fTT THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, 'THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1885. 'm T m Mire. irx of tin in i nil sidi-m i i.i.tr ur mi i mtii .srtrs. .IfH. Hendricks is iilieiit liny vcnrs of e mid childless. Iter null- child, it liei Oil III ls'il, ulicn only tliioe jciirs did. tliu absence or iiiatcrn.il icssiisibill- ullf Ilu I In, i( iii I ltfiii.itl r In llm InliiriUild r.t -. ' w . ... . iiviini'ii an if I'n ,. , iiii iiiiunrii hi L liusKuul, liusls-cn Ids truvcIliiK ceiiipnn- ii very lunch, unit i-ultliiitttl ms-lety uitli i0 vlew te Ills lulvuticfiiiciil. Shu is Mull TlirillCll llllll 11 ItllllCltl ttT h iiriiiilmiu lililt.- unit, lier liiislinmi's l.st inhl-.1T mill com. etent assistant In nllalrs net rrciiiciitl-Dfuli- irlllllir Itltlir.ist In iwiim.ti III Imut iiiui.mlii.i. our eviilcticeH of lier taste mill (liscrlin- laiien. lien liitiltlcsuriMidiiiliil-dfrcil with business nu'tliiMl ti hlcli Is iiilinliiilile. llur- lirtlllltllllillllitiii li,.rliin.lniitil tuiHinmirniif f lliillimii nlin t 111. i, I ,. itli lilm llm iMrlmii. cnnl mill reformatory Institutions, nml In- uircti nun uirir niiiiirs cioseiy. Mr. linn f r-t. I ll'tlilrli'l.! Lltnii lifillur tli in niiiiui.l ------.-' ' "ii.i ii in ii iiiiiini, Ise Jieiv much Iik is hiilclili'il te hit liell- icei ler Ills xiii'i-vss In lire. M I'M I f fiiiitrii'L u uliiii.,.. In ui.ilnli Wlm In ---- ............. -iiiiii.-i in r-inii kiiii !- UiimIiik In nppcur.iiice, Issiuise Koetl-look- iikieiii tniu.i utm-vmsi in j'iicct uisiii. nor iiir mill eyes ure tl.irk j Imr Mntttte Is muiie- ; lint low . Slip tnlLs mlfiif rnlil v nml It iniiiiti ksHs-tel nml letcil Iii reltiietlVircleM. H.V7A rmt tin: r.tnstr.it. Cllii'il) fur llui; Chiili-m some Huggr'tluu Almiit A lnlt-riiiK Itces. 1 rem the l.i'iiuuiihiw ii Telegraph. Tills disease, u hlcli iiM'rnlH se (lostruc (lestruc iiely among swine, Is one lli.it Is liable te sxuir at any time. It broke out In Cenniv- leut, mill In it lienl of one hundred nml IVPnty-llve ii liirfje proportion died or were nlereil te be killed hy coiiiiiilsslencrN en IIensetl miinmls. It Is n disease Hint is te lie kvelilcd If jsissible, but when It breaks out arnicra should knew of rcmisllcs. The l-yiiiptmns arc m;iiic liat different iinlilleri'iit isitilties, mil tne eln'iiinsinnis' elnvenil Hsxiinini: sirk at mire is H.'rh.iiM tliu most pliable lititiire Inmi w liii'litiifiiriiiniiniiiiien if the itincixp. It Is hnini'Wh.it of Hie tylius uver tyiie an inllammatiini of the stemarli mil bowels. The 1'iiii'cs are obscure, and It s ii niiiL-nlnr f.irt that heus kept In nelose m'urds esim mi nttiu'k In nelj;hlHirlioeds tt hern twe-thil ds oftliebecs en (;niss die. The llsense is eiiUIeink,,coiit.ii;Ieiisnml lufei'tieus. Dr. Nmlli, who studied the disease nml ixiieriimmtcsl with it, pivvn n remedy which selalmi'd te be sure It emiileMsl In its eailv hUlges :j r.ri ire iiiiinnit (iliiRir . . I ounces UlHCk Allllllli1l 1 ' t'limer of sulphur J " I'lilverlieil Mtn 2 "iilptiule ul I run t Mix and ulietea l.irue Iuki one livaiiiutr te.isKieiifiil tliri'i- timi-N st i, ; te u hi un der olio bundled iiud llft junils u leel tiissv)iiful mid te smaller hes aittinlim; te sire. If tbedisii'.L-eHntttiidi'il vitluli.irrhe'.i tldd twoeuneesof iwilercil alum ami two ounces m wnue imk lurk, nmi 11 u proves obMinate (r,xe """ tit it' no Ited bird nml one teasjioeiiful ul spirits of terpi iitine. Dr. Nam hasnlwiuw uhh1 the remi'ilvniel ueer jilled enn in tin 1 1 '.lirc of the ill-wise. In In. .1iiImii.ii"s rniitrs' liiiiiiisijithlc Vcterinari Hud Il'ek, lie -liili-s nat le made from w ihI islus hi umk ilutuiii ha tuved mere hets than am ulh"r remedy. It Ispiic-ii ftsa'limk iiiclitniiil iiiortimec. Thl would accord ivithn ri'inedi sue" aiKut ten years 3"l n Illinois farmer, who purelinxeii Keine luisrs from a ilnive mil en nrrinntr home fnund they were nllected by thedis thedis rase. II" iKiiled some eeni in "weak lve made from ashes, usisl snme wilt saipln their slejis trem the kitehen nml never lest one while all the reiniliuiereftlm dreie died. Anether remedy is gum, consisting of sul phur, two pound, and siauisli brnuu, three )0lltids ; mix ami Kile one and a-lialf (XHUhIh tucneli hog mdosesel lull a ti'.icuptul eiery two hours. 