wi , v, & "V '",V' 'l - . j it .4T .TV- r- ,c THE liANOASTER PAJLY INTELLIGENCE!, SATURDAY, FEBHUAHYT, 18S5. -r-fr?)t 'tf ih W 3 ; JS. ,- fe k'a- w t K I r DAILY INTELLIGENCER '? ED EVERY EVENING IM THE YEAH Kf"t (susmyi mtme.J -"t BY 8TEINMAN A HENSEL. IKTELLIGENOER BUILDIN G -f S. W, CORNER CENTRE SQUARE. '& Lancaster Pa. aAlLV TEN CENTS A WEEK. FIVE DOLLARS A vah. e nrrv cents a month, postage free. A0VMTISEMENT8 from tin te riFTY cents ' G(AUf. WEEKLY INTELLiaENCER. . ' (EWHTPAOES.) ?A Jft fpUKiSHIO IVE ) WEDNESDAY MORNINQ. H-Av& 1 Twe DOIUM YIAK IN AOVtMt, 50WRESPONDENCE Solicited from every iSW-PABT OF THE STATE AND COUNTRY. CORA--ISjS -PONOENTSARE REQUESTED TO WRITE UOIBtt f-Ov AND ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY) AND TC i finff1' ElON THEIR NAMES, NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BIT I sfV IN PROOF OF OOOO FAITH. ALL ANONYM008 1 tETTERS WILL BE C0NS10NC0 TO THE WAS1U K V"ASKET. 2 4nnAt it I i rrrrDfl ikn rri rneiut TO' j THE INTELLIGENCER, i iBIje Lancaster Untclligcnccr i LANCASTEIt, FEnRUAIt. 7. 1S. The Interior Department. ' In the popular make-up of the cabinet the positions of secretary of the treasury and secretary of stnte seem te be ranked as of the highest Importance ; the attorney general and postmaster general are re manded te second place-; and the bureaus of vrar, or the navy and of the Interior nte signed te the third rank. Ne such grada tion exists In reality ; and the lelative im portance of the different secretaryships depends ttpan events that cannot always be foreseen, and upon the particular Usue which engages public attention. It Is very certain that at present, and In thd upbuilding et a new administration and the development of Its policy, no man Is tee big for any one of these place. The best order et talent can distinguish itself In romedollng any of the departments ; and In shaping its work for the better govern ment of the country. It Is very certain, however, that the department of the inte rior has mestTy increased IU Impoitance of late years ; and that the duties compre hended under Its scepe call for the highest administrative ability. The public land', thePacicflc railroads, the Indians, the pen sions and the territorial nffairs, are all em braced within the government of this bu. rcau, and each of these has beceme an Important bureau et Itself, net only in volving large cxp?ndlturcFJbut demanding oxecutlve capacity for IU proper direction. Mr. Cleveland Is said te have a very high appreciation et the impoitance of this effice, and of its eminent rank in a proper Bcheme of administering the government In tIme3 of peace ; and It may be expected that no second rate man will be appointed secretary of the interior. Why the department of pensions should be hitched en te the interior offlce It Is dim cult te say. ThU distribution of functions was probably made during the war, when tae duties of the war department trans cended all ethers. etv that they have shrunken and beceme mostly routine It seems that It would be the proper thing te make them include the pension business, which properly belongs te them und must be closely associated therewith. The Interior department has iulte enough without this, and the warbureau can take it without being ever-crowded. It Is very much better te put the pensioners under the control of the war department than the Indians, as has been often mooted. Imposition Docs Set my. The Brunswick hotel, of New Yerk, which has long enjejed great celebrity for Its table, is numbered among the lately announced business failures, te the great surprise of theso who knew Us extravagant rates of charges and the large business it seemed te de. The IJranswlcVs business came chiefly from Its charges j for neither its viands nor cooking wcre ery geed. At least they would net be se considered out side of Xew Yeik. It 13 very dilUcult te understand the Xew Yerk gullet. Its most famous restaurant furnish very unsatisfactory meals. Delmon Delmen Delmon lce'a, which Is the best known, is pio pie bable the worst ; though It would bi hard te be worse than the Brunswick. 'When very high charges can be made by a New Yerk restaurant It takes rank among tho'.e et the first-class ; regaidless of Its ether deserts. At none et these high-priced places can a chop or n s'eak be had, het and broiled te u turn, such at you will have served te you overy tlme jeu ask for it In a Jehn street restaurant, at enir fourth the price charged by the Del Del Del monlces. It Js surpihmg, lnJe.il, that the Uew Yerker should gauge the quality of his eating solely by the cost of it j but that la evidently the style of his gullet. We have received with contentment the news of the failuia of the Brunswick. It shows that fue crop et foeb In New Yeik U becoming smaller ; or perhaps only lhat their cash is running low. The murul of the result Is that Impositions in business de net in the long run pay. Set as It Should He. The Philadelphia are cackling etei the coming election of a scoreer moieef police magistrates; thanks te the constitution both Democrats and llepublicans will be chosen; and thanks te the inborn and Ineradicable Impulse of party conentlens, a number of the candidates selected are net fit te be elected, A committee of the Bar association has