i?'fe"S F-SJV "1 - ' 1.1. '. ,, r, . J 1. t t v v TITE LAyQASTEK "DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21885. , ft- tef f cr p fl-l -T. vv BS? ft 5V J ! p r rs. .." ' :v ki k-iSJ' 'ifis Kg Pi TIE DAILY INTELLIGENCER ittMUSHCD &VERY EVENING IN THE YEAR rfc , I mm 1 YV V 8TEINMAN & HENSEU INTELLIOENOER BUILDING 8. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE. ' Lancaster Pa." y Tn. W? 0-MLY-TEN cents a week, five dollars a , TEAM. OR riFTY CENTS A MONTH. TOSTAUtmEfc. ADVERTISEMENTS MOM TEN te nrrv CENTS ' LINE. (XWECkLV INTELLIGENCER, SX.. trmuv Blnpa 1 rfj PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNINO. r, tf Twe Deuam Yr is Aevanci. K'bunncarunucnbc eslicited phum evemt iV w PART OF THE STATE AND COUNTRY. CORRC- L A-- 8PONDENT8 ARE REQUESTED TO WRITE LEGIBLY $ tfr AND ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY' AND TO v ft? ainuf-une uiura uyr me ptmi iCATinM. RUT i"j f IN PROOF OF GOOD FAITH. ALL ANONYMOLS B LETTERS WILL BE CONSIGNED TO THE.WAS7L BASKET. tlU. ' ADDRESS ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO bi ' mTTTn ruTm-niT t TrawvriWD tJ IQD XAH ililJJJJlVJiJllVyilliV, Lancaster, pa. EI)c Lancaster intelligencer. LANCASTEU, FERRUAUY 2, 1SSS. Bad Advice 'et Taken. The New Yerk Herald, which supttoiteil 3Ir. Cleveland in tlie lata campaign, and pretends te desire that lib administration should be creditable and successful, Insists angrily and unreasonably upon him taking its bad advlce in undertaking te influence and direct the legislation eC the present ex ring Congress, which has but one month jet te serve. The Herald idea seems te Iks that, the president-elect ought te make known his wishes forthwith te the mem bers eHiis party in Congress and by prom prem ises and threats compel them te carry out bis ideas. It would hardly be believed that any siti siti cere friend of Mr. Cleveland, or even that any Journal of respectable standing would Insist upon such a mistaken and imprecr policy by an executive-elect ; except that the Herald has bluntly and unmistakably expressed this view'. In support of it it snvs that " when Mr. Tilden, in 1S7G, believ ing himself elected, as he undoubtedly was, believed also that he would be seated in the presidency, he did net hesitate a moment te send word te "Washington that he ex pected certain things te be done, and cer tain thinks net te be done; and he did net fail te add, in one instance, that whoever in either Heuo went contrary te what in his (Mr. Tildcn's) opinion was right need never call upon him in the "White Heuse ;" 'and the Herald add that " Mr. Cleveland cannot de better than fellow that geed Jacksen example" Despite the IlcraWs positive declaration of what it alleges te be an historical fact, we doubt very much if Mr. Tililcn ev er did any such thing as is alleged of him. If he did, the Democratic presidcntithat is te be could net well de worse than,1 te fellow bis example. Te begin with, the term for which Mr. Cleveland is elected, logins just when the term of the present Congress ends ; its members w ere chosen w hen it is very certain that the thought of him fur president had net entered his mind nor, probably, into tliat of any ether person. It would, in view of this, be the height of im propriety in the incoming president te bring te bear in the way indicated his in fluence upon the outgoing Congress. Mr. Cleveland is net in any way respon sible for the issues which luve occupied the present Congress, by the disposal of which itseeni3 te be embarrassed and most of which it bids fair te leave as a legacy te his administration. He may have te meet them and treat of them in his mes sage, with his cabinet and in his relations with the next Congress; but, manifestly, there