mat ler little tt hethei well id eiuig, old or green men 111 elhie. roi.u-i.etti. rei: .sn 1.1:1111. Mt 11. Hun I ituiii; Wtiii-ll I'ail I'l.-lttlen On' lllutil I nor ( nun's in IT He f inn III ut. I linn lli'lgnt lii I'eili lit teui allis liensaliistiil ilisi ngageil, lint ten wish loliesteit Iheiueu one he will return like Im like. In this i.ise thuie .lie plenty of wishing eh urn, wislueg gales, Ae., scalteied tlueugh the eeuntr.t. A w isli hn-itheil Ileal llieiu, miil.Uept Mini, will siyiuerei later hate Its lulllllnienl. Iliittheie is Homed tetnitel te llm lakemiiutr.t or te rintli.ile l'lier.t, near D111I1.1111, (where is a wishing eli.ih ;) il .toil stn.i pieie or old iieu or a liiiisi'-shi)eu your p.ith lake it up, spit 011 it, ami tliiett it eter your tell nlieulder, training a wish at the Maine tune. Kiep this wish a sei-iel, ami it ttill i-oine In piss in due lime. II j oil meet a pielulil liorse.uom lierse.uom liorse.uem iug i-aii he iiieie Im kt ; ultei teui wish, and, wluteti'i- it in i.v he, ten will hit oil lieleintliu wis k he out. Ill Cletelauil the lol lel lol leitiug initlied el dinning whither a gill will hi mauled 01 net is leseited te. Take a tiimlili'l el water I10111 a stieani wliieli inns Heulhwiuil ; Ik it the wi titling riuget wime guilo-iiile and suspend it lit ahair of yeui head et ei the glass et watei, heldingtlm h dl lstwisii the linger ami lluuuli. If the rinirhil igiuust the nide el llm glass, the holder will die 1111 old maid ; Il it till 11 iikklt iiiuiiiI, him will Ik) iiiariieil once; II slowly, mice, niieiiiu 1110 inig ruexi the Hide el the glass iiiein than lliiee tliiiit afler the lieldnr li.it lunnouiueil the 11 line of hei Inter, tin re will he ,1 lengthy louit leuit hlilp. mil nothing iiieie; "she will he roiul reiul roiul ed te dead," as lliey siy in l.lni olushlie ; ir less rreipiently, llm ull.ilr ttill Im hieken oil, ami II them Is no Milking .it .til it will miter iiinieen. Ol il mi leek at the hrM new moon of the ear through .1 silk hand keii-hlef wliieli has neter hem washed, as many moons as ou we tlueugh it, (the tlire.iils lllllltllllt Imr the tlsiell.) hll tll.lllt tears must lis.s helere eiir 111.1rri.1ge. 'Would von asierlalu Ihoielui et your fuliiiu liutUintVH lialrT 1'ollew llie pi.utlee eftlm (lenii.111 girls, lletwieu llie htmiH or 11 and li at night en SI. Andiett'.t I'.te a inalden liiust Ht.mil at llm house deer, take liehl el tliu lali'h and k,i thue tluius "lit'lille lute, ir thou let est me, hliett uim)ii.- nun iiiusi then open the deer iniii-klr and ni.ikeu i.ipld grasp through it Inte the darkness, tt hen tdm will hud iu liei hand a leek el hei futuie husliaud'Hliair. A tenlhle railroad aivldciit mvurred alieiit li.dr-past nine o'clock tlilt morning a sliert illManifloaster theelly, hy wliiili .lesepli .1. Kis'ii.m, HiiHirliili'udi'nt of llm Uincaster htei'k jardt, nephew of .linnet Steuait, their propilcter, ami one of llm host kiimtn young men or the eilv, had helu hit legs cut nil. Ilen.nl iN'i'ii at tliu Nlei'k .fatdteu hutiuust and wishing In lelurii te hit lieum attempted hi get upon llm shirting enghie at Im had for ears heen In llinhahlliifiteInK, le rlile up te hit home. At the Milllcr, ttlilili nan two ein-ii wilt allaelicil te It was opietllo Doilge'it nirk werkt, 11 uluirt illst-inee Imlew llie Ktin'U auls, Iheinen ineliirge efit relta mtihlen jar, mill llm eetidui ter, Win. Ihlghlen, mis Its ting that he had tun eter wiincthlug en llie tra.'k, at nm e Meppeil llie fiigina Jehn I', Weatnr, a hnikemm en llm earn altnelied lollie ishlllcr, looked Imck ami mw ii iiiiiii lying 011 theliaik, and hiiriy lug Kick In the isitnvegiiireil Mr. Keeii.m. "My Hed, Jee, it tlilt jeiiT" Mid Mr. Weater. "Ilett did (hit li.ipHnT" " I attemtiteil te Imaiil tlm .slillli'l," naiil Mr. Keenaii, "and slipped ami Tell en llm Iraik, ami two cart pissed eter inc. I think I will die; I ttish ten would hciiiI fur a priest." Ily llm time I'miilm'ter llrlghteu mulWin. roll h.nl pulled Keenaii from llm tr.uk and the shifti r was h.n kid ilettn te where thoac theac tideiit had hapH'iieil, and Ktt'ii.ili was put nlieartl and taken te the luggage riKiin In the railnrid ili-pet. Ir. (leerge It. Wilcluuit tint huiriidlt sunt ler mid hi .1 Tew iiiiuutet was hy the side of llm ttiiumleil in m. ami hy the use of terniiiuett st.it isl tin) Hew of hloed. In the meimtime, at Mr. Kis-n.-ni'it ieiiiest, Mieli.ifl Mi Connelly had geim for ltet. Or. MiCullaiighaml tliat genllt man wieiiarrltetl ami ailiulnWeiisI tcllgiouteensolalioii. At tlm icijtinsler Jehn I'.. Het In, Mr. Kee iiiu't hrelher In-law, Itr. 1'r.itg, of Celiiiuhlt w.it telegraphed Ter, ami that gentlein.uii'anie ilettn 011 a Hpis'i il train te assist in the surgi cal operation. Alter Mr. Kecuan't crushed liuiht hid lici'ii hindagiil, Im was rallied te his heme, li'i North HIilpiK.'iiKlit-cl, wheiotheeiM'ratioii of ampiltltlng Imlli legt was te Is) per per rerinisl. Mr. Ktinin Is an estim ihle young in in iiIhhiI 1.1 y ears el age, and has Inch tHK'rin teiitlent eftlin stock yaul ler seteral e.irs. lie isaiieplicH el Janus Stewart, the owner eftlm t.inls, Ifing .1 I Mr. Slewart't sisttu. His parents am deceased. Alsiut tliu e.ti.irs .ice he married Miss I hulette IteylJ, ailaugliler el the late Captain i.eorge UISetlt. Tlie latest uewt Ireiu the hctlsltle or tlm 11l1rortu11.1le111.111lstl1.1t he is slnkuig. Ne auiiiltatlen hit Liken place, owing te the ntii ill's weakcnisl loudltieii. It is tliu opinion el hlsphtslei.ilislh.il he cm net in cut ur, uiili-ssa inaction mmiii takes plate. 