Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 12, 1885, Image 1

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    - is Vu
je mattf
airr or vnvxitixe r.i. maiivt.
lrri(imttent for n 1 Ignretu Camuilgn The
Ilealh of nertlnn Confirmed tij Liter
lUpnrt iin. r.nrle Killed nt
the .storming of llltll.
The nowsef General Gorden's dnat li nnd
of the hideous mniiacre of nil porseni In
Klmrteiun who itoreiusoctod of any friend
ship for tliu Kngllsh r their cause, cemei te
Londen ni the crowning horror of the night night mider ivhleh tlie Ilrltlsh haie been
writhing for ii nee'i iwst. I.urklly the buslle
mid jurnde of probably the greatest martial
Jiroparallens that this fjonemtiou has seen
operate te dIMrart (he pulille mind from
breeding overmuch en the tragic. Nlle rata.
treplic In military clrclei the activity nml
nxcltemcnt nre Immouie, Outlying rol rel
nicnti nre coming In te form n heavy garri
son, i lileli frightened Londen needs or
thinks she needs nt the present time, nml te
ri'phioe the guirds, who urn hastily prepar
ing te cnilurk fur Kunkiu. Tin) III! x'in.lilK
levy of volunteers brings the fad of the vnst vnst
ness of thu enterprise home te the xople nml
niershadnvvi ler the moment the lCh.irteiun
shock, liven In this hour of enthusiasm
sensible mlllUiry critics nre Bloomy ever the
te grnve urn of the new policy.
Dosplte the ohvleui Justloe of their reaion reaien
ing tint Kugland htsnn hushiosite makea
war of cempicxst In the country nhlch she
a" pledged te nliamlen thcre li no doubt
that leur-llflhi of the I'-ngllsh people nre
tiliudly Insistent en smashing the Mnhdl nt
iihntuioreest. The Terv lllshnp of I.lvor I.lver
hxiI, ene of the last of Lord lloncenncld's
creations, hai vnused n sensation through hist
address declaring that Ged mil punishing
the nation for Itserrnri by tilting the minds of
Its rulen with felly
florden' tirnlh Cenni-ined Lord Wolseloy telegraphs te the
government that seeuti who nere ent te
Khartoum lmie roturned. They penflriu the
repert of the killing of General (iorden nml
the atrocities committed in Klfnrteum hy the
Mnhdl's men.
The ,Vne iiii : The age of chivalry ivas
rallied again lii General Gorden's history,
utul the whole world thrills with pavsloiniie
prier nt the Christian warrior's death. The
.Mcindtird alone refuws te loeio that (lon (len
eral Gorden isd'-ad, nndcllngs te the shadow
of a !hih that he limy boa prisoner or may
even have i"H-iipsl te the Seuth. The Paris
'n.ire svjs that the M. dell's minister of war
ti.M. Vore't. lie win formerly a captain In
the I'reneh uriny. He Jellied the army In
Is2 and taught the Arabs hew te break
squares when formed by troops in little.
General Gorden, tKjfore his dupnrture en
the mission te the Soudan, told a personal
friend, who new makes the story public, that
he entertained n prientlment th it he would
inner return from Khartoum, (iorden said
the preMmtiinent was distinct nml Intense,
and he eeuld net ush it oil. Throughout
his ontlre life, he snhl, he had nluajs liveii
strongly nml corns tly nllwUil by prownti prewnti
ments. During his military uiricr in I'hlna
he mj( guided by thorn, but uover. mrn In
the most critical moment of Hint eienttul
perliMl, had he eier'tisl death, 'lhe
friend who new giies llioseficts te the public
.isserti that. In pursu.mce of Ids lellef Iji the
prescntimtnt which colored hint with Its
shadow lofero he ytarted for Klinrteum, l!cn
rrnl Gorden nctuilly liostewod iien his
chosen friends all lils'trlnkeUand mementos.
The fellow lug efllclul unnouneemouts
nore in ide en Wodnesday : Lord llose
berry Ills Ixh'ii npiHiiuted lord prlvv seal nml
nlse MrMt eommissientr of public works.
Ileth Lord Koelorry and Sir. Shaw Lo Le Lo
fevro, jostuixster general, will occupy scaU
In the cabinet.
The .47. J'imci f7.iie'rs.ijithat Lord Hose Hese Hose
lierry's nccoptanee was coiiilltienud Ukii an
uorgetic policy hi the Soudan, (jeuvnil
(fruhnin has been nppeintnl te the cemuiniid
of the Sitakln-IIcrber oipetlltlon. General
rroeintutlo will cnmtnind the giiirdsnuil
(jPiieral t .rati 01 net ns chief of Htntt.
It Is nnnouneed that the project of con
struction a narrow gnuge railwny uuliiccn
.Suakln and Herbor will Ijo adopted by the
war eflleiv Kiiglish llnni of contnieters
elfer te itmlcrtike and ismplote thocon thecon thocen
HtruUtou of the runt within n fortnight by
the tise of inanuf.ii.tuicd hc tiens of rail
(rucriil llirln Itllieit.
Oeuenil Ilirle wni killed en Tundny dur
ing the storming of the enemy's position nt
llirti. The A7aiiiunl'3 currviiitilcnt with
tlenural Karle's column sends the following
dispatch, dnled Dulkn Island, Tuesday :
"Tim Hritlihtroepindviincod te nttnek the
nemy, who held n Htreng position en the
hlllK. After Momoji cry noiere lighting the
enemy wni completely surrounded, rind
ing It Impessible te disledge the jelwls
from thelr furtltled position Ucuunil lZ.ulu
orderod the tnwjis te charge. Ueneral
i:.irle was killed whlle leading the
The Illnck Watch icgluient captured the ) )
Hitlen at the xiiutef the bayonet, the en airy
taking pos.scs.slen of the cneiny'H camp. (ien.
llraekenbury, ukiii the fall of Gen. I.arle,
assumed ceminaiid and ordcred the remain
ing K)sitiens of the enemy te Ikj htenned.
The troops aeted pretnptlv, undo n gallant
attack nml hoeii captures! all the eneuiy's
iMwltien. The lighting lasted tlie hours.
Thcre wni a great (daughter among the ene
my. Theso who sun tied cHcnpcii by swim
ming the riier.
There li still slight ground for hoping that
(iorden lialiie. The accounts of the illller
cnt iiett stupor correspendonU ceme frum n
Lonimen natlie Hource. Ne e(vwitnes.s of
the death of General Gorden Is meutioned.
With Gorden woreM. llau-.i!, the Austrian
1 lui consul, mid twenty OreeK and Lovan Levan Lovan
tlne lneich.intH. A II rm nt Alexnudrla, for
whom the Grtuks hale been acting us agents,
de net Irolleto the story of the in vss.u'ieal
Khartoum. It is known that the .Mahdi
holds lilty Giecks prNeneis, cither In Ids
camp or at Ul Oljeld, and that they are well
triuted. In rejily te inquiries General Welse Welse Wolse
ley telegraphs that he lias roeeliod no niore
authentie neus than that brought te Kerti by
Colonel Wilsen.
The cabltiit has approved General Lord
Wolseley'd plan for nn early adiance trem
Buakiu te ltcrber. A n.irrnv gange railway
will be laid te A rial), 130mllea westefhuaklu,
where an entrenched camp will be formed,
with a central depet for stoies. Leaving
Arlab, the troops will piocced by forced
inarches te llerlnir. It In calculated that the
ndvance w 111 Ixiglu tdxmt thu thlnl week in
.March, anil It Is hoped that llorber will be
reached In sl Meeks.
Ariab, w here the entrenched camp Is te be
formed. Is en the read trem Suakln te Ilerber,
and Is described as a 'Smiling (Mill," whero
thure Is geinl justurage and plenty of water.
llin Terrllile lle.ults of An Kip.Iu.1eii In a
Xnwi Hietli. Mine.