'I'he elleets are imuiudi.ite mid Dcruiiihuiit. rarincru shuiild lumciuber the the weed nah lye teliieily, bec,iu-eit is simple unit is always at hand, and can lie easily eIh talned and k'lien when te semi ter drills Mould reipiire tune and se admit of death be fort the remedy could 1h applied. IMrttfrlng Ii. The fanner Is net Mippesed te mike a him). cinlty lnthe line of bee-Keepinn or bce nils Ing, and vet ler home ueee-ssitit" It Is a mat ter of cenn lib !' ter each one te have it few colenics of bees. In order that these little workers should beat.thelr best requires mere attention than most farmers eau pivc, but they can prepare the old fashioned box hlve n which te plaee the coloring, and, alter the old fashioned cruel mode, "take up" the worker colonies befere winter rets in, te oli eli tiiin u supply of honey for family uses. Col Cel onies net Hidispesed of must be iviuteied, ami the question presents itself: 1 low ran this best Ihi done t .Se far as our own et et riciice giK's, In n latitude where the ther mometer is liable te dioplnte the minus quantities, we hae always allowed thuhiius te remain uin the Huuituer Mauds, mid if a strong colony with n well tilled hiwi haie never had iiiiv treuble In keepiUK tliein hafely, mid we l;new of many Kliullnr expo expe expo riences. This avoids the trouble and annoy anney annoy nnce of piepaiiiiK njnial quarters for winter. Western ltlinls In t'lililine... Frem the Detroit Free Press. They tt.it to-;elher in the smoking couiiart ceuiiart incnt of the bleepiin; car after breakfast, mid were very quiet for 11 long tlme. At last the fat man remarked : " It is curious hew traveling ailccts Heme K?ople. l'er instance, my feel are se swollen that I can only keep my hoots en with imsi imsi tlve tiKen v." " And hew mid that I am all'ected lust the omieslto way," replied the ether. " My leet tthrlnkse that I could almost get betlt feet into en 0 beet," There was another len lnterial of silence, during which e.ith htelti e.iiitleus glances at the ether. "In Hiieh aea.se,'' x.iid the third man, who sat epiKihite, "1 should advise you te trade Idiots.' "Willliutlv." was the rostienso in chorus. !. llI"M . I r ah limy wi'in iiiuiin inu unun-iju tiiu jhii tur p- came up with the remark : 1 . 11 ... !.!... , !...! ,1... , "1 (lull rccKen 1 get ueut ar nines uuxeti 'tweeii von twegem'h 11, an' each of you has get 011 ile wrong lm'r." I knew it nil the time," said the tat tiian. "Se did 1 1" added the ether. "Hut I'll be hanged if 1 let any Wisconsin 111,111 Aiitilit in Iii w-.l Itnnnuu " illlllll lflllll IIIU 111 SHItVIIU-'l "And Wlsismsln don't take no back seat for MifeurU" Ttilnlly IIII111I When lie Aitiilte. Daliiel Cain, a piospcretis mldtlle-agetl fanner or (ileiuille, N, Y went te bed Sunday night In excellent health and with perfict eyesight, Monday morning he aw oke totally bliiith wiiATi:vi:it tiii: avi:.tiii:k jiiav nii "Wiiatkvkii tliu weather may be," says he " Whatever the it dither may be. It's tbeaeiiKsyeeluKuu' themnlles je ivcnr That's u-maklu' the bun slilne everywhere ; An' the world of gloom Is a weihl el glee. Will tliu blul in the bush mi' the bud luthti tree, ' Wliateier tint weather may be," nays he Whatever the Heather may be 1 " Whatever the weather limy be," nays he " hatuver IU11 weather may be, Yecnu bilnir the spring, it Id Its kivcu an' geld, An' the grass In thegietu wheru the snow llev cold, An' je'll trann your back, witha snillin' facn, As ju sit nt your henit like nu old llieplnce, Wlinteverthe wcather may be,"iiajhiw " Whatever the tteulher tuny bet" Jamti Whtt'imb Jltlti. 1'KIIHONAL.. i:-Si s mm liniisi v lnH limdeu e ill reu nion, lie Mtvd tliHI he, mil imnlf fA,,'illil Hill n' the 'stsr idtuti' buliies, and his trial, with il'l itsiiiiuei niices, nisi lillii .0'n,"0' l iiiiil'tsnr l.iiiM; hut been iieinlllnteil iiMiiiiiiuildatii from llillnl In the isiiulun I'liillniiieniHivrl'!!"!!. IlisbiMlsblpileHlris tnlrelitel in tin -illllrnl llbi, ilu l Mntlurli slipperler of Ml. Ulailstelu). Miss Lulls) luefiK.Ni; 'It'lMJV, lll(i atillier of Senjts at IheHUirt," Is a blonde Ulil et ttiililV-llnvK. Kfai'eful, nnsiiupilsheil mid Mudiiuis. She Will seen, II Is reji'iiltsl, lirlny nut n illume of pme ("wuys. VllK l'lll.HMU.NV - Cl.l.i I' Hl.MillH'ltS reached I'liielunalliiil Wednesday frein Xeiv OrliiiiiM, was liilrediieed en the 'lloer'of Iho ehmiilMTef ceiiiiut'icc, I'ltidiin brief speei'li, mid left for ttiill,iiuiNils III thiinlleriioell. IliissAWllI net prints ute Mis. Dudley. Ills iMper, the I'mlrtl rlimiiii, mjs (sllto (sllte rlally : "The ier iiielehed woman" Dudley Is net weilli nelleluir. mid O'Donevaii Itesmi dries net Intend te nastu any tline or iitten iitten lien upon her. (.'