i i jt- jw .a , - . i . tr, - - r wi .,- i-t ,i-w" i.-v-k . f.L t ;t imhhi,: -t -f. - w-s r " ' " 'J "' -ax -". rt .- . ?-'.r -r; ' , JT i'j VX' wiVr r'A " 'ik v ' "i a.-' a THE LANOASTEH DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6, 1885. sV ,itw U". nw . f 'M' -. -i" If KNGIiISH POULTRY FAUMS. vnoviisev nur.vinsu chick i:ss ash HAItlMI i.ihi.i rim MAItKV.T. llm IjkU r I'uullr) Uniting In KtiKlititd. Ilmv n Mr. I'lilih Makes Hl'ii) IIIimmi L'iniiilt unit. Hy lis Alweiiir IH.IMMI I'KK S'lhl Annually. HtCptieu llciile, wiltliiK In III" Country Henllemnit Irem Ihightml ixijh t When Urn roltntrer . ui keep Ml liiwl nntl 'r WO Hili'kuiiM. Mm luriiHT Willi hlnaiOtir .Wncrei ran kwi hiiiI reurtoiier twenty Uiiiwhm iimiiy, nml HiehkIi 1 i'1Im' M'ry " l' KiiilHiui lliiMiitliiK'r iiillen- iiiiicliilriciili iiii llm fm HUT. In Aliierlcu, wlii-ru fArnm, or tlie ciiUliutitt portion, urn nf h rcmoiiiihle tili iintluililv l.irmcr will !' nre Iticllneil liitiikiuiiHmttry kecpliiK. In llilmsiuiilry small ruriiiiiirotheoveplloii, net llm rule, nml II Is ery niui'li harder le Inilnce thene Kcntlcinen Limicr, lis (hey nru culll'il, tocnti tecnti Mlilcr phi h mnnll fry in tit kM nml lii'lis. The iiBrliMilliir.il ii'liinisimlilWiril y the, gev -oriiiiient, Ii.imi this ir liuliitletl, fnrlliu llrst time, s.illstliiiirMiuUry,nuil lliiweltimi reenleil 11 rtmnrkiiliUi ntnlu of itllult. Thewi (tUtlsllcsenly niilytii liirins In ninil ills trlrtn tir tuilr mi iu-i-e ir iipwnnl In extent, wi Unit itt.ij(uri mmi In a few l-tilutetl In hUihs's, uru net Ini'lnileil. Tim iiiitnlcrn KlMii show Unit there nn III the Uliltcil KliiKilimi only u'l poultry (which term In clmli'stiirkiiyK, gis-se, ilut'ks iinil fowls) te tnerv l(n) itcrei of cMilliatuil land, or 112 iHjullry te uU'ry Km acres In pernmiicnt tix tnniiir (imssnet liroki'iiiipliiretillon. When It WM.iti.tl lli.il there uriMi million mom Hlieep lli.ui mil try upon llttwe t.trini, tlie in.iniirr In wnieli tills lir.rti'h of lhe Meck Ims liecn ihkUsIis1 Is Miry rciiinrknlik'. Wh.it Hut llKuriM nre In lln stales, I nlieulil l) glnil te knew. 'l'lionbexonppllostollio 1'nlUsl Klnp.linii, lint from wlnit I cut learn, Iiikoiiie portions of tlie I'lilteil Suites the Mini' Uite of tilings Is te Ipe feniul Tlieru nre miiiie f.inners liurc, hew e-r, win) are working out tlie piehlem fortlieinsvUps. I e.innet ile iK'tler than ilo ile ilo srrlbe a larm at w liieh u solution has Uen uU temptisl, ns I IhIIk( II Is en the nj-stem lieru ailepltsl IhiitHUivess will he willows!. v i'li. lit Mllll. II Milt! l M1M- This farm Is situated at Mrntten, nlsiut four miles trem the nhl ellv of Ilorrliwter, tlie nipit.il of the county of Dorset. The owner, Mr. Themas Chirk, lies In n ipi lint elil low lieuv, next tenn elil tishleilisl siil.ire tow. .red clmreli, .mil tlie hamlet lies meiiml ami alsxit. These houses nml larm IiiiIuUiirs are prettily envsmesl in the iiamiw valley, en heth slih-sefwhleh Is the lam! Ollpleil hy Mr. t'hlek. Here he has reslilnl for forty j ears. The farm Is alsmt .MWarres In extent, anil Is ehlully iIemiIimI te nlnei hrectlliiK, ilnlrv farming ami tuiullry kisipliiK ern or wiiimi prewm is eiuv n -rry iineur i oriieii 01 iiie eri. i ne neni 01 weten rni rni tle isaxerv f;oel one, ami I hae sehlem seen a liner sllcetleu of the licnntlfiil mil mils. Mr. Chli'ks ileetes his attention te K-onemleiil hrtssln, of whleh hekeeis neenil vnrletlen, nml net only iloes he semi larne fii.iutitli'sofeKs ami' iliii'Uciis te market, hut h supplies te Miuill miiltry kwMra nml ether fanners ecus for slttini; anil pure hnsl stei'k lilrils. This, however, is a jierhs'tlv legltluiiite tirt of the sstvm, ami one whli li verj many farmers might tiirmir.it;i', te their owupretit. During; the e;ii seaten, higher prices are obtained than If merely for lhe table, nml the extia kIiIIUmk'' nselwsl for stork tiinls ,ilwas ailil te the kilame at the Year's eml. This is all ileue wltlunlt nwiril te mere fancy considerations. All that Is nceesa.ir Istnithe theiiKht te the Mlivtieu anil tuntlni; of the breeders. The fowls nre divided into funllies, mid sjirend all ever tlie I inn. This is se far done, that tit the time of mv xlsit le stratum, It was nwcusary te walk between three nml four Inllcs in order te see nil the wiileus Heeks. Niiirly eery lirt;e Held has a small isiullry heuse in It, with it jHii of fowls, ntid in some of the larnesl 111 Ids there are a eon pie of these heiives. Of reurc, they nre put ns widely apart as Is possible, niiilwlifre the1 are tue In one Held, thee are plated at the pxtrvine limits. Thore is no feniiniier win1 iinltini; useil te form runs and the birds ha e the lullest lilicrty. The farm Is studded .tlsmt with tints large trees, primlpilly elms, nnd these ple kplendld slieller te tlie few Is. 