$$ r.i'i- till- lW V-H.'. UN NY INTP.1JJGP.VPni. TiTrn.w ppmuTY 12. lSRS. " svji s Hillsls.s-sJls1JI -TT I IMliij , l:'4 ' ' t-.i. t k Ss tr!p & IW . ftp- RS' V w 3 r, w a m u iife m Bap. He fe II W' ,&i DAILY INTELLIGENCER PT 8f STElrlMAN i. HENS6L 3LLIGENOER BUILDING WsTv. 60ftNER CENTRE SQUARE. (.0 Lancaster Pa, jLVTtN CCOT9 A WCCK nvt oetUns A en nrrv cents a wenth. rosTAecrntt. EHTI3EMCNTS rneu ia te rrTr ctvrs iwe. EEKLY INTELLIGENCER. (f-HMT WOES) $ lyy8l!JHtD EVERY VAEONCSDW fOftllNa, T9 Duu Vf in At,$ jfiRESPONDENCC Solicited i-rem every K,' PART ?F THE STATE ANO COUNTRY. COPtl-J-MNOENTSAnt REQUESTED TO WRITE LEO.PLY AOONONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY; Af.0 7" ..n .,.. ... mil., .jr.,- rn mini if-iv.fitu m,"r .!. eiw .nfc.il. nwflM nwi . wv ruvwwMi'i - fe",-f IN PROOF OF GOOD TAITH. ALL ANONVMOC? tRTTERS WILL Uu tUN5ll.sti iu int HASKET.S tit A0DRE8S ALL LETTERS ANO TEUE GRAYS TO. S.i S mt-r-n Timnt t r mater rvcre fcLf 'inji li lliiJiJlVISJMV.EHV, .'."c -.. Lancaster, pa. $j8l)c Lancaster 3ntcll.gc.tfix XAN'OASTEn, rr.IIRU.MtY 1!, Is. Scull's Tlctrq or tlie Cabinet. - I .Sir. II IIU11U i-i. cun iihi mtu uriniifi jTtM folks at Washington v.-hat he tler. and T7l S .. S.fa, ,.... T C..l. t.nn Lhah I..1T...V f what he does net kuew about Sir. Cleve- AC land's cabinet. "What he does knew is that Bayard and Garland can go in if they want te ; what he does net knew is every- thing else, including whether they want n ''i tn. The, Information is net very areat. but Mr. Scott's nervous way of glv- inc it makes it sound as though it were. Mr. Scott i3 an active individual and much inclined te having a linger in any f .tn sVlsni- aIahiIh t tiftt li-in?! titmlhil XTn M1J ff 3 JMO IIIUI OWIIIVI3 illl.ll)jlj inuuian , 4.t , always had a great drawing towards Ot if KAltltj.nl .....( ..!.., Inn 1...6 linn ,,rtf liIAII D H JJvllllv;,fcl lluuill'ULilit-ii, UUl 1IU3 ,llt I....... .V. i? strikingly successful in it as he has been in kSf, financial management. Mr. Scott is a man of great wealth, wen by his expertness in that field of labor ; and he has lately w en a victory in politics in being elected te Con gress. It may be that he is te crown his latter days with velitlcal distinction te be as a gay decoration te his financial tri umphs. AVe wish him well in h Wap.ratlens. As an early friend of Cleveland's nomina tion, he has a geed roml-eff. The fear though, that we have, is thai Mr. Scott may lack somewhat indiscretion. .Napo leonic manners and methods nre net always Bulted- te "Washington campaigns. Mr. Scott has seemingly tee strong antipathies te make a facile leader. He does net like our Senater "Wallace for instance, and scouts the idea that he should be held up for a cabinet place ; nevertheless Senater "Wallace would make a geed cabinet officer and President Cleveland might go a geed deal farther off for one and fare much worse were he te select him. "We suggest te Mr. Scott that when he gets te "Washiiigten.as the people's representative he must try ,te lift himself up above his prejudices that he may have a bread View of persons and swear at nobody, and love everybody as he hopes for heaven and the "White Heuse. Fer rsatnple. There are a larj,t number of se-called " private " charities in this state which are supported almost wholly by the state, but in the property of which the comtnenw ealtli has no title and in their direction it has no control. They receive and treat patients only for pay, and they go every year te the legislature for an appropriation te make up the difference between their income from these teuices and their expenses. It is 003 e We that by ums system they can furmsli thsir accouvnedauunsmore cheaply than it they wero run entirely 03 private concerns ; and In this senw only are they public insti tutions. The money they receive fiem the state is net expended uuder its super vision, nor Is their management under its control te any maten..l extent. This mixed system of charities Is one that is subject te grave abuse, a3 hasertcn be "- pointed out, m general and particular, b-' tLi-i journal. It is one which, in em JiiJ;,tner.t. needs closer legislative scrutiny and broader esecutivft treatment than it bus yet had TUe euro of the Indigent and ins,ine an'' suffeiing is inip-)ed upon the government Tlie county or tlie state slieuld provide tit places for them , whri their families arc able te support "iem thereiu wholly or in part,the wlieiu or uuchp.irt of their oxpens expens oxpens aheuld be collected frum them; and private institutions, whether free or for pay p.i tients, should be left te de their own work In their own way without depending en the state for help.er without the state depending onthemtedo its work. There is a dis tinct work for each te de, and they slieuld net be confounded. There seems te lw no geed reason why the larj.er counties like Philadelphia, Allegheny and Lancaster should net provide for their own criminals, Insane and paupers ; and tlie smaller ceun- ties, which need te have state institutions conveniently located should pay theii pro pre pro pertionate share of the keep of these w liem they send te them. But why a private institution owned and controlled by private Individuals should call upon the state regularly for money te keep it up passes comprehension. Again and agaiu tlie treasury Is raided te build, te improve and te maintain such. It euht net se te be. Fer cxamplo.we understand that the Dix Dix inent insane asylum, in Allegheny, has been largely built up and maintained