r-wve p - ,T"-'"uP-fi -.if- ,- 'it - ,- .ft THE LANCASTER -DAILY TNTELLTGENCER, SATURDAY, FEIVKUAHY 11. 1885. ,'? U? l . ti' L" m : $fA Li m btti m,' 5 S, fS Ih m ft li lt it le- l 56 J Til DAILY INTELLIGENCER tlMNJSHED EVERY EVENING IN THE YEAR ,V " (UMWt'tMtrTI.h) fV STEINMAN4 HENSEL. SlttfTELLIQENOBR BUILDING ft 8. Wv CORNER CENTRE SQUARE. Sh' 'V Lancaster Pa. ffV DAILY-TIN CENT8 A WttK. FIVE OOIIAB9 A Steak or fifty cents a month, postage free. ADVERTISEMENTS FROM TEN TO TIFTY CENTS A LINE. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. (EIOHT PAQE8.) PVBUtHEO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNINOl Toe DOIUM It Y(AII IN Aevakci. Jr. A" CORRESPONDENCE Solicited from every fiurr of the state and country. Corre spondents are REQUESTED TO WRITE LEGIBLY AND ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY; AND TO WON THEIR NAMES, NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BUT IN PROOF OF GOOD FAITH. ALL ANONYMOL-8 LETTERS WILL BE CONSIGNED TO THE WAS1L BASKET. " ADDRESS ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO! THE INTELLIGENCER, "n Lancaster, pa. &ljc ftmcnstcr intelligencer LA.VCASTEU, FKIIRUAUY II. ISM. (Jeed Scnse Cenie Hark. Tlie American Iren ami Steel association can be sensible when the election Is ever. They have. Issued nn address which they conclude by urging their nieiiilx-rs te eon duct their business" as if we had f.titli in the geed senseef the Ameiicnn iieople nnd an American Congress." This is Just what we urged the iron and steel ni.inu fucture rs te beheve before the election, when they pretended te believe that ever thing would go te the " demnltien Iwvv wows," if Cleveland should be elected. It was a patent thought that no administration would be se foolish as te hazard any disas ter te the established business in terests of the country. The Iren and Steel association new declare in their address that they consider business te be Improving and that the depression of the past two years has readied its limit. Tills Is a confession that the Democratic victory has netbeen n business hmasher. They say that their statistics shewthat the production of iron and steel lastjear, in this country, was of greater tonnage than of any year prier te 16S1; and that it has all been consumed and been paid for. There was no abnormal accumulation of stock at the end of the year. Tills significant fact shows that the country manufactures, even under the undoubted ieere limitation of its business, n great amount of Iren and steel and consumes all that it makes. The increased demand which iscertalntoceine, with business revival and the country's natural growth, will tax Its manufacturing capacity when it sets in nnd will cause the lighting of its Idle fires. Them may or may net be a sudden boom in prices; that will depend upon whether the merchant gets excited or keeps cool. It w ill be a great deal better foreveryeno if theie is nd tioem, but a slew aud steady leturn te renunei ative prices. There is no occasion for an wild or any great advance. The manu facturing leseurces of the country nie very gieat and equal te nil) demand if it is net made with unreasonable suddenness and a ferocity. The great development of the Southern hen fields will be a check upon a great llse in pig iron, and it is reasonably certain that the prices new ruling will net be permanently advanced in the future te any great extent. The irenmasters' profit will be mere likely te conie from a lessened , ,cot in freights and raw materials. The Contests for .Uderiiinii. The Examiner frantically calls uimn its party friends te " stick te the ticket." It Is especially exeiclsed about the defections in the Fourth nnd Sixtli wauls, wheie the particularly obnoxious Republican nomi nations for aldermen have raised revolts. The conduct 6f Spurrier in his ofllce has been se flagrant that It transcends party toleration; nnd D.ive Deen is such a chronic nnd presistent speilsmen that his party is very naturally sick nnd tired of his everlasting otnee holding and eillce hunt ing, and many of the best Repub licans of his wanl will net vote for him. In the Ninth ward Let ter Carrier Flnkerten wants te make mire his calling te one olllce before he quits another, und many disgusted Republicans arc ready te teach him te knew when lie has enough. In these respective wauls the Democracy have fit candidates in Messrs II, E. Carsen, James I'. Thicker and bhei. Smith, whose election would prove some premise of redeeming the administration of the alderman's olllce fiem such abuses iwhave scandalized It here, and which have made Spurrier and Hair nlxmt as ex pensive te the county ns n com cem cem men plens Judge. There Is no rea son why any Democrat should ghe the slightest Hiippeit or countenance te the Republican nominees for aldeiiiien; nor why he should fall te ote for the Democratic candidates in these wards for this important offlce. And If they receive the support they are entitled te they can be elected. Municipal Politics. buice the time that the Republican paity redlstricted this city and get almost abso lute control of its councils by a vile gerry mander, course In the municipal govern, inent, llke its general administration of public affairs, has been reckless aud prolli prelli prolli gate. Under the administration of Mayer MacGenlgle the iullucnce of the executive was felt as a check upon these tendencies ; aud the policy of making no expenditures In excess of the appropriations and of in curring impermanent debt for temporary purposes was successfully Inaugurated and rigorously Insisted upon. The present executive is