l$735' Vj 5" "----- ' ""cil IHMHPVIPWVIIBIMWI v.n -. JSSMJi JKTJ &.?& vf" -i.'ST""- r v? piPPv a.,.B. ---." "i,- BJ &.J ,--K rttJ1' e? ,': THE IjANOASTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, WEDNESDAY, FEBKUAKY 4. 1885. gJ.gJ..,AJI t' i -. ;. & CJf . p&s r'; -T1 ' r.? r-i - ni? r V v - I1' " J v m y- $ ? y U-H P Ri fAl.f & r?i f".) - & Qf THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER ' PUttWHED EVERY EVENING IN THE YEAR lIMl fll f, $ ' it STEINMAN A HENSEL1 vv ., - - - ... .. .in ,t XHTSULaufinuBK juuujuunu . 8. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUAflE. ., Lancaster Pa, 4 DAILY-TEN CENTS A WEEK. FIVE DOIUM I A ,ti yeah, en nrrv cents a month, postage free. '. AfWFUTISPMENTS FROM TEN TO FIFTY CENTS $yJk&lm- ' ' ' . WEEKLY INTEULiutNutr. ?' .' (EHT PAGES.) .' & PVttlSMEO EVERY WEDNESOAY MORNING. Twe Oeium A Y m Ammcc. 'M CORRESPONDENCE Solicited from every PART Of IMfc OlAlt, fif vwnmi. wvnnb PONOENTSARE REQUESTED TO WRITE LEGIBLY "AND ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY AND TO SIGN THEIR NAMES, NOT TOR PUBLICATION, BUT IN PROOF OF GOOD FAITH. ALL ANONYMOUS LETTERS WILL BE CONSIGNED TO THElWASTU , -' , 8 ADDRESS ALL LETTERS AND TELtGHAMS i e. r rpWTnJTJTWT.T.TOF.NGER. J Lancaster, pa. &ljc foncestcr Intelligencer LANCASTEII, FEItKUAHY 4, 1P8.V took te the Assessors. There is a great deal of well-founded complaint in the city and county about the inequality and iriegularlty of the assess ments upon real estate , and though the subject is a trite one, and its discussion seems te fall upon heedless ears, it is very proper te renew it in this year of triennial assessment, when in the rural districts as sistant assessors are te be chosen, and all ever the county the assessment made in 1SSS will stand for three years unless changed for special cause. If the assessment made was purely for local purposes it would net matter se much what rate of valuation was adopted, as it would be as fair for one as the ether ; but the ene assessment is made the base of the levy for county, state, school, city and read taxation, and se many men of such different minds, judgment, inclinations and interests get te lie assessors that the most glaring irregularities arc the result of a lack of a uniform system of valuation. In this city seme property is assessed at its full value, some at two-thirds, seme half and some at scarcely a fourth of its real value. It is little better in the country. Farms have sold within the past year at 120 per acre less than than they were taxed for ; ethers, in the same- section, for WO per aero mere ; and ethers still are held at double the figure at which they are rated en the tax books. It seems te be the rule that only these who are overrated have the right of appeal, and in their own cases. They may suffer great injustice even from a fair valuation of their property, if their neighbor is rated Mew n just figure ; from thin dis parity there seems te be no appeal. Obviously, men of geed judgmentiind with a sense of fairness should le chosen for assessors, and Rttcli whose acquaintance generally with the value of property will enable them te fix a proper valuation en it. They should be instructed definitely by the commissioners as te what rate of valu ation they are te make,aud te adhere rigid ly te it; the right should le recognized of every taxpayer te demand revision of an other's valuation, which he has reason te complain is lower than his, and of the tux payers of ene ward or township te demand revision of another where the assessor adepts an indequate rate. Considering that the county assessment is ndepted for all local purposes, the beard of commissioners should gire clese scrutiny and full hearing te this entire subject. But, above all, the citizen should scan the character and record of the men who offer themselves for assessor, and he should make himself effective at the primaries in net only pi eventing unfit nominations, but in promoting geed selections. 1 m A Period of Unrest. The New Yerk Jrcralil prints, from what it styles as an intelligent source, a very sensational story of a prospective outbreak at Fittsburg among the unemployed peo ple. The story is that firearms and dyna mite are in readiness, and that seme of these days we will hear of an explosion that will pale the natural gas fireworks of that uproarious city. Probably the author of this discovery has his fears for its chief groundwork. lie knows that there are a great many idle workmen in Pittsburg, and that they are of a class given te disorder when they have nothing mere profitable te occupy their attention. It is quite likely that if the season of business depres sion is prolonged tliere will Imj riotous outbreaks; and no place is mere subject te them from it: natural conditions than Pittsburg. "We arc entering into an era of g: eat disturbance in values, both of com modities and labor. "With the lowered price of manufactures, lowerod rates of wages must surely come. It is net probable that the time of liigh prices will ever return; certainly it will net come back te stay. It will be better for every ene if they never return, since they cannot in the nature of things remain. What we need is that values shall find as quickly as possible the level at which they are going te stay. While- they aie doing this we will have an era of disturbance ; and it will net be sur prising if it shall be attended with riotous demonstrations. The authorities need te be alert te the situation, and pre pared for outbreaks. The prophesied trouble at Pittsburg is charged te socialistic agencies. Whether Mr. Carne gie knows anything about it we are net advised. The Herald does net say that he is its intelligent informant. Hut inasmuch as he is said te be a socialist in theory, and as he has large inter ests in Pittsburg, we suggest that he may consider himself ns the ni ni pelnted instrument of Providence te see te it that the dynamite and fire-arms of the Pittsburg socialists are net se used aH te disturb the geed order of the state and en danger tholess of property that the social secial ists, and ilr. Carnegie