by state money; and comes up regularly te the legislature te make up the deficits in its receipts and expenditures, though it re ceives and keeps no one free; and that it asks eiW.OOO or 20O,0O0 this year te build new buildings. And yet the state hasue share in its estate and only the ine3t iuii". nificant representation iu it3 beaid of con trol. And this is probably ene of tlie best and best managed of the institutions which yearly absorb a million or se of the state's moneys! It b te be hoped with the Increas. ing number of these charities and thtlr largely Increased demands for htate aid some conscientious and intelligent legisla legisla ter will challenge the whole system of which they are a part. Will 'Ihey Vete for Him J Alderman Spurrier is a candidate- t- ree'estionupen ids fai h in the stubborn adherence te the party nominee of the lte publican voters of the Fourth ward. That adherence will need te bevery strong indeed te sjcure te nlm the party vote under the im pulse which every voter must reel te dis card an alderman who has been se fully shown te have fanned his oflice for the profit th it could be squeezed from It with. out regard te the Jawujness of tl. wuyg. ,TlmWi.'inM'firlii aftflcimmrt is Vuj- high in this teMi, and mn mx been elteW and rfwkrMl vrbe Btr nflt Hty rtTtipuhnta itwt U B.ty4a which they mad? thf-ii few. Hut w l.avc never before had a candlrtat up fr 1. election vhe prnrtiPOR hine been sft shameless and se fully ft-spatscd e the of theaMrman of the fourth ward; who imanarreuly cca.KHl ImpTisenmunt njien his indictment and was wnitwil te jwy the costs )f the inDwecutien Will ilie reurtli ward Tlepublirans ete fn Ulie '' Ke Slltnrrs frllichni. After "e-keral nienUis' .'inxieus (Unit, te Wlittle rrc-.lilpnt CIca eland, nt tempts te tmbieilliltn with his enn jwrty and iw.ys le bulldiHe him into one pelir) t.r ivnellu'i . tlie Ticpiibllran organs dw-wTr and twiue of thorn are franJ: 'neii-Th te a-lm't th.it they gnaw a flle Wliite neniaii fti eUftitl t llnjpvm dciicy was morn appresi ''liabU1 1'. nil rimvrs and mere frank with all inquirer, it h.tx liern found useless te attempt te nmk Mr. Cleveland antlcipate his pitlkv nd the proper time fur a deelnratitm of it. He Will lwe his liiiiugr.nl n.idv and Ins cabinet made by tlir Teuith vf March , !il if he th-clared fitiiei U feiv tint t nut, many of the gossip; nowiMuengfis and tlie b'iy jxilitical meeh.uiirs wtuiM flml thfii "oni "eni "oni patien gene I'Ikv should ,u In wl-ip (ln'ii eMigiit iiii te him for smug thfin hiicli j'rt'leiiircil opportunity tu emmvih? their Imentie faculties. Meanwhile astute politicians of all par tics begin te recognize that Mr. Cleveland policy ,net of reticence, but of deliberation, is a win) one. It premises gtxnl result and sjfe deliveranre ! Out Iu Washington territory It s con sidered geed form te (.end in iutiens te death beds. The commissioners of tlie shell fisheries of Connecticut ple koiiie interesting sta tistics concerning the oyster beds of the Nut meg stale. The tetiil area of the Connecticut oyster Ik1s is T'J.Ols acres of which 14,000 arecultlvated and 01,032 uucultiated, and 5.S05 are natuial betls. reur-tlfths of the farms comi)rise 20 acres or mere. They glv e employment te 40 ste-un v eselR, itli a total carrying capacity of 30,720 bushels, and te a fleet of Hailing vessels estlmitcd as "probably 300," tarylm: in carrying ca pacity from 30 te 2,000 busliels. llesides pur veying for the New Yerk city market, there is a vast shipment of seed by the farmers te numerous states, and the eommis-ieners saj that "this is probably the largest and me-t profitable part of the Connecticut oyster in dustry." The experts te foreign countries alsoare steadily increasing, and ene Ann is mentioned which alone ships te Kngl.ind from 200 te 300 barrels of oysters w eeUly. They arc admitted there duty liee. A Uirrel contains almut three bushels, it w 111 thus be Been that the Ucm of oysters furms no un important part in a list of Connecticut's In dustries. A uitAeKFit. relinquishment et the presi dency by ilia Republicans was almost tee much te expecL, It Is said that Americans sjx'nd S.Vm,kie every year in valentines and as w ill Ijo een elsew here some of the designs of these mes sengers oflevo nre very elaborate this jear. It is a v ery pretty custom, and w hether the Valentine comes from an ardent lever or waggish friend, it is entitled te Is) received with the spirit that prompted Its wilding. Mrs. Miuuie Dorrlcksen, of New Yerk, does net take this sensible view et the Valentine question. The ether morning the postman brought her a bigcemic valentmoef a woman manipulating u piano, and entitled "A Screamer." The verses ran : Frem e irlv mom till ttc at night Yeu practice your plune flcht, Ami such an uw lul bcreunilnji keep, en w ike the babies trem thulr sleep II "v h inpy would vnur neighbor:) be Anether statu of thtnjjs te re ; w n. i. u itheuld i. urn te cook andaciub, AuJ prnLiice ' en the vr.ishln tub Cnn1 I j :e iii)reciate the delicate humor of the viientme, its angry recipient promptly get out sv arrant for the arrest of a feminine neighljer. Hut when the case catne up be f jre e police Justice it was dismissed, as noth ing could be proved against the defendant oxceptttint she had expressed the opinion tuit .virs. Dorrlcksen played the piano tee much. Tlie cheler that the latter displayed nukes it estreinuly probable that she leads her Jfist.in i n inn time at home. Ir lnteiiu Iieed that the cold blasts will net freeze up the