About 0:15 Tuesday night, u iloleut oxplo explo oxple
blon occurred at Vale Cellory, In New Glas
gow, Neva Scetl 1, In the new klope which
was being mink nt the McIScau seam and
lluinea from burning gau canto rushing up
the main s'.ope. As seen ns posslble Jehn
Grocue, the manager of the mine, descended
the shaft. After sovernl otTerti the rescuing
party Hiiccoeded In reaching a party of seien
111011, who were brought te the surface nllve,
and, with the oxceptlon of a few trilling
bruises, unlnjured. Shortly bofero daylight
three bedies were found mid brought ttpnud
the search was contlnued all day unit thlrtoeu
t'erjiMe in all were 1 ecei ered, The names of
the killed nre Hugh S. Cameres, pump en
gine drlier; l'hlllp Melleth, sUible
iiian ; J. A. Campbell, deputy nvor nver
nian J Daniel Kcuneily, Nlel .McKiu
11011, Theinai Itvan, J'atrick foley, Jehn
Grant, Daniel McNeill, Jehn W. Fra7er, Jas.
llaggart, lames McLean nnd Jehn .McKucli .McKucli
ernn, inluerM. The roseued nre James Hol Hel Hol
ertson, arm tractured and lace and some parts
of the body badly burned; Themas Uuthre,
Allan McDonald, William McDonald, Jehn
I). Uampbell, and Hugh Lanieut, slight
bruises nnd burns; I). Adams and Aloxau Alexau Aloxau
der Held, uninjured.
Most of the ilctimti loaie large families.
The scenes in eund the mouth of the shaft 111
the cages enme up fiem below with the dead
miners 11 ere heartrciiditig lit the extreme.
The oxpleslon took place about two thousand
feet from the xurtaec, from what cause U net
ynt known.
All the her8, nlua lu uumbr, wre
killed outright. The dnmnge te the mlneli
net nearly no great ni wai nt first suppoied.
A)Mrtel the coloring oft he M0110 nni blown
nw bv. The lire, lien 01 or, In out, nnd beyond
the Immodlnte damage of the explosion thorn
lillttle te be fenred mid the working of the
tnlun will net be furiously lmx-drd.
.1. Ilutherferd, inanairer of the lt.illfnt
tnlnontStellartoii, was at thoscenoof the ox ex ox
plmleu mid roturned with Sir, Moere. The
initie employ 1 1101110 four hundred liatuli Juit
j.i.vr AiiTisriv rAt.t:.Ttxr.s.
Vretty Iilnn. for Iitp.tcK Yuiitli. te rtioixe
rrom-enir of thnNmv.t nml I'rntllc.t
of Ciiphl's Mrtirngrr.
Trem lhe New Yerk Times
"De we sell 111 many ndontlnei ni we used
tot" Mid a dealer. " ludoed undo. We
tuny net sell (pilte nt ninny lit New Yerk
city, but we send inorelo the West. The do de
mand for them Is growing with the popula
tion out thore. Here the neft hearts or eun
generation Is iiiccceded by thnmi of lhe next,
nnd thore nre Juit nlwut m many fellows
ready te squander a dollar bill for n green
bird with a j ollew violet in his mouth and n
motto under his feet 111 oier thore were. Val
rutlnes, liowei or, nre Improving lu (he tnat tnat
terefarL L(K)k at these."
And the dealer eMiel a numlK'r of nul
htantlal beies. The prevailing stile of the
new valentines was the decorntile panel. One
very handsome inleiitinewns framed lu dark
crimson .sat 1 11 nnd trimmed w ith tritige. Neat
little Ixiws were sewed 011 thu corners, nnd
the piun luslde the finnie was tilled with a
hiindsome card, bearing a finished litho
graphic Illustration, representing n whlte
bird sitting upon n (luster of lloweri. Over
the hlid's head were the words, " My host
loieaud wishes te you." Theso fringed cards,
the dealer explained, were the latest style.
They woie te he had In all sizes and numer
ous nrictlc, lunging In prhe from 75 cents
up te le. One stIe of the panel inleutlue
had a fnimuwerk of plush in two tints, ery
neatly made. These Iringed cards and framed
valentines were found in thu most ornate
designs. They were really prettv and were
net a mass of 1 mey, unsubstantial work llke
the old-fashioned lai'e things. They would
leek neat un any lady's (Ircsxlng lublu or
The most amusing style of lalentlueli the
mechanical, miiiie of these leek llke a foldel
card ns thej lay lu their lieies. On pulling
a bit of projecting enrdbenrd they spring open
mid reKsd a set secue that tniglit hale eemw
out of a inlnatiirii theatre. Sume of the
designs lu this st.ile nre ipilte pretty. Of
course nearly nil of them represented jentle.
nml maidens In the last threes of languishing
attachment, but ethers were mere mystlu in
their symlHilisin. One when pulled opened
roiealed a basket of two Illinois In which
two pink rrwes eenel. In front of the basket
tw e miniature damsels w ere kneeling as if in
prayer. Just whit this meant the dealer
did net knew, but he felt sure that the pretty
ellcct ofthe opening reues would nuke thw
thing sell.
One pretty lalciitine had two preltvflgurn
sitting In love like proximity. When the
pmjwtiiig bit of tup" was pulled the little
figures Men Inte null ether's arms and In
dulged lu a hearty embrace, while a printed
sllpcnum out lit'tientli Ismrlng n few lines of
crotiedoggenl. lhe llgures 111 this lalentine
wero clad in feathen and presented a bril
liant apeamiiec. People tin get these ltd
eiitlnes for $.r e-ach. Anether lalentine rci rci
resented n leisket of gorgeous roses. When
the string was pulhsl the side of the, basket
opened and reiealisl two leiers engaged In
ovulatery g inn.istics Anether ene wa
evidently built sluie Mine. icterla IIul
skamp sprang Inte juiblie prominence. It
represented a colored coachman in all the
glitter of his brass-buttoned coat, promenad
ing with a beautiful little blonde, ntllrefl In
a tistcfiil costuihe trimmed with fur. The
(eachmau was grinning llke nil Ine
briated orang-eutang, and the young lady
smiled a smile that was reminiscent el i'eney
Island and lhe soft, persuasive clam. Then
thore was a sad-faced creatum that burst Inte
a hearty laugh when his string was pulled
and a ilude w hese lalse leeth fell out. l'er
theso who have been stricken with the roller
skate ineaslei lalentlnoshave been expressly
made. One of theiu has a cluiter of llevvers
painted en n glass screen. Uy pulling a
string theso Hew cis divide and 11
tarty of youths and maidens gliding about
In that perfect security which the roller ikatii
atlerds In pictures
One of tlie handsomest valentines seen
auywhoie wasa pcrlumcd handkerehiefcaHe.
IUeei er w as of satlmeevcred w ith h uid-palnt-ed
llevvers In the bottom of lhe cise was 1111
Illuminated valentine, containing a muinber
of lilies of se-called Hxtiy, e.icli Initial letter
iKdng cetnisi'x'd el handsomely colored
Honors Anether valentine represented a
lery Hue jKiint lace handkerchief. II was
delicately scented ami parted in the middle,
revealing a let of lloweri halt buried in
foliage. One neat device, gotten up for ad
mirers of the pugilistic art, was a beieled
card with a button In the centre). On press
ing this button two heroes of the prie ring in
lighting costume iiiddlnly npis-ar nlxiie the
( ige of the e-trd rendy te spar tour rounds
for the gate money. Anether design
represented two eircus performers. When
the inevitable string was pulled 0110 of them
turned his heels up ilitotbeairand porleriued
a hand balance en the ether's head.