is no call upon him te grapple with them until he is established in his new rela tions and Is fully equipped for them. The Xicaraguan treaty, for instance, about which the IferaUland its "Washington correspondent are most solicitous and im portunate, is essentially a policy of the present admlnistration.anditsstate depart ment mere especially. The public have heard and thought little about it hereto fore ; comparatively few congressmen have given consideration te it, or have any well considered or itesitive views concerning it ; it would be venturing little te sav that Mr. Cleveland, himself, diligently occupied with subjects of mera immediate concern, has no such decided opinions en the Xicar a?uan treaty as would justify him in bull dozing congressmen into suj p )rt of or oppo sition te it if such indecent coercion as the Herald suggests could by any circum stances be tolcrable in the chief executive of the government and the chosen head of a party. Net te speak of the flagrant impropriety of a president net jet inaugurated mterfer mterfer feringse violently witli the work of Con gress; nor of the delicate portion which any executive would occupy in thus med dling with legislation, the course indicated by the Herald would necessarily create party dissension and dissatisfaction at the very outset of an administration, the con cen con spicueus object of which no doubt will 0 " peace with honor " in its party. In nene of all his manifestations of strong mind and geed common sense has the president-elect better shown himself possessed of the right qualities for the presidential ofllce than in avoiding the very course te which theJcrW would goad him en. And it ought te have learned by this time that, once having set himself en an appointed way, Gov. Cleveland is net te be swerved from It by such renewal and lcitcratien of "advlce "nsth.it in which the Herald insists upon indulging. A Tempest In a Tca-l'el. There is no reason that we can bee why 1'iereslieuld leany hitch between the law. J era and the county commissioners, or between the commUslentrs and the quar tcr Bessieus clerk, ever the price which the last named functionary should Uiaige for " the blanks necessary for tavern licenses." Neither the commissioners, nor clerk, nor lawjers, have any authority or control ever the matter. It is a puiely voluntary af fair, The clerk of quarter sessions has a right te prepare such blanks, Hke any ether individual, and te charge whatever he can get for them. On the ether hand the attorneys or applicants for license are net bound te use them, any mera than they are required te buy blank deeds, binds or any ether legal blanks from any particular jerbOii. It is a purely private transact'en, like the sale by Mr. ICreider of blank? !u tl,e prothenotary'a efllc?, fa 8 matter of fact the clerk of quarter ieaslenj has in tirees patt inade the private mmw. iu uiatuji u occn:eu for the chargoef outrageous fees, which most of these who dealt with him thought were efllclal charges ; whereas, had they taken occasion te inquire, they would have found that the clinrge was for " blanks," which any attorney could have had printed eranj printer could have furnished in quantities at about Ave cents per set. The impudence and extortion of one of the in cumbents of the office reached high water mark in the transaction epevnl bj the Intellieexckh, when, after selling the blanks and pocketing the proceeds he get the commissioners te paj for them ; and in justification of this imposition en the public it was said that Judge hiving stem luil recommended tliattheceuutj pav the hill, which was no mere its rightte pay than it "would have Ikm n for the clerk's butcher bill te lie paid out of the count v