warm springs of charity. The Inauguration Hall. Kreui W.ishln(;ten Letter. The beautifully engraved tickets and invi invi Utiens for the Inauguration ball art; new ready and the sale of thorn will be begun en Monday. The large card of invitation, bear ing the portraits el the candidates, is valuable as a souvenir, and as the real ball ticket has te be given up at the deer, the Invitation is all that remains te one. The price of a ticket and each Individual has te have hLs or her own ticket in order te enter. Washington ladles who knew the perils of n ,"rt crowd and a public ball of this kind, never lay much btres-s upeu the matter of toilets fur such an occasion, wearing gen erally the ovening diess that they care least nbeut ruining. The gorgeous costuming is left, tharofere, te the strangers, and w u hear on en derful Medes here el the gowns that have been ordered in ether cities te U) ready lur the inauguration ball. While everv ene w ill be expocted tu appear In lull eveumg dress, many visitors who ceme here only for the day wear tlie plain dark silL ilr.... tl.ui n,,.. have worn in the street, and tlie managers obliging them te lay aslde their hats, or bon nets, theyawerd very wall with theethersin thogeneral view of the crowd. Atloerover vvhlch 10,0ix( people have enuu walked is net the place that any woman wants te draw a delicate satin train ever for the first time, and it will only be the iue-.t loyal partv fellow -ers who will saerillcea new and cetlv eve ning diess at the March ball. .1 TIIO 1AIS TM.M'.. The sheiL ut lllMpiielnlr.l I Almu.iciiutu .Vlun' Iliirlnl AlUm. "Why did j en bring me back ? I was In heaveu!" The iwaker was Michael No Ne v 1 lle. an employe of Caruegie'rt iron mill, in rltbiburg. Novlllle came home te his heard, ing house, en Thirty-third btreet, last .Satur day morning, ceinplaining of leeling ill. a de. ter pronounced his case horieus. Nev illu seen bejamii unconscious and all the nyiiii. toms of death upiKwred. The loeter, sum sum sum iiioned u hoceiiU time, pronounced him dead 'J he priest of St. Jehn', Catholic Chinch, te which Noviile belonged, was netitle.! and sent blessed candles, and they burned at thu head and loot of the body all Satin day night. It was decided te have the lunur.d en Tues iUy and the carriages were ordered. On .Monday, thu urn nrtnL-.ir ..,.,.. ,. ,,. . cellln and prepared te embalm tlie bedv. As !m,m!I Wi'i0 ""!' te '"Jt the embalming liquid Novllle .it up and nudu the remark ubove quoted. Ile Is still weak, but will r Tliere is .it luiiuiicu cennetted with his Btrange exwrience, lleing u prei.os.ses.slng wmifrn, l l,rtiv-8!,f y tterSS ; ,V. , ilM 1,, lla', we ll'e heart of a ftT ,ltuiy 'Y,nB '" th0 l:,wt '"d, a charm Ing girl of eighteen hummers. Last i'riu"v ?mv'e"'4eil ' wwhttaK her family te could bear. Te Spak In lltt),urB. feurThi?.!,'0 0, Vm Ar, the inaue dv (Jev. ifv.. .. : ; t;. ;"" "- lJV Richard' Vaux etT.hiiA....VL.TOr i)lKTS'ht Jicasterfaml W ft . . . " 1 ft I --I"..., .JUI..I4U. II, or, the .Utiwmmtui U 0t lUe DeilMla her, butarf'pr e ' ravean adnire'r' -" "itifc nni iiiuiH i nun tin HALF A M-IKKT. t sr 1 (. r HArltfc 111. W h,it nmuJutilli t.- tll) All l. trell thilt tlllcUl WM' ii thv- sav -'tt" shall T manage te catch tinr nlenc The old lllev tten'l ll me .'liter tliw hmisv if he knows annhtiutftliniil it, that's .vrtwia. I..-I me et '" -md l ivy remain in .1.-. p thought iiuul the train runs under tlie -rl.lt;-. and (Sillies it, i standstill epfsmlte th plat fi-iui at IIditi-w. Hi niiml iseridcntlv nnde up new there Is no hc-itatien or ilmibi visible In his face as he strides away toward tha hill, at the feet of w hlch lies the Linten-.' 1hhIi Hut twfore he nrlves them he loives the itvl, in-i eUtnlrs ever n cte into u grassj In l.i. This he pres-c. nd Jmilplng th l-e;mtir u U-. tm-li lillii-Hlf in another flel.l Hut inn ut li hti, k of th- v illivimril.-n. Kpmg a much out "f slghi n- prl)le he li-vtns tin' hlch irsnlen pullnHs. In i-la'i-.- the father ha varHl un-t Hmrtut lh lh e.iken sirt wimt-whut. l.siv mg Intcrsti- t-s through u I itch he etin w it.-h all Unit is ir-ing en en te e-li'r sulu without l)f-itn mmui bun-. !' Hi litsii'-t IntiR t wit Mn's'l is watku-K Pp an I -low n the 3i1t'n r.a-tiu Kx-k, and he n..;tis-s an alteritii-n in her snii. he s.ii lit r la-n it her ,'iunt'sit live The men v. 1 n gh.iii; 1 l'H in ht r r cs h 1-1 tli-'.ip l-iri il, anil a cii-'iNent. weuv .xj-i.ssien hasiik.ii i i-li-i. '1 he light Intrust fill se i us t h im Us-ii nifi'gtsl in tlie tliellghttul iiinl h.iri-.l ueiiiitu. Hut she In-, limits! down the s(ie path new, and must viss w ith lnaKw lis-tul hi in. His heart U.ats till he can alui.nl hear it. his hreath eeuie- short and fa-t. anil he tieiiiMes violently as he watelies her approach, l'he moment has come a step or two Imckward .1 short run a scramble, and he is standing en the path in front et her. "IVrcv !" is all she svys : tint her t.u-e turns nhy pute, and she trembles violently. The shis'k is tee much for her, and she would fall did he net catch her In his arms, lie half leads, half carries her te a seat that is clee by, and placing heron it, fans her with his ii.it until she recovers a little. "My peer darling, can you ever fergiv.