Ssfiww twyiMf gj vf i-p!Wef )Sj vret RSIft ir W 2W1 y; S?S?""FW$V? &i A : y W s VJU' i!& v.' m . IXC ! la? IflB." SB .- '? ef' K. &r' '&". Srr-k.Jl,'rt Ciit.VMHtA CIVn A.Xn IStTlTVTr, Aa J4p Hit Rfrim In If urn Fallen en lUrrrn f , ' Ormiiiil Terni Jinten, kgtat-CoiTeiwnacrtrotir ltrTu.tescEn. ,'' CetUxnlA, I'tiU 20 Tlie Columbia club ''wiidlniitltutolintieitln') ileuil ra It can well be. One never lieiiwivnytlilnf: morcabeut 1U In'petiverultitr ivllh one of ilt'J ccutlctiinn Imv- 0nit "lfl movement In cliarge, he said be 'emiblirlve notOitien why llie work lut'l net Iwpu nri1inil nlirrttl. Tim conililtllce bnd ' . Wn nml nre wnltlntr te bear from tlie I'. It. ! It. company, unit will de nelliIiiK until nn ; j answer In maile te tliolrcemiinmlratlon, scut S& Mvcrel months ngc. Tlie supposition, mid (?' It will urebnbly prore correct, li Hint tlie ,, .Columbia club nml limtltiite U ilefiuict Yi.- -"uenucr man itumu mm. rT -Si Mlw JvelIIO llrtriwier, or nam nip, wuu im 4- -hBftn the iriitvitef Ml Aniile l-a-lir, ler tlie J , -V tMt week. lint returned home, v'.l'UT mufl M. Hultilhulsel Is In Philadelphia, L ' irillllil, iie:,iin. L'M C Rev. 11. XV. Hitmphrlsi, last evening, at tlie Vi M.- E. inr-onace, united In tlie holy IkmiuN nf i wedlock Mnrthi Illnkle te Mis Ida Cramer, ik both of Columbia. i , N .Tnhii MnTlnn entered Inte n in.ilr lliellliil O. ntnte last evenlnir, with MK Mary Ackcr- ,, man. Hev. lluniihrin lurtbrmeil tlie inar- rlnire eoreineny, at tlie iriniie. . . Mi Carrle Han, f Plilliulelphln, and JIlis Kntie Cebaugli. of Mlililloteiui, ure the gucnti of lira, frank Stoeker. Town Nelp. Several merchant bavin;; telephone in thelr places of builnes bave bad ndded te their Instruments tlie new trumpet or the liOster tolcpheno company. The apedal Hcwilen of the grand lodi;e of ra., In Lancaster, will be attended by n large mitnboref Columbia Odd l'ellew. Freight traflle Is qulte light at prevent, but D3 the spring tnule opens in a few week It is oxpected te increase. Several Turks were In Columbia, yester day, sotllngartlcleH which they brought ultli them Irem their home. Ou Mendav, Wednesday and 1'iUlay oven even Ing or next week Ce. C. will held extrn drills, and the mombers will be compelled te ntteiid them olse they will be left behind when the company gees te Washington city. The attendance at tlie opening of the United Brethren festival, In Armery hall, lat even ing, was of such proportions that the mana gers feel success hxs already crowneil their efforts. Twe hundred and nine dollars was the amount cleared by the festival of the Sei-ond stroet Lutheran church. A sleighing jwrty or elbt couple, from Ijancnstcr vlsited Celumtila last evening, anil enjoyed the hospitality ortbe rink. In their honor Manager Krem kept open until 10: j p. in., throi.'-quarters or an hour laterthan usuaL Tn linnnr nf Id "1st lilrthd.iv. Frank Musser last evunlng cntertilneii nlieut "0 of ins most intimate menus ami acquaintances at the residence of his rurcnts en Locust street iilxive Fourth. It was an exceedingly cnjoyable lurty, and will be long and pleaj-intly ro.neinborod by tlioje who par iicinUivl. Miss ltclloMeoro'f "Mountain Pink" coin cein pnuy 'will return te Columbia, and appear in the rtera heuse next Wednesday evening. The play was e highly enjoyed at Its first appearance that a large audlcnce will n doubt greet Miss Moero's return. Tin Columbia Jlcralil of yesterday, attrl butes the defeat of Sneath ler council, and Miller for school beard te yenr correspon dent This Is unjust In the extrcme as we net only voted for both gentlemen In ques tion, but succoeded In obtaining for tlicui several llepubliuan votes. A l'oer Ttiile Hint Won't 'Werk lletti Wn . LtmeKUn ClubproceeJiuglnTlienetrolt l'rce Prcs. Profosser foses Day While, chalnnan or tlie committce en social philosophy, desired te submit a rcjwrt. Illscommlttee hud leen asked te wrestle with the query: "Dihm crime, Biilcide, etc., swceji ever the world in waves!" The committee purcliased four quarts of pea nuts mul three Ixittles of iKip ami sat down te dcllU'rate the question, and the members had unanimously concluded that the emery mut bennswereclln tlie fllrm:itive. lie wuuld, therefore, ask that the rolert 1h atj-s-pted and the ceinmlllcu discharged from further con cen con Bidcnitleu en the subject. "Hrudder White," replied the president, "perhuiis your committce nlte UlsUivered vartuoair'Justlce also sweep ever de kcatry in waves!" "Ne, Kilt, we didn't" "Well, it am a poe' rule dat won't work beaf ways, an' de ropeit won't boiiecepted. If dar' am any winlu'uimdu geed should wavobefe' oriirtenle bad. IfTJareetnesa wave which" makes evcrylxKly want te kill liU-eir, it ulieuld be lelhiwed by ene wlilch would make ovcrybeily hanker te lib ten geed old nga Yeu kin let out your suspenders an Inch nu set down." Stepping HuIcIiIp ly Laiv. Prem the I'hllnUulpLU LuJuer. Trying te step attempted sulclde by law Is about tbobarreueU sort of legislation. A thru-it of six months' or six years' imprli-nnnicnt will net Htny the hand if man or woman who has taken up the pistol or razor, or iciihj or the poison eup te put an end telirc When