theoretically, Ihs Hwe should be in the common ownership of all. A Proper lteiulrcnient. A bill has been Introduced into the legis legis lature requiring all electric,, telegraphic md telephonic? wired in cities of 10,000 in habitants te be placed underground by December first next ; and forbidding the grant of exclusive privileges by nny city te anyone t? by tush whei; and punishing by flne and imprisonment a violation of the act. We think lint the requirement of the law is n proper en?, though the data fixed for removal of the wires may be unreasena- bly seen. The object of the law would lie accomplished, however, by the declaration of the unlawf ulncss of overhead wires and of poles, and by declaring them te be a nuisance and their erection a trespass pun ishable as trespass and nuisance are punishable- under the general law. We de net believe in the multiplication of criminal statutes and penalties. If the legislature would but let the common law have fi.1l sway and refrain from granting extraordi nary privileges te favored persons we would have law enough for our protection. It is unlawful te commit a nuis nice or a t res-pass. Putting up poles en ether people's prepeity, and stretching wires ever their lands and houses, constitutes nuisance and trespass ; or would, If the state erelty did net step in te authorize this invasion of private ripliK Tie up the hands of ceuncilinen that they may net take away the natural rights of the people, and bind the legislature that it may net de the same ; give us intelligent, honest and fearless judges, and we wilt de mand no new law for our protection and happiness. i m m O.sr. llttle mouth ami the ltcpiiblk-.ui party will go. m w MossldNen Ca re Linn fqiereli at lur quet tendered him hy the New Yerk Vtv club expressed seme surprise that tliere wa net In the large American cities n IxnielH fund for the widows mid children of peer editors mid reixirlerts Londen has such n charity in the shnpe of the fund established by Lord Houghten and ether KnisUsh philan thropists years age. Frem A, 000 te SSW is annually collected from the literary men of Knglaud toward this fund and the geed that is dene by it is very great. A large part of the money devoted by press dubs in Ameri can cities te banquets and luxurious sur roundings might profitably be if-ed in this charitable direction. m Kepuhlicans will net be likely te forget that February Fourth is only n month from "March Ferth." Fen the nonce, simplicity is te haea reign in the fashion of invitation cants and notes and a prominent society authority declare that the letters " It. S. V. TV' are no longer "geed form" In such literature. Thi isa cheerful innovation, as welt as one dictated by common sense. Why the Initial letters of a French expression " answer, if you plc.ie " should burden an Invitation card te the mb mb stltntlen of a single. English word that would be welt suited the purpose, is ene of these vagarles of fashion that is hard te explain. Besides people who have had any society ex perience should knew w licther it is proper te answer an invitation or net. Tiie tendency te simplicity lti society literature should be encouraged. Wiiat'h In a name? A He-sa liysuiynther name w euld smell as Kid. Tin: general manager of the Metropolitan Telephone and telegraph company, of New Yerk, lias paused a revolution among the pretty girls in the company's employ by port ing a notice that no operators hereafter are "te attend any skating rinks, as it interferes with buslness." The keen enjoyment that the young women find in the exeryi'O keeps them ut it se long and se often that the manager states they come te the etllce behind time in the morning and some times fall asleep at their pests. The pain of disebedience of this ukae is te be instant dismissal, though hew the manger is te get tna ovidciice te ceiuiet is net easy te see. The design Is te send n "spotter" te the various rinks who will report the derelicts, but there is much danger that he may lx-cninc fascinated by the exhilarating sport that proved tee much ier the young ladies. m m m The coachman is becoming sensible ; he is new marrying very old and very wealthy widow s. Irapjiears that there are seme men of mli nitejestin the New Yerk Legislature. An assemblyman from Ilroeklyn named Karle beguiled the tedium of lecislathe routine by the Introduction of a humorous petition from seme merry sportsmen of Kings county, who appear te have been hunting in Sullivan county, and te have lcn disappointed w itli the result- The petition urged that evcry dcer in Sullivan county be provided with abeil that can be heard a mile and a half away, that rectifying distilleries he establish ed in the weeds, and that asphalt pavements be laid In the runways te prevent the hunters from dying from exhaustion while chasing deer. If seme of our legislators at Harrisbnrg would become humorous, they would hoof vastly greater utility te the state, as they new seem te Imj wasting their time in the introduction of impracticable measures that should be decently interred in commit cemmit cemmit tee and promptly forgotten. Thk inystery with which the Dudley surrounds herself is thick enough te cut. m m PERSONAL. Jehn Huski.v is inveighing against the sewing machine. GkouekM. Pullman has added f.J.uen te his original subscription of J2,000 te the New Orleans exposition. Jane Haiiuimi, the young French aetiess, has taken Louden by storm by her work in the "Maitre des Ferges." OnK.v W. Weavkii. clerk in the census bureau, has been appointed chief clerk of the new labor bureau at a salary of J2,OO0. Tui: I'epi". en Tuesday administered first communion te Miss Laura Jenkins, of ILilti ILilti mere. The lady's mother and brother were present, O'Donevan Kessa is a much milder man than Is generally supposed His home life is pleasant, and in conversation he is an agree agree ahle talkeraud net a ranter. Fadl Hkndiuckh, nephew or his uncle and private secretary te J ml go firesham, is a very talented musician. He has a high tenor voice und operatic aspirations. Nathan F. Dixen, of Westerly, It. 1., lias linen nominated for