selected seven out et the whole let of can dldates, as fit for the place. A commit tee et Independents has found eight fit men. Full tickets have been nominated In opposition te the party tickets. There can be no doubt that they present fit men te le magistrates, and they ought te be elected. Tliere Is as little doubt that they will net be. They cannot be, because they nave nothing te get them votes but their fitness for the offlce. And tint Is net enough. Fitness does net elect, except In theory. It U the exception when fit men are elected, ispecially te Julic'al positions. Tali would be a blessed country If It bad oel magistrates and Judges. It never vrlU Lave them under papular election.. The vtt.'rs en net sufficiently inde P'ndint and discriminating tofekctgood Judges. Taey de net knew them suffl. clenty t deterralne the.'r quality; and wa. u tiny de knew them, their leaders tun thsm ttltnj In the party tracts for the fel e rj who bear the party banner. There should be no political selection of jMglstnites. Ne geed citizen of Fhlla- delphla will votefornn unfit man te be a magistrate, because he ti the nomliieeot his party. The party li.nl no business te nominate lilin. The lesult of the election will show that the geed citizens of I'lilla delphla nre scarce ; ns the party candidates will all Im chosen. Doubtless it is all right. The Almighty hassomewlso end In view in causing men te be se silly as te elect te the bench the monstrous peer judges who sit there, mak ing a parody of justice and n wreck of democracy. Net Afraid of n Superstition. The president elect sat down at a private dinner the ether evening in Xew Yerk with the fateful number of thirteen nt the table. Thcre had been ceveis laid for fourteen, and one gentleman who h id been expected was unable te come. But the company did net send out "or another guest nor did any of them feel It necessary for him te leave, se as te bring the number of diners up te four teen or down te twelve, and te avoid what many superstitious peeple conceive te be a dangerous numler te meet at table. VCe are glad te see the picMdent-elect give another proof of his stieng common sense by Ignoring a foolish and idle sujkt sujkt stitleu. Tnn Gorden leseulnjj party will carry with Uiem the lct vrMics of nil ndmirers of the brnve. Tun scarcity of mnskrut down en the I-istern shore U accounted for by the fact that the meat of " this clean roet-catlni; rodent " new gees te the city, where It com mands a high price for terrapln suppers. A muskrat by seme ether name s ells sw eetcr. A Londen newpsper, the Pall Mall Gateltc, recently ellpred a prize of ten guineas for Uie list of the ten greatest lhmg Englishmen divided into ten clashes. It Is net stated w hat combination, if any, wen the prize. It will be ccn tliat the possibilities of guessing aright wire ery small, rifteen hundred ponens sent in tlielr judgments. Irin(? led the list with 1.337 vetOJ. Wolseley asthogreUcstgenor.il had l.OGOetcs. Geerge Augustus Sala, as Journalist, mid MlllaU, n painter each received lctwceii SOO and OCO, whlle Ruskln, as writer, obtained 000 votes. It Is presumed that statcsmen were net In cluded In thQ list, as Gladstene does net at peer HmotifSheo having many adherent', though desplw.' the great calamity that has Just overtakon his war iwllcy, he perlnps has as strong a lfeld en the admiration of Englishmen as any lit ing IJriten. T.TIT Ihn Tlnnirv.rnr'f nf flirt l!v snrt flint thelr bet men nre plaeoden thetlrkets at the primaries te-ytcht. -w A Xkw Yenr! phetngmpher announce the Invention of n "pWelagraph" te be uel by policemon for the photographing of sus picious characters en their beat". Ter the barrel of the pistol Is substituted n little half inch objective or jwtralt combination lens with n focus of nn inch. A spring worked with a trigger Instantaneously ejxms or shuts the lens and small plate-holders containing sensltlte plates tuny le enirled In the pocket for use w hen necessary. The utility of an Invention of this kind U tpparcnt nt a glance. The "rtuest police foreo In the w erld" might enjoy their etium cum thjntat w Ith Uie plstelagraph, as they mlglit photo graph Instead of clubbing all whom they dc lnd te arrest, making their captures at thelr own st cot leisure. It Is Raid thcre Is also a "photographic hal" for the benefit of these who wish te obtain pictures en the sly of Bcenes w bleu for une reason or another it Is desired te hat e with accuracy. A lens that might be Liken ler n ventilator Is tilted en the top of the hat and It may Ih called Inte requisition at any tlme. It Is eten darkly hinted that a kiss may be photographed. The possibilities of this art are becoming se dan gerous that legislative Intorference for Its restriction liny seme day 1)0 necessary m m KlMiiidi allows hliiHclf hnrder te solve than the riftcen puzzle. Occasienal.lt thcre drifts Inte new spajicrs or poetic collections seme terscs of rare merit the authorship of which cannot be as certained. It Is safe te ssy that If soma of the mero recent of theso Hheuld be gathered Intea velume they would make icry en joyable literary pabulum. The New Yerk Sun prluLs the poem In negre dialett gitcn below, stating that It is hunting lernn ewner. Though rescmbllng the w erk or Joel Chan dler llarrls, "Unde Reniits," It Is net a child of his fancy. Whoevor can ucccsv fully preve liU authorship of It will show that the peculiar gunlus of Harris bus a tcry tuccessful Imitator. The text of tliu peu.n Is given : De mta ob dn ehwilel pat guuril de sliiupfel' Lila, Loek out In ile k'loeuiorin' meadow i Wnar de long night rata be,'ln se he call te de lilrulln' ahpps'd, U my bcep, tsdcy idl couie tn" Oh, den saf de blrelln' nbepsM. De' semu dcy'n blucli and ihlu And seiiie, dey pe' el' wedda'. Uut de re di-j '4 ull brunt; In. but de res' dt-y'a all brum.