Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 23, 1885, Image 1

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    - -V ., K
jnv.,, v-"
,V1 P"
je yntef
$jg f ixtellxg
?i7i.r M.uiut jr.imniur out with
, exi.r TimtTt:i:x mj;x.
Tim Hiim-h tijr Vllihli tlm Ariiln Here
I.e. I lit Siippme Tlitl tint I'.iirIMi Tumps
Iltul lleeti Hrhiriirri'il Stirltlnu llm
I'.iH'iuy i:iitriliiB mi Attack.
A dispatch (tout .1jii-K It'ii nays s "Uoneral
Heller, who nrrltcd fiem en the I'llli Instant
from (, nt iickiii in tlie I7tli commenced
it wystenintlu shelling of lliu AruliV lines.
Twe well directed shots illil tlie enemy great
damage, nuoc.iplndlngamidslagrnuperiucu
engaged in placing n hew llcr en tliONiinuiilt
ehi hill oust of our sailors' feri nnd tlie ether
reuniting the wheel of ii gun carriage. Lord
Charles lturcslerd nlse tlitl tlie enemy great
Injury with llie O.iutner nuns.
"Tlie lionerHof tlie day fell te Majer Win
drop, who, w Itli thirteen mutt, stele cautlous cautleus
)y nmtiil tlie enemy's light anil Imiml they only a lew hiinilieil rllleineu en (he hills
nml mi loserie nHi'iimi'ii. Majer Wnrdiep
nml his men, keeping out or sight, sent Mil
ley nt n railed el MM yards en the enemy's
ll.uik. Lent tug Dim ni'in at this Hilnt te
eentliiuu Hut tiring, lie took the twelve ethers
nml ns quickly ns possible pursued tlie miiie
Indies nt three mnvesNlve IiIIIh, git lug lliu
Arnlis tlie Impression Ihitlrivdt Issues of
llritlsh troop tirm nirlting. Tlie Midiil.'
fnlces Ihhsiiiie paulo-slrlckeil, censed tiring
nml dccauicd toward .Mcteuineh, taking their
guns ami (leiiil nml wounded with them. A
few Arali seoutsenly wero lull three mlleH oil
te wntch our iiintciiicutH. There has been
no sign el Hip enemy since. General Duller
Mill iiiltnncotnr;nkduliisneu us ichifnri'O ichifnri'O
uientsiirrite from Kuril. Tlie llrlllli lest
diirlugthectigugcmcutwas four kllleil iiml
twenty-IHe wounded."
Anether account or the skirmish at Abit
K lea en tlie 17th sajs: After tlie relxds fell
Uiek there Mas some lery acllte lighting,
'wilt tins cnullncd te the h trpslioetors en
lietli Khlet, as the Ar.ilis did net eonie near
enough te ftenernl ltuller'n entrenchments
te make tolley flring olleeliio. l'er the m.iiiie
icnsnn, anil also en account of the scarcity el
nminmiltleii, Iho nt.idilne guns wero net
hreught Inte nrtleu. (ien. Wolseloy thinks Utnenil lluller Mill ls)iihle temikchls
av Kick te (iakdul Wells without serious
The ireunpaper correspondents with Oi'li.
IlilllerV torrent Abtl-lvlea. telcyrnph ntveimti
or tlie xklrinisli whlfh tlie lmdeii'iN
in itflllTy Inte a llrltlsh ictery. Ah Lord
Woleeloy has Mnt no reixtrt of tlie allalr 11 Is
preluMy repudeil hy hlui as Inslpiltlennt.
Tlie wtllidiawal of the Seudanese te Metein
iieli Is attriliuti'it te win it of witter ami ether
supplies, llltpatfhts from Kertl My It isox isex isox
ptvted the ks en (Ien. lluller
will lie renewed. The Somlaiiese around
Alm-Kle.i worn the Miitidl'it utiiferm, chow chew
iiiK that n eenlini(tiil has at ried fiem K' K'
teiiiu. lluller w ill Im' uu.ilile te ro re ro until he ehudus additional
menus (if ti-aiisiuirtatieu. 'I'lie sei-eiul coin ey
Mllh r.imeN, Mliii'h is taklii); lluller
ammunition, left (iakdul I rid.iy meiiiliif;.
fM.vcs .i. ji;i;s in.
Ilrdl.r Oicrn Mllllmi te Ileum uleiii Cattitillc
Oue-leiilli of the est.ite of tlie Trancls
A. Drcxel Is liC'liienthed for iliaiit.dile pur
poses, and as tlie entire property Is estim.itid
at from ten te fifteen millions, Iho caiie of
lrenoeleiKO will Isjaitled te Iho extent of at
least oue million. Nearly nil tlie objeUsof
tlie lN,iiH''ils are Cathelle iuslltiitiens.
In order te avoid the law cuts out
eli.iritalile licipipsts, m ule tlility day liefore
ilnitli, Mr. I), had tlie fellow iin;elaue in his
Mill: " And should
niiiiith fiem the tlitoer this my will, w-lierehy
the Mid l(Ciuest of oue lentil rt of tlie
initiation of my residuary estate for lclifiimw
and Lh.irit.iljle purpeseH xlieiild hoeemo eitl
.mil of no ulleet, then I Klve iuhI lit tpii-.Uh
-the Mltl mi(-lciitli pirtef the . dilation of my
Mill resitlu.irv eiate te the said Met Ke.
.lames l c-hI, of the city ( riiiladelphla,
alisolutely, or should lie In) then, te my
limllier, Xiitlinny J. lro.el, of Mid city, nh nh
seluteiv." The ridladulplii.t In'uirer, ecnimcntlnt,'
en Ids lieneMileiti e, savs : All old Spanish
epilapli reads " lleielles the lietly or ,
w he It. u lii trans))eitel a large fortiute te
heaeu h aeLsnf ili.irlty has pene thlther te
enjev it." A similar eiileav Mould
would iipplj with tiutli te I'raneisA. Drcxcl,
wins atler liavm given large sunn te
(harilvdiirlni; his life, h.u left in his will
one-tenth of Ills gieal fertiinn te the Mine
object. It cannot be Mid of .Mr. Dred, as
was Mltl of another rich man, in nnswer te
the ipiestlen, "liew much did he leaxe?"
"(er thliiR ; he did net take a dollar witli
him." 'it IsMieh citlensas Mr, Drcxel
liouer aeitv after tlieir death a.s well as in
their lives, and l'liil itlelilila is fertunate in
lia in); had a Ini-go inuiiber of them.
.i. iMveiiT.iST inscei i:n.
Tim bctentl 1i-II.Aiilii'iitl.ilrit t'a.e tiflon tiflen
MT III the riltlctt Slatrs,
Several woeksngejlonry I'letcher, a fanu fanu
er residing near Marietta, noticed an erup
tion en the utltler of ene of his heifers, a tlne
young Jersey, mid thinking it might be eow eew eow
e, though tlie liclferwas Inoculated, he no
tilled Dr. H. M. Alexander, propiieterof the
Iincastcr county i.ieclne tarin, The doctor,
nflcr a llioreiigh OA.iniiu.itien, pronounced it
ucase of gcnulnocewpov, mid lia iug secured
the crusts and lymphs, he communicated
it Ith Dr. W. M. Weleh, formerly pieshleitt of
llie riiil.idelphi.t nirdlcal Mx'iety, ami new
pbynleian In charge or the Municipal
In city and chairman of llie vwvlne uim uim
nils.sIen toexnmlnoiaccino farms. He also
netllleil Dr. A. K. Stewart, editor of the
TheraprtiHe Uittftle, unil I'ref. A. Ii S'tyre,
editor of tlie J)rii'iml' Journal.
Tlie ovldence lieing tery eotulusite that
the was ene of spontaneous (siwxi,
Dr. AleMiudcr used tlie tliusobtained lrem
Mr. rictchers heifer and taeclnated soine of
Ids own heifers M ith it, and by the mlt leu of
Drs. Stewart mid Sajre, i.ieclnated seteiat
(hildren also. In even- case, the vocilnatlen
wus siiccessllil. net enlv ilovcleplliir finely.
but being ene or two ilayn earlier in Its ac
tion tli.ui usual.
About two weeks age, nt the iiitilatieu of
Dr. Aletnniler, Dr. Stewart nnd l'ref. Siyre,
of l'lilladelplii.i, Drs. Olltnr ltelaud, rraiik
M. Musser, nnd C. A. lleli,lth, or Umcister,
t Lsltcd Dr. Alovauder'N farm te Witness the
operation of tlie new irus. Tliey cMitnlned
Ur. AlcA.inder's heifer and bome et llie
Uilldicu wheliad lieeu tneeinated, anil bore
testimony te tlie genuineness of cow pox en
Mr. l'lelcher'H heifer.
