nSHVEI fix! " , 'T s''. '" VVT vn. ;t ."lV f x &z mtfatif 'y. fnMlxgM ? ! 4 V VOLUME XXI-NO. MO. LANCASTER, PA., TIIUJ.SDAY, FEBRUARY If), 1885. P1U0E TWO GENTS. TOM OCIIILTHKK COWKD. If OHM t'AMOVS TKXAX IIIIAIIIl.Uir 11.11) II 11 COM It 11 VT. 1liHllnt t iinnrci..nmii Itlsr Iii I'itiiiiiiI Mntpinrnt mill When t'lmfnuiliil lir III AlltllKUIlIlt 111 III n llllsl III III it. A l'aliluttluti Item. M'nnhtliKt 'II lllitpntjlite riillailtlplilii l'liy Colonel Tem Ochlllroe.nfToxiis, cnlliiiicd the prK.'Utillugs In tlie Ilouse tn-tluy whlle the rhiT iiml harlier appropriation hill wns under consideration, hy rising tu a question of ierxiitil prltUogenud aiiunimciugthathls bodily Mufety Iiml been Ihtc.tU nod in the cor ridor or tlio(llel. Colonel OeMlliec, w Itli Uie linn cry that charaotcrles n until n Texan declared that lid tl I1 nut m.il.u this statement ,hcciiue he was unable tu protect Idiusclf.hut In JnMku te tlie uu tragi il dignity t.r the I sidy of tt hlch he Is it member. Whlle the Galveston ImrlHir ilniise of thn titer ami harbor hill was under discussion, Mr. Delman, of Iiiillan.i, ellcttsl mi iiinrnil incut providing thnt no part nf the uppro uppre uppro prlallen Ter Guitcsteu hni Imr should U ex ex liectcd until Iho indicsum mIi uf company anil othercornitiniisu thohiirhnrlmpiniu thehiirhnrlmpiniu iiirnt had oimstnisted n lre.ikw"atcr nt the mlnutee te Iho liailxir. Mr. llelinan i-ilil liu liasetl llionincniliiient mi information glten Mill hy a gentleman friMii Texus, who was thoroughly well jurermcd en tlie hiilijii t. Mr. Ochiltree was eppnstd te any nihIi ro re Mrlillnu being put un the appropriation, anil inquired of Mr. Delman who had furnished lilni with the Information, ami when Informed that lliu gintetn m's iiiiiiiu wni Itoliert AlrxiintltT he replied Hint Mr. Alexnhdei was net a resident el Texas, that hu hail Ixi'ii driven nut of that state, iiml nun resided at Het Nprln's ami. lidded thoTexns ropresontitlte, "he It'll Texas for Texas' geed." iti.i.r.n in mi. nei it. rtii aote li.nl been taken en 1 1 nl nun's iniieiidnicnt, Mr. Ochlllrie took his seat ami wiisiiImhiI proceeding te wrltonlitter when he was internttxl hy one or tlie tloerkooiors thulu gcullcuuit at the iloer w Ished te w lilni. The mleticl's soil is only a Tew paes trein the main deer, ami he Innntsli 1 1 1 v net It mill went mil. At seen us he stepped out side the deer lin was accosted hi. Mr Alexan der. At the sight ofihe gentleman he hail se vklensly assailed a low mnini'iitt liefore tlie usually ruddy tacoet the Texas iiieiiiIut tin mil tean usht line, ami, eiiiliutlt fi'.irin that tlie 1 1 tlm of Ms slanderous attack was aheiil te ile Mm some bodily harm, he rcmalin.il standing within the ontrarn'e te tin hall. " hat ile yen nipaii hy in ikln mii h a re maik alKiut me?" sajil Ale'imU'r, ailMiiciiiK tow aril hm. "I urn ninlcr the jirotutien of Iho Heuse," siiil the thernimhly Hiiml Hoprex ntitiM- in a IreniMiiiK Mlit, "ami I mutt net I wiiil let I te acoennt for au.Mhim; I talil in ik-lkite. It's all rlalit. I want nuth. liiKte ile with .Mill," ami the Iiiiimi TeMin iiiemiI toward thoileor toentor the rhnmls'r. "lint I want miiiicIIiIiii: with jeii." mid thu nthir, "and If you wero eutside tills iiipitel I would li.ue Hemrlhini; te de with vm. I'll we jeu.igain." headdisl tliro.iti'ii tlire.iti'ii iii(!lj. "I'elliTin.iii, poliii'in.in,"t!nmted the tcrrlllcd i oleiiel, and, nsa linlf-ile7(ii rnpitel poliie rn-licil ii ji, "I want thai man .lrrestrd ; lie has tlmiitemil nic, arret him, I m.j," he rictl, at McxHinler niiin mtxiimitt fewaid him. v ii tr Hiniu.A r. At (he in'Ih'e tisik held of his assailant tlie irre.it Oihlllroe durled kick into the i lumber. 'I lie nit'iulieis in the ilianiliT, who worn to te I.iUn nil' . 1 1 1 - ieuanf what had jiust tianspiied en lin- entsii'i', wuru Murtul at ft'cltn; the dixir sudiltiiH epiMi ami the hVurit of tlie Ti'x.ui. will lil.iui'heil fii'O mid h ilr en cud, idnsit llireiinh. "Mr. poaker," he thouted, as he riMi'lusI Ids Mit, "I rise te n iUoMleu or the lilj-hest iri ili'Re." Tlie re.ir of laujjhter whu h follewisl this iiuiiiiunti'im ut, can icd l.y the tiiiMen en-tr.mci- and the comical appouranie of Iho Tex.it inrmber, c-imi lilni i iliame te catch Ills lircilh, ami when Iho laughter had kiiIh Milled he iiietiviltsl te ulate the ren ersat Ien lielw ceil iiimselt ami Mr. Ilelm.ui. He hid net priKouled f.n when he was called te ol el der, ami the i lair liil'urmedliliiitli.it there wits no lines imi of prlMlege In what he hid stated. Hut, sir, I li.ue lucii atl.K l.i d," lie Minuted, amid the laughter and Jeer lieiii ImiHi Hlilisnf the Heuse. "On gnlng mil or this rnntii a man altiuked me ill thn corridor et this tlotiKeand .iid howeuld semiie again for w hat I had said en Iho Meer of this I louse." V AI'i'h.VKVM i: III" llltAVKin. At tills miuouncement the eke el the Texan wat drowned in the rmus of laughter Irnni the incnitiers and the meupints of the galleries. "Why don't you sie him?" shouted hall a deen incuilicis. "I want te wiy fuiilier, " lieuilded, when thu laughter had i eased, "that 1 mil entirely imlillereut us te w hat he Intends te de." Then, w Itli an tippe.irnuierif great 1 r.miy, and ttriklug a ilimintlc attltmle : "1 de net claim the pro tection that I inn entitled te, .is 1 am ready te meet Mm ornnjliedy ele. " "The gentleman Irem Texas wll come te elder!" thundered the chair, and amid the laughter and jicrt of Ids assoeiutui the ejilx Ochlltrie took hit te.it. In a low minutes he arose and walked te the deer, eutside or which Mr. Alexander still lem.ilned in tlie iiistedv r the )k)1Ice. "Kolea-e lilni !" he .ild with a waeet his hand, ami turning en hit heel he Htrulteil liaek into the i IuuuKt. The AuMinrKhlii et Gem-go llllnt' NimU. "S. (i. 0." xrilet te the Ijouden 3Vni'i: "A rnthnr strange cliauce had iiinduiuu.iwiru lliat Mlfs Kaii3 wasOoergol.lIot, lint T kpt the Informatleii te myself. Some tline after I m.iw n pajer liamled alMiut at a friend's house, whieh my hesl told ine wat u sub scription list In laxer of oue Jeseph I.lgglns, whom the jartiet actixe in its promotion dc tlartd te he net only the author of lieorge lillel's works, 1 ut that he was in diep potr petr ty.nnil hail been paid In a most iiigg-inlly way by lilt puhllshur. I mildly suggested ten lady el nmk w he wat nctive In the matter that she wataltogethor mist.uuiti, ami mat I leitier taln lids man had never written oue word of the said works; and that I was eipially cer tain Iho real author had no reason whiteMir te complain of the p-'i "tent for thorn. I wat met by Iho most positie iissurame that tlnire wat niore Hum oue imtkeii ikIIxu in iirouietlng thoHiilitcrllillen who knew from actual pi itef that this