Congress in the sucemi district, te till the vacancy caused by the resignation of Jonathan C'hase,elected senator Keltz, the lumber man of Khaxta, Cal., has a big slab pile he has Ixjeii accumulating for years which is te be fired en the night of the 3d nf March, In honor of the inauguration or President Cleveland. He thinks the blaze will be seen 100 miles away. Gen. UnANT says or his health : " I am feeling quite- well except a soreness at the root of the tongue and the tonsil ecr it, which causes me great pain in talking and especially when I attempt In swallow water. I have net smoked a cigar slnce the the 20th of November." PnnsiDENT Annum has notified the Heuso that Mm. Grant has olTered te sur render at ence te the custody or the govern ment In perxjtual trust alt the trophies or Generul Grant's fame, and asking neecHs.iry legislation for their custody and preservation. The president also took occasion te recom mend the bill for General Grunt's retirement as general of the army. Uenmen J. Lossine has lieen asked te doslgnate which or the IUhaina islands is the San Salvader en which Columbus lauded. He replies thut this has been lone; u debatable question, and is still unselved. Six islands or the group claim the honor. Popular lxllef holds te Cat island, while bcientitle und his torical Investigators glve reasons for believ ing that each of the ether five islands is the first landing place or the great admiral. I IGen, Gee. II. McClellan will contribute two papers te 7'Ae Century war series ene or a general nature en the peninsular cumiialgn, and the bccend en the battle of Aiitictuin. Gen. Jes. K. Johnsten, who, until the battle or Hevcn Pines, commanded the Confedorato forces opposed te McCletlan In the s.uue cam paigti. will write or the Conredenito side, covering the period from Manassas te Seven Pines, dealing with both battles, nnd with Ills own relations and dltlerenees with Jeller son Davis. General Johnsten was wounded at Seven PJnes, and was seen after succeeded in command by General Lee. AUNT CAROLINES VIlIvSENT. Tin: iiust miiiiit steiiv or i iik siianen. IMnarU Krrvtt llulr In lhnpur's Menllih i. sew wn shall knew. Yes. We w ere redly married. The minister had tuld e were one, nnd no had glen us his blessing. He had taken my hand, nnd the tears were In Ids eyes as he wished me all happiness. lleKKsed I'.lcauer, whom he had christened twenty years be fore, and he blessed her again. "Gisl bless you, my child!" hl said. Then we turned round, se that the ether people in the room could mm) us, and the precession efsympii- tliirlug tricmls came upand w Mied us well. The sixth erseii in the precession was Aunt Careline, she is l'.leaner'saunt, but I likelier quite as much as Ltc-.uinr does : the kindest, sweetest, most lining aunt that eer came In when su was wanted, and staid away when she was net wanted; that eer sent ice cream across te veur heuse en a summer's eening, or called te take your Southern cousins te rlde w hen slie knew they hired you te death. Aunt Careline wh's slth in the pnvssen or welcome. "Hear I'ellx," she said at once, "dear Uleaner, my present well. It Is tee big te Is' carried alsiut much, and se well, I hae told the man te carry It te veur new house, and when you come it w ifl t there before you te welcome von. I de 1ieih veuwill like it." "Like It 'of course we shall like it. Aunt Carolina. V e should like it If it were only a lump of coal.-' And in her tenderness Llcaner kissed her aunt again and again. Fitly limes mi the wedding Journey did we go back te the present, and wonder what It was which was se large. 1 was sure it was a cast of the l.tecism. I'.leanor was quite sure it was a library Ixxik-case. Sometimes I thought It was the Cvr'ej'it dm Jtriftinnmi up te Marplot, which was as far as that ( irii(r(m had then gene. Sometimes I IiehhI it was I.i Heusso, which would be IsHter still. At last, alter such a fortnight et October and red maples, and purple tupelos and glorious sunsets, and ce.y reading of llreuning by the llresides of 'comfortable inns after fourteen days of exquisite life and happy lee, we drove- up te the prettj little house wliii h w-.is te be our happy home, ami I lifted I'.leanor from theluuigy, and 1 slid, "Welcome home, sweetheart and darling." And she kissed me, and she ran K'fere me into the house, and she viid, "New w e shall knew." ii. wn t wi. nu ni. Alas! we diil knew, only tee seen. Hridcet had lighted up the new (mrler for our reception w ith the etlulgviiee of her ew u enthusiasm. There was a large can-el burn ing en the centre t-ihle. This lamp was a present from Uncle Tristram. On tlie man tel were two hrenrc branches in which she had placed four led wax randies, and she had lighted tliein nil. These branches were ii pieseut from my cousin .letham. On the ether side or the room, en the piano-forte, were two student lninjw et ditlereut patterns. These w ere presents from l'rnest Gaeler and Mibinit Shattuck, nnd ltridget had lighted Ixith or them. All this light and sweetness were te de tit honor te Aunt Careline's present, which was at the ether end or the room as we entered, and obtruded itself fiem the very first in stant. Indeed, it was impossible te escape- it at any moment while you were in that room. It was a thoreugfilv horrible picture from the parable of the Prodigal Sen. It had escaped by misfortune from some "chamber of horrors." I de net knew its leal history, though I hae, alas ! had time enough le stud v it since these days. Hut I can net think "c-.ilmlv en its history ; it even makes me sick ; and except ing that the n.une "Melgruui" appears rather prominently under the Icet et one of the sw hie, I have no clew te Its origin. I can only siiixsc, ns I de, that " Mvltiriim " was some overgrew n oaf in some high school, who made hiniselr disgusting bv caricatur ing the Ixjvs nnd the masters. I think the inasters,in the hope te be rid of hlm.reperted that lie was a genius, and persuaded seme kind brewer te give him iiiunev enough te gote Munich te "study art." rried there, I think he had just learned what are the crudest, the most fiery and piercing