treasury. Since that exposure the wonder has Ktn that any livvjer would continue te let him self or his client lie reblicdbj Iwing charged an outrageous price for blanks which he could have procured elsewhere for, at most one-twentieth of the prlce charged in the court house. But the pntene that the tax is an " official " one, or that the reuntv officers have anj authentv in the matter, has no justification hi law or fact. It seems that the commissioners have en hand about MeO worth of blanks, which tliej bought from the latecleikef quaiter sessions, likely without much regard for w hat they could hav ebcen procured for else wliere. If they persist in asking the at torney's flO cents for what is w 01 Hi about live, the lawjers should let them le stuck en their stock. There is no mere reason why the count j commissioners should set up a shop for blanks than for tinv ether branch of the statienerj busiiRs.-,. liFOAl. blvxk are sold like potatoes , no ene is forced te bnytticiu. Olie the blanks a rest. H VNMnALlI vmi.in thinks he should rite a book. He is probably tempted by (he suc cess that Ins crew nod the ellerts of that ether statesman from M.1I110 w liem the people saw lit te forevor rolegate te private life lat No Ne x ember. Iliithoef the Carth lgeniaii prao prae prao uemen acknowledges no such sordid impulse for his literary aspiration. Hesnvs: "I hae read no political history of my own times in which I could net supply m my deficiencies and inake many corrections." If Ilannllnl should w rile his recollections of ofllee-hold-iiig, It would reach luck te a period whereof the memory of man runneth net te the contrary. AnnnATioNjbr01adteno in this country must increase in the reading of his -Harm trlbute te Washington. - m TilEclassieal mine of Jenes is hav lug a high old time in the United .States Sen Ue. Charles W. Jenes his been rcpres-ntlng the Land of riewcrsiu that august bed for seeral jcars, nud Jehn P. Jenes oscaslenally presents him self Ju the Scnate chamber as the choice of the legislature of the petAet borough of Xo Xe Xo vada.;jew they nre reinforced by James K. Jenes, w he has just been elected by the Dem ocratic legislature of Arkansas. .Senater IJrewn must feel somewhat achieved at this steady advance of Jenes, while llrewn ulin ply holds Its own. Ner can he lne much satisfaction in the reflection tliat there are no Smiths in the Senate, fortheroaro four hun dred Jehn Smiths in the go eminent service. The Smiths, Hreuns and Jenes aie a ery large and imertant constituent of American citizenship. Natitiiale vs, feranew CxpIesii, is do ing fairly well. A Londen statistician lias i-stiiiiatul tliat 1,100 pounds of steel disappear every hour from the track of tliat com pan ' lints, which nre 1,760 miles in length. Applying thosameratio of consumption, the quantity or steel rails required for repliconient en all the reads of this country would Im nbeut 13S,000 tens, but the consumption or rails In 1SS3 In this country was almut 1,400,000 tens of which 0,500 miles of new read rcqulrtd perhaps G.j0,e00 tens leav ing 7W),000 tens for replacements IkUIi of Iren and steel. Dewy in Santiage great wonder is op pressed because u phjsicfan performed an operation that resulted In the curing of two deaf and dumb Indian. The work would be mere marxeleus and cntitle Its discoverer te rank among the famous in the world's his his tery, If he could concoct a scheiue for making people deaf and dumb. Thcre nre a great luanyiicrKauM in this world whose usefulness would be xastly increased if such an opera tion could lie HticrcssniMy performed iqien them. Dvnamitk is forming an emphatically closeulliauco with revolution. PERSONAL. XewlLtGreat llritaln suppress the New Yerk djnamitcrs. flENATOll-KLKOT