I,lgglnt did wille the 'Sccnet in C'lei leal ldfe,' unit ether of the iiem'Im. I consulted my host, ami told him that It wasa ileliliei-.de liiiml. Ile u.i.a most gcnoreiiH man, ami s.iul, 'De proe it te Ihi ene; Ifxeuftll, I would lathermx self inci sion Hiuli u writer limn In allow luuilewaul.' I nssuied him he might haqulte atoise in tlie matter, ler 1 would by that day's pest send te your columns an oxpetuiool what 1 knew te benlraml. My letter was published at ence, with n foel-noto from the editor con tinuing II. Hut new couiet the most curious Hint of tlie iiluiir. In the faeoef inv own letter, coirelmrated by Messm. lllackwoed and Ueorge l'.liet, I had severnl lunioseM'ro attacks iii.iiln iieii me, upholding the Irauil, mid, il my memory serus me light, mie was In the jiages of "The Athen.eum." Due xcll known public man wiote me a utienglei lure, mid said a lady was then in hit houte who knew Mr. I.lgglns, mid Ii.nl actually wen lilni at work en the manuscript of ene el the works lmhlished at these et lliorge I '.Het, That Air. I.lgglns was ele.uly un iible Ilolltieiilst there can be no doubt; but It hasnlwnys been te me an enigma at jet linseUed liew he could h.ie Inipxisetl upon these by whom he lieiH'd te be subsi dleil in his authorship, sieing that I knew seme of tlie mast udtve In the inittcr te be people wlsealMHO tlioiwer.ige of lull-." Mill leu I Aihlin liy Teli'ihuii'. Fiiimi l.ceiiaid'b JtcOlcal Jeiiinul, llUhlund My wite hat nsoere pain in tlie Kick of her neck, mid complains et it sort of sourness In the stein.u Ii. riiyslcinn fehe Iiat iiialaiial i-elia Iliislaml What shall I de for her ? The gill ut the "ientral"HWltchet oil te u luaeliluist talking ten saw-mill man. Machinist te Husband I think she Is coNOied with scales luslde, about an imh think. Let her cool down during the night, mid bofero she tires up, In the morning, Like a hammer nml pound herthernughly all ever, and then takonheso nml lillili It te the llic plug, ami wash her out. Uuibaud linn no further need of this dxter. VAI'irAhASh l.MlOU, I'relili nt-i'lci t t Ifii'lniil en llmlliil) nl Km iliirrninl l.lnplnir, A Cnliimlms, Ohie, Keiiim'r.il, who met Mr. ('lowland whlle tlie goerner wn-s in Iho Adlrnndai ks last alitiliini, hat Jilsl returned from a trip Kail, during will, h he called llieu thu prosldenl-oloi t at Alliany. 'I lin visit lining' purely immnnat, the talk with Mr. C'leMilaml wat en tulijeets olhei than hiIIIcjiI ami largely In reference In hunting niul'llshlng. Tlie His Mug Valley mining trouble, which has attracted se much iitttu iitttu tleti ueryw hum uml which entered lutothe Neveiiihcr cniniMlgn, wat inoutleued Inil ilculally. Mr. C'liiM'laml at ence nIiewliI that he wat ileeplv Interested ill thu Hllhjeet, ami ipiet tlnned tlm geuttemaii elnsely In rofereneo te the condition of all.ilrt theie. W showed thai he already had n most Intelligent l.neul. edge of the general Hltuiillen, and I had thoroughly formuiated hit leus en iixiili- jeetwhkhin new iHi'tipi lug se mill h ntti'li lien, iioexprostoii Hympalliv ler llinte who had Kiillcred me gicatly liy the sir I lie, unit IiejhsI that (hoipiesllen would seen be Ketlled. .Mr. i level mil Mill : ijiimr ami cjipllal Inve no aiitagonlstle interest except for out eut eut sieo null mist hiei out Iiilluenees and Inter euee, Tliiiiu should be mutual tnuccssinus and cnmpreiuis, whieh would reduce the ell ellisjluef x'ilillc.il denresslim te coni ceni coni pjratlve iiisignltlcani e. Wlienc-ipitnl, repro repre sented by oerllnwlng vari-heuvt Minis no market for Its production, or enlv n market yielding less instead of g-.ilu, laljer should sympalhle Willi Iho illllleiilly midaecommo midaecemmo midaecomme date Itself te Iho ndcr-e clrciiinstanccs. Capitd should iivlpus'ate by Muting Itt prosperity. Itul the troubte seems te be Hi it mlschleMiiis counsellers In the couliileuce of lalmr prexcut mi loncessleu oulheuitof the laborer, and waget nre reduced, w hen the very llle of e.ipllal ilein unit It, null by slice r force, mid waruisues ruderthitiiornlcleus counsel trades unions are often at swords' (minis with milliliters, when all fridlen would be in ulilisl ir le.iseu and wiiiml bus. nest Juilguieut wero nlletti d te pietall.-' I IK hi It Vf IV l OIIK Tlie liap Iloer Dpi lint anil lleitn llrnijif il llie tl in rrinn Ijimnlci. Yislerd.iv anerniHin n stranger hilling fnuii l.iueistei. while under the iulluemoef lliiierslrin k at Ch tries Kratl with u bottle. In tlie in ukct house, when ICr.ill ressiiiiled by I.iiih king him down. 'I he stranger was in letted by High Censtable erger, who pieuiplly ap eaiiil en the Mtne. or. Ihi (Ii. Any man who It gully of striking another should Iti punished, lull if the pilsouerit ceuiK!llitl In ssjud nut tline In the Yerk le k-up, th it cert duly iseueugh te te.u Ii him n less. hi. I'rnliablt uotewnlntho stite can Isiist of the kind of. i lis k-up tint Yerk his. Ills underneath tlie old Central m lrset house and prlsniiers ire Just dreppisl down through a trip ibsir in the fleer, where a iiiiiiiIh r nf ceiiiptmi.iis generally aw dl them. It Is f.inny In no an nlllier esert a prlviner te the lin'k-up hi th it town, us the latter disap pears mi siiildiiilv th it he seems te haiesiink thieiigh the i-.irtb. Maut citizens of the town hati long Ism warning Iho market houe iciuetcd and a new lis k-up made. . sinry ul lien Ituller Whlle in Washington n row d ittae i.ui. Ilutlei H.IW a until oef Iho de-ath of a tolun telun tolun teerelUisM whesirted in hiseeniuiand in thu lain war, and Kcallcil with a grim simle a littloepinedeui whlill both figured. Tlie keep crofthe Imtel clese te the pest where the ceiiim mil ler the lline being wis slitieued nine te (,en. Ilutlereneilav and complained that the nlllier alludisl loeued himseter.il lmmlitil ill 'II. us ler beard, Inrwhii lilietsiuld get no .itisl.iLtinn. lien. Itutler lepiested Hint tlie bill Imj pmpi rlt mnde out and sent tuliiui III therciisin sent it under inter te Iho deliuiiueiil debtor, with Iho fellow in,; cuderKenieiit, te w lileh his sigualuie was at taeliisl; "Ki-spis tlully relcrn d te Majer. The in der general I'Miimindmg will Im glad In be iuleriuid it tlieitusant rci-mi wliy an eillter sorting under him -lieuld ls wearing another m ill's Hush en Ills Imucis." The nexl day Iho hotel keeper came with a J. it fill fai e anil Informed .en. Until i Hut the long standing bill lud Isn'ii paid. I fie Origin nT Hie Hung. '1 he bang, it Is uuderstixil, is guiug out et the fislileu into wlm Ii itwat brought bt the ehlldn n of the l'riin'uef Wales, l'coplewho .tllecl te reg-ird the bmg as a mislern style of halr-die-slng will be interested in learning that it is decidedly old. Houghten, the artist, in hit