- me all the pulu and misery I' have can cd veu?" he asks- "What must you have thought of me, never having been near von all tins time" "Oh, lVivy, Ui' He'll se you. He's iu the drawing room. Seu -.heuldu't have come." "Never mum -ap.i, ilarnng, leave linn te me. He'll lie glad enough te see me, I'm sure. Hut are you T I must knew tint first." "Tliere is no need te ask, is there, IV-tvv "" And her rosy cheeks and smiling eves speak mere elequeutlv than her lips, these lips which are immediately silenced alter a lever's fashion. "Hut stay, before I mv another word, tell me is tliis true I hear of jeu tire veu en caged te Lord Iver Tell "iue plainly, child. If It is as they sav,1t is only a lust "punish ment en me, and I must Isur it ' "I engaged te lird Iver N'e, I never could lie engaged te any one " "i.xcept me," he Interrupts. -Thank Ued ferth.it. t might have known it all along, and se 1 should have done if I had only seen jour letter." -een n y letter?" "Yes, the one mside the jiart el of presents. The one mi sent separatel.v I never can call yours. It was your father's." "Hut didn't you see the ether?" "Never until last night, i put tlie pan el away en a shell" unopened, where It would have been new had it net been for an acci dent. Can you forgive mv conduct, know ing this?" "I'orgive Av, freelv, if 1 have any thing t. forgive. At first" I though there must he some mistake, ami then I remem bered what took place at the lull, ami I thought then that j ou w ere angrv, and that you intended everv thing should lit) ever be tween us, for I dnl try veu, I knew, that evening. At first it was net my fault. Lord Iver was liupa's triend, audit was my duty todatife with him, mere usisjciallv as p.ili hid told me te de s. And then vv hen I saw you were angry, and a little unreason ,ble ami veu must admit that, dear I deter mined te punish veu ler a time, but enlv tei u dam e or tw e. I nev er intended w e should part that night anv thing but iriends. nd tlien, when 1 mvv veu with that lady in blue, 1 was a little angry and hurt, and t" went en all the mere. s,0 vm, dear, veu have te fergi v e as w ell as "I. " "Whatever theie may be, darlmc. It is forgiven long age, and as for the la.lv in blue, she was mv cousin, only 1 took care you should net" knew it at the time, ami 1 hav e never fen her from that eveui.ig. Let us blot that miserable time out et our minds at once and forever. And new tell me alteut Lord Iver." "I have little te tell you, except that he was kind enough te ask"mn te marry him, and I have said no. He is a gentleman in every scne of the word, and took mv an swer at once, and I don't suppose I "shall ever see him agiin. We uaid goed-bvo at Brighten, sol think, dear, we may blot him out, tee, as he lias indirectly been the ciuse of all wehave suffered. Have veu suffered. Percy? Hut, there, I won't tease veu. I haye no wish te lese you again new that ".Se, fair ! PerhkiM veu'll have the geed- ness te tell me wli.it all this means ?" And Mr. Linten suddenly stands before the as tonished levers, almost bursting with sup pressed in-iignatien and rage. His fice is purple, Ins eyes starting out of his head, and his linger nervously clasping a thick oak stick, as if he meditated an immediate attack en the object of his wrath. Hohadapprexched round the bushes unobserved by either of them. "I have an idea that mv daughter wrote you a letter semu mentlis since re turning you the presents you had done her honor te give her, and at the name time put ting an end te your engactinnut ; also inti mating tint your future" presence at tins house v,as neither expected nor desired. Was that net se ? If I am w reng, prav correct ma And yet I new find you "with mv daughter In a position that demands an in. stant explanation." Fer when Mr. Linten appeared se sudden ly Percy's arm was round Mabel's waist, his disengaged hand had made close prisoners of both of hers, and the two w ere sitting rather closer togeiiier man tlie slze or the garden Rent led one te suppese was actually neces sary. "Sir," commenced Percy, rising, and Htandingte tally unabashed by thollttle man's virtuous indignation, while the laughter that sparkles in his eyes hhews that he teels him self master of thu situation, and is medita ting some prunl "all that you have stated Is im rftctly correct, but there are times when It is every man's duty te lay aside all personal leelings, and undertake a duty, however dis agreeable it may be, in order" te benefit Ills fellow-man. Such is my cae at the present moment." " l'ray sir, have the goodness te cease this tern foolery, and leave my garden this Instant, Hew jeu entered it 1 am net in a position te say, but I strongly suspect you clambered ever the fence, iu which case you have laid yourself eiten ten criminal prosecution. Hut let that pass, unil leav e my premises this in stant. De veu hu.ii me, sir?" " I de, sir, and if I followed your instruc tions veu Would rctrrct this inoieoot l,,,l.n end et join llfe. I rei.it,ilr, that theru are iiiues v. ueu u " Will j en leave inj- grounds, sir?" "Ne, I will net, until veu have heard what I have ceme te tell jeu." "Then I will have you turiiodeut." " LxciiM) me, sir, but I clout think v-ou will. It's all right, darling," turning te Mabel, who is pulling his coat talis, ondeuv. ering te induce him te steji. "Mr. Linten Is naturally a little surpiised at seeing me se unexNrtcilly, ami I can quite understand his Irritation and overlook it, but I cm as sure, dear, we shall net turt until we ure tlie Ix-st of friends jiossible." ".Sir!" yells the little man, almost white with passion, " j-eu had the ImjHirtiiienee the gross impertinence te address my lll1llirllfltl..lU ,',",,ll..vtt...a.. .... .. .....!. .. " t-' i.... .....iie .en. juuriiear. " I did se, sir, and 1 am proud uml le- i.Kiecii