Stameuii ami w lie, or Calirerni i are uv ew ed spiritualists. Katj: Tiem, baj-H: " A Merman woman Is an animal te replenish the earth ; eul this and nothing mere." l'lter. XlCHOI.VS I'llANC'IS Cl.VRK, u well- known phvsiclun or Chicago, died there of he trt disease, at the au'O of M. Teji Pa ink would Imohten IIS ears of nge, hid he lied until .Sunday, his ad mirers in this country llttinglv honored his memory. I'eiiThitf. lli.ihs, a well-known ritien of Xew- Yerk, died .Sunday In St, Luke's hospital, or which he has been an ininate rer Heme time past, l)n. Jenv IIvi'tist .XlAltciiisi died Sun day in Utir.i. X. Y., at the age or 'W, He w as n natlve or Italy, nud when n young man served In the army or Naiiolceu 1. Ul.N. (il.OUOi; IT. TllOM in' widow rru cehes n pension erf30 per mouth, nud nu cllert Isbclng inade te Increase It te $2,000 iwruiiuiiiii, which Admiral rarragut's widow receives Si.vvtek CieiiM in, el Maryland, tailed en rreshknt-elcU Cleveland, nuuday nt Al bany, and gave him ndeuiiled atceuut or the arrangements undo Ter theinnitgiirnl ce reino reine nlesat VVashlngten, March I. William Hank in, the well known min strel, died in riillndelphl i. en Saturday. He anil his two brothers adopted thohUgeasu IiroressioiiKoicral.xairNiigo. They were sons efJiulgu Knnklu orceliimhus Olila 1)1!. Ai.KVA.Mint 1 Kn.iiM.Mi, who dlul in New Yerk en Saturdaj, left an estatii worth about fAOfie.lOU. He was be.jet.iry or the Singer sewing maihiue ieininv and held seme of the sleck of thatorganlatlen. Olniuiai, Jamls Ciii.s.m't, who was IT. S. Sonater lrem Seuth Carolina at the time of the secession cf that state, nud was alter wards a membei of the Montgomery Con Cen Con cress, died Sunday nt Camden, Seuth Caro lina, u'cd 70 j-ears. An Lin Sin, the rkhest Chinaman in San I ramisce, s en a visit tejx'ww Yerk. He k.ijb:"I think myieuntryinen whocemo te America nre foolish te sotile anj where but in the West. Thcre Is loom enough for nil of them thcre, nud they c-au inake mero money than they can in the Iltst," VlCK I'niMIIILNT'IiM.Or IIlIMMtlCKH jusscd Sunday with Ills sister, .Mrs. Wlnslew S. l'lerce, In Xew Yerk. Xext w eek he w ill go te the Xuw Orleans Hxixwitien with Mrs. Hendricks, and from Xew Orleans will start Ter vv ushlugteii te nttend the inauguration ceremonies. He will nuke VVillard's hotel his home in Washington. WlTrt.uri.i.. I . I.I. ...!. T. huid Savings bank, died Ju Galveston, 'fox., hunilay anorneon. Aller reluniing from a ypa.r " "Jouni In the north, en account of Ills health, he dlscocred from the books of the bank that it had been w rc ked during his abseuce, He said It would kill him and that lie would be dead in two mouths. JIW j..vj.iier suuiiiieu leilie vcrj-itay," A LK'ITKK FROM (ILADSTOXK. tiii: tiuH.i r cuvjiey i.ir.s .uiw iimtie.v eKii.isifi.xdiu.x'.s vn.tu tvTiut. Ill l:lruerillnnr Niilillll) mid I'm II)-- V (11 uuc nt tlie l'litnrr eTIIip 1 iiRllhSriiklnf( llme en llelli sldr of Hit All mile Orrnn. Olsirge W. Mualle.v , tlie Londen corn stu dent of the Xew Yerk Tribune, Hhtcs that Mr. Oliulstone speaking In the reiuputi.v of sevend einlnenl KiiclUluueii net long since divlarcd, "Washington te m.v mind Is the purest llgure In hlsterj ." (iladstene nrter vinnls w rote n letter te Smallcy in w huh he reiterated Ids admiration ler the great rutin r of his Country, at the simc time expressing the 1iek tliat all the Lngllsh sjH-iklni: peele would some day e unltisl Inn common 1hih1 of fratcru il iillis tieu and eeinmercld supnv macj. The substmee of the letter Is here with given : "When I ilrst read in det ill the lifeef Wash ington, I was profoundly impressed with the moral elevation and greitness or his ehirae tcr, and I found myself at n less te mine