u weak and rlritleas official, who exercises little in fluence upon the city government, and drives TVith very slack line. He has seen without pretest some of the yearly appio appie appio rriatiens almost exhausted in a little ever sx wen la of the ilscal year; and the close of the year will find mauyefthem overdrawn and au unlawful floating debt saddled upon the city. The 12,-toy bill of Jee Huber was contracted by the committee of which Mayer Resenmeller Is the ex officio head; and, whether the city get value for it or net, the manner of incurring It was be grossly irregular and illegal that a mere sensitive constituency than the citizens of .Lancaster would have been reused te in. Uljfnatiea at the mayor aud ids superinteu dent of the water werts. The city government is new directed by the Myers-Halbach combination, and the municipality is run as best suits and most profits the beneficiaries of that clique. They Lave uejniuated and reneminated their obedient servants for councils, and hope te continue their rule. The easy way te disappoint nnd frustrate them w ill le for citizens te go te the ells en Tuesdav and vote them out. The Democrats hae made geed nominations In wards which, though counted Republican, have Wen carried against the city ring before and can In- se carried again. A change in UiecxMiiig ipgime is demanded. A few cars mere of it will find the cltv eiiib.ura--cd with a debt that cannot le shaken off as readih as the men responsible for it can le get ml of at the J oils. Ai.itr.iiMAN M'lnniKii ina lx'tlups p-li-clte lie re-elected. If se.liehasadegus' of confidence in the readiness of the Itopub Itepub Ileitis of the ward te le-elect men of demonstrated Infidelity te their duties which is anvtliitig but cempliineutai) te the voters. Ti:m:iiii wiiiNfi from moving Indus Is mind's latent conquest ever matter. At lust Nniuctliliig besldus rum lus l-ceii discovered for knocking out Jehn I Milli vnn. It was n long time eeniliij;, Init its rillelpucy mnkes up for tlinileln.v. It Is nn mitemntlc liexer invented lij- ,i iKirlini: man lu Springfield, Out., mul it has n trip-li.inimr arrangement that hits harder than .in ninjrv mule's hoof nt short range. Tliis is Lv-nil odds the most important inv ciitleii of the n;n. Thkiii: was many heart tlutter nt the ptmnn's ring te-day. Ki.sr.u itKitr. vi 111 1h found u fert'ilile pleti by i:iiz.ibeth C.iily St.,. .ten for tlu position that woman Is capable of all the attainments in tliDlutelkvtual world th.itare isiibk te man. Whatever may be ln-lif-ved en this subject, whether the vievt is held that woman Isplivsu-nlly im.ililw te bear the eloe application necessary te ran li le.inuu s re.i1, or that she lioeenips an intelUttunl ocre II she docs se succeed, certain it is that the cause of female ediu-itinu has madu rapid progress of late years. 'as,ir eelleue lias 3(.W li'liule. Htudents, and tve ether larpe women colleges h.ie Ikh'U feiindeil since it was established. Upsides women are new said te be admitted without question te nearly two hundred colleges In this country The jieint contended for has 1ks?ii gained and woman new has as pind epHirtuiiities as man for educational training. If she gains ns much mere In the same direction during the next half century, the immI's theuirht of college halls changing thuir e in iv Ik realized "with dowagers for deans and sweet girl-graduates in their golden hair." A VAi.KN-jiM-; from Cleveland at the pres ent time would make many a statesman's heart go pit-a-pat. Dlxcrxsiux of the Mermen problem set-ms Interminable. An elder of the iliureli of the Latter Day Saints, new sojourning in Chi cago, makes seme pretty geed pnints ter the Mormons w hen he hays that under the Kd munds law nene but Mormensaro pmneeuteil for unlawful cohabitation ; and that (icntiles, though notoriously guilty of the same of ef of lense, are net prosecuted by tlie district at torney. He declares that Juries nre pacKeil by special venires nnd that lr.ul is refused Mormons, iM-tidiiigappe.il. Ne lien for the crushing of this twin relic of iMrbarism tan be had se long ns this kind of tactics are pur sued. P.vcu Mornienisni docs net Justify this variety of persocutleu. Tni: liuuilneii(.e of Lent ni.ute muiry Cupid work harder than usual en tins L Valentine's Day. Til in Is the day w bun the Kkstman Ik'iueciiis his cruel fate in being lequcslcal te irry nearly his weight in valentines in addition te his regular mail delivery. Itut tiiere should be compensation for him in the Miecf smiles with which the arrival of his precious burden Is greeted. Net ev en postmen, hardnerked though they lie, cm fergit the dnj's when tliey were went leattmt their admiration ft,r ome fair Dulcinen by mi aiionymeus valen tine, having a child-like trust that tlie fair incipient would knew whence It camu. This thought must make the weik of the postman te-day a hdier of lev e. PERSONAL. j;x-Jfi)iii: CiiAitt.ns Itn died J'rld.iy in Luwlstewn, aged hi iears. l'uiNLf.ss Leiiisk has tiirmslnd the illus trations for u new guide book te Canada. Coi.exni. Themas Hi leim, the shyer of Judge nilietl.li.is died in a lunatic asylum in Kentucky. David Iil hli. I'll. i.n, the eminent New Yerk lawver, was given u reception bv his friends in .New Yerk en 1'rid.iy, the snili IU. nlversary of ins birth. Oi:n. Lkw W'ali.acii's striking novel el "Hen llur," has been translated into 'I urkisli ey ciimui.iiKi ei inn niiimii. i no verk vi.ts dene by the lmierial scribe. William Uul'hi:, jii.. a veung actor ami stnge manager of the Lights e' Louden ' company, died Midduilvef he trt disease, en Thursday, at Jtcn kferd 