the lrcuzicd uiind has get worked up te that pilch, no kind of consideration can have any place. The man who thinks of Kclf-daughter. even ivliuu the net will be sure te lcave wife and children te helplessness and suffering. Is In a condition te think of nothing like earthly pun ishment if he fails. If such legislation could have any effect uiieii him, it would be te Im pel him te make his killing work sure. When Htiluide was n felony working forfeiture ofthe goods and possessions or the We-i-jj that heavy peualtydld net stay the suicidal hand. In Hie Common l'Iruii Court. The Jury In the suit of Daniel Yeung vs. Leepold Wlekeuhelser, were sent out te deliberate at neon of Thursday. They had net agreed upon a verdlct up te neon lb-duy. cuiiuknt ncststss. Hei. Antlersen,a colored man who served a term for a misdemeanor, was discharged under the Insolvent law. A rule was granted te show cause why Albeit Bcmiswhe was sent te Jail for failure te comply with the order of tlie court In rcforenco te tlie maintenance of lit i wife, should net have the benefit of the insolvent law. rurthcr l'orgerie ly Kt'Itn. The Qunrryville National bank holds two notes for 135 and fll5repoctlvely, drawn by Jehn Kehe and puriertIng te be endorsed by James Dougherty unil Themas Arm strong, and which were discounted by the bank for Daniel II. Kckniau and Michael Frlt7. Ills claimed that the signatures of the endorsers are forged, and Warrants for the detention of Kehe, who Is new in Jail en njcharge or having committed ethor forgeries, have been Issued. rnlcutti I'lcnly In Clidtrr Count). Skunks, or mero vulgarly polecats seem te thrlve with civilization and te be growing mero abundant In Chester county. There nre severnl trappers In the county who annually kill soveral hundred skunks for thelr skins which nre worth as high as a deU larteu dollar and n luir, pure black ones being the most valuable. .1. T. Williamson, nirmlngham, slilpjied eight hundred sUim te Jev Yerk bome days uge. l'ortuue Tellers. Ed ward Wilsen and Mary Matthews, both colored residents of Kegleysvllle, have been arrosted en the charge of lielng professional fortune tellers They were given a hearing last evening before Alderman Spurrier, when Jlsen was reloased en Ids own ro re ro cegtiltuico nml .Mrs. -Mattliua committed for a further he.iring. It is S.dd the rortune tellers have succeeded In setting by tlie cars beveral tospcetuble famlllen. Itrv. JlreOllli Still About lleauinc. rremtha Eagle. lUv." James M. Mcredlth, for whom the police have a warrant en the charge or swind ling, is still in this vicinity, us he was seen In Uie uortheustem wu,,, during theist2l '"n ! , J- '? Y"d. 1'is landlord, lias TMer edlth'i trunk, whkli centaliis a splendid out Ut or clothing. This will ), ,,!, unaiu reallre, it Is thought, satUcIcut te my Mr. Helvard's claim ng.Unst hlin. l ' A Oulll 80 Yean Old. Frem IbeEphramltevIi:-. - m."iIB J!10 fu"tl,u"a nntlaultlcs displayed at the Vijtlhmt Klre isiuiivany's tutr Ul wfilte quilt made by the wife or Judge Yoates of ainu4ter county, lu lsOi, luuklng itu years old. ItJsiniM in Jitoseteion et Mr. Cenyiiir. Lam efOlenville, uiloeudeut of theJudirS eudljin Jlrst-clasnndltlen ' fcuruur'Jiupier. The Survivors " will held their 17th an. ' c nUal Kalir ut JuLn Cmtlaitil'c linfnle, ,nnr. 10W vwillj. r. jtAxxtxattn JlKAlh The Ilcinlse r it Well Known Old Lanttis trlnn. The ileath of Philip C. H.innlngcr, the well known book-hinder, sorlvener and swular agent, oceurrcd at'hls reldeiice". UK) North Prlnce street, Thursday nftenumn. Ne sjie clfie dlsease his demise, but ltrculted from n general prostration of the whele svstem. IIe had been In HI health ever slnte the death of his wire, which ixsnured nlsiut tbrce yeaw age, and It wa prcnt te hi rrlemls that this less I'reyed upon his mind and hastened his death. Mr. Kaiinlnuprwivsn intlve of l.irmtadt, niirmanv. Ids rather lnlng si-ene painter in the llevi'd Theatre, lie e.itue te lids country mere than tlflv vcarsai.'". and nller rcm.ilulug ashert tltneln New Yorkc.une te umeis- Inrniwl nn.-timt n iMMik-billdPr.V, He lliar- rled n Lancaster l.idv but hi "he died many years age, and he airiln ni.irrhHl. hi sernml wiroelvlngasnlievostiilod sotne tliree yers aire, lle leaves no children. "IIe was a man of mero than enllnary htlent and had the advantages leU!i,s f geed cdil.-nlleii. He was a rwidv writer of both pree and vere, in Imth LtiglWi and Herman, and was a frequent cnutrtlmler te the in.igii7.incs and lupers Ife wsvs l'iiquonl l'iiquenl Iv called upon te nit as correspondent 'hv luivii ( m this inintrv and their friends in the old world. He wa alofer mniiv venrs th hieil ncriit for the sde f tickcts'in the Htcamship line Is'twecn this ceuntrv and numpe, lie was n man of the strictest Integrity and had the oentulencciind respect efatcry wide circle el' friends At Hie time el his death he was in hi- T.'td year. IL funeral will take place en Tuesd.iv nni-nim at 2 o'clock. Interment at Wilwnid Hill cemetery. Dentil ntMri Tlin!i:i riiinmliic. Mrs Susin W. Cummins, wife of Themas Cummings photographer, died at he family residence, Ne. 41 Went Chestnut street, tills morning, of