"Ww W2?Y-tf, -Hx-f THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!?, TIUTISDAY" FEBRUARY 12, 1S85. M- "! ' V! "ViV, ff. . 'Jt. ' V4", -sf fi? -z Is t'v IC ac if $ RA fr te m I a r i.4 fcw- fc Y.tM. R- JA BS' fasf & l-n T 14 rw ff-V - - . ..... .,..- Jlttir mtcapinff mrnm tvauwru jst-niM,-, uijueiv, ", In Tire Men A Mission Rtsrrlcc Ikir 0 ouch Itrltrs. v' JteRiilnr Corrcspendcnco of lWTKM.mitric!', f ' tUOLUMlilA, leu. li A scnein runaway vpriilcnt occurred at the Heading A' Celumbln ' wl hutw, yosterilny afternoon, te a party of , JWiRlituvllle gcntlfltiien ivlie eaine te coiiini ceiiini ' V W ever tlie Ice In ft !nrj?e bovalelgli, draw n ?f hy a pair of nnile An origine nenr liy threw 'off steam, nml the nole be slnrtled tlie Mil- ' , ml that tliey nttcinrited te run en. a itneri kii.l.l.n mnaiul fl.A (dntrrll il limn! ! ILl ' rranmntn were tlirewn out and two of them riT roiselved Injuries, which will cenfine thorn te M their reapeotlve lioinciferdomotlmotocomn. i , ' lUrmnn had a leg broken In two places. He iv- tWUI KlVCn inruieal IwtiiKaiiTO ujr luiuiuuw "s ph ysiclan. Themiw Wilten had nn ugly hele ( V cut In Ida head, bosidei rocelving numerous ftrvbrulaes and acratche evor hi liedy. All V'were mere or less injureu. me loam was fi" topped boferfl tlie duuinge had been made i greater. rk A Mltstlen Service. Eov. Francis J. Clay-Meran has issued n card te the public nnneunclni that from Saturday, Feb. 21,te Saturday, Feb. 23, Inclu sive, a" Seven Day Mission" sorvice vv ill be held In his church, St. Paul's I', li, en Seuth Second street, botween Cherry nnd LecusL The exerclscs will be oxtrcmely interesting and intructive, and should be largely attended. Ji'etcs About Town. The flre plugs are belng thawed out and put In condition for imtnedlate use when neceseary. Onoefthomon who drives for Ilelllngcr, had both his ears frozen yesterday, while at work. Butter and eggs sold at market, this morn ing, (and a cry peer market It was) for ' cents per pound and dozen. Jehn Scnlegelmllch, during the past eight months, paid f3,(VM ler beer, which he retailed et his saloon. And yet he Is enlj one out of tlie3l who sell beer in Columbia. A surprlse party was held at Miller's restaurant, Wrlglitsville, last evenlng, by about 30 Columbians. During last night a cow of the Jersey breed, owned by 11. F. Kautfmnn, of Maner township, died suddently and unexpectedly. It cost Mr. Kauilman 1,-00. 'A 'Washington itoreugh minister will ofDciate at the revlval meeting in tlie Bethel church this evening. "Dad" Zorger, I. U. It. day caller, Is en the sick list Chicques creek with Its swollen liedy of water is at last frozen ever, tlie iirst time this year. Scheel beard meets In common council chamber this evening. The fancy dress carnival In the rink this ovening, will be a flue nlluir. A large num ber of strangers are expected te be present from Lancaster, Yerk and Marietta. One of tlie finest bann,uet.s ever prepared at the Franklin house, was that of last evening, ler the Columbia Ked and Gun club. Twenty one persons Hat down te the elegant reiei't, and twenty-ene persons li id a mesi enjoyable evening. MUses Annle Smvely nnd Rue Arnt, of Manhelm, are the guest of Miss Lillie K. I'fahier. ltnld Hetulsln lliegeuate. Washington Letter in Baltimore American Senater Edmunds, the presiding olTicer of the Senate, has fallen into a habit of w caring n black silk tkull cap. IIe Is very liald, and the air of the Sonate chamber Is uncomforta bly cool te oxpeso cranial surfaces causing colds and the consequent inconveniences. Se he w cars this little black cap all the day, in the commlttce rooms. In the vice president's chamber aud in the chair of the Seuate as its presiding eillcer. It leeks odd te hce the presiding eillcer or the Senate sit in Ills efliclal seat with his head covered, while all ethers of that body uncover their heads in his presence. And tliore are seme ethor heads iirthe chamber quite as bald as his. Tlie nearest approach te the system w hlch Senater IMmuiHls has inaugurated is tlioceur-oof Senater Williams, tlie here of Corre Gorde. He wcarsn wig. It Is ery neat and very Well fitting, but he has n way when he has occasion te streke 0110 side nf it oftakinglield of tlie oppesito slde te keep it in place, thus gMngthe illusion awnynt onto. Senater Coke of Texas, is nne of the baldest men In the Senate. There is a last pxjmnse of "forehead" extending away ever tlie top of his head and down In the rear se lar that there is only a lringe of gray hair running round from ene eattotlie ether. Indeed the fringe may be saWrte run clear round, for it is heavcr in Jrent, w here theie Is a bunch ei white beard. Cameren, of Wisconsin, is qulte as destitute of capillary cover ing us these mentioned. His rather nniall head and retreating forehead fairly glisten In thelr polished naked ness, whiloeu his face, In marked contrast, is a full growth ot'snewy white beard. Senater Harris of Tennessee, is another bald ene. He has a peculiar shaped head, very w ide at tlie back aud narrow in fieut. Tlie fiinge of hair running around the vast oxpause of baldness is wiiite as the driven snow. Lapham and Sawyer are also haldhe ids but the ether senators ure fairly well supplied Willi head covering. rit tlm Uri te tliu Cllinnty. Fiem the Philadelphia Ledger. The email boy had the advantage e or his elders yosterday. lie could tie up his ears in a woolen scarf, while elder men, except hene car drhcrs nnd a few ethers, wero theim fashionably ex posed te freezing. When we get the mercury dew u se near te Arctic cold it would he wise te adept as much of INkium comfort In dress as is possible. The disad disad vantage of