111. W. 1. W.vne, Ik tier known a "Tem" Ward, ene of the eldest theatrical managers In the country, and n preiuinent tiirllte, died suddenly nt New Yerk en Wednesday list Ciiak. KiMisr.nr n.ivs: "If ou want te In miserable, think about yourself, about what jeu want, what you like, what iesix.it pcsi- l'"'l"" iukiii in juiy ou, anil VMial Issiiile think of you." ' JillNJAMI.N (fAICINIIli:, a native el Kim k dale, Lngland, oneof the eldest, must prom inent and the wealthiest manufactiiiur In Dolawaiecounty.diod at his home in Chester, I'riday iitternoen, aged w 3 ears. Ci.uvulanii'h inauguration hat was made In llaltimore, und let pahl s ter IL His head Is of ordinary hhaiv and verv large. The hat Is u Indies in diameter, 7' . im-lies high, w itli brim 'J. Inches wide. AllClinisilei' Cneici: lsxHikeii id as the successor of tlie late Cardinal MiCalie. lie is the foremost advocate of Nationalism among nil the Irish priesthood, ami his olevntion te the primacy of Ireland would be u triumph ler tlie National party. Mil. XVatts, distinguished as the wearer or u wondrous assortment of furs en ids per son nnd as being L'llui Terry "s flit husband, is busily engaged en u imrtralt of Mnrv An An dereon. If finished in time, It will be placed lu the forthcoming academy exhibition. Lujie.nd Anei'T leaves only a small for tune, but, according te thy Louden V'wiiejt, he leaves behind him teuiuuiu him udevettid wife, who prefessed unbounded udiuli.itieu for her husband, and eight chihlrun, ervv heni he was Htill prouder than of unythmg elue hu has left behind him. MateuGiiaci:, of New Yeik, denies that he is an a.silrnnt ler the gubernatorial iioml iieml iioml natien. He saj he intends te remain mayor until his term expires, und then his only ambition li te laive the olllce after having dene something towards securing the re forms needed in the city government. l'lltSIDCMT.KLECT CLrV'l.LANU has .t an answer te persons In Washington who re quested an Interview-, that he had given tin all his tlnie since the election te tlie public and hu was new forced te deny hlinself te all callers for the few days remaining before the Inauguration, and te request all persons who desired te communicate with him tu submit their views In writing. Te JlrWfO North litter. In the New Yerk .Semite Mr. .Murphy In troduced a resolution requesting Congress te pass a bill authorizing the construction el railway and passcnger bridges betwuui New New Yerk ami New Jersey across Maten Island Seundia,uul.lnllll ,,, mekmu,.,!,,,, """yumllc, of water front of New na.flciflilrl'!rCil,ea teT, 8,.eraB a,,tl ter"'i- WI Rlv)'Vt-mVenll0,,.Or ",0 M'tltUtlllll Mr niuJiVt """" ' uuuvvaier rivers XrrrJ?S !?.!!!' resolution w, era. At , fnrrt.,1 toil... ' .! '"" '"ciiuneil WHS I u- nvi,ie ,l,u re"-M 0" commerce aud navigation. FEMIXIXK EDITATIOX. Tin: iii.tnit.iTii .s nn niir.ii(w or m. HllW till' Sj!,.,,! Ol I lIMlll!llltlll ll.i lre. Kriri1 l!c)ltt tin Uiinlttiili lu It. I lie Vt.ixillliip l.liliiint 0'iitrlliii:iil, tin- I r-mlnliii' l' nlrliii till I llz.itxili i ml stnntei, n titv inili When tlie system of isi-edui-ntieii was tirst ireKis(Hl, the wise in their own conceit said. It nuuiet sui-ceed ; the girls will ueeesarilv fall K'hiiiil their ebises. The pxpcrlmnil jirevcs the reverse. Then It was s.iid. the girls ma.v (smijsle with the.lsiys in the nidi ini'iil bmtiches ; but in philiisiipliy. the languages, the higher mathematics, thi v must fall The girls, however. taking the pri7es in these higher branches, seen previsl their equal caiiclty. ('uiuieUsl teadnilt the f.nts, Itwns tlien said, IT the girls pursue thseeurseiirsIIeciatestudv, it must lie at the risk or n lameiitable physical deph tlen, net enlv for themselves, but their desisMid mis. When, however, it was proved tint the girN in college, with regular cmplerini'iit and intellectual ambition, were mere licnllhv than these m sivietv, and that a larger pm pm er1iinntc uumlicr of voting men fell Irehim! their classes en aoietint of III health, then tliive w ise imes. driven from nil their su su pestMl strongholds, Isloek themselves te the realm of speculations, and dis hiiiucd en the general 'diMbibties and limitations" .,f tu. feniimne element m hiiinanitv. The piissibiluv of nn.v limitations of power in the oppnsite'se never seems te es.nr te any one. The sphere of that half of the race is supposed te U boundless, and its cuktcitv illimitable. These w oe declaim en the In equalities otse show thetuselvesHs ignenint et the tirst prim iplcs of life as would that philosopher who should undertake te show the (siinpnrnMvc siwer of the sisitive ns against the nepdiv e clot trielly. of the centri fugal ns against the isntriHtnl Ions', of the attrntlien el the north as agamsi the south end of the mugni t. Tht great natural finis's must Is- cx.utlv tsiliimssl. or the material world Wtielil rl.ir.e iiitu i bans. Just se the mnsi'ultue and tciumine ilemeiits uiiist In-eactl Udiineisl, te redeem the moral and siial vverld fnmi the ch.ns that surrounds us. One might as will talk of seimraU splien s fei the two enns of the magnet as ter man and woman, their true plait- is together, ever) where llav lug difleretit duties in the sauie sphere, neither cnn succeed w itheut the pnseiisj nnd nitlii nitlii nitlii eneoel the ether. Te restore the eiiuilpr rluin of se is the first step in social, religious and jielitlcal progress. The tendencv in jxist ages has Is-en te .ilt the iiiasculme Mrtiens et humanity, because, in the infmu-v of the ruts', superior jihvsical strength niiule nun mere valuable lu supplying mntertil re-i-eurces, nnd in doing