consumption. The deceased was a native of Marietta, and a sister or Jehn. I'icd. and Leenard Waller, of Mailettn. Oc Waller, or Carlisle. Mrs .lelin V. Helclilei-. and Mrs .lames Iliililey. of LiiH-.ister, mid Mrs lludisill, or Miuietta. She marrlisl Mr. Cummings in lS- and thev at em-u went te housekeeping hi this city, wheits they have since lived, she was a kind and ntfc tienate mother and an estimable lady, who had nnnv friends Mrs. Cmnuilng was In tlie fidth year of her aire at the time of her death. ltesides her hulund she leaves three sons llyrnn, Park and CliC'ter, all of whom nre married. Tlie takes place Monday nftunjenn. Itnrlirttrr ( n rrrni.iterj. There are ninny ercniatlenists In Hoi-heter, X. Y., and tliey have org-.inlietl a society w ith f 10,000 capital te build a crematorium. They expect te reduce the cost of a funeral te 25. Ilechestcr will be the tlrxt city in Wostern New Yerk te build and use such n oencorn. The building will be a simple chapel. At tlie Station llnuie, The twenty -ene vags who eeritplcd the sta tion heuse last night were discharged this morning. Twcnty-iils electric lights were out hair an hour last night, four gas and two gasoline lights were reported its net burning. U.imUenie skate. Yc3lerdny Mr. A. C. Kepler presented Miss Oracie Lngtiennd Master Willie Martin, the two well known young skaters or this city, with a handseme pair of skates each, from tlie Union Hardware company. The rollers ure or roxeweod and the soles ilter with geld mountings Tlie names of the little folks are engraved en tliu skates An Olil rrleml link. Our old friend Eiiseblu Ilershcy, poet and evangelist, who has been living in Centre count v, is new en a visit te this county, lle preached hi the Evangelicjil church," LItltr, Sunday. A-s.nult anil Ituttcrj. On complaint of Nicholas Gardner, Peter Lulz, was hehl for a hen inn for assault and battery. Tlie trouble took ptace at tlie opera house several diys age. Mr. Lutz Is special eSlrsr nf the nwra lioue and Gardner thinks he handled h'ln reiiglily. A lieailng will 1 had bcfoie" Spurrier, Saturday afternoon at " o'cleclc Ilenincmt CtlOM-li. Christian ILiba-ker, Dome-Tat, was elected school director of tlie Itnhremewii district en Tuesilnv, defe-ating Adam I!. Hear, !e- pubiican, by a majority of -19, in a uistilet which usually gltcs a very large Itepublican majority. )4Uereti-ly III. W. II. Curly, the popular conductor en the Quarrvville niilreui, Is lying dangerously ill at hislionie In qu.irryville with piieume'uia. This morning Ids recovery wa looked ujieu as doubtful. Senior Urutiuuh. The sacend division or the class of 'S3, will dellvcrtheir "Chapel Oiatnns" tlilsetcning, at " o'clock, in tl.e ebaiel of Franklin and Marshall college Jleellnj or tlie .InTlllary. At the la,t meeting of the I.aillcs' Aux lllarj it u'ui deelduil te belil regular muetliijjs every tite weeks, ln-te.ul of tboecoiid Menrtay of every month. A iin.utlus will be held In the Y. M. C. A. building, Feb. 23, at 7:13. A full at at temlince 1. du, lied. AinueluentA. .VcWade TVAiM. This evening Keberi Mc Mc W'uile uppearn In the opera house lu - Jllp Vau Winkle." i;-cryheUy knows whut he can de, ami he U cluaervlnj or yued builnejj. 1IU juices are le. t Week of Drama. On Monday J. II. Keane mid his ilramutle ceinpany will begin uu cn t'UKuuicut of ene week at the opera hou-e. "Mrs. Partington nnd Her Mischievous Hey IWe " will be given en Monday, Tuesduy and M'udneiduy nights und at Wednesday' inutlnee. On Thursday uud Priday nla;hl Itlp Van Wlnkle " will bu rreseuted. und en ''atiuday niatlnce nnd iitKht " Paul I'ry " und " so'.en Shingle." The price nre 10 und 23 cenu. Ccxvines. February 5J. 15, lu ihis eity, Sukun '., wlte el 'Iho. Cutniulnss, lu ihoSeth year of her uge. The v lailvesunrt friends nre respectfully ln ln vlled te attend the funeral, from hurlute real djuce, N'e. II West Chesinul ireet, en Menduy iittemoen, February Jd, nt 2 o'clock. f20-il Uasmkiieii. In thlsclty, enthe luth lut., 1. C. Huiinliiger, In the 71th year of hl nge. The lelailM'-und Irk nils are ie-peclfull In vited te attend the funeral, from hU late riMl dence, Se. leu North Prince street, ou Tuei-day nltcriinen nt 2 o'clock. Inienuent lit Wooil Weoil Woeil waid 11111 cemetery. N'ofleweis. feb2u-3td 3iam:j:ts. I'lillailelpbla .llnrket. PuiLAiiULi'iiM, Feb. 20 Fleur dull ami neaici supernnu, r- wri ,i: i.ttni, r.'T.ntfaia eaici supernnu, . wri ,i: i.ttni, r.'T.ntfaia I Viin'a. family, ft .VHTaTS: Wlnlur clear., l(l iltJMlnatmighu, I4 25il75 : .Mum. extra cluar, desirulghls, H6nt$ uu : winter pal inn, 1 75i52.i; spring de, fjOO.-JJ 73. live Heur ul .! 