Ills of coiirKedllllciilt te inoe Hint this
dise or any ease of enwpex is Kpoiit.uieeus, as
Hicionre many ine.insby Mhleli ene iinlinal
may lie ncclduntally Inoculated by another.
Hul as Dr. Alexandcr'H farm Is alxuit two
miles distant from .Mr. I'letcher'x, nnd as
there has been no communication between
tlie uirties, uml as their enltle were neter to
gether, u prima faeie ease et HiMiiitaneeus
cewihix is fully made out; and ills lemaik lemaik
able lis lieiug enlv the second welbaiilheiill.
i.itcd ease or the kind in lids country.
The discoterv is regarded as of great ini
iHirtaui e. The only moile or pris-urlug virus
linretnfiire lias been lolneciitutoouu heirer
niter nnetliei thieughn long heries of yeai-s
and Ihus keei up a iierpetual supply i hut
eten when the gre.ib'st care is lukmi, the
tlrus is liable te dttorlenito. Tills new nouree
efhiipply Is regarded willt tlie or
thatiihertleiilturist icgards a tlne wiedling
rrult, from which nn unlimited number el
grafts may be obtained.
It Is proluble Dr. AloMimler Mill icad n
i.ilci'before Ihouext incctlnget' llie Lancas
ter county medical ttoclety, git lug lull par
ticulars ei an me i.icts cnuiiecieii w mi ins in in
tcietlng dlsi-every antl experiments thcrceu.
Hut Willi r riirTrciillnif Oiivii IVixuul'.
Dr. Tlasxlore It- Ynrlck, burgeon-general of
New Jersey, ami falher-Iu-Iaw of II. K. Mar
tin, estj., e'r Ineaster, .ecently read nviis;r
liefore tlie county medical association efNuw
Verknt colleguof phyMlcIaiiaandHiirgconH.eii
"The 1'rotcttiveTro.itmoiitofOpeii Wounds."
He .iid thnt the danger In wounds was lrem
hotuerrhago and bleed jiolseiilng. Correslto
siiblimntoiindiairbelloiield Moreeondenined
ns antiseptics. Moie lit estvere lest Hum tuvisl
or prolonged by earlxille add dressings. It
tvns u.m surgviy in Buejuci ii isjrmiu in imi.
for a temote centiiij;eney. Iuau cspcrience
of hlr jeirn, In which lllly-ulne cnirn of mil mil
putntleii worn Ire.ited Willi iHillluir het Mnter.
npplled lollie weiinil us neon n the ritplitred
lenseln weni tled( only two wero loot, nnd
thorte net from nluM'k. Ileal wan the I -en I nil
tlseiilc, being Hlinple, wife nnd liivulnonible.
AnlulerostlngillMeiiNslou followed tlie read
hitfef tlie ixiiwr, in wlileli lrs.lloltueld,
Weed, rilnl, l,e.iie, neiilaynnd Walnen took
rn i: svnr irons'' HVi'i'iui.
llm Atimitil lliimjiii't efnltallirr t'libiiiii Me
i kit OrKHiilralleti.
In ISils twenty-four gentlemen, residents
of this illy mid ilelnlly, met nt
the Leepard hotel mid lermed mi association,
the prlni'lia1 foatureof whicli Mas In held a
li.miiii't eat li year, en the night of Washing
ton!! birthday. It was agreed te maintain
the orjruil.'illeii n long as a member nur
vhctl and by ii unanimous into the club was
christened "Tlie SiiivIveih." I'lales nnd
dishes worn nvnred ler eaeli uieuiber, nml
each year u plate Is net Itir each el tlie twenty
four iiieinberri of tlie association. Although
till the members in IsiW wcre young men,
eleteit line nlieady Iksmi cnlhsl te Hint
beurne whenie no tnneler leturus. The
fellow iiig me llie dei-cased mcmbersi
Charles 1). Huplev. Hern ()( t. ID, 1811. Hied
Aug. ;t, ls7u. Aged 2; years, ( mouths and
IS ilnys.
.loll it Jehn", Hern Aug," 111, 1K!H. Died
Dee. 7, ls7l, gcd ftl je.irs, 3 months and 21
Jehn K. llulter. Itein Pel). .1, Ism Died
Aug. II, IS7 Agist at , uniit, 0 mouths mid
KdgarC. Itetil. Hern lice. :l, IHIk Died
Sept. Ii, r-i. Aged :K vcars, tl ineuth-innd
10 days.
H.imuul L. Leaman. Item .Time in, 1H30.
Dlisl Mar. 2, 171, Aged U yeain, 8 months
mid '1 day.
.Iniiathau Spies her. Hern Dee, S, S.U.
Kletl Aug. 21, ISTA Agetl ,V j ear, 8 mentlis
nnd 11 das.
Lit Lin'flls. Hern Teli. 2. 1SI2, Died Dec,
II, lMVn Aged 'J J jcirs tl mouths nml 12
l)r. Win. M. Whiteside, Hern Dec. 10,
IM2. Died .Ian. 31, Ism). Aged 17 years, 1
mouth and tl tl ivs.
Charh-s II. .ptocher. Hern II.
1817. DleilMiylM. las). Aged 53 i ears, 2
mouths ami 12 d i.s.
lMwanl A. Scncr. Hern Tell. 12, ISIS. Died
l)w. 91, lssl Agud3e jcars, 10 months ami
Is das.
.Inliti .lames Mi-nrnnn. Hern March II,
Ihl.-. Died IVU Is, Ism. Aged 37 years, u
mouths nut 22iUys.
Tlie fellow inir nre llie surilvers; Irvu
Sloketn, fel. Milten Wi Idler, Aldeniltui .1.
K. Ilirr, i:-Miiver Slniiller, Win. S. Shirk,
('apt, liie. I". fprenger, It. II. Hrtibaker,
Jelm D. Sklles ,lelin Copland, Cant, I'lillip
Spretht rnntl I'liyinaster .1. C. Miililcnbitrg.
Twe of tlie ineiubers wlllulrew from tlie
assts i itlen a few j r-irs after it as ergauizesl.
At the IniKiet en Satiirtlay night, wlileli was
ixirtakcu et at Jehn Cepl mil's hotel, the
It'llewinir surliers pirtn ipaletl ; Jehn D.
sklles, in. st. M.ii-u, Juliii Copland, J. K.
Il.iri. W. D stautler, Is.uic Sloketn and fiee.
I". Sprengei. Letters regretting Inability
te attend Mere rissdxisl Irem I'aj master
Mtihlenhiirg, Cel. Wcldicr and ethers nnd
renl by tin seerekiry.
The lir-l te.tst nt e.udt of the auuiial ban
tpiets is te (ioergo WiLsliingteu, en whose
liirtlidny their iiuuiial Mipi'r is eaten, ami
Iho wis end toast (fiifcilcncti) is te the memory
of (heir deeeaMsl eemratles.
Tlieeldel member of Iho organization is
provident, and llie net lti age is iee pi-e-i-ilent.
Tlie fellow iug nre the olllccrsef the
"Surlers": I'resltlent, Jelm 1). Skiles ;
ii president, Willl.ilu S. Shirk s sivretaiy,
J. K. Ilarr ; tie.KUier, Jehn Copland.
me i'.v: .trijiriMnexn.
rnilililhl .mil M lrIiall College spriirrs a Vul
imlile lli'rlMllteii .intl u (limit Mlt rtiMepc.
1'rnnklln ami Mirshall college, through
the lilierallly of kind friends, has recently
-is urcd an tiupertaiit atldttien te its facilities
ler the proMH'iuien of natural science. It
consists or an and taluable collec
tion el- dried plants, or siwi'liueni,
iuijuding net enl.t plueiiegints, but nlse
ferns, messes, In hens, etc. The piueliase
also iiicluiles a geed nilcroscepo of Zent
tn.i.ter'M make, w hii Ii originally lest 2in.
The lierlurliim is known ns the . I. f! ir
lier collection. It was gathered bv the hit n
Dr. . I". (iiirlier, et .Meuuttille, this county.