- la ea de mnia ob de hf"pfe liut guard de thcepfel' bin. Heet dnn n In de cloeinorln' mmtiiws w'hurdelnni; night ruin bezln Lullln'ser, l.eiuu Jn, Lomeln, inula' ter, i ewe tn, Coroe la ' Oen np t're1 de gtoemorln' mondewi 1're' de cel' night rain and nln' And un fro' de xtoumerlu' rulu pM W hu'r de hh ci r ple'ctn' thin 1)0 PO' lO' hill fi oil de sUwpff.l Dcy ull ceran K'udJurln in, 1)0 pe' les' 6hi' i ib de shei ,if"l l)cy all cemt addcrln tn Tuc cabinet makers ure btill atticu, and the w erst of It is tht't nrw In an ejitn beat w Ith no land in sight. Tuii CeLLEOcur I'nvsiciA'sset l'iilladcl phla make a t igoreus pretest against the bill new pending Jn the legislature lestrictlng VltUectlen. They object te the prevailing fashion of permitting theso w he don't knew te getcrn theso who de knew, mid dechire that he medical interests of l'cnnsjltanla will be Imperilled by huity lugUlutlen en thU uubjei-t. The sieclal attention that the New Yeik and Haltlmore medleul colleges are git lug t It Ucitien make it important that Pennsyltunla should net fall Uhind. Ytt it Is right tliat the praotlie bheuld be btilctly limited te OTPcr'ineuts that nre deemed nocessury, nucl the suggestion that a league be formert comjiesed of tworepresentatltcs from each of thu medical celleges of I'liila delphla who shall hate power te uuke regu lations as te vivisection, Is en a thut should be acted uen. Vltlscetien ns a sport, or a ro re Uef for the unuul of inn ituurs, cannot bu tee set urely condemned, Tuc business iilarm that was tp precede Cleveland's Inauguration Is a long tlme com ing. m A Weman llculen te Dentil. Arcjiert comes from Heeter Hill, Ran Ran eolph county, '. C, that Mrs. Elizabeth Uanceck went te the house of another woman, who owed her Miiall debt, and np. piled for the inoney. She was attacked by the ether w eman and bet oral friends and beaten te death. A Utile Uey mil. Ill.iuelr Willi nKulfe. Friday morning while jilaving with u knlfea lad, lit e yean old, named rtoupe, of .VlYi few.u1"l'. Oreene county, met with an KeltUnt that will cost him liU lira. The iJrt-ef V,e krilfe slii.ija, enterins his side near the heart. He ounuet recet r. mUWLEKS IX 1'AHADISE. jeir Tin s.ii.'.iifeY.iitiri Ttiirjuti i tr.irr. vr.Tr.ii. Siiddiii .liiprarniKe of n Motley Croud Who 1'reccrd In lnnucttrstc n llflgii eT Dis order Tlirlr Disgust nt the tsilvntleti eT the .ttrek and Lnnl.t. In ene of Max O'ltell's books en Unnhmd he scores the noisy and disorderly "Salvation Army" with much tlgerj anil thus des cribes an Imaginary scene In raradlse. wherein tliey ilguie ns disturbers of the peace : (In fact, n blare of trumpets, of drums, of comets, or nccomeens a rrlghiriu discord was heard, nnd the restless crowd hurried towards the deer te iuustignte Uie cause e. the strange tuiises, se unusual in this kiiiR kiiiR dem of i epesp and harmony In the midst ofthese new -miners ratne nn ctcltprt ladv brandishing her umbrella, sesticulatimr, shouting, npi'p-aring otercemc ttith indlcua indlcua tien. SUnt Peter went tlireuch the excited crowd te meet her.) Sunt I'kti n lie fpilet, my children, 1 hpff of nn. Anil von. lii.id.im. enter ntiletlt . w e de net allow such n bustle here, Yt hat de yen w Ish ? Mns Ili'Li Ah, indeed I Yeu seem te take at cry high lrmd with ma Who are jeu here j-eu, te sjie.ik te me lit that ttle St. l'ETi.n I am "st. Peter. And ten w he nre von ? Mr.s. U Well, if you are St. lVter. de jeu rule here? De veu understand te whom Vounre talking nt this moment? I nm the nnrshal of the Saltatien Armv. Sr. Prmn Madam, speak lower. Mns. Ik SK hundred thousand soldiers are under my command. We will sce If I am net somebedj. Pid j ou et or ! Such a re ception te mol st. I'tsTLn Will j-eu 11-ten te me? Mns. Ik I am cditor-tn-ehicf of the V'n Ci y, the efllcl il organ of the chosen s mil lion cepies printed et crj- w 'cU tliree hun dred thousand twnmds Income. sr. I'l'Tr.n ll.it e veu a moment te spare that I mat Mns. ft. Uatiaeks throupheut all lhip l.md allies in etert imrt of the world. Sr. 1'fteii Wilt jeu allow niete Mns. u, Who am I ? indeest ! Yeu de net read the papers here. Who am I ? ( Titrulni Innnttla her kiV.) Did j-en hear that? Who am I ? Sr. l'nxrn TJut, nndam Mns. 15. Walt a minute. I will present my stall. Yeu will seen oe who T am Sallle, speak te the gentlemnn. Sr. Pnrr.n But I nm bust-. I have net the tlme te Htrrv Su.t.iE I nm the American diucimcr. I save souls by beatiug tlie drum. M tnv Ann I nm captain of the fourth dcti'litneut Let me pHj j'eu apsdmef liivottiicninpesltlon. (.VV;uM ?icr cornet (e licr mouth.) Hetscv I sin? soles at the Clapton lui nicks. Yeu shall hear me tea St. PnTrn Ti 11 me, de you take this helv place ter a gingerbread talr Welt ! who has sent me