te icei i iiavea Hamuli ler se doing Hut us I Mid bofeip, it is mv duty te put all t-ersen.il feelings aside, and ceme at ouielo business." " Your business l.s at onto te leave these premises, and it you don't get out I'll kick you out there." " My dear sir, pray be calm j such oxelte exelte uient as this cannot be geed for you. Hut te proceed" " quint the garden." "Ne. te bUMlllCHS. I limn Imen li,f,,r..,.l that j nil aru at ptrsent engaged In n lawsuit in which your chances et success ut this moment ure anything but rosy. New, sir, Huppe-ting mind, J only say 'supposing 1 were In a iiosltleu te make your chance of u verdict an absolute certainly, what would you sav te me then ?" The little man's face undergoes a complete chailgeut these words, his eyes glisten, und his stem and w ratliful expression relaxes. "If you could enlyatlerd me someinfor. illation us te tin. tiiiri..i,..itu t .i. ... . haviijest 1 iheuld leek iijieu you us the dear- est frllltwt n.wl .In... '- 1 ...7T. and ;'rf rem8mb I who Iii is ii.l.liiwsina. Id I. -e.4iii .cssiiin. its r-riuer nugrv l.sik, (is h. 1-nrsl l.-ith nlKsl,, "-lliii lhi Is ml nnueni; I knew yen w ei' eneugh: itamere ( 0Ua te r i"S! t e tin .nrdt-n tint, f- - u i lTstnn.l Mtfi- (i ml 1 gu t have it. i,N , m ,n i once And, Mat-el. jouceirif i 'I' n I "lit ' Aurpnsed and ivwntvaly ami mil tn tin I , veu lalfeins te this thlsgentl'i" m " suv a moment, Mr. Onton. M mu p'cise. an. I let useetnr tean understainlnm I uv.- , jeu mv word of hotler Owt 1 " '' M ' liml. ti il erv I.s- te veu Intliisnuili r r.ui ! I slinll ii niiiri- from von nmi-1. .i-i i. i. veu iii i-im'iI le uiMlt ves or u " ! llu- little limn new begins i- s.- nom T rev's iiinmier that It is net n Jeke, mid that In is In selwr earnest. "Well sir, veu can prove veur words j-eu will net find me ungrateful. 1 think, i low iiiui-li shall j-eu require?" " Net ene farthing of inonej.enly tlie hand of your daughter." Plus mini reipiest ouce mere npet the e-piiinliiiity of Mr. Linten, and he is Just about te l.i.ak out again vhell IVrcy stes him Willi i.-nil. sir, gentlv nuieiii' ei wi are ttilkmg busiilfs new. 1-i-m-u iiki.-u ' mv ii-rins ethettse we in .-I n-l prolong this iiii.-i vi " , Mr. Linten ."m Uliwilhm- I-' ." th-l-iisint-H te i-iiil thus, and j'et is hir-llj r. IMi.sl ! Ciipiliilate mi unsnintili -n i. v I Will, sir, veu hoc ill this in ill- i I inn n I Ih. i hi-f ei..n .snisrnrd : i i- duni,liti i s iiappinessi is iiimiIm d." It Hi il is veur enlv oejis : I iiiu.K i--u iAhv iii-ik-- M-nr mind eiisx. It ti -i m u in. Milsl Will von ill vv v. if han-l te i-e llu- pil.s el the inform i n I s."w Mals?. s auswer is eleiirly iu the itnriua tiv.s for she rises at imw' ami plusn lieth h-r hands in Percy's without saying a word. euse, sir. Have you any further ol el J.stiMii te make ?" e, if my daughter is willing te make a sicrittis- ter "her lather's sake 1 shall net toi tei ttidhei. 1 had ether plans ter her tutiire, but they seem likely te fall, sil have noth ing further te say except thai the sooner ymi enlighten me en this niv'-tern -us matter the lstter I shall 1h plea-scif." "ljuite sis my dear sir; I v ill keep veu no longer in siisjHnise," and l'.-rcv draws i letter trem his pocket and linn.ls it te Mr. Linten. "Will that Iw of anv service te veu, de veu thmk' Mr. Linten glances at it for a moment, "i.tsxl heavens! Tlie letter 1 have 1h.i'ii searching for all this time, new I've get 'em. 1 must win new ; nothing can pie ventit. The game's In inj own hand ; tins is grand. Hut, my dear 1 letcher. hew cume this letter In" your possession, and what was the reason ot'yeui keeping it con cealed for se long ?" "Maliel here will lie able te answer veur first .piestien, I thmk, if jeu mil show" her the letter, and as te the s.sen.1 I was un aware tliat 1 had it until last t veiling. Loek at It, Mabel, and tell us what veu knew about it," handing her the letter, vvhiih he takes trem Mr. Linten, at the same time turning it ever se that she may see her own h.uidwri ing. Mie starts, and her . he. ks are the mler of isippiesin an instant, eh, l'ercv !" she pisis, "I hadn't a notion of tills, llew could I have Ijecu se stupid, but I renienilsr I was in ipa's studj" wlien I puked the things up, nud inn great liurrv ler tear he slieuld come back, and I scizisl the hrt bit of paix?r 1 could laj- my- li.tmli-en, nud I su msi, 1 took this bv- mls'uke-" "Well, dear. It" will lie a lessen te veu In future net te return the presents 1 give veu," saj-s Percy, 1 iiighinglv-. "Whv, cliild, whit lsXthe meaning of nil this ; what have j-eu lecn doing" "Paini, I must" cenfi'ss; 1 luve l-ecn the culprit all along. When I sent liuk IVr cj 'a presents I put a little note in of mv ew u 1-t-sutes the one j-eu made me write -.and 1 stele. i piete of paper trem j-mir desk te write it en. and 1 think I must have taken this letter bv mistake : I am very serrv-." Yeu little Irigc-ure, and se I have'get te thank veu lur all my anxiety and worry, well, 1 shan't ' angry mn it has all ionic right in the end. Iftit lam inclined te l.-.-l v erj- grateful te rietcher ter etlermg te re Hev'e me et urli a dangerous jurtv l"fore veu de me any worse iiuseliiel. Hut come Inte tlie Iieush "new and we'll drink i-mfiiv ion te old Hever's ex.s.