'attlenre kept In the llihls. nml the eul) at tention the birds net or need. Is te be lisl'mnl Imne their houses cleaned dail, and mews! occasionally. Ini!i lh'k, generally .1 distinct bnsjd, apHiirs te keep te its own company, nml I was told at the Unit) of my isit that It was the rnret thins for a bird of one let te Isj found mlvlui; with any "t the ethers. miivaiii r. neisj's inr. ui:sr. Tite houes are meable ones, se in ide that they can le lifted and timed by a couple of men, handles being prev Ided ter the purjHjse. Theso houses nre of home erection, and roughly put together, hut nre well nnd stib aUintially made. They ntaml upon legs, about two feet hiijh, thus gling a shelter te the hints below. The inmates reach the heuse by a hen ladder, V. ery day the lleeks ure rarcfiilly hs)ked eer te see If any nre misihig, or whither any show- tivmptems of illst-ase, but the hitter is wryrare tudeasl. Tlie hardy, natural way in which they are kepti mid tlie common sense fashion of feed, mg, niiike illsva.su mero isinspicueiis hy its nbsence than its presence. In twoertlireo Instances, H'rmaueut buildings nre isvupieil by pens et fowls; hut throughout, in no cise nre the poultry allowed te interfere with tlie regular work of lhe farm, or te occupy tli.it winch would otherw Ise be needed. It is only the niltllt birds or tlie elder chickens that in e put in tbid way out en the farm. The chickens are hatched either at the resldeuce of Mr. Chick, or at n farm steading sotne two miles nwai, where llves tlie man wlie has the eultry skvI.i11v liniler hlscare. In one or the ether et these places the chicks nre kept until old enough te Ik' put out. Many of them, of course, me sold or killed when qulte young, either for tahle or nssteeu ieuis. ine uuuiecr m eggs selil oil this farm e ery j ear is about l,',oeu, and thore are e( te NW chickens hitched every sciben. It Is true that these numbers me net wry wonderful, but it is also true that it ecry lariner who has the esiiuuarreaue would ile the same, the iiuiuIht of iggs nml poultry produced xeulil be increased huverul hun dred kt cent. This, hew ewt, Is net what I wish te s)lnt out, for figures applicable te IJnglauil nre net relevant te the I'llited .States, My object is, in this way, te exhibit what I regard as the true method of iKiiiltry keeping en farms, namely, planking movable houses out in the Held, each cuiahle of holding n seore of chickens or a deen adult fowls. This cm he done very easily en pa-stuie or feeding lauds ten wry large intent, ter there can Ik) no (11111 ctilfy in hnln)j one heuse te overy ten acies of laud like this, and, eeu eiiwheat or corn growing farms, fowls may le largely kept ulmest te the Hame extent. I knew u farm where the crops nre chielly corn or roots, nml in tlie coiner of nearly eeiy llelil stands n poultry lieuse. Within a j aril or two of the house, the ground is bared, hut that is all, ami though the birds wander In nml out among the grain mid roots, they de no harm, but a et y great deal of gissl, ma nuring nnd cleaning the earth, ns well as finding nearly nil the feed they requite. This year tlie heuse stands in olio eoiuer, next In another, ami mi en, ollectually preveutlug any danger from foul earth. Iln ThuiiKht It Would Ile. Frem the Chicago llcmlil "I want n dlvorce from my wife," Haiti n Washington street broker te his ntteiney, " but 1 don't knew hew- te biglu it," "Any ground for scandal!" nsked thunt- toniey, "Nes uli, no." "Iildbheuwrlilt you?" "Ne: horteiupor is (piite even." " Did hhe ever blew out tlie gas 1" "Ne she lets It burn. Majbe th.it would be grounds, ch?" "Ne," said the attorney, "In thntcusoshe would call te her aid the gus company, and we would liave te Btruggle wllh u monopoly. That wouldn't de." "Ne," Mid tlienpnlicanl, hwlty. "DidKlioevorbcolduny of the childieli?" asked his ulterney, lirlKhtculu ii, "llnvcn't net any te ncelit. I suppme it wouldn't de te say she Hceldeil lhe clilldicii of tlie next deer neluhlsir?" "Ne." "Tliun I don't knew w hat te de or My." Then lsitli miiii looked thoughtfully out of the window for nearly nev en minutes. "Mie drunk nut pi the Hener !wluttlie hetiil when we was en our bridal tour," mid the husband, hesluitlugly, "If you get the date and vvlttiesses," tiild the lawyer quickly. "I think that will be suftlcleut under the law," Then they went out togcther and called for tw e Hdioenerc of beer. MV HI A It. All flint lknew 01 n certain Btnr ln.ll eiiu threw. . (l.tketliCiitiKlcd 'liir) .Vewnilart of itil. Ne ii ilm t of blue, ., Till my filMntliiHenilil 'Ihey wiiiibl fuln me, tii, My atnrtlmt iturllc I ti t'1 Mini bliin. lliuii It Miiim like illil,llkii n IhiHur linnus They mint elaci) tliciu'ehe llh thef-iitiirn llllllMlIt , . . , AVIiiitniittlirtiiiiinlf llilntm Uauerlilf Mine linn opened Its soul le me, tlicrrfoie I letelt. Itiitirrt llmunlnff A tlMIIV enr Pewn (linn lliulimiMi lt'i Mips 'I lie nnevt, t'pen the p.'oecr tiil.ni iii;iMic, IteleH, Ami se Klcicu eiilliv rrrmi out Ids lips I In lien In lltislien, Ihtieef a kliul. nml luilrn. I'rum Iht lleilim I'ntt. A sptiniii)- Mnlih VWIIi Knlirr. Seinethlng In lhe way of l'd will be of fered tim)erlliig men In New Yerk en lhe Will. Then Marcus San Antem, of ! ranees nml ninrlosi:nnlcbivht,irNerwiiy, will com cem com sle In n nuirrliig match with knives. ()no sayHthatholsihmuplenof rrnme, the ether cliilinsliiboch.iliiplenof l'.uie. They signed nrtlclesliMlavte ileeliln the matter at ti.)i slda Knelt mnn will wear n t.rotceter en the thi'Mt. Illghtever the heart w Hi lien llltle Iiet. whlchisHilnlnsa ted liquid llke bleed and tnnkes lhe thing lisik real. si'KVt.ii. Ari;i..s. I.evr rules the court, the eatiip, the