Dr ii.irlsT was an enHiisi,i.stic botanist mid
an liider.illitable worker, who dcteletl soine
of his ts-st years i nlirely te tlie study et his
l.itorile seii'iii e. 1'nr niant cars he collected
lndiiMrliHislv. nml curb lied Ids own tel-
liftliPii by i v li.tngiiigwltliethci IxiUnists hi
dilVeitut Mrts et the United States. He
spent H'ter.d t cars in working up the flora
of l'leritli and l'oite Itice, it here he made
Heme iiuKirtaiit dlsisit erics by uliicli Ills
ii.iine it 111 Ik iH-riietilated. Hoahe tr.tteled
extensltcly in ether iirts of the country in
tlm Interest of his upccialt. iMrticiil.irl' In
llerillt'lll l l lllis-i tiiii.i nn, i ..ftt i,iii.
'I'here are al ie nianv sHS'Iuiens of South
western plants fiem New Me.lsAc. It it III
thus be seen that the collection is in itsilf
tery taluable, nml that it forms the liucclus
of a tery complete herbarium.
After Dr. (tut bet's deeaise tlie collection
p.wsed into the hands or his bi ether, Mr.
Illraiu L. riaiber. The latter gentleman,
liemg desirous te keep tlie collection Intact
nuil u let nn It hi Lancaster county, consent
ed te pail it ith it te the college for nt, cry
modeiato price. In lids itay tlie eollege se
en red a valuable acfiuisltien, the herbarluui
is in geed Iiaiids, and HioUliursef Dr. (Jarber
coiitinue te produce rich lesulls lrem vear (e
tin .
l.l.l r I'm l.ilttixl Li'llrrs.
Kellow lug is the list of unclaimed letters
lem lining in tlie po-4etllconf l-incister, 1'a.,
ter tlie week ending Monday, rebrtciry 23ul,
lbs."i :
.itiici' List Miss l'nrrli't Cliarels, Miss
Laitt-.i retibterin iciier, Mis. Suvin l'ev.Mi-s.
Jiuie liirber, (2i. Mrs. Anna M. (Iiell, Miss
llessle(jrael), Miss Mnrle (Jnicll, Mis. Uiura
llardmin, Mrs. Marv Heppcrly, Miss Maty
Ii. Kreitler, Mi-s llettle S. Imdis Miss
Ihuuii M.iurer, Mi's. W. I'. I'resten, Mrs.
Sumii Shieluei', Miss May Sliupp, Miss
LillieSliaiib.Mts. W. II. Ik, inethci et Mrs.
IS. U. Smltli.
(! iiM .is Harry M. Ilan, Andreas Hen
der, Jehn S. Hreiise, Kiae Heeth, Jehn S.
Hall, Daniel II. Kempci, I'aiil . KIiiiImII,
Im.i.10 Kildi'i', Aaren McLIie.t, Ldwnrd H.
Mattrar, Jehn MuiiImiii, (for.), Ne. I
rnlfeii street. Ne. 131 N. . Ihlge. Helner
.1. I'hr.imii, N. L. llice, Hecisi Spartute,
.latsibShank, II iitySliue.Wllliani IkSmllli.
Jehn M. Sujtb r, Jelm J. Staiiller, ugutus
Wcasle, 1'i.iuk l Wiu'liniau.
.Si'Tlaett te tlie (I, A. IE.
list etcuiug Ilov. Themas Thompson,
pistol' of the I'rcsbytnrlm Mission Chapel,
pleached a Rcnneu te the nioiubers of tlie n.
A. It., of this city. Thore wcre about
ene bundled members of tlie erdct present
and about twenty leteran soldiers, tt he are
net members. Tlie Holdiersworoglteu scats
in tlie centre of tlie chinch. Tlie pitster took
for Ids text part of tlie 12tli chapter of
Mink, which refers te rendering tiibutote
Ciesar. In the cnurse el ids sermon llie
ret creud or.iler dctlucd the duties it hicli the
seldier ewes te Ids (eunliv in Hme of war,
mid the citizen in time of peace, nnd the
greater duty, which he ewes te find. The
sermon was highly iiiNtructite and closely
listened te. Tlie music was nlse geed.
In Iho Celli North.
Temmy fdack, of this city, tt he is tint cling
with Hi Heiuj'h minstrels, wilteslrem Netn
Sietla te friends lictethat thej li.w e sien
Kome leugh weather. As he was writing
there was lltefeet of snow en the ground nnd
it was still falling. Tlie uet town, which
they had te make by tlie following et cuing,
i.vs vn miles nway. Tliey will mmiuciess
eter into Maine, mid expect te be in the cold
country for sotue time. Trunk Keneagy,
fni'incrly of Luneaster, is nlse w itli Iho show.
Tlie lllir I'liiup raitl l'er.
Te-day Mayer lteseuuiiller icceiteil Iieiii
Henry it. Wortlilugten n letter acknowledg
ing the receipt of 12,210, Iho payment
In mil ler the H,0iiO,0L0 gallon Wortlilugten
pump, roeeiiHy creeled nt our city water
works. Mr. . exprescH tlie highest grati
fication tvitli his business relations with Lan
caster, mid confidently hones the pump will
kQepondeln a. well as it lu. ttaitcd
t'ATiir.n asi ae.v nt ir.
with esi: rnsvtiAi.
Ilinlli or l,l.lrmb- llti' It ll Known llrli k-
li).r (Ien Mur Dtith Trend t'teu An-
tttlirr'0 llrrl tlicit nt t !.-
I'eiinil llftiil In Ills lint.
Letl Jellilcs, the well-known bricklayer
of Iho Kllih tvnrd, died nt Ids family resi
dence, Ne. IJIJf, West King street, ut 530 .
ni., en Sunday, lrem minllcttleit of Iho lungs
mid complication of dlsoa-sea. He wes in Iho
(Will year of his age j wnslmrn In Mnytewn,
Ibis count)', and (inne te Imcaster ever 10
jears nge. Ile wns n en of the lido Jehn
Jeflrles, nnd the ether sisters mid brothers of
the family me Mrs. Small Jehnsen, of May
town; Mrs. Annie Shltemau nml Dmi'l Ik
and Jehn It. ("Weedy") Jelfrlcfii tlie inale
uiembursef the rainily hating been nil w'oll w'ell w'oll
knewn bricklayers and skilled In their craft.
Deceased Mas married twlce ; Jehn J., Is
the only seu or Ids ilrst niarriaue mid Henry
Kiirrr Is his step son. He h.ul nlne grand
children. Mr. Jellnes carried en lirieklavhur for
many .tears, mid n long Hme nge he lelr from
n stack in Heading, a dlstauee of 15 fed, nnd
ivns no badly Injuied that amputation (if Ills
leg ivns eetrsldeied necessary. Setcinl Nines
wero taken out, and though he Mas per
manently inluicil, he worked at his trade
with skill nnd mieeess.
In politics he was n staunch Democrat nml
ran frequently ns the iiomlnce of his jurty
for councils In Iho fifth ward, nhwijs com
manding Republican etis. bccaiise of the
estteni In which he was held as a citizen.
He will 1j buried in Woedwnrd Hill ccni.
dory en Wednesday ; funeral at 2 ). in.
Mr. Jellries was n memlx.r of Uincistcr
ledgo. Ne. 07, I. O. O. V., ami tlie ledge will
atb'tid Ids funeral In n body.
i lieiiu.i; i iTXiniAi-
Thr sun ijuUMy rillu the I'ntliri te llm
Hcfore the lietly of the Iato I'lillip .C. Uan
nlnger Is Intoned comes tin news et the
dentil of Ids son, Charles riiillp, ag(d 4rt, in
l'liiladelphla en Saturday nllcrnoen. He had
liceii intlleriug from typhoid pneumonia nnd
w.tsnlettly convalescing when the news of
his father's deecise readied him, and he im im im
dcrtoek te make prcrntlens te attend Ids
funeral In he doing he suirored a relnpse,
from which bodied nsstatcd. His liedy will
be brought te this city for Interment, his
funeral I'lklng jilnce nt 2 p. in. the miiie
hour ns his father's from tlie IUuuliigcr
resldenie, en Nerth l'rince street.
A Ijeini.l.r C.iriii'ntrr lllfsln I'IiIMiIpIiiIiIa.
Lewls Hellman, n well known carjiciitcr of
this elly, w he has Is'cn In the employ of tlie
rcnnstltanl.i rallnnd company for about
12 years, died suddenly in l'liiladelphla en
Saturday night. Deceased was employed
with u number of ether carpenters, under
Master Carpeutei Heard, iih)ii the
bridge that city. On I'riday et cuing niter
work, w ith soveral companions, he was tvalk
lug idling the Gray's Terry toad, looking nt, it hen he suddenly loll ever.
Ile ttns taken te Ids iHiardlnghouse by Ids
companions, where be died en Saturdny
alter liclng unconscious for n long Hme. Ills
Mifeit. is summoned by telegraph lrem this
eit valid slut was with hint it lieu bodied.