pig ments concocted, when he painted this picture, before his studies in anatomy, coinix)sitien, or peipoctive had la-gun. "l think the Ilivari.m gevermciit forbade its public exhibition, and that it was then .surreptitiously sent te this country ter xale- I think dear Aunt Careline was en trapped or lured into the warehouse, where it was exhibited just when the thousand dollars was burning in her (nickel lxxik which she meant te spend for Ulenner's present. I think she told her companion, Mrs. JaLxv. Flynn, hew much she meant te sieiid, that Mrs. I'ljnn privately told this te the )crjured v illain w he is the master or the picture shop, and that he, with an awful audacltv, Uule him bring this picture forward and 'place It under the lights ler exhibition. I think he mentioned tweHe hundred dollars ns the price, but consented te be forced down te ene thousand. And then and thus I think our fate wai sealed. The si?e of the picture was eight feet by six. The Ir.imc was enormous, and very costly. The conception was absured. In the middle of the picture you saw u large group intended te represent n company et people feasting, who were the Prodigal Sen, his father and mother, nnd ether guests called In en the occasion or hi? return. A gallery alxive tliein In the luckgreund was tilled with people singing, and under the gallery, but Ik.'j-eih1 the guests, you could dimly discern ether i-oeplo dancing, with tambourines ever their heads. All this transpired under certain columns and nrches, but all In the open air. On the right hand, in what would be the distance had Melgnim known hew te represent distance, steed a man In his shirt slaves feeding hogs with Indian com. On the ether side, or the same size and character, was a butcher cut ting the threat era calf. Frem something Aunt Carollne dropped, I believe It was the hnppv union or three subjects en ene canvas which determined her te buy the picture. As she said, with real enthusiasm, " It does net represent a part et" the parable ; the w hole parable is there." in. new I'Eeri.i: i.ikeii it. Here was the picture, occupying practi cally the whole of ene wall or our parlor, which v as te have been se pretty, the room in which, as our plans were made, dear I'lcaiier was te ind the greater part or her lire. We looked at it a little, we received silently Ilridget's enthusiastic admiration of it, but we passed as quickly as we could te see hew the dining room was arranged, and hew my workshop hxiked. And it ended In my putting Eleaner into my own easy-chair theie, going kick into her parlor ter enu of the reading lamps, and bidding ltridget ex tinguish the ethers ami the caudles. i:iea i:iea ner spent the evening with me in my den, and 1 read Coventry I'atmere's Iletrulhiil te her. Hut we could net de that all the time. She could net be in my room when I had men there en business. Slie had reeling of pride, indeed, which for n long time made her keep u: a gallant struggle ler the parlor, which washer own room, shesaid: " Why should I go up stairs and sit hi a bed chain ber, when I have such a prettv room of my own?" She would sav this." She would say, " I am sure dear Aunt Car Car oline did net mean te niake me te be n vagrant in my own house, with no place trem the hair of niv head te the sole of my feet-" Queer, that sense or pride, I have known men who had it, I have known men who really thought that when they had dene a gallant eight hours' work down tow u they hud a right at home te the things home was inaile for. Philanthropists ami politi cians anil tramps, map peddlers and ethers, would lolleu thein te their homes, and these men would actually rei'use te grind their axes Ter them there. Se peer 1'leauer said she would stand for her rights in her pietly mrler. She would net Ixi driven out from it by that hateful butcher ; she would net have these dirty pigs tramping ev or earix't, she said ; she would net hear these tambour tambeur tambour ine women clinking old larchmcnt things. Hut she overestimated her own abilities. I have noticed that most men de who think they can keep bores out of their houses. J have a hrge clrcle or friends in and near Nethersteiie,aud sohas;i:ie.uieur. They weie making their wedding calls, ami theynlwavs found the prodigals as ille.mer called all the people in the picture, qimdrujiedsaud bipeds had stepped in ticferutheiii. Kleaner had net simply te keep the odious creatures out of her own mind and heart ; she had te keep them out ei her visitors. "I could bear it," she said, "II I were alone. I can turn inv Imck te it. See, I have iny work-table uiid my things here, und here Is 1113' writing desk. I leek exactly the otherway. Jlut it Isthecallcrs. Everybody leeks at the prodigals tirst nnd last ; and in splte of all my skill it is theeentnd nnd chief subject of conversation." Ill truth. Visitors lniidit be divided Inte three classes as regarded the picture. These were, first, the (rank, unpretend ing ix-epie, who (tin net value their own opinions highly, but still hud opinions, these people said hew could they de ether- vvlseT that they disliked the picture very much. Some of them asked Llcaner hew she could have such nn absurd thing there. Most of them, It Is true, thought this was net kind. Hut even of this set 'there were but tew who had sense enough and seir control enough te sny nothing, llnd It lieen nn uglv figure en the paper hanging, I de net think they would have xiken of 1U Had the room Issju Inconveniently low, t de net think many or these people would have said, " Hew low this celling is 1" Hut mistaken etiquette hasceinn in, and pcople think they must sxik or pictures as von must Mnuk r the weather, of the election, of health and of the opera. Se was it that even Judicious hm hm ple asked ir it were painted In Munich, or thev were reminded bv It or a picture they Imil seen In Antwern. or thev said the sub- leei nan net isen eueii innueu, or wmi n bad. The most curcfutlr trained erthls class .ld It was " verv Instructive." Other some Mid that It must "have taken a great deal et pains Mild studv. And niv lxr w ifc u the various nice ix'ople or