Comic lalentlues are inade in thu usual
style en inipcr. They are en the usual de
lated piano of art, and will sen 0 their cus
tomary purOMef making sonsitlie ivorseni
1 cry angry. They me printed by the thou
sands ami haie a geed sale. '1 hey are thu
cheaisjst wrt or laleutlne, whlle thu most ex
pensile are hand-painted en Kit in. Most of
the valentines old in this city nre in urn
factuied here or lu thu liumcsfinte ilcinlty.
A. number of men are engaged throughout
the 3 ear in elaborating designs for thorn.
The tlue work en them Is done by weincu
anil j cling girls whose deft lingers tlie inniiii-
tietiircrs unci inuispcusaiiie 111 putting 011 1110
litllu fringes nml bow sand ether decorations
new used ill mnUliiL; these 11110113 moils lve
rtPlntnliililliil the lleiMiHcrR.
rreiu the New mk l'llbuncj
Colonel Daniel Laiuent guards Mr. Cleve
land IremiiuwvpaperreiHaierswIlli a zcaleiu
ivatehlulness. At Albany the corrvspeiuU'iilM
have been told that only ene of their number
w ill lxi recoil ed daily at Ne. IS Wlllett street,
and he Is te communicate the new s te all the
ethors. ,TI1. Oberly, et Tlie Chicinje Ttmes,
has been serving as this go-between, having
been selected by Mr. Cleveland, because he
Is alhechalrniauiil tlie Democratic statu com
mittee, et Illinois Ilecently 11 IVneovje JVi
mint'iiiau who sought erslstently te be set
face te face w Ith the presldent-elis't, w ai ne ne
eerded the privilege en his gii lug a solemn
ploclge that he would net talk politic te thu
cx-goieruer. A nowspaper roertor of this
city, who managed te penetrate thu Inner
sanctuary at; the Victeria hetel during ene
uieulHgoftheeonferoiiee, heard a great many
things said by Mr. Cleveland te the gentle
men assembled thore, and had also hlinselfa
short cuuiorKitien with the president-elect.
He put it all in the shape et an interview,
which would have created semen hat of a sen
sation, The management of the paper, being
fi loudly te Mr. Cleveland, scut n juoef slip
te Colonel laiuieut te revise. Mr, Cleveland
was horrified, mid requested the suppression
of thu report and It was suppressed.
A Ilrcttleu Aguliut Sliirk Tvralu.
Judge Celt, of Bosten, hi the United States
circuit court, has ronclcred 11 decision en the
motion for an Injunction pendente llte of
Kamitel L CTomeus (Mark Twain) vs. Dana
Ilstes etnl. The defendants, Hstesand laiuriat,
ollered for Kile, through thelr catalogue.Mark
Tnaln'a new ami jet uupubllshed book,
"Huckleberry I'lnn," at a prlee loner than
the subscription rates The plalntitV prayed
ferivn Injunction restraining the further dis
tribution of the catalogue and also enjoining
any agreement with plalntlirs agents ler ob
taining the lioekg by inducements te break
the Jaw ful contract. The Injunction Is denied
by Judge Celt, as lhe defendants deny any
knew ledge of a contract botneon the plalntill"
ami 1110 agents ami uocause tueru is 110 evi
dence going te show that the defendants
tiled te induce the agents te sell lioekii or te
break the contract.
Arreted en it rrecct.1.
A. J. Jenes, of TiilUm tewnsnlp, charged
with assault, n as arrested yesterday by Dep
uty Shcrill Strine, en a piocess Issued by the
court It was alleged that thu ball he euterccl
for his npiK-nronee at the April quarter ses ses
slen's court was net sulliclent, and the tils
trlct attorney had hint re-arietcd. He en en
tered new ball lu the sum of ?J00, with Auies
flrell as surety, mid was relvam-d from u.
tedy lust ttvuulbe;.
r.iir.;.Wyi.v,i halt, iiiiennr.n with
a r.ifiitiexAiu.i: Titnose.
A Pnrlsl Hirnt OltMi by n Cetrrin of Well
Rnnnn Serlrly Lnillm Hint 1V Cen-
ftplnienii nucc.Jt Seinf) Uuilnt nnd
naullful Decoration..
Ihleinnn' hnll en North Duke Mrcet wni
the scene of n brilliant seclnl gathering Inst
ovenlng, the oecnslon Iwlng mi assembly
given by a cotcrie or prominent society ladles
of the city. The project linil liecii tilider
consideration ilnce the Slevens house assem
bly, nnd is it was the only notable event of
lln kind lu the local social world slnce that
gala occasion, Hi coming ivai eagerly looked
forward teby the members of the creme tic
In cremn of local society. 1 1 had bccii thought
proper te terminate the fashie inble season In
a ruih el glory as a sweet memory en which
te linger during the sober Lenten season that
1 new cloie at hind. And right royally wni
tlie work accomplished.
Shortly hefers 11I110 o'clock the guests lo le
gan te arrive and by the tlme the big hand of
the court house clock 11 as Hearing ten the as
sembly was in full motion. The Interior of
tlie dancing hall revealed n haudsome work
of nrl decoration, the eifecU of which sug-
? ;eited an etching in Wilder' quaint Indian
egend. The windows were hung In what
seemed te be hen vy curtains of Turkish cloth,
but which proved en closer investigation te
be erdlinry dark shawls tacked up hi a term
te simulate curtains. They lent a i cry cheer
ful elbs-t le the rcsim.
Till! W1M, ADOnVMr'NIS
Aieuiid lhe wnll nt Intervals wcie plnred
Inns of curious design, diamond-shaped
mirrors plaqm s JaiKinose baunercti, rei( ttei
of clds and ribbons, iinncls and many
ether pleccs of brle-n.hmc that lend
n charm of refinement te a room. The
tnolie-globed chandeliers nere prctllly
trimuiel In smilax,; nnd n mammoth open
Japnnose pnrnvU hung from thu ceiling; and
when the ladles with their handsome toilets
nccnmpntiiisl byoseertsin fulleienlng diess
took poisesMon of the Heur, nnd
tripped te the merry measures of ene of Tay Tay
eor s most delicious waltzes, the mind of the
soclnter discovered Itself traveling kick
te that night beferw the bitlle of Waterloo
A tlieiitnncl lirnrl. ticnt liapplly
And all went inurry as n inarrlat' el
A little after midnight lunch waiait waiait
neimced consisting of eystci's and relishes
Handwichui and ceflcti, prepared in the
masterly style known te Caterer
Charles W. Tckert. The fostliitles
neru continued until two o'clock
this morning. Guest-s were present trem
Hnrrishurg, Philadelphia, Downingtenn,
Ceatesvllhs Yerk and ether places The com cem com
inittee of indies who se successfully managed
the assembly were Mrs. R V. lhleman, Mrs
T. V. Wiley, Misses riinn, Dickey and II011
gicr. Many handsome matrons graced the
occasion by their prosenie during the oven even
ing. It was announced bofero the clesu of
the festivities that the second assembly te be
given under the Minn auspices would take
placet en thu first '1 hursday alter Iatxter.
nn: i;jTj:itx i.r..uin: .tri:rin.
CI11I1 Frem .Irmrjr Clly hiuI llaltlmercluti d In
A HrrlanitliHi of Wnr.
The Kisteni League of professional baie
bill clubs held n speeiid tneetingat Tayler's
hetel, Jersey City, en Wednesday. Dele
gates neru present from Itichuienil, Norfolk,
Washington,, Newark, Trenten
and Jersev City A ppllcatlens iv ere reeel veil
from Baltimore, l'etersburg, Vil, Jersei City
and SpringtlcUl, Mass It was voted te admit
clubs from Jersey City nnd Ilalllmore, if
satisfactory armngomenii could be made,
and l'resideut Henry II. Diddlebeck and
Messrs. Ilallird, of Newark, mid Copland, of
I.iurasler, wero npiHiiuted as a commlltee
with jxiwer te net. Henry J. Heyle. nhe
nas blacklistinl by the Active club, of Head
ing, last season for Jumping te the Lucas
club, Was reinstated. Trem the evidence
ollerod it appeared that the Active club owed
llojle for salary mid some of the directors
telcl him te go If be could butler Ills con
dition. He did go and was then expelled.