sketihin,; lambltu in Helland, de scribing the tires or the women et Mail.cn, says: "In a print In a Hutch Imuk et 17.17 tlieieKllie Mine fair liilr, cut in a fiinge stniight ai ress the brew, and letel with the etes seme eten seemed te leek through the lunge with tin blight, sharp twinkle i.f i beadt-etid skte teirier. Others hid the Irlnge brought Tet il with the ete, .mil then liriisliul up; tint nail a rather a;,Tis-iu' air, belonging, prebihly, te tlie ciste or eligible maidens, l.et these wlie fancy lb it thofringe or Itang.is it is called in tinerlci Is a new fahlim go te M iil.cn ami sic it in itt glory." I n I nub it With the (.r.iinnl lin.;. Kioto tlie l.ulHiiiuii lline A resident of Xowm.iustewu icselted te un out into tlie mountain and eipture, it pos- slljle, that uiischioteiit I'lilinil, thu ground hog, the authei of tills bid neither, as he called it. He tracked our under a large stoue.ind commenced te dig for the auliuil, and e.iptiued Halite, but net before a tenl tenl lile seullleensiiitl. The m in new Innksat If be had lieen pushed tlimugh mi eight-liurse (siwer Ihietliiug mulilne. He new holds the animal eaptlte.iud it tiyhi-. te Uiuie it, although he t it's lie is still stiibberu en the wfillmi' iUosllen .ttiin ?ttniM uf Hie It nipi'iiniie rnniil. Many of the slate newsi,ipcri. me tilled with aceeuu'.t of the rascal i Het uml imposi tions el "Het. Mendlth, of New Jersey," whine hyiHHiisy was exposed In the Inii l. l uii.M'i:!!, when he made Ids adteut at a teiiiH.'ranu Itetuier in this iltj. It semis that he opeiated hi I'aillsle eailyln thowlu thewlu tcr, and around Wonnlet sburg, Ciunhci land ceiuitt, tellei ted uml pin.keli.sl subscriii subscriii tlent for an idhgid tempeianie piper, lie issiisioetod of being the sauieih ip who was accused el giess social iiniueralitiu.4 ill Ni it it pert, l'a , in 1S70, and also in riiiiiiinatl. Nivll Helen, lleiu lliu 11 iK-.t mil Di iimi i.i I While Jmlge Hetel- was leading his opin ion in the butcheis' ami dreters' appeal thu ether day, L.iu.ut Wcaiid icuiarked te mi atleiitlte lis'enei ; "Oue would llilul. ten w ei ea hog butt hoi," he said : " Ye," io ie io tertod the lnditlilii.il addrussdt, "Judging 1 1 mil the ceinpiny by which I am sin sin leumlid." liaintii;!. In a iulil,;c. tliililliiclltliil.l iMIlt, lib l'lli The Ot tor.iie was quite high tins morning, and the Ice Meating tlewn stieam stiuek llie tresile et the I'cacliboUein iallie.ul, and washed nwat out) set nl trestles and liMiscnud elheis The ti .tin west was uu.ible toeiest ami returned toOxfeul this ineining. Tlioie t,eieu uuiuliei'tit patsengeis who wcie com pel led te wait until repairs, no mule. Ilt'llil utll Itli"' tllil Age. t loin Hit' ( hcstii t oeiity Ileiiiiici.it Mis Widows, the mother et Hat Id Widows of I.timltmdciry township, was burled at l.ondemloi i y rriemls' iiiiilal giniiml en 'lhuistlay. Diseased tt.is 1U2 toaiselago. l lilt) Statliill llinlse. Twenty-thriu Itslgeisauil two drunks weie thn occupants of tlie station heusu last uiglit. Tlie lislgers wero discharged ami tlie drunks iniuinillcd. One gasoline and nine git lights tailed te bin n ln-tt night. c.,v r. i. it. it. DiiiiintiM l'he letlnwing tlliistnis hntu been ekstetl (or the Columbia A Pert Deposit railroad : President, AVIIII.im II. Wilsen; directors Jacob Teme, (. II. Helierts I-diniuid Smith, Wlstar MeirN, Alexander lllildle, N. P. Shoitrltlge, J. N. Dubarrt, W. J Heward, Hetiry D. Welsh, Jehn l Welherlll, Jehn P. Omen, Wllllnui I Wklus CALLKII IJACK TO LIFK. snt.txii: sieuv Tei.it in .i vr.intv ntryrr max. tthlle Alriinl.t Iii Hie llintirsic or Diiltll He Is llel-illli il lirnilsiliuintii'sli lln.giiid bigC'rliniir lilt Sen IlieSi leui. Iimi) Ktterli mill On .Monday luuiiilng.Iehn Wlshului, father of ene of Iho ninny families of Hweedt lit lug id tlie ero mini's In Centra township np,r Nettjiert, 1'eriy ceuuty, l'iu, wat taken suddenly 111, and bufoieu physleliu could be stiuimeiied lie died. His form wasceld nml llgld, the lower Jaw fallen, and Iho ashy piller of death mi the lace. Willi Iho usual domeiistiatltonots el t lit Ir rnie, the family gate loud expression! te their grief, thu eldest seu in urlicuhir. He called en hit lather le iiiinn back, and with ilillleulty tvat letlralued bum ptos ptes trallng himself upon the corpse. Hoping te comfort Iho griol-strlckeu family by spirit ual eonseliitlon, Iho resident clcigymuu re in lined with them until two p. in. Then, as he wns about loge away, thn son wns sol red with another paint t sin nl grief mero t Intent than ant preceding It. He threw himself en tlie lioilyef hit father, embraced Mm, mid plteeusly implored lilni te sjicnk oike mero, ami net te lento him without a ic'uguitlnn. As though thnngenlrcd tniie bad (rt'iiet rated lliu silence of the ether world, thu lljit nl the lather met oil, the etes opened nml cast u sad, repre.ichfiil leek en the weeping me, and In the well-known tnlce came distlm.tly these words ; "Oh, why did you call me luck 7" At wsm as tho'.iwe-strickcil group could rigiln (heir oeiiiiosiirii thuy inunedi.itely aduilulsUred nnteiatltct te the patient. When the clergynnn loll him he w.is tery weak, but still allte, Tuesday he related his experience up te the time he wat apparently refilled te life. Win il he lii.il he lirsl filt a sinking sensa tion, knew etnrt thing that went en in the room, out could net sH?.ik. llonext rcmein bcretl Is'lng In a tlensed irkncst ami being led by two hit islhlc forms, inetiugns though Unallng In the nlr, Willi nothing nbote or lieleit. 'tin n It seemed te git lighter etcrt ineininl, and lie saw two li".iutlfiil, shining forms en either sldeel him. He cx'sirleincd n feeling of porfei t pe.n e and heanl the most stMithingnntl ilclightlul iuuie. 