-uters." Time has hurri.sl en since that morning when we s,iw the trio in the garden at Har row, old Linten did vv in Ins case, and the ether evening when I was dining with l'ercv I observe.1 luswlte wits wearing . locket of a vei v- ss uliar latleru. l'mAley' Magnsmt. -I'f.riAL AOTCf.s. jr m-tulvH vv hob- jeur I nn, tut lnv illtl, n llv Im. pevverl.s subject et the most (fnautul of nil diHsws, - kltlnej cernplsint I com menced taking T's Kldne and I.lver Ue mkev and bezan te Improve, u,ed eight bettl. s and te day consider inv-ilt a- well meter -Vlr I. W tlnik, HA) Vlaln stiect, llurtmrd (.enn flu 1 vrdt-e.1 A vv Vlirlaiiil, ,Vy Vlrtrjliin.l.' " 1'retty Wives, Levely daughter- and noble man ' " My farm lleg la a rather low and ralii!natlc situation, and " My ! ife " " Who!" " Wa a very pretty blundu ! ' Twenty years a;e, beeniun ' Sallow '" Hellew jed '" " Withered and aged '" llefere her time, Irein '! Malarial vapors, though she made no psrtleu lar complaint, net beln of the grumpy kind, yet causing me great uneailnes "A short time a?e I purchased veur remedy for one of the children, who had a very severe attack of biliousness, and It occurred te me that the icmedy might help my wife, as I found that our little girl, upon recovery had " Lest " " Her Mtllownesis, and looked a fresh as a new blown daisy. Well the tery Is een told .VI) wife, te-day, has gained her old timed besuty with compound Interest, and Is new-as handsome a matron (If I de say it in) self) im can be found in this county, which In noted for pretty women And I have only Hep Hitlers te thank for It. The dcur creature J nst looked ever my shoul der, and siya 1 can flutter eriuul te the duys of our courtship,' and that reminds me there might be merk i-KErrr wives ir my brother farmers would de as I have done " Hoping you may long be sparwl te de geed, I thsnkfully remain, C. L. .1 A sirs. ller.T8VU.LK, Trliim (ieei-gn ( e , V, i .May J,th. IssJ. j r.one gunulne without u bunch efgituu Heps en the white label shun till the vile, poisonous .tuir with "Hep or" Hep "In their name. Janja-liuTunvivv " HOUGH O.N COItNh.' Ask for Wells' " lieuiih en e'etiu ' complete euro. HartJ or suit corns, luus. 15c (Jjiltk warts, bun ID 1)11. KltA.IUIt'.S HOOT IUTTi:its. I'raZh-r'H Heet Hitters urn nnt i ilisim Lt,.. bevcruge, bill ulu strlclt) iiiedlilnnt Iu evcly tjeiise 'I hey uct strongly upon the Liver suit hldnuy. keep the bowels open and regular, ili-aiisu thy bliMMliind ajstcinef everv linpiirlly hi1'1 bv, druggists, fl. sold by II. It. Cechniii, U7nntl 1JJ -North (Jueen slucl (-.) JUST AS GOOD Den titllew tinyene te muke j en believe any ether renicily Is just as gisKl for sick hcailiiche as Dr. l.twltii'iiftpeclal l'rt-.crlpileu, for It Is net true. Thtsls tlie only rt-uii-dy in thnwerhl limt strikes at the root of the dlscaje ami drives It out. Olvu ltatilal. Dvspkitic. iiHiveus people, ' out of Meris ' Celdcn's Lliiultl Ikef .IMIllll im ei ionic e villi cine. Atk or vlitcn m, Of Druggists ly-lwilc.Hl.tvr PII.K.'.I 1'II.Ks'! PII.r'SH! Sine c-uie for llltnil. Ille. dlugund llchlngl'll.-ti. Due Imix htiH cur.-d thu werui .!..... ,,r "i. ,,s.,. slHiidlng .Ne enulii-eil siill.TIlveiiiliinlfH after using WIIIIuiu-h Indian l'llu Dlntiiicut. Hub sorbs tumors, ulliij 8 Itching, acts us poultice, gives liistniit it-llef. l'lepuied only riir I'llts. itchliig of Iho piivute parts, nothing else, bold by drugirists and mulled en rtcilpt of price, (1. held by H a. Cochran, IJ7 mid IJa North Out-en street ' .ii tl) "llUC'llU-l'AlltA.' Outck, ceuiplntHcure, nil Kidney, llludilerand Urlnury Dlsenses. .sculdlng, Iriltutlen, Stene, (.ravel, ( iittirih of tlie Uludder f Druggists O) JIUCKLE.N'a Alt.NIfA SAIA K. The best bulve In thu world for tuts, Jlrutses, Herrs.U cera. halt Itheuui, nver bores, 'totter Chapiw.dlUiid.t'hllblKlin, Cerns, und nil bkln Hrupliens, and jHisltively curts I'llcs, or no tiay required It Isguuruuti-rd te give ptrfect wills" faction, or money refunded. Price. 2j cenLs iter Kix f PJ.'S'lH5'.1.1' "' hnin, druggist. New. U7und 130 .North tjucen street, laiucaster, i'u. HHAItT I'.UNH l'ultiltutien. DreiMluil hu,iitii.a m-.i TS' Vhl'li .il. Hi!! Lltsv. Ki'S Rl.lt Hi' .. .V , S , MS. II .' e vr vv vv vt N S 5 RH e vrw w vv U N N SW , tl s ii vvv wit -s A i IV UV) VV VV N SX It nnn oe " Ii it it ii "v .x n tl liiiri e ii j vs ti it h ii e S x 11 i( U IHI N .NX C"' illl nn n im titt nix 1 1- f 1 !r r r i- I I LI.K nun it it i.uii i u n it rhls nii'dtclne, combining Iren tth puiwrgn table Ienics, tittlcklv tintl ceinplcti-1) 1'1'Ul.s HVsPHl'si v. INlMdKssleN Mll.UII.1. WK.VKM.ss, tVIITUK. Itl.(IOl), CHILLS Hliii t'hVKlt anil M.t'UAI ill V lly mplit unit thorough m.littll Ulen wtlh the hl(sl It reaches every part of the stein, pint ftes and eniichi s the bliss!, htit-iigtht-ns the tiiuscli-sund nerves, uml tones and lav tgenitcti the system V tine Vp-ttn-r l!.-st tonic known. It wbl .et. Un- vvtirsl case of Dvspnpstti, rv iti vlnir H 1 dtslr.-ssllef sv liipteuts, siu h hs 'i'ssl 'i'ssl e llu" r.ssl, licit hlng, ll.'rtt tu the stomach, ll.-sriburn, etc -lln"eni Iren lnrdk Inc thut vrlll net blacken el lulllix- the l.".-lh It Is Invalmttih" f..r dt4.-us.-s (Ms-nllir te women, suit te nil p.-rs.t-ts wh.i l.-ttil s. il.-ntiirv llv.s Vn itntteMtiif rt'iii.sl) tei .list uses .-I thu I Iver Htt.l Kl Inev s I'crsi-n- siiiri'flitir from the eiT.-ct of overwork, n. iveus tii-ti-ii-s ii.-s ui Hpi-tti.. or ih-MliItt, . pi-rli it s (tilt W i. In 1 ti id it tu wed uut rgv li) lis H si lt iVn. net ri-i-. tti-tidiirhc or prtstuce tonsil ptill.-ti ui HI It Inin titi-illcltii-s de It tstri- Mi.lv im)mnillii of Imn Hint cniises .-I liiturletis Huet-ts l'h)slclitis u'td druggists nts.iiini.