among the statesmen er.iuv n.re or ceuutrj in my, or pevibly nit, who could lt his rival. In .i Ing this 1 mean no dlsp,irme ment te the class or peliticiansthe men of mv euncnill mid cloth : whom, in mj own laud and nix eviiexericticc, I Inve found no less werthv tlnn irtlur men of love and admira tion. 1 could u nue among them these who seem te me te come near even te him Hut I w ill shut out the list h iircenturj from the comparison. I will then sa that if, iiiueng nil the petlestals supplied lij hiter for ptili 11c characters or extnierdlnirj" uebilitj and puritv. I saw one higher than all the rest. and If I w ere required nt a moment's netke touaine the fittest mx-upnnt for it, I think my choice, nt am time during the 1 ist tortv tertv tortv flVexeirs would have lighteil, ami it would new licht uiHui Washington. Mr llarhaui Ziucke, no Incemiietiiit cal culator, reckons that the Imgllsh-speakmg peopleof the world an hundred M-ars hence willpreblj count a tlieiis.mil millions. Seme rrencli author, whose niime I unfortunately forget, in n recent cstinnte pl.ued tlieiu soniewhat lower ; nt w hat precise tluure I de net recollect, but it is like MX or MX) millions. A century back I suppose the were net much, if at nil, lieml iirtetn millions; 1 nle supjs.e we tnjv new tike them at an hundred. These calculallens ure net se MMenirv as thej nn seem te some , tliei rest tiisin a rather wide Induction, while the lest they can pretend te is rough approximation. l!iit ns I recollect, it was cither Imla, or ene or these w Ith whom the mine el that creature is associated, that computed, n century back, the prebable population or the Americsn Union nt this date; nnd pi iced ltxtr nearly nt the point where it new stands. What n presHxt Is that of xerv m mv hiin- oreilset millions or people, ccrtainlj among the most mauliil and energetic in the world, eccupj Ing ene great continent, I iniy almost si two, and ether islands and territories net easy te ls counted, with these Islands at their head, the most historic In the world. In contact, by n v ast commerce, with all niin klnil. and irhips still united in kindly Hlitlc.il as.sociatien with some mere hun dreds of millions fitted for no mean destinv. United almost abselutelv in bleed and lan guage, and v ery largelv in religion, law s and institutions. If anticiatiens such as these ate te 1k ri-al-i70d in anj considerable deirree, the prespe t is at eneemiestt, inspiring and conselatorx. T lie subject Is roll of meaning, mid of power; et se much nie-auing that the pupil or the eve requires time te lit In sin h a lloed or light." I shall net attempt niter thus sketching it, te expound it It would bens .ib-unl as il a box keeper at a theatre, w hen letting In n jwrti , should attempt te expound the piece. I hope th it seme person liiorecemisiteiit and less engaged thin mjscir will gie this subject the htudj it deserves; taking his stand en the futs or the last centurj, and the iireinise, t alent quantum, et the i-eminir one. cannot but think ns well as hope tint a gixsl understanding, in the luture near ami fir, among Lnglish-speaking peoples, theugli it in ij net be muter of certainty, vet is bo be bo xend the necessity of going a begging, se te speak, ter recommendations lrem anj hull xiduil, earnestly and with my whole heart as I, rer one, should recommend it, Clenrlj" ir the Lnglish spc:iking peoples shall then be no thing like what we have new Ijccii suppeinL', and ir thore sh ill net lioageoil understanding iiinnuir them, there will have been n base ilesortien of nn easj duty a gran riflute, sui h as might stlranether D.inte te deiiotiuce it. a renuiuiatien or the noblest, the most beneficial, the most (icace ful prnnicv ev er presented te the he-art and understanding et man. On the ether hand, great as it would l", it would demand no preiiagand i, no superla tive Ingenuitv of eflert ; it ought te be an erdirly nnd "nitiinil growth, reipilrlinreiilj tint j en should Ijc reasenablj- true anil lej.il te jour traditions and we te ours. Te pun It will need no preterhuman strength or w is (1 em ; te miss it will require seme portui pertui portui teus dcguicraej. 