II. S. Moero and Harney .Mcl-tughllii, who
were oxiellisl by the s cine club, werunlse
lelnst.ited. The delegates of thu l'astern
League te the arbitration committee were in
structed te lote for the follewing:
ItcJelecJ, That the seventh section of the
nation agreement be amended by inserting,
aflerthowerds "preiided thatnethlnghcrcin
contained shall lie 1 enstrued te prohibit any
club, meinlsir of any irty hereto, from re
signing its meinbenlilp lu any pai ty hereto,"
the words, "atter it has completed its
schedule of championship game's"
Iteiuhcil, 'I hat the sei euth section et the
national agreement be amended bv inserting,
after tlie words "any Urty hereto was
located, " the w erds "except that the pre
ceding previsions of Ibis section shall net
apply te the SU Leuis Athletic association, of
St. Leuis, or the Monumental club, of 11 dti dti
inere, or shall net pruieut the American
Association from locating a club in the city of
The adoption of thu aboie resolutions is a
practical declaration of w ar en the part of the
Eastern League and the intention Is te keep
Lucas out of lhe National Leaguu unless the
Notional Le'ague and American Associitlen
agree te the location of an laistern League
club lu lliltimere. The preliability is that
neither of the big associntleni will nav
much attention te the lUsteru clubsanjheu,
as the latter could de but very little harm at
(101 in I MIS mivi i,
The I'hiladulphia S'eut published a lery
Intelligent account of tlie U.utcru League)
meeting. Ukiis: "Hallard, of Newark,
Copland, of Lmeastci, Heyle, McLaughlin
and Moero, ofthe Actlies of Heading, wcie
rtdnstuted." Messrs. 11 dtard and Copland
wlllcertaluly Ihj glad te learn this startling
piece of nevw, but they will be at a less te
knew when they werg blacklisted, as they
me illiecters ofthe league.
( J' AXlt 1IOWX TUK .17.17:.
Theionie 1,183 pupils ill Gliuul college,
James Harrndy, 11 colored resident of
Media, was frozen te death at Clllten, Dela Dela
nnre county Wodnesday night, whlle driv
ing from rliiladclphia te his home in Mcdi.u
At St. Vincent's Abbey, in Westmorland
county, ltuv. V. Jaiuei. Zilliht was elected
Abbett et the new Iluuedlotiue Abbey at
Nen ark, N. J.
The Senate has eoufiriued the uominatieu
of Win. Shields te be postmaster at West
Chester. Mrs Mary 11. Itigley has been
nominated as postmistress nt '.Mlueisvllle,
ami Augiutuii L. l'eiitius as postmaster nt
Parker's Lauding.
The Alloutewn Daily Critic, the only
morning junior In the Lehigh Valley, sus
jiended publication with Us issue Wedne--day
nierulug. It was started as a dally in Do De
cemlmr, lSa.i, and was the outgrevvth of a
small ivoehiy jiuuiisned by Samuel S.
Whlle dresslng near 11 Moie Wednesday
morning the eletlilng of a llio-ycar-eld
daughter of Doud Wcand, of l'ettsiillc,
caught tire and slie was fatally burned. Thu
only jicrsen present at the tlme was asoien-year-eld
brother, and in his ollerts
tier he was himself badly burned about the
lacs hands and lace.
At S'oranten, Wednesday, Jehn Oatlcry,
Themas Judge nnd 1'atriek Gallagher were
cevleted of ilelutiug the delegate election
laws during the campaign of ISM. They were
election eillcers, and returned as elected a
a candidate who had been defeated. Thi. is
said te be the ilrt-t conviction ofthe kind lu
the state under thu new election laws aj aj
preveit in IsSI.
The distress in Manayuiik, owing
principally te the closing of the mills, is de
scribed as terrible. I'ully 10,(HX) jieople are
out et work. A relief society has he-en started
11 hlch has exiiciided U.OOO, and is anxious te
have mero helj). Since January 17,?&00 north
of coal has been giienetit. The Heading
company eilers te make concessions te thu
people umeuntlng te about b7 cents jsjr ten.
At the Soup lluu.e.
Tlicroiere6ilmtloiuor fceup dltiibuUd
itt the ieuj) laeutiw te cl-ry.
virit, sr.iirieK
.Iinnn nf llin llr.nltn That nre Ainrrnt Slnce
llin fimtiKiinttlnti of tlie Ndiv Itnlrs.
The presldcnt en Wodnesday transmitted
te Cengrcii the second n'nnual repert of the
civil sen Ice commission covering the period
from January 1(1, 1SAI, te January in, 1&5.
In his totter of transmittal he siyi :
The commission li lu the second year of
Hi existence. The preildent cengratulalei
the country en the success of lis lalien,
commends the nubject te the fivorable con
sideration of Cengresi nnd nskifernn ap
propriation tocnulliiuetho work.
'I he report li a comprehensive document,
giving a full ncceunt of lhe notion of the coin cein coin
ml'sleu nml of thu result nchlevcd. It
siys the civil se'rvlce law lias been found
practicable nnd ollectlvo fur the accomplith accemplith accomplith
mentoflLi purpose. During thu year per
sons have been examined from oiery iLite
and territory oxcept Jdahe. One hundred
and slxty.tne examinations luve becu held
and U,3I7 jwrseni linve been examined, of
whom A,fi33 nere maleiand822 wero females
01 thoie examined 4,111 passed at a grade
showing them competent for the public ser ser
vlce and 2,200 failed. The nvcraae age of all
theso oxamlned wero nearly thirty jeirs
Theso oxamlned nre marked en n usile el
KjO m jsirfuct, nnd thoie n he failed te revh
Ri iKTeent. of that proficiency nre Intllglblu
for appointment.
If te theso etninined during theplstjenr
nre ndded the ntitnlier exnmlnetl under the
couimlsslen (luring the ether nx months of
lti work It 11 111 be shown that an nggregaloef
0,039 porseni had lxen exanilne.l Injlore lhe
commission slnce July Ifi, 1SS), when the
tilling nf the vncaniei from theso who had
iwvssed the examinations had roinrnenced.
Thcre have been l.bOd nppnintiucnts inade
lrem theso examined, and (luring the prier
six months MOnppelntments h id Ik en made.
The whole number of nppeintmi nts inade
under the commission lias therefore Isen
The repert declarci thit the ominlisleti
has no reason te belioie that any illscrimlna illscrimlna
tieu en K)lttical grounds has been made lu
these nps)intments nnd positiiely asserts
that none has been inade In connection with
the examinations.
The pirt ofthe sorilce te which the ex
aminations extend Is known as the classified
son ice, which originally Included 01 er four
teen thousand places Te these thore has
lccnaii addition by tlioextenslon of the. new
system under "the dirc lien et the
president, for which thu law pro pre
1 Ides, of the jKwtenicei nt Jener
City, St. Paul, Minneapolis anil
New Hai en, and nf the agricultural depart
ment. 'I he twenty-six largest !ostefilccsand
the oleien largest customs elflces are new
subject te the examinations Almest one
halt of theso hervlng In a clei leal cruelty at
postelHces are In these tncuti six etllces
and they are nearly six hundred in number.
At the customs elllces subject te cxininatieris
ninety-llie per cenL of nil thu customs roio reio roie
nueofthol nieu iscollcted nnd mere than
ilieseienths of the customs elllc ials are
employed. In the departments nt Washing
ton the cl.issiOtsl son ice un hides tlie clerical
force hai ing a silnri linmJ72(Jte I.'Od and
oier, mid it nunil)en atmut six thousand
IS'neus The examiuatleus ler each of thesu
three branches of the service are sopirate.