K"'Ve, Hut this we II ml liere'er i) rove, 'I hut S(()()ST nlene mMqillcs 1 he ilitrtllnu lisMliiunl ruby ie. Thntlinitii iimlileii half tliecluiriiis That win hi rloherlevei naini" HlwilceilAw I1UI (,II US tot Hits" Iteuuli en ( ninth"," fm k Im " ( olds, Mm Liquid, 2.c I'eiuli e liiiml. Hoarseness I IDCllfS, I fi (I) A lean siri'i. Tliere WAsARiiatroiiiinellaii tlie ether nlitlit at n cmiiiiiiuiUt niietliiK, when nil eicltcil eni lerniM, "nil niMliiK miclnl Hmtllutleiis must tin iletreveil, wl'il out nml wcpt nxny Unit h letmiikcsl Hint rlieiiiiiMlstn, ilpepsla nml ilehllltv iiitit tie climiiil eat anil ciit nwny. mill that llrenn's lien Hitlers would de Hint It lining uml snicplng, he weuhl have been letiill) iii)ilunilisl. HuiMii Iren Hitters million elciiii HMteiiel Hit- tlvupt psla, iicrveuiiness nnd KterplcmuicKsef Mr ftt-e I" Miller, of llamllten, I exits nil. iieri. or Tin: vnes ( lillilicn nleM lii ilevi'ltipiiiiMil, piinv, fciiixny Hiiiltlt'llitile. UK- " Will's lluilth Ki'iievver ' I si'rint 1 1 ! Ithtltt. "lliavii uid llunliifk. Illewl llitlm, anil mil hnimv tes.iv they have ilene me mere (ttMiil than nn v thing) el "eml ti further quantity nt once Hits tnnii win ii stimrvr lieni ilysrs'l'ila for tnrntv venrs 111. iminr Is VleMimler I.iiikIi, nml lii'llvcsiil VImi Mlcli Kersiilehy II II (islir-tn, tlrmtgist, IJ7 nml IX) North Qm en stris'i, liiciisaster, I'm. tATAHHIIOF Till. 111. MIIII.K stlnclng. Irrltntieii, liitlaiiiiiritUin, nil hlilnr nml liluir) ( niiiptnlnts, mrril h) Itiichu. pauMI ) ID v iiiti.Ar Hi"! tivi.it Tliegientent illnceviry of llm nlneti cnth cen tury is lr I eslle'n'-pcrUt I'ii'si rl)iltfiu terslik hi-iuliirlie. MliUli l I he dl-celel v of un clullieiit lilivslrlin nml iimsI liv htm ler ever thirty vcurs U fare itlvluu It te the public, nml it stmiit te ill) Klltieiit i ilxal Its ml uilicrtlreiueiit in another column lll'l M.I..S S AltMl A SAI. B 1 lie licit .lv' In the vvelld ter ( ills, Itrulscs, Siirvs, fliers, -alt Ithi inn, I'cvcr notes, loiter, ( Iiip--1 liiiml, chlllilnliiM. ( erns. ami nil t-Ulu Kriititleiitt, nml pnsltlwly dirts riles, ei no iuy li'ipilri'il It Uguiraiilit il te Ue jwrfcclwitls fat tten, or iiieiii') M-riimlel l'rlie, a cenU per box. I'nr -nl.' liv II II (.Hhrau, iliuirglst. Nes. 137 nml III North gueiMi street, Ijiunnier, l'a. IIilst Irllle Willi llinsit niiilluiiK iircctlens like llnles lletuv et lloti'lieiimt mill litr. Pike's lisithuhe liieimi en In one tuiniile r: iwitcisiAe I (ink tllllll st. A i liiir. Iirhtht open fine somctien lisiks heu et A liiimn thief or linndtii whlnins earrlt s such n lin-e tlunlerk lllimtl i(r give the akltl ii lieettHiirly Hue leituiv anil cltiinicss '1 Hey ktivngtliun nml enrleli the clrcutnlleu nml no er.iillcnleall criiptleii or lileiulsh I or tulle hv II. II Cechnin, ilriiKglst. 137 nnd 1J North (iipmi utitsit, I.uicusler, I'a VV lul One le. In, I. s s (, raves nf Vkreii. N 1 . hml Vsilntiu .if tin derst klllil leek one iliwe til ieui'K' J.c Irrtrte OK nml vtn rcHcvxl lu five iiiluutcs He nitits W nultt walk tti mtlet. ler this UKslldin nml piv Mh linitle fet It It i mi it my hIIceI ilii'iim ill-in like inaKli ' Knr sale tij II 11 ( iM'linin, ilniKjilil. IJ7 mill U' North (jms.'ii ittiiet, Iucnsltr, Va a i. hi: t ihm e i:m Mr Win Tlieiiius, or Newton. In.-is "My wile Ii is In en si rleusly iitrcctisl wlthu (eugh ter Iwent) live jcirs, uuil this sprliiK uiiiietstcrely th in ever In tun she hail ii"(il in my reinisllfs vrltlieut leliir.nmt lielng urRcd te try lir. Mug's Sen Ulscevei), did se, with most gmtlfvlng le nulls Tlie llrt buttle relieved In r veiy lunch, ami the second has nbsetuti ly i urtsl tier -lie Imsniit luiit ser-issl licnltlilel tlllrtv vcai 'I I lul bottles flee at Cix iirmi'x ding stoic. Net 117 mid 1CI North luivn sliis't, Ijiueuster, l'a buige hire, ll.m () " HOL'I.II US I'AIN " 1'I.Asl'KU I'oieus nnd strengthening, Improved, tlie best for bickiiclie, pains Hi chest and slile, iheutua Usui, neiinilgla. 'i,W. llruggUI or mall. (I) nt.vki: (iivi: ri- Ifveuai'i) suirerlng with low and diptcs-cd npliitH less of tcppctltc, geut'i-itl debtllt), dtser tiered bltKid. weak (silistltulleu. hetttl tche. ei any dl-cuce of a billens natiiie. It) all munis pre cuiti a Hioltle of l.lcitrle Hittnrs V. en will be surprised tes- the raitdliiipreveuieut that will lollew , pill will be lu3plrtd with new lilt; ; nticmilliiiuiliicttilly will lutnrii; pain and mis. ery will (cnic.auil heiut forth Jeu will icjolce In the pniUi'ef l.ltctrlc Hitters. old at Mients ahettluliyll II ( ecliraii, ilttigglst, Nes. lJ7aud l$i Nmth Unii'u ntui'l. Uiucusier, l'a (il) sairtl Ilia It ill). " My baby, axed llftien innuths, wnsiittatked with croup, hut was cuiett with twotlesesof 7'AiniKii' lxltetric Oil; have u-etl tills nu'dlclnu ler the elder elilldn.ii llave the itientest faith In It " llmilil Matin, ."