0111 1 v.im. Ileal ill Mr. v tlerk. ?A-'i lioeuKeciMjr, r-,wn; ihimihh clerk and welgli clerk, il,Mi register el do de do iiesitK, warrant ilerk, and cashieit clerk. il.TlHi n.ifh; ats.iy't cx-niiuilatlim clerk mid :.Lui ...1 ,.i..li clerk. Sl.t'itm nath. Tlm wauut of workinen and adjusters amount iu aggregate te f-M.U,W. .,,,,. , The gotcrnem of tlm torrlteiiot nvoite fU,Oij() each, and tliu Jiulget of their tupiuine ceiirLs? :t,nui) each. , , liesldes feruign nilnlstcrt and consult general, the consul at l.lvorel, gets fH,tKK), at rieng Keng ?5,000. Alse thcre 111 e 10. consult, dltldeil into heven Uasnes, with ualnrlct rungltig from $1,000 tofl.eno jicr annum. wtf "" Tlie Indian agenelet nre wertli from $1,000 te f-'.OOO a year, with pIcUiiigH ; and the chance of being tcalpcu diminishing with tliu Halury. TIIK I'OHIOFFIUIX. Tlm 60,017 jiostellli et In the United Staict are illtidisl Inlo four classet llrM, Hocenil, Ihird and feuith. Tliu great majority belong te the leurtli clast. All ellicet it he.su giett rccciptt are t-10,000 and iipward lioleng te llie llp.t clatt 1 all whose grett nvelpttaru HOOO u'ld net lotceedlng UI0,00U belong te the jijcend il.vss ; nil whoe grett rccciptt 111 u l.lXKJtiudnotexccoilhigJiStjOOholoiig te tlm ililrd cl.ist, while all the remainder belong In the teiirtu class. lostma,sters of tliu !lrt, liiiiilile'lii;il) III si. I.1111I11. At tliisk 'lliiiiMlay etcning "'loin" Itesiwick killed Mary (Jue and then cndul his ettu lllii iu the lioiise of Mailaiue Neith, at Ne. llONeitli Ninth Mieet St. leuK He nliel tliu woman iu hctci-.d places, stabbed hliuseir ten timet anil blew hit brains out. Jury ( f no w as the ruputeil w ile of a w ull-to-de bushiest man named Henry One, who, how ever, new repudiates iier and h.ivh he was net or law fully married teher. In llestwlck't (Kicketw.it leiind a letter, in which lie talit: "This weiuiui wat the cause of all my tumbles." MamIe One wat a handsome) woman, about titcnly-slx e.irt of age and of girlish appeaianee. Ilestttlck wus a llno llne llno leokinir lellew of thirty-llte tiud wat well and faterably known hi all iiiiutornef the city, llewana h..cheler and is H.iid te bate lceii ciiLmgluil with this woman ler a long while. At ttinhl.lllnn IIiiiim.. Twcnly-twe ledgius etciipled llm station house last nlghL They wuie dischaiKed tlilt inerniiig. Setcn 1r.1t and six g.isollne lights Idled te hum last night. I.I1111111111 sin Id) Mi'i'ilni;. Tlie twcnty-thlrd iiunltcr.iiy ineetliig or the IJiiuu'iut siK'lity, will lu held hi tliu museum, at ",ij o'clock to-iuerruw alter- 1)0011, tun Kit. tlnller el l'.i.l- .I11I111 I'. Km. Mrx. Ann Ilea, widow or the late Samuel A. Ilea, of ut'.ir Kirk't Mills, Chester eeuuty, tiled en 'Ihursda.t 11101 .liigat the lesitlence of herMin-hi law) William l'.lick, in l.illln Itritain, Willi whom she has made her home tei seine.tcai-s. She had limn in her usu it gtwsl hc.iilh until last l'rlday, whin she was taken suddenly ill, gum Mc.ullly worse and died iu less than a tuck. Mis. Ilea wasa nalite el l.clunen leutily ; she wat a sister or the late Jehn Light, do de teasiil, ami a nieinliei ul llm most nuiiicr nuiiicr eut and widely known family or tint teiiiilt, many inniulfitef wlmli am sittlcd through Uuiixislnr also. I'er the gieatel s'neil el herliie she lit nil in Chester teiiult, along thelKtenuii, w heiv her hlls b.nnl i.urieil en a winiIIcii mill and where their lauillt giew te in iiihoed. 'I huiluldren weie.lauies ., a lattter m Chicago; lien. Jehn 1'., leriueilt el this city ami new or Minneapolis Minn.; Dr. Samuel ., a prac ticing phi sii i in IuOxleiil, I'.l; UeIhtI anil Themas ;'M irt ., wileel Willi llll lll.ick. Diseased was a woman of great nitite loiteotch.uai ter, intelligent e, Kjtturef will .1111 C ills in liielf. Sim was singularly ileteiit 111 liei walk and ciiiiicrsitleii, origin il 111 her opinions and ic.uless 111 e e piessieu nflliniii ; withal I1lfi.1l ami ehau ehau tableaml geueieut te lliiwi who dllleietl fieiii theni, but whoeeiihl net sweite her rieiii her usk-lieuud lalth. Sim w.is .1 palii'iil, leutler, luting wile and metliei, ami "noun knew her but te Inte her, neim named her but te praise." llialli el lii-niKC IL It.ni. Mi. I.eeige IL Itarr, leiiuerly ami ter many .te.us assistant te Hie l.ile Mr. Jehn Iteik, til the I. lilt academy, iluiMrlcil lliit Ideal his lain icsitleiitn hi I'liil.itlulplil.i, el eonsimiplieii, en Sunday last, In the Mith tea 1 el lusiige. Hit reiuaint wein buiilght "te the house nl hit hnillici in law, Mr. Stni'l. I). Miller, M.mlieiiii, en Wednesday, ami atlei wauls iuterietl m the I'ahtiew teum tett, llm liet. Jnlili lii.ili llll, el Hie Dpisiepal chuit h, peileriiiing the last Kid inns. in ii in ................. I nun lie .Inlinslett 11 Ut hum i.it ttetwciii -ami .le't lock oil I'lida.t iiieiuiug last, Mix. Cirtu passed .11111,1 lienie.iilhallci biting sullen tl long and ntitnlly I10111 a .1 Lii.il .1 ill til 111. in .liiliostew 11. I'.i. 'I he tie- ceiseil was hoi 11 in spimglield, Chester Ce., M.utli .1, MS and united with tlm MVthedisl 1 luiiihat the e.u Iv age el eletcii .tears. I'er illlt-eight tears, a lilcthne itseir, she w.it.ni e.uuusl and ealeus tteiknr in the cause or Chiist, doing geed le elheit and leading limit te lollett hei example. Hei patents siiliseipicutlt melt il te Heading, wheieshe attenilul the public schools ami us cited a laii iilucitieii. 