(ivntil ssiian Mi Aiioe of wnik, New .lerstv, was married en VilneMday lit Ho He nalr, I'bi'sterll.'ld i-muitt, Vn., nenr I'leh- iii I, te Mlnnl.ee Tiinh". diuhler of ,Sun- uell'. Tnrdi, ferluerlj' a pieinlneiit mer vliaut or ltlelimelid. Hi: vn flit II i VA mi Is famous ninens thu eplciiies el the national iMpltnl for his skill In preparing' terrnplu fur I he table. Theneimter nlwavs uit Inte the kitchen nml prepares the terrapin with hi own hands ter his lu ll led uuests. He bus the knack erimp irtinttrt pts-uirirdelii'ecy nml IIiimu tethe dish M lib h imne of the piefcssiiin il cisiksnui Imitate. Ilu tl.iiei-M It se as te lender tlie dish luore Uniii usiiiillv entranclii); te the palate. Ilu. I.i (i ee l,t) DiMiieMil, Dr, V. Ij. Hitter and Dr. I.eiiIs Mims have been npieIiiteil Judges in the uiatter of theeiiu thousand dol lar prlroetlctcd ler tie prize ceiiiixisltlnn by the central committee of this "North Aiiieiieau SaiiKerhiid," in Milwaukee, Wis. Tim work Is te 1st perleriued In .llllv, lStsl, at the Kn-d Senif 1'estlval In Milwaukee. The text Is te Is) written for notes, men's chorus ami orchestra. The text must Ihi in (lerinan I the time tsviiplisl In the icrformmice should be nlsitit mi iieiir. ('(line, nsri'teil strep. In eeinfnrt met My m un, eyt lids Iihik fur thee ; lien )i'inii liii'y fiirrrpiise; t'eine, until y thijin te tlesu ? Hut If thy rliMlmr, Ri'iillc ll lend, stimitd rnini nml uetiir tune mi find Ami thee cicliu of iiiIiki sci mi mere, tiiiiriilnits Hhlne' Well kimiv I, one far tulrerilay Myclenil nf "leepulmll clinriu iinny ; Knr eicr, en r brlulil ; A dJ m Ithmil u tilxlit ' Vnin Ihr l.litrioel J'ntl. .il'llCl.tl. XltTH!i:t. tleTnrn llreakfjut nlwiiys nc MIOIKiNT mid rah It In well. It Kites pleasant Mllet from sireheil tentie n siiltlnir fi tint sleep, prinii'itestlie tieiilthfiil iccre I Inns of the mntilti It It HI cost tniirii fur luettts mid iicli thin;,'., but don't bt'i;ruili;ii It fliliriJt)Oil.tw lOt'Sn MKN -KKADTIIIS. Inn VnLTtlc ItrLT t n.nr Mitrslutl, Mich , offer te cllll their CeletinitClt KLKCTlUl-VeLTtlC IlKLT anil ether Klkitiiie ArvLlANcKeiitiiitl for thirty day, tn men (iiMorremiK) ittlllcteil ttlth nervous tli'Mllty, less of vftnllty nml inniilnsxl, and all kindred troubles. Alse fur rhuiiinittlsiu, ueuml Kin, iuinil)ls. nml uutny ether klndrttl til. eases. Cnuiplele ifstnnitlmt te tienlth, llKnr mill until IkmhI Kuarantecil. Ne risk Is Incurred as thirty il'iyw trial Is ttllimwil. Wrlle them lit once ter tlliislntteit juitntihlct fn e tlis"J'li d.t vr suine lliiiilil Hie Itllile And tin unitliiM nt Us tnlthiiis, lint none w hn hat e ti-i d theln ilnnlit the clllciii t nt Jhtrilirk Jllimil lliltrrt 'this splendid lilend lillllu Is wllheiit it peer for sale til II II. Cochran, druggist, IS! iin,l ISO .Ninth ui-vn street, lam citsU'i, I'.t I hretr Attil K.triO. "Trilllliled tttlh Muttllillt Ter el;ht years Nut illlte tn Untiles nf 7iemu' Kflrririe (Hi Ciireil mt cemnhttti alter Mpemllui; ntnr fCV'iii ttlthent tbiif,llKlitestlsueni," 'I hi. U what Aiitftint Iriih ner, of 1 rnne. I'a , sais tnr sale by , It Cochran, ilriiKKtsI, ITT untl 1T North (Jiicen stits't, latiicitsier. Pit a i..w'?i:ifs opiNies tip i.Ti:i:i.sr 'te M.I. .1. A littt nev, esq . a leitilliiK ftttiiruey of l 111 mitt, lllllll . ttrllcs " Allel lIslllK It for HUH t than tint e it urs Itnkrincit pliti.tire In statlni; tllltt I ll'.-tll,l Ur hlllir's Sell lMstsnel fill (nil siniiitliili its ttie lies! leineili In Hie Mnrldfiir I OIIKhsilliil I nhlr II has lifter l.ltlfll le cine the innsi seteie isihls I lette had, anil liitarl.ibly rt llelisi the irtlll III Hie etlesl " Trial iHitilesni Ihi. sun- euie ler nil llne.il nml 1 ijn 111. ens, s in i It, h nt I'ns nl t'ls'tuitn's Drnti t-lme Stt4 IJ7 uinl I .i S ttlh tneen street, lame ister, Pa l.itr)(f Iip, 1 iXi (1 Itntr Almiit the llii-es. llalll pi,lile Iwfere ilirclit.,li' it Ilieillctlie llallinill tliilllre the z- of Ihe lb . unit the rtlrenutti nl It In ii, Int llurititck lltiie! ttllern it te islMnilifill fel Hie little inn's .mil I, i te spoonfuls fin i;i tttn telks ate all Hint Is ueces sfll at one lltue rin umjltiiri' i lit nleilUliirt Is lintenlv eceitmnlml htir trer pU'ssunt fn the tnsfe Vnr sale hj 11 It t oehrmi, (ti iittirlsl, U7 nil t ltt Nnl-th yieen slreet, I Hue tster, P l Letter irum I jets W. I'ii'lil. ,Ir. Ne s Kast VlT,t TWKrf. New Iuuk, Mai ". lsl -eterul tl ues this ttliiter I hare -iitTnrt'd from relils en in lungs. 