..H m-vciiIIi t , Hutrale, N. V Fer Mile hv II II Cochran, ilruu'KUt, U7 nnd 1TJ North IJuei n Mttel, Lantautt l, l'a. MOTIlhltsi MOlllHlts" MOllllMt's'" Are von dlstui bed nt nlulit and broken of your lest b) it sick child Mitruilii!? and civ luir w lth llm ueruclatliiK ptln of ( uttliiK leetiit If se, Beat niitti and tret a bottle of Mrs. WINsI.UW " MlinillM. bVIHiP 11 will lxlleve the imhu little sutleier Inuuedlilelv tlepeinl upon 11 there Is no mistake ulieiit It. there Is net it mother en (iirth who has ever Used it, who villi net It'll )tm at oiiie that It villi irirul.ite the bowels, and clve lest te the mother, nnd icllef nnd health te the child, tipi'iiitlni; like nmirlc. It Is is'rlcctly safe te use In all cast s, and lilt asant te the tasle, untl Is the pifscrlptlen of tine of the eldest and hcsl female physicians Hi the I tilled Mules. Sold cvt r) where 'Jients n bottle iimj.ll-I)dM,',svv lTtniNd iMi.i.s.'-siiineMS' jieisrt in: I.lkn pel's pi ra I Ien, Intensn Itchlnir worse by si mlclillu.'. inesl at nlulit, seems If pin win ins vieie cmwlhitf " iSiteinr it IHnttm tit ttunlftm lint. Hec curt, JnnJS JtWl.tw IlltOWN'M IIOISMIIJI.I) l'VN vtKA. Is the most eili ctlve Pain l)cdtie)erlu the wetld Will most sniely quicken the bleed vvhetlici taken Internally til applied evternallv, mid Ihi'ieby liiole leitalnly KKI,li:vi: l'MN, wlicl hi'i' ehieitle ei ncule, than anyetliei pain allevlaltu, and It Is waimtilitl tlunhlu thu BtreiiKth of mi) similar nicpiratlen. It tines piiln In the side llnck in llewels, Sum Thieat, Itheuiuilisin, 'Ituilh.iche and M.I. At lll.s, anil Is The (ileal Itelleier et l'alu "IHtOWS'nlleFsl.llOI.li l'N Ci: "should be lu eveiy faiullv'. A tcaspoenlulof the Panacea In a tuiubler I' t wntei swcilened. it pi-e-teried, taken l.. Iieiltiluc, will HItK VK UP A CO 1.1 . 'i'ltenlBii huttle. m3.)ilM,W,sAvv HKIN HIM'.AShS. "stt A Ml OINTMUNf." t'leijite'j OinlmriU " lines Tettei, bait Itlieuiu, Itlnuweriu, holes, l'Huples, hcciua, all Itchy hluiiltens, itu niittltr hew tibtinnle ur teny ilamltnu. JanW MM F.V.W lilt. WIM.lAM'n 1N1UW I'll.K OINTMIINT I.. (. MeCulluui, ( ouilucter en the II. VV I It., Kpiliutllvld.O , Aujf iM, IbSJ. sa)s "lhave been a KietilHtilluier with the piles I used ml inciuiu rciucdli's mid ituplevcd iiuiiiv tihjslc Inns, but tt no inn pest) A trleml icieiuiiicuihd Dr Wllllmii's Indian l'ltc (Hutment, which 1 mil y nil el ill tesay has cuicd lue." Sold by II II Ceehniii, U7 mid KM Neilh (mceu sllei t. (J) VOl'NU JIK.N I IIKAHTIIIS Tiik VeirAKi HkltCe, of Maishall, Jllch ,eirer te seiiil their celclinitee, Klkctho-Vei.taio Helt nnd ether KLrcreip Al'i'M v( Ksen in u rnr thirty day, te men (old or y en iik) atlllcteil with nervous dtblllty, less of vitality and inaiihtsid, and nil kindled troubles. Alse fm iliciim itlsm, ncunil. l-l,i, paral)Hls, ami many oilier kiiulieil discuses, I'emplcle. icsiemllim te health, vitrei' ami ninil. hisMlisuuniiitieil. Neilsk Is Inctiricd us llility illjs tild Is ullewcd. Wiite them nl unce for lllUHtrutdl pampliltllicu. dct'Jii-ljilAiv Sitlstaitltiii lTulvi'rsal. "lu thu past tlilee itieulhs 1 have told one humiicd mid six bottles et 7teni'i' .'electric Uil. 1 nuvei saw uiuetllclnu in my 1 1 le tlulu.lM) such iinlveialfcullsrnctt"u I iiudaii ulci rutetl lliieat feriuu In tiientv four hours ! novel tail id te relieve my nhililiuu et ciiuip," I . II. Hull, 111 ilKL'lst, tint) v illi), III Fer sale h) II. II. Coch ran, driiKKist, 137 and Ul Ninth ljuccn street, Jauicnutcr, l'u l'ltvatcf ans iir.snribit (.nldmi s l.Iuuid lteef I Tenlu rer the wreak, w ei u, and djspeptle J'nAc I ii(ir, Ulwdved&wr MIUHVAIm A Yi:il'H UIinilHY ri'.OTOllATi AN OLD SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCE. CALvrnT, Tcxns, May 3, liw. " I wish te exprenK my tippti iliitlult of the vnb lluhluqililllllcDef Ayer's Cherry Pectoral AH A COI'OH KKMKIir. ' Wlille wllh Clmrclilll'n nniiy. Just hefeni this haltlnef Vlcknhurg, 1 centrnrteil n stiveni cold, which leniilnnleil In n iliiugeruiis cough, 1 leiiuil uerelkf till en our niarih we ciuiie le ceiintiy stele, w-heie, en asking ler soine leni nly, 1 was urges! te try Atkii'hI.'iikiiiiv Prcretui.. " I did se, mid was i,iildly iiiml. Slnce then I have kept the I'mteiuL censtnnlly hy me for family use, and I Imvn fnuml lltebnaii Invalita. bin leint dy for threat nnd lung diseases," .1 W WuiTunr." Iheusnmls of tiwtlmenl lis certify te tlie piniiipt onto of all hreuehlal nnd lung nlfue liens, hy the tisn of A v Mi's t'nriuir I'kcterAU being very palalnhle, llm yeiingetit ililhlren taku It niiilll. inrl'Alirl) uv Dr. J.O. Ayer&Oe., Lewell, Mass, Held by all Druggist. khMchll HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. Ily the lis" of llostfttcr'ssteuinrh hitters the huggaril nppcnniube of the countrnniice ami sallow uess of dys-pHes uiu supplmited hv a lunltlilei leek, mitt as the IikmI Is nsslmllnted, the body nrqulrcs Biibstance pH'lltn Is te slnrisl, nml Hie nerTeus sjstem lefiTshcd with iniicli neishd slninher, thleiigh the use of this inctllt Inc. whit h Is iilse Ism llcl.ille peistiiisef it rli'-iimiillc tendency, unit tin Inestimable pit) ventlveer fevet aiidiiuue Ker sale by all Hmirglsls itti'l Healfrs getier nil). fi liudi eilAw rtiueuHAN'DH or casi:s or SICK lliiiihicheuie permanently tured evei) )c:ir (u tin' hundreds nf testlineiiials III my HHstsleii will tcstlf) ) by the iii"i) et iIt. LKSMKS Sisrlil I'lescilptlen. This llfinttly stands to il ty without n livid, nml with s(nttel) a (inn. pclHiir In tin' wetld TlietisniuU of I'liyslclans llinuigheut the country have luknewlcdgetl lliilr Inability tecurelt and mv new prescrib