'I hen ipulna young woman she actenipanleil hei luetlier, l!et. O. it. lioediu.tii, .1 h.il Methodist pleat her, rum Ite.iilliiL' te Columbia. Lancaster enmity. Tneieshe inet Mi. J. II. C.utei, te wliiini slit) was married In I'elii u u t, Is.il. Until wein descendauttel old ami pieiiunent aucesti. who weie distinguished Ixith hi eliuicli and shite, in IsT'J, Mr. C.utei leiueted hit fam ily te Johnstown. Pint lout In Hi it liinethey had lesiiletl fei setei il teaisal Mount Union, Huntingdon ceuilly. .Nil. C.ulei'H death -I'liunil ill KM). Six ihililien wnu horn te Hilt couple, el w In nil loin sui t lie. I'miutl llc.itl 111 It. .1. r.iremca llisitci, a million lady in ye.ut old, lesiillng at llaietdle, Upper Leacis k township, watieiiud drad iu hetl oil lliuis- I iy meiulng. Deputy Ceinner llaitey Lttleeiii".iuelled J. D. tlrabill, J. D. Den linger, Maitin Shaeller. Lety Dunwoeily, J. D. Ilutkwalter anil Libit S. Luck, as the junnt teintestigate thoc.iuse el'tle.itli. They 'icmleieil a tmlict tli.it ilt'.ith icsiiltetl liem lii'.nt disease. rmieral et Clmili's I.IHllKt'l. .Tlie limcral of the l.ile I'h.ulct I'.lllngcr took place this afternoon and was attended by representatltet el the Cuumi-tivge trilie eflled Men, tlie Miennoicher anil a large number nt Irieiuls. Thefuneialhertitet wcre ceiiductcil by Hey. 1 Mclstcr, of St. .Sto .Ste pheu'4 Lutheran chinch, and the interment was iimiIe at .ion's cemeleiy. leitTV-i-.itttirit vixtitrss. Tlm SIIrrt;nlliilll'Hilelli.liill C'l.mM" llplfiltl'tl III llll' Ueinits The Hlltrr 111c.11 wuie tlilorleut In tlm I louse en Thursday, defeating by atole of l.t'lle IIH, Mr. UiuiilaH'H inolfeii le suspend (he mint and consider the Hillidry rltll up up up pioprlatleti hill ferfnur heurt, thrce hours te hoiluteUtl totlmrl.'UiNoiiuthorl.liiglliopieH tetlmrl.'UiNoiiuthorl.liiglliopieH totlmrl.'UiNeiiuthorl.liiglliopieH liiciittosittpeiid llie slltcr rolnage Ter 0110 ywir, and 0110 hour te the npproprhllen for IheNtiwOrlnant i:xNisltlen. Tliu voteln do de tall It nt folleut: Yuat .Mcssin. AdiiniM (III,). Adnmt (.V. V.), Ariml, Itaglev, llirlmur, llarr. Ilayne, Ile.ich, Itelnienl, Iliiigh.iiii, IIIsIk-p, llnutclh), llewen, llralten, llrewcr (N. Y.), llrowne (Intl.), llrowne (Pa.), Ihickner, Iturlelgli, CamplKill, (Pa,), lleltitit, Ceinmllv, Con Cen xerte, Cox (N. Y ), Craig, Culleii, D.irg.m, D.itit(lll.), Datlt (Matt.), Deuxler, Ding, ley, Dixen, Dunham, Knten, I'.llletl, Kills, I'.imeutieut, I'.taiiH, nvniliarl, Vvrrel, Kletl lnr, I'iudhit', Kellttt, tliiirlseti, (Invnlcar, (lueiilher, llancei'k, Ilnrtly. II inner, Hatch, (.Midi.) Iliiynet, iiewukm. ,), HisciHk, liltt, Hehlltell, llollen, lloi llei klns, ilerr, llewny, Hunt, HnlchiiiH, .lames, Jehnsen, Jenet (WK) Kc.iu, Kelly, Ketcham, Lainy, Ijiwremv, Ijeng, Lyman, .MeCeiniis, Mi t'ermit k, .Mill ml, Miller (Pic), Mlti hell, Merse, Moiilteu, Mullet, Mulchlcr, NullliiL'. O'Neill rl'.Ll. Parker. Pat lie Piiellis. Poland, Pest, Petter, Pitsey, ILindall, Itaimey, Kav(X. Y.),lleed (Mm), itockwell, lingers (N, .), Uiih-seI, Seyiiinur, Skiuniir, (N. Y.)t Hmllh (Pa.), Snyder, Spoencr, Sprlgt, Slei le, Sletens, Storm, Ktiaite.Sitepe, TallHitt, Tucker, Van Alstyim, Wadtwerlh, Wait, Washbuin, Wempln, White (Minn.), Whitney, Win mt (Wis.), and Woodward -IIH. Nays Messrs. Aiken, Aluxandu, tuler tuler neii, Atkinson, ltallautlue, llarksil de, IIn. rerd, Iteimet , ll)a kburn, lllaml, Itleunt, llrci ki nrldge, Unhung, llrendlic id, llui'li aiiau, ItuililJLlnrnt, Calt'll, CaiilplH'll (Ohie), Candler, Cannen, C.irleten, Catsidy, ('lardy, Clay, Clements, Cobb, Cook, Cosgrete, Cox (N.'C), Culborseii (Tex.), D-lviilsen, Datit (Me., Dibble, Dibmll, Difkerv, Dowd, Dunn, JMdreilge, Kllwoetl, l'llgluli, I'eran, 1'erney, ruusteii, Oeildes (lilnen, (ll.it ei'k, tiell, (ir.itcs, (irecii, Il.ilsi II, Ham Ham eond, llaulaek, ilardein.'in, Hurt, Hatch (.Missouri), Hemphill, lleiiuers.ui (Illi nois), llenlet, llepliuni, llurbtit, llew ilt (Alabama)? Hill, Hellii.iii, IMmiw. Iletik, Houseman, Jours, (Alx), Jenes (Texas), Joint (Ark.), Ktifer, liener', Ivlcimer, l.iiihmn, ltlctie, la'Wlt, lin, Loter Leter Ing, Lewiy, Mi Cord, MaKen, Maybnry, Miller (Texas), Milllkcu, Mills, Mem v, Mor gan, Mudrew, Murphy, M11rr.1t, Nelsen, e'l'errall, O'Neill (VK, Patlen. Pat-son, Peine, Peel, IVrkiiis, Peters, PettilHiun, Prl.e, Prier. Iteagan, Itcetl (N. C. ), Itecse, Itiggs, llolx-i-tsteii, l'.egert, (ik. ), Hosc Hesc nraus, Unwell, Ut.m, Stne.t, slurlet, S111 S111 gleleu, Skinner (N. ('.), Huiilli, (Iowa), Springer, Stephenson, Slewart, (Tt x ) Sloek Sleek slager, Siiiuntr (C11U, Sumner (Wis.), Tay Tay eor (Tcim.). Themas, Tillinaii, Tully, Tur ner, (dx). Turner (K v.), Vauen. an lotion, Wallace, Wartl, Winner (O.,. Warner (Tinn.), Weater, Welllieiii, Willei, White, (Kt.), Wllklns, Willis, Wilsen, (lew.i), Wilsen (W. Va.), Wliians, (M.. h.i. Wise, WeimI, Woithiiigteu, .ii.; Yerk, S tiling ll'i. Thi'illineuuivineiit of the tote wat gletlcd with applause. The bill wattln n.aflerwmie tit lute, taken up under tutpeusieii or the ruins with tliu si! ter coinage clause emitted. Div ussieii or tlm $.'.tio,teu iippiopriatien te the New Orleans Imposition U-gan, and wat ciiiitiiiuiil until the hour or adjournment without 1 tuning In a llnd telc The Senate, after going thieiigh a eousider eeusider ahlu mimiinl el reutinn hiisiness, took up.uul jMssed the legislatite appropriation bill, sub st.intially as it iiime trem the nppropri.itient tellimittie. Mr. Sheiin.m then leek tliulloer te Hn'.ik en tlm silter bill, and a long ilekiln lollett ctl. alter ttlihli the Suiate aiUellintd. TIIK CLUIi AND INSTITUTE or cer.tr.viiiA Aitevr te iivvumk Tin mi or thi: past. A I'rnji-it Tli.it I1.1t Iliilertiinnlfly IjeikiiMii .1. Tlie lliiiinli'it lltmw-lre Tlml I. Iimi- grrtius t'lcitant Smlal i:nl. Nuli-s Aheut Town, AT Tlilt XATIOS'AI. UAVITAt Tl llli: II. IK VTH.'