the town nnd the neighborhood called uxm her eauiote know knew all the posslble changes or these judicious remark, as von knew the changes en the nearest kind or bells, she Mid shoeeuld tell what thev were pdtig te say before they opened their mouths. The second class was larger. It was the Ixxlv or people, quite unlnstructed In fine art, "who wonted te be Instructed, wanted te think right, and wanted te say right, ir they could enlv find out what right was. ell, I have a right te sav that theie was nelxxly In Netherstoue whiwe opinion en such matters was regarded mere highly than mine. I had shown niv photographs at the " Lend a Hand Club" oiie whiter. I was president of the Heading Club, and we hid read Mrs. Janus son, and all the people w hoeeuhl had brought pictures. Se long as there weie art unions, the Isxik store men always sent the art union agents first or all te me. Indeed.it anvlxxlv in that neighborhood knew what was geed in art, I did. Class niniilsT tvv e consisted of ixxiple wins et themselves, would have detested the picture, but see ing it in niv house, knew they ought te like it. Thev made horrible attempts te like it. "Hew very natural that pig's tail Is!" "Hew red the sunset is! "See hew angrv his face is!" "It is se In teresting te see the costume ! 1 nev er under stood before nlxiut the ee.it of many colors : and se en. Thev would keep my jswr wife standing before "the alwminatlen all through the wedding call. When I came home ireiii the oulee slie vv euld Is) dead from fatigue, and v hen 1 seethed her, and asked the reason, she would sigh out, "Oil, it was the Prodigals again." inauesi ei an, vci i eumu i si.i en, disagreeably et nil, the three classes of visitors were tluife who abused it up and down. Smallest Ixvause, as I have hinted, it required courage in inv house te sav that one of my pictures was heix.-lessly Kid, and had no redeeming js'int in it. Hut this the thoroughly disagreeable jxxiple or our ac quaintance, the people we least liked, some times had courage enough te siv, or what Mr. Wan calls "cusednev" enough. These ix'ople, thcrerere, were the only tenp!e et all who made wedding calls en us in the month after our return who slid what we ourselves said te each ether. Yet such is the per versity et human nature that we were net pleased when they did say h j for they seemed te saj- it bocatise they thought it would please u When we assented mode rately, they were net satisfied with such as sent." Thev required stronger language or none. Hut who would, who could, gratify such cvniisil and hateful w retches T Were we te give up dear, kind Aunt Careline te their gossip and brutal jeers ? Ne, indeed ! The unfriendly criticism was as bad as the friendly. " It is all horrid, ix-rfectly horrid !" This was inv wife's exclamation te me uliuest ev erv dav. "Yet Aiint Careline looked in en as herself se etien anil se kiiiuiv max is was mipossieiu te c-.irrv the dreadful' thing te the attic, te the cellar," or te the furnace. And when she came without saving much about her own present she still brooded ever it with an eve se loving and tender, her w hole great heart went out (oil with such delight, that rer the moment my peer Kleaner would be rewarded for the struggle she had made. New she was glad she had net dashed atth.it little pig with her scissors te cut out his " natural tail ;" new she was glad she had net brought " Morning Sun Stevo Polish" from the kitchen te rub it ever the Toce of the butcher w he killed the latted cnlr. Se much occasional reward had she for a moment ns the recompense for days of w retchediiess. Conttiiueil'le-inorrow J avuciAT. Aert';.s. 1'iiTSict.vvs prescribe Guillen's I.liiutil IU-ef Tonic fur the weak, worn, and dyspeptic Tukr another I- 1UckIA A IUd llreiilh Is liisiiiTeruble. We don't like It. A person with n strong breath must net m.ike hlm-elf verv fa lulllar with us. An Impure breath Is caused by an unhealthy Htemuch. Jlurtlerk Utoeit Jlitter will correct this evil. '1 hey are the host uteinach medicine known Fer sale by II. It. lechrun, druguM, lJTaiu! 13a .North ljueen street, I-sncua-ter, 1M. THIX PEOPLE. " Wells' Health Itenewer" restores health nnd vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotency, Sexual Ie bllity II. (!) IIUCKLEN'S) AKMCA bALVE. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, bruises. Seres, Ulcers, Salt Itheum, Kcicr sores. Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Plies, or no pny required. It Is guunuitecd te glv e perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. ForwdebyH 11 Cochran, druggist, .Nes. 137 and 1JU North CJ ueen street, Iaiucaster, Pa. Deji't trlde with threat und lung utrectleus. Take Hide's Heney of Horehennd uud Tur Pike's Toothache Hiups cure in ene uitnute. f2-lwdeelAw " HOUGH ,OX COUGHS," Ask for " Iteugh en Coughs," for Coughs. Colds, Sore Thre.it, Herscness. Trechtss, 15c, Liquid, iVc. (i) A GIIKAT DIsCOVEItl. Mr. Win. Themas, of Newton. In., pajs " Ij' w ifu hus been seriously infected w tthn cough for twenty-live j eurs, and this spring mere severely than ev er before, she had used tunny remedies without relief, nnd being urged te try Dr. King's New Discovery, did se, with most gratifying re sults. The tlrst bottle relieved her very much, und Ihe second has absolutely cured her. she has net hud se geed heulthfer thirty years Ttlul bottles fice at Cochran's drug Htere, Xes. 137 und Ilia North Queen street, Ijmcister, 1M. Large size, 11.00. (i!) MOTH MIS, If jeu lire falling : biekcn, worn and nervous, Use "Wells' Health lienewer," 1. Drug gists. (J) ....1...., ..., ..- vailing dlseider. E. W. Warner, va Hudseii l . iiiH:iibli. VVhat One Diimi Did. S h Graves, of Akren, N V., had Asthma of the worst kind. Toek one dose of Themat' t:c Irctrle OK nnd wns relieved In live minutes He udds ' Would wulk ten miles fur this medicine nnd payVa bottle for it It cured my wife of rneumuiisiu line magic, ter sain ny II, II, I'echnin, druggist. 