ti. -v, vy . -V" "J""" .. ,. .I-,-. ."?? 5"" 4 &-' THE LANCASTER DAILY TNTELTiTGENOEK, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 10. 1885. " T , , ? n r t.h ;r 4 ., J ' rH. ?j F?& It r t B& II, VP( !A , v RiW if. , THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER ,,i PUMJ9HED EVERY EVENING IN THE YEAH ' (ukuti uctms.) BY 8TEINMAN & HENSEL. J INTELLIOENOER BUILDING S. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE. LANeASUR Pa. i DAILY-TEN CENTS A WEEK. FIVE DOIURS A YtAH. OR riFTY CENTS A MONTH. POSTAGE TSEE. ADVERTISEMENTS rneM ten te fifty cents A LINE. . WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. (EMHT PAOE8.) IVWISMEO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING. Twe Decim Yia AevMct. CORRESPONDENCE Solicited from every PART OF THE 8TATE AND COUNTRY. CORRE SPONDENTS ARE REQUESTED TO WRITE UOICIY AND ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY; AND 10 SIGN THEIR NAME8, NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BUT IN PROOF OF GOOD FAITH. ALL AN0NYM0L3 LETTERS WILL BE CONSIGNED TO THC WAS1U BASKLTj ADDRESS ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO' THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, fa. $l)c Lancaster intelligence? LAJfCASTKll, FEltltUAKY 10, 1B3. Friendly Queries of a Senater. Senater "Wallace promptly writes te the Philadelphia Recerd, that the hill he has introduced into the Senate embodies three sections of the seventeenth aiticloef the constitution, and provides penalties for their infraction, leaving te the courts te say what they mean. The senator further says that the Beech Creek, Clearfield and Seuth "Western rail road comp ny, is net yet finished, hut is still in the hands of its contractor, and en tirely under his control by the terms of th contract ', se that its president could net control in any manner the locking of the connecting switch with the Pennsylvania railroad, for which the Recerd criticised him ; and that in fact he knew nothing of it. Since this railroad ,of which Senater "Wal lace is presidents w holly under the control of General Magee, the contractor, as Senater AVallace states, the senator as Its president cannot le held responsible for the contractor's acts. But as the read is new finished and running te Philipshurg we assume that this section of it, at least, will seen be turned ever te the company's management , and in contem plation of that we would like te under stand from Senater "Wallace whether the jiolicyef the read will continue te lmte continue te carry coal only fei the Cleat - field bituminous coal company, which Is its alter ego. The senator does net deny te the Recerd that this is General Magee's policy in running the railroad, as the Recerd charges. Are we te under stand that this Is dene by Gen eral Ma. ee of his own motion and contrary te the desire of the managers of the Beech Creek, Clearfield and South western railroad company ? And does Senater "Wallace consider that the separa tion of the Clearfield Bituminous coal com pany we bclieve that is the namoef the coal company organized by him from the Beech Creek, Clearfield and Seuth West ern railroad company, is sufficiently distinct te avoid the constitutional inhibition, found in the fifth sec tion of the seventeenth aitiele, ti'ieii common earners, te " prosecute or engage in mining and manufacturing articles for transportation ever itswetks; nor shall such company, directly or indirectly, en gaeo in any ether business than that of common carriers, or held oracquhe lands, freehold or leasehold, directly or indirectly, except such as shall be necessary for carry ing en its business;" "We put these queries te Senater Wallace in a friendly spirit. It is an act of true friendship te a public mm te point out te him in what particulars he may advan ta ,ceusly uncover himself te the public. Senater "Wallace wutes te the Recerd in an injiued tone, which we de net think was justified by the Recerd's criticism. It was much better for him, and much mere kind ly te him,te tell him publicly in what man ner he is being criticised than talk as elhcis de behind his back. The Recerd surely had no reason te suppose that General Magee was running the Beech Creek railroad en his own hook. It is eiy rcmaikablc in fact that it is se left in his hands. And in view of his unlawful management of it, it Is certainly epinu tunc te Inquire whether his policy has the up pi oral of the owners, and will be followed by them when they ceme into posses sion. This we frankly ask of Sena Sena eor "Wallace, the president. General Magee refuses te catry coal for individ ual operators. He or his company will buy the minei'sceal, but will net ship it for him. This is certainly the position of the Beech Cicek railroad company nuclei General Magee, as it is represented te us by the Clearfield miners. It is a wrong position, and a lawless one we l-i'licu-. Dees Senater "Wallace think ether Ne and will President "Wallace act otherwise' A Bumptious Secretary. It Is well that Chandler is mi hoeit te drop out of the secretaryship of the na j , us there is no telling where he would net get te in