In the departmental soriice alsjiit ten (sir
cent, of the places are tilled through special
examinations iv here jHXuliar and generally
higher qualilicntieus are reqtiiied, such ns
for the state dejeirtuu'iit, the atent efllce,
the geological suriey, Ac. and for pl.ices in
ivhlch seme foreign lausujge is needed te Is?
(lit lllltl OP EXAMINATION.
I'er filling the'.K) per eent. of these places
there are two grach s of examination, ene
known as the limited and the ether us the
gencral. In the limited examination nothing
beyond orthography, penmanship, copying,
the fundamental rules of ailthmitic and let
ter wiiting is required. The report says of
the general examination that It extends "te
no lerelgn language, no technical
terms et art or sclence, no problem in algo alge
lir,i, geometry, trigonometry or astronomy,
110 question concerning the hlitery or geog
raphy of imy foreign eeuntry ; nelhing, lu
short, beyond, mid net overj thing within,
the teaching of a iroed public nhoel." The
r.iK-ci.d examinations de net extend beiend
the languages, arts and sciences a knew fesjge
of n hieh is essential for the public work in
the places for which they nre held
The whole number examined 111 thodopirt thedopirt thodepirt
iiicutal sen loe has been 2,270, el whom 1,7-12
wure males and ill females Ot the 111 des).
mid of the females 373 succeeded at the ex
amination. Thcwhole niunlsr et appoint
ments te the dcimitmcnts at i-hinglen
during the car has been -Us, el vvliich 3'Jl
were males and H were fi males There
hai e been but three rciueials among tluwe
npiieintcd te tlie departmental serin-e who
wcie examined under the coiuuiis-ien.
The appointments te the departments hai u
bucn apiMirtlened among the st iti s and terri
tories In conformity te tiie act, mid a table at
tached te the report shows that a lery close
approximation te mi exact nppeiiiniunrut his
been scoured.
The whole number examined dining the
3 ear ler tlie customs service has been SIS, of
whom 511 were found competent and ll'Jap ll'Jap
Kintiuents wero inade te that seivice. l'er
tlie iestal sen iee thore hai c been J,2J3 per
sons examined, of whom 2,!1j were males
and 2sb females, and 1,210 appointments te
that sen iee. Very few lemales are appointed
te cither the postal or customs sen lee.
1 no reiwri says mat every prevision 01 law
favorable te soldiers and Santa's is picsened
under tlie civil son 110 rules; that thu tides
hai e grcatlve becked removals ler iinrtlsui
and selllsh leasens, although they m no w isu
ehstiuct but lather facilitate removals fei
geed cause, mid thu collection et jxilitlcil
assessinents has been In lirge incisuiu
arrested. 1'he reisirt adi iscs legisl aien upon
thu model et thu New Yerk law et 11, tijv
preicd by liei. Clui eland, nine li lerbidsaiiv
one, whethei n public oillcei or net, te solicit
contributions from 111 thy public
son ice.
Tlie t'nleii 1'aclrSc'. Dcl.l.
'I he secietary of tlie trcisuri has submitted
a communication in 1 espouse te a lcsolutieu
of the Senate calling l'er a st m incut of the
amounts duu te the United van I10111 thu
L'uien Vaclfle railroad eempani. The bal bal
anee en Deceniber31. 1SS2, was; 1.727,742. Thu
amount thatlccuuioUuafieuiih it date te Dec.
31, lbSJ,isS71SS,SU, oxcludlngcinndltuiesfer
new construction and new equipment. This
sum was paid in full June'-l, 1M. Tlie o. e.
jwudlturLM for new coustiuctien and new
equipment fortheye-ar ending Dec. 1, lbS.1.
amounted te 1203,018, tiitnt live ier cent, et
which is $.'0,7G2, by which amount thu gov
ernment Is ever.paid for that icir umlwr the
rule established liy thu ceuit c'.l claims. The
amount due for the year ending Dec. 31, 14s,l,
has net been ascertained nnd the annual set
tlement was net made 1'cb. 1st, Ikj.), as pro
vided lu the Thurman act. It bis net been
practicable, nt any tlme te m ike tlie annual
settlement by l'ebruary 1st, as thu books et
llietmnjuiiy are net closed ler the j ear end
ing Doccmbet 21st until about thu niiddU el
Sudden Drathufa ruruit r I. mraiti r
Frem the llurrlsburc; lntlpc'uiiut.
Corener Shlndler was called upon te held
an imjiiest this meinlng en the body et Mrs.
Maria Amnion, an ngrsl ladi wlie resided
with her daughter at 1,215 W ill.uu street. It
apjx'ars thu old lady tirose this meinlng as
usual, and met her son-in-law, e, K. Miller,
as hu came in oil' thu lead. Almest imincdi
alely, honeier, uller the eiitraiiee of Mr.
Miller, Mrs Amnion fell en rand explied in
a tew moments The jury pioneuneed the
causa of death ai heirt tumble. Deceased
iviisu.") jears of age nnd terinerly te tided
n Ith her seu in Lmcastur county, coming te
this city about Cluistinus
V (.oiiereiu beiiftltlve eung linn.
1'ruiu the Columbia Commit
A gentleman in LaucaMci piisented te a
young lady or his acquaintance ene or theso
jiretty nnd elegant llttle cases containing n
nail pelisher, scissors, cosmetics nnd ether
Implements for keeping the hands ami nails
In geed erder, and new they de net Bjcalc.
She returned his gilt, as nn insulting sugges
tion te her that her nails needed cleaning, llu
then scut the case te another young 1 id v, nhe
was net se sensitive, for miu kept It, and
made acknowledgment by bending him a
cike of scented soap. And new, strangely
enough, his feelings are iy similar te thei
of thu lirtt young la4i
ASerm:it aeaisst Titr. virr.
Samuel 11 clcl Claim. Damage, le His latml
by n Mrcrt Opmihig Kiao Itlnehnrt
A.ks rer W.-.OO r.irllrliiKhig Alinut llin
Coiivktlen nf .Irrp. Iliiucsn
nrFonnJeiinn i,ivifesTON-.
The unit of Simiiel M. Weticl is the
County of L-uieaster, was altaclied for trial
yesterdaj alternoen. This was an actilen te
recoier damnges caused by laud of plalutiir
being taken by the )roiesod opening of
Chester street. Alter the jury woie selected
mid sworn Ihoyxlewod the location of the
jirejxwcd street, and tien thelr return te the
court room the testimony of n number of
witnesses nere heard. The wltnesses exam
ined ucre of opinion that Wetzel would suf
fer betw een $2,000 nnd t A 100 damage s
A niimbci of witnesses nere called for the
defense and In their opinion Wetrel would
net suirer any damages liccatise after the
street was nencd through his farm, the
Increased altie of the laud remaining for
building purposes would mero than coinjicu ceinjicu coinjicu
satehim fur thu land taken for the street. On
tri d.
nr.POitK jlikii: I'Arruuse.v.
The defense eecuiied all of Wodnesdiy
afloniefin in the examination of nltncssn in
the suit of Ilculamlu h. Snaiely and Jehn
M. Hliultz is iZ. V. Sterner. The testimony
of Stonier nai tint Shult was tiald for I1I1
tobacco iv hen he deli! ered it ami that Suave
ly released witness from taking his tobacco
ami was given a check for an amount agreed
tiK)ii lictvioen them. The case was nrgucd
bv counsel anil the jury retired te deliberate.
'1 I1I1 afternoon the Jury rendered a verdlct in
lai or of plnntlir for $311.00.
The mil nf Isaac Hinehirt is the clt.i el
Itaneaster was nttached ler trid this morn
ing. This was an action te roceiir 00, that 1
being the reward enered by the city ler the
nrrcst and com lotion of any jiorsen for set
ting ftru te buildings in the city of Lancaster.