all these ioeplo? Will t-eu shut up? It is horrible! Mns. 11 Come, arrange mj" lollettersnnd lake us into tun serapiniu s nan. Sr. I'rTcn M.v b'1 iKeple, I nm ready te exeiise yen. Yen Inte mistaken ,veur train; enr tickets nre for Hedl.im. Yeu may wltlidrnw. Mrs. Ik withdraw ' All! if the marshal were here, no ene would speak te us like that We order you te take us te the places which are resorted for us St. I'r.TEii I de net knew jeu. ScKin I am the lnlleluj ih trombone. ST. IM.Trn Goodness ! This Is geim; te rommenco again. Ge te the des il, hallelujah tronibene,druinnier.marshal,capt.iin, soldiers of tire and bleed. Theso Knslisli drive me crazy. Once mere, new, ttill j-eu clear out? Yen can see that you block the tint. There nre the chosen behind you whom jeu pio pie veut from enterinir. Upen nit" word, tliese KiiglUh take j) iradise for n British possession. (ci e dctw'itfut muiii- u heard, thn sound of hnrpi tccutnei mere distinct.) Ladies, w ill j-eu net met e seen and assume n mere respeetlul attitude'' Here are the blessed who wish te puss, (l'uelie ieuiiliim, ) splendent uitVi light, udiance, preceded Vy lutes tindhiirps , m passina lieere St. V(f they smte upon hint und go auay.) Mns. 11. Who are these blessed ones se dnzzlinc with light? St. Veter They are seraphim with lx wings of the tirst hierarchy, who have been here nearly fite hundred jears; and I can take this opportunity te s.iv te veu that these shining anguls bate nctcr git cm the least trouble. Gentle, rpilet Mrs. B. What wero tliey en e-artli? Te what lellgieus sect did tliej- e. leu? St. l'oter They nre tlie Inuis of the old empire of Peru. Mrs. U H irbarlans ! Peeple who wear rings in thelr noses! I net or should hate ex)ected such an Insult. Sr. l'j.Tr.n More virtuous peeple neter existed iwen the face of the earth. Madam It Is practical t lrtue and ret beautiful theo ries that we reward in this place. In our eyes hew he has git en a glass of w ater and a piece et bread te the jioer is worth mero than he who discolors n new torsion of tlie Helt Scriptures. He who has glteu with the right hand without the left knowing it, Is mero tallied here than he who blows the trumpet, and who goeslntetho thoroughfares ami the temples te brat' nnd te adtertise his 1 1rtues. But I nm hislng my tlme in ex plaining these things te jeu: you de net ecm te be In j our element here nt all. Be content that jeu nre net thrown out of the window witirj-eur trumpet, yeurbass drums, and nil j-eur a'-scnal of tt ar and clatter. Yeu should ke Inte the garden te rest from J'eur fatigues and meditate upon the Indulgence of Mns. it. Well, new, that tills the measure ! A sermon te me' ( 'e her companions.) Come In, mj- friends, and let us be patient. The marshal will seen be here. We will form a committee, and we w ill innugurnte an iinuiense meeting of nil the English residents. We will soe if It Is net jiossible te put the kct s of I'aradlse Inte mero suitable hands. ( Te St. Piter ) Ooed-by, you saint ; wow ill inset df-iin. KiLLVit iir ltr.rtn.riyn sham. frllitful Death of u MnrhtiiLl nt Seranten Mint n MlllivrlKlit nt NHiitbeke. When Daniel Kultmait, who worked In the ric'tawnnna Iren ntid Ceal company's rail mill, In Seranten, went te adjust the shafting te his drill press I'ridaj' morning his clothing get caught lu the belt and he was whirled about nt n wonderful rate of speed. His fellow-workmen witnesieil the accident anil heard the furcs with which he was struck auaiusta stout beam in Ins whirling lllght. Ihej also saw both Ills feet and mi arm tern oil, wlule his bleed was dashed like lain nirahist the wall. The machinery ttasbieuglit ten standstill, but Kullmau wns'dcad nuddi llgureel bejend recognition befere he could be extricated. Peter Daum. u inlllu light employed at W. I'aluhild's grist mill, West NunticeUe, met with a horrible death Triday morning. He was engaged lu reimlring seme machinery, when hfs clothes wcre caught in the belting and he was whirled around the rapidly rotel lug shaft at n terrllic ratoef sjictd. Before the machinery could be stepped al most etery bone In his holy was broken. One arm 'was tern oil and his skull was crushed in by coming in contact with the walls. A 111.- Sate li the Sliertir. The luterest of Jehn V. Mumpur in the Barre forge and fumace property, embracing eter 17,400 acres of land lu I'orter, Merris, West, Warriors, Mark and 1'ranklln town ships, Huntingdon county, was sold Trlday, by the sherlll, for J33.10O. On ene tract "of this hind uretiduablu Iren works, with tlie maiuieu liouse, set enty houses for empleyes, barns, store room, grist mill and ether Im provements necessary for carrying en tlie works, and en the ether is the celebrated Hersey ero laud, containing almost Inex haustible deposits of tlie best hematite ere, with n large number et houses and ether buildings und new nnd oxjiciisite improto impreto improte uiouts ter mining. Mumper's interest in the pieperty wus the undi tided one-half, subject tea widow's dower. The price was much below Its tiiliie. t!OD II GltUAT. trull that uondilpThee te day Should buddenly be swept aw uy And net a Muezzin left te cry, 1 hreuk-n the sllonce of Iho nk) "itedu givnt "' thcre still Mould b Clouds of tt Itiicstct ler '1 bee Ou the laud mid lu the in, A.tel and if