the,niigh work et the world. Hence, these wh'e could tight with wild beasts hew ilewn mighty forests and leckv ineiiiitauis, build pvrnniids, and guide the enginery of war, did tint appreeiate tlie mere refined' work of mother, sister, daughter, nor the gentler intluences coii ceii tiuii.illv tlowingeut from theee. seitemng theasiieritii-s.iiid mitigiiiing the miseries of life. The tendency of the masculine element is centrifugal, te l-eundless exploration, te end less i hange, te the nomad life. The femin ine Is the ismtripetal force, that lias made the family, the trtlie, the ceuuuunitv ims-i- ble. This element is net necessarily in the form of woman : it predominates as well m the most ri'tinisl, spiritual, s, helnrly men : is is the reisisiterj of the religion sentiment, the eensi lenis-of tlie raet. Its vens.', sweet and clear, has leen heard in all ages, nlmve turmoil, conquest, mid H?rseeutieu ; but its pretests against violence and intisiitt have been tee often unheeded and torgetten. smile Telling I'lilhtrt. I rum Vlis, stlinienv speech lu New V.eifc In New 1 erk your daughters nre net per mitted In enter I'oliiiiibinisillegeorthe law si hoel, vshilu women vhe want te study law have te go te Minnesota. Women are degru deil here as well as in I hiun. I read efa lull here net long iihii in which thevvuiiiuiiweru tossed nlieut like fiHitlulls. I asked ui m m termaut hew be 1i.iiih.'iiisI te go there,' He said hu went as. i philosopher. Yes, nud the gallflies were tilled with philosophers. Laughter. The outlook is lieiH'fiil. Men me the nat ural lenders in the uuteii d, ns vMimeii are in the moral world. The nun are doing their work new, and women will mui begin te melt the nations into one. Twentv tlieus.ind Jteiiublicaii tcinpernnis' men ditej'ited Illnme, nnd v omen were at the lm k nt the tomcr temcr an e movement. The Worst ebjix ter te woman siittrugu are l.ishien.ibln wmnen. I have no patieme with them. At Newxirt I saw ladies dam mg witli low -link, slioit slieit shs'ved dresses, and at the breakfast tablu net d.iv Ihev s.iul tliey woreslu ked te read that there had been a weiu.i.i Milfrage meet ing in Newport. 'J lit" were shocked at the notion of a woman getting en a platform te talk. 1 told tlivin it was a matter el bete; that I would rather de it than put en a low neck und short-sleeved diess, and dance m tlie arms of a nun. Hut tlie names of the women w he speke.uein thepiier," objected one of the belies "Well," I said, -se are the names et the ladiei who daueeil, and thnse whose names were net printed wine uei hi nn ptcasisi. I lie ( hllil lii l.lti r.itur. . if I i mldi r In The ViUntli There was a time, just beyond the memory el men new living, whin tlie child was Isirii in litenitere. At the uinu periml books ter cliiidreii bi'gan te be written. Theiowere children, indeed, in llternture liefoie Words Werds Words weith insileil Aliie IMI and Lucv iimv, or brenthcsl the lmei brgiuiiing ""she was a liaiiteui et delight," and there were lioeks ter the young before Mr. Day wnte "Sind ford and Merten ;" esiiei-iully is it te be noted that (leldsmith, who was nil unnnit courier of Wordsworth, bet a very delightful pi r r ceptieu of tlin child, und' uiuused luniseli w itli him m "The icsir of Wakellehl," w bile he or bis ileubleeiitel lamed bis little fi lends in u d life with the reunwiud hlsteiv el i.oedy Twe Mums. Nev ei theless there has U-eii since the die et Wordsworth sin h a siin-essien of i hildlsh ilgutes in prese nml verselh.it we are.iustifled in hellcving ehihl IicsmI te liavc beeii dlsceveied nt the close of tlie last ceiitur.v. 'I liu child lias new lieoeiuo soeemiiioii that we scarcely i ensnlcr hew ab sent he is lreiu the earlier literature. Men and women nre thuie, levers, in miens ami youth, but these nre all wlthushtill. 'Ihe chilli lias been added te tlie ilrttiimt, jimii of luiilclll lituruttllc. ; I lipliitsilut l'repi'lllr of slang, I iqui Ihe l.ugllsh lllurlnited .Vlugnzinu. Hir line mother tengue kcciiis lately te h.irn lest, nnd te be still losing, much of Its u.itive dignity and music and power. We been 1 te bccnieriiig upuu enu eti.inal, univer sal c-aiiiival of slang. It is imiiosdble for any ene wlm has studied the essentially noble, devout, slut-ere, nud earnest l'ugllsh character at Its sotiices; who in childhood has heard the Kiiglish language kjMiken in every-ilav life 111 all Its ninceritv. imrite. and vigor; who knows and has studied the iii.igulllcuut tsijiubillties of this I11 struiiKiit of speeih which our aicosteis have iorgeil for us It is imiiossible ler Mich nn one te vietv without tlie bitterest pain ami ilism iv tlie parallel degnulatlen of Ungllsh chnnicterimd Kugllsh Mpeeeh which is raii.. ly taking place. I'er the degradation el the Knglisii leiiguci Implies the co-relative deg. radationefthoii.itioii.il character. Out el the fullness of the heart the mouth Hjieiikcth. Yeu knew what 11 jieat power this spirit of loellsli banter and slang is In Londen lile. Nothing Is attempted In a truthlul and earli est manner, but Ul comes this evil inoieiii.r nnd spews its blistering fieth of filthy fainil lailty ovcrevorv fail und icvertnt dttsl, und nothing is Iclt llud is satred, or inysturlniis, or even de cut. 'I li" llldiltn l'riiinpters. lIunl.l.uiB Coriepondciite l'hlludclphlu -Ni , It isiietthatSieakt'rfraliaiij is infoniHj infeniHj leut beyond his prodeeossors t the .ime Ililiiglusulwnjsgoneoti between the clerk and the chairman, but it Is droll te ene bit ting Immediately beneath them te knew how hew 11 ruling is made up. It is the hidden prompter In his Ikjx and tlie shir en thontage. l-'or instance, Hiiny lltihn, this morning, te fieoige I'earben, when a country member was making a verlril umciidiiient te nMIl: "tieopge, he'll have te init that in writing." 