1J7 und 1J3 North Queen street, I, Luiicnsier, l'n. l.l.T TII1SE THINGS HH CONSIDEItED. Thousands of men die every day w he could be MiTcd. Prejudice Is mainly te hlame for this lensnrilfe. If It were believed thut the sum of dleuu imiy certainly be 1 educed by physic, much would be gained. And et the piopesltlon Is very simple) IfyeutuLu out dally mere Im purities thau Is dully generated, you will seen be rid of Impurities. The effect of this wlse practice 1 seen seen In bilious, Liver nnd Kid ney troubles. Hut It is equally et value In head und brain atfectlens j In Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Apoplexy and Paralysis, In chronic and ucute ltheuinutlsm, uud lu ull nnVctlonsef thobewuls, this prluclplu seen re lieve und cures, when the medicine used Is IilUKDIIITU'S 1'ILLS. Yes, when ull ether means uud medicine huve lulled le rcllevs from pulu, these pills have ruled, by taking Impurities from the bowels und blmid, and theusuuds of men nnd women new place IIiiaxpiuctu's Pills among the blessings of mankind. VOUXO Jl EN 1-ltKA 1) TIlTs. " Tin Voltaic Hklt Ce., of Marshall, Mich., elTer te send their celchmted Elkctiui-Voltaie IUlt und ether Klxctbie Aitlum-kseu trlul for thirty day. te men (old or veuiig)ullllcted with nervous debility, less of vitality and manhood, nnd ull klnilnd tinuhles. Alse for ihuiiiuuttsm. neural, gla, juiraljsls, uud iiuny ether kindred discuses. Complete, restoration le health, vigor and Hum heed guaranteed. Nn risk Is Inclined us thirty days trial Is ullewed. Write them nt ence for Illustrated pumphletfrce. dct-JO-lyd.tw Satisfaction Vultvrsnl. " In the pint three months I have sold ene hundred und six bottles of 7ivmni' Jicleclrie Uil. I never suvrn medicine In my Hte thutgnvu such universal sutlsiiictlnu. Cured an ulcerated threut for me In tvv euty.feur hours never rail ed te relieve my children or croup." O, It, Hull, Druggist. Gnij vllle. 111. Fer sale by II. Ii. Cocb Cecb nm, druggist, 137 und IR North Queen street, Luiicester, l'n. A 4tlil 1-1 r II 11 lid It II I if)irl it ulilnh t t mib In at autumn developed Inte a difficulty decidedly cutnnbiit In nil Its chnr.icterlstics, threatening u return of my old chronic inaludy, cntarrh. One bettle of Ely's Cream IS dm completely erudl- .. .1 ....n.... .,..,.., i, ( rf .,..1. .,..1...., ..n., .. r. .iiirrii. ff in inciuy ji-ui, wits 11 suiiiiur fnim catarrh of the head uud threat, lly a few until Icutieits of Ely's (.'ream llalm I received de cided benefit was cured tiy one imttle. char lotte Parker, Waverly. S V Jil-Jwdeed.tw- Mf.llWAh' "HON HlTTF.ltH. jinn ii n nnn !' ii mm turn tm w vr wiu i r r w w iv t m sr r nnn e C) VVWVVVT NNN II 11 O O WVT WW N N si nu vt w n nn "as it nnn x) n ii ii ii e ii il K OO N NN tiiui ii t i Kit nun kSss- Sit jlllll "ASH. K jl U ,, 2 ii ii i i "HI I T T I II II T T hllll 11 T T ThUiiHstlclniMsmililidtiglrenwItli piinvig,v tnlile tenlrs, quickly mid isiiiqilcti'ly CIMtr.S HVSl'KfstA, INlVIIIKsslON, r.LAUIA, wkakm;ss. imi'I'iik nuien, chills ami VK Kllnml VKI'U.M.IIIA. lly rstil mid IIioieiikIi lustnittiitleii lth the Mixsl It renclies every part of the system, puri nes nnd cnrlclie the litisst, tirngtluiiis tlie muscles ami nerves, nml tones anil lnvlKimiles the sv stein ..... A line Avpetlier ltesl tonle known. It will euro tlie worst cenn of tlyspepsl'i, vk uievtiiKnll distressing symptoms, nuch " Tiwt- nig me r iHsi, ixMcniuK, ncui in ine Pieinitcn, llenrtbiini, etc. The only Iren luciltclne that will net blacken urtnluiv the teeth. It fslnviiliuitite fordtseiwespeciilliirtewonicn, nnd te nil persons i he lead neilentnry Hies. An iiufnlllng leinedy for tltnenses of the l.trur nml Kidneys. Persons minVrttiK from the viTect of ev er erk, nervous troubles, toss of appetite, or debility, experlenie quick relief imd ieneel energy tiy Its ui'. 11 does net ciiine llemlsche or produce, Coiintl Ceiintl Coiintl pstleii OTIIKK Iren medicine de. It Is theenly lirepsrtitlim of lnm 1hnt causes no tnJiirleiiR elTecls. l'bystctsiis und druggists ivisimmend it ns the best. Try It. The genuine has Tnule JtnrK njul pressed iim! Hue en wrapper Tnke no ether. Miuloenly tiy UltOW.V CHEMlf VI. CO.. IULTIMURS, .Wl. septJi-lydAtyw UKV HUdDS. E TlXTltAOHDINAKY HA1UJAINS AT THE- NEW YORK S lOWHITE BLANKETS, II Oil A P UK ltEDUCEl) I'lttlM II Z 10-4 WHITE BLANKETS, 11.75 I'M II HLHl( I.DKItO.M r.'SO. 10-4 SILVER GREY BLANKETS, KW A PAIlt IIKHl'l El) EHOM fl 75. 10-4 ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, W..VA PAll! . . HElirCEIJ rilOM 14 W) 11-4 EXTRA HEAVY BLANKETS t-1 75 A PAIlt ..IIEIU'l ED ritOM l-Vel SPECIAL CLhAKlXG s.vLEOF Ladies' and Children's Coats and Cloaks T HALF fsfAL I'ltlCE WATT, SHAND & 60., 8 and 10 East King Street, y J. MAUTIS cV CO. CARPETS AND- WALL PAPERS! SPECIAL ! New Invoices Te-Day : an i'IECEs Tapestry at 50e., Last Season, 75e. .VI PIECE'S Bedy BniseelB, 81, Last Soeibeii, 81.25. THE AIIOVE CARPETS AUK ALL NEW, Just ItccclvliiK thvui TcMlny, nml they 'arc the Chcupsit Line of Geed Ever shown, llir.V.'AHE NOT REMNANTS, And urc In Ilci?uhir Piccis,, Xw Puttcrnsund Excellent (Jiiidlty. WALL PAPERS! SPECIAL I'ATTKUVSIN Bronzes, Flats & Blanks, ALL AT LOW I'illCES. -IlATES FOK HAXGI.VO weiu nevertu low. New is the time lelmvi; veur nurkduue. Cor. West King ami Prince St?., LANCASTEII. PA. fVJtSlTVUK. VyALTKIt A. IIIUNITSH. NO. 28. NO. q8. Special for Spring, 1885, MV STOCK OF FURNITURE Fer (he Spring Trade, 18 EQUAL TO ANY IX THE CTTV, AND AT I'ltlCES THAT CANNOT HE UNDEH80LU. ALL UOODS QUAHANTEED, WALTER A. HEMTSH, Ne. 28 East King Street. LANCASTEII, I'A. diH-O-Cnid "WIS l'ArHIt IS I'KINTEU W1TU J. K. WFIIGHT & CO.'S INK, Fairmeuut Ink Works, 2Gth and l'eun'a. Avenue Jan6-lya l'HILADELl'HIA, I'A. TO . J. B. Martin Ce., .llf.'miMI. T"- OOK Fen Yen'SKLF.