life en this parallel, with its great range of temperature of almost a hun dred degrpes between winter and summer, is that poeplo de net really " suit " tliem-elts for either extreme, litul se suder in conso censo conse fiuciice. The Laplanders heed effuisand the Eskimo's fur fioets would have been iciy tomfertablo wearin Philadelphia vesterday, wliore there was net even the friendly snow bank, by means of which neighborly Russians icstore the circulation ill each ether's fiezen neses and ears. l.'are warmers and pulse-warmers (otherwis (etherwis ncarfs ciUuud uiutls) were qulte as neces sary yesterday as e erceats Itut the inaseii. line part of tlie iK)iuIatIen, at least, are net equipped for siu hblue cold, in Canada, ut no lower toiuperatuie during the early dajs or the ice camlial" than we hail U" terday, the blanket, oiciveatand wuehm'eap were legulatlnu wear, nnd ery snug they would bu in this latitude. There is nothing M abHurd as conformity te the regulation dress for the tomperate 70110 with suih an au Intemperate thermometer as yesterday m. Celikllnu te Conn, nn TlmriMlu). Fiem the I'lttsburif Times Jlosceo Cenkliug, ex-United SUtes senator, will be here te take part in the trial ei tlie McGrann case en Thursday, and w ill upiiear 011 the complainant's sidu of the eounsel table. Engineer l'raucls Savier was en the stand vestcrduy nearly all duj, und testitled that he had done the engineering ler McGrann. He nlbe tcMitied te tlie charges made, and the difference in the cost, and gae in detail .e.ver?,t. !l,uf reIati"B 'I'" construction w erk, tnedinieiilticsenccunteied, etc., etc Auieni; the unusual IvaturcH of the case is the great iiumberprmaps plans, etc., thut haiebcen brought Inte the leurt room te Le usp(i nH cvidince, and te explaln lestlmenv. A clnst -K feet high, containingheniooftlitso papers, utauds In front of the Judge's bench. UUrrlinlnutliin In Freight ChariM. Tlie Ixurd or trade of Wiikosbarre met en Wednesday e cuing, and appointed u com cem com mittce or prominent grain and produce deal ire te appear at Harrisburg, next Wednesday, before thoScnate committee towliem Senater Wallace's ontl-discrlminatlen bill was re- crred. The shippers In the Wyoming, Le high and Lackuwunna Valleys hae n speclal ,ltret" the bill, Inasmuch us they are pay. V,V?,i V 'li001- ,ne'0, for grain tluui is being irald for tlie same clas. or freight from ChP ChP cage lousing through tliore te Philadelphia. Str. V limn.' tarte Uer rerett itemV. V " iety I-ileral member or Tar liament rer NewcaMJe-uten-Tyne, rcplyiiitr te a deputation who .a'lleu upon htm en yodneday te obtain an expres"le of his Mews u,w the subJectoftheappropraMonoi arge tracts or land ler deer feresu, wid thSt he thought 1'arllament w euld net much longer , ,s'r-.)'an8t?ec."Pyi300 square mlles of the hlghlnnds or Scotland rir pleasure RtafrieuUsT th cxdU6lV0 Ube of "Imwiinmd Tlie GrncKH Urexcry llurneit. .At four o'clock Wednesday afternoon lire was discovered in the Iiopreom or the Oen. esoe brewery in itechester, N Y. The llames spread with such rapidity that In Bpite of the elleris of tlie tire dei artment Uie main build Jug was almost totally destroyed. The intense cold interfered greatly with the work or the firemen. The less is estimated at tl2S.O00 insurant, U,O0a ""iw, Tim I'.vnrts Itrcfptlmi. The rccoptlen in honor of United Stales Sonater-olect Evarts at the Union Ixsigue clulj, New Yerk, lo-inerroiv evcnlnp, will be In seme sense, an Interesting political eienU it will le the first occasion which has called the Republi can leaders together slnce the defeat of their candldatofertho presideuiiv, nnd tliore is n vague expectation that tlie distinguished ftentlpman whom they prope-wi te honor w ill lave something te say, from nuChaiinc authority," en the position nnd iHillcy of the party and the outlook for its future. There is a steng desire among his political friends for Komethlnget' the kind, and they are net likely te lie disappointed. M enters of the state legislature have been ln Itcd, te add te the prostlge of the occasion, and 11 1 least half-it-dozeu senators and representath es from Washington w ill also be present. Ne Tr nlr or n Cntilnrt l'ettlnn. The New Yerk Herald prints the rollow rellow rollew lug dispatch from Albany: President-elect Cle eland authorizes a posltive contradiction or the statement that he has sent a letter te Senater itayard tendering that gentleman a cabinet position. He further authorizes the statement that he had net issued letters te anybody else en that or kindred subjects and does net Intend te se se for some time te conic, A Texas Hanger Shet llmtl. R. F. Warren, recently a Texas ranger and lately in the employ of the state as a detec ts 0 and who had beceme a wltness against rence cutters In Runnclls county, Texas whlle sitting in the office of the Central hotel, at Sweetwater, Texas en Tuesday night, was shot dead by seme unknown person in the street. A Wealthy llejjjjur. Mrs. Thore.i Shlppen died a few days age In llrldgepert. Conn., after hiving been sup ported bj- the tow n for a x ear. Among her ellects wcre round two umk books upon Proxidence Institutions representing $1,i0: also qulte a sum of menev hidden in a trunk. It hasnlse been learned tliat she owned some re.d estate in Providence. At the Millien lteue Nlnetcecn vas iwcpuled the stitieu houe last night. Tliey were discharged this morn ing. The cold w cither of last night had its effect en the gas lights and eleien were rejiorted a net burning. Prefieutetl te St. strphen'i, Churih. Frank Cren, of i27 North Lime street, has presented te bUSlophen's Lutheran church a bust of Philip Mulanct in, the friend and co worker