another jc.tr or two. Mr. Chand ler is net a very large man but he has a high appreciation of himself and his office. The secretary of the uay would amount te something if Mr. I handler was te con cen con tinue te carve out his preiegativts. lie would be a bigger man than any one around about, the piesident included. Mr. Chandler has just furnished a geed illustration of Ms strong dis position te aggrandize his office ami te reducote vassalage, the officers, of the navy orerwhemho lules.by his enla that no ene of them shall communleate with Con Cen gicss or any committee or iiichiIht ii'hiii any matter of legislation, sare through tlie navy department, or shall they appear befere a committee of Congress, ccept by permission of the secietary. The naval officers had united In a icmonstrance te Congress against the granting of a vote of thanks te Schley and ether commanders of uK. Grcely u Mov ing ships. The effect of hmch a Nute would have lceu te promote tlm officers tlianked. In these da) s, when promotion Is se blew and lieutenants l.ae abetter clance for eternity than a captaincy, they th.nk that they should net be jumped ly eSlcers selected for special duty by the sec. retaref the navy, even though they de tlia r duty well. And their position is reasonable. But w liethcr they are right or wienj the secretary of the navy lias no rigU te Interfere with their communica tions with Congress, and that body should take notice of his attempt te Isolate it from communication with tlic efneera who arc thefr scmints, as they arc .the servants of the people. After Sir. Chandler gees Micro m ill le no attempt ntliis despotic ruling of the n.iy fern Willie, as Cleveland's secretary will doubtless be at least n scnMblu man and a gentleman. Hut as tyrannical dogs nrunt all times apt te slip into office, it w 111 be well for the Hone te give Mr. Chandler te umleistand that he may net interfere vvltli their free communication with the officers of thenay. In New Orleans thepren 1 inurr-lcil ; flir flir llier North the pre eloe tlm iiuiullng. Dkspiti-: the very luil veiir for tnule Kl vvivs It N found tlint the ntunlwref book pulv llcatiennlticreaied twenty percent, ever the nrcceellnfr year, being 3,431 In KM mul I,On In lfrs-l. The big Increase need net be t.iken nsnn Indication of a prolluble ye.ir for the tioek publishers, for It was net, The extreme eompctltlen among the publisher and the tllre needs of Impecunious authors are res ponsible for the elilTcrence between the two years, though it Is sad that the Inforence can not be drawn that hard times mike n book book le lug people. Then our necessities would blossom into virtues. A Ml-NEltSVlLLK brlde died of heart dis-GO-soen ber wedding night; this was antici pating escnts, - m m ItAnniTS In Australia and New Zealand have become se numerous and destructive te vegetation that a decree by the governments has been issued for their extermination. Years will be spent In the attempt te free these pre Inces from the pest, and an Ung llsh ornithologist says the war will end with llttle result. YVere they des the task w euld net be se monstrous. Out In St. Clair county, Illinois, Samuel McGregor, a suflerer in the last stages of Bright's disoase of the kldnej s, was cured el that malady by eating the llch of fifteen canines which he trapped from his neighliers, who only by threats when the mystery of the disappearance of their l'tiles was (Uscoered compelled him te dcslt ; for cen after health was restored his cra lugs for the diet bceame se intense that seen the municipality would have been minus its ca ca nlne population. The lulest from the Mnlull is still elected. Soudan is tli.it the MutYLANn has n law that debars loleicd men trem the practice of law in tlm state courts. It was tested in l'vTT when Charles Taj ler, a colored man, w he had been previ ously admitted te practice in all the courts of Massachusetts, applied as a citizen of Mary land te 1k) admitted te practice In the United States courts of the state. He carried the case te the court of appeals w here it was de cided ngulnst him, the court holding that the prhilege of practicing at the Maryland lur was limited te white male citlren.s. The court also held that the limitation te the prUUegoef admKsien asau ottemoj- in the ceurtH of that state, under the act of lSTCi, was net repugnant te the 11th ameudmciit te the constitution of the Cnited States; th it the privilege of nd mission te the nlllce of an attorney was net u light or immunity le le leuglng te the citizen within tint meaning of tliu lltli amendment, but was governed .mil regulated by the legislature, who may pro pre scribe the nualillcaliens required and deslg. nate the class of persons w he may lw ad mitted, and that the power of regulating the admission of attorneys te the courts of a statu w as enu belonging te the sUite and net te the federal government. We are gl.ul te ee that an eflert is te be made te rejical tins obnoxious law in our sister state. This relic of the slavery daj-s should stand net upon the order of Us going, but go at once. Till; ground-hog must felicitate himself that lie stayed