-HI'.WAHKOF J slen-nrtliiK Imltmlonsef IUnens Cspclim Plasters. Werd C'liprlmi cut In Ihe neiiiilne. O1' TIUUHA. CUTICURA. M". Nmltli' C'4in nnd Wlml Ihn Itei. Sir. Mc Klnslry Mils In Niy AImiiiI II, TeTiiKPfiu.ic I hiwuticc'n ii fc.irfnl Miircivr r.il-ntli'cn vi-iiin, most of I he (Inn, H, m luis heen cnttcd Ectciiiu or Mtt IIIiuiiiii, PmiiI.isIs nnd Lcpiii. uud thn like, nnd huve uln heen told thut there, wns nn cure rer me, uud hnve lieen Midlsctniniucd Ihnl hint in neon illr in Hie. t hnve heen he Imdlv nllllcled simii'tlmi's llml them virus net Ihe miinltcst spot riiuu tlie ciiinn efiuy hcud tnthe wile nf my i, timl vi ns net diseased nnd ns red us crimson, It ieutd cemmeucii III siiuill while smis, m Idrh hud n ItveryiipiMMimuce, hut wetii net deei, Imi l I Attempted tnhent them, or neon utter ttielr tli-Hl iippenmuec, they neiilil liiirn und lull tenether until there Mils u complete ill v . nil sente, which weulil tiiinue Kiiliithimeil us teeiiick und leek fiery nnd iiiikiv, nnd the liurnlliK m'iis.iIIei) would he uliuest lutetcnilile Iwilsut tlmeKO hlluu th.ll 1 could hciiivcIv Kct nliiiul, uud could net drcs liijsclf wlllimi't iLsslstniici1. t huve tiled 11111113 li'inrdleii, nnd hive mld 111" lu n uluirle lustunce te 11 ih) slclnn hut hnve ever nhtnlncd enl tetiipertiiy ivllef. Altheiiith hrliHHl for n time, I ihiii ii'lnpsed nKiiln tuhe iisfiudl livudili-it hs ever,nud durlu-r tlie wlnteref tl uud It.! I milleied mi lunch n te lie entlivlv dlsceumucd Ijist .lime, I us ndvlsiiltiv Elder nnd Vli .. ( McKlnstry, who nie viell kuenii lu these leuleus te try vvur I itki'bv ItKMriu-iH 1 nnd I felt ouiehen 11 little ceiiniKe, fnim their fuvemhle opinion of tht-m, te try their virtue. Atieut the seinuit week id .Inly lust I eemmeiired tukluK Ihe leiuedles, nnd w tthlu six wccki 1 tiejtuu tni.ee 11 iMiuiineut tin pi-nrement, until lien (Oct. I) I 11111 iiheiit us Itisxl n new nnd mv llcsli Is ns the llesh or u child. Hits III.N.I. smith t ccitiry thut the ntMive Miitcmcut of my vilfe Is correct, nud 1 Jein w Ith her In expressing mv Knitltude rer the Krcut heuellt he hus reeelv ed. II. "Ml 111 I ccrtlfv that the nlnive statement Is ceriect Mr. Mn I th Is n prominent mini In this -eiuiuuul tv, where he lives. He Inn well kuenit denier In ntiH'k.iiud his atiitemeut, vt ith th.it et hlsnltt. Is fully eutltlid te credit Kone ut .stnnstend, I'nivlure of (Jiichee, tills twentv nev tilth 1l.1v nl Ucteler, nJ I. ( McMNsTllt. .lluU(er vftftf (iespet I ATEii 1 hnve seen Mrs. Multli rcceull und believe her te lie thoroughly nnd pcrmuuctitlv cured. 1. f .McKlSeiKV. tirfj .Idrrnf CA. Cen, i. y. .Ve. 17. 11ml .Ve. ikwiet, Sept. ;i. lss Cnicl'Ki ltK-teLVKit, the new hloed puilllei uud CrricntA, nnd ("nictitA miac, the iviit kln cures, und heuutltlem, lire mfd et ery'where Prices- Clticiha,!ii Mur, 2Sccnt ; llitiiOLV ir, Jl.m 1'CTtKK Until ASU ClIEMHAt CO, IUmTOI CATARRH. IHEGItr.VT IIVLsAMIC lllril.I. 1 ION OF VV ITl II HA7K.U AMEItll AN PIMM A N AIH VN Flit. M VKII.Ol.II, (. LO V LU lll.Oss)). Etc l idled SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, Fer the liuinedliiteltitlcf nnd Perinnnent t lire of every foiiuef liiturrh. Iretn u simple Celd In thuHcudte Iaii of Mnell, Taste iind lleiirtmi. Cuuizh nnd Cutnrrhul ( ensuniptlnn C'mnplete tretitmcnt, itinsltlniK of one bettle Itiidlcnl Cure, one he Cntuirtud .solvent nml ene Iiu proved Inhider, tn one ivieknite, tnuv new be hud et nil driii(WU for (l.m. Ask for "-A.treiili'-i ItAtllCALClBC. Complete Treilttitnt with Inhaler, Sl.00 ' The only absolute ppecllle we knew of " .lffil JUiiifi. ' The best we hnve leund In u life time of n uuc rin ."!. r, Wipgini. Ilotten. ' Afleru leni; struck'le with Cutnrrh the Kaiii cal Cms tins cenQiiered."?cr S IF. Monre. Lrirttburgh, Jt. "I huve net found u cn.se th.it It did net lelteve ut once," .Imfretc l.rr. Man ehttler, Matt. 1'OTTin Unco AxnCuitviicAL C'a, Ilo-iten. COLLINb' VOLTAIC LLECTU1C l'LASTLUs Fur the relief und pretentien, the Instant It is tippllcd, of ItheuiuHllsiu. Neiindt;I.i, .sclutlcn, Ceuuns, (olds. Wcuk Hack-. Menimh und Hew -els. .-hisillllf.' I'UtllK, .Suuiblless, II v-UTlil. Fc mnle Putns, Pulpltittlen, 1sihisIu. 'Liver Coin plaint, Unions lever, Mnlnrl.'i nud Epidemics, u.e lellimi' Plusten, (1111 Electric Pluster coin blued with n Poreuti Plaster) it ml luimhiit pnlu iV evcryw heiv feld-VV s.lt w c inn.vT INDIAN Air.mcLNi:, KA-TON-KA. THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE -FOIt TIIK- ULOOI), L1VEH, hlDNEVS AMI ST051ACH. It U Mud" by the Indians. I'sed by tlie Indians bold tiy the Indians. it is Finely Vegetable. It eiirt'ly cuies ull dl.cni.es of the si,,,,,,:,.),, Liver, l!e N nnd llloetl. It Is ulmimt ciicclllu for ull forms of Ulieuinatlsm. It nil) cure dls eae ben nil ether remedies hav e talli-tl. Uln'c Uln'c liens ure plainly pilnted en ever) bettle. All tribes of Indians h-ive their medicines, but KA-TON-KA Is 11 remedy of the Pacific Coast, und is ued by ull. It Is ceiiiKcd of roots, heibs uud lurks BHthered uud prepared by the. IV.HI.M M'ltl.SC. INIIIAXSOF OHKGON. And In fnvenibly known nnd used lu nil parts of the world. The nick or ulllnir should net delay Hh use. It will prevent us well us cum d I sense. Its price Is one dollar per Imttle, or px bottles for live dollars. Ask for It und pen thut jim itet It. It Is for wile, by ull OruirclstH, nnd by the OUEUO.V INDIAN JIEHICF.E COMPANY. Cerry, I'iu Medoc Indian Oil, THE (.HEATEST PAIN )IEIIICINF, ON F.AItTII. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN OIL Is ccitulii te euitt Tooth Teeth fichu In ene minute, Ilcudachu lu tlve minutes, Earache In ten minutes, Nile Threat In eui;nli;ht, NeurulKln In three te hveuiliiiiten. MODOC INDIAN OILUiiscdliiteninHyunnell niexternully. Every family should huv en bot tle within much. II It) it doctor In the heuse. Fer wile by nil DruirKUU. Price Sic. perbettlc. Lartre nlze bettlcn, W. lNDlANCOUO&VUUl Ik a prompt pecllle for Coughs, Colds und Limit ilUnn, UK: per bottle. Ku-ten-ku, Medoc Indian Oil nud Indian CeiiKh Syrup for mile helcsale nml retail) ut Cochran's I)ni(t htere, Ncm. 137 und VSi North Queen street, Lunuwter, I'm. iii3-lj-dWAS-AW TT-IDNEY-vVOHT. DOES WONDEltFU'LClUEbOF KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER COMPLAINTS. HccuuMtltHctHiiu the LIVEIt, DOWELS and KIHNKYh ut the SAME TIME. UecniiKO It cteunscs thnyi.tciunrtbupolsennUH humem that dovelepn In Kidney nud Urinary Discuses, lllllleininess, .launilke, Constliiatleu, Piles, erln Itheuiuutiniii, .Vuralula, Nervous lib. urdeni und ull Fciuulu Complaints. -SOLIDPKOOF OFTHIS.