.tOlfl.lV. -s,l.JH l'fill f The liarrlsnii at K.iv.il.i. i)iliileii nt (.iilniii Theilillicultt or tin) B.irris.111 at Kassala hat been Incre.uscd by thoappeaiance of the Italians at 1 ltsewah. Tlilt Intcrleret Willi thnautherily of Majer Cheiiiislde, who wat prcunng an liiiiunnse ismtey or pret 1 1 slens, munitions and money ler Kassala. Tlietu nie.ituintef leliefr.ir the liele.igueretl illy are new at a standstill. Kassala it tliu tot enil eitv I" I'm Soudan. It con tains Si,(m inhiblt.ints and has a garrison or ,S,oeu limn. It is the ke.tstime iu the line el" lieiilini stionghelilt ttlilili au holding out icainst Hie M.1I11I1. Kassala, Sanlieit, A111 1I1I1, (ihh.i.md liiillabut art) all insisting the foueol the reln'lt. K.issal.ihas alieatl Its 11 U-siugcil for 11 whole jear. Majei Cheimside h.ul elleied te semi rciiilercemi 11N, but the .... nun .11. Im- Ii ls rerustsl teatvi nt any. as he was niiablu te pret ide theni with loud. Un less I Ingland or Italy sends speetly relier, Kass.ila will share the l.ile et Hi 1 her ami Khartoum. Mr. Ilniiit M. Stanley, Iu lus mteitiew thought that'tlie rn-.iseu why l.eneral (ioitlen tint net niake hit ummiw trem Kh.iiteiiui by sleainerw.it the fact that he wasa latal 1st. (icniral (ioitlen beliettd it te he hit duty te regcuerite manklntl, eten nt the cost et hit lilu. Hit death it mero serious than tliu fall of Khartoum. Had he luau.igid le escape Willi his lile hit piesence would ill the end hiteseciiicd tlclery for tlioc.uise he topie tepie si ntetl. Ui'giilar C01 iT.poiuleiice of I rtki Limtti Kit. (.'ei.DMin.t, Tub. 'J7. Without 11 deubl lliu Columbia club and Institute hat wen Itt hist days. Alllie ineotiiigef the oxeciilite coni ceni coni lulltee lit I'euncll thainlmr last melting, n paicr wat read Ireili tlie Peniitylvania mil mil read ceniuny. Itslatetl lli.it lliu ciuniMiiy would glte for the llrtl year f KX) te pay llie rent. If liicMluhatisweieil llm ii.tcuiled pur pur Mite, iheii lit lii-uiagert would nxiieet luore lllmral aid from tlm muiiciny. r.terylhlng ismeeriilng llie club and iuttltule wat ills cussed, and en liiotleu it wat divided ie abandon the pieject until early next fill, as this season it lis) far ailtancfil for llm pieper Interest le lj taken. Thltita mild way of surrendering and thit it prelrihly; lliejast wnsh.ill eter liearet tliu elumhii club and instltule. Tlm Ilaiiiilcil tluii.e. Instead of tlie haunted lioiise liclligsilii alml en Union street, at we stated In last etening't Is ri:i.t.lui:M-Kit, it It en Perry street, ubute TI1I11I, ami I- owned by Dr. Malkel, he hating rctently purchased il. It wat formerly occupied by Mrs. Welimer, tl.e woman killed en tliu Peimtyltalil.i rail iibiiI seinu time age. Willi llie lopert that tlm lioiise was haunted caine unetlier that Dr. Markel would giteHrcnt rrce le any Issly deslrieiLt eriiting lu it. Tills it net true, as -the diictnr informed your corres pondent thit morning that he intended re uniting the house and erecting a mero suli HL111li.1l one. Hillllng fur Hie tn,iii;iiiatliii. Cemii-anyC. will held 11 slieci.il til ill till utening. It will piebably In) lliu last until HioeemiKiny inturns lreiu Washington, 'liie men will lw glten their new iiiiirenus along with their ether eiiuipiiienU l'iual erdert will he mad. The ltmrth luirlment, te which Ceinpanv C. itatl.iclied, has iK-eii enleieil le assemble, at llarrlsburg en Monday, which 1 itv ille.it ft at lift) P. in. Company C will iensi'iiicntly le.ite iiere either by sn'ci.il or en the le.u in., ti.tiu. Ire TI1.1I 1. I).lli'Uiis. 'I he ice along tlm L-mcasler t mini v side el the liter is tery dangerous cspivially where tenuis Iskird the ice. It crai ked last etenlng and wat lenderitl ctcn mere tlangereiit. Celiiuihi.i lads hate constructed a bridge of planks fiem tliu sheiu loselltl Ice. It is mut able, and unless loll is paid tliem, lliey re mote the hndgeaml teams must get en the Ice the In'tt way they ran. 1'lcas.int Sniial Dirnliw nlcasiiit imrty was glten l.isteteumg by Mitt 1111ie Il.irnes, at her lieniu en Seuth Stst mil sti t-et, teher iiunicieiis frlcndt and at iiiaiutauces. A plt-as.mt, piogrc-rtlte ciuhie juity was irlt mi te the iiiciuburt and frieiidt of the Cel- uiuliia Utxl ami mm eiun i.isieteiiuiB uy in. .1. K. Llneaweater, at hit Walnut strett Inline. A. Jussel wen tliellrst prize a hand some tits k of cauls. Jacob Kethschllils, who did net win a g-uius was nwauleti second pue feiu pills. n elegant MipNr was scrted llie guests. J. S. Maxteu, 011 Wednesday etcning, pre sentetl a large ami handsome i.ike te ids brother iiieiuln-rs el Orien hnlge, Nti sTii. 1. O. O. P. This it a custom orieiigst.uuliiig in thltloilgetopic'seiitacako uiMinany e,nts lnetnls'rs beceinhig married. Heath r llrnry II. .Miller. Henry I). Miller, of Mmiliclin, father oreur townsman, I-'. P. 1). Miller, died at let home at MirCi a, in., of 11 coinpliratlen of diseases. I Itve.ised w at aged lui ears, and le.it ct a w ile and lite children, thieesens and twedaugh- ters. His death was net unexpected, ut I10 liat liecn sterieusly 111 for the sl three mouths. He was well and favorably knew 11 In Cnluinliix Neli Alitiut 'luitli TheM.iiiella link i-ariiltal, last ctening, lim.e I)K(iieik the Siinttrjr C'lill Appre priatien lllll. Wash inii ni.N, l'cb. '-7. Tim preslilcnt has approved llieact prehlhltliig the imjortiitleti of foreigner! ami aliens, under contract, le Ifrferlu labor. Senate, -After disisislug or tlie morning business, tlie Senate took up the natal appro priation bill, ami proceeded tt llh lis second reading. Tlie hill sulisliintlally us reported from the eonimlttce was paswcl. M'iM i. in. the Sciuite w out into e.xcctith