net abroad en Candlemas Day. Tun let of the lriendless shoji girl in a great city is often a very distressing one. A Xew Yerk. parcr that lias been giving some attention te the difficulties under which the weaker sex laler in winning their bread statesth.it tlieaverageweekly wagesef a shop girl Is only ?.i, and that the applicants ler places almost outnumber the occupants. It is affirmed that no class of workers in America is worse piid and subjected te mero indigni ties than stere girls. Their hours of labor are long. They are rarely permitted te rest thelr aching limbs. The atmesphere they breathe is unhealthy. Their scanty feed is eaten se hastily that digestion is impaired. Their wages are se low that te theso who have only studied the sunnj1 side of life it is a marvel hew they manage te support them selves. They are required te be w ell-dressed and of smiling demeanor, and te cudure v itheut flinching the brutal rudeness of some of their customers. They de net even have any of the advantages te be derived from a tradesuulen, but are at the complete mercy of employers who find nothing easier than te replace thorn w hen deemed necessary. When the lieree light of the temptations that sur round the shepgirl is considered, the wonder is that her lapse from virtue is se Infrequent, Tiioleii the national Heuse of Itupresenta tlv cs may net at ull times be a circus, Kepro Kepre scnlative White Is always a clown. Duitiestlc Infelicity riieeil. A well-dressed and gentlemanly looking young man, who said lie was Charles Jack Jack eon, cashier of the Park theatre, or Chicago, told Police Justice Dully, , in tlm Jctl rseu Market court, ew Yerk, en Monday, that he had leunil his wife in 11 disreputable house en ISUvUer street, in that citv, iind that sbe refused te see him when he called ter her, and instead "sent u man down te lick him." The woman said she had married Jacksen In Corning, .". Y., after he hail represented himsell as well-to-de. After the marriage Juckseu did several dishonest acts, and she would net live Willi him or trust him. .She agreed te return te Corning 11I0110, ami was allowed loge. The Justice Maid, "New Yerk should hue a law ( 'impelling 11 wile te live with her husband." V Mrllglella I'unulli'a Mllildr. Jehn Steiniuau, n bachelor tanner, aged ui years, committed suicide at Hall's, In llerks county, en Monday, under iieculiar circum stances. He was found in a barrel, with Ills head dewnwaid, and held in this position by the v eight of a stone, he had tied around Ids neck. On Investigation it was found thattlve of his cows. mil two horses were dead in the barn, all having their threats cut. Toe in strument by which this was committed was leimd 011 Stelmuaii's iiorsen, still damp; also Jl.OeU in greeulucks was found sewed in his coat. Jt is net known what caused the man te kill the animals unil then Like his own life, but ltissupiesed he was l.ibeiing under religious excitement. Train .Iiiinpcrn .lullnl, Jehn McCartney and Samuel Kelly, young men who say they c.nne. from Pittsburg and were curoute for Philadelphia for the pur-Kse of enlisting in the United States armv, wero ancsted by Officer Hey about 1 o'clock this morning en the null train east, en whkh they vveie stealing a ride. Thev worn locked uii for the night and this innruuig Alderman Mct'enuiny sent them te Jail ler ten days each. Malt IVi'lglirrit hirurn, This morning Alderman McConemy ud ministered an official oath te II. It. Hngy, or New Providence ; Thes. Kdw arils, of Ilclten, and Jehn M. Witiner, or Quarryvllle, who have been appointed te weigh the malls carried en the Heading railroad at the points named. This afternoon the alderman went out te the Juhctlei, te qualify n number of ether mall wethers. BEHIND THE FOOTLIGHTS. nntr.r er.iMi:si:s at tih: i.tixs or ao.ui:aeti:j ,ir.i;; ciiakactkks. lllnsrlilri Tlint Minn llin Unit . line mill Trim A(r of tlrmlieri of the llninstle I'rofrMlen VAhe Omipy I'.irl of the VV erhr TlmuKlit. The New Yerk fVipier Ihhiki Jutiued, besides the records el sporting events con tains the biecraphli's of 110 les Him eight hundred actors ami actresses of the I nlUsl Mates. A great deal of interesting iulerma tien te imiuseincnt-levlng people Is given and incet of the news in ihr Items printed below concerning w ell-known pisiple is cleaned from Its pages M.irj Andersen, who has mule such a great hit in Kitrepe, was Isirn in California'" jearsaje. Her mother's second huslvind Is Dr. Hamilton Orltlln. of Kentucky. Helle Mackenzie Is j ears old. She tiist appealed Ix fore the public In ' '1 he Mighty Dellar" In ISTs She Is the wife et Herbert Archer, an actor, te whom she was mimed In ls0. Alice Athorteu, the Imrtosque netiess, who is the wife of Willie rdeuin, is 31 ve.irs of aire. She was born In Cincinnati and her real name was lleg-m. F. C. Hang, the tragedian, is a nitlve of Alexandria, V.c, and tlrt went en the stage In IjS'2. He married Agnes Leenard, but she procured a divorce from him best j ear. Kittv HIaiich ird, the w ife ofMcKee H.iu- kln, Is 3S years old. M10 legan her career when a child, as a dinseuse in a Phil idelphla concert siloen. Katie