'I lit) feeling nf rest was the most noticeable thing in his new slate, until It was dKurlsnl bt a telee In 'nilii calling him. He felt a thrill nf ro re giet, Iheu all lieeauie blink, ami he seemed te be Kick In the old lulu-ncked tiedy again, and eH'iilug his eyes he found his seu ami family crting and calling en him te coiue Uu k. Mr. Wishelm litcd until Tuesilay, and then died, ns his fnnily sincerely beliote, n sixsiml tline. Whether Iho nun was in n st meK', fiiun wldi h the pieiiiug Imuunta lleiu of the family areiiM'd Mm, or whether he had, indissl, been permlttisl te return nfler a glume Inte the etlier world, noiiec-au answer. One thing, howeter, is certain that ler the -hi. oef nearly twentt reur hours, in tliconlnlen nf tlie dmter, tin p liter uml the family, and se far at outward indications are ii guide, the man was dead. If.lSOXC lSTAI.I..l1lth. Tlllttt-r.hclilll tnielll .ti'inl.l el Un 11. finiuil (iitllltll nl I'cilllMjIllinlu. The thirty-eighth iimiiiil assembly nf ihe M. I' grand council, nital suimr-exeelleut ami sobs l in isiei of I'enust Itaiii.i, was held in MiL-enlr h ill, this cilt, last eteniug. Alter the usual ruiitli.e buslnevs hid lieeu trjns aited, tlie Inlluwiiig ii.uuul elllters were in stilled by I'asf 'Ihrliti -Most 'iilss.int (irand Mattel l.eitei 1'. sht-ldel, of I'lttsbuig: M. 1'. I.. Mattel -Je-cpli Ik I.ttle. U. 1'. I). Ii. Master Oeo. . Ueulriik, r. It 1. III. H. Master -fharlit It. IV.iiii K It. 1'. O. 1". C. of Werk - Jehn U eting. It. I', f). Treasurer .lames Drewn. It. 1'. (.. Recorder Chariet l' Meym t the ileyj of the assembly an clegint bampiet, irepmed by Jehn Copland, tt.is spicad in tee hauipicttuig lneiu te which the iissemblt Kit tlewn and enjoted themselves greatlt Hint 1 mils Is'lng snpplcmi nleil with le.istt,"tHts bin, seiurs and stniit. II 1 1-j tti ie Ii.iimII.". in Tlnli Iti). Washington, wlietlicd in 17'.", weie nillles en hissleetcs, and h dfeftlu men who signed the Heel iratinu or llidepenileure woro'iow wero'iow wore'iow tleied wigs. Jellersen sjwrtid knee brcithts, mitlMidiMiu was pieud et hating worn a suit or i lellies el American nuke at his in auguration. Daniel Webster usually wero a suit or sniill-brnwn color, witli a large soft necktie. Mjitui Van Huien was tery lastid lastid leut about Ids i let lies unit always appe.uetl during the siiinuier in tlie whitest or white duck Inn n. Ills clothes went cut in thn latest style", and he were terv high stuck neckties out of u hk h iH'cpetl his stamlingiellar, mak ing Ms In, id leek like that or Jehn tlie Hap-ti-louaihuger. nilrnwJueks nabedrcs-'il well, theuL,h he did net m ike hit clothes a gieal matter. Ilutrv Clay woie n twallow twallew tall, and ii-Liudingciillarextmtag-.intly high, .lames Hueh.ui.ui w.isnlwats tery pieeise In his clothes .it iirirsvin i i .. imtiiii' i . Itti.i'iliiut nt I'.liil Out I lliu lies! XI aril.Miil Iters. WtsillMUON, l'eb. 10. Preill the sfjto sfjte sfjto iniiitef expenses Incurred under tlie law providing Inr the appointment of special deputy in irsluls, snivrlsers and chief siior siier siior tlsers el ilKtieus, suit te the Iloii'tiel llepte-entatiies jesteiday itappears tli.itel the sI,'i7.'.,01."i, v.lilclt hate Usui ul plletl te that put luse, the-ewas expemletl in the st no of New eik?0h0,7bs m fifty per cent, nl the whole amount. This was div tilliuttil lulwceii the Juili'd d districts as follews: Soiitlieiu ilisiikt, fill i,12s; l'isteru diMiiCt, K.lrVnl ; Nurlliein tlislikt; $k,0iie. Setenleeu pel cent, went te the two Pcnii s.tlt.ini.i tlistrii'ts uslolleiis; Laslcru, f.fl'), sjl; westcin, fjn.ltri; total, 5.! in, l'l."i. M.issi ihiisettteteu reiiilred te m'cuie peaceable i lectiens t72,oeti, nl width We, ;2I tt.it used nt llie last cltxtien. Nos)itieu of lliu money was used in I on en on net llfiit, lout, K uisis, Maine, Minnesota, N'elinisk.i. Ni tad I. New II uupshiie, North Carolina, Oiegen. Ithnde Island, Yciuieut or Wisconsin, 'lliuie was usetl In Colerado ?.'e in lSsO, iunl?77ulu Vikiiis.it in lbs I. The t ilile Is ,n oxtremely lu'eiesting one, uml It will allenl inuihstiiily te pnlitUlaiis in ittaiulytlt.uid appliealien le ltH'.dities fur it eompaiiseu nl lesults An Atli'lV I'tllit lilt, Nl.w llUKl Pel). 10. The iciiimis .it the late Jehn Parselle, thetetcr.in neier, who had been a le tiling iiit'iiibei et I nieii Sipiaie temiMUt' ter leirs, t it buried te-day in Greenwood temetery, Tbefiiiici.il sort lies w 10 held at " The I.i'tle Chinch Aid mil llie Cemer," Het. Dr. llotighleuoHieiallug. A tnltiitil lilll Ittlllti'il te lleatli. Cim'IN.nvii, Pel, 10. V tenement hoiise occupied by a eoleiotl family wat binned here last night an I .Nellie Hi lie, agetl twolte tears polished in the llauies At flit Simp Hutu,,'. Thoiewero 1,10 n.tiens of soup distributed ut thu soup hoiise te tint. Ne Hut) let i tiu! tin Ct leaf.. Paiiis, l'tb. It). The lomuiittee et the t.'haiuls'i el Deptltiei has lejcitetl the pin pi ml te lin reisu the tltity en cereals licntli or tllnl.lcr I imiiU'n M lie. I.n.tiies, Pell. 10. Mrs l.ottell, wlfe or Unlteil Status Minister Lewell, died te-day. n I.iiIimi II Itl.niit ii llrtter. In Heading en Wednesday a lallieatl Irani dashed lliretigli the city at -a high rate of s I Hied, .mil tlie lliem.tii did ueldiscnter thu Ciiusn until he hud entitled ileitu te llie ten -dcruud entered lliu cub, where he discovered IliA murine,, .7 11 .1 iliii'W 1 .'liifp ltiivitikilii ' nl his im-t. He hatl been stiuek en the head by n platform ut a water tank down the read, aud U net cxpeuted te live. A lll'.IAUli; OF II1U.S. Tim Milliner In tVblrli llin lliirrlsliurg bKlla. inniriit Iii llirlr Time II tuitlsiu'iKi, l'a., Teh. It. In tlie Heute the following Mils wero fatemhly rc'siitcd! Aptireprlatlng fW,H for the establishment of a home for disabled nml Indigent soldiers by ncouiiiilssieu consisting of the goterner, amliter-generiil, state trcitstiier, ene snniter, twoiuemberxof Iho Hoiise ami tline sol Hers; topretcnllho employment of lemali labor nbetit inities ami manufactories ; te enable citizens of tlie Unllcd Stntes mid Penusilva. ilintoriieratlont te held real ctLite ami con toy the lllle wlilch bail Isien laid by aliens or foreign corisiratleus Hills were InlrediiKtt making llinlted part nership associations, orgniiletl for iiinnufae luring or mercantile purisites, taxablu under tlie geneial rotuilie ;u'is ; prohibiting telo tele ginph eeiupinles or Imlltidual owners of telegraph lines freimliarglng n gieater rate for transmitting any telegrams within the slate than the minimum rate or rates te any (mint eutside the state, imposing n icnalty of f 1,000 ; reipilrlng alllncorieraleil banks, In cluding national liunks, te in ike nnuiial rt xirls te the auditor general, under n penalty oril,net)j te require railroad companies te build leuccs flte ftet liluli along their tracks. The bill for the organization of cM)ienitlte societies Intitsluped by ltolierlseu, of Allo Alle gheny, wns passed second reiding nfler a sis cell by lis author, declaring Hut It would ilenwtit with Hnuiillsm ami strikes. The bill te make the owner of a building liable fei injuries te persons, because el In In siilllcleut means of escape, tt, is pissed tsind reading, when the Heute adjourned. Tlie Sen ite enjoyed most of Hie session in discussing the bill te punish wlfe-bealers. Among the bills pissed Dually were the following; Te cnlnrge the cems;tency of defendants or witnesses In criminal cases; te authorize commissioners te make contracts for the collection of forfeited rivegnir-incf s mid flues; te give jictlliencrs for thartert of Incorporation of the first class the right of appeal te the supreme court. The goterner has signed the Mexican lenIen resolution ami tliohenateconturrrod in the resolution nking Congrets te retire ttcneral tlrant. Fim muKiiei.Dr.n's i',nt.n:i' HUdclbsiiigh i-alletl up in the Heute to day the bill te furnish fuel, etc., te thu prlsnnkeeper of Lancaster county free nf cost. There being constitutional el. Jtstlens, Heidelbaiigh hatl It lMWtxincil. Hreslus iutrisliteed ene for the roller or !;liz.ilM.th Helt7el, of Liucastcr county, widow of Jes Iteitel, a soldier of the war or 1S12. In Iho "sen.ite te-tl ly Oebm intreduied a bill ler the euro or public mad-, and appro appre pi kiting fl,VH.m. siri.'AMM! te aoeit it;. 