e session. IIiiuhe. Tlie lioiise te-day pmcocileil with tlie consideration of the sundry eltll approprialieti bill. Tlie niin.il.cr exprcsscil soiiie doubt, upon tlie iUesllen, but made 110 decision, as Mr. Hand. ill, of Peiiusyltanla, Infenned the Heuse that he bad Liken the precaution le hate the bill engrossed lu ad lance. He united, lmwcter, te susn'ud tliu rules, sous te dlsiense with tlie requirement of hating the bill read. Mr. James, of N'mv Yerk, Mr. Themas,, of Ills., and Mr. MeCoinasef Mil., setercly criticised tlie miiidry fit 11 bill for llie protlsleus width it contained relatite le public; build ings, and assirtctl lliat while llm dislrlctt leprnsenled en the iippiopriatien couimlllce had ls'Cii well, letiktsl after, llie dis trh ts of ordinary inc'inbers of llm Heuse, weie disregarded. Mr. Paysoii,'ef Illinois, s,dtl that asMr. Ilerr, of Michigan, was the only member of tlie appropriation eonimlttce who hud net In-cu pret idetl for, f.'jOJJOU Hlmillil In) git en teliini tebe exeiidcil ill Ids district. Mr. It.mdall relertetl that th.it remark was unjust. Thcre was net a dollar iu (he bill that went le his ilislriit. Mr. Peller, of New Yerk, ng.iln put Ids pretest against the prattieoer iiassing appropriations under a 8iisciisi(iii or the rules. Mr. Uamlall 10- pcatcd the sLiteineni iiiaiinerewus neia dollar hi tlie hill fur a public building lu Philadelphia. The nipiiihorsef tliocoiiiiult tliecoiiiiult tlioceiiiiult ti e en appropriations, in two iiiiuntospcec-hes Justllicd theiracnim ami attributed the com plaints net le what was in tlie hill but te what is net ill il. As 11 gentleman (r.v-ntl and another nrese, lliere were shouts el "next," with sarcastic suggeslleus lh.it each member or the appropilatten committee be allowed lite minutes te explain his con duct. As Mr. Heliuan re-"e, he was greettsl with appl.iuse ami shouts eflaughtcr. Undefended tlin coiuinittre ami was followed by Mr. llarues, in tlie sauie view. Mr. ltamhill's win agreed le eat 'ill, nays .M,;iuil tlm Hiiiil rending or the bill was dispensed wilh. TIIK lNIWASlllNGTON. Tin: .v.iriu.v.a. tiii:.itiu: nvnsr.n te tiii: iiiiuum. An Atljiiltitiig lintel, Ilia IliirrU lliinn", Alie In names A I.til of Tlimtricnl Wnnlrehi Iie.triijrtt llnlrl ftur.ts "ersl te I'ly for Thdr I.lti-m WANtiiNiiniN, 1'eU 27. TlioKiillonaltlio TlieKiillonaltlio TlioKiillenaltlio atro, en K street, just oil' lVnnsyltnnla no. tine, w.nsillscotcied tobeon Ureal lialf xvst nne o'cletk this meriiltig. It Imrncnl (lonely lighting tip all llie central ami western part orthe city. On account of its proximity te the Ilarilft hnuseand olher lmiirliint buildings llie progress of llie lira, was w atchcil w llli anx xlcty.. A gonenil alarm ttivt sounded. The tlin gained consldnrable Iieatlway lio lie lio rerolwa.s dlstsiycreil. It ovitlenlly sLuted iu llm rear of the stage, and was llrwt els. Kcrtcit by two police olllrers en beat In the neighborhood at it burst through tlie reef' Just oter the eentre of the Hhige. Tliey areusetl tlie engineer el tlie theatre, whetvivt asleep hi llie Hocend shiry of tlie building. Se rapidly had the Haines spread that they wcru compelled te put a ladder te this win dow, and hoenlyoscaped iuliltiilghtclotlies. The llre depaitment was seen 011 tlie Hcene, hut within ten mhiutcs front tlie time the llre was dlscetcreil, anil befere auylhlng could bodetio techccli It, tlie xthole lntorler of llie tlieatre was 11 Innly of Maine. All the scenery and properties, the wardielm of the company playing at tliu theatre tills week lliu Wallack Tlicitre Company the books, Ac., of tlie lessees, which wero ill tlie Inx oilhe, liat u been destroyed. Only tlm Hair walls or llie tlieatre building are stand ing. The ll.unct upload te tlie Harris house, adjoining. Tlie gucstt of this hotel hastily left ler saler quarters. The origin et llie llre it unknown. Iist utcniiig's iierformanceclosod at 10:30 and tlie tlieatre wat cloted befoie 11 o'clock. The llre wat diseoicieil at lsUOa. m. The wall and root of the I Iarrit house, ad joining the theatre, was pretty badly dam aged, and only the most strenuous exertions 011 the part or the lliemen prevented the whole building from destruction. The lluutre building, of which only tlio tlie criiinbling walls remain, was owned hy Mr. W. W. Kapley, who also managed the theatre. Ile estimates the x.ilue of the build ing at $100,000, and of the furniture, scenery and preertles at $00,000; lnsuraute alxutt $10,000. Miller ,t Jenes hating a billiard room eter the tlieatre lobby, less f'JO.OOO. renr jir.veti r irru.s. i.r.aiat.A ti ri: ireuic. I OI'.M! .till ,llltJ.M'l'.'t, TAIil 11. 1 1:. 1 mi filial Hit 11 tin. Ailiiie (.In n ul ltn' l.t.u Asmh l.tlitlll Cenrt-lt-ilt. Thiiisda.t wilt the second day of the lltiin gnlu ul iit-nKlal Inn's con furoiue at Calas.iuiii.i, Pa. Allui ii-adiiig iliuiclidlstiplumielating te the itiiiduit el pienclii'i's, I'.ishep Dulis made sinw tery pehdedand limel.t leiiiatks. t Him ihei liihiL's lm tilleillheattentiiiiiel the letingu ininisterH te the ntsessity or making 11 wist iholie w lieu si Its ling pait ners let lile, ami that It it ter.t unmanly and 11111 lu isti.m te Limpet with the hunts el tilling Indies, 11111I that the sheiihl (ensiilt their elder biethien bettile llie.t uiliietl into any engagement. Thoeeinniltteoon beuuil.uies insulted that l-'leiiila be l.ikuii up nt a nilssinii, winch suli jeit was disciis.sul at lenulh and Im.illy atlepletl by arising tote. TI1e11sol11tienth.it llatllelil he takin fiein the l.insdale and llatlleld mission, that L.uisdahi and Pl mouth leiistitutua luissieii, and llatlkld hu