It was claimed en tlie part of the plaintiff
that Jeremiah Dung-in set flre te the stable
In the rear of the I'euntaln Inn hotel en
May 20, siS ; that he was caught In the city
by "Kinehart, xvas pursued, captured, tried,
convicted and Is new undergoing an lin lin lin
jirlsontnent of flve yean In the Castern
On trial.
Gcerge W. Hunter and Ella Liwrence,
who cried termi in the county jirisen for
costs, were discharged under thy lnsolient
law this morning.
emrr.Ks or thi: uiiaxii aiimt.
Tlir i;lcrllin In the Annual State Uncunipuient
nt Ilarrlsliuri;.
The balloting for senior vlcocemmandor at
the Thursday afternoon session of the Grand
Army of the Republic reiulted In thoelection
of A. 1". Hurchrtcld, of Pittsburg. Other
officers worecloetod as fellows : Junier lice
comuiauder, 1". l Amsclcn. of Scranton ;
council of admlnlitnitien, Ii K. Sellers, Jehn
Hunter, W. Clark Jehnsen, Ames Cearand
James Y. Teng ; inspector genernl, Themxs
I'. Maleney, of Harrisburg. The newly
elected eillcers w ere Instilled by Pest Com
mand! r Chill W. Iluzzard.
Department Commander Curtin npjwinted
Themas J. Stewart, assistant adjutant gen
eral, and II. f. Williams assistant quarter
mister general.
J. P.S. Gebin, of Lebmeii, was elected roi rei
rcsentatiiuat large te the National Uncamiv
inent. The etberrcprcsentatiies elected are:
W. W. Ames, Pest 215; Y. J. Amnion, Pest
IJO, William P. Ault, Pest 117 ; GeorgeO.
Hever, Pest&S; I. H. llrewn, Pest 70; O. V.
lteiisen, Pest 22.-) ; li J. Caine, Pest 70 ; A. M.
Clarke, Pest 277 ; Jeseph Davidsen, Pest 2 ;
D. Stewart Klllctt, Pest 131;M. IiKag-m, Pest
2; Jeseph Greggson, Pest 5; J. T. Garman,
Pests. II. H. HackebPestni; Henry Harding,
Pest 03; William Harrocks, I'est55; W. C.
Howe, Pest 320; O. L. Jacksen, Pest 1G0; O.
L. Jaeksen, Pest leO; W. L. I.mliis I'est 37 ;
L. W. Lord, Pest .MO; W. li Miller, Pest
201; J. Ii Pcttlbene. Pest Mi; A. C. Hcin Hcin Hcin
oehl, Pest HI; L7ra Hippie, Pest 130; Hichard
Halm, Pest 23; William Mone, Pest OS; J.
M. Lutuian. Pest CO: A. J. Sellers Pest 1;
Gcerge II. Thatcher, Pest 100; A. Thompson,
Pest -2; Ilcnrv C. Teeter, Pest 109; Hev.
William W. Wilsen, Pest 150; It. V. Wood Weed
house. Pest 01; N. U. Wilsen, PestW; W. 1'.
Haves Gricr, Pest 1.
The cenicnticm ndjounied smr die. The
next cneampmeiit will be held at Scranton.
The Women's Hellef corps of lhe Grand
Army of the Hepublie held a meeting in the
ui cuing. Sjveeches nere inade by Dcj tri
llion Commander Dyer and ethers The
fellow ing officers were elected and installed :
President, Mrs. Martha M. Shriner, orPhila erPhila
deliiliii ; senior xice president, Mrs Lliza
lMt!i Timiiijiseu, of I'rie ; Junier xice presi
th ut, Mrs. Amanda Mellit, of Pittsburg;
seeretar.l, Mrs. Hannah James, of Philadel
phia ; ch.ipl.iln, Mrs Annie M, Hairc'lls, of
iVllliamsjiert ; conductor, Mrs lamina J.
Wensell, et Heading ; guard, Mi's Maiy
Stoekdale, of Pittsbmg ; iiisjsx'ter, Miss Jen
nie Ileal ley, of Krie.
7li 11011.1:1: i:xi'l.l S'J.VA.
Ttvn lieu liitautl lvlllt'd Near llnrii.l)liriiml
One Die. sliertl) AHtr.
The lieiler at Cumbler'sstone quarry, south
of llarrnbiirg, between Steelteu and High
spire, exploded Wednesday afternoon, caus
ing th death of Christ! m Hern ami Jehn
sjiwicer, and iiilUcting ratal Injury te Peter
llrewn. The accident Is said te hai e resulted
fiem the supply te the boiler becoming
frozen, thus 1 lilting oil the necessary
amount of water, 'lhe men weru in thu
boiler house at the time. Hern and Spencer
woie hurribli mangled, iKirllens et thelr
Ijedies lieing picked uj) hundreds of feet fiem
whero thu cx.plo-.ien eccuncd. Hern's heid
was lilewn liem his body. Hrewn's riglit
aim w as blew ufi 0111 ILs socket at thu shoulder,
and he was otherwise mutilated. His arm
iv as amputated and he died a few minute
altir the operation hud been iorfeimed.
An explosion of a het-water boiler In the
cigar store of Alies .V ITshcr, 011 Cambridge
street, Bosten, shattered all thu windows,
toreaway the walls and started the lloer.
1 lagmcuts of windows were blown elear
acie-ss the street, and one jonen was badly
cut about lhe lace. The inslcli of the stote
looked as though it had lasted thiuugh un
extended siege. Window glass and plaster
ing cui ered lhe lloers, nnd the ceunters and
huiidicdsef cigars nere thiewn In all direc
tions. Several persons were in the room at
tlie timu and the concussion nas nearly
enough te knock them denn. Three work werk work
uicuiveie in the back room, and their es
cape lrem Injury was almost miraculous, as
the bodei nas ilirectly beneath them. Their
laces weie blackenecl with soot, but they
were net hint. Thu furniture) nas piled upon
the opposite) slde fiem w here the Imiler was,
nml two or three barrels of cigats wero ndded
te thu wieck.
-i.v j;.vcr.i nuxAWAV.
Tue Men Tlirenu 1'ruiu u IluggJ nnd Their
Horae Iitully Injured.
last evening about lialf-jmst sev en o'clock,
as Jacob stehmaii, iv he resides near Willow
Street, aecempaiiied by a filencl named liru
lialcer, n he resides at thu Hcrtzler lurin near
MtllersviUe, nere driving en Iiist King
street, near the county prison, they
iv eie inn Inte by another team
going out thu Philadelphia plke. The
lop and scat el the buggy was turn off nnd
both men were thrown "out, llrubaUer being
Uidly and Stehman slightly iiijuiccl. The
mare they nere driving ran oil, keeping tlie
street until she reached Plum street, iv here
who Iiecnine detached from the broken lehlcle
and, n ith the shatts hanging te lier, ran
along the jxii cnicnt ler moie than u square.
On reaching the front or Mrs Peller's nil nil
denee, betw ecu Sliippen and Lime, she fell
and biokeonoot her hind legs in twoidaces,
making it necessary te kili her. Geerge
laiuipartcr put mi end te the sutlerings
et the jioer beast mid had the carcass hauled
te thoglue factory. The mare was valued at
f.VXl Mr. Stchuiau haling rocently rcrused
$350 Ter her. The buggy, nlilch belonged te
llrubaker, ivus taken te Doorsem's coach
works ter repairs The shifts, wheels, body
ami top of It are Ml broken, ami the liarness
badly tein,
The team that ran Inte them, nnd caused
the accident drove oil, without stepping te
inquire what damage had been doue by (be
cum Wx driving.
Tlir.tU TlllHTKllXTlt a v.vj vr.ttsAit r.
Einplrn Council Ne. ISO, .liinler e. XT. A.JI.,
listing n IIuimI Tlnir,
Wodnesday eienlng Ilinplre Cettnjil, Ne.