The plivsicians Mho attended the deceased
state that the cau-e of ids death was con
(Mission of Hit) brain caused by Ids fall, lie lie lie
foeo stepping work and while yet en the
bridge, Mr. Ileiliu.ui complained of feeling
dizrv. He was prekibly again taken with
this feeling while walking along, causing
him te fall eter.
l'er many tears Mr. Hedman was cm
plot ed bv tlie Keystone biidgoceiiiuuiyimd
worked In nearly all the large cities or the
United States. He a-sisted in the construc
tion or bridges at Pittsburg, lMibrvllIe,
Clin innati, St. Leuis nnd ether cities. Alter
lcatimr tlie brlilue cemiMiiv lie IH-Kan it eik.
jug Ter (he railroad, lie was nn excellent
nieehmic nnd was, popular with his employ,
ers as well us lellew workmen.
Deceased was 3'J years et age anil a brother
or Harry llelliuau, uoeinposltoror tlie AViim
incr ellicc Ills mother also resides In this
cilf, uiid lie lent es a wife anil ene child. 'I lie
Ixiilyarrited In tow non mall train this morn
ing nnd was taken te the residence el de-ce.i-.ed
en fredei ick street.
liiatlicl The MtliUunil Allelliiittit.
Mrs. M.trgaiut Liisiu.ui Snyder died at lier
residence Ne. 211 M'H Walnut street, nt I p.
in. testcrdat, in Slie was tlie
widow et tlie late Jacob Snjdcr, it lie
has I teen dead for soine six years. Deceased
had been ailing ler soine time, but was tvcll
enough jcstcnljy morning nnd only became
ttorse about niue e'elmk. Slie Mas the last
of lier linnicill.ite family, who tteroeld resi
dents or the southwestern patt or the city,
tlie fallit-i owning a large faun en what Is
new tlie built-up Mittieus or the city along
Maner street.
Deceased Mas the mother or li li ami J.
Kahlcrsutdei, of Hilt city; of Mrs. Mary
McAfee, of Dclaitare (eunly, Ohie; Mrs.
Vuna M. Welheiill, Janestifle, Iowa; and
Mrs. I'liima Kice, MaipieUctta, Iowa.
Slie Mas a member of Christ Lutheran
chinch, West King stieet ; tlie Hme of her
inteiinent will likely be Wednesday after
noon, though the exact hour cannot be llxed
until her i luldren In llie Wc-t.atc heard
I. lams, lliTehi', of ien lliill.uitl.
Llaui S. llershey, n ineiuljoref the llrm of
llersliey A (iiell.inerehanls of New Helland,
died jesleiday, alter an illness from typhoid
let or el si v weeks, aged 3 1 years. He was a
prominent member et the United Hrwtlircii
church. Among his brothers me Christian
uml dealers at Klner's;
Ames ami l.iuanuel, in the same business at
( lordetit ille.aud lie also li iJ i brother in litis!
ness at Meuterev. Deceased leatcs a wlfe
and tlirce ildldieu. Tlie luncril will take
pki' e en Wednesday afternoon.
IM'tltll if lliirfrlil,illie l'ulls, or Nun CiihIIc.
Heniy C. 1 alls, iueui1h.m of Iho legislature
lrem the Lawicnrc dKtrict, dietl Sunday
afternoon at 2 e't lock el pneumonia. He con
tracted a cold while at llnrrisbiiig. He wits
iKirn in Uiwrctue county and itnsut years of
age. Ile luarrieil a daugliloret' Datles Wal
late, el Iaincisler ceitutt , who. witli ene son,
W. II. falls, sin tites him. He was an atv
the Republican and a loteihle speaker, but
net cr aspired te nor held any public elllee,
except Hie oue whit h be was lining at t e
lime el his dentil.
Illeil at the I.isanc Y!iiui.
Jehn llessick, colerisl, nn ium.ite el llie
st.ite Insme asylum at llanisbiirg, died at institution en S.ituiday, nml was bin led
yesterday, llessick Mas tiled nt Iho Dei em em em
borieurtol quarter sessions ler committing
im ussault mid batteiyeiihis mother, and was
ncquiltcd en the gioundef infinity. He was
kept at oureeunli itisaue asylum for n low
weeks and mi elder was uniile tiaiislcrring
hlui In the statu liisaue asylum.
I'eiiml llcail In lti'd
Daniel sliellcubciger, n utiird Kidieler
farmer, lit iug in West lleniplicltl tottu tettu
sliip, ene and a half miles lrem .Mouut .Meuut
tille, was found dead in bed this morning.
Ile ictiietl en Stindiiy etcuiug in his usual! 1 1. AjHipIuxy Is bcltetcd te liate been
the c.tuwi et his death. He was Imrn en
J.iuunry I, iNfi ami lit ed all his ljle in West
Hempllcld tewtisliip. Deputy Coiener Trank
was netitlcd te held an inquest.
Tlie Ait of a sti.tiiuitii,.(
Mrs. Ileso Dieycr, Iho set etid witb el' a
iniwnbreker, liiliigat Ne. 210 Madisen stieet,
New Yeik, was arresti'd Sunday inei ning
for utmost toasting her baby htcislaughtcr te
death en a cooking stet e. Tlie liihuui'iii ad
was committed nlmiil tin ee weeks nge, but
the woman eluded the police.
It seems that Mrs. Dre.t cr isitne home ene
morning, after having leiiialned nuav eter
night, mid for soine trilling misdeeit of the
child, snatched it from the uuise's arms nud
taking it te tlie Ntetc, whit h was almost red
het, deliberately held it en it, l'he chances
nre Hut it will die. Mr. Dieter, the husband,
was unable te metu from his bed en account
or si kuet.s, and tvlicn he i en lenst rated with
Ills wlle for her crime slie hurled setcral
heavy teacups at his head, cutting him
keteiely, Slie then broke nearly nil the
furniture in tlitt hoiue alid disappeared.
n.tnittsiwmi i.uTitr.itA.xcu ri:iii;xvn
tutrif.lliig I'rnRmiiiine for llie MrHIng
Wlilrli CmireiM Te-Nlght,
The I'nst I'cniiHylvniilnnyiind of the Luth
eran diurch comprised four ronferences, of
which the HnrrUburg Includes Iho Lan Lan
caster county churches. While Iho synod
ii i coin annually the roiiferenco holds trieu
nlnl Resslnns, nnd ene of tlice contours In
St. Jehn's Lutheran church, Knst Orntige
street, this clly, this evening nt 7:IS.'Tiie
lssly consists of etghlecn ministers nnd nlny
delcgnte for ench cliarge. The clerical roll Is
ns fellows :
Huts: C. M. Aiirmid, Majtewii; II. S.
Cook, Harrlslnirgi S. D.ielier, llununcls llununcls
tew ii j .1. V. l"ckcrt, KMiira-sler j W. I'. Lvmis,
Celiitnbiai.I. I'lshburii, Mlllersburgj (I. W.
Urner, Lnmllsillle; 1 M. Iluisler, Lykensj
M. I'. Hoeker, Sleellell ', II. V, Hollewaj-,
Middlotettn J. II. looser, Htimmelstettii j
II. A. Lettcrmau, Dauphin; i:. Mcisler,
Irfinciwler j.I. I'eler, Mnnbeim j C. Ilolmin Ilelmin Ilolmin
nnyder, Lancaster ! S. Stall, Imcaster i A.
H. Slitdclukcr, Ilnrriibttrg i . M. Wliet Wliet Wliet
stone, Lincnster.
The meeting Is eH.'ii te Hie public nnd the
nubjects Ie lre considered nre expected te
cronte n free discussion. The following is the
order or exercises for the conference :
Monday evening, 7:l.rp. in., serineu by
ltev. II. C. Hollewny, of Miildlclewn.
Ttttstlay fl a. in., prayer mectlug led
by Ilov. J. V. Ickert, of Imeaster.
9.10 a. m., organlratlen orceiirercnce. 10 n.
m., hew ministers may proiueto retivals?
ltev. II. S. Cook, eriI.irrlsbiiri.,nnd Ilov. M.
L. Helslcr, of Ljkens. followed byngon byngen
cml discussion. Hew ciiiiicliiuem
liers may promote retltals? ltev. A. M.
Whetstone, of I.anca'ter, and Ilov. J. V.
1'ekcrf, ofliiieaster. Followed by n general
discussion, 2 p. in., conference business.