1 1 ten. The lliiir.hiK Cli tk nf the utrrlnr Otllre tin tlie Hack. WAsiii.Mntiv, l'eb. 11). Hen. W. Hvans, the disbursing i lerk or the Interior depart ment, was berore the Heuse committee en t'iislens, bounty and kick pay this forenoon, and exhibited his Isieks in testimony, show ing that all of thu legnlar and special em em peoyes or the pension olliie were regularly iiiul continuously paid dining the present presidenti.il c.impiigii. The cli 1 1, hating in ih.uge the per diun and cxN2nses; aiieiints or sjH'cIal and ether cinpletees h.is Iieen hiibiiened te appear be fore the cemmittee tt itli his records It is the luUutieu or the committee le ascot tain ir money tuts paid en expenses or per diem te nnv emplot'e tthile they were ensaged in polities Clntf Cimitteck, et the Western illw-ien puiislen elllee, teslitletl bel'ore Iho coinuiiltce tivsl ly Hint he lud net gn en instructions te speci il ex.'imineis te tlefer in iking rejections of claims for pensions until after the elections as hid lieen stated by witnesses liefoie the teuimittce. He tlcnled all ihargcs which hid licen prererretl te Iheellect that thoetllco was usctl te promote the intuiotltef the He. publican candltl.ites I mniAMiv i'Levrvi i. 'It.iireml lltnrls I iilttit Iii .pile of t'urt'lltal Objection. nniTMBn, Mass., Peb. It". On Tucsd.iy last Herbert Tat lei, a law student IS years old, and son of Majer Nathan Tailor, n itell Uieiinistauccd clothe!, olepetl with Neni II. fioetlln, mi accomplished and wealthy lady, ugetl 1'), tlaughter of u retired luauiilacturcr living hi Hrbtel, It. I. Tlie eung people foil in let e with cueh nthei during a nscnt tisit el the lady te the house of her aunt, Mis C. P. Stetcns, wife et Tat let's In In structei in law. Theii clepeiiRiit grew Irem etlerts iiiade by Miss (..oedin's parents te cfject a nub h between her and PiaukW. Green, who though ntteithy man, tt.is les suitable, te her toste than Tailor was. They couple Journeyed separately te Pieildcuic, met at tlie Dorreuco house ami went thence te Uosteu, when neus of their luarriage was telegraphed te the biide's lelatites. 7iii:.v;ir eki.:.i.s s;iutr. A I'luliililllly Tliilt Hie (mtfritiui'iit Mill Coiue te Its Ahl. WisniMHev, Peb. 10. Mr. Pullet, et the suIm oinnilltee of the Heuse leiuiniltct) en apprepii itlens, hating under consideration the preposition te grant mi addition il lean of 5.V,oe() te the New Oilcans exposition, mis asked tot lay bynreprosenUitiienf tlie l.'nitisl Press if the lean would be let iimmemlcil te the Houseby the lull committee. "I tt eultl net siy that an absolute linn et J.VKyxiO will Iiu recommended," he replied ; but I think thore it little deiibl thnt we will pi et lde seme means for icl let ing the manage ment or llie exposition of llie debt K it laboi labei ing uiitler." Director General Hurku It is eiitlently pursii uleil thu uimiuittie Hut something must lie tleuu and it seems teivlikelt Hut Ceugiess will pret lde ter paying the ptesunt intlebtedniji, of the exposition 13.O00 .Intl-Miis r I'rnlests. W.tsiiiNtirti.N, Pel). 1'.'. Theeougiessieual uiuiuiissleu luting charge of the urrango urrange nients for the dedication el the Mishiugten monument hate tecelvetl a piinti'tl prolest, ilaiinlng te be signed bt IkutM n ones, against allow ing the. tl.isenie seilely te ut- liclputn in thoceieiueniui. Tlie pt titieu sets feith that tlie Masens .no no mere entitled te such distinction than the Hibeiuiius or any etlii'i seen t enler. They say the stene suit by the pepe ler the monument was broken iipmidtiirowiiintliePotiimic.mil they ask why Catholics uie snitbbetl ami Pree Masens honeietl. I'll. rs llfferti thu I'liiilnii Itnaiil. II VIIHIMll'im, Pek 10 The biMld et m tlnns held u session this meinlng, at tthkli the iiinainderef thecaset 11111101' iiiiislileru- tieu nud the conclusion ic.iehed weie us fol fel low s : Pri'derick P.built, Plulailelphi.i, larceny, rehearing granted ; Thus 11 uiley, Lii7urnu, lebbety, lefused ; Chas. Hiiggs, Philadel phia, luiittler in the llrst tlegree, tllscus.sed uml uxainiiietl into at It ugth uml lield under atliiseiueiit ; Chas P. McDonald and .las P. Piuw linger, Columbia, lehbtuy, held under atliisement; Titos. II. Cluley, Allegheny, lei gory, held under udtiscnunt. lutl (.'nlintaliles Itlllt-il lit 11 I he. l.eMHiN, Peb, 10. Thu Kiiugtleii lotion mills ut Hlael.btirn were binned teila.i. The less Is 5100,000. I'lte isiuskiblui were killed during tlie progtets of the flre by nulls falling en thuiu. Set oral of tlie em em peoye) of the mills who were within the buildings ut tlie tline the llie started nre reported a missing. A FIKK IN PHILADKLl'llIA. I.1V1.S lAIST AXIt 3IVCII VAIAfAllht: vnevr.HTr cexhvmi:ii. A lliillilhig It till ii Thren-sliiry l-innl lulla At till a (nub Killing Tmi Mni-TIm I'nrii r.ittianije .Nallciniit Hunk i:utcliieil Iii I lame. l'liii.tiini.i'itiA l'eb. 111. At li.tt) o'cle k Ihls meriiliig II re was disco tered In the 11 ve story brick strut ttire, Xe. I2 Chestnut street ecetlplctl by Htotensoii A. Ce., Octr. V Strat Strat teu, ltteliiirtl A. Hit the ami Oarsed A. Ce., nil dealers In cotton mid wool. Soen alter Iho dailies worn tllscetcretl the tire hurst from the tipjicr wlndewsnud the front of Ihrce stories HU out with a crash. Many supposed that nn explosion hail Liken place, hut II is net yet known whether there wnsnny explosion In the building or net. When thu wall fell a lalsirer wliose iiamn is said le le Jehn McKay, was engaged in reuietlng a safu from mi adjoining building. He was Instantly killed by the (ailing brit ks and set cr.d persons weie also injured. The herse nltiiLhcd te a liose curt standing in front of the building, was nlse killed. 