-ia It will Surely Cum CONSTIPATION, PILES nnd HHEU3IATLSM by ctiusliiff FItKE ACTION or nil the ergutiH und functions thereby. OLEANSING THE BLOOD. IleateitiiK the iiemiul pencr le tlireiv eir dis ease. THOUbANDS OF CASEh Of the werxt forms of these terrible dlscunc's have been quickly lellcvcd, uud In a nlieit time rKKFECTLYCUHED. Price, 1. Llnuld or Dry. held by dniL'Klstn. Dry cun be xeni by mall. WELLS, HIC'HAUDsON A CO., lliirlluitluii, Vt. Send slump for Dairy Aliiianae of lMvl. KIDNEYWORT. Jauat .1mdoeilA.ini w fl.VTAl.KU. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUUES COLD IN HEAD, CATAKItll, HOSE COLD, HAV I'KVEU, DEAFNESS, HEADACHE. Eu8y te use. l'ii'jet inc. Ely Hiu'd., Ostieye, N, V U, S..V. HAY. FEVER. ELY'S C1SKAM HALM Cleanses the Head, Alluya Intlnmmutleii, Heal the boles, HeateieH the hetuieii of Tnstn nnd Smell. A quick und posltlve cure. Wi cenU nt liriiKKtuls. nucenta by nmll, n-uUtcrcd. eml for clivular, Smnple by mall, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, JiS-oedAw Urui;k'lt.0weiie, N,Y. sf -if. - ct.urm.Mi. T KiHMAIilNfl. tl GREAT SLAUGHTER -IN- FINE OVERCOATS. We Hirer te diiy 11 reduction nf Mii! per rent, lielen lust iiieulh'n prlis'M. Cnunblu'ti celchmted uud pepiitur Oveice-illiiKH, Till: I IKS I' IN THE WOULD, III nil the ilUTctcnt slmdis nud sit lis. Ely. lulls, Fiilv, Veleui-H. li'iilins, l.nlliipehi. Iiu thins, Vliuit.iiiiik h. V-lnii'lmns, etc F A It, Ed redens, ( cuiliies, IMUli'l's uud I'ntclit lleiiTein, Itejnl llish Filete, (Inn vettcti, I'rli'lulmins, .Vli liens unit hetsejn. 'Ihese ttisxls cnmiuly b hud til leutllUK houses lu lurKu cities, mid rniiRii In pilie (rein fVl te llim. We me sellluu II11111 liiimftitiiF'i. A roll Hue of Hementle lubitcii, ruiiKtuK In prlies trem (I'ltefm. SUITINGS OF I'.VKIIV HETItlPllOV T PIlll'ES COU Itl.SPOMUMlLY LOW. All colerisiiM, subjected ten theMuith cheiul eul test. Our welk Is of tlie bent uud blithest ttvle nf urt. Our lenu evperlcnce lu IiiisIih'm nnd elesn lil.pi'illiin eiuitiles u te be lheiiuii;hlv fiiudll.ir with nil I tin best iiuinutitcttiic nml Intest stiles In the inurket. (hc us it tilil unit le cenv lucid, -AT- Ne. 3 Went Klnir Streot nml Contre Squnre. Snialing's Tailors Guild. iu.irl9lvM.tH ir.t 1.1. I'.ti'V.it. pll VKl'-S W. l-'KY. 100 Dade Window Shades IS A AlltK.Tl or IKSI(NH Wlilch lmc iH'fn neciuiMiIiitlri the vnt Mnmm, we U1 tIoe out from ' te umiU nplrt-c AiiHtiiK thrm ntv mtim prvtty jnttcm- IiiKelit thixuj;hnii nUnk it m CURTAIN POLES We tlud n i;imh1 many nthW nud ends, one, tvtu uud three of a kind. Some uiv Mitliiut, porno Ebenv nnd some llrtiss Ti1uuui,tl. These iiienll umiilett nnd Ihe price from 4V In ID cents uiilece. OiirCOMIIINATlOS COltMl E In KlMinyuud Walnut ut (I nl 11 plete, Is u Inn itln. uducetl Ireiu lij". NEW LINES Or Dade Window Shades Feil spttlM; Plain ( olers and Widths for all stvlent wln wln dettH, Tin uud Woetl Spllli;r Uellel, Mjltuiits, llelliinds.Ltucii Frluite Mckel l'ull. Hinds, ctc Wc take measures and de shitde terk eleverv deserlitieu III Unit class iniinui r Order our Puk r IbtttKiui; done new l'lttes were never ke low nnd III j;e tilKhi r.; PHAEESW. PRY, Ne. 07 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LAN( ASTEK, I'A j.i r.v;( r. pi i:ati:ks ok rciiNAri-s. M BEST STEAM ENGINE -AND- Beiler Works. HESTERS OK FURNACES roil l'rirnte IhrrlliiiKS, ScIhmiIs tint rub He lliiihliiigs. Cull and ee them. Mndtief heuvy lien, tdut pin of construction, diimble, economical, Ihu inett HadlatliiK biirftire of any Heater lu the market. Nothing Cheap But the Price I OUR OWN PATENT. -Hnvlni; iM'en In use lu iiiiiny of the huttcii residences. in Lnucnsterln the pint ten vearat the best of uvldenca of Its merits J Addlens, Jehn Best & Sen, Ne. 33 KAST FULTON STHFH, lanlS-lydA" LANCASTI.lt, PA. HAVINd DISSOIiVKI) PAKTMUtSIIU und peniiuneiitly chn.cd the Chcntnut btreet Iren Welks, I destiu te luferiu my old nutrenx und thopublle Kcnendly, thut lnm kIIU In the business, buluilecuted lu the Peiin lnm Cempany'H Werk's, North Plum stieet, vt hern I urn luHkliiK Iren uud Itniss C'astlncs of every do de do scrlptlen, uud will be plcuncd te nerve ull who imiy favor me with their pat rouuite. Fiem 4 yeuiMiixperluuculu the business uud imlni; the host mutt-rlul und employing t he bchtmechuulcH, I uin sutlsllcd IcnngiiumnteeentiioKittlsruetlen. CUHttiiRHiiuidoliemninlxtuioof litm uud htcel which me moie relluble for bIii'IIkIIi nudduiu blllty than the best cunt lien known. V teeth roll plnlenn, 1 oils unit milium mill work n tpco tpce laity. CnstlnKi miide or vcryDoftlreii.uiidbnuiii caslliiKu of cvury dcHcriplleu. I havu ull the imt terns of the well und favorably known Mewier Cern und Cob Crusher, refitted uud liupieted. also nn hanil. 31111s ceiupletely llltetl up or In pints, te replace old ones whlch.hnvubeeiiu usu for years, giiai-antculiiL'thuiiitiiitlvii sal Isfacl Ien. ,, , U. C. JICCULLEV. aucll-Cmd tr.vNTr.n T V "(iUEENPl VNTIin TiADY A(ll!NT.st I'lill " OUEEN PUOTEOTOII." iluisv .i,.,,!.!,,.. nt.A ..Irlr. .iit,tri..n. 1. ....!.(..., .. . """ ....u en.. . r..,j..,..vn, piiiiiiiui'i Ullll-CH, IIUSUCH. besom forms, dicss Bhlelds, gjifety beltu, ulccvii pmlcctera. etc, ; entirely new duvlccn, unprece. dented pi-ulltH j wohuveftio nRciita inukiiiKllne monthly, Addicss wltliKlump. E. II. CAMPIIELl, A CO.. JnnlMinced Ne. II S. Jlny bt., Clilciige. GUAY'H HPKCIITU MKOIUINK. Tbe Urcut EnullKh Hemedy. An unfallinir cuie for ImiKitciiey und all DIscu.ch ihut fellow Leus of Memery, universal I-uwdtude Puln lu the Hack, lllniili'M) of Vision, Preiii-ituiu Old Age, und many ether diseases tlmt lead te lu lu lu HuiiltyorCeiiaiimptlouniidn PiemutuiuUruvu, r till partluiilan in our puuiihlet, which we do de h rote.ciid frceby luulltoevcryeuo. ThNSpe. cltlumcdlctneln keld by all diuifKlHlsat i,er tiuckuo,eriilxpuckKei)for i or will IiemiiI Iree by mail en receipt of the money, by ud dressing the agent, . i- COCJIKAN, Druirglet. Sole Aiteut, NH.137and IS) North lut.cu ti-cet. Lancustcr, -sVn..,l?Pounte cemttcifeltfl, we have adopted Ine i ellew Wrapper 1 tha only Runulne. XllB OllAV JIEDTC1NE CO., iluffiUtf, X, X, '