2-M in., the work of the Hely Spirit fn
quickening bcliovers? 156 v. .1. 1'cter, or
Maiilicim, nml ltev. C. M. Aurand, of May
town, followed bv a general discussion.
SilOj). m., the work of Hi" Hely Spirit in
centcrling sinners? ltev W I. Utaus, el
Columbia, nml ltev. H, A. Letterman, or
Dauphin. Followed by n general discussion.
1SW JMii.. ndleiiriimeul, 7il3 p.m , sermon by
ltev. A. II. Stildebiiker, of Ilarnsbnrg. .Sulj
ject : "Christian Henovelcnce," followed by
a general discussion.
Witnvr.siiAY 0 ru ni , pravei -meeting.
Led hy Het. J. rishburn, of Millersburg.
oaen. in., bow te get scholars into tlie Sun
day school 7 ltev. M. 1. llocker, of Steelten,
nnd Ilov. C. Hclmensiivilcr, of Iincastcr.
followed by a general discussion. 10 a. in.,
hew te keep scholars in tlie Sunday school?
Kev. J. II. Loeser, of nitmnielstewn, and
Ilov. S. Dasher, of Hummelstewn. followed
by n general discussion. 11 a. in., cenference
business. 11:50 a. in., final adjournment
nn: 'i,oeif ne.ini).
They Iseier Piill In AMrtu I1IIU, lint Oirr.
leek Mere IiniM,rtntit1!ulii(..
Tlie regular meeting or the lieartl of jxier
illtTsrters was held at the almshouse en Satur
day A nutnlicr of bills itore approved.
It was agreed te pureliase M new ttire mat
tresses, tthlch it 111 boeidcicd nt once.
Tlie beard concluded te h.ive the hospital
and insme nsylum heated by fitcatu instead
or heaters, ns nt present. A thiity-liorje
liewcr cuglne nnd boiler it 111 be put in, but
the contract for that work was net gltcti out.
Tlie eiMef Jeseph Kuntr, nn inmate of the
alinshoiie, wns breuglit before tlie beard. He
was charged with violating llie rule, recently
undo by the heard, ptehiblting Inmntes from
gelling; drunk in town nnd then return
ing te the institution. It ww show n that en
election day Kuntzcnmote town nndinsome
way obtained n dollar ivhlcli he iutested in
i ery lad it liisky. AVhcn he returned te the
nlmshouse he nml the bettle ivcre both full.
Superintendent Ilreck nptlced this nml scpo scpe
inted tlie friends, placing tlie bettle outel
Jeseph's reach. After long and nlse de
liberation ever the ollenso,'by tlielmaul, they
erderesl.Kunti tobekoptiii the tramp yard
for 15 days. ,
1 he meeting nujeurncii iineiiiinKingnny
notion in regard te nutthjg up a llrealaim
Isix or a telopheno. It Is iwjssbln that seme
of the inemliers liaiu net yet read of the
I'liiliulclnhianlnishoute fir'c.
vitejiixi.xr worm:.
I'ner. Mki.hesk, tlioliampieii one-lei
skater, Is astonishing .he ii'ttitcs in
western part or tlie state.
Mns. IIi:mi" W'Ann I!i:i.i;m:u wasuiken
ill in churcii yesterday ; she hail a recurring
attack el paralvsis el the muscles of the
TlUittAS. HeMllli, of tbe tirm of Hemer,
CelliulayA Ce., 1'hiladclphia, bns diud of
Hright's disease, at his residence m ( (
tewn, aged .V. He retired rrem bu-iness a
year age. v .
l'liASfis S. Dit twr, a ivcll-knewu literary
man, of Hosten,, ttiiowivsinattcudaiice
en tlie monument dedication .'cicinenies,
dropped dead in tlie Tremont house, in
Wasfdngten, Sunday night.
1Umiei'Wauhi:.v, el thoMelhodUt thm-di,
tt lie married Mrs. Ililf, the widow or tlie
'Cattle King," is laboring haul en behalf of
the Dent er University fluid. His itife oti eti
dcntlj means te show that harlly begins at
lietncT, as she lias already ollerod Sllil.000,
itith the presiiect thai the etlici DonteriK-e-plo
tt ill make up a llke sum.
Oi.v. A. 11. M.vniiUNn, wlie knew tiraut
tt ell as a Ixiy and as an olllcer, sayt he nei cr
swoie ; notevon en such lit occasions as ttlieti
he went te nut Ids storm-stayed guests te bed
and found negre servants curled up in wixire
beds; nor it lieu he left Ins false tenth in the
wash basin en a steamboat and tlie attendant
emptied them into tlie livci.
Notes 1 isuii Armutil (.forgi'lewM.
Htm, ftb. St. Me.i.-lcs nre plenty, nnd
de net iipie:ir te make any discrimination,
attacking all, fmiu infants t tlie-e of malum
Splendid Hleigliliigjtlieioidslicingcetctcd
with a solid coat of ice. The thermometer
ler the past iteck has net tmictl much, being
at about four te six degid s abote zero in tlie
morning, and lislng letwelte mil slstecu at
Tlie late tetttisliip ulcdinn was tlie lirst
Deniocratie "Wntcrloe" w e liat e exjierleuci'd
in Hart formally tears. The Hepublicans
elected tlieir it hole'tickd.
On Saturday et ening 2Kt inst., 1'iekMick
hall Mas i isited bv nt least -' i0 anxious ene.s.
wiie moie brought here te son Mr. Albright's
celebrated tiew s from the stcreoptleeu that
had been ndtortised for Hut et cuing. At S
o'deck no Albright lilting made an ap
pearance the crowd gloomily disiHirscd. An
oMil.matieu fiem the celebrated Albright te
the pioprlelersof the hall, ami an apology te
the citizens or this vicinity me new in nrder.
An Imllaii tin Heller sktiles.
l'lein tlie tuill.le Jferiilnj star (Iniltaii l'npei )
Heie are u few Indian leiumetits en the
roller skate ci.ize:
"I can iciytvell en 10II.01 skates, lean
first hkinil straight up but when I go te 111010
tlie llrst thing I knew nit feet tly up in the
air. I hepe that Is net tlie way te skate."
"I knew icry well the 1 eiler skates."
"Heller skates cost f'ile 1 cinnet reach."
"I hut e 0110 skate."
"I llke roller skates but I hard fall and
get hint." till lx 1'iillisl te AiMii'ill'.
I.ust October Kllen llioeks piosccuted
I.11111111 Archey for the larceny of n shiit,
befere Aldermau ltarr. Liiinia left the city
te avoid nrrnst, nud was net lie.ud ef-untllii
row weeks age, it hen slu it .is committed ler
11 short term ler diiinkenness and diserdcily
1 (induct by a Columbia justice. Alileiunii
Harr ledged 11 detainer nt the eeiutty piiseti,
and lids morning her tirm hating ex pi red,
slie wns taken te llie iddei man's ellicv lern
hearing. The prexxMitiix billed tenppiar
nud thoense w.isdlsiulsscil.
.llutlicr anil ltnj lliiiui'il te lli.llli.
A l-year-old seuurJ. 11. Miller, ufKlniii.i,
N. V., lipjied a lighted lamp from tlm tahle
Saturday morning and was burned te death
by the explosion uml lire w hicli ensued. His
mother rushed te Ids icseue and battled witli
tlie thimes until tlie llttle oue died, when she
ran from tlie house with her gaiiuenls bin
ingnnd fell in tlie snow en the slri'ct. Neigh
bois extinguished tlie llru both 011 lier gar
ments uml in the liouse nud called u doctor te
drciss the burns, but she died niter gieat
uill'erlns In the altcrivxiu. ,
nit. LiKf.r.r teui:.uaix
txrr.xitv.xr ev ritr.nvt.i.txn .vr.r.
ttliit I. (lnhiK mi lliat Is "it fiiMictnl liiteicut
In llm ritlillc nil Tlie Sntnv (,'lml Ilnnks
nl llin 1( lteiinil Itlier-.l lie
Iti-snlt of ii .limit I'lillj.
Itegitlar C'ortLsieiiileii(oof I-iTKU.iur.MKti.
Cel.UMiitA fob. 2k Al the meeting of the
beard of directors of the Susquehanna Iren
company te be held next Thursday, Mr.
Vernien Tills Mill be reelected te Ids old
position of trensuicr nnd general manager,
which elllces he resigned en account of ii
proposed reduction of Mages. Mr. Kills net
only refused the reduction but demanded it
raised Ie the amount received by his pro pre pro
dts'fcssers nml (his liclng refused he resigned.