tui'ktf, loe, tveiofled. And tlie earth luelf weredeud, v.nuur tteuiu leiuaupeu nigii t erall the planets In the sky, Suns thut burn till du 1 Down, blur, that ure with night lesteicd, Arelhydtrthhes, O J.erd, U hcellug round '1 by geldi n Throne I Idwln Arneld, PEHSONAL. Qrrrv Vjpteiu t Is Mid te still drsiie the ieeal et the Deceased Wife's Sister net. Mti. Oi tsi)ToM:letestiil'V.kn the win dews or brie n-bme stoic Ce.MirssM vn MrAnoe is te W nnrrlcd nest Wednesday te Miss 'a llnndv, of I.jnchburg, Vn.' Sin Atmii it Sft.Lt.tv does most of his musical composition between midntcht nnd sunsek He selects that time beeause It Is se cpilet. Ttenr.iiT C. WiNTituei' istery feeble mid wlllliounsblelegoto Wn-h.ncien te dellver the oration at the unvelllin; of the Washing ton monument. MoNTeowrnv ScitfM m, el thn New Yerk Times, still, It Is said, succeed the missing Conant ns nnnnging editor of Ilntper'i UVeJtj. HrNnntcKs CLCvntANP is the lume of a boy in Orange, Tex. Ills mother Isa relatlve or the vice-president elect, nnd his father Is related te Cleveland. urnnii WwitiNOTON Hew rv. the claim ant in the celebrated Juniel will ew, dlert en 1'riihiv In I'revldcnce, Rhmtp Island, In the nlst t ear of his age. Hew ni W. ViM.Mevt, n cousin of ex- I'resuient l lllmere. ditsl in Ulgin, 111., Thupd it niclit of ronsuinptien, nged 71 tears, lie sei ted In the u ih Illinois Infantry during the war or the relx llieu. Irixin Br tcK, belnsence taken te task for dflfi'iidlm: Belknap, said In oeuse that there were enlv two ttaj-s of nukinit a living in Washuiuten. Onewasbt st,aling: theethpr bv dcfendiiic thletes. i tluschc pufrrrvtl the inert honorable. rr.ei du has n late and nroieus critic who desciilH-s him ns 'Cnrltle's spittoon.' an ele pnt phrae which roiAe imirnals quote as If It w ere peculiarly desert nm of applause. It Is a mere placlarisni trem Peter Pindar, who, m n letter te Dlsniell, -th' elder." onee called Besttell ,.Iolinen's spitting jxit.' Mns. Ollv Bnt.MONT lately eeiisil her self for keepinc a dinner pnrtt' "ulllnn quite tttenly minutes bj- -iiiiij she hud been eninsed the cntlr'aftt'ii n In decorating her fox-terrier pup in wan r colors, and It had taken se Ions te wash him off that Mie "r-all.v could nt get then in instant sooner ! mm Envisr, the wea'tlit West Ylrginii fnnner.dO j-earsnfngc.wh distinguished him self lust month by marrtin; n 11-year-old girl, is in trouble. Hi main mi lsntidlalionel the law. and the chirm unl prnttMite him te the full extent. Tlie i m iltv is either im prisonment or hnnglug, is the iury decide. Tlie clerk who Issued th' m image license will probably nNe Ihi presv ited. err or Tin: rr u iir.v. '1 he collection for a I irlhday present te rrince Ilismarck, i nssunun enormous pro portion". The legislature of Delaware hi ele'cided te attend the Inauguration of Pie-ident Cleve land in n body. It is announced that r X. Ucaudij, of Montreal. Intends te build en ei phnnafre at a cost of $2.10,000, en n site piven by himuelf, nnd te add flOdAie. toward Its endow inent. nmporer Alevander, et Husiia, ha" pur chased the ureat IlisilesKi collection of paintings. Wliile metinc it rmni Vnrin te M. Petersburg he Insured the censii-tinieiit in the sum of fl.200,000 In eighteen dulere-nt ceniimnies, K. It. Geedman, a grain shipper of Lnl it ette, Ind., has tiegun suit ncatust the Lake Krie A Western niilrend 'or 30,000 datiisfs tornllceii ilisiTiniinntien isaiiisthim during thn lat eight y car-c Poison has- lecn dW tereJ in the stem-nch1- of Jehn "snllitan and his tjfe, who were reesmtlv found dead in AnsenU, Conn. Tlie thetiry (sutrgestetl by lueelieal opinion that lie dleel twenty-four hours before his ttife) i-that she, Ihiiiu Icaleus nf him nnd lieliev ins tint he was ulmut te deert her, irate him tlie iosen, and afterwards took it herself. MNs ICate Vuld, en Monday nig'.it, before tlie New Yerk Cremation society, rend u treatise en the historical and pnv th.tl w ects of cremation nnd the bencflts te le deriteil trem it. " A lit Intj de is better than a dead lien," she read, "and It is our iluty- te e te it that tlie dead lien is net permuted te en en crei'h unwarrantably npen the heritase of the lit nip de2 " tr.isi ji iteiini i:. AiifMiie Tanner ItesNtt lurlure sml-iie, 111. Hidden Muni'. Twe robbers breke down the deer of u country residence, near Dayton, Ohie, Thursday night and took the inmates. Philip Glass and Kister, fiem their beds, bound and gigged them ami bepm ransacking the house, finding only ?fiO. They ashed (.la.i ter mere, nnd he sild he had none. They knew iKJtter, and demanded f 1,000 tliat he had recoil eel the morning before in Dayton for wheat. Threats te kill ami terture him failed te extort the secret of the hiding place. While Glass ttas under terture, the reblrs dlt Ided the spoil, before a huge tire that they hail kindled in the grate. Tliey remained ler three hours, eating, sme'.iug and enjevinp themseltes, uhile fil w sintered, but they did net get the money. 