adilitl te Montgeniurv ciuuil, was net adepleil. It was then muted ler letonsldcra letensldcra letonsldcra tieu and tarried, and then itleiied back te llie teiuinittce. This resolution that l'leo l'lee liimsbiirg, Wellington and n iiut.t ceiisliliitu .1 mission was udeptt'd. The resolution that Koxlieroiigh be taken fiem Hath .mil added te Hangni was also auepteu. :.t'i i' .m.viv it 1 1 -it.. was a suttcss. The Darling-Drewn isiiubiuatleu appeared ler tlie last lime, hi the Mc(ieniliLin link, last 1 telling. Onlt .1 l.ilr-slzrtliiiiillenee was prisent. A matinee will be git en Iisinei row alteriioeii with the liontille hind in at tendance. Tlie proieM-d business meeting of tin) Columbia 111 ig-adn 1 lull last et cuing was msl iHiucil until next Wi'tlnesday.asa tiuerum of lnenibers could net be raised. The beard or directors of llie Susquehanna Irmi i-eiiiiiaiiv met 011 Wednesday imd aeecnt- ed the lesign'itien of ll.urit Wilte.i, as their ticasurer anil genei.il manager. Veineu Kills, who lermeily iK-eiipicd that Hititleu, but resii-neil 011 ainotiiitel a pioesed ictliiiv turn el his salaiy, w.is 10-elei toil en hit own terms. " .,,., (Juite a liumln'r of the iiieiiilK'rs or Orien .nut Siisiiuelianna liHli:etef Odd 1'ellews ttill tisit Liue.ister tills etcning, lu sleighs te altind the special meeting et lliu tJiand LtMlge. Twe indict of snow loll in Columbia last nlghL . Ollicfi (illbeiljast utening ariestcil Julia rinii, well-kiuiwn hi tlie l.ineastei jail, for In-lug drunk and ilisenlerly en 1 Hint siieet. Shespcnt last night hi the lockup, ami will stn'iulthe nuxl tirteeii il.iyn in Jail, Sipiire 1 tiling hating this ineining tiinunilliil hei tin that pel 101I. On Weiliiesd.it Samuel Yeuter, feix'iuaii, was doing some work iu tlie . .ml alLuheil te fentlrii h'sOi'iuciuar in.iuut.u-teiy when an leldn lreiu llie nml fell and stiiklng him en tliu head cut thieiigh Ins leltliat, and in dicted a set eie scalp wound. i esteidav.i Uiue.ister tirty piiithased fiem Jessti W'ollehistwo large heisnt p.iyiug ler the same fT'i'i. Tlm following olllcert weie eleclctl last eteiilng by Hit) Agassi. association : President James Meyers. Vice Piesideiit Ktlg-ir Heller. Tiu.isuier Philip 1 iessler. Cor. Seeietiuy viiielia llm Imr. lint. Sis'ietary L1I0 Cndg. Curalei Charlus Sweeney. A li.illii.jil I'niiitiit tur ruliilt) Injiirt-il A Ituli lier efl Igurs 11111I Ttili.lt co. Themas l-'iirnaii, coiitliliter of a ft eight train en the Philadelphia A llalliinore Cen tral iailie.nl, whiih left Pert Deposit at 5:1') Thursday morning, was struck by his engine while shilling car at Park Mount sldlng He was threw 11 hcaxlly against a stene wall, and falling back en tlie tiatK 1110 engine passed et er mid Imiiihly mangled him. liis right aim ami leg were ceinph tely setered from the iHsly. He was Liken up ami sent te the Pciinsttt.mi.i hospital at Philadelphia. His liijuiicsare 1-clieicd te be necessarily fatal. I'liriian Is alxiut;!-years of age, unmarried, mid iiiade his home w Itli his sister in Media, Pennsltaiiia. When l'phrahu Ceuilsh, proprietor et a restaurant near the depid, opened his place 'Ihursdav ineining, he found that he had Inn-n robbed of .1 considerable quantity of cigars and tobacco. An entrance had been cllected by breaking iu llie two lower iKinels of a icar deer. A small amount or change left in the money -drawer wat net taken, tii'ini. noileiibt. oterleokctl. About 11 o'clock. Wednesday night Jehn Caswell, a car cleaner, saw two mini enter the cellar doerof lloynelds Ures.' hardwaiustore nfler tliu store had liecn closed. He promptly sent tteid te Mi. l'oyiields who hastened te tlm store, taking hit seu ami soine cill?ens willi him. Tim men wcre still iu the cellar when they re.ieheil.there, ami seemed te be trting te ulfect 1111 eiiti-ance te the store .dint e. They made a hasty exit 011 1-eiiig dit dit ceyeretl, but wcre liursueil and dually cap tured and brought back. They claimed that hat ing no shelter they went into tlie cellar te keep warm, anil eeiitiiielug Mr. Iteynelds lh.it they had no felonious intention he allowed them te he released. 1 7; 1:11: II T J) A Ctl lit 7.V.I Tl OS. Iiiiiii spu.lws M.ulu ut llarri-iliurg lit dim tlie l.i'Uislutilrc. 'C0.1l sent te Philadelphia fur local con sumption costs fl.si) imr ten ; if sent te not ion it costs only f.5.75 11 ten. " "il a Philadelphia iiiaiiufacltirei wants te ship goods te the r.icilie slope he must Like his giKHls te New Yerk, and Hut it tlie only way iu which he ran ship them. Ile limit It cheaper te send hit goedt around by the way et New Yerk than te send them direct from the city or Philadelphia." "A lead of grain e.unoeii the lialtimeru A. Ohie read, and I wanted te ship it te a point in Indiana county. I could net mikethe counts Hen from Pittshuig te the s.11110 iniint except liy the l'eimsvltanl 1 railie-ad. Tlie charge Iiiiiii PitLshuig te tli.it liiint it Ii cents per 100 iKiunds. I threw it 011 the Pennsyl Miui.i railieail a lew tuiles cast of Pitlsluirg, making tlm hud twelte miles lest than it would be II sent lreiu our city direct, ami they 1 barged me 11 mills per let) ikuiiuIs, making an a11u111011.il 1 esi 01 1-1 en nnu ran hvul." Till'. DltAMA. Itniillile IIiihIii'--.. TrHiisiirtnl In Itutli lleiurs of tlie Statu l.pgllatiirc. IlAiinisiiimii, I'.i., Pel). L7. In the Heuse te-day bills wero reierlcil faterably at fol fel fol eows: Authorizing tlie auditor general te ln ln qulre into the condition of all banks ; outliOr eutliOr ilng persons teli.iwk and innldle witlioutll witlieutll witlioutll cense articles of their own growth and m.nini m.nini racture iu the county