ing lr Leslie's hiiedal Prcsi rlplleu for all laxun of Skk HEADACHE In either Its nervous, lillfoiiserioiigestlve form, nrtslng f i eni elisi nil tlnu, i engcs'limirr torpidity of the livel W hen I !a) tluil 1)1 1 isllu s Sl'KC'lAIi I'tcsi rlitlen will cure the most ebslliiate(iu.t's of Vlrk llciilat he, 1 mean Just wluit 1 say, and that Is, Hint It net merely ulli vcshui; POSITIVELY ciiics, no natter hew long the uwe mayhive been standing 1 have, tcBllinenliiU fnun person who have In en utllltlt d ret twint) )ears, lit lug centlned te lied two ei three di)s nl a time ever) two W(eks, Hint have bei'ii iM-riiiiiiiently cuicd by two bottles of Dr l.eslle'ii -ieilal TKIiSCKIlTIO.N he that they have net had an attnik Itu everlive It you nre troubled with "Hk Head ilIki and wish te be CURED be sure mid give this lemedy atrl.ll. 1'i:ick,II Ul. S. II. AKClIi:it, simitega springs, V. V. Keits.M.i: ill fiHredisrs. llJU-I)(I Ker -alii only at .1. It. hAl'KFMAN's lirttg stnix', Ne. .V, .North (Juct u sticet, laiucnsti r. Fer colds, use Katitriiians Cough ) nip, the largent nml heal for iiis'iits. pltANDV. Jramly as a Medicine, 'Hie fiilliiwliiir nrtltie w is v eluiilaillv sent te Silt II I. M. VAM VIvlMC, Agent Tin HI.KiAUT'r (11,1) INI. s'lOlti:, by u piuiiiliieiit iiractliliu; lihysUiaii of this (euutv, who litis extensively used lhe Hninilv lefcrietl te In his ictruhir pnic lltn. It Isremmuiiled le the attention of these iittllcleil with iM)i(,irieN i mspLi'si BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new ninth abused vlcohelie stimulant was nun rlntcndiilasuhcvcniKc, but te liu usid ns n medicine of Krcatui petemj lu the emu of houieef the dt'stiiictive dlstiisisi whlcliMiioes away thelrannuid theusiinds of vlttluis. Willi u purel) plilliiiitliiojili'iuetlve,,wo pic-t it te the faiemhtu nollte et Invalids esiHO lidl) these uuilrtcd w Hit that miserable ill-ease, llyspepsl i, iispcclllc lcint'd), which Is uutliliife' uioiiiei less thin HltVMIV. 'lhuiiKi'd. with feebti' appetite, and ineiti til less ililiillt), will Hud this nltuiilu ninlkllie, when used pieperlv. A hOVl.UHIl.S Ul'MI.IlV I'm all their Ills and miles Ik' It, hewttviii, stilttl) uuilerstiHsl that we preset Ibc anil ue hut ene nl title, mid llml Is Eegart's Old Brandy, Sulil hv eni cute tpilstiu; lileml, II H SI,A .MAKI.U 'I his liruud) has sttssl the U si let ) cms, and lies nev ei fallttl, as fai as mil opc epc ileuce evliiuli, ami we thcitloie Klveltlhu liivfeieme ever all ethel llnindlcs no inilttr with hew miniv law bit nkliiii I'lt'iiili lilies they tuu lutuulcil One tomtit of the uteiicy that fs jimly thiewn away en vmleiis linpelenl dis pepsti s pi (Hies, would eulll(i) te buy till the llmuil) locui-euny suili ui&oei cases. In pioef of the curative power of KKltAIIT'sOI.I) lilt MV In cases of I)jMH'psla, we tail siiuiiueu nuuibeis of vvlluesscs tiiiiiciisu in pattlcularv e will ilte A hard working laruiei li id Inen ntlllcted vi lth un cluiullijr l)isiepsla reriiuuiuhei of veils; his Htemach would leji et almost eveiy kind of fisst t he had hournriitlatltinsieustnutlv noai neai noai lietlte lu fact hi) was obliged te lcstiht hU diet le craekcis mid stale hit'id, and as u bevenire he Used .MuCii-uuu's IliHit Heer Ile la it Mtthedlst, and then, its lien, pieadud tit times, and Hi his tllitceursi-S etteu tliclalintd eatiiestly iiKiiinsl all klmUuf HtiiniKditiik. W lieuuilv Iscd te 11 y ItHII, Mtl'MII. 1) HU VMiv. In Ills case, he looked up with nsteulshuit nt , liiitiiHei heaiiUKef tils wemleiful etli i tH In thu cases of vtuuti of his near actiuallil.iuies, he at last leusentcd te lollew our adv liu. He list d the llniuily tallhtuU) amliitcaiiuv , tliti first liottle Ktvluu liliu an appetite, and bcliuu the sti-end W.14 all taken he wasu seuntl inaii, wllhithtem. ach (up.ibln of (IlitestluK unylliliiK which ha clKMise teeat. IliiHtill Uteps it mid iiscsultltlu occasionally mid stme he his this inedlclue, he has been of vci) little pecunlaiy bvnellt te the doctor A VractltiHij J'liyilcwn H. E. SLAYMAKER, AtiKNTFOIS Itlllli MIT'S OI.II vvixi; SKIU1., l.M'.Wll.lMini) IN 17s"i. Impeiterniid Ilealci lu Old llniudv, Mieuj, hu- is'iler old Mailciia, luiisnled In llf, ls.'7 and isai. ChtiiipuKueet every huiitil, 1-cetthAle, I'm til', blew u slulit Ne. 20 Enst Kltiff Streot, LnncriBter r.NTi:ii lady aui:ntm ren V HiT;i:.s PHUTi:C10lt," (litis) ktnel.hn; nnd skirt supporters, shoulder Inities, hustles. uesuui itiium, uress hiueius, smciy ueus, sicuve oitciers, ere. 1 eniuciy new uevicis, unpiece -nteil metlls i vi a have &00 ncruuts uuiI.Iiil-ilen itiuuiuij. Auuiess w mi sunup .,.,: . .. :- --w .