of Martin Luther. The bust mav be seen in the window of Fen Dersmith's book store. Christian Teinpemnre Fnlen. The ladles or the Christian Temperance Vulnn call attention te the celebration of their second annlversary te-morrow (frhla) enlnR, at hairpust eeven o'clock. In the court house After rollgleus services cenducti d lj the Itev C. L. Fry, of Trinity Lutheran church, thenu annual reports et the society 111 be read. The principal attraction of tbeeenliiK will be the address of Mrs. Mary II llunt.ut llolen,alre,id 80Tcral times noticed, en her specialty, " clen entitle Tempcrancc Instruction for the euu " Te Telephone Subscriber. F. B. Itobcrisen, ajjeut for the Llstertelcphone trumpet, leaves te-day for Columbia and Harris buig He will return In about ten days. All orders for the trumpet can be left ntthoKey nttheKey ntthoKey iteno house, Lancaster, I' 1. 'I his trumpet Is a saiuaDieuuuiiinn te 1110 telephone, as peneus can conTerso w 1th each ether any diilance la a low whisper, persons In the same room beln uuable te hour the cons ursatlen Man) of them are In use In the latjjei cities Mr Itebcrtsnn has put up qulte a number In this city ;iind the) glve entire satisfaction. They ero highly eu Uersed by ull who are using them Amusement. Mtnitrtli Te-nlgM. This eenln Armstrong A Deckstadur's inlnstnls appear In the opera house. They has e been plujlng In Ituidtni; for the past thieedi)s, tflWnK matinees and even lint performance, and packing the house esery tlme Their rates are low enough te suit every eus. Te-morrow night they appear tu celum bla. "A rurler .Vuten " ro-inenow eienlng the Evans A lleey " Meteer company 111 appe;ir In the epuni hnuse In the new pb-ce by Charles Ileyt, entitled "A Parler Match" Ihi-se two comedians are well known here and they have very tan superiors The New Yerk lt'erftsa)s oftheploco "1-rem the moment thecurtuln rises until It falls amid Inextinguishable laujjh tcr, the plecejumps wlthuctleu, rings with nier rlment und cchoes ith song. Ilurlng the two hours of Its performance, the audience Is kept Inn nhlilwlnd of laughter and applause " Fanny Daienpert I'o-merrow morning the chart Ter Fanny Davenp. rt in Federa," In w hlch (.henppe irs en 1 uesday e enlng,n 111 open at Mr 1 ecker n etllce.and theie w 111 no doubt be 11 grand rush. The ManntrcheT Mtuqutrade On Mend I) evenlng next the Lancaster Micnnercher will gli a their eeceud grand masquerade ball, and It premises te be one of the laigest affairs of the Reason. The committee of arrangements knew hew te manage such entertainments, aud they will lease nothing undone te make It success fill. An advertisement cKcwhoie explulns everything concerning the bul 1 IllUTIl.S M0HF11.-I11 this elt), en the Uth Inst , LlUa belli Musei.lu the Mth seir of hirn.'e The relatives und friends el the laiully ure iispectfully Invited te utt I the funeral, from her Inte residence, Ne 511 vvestKlnirstrcet. en Sunday iifternoen nt i' a clock. erv Ices ut Ien Luthei-aii church Iutermunt In Ien ceiu- " tr- feblJ31 SlT.CI.ll. MiTICI..S. I'rureil u Itlg lleueflt. Il11siuaglc.il pain killing and healing proper, ties Mult of n Iltt) cent bottle cured me of rheumatism and a cold that had settled In my buck, tcclus wellas Ieverdlil In my life Otte '!,. u ,,bl"T l'reJ''r "ullawt Cliu fu llelbiml. Jllch , vputklng fr.r 77iemqj' JCcltctrxc Oil ter HUle by II II Cechm. druirtfUt l.l? uml 11 North Hueen street, Lancaster, l'a. AN ANSU LKS H.iXThl) Can an) ene tiling us iininunf Kidnev 01 I.Iver Ceinpluiiii th it LI. etrle Ilitteis w 111 net speedili euie ) the) inn net, as theus-inds ..f ciMsulreud) )iermaui utl) cuied and who 1110 da Iv-i-eiemmmidlng I Uefib Iilnei-s will i,,n Mr ght adlM-use lllnbetes, tliak ILu k. ur uliv miliar) 1 empl ilni quu klv 1 uied They luirllv ihHliliHHl tigulate ihe bowels and net dlieiilv en the dlsi'usi d pans hver) beiileguuiante, d I in sale at vh- allium, by II. II. Cei lii-in, drug gist, Ne u, unil isj North (Jueen street, Lanciu tei.la U) "Vly .Vleiher Ibis been using )our IlurducK llloed Itutrri in 11 llyei lemeilv and finds theiii'.ver) ellleueleus. t-hi". I Uii.weiili. 41 Vance Ifleek. Indian iiiiells Ind -r nile b 11 Ji cuehnin, ding gUt.U, und 1JU North yuten etitet. Lttiicu,ter, "IIUL-'ltll OSllAl." CIciii-m nut ruts mice, rinichi.s. Hies, nnts bed bugs, skunks. chltinititiLx in, 1,1,. in. i. 1 B',,,,' T n I'iisUiI Caul. Mill be )U,le no Lenger. 1 hat Is because the) are Just long 1 neiigh new. being cxiietl) five Inches long lliewn' Ir,m llltters will net lv m.uie In 1111) iepeet dlireiuut rrmn what It Is new, biauu experlence hu shewnihalltlsexaetl) Milled te ihe needs of I k peejile, und th it It conquers d) upepsi 1 und 11 win, le let of ether troublesome cmplalni.. Dl N s Ituggles, Marlen, Muss, .!).!! iee eiiimend llrew n s lien Hitters us u v allied tnnie fercnruhlng the bleed and lemming ull cl). pupuu sympienis. ilreuklug JUp. On every bund "" see evidence thut wlntei Is bieakliig up, uud will seen hum te yield te the udvunclngspiliig It Is a most Important que s. Hen amongst i-clentlfle men what cuuses the guncnil feeling of debUltyundlu.sltudese prev ulcnt In this region. Whlle some regard 11 as theicsult of conllueinent and Inaction, ethers suppose, it t be caused b the decuy of vegetu )i ,d.,!,"1",.ul. debits whlili has HecuinunYti I u.u.rlnB.,.h0 Inter What Is npeclully net 1 Hi ut this tine, hewev er. Is M.meih ug te ?iv eice these Influences It is tee lull, te lulk about the ni-.:V...Vff.-'i.":.wne'"K"enllil A Policeman United l'p, D. F. Cellins, member of jiollce, seventh wind Heading, l'a.. tulks this wny . -s Jircred "eveic v 1 tried Jnenmi' Vcltctrie Oil. It Is a pleaire te recommend It." Fer s ile by IL 11 Ceeimii djuut. i37 U1,a 139 .North Queen st il 'et. &V.SX: Coop Apvic.