Maker, the Phllulelphia actress j the first vi ife of lMvvin Price, who is new Fanny D.iv eniwrt's husband Iiwrence Harrett is a native et lMtersen. N. J., and te years old. Maurice Ham mere ts the husband et Oeergianni Drew, daughtei of Mrs Jehn Drew. Sarah Mernhardt is alsjut te v ears old and tlrst appeared 111 lvii Dien Houcleault wa lrn in Dublin in 1--0 and is therefore no veuth Maud HruiMeinl the woman with the prettv face, is Mrs Hverad Mum. Miecami te tills eeuntrj with the l.isi Welsrs treuH, in lsTt, but has Ihsth In Fngl-ind for several v ears xi-t. Oliver Doud Hvren's ie.il name is Oliver Doud, and his wife K.ite is ,1 siter of Mi Ada Hehan. the well-known uetrcs Hose Coghlan is an English weuim and came te this country with I.vdi.i 'lhompsen. She Is Mrs. Urewn'in pnvate life. Kate Ctixten's miiden nime vi.is Cene. Sbe married Dore Lyen, but was divorced and is new Mrs Charles Movenen she has a sister Margaret en the stage and her brother, Spencer Cene, has alwav s lieen interested in the stage. JehnS. Clat ke, the comedian, is a M.irv laudcr, having been Ixirn in Hdtimere in lvsl, He married a sister of Fdwln Heeth, tvi enty-tiv e v cars age. ("race Cortland, w he first w ent en the stage as a variety artist, is the w ifoefJohn Murriv, actor and inan.iger. Hutlale Hill is Just 10 vears old anil has been en the stage since 173. Hianehe Chapinsii is Mrs H.irrv Ferd, and her sister KUen, who is In Kngland, is m gle. M. H. I urtlsvias Isirn et Jewisli jnrents, and his real name Is S. Kelemger. He is a Detroit man and ree from .1 call Isiy te where he new is His wife is Albina De Mar, a French Canadl in. He li is two brothers one of whom is the husbmd of Clara Drmk w .iter, the actress Fanny Davenport is tlm step il.iuuhtei el the late I". I.. Davenport. M10 is ,1i virs el age and the wite of Ldwiu I'rue. "slie lias a mother and se end sisters en the stage. Henry li Dlxey, the comedian is lit v curs old anil was ler"n number of jears e'f the variety team of Gelden .V Dixev. He is the liusliand of Idadlever and (ieIdens wife is Miss Dera Wilev. the well-knew 11 actress ind singer. Mrs Jehn Drew is an FngliMi woman anil went en the stage in i hililliexl. Mie vjs imrrieil tlnee times and Jehn Drew , her l.vt husband, lias bes'n dead for vears Hcssie Darling is the wite of Charb s W. Darling, el New Yerk. Charles L. Divis has been en the stage fnmi Isivhoed and Is enlv a.1 vears of age. He has pl.i.ved "Alvin Jeslin" for some years Anna Dickinsen is I.I vears et age and was born in l'hiladelphia. Joe I'mmet is a 11 itlve of St. Leuis, and was connected with the variety stage ler a number of vears before he 'brought out "Fritz." Hose K.tlnge, who is a I'hiladclphian by birth, is the wile of Cvnl bearle. llOw.Ls divorced trem Geerge Sutler, her first hus band. She is 50. Ltlle Kllsler lies been Mrs Frank Wes Wes eon since lsl. hhe Is at vears old. Hilly Florene-e is an Afbauy ly ami has been 011 the stage ever 30 jears" His wile was M.ihin.i l'ray, a dance'r et New Yerk city. She is a sister et Mrs Harney Wil Hams Frank Frayne is n nativ e of Kentuckv, and first pi ij-ed in INii His wile was" Clara llutler, a vocalist, t)n Nev. 30, lssJ, he acci dentally shot and killesl Annie Ven H hrcn, his leading lady, in Cincinnati. Nat Cioedm in llrst appeared as n dramatic reader. He is married te F.liza Weathersbv. Maud Granger Is 31. Shu has had two hus bands, but was separatcsj from both. W. iL Gillette, well kn-wn as The l"o l"e l"o fc.iser, is a relative of Kcv. Heniy Ward Heeclier. Leuis and Alice Il.urisen nre natives of riilladeliihia. Lilliu llinten is but ii years old and went en the stage in ls7',. Ld Harngan, the actor and author, is 10 ve.irs of age. Heis married te the eldest daughter el David llr.ih.un, his orchestra leader. His partner, Teny Hart, is 10 years his junior. He waslermerly u ministrel and the two feimed a partnership in IsTl. Mr. Hart married Gertie Granville, an actor, 111 lsyj mid she has retired fiem the stage. Sam lleniple is ,VJ vears old and tiej.'an his stage cireer 111 lM'J. Gcerge Hoey is a son el Mrs Juhn Hoey and lirst played under the name of (ieorge Curtis lie Is married te a uiecii of the late Harney Williams Leuis James, Lawrence Harrett's leading hum, is I.I j earn old. .Marie Wainw right, an actress in the same cemimnv with liim, is his wife, Janauschek Is a native of Austrii, and is ,V jears of age. She has plajed in Lnglish altogether lur 15 j ears Jee Jcllorseu is another Philadelphiau ami Oil j ears old. He first npie.ired en the stage vi bun only 18 mouths old. His wite was Maggie Loekyer a dancer, en the Hew cry. Laura Joj'ee, the opera singer, is .51 vears, old. She Is new the wife or Digby" Hell, having been divorced Ireui another husliami. Jacques Kruger, the cs ceutrie comedian, is m.irriisi te M'lle Lisle, the ballet dancer. Vrueld Klraly is the onlyeueof the tamily new performing, Iho ethers liaving Ixssiuie managers or wives James Hirteu Is James Swan ICev, son of Philip Karteu Key, who was shot by Gin. Daniel ."sickles in Weslilngt jn in KV.i. Millies Lev tck Isan F.ugllshiiian 60 jears of age ami the