1'netnls released Glass in tlie mernliiK. The lebliers were ininteel black, but they m lerccegiilred. Would Net Take IIli durj IVe. II' n Kckley i. Cec jiei formed thodnties of a Juryman at the quarti i sessions court of WUkcsbirre last week. When howasdis hewasdis eharped by the court ut tin i ml of the week he refused te accept jmy for his sort lee, and nlse declined te accept mileage, but he ro re ro questeel that tlie sime lie equally die idisl among Hie tiixtnves and court crier" ri.DTlllMI. Nenrly all the troubles of lieih esc, that arc net Mifllclently severe or proneuni-cd te have n nuuie lint, tvfdch if net taken euro of dcvolep 'nt" sninellilu ncrleus, hatelhclr foundation In d rangomenu of the Utr or kldnej Hcsti Mdnny nnd lltei) IlrvEnvnevcr tails, H!-lvdcedA A Costly rieee el llrnd-jrar. Th crown of England his twenty diamonds aieund lt chief circle, about fill em, and t cr 90 miiny oilier diamonds nnd i.rocienii stones, the n hefc c.wtlnit about Jj90,eii .' our money some people, think Queen Victer u weirs It et cry day, Init she docs net " L'ni nt s'ceps the hcid that tvenrn n crown ' Brown' In n llitters ce-ts but a dollar nnd brlnss sleep te Uie nerveii,strenstli te thn debilitated, nnd comiert te the rheuma tic tin, W'm s Lane, I'redi Hen, Del, nys, "ltrettn's lien Hitters Is the best remedy fei lame baclt and liver con plaint I eter used mi rit.tiEit'siii'in iimikks 1 itiztei s Heet Hitters nn net n drum shop In teniae lmt nre stilctl uiiillclimt In every i nsf the) net Htrnnlr iiieu the Liter nnd hidni vs keen the loel hh.h und renulnr, cleunse the bleed nnd sjtm of ctert Impurity sold h drutiKliitu, JI. sold h II ll tecbniu, 137 und 1 E) Neith tjiieeii stu t (J) i.imiiimiiiNr.'5 ui: e.sii)i:r.i:i. Theusuuds of men dte e vt rj diy he could be aved rrejudlce Is mnlidj te blame for thin lossefllfe If It wcre bellete-d that thesiimnf dUcase may certainly be uduced by physic, much would be (rained And yet the piopesltlon is tery simple ' Ifyeutnke out dally inore Im purities than Is daily gener-iKd, you will seen be rid of Infinities The tITict of this wise practice Is seen scen In I'.lll' His, Liver and Hid ney troubles hut tt Is equally et t nine in head und brain affections 1 lu l'h urUy, l'lieumeulu, Apoplexy und Paralysis In chronic and acute Ithcumatlsm.and lu ull affections of the bowels, this principle oon,ie eon,ie oen,ie llotes and cures, nhen the medicine used 1 UnAMir.ETU's Tills. Yes, when all ether means und medlclne hate fulled te relieve from pain these ptlls hate cured, by taking Impurities Irein the bowels and bleed, und thousands of mm and women new place IIramiiietu's 1'llLs 11111.111; the bleslns,'s of uiuuktnd. 1'ILKSI I'll.hll' riLKS'!! Suie euro for blind, lllcedliik' und I tchliiK I'lli'H. One box has cured the weit cases of Jeyeais' standing Ne one need sum r live minutes atter lulng Wllllum's Indian l'llu ointment. It ub ub serbs tumors, allays Itchlmt, nets ns poultice, git es Instant relief 1'rep.ued only for l'lles. Itching of the piltute parts, nethlnt; cle. Sm,i(i by druggists uud mulled en receipt of iiilcu.il. held by II. II. Cochran, 137 and IJD Neitfi Queen strict (I) .satisfaction Lrnlters.il. ' In the put three months I hute sold enu hundred mid "Ix bottles of rhemai' J-Jeleclrtc Oil I never saw n medicine in my llfu that gatu such unit ersnl s illsfuctlen c uiedau ulcerated threat ferme In twenty -four beuts: uuter full ed te lellcte my chlldien of croup." C, It. Hull, Druggist, liruy t Hie, 111. Fer wile by II 11. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and 139 Xeith Queen Micct, Liuicastei, 1'u. Tursicuss prescribe Leldcu's Liquid Hccf eule for th w tak, wnin.eud dyspeptic. 7Uf Teut quo the li lwdeed.tw A lUd llreuth Is Insufferable We don't like It A person with j a strong breath mut net make himself t ery la miliar with us All Impure breath is caused by an unhealthy stomach Jlurdeek Jlloeil Jldlert will correct this et il 'Ihet ure the het stomach I lnedlelne known 'ei sale by JI H Cochran, 1 druggist, 137 and UJ.S'eitli Queen street, Lhucus Lhucus ter,lra. ' Ji'I)CMI. qV-Nr-s m:MTuV! HUNT'S MUM i VH 1 t Kit REMEDY! Nevor Known te Pail, sfvnn known n pail II cuies nhen all ether ini'dlclees fall, ns It acts directly and nt once en Iho Mdiiets, Liter and r.e-l , ronteilnq them m n healthv set Ien. It Is n saf, mire mid KpciHlt cure, nnd hundreds have been enrrl ly it when physician. And friends had ctt en tticm nptedie It it llelh a " Stiff rurr " ami a '' Specific liel Itrs Ml Ilna of ti l,ldu-t. I.ltrt, lllnddrr nnd I rlnurt Drirnn- ; Itreit (.ntvel IXidH-tsn. llrlulit lleac Nrrt ou ll-r, l.ree, I'euwle W eHkeen.cs, Jaundice Sour stomach, lirspensU, Constipation, l'llfs, I'alnt In the llncU Leins and side, Itrteti lien or ten Itetentten of I'rtne tl It at treiT :r r.i.'i; .ve or ma:. send for Illustrated l'limphlrt of elld '1VH inenlnW of tUftelut ( ures HUNTS REMEDY CO , ti) rp.ON" Pret idenep. It I 11ITTKUS. linn nun ihi tv tr tv ss 1 s 11 11 n it e e tv tt tv tr , n s: S a linn unit e t u w s e. e HWWW N N V DO tt tt .S .NM II I KR IM1 ti II II K II I) N V V II I Hit (1 O N S N II K it e e s N II K H IH) N NS mn nrrrrrnr in: nun 1 11 11 t r 1 11 11 (I'll 11 T t 1 K I.RK 1 is 1 1 1 r 1: 1: 11 inn 11 1 IKK K It '"S.SS ThUtnt dUlne, combining lnm with pureteire table tenles, iuli kit and completely L-t'llLS isi'tisiv imh.ls.sen: wtLtnit. Wl thNLs- IMl'lliL IILOOD, Cllll.t.s and I tt KKundSLl ItAll.l.t Ut rapid and thorough isslnillatleu with the bleed It rendu s cterj part of the svstem, purl des and tiiridii1. the blend, slreMglhens the muse les