1 t h time t hue npplii it ALUts K's IMr.ei h Plantkus, mid In ctery In rtance hate heeu iulckfv ntlleied b itipliiiK olio across 1113 chest and nun ttu uiy tntt k. My friends. thitniKh Ui) adi ite. ham trfett It e tx pertinent uuil nlsn fiiiiml it uinut successlidi I teet that 1 call let iilnlitcllll them t.nist highly tn uuy nnu ivhn iua see (It t,tli thi 111 CVItt't IV. ft Kl. ), .In. li at. Ikiek, Kheiiuuttlsin. and al! Lecal I'alus aru rellevtsl and cured by ALU-ecu's l'oiiet e PLASTtiis. One ttlsl ttlll convince juti, but see thnt you Ket the Bunulne, as nil ether se-called Pereus plasters, itittieiit n single, exception, arc wnrthless iuiitntten A ll.i.l llr.Hlli Is Insutferil'le We dun t llkn it A is-rseimlth a stinug breath must net make himself lerj la inlllar with us. An Impure bienth Is cau-eil by an tinhciilttty steinat h. JlurdecK Jtloeil lllllrri will correct thin cill They are the best steiiiach medicine kimttit Pnr sale b II. It. Cochran, itniKKlst, LIT and 1TJ North (iaccn stu-ct, laincas tcr, fit Mr.1t1v.tr.. Villi's 1'Il.hS. HEADACHES Are Kcueially lndnctd by luillgestliiii, Feul htutnat h, Lestlte iies, Uellcleul Lireulatleu, or siniie IluniiiKcuient el thu Liter and Dlgestlie styatviu Mitleier will II ml lellef by the use of Ayer's Pills tn stimulate the stomach and piediicea itgiilar dally ineicnient et thebnttels. Ily their action 011 thpse organs, Wfclt's Pills divert Ihe Weed from the brain, ami Itclicie and cure all forms of Ceiigestlie and Nervous Headache, bilious llcuihichc,iilidSlck lltsiilache ; and by keeping the bow els tree, and preset 1 lug the syatcm tun healthful condition, they Insure Immunity from futiiru attacks. Tiy Ayer's Pills. rilEI'AHEI) IIV I)r. J. ('. Ayer tc Ce., IiOwMl, JIuss. Sold by nil DiuggUts. fi.bl.telS S.vri:, sinii: and sphrdy cuhu. Ill'l-Tt'lIK, VAItll'IK-tLKlinit SI'FI'IAL lllSEASkH of ellhei sex. Why bn humbugged by iiuaeks, when you can tlnd In Dr. Wrlfcht the only litu una PiilHlciAH lu Phlhtdelplila who makes a specialty of thonbevo diseases uml evmea them 7 CciiF.auuAltAKTKKO. Aiivicb riiKi!, day 111111 even lug. Htrmigers can bu treated and return home the sniue day. Olllces private. lilt. W. II. WHK11IT. e.2H North Ninth stlcet.aboie ttacii, P tl. lltixHTS. Philadelphia Jun'A-l)d.tw M "aNIIOOD HKSTOItr.I). IIKMKIIV rilEK, A victim of jeuthttil liupruilcncn causing pro pre liiLtl ill i Decay, N'erieils Debility, Lust Manhood, Ac., having tried In vain every known reintidy. has discovered u simple self cure, which he will end r'lti:i. te his fellow iiuirereia. Addiess, .1. II. ItKKVKs, Jla-lycedAlyw 4.1 Ohathani bL, New Yerk City I1IIIS PAPKU IS PRINTED WITH J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK, Fairmeunl Ink Works, !Clh and IWa. Avenue Jan6-lyd I'llILADKLl'lUA. l'A. MKIHCAt.' jirSTs IM'.MI'.DY. HUNT'S MUMIY AND 1 1 Kit REMEDY! Nevcr Known te Fail. NI'VRtt ll.S'OW:.' TO f Alb. It const when nil oilier wetlleliKM fall, ej It nets directly nnit nt nnre en the hldiipys. Liter mid fimvels, Ij'sletliit; tin-in te a Jmrtlthy actliiii. Il h n salii.tmiii and speedy euro, hud hundreds bnve been cured by It rlicn (iliysleliiiM nml fifeiuM tun) it en them tiptodle. ii 'Safe Cure" ami "SV" ItCt.'Ul'.S nil Diseases or the Kidneys. I Iver, lllaililnr nml Urinary Organs 1 limps), (Jmvi'l, lllabetus, llllglll'rt Dlscitsn, Nervous Dl-isiscs, llxeesdcn, FelilalO Weilknesstss, Jniiiidlce, Knur bteuutili, llyspviisia, Censtlpatliin. Piles, I'alus lu thu Hack. Lulus ami Mile, KeU'li- Hen or Noulletcntlen of Ulinu. ILU AT nilCIMIISTS. izrTAici: se or 1 1 nn. Send fur Illustr.iteit Pninphlut or Solid Trill Trill lueiilals of Ali.ellltn Uuies. HUNTS REMEDY CO., I'revldciKc, It. I. 0) T IIOUSANDS 01- ca.si:.s Ol-' SICK Itesilaclin ale perniiineiitli- cuied every jtstr (ns the hiiuilreilsiir tcHtlmiinlitls In my piMaeaslen will tcstllj) by thu iisoer I)K. LESLIE'S HH'clat Prescription This Iteineily stands ttv tlity without it rival, mid with scarcely a com petitor In the world. 'Ihuusaiids or Physicians throughout the country huve acknowledged their inability te euro It, and are new proscrib prescrib ing Dr Leslie's Special Prescription for all cases nf Sick- HEADACHE In either Its nert eus, bilious or congestive form, arising from obstruct Inu, toiigcsMen or torpidity of the liter hen I say that Dr !islle'a SPECIAL Prescription will cure the niostelistlnntucnscs of Sick llcailache, I mean Just what 1 say, and that Is, that II lint merely txlluves but; POSITIVELY cures, no matter hew long Iho case may have ls-en standing t have tt-stminntids from persons who linvn been mulcted fur twenty )eiirs, being confined te bed two or time dija at a time et cry two weeks, that hate been iH-rmaiicutly cuied by two bottle et Ur Leslie's special I'HESCKIiniOX t ttnl lliry hat" net luul an ttll.tt k ler 4icr lle llii in, inmbltMl w till McW llciuluchuund Hlh te Ik CURED be sure, and gli i this reuiedy a trial. Pr.icit, II .Oil s It A1H 1IKK, sai-atngn sjirlugs. .. Y. I'lll! S..M.1: 111 DI!H,!1T-. lJVljit Ter sale only M .1. II KAt 1 KM O'S, Drug store. Se At, North Oms-n street, linritstcr ler tnlds, nstt It 'iiifTnians leugh syrup, the largest and best for Jj cents pKANIlY. I be tetlutilng altHie w is t nltinlaillv sent te Jill II I. I.VlMlhlll, IgfiitlnrltKlliAUVs (il.li WIN!" sldltl In n prominent pntctleliig phystt litu or this muiiiv, wlm h.i. exti'iisltt l a. eit the liitinilv rcniried tn In bis rpgularimic tint, Il Isri'iiitin Il'l. il te the attention of these (tttllctcd with lDItsr.siION AND DYsPEl'SI V. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. HiIh new mm b uhuseil Alcoholic stimulant wn irV4i intfiiih-Uu-. ii bev luge, but te Ihi utcil u uii'Uicliie ttfuienltT potency In the cunef rim. nf the '4iitiPtle ill-stHtM'4 which BTpps avviij tlu'li unmuil theuuinH of vlt'tini'- ith u iui,l phllimthrejilc n.t i c, w ii'cnt te the fiiventMc ?i')tkc et inulWl etpcc Jully Iho-e ulUlctctl with that inWtr.illt ll-ci'-e, hyxptpMa, a -pceii1c i,hm1 , whlct) U nothing iner of U' than IUiAN'ri 'IhOHKcd, with ft'ct.le Hpictlip, nml men; or lr-4 tlfliilt'j, will llm. thu simple medicine, WblMl UTil linIHl1( A e Utr.n.y im:mi:dy Fer all tlwlr UN nml uehes. He It. heweviT, Htrlctly umlertesl llutt me prvcribe nml une but oiieiiitlclo, uml that Is Regart's Old Brandy, held bv our entcrprlnlng filcnd. H. K. M,AY MAKKlt. 'this brand) his sttsHt the test for yeani, mid has nci cr tailed, as tar as ourexHi eurexHi ilcncti extends, uml tin tlnui'tine give it the pinfcistnisi eter all ether Itiiiiidles 110 uiatter tilth lien many Jaw bicaklng t'lx'nch titles they are bniudisl. (Ine-fuuith et the money tlint Is jeaily thi-eit n away en Mtrieus Impotent dys pepsia specltlcs, would KUIIItsi te buy all the llrandy te cum uny such e.te or rases. In proof of the curat Ive lKiuer of KUU'aUT'S OLD IlltANDY In cases of liyspepsla, we can summon numbers et witnesses one cttse hi particular wn will cite: A hard working farmer had been mulcted with 1111 exhausting Dis))cps!ii fera luuubcref lears; his stomach would ivji ct aliuest eieri' kind of fisxl j hohiidt-eureruct.itioiiscoiistmit'iy noap neap noap petlte In tact he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stain biead, and as abcicrnge he Used Melininn's Uoel Peer He ts s, Methislisti mid then, its nnti , preached at times, and tn his discourses ellen ilcclalmcd caruestl against all kinds of stieiig drink. When mil Ned te tiy UKHiAUT'S OLD IlltANDY III his eitse, hn Iwkcd up with itsteiitshincnt ; but niter hearing of his wonderful effects In tint eases of seme of tils near .iciiiialntmites, limit last consented 10 billow our mil Ice He used the llntudy faithfully nml slcadlli ; the Hist bettle gtt lug liluiitn appetite, and ucfeie the second was all taken liu was it sound luaii, with a stout acli capablu of digesting auythiiig which he ehistbu tticat. He still keeps It and Uscsallltlu occasionally ; and since he has this medicine, he has been of very little pecuniary benefit te the doctor. t iracitij iVijtcluii. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AUl.NT FOlt KLK1.VHT.S OLD WlNEbTOItE, Khf AIII.ISIlKll I.N 17n1. Importer nml Dealer In Old llrandy, Sherry. Hn, perter old Madeira, liupuited in isis. is-.l and a. Chauiiuigncs of ctery brand, bcetch Ale, I'eitcr, llrewn stout. Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster IKAY'SSlM'.l'IKH'MKDU'INr vJ the Incut English Itciucd) An linlallliig cuie ler Iiiipelcucy uiulnll Dlsiwists Unit Inlhm Less of Memery, Onlieival l.tssltude Pitlii in the Hack, Dluiuess of Isleii, Piemattiie Old Age, and many ether diseases that lend te In sanity or Consumption uml u Pieiunture (iiitve. Full pat tluularaln our lutuipblut, which we da sire te scud free tiy mail te every one. This Spo Spe clllc medicine Is mild by all druggists ut II per package, or six packnges for tl, or will be sent ircn tiy until en receipt of thu money, by ud dressing thengent, II. II. COCllltAN, Druggist, Sole Agent, Nes. 137 and l&l North tjueen stit-et, Lancaster, l'a. On account et counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper 1 the enlv genuine. TIIK GUAY MKDlCINE CO.. Uutfale, N. Y. rplin UAIIOKST, IIK.ST AND MOST X. complete assortment et Euchre, Cuslne and Poker Caids lu the town, fiein be. per pack up, HAKTMAN'S YELLOW FUONT CIGAlt bTOllE, Iliiiiidy as a lieilicniB. VAIllltAittlH. S'1 iTAMlAKI) OAHIUAOK WORK. EDGERLEY & CO,,, (Cmrlsge llullili rxli MAItKKT K'ilir.l T, lit: Ml Of 1'OsTOH l(,K, LAN (JASTl.lt, l'A. 01 11 I. MIOi: STOCK Or' BU&&IES & OAEEIA&ES Comprises the Latest Styles mid the must Kle gnntlv Klidshed, WlllOfl UK OFFhll AT UltllATI.Y ItKIUNJKD PltlC'Lls. IhnHUI'KUIOIl gUAI.ITY OK OUH WOltK Is no l(iiiueriiiestlmied. Our work Is lis II m as any made lu the larger, cities, nml HOLD AT IIALK Till; PltlCi:, New Is thutliiiutoenlor ler spring. U.VCOUIlAOK FA I II IIKAMSU And llniie.l Werk. All Werk WAIlltANTKD, ItKPAIIHVO l'ltOJIPTLY ATTi:.MH.D TO. One set et w 01 kmen especially employed ler that purpose. - A few SI.r.KlllSlettut Lew Flguies. iilre us a call. nei'JtlilAw vronnr.eic fi. MII.K.Y. Eine Carriage Werk AT- NORBECK & MILEY'S, Cenii'i' DukO Ar Vine Slrccls, I.A.VCASTKU, l'A, WD HAVE I.V hTOCK, AND UNDKIl CO.V- STIlUCTIO.V FOU THKC0.M1N0 bKAhON.THK Finest Variety or Ciirriiuje Werk KVKItOFKKltKD TO Till: POIILIC. Our icpiilatlen for selling a flrst-clnss Jeb at Lew Figures has been established. We GUARANTEE OUR WORK Tetie constructed of as fine material as any In the county, unit n III sell tar below- ether dealers. We Invite the Public te Inspect Our Werk (before being Induced te pay Fancy l'rlcesrnnd tetudge for tbeiuselies, us 110 ure the only builders of COllllECr CITY STYLUS. A FEW SLEIGHS LEFT, WHICH WILL HE "OLD AT COST TO CLOSE OUT STOCK. Of Itepalrtng Neatly Dene. MACHISUlir. H TKATintS Oil FURN'AUHS. .( BEST" STEAM ENGINE -AND- Beiler Works, HEITERS -Oil FUR NACES fei: L'rivale Dwellim:-;, Sclioels anil Piil). lie Ituiltliiiirs. Call mid 'CO them. Mnileef heavy iron, elm elm ple of construction, durable, ecoueinlttul, the most ltadlating Surface of uny Hcaler hi the murket. XOTIUXO CHEAP but the I'UICE ! OUR OWN PATENT. SMIiii!ng been In uit lu ninny of the largcs residences In Ijincaster In the past tea 5 carol the best of et Ment 0 of Its merits.: Addiess, Jehn Best & Sen, Ne. 33 EAST FULTON STI'.ELT, laulSlvdiw LANCAsrhlt, l'A. HAVING DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP und lieniianentlv clesud the Chestnut Mtiect Iren Winks, 1 ilcslre te Intiuin my old patrons and thu public geueiiiiii, that lam still lu the business, being located lu the Pcnii lien Company's Weiks, North Plum stictt, whole I mil untieing iron ami uniss ttsiiugsei oicryuo eicryuo oicryue serlpllou, and will be pleased te eerie all who may laver 1110 with their patreuagr. Friim 4(1 years expniliuii.e lu thu business and using the best maleilat and employing the best mechanics, I mil satlsilcd 1 cangu.irauteueutlicMitlsfactlnn. Castings luude fieui 11 mixture of Imn and steel which me limn) mil, ililn for utiiinglh und dura bility than the best cast Iren kumtu. teeth loll pinions, lolls and lolling mlllwnik 11 spec ialty. Castings luade of very sort Iren, and brass castings or etcry description. 1 haie all the pat terns of the well and favorably knettii Mewicr Cern und Cob Ciusher, rctlttcd mid impieved, itlse en hand. Mills completely titled up or lu parts, te tepluce old ones w hlcli have been In use ter years, guaranteeing them tegji e satisfaction. It. C. MtCULLEY. auir-ll-Cnid 10 us wvjixisiuxu a uuit . un: CHEAPEST PLACE TO IIITY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Geal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -18 AT- JOHN P. SCHAUM fi SON'S Ne. 24 Seuth Queeu Street, febn-lyd LASCASTEK, PA. novivivnsisuise aoeus. fcSM,M.l,..,,, 11 .,,.,. rf. , TjM.INN 'A ItUHNKMAN. HOUSEFURNISHING. We tire new manufacturing a completo line of OLD STYLD TINW1R.D. Wa utie only the best Tin and empley only the beat Moehanlca and our Ware la Buporler te any te be had In the city. Thore has been anether Great Drep in the Price of Steyes and Ranges. Examlne our Stock bofero buying. FLINN & BRENEMAN, LARGEST STOVE STORE, Ne. 152 North Queen St.. Lancaster, Pa. jtnr aixuti. JIAenu Aani. it nueTumi. 1885. 1885. HAGER& BROTHER, CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Over production and the general depression In trnde throughout the ceuuliy, have also affected the value of Carpets, which art. untrtietng sold at the Lewes' Prides ever known. We have bought for cash large Hue. of tin best linikcs and lualltlusnf MeijBtts, Velvets, Bedy Brussels, Tapalry I'nmels, Three-ply Ingriias, Diaask, Veaitu:!, Rag and Chaia Carpets, Which we will etfer at the Lewest Trices ever known for the 3111110 irualltlus. Wiltens and Willen Bk Velrets, MeqaeU aad V'lvet Tapestries, Bigelow, Lewell, Glea Eche and Hartferd Bedy Brussels, Rjitury, StirseE, Ziz!ji ail Hifgens Tapestry Brassels, In Handsome New- bprlng Styles anJ CUi.i, itlthK-incu, -e, -iundad Berder te match. A