-ud It us the b.wl Trv It. lshi- gt-nulnt- hus 1 rude Vturk and crossed red tines en wnipiwr ThWc no ether Mtideenlyby ltllOW.N CllKVIICAL CO, Ualtivei.1, Mn. sevt't)dAl) w i-ii)m:eht DOh UONDLUKl 1. Cl ISLSOl" KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER EOMPLAINTS. Iltiuuse It tuts ..a the I IV Kit MOW Kl.s and MltNl-.vKlttu-sAM!. UML IVi.iuse It cleanses tlies)stt-mtif the poisonous humors thit ih-vt-leps In Kidney unu L rlutir) liU.-iisi-s. IttUleusuts. jHundlcc. I unstlptitltin, IMlt-s t-r In Khf tuu.itlsin Numlglii, Nervous HU orders und till It-tn-ile t euipluluts Ob-sei.id PliOOt Of Tills -fc Il will si,,,.iT I nn- CdNsTlf VTtDN. I'll KS and ItllKl VI V'rtsVI by ctiusltig I'ltM. AC 1 lt)N of till the erg-ins and funttlens thereby CLEANSINQ THE BLOOD Itosterlng the nttrmul pewei te threw ort dls cat- TllOlsA.NDS Ol t lsl,s t)f the worst forms of these teirtbbi tllseises have btsjii cuttkl) relieved, and Iu a short Unit' I'LUFtcrLYllKLD I'rttt- II Lt-iulder l)i sold by druggists lr etui In- snt bv uiHll W hl.I s, KUIIAKDMIN A CO. llurllugten, V I. send stump fet Dtiliy Vlnmnuc of IkO KIDNEYWORT. Jiin-3nuloeil.t3inw HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATCD STOMACH BITTERS. Iy tlie uie f Heitt-tttr - t)inrtih Ulttrr lh Imigunl HpiMnirHnu of thn ceuntuaance untl -rtllnwnei-- i! UHwp .(- ar. mpplantf-tl by h benlthlT leek uimI ui Tb fnrnl li a.tlmUftteil the Imm y iirqiilre- subtiinc- ApjM'tlte J re storm, und th- iiinnm --ystciti relr-r--ih?tl with much nT(l-d "-linnlipr, threiiRh thu uhj of thli lnt'dieinf, which i- uNe !ncl1clril te pel inn of a rhf-un.fU.c tcna-ncy and nn Incitimuble pr vfntU p of fever ind ague or ale by all Druggists and Dealer) gener ally fJlindeedAw WALL VAvr.n. RES W. FttY P" 100 Dade Window Shades 1 A VVKItTY Or DISIGNS W hlch have been accumulating the past season, will close out from 25 te M cents upltie Among them urn some pretty patterns. In going through our stock of CURTAIN POLES We rind a geed man) odds and ends, one, two nntl three of a kind snTnp firp Walnut, some Kben y and eine Ilniss I rimmed Ths am all sampled und the price from ilte in cents nplece. OiirC'OVtIII.NAlIO.VCOltMCK in Jr.ben y and W uinut nt 1 00 u piece, Is a burgutn, reduced (rrunf.'V) NEW LINES OK Dade Window Shades ion si'iiisre I'laln Celers nnd Widths for nil styles of win dows, lln nntl Weed Spring lCeller, Klxtures, Ilellands.Llnen Fringe, Mekel Pulls, llunds, etc. W e take meusuresHiid de shade work of t-very description In llmt-t less manner Order your I'upcr Hanging done new I'lic.-s were nevursolew'ttud will go higher.; PIARBSW. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN LANCASTElt, l'A. STREET. OLASSH-AItt:. TTIG1I A MAUTIN. QUEENSWARE. - - QUEENSWARE. -AT CHINA HALL, V, E AltK Ur'FKISINO A l.l'.NK Ol' Queensware AT SPECIAL I'ltlCES. Tea, Dinner, Breakfast TeilcFSetts, &c Call uml seu the ware and sectire Ilargalus. High & lartin, NO. 15 EAST KING STREET, LA.NC'ASTKlt, l'A. STOCKS. pOOK, "wilITK.t CO., I'ltIM E KA 1 1AVAY HKC'UHITI ES A I.WA V8 OS HA.ND rOK l.NV Eai'ME.Nl'. MlnneuHlls Heal Estut.i7p.-r cunt, bend for sale at 101 nud Intel est. i'reprlntnrs of "Peer's .Manual of llullwujs," Correspondence Invited. 45 Wall Streot, New Yerk, ectl lydeed ptlOAHS KHOM tl I'KK HUXDIU'.) TO V llie. Very Finest Duality, in nutkuges Bulla hh le ler thu llellduvs, at HAlU'ilAN'b VliLLOVV rilOUT CIQAIt mums. nniviit. 'pAiunae. W. B. NELSON, I vtr .. v n w ivtki.s N.nrti eirns sirii, I vs. vstn I' , Importing Tailor. Nl W 1 Dill. I' Vllt.lllts ESHLEMAN'S LAW BLOCK, North Duke Streot, Ltinoiiuter, Pu, AI.LTIIKLATKSTSTYLI-S IN I'MIIKIS, ANII DeVIEKTIU t LOTH l"OR SdTS Sll 1 KOl'StlUt A I'l.ltl'l.CT KirtsrAllAMKKIl. t hav e lust npenisl it I the nbevn ivittltirs wltli n tine Win or Fen-lirn und lieiitcstta (jihhIs for (h W Int.Ttlnds,., it,., et -vs ! ..rst I wllljs. plows, tl le have in) liit-uds uml I In-publle vtill slid si s mv st.s-vi W. B. NELSON. M rus a u uii vjl l.sllil.NsOl II..N I'l.ltfl.hM.Nl. 10 Buyers of Clothing ! Whero te Duy It ? Whero QuiillUea AroBeet ? Whero Pricea Are Lovveat ? If ut utiv tlinc these qiit-stleus Im upporiiiest tu veiu luliid. n-iiieiiil-.'i that we mv the Irtidliiir ciiiiipt'ltlers for pint truile We urn In n pesi Hun leiippl) jour t-M-iy need Iu CLOTHING l.L,IIV-M,ll.; Oil FROM MtlSlBESILNT. Ami tli- tot we -iiu ran tif will be u Junl nnd tulr e-jut" tilt nt for -aliud.tr tiiiiu m vlh te t'Ttpt'lUl li,stii)in Idmhmih rtud Un-k exer thu stock that 1 4 htit tt.tlr.lU examine tt and mnkn tHiiitp.tittnu 11 h the Ix'Ht mi knew of elte m he ixi He are centldent that quatltlei nre riht tndtlmt prtctw ink tl . ill bt m te tnakH t u a bu r MYERS & RATHFON, Li: VDINO I. VNi VsTEIl t I.OTHIEUS, NO 13 EAST KINO STREET, I.ANCASILIt, PA 4 M) THE U(H)I) WOIIK l.tUiv ON. Lewer Prices for Clothing. ON 1UOI NTUt III It D1NU, W I. VIll.UIV INl. Hlraenlinar) InJuecmnits te rarclusers. Men's suits tts levr as ft te Men's suk1m Cents II :s), ti tl'tt le ..-wiirlli three tluu's the iiiiiii.-v liev's stilts fniinf-.' upwards L'hlldrtiu's suits from l iV upvvnids OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! CLO-l.Nt. Ol T VI IIVI.I V Vl.fl.-JM)ME 1.1 ss ( htldren sOv.-r.-mts SI IV t in Ji u, - te ii ;s n-iv sOM-rcuHis-r. '- w a, ijts t" kv V.mUis' iiv.-r.-.viis jjissi itss.-rtiu.-nt prices verv low fl. f.1 Vi II up t.- (Hk Men s Over. outs all the vtti) rretn il te IP. FURNISHING GOODS Almest "Ivcn away I Inen Cellars, one t-iit upl.