1 liter dork (jeorue Pearson fe Hifisiw.iL.tr. " He'll liave te put that ill vv ritinir.1 ..in 1.... . 1 ,.,. .. . Spei.ker lirahum, seleiun and dignltlcd : " The gentleman will luive te rcluee his re marks te w riling 'Ihest cierksme professional birllaiiicnta rlaiis. J hey uuke gfKxl salaries, uet by their ostensible pursuits or leading and jour. tUtZi!lg bll S. bllt lit' lltOlottlletr lit., utt.uu.u lve stieakers. The tMrtvuiii net de without tk-ui.nudtlu.yaruaiwayi.UeVriu pluVe. ' AKIlitlillii nml re.lilil.m. A Je li In t'utheHc tjivirlerl) IEcvIch The Agnostle K'hoel of thought fellows the 111 my winding foetlMthsofst ieucc, while the l'esltivisls march en tin bre.nl hlghwnv of common sense and cxfieiiciuc Mr. Iler lsprt SjieiiciT, after i-.iretull.v traveling ever the nvids of science, endivivers te solve the enigui i of religion by s, lciiis, (sillies ferw mil nnd announces that the enlv object of religion which he e.in discover is what he calls the rnkiiewable." This link new able he detlncs as an " infinite and elcrn d energy , bv w lib li all things me eroded und sustained," linking it thus the first as well as as the tlu.d i-auseef the universe. Ibis he says is tlie epitome et the philosephv of s lenee, and the last word that can Is' ktii by a scientist iiIkhiI an Ititeltcvtual Nisis of religion. He isiiitciiils uuiriHivcr, tli.it tins is also the last dictum el philosephv. Mr 1 redcili k Harri son, en the ether iutul. m imtalns that n reli gion that logins and ends w itli the mystery of the kuewable, Is no religion at all, bid "a lucre logician's formula. " lie thinks that religion cannot rest ii'n something that Is "unknowable. Inconceivable and lu no way te Is' understood," and i bums fei religion "an intelligible ebjtvt et revenue', the Held of feeling and ofcemltii t as w ell ns of awe." These are, brielly st ded. the iittitiulcs of g g nesticisni and l'esilivisiu. VIV V VI. I MIM- lli iHiite enebltiti iliue suns tin lu telirunry weiitht i He i u tried en hUiluni'ti it mm V iertiiiiiitean ei l eliei lb tapped ngidnst mv lmle ne lb' n Id "Him at v ithltelleM one tell urn of Ihii little limit! W ith cnrljr hnl mul i lien . 1 he iitutfc et wli st lesiken imssi j, V hup p home reittUes. W h-e prattle has h -wes-ter euntl rh in ether insjplc v elce 1 looked utunzeil, the smp v tttiv I isikisl tmpk at me with lmwhtci He siiiil VIt iinnie ts lipid. Vml your V iileiitiiii 1 nianet ' II I Wm, in ,rK.,rv SI Ai, ;l,n .Sf'l.'t'f.lf. MITIVl s. tel Henri II Whole M II I S:l 111 lll lliil A h lni( peueiless niibjc, t .it the most drfitiltii! et ill ill-enses, -kldm t .niiphilnt ' I com nn ins tl liking IIi-sts ht,lnr nnd I u, r II k miev ind ts'gan te linpttti. u-i tl eiif hi bettUs initlediiv eeiisliler inv-ill i.s well usevei -Vlrs I w 1 Imk, lull .Vliiin sim t Ilmteisl. I eim rielmlissIAis liul'l.ll us 111 11 " llt'iiuli en Itch" inns leitniirs, eruption, Unit ei in, tetter, salt ih. inn frosted fis'I, i hit bl.dns (,i r.its.f r.ii-r ' i ,iu t I our million of false ts th sre maiiulHi tunsl in tbts eetmtrv Innvetir this is true stub mem mill It is ul-e trio th il the di-ciiv of nutii nil Us Hi has gientlv bun tsctl among naeple w he ae net take ginsl ( mi' or thetr stemm lis W hen jour stoma, h is out of order nntiveui dlce-tlce posers ueisl lenliitt up. irv blown s Iren Ullters there mi some pivpnriitleiis el Iren whli h tnlnm the teitli but Ihe diHtoisb diHteisb tlfv llres ii s Iren llltli i- I- fits' iieiu the obit tlen I tiler fi tee ( j ru. VV. I'll I.I. .1 r. Ve. t l,rT 'tUTH stuui-t NKW VeKR, VlrtV s Issj sevemltl nes this winter I h ivc uta red from colds en inv lungs, f'-n h time I nitre uppllid Vlush k s Pissm it 1-LcsTfc.Rs. and In cveir In stnnce luive tieen qultklr reltered b apply Iiir one across my chest snd one en inv bscW Mv friends, th reu ih mr mtvlie, hare tried the e lierimeul und also found It must sucis-snlnl, 1 fis t that I can recommend Iticin mint hlnhlv te anv one u he ninv res flt te trt them ( llll'' W HU P. Ik euk IU. k, Uheumatistii mid alt I'm at Pubis are relieved and cnn d bv Vcit.su - l'm..i s 1'laktlk.s. line trial will conduce jeu liutsie Ihnt you net the genuine us nil ethi r seculhd l'enuis i'Ust, rs vvitht'ut it siuijle ev. . ptltiu .m weithless linltntl'ilis IIKM.KVs .VltMl V SVI.VK Hie Is-st s.ilve In the world for tuts, llnilnes, seits, I lects, s.,t Itheuiii, t ever sores, litter. Chapped II mil. Chilblain-., corns, mid nil s,!,, Kruptiens, and jiesi lively chits riles, or no iwy required It ts giiuninti i d te irlve irrfrci satts satts fjLtlen, or inline) lclilliiled Price, J5 ecu tit lsrr ber hersiileli) II II Ok h ran, druggist. Siw IJTmid 1SI Serth yueen street, I.iuicanter. Pa I'll .