1'vcnwereit a divdream it would le nn improving one, loftier nnd letter than th it whkh premjited the verse. nu per et Garaniaiitas ct Indes I'refint linperliim ; Jactt extra lilcra lellu-, l.xtn amil eellMuu v 1 is, because It implies no strife or bloodshed, nud ih full enlj efthc moral clemciitsefstrength." .i riu:.cJi Ass.issr.YATiuy. The Xlurilrr or n Xlilliiinalrn nml Ills IIeum. Iieltl liy Iteliliprs. During the past week no less than thirty murders have been committed in Paris and the vicinity. Of these the most dramatic took place at the farm of Glolre Dien, the site et the ancient convent ofGeulot de IIiissj-. M. De la ltoehe, n millionaire and retired lavvjer, and tlie present proprie tor or the firm, was murdered by two assas sins vv he also killed his aged mother and a xeung inaid servant, Tlie triple murder being accomplished, the assassins prei ceded te seirch the premlses. They burst open tlie writing (mse anil sale and took nw.iv with them the murdered man's f unilj- iiapers and 300,000 fr.mes worth el ltiiEsian and Hnglish government bends. The assassins lelt the silver plate, or great xalue and seme fi.OuO rraucs untouched. I'ive men have just Ix-en arrested sus. Ie ted of the crime. Oneisuamcd Arnould, a workman and notorious bid charaitci. The ether isn eacher named Ciagnj-. When urrested lxith w ere In a state or gross intoxi cation. It is believed in tlie neighborhood, however, that these two men nre merely hired nssassins. Vltheugh the murdered man had in my relatives he ignerid them all anil was known te liave undo a will bequea thing all te his inother, should she outlive him, anil ueii his mother's death till w.us te gote the joungiliughtherorM. I.ecreux, n sculptor and cellege lemrade. This will was uken bj-the assassins nud the wildest reports are ( urreut in the ucighborheoil ns te the real instigators of tlie tmrible and mjsto mjste mjsto rieus crime. V.iv.ir fllrlV .Viu llli'-. I loin tlie li Unas 'liie Ilii.uici.il troubles at Vn.ss.ii collige halt been the subject et iiiuth surprise and regret. Tlie legret still exists, but the sur prieo lias vanished In the light of recent sta tistics. The s.ul rev elation of the enormous appetites of the students explains the disas trous show ing or the treasurer. Tlie collige consists or 100 teuiale collegians, nnd thej are all hungry. In the last jcar thej-net oulj eulj oulj ute up all the profits, but actually left the lollege flO,000 behind. Tlie public, has an Impression that a Vussar girl Isnn (esthetic, elhere.il creature, mere interested hi the declination or the stars or Greek veibs than in beefsteak and clams Her decllning ends with her studies, hew ever, nnd nt table she refuses nethlnir. Shn is an enormous eaten Last jear the ravenous 300 it's n shanie te glie the figures butlt inustliodeno devoured l.MJJ gallons ofevsters That is ever llve gallons jw girl. The figures for ilamsare net sehtirtliug. During the jeir the college used :iJ,000ilains This Is only 100 a j e-ar foreac h sludeut, but Isn geed show lug when ndded te tliollve gallonsef evsters. Hut It is when the 3(XJuttick iresh meat that thej show what they cm reallj da The j enr's record shows a consumption el ni.ua pounds or M71 pounds for each girl. Great Scott 1 is it nny wonder Ynss.tr girls don't marry? A man owning a