25, la vi. ft I fluurflAi; desimlghts, I5eJ5 en , winter pal. . ., t. ,J'i- . , P.'llll till, TJ W,JU J. JtOUOIir ULMIIII.I ILK heat qu'et und lu.uly 1 N'e. 2 We.teni i!ed,bi (sbUv ; Ne. 3 de, ul s2jJsSe;.Sn. 1 Pa. de, U51e : Ne. 2 DeliiHiirc, de. !0je. Cem 11 rni i tair demand;, stcuuier, 51 flSlJe t suil yellow , tfiSHH" i llu uilxwl, SOtti" i Se. i no, .ViUy.Me. Oats dull und easy : N'e. 1 White, SSei Ne. 2 de, nt gjtji7ci N e. 3 de, 33Jtee ; rejected. SafJIDje": Nn. 2 lulled, 33, uye ueniiuui in ,'.: hueds Clever steady at SfiVO Timethy dull at 1 31 vi ; Fl ixMt-il tl rut nt f I Ceffl a. i line, uiuii uriiiei III Tlu UIIIIKI, Provljleiis ulei und prices steady i mess perk, II Iffill 50 , beef huiu,. iU&il 50 city lues beef, fl.ljDiill. Kicen, UAfJ'fe i Smoked Shoulders. fiKes salt de, 5JfJi).Cj smoked liatns, lUWfillWe; nlekledde. ii'isiloe. l-uil steady i city letlned, ut 7MGS0 loeo butchers', "e i prime steuiii. tl 25. liuller market dull mid in buyers' favor; Civnuiery extnui, SlfiiAe ; 11. C. and N. V. de, 2I 3ue; dilry extras, J'! de geed te chotee, 20 O-te : Western de, lff2.'e. Iloiisut!'l5ei lui-kliiv butter, 701ie. r.KK uuu una cuaier ; extliu, 20JtI2;e. iiesiern uu, 'j.'i,c. New Yerk .Mniket. N'kw Yeiut. Fib. 20.-liour-stite und Wesiern nulet und without iiiiiturlal ehuuge ; low grades fuiee und held flrtu. teutlieiu uutet nnd eusv. .."'"at jaU-,e lewermid heavy, tilth u very Ltiottteck Prices. ClllCA'ia Cfttle UlulkCt VCVV ktew in.,1 l,M??S?a,itoHBer wi.iwjSJuiiaS; t 1 ,wl ' li-JD pounds, U 75tJ5 SJi l.iMl te I iii-ceu uueuiiu uueuungeui .mia' lets r till Cieant, 12iS13et Ohie Flats, chelw, UJic i dofalrteiiifmo.KJfJjnjioi l'enn'upart kkluir, I Q7otdelnlldo,l(i3v. I'utitituuin il rui t Uerliied, 7Jic. tYhbikv Utiuer ut f 120. ii,,," ,3' J,tt,c ' Mit!lu't! 1 -Aprilt fJWufJiiil '" WfliseiJiiiie.Brffe,,.. Coin !44)iu higher ; uiiMurately aotive . Mtxid ii,",t11'.rW,'.I,u' a" '""', tmiaBiia HUUe. Sgl'' MluU' wai "clem, THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE FRIDAY, LVe neaiul, M anajtni tmtrhers', M IJtl ; mnliilv. nvfMa . un-Krrs Wsefll i ris-ili-r. l ft t i Tetnuslu i: rvwtpts, f,-W Insult ship tnriits, n-VUIintd .... ... it licri'lit. .'veee head: ulilpnii'nts. .VM market e.ik iiml pllw IkiflS- h"'.r ' reiisli p.u'klmi tt lt : inickinis and lili lilnu.fl 1tt' : Hulit. Kl t" SU Minnl, 4 W ti sti, uiim. Miiiai. -slieei) Heci'liits, l.imlnid s hlpmpnls S.fWi marki-t utrnils : Interior, fl4VtlI-1i medium. .t.3): Bi"f ITrtll clinlce, ISJr?li. l.iSKUTt.-CnttUMpilet mul tuichungeil , fen Utile doing ; ITeelpt,3nMiead i Klilinneuts, ll"is d'nll and ulnw : I'btladelphla. W V6 I" : Yorkers. itwiti : I'lffs nt tl :& V : nsn-lpts, hewl : hlimirntx, (I.O.l. Mirep ln ami iiiielmnBisl i pilme. l .vu?l,,.1 : r.ilrln cl. t-I.VVrlMrecvlpW, l.'sO hemt I sht liinnts s.m lieiul. r . SIU .Mnrkel". ijMotiilleii- by I.'mhI, .Mrllninn A Ue., lUnkers, iiintuncr, i it. II a. v II m. Mlenrl I'nrltlP MlnlrHtnn LVnlml New tmkOntiaU New Jersev Central Ohie Central Iiel. ljrh. A M'etcrn UnnveiA llle Hntmlu Krle KniKns A Tita Ulkebeiv fhteaae A N . W ., win ...... N. N.. lint. A Wetern SI. 1'nul A Hiruiba Pnrlllr Mull Itoehe-terA I'lltsliui'ic ... si. I'mil Texi I'.H'Ifle t'tilen I'lirltle W'nlNi-h Common V'ilMh I'rrfi-ritHi Wc-:'n t'lileu Teleamph Leiilsvillr A n.hvllle ... X. t .. Llil. A l. 1 !.ehlh nllet Uiiluh Nnviitiilleii IVnnsyl VKimt. Itnullng I'. T. A llnllnln .Vertbern Pnvlllc Cem... Nnrthrrn racltlc I'n-f . . . Ilestemllte I'hllHilelplilii A IM'le .Northern Onlrnl 1'iiitcroreniul I'ttmida southern nil People'-. PasM-inter .leisnv Central lit", SI', tt'1 331, & J, iVi i, ae'I s S Vi iv i; m w lJ, IIM, mC nsj ni it; fti-J : '. 7t Jl. H, l, lt iZ 4-1 i;. iH I .v ,WJ ts, is. ' 4, s II: l? 5, v , Vl tn ITS' 4llJ li'j 41S :il" Mvi in" l'llll.lllelilll.'l. luetatlnns by A-siwIalwl Prtws. steek- ulrenjt. PhllnOctphU A Krie It. 11 lBAi ltenditiK Itallt'eutl ss I'eiiusvlvniiln Knlliiciil SJ l.ehltft'i Valley liallnaul Ri Cntlisl Ceinpnulea uf .Sew Jersey Il .S'nrtheruPnclf)c 17 Northern I'lirltle Preferred li Nertbern Cvntrnl IbitliMnd &7M la-h'uti NnvlitiiHim Company 4ft, Nnrristewn itnllnmd 107 Ct-ntnil Transportation Cmiiiwny aj Itnttitle. New Yeik A rhlliidHphls l.llllnscbuvlfetll Itatlreiul M ew A'erk. (Juntnttens tiy A-eelattsl I'less. storks loner and actlrc. Meney, lc. N- nrkCinlnil i KHe ItHllroed 13 Adams Kxjiress 1.13 Mlehtunn Central Kallnaul HI M letilirim Miulheni lUulntid u'.' lllln.'t- Cenlnil ItiUlrenil li Cleveland A I'lttsburu Ualliimd 1:17 ChleaKeA lteck l-land Itnllread 112 t'lttitbnrg A tort Wayne Ital read 12n Vetern rnlnn Ttlei;ruph Ceuiixuiy &-. foledeA Wnlnsh 4M New .lersey Centml S-JsJ Nework llnlui'le A Western II laesil stetksutiil llemK lteperted ly .1. 11. Leng. Par list value, sate. lAiicastpr City, per cfnt., 1-sy ...lm lle. !-''. " is;c,. .'.perct. In 1 or ai yours.. " 4 M'hoel Iimu " 4 " tn I or 5) years 4 " In or 2n ours " I ' lu 10nr20yeurs Mnnhelm le-uuzli lean 11AXK STtN'KS. first National Hank Pnnncr' N'.itleinii lUuk Fulton NiitteiuU Itink Ijincaster Comity National Hank CelninbU N itiennl Ikink Chi1tlana National lUuk Kithrata Sultenat lUuk Klrst National lkink.Cetuiittila First National Itank, siru-burj.' Klrst Stttlenul llauk. Mirletta Klr-t National Itunk, Af. Jev I.ltllr Natieiinl Uiuk Malibeftn National Umk Cnleti National IVink, Mount .toy New Helland National lkink ini National Hank inarij vltle N'uttenul Ikiuk Tl'I'.M-lKEnTtKTKS. Itlit piini: A Ilcaxer Valley ltrtdaelMitt A llorehiH Columbia A Che-lnut Hill Columbia A Washington one.teua A Ills spring Columbia A M.irtettn lI.iytev.nA KltznlM-thtewn laineui.terA Kjihntta lainenster A IV tltew st,vet strut. Inn's