- I'll I.s ' I'll. s-t. siuei mil for llllnd Itlei illnguuil Iti hlng I'lles one lst hnsLiinMl Hie unr-t cimisef 51 curs' stnndluu N e one need suirer tic. minutes utter lldtug W lllimn s lll.llull I'llu lllutinelit Hub sorbs tumors, idla-ts itching, net a ixiuttlis', Hives lntmit lvllef I'repiiusl only for riles, lt htng of the iirivute jmrts, nothing i'ti.e f-tilii bv drugulsts und limited en riseipt of prlie ft sold b II. U Leclinin, l.i; mul It) Neith (jius-ii sticet. (I) VS KDITiil! s 1 i in 1 1 Thileil 1' Ifeuter. editor ft Vt.ivm Ind (Hflti writes "for the liiwt five veurshavi alwivs used l)r Mug's New lilscenrv l.u coughs of mixl severe ehanti ti r, ns well us tei tlie-.' of u milder I pi Itmvi'r fills te t ib 1 1 1 liei.lv cure V fnende 10 nhi 111 I hu in mt'iilt-il It sH.ik of it lu s.tiiui high lei nis ll.ii lug Ih'i-ii cured ti) it of tverv ceuxli I hntulunl fei lie, venrs I eeiisliler iteulv reli.ibb'uiidsure ure feri eiighs, 1 olds. et tall ui (ishrun's Drug stele, os. UTuiitl 1 Et North omen sins I, l.uuc'1-.tul, Pa, nml get n J-Yre Irlul Ihittle I-llrfl-sie (I Ml () MllTllhlts' Mullll.lts" VluIllhK.s"' Are vmi disturbed nt night und broken of your n'sl by a sick child sutleilng unit crying with the excniclnting p iln of cutting ti etii If se, go ill once nud get 11 bottle of Sirs W INsI.OW'S sOelIlIM. !VitUI' It will rcllere tlie ihmu little antrervr Iniiiuslintelt ifrpenil uiieii It; the'e Is 110 mistake ilbeul tt lhere Is nut 11 uietlier 011 earth who hHs ever u-isl it, who will net tell )ou nt eme that It will regulate the IhiuiIs, mid glv-e net te the mother, and nllef nnd health te the child, npenitlng like magic It ts perlectlv riife te use lu nil eases, mid pleasant te the lustii, and Is the pri si riptleu or one of Ihe eldest mid best female pin si. iuns lu the 1 nlted Stutis sold evnr) bm- Siienls a 1-ettle iiuiJI-l)d.VI,W .s.tfcw III! t It V.IKIS s kiiei mi 1-1:1;-, Knuler's ItiK-it Hitters mv net .1 ilnini shop becinige hut nre slrlillv luedbiiinl In very sense. I hey act strengl', upon the llverund hltliieys. keep the bowels open unit regular, clu'tiis.i the bleed aud sy sb-in of ev er Impurity sold by druggists, t s,,, jy It (.eclinni, liTand lis .North (Jiuen -Uriel. (J) nri.iunn . piM.n.iurs si:itn i:, wn.i. in: 1 held In the lotlettliig 1 hur. lien to-iuetnitv, in the morning nt 11) m in tin 1. veiling ut T IV siiudiiv school at 1 l-V p in When the In mii In dllli 11 ut it Is specially noted VI 1 voiiiAL(l'iiKsnvTi;iiiASi-seuth(iieeM street, crvlrts morning and ctinlng ut the usual benis. Hiibliath school ut 14 11. Prayer meeting Ihursday evening. W ckeiue te all. 'I lieiu.is lhnmpseii p.tfetei. Oi it Kr Uaitist Cm mi VI c A Reems ltev VI I'l-iy ne, pastnr -n ntle j st hoel at -.' p in I iininr I.itiiilca ( 111 in 11 West King sticet K I iti nl pastor Sunil it si hiMil ut l't p m I. rick I.utiikhas ( urn. r of North fjmcii nntl .hunt's sli-ei't. ltev 1 1.1 1 In lliuipt, pusier "crv lieu ill UK.?) a 111. uud ; I j p m. s,),,M,it 1 in W'kst VfiKsies VV111 I'enUk, puater Preitch in W lit ine iiierning ami eteulug by the pustei, Sunday hcIhhiI yilssleiiiii iinidt ernr ut J p 111 SI'KI 1AL .VfKETISO OV Till- VCXIllAItr Ow lllg te the Inclement vtcuthi r, u hjieelul meeting el the iiuxllhtry will be hi hi lu V V. (, A. build lug Meuiljy evenlng. tcb 111, 11110,1,1 7 is All Imllis InliTfsted lu tills work are puitlctitarly Intited te attend. Lell.tOK CiiAi-rt Divine service ntlU!i)a in senium bv ltev K V Oerhurl, I) 1). MlllMl l.VA.MIKIICVI. ( l.llKliall I. Oil Vlldhcnv riicei ituevti iihuki 1. it erillllll, I'leachtngiit 10J) it in uud ut 7 II p 11 . . . ... ,. 1 ...- . bailer by the tmtnr Sunday ninoel at Jp m. l'niyer und hiss 01. t-iiiiu en 1 iivftidj iinu iuiiriiiiy cti'ii lugs nt 7 30 hT I'Ari,' The congitgutleii will unlit with the Kust llcliiriiied 111 thu nun nlug. I'rcuclilng by the rukterul 7 13 p. 111 .suudty nhoel at 1 IV p 111 t'liwT ItrKenn services iiiernbig nnd even lug Opening el the new organ, lieillcnlery crinim by llie llev. .lehu V I'tters, of lluuvllle, I'a '1 he Miud.iy Hthoel us 11 biHly, will pmtlcl patc. (it I'md'a Kefenned ceugiegiittuii, piiter uud choir, will unlte with tint first church ut iiiundii-r nm vice A cenll d luvlbttleu tutcuded te nil. riuuuTTLiius. I'leiic'lilng In the morning ind evening by thu puktur, iiut J. . .VlUthell, ItKV VViictstevk will preurh tomeriou (sun duy ) evenlug lu Uetwuld chain 1, W'c.t Jnlue, btieet.utj tS. I'M! Ill lll.KTIIIirSIS tlOIIST(('llVl'VAST)-VVeilt Oniugeiilrc't't, between 3lulbirry and t'luilette streets fferiuerlv known us suleiuiltnt. vt. .1 Vliiiiiinu, pu-ster. l'lviuhlng iiieruiiig and eteii lug .Sunday school at 2 p 111 but lul ert Ice. during the week. VIeiiAVIA.N J Jlax Ihirk, imster; luU n 111, litany mid eriiiiin ; 'ii in , suinlay bcheil ; 7', p m , evening act the I men IIbtiikl liuv 1) sciihaiucr, pister l'reuchliigut luJOu. ui , mul IS p 111. Ifcvlv.il eervlies dining the week ltetlvul kurvlce. thU (sutuidayj evening ST Jeux'a f.iTiiEiiAv llev ylvaiiiis stall, Jiiuter I'icuctilug In the lneriilng und evening, by the puetnr. Miiidnv school nt 1 IV. (.OTWAUI MlMIOS MHOUI ut 1 p 111. ItxreKiiicnfsT I.i'k.K'11) Mail'ttiiueniii', llev. Win K I.lihlller, pubier Hit Ine dcrv Ice at 10' 'Jl it in und 7 IV p. 111. Minduv mhoel uti p. ill. t'lUbT-M i: I'lieucii-ltnv .1 T salchcll.pater, Kimin 111 . Kcrineu by pastor; 7 13 aud i. 111 lllief song service nt 7 p in; I LI p in. Mindiiy chiKiI 1 t! 15 young iseple's pmjer jncctliig Let Iv ul kcrv ices uv t ry ft enlng uc ept Nil 11 1 duy ut "e'clm k I'iiist IIaitist I'mvir imi'tlngiit liu 11.111 rilk llurrllnii-ir ..eiiftirttti.... 1 t. ..i.... In st Jehn n Luthcmu chinch 011 Monday vvciilng, February ta, te remain in csten lu-irly two uayn t.lghtet'ii inliiWIitn, unit evenil lay men urn expected te be In attendance Iheteufei eiiccs In ihu I.utlisniii church iirueenieinsl for thoediUiutleii uud aiilrituid liinlruc thin of Iho I ceiniuuiiiiy within wliesu bound J Hie con veil fhmuiiiJd. 