large line or Itetly Brussels at $1.00 peryard, In the new styles, and Including such makes as lligelew, Hartferd, I'aruicr and llorner. Largnllncs of Tapestry Urunels, SCc. per yard, upwards; large lines of Ingrain Carpets, 55c. per yard, upwards. Lineleums and Oil Cleths, China and Cocea Mattings, all widths. Kensington Art SqaaresRAIAH, Smyrna, Meqnet, Velvet and Tapestry Rags and Mats. This Is a l&vorible tluie te purchase anything In the Carpet line ut extremely low pilces Carpeta Sewed and Laid In best manner and at Lewest Prices. HAGER & Ne. 25 West King Street, reiiN s. givi,i:ic DRESS WE HAVE BOUGHT, MUCH UNDER COST, ABOUT 4,000 YARDS TRICOT BEIGES, Which We will Sell at the Unexampled Price of 15 Cents Per Yard. 4S-Thcseiioedshavenlwavssnlilat2aand50Ceiits. There are SIX COI.OUINO's TItKKE GUKY-, 1WOUKOWX9, UNKHLl'KMIXKIl. They are TWENTY-TWO lXCIIEb WIDK. Ask te see them nr send for Samples. They are a great bargain, and we will uet have them In the store uiuny days. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., Ne. 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. pOWERS .fc HUR-ST. BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Te Clese Out ?7.000 Werth of Our Stock. 'I l ' J v - UuwMiiutke Price. 1. 1:1 Li . . nu -Pi Sheeting and Shirting Muslins, Table Linens, Tickings, Bed Checks, Calicoes, Counterpanes, Quilts, Comforts, Blankets, Cottenades, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Hamburg Edgings and Insertings, Black Silks, Black Cashmeres, Dress Goods, &c, WILL 1)0 WELL TO GIVE USA CALL 1IKF0IIE TUKCIIASIXG. BOWERS Nes. 26 and 28 North -VTliXT 1)001. TO TIIK COUUT U0USK. FAHNESTOCK'S. Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Ladies' Muslin Underwear, NIGHT DRESSES, CHEMISE, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, &c, &c. Dliuctfieiu Miimifiictuilcs, In lingo lets, ut LOW 1'ltICES, te which we Invite attention. ALSO HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, Frem u SPECIAL NEW YOItlilMl'OUTEIl'S AUCTION SALE, which we ure able te sell from 30 le 40per cent, less than Itegular 1'iiccs. R. E FAHNESTOGK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa. ainuis "ea HiriyriTALi7'' CARPETS ! CARPETS ! ItKOPKMNU Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Woatenow D new piepaied te show the trade the I.argi st uuil Hest Selected Line of Carpets ever ex. , this city. WILTON'S. VELVETS, all tlie Iradlui; Makes of 1J0IJV AND TAPEBTltV s. TllltKE-l'LV. All-Weel and Cotten Chain EXTltA SUPEltS, and all qualities of IN. hlbltci) In tli llllllk, VI .- lil.wnc x.k.7, .lll.r,.-I ., 1 , 111-, IKil llllll lnilllll IjMUIll 1.11 (iltAl.S OAltPETS. MAMASKuud VENETIAN CAltl'KTS. own manufacture a speciality special Attention paid te the ManufacturH of CUSTOM CAHPETS. Alseal'ull Llneef OIL CLOTHS, itUOS, WINDOW SlIADEs, COVtltLLTn, 4a, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and BROTHER, Lancaster, Pa. Gr EO. V. RATHVON GOODS 1 by March i. r Meck I. tee large and must ha induced. IV WANT OF & HURST, Queen St., Lancaster, Pa UAG uud CHAIN CAltl'KTS of our Water Ste., Lancaster, Pa. TiurxTAuva avmtt. LWS AW,,1""81 Cam cave uMIIlersvlllt. 'fur Lincitstrt ilPiv 8.W and iu-.ni ut. and i.-eu, j-uu, .isn and 1m p? m. ARRAKOBMIKT OF TAMtKBtH TRAKf. 8UX0AY, -NOVEMDKU 1tb, im. irfiavn. a.m. r.x r., a k KlngStLnne.. B.40 .oe Hen i lailieastnr...... B.,7 litO MM aid 4.A Manhelm 7.1.1 I.2S 5..17 r. m Cornwall ...t... 7.m l.&g 0.07 fca M7 AlTlTO. ' Lebanon Am hj 8,5s j,u ej , HOUTIIWAltl). Leave. a.m. r.n. r.n. A.w. Ml. Ibanen 7.) li.lil 7.30 7.W It) vT'i1" T-m Iiw 7.4(1 7.W U50 Manhelm urn i.j. upt 9.21 mj Arrive0r 8M 1,' "" ' " A.ll.Wiu.es.HupUlt.AC.U.It. 1. M. llAVARti, Rnpt, u. and (,'. A Mt. II. It, l Oreriiii Kiti, rtupt. I. A It. It. It. alllyd jnAOINd A- COLUillllA. AItItA.VUK.MENT Of TASHKNtlEn TIIAINH. SUNDAY, .VtlV. 1(1, 1M4. NOitTHWAUl). IEAVR. A. V. r. il. I M. A. M Qnnrryvllle fl:Sl .... K 7:ji Ijincnsicr, KIiir Street.... 7i .... t.M vw '-"""ter 7:40 12:M 8..V) hlO Clilckles 7:2,1 sxi Jliitletta Jiuictleu VM .... 404 .... CelmuMii 7:30 1J:10 8.10 .... AIIK1VK. lteitdlUK 9 t-M B!0 ... SOUTIIWAHD. IteadliiK 7d0 KOO 610 .... ARPIVC. x M ;V"rl,cttii Junction s-.vt .',,,' 79 .,,. Chlckles 9.3,1 ,,,, 8M Columbia 9..ai jhtij si .... Ijincaster. .,,, 9 i 200 8-11 B-20 Ijincaster. King Street.... 9ju .... n-a) 6.10 giianyvllte 10-j? .... 0a 610 Fer connections at Iteadliiir, Manhelm, Lan caster Junction, Marietta Junction and Cel 11 111. bla see time tables at ull stations. 