und relies, mid tones and Invigenles the st ste 111 A tine tppelluer IUst tnnle known It will eun the worst 040 of Dyspepsia, re re nieting nil ditn ssing svinptems, sm h as Insi Ing the hisid. Helehltig. Kent In the Mixunch, Heartburn, etc The only Iren medicine that will net blacken or Injure the t.itli It fs luMiln itib fur diseases itecnliarte women, and te all p 1 si ins who le id sedentnrv lites An unfailing n-medt fur dlsi vn (if the 1 Iter and Kidneys Persons suifeiing frnm the effect of overwork, nervous trnublis less of Hptwtlle, or debilltv, experience ijtiUii relief and lenewixl energy tiy its use It does net case Ileoilsche or pieiluce tonsil pntten Ol III. U linn medicines de It Is the enlj jirejiarutinn or Inm tlwt causes no Injurious eui-ets Physicians n'ld druggists recommend II as the liesl Try It Ihe genuine has Trade Murk- and crossed red lines en wrijip. r 1 ike nn ether Made only by HIIiiW N llhtllc I. CO. ItlLTIMOHK, till. septs-lyd.tlj w Ijwxxrn liirrr.us. Pawnee Bitters. LOTZ & CO.'S TONIC FOR Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and Cramps. IHJsl T 1 Tilile.pnnnfel Is Imv . irli ini'iil ttnnfuurtun d und inr stile bj Letz & Ce, LAvrtsTr.n, pt augSmttlss GIIA -i 's, .SIT.CII IC.Mi:i)K'INi:7 'I he (.rent l.ngll.h Itemedy An nnf illlng cure fur Impeti ne und ull Ulsinsts that fellow Les. of Jli mery, Culteisal lathsliude I'uln In the Hick, Dluiiiiss of t lslmi, Promitnie Old Age, and many ether dlseu-c-s that hud te In sanity or Consumption and a I'reniitiire ,rave. Kull imrtlenlurs In our isituphlf t, which we de sire In send Irce by mull te i t ery one I his Spe cific mi dlrlne I sold by nil druggists ut ft per package, or sli pitknge" for i 01 will be sent iree by mall en receipt of the money, by ad dressing the agent, II II COUIIt t, Druggist, cole Agent, Nes. S7 and 1JU Neil h Qui en street, ljincu.ster, l'a. en account et counterfeits, we have adopted thn Yellow W nipper : the enlv genuine 1 III- (.It t tlUDlCINKCO, llutfaln, N. . TTiiAnarAKTints 1 ok Tin: I Mil VN WUMUVF.s. Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere, XO.OEAS'I MM. hT.. Lincister. I'u. u.A stit it r. TTIOH ,t MAUTIN. QDEENSWARB. - - QUEENSWARE. CHINAHALL W I'. AltKOrFKKIVf. V I.INUOr' Queensware AT SIMXIAI. IMIICEn. Tea, Dinner, Breakfast TeileFSetts, &c C9- Cull nnd see the wain and ncctnn llargalns. High & lartin, NO. 15 EAST KING STREET, I.ANLASTKIt. I'A. A TO .'... poeit, wiirrn.t co., 1BAjNKERS.( I'ltlMBJtAirW.W hFl l'IIITinAI.VA30.V II VXD ion 1S KS mi: XT Mlnuenpells Itenl IstaleTjier cent hends for silo ul 101 nud lutercal 1'repilutnri of "Peer's yianu il of ltalluuy." Corrcspendcuco Intltcd. 45 Wall Streot, New Yerk, octtdydeed CI.OllllMI. ITSOlt Ul.OVfs, Te keep Iho In ml warm MITTIJNS, Te keep the hinds win m. SOCKS, '1 11 keep the feel wnnu. HAH MlHTsi, 1 n keep the enrs wnnn. Ml'ri'lKltS,1 'I e keep Iho nick wnnn I'.NDKUWIUU, Te keep Iho lieily wnnn. Ge te ERISMAN'S, .se. 1; w y.sr u 1 se stu ki: 1 . a Nn Tin: oeod weuk ner.s e.v. Lewer Prices for 01etliinp, ev tciei STiu iiritniMi vr. ti'i.mv- tl! Hxlraenlinarv liiiliicftunitt le I'uKltascrs Men's suits ns low us .i en ttun s sniRte ( eats Jl SO, ti. fi.V) In tii-wnrlh three limes the menev ltev's Sut from ti upward. 1 hlldreti's Mills fi-em Jl M upwnids OVERCOATS-! OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS ! i t.esisii hit tr 11 tir ali'i: etu: 1 rss Children sOtcrewts-JI It 1 l II , 1 0,1 te UTS. llej'sOtereints-tt'O, M.4V, 17.t te fVtt euths' Oteiemits geed assortment prices ten Inn fl JO..V) fluptesin. Mens Otvinsit Blithe tint fiem t'leflii FURNISHING GOODS Almest glien w it 1 li en Cellars, one cent nptice I nderwi-rti us but us is ct nts hull .luekets (Het es, llii.li it Neckwin silk Ititnd kerchiefs, Jewelit , I'i rinnu it , Ml tl VKll I s 1 net 1 u w III 1. 1 lilts IIM HIESH & BEOTHEE, lVnn Hull Cletliint; Heiim1, lUUSKII lU'CEVTIlh-cjl. tltK tMlSDItlll Ot'I.I.V 1KLI.T . VMATri! IM.NN'A w ii.mams.en a res.rr.1: NEAR THE END -M till. GREATSPE11ALSALE 1 im itn tu nn ti ijt tint OVERCOATS! Rough nnd Ready Suits, Children's Plaid Suits, Handsome Dress Suits, Business Suits, AT NOMINAL THICKS. sf)r'T It 1: Us, llt-siH 1 1 t II 1 -. I1LAV W INT! It 1 tl's, lien-, 1'llI.Os. ( LU mil s 1 WO I'd! (is lt.ttl HilI ( tl's, TLT'sJI I, tl" ltOlll.s I'KAlltll t OI V P.lllll J, lit i'i ti.e iimii -, lieitsF. 111. whT.rs rei kit iienh's, w mi's AMI I MIIIILL1 ts, AT NOMINAL PRICES. Men's Scnrlet Undorweitr, All-Weel Hosiery, Blue Flrtnnel ShirtH. Bicyole Shirtfl, Whlte and Fancy HniulkorchlefB, Silk Lined Scarfs, White Shirts, Pcrcale Shirta, Calice Shirtfl, Overalla and Jumpers, Cardigans nnd Streng Werkinff Pants, AT NOMINAL. PRICES BOOTS AID SHOES. J.ADILS' A.NU Mlss.Es' 1 ULNCH KID sIIOK1?. LADIKS' AXI) MISMV CflttCOA KID sIOI I.AUIUV Mi tllssi.a- riiiim.i, 00 VI -Ilel.s (ir.vrs usi.f vli 1100T-1 f.K.Nrs'lIAMl.si.W I.IK.AIILIIS I.K.Ms' stelLII llolle.M OAITLIts wn v nun ex snot. p.eyv i.tfi 11 l snei hoi's- school (jAIILKs ItCnilEUOVLltslIOI.s I.Obs.ttlLllS, SAVDALS. AltCTK s M) AL tSltA-- MEN AMI l)OVsIKAy OU.tl IlOOTs MI MLTALLH I.eOI'S. AT NOMINAL PRICES. -seres dose nt n p in , 1 xcept sjtuidtts, until further notice WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER, 32,34, 36 and 38 East King St, LANCASTER I'A. U ALT. I'A IT. II. piiAKi:s v. rnv. 100 Dade Widow Shades IN A tAltlETV Or IH'.sIfi.Ns U'ldeli liute lieen nccuiuulattnf; tlie pnst season, tte will clese out from Si le 60 cents upliee. Among Uiem nre keine jiretty patterns In telng llireuijli our stock of CURTAIN POLES W11 llnd a uneel many odds nnd ends, one, two nnd tlirrfi of u kind. Wnue are W'nliiut, oine Elionyandheniii llniss'Iiliunud lliese nre nil Hinnpled und the price fiem it te 10 cents nplece. OurCOMIIIXAlION lOliMCE In I bout und II .ll.lK ... .1 Itf. .. ..I..... 1. 