'ihu emtie progi-mnme lipremu i id';.tvie.t,uua thu public wilt be Invite te I 3ti:n lv.tn riiON lurrr.us. mm milt mv vr vr wnv ""'s,k, ji 11 li 11 n e vv vv vv vr N n jj 5 " ium linn 11 a wvvwvr N .v ns 11 ti 11 nn 1) WW WW n nn ,, 3 ium u u mi vv w n .s 'W 11 ntut en (iv 1 11 11 11 11 11 S.N M 11 mill 11 11 11 .i v nit jl (I ) N NN It it (HI N MN llllll ItmiTllt II K lllllt Rsss, I II 11 I 1 r. It It L nut it r 1 ii! iiiiit sss, I II It I I 1: II it .. . llllll II I 1 KKK 11 It .VS.S' I lilslni'illitlie combining I mil with pule v em table tonics, quliklv mid ceuiptetelv CI' Iti. s IIVSPKI'SI V. !NIim.sll!N. VI VI.Altl.V. WKVhNt.ss, IV1IM lit. Ill.l'tlll, tllll.l.s mul t'KV l.limut Nt.t I! VI III V lit Mpld and Iheniiigli asstiiillntteii with the IiIihhI tt leurhis cverv lint of the nysteiu, pint ties nnd emlihes the titissl, trengtlieiis tbn itiusilesmiil ueives, mid tones mid Invigorates the svsieiu A rine Appetlter llcst tonle known. It will cunt the worst ease of livsS'psii, it met lug nil dlstii sslng svmptinus, Mich as last tug the Kped, Uelchliig, Heat lu the Meiunch, lleitrtlmrn, etc. Ihe enlv Ium lucdUluc that wtlt net blacken or injure (lie teeth It Is luv ibttthlc for discuses pecul 1st te women, mid te all persons who tend sedentary lit es Vn unfailing lvmeit) for diseases of the I. Iter mid Kttlucy s. Persons suttertug fnitn IhectTect of overwork, iiciveiis tnitibles, less of iippettte. or debility, evperlence'iuli'k lellcl und renewed energy by Its use it dis's mil cause lleud iche or phhIiicci Constl Censtl Constl latlen 0 1 11 Kit I nm uusllclnes iitu tt Is the enlv pu i.inttlen of Imu that causes no Injurious etln ts I'hyslclmis aud dtiigglstn leiMtnmeiid it ns the tu st fiy it. 'the genuine his 1 nulci Mill K nnd enwsed nst liuttiiiu wi.ippcr 1 uke noetlier Vludeeulv by lllillW N ( IIKV11L VI. I t). IIaltihekii, Mn. repl'llt.lAI) w i ii: 111 n'l'.U's. Pawnee Bitters. LOTZ cS. CO.'S TONIC FOR Liver Ceinplaiut, Dyspepsia and Cramps. Ill Is I. un rnbl. s.enful Im teie emtl lueul VI uibtiu lull tl nli'1 tei -nil by Letz & Ce., VNl VII I! I' V mii;'! itUntVIA- 11:1:1.111 i:s. s i'VMIllll I'AHIll VI. i: WORK. EDGERLEY & CO., 11 .tillage builder). vi vithi.r si ui.i- r. ui vi: ok pimei t it k. I VNl Vsll- u, 1' v ut It I VKuK 'Tilth OK BUGG-IES & CAEEIA&ES I emiirtsis, the butist sttlesund the most Kb geillt Hnl.hett Willi ft VV t. Ulll.ll AT l.lti l I V ItKIU I I- O I'lttl l-s Thi si PKItlett ijl VIIIV eh et It WOltlt ts no leugi r tiui stleued Olll welk Is ttstlueus nut tiui.1i In the linger illles and sol. It VI' Hill rilK l'ltlt K New Is the time loonier ler fining KNtet I! Vl.b K Vllt HKVI.IMi Vnd Honest Werk VII W erk VVAItlt V NTK.I) UKI'VlUlMi I'KOVIPTI.V ATrKMlKIl TO. one st t of weik men 1 spec tally employed fertti it pul Ki-e S8 A tew t K.lfilis left nt Ixiw Figure t.lte us .11 all nut -irtfil.Vw ; OlIltKCK A" Mll.KY. Eine Carriage Werk - vr- NORBEGK & MILEY'S, (.'erniT DiiKe iV Vine Slivels-, I. VNC.Vsl KU, PA. VV tl IIVVI. IS sli)( It, AMI UNIlK.lt ces- sinitiiiiN ten iiiHceviiNti Ml. Vsll.N.llIK I'ini'.sl V.iricl.v r Carriiii. Werk K hi! OKI I.IIKIt TO TIIK I'lIlll.lC. 0111 lepiitatlen fei retting 11 first class Jeb ul Lew I tgulcs bar In 1 11 esbiblilutl We OUAHANTBB OUR WORK Teb' 1 eustriietisl of us flue in ttcrttil us uny In the teiitit) , uud w ill hell f.it below ether dealers. We Invite the Public te Inspect Our Werk (Im ftut livluK liiilitctil lu jMiy tnnry 1'ilfw) mul lutii-I11 f"" tlMMiiM'Hcfs, ih wn tlin ttm only lltllltll is 111 h;:wr t'lTY srLi.s. A FEW SLEIGHS LEFT, W lilt II W II. I. IlKSIII.ll VT tO.sr IOtl.O')H OUT -SlOCIi. 41r Itepiiiiug Neatly Dene. I'vitsiTirnr. I.Ti;i. A. IIKINITSH w NO. 28. NO. 28. Special for Spring, 1885. .viv s-reuit of FURNITURE Fer (he Spring Trnile, is FOIIAI. TO VXV IV TIIK fITV, A.NII AT PKIChS 'I'll AT LAN.NU1' UK U.N DKK.SOI.l). AI.I, dOODS (.LAIt.V.NTEI.H. WALTER A. HEINITSH, Ne. 28 East King Street. I.VNCAsTl.lt, PA. dccrnnd IIM'IM.VCC ITiQUITAHIiU I.U-'i: INNUUANCUCOM. Jll 1'A.NV. Aflseta, 8S4.000.000. Surplus, 812,000,000. Indisputable Credilers' Assurance Eijuilablc Life Iusurance Uerajiany. 'I lie only ISiislness Jlun' I'iiIIcv- written, pay nlilelii lu, IV or 'je cum, mul neu forfeitable after 3 ) cam. '1 hu uifust luv ctincnt and bent laying enu. EOUITAIIIK IKS TUB I.AIJf.KST I.V9L'. SLltA.NCK llUbl.SKsst.N Tilt VV0UI.1) W. J. MADDEN, OI.O I'OiTOFFItfc IILILUINII, H, W. Cot. West Kiiis St. aud t'cutie Siiiuirc. VIOVIII.MI. 1 ?01l (II.OVIS, Te ki'ei tlie li mils w. n tu .Ml'ITP.NS, 'te keci the hind warm, SOCKS, le kicp ttm feet wniiii i:.u Muri's, te keep tint ems willlu. MUl'I'liKltS, 'In keep tlie iieik w.inn. I'NIimtWKAlt,' lekccp tluibeily wnriu. Ge te ERISMAN'S, Ne i;vvi:si-M.N(i siiikki II lltsil A imnritKli. The Great Bargain Sale I IN II I 1 III VSl 1 IllliSII iv- IIROTIIIill. On til i ttimt et Ihrntliiti tit.us wt nn nniktuit in eill SIIIUi: lit II IUM. wi in liltlnn Kxlraenlinarj Pkirwiiiv m Kite llqiatliiient, CLOTHING VOR MEN". 10UTHS, HOYS. AND CHILDREN. Of nil deciiiilleu low. i than Ihev hiteeter been sold VV e iieid Ihe iisun tint iHiupt IIIKV MI'vi III. siii.ii " V few OV Kill e Vlswhirhitie jet en hand will be dlnpir. d et verv cheap UK VV V t vsivfl lti;s Us tr vim at 17 in. ft i i in, fi in werthtwlcc the meiift VII N s 1 Ut M t h II 3il 11V f.Viailiifsi.1, VI I.N s llllll 1 e Vis VNII V 1 sH ,. ei, t a I ue. UNDERWEAR AND GLOVES, Kuil JurkeK V(Mh'ii Sliirt (Iiimji Tu lse in I ii 1 i hi nr t- litM it-s n, Knit .Mi kt'tt it- tn ti- riK lt etllt I U Hi Ih t i U Hi lOH rj .VII T UM I n i HIESH & BEOTHER, ThNN HALL CLOTHING H0l'!E, Cor Peim Sciuute unci North Quoeti St -tir'l.I.IAM.se.N A I iwri'.n. Itli LAST DAY ei riih- 1l)r iMH1!)!?!1! 1 1 Oil Ut; i fi Lji j'i Tl'liSDAY. !. 