lather of Gust.iv us Levii k. Mrs Lauglrey was born imiile Charlette Lellreteu in Jersey, one of the Liiglish Channel islands and is JJ vears old. Aliee Dunning mid Dickie Liug.ird .110 Lugllsli women ami sisters. Lettie was bem in New Yeik City ami one who was present at her birth nij s" she Is ,1s Her luuie is Crabtree,and she has never lieen married. Frank l.iwlur, the actor, was the husbaml of Jesephine Mauslietd from lsctl te Hi7, w Inn they were divorced. Mmljcska is a native of l'elaud. Her age is 13 and she new has her second huskiiuL, Demiuick Murray Is a native el Cerk, Ireland, mid his real niime is Meniu. He U'gan acting in Lugl.iml in lbal. l'auliiiu Markhiim was born M.irgaiet Hall in ISIS in Fnglaml. She came te America vmiii l.yilla luoiupseu,aiid tier married name Is Mrs McMaheu. lAuAa McCall was Mrs Geerge Merry, but she accidentally shot her husband lutally tluce years age. Clara Merris is Mrs. Fied. Harriet, slie is 11 Canadian by birth imdl7. Win. A. Mestaver is .1 Philadelphia!! and ills wile is Miss '1 heres.i Vniighu, new nlav Ing w ilh liim in "We Us mid Ce." Jehn MeCuIleugh, the tragedian, was Isirn In Ireland III jears age ami made liis llrst 11piH-.1r.1nce at the Anil stuet theatre In ls57. 1'retty llttle Ida Millie is only a j ears old, Joe Mm phy, of "Keiry G'ew." faine was a minstrel until IsOl, when he took te Irish comedy. He was born In Mroekljn and Mitrphj- Is his stage name. Miiiule Madden is the wife of Le Grand hlte, a musician. .Sheisbut2:. She sang in a vuriety thcatie and atturwards phiyeel C'i. 1 rank Menlnunt Is Hand has been twice niauied. .Marian Merdauut, his lust wife, w he Is nlse 1111 nctrcs, obtained n iliv oreo from liim last June and Married W. 11. Slilcklaud, the minstrel in utager. MigleMlteiii,ll, who Is the wife of Henry r.uldeck, her manager, is no less than W She has Is-en en the stage since clilUlbissl. Slie vias Isirn in New Yerk. lien M.iglnle) was In former years n noted circus m in as clown and rlugiiiister. Ills wlfe.Mlle Marie F.llse.whedlesl lu 117, wnsii celebrated rider. Hen Is new em the stage and formerly tilaveil "Deicen Crankett." Itebett McWade Is .1 t atl.nllin, and made his debut In PW. turner McAulev was Isirn In New Yerk Isvcirs age, audli.n .utnl since ts1. He was ones the owner of .1 theatre In Imlsvlllie Frank Mave, the original Mr.y Crockett, ir-l Hpjicarisl publulv 111 San Francisce in IsVh lie h.isn en en'lhc st.igi Ills p Is set at 1 1 Milten Nobles was formerly a hotel clerk in Cinclniutl, and his Ihsmi starring stm-v IsTs Alice Oites Is3i5, she has lsen the w ife of James Odes, ami Truv fitus and s.nn'1 F Watklns a nou-prelossioii d. is new the liaiipr huslnind. Jeliii li Owens w is Nirn 111 Fngl.iud of elsh pirents in lsj;e He was first a drug clerk, mid utter trv leg the stage ler a w Idle, left it in disgust. He returned, however, and Is still there. Heisquite weallhviitidh.ua line farm near ltaltltnere Jeseph l'ns-ter is one et the eldest actors before the public, his ace Ismig TO. lie K-g-m in Iseiand h.issevet il ilulilriMi en the stage. Annie Pixley is s md a native et New Yerk. At an earlv age' "he and her brother and tw e sisters w cut te Calilernl 1, w here thev give successful concerts nnie pl.ivesl fer'n timein Svdliev. New south Wales ."she Utile wite of ltebert Fiilferel, an Australiin actor, who manages In r Imsini'ss 1'he.v are new it Fuglaml," tint net jctlug. Katie Putnam is it. Mie was divorced from .1. J. Sullivan la IssO. Louise Pomerev, feriuerlv Mrs Prick " I'omerev, Is MrsAllred F.lliett. Minnie Palmer Is a daughter of Mrs Kate Palmer, and is net married, she is . ltelandHeeilisav.n of "Old Pep" Heed, for many ve.irs g-is 111 in at the Walnut street theatre, plill.idelplu.i. U' is XI and married. His brother Julian is also .111 actor. Geerge lllngeld. ttie F.iiglisb ft'iiiv'. came te mericn in is His wife is Marie Hendersen and his real 11 11110 t Klgn ill. M'lle Hhcilsjiist te. Mie is Frem h and came te America In lsst el. Miuth Itussel, the humorist, is a native of Missouri. Fer ve-ars be traveled with the IV.ik and Herger faiuiliis He 111 irriesl l.euis.1 Herger In l. 1 she died and he m.irriesl Allen M dnuis daughter of Olivei Optic." He is still nctine and Ids most successful nla is 'l'.dgeweexi Felks" ela Hehan, new i leading actress made her first appearance 111 Newark, N. J., plav lug as ,111 experiment icharuter in " Vcres the t entineut" with Oliver Doud Hv run. her brother-in-law. Jehn T. H-ivmend' pre.-vor n line is (V Hrlen , and he was Isirn in Hullale 111 lslik Hevi.is divorced from Marie Gorden semie ve.irs age and atterwurds married ( ourtney liarni's, a daughter of Hose Kv tinge. James H. It.vlclilic was 111.11 mil te Millie ii.de, who died in lsl lb-is new linking a hit with Moere .V Helmes' Hurlesque com pany, and will llKi'lj go te i.iigiauu wiin theui. He formerly place I at Franke's varie ties in this city. H.irrv Klchmeml is Vtigustus H.iyle and has bisjn 111 irrieel twne. lie kilhsl a man m Philadelphia some vears age. by hitting him vi ltli a pitcher, but was neqiiilti'd. Mattie Viekers, the charming little seu brette, is the wife of harles lingers, tin iiiiiuic, who pl.ivs with her. Genev leve He'gers is JO veirs old md the wife of Frank Aiken. P.itli Hessi is a daughter el M'nie t onto, transformation dancer, and was Isirn m l.ng land In private life she is Mis Hnln rt seett. C irne s tin was the wife et snui s mi until last March, when they were divened. Mrs isitl Millions Wllsj isirn 111 India ami is II William i'.inl,m, lornierlv of the v.irtetv firm of ."