120, Junier O. U. A. M., cclebrated the thir
teenth nnniicnary In their hall, and thore
nas a large creud lu attendance. The com cem com
mltlee having chnrge ofthe allalr was com com com
Iioiedof: Jehn Leenard, li N. Winower.W.
II. Wehr, J. 1. Winoner, Win. Hcniley,
Win. A. McGIInn and Jeiin Shlllte. The
fellow Ing programtne ivai observed: Opon Open
ingnddresiby the chalrmnu, Jehn W. Leon Leen
ard j history of the council, Jnoeb Wollzel;
song fmodley), Apelle club; dialogue,
"All Hlglit Again," by A. M. Albright,
v. II. Leonnrd and W. N. Leenard ; song,
with organ accompaniment, "I Am Only
Going Down te the Gate," J. 1". Winoner ;
rrofMelm, mi exhibition or legerdemain,
concluding iillh a " Punch and Judy'1
show ; bass sole, " Hocked in the Cradle , of
the Deep," JoeGriodliart ; comic songs J.
I'. Wlnower; recitation, ' I'eujile Will
Talk," Addison Wltmicr; song, Aimlle
club, ' Climbing Up lhe Gelden Stain ;"
rociLitlen, "I'atO'Hourke and the Tregs,"
A. M. Albright ; nddressci by members of
the council. The programme Ht'ly terminated
with lhe closing (Hie,
During the evcuing refrcihments con cen con
nlstlngef ice cream, lemonade, cakes, Ac,
were served and heartily onjeved. A state
ment was read showing thattfie council had a
membership or 150 en Jan. 1st, 1SST, nnd it Is
worth $2,711,1R. The party ndjourned at n
late hour highly pleased with the evening's
TwpiityTue Cnra Tlu-nnn from tlie Track
n llrekrn Hull.
This morning alsmt 1:30 o'clock I'miiiru
freight train east drawn by engine 701 met
wllh a serious accident about a mile iiet of
r.dmeutli. Twenty-two cars wero derailed
and mero or less Injured, anil forty-threo
rails ni"0 rii from thelr fistcnings Deth
ti leKs v 1 ifi 1 l,d npniid trains were de
layed fur some hours, rortunately no ene
iv as hurt- The accident was caused by a
broken rail.
The following additional particulars of the
wre k are furnished by our Columbia cor cer
1 os 1 undent : Great damage nas dene te tlie
tra 1. ind read bed, they being tern and in
jured Ter overtno hundred feet. It is be
lloied the can nere but little injured, but
this Is net positive, as no late news of the
wreck hai been rocelved In Columbia. The
Columbia and MIddletewn crew s wero called
Inte sen ice, and by 8 a. in., had 15 can
placed en the south track, 11 1th the north
track entirely cleared. Frelght tralTlcnas
delayed several hours, but the 830 this a. in.
fassenger was only IS minutes late in Co Ce
umbia. A Ca.e uf Mi.tnkpn lilcntlly.
ITi 0 inenthi age James Neenan, an inof
fensive and easy-going Irishman, of Sterling,
111., was arrodedon the complaint of a young
German girl, who Insisted that he was the
father of her unborn child. In the examina
tion befere the magistrate she an ero that he
alene iv as responsible. The sympathy of the
community 11 as 11 ith the girl, and the mag
istrate, probably influenced by tlie jieptilar
feeling, remnnilcd Neenan te jail te analt
results. The birth of the child has new es
tablished Neenan's Innocence, as ft has all
the distinguishing features of the African.
The poeplo nhe haie sympathized with the
mother enceurage the bellcl that the infant Is
a freak. Thcre is talk of making up a public
purse te repay Neenan rer the llie months'
labor he has lest. The girl still stoutly main
tains that Neenan Is the father of her child.
llie riavs "Little ltarcroet" te a racked Heme
Last V. enln.
Last evening Mls Llllle 1 1 In ten nmde her
last njijicirance in the ejKra liouse nnd lhe
audlouce ivhich siwher nas the largest of her
engagcuient. ISy eight o'clock the building
w as crew clod and standing room could scarce
ly be had. The pleconas"Little Barefoot,"
which was well acted, Miss Hinteii apjiearlng
in the title role. Although Miss lllnteu
cannot be compared te Maggie Mlt Mlt
chell, who plavecl the Jilcee here
a week age, j'et her acting was lery gissl,
and the majority of the audience thought
that the pi escntatien of the play was the most
successful et the engagement. The support geed. This morning the cemjiany left
for Yerk.
Ceiniillmcntlng mir Depirtlnelit.
Chief Engineer Hewell has received the
following, which explains itself:
I'HII. Mir.Ll'llIA, Peb. 10, li
Mit. Hahuv N. IIevvki.i.,
Chuethc Fire Drpt.,
Imcaster, Pa.
Dim 11 Si 11 I am Informed by my special
agent, Mr. McGlathery, that at a li'cent llre
in your city, en the premises of Abraham
illrsh, no are Indebted te the extraordinary
promptness with which your department get
en the ground nnd thu skillful manner in
which tlie tire was subdued, for the conse-
auent escape! from a considerable less I
icrefore Uue thu liberty el acknowledging
the sen ice recelied. Yeuis truly.
Gke. Weed,
Agent Hoyal A Londen A Laucashlrs Insur
ance Ces.
Mlnstn 1 Dllllcultlc. Srttlrtl.
The Dockstador-Armstreng luiusticl com cem
juny had a llttle dllllculty between theni theni
selics in Heading yesterday. It appears
that lilward A. ITynn Is ninii.iger and a
backer of the company. Mr. Armstrong is
the leading comedian. At the second enter
tainment given by thu tioupe in Heading,
the box oillce men refused te hand the money
ei er te l'lynn, bevause Mr. Armstrong had
given mi elder te the effect that the inoney
should be jiald te him. The result was that
ITynn brought n suit against Armstrong
charging him with embezzlement. The
hearing was set for 1 o'clock yesterday after
noon, but It did net ceme oil, as tlie parties
came te nn amicable arrangement. Hvory Hvery
tlilng was settled te the satlslactlen of all In
terested. All Is new serene in tlie tioupe
again, and thcre is little danger of any meiu
1 lie Ubeiiliaile Katutc.
The uxecuten of the estate or Jacob U.
tsbensliude were bofeio the eeiinty commis
sioners this morning in rcfeicuee te thu
assessment of f 1!0,000 at Interest subject te
state taxation nithivhleh they neru charged.
They stated that a greater part of the aboie
amount distributed te the heirs bofero
the assessment was made. After revislug
the nisossmeut it iv as leuud that $-0,000 wero
subject te statu taxation and that is the
amount with ivhich they nre new charged.
rniullie In Imminent,
On ing te the freight bleckade beyend Chi
cago most or the livestock that has arrived lu
liist Liberty, Pa., slnce Monday was drawn
rrem n radius et fifty miles or Pittsburg.
Unless the n eather moderates sufficiently 111
thonest te jicrmlt of rapid transportation n
flesh famiue Is imminent.
Millionaire Mackny' lani;lilr Slurried.
Paris, Peb. 12. Miss Uva Mnckay was
liiarrled te-elay te the Priuce of Oal itre. The
ceremony was jirivate mid performed with
Pontifical high mass by the IPapal Nuncie in
the Nuncie's clnjiel. Only forty jiurseus
ivore present. The civil coremony required
by the Trench law was perfermed yesterday.
Alter the ceremony, Mrs Mackny, mether of
the bride, gave a grand bridal roceptlon,
ivhich will rank as ene of the most in igulfi
cent festivals of Tiench history. The guests
Included about overy jiorseti of distinction
and worth In Trench society.
An Atlanta Scheel Heme Ilurnril.