A Mill "i t Marietta A May town Marietta A Mount. let- l.anc., i:iiubcthlen n A Mlddlelen li Iriinut.ster A FruitvltJu Iameaslur A I.llltz Kasl llmmlyw ine A Wrivnenburg ... I.iienutil .V Wtlllamstewn Ijuicuiter A .Maner latncastei A Manhelm latiie-ttcr A Mailettn Iainrajter A New Heltand I.. ueasterA "susquebanna lilic-a-ler A New Dituvlile MICELLAEOl'H KTO0K8. iuarryvllle It. It llller,vi!le siei-et Car Iniliilrer rrlntliu; Ceaiimuy Has Light and Fuel Ceuip.iny Meven Heuse (l!end) Celuiiililn Company I eluiubia M'uler Cemiuiny Suxiuehnniin Iren Ceinimny Mariet tit Hellew-ware Stevens Hou-e Mllleretllle Nermal school Northern .Mmket Kastern Maikel Western Market lainetts,ter Cily stu-et Hallway Ce lias company Itends eliuubiu lloreuuh I toads ... mi 15 31 li'l ii lle lll lie I'O loe HO..M r no pii litila 1U2 He ill H u .'iO .(! H'l ll) ll ll lll H'l H'l ni an ion li "i I'M 2U" 112..VI H III 12.1 11.1 IIS 1M I3i 2t"l I.VI l."l int a 73 li lle 10 St IS 5 1 2A SI 2A 2T, 2S 5l 2.1 Hm t 23 2S CO v ll) 21.16 20 sn HI i; is.m 21 ui .it 7 M 7A 1 Ift-i 25 IIS 41 35 Kl 2Sa 31 23 50 ,'rfi .VI UJ a in He no 51 .'tl HO OuVil 210 5 1.05 75 55 51 35 ll Hl ri Ml .'.1 1KI HO .vy.'ir Ari;iiTisi:.M O-t fTAA TO LOAN" OK r'lltST .MOIlT Vi f'JJKJ gase. In onner two sums te suit borrower. Apply ut this ettlce. leli-je-itd B' OViiWxSTKn. Heys bcuwcn llnndKycarsnfugn wanted: must come well leceiiiineuded Aniilv at CHAs. W. l.cKKUT'S, FltClYstuKK. ltd Ne. iju East King sticet AOn.VXD I'H'r ROA! Pie l.tincli Td-MOHUC ROAST AND OYSTnil low cvcnlni: ( satur- d tt ). Kechler and Ilechestcr beer en tap ul the fct. harlea hotel. Ill laisi King street, ltd OUU. i'l.eKY, Proprietor. "iUAXDCONCKItT. I x Come und h ear the cm nil coneert bv the I'leniitine (Jiiuriette, l'usiiutle Vulluntu und .tnienie inetr bpeei.uiies ou inu nuie udu vieun mis uuu io-uierroH eveniuirs ut ltd JOHNNY tsNYIIKIl'S. TIMXr IN AI.I, CltKATION. JC Clarke's Tea-, und Cetfees. Cetfeni. from 12c. te 35e. W b. Teas irem Sue. te t fl f ; lamniiluted n i. : i.icniesi ec. sum il B. : Lightest 5c. augur lu thu oily. lli'eat Itariuus ill Fine UrncericH. AT I I.AItlt fa't TK.V AN1 COFFKF. STOItll. N'e. 33 West Kliig Street OSTPOXKU SM.Il On aceeunl of the weather the tain of Fl VK 1'AlltOF 5ILI.K-, which was te have tukun lilaeetitst Monday, was iKistpencil te Alnitday, Feb. S3, li"S,iit II. l.egun's Sule btilbtus, Mmket street, lear of the McOniuu Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. sale te commince at 1 o'uleck p. m. A ciedlt of no day. h 111 be gtt en. Ieb21-td IIANIi:i. I.OUAN. vrenci: te tukkpasskiis and Ji IJCN'N'Clis. All pen-eus ure hereby for bidden letivspiu-s ou uny of the lauds of the Ceil n wall erSpeedwell calutvs, tn I.elianen uud laiuciu-tcr counties, whelher luelesed oriiuin eriiuin oriiuin cle.ed, eliher ler 1 lie purpie of sheeting or ilsh Ing, iui the law ill be ilgldlv enforced aguliist all trespassing mi saldluuds of the undersigned after this notice. W Jl. COI.F.M.VN FKKKMAN, IS. PKltt.Y AI.HK.S' lili WA ISO C. FltllllMAN, Attorney for It, W. Celeman's helm. eetll-tldAw GiitAiiD nurc iNsuitANci: com PAN Y OF PHll.ADhl.lill.t. ALrnitu S. Uillxtt, President. I .Iauks II. ALteitn, Vlce Pres, uud Tress. I Kuwis F. Mlkiiill, Seeretarj'. Ji-Lics It. ALLt'N, Ass-limit M'ci clary. ASSKTS-ONK MILLION. TWO HlTNDItLII ASH FIFTI-NINK THOltrtA.SIi, NISI: HCS'llltKII ASH SIXTY SKVLS" HOLLA!!. AND 1 OKTY NlNLCKNTs. Alt invested In solid -ccurIllcH. Lesses promptly settled und lutid. RIFE & KAUPFMAN, Agents, NO. 19 WEST KINU STItKKT. ectKindM.WAS'lt A SSKJNlil) liSTATH OK KHKUKUICIC A s. Illetz, of the beii nigh of Columbia, Lan caster enuiiiy. I Ifdcrick. li:ctznuduife. otlhe beraitghtif Columbia, huvlilg by deed of volun tary assignment, dated lcceuibcr23ilsl.usalguLd and trausl'erredull their estate uud e licet, te the uudurslKiied for the beiiclltet the creditors of the said Fiederlek s. ItieU, he therefore glvus notice te ull person. Indebted te tuild usslguer, te make itivmcnt te the undersigned without delay, una these hitting claims te present theui te IIOULUTA. KVAN's, Assignee, liesldlug In Luucustur.l'u. S II ItKt Nulllj, 1. McMi'U-ks, Attorue yt nu7tdW .Mir .tnvt:tiTii:v i:ts. UTOUAOi: O tsn COMMISSION WAUEHOUSH, DAXIKI. -MAVKIt, difJ 11 in West t'hestnnt tn'l. OTi: ISMAKlNti CABINET PHOTOOHAPHS AT MUSI iswrs.t r n. mi south ji i.i:n Miti:i:r. Janltitrd ljuir!iler, t'ti Cil A nnrkwm-rMe,''M,,',,,Ni:n'Y iJlUl l JyJ HismI te le Mlil nt a ery hrnvt nslmlloii.en nnsnint of ivmmal te our neu iter,-, mi North ijueen -met, (tnuis' lllil "S"!' iiiUK AMI l'AIMs Mil I.INIiUY CO.. J.m.tfJ 21 West Kimk "i.. Uinrasier, ra. si.i. i" iTiTiii k I"- ei.iV "wini: V' sTeltl. - lilt! MSTON'S KXTKA1T OK IIKKK. risKsr is Tin. weiu.n. i:tnlillshet1, ls II. 1" -1 WMAKKlt. gi- feblMM Se '.11 Kal Mllpst. rne I'.rii.iiinis and OK 1 WINtllllN 1.1 ss. Thr untie I'slgutsl eall ill, utlun te IheSTAU til. s. ttbleh lias Inn.: Is en known In thts mar ket for ll ueii-ntalnln.