1U.VDAV. Iave qimrryvlllu, 7:im. 111.: fjuiciister, King ' Pt"'ct,.":'"iu. m.,4p. ui.j Liuiutster, 8:10 a. ns. and 4:fcl p. 111, Arrive Heading, lo-.eoa. m., 0:11 n. lu Leavi IteiidliiK, 8.00 a. in., 4 p. III. Arrive Lancaster. 9.W u. 111., and .Vli p. m.i Lancaster. King street, IsiJ 11. m., 5:50 p. tn.! ljuarryvllle, 6:4e p. in. K ,, .A.M. WILSON', SupU C. G. llAcecg, Ocu'l. l'ass. A Ticket Agent. pEXN9YLVANiATlATr.ItOAl7st'flED- J.T11."? 'enve Lancaster and leave and arrive at rhlladel phla as fellow s : Leavu Leave WESTWAKD. I'hllailitlplila. Lanengter. Sews Express! 4-mu.ui. 6:Jia,m. Way Passenger! 4ule crf's) Mell train via Mt Jeyf 7 ii " ri-Sl " Se. 1 Mall Train via. telum'a. (US " Niagara Express 7-10a. in 950 " Hanover Accem via Lulnni'a. 9JU ' Kast Line f 11 Ma in 13 p.m. t'redcHck Accem vla.( elum'iu 1:13 " Ijincaster Accem via. Mt Jey, 2:30 " llarrlsburg Accem 2.14 p. uu BS5 " Columbia Accem 4:10 " 7:30 ' Harrisburg Express... .V40 " 7:40 Western bxpressf . 9:10 " 11:1a I'acltle Expressf UrJi ' U.'tla-m Leave Arrive at EASTWA11U. Lancaster, rhlladelphlit. Mall Exprcssf l:eia.m. 3u5a.m 1'hU'n. Express ( 2:27 4:25 " Fast Line f bsb " 7J0 " Harrisburg Express... 8:10 " 10:20 " Ijincnstcr Accem. ar,. 8:53 " via. Mt. Jey. Columbia Accem. 9-00 " 11:15 a. m Seaehore Express 12:58 p.m. 3.13 p.m. Johnstown Exprcssf . 2:20 " ssas " Sunday Mall 2:4i " 5:43 " Day Exprcssf 8-18 " 7:23 ' Harrisburg Accem G.tS " 9: The Marietta Accommodation leaves Colum bia at G te a. 111. and renches Marlettn at 0 55. Alse, leaves Columbia at 11:13 a. in. and 2-15 p. m., reaching Marietta at 12-01 and 2:33. Leaves ar lctta nt 2.50 p. m. and arrives at Columbia also, leaves at 8J5 and arrives at 8:45. The Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8.00, connecting with Harrisburg Express at 8:10. The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect ing at Lancaster with Fast Ltne, west, at 1:33 p. m, will run through te Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, cast, leave Columbia at 12:23 and reaches Lancaster at 12:50 p. in. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9.50 a. in. will run through te Hanover, dally, except Sunday. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when nagged will step at Dott-nlngtewn, CeateBVllle, I'arkesburg, Ml. Jey, Eltzabethtewn and Mlddletewn. f Thu only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train west runs by way oi.Celuiublo. Leave dally except Monday. COUNWALti AND LEBANON AND COLEUItOOK VALLEY KAlLltOADS. SOUTHWARD. Trains leave Lebtnen dally (except Sunday) at 6:30 a. in., 12:30 and 7:30 p. in. Arrtvu at Cornwall at 6:40 a. tn., 12:10 p. m.and 7:40 p. m. ; at Concwage at 7:20 a. m., 1:23 and 8:20 Ji. in. .connecting with the Pennsylvania Kail reed or points east and west. MORTUWARD. Trains leave Concwage at 7:30 a. m., BJOani. 8:25 p. 111. Airiveat Cornwall atSKJfl a. m., 4:18 and 05 p. in. ; at Lebanon at 8:3) a.m., 4:.' and 0:15 p.m.. connecting at Lebanon with Philadelphia and Heading Italltead for points cast and west, and the Lebanon and Trcment flranch for Jonos Jenos Jones town, l'lnegrove and Trement. The 6:30 a. 111. train will step only Rt Cornwall, Colebrook and Hellalre.. tu7i.Tccea.xh vjhaks. TT L. STKMMAN" A CO. Holiday Presents, MEF.nSCIIAtJM SMOKEHS ND TIPES, TfltKISH ril'ES, FltENCH HltlAK IMl'ES. C'IGAIl AND CIGA11ETTE HOL HEllS, CIGAK CASES, SMOKER'S SETS, CIO AKETTE CASES, Abll ItECEIVEI.S, MATCH CASES, CANF.s, Ac. All In great variety and at very low prices. a i-Cull and examine our goods, trouble te show them. Ne H. L & Ne. 116 North Queen Street. vxin:r.TdKie. TTNDKHTAKINU. L.R.R0TE,$3- UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, Lakcubtxr, Pa. Personal attention plvcn te all orders. Every tliliiK in the Undertaking line furnished. Having scoured the services of a nrst-clesg IU6 chanlc, I am prepared te de all klndsef Uphol Uphel sterlni? at very uiederute prices. All kinds of Furniture Upholstered. Ofvomeacall. L,. R. ROTE. j.iuiatia irATCllJSS, tc. "Yy-ATCliES, CLOCKS AND JKWELRY. GREAT REDUCTION IN PUICE8 OP WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELUY.at LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposlte City Hetel, nenr Pa. U. II. Depot. I sell Geld and Silver Watches, and repair the same at extra low prices. J J'31-lJd TTKADQUAKTKKS i'OH TUB INDIAN MEDICINES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere, .NO, 9 EAST KINO ST., Lancaster. Pa. U DO E3 HAVE LONG SINCE DECIDED that the yellow Trent Se. Clr U taa b( tnltbe state, at UAJITUAN' YELLOW JE0NT C1QAU BT0&Z. '! m a in i-" ""-S 1 . .F iRa WL.1" Ieb23-Jmd4w WfaasSSt WH.iJlhXa.Sk