Hnrris Wilten, of Wriglibivlllcuns elected te
fill the vacancy, but en Thursday next he
Mill resign. Mr. Kills' demands having been
consented te, his reelection will fellow, nnd
he w ill resuiue Iho duties en March 1st. lss..-,.
Washington's birthday, te be celebrated to
day, will lie quietly obsericd in Columbia.
Ne works oilier thin tlie Keelev stote works
Mill dose, while it is net yet known If the
stores nnd ether places of business will ilose
this nllcrnoen they nre open nt present
wilting. The public schools will enjoy no
The "C. fi. Maltby" shifting engine, en the
It. A C. milt mid has been sent te the Heading
shops te te etcrhaulcd.
Tlie Ainii.i'inciit yenwiii.
A snug sum of meney was cleared by llie
United 11 reth re n festltal held In Armery
hall last week.
Cli.ts. 1", McKlnncy, champion of I'cmm!
inula, gate two exhibitions of fancy nnd
trick skating, In the rink en Saturday, and
rather nstenHied llie large nudlcnce by his
difficult movement".
Tlie Jesio Darling ami Will II. Drewn
combination is tlie attraction at tlie rink this
nud te-morrow etenings.
In all probability the "Mountain I'ink"
will haven large nudlcnce In thoepcrn hotie
en Wednesday, as a large sleighing
pally lrem MarictU will attend.
fifty ColumbianswenltoMt. Jey Saturday
et cuing, te be present at tlie opening of tlie
link inthat borough, Tliey wcre deemed
te disapieintment for the rink opened the
previous Saturday etcuiug.
nles of I'reiieiiy.
C. C. Kauffniau lias sold lliu following at
public and private Bale :
At private sale 10 shares of Kcclcy stet e
works stock nt par, $M per share.
At public sale, Wni. Linda ly, auctioneer,
franklin house, Saturday eteulng fnime
house, Ne. 313 Seuth 1'rent street, te Lena
Zcck, for f.0 ; by Sam Matt I'ndy, auc
tioneer, nt franklin house, Saturday after
noon and eieniug Tlie "Justus Ur.iy"
farm, consisting of 30 acres, situated a mile
from Columbia, en the Clicstnutllillpike, te
Jehn lteland, of Siltcr Springs, for $200 per
acre. Mr. Gray will return tojirlvatellfoand
make his future home with his son-in-law,
Dr. Parry, of Ianca.ster. He has resided en
Uie idiot e r.iriu rer tlie past rerty years.
1lerniif;li ltrliTs.
The Trinity lleferiucd church's mum soci seci soci
nble en Saturday evening was a most laugh
able nml successful affair. A inale was the
(list testicak. Surprising.
Lastetcnlng a lady lest a geld lecket,
cither in the Hctlicl church or en Walnut
street, between Ith and 7th.
After Sunday school yerdeulay afternoon,
n prayer meeting was held in the lcctiue
room of the M. li church.
r.etival meetings will lie held In HieM. Ii
church evciy evening tills week, excepting
this nnd Satin day ovenings.
V. H. Git en. esc', left for Old Point Coin-
lert, tins morning, en a uusiness irip.
Miss Jesio Iletcr, of ILirrisburg, wlie lias
been visiting MKs Amanda Hipiicy, has re-
turned home.
A numlicref Celuniliians Mill iislt lerk
this eteniiig te hear the American
orator, J. K. I'mnictt
Tlie Columbia cornet Kind visits Lancaster
en a pleasure trip te-day.
s nritiiAY ximiT is ALitAxr.
TlHiilrcs r;iiiitt,sl.jtlng IIInKs Dcsfrtcil, nntl
i:ir)lie,lj KhJejIiib llub-Slciltllng.
IllspaU'll te N . 'mi.
The bob-sledding excitement is lurieus
te-night. Ketw eon tlte thousand and set en
thousand persons hate gathered en Madisen
atciiue hill tosce the sport ami thollghtuing thellghtuing thollghtuing
llke sleds slide Ijctw ecu tlie lines of closely
packed spectators. Half n dozen pollcemen
logulate the htirtmg et the sleds at tlie top of
the hill nud pollcearo stationed at all cress
streets. The hoi se cars hat e been hauled off
and few sleighs or vehicles or any sort ton ten ton
tuie te cress the popular slide, though It is in
tlie heart of tlie city. hollows and ruts
liat e been win 11 down te tlie cobblestones in
places, and as tlie huge sleds leade'd it ith long
lines of men strlke these spots the heavy leads
leap into the air, and mascsel sparks almost
like belching Haines flash from beneath than.
Very few it omen or girls are seen en tlie
ceurse bccaiise of the sci ions and frequent
accidents. The niullitude Is returning the
sheutbiL' anil yelling ofthe riders as they
sheet i'rem point te point, and tlie scene is o e
tremely exciting. Tlnu far te-night no serious
inisiinpsare rcceriicu.
llewaid stiect hill is almost as 1'avorite a
slide te-night. Theionlse the long pliant bobs,
ititli theirtrlngcsef human legsencaeli side,
w hicli make them leek llke living centipede,
dash down tholrezen incline between double
lines of onlookers. The young women and
giilsnre using the less dangeieus hills, nnd
in evciy direction tlieir flying riblsms nud
peals el l.iuchterns thev slioet eter tlie snow
1110 seen and heard. It lsnltocretheraoaniliid
scene. Tlie main atcuiies nre dotted ttitli
merry sleighing panics, straw riders in great
box sleighs, and iaslilouable folk in Russian
tubs uml huge nud gorge-eus sleighs. The the
litres are all but dcseited. the lolling-skating
links 1110 doing very iittle business, mid
young and old hate surrendered te tlie utti ac
tions of tlie snow-clad hills anil streets.
sule uf the IteliCMinia rnrn.ici.
Tlte ltoliesenta tin nace, llcrks county, has
just been sold at probably the highest llguie
eer obtained in this stntofera similar Iron Iren
producing plant. Nathaniel forguseu, it he
owned one-half of the furnace, sold liisshare
Ie Mis. Henri- Herlo and William It. White,
lieth of Philadelphia, for ir,noe, nuking' lie
total 1 nine ofthe fill nace ?s70,0u0. There are
about l.lXXi acres of laud connected with the
estate. This estate possesses the right foretcr
te hate as much ere fiem tlie Cornwall 010
hills, Lebanon, as can lie used In ene furnace,
hcncotliei-apaeity et the establishment is new
being increased. Tlie right is te coiitiiiue as
long as "water runs or grass grows," accord
ing te the will ofthe original proprietor, w lie
gave this fut nace this fiaitcliisc.
lliirili'iilng r.lleiU of llrtnlt.
Kreiu tlm New Yolk lleinbii; .Journal
" I believe," said tlie doctor, " it liisky
hardens the bruin."
" Ne doubt of it," aciiuicsced ids iissuclate.
"Hew de you knew?''
"Oli. I've often noticed Hint when you get
full your oyes have a stony stare," was the
aitamauime answer.
l)ie-S(Mlliig .11 1UI1 for lllisl ikes.
Seino time age llfteen ofthe fast ti pe-selters
of Rochester, N. V., issued 11 chtillcnge te tlie
Kiino niiinluT of printers iteiu any etlter city
in the Union of less tli.111 100,000 inhabitants,
H10 winners te attend the New Oilcans l.o l.e l.o
sitieii nt tlie oxpense of the losers. The dial
lenge lias been iteccptcd by the UWeu compos
itors, nud the match will seen be :u ranged.
At the MatliiiPlleii'C
U11 s.ituiday ami .Sunday nights the station
liouse was occupied by til iotlgeis and I ill..
onleilt, The ledgors wero disciimgcdaud
tlie disorderly cemiultttd.
Tweliegas and niue giisollue lights failed
le buni 011 Saturday ami Sunday nights.
I'miie-t'il Intri. Ciueily llrldge.
Twe of the Chester county eommissieners
nere In this city te-day consulting our com
missioners in icfcrence te the election of an
Inter-ceunty bridge at RetV UeHing, ever
the Octoraie creek
-W.'.V.i.Vl AX1MA1.S fiTAttriXU.
Tcrillile Drsllliillnn nml SiillVrliiK In Three
Cenntln of Went 1 1rRlnl l.
Ailvlccri from Ullmcr, Hraxlen nnd Old Old
lieitn counties West Virginia, nre of the
most nlnriulng chnrnclcr. T. A. Kdwnrds,
cdl(6r of Iho Wheeling Democrat, who has
had mi opportunity te investigate, says tlie
sull'crlngautl distress munng man nud beast In
the counties mentioned is unprecedented. A
fearful nnd lung-protracted drought last stun
iner destroyed the crops nnd the farmers en
tered upon llie w inter it lilt less than llie
usual protisiens for their families and tlte
stock. Tlie winter has lietu fatally set ere.