-l'he llnle's Ilonev- or lloio lleio lloie Jountna Tar fera cough or cold, l'lku'Lwh ache Dreps euro In one minute. " fil-lwileedAw- 1U. WILLIAM'S IXUIAJf "lILKOINTMI.NT H.KCieU.lu.UJ?.: 5S?.S lii Je Usui u gi it surre-rer w Ith the pile's 1 u.e.l ,, "efu-remedies and emp excil mmiy 1, vsie-" fr. WHIIum's Indian IM u Ointment w hi. hi ,.,,, B"t,,'S!tf y cured mi" bell by jl 11 Cochnte.w and 1311 Nonh Quecnu,et: (8) ,'.i .uiiuiiii niui 11m reunytetistlfy that no ether remedy Is equal te It ler cleansing The system, purlfyfng tl!., bleed, rcg, 1,11 ng " lti,.ein,f.e,?,?,?ri,.K ' kldney uiidTlv er! I .ease, it Is In fact the king of ull uprtng medicines. M.ltlKKTS. riilUitelihl Market. rutLAPEirniA, Feb li. Fleur quiet , prices ei 1 aupvrnne, u wtr- : fixini, n 7i,tJi l'eim'n family. M P"RI7 Inter clears, flu) RIMulistnii(iiit, HiHti-i! .winn extra cieir, JIOHII.Vi- tin straights, l.vn 10, win cnl. 71StMi uprlng dn. ki iNJS TJ. iter pm live nnur i -.-n,t. .". Wheat ilull.Kteadl ilemum! Ne 2 Pslern I'M, "c . Ne J de, ut s:flk-. Se 1 I'a itn, 'Utr , Se 2 Itnlawnre, de. 'Kc lern firm, trlthRenliletnanil .Tstexiner, t($ VK 1 Ne i jelln, M(flc, de mixed, .V.Mi Ne 3 lln, 4slet.V Oats flriner . Nel W hlte. tc. Ne 2 de at .iTi.ei Ne 3 ttn. r 'Hc . rejected 3l,tc.V. Ne. 3 nilxtd, a4c Itje (inlet at Tis- Seeds CUn er stendv st ?Jl4c , Tlinethv quiet at l Wt ftl 1 t hixsewl rtnn id (I f-sjl ri Winter bnin steadv at 118 Wild Sn l'roilslens tlniinnd In quiet demand, mess nerk, 111 ee: beef hitns, f.'l(f:i M, city mess tis-r, IIS.VII lUceii, f'Se 1 Smoked Shoulders. Hie , silt dn. &n,e. smoked liams, ll)'illlsc; plekledde, ft'tifV ljird ste.id i city n-flned. nt 7jsc ; lrKe hiitchers', ivv4tt7e 1 piiine "team, 17 i Butter market tlrm fur high (trades ( lruuiery extras, SJc ; It 0 and N V de, XJ .lie 1 ttiitrv extras. IV, de Reed te choice, A (Ji?c ; W'estern de, JW-'e ItensHt lelS-s jurklnstuitter, 7Ji:e KKgs Arm and in geed demand extras, JJ Qieese dull and Mink; New teik Full Cream, l,'WfH11c. Ohie Hats, choice. IM.flWc . diifalrtepilme. -V,?ll'.tc , I'enn'apait skims, J, lf7e,dn lull de HtflSe Petroleum dull Itertned, 7'4c Whlskvdullat il M Nfw Yerk Jlarhet. Nsivierk. Fell 12 Fleur State Slid Western dull and tu luiser tnver ; .-entheni dull Whi.U depressed nnd litje lower, w tth a dull business. Ne I While, nominal; Nn 1 lied, March, '.svg'iec , nril, OP.tf-UV , -May, WS (fJSi.e , June '.USfliUc 1'ein l-.fi'ic lower and dull. Mixed, Western spot, l9'1,'t"sHe de futuie, lvjlix Oats dull and a shade lower , Ne i 1 el, , SUlSii State, 7liV W itern. Ssltiic Live -.lock Triers. Chu 100 I attic Kee'elnts, none, the i-na.ls -I attic Uee'elpts, none. were ull eleseel today, and the market ruled nominally stronger shipping steers. 1 !' 10 1,(V1 pound t- CSflfl Jn . common te choice, shipping steers. II .VSJJ V . stiK-kers, f.1 Vsi . fei'ders, l,J ti , Texans, 1 0,131 jv Hogs Nene recelvisl ; 3'Xier l,iihcttd seecu laters' Hogs seldiellOc higher , leugh picking, 14 JOjjl 10 pie king aud shipping, im te lisi pounds. JiftV .si light, 110 te 210 pounds, HimJIM skip. M,Vff4 40 -heep Nene n celled or shipped market Headv : Inferior, fl '? 7V , medium. Hfety 21. geed,' 13 3na3 9.1 , chelie te evtra, II Si K st LiBEnTV The Cattle market was talrlv actlv eat unchanged prices , receipts, 171 htsnl , shipments 19 he,d llegs were strong and excited en account of the snow blockade . I'hll idelphlas, 4JxJ5 se , Yorkers. I'JJ 2 . receipts, 4'0 head, ship incuts. l,i'l head heep were in f ilr demand nnd unchanged , recilpts, J,'l , shipments, 4,. se hiuid sleck stnrkets. cjuotntiens by Hied, Mccninn A Ce , Hankers, 1. 3 r m eaincusier, 1 tu II 1 .Missouri Piciflc Michigan Central New Verk Central New .lersev Central Ohie Central Del Ijick ,x Western . . Denver A lllelirande .... hrie Kansies A Texas laike shore Chicago AN W , com . .. N N Ont A Western st. Paul A Omaha l-iicltlc M ill ItiK hosier A Pittsburg .. t Paul Texas ! iclfle Union Phi lnc IV ab ish Common . . IValsish Preferreil We-t'n t'nlen lelegriph Louisville A Nuhville S , Chi A t. L Lehigh V illey I ehlgh Nu Igulten PennsjUnnla. Heading P T A Ilutr.iln Northern 1'acltlc Cem . Northern I'acltlc I'mf . Ilestenville. Philadelphia A Krie Nerlheni Central I'ndeigreund Can ida seuthern oil I'eeplt 's Passenger . . .. Jetsv Central .. nl 91', 370 In'-, IP tfi Js 97t 91 3-sS 97S !: Mil IM1 Ps 7I. i.1'-' 60'. 7: i.'?i f- tiy "k 14H 1 i'7s US', III"' 5lVs :f- 40, 18'J 1 Al 75. 70; riillailelpbln. Quotations b) Asecl ited Press Ftecks stead) Philadelphia A Erie It. It Heading Railroad Petin.vlv mla Ituilread L high Viille) Railroad l ntled Companie. of New Jersey Northern Pui Itic Northern Pacllie Prefi rred ... . Northern Central Itatlrnud .. .. I ehlgh Navigation Company Norrl.tewn llallread Central 1 ninsnoitatlen Company llntrule. New Yerk A Philadelphia LlltJi?chuvlkUl ll.Ulrend . 17 . SlS VI 'pi?: 41K 107 . 311, . SI Sf Turk. tuotatlens by Associated I're.j stocks steady Meney, lc Vew erk t entrul Lrle IIuIlre.nl Ail tin. Lxpress Michigan Central Uutlnsid Michigan southern Itallreud Illinois Central Ibillreud ( b vcland A I'ltishnrg lUllreud . .. Chicago A Heck Isl md liallread Pittsburg A Fert Wayne Ital read .. We.n-rn t'nlen Telegraph Company . Teledo A Wabash .. .... New .lersey Centml . New Yerk. Ontario . Western . 9!i . 12H . n: .. (H .. r.i'i ..LSI ,s.S .. 