- junisiuioea se, a s, jiy St., cuicuae. t r CtMTttlSil. F ion OliOVKH, Te kcep the hands wnnn MITTKNH, Te keep the hands warm. HOOKB, Te keep the feet warm. KAH MUrTH, Te keep the ears wiinn. MUFl'Iil2IlM, Te keep the neck warm, UNIlUUWn.VIt, Te kiep the hotly warm. Ge te ERISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WKST Kl.Vfl hi IIKF.T. T AILOHINfl. W. B. NELSON, I.ate or II II. VViJtTriui, Nehtii IJCKBS Hinl!T, I.ASfABTKII, I'A., Importing Tailor. NKW YOltlf PAHI.UllS ESHLEMAN'S LAW BLOCK, North Duke Streot, LaticaBter, Pa. A Mi TI1K LAW-ST STYLES In Fenr.ins ahii IlimMTieCiiniis ren foil asd 1 nersERM. A I'KKFIICT FITOUAUA.V1 CKII. 1 harnjust opened at thonhev-o patlers with n fliiDllntief Feit Iffn nnd Dnmestln (itMiiIs for the W Inter and Purlin of 1SS.V w here I will tin nlessed te Iihvm my friends nml the public call and cee my sltsk. W. netickT B. NELSON. s slT.CIAl, AniifliiiirtMiieiit Kx.raeriliiiarr IIIKUKKATKST KKIH'CTION KVhlt MAIIK IS FDTE CIOTHIM -AT- Ne. O Eaat King Streot. In tinier te ledutea heav y stock beftue mov mev luir, I shall m.il.e up toerdcrnll lines of t;oeds at A Reduction of 25 le 30 Per Cent. I have also a number of Ct'sTOJl 5IAIE SUns, net udlcd for, which will be sold at n (treat sncrlllce. This letluctlen Is for cish only, and will evtendle the HIIST OF Jl AKCII. V. II Will icniove en or fibeut the tllst of April te se. is south Qrj:i:s ,sri;j:i:r, tOppeslln the rotetIlte ) H.GERHART. 4 NOTltP.ll MHK DOWN AT ' JLI(lffi & SUITON'S, Merchant Tailors aud Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, We ate ulleiliiit lhe b-st hsicnliis In Heady Miule I lethlni; Hi thu city. Our assortment Is (.oinplete lu .MKN'sfel'IIs, tOL'Tll s fClTs, I10-' SUIT& JIKN'sOVhltreATS, ei' I irs evi:i: ei, nos'evKi:coAT. VV u make all out ew it Clnthhur, and tire safe In jrimniulci leg them lobe well iiinde ami lit per lect. CAM. AS li UK I ON V lNClIll We are making te enlui Ml M oel ults fnun fl-'Oup. A tiiHid lit itunrautted. Call mid see thu drlv u w e ate maklni; In Ties, Ties, 1IIEV AUK CiOOD, Ni:tV AND S0I1IIV. VOUK ClIUICi: FOR iV). lhe best MllUTU the HA ION, ler sale by Burger & Sutten, JIKllCIIANT TAILOHb I.MI Cl.OIlIIElts, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LASCASTEU. PA pi'ONeTlYrIN CLOTlllNtT! let leale erk fur our lund and keep theni tii:ethvt ;iIiiiIiik thu dull i iiwiti, we uijiiulze le tl.iy il ' SPECIAL SALE is or it CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. llmiiiL' heiiKht for cin.li at a lute Sew Yerk h tie a I.ki-ku and Flnu Line of rvNTAl.OOV-INd-, e tun pieptiivd te ellii Sl'lIt'lAIj 1S IHCKMKSTa. A I.I. WOOI, l'ASTs, lit.iiletiieiilei.at f.lt. l.l. WIXII, l'AM, uiaile toerdct.itt .l.ftu, A 1,1. UOOI, l'AM"', uiaile loonier, at l(l M I, WOOI, I'AS'IS, miule til Oldet, lit $1 .VI. AM. WOOI. TAS'IS, iiiuku tool-tier, at i(W. Them aie eliniu"i'H fm lllj; llaipthm in thU eircilni; 'the piice nie dnwii St, M, nndWiiei (cut Iien't feiKi't auildit thenolMiet thoolotli theolotli thoelotli Inn dpaleiH, JiimI neii, tint e hae the tint daliii en our attention at etleicrH of the ltcNt anil Nent'Kt I'lethlui; and IiihhN lu the I'lectint I'lliciHtiiirautccdleMui than any couiputllei'i,, 8MI'l.b l'ltlCKSiiioiir.Nelthwcut Window, Jlaikctl In I'lnlii Flguix'n. Business Suit te Order as Lew as $10.00 I. &ANSIAN & BRO, Nes. 00-00 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Klghl en the Southwest Lei of Oniui?e Mieit.) I.ANUAhTM:, 1' . HdOpeu clenings until o'clock. Mituiduy until hi o'clock. UXDiUlTAKIMI. NDUHTAKINU. u P2L.F(R0TE, UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen aud Viue Streets, Lakcahtkii, I'A. I'eiMiniil alteiitlen kUcii teall ettlurH Eiuty IIiIiir ill Uiu UlulurtukliiKlliiufuiiilnhed lla Iiik hccuicd thu ;ri lic of u tlntl-ulans uiu ciiaiiic, l mil prcpniedtoueiiu kludier upliel meruit; m cry ineuei Furniture I'phelatered, &ut.hk at ery inoUtrute prices. AllklmUei uivuiuvncuu L.. R. juieu4 ROTE. ILY GERIIARrS, Barjrains Added I e-dav. no trii.rvnsi.miisa a oenn. -riUNN A llltr.NKMAN. HOUSEFURNISHING. We are new manuftieturing a completo line or OLD STYLE TINWARE. We UBoenly the beat Tin and empley only the beat Moehnnlca nnd our Wnre la Biiporier te nny te be had In the city. Thore hiie been another Great Drep in the Price of Steves and Ranges. Exnmlne our Stock bofero buying. FLINN & BRENEMAN, LARGEST STOVE STORE, Ne. 1 52 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. CAHVV.1S, JtV. IliniCS OAlll'KT HAIjU BARGAINS! SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Selling Off te Clese Business. EVERYTHING MUST POSITIVELY IJE S0L1. Missz-sir,' "nfl A" Gra,,eH of ,sauA,!f CA,t,,hT8' uugs' ALL AT A SACRIFICE. 1'reuipl Attention QUeii te thu Jtnniir.tcttiru of Hag Cm pels te Order at SHIRK'S CARPET HALL Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa, CLUCKS, MUlllOIIS H. Z. HIIOADS. FACTS. New Is ubeut aB geed a tinie te buy as evor, aa prlceB are down very low and material and workmanship nover wero botter. Our stock or Sllvorware, both Plated and Sterling, Is very completo; em bracing overythlng for household use or suitable for wedding prosenta. Watches nover wero as cheap as they are new, and we have thorn from the Cheapest Nlckle te the Finest Chronograph, and net at fancy prices, but at prices that will reach everybody. "We have new in our Art Gallery a very flne let of Beautlful Engravings solectod in Europe, and framed in the very latest style, and they are excood exceod excoed ingly low in price , we will be glad te have overybody call and bee for them thom selves. Ijy Store closes at G:30 o'clock, p. m., oxcept Saturday, H. Z. RHOADS, I.ASCAblKll. I'A CAltlttAtirj,, CTANOAHI) rAHHlAriH WOKK. EDGERLEY & CO., (C.irrlage Iliilhleni), MAIthtT STISKKT. UK HI (IF l'OSTOKl'ICK, I.ANCASl'hli, I'A. Ot U I-UiUK STOCK OF BTJGaiES & CAEEIA&ES