'I lie Haines spread fast te Nes 11 and Vl Chestnut street, nml are new burning tlcrcely. The fermer is tx-cilplctl by Irw in C. Heatty A, Ce., tlealer in worstetl yanis, ami the latter by (iee. II. Mel'mldm iV Ce., cotton dealers. The adjoining building en the west Is Iho Cern Hxchaiige National bank, northeast corner of Second nud Chestnut streets, tlie reef of which Is new en lire. A general alarm has lscn sounded. Tlie lest cannot new Ije estimated. Tin: mi;v kii.i.i:d. The moil killed nt the flre this ineiniiif, were Jehn McCerinlek, tlrltcr of liose cart N'e. 22, mid J. O. Hlylcr, ngetl 18 jeart, who was pissingntthethuc. Hlylci resided at the American hotel. n rr.e ni no heck f.ts aniuiem xvct'Di,i:s. The flames extended ncrossthe back build ings te Ne. 17 .Seuth Second street, occupied by Hemer A Sen, toy merchuiiLs In the upper lloers of this building thore was stored a large amount of llie crackers, rockets, ltem.iu camllet, lieliibs nud ether kinds nf works About 1030 iu in. tlie crowd of pcople en Second street wero startled by a series of explosions An Instant later the sky-rockets ami Hniiiju candles were sheeting colerod lights out of all the windows into tlie street. The following were injured by fallinj; walls: .las llieket, nged IK, a clerk ; Henry Se.it ers, a lalsjrcr; Philip Streng, residing in ene of the bui nod buildings it is estimated that the louses will aggro aggre aggro gate net lest than from J.TOO.OeO te J500,IHX). Tin: IIVMAOK IIOMJ, The busiucss establishments en the south side of Chestnutstrcetth.it were damaged by the water with width they had been deluged for their protection tteie : Ne. 121, Themas DeUm, liquors, and I M. Whllden A Sen ; Ne. 130, William Simpsen's Sens A Ce., prints etc., Samuel lllildle A Ce., J. l. CreighACt.; Ne. 1.12, Kichard Willi iitiseu ACe.,Jamet I. Wtsslwartl't S'ent, Jnmi.t W. A'etlges ; Nes 17 and It) Seuth Second street, fancy goods damaged by water and llru in then tear; Na l." Seuth Second, Pit kin A Theniis, harness, etc., damaged bt water. The Cern nxehauge bank hatl itt nsif burned, but sustained no ether damage. It was compelled toeleso up for the day. The tlnunge en south sltle of Chestnut street mainly by water, extends along the stores of Taussig A Tajlei, xtoels ; James H. .Mitchell and llie ethers illicitly mentioned; Ne. 119 Chestnut street, Thiclen A Sen's stock of v.irn goods tins completely destroyed ; ; Ne. I 117 Schclback A Ces, nuallue dies, ete was also destroyed. At the corner Randelph A Jenkins escaped ;:i2 Letla street HitlilleA Wcis dje stulls and chemicals, was damaged by water; Ne. 30 LetU street, II. K. Hennet A Ce., j-anis, etc., damaged by xtater; Ne, 2s Letia street, olllee entranee of tlie Camden Wtsil Ce., also damaged. This thin had n large stock in the building, Ne. 117 Chestnut street, which xias destroyed; Ne. ,13 Seuth Second street, adjacent te the bunk, was . I. N. Uunend's lea store, completely deluged ; Ne. 51, an establishment for manufacture of signs, was also washed out, EKIOKTSIO I.XTIMIL'tsfl rill. l'UMl. Aftei the alarm had been struck and before the liremen arritcd there was great exeito exeite ment in the neighborhood, and the cry of 'lire" xias shouted down the street. Mr. Halls, or Iho ill 111, J. II. HUlinglen and Mr. Hhltlle, of the (inn or Hitldle A Wcls.s, pro pre cutcd half a de.eu hand grenades which were thrown into the llauiet supposing they Mould oxpledo.ind extinguish it ; witli these they reached the upstairs of Ne. 125, and the Heur tthcre the llie was making Lipid headway. They piled 011 the grenades without any 1 licit in quenching the llamcs ami Mr. lllildle mmle 11 narrow cscnpe through .1 second story window. The dailies are supposed te be uuiler con cen con tiel, though many of the building uie still en lire. A New link Tumi Xlslttil. Tuev, N. Y., Pck 10. A llru burned out the Gurley building, Pulton street, early this morning ui.d destroyed the stock of Coen A Ce., cellars and cutis, nntl of the J, Lorey Pine eeiup.iuv, leather uml rubber belting. Tlie losse 011 the building nntl stock will reach f 12,000, nearly coteied by Insurance. Thu ladies of "Tlie Devils" com pany tiere stepping in tlie Hvcrett liotise, adjoining the burning building, and weie greatly alarmed. 11 1 ms Jieusi: was vi.eii.x- vr I'i tullar Mi-tlinilii li) Mliltli te sun,, a IjiiiiI 1 reuble. Peutlimi, Oregon, l'eb. 10. The land trouble which is supposed te be the roast u for blowing up Jno. II. Stenger's heuse by dynamite, cime about us billews: The titlu el the Wushlngteu colony, of which he Is piesideut, te lertalu land, was disputed by a large iniiulier of settlers, xihe occupied tlie laud alter it had been taken up, but tem porarily abandoned by the colony. Tlie set teors met and demimled concessions I10111 the colony it hleli wero refused. The colony then sobed 0110 of the Slenger brothers uml attempted te held him ns a hostage, uml did In tad held Mm. Some sort et compromise wasollectod. Thore was 110 luither tiouble till the night when Stengel's empty heuse was blown up, undoubtedly ntanuthei mount el bringing the loleuy te terms iieuner) llaluiitcx. Wasiiimiiun Pek 10. In thettcasuiy to te d.ij : Gobi niiti mid bullion, fr2as,00il,G77 ; sll ver dollars and bullion, f 15)1,118,10! ; fi ac ac teonal sllter coin, f.10,lll,.ViO; rnltcd Slales notes fl",.t.Vl,Oil.l; national bank netes, fo, fe, ,V.i,.1tl2 ; ilepesits with nation il bank deposit ories, flO.iril.len. Total, $l02,2s4l,Ss. Cer tiliuitus outstanding, geld, f 112,770,010; silt er i 111, 132,0a I ; euireney, JJ0,tw; Internal levcnue retelpts 211,101; customs, fl7t,t7B. NutnralOus Kiiliisluii. Cixvr.t.AM), Peb. 10. A si'clal fietn Ash laud, Ohie, stitet that an explosion of natural gut took place at Harber this morning, whoieby oneiiiun wat killed uml two ethers fitully injuied. Te .lull for Tit i nt j Vt.tr. Nl.w Yum:, Pek III Jeseph M. Witt, ceiivKted of 111 mslaiigliter In killing Dat id Scelt, wassBiitcuced ttiday In twenty 1 curs' impilseuiiient. wr.ATiirn mxiuva riexs. Wasiumite.v, Pck lil Per Iho" Mlddle Atlantic states, lair weather, nertlieily winds In southern jxirtien, westerly winds In north ern portion, nearly stationary, followed by 11 tllght rite In temperature. tVVOHTA!, TVUHTAI. IIAUIHWX. Nliern the Pii.tnm.trr Mny llrtaln IVrs He. rlrtl Inr Miiiipjt (Infers llLouMiMiirey, 111., 1'tk lii.The Koino Keino Koine w hit noted e.ise ngalnst Oce. 1'. Dick, post pest post uinster of this city, te recetcr f l,!H)0 reUlued by flick ns inoiiey ertlcr fees, was brought le n Dual decision yesterday. I.clleis received from the iNistmaster general by Dick's attor neys, w he nlse represent eighty etlier hsU in isturs of llie llrtt-class efllces similarly clmrgisl, siatn that the tlopartineiit hatl con cluded te render n ilecisleu In Dick's fater without siillurlug the ease te go le the su preeo court, thus ratifying the decision or tlioUiiltcilStalcsclrcnllisiurtntCliIcsige. This clslun ntleets Irem o(iii,eiri te $l,noe,ooi) In lees, nud the 80 iHistm.vsters w heiu It touches nre allowed te keep the ameuuls they re tained. It establishes an Important prece dent. IKATtyO 1 OH Oh'lltt. KlltliKell.t Mneity TrIN lluir