-0.1111.111 and ( reniii, Irish eume- li Hi", but new 011 the hvitlinite stage-, is 21 old Fer. 1 longtime he supitcd Minnie Palmer and is the .nithei et 'I'eel. a l'.is" and ether songs Katie Mekes, the circus rider, was enie the wife et Carl ntonie, the horse trainer, but thev were elivnrcisl some vearsage. Katie went en the dranutu st.ige m lssj. li?r sistc r I'll 1 is still a ruler, and I'uiiii 1. w he is 0-1 the stage is the wife of Frank J. Pilling, thenimager. The girls are daughters of?. I. Q. Mekes, ,1 famous circus man. Jehn A. tevens Is a H.iltunereaii. Lmtie Chun h was his wife for many ve-ars Thev si'urated, remirnisl and si vv is divetvcd tln.dlv in lss. Ixiujse s it ester i Mrsllirrv Maxwell. I'd win F." Theme, of the "Hl.u k Flag." is 111. He made his Hist appearanee when a hild. Minnie Cenwav is new Mrs Osmond rearle. Fay Teiupleten.the burlesque eer.i singer, is the wileet William II. West, of Primrose and West. They weie married but .1 short time when they separated and agresl never te tieuble each ether. Den Thomison was born at Glrird in this state in lsU, He werkcil "Jeshua Whit comb" up Irem a variety sketch which he first plaveil lu We. J. M. Hill made liim a success," Lv-eli.i 'lhompsen, the builesiiiier, is in Leifdnn. She is Mrs Mesauder Hendersen .mil her age Is !'. Llk 11 'lerrj-, Irving s leading lady, is JS. Her last husband was Charles Wardell, fiem whom she lias long been separated. She Is Liiclish. Aiiuiu Ward Tili.mv is new the wife of Charles II. Gieen, an advance agenL Tepsv Venn, who was here with the " Vdamh'ss IMen," is is jears of age and was born in Louden. She was married tw ice und her last husband. Hew irel Saxly Cernell, mvsterieusly dKippeareil in lssk she has plavcd In Australia and India. l'ose Wiasl lias Im'cii the viife of Lew Is Morrison, the actor, since Isiw, Julia Wilsen, !ii years old, who was D Thompson's Tut, ler some jeirs, is the w of Charles Fex, of Iun k A Fex, acrobats. tills Williams- was bem in New Yerk v e irs age. 1 lis father w as from Poland his mother from Ireland. He was a v.ir in ter for man) ) ears but is new sticeesst playing " Captain Mishler." his real 11 is Gustave William Leweck. Lliza Wether;by, wile of Nat Goodwin, is 3t. Lester Wallack is ". He was born in New Yerk, but was taken te F.nglaud when young, remaining there there until IslT. M10 is .1 suiti'sslul actor and manager. The three Worrell siters, who vtere dan icrs and variety actresses, were married as follews: Ireno te N.J Horten of Little's " World ;" Jennie te James II. H.ire (new seimrated 1 and Sonhie te (.eorge S. Knight, Of the tliree Wallace sisters, Nellie is dead, Minnie is the wife oft h.irles li Dobseu and Jennie of Frank H. Dobseu. Jeiiuie Ycimaiis was lnn in Sydney N. S. W , in Is7i She h.is two sisters en the stage L tlia mid Liniii. William 1 orrester. of the llosteu Ideal leinixiny, has just died 111 Haltimere. He was Jii jears old at the tune of Ins death and was Ixirn in I'nglaud. He made seme repti talinu asii singer in Londen 011 the stage of the Gaiety theatre. Alxuit ten jearsagohe .11110 te this country as a me mber of .111 opera cempaiiv. When "Pimifeie" Issmme the rage, ,vir. 1 errusier wen 11 ripiiMiieu as ".Mr Juaijih J'l-rtrr." and tin re after iKCiiplce! n iiieiuiucnt position as a tenor singer en the lyric st,i);u until lotir.vi.irs.ifre, vtiien t.iiniif' health ceiiiiHilleel I1I111 te ecuse slnj-iiiK nnd lussiune tl.e Kisitlnu of business inau.i;er. His u ife is Hose I.ciKhteu, the Mincer. Sl'V.VIA L A Oil Cl.S. ' lei ueailt a whole jeai 1 nasaiiluviilid.il llilnrf. pewerh'ss snhjiii of the most dreadful et all disease's, kidney complaint ' 1 com menced takliii; llL'ST'it IMilur mid Lltel IlK tiiiiv and tirjiin te linpieie, iimmI clKlit bottles Hitilteiliiv eeusldcr iuell an wi II as etei " Mis I. VV'Chirk.lutl.Mniii si net, llaitleid. Conn. JJlHwdcedAw 1. 1 Her from t jrns , I'lelib.lr. Ne. 8 Last 30th stiu it. .Vt.il 011h, .Ma) , InsI. s. ti ml tl.ues this uluti r 1 hiYesulTeied from (Olilseu 111 Iiiuk. Lath time I h it t applied VlLi-Otk'S l'OKOCU 1't.ASTHH, llllll 111 OtlTy 111 Hlaiice hate bi'Oii uulckit lelleted by applj Inj; one iici ess my chest mid one en in) hack. -M) lileiuls, through my udtlce, hate tried the ux ve riim-ti t und also feiinit It nuiit siiccctsfnl, I ti-illli.it I e-au icceiiuucnd them Mint lilgtilt te ant one who may eccllt te try them. tlltl s w. KIl'l.ll, .Ik Ut.ik ltli k, Itlieiiiuiitlsiii, and ull Lecal Pubis me 11 lie nd ami cured h Aliusk'h I'ei.iiim I'ciHTi.us. One trial till) com line von, butfciu that ) oil Kit the gunillue, as all ether eeallld l'oieus I'Jiisters, w Itheut a Innlc uiceptleu, aiu worthless Imitations. hJitlsfUitleii