cattle raiuh might nllerd te suiqtert n wife, fiem this hungry institution, but most men havo'nelther tliat nor a butcher shop at their disposal. The 300 girls drank during 18jI,W1, 00) quaitsermilk, or 300 quarts apiece, l-'ertiinatcly for the milkmen or PougliUceiisie the Hudsen river w en near nt hand. Up te this point the sta tistiis ure doubtless correct, but the few-le-iiiiiiu,iiig figures given are evidently deroo dereo deroe tlv e. 1 1 is stated that the j-Irl nte during tlie year let pickle. An this is little mero thnn u third of a pkkloiipleeo thore Is npvirently bome mUtake. It should probably read "101 plpkleu jKr day," r.vcn tuts U mnall nllowanee. but' the 500 redeem themselves nuiplj" when npple much ismies in. The figures show- that eaih girl nte ncnrlj two gallons of apple sauce during the j ear. The lira n I j el UN lit rti rem the Hurt font l'it It Isnn Interesting psjclioiegksil fid that stern nnd tntlexlble lurcnts often fill te see these shining qualities in thojeiing gcntlo gcntle mail whom their enlj diuuhters lnpvn te meet. " Uviingeln, nij- dear," sikloue or these shaiKsghted iMrint, ' this jeung genthv. in m 1 saw jolt with ilecsn't mciii te haven great deal of dvnnuiltlc fenv in his brilu." " Oh, pa, he Is tjulv elcirint. lie Is" " Divldcdly the most Insipid It it I've seen for mnnv adiv. He hasn't anv thing In his head." " Xe, ixi, 1 knew he h isn't, but his hwls are n (hkmii, n sv uiphenv . i Uin-arelle " Ills heels T" "Oh, xcs Hi, deal lie is the miwi ilo ile llghlfullv levelvfmev skatci at the rink." What n IiUIIkriiMiisI IrMiin in s.. Judge l.whniue, or Nashxllhs Tciiu.. one or the most distinguished Irishmen or the s.euth, In reference te the ue of din unite in i:nglaudsitd : " A lirgelnnlv of Irishincn in this ceuutrj who de net mix in public meetings nre utterly episised te miking America the hetlxsl of eoiisplricles nnd gatherlm; inenev te feter the periK'tritlonef iriiues which disgrace liummlty. Whether "scniterlalmuiids' bill passes or net. the time will seen conic when, for self preerv itieii. this ceuutrj- w ill trample su h adv ecatcs out of existence. Xe tiitien can llv e nnd shelter or shield the iorpetmters of crimes ag-dnst the civ lliutieii nnd Chrlstiaiiltj of this age efenliuhtennicnt." Talal Anldriit le a 1'eln l'lijt r. Chittenden Kegers, an expert bkvcllst and noted pole plajer, while ingiged at a game of -Milnat the Pioneer Kink, Hlnghaniten, X. Y., en Saturdiv evening, fell with such force that he died, as is supposed, rrein his injuries liclore iiiernuu lie w.is a veiing m in and son ir a retired merchant, and hiiu self n prominent manul irturer or the cltj . .sjm'c.i, .xerfci.x. Allew I . Te sajr TlutOKOOd deal of the sutrvrlns In tht world can be hv uklt l lv rmnhisliiir lr nemas' he leclrir Oil, ami nsiiiK It n per directions tt 1 im ltiiiillltitti cure for all in hr, pralnnndl.liis ler salt' lij It II (.erhniii drursNt, 137 anil 1SJ erth tjuecu tns-t, I mciitir, l'a. SKIS DlsKAshs-sv WNKs 0IXT.VlKr" bwaynr s Ointment cans TWIer, Salt Hheuui UllnivTeriu, Sen . ruiipies i ezciim nu Itihy hruitlens, no mutter hutt nbstinnte or long iftinumy Juiils-MW t A CATAltltltOF Tltt, llLADHEIt stinclnit, lrritntleu Inilaramitlnn, all KUlney nml uriimrj- Complaint, cuml bv " lluchu ratbn." 1 (I) ITCHING 1'tt.hs SV JIl'lOMs MOIsTCKK I.Ike persplritien, lntcn-e Itclilini worse by scnitcIiliiB. most at nlslit, ecm if pin worms were craw 11 lujf Mraine s Ointment it a tttetis ant, aire eure, JanivVIW I Tllf tlllne.e Mu.t (.(). Vml e must ncuralEl and rheumatism, w hen Dr Themat' Keteetrie Oil attacks them This liudlcfiie Isn nutritious pnaluct of lnaenleus theuelit liny It aud trv it ler ile liv II II lechran, driiKKlst. 