- nui'liles mid lis sub KtantWI eharaeter. slnnle anil denbte thickness, nnd from four tesl fe, t in lciiuth nnd w Idth for bulk wludevis. Fur snb' lit all dealers. .1. M. l I.I III i' A siiN, fH.1lilt I'M Nnrristewn. Pi. iTi:ircriex in i ntciivrs. I In outer teifdnee out linif sleek of Fur Itmrprs, Meltons, Kcr-i anil Cerksen-s for Oveixssitlmrs. I will, f.u the m l no tUiys, miikp lip in veur ertler, In tli-t ela-s style, nt ftmttly ivdues'sl prtes--. All g-tinu els .in minruntcFit te tit perfect and only the ts-st quality of trlui liilngs are u-,sl II KtlsF.SsinV, Fine Tlilerlng. ,17 N'eitb Oueen stns-t, epistsite the Postetbrc. tnil-ftiiiilU SlIAMVAOXll BOUCHE "SEC." Till. 1IMT (II MPM.SK 11SK StlAV IMI'iiKI I l VT Itl.Ili 1IT iil.l ISF. r-TOItl.. Ne. 29 Ut,r his.. sre.Krr II 1 -I U MAKI'.ll. gt. F.-tabllshid, 1785. tcblJ-lfd M Anr.niA aximu:kuy winks -T- Eeigavt's Old Wine Stere. it. r.. si m i,r.i:. aekm. s.i i i:t Kive r. feblMfd Ksiabllslusl I7s5, CONSfMlTIOX-l 1IAVKA VOSlTIVIl iviuedv for the above dlsea-e : by Its n-e thousands nfettscs of t tie wet-t kind and of long standing havebeen eurcil Indeed, mi -tletm I my fnlthtn Its elllcacv I will end TlVn l'.OTTLKs Fltlli:, tem ih-r tt tth a valuable tren tren tlspen Ibis ilUeu-c te any sufferer. Olve ex liruss and P. li uddivs- UK. T. A. sI.ecCM. n22flindisslAiiinw lt Pe.ul st., N A". rpOIIACCO lWCKUlfs ANI STIlll'IMUtS X are ivK-cltiillv Invited te cull und see our Overalls, Pants, Vest-, Knit Jackets, t'uder M,ir, Hosiery nnd shirt of evrrv kind. A Ktlr of Ovcmlls, well made, for HI cents nnd up. A henvy shirt and drawer- for 25 rents and up. Hosiery, -u-penders, hamlkerehiefs, gletes, lutts, et ni forts und eenntenxines: eloping out at t cry retiueetl prices. ireie iienai iitKeu ui parut IIKcIlTilLU's Nn 52 North Queen street. -pU'l.TON OIM'.UA llnl'sil WEEK OF FEBRUARY 23. J . H . KEANE, AN'll His (,;r.tT li;MTIC COMPANY. Hlrect frnni Harris' MainuiKlh Muieuin-. ILilll ILilll niere, Linitsvllle, Ihiftunitt and Pittstiuiv. where In eight weiks be ha- played te tlVLl! 2IMMKMI Pl.ltsOSs. IlllMOSDW, Tl EMMY. W KliNhlAi, Mm Ineennd Night, Mrs. Piirliwlen, ant! Her .Misfhifieus HOV IKK. TI,rrt?.l?.v.!:T.i rip van winkle. .TC'im Y ALitinee und Mslit, A ,!amu.,'.:.,,,u-,"i hul Try an.l Solen ShissU PK1CI OF IP'll-sinN. 'til and 50 IKN'TS. ULsFltVLtlsi: T.s. 0e. Lxtra. Fer sale ut 0cra Hense. feb2i)-5td A GRKAT Ki:iil'CTION lubbers ! - liiifrs! (Jl'Pilt 1t;tt"JT:lillS ill ItllllbeiN. 50 Cts. for Men's Rulers, 30 Cts. for Ladies Rubhei. 25c. for Children's Rubbers. Jehn Iiiemenz ? NO. Gl NORTH QUEEN STREET. I.A.S'CASTLl:. PA. (IuiiUtrer llulldlns.) It ;it(ci:i:ii:x. A t uunsica Compressed Boneless Codfish Is Five 1'eivu Iteits, SOLD CHEAP. sJH)i;i:i IIKPUINC, IO.-. und 15!, Union t thee urn Very Cheap. Ol'll MACKi:itbL,Sfer.v ,uru (joed und Very OI'K IILOCKLSLANIi'maiKLKLL uiu Lnrve und lut. Fer Marrowfat Beams n! lis- iiuart. Fer our sjinull eup lleuns ut pc quait Fer our Hest Heiufuy ut-e quart. Fer lireen Peas, tine, ut Sc ipiurt. Fer lleinlny Ulits ut 4e pound. Fer .sehiimakcr' Farina nt se penud. ForSihiiuiuker'sAveni, 4 pounds feri'ie. Fer s-thuulalter'8 Akren Flush Oat Meal lit Ac jieund. Fer 3 cams Su;nr Cern ut air. Fer tl cans Tomatoes tit Oc. Fer I raiu Tomatoes ut Xa OO 'ln- BURSK'S, 17 EAST KING STREET, NO. jijnrv.iTje.v.ii. rftui; IOLLY or ori'KM:-si:i:iciN"e. Ne renter felly ran be Indulged lit by u limn, yiMintjoreUl.lhaii t hat elieekliif,' office. Tlinewus It is HUld when the etllee kouijhttheiiiuii ; but we luive never tern the Individual who roiiiotn reiiiotn roiiietn beied that time. One thlnif Is certain, however; If the yeuni; men of Lancaster u villi themselves of tbuoppeituutty teuttend the Lancaster Commercial College, They need never welt olllce tliey themselves llllie setisht ter their piwilcul kimwledu of business und of Keeping business ucceuuts. ADUUESS, H. 0. WEIDLER, Janl'a-ttd Ne. 10JJ LAST KING sTIIKKT, Lancaster, l'n ixsiwaxvi:. TTiQUri'AIilsB LIFE lXSUltANcTircTb.Ai. All PA.VY-. Asseta, 854,000,000. Surplus, 812,000,000. Indisputable Crcdtlerd Assarince Duib!i!c Life Insurance Company. Thu only lluslui'84 Man's Policy written, iy- tvr ferfe able lu III, 13 or -.M jeurs, uud lien liable atler 3 yruni. lhu nufvst Invvetuiunt uud beat uij Iiik ime. LOIMTAIILK HOLS TUB LAItOKsT IXSUlt, bUUA.NCE UUMXKbS IN THK YOULO. W. J. MADDEN, ui ii itn'ri"t i-i i hi it uiki. H. W. Cor. Wcl Kluff &t. &ud Cculre Suui-e. FEBRUARY 20, 1885. jiMVUKUKXTS. V ,-iri.TON Ol'KUA IIOl'Mli. FRIDAY EYEN.S0, FEBMUARY JO, ISS5. Osn or VMnnii.t's OnstTusT stiii Acrons, ROBT. McWADE, Supported tiv n Complete llmmatlc Company In htsiiueiiialed and grand .diameter of Eip Yan Winkle, VAOAM.ND 0? THE CATSK1LLS. It is encouraged tit Hie Pulpit and endorsed by the Press. Itebcrt Melt ado'- It tit nil Winkle Nil gnat sermon "-Kit. iimnf .Hurylr, .VfWuuif All.MlsSlOS' 235A MCl'.NTS. lie.sen ed seats for wlr nt opera heu-e. f 17-lt cf.tirii.vif. Y11US A It ATI t POX. 1M SPECIAL NOTICE, Onncceiiut of delay of IiisuimireCoiniaii IiisuimireCeiniaii le, we lll berempellcd te ill-continue the nle of clntliJtiR until nn KprHlsemeiit can t- made. Hue notlie "111 be ttlien et the time of oeiiliis- MYERS & RATHFON, I.K MHNC. LASUAMKIt CLOTHIKIts. NO. 13 EAST KING STREET, I.AN'CASTF.K. l'A. IT IllSll A UltOTIIKi:. Entire Stock -OF- ccce i. oeo Trnrit ti n nn n ece c et, e e t ti it ti nn n i; i, i; t. ii e r it u ti n n n . 