CeinprUefithi) I.itd"t StilemmJ the nitxt bin KMitlv Hiililu'd, IIICfI U: OFtbU AT OllKATI.Y ItKDUCUU IMttCK ThebUl'KUIOH yUALlTV OF OlMt W OltK U no loncerqiieHtleneit. Ouriterk H itttinutiH lit iy nititle hi the larger cllte, untl SOLI) AT HALF TIIK I'HICK Sen la the timu toenler lerfiirliiK- ESCOUltAGK FA III IIK UJX'U AnU lleitcut Werk. All II'iiiIl WAItUA NTKII. UKI'AlltlStS I'ltOJII'TI.Y ATTESOKli TO. One net of m erkiiien cspectilly imiplej ctl ftir lhat liiuiee. - A few SI.UUiHS Ielt lit I.e I lxutv(. (ilve nun call. neUt'i-tfiMw N' ORHKCK & MILKY. Eine Carnage Werk HORBECK & MILEY'S, Cerner Duke k Vine Streets, LASCAbTF.lt, I'A. WK HAVE IS STOCK, ASI) USIIKlt COS- STIIUCTIOS FOIt THECOMISG bEAbOS.TIIE Finest Yariely of Curriuge AVerk kveueffi:i:i:i) te the puih.ic. Our lepiitatleii for Filling a tint eliiJeh lit Lew Flguiei luniheen entiibllsheil. We GUARANTEE OUR WORK le he constructed et aa Hue uiateiial as any lu the county, mid w ill hell far hclew ether dcalcm. We Invite the Public te Inspect Our Werk (bofeiobclUKlndiiieil te pay Fancy l'rii t h) and teliulKu for theinsehcti, as we aie thu only huildeinel VOIilii:VT CITY hTYLKS. A FEW SLEIGHS LEFT, which will in: -umi at coir 'loci.eii: out siecu. Otr lteialtlnif Seatl) Dene. co a r.. B.11 MARTIN, WIIOLbUM.lt AMI IIKTAIL Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber anil Ceal. 4-VAnn: Se. I -II .Vel 111 Water and I'llucu atleetH, aboie Leiueii, Lancantei, uilt l- AUMHAllDNRUS .t J KKKIMUKS, COAL DEALERS. OrrKKS' Ne. lii North Queen uticct, nml Se, SCI Ninth rilncuMticvt. Vaiiih: ISerth I'rlnce iiticct, iieaf lteadlni; lieiHit. LASCASTEU, I'A uuicis-tra c OAU M. V. B. COHO, 330 NOltTIl WATEIt STllEhT, LuilcuMer, Pu., W-IIOLESALK AMI IIKTA1L HEALV.lt IN LUMBER AND COAL. COHUKCTIOM WITH TUK TELKI'IIOMO EXCIIANIili. Yai ake Omen: Se. 330 SOUTH WATEll STKEET. IcbS-ljd c. .1. KWAHU it CO.. C0IL. Ol-ricB: Ne, SOCcntieSqimte. ' YAnua; East Walnut mid Jlillilmll stteuls. (Slew ait's Old Yard ) lletli Ynid und Otllcu connected with lhe Tele phone Exchange WKINDLINK WOODASrECIALTY.-K elUmdUAFit BARGAINS! AT- 1 luh2l.2iiiil.tMr A.VII HHOSZIX. Ne. 4 West King Street. HATS ASlt CAVS. 1845. 1885. h-TAllI.IMIKIII'l 11. All". W. D. STAUFFER & CO., I.KA1I1NO IIATTEKS AS11 Fl'KKIUIti- Pesitue Sale of Winter Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Ntiefft rnhet e cost refined. Sen 1 the tluie te p'tu li.UKntn III LutlleV nntl Gents' Fun. We luie u nice line of Fiir-llneil Clrculurx, Seal anil Imitation Cain and -Milll'i, t.ctitn' Ciillurs, Ciijh anil (ileicH, thalmitNt bo8eltl te inaku xoeni ler the -tiring Trade. All lhe Leading Styles of Seft and Stiff Hats, Frem the I.encM te the lllahetit Onitles Jinny of tin- NUW sl'lIISf. M'VLl'.s already in. CIII!.l)ltK.V (iOOliS, lit variety, cry cheap. IIII u iiuinlier of ourtle. nntl We. Fur llula en hand. Hest baralu e er offered. The lliilicst Cash Price Paid for Haw Furs. W. D. STAUEEER & CO., ("iirbizs ei.i) sieiti:,) Nes. 31 & 33 North Queen Streot, LASCASTEIl.I'A. mylO-ly "IT ATS, CAl'S, Ac, OUK LAUUE ASI) COMI'LETESIOCK OF Hats, Caps, Gloves, Umbrellas, Sc Traveling Bags, WILt.IIESOI.il WITIIIS 30 DAYS FOB, LESS THAN COST. 144 NORTH QUEEN ST. (UUSIIAKElfS OLD STASH.) arsstr.utv. TTIOII .V MARTIN. QUEENSWARE. - - QUEENSWARE. -AT CHINAHALL E AIIE OFlEIIISli A USE OF Queensware AT bl'ECIAL I'ltlCES. Tea, Dinner, Breakfast asie Toilet Setts, &c. - ) Cull and cu thu wine and bcciiie lluignliis. High & Martin, NO. 16 EAST KING STREET, LANCAbTElt, I'A. -vrAUAClOAKS, ONLY 5c, GUAKAN JL tt ed Vara, nt IIAllTMAN'3 YELLOW FltONTClUAU hTOUE. TTEADQUAHTEHS KOll THE INDIAN MEDICINES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere, NO, 9 EAST KING ST., L&aesitvr, l'a. TKATKLKH'tl UViBM. LEMAs?:nNA,tfteAVUAKTKU J0,NT AiinANaiMiRT or rAMmnm tbaiih, HUSpAY, NOVKMHEK ItrrM, Iwi SOItTlIWAIll). Leave. a.m. KIiikBI. I.ane.. A.K) Ijincieiter. n.17 Mnnhelm,..,... 7.H Ciirnwnll , 7,M Arrhe. Ij'liiiunn (toil . NOUTHWAUII. IlllO. A.M. Ihaiien 7.tai t'nrn vnll 7,w Miiiihelm Bill LancnMcr 8..TI .rrlvn Hvmtni. l".M. MO MM .T 0.07 iw Bie Ml 9.SJ LSI l.M ill P.M. li.tl lt 1,1.1 2.IU Mil . fl.W P.M. 1191) 1XM MS 8.U O.S0 9.13 P.M. 7.91 7.M 8.1 A.M. 7.1W 7.M K.il KlnirHt., Ijiiip. K40 H.M 9.87 S.M A, Jll Witjmw . Hut,, It tn t. i t t, .......' u.i ? .. n V.'' it. ... .... ii kii, niiii, (;. mill lUennit Kvn, HupU I", X It. C. ft Ml. If, lt.lt. aSllyd lt.lt. jRHADINO A COItUMlHA. AltKASGEMEST Or I'ABSENQElt THAINS. SUNDAY, SUV. 10, 184, NOllTIIWAUn. .. lAV-. A. M. P. M. P. M. A. M utiarryviiie Bin .... !MK) 7,30 un 1 1 i-n 1 v r, mug eireei.... 7 iw .... Lancaster 7:40 12 30 ChtcklOH , 7i8S .... Marietta Junction ., 7. VI .... Columbia 7,3a 12.40 Anmv. Kciidlnir 9U 2 Je 340 ( 9.10 S..VI 3'tt 4-01 3.40 HUUTIIWAKU. LKAVK. A. M. M. P. M. P.IC lleadlnn ,...7.10 12.U1 6:10 .... Aimivx. p.m. Marietta Junction.. 8-Vl .... 7J19 .... Chickie uan .... g.ai ,, Celuinlitn Kit 2-al tts .... Lancaster....,., 9 1J i( 8.1 ft LnnciMter. King Btrcel.... 9 31 .... 8ai 1 30 Qmirryvilie 10-H .... 