111". Lnnil stei ks anil llnml KepertidbyJ II Leng. Pur value Jli i Last sale IIOJ 115 IM ll 50 UPJ IK) HO 1(W VI 1W a Ml m 11" l Hi r.i 1 IJI 'JO ivi r.s mi H.l St "St i.n 113 Ilusr Uiucustei Cll),l'pei tent , IsV, l-O Si ret. In 1 or .te years . he " 4 " .school le.ui lin loe Hl " I " in 1 or 3) )ears " 4 " In er'J) )ears " 4 " In IOerJi)cars Mauhilm I'Hiteugh loin I1AMK STIS.K8 First Nntlennl Rink . . Funnels' National Hank . Fulton National Ilink Laiicu.ter County Natleiitil liuik . Columbia National I! ink ( hrl-tluuu V 1tl011.1l llmk . . Fiihialii National ll.uik irst National Uink.( eluuilil 1 . rlr.1 National ILmk, Mrasburg MW Natlenul lb 1 k, Murlettu . Urst National Itai.k. Jit Je) ... LIIIU National lUlik MinhelmNailen.il lt.iiik I'lileu National (link, Mount Jey 11 1U) .se li 1) IKI l" no IKI 50 ni IK) ll .,,'n ,11. lull 11 .SHllOliai IfclllK I. up National Kink (juari)vllle National P.ink . ... TrasriKKtoTeehs l!lg -pi-ln, A II.mvi-1 Valliy llildgi lunt A IIer-eshiK' Columbia A 1 hn.liiut Illll ( eliimbli ,v Washington . . . Cene-toga A Itig spring . eliimblu.t Marietta viu)teunA l.llzahftbtnwn I.iuiastcr A Fphrutn UiniMstt 1 A Willow Mrtet .. stra.buigA Mlllpeit MarltltuA Muytewn . . Marietta A MouutJey Ijuic , hllz.ibethtewn A MIddletewu Uincasler A Fruilvllle Iiucnsler A I.ltltz Hast llnuidyw Inn A hi ncahurg LunciwIerA WlllLiuulewn Laiicustci a .Maner Ijincaster A Miinhelm I-uicuster A Mailetta Luncustir.v New Helland . LautsisterA -.usqiuhaunu Luucasier A New Danville MlrtcXLLANEOCS STOCKS IJuarr) ville It K .Mlllersvllle tis' t Car .. .. lnqulrei Printing Cempuii) Has Light und 1-ntl ('einpitii) Stevens lleu.e (Henils) Columbia usCiiini.uiy ( eltiiiiblu W tiler Cninpaii) Susiitii'h itiuu Inin lempau) Muileitu Hellew waie . Menus Heuse Mlllersvllle .Nnimul MhiMil . N'erthui 11 Market Kuslein Muiket Western Market I. monster City htieet Hallway Ce .. ( isCemnuui Itends le Si IS Si .'lift J) .) PI 47 4sm a s ii 'Si Si III) .') Si ,Vl il .VI Si Si I no Seu a ;) 50 'il s Ui St 10 he no ) an .) 5il ,'iO M ll) 1U0 Ji Is) .11 7u .VI 75 I In', r 111 a N.I 3se .V) VI S3 311 ''.'.' n ai"i St Jin 5 105 71 M 51 VI IK) IKI Columbia Iloieugh bends. . . . Ai.'ii .tvfi.itTisi:ju:.vTs. -V7-AHA CIIJAKH, ONLY &C, OUAHA.V. J- tent luni, ut HAHTMAN'S YF.LI.OW FHO.NT CIUAIl isliJIth. STOfKiieLnpRS' .mi:i:tine, .. Theitnnu-1 nieellngef the Mec V ,"..' " " co. w ill mi held In the Y. M e Ai,!vu d.1..'('.'!u.,,'. Qui en Btuet, Luucister, en MONDU, 1 Eli 111, IMS, ut 2 o'clock p in , te elect eilletra and le transact kucIi ether bii.l nes.is may claim thi Ir attention febu,u,H t II As. DLN L I, Secretary. JASTA'l'LOl'l'ONHAll OAST, LATIiOP J..i the city of Jaiucastci, deceased Letters tc.liiuienluiy en ald estate huv tug been granted te the undersigned, all persons iiiiluhted thereto me icqucstcd te maku finmedlute puyment, und these having claims or ilemunds ugulnst the nauie will prteent them without deluy for nettle luent te the undenilgncd ' M0SC f.AST, JAl Oil MILKY, ,, . , DANILI. II ll''MAN, JunfKitd Th L'-xecuterii. ATTANTKl) L: AtiLN-ifTTeH ,.,,,, ,.".sfPKK- 1'HOrECTOIl." dulsy titecking undUIrtup,rtcm, nheuldcr hruceJ, LusUea. tieaiiiii forms, die. Khleldn. wifety belu. ulteve Jl.iV.',.i,V.rJ!',,.,c ' cn"'1; " device ,unpreciv ilcnteilprelltsi wehuvufu) agenu making tleu luunthly, Adiiivsswltbatanin. 1..JI CAill'HELLACO Ne. II H. Uny 6t., CtiOfl(je. JsnlJlineed .vin .ifi j::risi;.uf'Ms inn nnn?"iNsl s riuAR-s t 1 II V ff l -t imp, 1 11 sin ml ule nt I licnni Ihtene -rtiuiibn iiierelnn at 'I i I.K-k 11 oil Jin O'Js ,VV.7V Mnllld Vdl- In nineuiils tesult lurresi'ls Appli s,hii .lOliN W AI'ITl, F.sg feb71n,llltw e 11 North Iiuke -tisel V ,MV. CN ALL COPY IUT NONK can equiil the Itavan 1 ellew t runt .V il gsi, at II VUTM VXS YF.t.niM ritONt'ClHAIt bTOKK S' iTOKAdi: ASD COMillSSION WAnCHOUSE, pvNit l jt vYi:it, dert 1yd in l est I hestuiit stn-et. T3I.UM". LlsTll.Kr.K's"('OKN, lf A 1 Can . M Inslew's, l.'Ue lied seal llniud, IV ; 3 cans t helee Tomatoes ter J.V , l een 1 --hells enlv ft r. I.mnuliited uksi e V ; "tan dnrd A "-near Oe , pure W hilt , 1 mice's, IV, K, is, J). Kami iV W At IL Uikl.'sTKA NPelFi:n T(IKE. Ne l. llest King Mreet Q1A VV" WUi.rH OP MILLINKKY Oi-ViVVU tJiHsls te be sold at a very heavv reduction, en account of ii'tneval le our ni-w store, () Ninth ijuci n .liei t, i'tniu'i Old Stand ) NKW YOI1K AND PMtls Mll.t INKKT CO, Jans ltd JJ M est King st , 1 uncuster, Pa rilllLY I'AS 1- can equal ALL COPY. IUT NONK the II wan v, ellnw Fuuit Se Cigar, nt II VUTMAN'S r.l 1 e FKONT CIOA Slum it en: is makini. it CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT 3.0l A PCttHS T NO in, NOKT11 (JlT.EV TUF.F1 Jsnl"tfd Lancasiei, l'a. piiiAlt STOUi: AMI OYSTi:n ALOON KJ FOHUKNT The 1 igar store nowoicu newoicu noweicu pled bv .fames Nlmlew N . is Centn -quariv also the Ovster alnen un b-inpsth will be for rent from M'KIL 1 Is-. 1 01 particulars call at the-llhHltF'sOiril T fliviilt -prni.fc u,H en rr.iDVY. Frnni in s: kv On Ihe premises, at Mil prt. Wat wick town ship, one mile north nf en en that well knemi villi Property, latelv d, str.veil bv Ore Twe Duelling Houses, Km ie Sh villi, ,xi and I met of about J5 Acres of I and by impel u.vrr.eiii fehll-3twA3tdW.SAM- rp.nrcn'ieN in e i itce.v'Ps. In enter te redure our lai-ge steek of Fur IVsivers, Vleltens kcr-rv and Cerksciews for Overcisitlngs 1 w 111, for lie next no da) s, make up te veur order. In first el is. stvle.at griatl) reduced prices All gaum nts are guarantees! te fit perfect and enly t' e b, t quality of trim tilings are u.eil V II UOsFNsTFIV. Fine Tailoring .17 North tjueen street, eppeislte the l'ostethce. m.'4smdU qtOllACCO PACKPRs. AND STIUPPPKS i. are ri'speetfnll) tnv Ited le call and bee our Overalls, pants, Vest. Knit Jackets, l nder wear, Hesiers' and shirts of est rv kind luelr of Overalls, will mide. for 40 cents and up A heavv shirt and drawers for iVcintsandup Heslirv, suspenders, hindkerihlefs, gloves mils, comfeits and counterpane.; closing out at verv reiluccd prices Trade Dollars taken at par at lltclllel.li -s. .se art .'