1.... ... . .1 .1 ,,..,M. ... nm 1, in i-ii-, 11 1, nullum, 11 unci it from JitVI. M:W UM.sOl Dade Window Shades I'Olt bl'Itl.M. 1'luln Colera nnd W'ldllw forulUtyleseftilu. (lows, 1 1n and Weed Mitlng Itellcr, I'ixtuies, llellauds.I.lueii Fringe, McLill'utls, liauds.elc. We tnke mi asiires and de sliadu ti erk of et ery description lu tlrst-dnss manner. Ordcrjeur rupcrllaimliiBdone new Pieces were net er no low nnd ti ill go lilglier. PIAEES W. IM, Ne. 67 NORTH QUBBN STREET. I.AXCASTEH, I'A. CLOTH l.(l. riVrU.eltlNilT" " W. B. NELSON, L.trr or I) It. WiXTins, Xeatn 1)1 rt.s mnrKT, LsRCAhTin, I'A., Importing Tailor. -vi:v YoiiKiMiti.eim, ESHLEMAN'S LAW BLOCK, North Ditke Streot, LanortBter, Vn, ALL THE LATEST STYLES In feHKiiis. ami DoursTte ('Letus run Hcits Asn 'inerRn, A 1'KIIFKCT I'lTOl'AItAXTKKU - ' '"tt-ejusi opened nt thn ahern pallers with n lliinllnnef terclgunnd Demesile (feeds for the w Inter and. Spring of Kst. where I w III Im plrnsed le hate my friends nnd Iho pulillc cull and see my stock ' W. B. NELSON. M YP.HS ,V 11ATIIVON. Ql KsTlOVSOFTKN rEltt'I.KXINO 10 Buyers of Clothing ! Whero te Buy It ? Whero QunUtles Are Beut ? Wliore Irice8 Are Loweat ? If nt any tlme these questions he uppermost In yum mind, rememher that we me the lending eoiupeilieni for your trade. We nre In n pest tlen te supply yeurrtery need In CLOTHING W1IKT1IKK I1F.AI.Y-M.IHE Oil FI10M JIEASUREMFA'T And the cost we gnarnnlee wilt Im n Just nnd fill eiiultalent ler whateter sum you wish te etpend j-snpln lece us nnd leek eter the sleck that Is here Critically esiiinlii" It and make cnmpuilsen wlthtlie pest you knew of 1 Ise wheie Mi nre confident that qualltlis nre rleht und that niSees asked w 111 lie sure te iiinkn yiuiH Inner MYERS & RATMFON, LL I11XH LAXCA-TEH CLOTllILil, NO. 13 EAST KINO STREET, I.AXCASTKK. I'A. J. K SMAl.INfl. GREAT SLAUGHTER -IN- EHE OVERCOATS. t'e efter le-dnv a reduction of it In. 11 per rent lielew Inst innnlVs prices C rotnlile's cell linited and popular Overenstlngs, Till, lll.si IN llll. HOIII II In all thn different shades and steles 1,1) slans, Furs, t cleurs, t If mm., Ijillnpcl., Itn times, .tlentnnitVs, Astmchans, etc I A II Ed minus Vz irlncs, Duifel's nnd I'slenl Hearers, Keynl Irish Frieie, (.nrrjewen, l'eterslmms, tli llensand Ivcrsejs lliese geiuls can only lm luul at lcadtuif houses In Isrge cities, nud range tn price from .Vi te tim tte an selllni; t lis in In, 111 Kmte v Afullllneef llemestlc FnlirKs, ranting In prices from lt le J-Vi SUITINGS Ol f. HIV IliX'itll'TlOV .11' 1'ltK ES ten ulsI'emumii.i i.ett All colors iresulijeeled le a thoieiigh chetnl cut test Our work Is of the host and highest style of nit Our long experience In business nnd clese Inspection enables us te lie thoroughly laminar tth alt the b.'.t uiHnufactures and latest sit les In the market l.lte us n trial and lie cent Inced, 1- Ne 2 West Klnff Streot and Contre Scittare. Sibling's Tailor's Guild. marlMytVAS S1' i:cii. xeTiri: Aiiiieimrenieiii Fxlmerilliiary ! THE OKK tIF.sr ItEIU't'llON KVKU II II1K -IX - EIEE CLOTUDTG AT- W GEMOTS. Ne. G East Klnir Streot. In Older te leduren henry Heck liefore luer Ing, I shall make up te order oil lines et goods nl A Reduction of 25 te 30 Per Cent. I hate also a numlier of ClfSTOM-MAHK SUIIS, net called for, tthlch will be sold at a fe-reu sacrifice This reduction Is for cash euly, und -uill extend te thn FlltST OF JIAItt'll X. II Will lemote en or abeul Ihn first of April te .VO. p SOUTH QUJ:iCX STJIEKT, (Opposlte the I'ostefflco.) H. GERHART. E COXOMV IN CI.OTHINO. Bargains Added Te-day. Teereitn work for our hands and keeplliem lngi!tlier;durlng the dull season, we eiganlra te-day 115 SPECIAL SALE IX OUlt CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Having bought for rush at a lain Xou Yerk fuiIonLurge und Finn Line of PANTALOON IMJs, n nre prepared te offer SI'KUIAL IX llltKMKMS. A LI.-t 001. I'A.NTS, made te order, at O). AI,I,.tV()()L I'A NTH, tiiudu toerder, Btt3S0, ALL-tleOL l'AXTS, uiadu te order, nt $1.00. ALI.-IVOOI. l'AXTS, made te order, utl.de. ALL-UOOL I'A.NTrt, make te enler, at ttoe. 'there are chances for lllg llargAlns In this efrerliig. Iho prices nre down IS, 33, and U per rent. Ilnn't forget amidst thoiinUeof the cloth ing dealers, Just new, that we have the first i lalni en 5 our attention us offerera of thn licet and .Newest Clothing und (loeds In thn l'leceut I'llcisguiiniuteedloHei limn any competitors. SAMl'LKI'ItlCL'SlnourXerthwest Window. Murkud lu Plain Flgutes. Business Suit te Order as Lew as L GAUSIAlf & ERO, Nea. 63-00 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Itlght en the Southwest Cor. ej Orunge street,) I.AXCASTEIt, I'A. nOnen ctenlnga until 8 o'clock. Saturday until 1(5 o'clock, ' A-j