in which grown or manufactured ; making tlie iiisurance com missioner subject le writs of mandamus. The unilcrgreund leiegrapli, tolcpheno and clectrie light bill was nega-tit-cly reiMirled. Colbern's resolution le get "at the extra compensation of Judges liem 1S77 te I8S3 was referred te the gonentl Judiciary eommlttee by a yole of 70 le W te Biippress tlie preixjsed lntestlgalien. A con current resolution was adopted requiring tlie geological survey commissioners te deliver all llie xeluincs en baud te the legislature. Tlie following bllltwcre introduced : Miller, Dauphin Asking councils of cities of tlie third class te pate crossings and Intersec tions ; llerry, Krle Authorizing tlie llre iii iii suraneo companies te insure against less by lightning, wind storms tomadeos and cyclones; (Irccn, llerks Te niake tlie tenn of constables three years, except in Philadel phia ; Miller, Dauphin A pprepriatiiig S10, S10, UOOle thu stnte agricultural society; Howe, Cambria Authorizing llie laying ofen assess ment en miners for tlie payment of the check weigliinan. After the muling of tlie 85 bills for tlie last time, tlie Uoitse adjourned. In thoScnate the following wero among llie bills passed second reading : Ilclatlve te the making or coniniiiLitiens for municipal and school Lutes and water rent in cltlosef the thliil class; le prohibit mombers of the lieard of school control lncities of tlie thiid class rreiu holding an olllce of emolument in tlie beard; requiring secretaries of the beard of control In cities of the third class te gite bend for the faithful pciloiniance of thelr duties; autlieriring councils of cities of tlie thiid class te previde for tlie assessment and collection of taxes. The woman lawyer bill was nega tively leixirtcd at was Aull'n bill le discourage groundless and frltoleus liti gation. Dills were introduced as follewH: Wagner Te provent tlie manufacture and s.ile or deadly wo.ipens ; llruuer llcquirlng iiiilferiiilty of text books in common schools. A communication was recclveU fiem the get emer, submitting a loiter Ireift. tlie secreLiry of war, asking llie legislature te pass a bill consenting le the puicliase or a certain tract of land Iitriiila dulplil.t by the United HUUet for 11 national cemetery, and ceding Jurisdiction te tlie Cnited Slates exer the namc,and alsoevortlio (Icltysburg national cemotery. Iteth Hoiireh adjourned until Monday etenlng, March 0th. Tem lliiii.ltin Svnl Out. Tem Housten, an old elleudur, apin'.ueil iH'lore Alderman llarr this iiieiuiug 011 a charge et diiliikenness and disorderly isin-ilui-l. Themas pleaded gullly, but lieggcd for 11 light scntenin. 'Ihu eeuit thought lite days weit) stilllcieut puiilsliiucnt and that was llm senleiii e that was Imposed. Ilrillii'inilil llijuutl. This morning Jehn lilckny, aliral. email mi liH.d freight, fill fiem hit train at Peinurny mid had 0110 leg badly cut and bruised. Ne Ikuius wcre broken and the injured man was taken te hit home ill Coltuubfe. II11. ttlilnw or Mlllliiiialtii llnjl will liii 1" .lull Itiilln r 111 111 'l.-tll). Ludlow stieetjail, New Yerk, is lapidly glowing In fat or as u winter niserl ler tlm host people of New Yolk. Mrs. Helen M. llel, thu widow of Jesse llel, the tlead liiillienaiiu, aiineuuccHliui- iiiteutieti te ni.tl.e lieiself another liiiu.itu or the plain known ttil.uuoasthealiodoiit I'Vuliiiaml Want mid llciky Jenes ratliei than beceiue a w Hints 111 hei daughter's contest of lur husband's will. The contest is for a dit isien el llie jlaJmeJ.)") which Mi. Hest left behind him. Kteiy elleit has been made tlueugh lelatltes mid by ether menus te induce Mis. Iluyt In iqi- jn'.ir lit II Wllliess, uuiaillieuglisiiu niiianinu 111 tlie early staget et the rase she has per sistently 1 cfuscd te attend court. When the case wat called 011 Thursday In ihu surrecate eeuit Mr. Cheato w at eager te proceed with the battlu by llie aid of llm ether witnesses, but Ueiier.il Pi ter Insisted tli.it Mrs. lleyt should he called llisL As she was net iu tlie loom a motion was niadu ler an attachment compelling her te apin-ar in court en Monday next or te phue herself iu contempt. The Biiriogate gi anted thu mo tion. The lawyers think that Mrs. lleyt would piuler going te Jail. lllmirilt-l lien C'tiiiiiiilllt-tl. ltlcli.ml Lewis, James K. Kpiuuci and Henry T. Celeman, nirusted I01 drunken mid dlseulerly conduit, were taken benue Alder man I'orduey, mid alter a heaiiugceuilnitteil tollieiouiiiyjau 101- iitoiiaygeauu. Helt 1 I'ltipt rl StiM. J, Hepe llershburgur hut sold hit hotel prepci ty at Clirittl.iua, tills county, ten Mi. Ilat is, of New JOrkey, who will lalie 110s- ottleu en April Ut. (illls Im it I'nlti-rsll). 'I he stain Cnitcisity, at Ann Aibei, Mich.i fit te uveitu two line piesculs. Hx-iuayer Christian II. Huh!, of Detteit, recently pre se ited the law department library with a cel lectien ul 5,0i0 1 ninnies, eliielly ropeits, tal lied at ft 0111 $ir,tieu te fUU.OOa New it it an an neuuccii that ltandelpli llegert, the sculptor, w he passed lilt boyhood Iii Aim Arlier, but whetiit llted for iiiaiiy yeartpast in Keine, lentet by lilt will at lilt death hit tntire art cellet Hen te thu untterslty, inelililiiigseinn eiiglnalsiiud tostsefall lift works. Thit gill ttill niake tlie itiiitersity ait gallery at well titled in sciilptint) at the bequest et the late Henry C. Lewis, or Celdwtilcr, el' his collec tion 01 pihithigs made It hi pilnting. The " Nydl.i," 0110 of Kegeit' beU knew 11 weikt, hat'leuglKn'ii iu tlie g.dleiy, bating been piuciiaseti in inn- lui n, u'. An I'ligliii-cr'sMili lite. A. P. CteIur weiileut liem Chesler, Pa., as