Drei cs of hogs, en tilt, sheep and even horses
liate died. The less in this direction Is
many thousand dollars. Weeks nge nil
kinds or feed bccnine exhausted nud llie
stock is dying of start. itlen by scores. Many
r.irmeis hate netn single nnlinil of any
description left. there Is net
enough feed lit tlie thrcoeeuuties te support
itsiopulatleii two weeks
Stnce Christmas feed has bieu hauled In
wagons drawn by four hordes eter the moun
tains en the worst lwsslble reuls, across
bridgeless dtrcams, for distances of eighty
nnd ene hundred miles, two weeks liclng
eflcn consumed In a single trip. This makes
the cost or the most erdinaiynrtlelcs enor
mous. Indirierciit cofiee is feity cents icr
IKiuud, rlee lirlngs sixlceu cents,
two dollars a bushel, iarehedeern lsn luxuri
ant! Heur unknown. Tltofew slicep and caU
tle left nre turned out te die or cke out an ox ex ox
lstence by living en dried mew and lichens,
fortunately the snow In the mountains is
unusually light.
Tlie extreme cold weather or the past two
ivccks has greatly added te the misery
or the situation. Unless relief comes
wliole families will lie annihilated. Ne aid
of dimensions sufficient te nvert tlie (alamlty
can coine from the outside, bccaiise of tlie lm
ixxwibility of tnuisierHtlg It neress the
mountains in the present condition of the
read,w hicli nre In many instances mero bridle
paths. Weather sufficiently warm te thaw
the streams would make it possible te get
nitliiii thirty miles of Iho point of great
est sullering it Ith "puMi" beats. It iteuld
nlse nfletd stockmen neliauce te get in nnd
buy w hat llttle stock remains, thus giving
the pcople a llttle money with ithlch te pur pur
chase supplies. It is quoted as a marvel that
no attempt te be oxtertionato In cliargcs. h.u
been heard of.
A Sensible llrw of tlie Itlnks.
Discussing roller skating rinks, tlie Cathe.
lie Standard says : "As te skating and skat
ing rinks, our opinion is skating In itself
is an innocent amusement, and, unless in
dulged in te excess, a healthful oxcrcise. As
for skating-rinks, it lietlier it is proper teat teat toat
tend them nnd for parents te allow thelr
children te de se, depends upon the same
conditions nnd principles it Inch dctermlne
tlie right or the wrong of popular nmuso nmuse
inctits generally. That is, upon tlie man
ner in which tlie rinks nre conducted, the
character, habits and deportment of the
persons tt he frequent them, the character of
theso who accompany each ether te them,
the hours at which young persons go te tlicui
and return home, style and manner of the
sKnting oxcrcise engaged m, ami outer con
siderations et a llke character. All tertus or
popular amusement are lialile te abuse, et en
these which In thcmseltes nre entitcly iiariu
less. Promiscuous assemblages for purposes
of ainusctncut are jxirticularl.v open te lids
danger, and especially se it lien tlieir exer
cises are continued te late hours in the et cu
ing. Itis tlie duty of parents liefore allow
ing their children te attend such places of
amusement, te acquaint themselves thor
oughly v.'lth all tlie circumstances which
may, or may net, make them dangerous te
All Anccifote or Gilrltelil.
Kiltuuiid Alten, In St. Nicholas ferjlaidi
A year borero his election, General Gnrlield
could hat e been seen gayly sauntering along
PcnnsjlvaitU avenue, laughing, talking,
nodding his head te this acquaintance and te
that, without any obstruction te bis progress
in the sliape of a sidewalk leccptien. Titose
who did net knew him personally wcre
familiar ttitli Ids face and name. The ladles
had heard his eloquence in the Ifnuse the
strecturchins had seen him at the bise-ball
;rounds, shouting, witli the eagerness of a
xiy, Ids pleasure or dissatisfaction as tlie game
piogresscd.Whllea member et tlie Ilouseho
often took occasion te run out into tlte suburbs
of the city te witness tills exciting speit. I
remember oneaflernoon it lieu lie reached the
Miami fleeted en llie grounds a few minutes
after I did. 1 was leaning ngaiust tlie front
rail of tlie idatfei m, ami, dapping 1110011 tlie
shoulder, no asked, "Who's ahead?" I gate
him the liitormatleu, and he thereupon bo be bo
eame v) iutcictdcd in the game Hi it lie seem
ed unaware that h!' heavy it eight upon my
Iittle body it as, te say the least, ineen tenlcnt.
He was constantly exclaiming: "tioedc.ilchl"
"Pine hit!" Oh! what a mum" mid ether
well-known extracts from base-ball language,
and he seen grew se excited as te make me
feel the clleets. I thought It who te met e te
a pkuoef salety, and I finally succeeded in
edging aw ny through tlie crowd.
ll)n. unite In I'olltle.
Athens, (je., lias been thrown into conster
nation by n tlueat that dynamite w ill be used
in ease llie Pioliibitieuists succced in leting
liquor out ofthe city at tlie coming election.
Athens is the scat of tlie State Unit crsily,
whicli lias SOU students, nml ler this reason
idone tlte cant nss has attracted wide atten
tion. The contest lias liceu piolengcd and
bitter, and w ill elose 011 Wednesday. Let
ters liate Iicen sent lolhe various leaders of
the prohibition meiciucnt threatening dy
namieo " in ease fanaticism wins the day."
Tlie 7'((iiucr this'inerniugBayh: "We defy the nud will carry tlie county for Prohibi
tion If Athens blazes as high as the ky."
MisilHi'liHtiiia lie ir.irti'fctlng.
Cochran A; Ce. are storing tee at their houses
id Perryi llle. and ivltji a few days 1 1101 oef
tavorable weather will bonble te secure a fair
supply. Messrs. Prederlek it Sens hate
about seemed all the iee tliey want, and et
line 'quality, ut tlieir houses at Ilavre de
1 ! race. Contrary te the indications early In
the season tlie soveio and protracted Celd gite
piomise et n fair crop en tlie liver.
Mr. f red. Can oil, foreman of the Cochran
A' Oler Iee company's operations' at I'erry
ville, 11ns struck en llie top of the head, 1'ii
day morning, by a chain width had broken
hitting him en the lelmmul, and it is feaied
dangeieusly hurting him.
Ti llin;; 11 Im Waliini;liii Was,
The report of tlie inspector of facteiics and
woikslieps for the Nt.ite of New Jersey fays
that tlie children in these institutions aie la
mentably lacking. This opinion is founded
en questions put te them. Oue or the ques
tions was, lie was tieorge Washington 7"
mid soine of the answers 11010 as follews:
"Ile is a geed man." "He cliased the Indi
ans away." "He died a few years age." "He
Is preslilcnO' "I saw his picture." "Ile is 11
high man in war." "He nnver told a Ha"
"Ile dlsceicied America." "The best man
Mho ever Hied."
lloinieuUlll 111 tlie s,eutli.
A Chattanooga (Tenti.) dlsjiafch states
sotenty-flve Mermen cenierts left that city
Thursday for Salt Lake City. Tliey were
from Last Tennessee, North Georgia and
North Carolina. The Mermen chinch has
lieen making such rapid headway in the
Seuth the ciders have decided te hate a
spilng and fall hegira. Hetetofero the con
torts have only emigrated in tlie fall.
A Tun Unit Ceet u is 1,000.
Tlie Jury in tlie libel suit of Wm. I.te 1 s.
tlte Cincinnati J.'tqu(rer returned a verdiet
ugalnst the for f 1,000 damages.
Tlie artlde eempaiucd of was gratuitous anil
ui.tilea tery leugli pun, wlieisa
fashionable nnd ecceiitrie slKK'itiakcr. Jehn
It. Mid. can, njieii en tliowltness stand, ne
knew leilged w riling the article.
Itlilliiluy C'elelirallnn.
Jehn D001 r, luitelier, lesidiug oil West
King stieet, was 01 years old jeslerday, and
in honor ofthe et en the entertained a num.
ler orrrlends at dinner.
Cmiiiiilisloneil reitiiutter.
Jonas Huher hns Iw en commlsilened post pest post
niu.ter for Mmticville, fiucastorieunty.
A IttlOMKlt MAX X.K11 Tttltr.r. TI3JK3
Tite .iiaiii!us f,ir tlie r.tcrutlnn FnlU te Werk.