IJnltersiil. "In the past thre-e months 1 hate until one hiiudrid and six bottles of 'ihemai' Kelectrie Oil 1 never witt a iiieUtcInu In mj llle thatitave such unite rsiit satisfaction. Cuiedan ulcerated threat fur me lu twenty four heuis: never lull id te lellevu my ehlldien of croup." C It Hall, lltiiBirtst.Univtllle, III. I'orwilehi II It. I ooh run driit;(,'lt,137 and 1JU heith t-uccii utrvut, J.aiicuiblci, l'a sir.ttiVAU hen mri'ints. nnn 11 11 turn 1 11 huu nnn ik) s vt i s 11 U i vv w w VT N n n iiitit e ti w vr w v hi u 0 e WtT vtw n re 1 'nWa 11 11 cm vr vt n vr vr NN it nun 00 H e isr it e K N O N N N 11 it it n 1! nun 11 II H HO USUI Ilk CH) N NN i! rrrr n-rr khh IT ? & nut l( 11 r" .s "sss. 11111 1 !l 1 it PR.SS' H lliliiiiMllcliie.cendilidnt run with pure v ego tnlilc lenli-s. iiutrklv unit eempU'lelv Cl'llV.S UlHl'HM V. lMMl.hssle-., sfM.AIll.V. .iNhs isiri in: iii.oen, ttiit.t.s mul VKV Kltiiml.SKlll VICil.V .... .... It) niplil anil tlmrimxh nnsliiillatlnn with tlm lil.ssl it nmrhi'4 rterv imrt of lliu svsteui. imrl lies unit enrlclic the lilissl, tlvniitlii'iis the tmicle unit nerve's, ami tones nml intlgnnite tliestste'in , A tine Apix'tlier lU'sl tonic knenn It will cum the worst eae of lljspe'pstii. IV tiiettiignltillstrisslnu sjinpteins, siieh as rant, lug the teod, llclelitiiR, Unit lu tlm Mteiiiacti, lli'iirttiiirn, etc . . , 1 tin unit Iren liieillctnii tlint will net bhicheii or InjiiiT (he teeth It Is Int al untile foretlseiise'speciilliirlewoine'ti, Hint te all persons w he teail sedentary lit i An luitiiillng reincily for dtsciwea of the Liter unit hMiii'vs Persons sntrerlng from the effect of et er erk, nervous tniubli's, livss of upi't'tltc, or ili'lilllty, experience uiilek relief unit lx'iiectt energy by Its tie , it ilis-s net reuse lleailjirhe or iiivxince Constt Censtt Constt lmtlen Ol II hi! Iren lui'illclnes 110. it Is the enlv jiri'iMimttim of Iren Unit causes no Injurious effects I'hvslctnn a'ld itiiiKRUts reesinmii'iut It us the best Try It. I tie ge'iiulne has "truile .Mark mul cresseil red lines en wnipiier lake noether. .vimleenly uy nuew.N eiiKvucvi, co. llALTlMeKK, Mp. si'pt'Mtil.tl t Villi's ClIUHHY PECTOllAIi AN OLD SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCE I alyert, Tejns, Slav .1. IV. I ih teevi'res uiv appreciation of the vst ulMe n unlit tes iif Ayer's Cherry Pectoral AS A (.Ol OH KKMKDY w htle with churrlilll sanny, Jut bt-fete the tinttleef Vlcksbun. 1 centnicteil a ncveroceM, whlih tennlnnteil In a etangeruus cough. I liitiml no re'llef till em our limrcli we ennui te a ceuntr store, where, en asking for some rem cil, I ttus uri;ed te trv- VTERsCitsBitr t'ecreRit. I illil se, nnd whs rapidlj cared Since then t haveki'iit the I'ecterjii. constantly by me for family ue, ami I hut e found It te be an Invalua ble leincdy for threul and lung dlse-ai.es " J VV" V iiitskv ' Thousands et telltnenliN certify te the prompt euro of nil bronchial .ami lung affe'e tlens, by the ue or Anns Cherrt 1'ie-retiit lktiis very imlatatile. llie yeunuest etiltdien lake it read II v rm:rsi:n by Dr. J.O. Ayer& Ce,, Lewell, Mass. ild b all IniKKtt tel.3-f'hll K rinM'Y OHT. Hubs u (i.S DLUl I L c I'lth- Ol KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER GOMPLAINTS. II. 1 ens., it nits en the I IV Kit, llO'VEL- and hlllNhl-nt the- VJtf. riMK lttetitir.1 It cleuuses tin sj stemef thi'lsitsoneus humors tint etc t clops In kldm-v anil Urinary Ulswisi's, lllllteusness, .Imiiiiliei', Constipation, Tiles, or In Itbi'iimiitlsin, urt'ts, Nervous Ills enters and ill rimale ( emplulnl. ea 01.111 pkoef or this -sa It witt -melt ( lire CON-TIP ATIO.N, rtl.K and Itllhl M V'n-Vll.j eiuisint KltHL VCTION of nil the enpinsand fiinetlens there'll) CLEANSING THE BLOOD. Rej ease tertus the normal power te threw off ills THOl-VXU- Ol' C.VK- Of the worst forms of these terrible diseases hate been o.ulekl) lullut ed, and In a short time I'EltKECTI.Y CLlthH l'rlcr tl Lliiild or lr) Sold li) diupglsts lir) can lie sent l mall VV LLI -, ItlC IIAKII-ON A CO . lturllni;1en, V t -t nd stamp fei I ill-) Mmiinac of lmS. KIDNEYWORT. Jan rt-3unlcCHl.Vmn WALL I'AVKIt. 131IAHIS W. THY. 100 Dade Widow Shades IVAVA1IIETV Ol' DESIGN'S H hleh hate been uccuinulatlnf the past sciisen, we will close out from St te .Vl cents uplvce. .iiien them aie some pretty patterns tn gelnt; through our stock of CURTAIN POLES VV'e llnd a Keed many mid und ends, one. two and thris) of a kind, -ome are WhIiiui, semn Lbenv nnd some Ilmss Trimmed. These ureall suinpled and the prlee from 'iV te 40 cents apiece'. OiirLOMIIINA'lIU.N tOlt.VICE In hbenyuml Walnut at 1 UO a piece, is 11 b'lrxaln, reduced from ? i'si. NEW LINE'' OF Dade Window Shades KOIt SPKINCj I'l.dn Celeis unit Widths for all st)les of win dows. Tin and Weed bprtn; Heller, Fixtures, Ilelhinils.Llnui KrliiHO.Mckel 1'ulls, Hands, etc. We take measures and de shade tterk of every description In tlrst-elnss manner. Order ) our l'apcr HanKliiK done new Pieces w ere net er no low und w HI go hlKbur,; MAREiTVv". FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN LANCASTER, I' A. STREET. FVHA-1TVHE. A. HI'INIT.SIl. TrAl.TKH NO. 28. NO. 28. Special for Spring, 1885, MY bTOCK OK FURNITURE Fer Iho Spring Trade, It hl'I'AL TO ANY IN THE CITY, ANI AT inch's THAT CANNOT HE I'.NDEUSOLU. ALL UOODS UUAltAN'TEKI. WALTER A. HEINITSH, Ne. 28 East King Street. LANCASTEK, l'A. decO-Cind .STOCKS. poeit, wiin'i:.t co., fl BACKERS.!?: IMllME It VII.WAY M'CimiTIES AIAVA.h ON HAM) JrOH INVESTMENT. .Ml 11 lieu pet Is Ileal Estate 7 per cent, bends (or sale tit nil and Interest, l'mprlctera of "Peer's .Manual of Itallwujs," Cei respoudencci invited. 