engineer or the steamer lloie. At Parte Plata her beilcis weie c-eiiileiuued. The crew leek passage te New Y'eik en tlie sU).tmer San Dominge. On S.itiiul.iy C10- ier, who ll.ul been reading a newbpaicr en tlm deck, cl.unbeicd iiikiii the stcaiuei's rail and jumped inle the sea. A life-U1.1t was lowered, but he made no cllert te Hwlm mid tciuk before the lieat reaclictl liiiu. Cuizler'n asstn'titet think that he had suddenly bo-i-eino Insane. Ills lugg.ige wat sealed upanil tt hen tlie San Dominge reached jmrt wat do de do IKisited In the ceiniMny'H olllce, te be kept until Ciozlei'a lelatltes call for It. A r.tiuil '1111111111 at lain Halt's at llm ()uia lien.,. XIi. Kcaneas "11111." The dnimatlc company of J. II. Keaue, whit-hit new git ing eiileiLiiiiincntt in tlie epeni hoti'-e, it worth soeing, and tlie iieople iu it are pescssed of a great deal mero talent than some of theso tratellng with ti ou pet or greater pretensions. The prices are tery low and for that r&iseu the party desert e en couragement. Knst evening llie bill wat changed and Washington Irt lug's drama of "Kip Van Wiukle" was gitdiina toryao teryao toryae cepublo maimer. Mr. Keaue assuined tlie cliaiai-torertlioC.itsklll vagalnind.-and hit act ing w at highly sitlstactery. no r.uiKs wuu McWiide iu the character mid many piclVr biin. TliesupiHirtgUcn liy tlie com pany was gis id. Tldseteiiing the play will he icpealed and to-inerrow etcning "Paul Pry" and "Solen Shingte" will be given. A Mtler) ler titail.tiint'. Lord Salisbury's declaration iu tlie lioiise el Leuis, Thursday eteiihig.wiilchwas prac tical I v in favor of an l-'ngllsh protccter.ito eter Kgyptand an indulliiite (K-cuikiIIeii of tlie Soudan, lias roslerotl the chances of llie success of the govemiiiont ou the eensure inollen. Tlie iiregrnst of the Whips' nego tiations in llie lobby lias disclosed a strong tendency ou the par t of the doubtful ltadleals te adhure te the gtiveriinicnt, limy seeing that IfthuToiies elilaincil power a pcaeoer carnation policy will be far remote. The get eminent Whips are new confident of 30 majority. In tlie Heuse of Lords, Lord U rant llie, foreign seereuiry, mid that whoever ls te held Khartoum herc.itler must suiipress the Malidl, but It need net ucccss irily be Kng l.md. Tim debate en llgypt was adjourned iu Ixith houses without reaciung a in vision. ffi .m f4 I $ m M 4-rai A Clurge tif I.llit'l Igiiiiu-tl. The grand jury of l'l-aiikliu tetiidy hate igneied tlie charge of ciiiuili.il libel pie leired ng-.iluht Will A, Duncan, editor el the Chauihershiiig lhiil;l llernltl, by James Pickett, tliu piopilcter el the notori ous salinm in Hagerstew'li, Mil. SUrVVAT. l.ll'KS LOST. Tt-rrllile Kxplosleu nt a fiiiimcry fM-lieul In lliiglniiil. Londen, Feb. 27. A terrible explosion occurred Thursday auorneon at the royal school of gunnery at Shoelmrynoss, l'ligland, while a numborer artilleiy oilliers and scientists tvere testing a new intent fuse. Three men wero kllled outright and sover.d etlicrs wero latally wounded. Among the latter wero someof tlie most prominent elllciiils of the government lalwratery at Woolwich. Thosccneof thocxpleslonpresoiitedivsickoii- lug sight. Seino of the xvouuded had thelr f.ices carried away, otliers had thelr legs tern off, and men wero lying about lnoiery direc tion groaning in thelr dying agonie-t. lllfil Prem Tlinlr Iidurici. LeNtiON l'cb. '-7. Colfax Strangtvay, coiu ceiu coiu niandauterthoHoyal school of gunnery at Shoelmrynoss, and Cel hyen, head ellielals ofthegovornnioiit l.ilionitery at Woelwldi, who wero se badly wounded by tlie explo sion yesterday afternoon, dled tliit morning .1 . ..1 ,.. ril.nlu li.lil.lnJ !'lin, AHIl trOIll HIO CIICCI.S Ol U1UI1 llljiwivrn uuj v liadlxjtii legs blew ii off and wcre otiierwLto sove.ly Injured. .Missionary Worker In hewlim lu llmullnir. KK.viUNd, Pa., I'eU 'Si. The Women's Missionary society, or tlie l'piscepal dloeese, L of l'astern rennsylvania, met here te-day " witli delegates present from Willlamspert, Yerk, lletlilcheni, I'asten, Wilkesbarre, Lau dttcr, Pettsville, llarrlsburg, and ether places Ilishep Howe, or this dloeese, and utiJien Hiiro, of DakeLu delivered addrcs-ses. -: Tlie meeting xvat dovetod te arranging for ."", tlie carrying en of missionary work. I An laiKliu) at Werk. This morning engine Ne. II or the iltylirn department was put te work te pump the xvatcr from the liole made by tlie workmen who are endeavoring te llnd the Irak at Lluto and Orange Htnx-ts. I'aliiful Atdilt'iit. t'leiu tlie Oxleid Dally. A. 11. Wertli, of Colerain township, Lau cistcr county, wlilledilvlug Inte O.xreul lu a slelgli about 1 u'tleek Wednesday lietween the National kink and Octoraro hu'.el llie herse shied and run the sleigh ever a bank of snow and upset tlie slulgli, throwing Mr. W tnth out and striking his right arm against the curb ami bruised and sprained It very badly, rrem which he Is millerlug lntcnsu e i!n. He wnsili-aiTL'Ocl a short distance, but ie Biieeoedoii In stepping tlie horse. Ile was A tiuebce I'eumlry llarufc QUKlitc.l'el). ST. ltaatstxiii'd feuudry w biirned early this mer;ilii. Tlie ! 1 p!0,ti00. ' WJSA.TU2H jNUiVATtOXa, Wahhinote.v, Keb. '-7. Fer the Mlddle 4 AtlailllO sUtes, Clearing uuti imr """"ic'Ij .... . ... 1 .....!..M. .'.wlal.lA .vllflM 2 ' Hllglll rtSO IU lUlllllWll""", ,WM.W Y.mwf generally Hhlfting te south and went, ' it -Tj i-i-) v At Ilia Meui! Heme. Four hundred and set onty-elttht rttUeni et 111.1 nuix jr lull ilk Dtniii'ini. v - .. , . - Liken te Cook's drug btore and hud tlie limb Roup were distributed at Uie eup beuM -dioAed. ' day. J , a m h 4.iJxT je t -'iJ .-ijfi.tr)