Itlliks Jtijr Ile Mmle llelirlltl.lt 1,1 lliel lirlnll lit. Nr.tv YenK, Cob. 10." I Inte recoiled soverul Inquiries about tlie morality nf sknt Ing rinks" si'd Afoeily, Uie evangelist, at the ret Itnl meeting at Newark, N. J., yesler tlay. "I hate only this te say, Uiat tt here the godly and the ungodly iulx,lhogedly are going te stiller. A brewer ence told inn he would gite up making liquor if I would And a passige in the Hible ngalnst Its nse. I turned te the Hible and re.nl, 'Whatoter you tle, de It for llie glory of Ged.' Then I sild, ' If you can make your stull nml pray etcr It for the glory of Ged and tlie blessing of mankind, nil right.' I nay the rumn about roller skates If you pray etcr it nntl sknte for tlie glory of Ged It Is all right." Sriivillenal Shunter hulls. CosciiecTON, Ohie, Tcb. 10. Quite a sensitleiul slander case has been trletl here during tlie st week. The chief parties nre well-to-de farmers of Crawrerd township. Tlie plaintin, Mrs Drcsehcr, It the eldest daughter of Mr. Geib, and was in irrietl Ihrce j'ears age. About a year age herbrolhei Jehn married n ilnughterefMrs Seigel. The union wat an unhappy ene and a separation was obtained. Tills caused bad feeling between the two families The hus liand attacked the tharaelcr of the dotertetl wile, who sued for nntl obtained $700 dam ages The successful philutlir was then sued by Mrs Drcsehcr ler li.it ing alleged thai her husband Geib had admitted he lud unnatu ral relations with Ms sister, Mrs Dreselier, A terdici for ?W0 lias just been obtained. erf ren Tin: wau. The Coldstream faiinnM (ilten lltiilspceil en TlnlrtV.i) teSiiakin. Londen, I'eb. 10. The Celdsticiui guards departed from Westminster te-day en route teSuakln, hating been ordered out In ser vice In I'gypt. As the icghucnt iinrcheil through the streets en te tlie place of em barkation, the men were cheered tthile iela tltes and friends of many or the privates breke through the ranks and embraced and wept etcr llieiu. Men anil women sobbed bitterly nt parting, ami in my a tnuihlugstcne between methci and son, husli.mil or wire, or let or and sweetheart was noted. As the sol diers embarked the band played ''Auldl.ang st'iie" and "Heme Sweet Heme." Indirlnl fur l'lrtttnj; Scuatur Sharen. S.t.s I'liANcisce, C.il., I'eb. 19. G. W. Tiler leading counsel Ter Mrs. Hill Sharen in the Hill-Sharen ditorce case, M.rxGumpel, thehamlwilting expert, I. C. Cashmau and J. T. McLaughlin, hate been iutlictcd by the stale grand jitiy for implication In obtaining f20,000 from Senater Sharen's counsel for the spurious document known ns the Tyler- ijumpel contract. icLaughliiiliasubscemled xt itli the money. The Hiree ethers hate surientlcred, but lute liecn released en kail. A lliiten for the Jlliiriiieiin. Te'CteN, Arizona, l'eb. 10. The Mermen leaders it he arritcd here say that the got get got ereor el Senera, Mexico, has glten the Mor mons the right te settte in the Yoquire coun try. They represent that it is ene of the richest farming sections in the world, thnt It lias un nbiindauce of water, Hut cetlee, cot ton, pine applet, oranges, lemons and tobacco flourish there, and that en the feet et the hills of Sieir.i M.ulre wheat, corn and kirley can be grew 11 te ierfcctien. riitlan's Arrltal In Kaunas Clt. K.iNt.it Cm, l'eb. Ill Capt. Themas Pliclan, accompanied lij- his wife, reached here from New Yerk last night. They en tered 11 carriage 011 their arrival and quietly diote te the work house east of the city, it here Phclau is superintendent. A ropeucr callc.il en Mm. He talked about himself and the dynamiters se guardedly as te raise the preemption that the prosecution of Short will net be pushed xi Itli much xiger, at any rate by Phclau. A Wealthy Man's XV ill. Mn.WAUKi:i:, Peb. 10, The will erthe lute S. S. Merrill tins tiled yesterday. IlisosUite is xalucd at S775,000, the real property at StfiO.OOO and the personal at M75,OO0. Te his widow he bequeathed the homestead, etc., ?100,0u0 and tlie annual Interest en 200,000. Ills sisters, Marimltcjlh, of Concord, Mass, and Chrlstiue Walker, Milwaukee, and Ids brother, Moses W. Merrill, liosten, Mill re re re colte annuities of $500 during thelr lives Thu test ei hlspieperty gees te his lour ehll ilicu. Saltt Stio XV114 Assaiiltctt uml Iteblirtl. Ni:w Yeiiir, Pcb. 10. Mrs Henry Hrewn, who Hits ever 11 stere Ne. 1,274 Third atomic, was assaulted and robbed early 011 Monday morning by Ihrce men who lud first broken Inte ami robbed thu stere be neath. She claims two of the men held and gauged her xtliile a third assaulted her. She yesturday itluntilied Ihrce men who hate boenurieslod en .suspicion. They lite in the neighborhood. Thuy admit belus oil the pteiulset, but deny assault. l'reics te Ile a 111,; s, if 1) Itiililicr. i:i.Mlti.t, N. Y., Pcb. Ul One of the Osceola, Pa., bank rebburs In jail horeproios te be Chariet Lew rie, a dosierato criminal, known all etcr thoceuutiy as'as.itu blower. He is wanted in Cleveland, for killing u marshal who attempted lean est Mm whlle committing a burglary, lie has also a list of crlntes te answer for in Canada. A Min'sitfTenUtirilmluriiiiif). Nt:w YtiitK, l'eb. Ul V., P. Westen, thu Iietlestrkin, r.rrungud fertiseiies of military test of endurance in walking. The contest takes place in Madisen Square garden in May. A host of prominent citUens lute lJ lJ lJ tome iiiteiested in Westen's plan ami will assist Mm hi carrying it out, A Sensation In 11 Skating Ittitk. Clf.vel.vnii. Ohie, Pel), it'. A siiccial from Alliance, Ohie, nays n. it oil known married woman of that place, n few eieuings nge, gave birth le twins In a roller skating riulc. She refused te h.iiehcr skates t.il.en oil lie lie lio cause shu was enguged for the next inush. Alliance Is excited 01 er it Will See Hie Tiling Out. Caiue. Pck 10. Cel. Denisen, nt tlie gev erner general's body guard, Cel. Kenutdy or the 00th Wluiiiqieg Yeluntitim m.d Sur geon Majer Nelsen of the teyagcrf, will at their own request remain In the Soudan till the clese of the campaign. A I'ltililtiltnry I.liiiur Aliiiiuliiitnt. Lxnsine, Mich., lVk 10. Hy an exactly two-third vete, the Heuso yesterday agreed te submit a prohibitory liquor amindinent te the peeple. It villi probably fall In the b'euate, howsver. VKOCKKDINGS OF CONGUUSS. iiu; si:xatj: liAMMEitisu away at tiu: vi:s .veixili ntt.u i:i-triialnr reslrr'n lla.l Arrrilrtl Meney for thn Ihiiiigiiml t'rrciiuiii' lllxntillltlrt Ite- niutril-llin Teins fncllle IjiiiiI (Ininl rtirlrllurn Werk of tlie Heme. W.tsni.MiTe.v, Pek 10. In Iho Honate to il ly en motion of Slieriu tu, a motion was adopted iieccpllng a bust or ox-Scnnter liiifnyctle H. Petter, of Connecticut, and providing that It ba pluicd en a sultahle leilestal In tlie room of the