17. BARG A INS Fine Overcoats, Dres Suite, Business Sttlte Chiltlren b OvorcetiUi, ChiUlreti'H Suit. LAST DAY. FEBRUARY 17th. UARCJAINS IN VIKN HKI.ss slin IT- VlhN s i-. SOU II VIS llOV s VN1I VII N s H IN Tl It I Vl's 1 mi IIHI.N s K VNl V 1'OI.OS IIOIisK III VNM 1'S Nll I VI" Itelils 111. vi k ( vl's sei hi i.k viiiKi: v isi.i:, i, 1 i.n is LAST DAY. FEBRUARY 17th. I'. Vltl. VINs IS Wlilte Dress Shlrta, Blue Fltmnel Shirts. Kid, Buck & Snriirane Gloves Silk Llned Neckwenr, 25c & 50c Overalls, GOc Ciirtlitrans, 37c LAST DAY. FEBRUARY 17th. BARGAINS IN l.ADIKs ( iivimeV sVNsi; ami el'l.l! V IOI. sjiiiks I.AIIi:s' ( fliAtOA Kill SHOI.,, i.I.ijv I. KID lei-s I.AIUKs' Hfl.Nl II Kill (, VIlKlts t.l.Nl s II IMI'hH LIU Vl.t'sllehS IKllh- I. VCK II Vis HOW III Tins snobs in mil i:ev i.i.siiei.s LAST DAY OF SALE, Tuesday, February 17. iT-Melea Clirl lit 0 p in , , XI ept Nllllull) , WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER, 32,34, 36 and 38 East King St., LA.N'UAblKIt, I'A ' (ll.ASSHAlli:. TTiail A MAItTlN. QUEENSWARE. - - QUEENSWARE. CHINAHALL WK Mir. Or'r'KIM.NM A LIN K OK Queensware AT SfKLIAI, I'lIICLS. Tea, Dinner, Breakfast TeileFSetts, &e. 4ia-Cull and t'e tlie Mum uud nt'ciuu Itiirguiua ffigli & lartin, NO. 16 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTEIt, I'A. ri.einiMi, riiAU.ouiNe, W. B. NELSON, I.Air or It. It WiNim, Nehiii quZhx Stiikkt, 1.a.maii:ii, l't ' Importing Tailor, f M llUllt IMItlelm ESHLEMAN'S LAW BLOCK, North Dttke Utreut, Iitiiictiater, In aij. Tin-: i.A'ii:ststvi.i:s In I ehkiiin tin Until Tir I ietiis run si nn n llllllHKIt4 V I'KltH.t 1' I'iriil' VI! VMI. I. II .1 ' "vi'Jnil epi'iiiilnl llit'iilieti. iNiilem tt Ith it iinii Hun of leii'litn nud liiiiiu'rllfi i.ihmN for tlin v Inti'i uud eiiiliiu of Issv, lii'i,' I tt III Im pliii.rd tn Ium ui) Irli'iidi mul tin pulillu tall und m-v m .lock. W. B. NELSON. JYKIIS.V lt.VTIII.N. lit LsllONsilliKN 1'KltPI l.VIMi IO Buyers of Clothing ! Where te Buy It ? Whero Qualities Are Bust ? Whero Prices Ate Lewest? Ifutuu lllllt' ttiiTi' tiuihllen l,e uppviiniwt tu juuriulnd, it'iui'iulii i ttmt iti mi tin li'mllug toiupi'tltem for eui tiiuU' VV i mn In u inwl Hun In. uppl) jemt'Vi'i) nml In CLOTHING liUlin -M UIE 0i, FIIOM 'NlKVSl lil.MKNT Vml tin' rnt tti uiinrunli'i' tttll tn u n und fiilriiiultnlt ut let ttlmtitii nuui ten ttili te fxpi'iid 04-Step 111 te .,,. t Hllll ItH'Klttll till Ktlllk Hut Is lun' ( lltllullt iviliilni It mid iimkr istmiMiiuen ttlttitlii' fti'.t ten kuett el i li.t ttlii'ii' VV hii itliti ut tlmt .(U, ilillt". mi' rlulit nml tli.it prli i h uki .1 tt III Im -nn tt, m ikn en it Inn il MYERS & RATHFON, I K V1UNI1 I VNl VSl Kit I I.Ol IIIKIts, NO 12 EAST KING STREET, I am vsru:. ! v J. K SM VI I Nu GREAT SLAUGHTER FINE OVERCOATS. t (.Hit te (1ji u rtilurllen f i. fi, tit t i t rtit Ix'llllS llirtt UK III 111 H ril t H t lOHll Mtlt In (I ( it nml iu.iilai rtri.tttii- 1 11K ltLr IN I UK WtiKI U In till tht tlttr.'H nt uluilrn antl Mtl- I.l Htlll, Klll-M, fllMim, It iluiM, lrllIlr.'U. : llmif. Muiitanak'' tlt-nt Iihim, t v j ( n tlntiN, I xiiiiiife IhilM's nml I.iImi1 tla.i l.nnl Irlih ririr I.mii veh.ii. IN Iihitii4, Mi-iiunnntl hr4 1 Ih-k' inmU cnn nl .' Imtl nt limiting Imiueva In liru til.c. tuitl nnm In prict fruin frit tn III)') tt iut Hum tht in fn.ni f i r full Ihif ..f limn. Mli Kutrrd t rtiiplna In i l( i t nu i tl' 1 f- SUITINGS or I V I.IIV IU si UIITION VI I'ltll I - ( m; ItLspeNlilNi.l V I ew VII tolels hii' Miliji-etril le tt tlioieiiKli , I,, mi OllH-t Our Werk Is of thr lnnl mul lilKhi t sivluef nil our leiiR eipiTli'iiis' In 1jii-.ltii und rlir.0 tnnpeftliiiii nnlileN ut. te tie tlloleiliftil) fiiuilllnr ttltli all Itiu Is t iiuiiiutiu turvs nml littvst allies In the uutrkrl t.lte - t trhll mul lie isiiivlnn d, - VI- Ne 2 West Klnn Streot ami Contre Sqtmre Stealing's Tailors Guild. limriait VV As s ri:t i vi. Nerini AiiiieiiiicciiM'iit I'Alr.itiiiliiiiii'v ! nil. 1,1:1 vi f.si iu.ui i Hun i.vi.i: siviil PINE CI0THIK& IIBNRY (iHAIirS. Ne. O Eaat ICItitf Strout. In elder le it duteu lieiitj rtetk tiefeiii met till.-, I hlilll lililku up loeldul nil lllll'iet KOtHU.tt A Reduction of 25 te 30 Per Cent. I luitn lll-e il liillnlier of I I'sleM 1.1U SCI I s, net tidli it tot, ttlileli ttlll lie reld nt it Itn-ul siicrltlie. '1 lilt li iliirtlen Is fin e,ili null, uud ttlll ettvndletliu I'lllif Ol' MA III II .N It Will leiuevu en el ulsiut thu llirt el April le xe. is south qitj:j:x ,stii'i;t, (Opposite lint lVrtelllie ) H. GERHART. IflCONOMV IN fl.OriMNti. Bargains Added I'e-dtiy. liitieiite tteik fei eill liuuds mul keep lliem teKilliel ttlll Hit' tin) dull U!miu, tie iiiimuliu ted.l) It SPECIAL SALE in etnt CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Iluvliir: benulit fill' tunli ut u tutu Viev Vmk' dun I Jirgu and r'lnn I. Inn of 1'V.NTVIOON I.NtiX. tti me iiii-piiivd te elfiT til'LCIVL I.N IIL'C'r..VIL.N"lb. AI I. VVOOI, I'AMs, inii.ltt ItieitliT, itWIll. ALL VVOOI. I' Wis, iimtloteoidi l.iil fr.l ALL VVOOI, I'AN'IS, iiiiiiltitiiurilur.ut llie .VI.L-VV'OOli I'A NIS, miidii te elder, ut fl wt AI.L-VVOOli I'A MS, inuki! IoeiiIit, ilttllm. Thme inn eli.HU'CH for lt! Riiitulmi In thla iitli'liiiu. Tlie prlis's nm ilimii -a, AV itiii.Vlii'r cent. liiiH't fiiiKttuiuldiit llie uelnu of tint .-litli-Init driili'rs. Just mm, Unit 0 li.ivt llin lint rliiluien Jiiuruttfiitlen us iiiMvi-h of llm Ilt'i.1 unit hotttrtL'letliiiiit nml (iiMidn In tlui I'll (tint rilti'iigiiuruiitct'dluttL'i tluiu uny itiiniittltern. ..SA.n.'I'E I'lUCKS In our Northwest tVlmleiv. Uuiluiil In 1'liiln FIcuii'k. Business Suit te Order as Lew as $10.00 L. GAMM & BRO, New. 00-08 NORTH QUEEN ST., (ItlKlit en llie Seutliwi'gt Cor of Omugi buret,) ItA.VCAS-Jtit, I'a, Utull?.e"iStk!,IUe" "'"" 8,''tlutk' '3''"y