ArbANTA, Ga., Teb. 12. The Ciew street
public school building was destroyed by Hre
at midnight. The less is $15,000. Six bun
dled children nre deprived of school accom
modations It Is belleved it nas of Incen
diary origin.
Wahunotes, rob. 12. Ter the Mlddle
Atlantic status, slightly Manner, gonerally
fulr neather, followed en Friday by local
snows and partly cloudy weather ; lurlable
winds preceded by southwesterly ivlmWlu
northern jiortleu, Ien er barometer.
ntcir.utn rnrvKi: Axtt nn. u
nr.AOir, Titr. cvt.pjiits.
The Termer MnsnlnK ritreutly nnd lUferrtng
te Ills ChlMrrn In llin rstlierlnnil, E.
claim., (lecl Ham Merry en My
Seul "tool iirartng of neirh.
Pim.Air.MMitA, PeU. 12.witliardTrouke,
cenilctcd of murder In the Hrst dogreo In
the sheeting nnd killing or Augusta Zlmin,
laitOetober, nai hanged In the corridor of
the county prison nt 1021 this morning.
Trcukonreio early Ibis morning, hut ivai
tee nervous te eat breakfast. He wan wildly
agitated and moaned pltceusly as he made
repealed rofercncci in German te I1I1 child
ren In the Fatherland. After rollgletu
exercises he boenme calmer, but again breke
dewnai the hour for the execution draw
nearer. At ten o'clock he mm Ukon te the
gallows IIli step nai unsteady and he
seemed In mental torrernnd ready te faint en
the gallows. He made nn effort, and spoak speak spoak
Ingalmeit inaudlbly, sild that dliwlpallen
had brought him te hli nad end. At 10SI
tlie drop fell, Just m Trouke oxclalmed :
"Gett hnlje crbnrmen mitt molner sela'
Hii neck ivai dlslocated and in six mlnutes
he was pronounced dead.
Itcncli Tayi the I'cnslty,
Dr. 1. M. Ileach paid the pouallyerhis
atrocious erlme at 1:37 i. in. te-day. About
three hundred spectators nere present, nnd
although the weather ivai oxtremoly cold,
all waited nilh an expectation inexpli
cable. The condemnod man ivent te
bed last night nt twolve o'clock nnd
slept soundly the cntlre night Ills spir
itual advisers, Slessrs Kllllnger and Flery,
were with him during the ontlre morning.
The prisoner ate a hearty breakfast and also
dinner te-day and said: "I liope thore will be
no delay in the nrrangoment-s" The tlme for
the execution ivai set ler 1:30 p. m., en no
count or nn express wish of the culprit that
he iv euld take dinner bofero the affair took,
The pi occasion te the scaffold consisted of
the sheriff and deputy, prisoner and two
ministers, and Dr. J. II. Sneeny, the pris
oner's father-in-law. The prisoner ivalked
te the scaffold with n stolid lndlfforenco, and
except n slight twitching of the hands
nothing was notlceablo about the man te
exclte comment. Whlle a statoment was
being read, nrltten by the condemnod,
n herein he declares the whele transaction
tobeaelroam, he steed riewlng the crowd
as unconcerned as you jilease. Kven
when his limbs wero tied and the.
black cap put eicr his face, he still
kept his norve and died without any por per por
ccptlble struggle The body hung about
eighteen minutes when llfe was pro
nounced extinct, the neck belng
broken in tlie fill. The remains nore
cut down and jilnced in chnrge of tlie
county almshouse nuthorities All the pris
oners of the Jail wre admltted te the yard te
witness the execution. The execution was
ene of the most successful en record.
Various HIM j of Mure nr I.eM Importance Pre
sented In lleth Houses.
Spcclnl Dlspctch te the Ixtellieekcer.
llAitnisnunn, Feb. 12. The Senate bill
prei Idlng for temjiorance Instructions In the
common tchoels n as afllrmati vely reperted,
us were the fellow ing Heuse bills : Auther!,
zing local school Ixxvrds te elect two
delegates te the convention for the election
of county school superintendents ; authori
zing the creation of crematory corporations ;
te punish insurance comp.inies doing busi
ness with unlicensed broken nnd providing
for the forfeiture of the lattei's commissions ;
fixing the fees of notaries public for making
jiretestsnt $150; iirevidlng for the payment
of $1S,000 te the ompleyos of the legislature
or 1SS3 for scrvices from the expiration of ene
hundred days until the beginning of the
extra sessien. This bill includes but ene
message clerk ; gii ing soldlers ontllled te
bounty money a legal remedy ; Jpreilding
for the closing up of sw lndllng mutual liv liv
surance cemixmles
Hills wero introduced aiiprepriattng $2,500
te jiay the expenses of the Standard Oil com
pany iniestigatlen ; te pre vent traflle In
adulterated milk ; exeiuptiug taxation en
steamship companies doing a forelgn trade,
buildiiigassociatieus, plank read and turn turn
plke companies manufacturing com
panies and limited partnership associations ;
making the register of wills in counties con
taining evor 150,000 inhabitants clerk of the
orphans' court, and empewering tlie appolnt appelnt
mctit or assistant clerks at salaries ranging
rrem $1,000 te $2,500.
Tliti bill te rovlse tlie mining and vontlla ventlla vontlla
tien Ian s was jiasscd llnally.
The statu pharmacy bill was postpenod
after discussion, as was the bill providing for
thaicpealer the act requirltig security for
costs in the court below and in the supreme
courts in all ii rlts of errer and appeal te the
latter 1 1 ilnmal.
In the Senate tlie bill providing cemjicnsv
Hen ler the judges trying cases outslde thelr
en n district, mid the bill Including within
tlie scepe of the act construed by the suprome
ceuit teapjily te the protection only of the
wages of ompleyos about mines and manu
factories and the wages of all laboren, wero
jiassed ilnally.
In the Senate, Watres' bill nllonlligextra
compensation te common jdeas Judgen for
holding siKVial courts raised finally 2d te
The bill Ter the establishment of Industrial
schools for Indigent children jiassed second
Senater Walling introduced a bill author
izing the incorporations of natural gas com
panies under the genernl corjx)ratien net.
Joint llciolutleu In the Senate Apprltlug Clere
laud nnd HendrlckiefTbelrHuccet.
WASiiiNaTesr, FeU 12. Sonate. The
chair laid bofero the Senate the Heuso con
current resolution providing for a Joint cont cent cont
mltteetonotiry Cleveland and Hendrlcks or
their election. Garland said the phasoelogy
or the resolution neoded looking at and 11
nas, en his motion, reforred tothecotnmlttoo
en jirlvilcges and eloctlens The resolutions
ellered yesterday by Ingalls and Hear re
lating te the doctoral count ncrorerorrod
without comment te thu comtnltlce en
prlillcgesand elections
Honsa In his opening j'rayer te-day,
the chaplain e! tlie Heuso Inveked n divine
protection en "him nhe had been olectod
prosldent," and bcscechoclGed te direct him
Inthoiiuysel ivisdeni.
Willis (Kentucky) moved that at the
clo-e of te-day's proceedings the Heuso shall
take a recess until ten o'clock, te-morrow.
His object was te call up the rlver and har
bor bill at that hour. It could be disposed ifi
lu four hours Agroed te.
Death from Uuknewn Chum.
l'llll.ADKLVHIA, Feb. li Jehn Swceny,
wlie was found unconscious nt Ids homeou
Tuesday last, and who nas said te have been
beaten byhlmlfe, died this morning.
One jihysielans nt the hospital says tha
Sweeny nas suffering from a streke ofepc-
jilexy, and that caused ws aeain.
Weitern Cot Mines Shut Down.
Chicago, Feb. li All of th colrelB0
In Illinois Indiana and Ohie, nre ropertd te
have shut denn owing te the fallure of tht ,
railroads te handle the stock. Thore U st
definite information as te when the ombiurge
will be raised.
MM W-iteigttli