Iee president. Hills wero imssed removing the political dlsiblllties or Win. Jf, Onnlncrnuti A. H. Montgomery, of Georgia, and Alex. W. Starr, of Virginia. TlioSenntenlsondopteda Joint resolution appropriating &2,tVHl te defrny tlie e.xlwnses or the Joint cougresIonal cemmittee en the inaugural luiomenyt The bill le quiet titles of sottlers en the DesMolnei rlter lands, was laid borero the Senate, ami l.iphmu considered tlie reuiarks In opiMisltlen lothe moasiire. At 12:15 a vete tins taken, 011 motion of Mnphmii, looking te Iho rofereneo thu ques tion involved in thu bill, te the courts for ad judication and It was Iest,iiyes l'J.nays 20. The Sen.ite nlleretl us a new section te tlie bill a projtesltion that icrsens new holding lands iuiolied sltallls) reimbursud should the laud Is) taken Irem them. Upen tills the senator speku further. lloferouxotownsioachcd Mr. JluPiorsen sihi thnt to-inerrow he would meve loin lein loin detlultoly jiostiieiio the bill; il was almost imposslble for the bill lobecoiuualawdurliig this session, 01 en should the Seiuite pass It. Lnpliam said he would eheerrully yield te the senator te make that motion new. Mho eiler was accepted unit n motion was inntle but tlctcatetl by the Vote or uyus 'il, nays 32. The question then recurred en tlie lelm lelm lelm btirjcmoutef the piuscnt land holders, but llie hour of ene o'clock hating arrlictl, the chair laid berore the Sen.ite the next special order. Vnil Wyck nievetl that the Semite prei-ccd te coiitltler tlie forfeiture or the Tex.is Paoille laud grant. Mr. Plumb advocated llxlug 11 tline at which a vete could be taken en the Des Moines riter bill. He did net think that the bill should- absorb the morning hour any longer. The Sen.ite thou, nt 1:03 p. m., took up the bill declaring llie forluitnre of the Texas Pa cific land grant. sBNATen moiiean ren urn reitrutTunt:. Mr. Morgan moved .it an amendment ad ditional tedious relegating the decision of the questioned titlu of lliese lauds te the United Suites circuit court of the northern district of Texas and making it duty of tlie United SUitcs attorney te bring suits Ter thu adjudica tien or the same. He announced that hu would vete for this bill whether tlie Semite adopted his amendment or net ; lie bellutud this grant ought le Isj ixistpencd, and was qultosure that tlie Texas Pacific railroad hud net turned oue feet of laud embraced In the gianL Ile further bclietcil tlie attempted transfer of this laud grant le the Southern Pacltlu railroad company was se far In 1 lolatieu or the laws of the United States and of public ieli jy, that It could net become a valid transter without tlie sinct onel Congress. Whilst holding these t low s, hew ever, hu con tended en general principles that all these questions of titles te publie lands shall be decided by courts, and net by mi iict of Con gress, and he Instanced the protracted debate oil llie Dcs Mnlucs rlxer kinds as uu illusti.itleu of the 01 it that followed from a failure te pursue this course. lr.icpetllu4 of llie lle'ttr. Ill Iho Heuso te-day the Wednesday ses sion ended and the Thursday session began at neon. The rlt or and harbor bill was read from beginning te cud. Hills xteie passed for n.$lue,000 publie building at Key West, Pl.t, and for a f 1(0,000 structure in Auburn, N. Y. An amendment te llie river and harbor blcl was adopted te thectlcct that the lovces, at the mouth of llie Mississippi trlbiiUrle', should net 1)0 constructed te reclaim lauds and preteet prlvate preperty, but might be constructed In carrying out plans of the com mission. ST1UKINO OUT lIOe'HU I,i:alSLAT10N. The Senate cemmittee en appropriations to day completed the postal appropriation bill ami reported it te the Senate. All the legislation incorporated in the bill by Iho Heuso is stricken out This Includes Mr. Ilingham's amendment llxlug the limit of first-class matter at ene eunce Instead of n half-euntss, ami reducing the rate ou second class matter (new spapers, etc.) SVT HACK. OH XXOLAXJh Tlie Wliole I'laii or Gen. AVelsIcr's Cainpalsu About te lie Cliaiigctl. LoNneN,lob. 10.-I!spatchesre.ulatlhexvar elllces this forenoon from Kertl indlcate that the it hele plan or Gen. Wolesloy'd cimpalgu lias leen changed and that the change amounts te a general retreat of ndvance columns el English troops. Gen. Hrackcnbury's advance en Bcrber lias been abandoned, and lie tv.ll probably retuni te Kertl at spoedy as possible, CeU Bullet's column is destined for tlie same point which, when a Junction ortheforeoij has been accoinplhhed, will form the front of the British line. Bodies of troops villi also bocencontratod at Ilcbbeh and Kossrest Lord Wolstey will probably leturn te Caire In order t,e direct the dispatch of further rolnfercoinentfi te the trout, and also that he may be in closer com munication witli tlie home authorities GlutUtene lleclnrr IIU I'lirpeti', LoN'ueN.Fob. 10. Varliament rousseiublod ttwlay. Mr. Gladstone in reference te a question concerning the Egyptian policy of the get eminent, stated that the determina tien 011 the part of hlmself and colleagues le evcntually ovneuate Egypt remained un changed. Ile would net say that this ovent would occur until the honor or England has been x indicated, and with this object Lord Wolesloy had been erdered te oupture Khar toum elther new or in autumn. Gladstene denied In most emphalic tonus the responsibility or tlie ministry for Cleiieral Gorden's death, and Mid that vvlieit all the circumstances lud been laid (icfore the Heuse, he liulieicil the lourse of the govern ment would be cntleiscd. At the conclusion of Mr. Glndstone's re marks Sir SUllerd Noithceto, leader, gave feiinnl notlee that the oppiKWitlen xveuld picscntnii address te her majesty, llie Queen, culling her attention le the utter fallme of the policy of tlie present get ornmeiit In lis deal ing witli foreign nations, particularly m 111:1 ui.r or tiu: j:xjtj:s. A llluitlyltlet lletireru SaMli'rt and l'rUelten In lintcrn hlljerlu. LeMm.v, Puk la Advices Just rrcelve I from Irkutsk, ill Eastern Siberia, are te the cllect that a large number of ftusslaii cxtlwi them had roielted. butwore Biilxlued aIVjr dosiierale contest Nine seldleru and thirty Vy exiles iteru killed auu ninny wure xieuiuiuu , 1 ou both sides Gicat excitement pntvalied,, ,, but allalis are new qulet, although a number ' of Iho unruly fear swift punishment ' I'.t.lln tlm IcoTwDiity-reur Heur. fi i Nkw Yeiik, l'ek 111 The bteamcr Narr Narr gunset, of the Kteiilngtiiu line, arrived at )wr plorvesterday, after ljlngfctuckfat ill Um J iee for 21 hour She leve n large holeln lier bow whlle forcing a ivage through, but did net leak. Some of the neuud ste mSrii areUaptUjuetl. f-t il i' U M !? i - &l t) iii K