11 I. II O T llltllll it N .N N (! I) I. II II T II it II .V N N t; OO f ri. ti ii r ii it it n NV e u I'CCO I.U.1.1. 0 T ll 11 II N NN" UGO -A NH- Gent's Furnishing Goods WILL HE sel.n rT Al'ItIL 1. AT ONE-HALF VALUE. Tn MVKr. KiiOM Flllt AS' F.sriKF. S I.U s'l'tlCK FOKIIl'K M'.W sTllllK aj-CALL AT ONCE.-VB 511 t- I1R0TIIER. PEM.V HALL CLOTmNO HOUSE, Cor. Penn Squnre and North Queen St. AV ri 1,1.1 AMSON A r05TKlt. THK February &arment PANTALOONS. Thechifif Inquiry ut thtcAnn It for l'anta l'anta l'anta loen. We Iikive ulrg t et Men's Bey's and Children's Pants OF ALL UKADCS. -MEN" . l'ANTnfroluJl.HJteKi.rsi. I'.Ors' PANTS Irem (tee te .M. ClllLIHtCN'S SHOUT PANTS, 5ec. ter.MK). CIIILDIIF.N'S ADVANCK SI'KINO SttlTSare heie fbryeur ecleetlen, and the Guilt's New Mo Me dluni Uelijht OVEHCOATs are inncli cheaper thuu hint sua-en- TRUNKS In u varictv of styles Zinc, Leatlmr or Plain Covered. Prices from (.'.a te HIM ter n hand hand hand eoeo .sur.itesa with sheet Iren bottom und wreuijht Iren nxturpsHiilckle-nlutud lock and lined with llimn. COLLARS AND CUFFS Of the mint reliable makes. Including tlie K. A W the- Crown and the Ancher liruuds. SILK NECKWEAR In New und Fashlenubbi Designs, from 2V;. te 73a lieiit'a Illuelc Half Ife'u clocked or plain. Susiwnders from 2ue. te Stic., and thu lisuiiilnu (iiilelsiipendsis, J"c SILK AND SOFT HATS In the Fairly Spring Slyles nnd u Tury fine as KirtineiU of New Styles Ml It Huts, 811k und Cleth Traveling Cups from Sec, und K"d, slreiiL' Hurt Cup, with belld Leather Visor, '). THE KNGLTSH WALKIXG SHOE Fer Ladles Is both ttylish und comfertublu. It Is iniide with a wide sole und extunslnn edge with uppers of Curueen Kid. Price. f.t.'i5. A cheuiRir shoe, (.'jiiare Touef Curucut Kid, HiTS. A Misses Common Sense Gaiter, Of Finest Oilmen Kid, Hand Worked llutteu Heles, HM. A Jllssc Pebblu Unit shoe, com mon sense style, 1th u l'imhI buck stay. fi'i'S. A Missus liuitcr, IjIove Kid Foxed Upiiem, worked tuition hele. very neat tilting.; und u laidles' Pebble Cent (julter, Full Operil Toe, Miert Vuuip, tZM. Rubber Overshoes AT ALL I'llIt'KSl'Olt LADILS, MISSUS AND CHILUilliN. 3-i-teres close lit C p. ul., I'icept hatuldays.-UU WILLIAMSON Sc FOSTER 32, 34, 36 and 38 East King St., JLANCAUTBlt, l'A. JIOOfi'A. TOI1N IIAKU'HSOXS. BAEKS AGRICULTURAL ILMANIC FOR 1885. JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 uud 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. clucks, .iiiititeit.i II. X UIIOADS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The seasen is new nt hand for refurnlshintr and rosteckinir the Housoheld with nrticlea of use and necessity na well asornament. When buying solid, sterling Silver thore Ls satisfaction in the thought of its bem jf nble te be used for generations ; net only used new, but by your poeplo that fellow ni'ter you. Our stock of plated Goods is very completo nnd we koep only the very best makes, in all the difTorent grades. Knives, Ferks Spoons, &c, nre chenper new than they have ever been. New is iust the time te buy, bofero the Sprint? trade makes prices go up again. But you cannot tell en paper what can se much better oe under stood by calling and soeing for yourself, and consequently being con vinced. ft H. Z. RHOADS, i .ancastf.u, pa. Ne. 4 West King Street. C3$- Slore closes ut 0:30 o'clock, p. m oxcept Saturdays. iiecsi:rriixtsiii.i tioeits. 1 JIMNN A- Itnr.Nr.MAN. HOUSEFURNISHING. We ure new manufacturing a completo line of OLD STYLE TINWIRC. We use only the beat Tin und orapley only the beat Mechanlca and our Ware Is Biiiiorler te uny te be had in the city. Thore has been anether Great Drep in the Price of Steves and Ranges. Examlne our Stock bofero buying. FLINN & BRENEMAN, LARGEST STOVE STORE, Ne. 152 North Queen St.. Lancaster, Pa. II. ITS Al C.ll'.s. 1845. 1885. i W. D. STAUFPER & CO., Leading Hatter ami Furriers. WINTERGOODS AT V ".MKI1 It F. All Hint ulre Hn,' of Mntcr i,Ui,'4, ( i. Hi illi'-.' and 1,,'in h I utH, i liillr,'ti'.t .ip tunt Fur., M 111 bv iM ii al'ilti's of rwt. New Is the time tn grl u Mb "n't ul Flint or tnl Cup at ii Itnrvutn LeiKLuitty riniihiK 111 Ml the N't-w '.prllltt Mylr in niipMupli' mul Fiinrv Fell lliit. Fun, tiirmiil FIexIIiIk Haw, tlwir X'utr.i iMltt, In lllil mul Yiiiinir lli'iiiv lvli'. Aitfiit ler tin, Knox -Ilk.inilStirrilati.Siirllii: Stjlniiliviuly in. Alway en hanil a fall assert uu-iit, from the lewct teth' li l Ii. t (jr.ulii. full unit no our', anil .'iivci'nt Fur Hhih : UnlioneTiill klml. ISutr.lle. HuiUen H.iv Wolf, l.r.iy Fex an(,.,.r at !m,Ht c.t-.h prlre-. THK IIH.IIKM'I ll PIIK L PAlll Feil IIAIV IT If. an- Cu-itoiner h.ivtna OM llat herc nlieir thirty iI.ivh will pliiu-r tall for thtui. Lecal at U'litien i'l-ihi'i'u will In fiilli'tl. W.D.STAUFFER&CO. (shnliz'ii OM Maml.) NO-i .II A 3J .SOUTH gl'LF.N TltLLT, I.A.NCA.Vl'LIt PA. ri ATS, CAPS, Ac. I A 1 II I Til r it inim JO Ulll I Ull -wn AUK SELLING OUT ! OI'K I1IMKNSE fcTOCIi OF Hats, Caps, Umbrellas & Gloves. BUY NOW I 144 NORTH QUEEN ST. (OU.VDAKEU'8 OLD STAND.) UT.ASSllli:. TTIOH A