46 Wall Streot, New Yerk. octl-l)deed Mni'itseiiAUM and imiAit Pircs ami Smokers, a cholce let te select from, at price that defy competition, nt; IIAKTMAN'S YELLOW ntO.NTCiaAIt blOUU. 11 nr TTAOr.U "c HHOTtll'li. 1885. 1885. HAGER & BROTHER, CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Oti r pivKlurtlnii und the Kcnentt dcptvs.teu lu tmile thmughuiit the country, have le ntli'itidthe vidue or Carpets, whlchniti new liulnuaeld nt the Lewes'. I'llces eer known. VV e have beutitil fei cash lalge lines of the best makes nnd tlinlltln or Mwiaft", Vdvflt, IVvly Brawls, Tapestry Hrnwli, ThrM-plr Ingrilas, Dimasli, Vwittin, Rig ud Chain terj-'ts, Which we will niter at the Lewest I'tlceu'Ver known for the mitim iuslltle. Wiltens nj Willea Hvtk Velvets, Mequets and Velvet Tspeitrius, Bigelow, Lewell, Olea Eche anil Hirlferu BeJjr BruueU, Reikury, Slinsen, Esnfcre and Htjceni Tipeslrj ErtmeU, In ll.iudsonie New spring stttcs mid Colem, with Much, .'M, 8-1 ana 3 a Ilerder te match. A lorKi'Une of ll.sl ttriisselsnt HOiperyanl.lii the new styles, and liirludliiR ineh nmkesns IIIkoIew, llartleivl, I'aiuiermid lterueir l.nrne lines of Tapejitry mussels. We, per turd, iipwanls : large Hues of 1 11 1; ruin Carpets, i's per yard, upwards. LmMeuns lal Oil Cleths, China an! Ceccv Mvtttngs, all widths. Kensington Art Squares RAJAH, Smyrna, Meqaet, Velvet an! Tapestry Rep anil MaU. lht Is 11 tr. .oelite time te piirchiise nn)tlilnn In Iho Curpct Una at HXtrenicly low pilees. Carpels s0weet and l.iililln best manner and at Lewest Piters, HAGER & Ne. 25 West King Street, yeiiN s. liIVl.UIl. DRESS WE HAVE BOUGHT, MUCH UNDER COST, ABOUT 4,000 YARDS TRICOT BEIGES, Which We will Sell at the Unexampled Price of 15 Cents Per Yard. - These l.eixls hut a nlwurs selil Hi 2inud lllrnli Them sie MIX ( OLIIItlMll Tllltr.h t.lthl- TWO IIKOH S- DVI, llLl'E JIlVLK Thev lire TWENTl TWO I.SCIIES WI 01; Ask te see them ersi'iid for -nmph's. Thy are ureal harnsln, mid we will net Iit them In th store man) ilm i. JOHN S. GIVLER &. CO., Ne. 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. -oev!:ks .V HCKST BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 2G and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Te Clese Out by March $7,000 Werth of Our Stock. v e w 111 make I'rlee's V hit Y LOW Our Stock is tee large and must tin rrduced. I'Llt-OXb I.V WANT 01" Sheeting and Shirting Muslins, Table Linens, Tickings, Bed Checks, Calicoes, Counterpanes, Quilts, Comforte, Blankets, Cottenades, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Hamburg Edgings and Insertings, Black Silks, Black Cashmeres, Dress Goods, &c, MILL HO V1ELLTO GIVE USA CALL IIEFOIIK rUIICHASlNO BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa -VTKXT I)OOK TO Tin: COUKT IIOUSI. FAHNESTOCK'S. Ladies' Muslin Underwear. NIGHT DRESSES, CHEMISE, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, &c, &c. IHieet fnmi Miiiiiifiittinii'.s, In lurce lets, at LOW I'HICKH, te which wn Invite attsHtleu. ALSO HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, Freiiin&l'KCIALXr.W YOKK tMl'OItTKIl'S AUCTION SALE, which we nr ahl te sll ftemw te 40 per cent, leas than ltenulsr frlces. R E. FAHNESTOGK Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa. -IIU'AP STOItl. COUNTERPANES. WHITE AND COLORED COUNTERPANES AT BARGAIN PRIOE8. We huve Just Opnneil limn Auction mul Fiem u lliiukniiit Miuiiifiictiuvr the Cheaiel COUN lKltl'ANhlevtrciirriil ' COUNTERPANES at 50c. and 75c. COUNTERPANES at 85c. and $1.00. COUNTERPANES at $1.25 and $1.50. A Bargain Let of Fine Marseilles Counterpanes at $4.00, Werth $5.50. OUR BLANKETS. It Is WWiiuwIidcclhy VUlhuteui IILANKKIH ure the CIIKAI'KbT lu thuCltj. letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. Het i eu the Cooper lliiuxiiiiiiil Kerrcl Heme Hetel. OHIKK'H CAUI'KT HALL. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! ItKOl'KMXCi OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Wourenew inupitr.il tu klum the irnile Iho Liinreat nml lli'-t Selected I Ine of Cnrpeta overer. hlhlteilln IhUrlly. WILIOSs, V KLVLrs. ull lliu Tradlnu tlli of IIODY AMI TAI'LSTItY HltUhlKLS, 'I llltKK fl.Y, AIIAViml unil t'otten J'ImIii KX1HA SUI'J-'KS, ami all iiuulltli'H or IN GItAlNCAitl'ElS.IAM..Mtiiml VKNE1IA. i CAItl KIM HAU and CIIAI C.vUPhTSef ur own liiuniifiictiireiiHiHrl.illlv M'ecliil AttimtliMM AUeill'ull LlnuoreILULOllIS, ItUOS, WINDOW S1IAIIL1, COVLKLLTS, Ac. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaater, Pa. doeiM.' ,4 BROTHER, Lancaster, Pa. QUO, K. HATUVON GOODS ! i Ladies' Muslin Underwear. teVa-twtAw J .