-ee I nllerwcur as low us is cents hull Jiick. ts. (. loves, Hts.'r Nt-rkwt-ur. bilk Hnnd kt rt-hlefs. Jew. Irv, Pt rtiitn. r , At : P lit I s I ew .; W Hl.KI IHVN l.l.sl.. HIRSH & BROTHER, IViiti Hull Clethim: Heuse, COK.NLIl OKCFNIIlhsQCAUE A.VD.NOItlll QLEh.N si KELT VNCASThlt, Pf.NN A, s H-flAL NOTICE. Aiiiiouiireincnt Kxtmerilhinry ! TIIEiiitE VTIr IthDCCTION K Ell MADE -I.N- HHB CLOTHIIG TDV Ui Ne. O East Kinar Street. In order te reduce a beav) sleck before mev Ints, 1 shull make up te order all lines of goods at A Reduction of 25 te 80 Per Cent. I hnve also a number i.r C'lfbTOJI MADE SUIT., net tailed for, whlth will be sold ut u KT.-iit Btu-rlllte 'litis ic.lui-tien Is fnrcash only, und will extendi., the FIlthT OF M AltCII. N 11 Will leiuetu en el about the tlrst of April te SO. iS SOUTH QtVA'AW ATJIKET, (Opposite the Postetllce.) H. GERHART. "PICONOSIY IN CLOTHING. Bargains Added "fe-day. leci.-ulu work let our h mils nud keep thein teKuther diirhiK the dull seiisuu, wu ori;unUe tesla) u SPECIAL SALE IX euit CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. HavliiK bought for tush nt u lute New Yerk null. tl Large uml Fine l.lue of PA.NTALOO.N l.N'Os wu nre prepared te eiler M'ECIAL IX DL'CEME.N'I.s. ALL-WOOL PA.NTS, limtle loot tlt-r, ut MHO. ALLAVOOL 1'A.NTH, inude te order, ut M.S0, AI.I.-WOOI, PA.NTS, inude te order, Ht tl (M. . I I .lllllll K.S'.u I..... ... . ... jiiiii-Miiuii i .t.,,.s, iiiui.ii iu enier, ui VI .si, ALL-WOOL PAX'IS, inuku te order, nt 3 00. 'I here hh. ( lmiict-s for lllg HuignlnH In this Hireling 'Iho pi lies iue ilnMiiii, uS, hiuIM per ct-ut. Tien't iniKuliiuildst thuiiolsuel thutloth thutleth ing deuleru. Just new, that we kuv e the rtist thiliueu vuuruttoutleii ua eireicrs of the llest undvewi-st Clothing und Ooetls in the PU-teut Prices guaranteed lower than any competlteni. SAMPLE 1' ItlCKt In our Northwest Window, .Mttrktd in Plain figures Business Suit te Order as Lew as L. &ANSMAE' & BRO, Nee. 60-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Illghten thobeuthwest Cor of Oningu Stiuut.) L-AXCAtiTI.lt, PA Onti ereulugs nnlll 8 o'clock. Duturduy nutU ltfo'elock. UMtHAKJ e. in i ,tr tii.eVisw, Te krtTfi the lutnil. xtntm MtTTRNs, I VeiTi1h58 IraiTiirvvnilTi. Te Wil the tret wariir. KAH .MUKt'K, le keep thu e-irs wiititi, Mrrri.i-itM.j lekr.-p llii. link wiiriu UNDKHWI'Ali, Te keep the lusly warm. Ge te ERISMAN'S, .Ne. K ES r K INO hi It KKT. B inUil'lt A SL"lTON. A FEBRUARY SONS. Men limy wmk and men limy lutigli, And mull limy lido tl hobby, Hut real stuff, with naught of than, li oe.ls that nre geed nnd nebby, Are always leuud.iit prices low, Next deer te Majer ltehrvr's, 1 hey limki- no Idle bensl or show, "Hut always llud tuleii'is Burger & Sutten, MEKCHAXT TAII.OItS AMI CI.eriltEltH, ash licAlmut is GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LAXCAHTEIt. PA. w 1LL1AMHON .V FOSTL'H. A LIVELY TRADE -I.N- BARGA INS AT Illl. GREATSPBG1ALSALE I m liii th wh'l time we hnn been runiiluif our ! UI "Hie the TU VDhlli 1IAIU) Al.S ;liu th lmst week have erceedetl alt proTleu vtek In u uiaml for re-vJ at redticl figured le thesje who have net Tel tfttrtmUed our UruU &Iut)lal Aula, if u would Atatt) that TUESDAY, 1HIJ 17th OF FEBRUARY, WILL 111. THE LAST DAY 1 hey will have the opportunity te procure !l.r iruins at the pies.-nt "Nominal Prices lheselet tlen Is still very jtoed in line Ovrces.u, Fur Ucuv.-rOrereeuts, ller's Orerceuls, Children's Ovorcesls, .Vlrii s und Ueys' Suits, Children's Pleated suits, Chlldi en's Short Psnti Men's Odd Ceat., Men's Odd V ests FEBRUARY 17th. Scotch Weel (.leres, Fur Ten Kid Gloves, Uuckskln nnd Kid Gloves, Hand-Knit Woolen l. lore, srunuc luiiiu-d Gloves, Buck Gloves, lints! und uulliird. Mittens In llurk. Calf und sheep skin, lined and untitled , ulse V even anil hull oelen .Vlltts Overalls, warranted net te rip, Sue Curdlgnns, 37c. suspenders, se and ic Hint Cullco Mbiiis. with two cellm , Jee lle)s' Piiderwusr, lOe (druweis only ) FEBRUARY 17th. Unary Winter Caps, Heys' Peles, Men's SUIT Dress Hats Men's seu Dress lists. Traveling I ups Chlldrens' Faney Peles, Poeket Huts, Itus slun Ltntbi-r Wallrts, Iluckskln Purses, .Morocco Pocket Heeks, Fur Mulllurs. Fur Driving Gloves, Plush Lap Kobes, Well und liufTule llebcs. Heek lU;s and skate Uag FEBRUARY I7tli. 11O01SAXD 'jIIOEs A General Assortment of sizes In Ladles' Common sense and Operu 'ifsj shoes, that wire reduced te wee a full rungeel sizes und widths urelelt In the best bar filns or the ttiisen A Ladles' Cuniceu Kid rent with Glevo hid Tep, that sold for (I 50 urn inurkcd3SQ; this Is a Urst-ctuss shoe In every respect. All sizes are also te be had In the La dies' French Kid shoes we reduced from U 00 te 1100. In Gents Hand s0w i-d Cal f bhees. reduced irem y.vntats u, we have u full assortment of sizes Heys Lnce lluls. rtsluced te i m. Heys' llutteu Hhees te $3 as ltubbnr Overshims for Ijidles, Gents and Chlldieu, In all styhw, both lined and unllncd - II. Aside mmi the goods pluced Iu the hpeclul hale, we buvuunuiiullent ussertmrnt ul next scuseii s udruuoe palterus -Ster tlese at 6 p. iu , eztept Sututduys, until further notice. WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER, 32,34, 36 and 38 East King St., LANCASTER. PA. rVJlXlTUJlE. AriiuiNITSM. w ALTER NO. 28. NO. a8. Special for Spring, 1885. MY STOCK OF FURNITURE Fer Iho Snrlug Trade, 18 EOUAL TO ANT IN TIIK (JITV, AND AT PltfCES THAT CAXXOr llE U.NDliltVeLD. ALL GOODS GUAItAXTEED. WALTER A. HEINITSH, Ne. 28 East Kinff Street. liANCASTEK, l'A. deeMmd M,:.e.,IAUM ANnjlIHAirPIPiM -Tt,7rlce. thatuefcomNlitlen at" "" '"""' UAUTUAJCB YELLOW fllONT CIOAH 'Ii