The lliirrltile Mrciie nt llie I'ulliire Turns
ItinStiMlrr-linicrrsrieniTlii'lr Duly.
Tlie Culprit' Coeler,.
LeNtiuy, feb. 2a. At l.xoter te-dny the
attempted execution et Joint Lee, for nturs
dcr, resulted in the most horrlble exhibition
that ever disgrnced tlie gllibel in Knglnnd.
The deemed man, ivns perfectly firm ami
went te Iho gallons undaunted. He seemed
te resign hlinelf completely, hut firmly, te
the oxccuflenor, and as ihe spring tvnsturned
he made nn npiiarent ellbrt te adjust his body
te llie expected diep se that death might be
as quick as possible, and when llie click et
the spring sounded hn dreit a long breath ns
though It wcre his last. Hut the drop stuck
llrm and Lee atvoke as if fiem a dream. He
quickly recovered himself and ivns taken
back te his cell. Alter the machinery wni
oiled, Lee wns brought out again nnd wns
still tery llrm. Once mero he braced hlnrelf
for tlie fall, nnd 11 lien the click of the ma
chinery sounded he ngnln noemed te
drop in physical surrender. The innchlne
ngaiu refused te work-. Tlie victim shud
dered as ir slinking himself out of soine hor her hor
rihle dream, wliile thoexecutlouor peunded
tlie framo-iverk and stamped upon tlie drop.
H ut it remained fl nn. Lee straightened himself
tip and was a second time removed te his cell.
His spirit was new much biekcn, nnd the
officials bcoame very nerveus. Afler mero
hammering nnd oiling of the machinery Lee
was a third Hme marthed forth, noosed and
black capped. A third time tlie machinery
refused te work, but Loe was broken by
the strain ami suspense. He sank down in
a sw oeti and wasearrled away. Ne word cut
docrlbe the palnrulncss of the pcene, for a
kind of overpowering dlsinay-like supersti
tion seemed te ivelgli en the ulior ulier
ifl's officers. The gallows was dcportetl
and 110 ene made further attempt
te fix II. Lee, (Li7ed, stupefied and physi
cally exhausted, lay in ills cell in the most
pitable com! ltleu, it hlle the slieri fl" abandoned
his horrlble task, clesed up the cxocutlen
yard, and rushed te the telegraph ofllce te
ask for instructions from Londen.
It it 111 be reinembercd that Lee, lyhe was
an ex-convict, obtained employment from
Miss Keyes as a valet by means of forgeil
lotters of recommendation. I.00 wished
te marry Miss Keyes wlie was mi
elderly lady of wealth. She rciused te
wcil him, whereupon Lee assaulted iier. Ile
then murdered her and set flre te the liouse
te cover his crime. Tlie (lames wero seen
extinguished hy nolghbersand the murderer
was shortly afterwards captured. Ile was
hiding in tlie vicinity.
a ciA7i: te .1 3zrsTi:nr.
Itiisb'iinl nml ITIte llt'Itl for The Mimtcr of a
Ken! Kslute Agent Six Years Af,'
PiiiLAnitLriiiA, rob. 23. Frederick
Ilattch and his it ife, wlie nere arrested en
suspicion of killing William C. Martin, six
years age, it 01 0 given a hearing befere a mag
istral te-day ami wcre remanded for a fur
ther hearing te-morrow. Itetii stoutly as
serted their innocence. William C. Martin,
it lie was a real cstate agent, was found bru
tally beaten and unconscious in bis ofllce en
April 5, 1879. When he roeevorod conscious
ness he declined te state bow he came by Ids
injuries, and seen afterwards died. Thore
was no clue te the mystery until recently
when Sebastian Scheldt gave information
te tlie effect that Ilaucli and his ittrehad
confessed te him that tliey killed Mr. Martin.
Mrs. Ilauch, tlie witness says, cutercd Mar
tin's ofllce, twisted his iiecktle se as te cheke
him wliile her husband beat him ever the
Counterfeiters Arrcntcil.
SrNut'itY, Pa.,Feb. 2.1 Twe counterfeiters,
named James V. Adams, of Ceble, this
county, and Jehn Diuniliellcr, of Catatvissa,
w ere arrested here te-day, by Dotecltve Me
Swecncy, eril'ittsburg, and leilgcU in Jail at
this place. Tliey bolengcd te a gang with
headquarters at Sliamekln, it he have
licen cltculatiug counterfeit meney,
all eter this part of the coun
try, li I). Yordy, of Sliamekln, was
also arrested, but lie it as seized with mi
attack of nerveus prostration and was left It?"'
Sliamekln under guard. Tlirce hundred dol
lars in geld ?. nnd ? 10 piece it ero found oil
Adams. A laige number of moulds, pat
terns, tools, Ac, were found at tlieir houses.
Werk In Congress Te-day.
Wasuinutex, D. C., I'eb. 2J Sonate.
Lapliam resumed his remarks en the Des
1fr,tnns HelllnrH lilies bill mill It lrns n.nSStvl
.. .. . , ,
ycasai, najsi. s swg
,,,... "I ,... ,111 TV. -n.A..,n,1 (I.J. " J?.'
iiiuusv.j iLiimmi iia.j luiiivv iv
sundry cit il appropriation bill. It was re
ferred te tlie committce of tlte whole. Among
the Hems It contained Is H10 appropriation
for the completion of the public building al
W'illlamspert, Pa., ?250,Q00.
Anether victim nltlie l'our-lllle Hun Disaster.
WAbitiNoieN, 1). C, Feb. 23. Jeljn T,
Pr.dey, tlie colored Tie&tal clerk injured in
tlie collision at Uour-Mlle Run, Thursday a
night last, Is dead, making Uie seventh lire
lest from Hits accident. It is stated that the
less te the Adams express company, en
prepet ty burned, will reach a quarter of a
An Ap11v.1l te .Vltl tlie I1II0 In Londen.
Londen, fob. Ilk The lord mayor lias
ssiied an apiical te the public for funds te as
slst the large number of poeplo in Leuden
who hate been thrown out of employment
011 account of the dopression in trade and
w lie aie destitute.
An i:-Ceiiuiil9sliiiieruf Agriculture Dead.
Wasiunoten', I'eb. 23. General Herace
Caprou, ex-commissioner of agriculture, -died
in tills city last night. He attended the
dedication coremouios at the Washington ,
monument en Saturday and contracted
set ere cehl. Yesterday nftorneon he was, '
seriously 111, and at a late hour last nlgb.1'
Trli.i rr tlm aii..i.i.,1 liTiiuinttcisi lteiiimetl. sivj
Lomie.v, rob. 23. The examination ef,s5;
uimumgiiaiii nun uunwii ;nigu mwec
t.t 1- 1...., .. ,.. vkf.aakiv,l ilkfd i.ivfe-i f ,-,- 'JtV"fetk .
Illgll ireaseii, ni iraumvu uu iuvi 11111$, -"-. I
- -a'J.,3
Km. rit,IIV l-iliieml l'rlrattf,- l- .V.
.... ...... --. v .
Lo.vne.v, I'eU 23. Tlie remains; of Mrs..-''
James Russell Lewell 11 ere interred et Kedx ,,
sal Green cometory liere te-day. ThoIutierM
w;is slitettv lirltnle. .. ' ty"
J ?Jvt
iruATiuHt ixmvATiexa,
Wasjiiote-v, Feb. 23. Fer the JHddlaV'
-. ' . .
Atlautla states, fair weather, nertlwrty ;'
Minds, becoming inrlable, sllgltly colder iitSA
northeni portion, slight rise In temperature''"
in southern portion, followed en Tnesilay byt f
lislng tcmncratlire in ontire district. falUn
preccded in cast portleu by rhlng wa'$; f"Jt
meter. ' 'jti M
' 'v.
Wulteil 11 llrjrbie. ' ri '
In Saturday's IsTUtLiauscEiWttvassulteii.;
that William Rohfiiss,preprlolor of the Uttieti5'
hetul, itasroluriied te isiurt rer cemmiwinjf
uu assault and lottery en Leuis Ilerner.'by '
Aldermau MiGllim. The fact is thre ynn'
110 liearing in tliecswc, Mr. Rchfitsu tvalved v ,
licaring and tuteriHl Ij.iI! for trUL -? -
Ca!. 'Stftyj'lM
Tliueomjii'imtei ihinu pinicuw ihh wf '' ;
Jacob Kauinnnu ngaiust lY" -va
was heard by Alderman -limrrier fktM
evening aim iiuimsHcu, .iiaoiiieeomn
et assault and bntteri- umde by Km
Ganlnernfiilust Peter Luti-.
? ft