.enn yui-en street ptSl'KK DIPPi:it PKOM ALL NOIt j ni il structures bv being distinctly and es. sentlally a new product never under any ctr cumstanccs existing In a healths .If m C INCKKS and IF Melts et all "kinds ennd without p iln or using the knife also, -k In Dts eases 1 hrenlrand Private Disea.es successtully troated bv Dlis H p nnd VI v I ONT, VRFIi OfTlcc 13 Last ulnut stres t Lnnett.ti r P 1 Consultation free J."3idAw 17I.i:ctiev reu m-iioel niiip.i'ieit-s I-J The qualified ele, ters i f the city of Ilueas ter uie h.i-ebv netlfleel that aneleitlen will I e held In the -everal waids at Ihe usual pliers .,f holding state und count) il.ctlens en 1 1 l IIA1 . I I'.IIKI U 17 ls-5 b. iwemthi hour, of 7 o'clock In the morning and 7 iv'cliwk tn the evening of said d ly for the purpose et electing twelve persons te serve as Scheel Directors for the tcrmef three 5 cars from the first Tbur-day In Nevembernext And the election eitlcetln the .everal wants nieheieby li.ititreit te make the neces..ir official returns of the t-h-tileu te th" prothenntury .teII.N l.L I- Kl.oeD. Jun."J-.tnhAs President AT VM)l i:itXl)iTTlLL. SECOND WNU L MASQUERADE BALL OF T1IP Lancaster Masnnercher MENNERCHOR HALL, MONDAY, FEintUAItV IMIi, KSS.l Tickets for neu Members rJ-'O te admit gn tit man and ene lad) , addition il lad), tickets .Vic extra Mr C LILLEIl,e27 north Queenstreet. In con neetlen with a Philadi Iphlu llrin, has been en gikcd ns costuiner, und tho-e wishing f.incv ces tumes can secuie them new bv catling en Mr I.lller, or can gel them .11 the Hall the das of the Hull Tickets can be had by the following lomuiit lemuiit tee of arrangement. WM. HVLTZ, 11 item, II UeLF, 11 ( nvim, C IIOhtLL, II. HCLHI h. II (,EI!Ii KT Ilj-lld GUKAltl) PIlli: INsl'UANl'i: COM T PAN'Y OF PHILADLLl'HIA AirnitiS (,ir lktt, I'risldent. Jam us II ALVeiiti. Ice Pies and 1 re.Ls. Etiwii F. MutniLL. s,., rotary Jiura ll. Alli-s, Asssluut "ecieciry. As.K'r,,-O.Ni: MILLION TWO ni'VIlKED AND Fir 1S.-.NINK TIIOl'l.VN II, NINE III MlltKtl AND M.1V SI.VKX DOLLAItS AND KjltTV NINEC'ENis All Invested In solid sn urltles Limics pteuiptl) seltled and paid RIFE & KAUFFMAN, Agents, NO HIWKM MM.STKLLT eetlmdM.WASIt j.j.ii.ti. vert'.s. 17s.vrATi:0rCHHISTIANAA. iiu'iii:it, Ii luteef Lnncu.tei eltv de-ceji- d Letteis testamentary en wild stute Iiuvlngbeen grunted te tin undersigned, till pi r-ms Indebted theiete ale requested teinak. liuiiit dtate pujinent, and tlle-e baling claim. 01 ileuutnds tigiiinstthe same, will pis Kent them witheutdeluy lorbettlo mi-nt le the underalgni d OtO il I.ultuEII, Kxeculer II 1 Davis, Liucuster, Pa Attorney. JanHMtde.iw fTt.Vl'ATi: OK rilHlMTIAN zucii"i:k, rd. LetteiM 12j luteef Lancaster iltv. (leecajed. tiuitauieiitar)' -ild t stale having bicu urantetl te the UUUelatLrned all lit r.mis le debted theiete are rcijui .ted temukelinmedLitu puMiieut uud thoee huilug cluluw or dLUiuntls against the suuie, will pi sent tlieni without tto tte lu) fercettlemunt te the uudernlgucd, renidlng In theclt) of LuncuAtcr I'HILIPECHEH. (. MtOI.l.SE.ECIIEH, Kxt-culeit l.ee )I KLl.st. Attorney JunJU-Ctdlueuw IT'STATi: OP ANTHONY K. KOHLHTS, -iU late of Lancaster c Itv, doc 'd Letters testa intvitury en said cutut having been grunted te the undenilgncd, ull jiciaeim Indtbted thereto uru leeiueatcd te muke iinuiedlute pu)uieut, and theit hiving claims or demand ugulunt thu une will present them without delay for settle ment te thu undersigned residing In l'hlluilel phla, Fa , or their attern. ut Ne. XI .North Duke atletit, Luncuster, I'u. ls c E. KOIIEItT". IIKNUY A IIOIIEUIS,, JOHN L KUIir.KIH, .Ions W. ArrkL, Executeni Attorne) rj-f.tdeaw A ssirjNri:D estati: op CIIAULS W. il. Mills and wife, uf thu cltv of Lancaster. I'u. tharles W. Mills and wife, of the city of i.uiicusiei, ., iiuviii u uecu ei veiuuiur) usslgument, dated January 15, lsKi, nsaiguud iiutl truuafeiled all their estate, and elTecIa te the undersigned, for the bem tit of thu cicdllera of I he xulil ( luirles W NI ll lis uud wife, he thuroferu glvea net Ice te all persons Indebted le said us us algner, te uiiiku imvtuent te the undei signed wiiheut delay, and these Ihivltig claims te plo ple h lit them te ISIiAl.'l. P MAYI.lt, Asslgnoe, IVKlMeaw Lancaster, l'a, ixsviiAsvi:. ITsQUITADLi. UPi: li PAN'Y, Aesete, 854,000,000. I.NSUUANCn COM- Surplus, 812,000,000. ledispuiakle Creditors' Assurance Equitable Lire Insurance Company.- Tlinimlv Iluslness Muii'h Pel lev written. l)v iiblu In 1U, IS or 'Jl years, and neu ferfeltubluitflur a) emit, i no sntcsi iiiv ve'.tiiH'iit und best p.ijliif one. EeJUlTAHLE DOES Till: LAIIOEST INSlH) SUHA.SUE11U81NES.SI.S THE MOULD. W. J. MADDEN, OLD rOSTOFFKL 111 ILIH.NO, N V Cor. Wcit King H. und Cfntnlnmn .1 iir.s;.'fi;vT.v. 11 lien epi:u. ueisi: 10 (!.. 