9-?i 0 40 ter connections at Heading, Mnnhelm, Lan caster Junction, Marietta Junction mid Cel u 111. li In see tlme tables at nil muttons. SUNDAY. Leave Quarryvllle, 7.00 a, m.t Ijiurnntiir, King Street. iuii. in., 4 Ji p. m.t Luncaatcr, 8 10 a. in. and 4' 13 p. 111, Arrive IleadlnK, 10 00 a. m., 6 35 p. m Lea 0 lteadinir, 8 (l a. in., 4 p. m. Arrle ijincaster.si'J a. ni nnd 8 42 p. m.t Lancaster. Klntt Street, 9i37 e. ni J0 p. ni.i ,. .A. M.WILSON, Supt. 0. (!. IlAKCecit, Gcn'l. 1 iu. A Tlcket Agent. PKNNSYIiVANIA RA1LHOAD SCHED ULE. Traln leave Lniiciistorandleavoaiitlarrlvoat rhlladulnhlaas fellnH : Leave WESTtYAKD. Philadelphia. S' ETpreist 4jt)a. in. Wnyl'aiwunKcrt 4J0 ( Lcnve Laucniiter. 6-.il a. tn. 0 30 " 9,11 9J " 9-Jt) " 9-M 1 A3 p.m. 1:43 " 210 " R-23 " Mull train iln Jit. Jejt 7.01) Se. i Miill Train .via. Celum'n, Niagara. Express . 7:40 a. 111. .via. Celuui'a. . 11:1(1 n. in. .via. ('iiluiu'a. .via. Mt. Jey. . 2:11 p.m. .. 4'40 " &.I0 " ,. 9.10 " . H30 " Leavu uanocr.Acceui Faat Llnnf Frederick Accem IJincasler Accem Ihirrlstim-g Accem ... Columbia Accem llnrridburg Exprewj.. Vcstern ExptCHSt -I'uclflc Kxprcsdt EASTWAIID. Mall Kiiiresnt ... ... l'hll'a. Exprens; .... Fast Llnet HarrlsburK Express. Lancaster Accem. nr Columbia Accem bcitsheru Express .... JohiiBtewn Express t Sunday Mall Day Express! Ilarrtsliurc Accem. . 7-10 7.10 " IMS " 1:33 a.m. Arrlve at Philadelphia. 3ft3 e.m 4 23 " 7:30 " 10-20 " via. Mt. Jey. 11:43 a. ui. 3 13 p. nt. tl-03 " B-45 7.25 " LnncaHter. 1 ("1 a. 111. . '2 27 " 5J5 " 8.10 " . 8A3 " . 9 00 . 12.58 p. 111. , 2.20 " . 2 42 " .VI8 6-13 9 43 'lhe Marietta Accommodation It tivns Celum bia ul 6 40 11. 111. and reaches Marietta at 0.33. Alse, leaet Columbia nt 1115 11. 111. and 2 13 p. 111., reaching Mailetta at 1: 01 and 2.33. Leaves ar letta ut 2M p. m and arrives nt Columbia uNe, leaves at 8 33 und arrives at 8.43. The erk Accommodation leaves Mailetta 7.10 mid nrrlesnt Lancaster at 8 00, connecting with llurrlsh'irg Express nt 8 10. The Frederick Accommodation, n est, connect ing ut Lancaster with Fnst Line, west, at 1:35 p. 111 , will run thieugh te Frederick. Thu Frederick Accommodation, east, leaves Columbia at 12:23 and reaches Lancaster at 12 50 p, 111. Ilanecr Accommodation, west, connecting nt Lancaster with Niagara Express at 11-5(1 a. ill. will run inruiign 10 iiauever, tinny, except nunuuy. rast Line. west. en tiunaav. wncn nau airitcd ill ni..i 111. ii, n iiiiiiiiiv II, Vfiiii"" inn, ihiaui irkeaburg, jii. iey, r.tizaoeiniewii aim juiuuieiewn. t Thu only trains which run dally. On Sunday the .Mull train west runs by way otCelumbla. Leave dally except Monday. ClOKNWALL. AND LEBANON AND J COLEUKOOK VALLEY UA1LKOADS. SOUTHWARD. Trains leave Lebanon dally (except Sunday) nt (1 se n. 111., 12,10 and 7:30 li. 111. Arrlve at Cornwall at 6:40a. m., 12.10 11. m. and 7,le p. 111. ; at Cenitw age at 7:20 a. 111 , 1J3 and 8.0) p. 111. .connecting with the Pennsylvania ltalltead forpeluls east aud west. NOKTIIWAKD. Trains leavu Conuwage ut 1:M 11. 111., B.Muui 8 23 p. 111. Arrive at Cornwall ntS-OO a. in., 4 18 and 9)5 p. m. ; at Lebanon ul 8.20 a. m , 4 JO and 9 13 p. 111,. cennictlng at Lebanon with Philadelphia and Heading ltull read for points east and west, and the Lchnuen und Tremeiit llranch fur Jones town, Pltiegreve and Tremont. Thu C J0 a. ui. train will step only ut Cornwall, Colehreokund Ilcllalrc.. TOliACCOAXli ClUAltU. CT L. STEIIMAN &. CO. Holiday Presents, MEEKSCHAUM SMOKEItS ND I'lpES, TUIEKISH PIPES, FltENCU 1IUIAH PIPES, CIGAlt AND CldAUETTK HOL DEUS, CIGAlt CASKS, SMOKEU'S SETS, CIOAItETTE CASES, ASH HECEIVEUS, MATCH CASES, CANES, Ac. All In great variety and at very low prices. Mf- Call and examine our goods, trouble te show them. Ne II. L & Ne. 116 North Queen Street. uttecvniEs. AT mJHSlv'8. CANNED GOODS. Fur four cans Tomutecs, 23c. Fer Fell's OctorareTouiatces, quart cans. 10c. Fer iholce hnind Luncheon Tomatoes, 12c. Fer three cans hugur Cem, 23c. Fer Fell Sugar I'ern, loe. Fer linker's or WInsIew's Cern. Fer Fell's Early June Peas. Foru Cheap lliecn l'ea, loe can. Fer tlnu and Illicit French Peas. rorrrcneliMusbrijens. Fer Culltenilit Desert Aprlcetttt. Fer California Cherries, Urecu Urn pes, Damsen Plums, etc. Fer Asparagus lu square tins. Fer fresh canned Apples, etc. Fer Pie Peuches at loe a tan, ForcbeUo'Ialilu Peuches. FercultlMitcd lllackberrles 1 Fer fresh Ilahama l'ine Aiitile. Fet Tomatoes In glass bottles. Fer best brands fresh Lebster and Palinen. Fur hardlncs In oil and uiu jturd. Fer Iiuiiei-ted Mudlnes til Oil. Fer llavuUivia Hchrlmps. .... Alse full Iluu or bottlegoods.iilcUcs.sauce), etc At BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. W ATOMS. c. w AT0IIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. niMiim rnrimmfAU -'': UKCifil nC4lUVvr e... ..1 ....w,.nipa i nrirw tun .. ' i.- 1 iin,i.e up y v."."rt -w - -" ..r- JUWELltY.ttt OJi" 1 nme iirni'ii'd v. IKO i 9 Va.II. (1.,... CIJ 4" - LUlld IlLDtlia, Hv. U l-a HWIiuxi""! enrs, ; Opposlte City lIeUl, near l'a. lt.lt. Depot. ,' 1 ....ii ii,.lil nndSilvcr Watches, and reimtr MM . saiuit at extra low prices. )y ly anTioed hesteiTed. ' ' iT-" A victim of jouthtullnipnKlencepiiusliial'Wi," uiature Dccev Nervous Debility. Lest Maubvu. ' AC having tried in vain every known iwwrfi'. bas dUeevercd a simple seircure. which h will ud FltEE lehU ftewuirerer.,JAdds, JW-1 yetttlr w CbtbBJ Ik, tfw Yeik (JHy ' i - J3 ii ft ,M rS ,1 i -6 m 3' ; -