MAIITIX. QOEENSWARB. - - QDEENSWARB. GHINAHALL VK AltE OFFKISINO A LINK OF Queensware AT KPKCIAL 1'IIICKS, Tea, Dinner, Breakfast TeileFSctU, &c. 1 3 Cull nml co the vnru nnd scciire Jl.ii"aliia. fflgh & lartin, NO. 16 EAST KIKG STItEET, LANCASTLU. PA. CAINT-HAl'UAEL WIN1J. INFORMATION. Thebuliit-Uapliiiul Wlnuuiw 11 dollcleuu flaveur mid U drunk In the hilinclpal cltlM of Jtiianlii, Ueniuiny, North und (Seuth Amurlvii, On-at Uiltalii, India, and no 011. The quantity "ported annually U mtllclcnt tn-oef of ltntublllly uud BluyluB pewer, Hhlle ler the real ciiiiiioreiir Ilium l no wine that can be oeuldorcd IU '"ijr-TheSalnt.Itaphacl WI110 Company, Valence, Department of the Drome Fruucu.)" H.. E. SLAYMAKER, HUM .Ne. vv K MX blKKliT. .i.vii inttixr.i.x. run a.i.; uu iti;s r. irien ki;nt. .. . .-'.'V".""' for i'"l'l'iicc or liMli:liia nt Nn. 11 HAST hlXO STIIKKT. flMwU 7710 II hknt! " I. Tli hall atv'Ji frvt en IhlnUterynf -telli-met bullillns. Ne. )$ North (Jiin-ii .tiTet. iv. ply i .1. LMi;ixjiKrz. K till "171011 KKNT. """ " " L. 1 h Kteiv riHiiii, I'erucr of Xerl h eucrii ami Kint OnuiK' tiirl, new evvupli'il ly -,n.,t. .,,,. 1,1 JanW-tlil NO. II ll AST OUANliK ST T7IOI1 IIHNT. . '.'.h" l,lrwrneiii en Ihlril lloer or liiaul hall. Htiltalile fur KiK-luty anil IimIjp inifitlni;-. Apply ! IIAI'eilAN ,t lllMlNS. f'MII II Ne. II) WiHit Onmiti' t. T7m ur.xT. V a Two-vrenv nun ic ihck. :ii Ka.t iirancr lii)t, tilin iteiu, urn, iri,Mt cpllar. li.Mlmul. rlttrni, large let Willi all KI111U et fruit. Apply te IIF.N'lir HllltUKliT, fcKVUITii.Th.S' Ne. lil North Hiikc .rii't. COAI, YAUI) VOlt HUNT. A Civil Ynnl. Ith all the nerA.ft.iry ronvon renvon ronven Ifiirrft, n (iilkf, llwfllliijr, -tulilr. lllil". ,tp Ac, ttnl Inlnif it Innsf iMiliiftw-.. win Im! ienti-,1 Irem the ltef April ni'Vt, nn ivaon.ll)le Ifrnw. Ap ply I" It. M. IIOI,KMI'. Janiltavittil tn Miuth ijuvi'ii mreft. QHI-1IANS' CIH'TFr SAU" OX Tlll'IS.sliAV, MAI1CII I.', I at the l.'ep.uil e,.. in ihi elty of l.iin', the iiiKtorelitiit'il inliiiliiHtniter of iin-rt M. alnn. ileri-uftnl. will pxihnv. by viriue eran or er or ilerol Iheilrpluim' Court of I -iiie-:i.i.r county, tnnulillp ft.ile, all that certain thnw ierv brlrk IiVKLI.INI) IIOL'Si; AMI l.erilF l.l.'OCMI, Ne. 311 North I.lnieHtri'Pt, In tlin filv or l.iiir.n tcr. Thn let ccmtiiliiH In front m Ippt ami In il-ilh m fi-i'l. Inte the properly of Albert il .allln. ileei-ueit Sale loeeiuiuenre at "o'clock, when atlcuil micu will be xit t'lt ami tenin made k-aenn by KlilVAItO.I 7.AIIM. Ailniliilalnitoref AllH-rt 31. .alini. ilee'il. II. Sui'BEitT, Auclieneer. leblH-Jml 13iriii7ic"HAi,n ok tTm: iMHseNAii k. pflertunr Anllinny I',. Uobprta.ilereiiKeil, al hli late reslilcnie anil place nf btiliif, en North Priuee8tri-,'t, liueiiHter, I'.i.. ceiixlitlii-r of llnii.ebehl OeimU, enntenlK of Tin Miep unil llariicMMiei), heli. of Ilamcmi, ( ellaiK, Oears, hip. Platferin skiIw, Mevi-h, lle.itei, Khew Cn-e Illier-i, U'inilew iah, elc.ele. Cmiiliieuc liijtnn ."ATIIUHT, riancART SI, IS1.V Tnbucoiilinueileii MemUy unil Tuesilaj tel liiKliift until all kckhIi 11 n xelil. Sale loi-iiiu-uience at Utt. in., when ronilltleim III be niiul known by l"A.M; B. KOIIKItl'S IIKNISV A. KOIIKIITs, JOHN L. UOIIKUTS, . F.Tepiilnw. II. frlil'BEiiT, Auctioneer. fll.H.'Jii.tllw QHIMIANS' COl'HT HAMi OS SATUIIDAY, MAUCII 7, ls, At th Leepanl hotel. Hill be Mild by the tinder HlKiicd, ailuiluUtniter of Fleilcrlck Miller, il. eeaeil, by virtue of an order nf the Orphan' CeJ.1.1'' .".f '-ini'ii-'ler eeunly, the follewlui; do de do serllii'il Ileal K&lale, te Hit! All that ccrtulnniie-Mnry llltICK DH'KLLIXl. IIOL'sK.aiul let or (ilcci! etKI'ininil, sllualed en th,niithHidnf West Omiiieiiret, t.'lln) I. mi piutcrcliy, ceiitatiiluir in (rout nn h.iM Ohiiikc Mtreuf.'! lect, mere erien.nnil exteudlnc or II1.1t nidlhln depth SIS Icet, ten II leet xiile publle alley; udJelnlnK prepurUe of iluiiry Wolf mid etheiv, hale te coiiiuieuce at 7 o'clock p. 111., or hald day when ternii) will be iiinile kneitii by Ui;eiClil'.F. Ml LI. LU, Aduiiiilnlratei'. IlKMiy siiiiii.ur, Auci fi:ull,JI,',Aiii5J,7 CO. I.. BU MAHTIN, WllllLKHALB ASDIltrAlI, Dealer ia All Ki'diIs of Lumber and Ceal. Cd-YAnn: Ne, ti) North Water uud Prlnce trectH. nbove Lviuen. Lancaster, n:Hyil -TAU.M(iAHl)i:i;S .t JKKI'KRIKH, COAL DEALERS. Orncics: Ne. IJii North IJuceii treel, and Ne. full North Prlnce Bluet. Yaiuw: North Prlnce ulicet, mar KeadiiiK Deixil, I.A.NUASTU1I, PA. aut-13-tId c OAI M. V. B. COHO, Xi NOUTI1 WATKK STIIKKT, Ijlncatiler, Pa., WIIOLKHAtK AMI I1KTAIL PBALKU IN LUMBER AND COAL. CONSIECTION WITH TUB 'l'KtKIMIOXlO KltllANIIK. Vaiui ad OrricKi Ne. SJO KOIIT1I WATKU 8TUKKT. fub-Ji-lvd 1 J. HWAHH it CO., C0JL. OrriCK : Ne. id Cen ll 11 Siiimre. Vaiiim: Knt W11I11111 and Marshall streets, (ijteHiirt'HOId lard.) Ikitli Yard uud Olllce connected with the Telo Tele Telo liheuo LxehnnLTi) 44-KINDL1N0 WOOD A HFKCIALTY.- ecllumdilJtFK HTUOKS. TJOOII, WlllTK.V CO, '''"'VLlVTlu'VrMl-N8 MlnnejipelU Ileal KUto7per cent, timid for wile ut IU1 mul liitviPHt, Proprietor,, of "Peer's Mauinl of lliilluuys." Corapeudenco Invlled, 46 'Wall Streot, New Yerk. octMydced i ?.ikita4,ti, ,.