20rls. SOrls. THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, svn unY MATiNi:r.; II llltl Mil lJth and lull llli; NIM VND OIlHUNAl. DOCKSTADER & ARMSTRONG'S MINSIULI s AND Hl!.ss HAND (J3 PLOPI.I ) lft C 11 DOCKS! VDFIl, 1 ate el I nmriTiss' Mlnstiels sin iiAur.YJ vitMHiiioNe, Uiteef llaverly's Minstrels 1 he Crrscnt Ouartette, s 1 rt A t hasn Musical Aillsts, l'hll ttibbens' temeillan and Knd Man, Hatty A turrell nng and Dance Artists, nnd a host ofelticrs In 11 is tlueil and chaste pregramme. I'OPFI.Mt Fillers 10, JenndSOCF.NTS M 1 IN Kl PKICLS 1U and '.MCF-Xt lieservisl seats without extra chnignnt Opera Heuse etllce eirceLLMlUA. Friday, Feb 11 ftUMd prT.TeN" opT:iT.Tiei.'si:. OVK NIGHT OF iei.lt) Fl'N Frlilny Evenlujr, Februury 13th. "The funniest el all farcical comedies " .V F Journal 'Ihilr nevellv cntchen ' Their wt flashes ' Their fun tliklis ' .V F frruM EVANS & HOEY'S "METEORS )) Ait. iiitill. a A PARLOR MATCH. Over which all Ntvr t erk 1'hlladelphla. Chi tnge Is luuithiug bv I has II He) t, author e! tlutieh e! he)s and Hag Iliibv " l.rtelett nlghtlv bv enoi'meus iiudtenn s w hit h lweivid iiiepuiv wun -nriiks ei laugnter auu iinpiause Klrst you smile rear ' ADMlste.N 1 hen veu laugh ' i neu ) en . W and CK.NT Keservcd eals at Opera Heuse Halt 11 LTON UPP.KA llOPSP- Tn:.Sl).VY KVENINU, FKK. litli. i n! Pii'enu ime uf FANNY DAVENPORT IN 111 11 IK I FN' VAiinew l. Ill AT Dlt IMA, FEDORA, Supputedbv herewn ri Fl 1 KNTCOMT N T IncludiiiK Mil HUNKYLKF "Fcders is a drtmatic triumph ' 'AlfurtflpSui Titnri " 1 hestreiiKest performance el recent years " Yll Yerk JieratJ ile of seats ItcglBs Fridiv uieiulnj cbruaiT iSlh AIMI10V ,Vs?, TV nnd II i KEsnitVEDSEAl TV nml fl il Secure seats In season atOperaIIouseeiT.ee febllfltd uurrKii:. IT IICUSslv'Ss. 1. MESH FROM THE MILLS CHI M VKLK . Ilni LI DAVFN mntetrem the btst White Oils emiks In 15 minutes, I Its for -V -till VI KKII s i;l A, C 8. si HIM hLIt , VVHllL IIUM1NY I.IIIT. 4c S s 1 1 I'M KhIl si.i uiulated Yellow and White Ct riimenl PI- VKI and FL MvT. 1 AI'IOC V. 3 Bs for e sJlllhl D IIF.IIUINI, ( heap, IOC and IV Det .lust like sprlus Chiekens our M.ttM.lil.l. 3 for Ac HON F.I rstei)FsI cc a, -KLLCTKD DIIIED ItEEr by Hi pie. e i chlpp d te suit custemeis BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, I Ni s ril P v HATS A.l C.I'S. 1845. " 18cS5. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Leading Hatters and Furriers. WINTER GOODS AT A t III1 ICE Ml tint uli e line or M Inti r (.loves. Caps, La dlt s' uud Weut's I urs, Children ri Laps and 1 ins, will be old regardless f eit Ne Is the time le net a. Nice Set of 1 ins or eal t ap at a bargain Constantly coining in ill the N'cir Sprint; tvles In tine staple. ind Fanev Felt Hats, Fine Mitrnnd rievlble Hats, (.leur .Nulla aett. In Old and Ynuutr l.ent's stile Apeiitt, for the Knox "ll k and SHIT Hats, Spring St le already In. AImuvs en liund a lull assortment, from the lowest In the hiKhest grade, Cull undseu uuri and leee'tit Fui Hals , Itnbcerull kinds IIufTale, Hudsen Ilay Wolf, (Jruy Fet iind,lup.inee at lowest cesh prices Till. UICtllLlT CASH PUICL PAID FOlt ItAW 1 L lis C?" f ustemi rs havimr Old lhtfj hr, mI,,., ., thlrt davs will please eall rer them Luuil al al teulien eKewhele Mill be cilled W. D. STAUFFER & CO. (MiulU'i Old stand ) NOS tl& li NOItlll (jL'fcKN '.S.TI.L1.T, LANCAsTEIt, PA JJA'lh, CAPS, Ac, Sliullz's Only Hat Stere. Ol It I.AIU.L AM) COMFLE'IKMOCK Of Hats, Caps, Gloves, Umbrellas, & Traveling Bags, WILL HI.hOl.D HITHIN 30DAIh E0B, LESS THAN COST. 144 NORTH QUEEN ST. (l.U.NDAKKU'8 OLD STAND.) rplli:cOI.T)AIK 01' winti:k CAUSUS -1 chjpped huiidn, lips uud fuces. CREAM OF ROSES WILL ALWAiCUItKTIIF.M. ONLY 10c, AT COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, Neg. IS AM) 1JU .SOUTH qi'LILS STIIKl.T, deeMlmd IjincJlRter, Pa. 'PL'AllI, PLOUfiT ' STEELTON MILLS PEARL FLOU R MAKES WIIOLESOMK AND DELICIOUS IIUEAD. KEl'T IIY J. L HINKI.EY, .1. FKANIi UKIST, Wil, lILICKENDEUFKIt Jniild-SdU1 Ijuutister, l'a. D 1SSOLUTION OP CO-PAKTNPIISHIP. The co-partnership hcietofero r-vh,tlii( under Uie niime nl Philip Lebzelter .t Ce, line tftxl. hue ini? ttrnlred liv fitiilljilleii .Inn I Inks lu luutiiully ilisnelve'd, Jehn IV. Lebzelter with' dmwlut;. 'llinliiixliiexs nf thu lute ei in will bu settled liy riillip j.euzeiier nun ciius. t.. Dew. ley, who will eontinue tie bualnesut the old Hand. I'll. LIP I.EIIELTEIt, C'IIA E. DOU'.NtY. JOHN W. LEllilELTEU. Hnvlnic withdrawn fiem the firm of I'lilttp Jrfibzelter A Ce., 1 would renpectfully nsk my friends for u eontinuuuie uf their pntreuagu te the uhnvu 11 nn ftbtdAltw JOHN IV LEUZELTElt. a i:ir siri;firiii:.vi:.vM. join; iiAP.K'sseNy. Valentine Seuvenii's, Prang's Valentines, Satin Art Print Valentines. ART SPECIALTIES, in Figured Satin, Plush and Hand-raintcd Souvenirs. Lace Raised Valentines. Cards, Plain and Fringed. AN LLEOA.NTviOt li, Wllel L1.M H AM) II UTAH ATI nr. nOOKSTOtlE Or JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 unci 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA-. ir z, kmeaivs. " " SILVER DISPLAY! The Public is Cordially Invited te Call and Ex amine the Display of SOLID SILVER which will be open at our store, Thursday and Friday of this week. H. Z. RHOADS, iA.NCAvrF.it. pa Ne. 4 West King Street. tjy Store closea nt O 30 o'clock, p m., oxcept SutunlnyH. niir c un.vp siekp COUNTERPANES, WHITE AND COLORED COUNTERPANES AT BAROAIN PRICES. 1 F.I5p,Nb""i,e1r(,(,T'!rtT'1 '" '" V'" "' " nn'1 r'"" " ,1',,,kn,l', Manufartnrcr Ihu Cheapest COl'N- COUNTERPANES at 50c. and 75c. COUNTERPANES at 85c. and S1.00. COUNTERPANES at $1.25 and S1.50. A Bargain Let of Fine Marseilles Counterpanes at $4,00, Werth $5.50. OUR BLANKETS. It Is . knnnlidi d I v All Hint eur III. A N M'.IS mu the C Hi:.Wr..T In theCllv letzger & Hauglmiaii's Clieap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. a- Itemeen the! imper llniie nnd s,.rn-l llun.fi Hetel nnv mums. T H. M.VKT1N .V CO. TO-DAY I II VTF PI i l D uS Tllh REMNANT COUNTER 25 Dez. TOWELS which w rut: keuvifim t "old at..., hh And (1 tju . III.UI l KD tu t WINTER UNDERWEAR. 25 Dezen All Weel Scarlet Underwear, ittDi ( riitesTe ruiiMr.i: priik, ti 10 Dezen Blue Flannel Shirts nLDLcni) ie cost Then. tin-, lll.il tj.en Ulkeli Dill nl Ihe lle'iil.u tleck ii let ill Percale Shirts ami White Dress Shirts, siuneuf nhleh nru Sillisl, the Miijtiiitr l'eftct, which will Lu i-eLDut;: . iei:.mi:u pitici:, iee, aiy. i vi VNOTIILK I.Ol'Ol Laimdriecl Calice Shirts J. II illilllill I de., Cor. Wist Iii and I'liiue SK, LANC'AlIKK. PA. p.XTUAOKIUNAltY IIAW1AI.WS - vr nn.- NEW YORK S'i 'J, 10-4 WHITE BLANKETS, .) 1'AIU KEDUCLD t'UOM 1.-.. 10-4 WHITE BLANKETS, I.75APAIU. .. . l:EI)lJCEDFne.M5(l. 10-4 SILVER GREY BLANKETS, $!W A I'AIIl. .. .HUDUCED HI0.M K 73. 10-4 ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, W-SOArAin ItEDL'CED I'llOMttUO. 11-4 EXTRA HEAVYBLANKETS 3.75 A PA IK ...ItEDUCED PIIOM W.U1. SI'ECIAL CLEARING SALE OF Ladies' and Children's Coats and Cloaks AT HALF-USUAL IMUCEb. WATT, SHAND & GO 8 and 10 East King Street, NOTICP. TO TIli:.SPAS.Si;ilS AND OUN.NEHS. All persons uru hereby for bidden te Ircspusri 011 uuy of thu hinds of thn Cornwall or hpecdw ell cauites, In Lebuunu uud Lmciister counties, whether luelesed erunlu. cleaed, either fui thu purpe.-.u of shoetlnir or Mali. Inir, as the luw will be rlKldly enforced ne'uliist iilltruspiunilniroiiiiuidluudaef the uuduraUncd after thin netlie. WM. COLEMAN 1'ItEEMAN, 11. 1'EKUY ALDEN, ' EDWAUDU FULK1IAN. Attorney for 11, W. CeUuuiu' helrg. oetll Ud&vr M rjoem. foil .s.t i.i: en nr.r. I7um UPNT. 1: The hull T"t re-tin third storyef teln metz liulldlim. Nu 33 .North Ouwn trerl Vp plv I" J 1. HTKINMF,!.. iMfd 1 7IOH KP.NT 1 he store room, corner of Nmtli Oueen nnd Last Oninee strtets. no eeeunled l.v K vc Mits'lj Apply Hi JsnlVtfd NO IIKAiT OltAVOK ST F OK KP.NT. The 5-ster v Uriels Iteoldrnee, Ne. ill nasi Ktngstret t flMtd ill lnielein renrenlence. etr ALLAN' V IIl.HK A CO. Ids Kiiit MiiRMreet lOK KP.NT. I? AIMO-lTO ItY ninr K iief.ir. th ri Orange strent. nine rooms, kus, uived reiur, hjdrunt, cistern, Inrire let with all kinds of fiulC Apiilyte Ill'NItV SIltllKIIT. feli5-lllTii,Th.,! Ne. 61 .North Duke street COAI, YAKI) KOIl KiTnT. A nl nn1 vrlthiill thtiiieecrtryeeiiYr-Ti. Ienre, im Ollli e, Dnellllii;, Milhle, llins, ,te , Ac , Hint (lelly ii I irjre tmultifxH, will li rented from the Ulof Apill next, en rtiinenuhltt terms An ply t" u m. p.eLKNii's, Jn-Stiittd is HeiithQuieniitreet. Irien ki:nt. At Ne ii ( F.NTIIF. IJl Vlti:, btNiled riniins en second nnd third llimp., miltiihlu for seuin seuin stress, eftlei) ne or .l(lii iiuriMmeie. Pekhi'ii. olen April 1. Apply nl M IIAHKUItrsII'S. Jn I tfd I'eini "qimris. PO.MTIVP. .'sAI,P-VII.l, Hi:S0M) AT X public rule ON S VTUItDAY KVL'M.Ne., FKII II, 11SA. nt 7 e clock nt the lllcster Heuse, nil thut let nl Klelind und hiiildlli!; Illereen eneled, .Ne i, VVdHt Chestnut stnet. ljinei-ter. Pa . known a llnrhernur. vicC uiley A le ' Machine Nheii und Foundry This let is m feet 8 Inches tii.iitlu en ( hestuiit slnwi nnd ninnlnu In deiith lis tect Inches en Mnrket street, en hlch Is hull t Inrijii Jliichlne shop, "51111th Miep, teundrv, Ac. Thn premtittrt h'tve newer connections With Mnrkcl "trcct. Thernts built iiihiii the jiremlrcs n It It hiipte llnjliin, hlch III he Included n nl , tan. HAItHKUliKII, Met 1'I.I.KV CO ' Hers, Auctioneer febl.O.'.i.ll, 13,11(1 BU MAKTIN, VHJIH.EHALK AHIHIETA1L Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber and CeaL -Yari .Ne Oi .North Wntur uud Prima tlieets, ubevu Leuieii, I.iuieiinter, n31id JJAUMCiAHDNKKSek JPPPIUUPS, COAL DEALERS. Orriers Ne. IJU North Queun slieut, mid Ne. all North Pitncii street. Yahi North Print iitrcct, ueru liesdlna Depot. h LA.N'CASI'KH, PA nuitl.'-lfil c lOAK M. V. B. COHO, J3U .SOUTH WATCIt bTIILKT, Lnnciistci, Ph., WIIOLISAIC Atltl KlTTAII. PKAI CH If LUMBER AND COAL. CONSECTIOW WITH TUB TltLErilOSlO KZCIIANOK. Yaiiii ae OrrieK: Ne. 330 NOIITII IVATKIt hlKKt.I'. rebJMvd p J. hVAKK A CO., - COL. OrrieK Ne. Ju Centle Siusi lAims East H'lilnut uud JUrshull .ticets. (htdw-urt'ii Old Ynrd.) Ileth nrd und Ofilcu connected with the TcU TcU pbeuu l.xchinue -KI.SDLlNG WOOD A SPKCIALTT.-Km ectlJiimdMAFIt ". j:du VA Tl O.YA u J AM' 'UI.AS.SICALLY.UIJCAT1:U! Inch weru the words of u yeuifc iiiun, n celleuu uriiduiite. In iipplj ln for u position, nfler fin had met with disappointment Inevery direction !.,,.Uut,.',),",Vm,1' " i'S." unld the business man, " tbiit'a ull very well j but have you any pruett. cul kiiowltdire ofbuekkeppliiKT" Thn yuune limn wus compelled te adiull lhat he possessed no Hiich kiiewleilBe, and he fulled tu secure the Jiosltlen heneUKht. We de net mean te depre cate a classical education-It should he every yeiinij man' nlm te secure sueh nn uducatlen ; but, , If eiinmans are llmlti (land your oppor tunities fuw. sunk that which will hoof most pruetlcul use te yefu u business education, such as Is given ut thu Lancaster Commercial College. ADDKEBS, H. 0. WEIDLER, JunlU-tfd Ne. I0K EAbT KINO 8TUHET. AJ N OIlDINAKCIi . An Ordinance tlilntr thu amount nren. llccnse te bu paid by the proprietors of fekutluu: Ulnks. hroTies i. no it euialncd by the Select mid Common Councils of the City of Lancaster In councils ut-Hcmbli'd, that the Mayer be iiuthor iiuther lzed te iriunt u Kelierat llceiwe te tlie iironrle. torsef BkatliiKrlnkH ler uAhlbltleus, eiiteiialn- nuul sum of ene huiidre-il and tlfly dollars nei annum, pavublvijuaitcrly. TbeMifd sum te lie ,11,-1. m., pns vjieeiiieies, eiei , 111 UIK1 ler the Ull- in ir ordinances. tuuv iuuiivei.ll iiceusu nieviueii Ov elyt. ,. .. , l4ASIPA8TEn, l'A., Feb. 4, ldSi Head In Common Council uud udepted unaiil. uietisly. ' u""i UOUEIIT M. 110LE.VIU.S AltMt JAU.U.M.CI.ILLAS. '". , , L Clerk Common Council, adepud. Council uud uiionliueunly ItOfiEUTA EVANS. Act Ore. II. Kutrn. President. , CliiksiIictCenuctl. Apprevua Pubruary in. iu fsblO-lt u. I. HUUIiNMILLKII, Mayer, -h