137 It) North Quciu Mm l, uinea'Ur, r IHF. HOl'KOI THE N XTIOS Children slew In development, rmnv enwny and ilillcatu. ust. Will i, lit tilth llcuewir 4 Dr. Tanner! Mniiiteli. I)r Tinner certainly has u cn-at lemich srtut btciuer Itxstnngthuud tuilunince We inn rrr In saylna that the tlocler U"ts llurdeek Jlloeil Hitteri, but If he ileis.hlstllirtstlvii powers arc eisllj accounted for ISurdeck Jlloeti Jtit lert tit Ins; a stantlanl medicine an selil by nil tnimtlstn 1 or lie ly II Ji Cochran, UniLslt, 137 ami 111 .North (,'uttu stntt, Ltncastir 1 i OIXCt JIL.N 'UK Ml 1111s Iiik VeLTVIe HkltCe of Marshall. MIch.etTtr te.intl their cilebmttd t.LKCTne-V iltah Kelt and ether Llkctrk Vn liasi eseiiUIiI ler thlrtj tli) , te no n (elil or einiK) atlllt ttd with iiirveun rtebllltv, less of vitality unil iminlietHl, nud all klnilrvd troubles Alse for lliiuiimttsui, neural cl i, iuraljsls, nnd muij ether klndretl dl-tati Complete nIontIen te htnlth, v Iner nnil nuin heed Kimrantit U Ne rNk Is iiicum.il a- thirty dijs trial Is allow id Write th in at once for lUustrattd jianiphlt tlrce d i-Jl-ljdAw Hit WII LI V.VI's INDIAN I'll K OINTjTl.NT I. G McCulIinii, conductor en the II .t W It 1! . sprlngiitiii, e , Alls 20, lsi mjs "Ihave lit t n a criat cutrin r w Ith the plln I utd nu luereusruuidln and cmplevid inan physic Luis but te no purpose A frit ml riieniiueiitltd Hr VMlliaiu's Indian I'Ue Ointment vthlihlum uritilul tesay lut enrtd me' s0ltl b II II t echran, 137 and 130 North yucen strict, (3) "ItOUGH ON COLGIIs Vk for " Itnngh en CeiiBhi," fur Coughe Cettls, sere threat, HnarniiC". Inn hi.. 15c I.I.J tllU ivc () s.ihiuu'a Les and ijetkit. W hi n Delilah clipped off Kamen't locks that mlBht iilhkteat once bt came ' ai ether men iritceuld bopievid that the posstusleu of lux urtcnt hair would i nahle men le tear open liens" J i Mrs, Hlscnx A Ce would be driven wild In the t irert te supply t noeh of Parker's Hair Rilsuin te meet the demand As It 1, the Itilsain pro pre vt nts your hair from fulling out, and rontens thi'erftjlnd colerlf fidider gray IlesldesitN H great addition te the toilet table nlmplyuna drti,lng. UK. FIIAZIKU JI VgIceINTMK.NT. t he gn ateat blisslng that his been dlteev end In tbU Kcninillen A uix euro for llelN, Pnrin. Setes, Cuts, Hesh W'eunilx, SoreMnplts Hard and Seft TeniH. ChaniMil I.lps mil Hands, l'lm- piert anu eiijiciiei. i-riif ex seiti ev iirmritlsttt. seldbj II IJ. Cochran, 1J7 and 1i .Niirth Quien Urt et () Seventeen Thmivaiiil Dt'iilUt. There arc 17.000 dentists In the Unltfd Stntes Everv veir they pack ene ten of geld Inte the pieple it Ucth. Hut they cannot put Iren Inte the people's bleed this is dene In the most iltl cum manner uy jirewn's iron Hitters, width contains thoenl prep iratlcm of Iren tlintiijfu teue -NearH elHht liuiulrid thousand betllfj of this valaubfemidlqlne arc sold in the cnunt of a jear, nnd each bottle den n bt ntlltent work brown's Iren Hitters cannot injure the tilth " HOUGH O.N I" V1N " l'LASTKII l'oreus und htrcnKthenlng, Improved, the best for baikaihe, dns in ihest and side, rhtimui tlm, neunilglu. Sic, Druggist or mall. (I) An lUrelleut ltepert. Hen .Ie. G. Gwxlrld'e, of llroeklvn. N V, wrltts this "Cannet t vprcs 1115 Mff in biiiii clenll pnilsewertlivtinns JIurdecK Jlloeiljlil ten huv e usetl for the ji 1st two jcars ; keep my Btnmach 111 splendid liiiu " ler Kile by H It Cochran, lrugKlt, 137 and IS! North ctinui utitt t, Lancaster, l'a Take lour Cbelte. Vtm can be weak, nervous, tlebllltiitf il. uml tltt. fpeniknt, dlhOiiallrkil fur work of lit ad or hand, or j 011 can enjev a fair share of htalthund ptuce of mind Jlurdeek Jllevd Itittert will Hllevlate jouruijseryandtle eun world of geed if von will but hitre faith te try ler cafe by If 11 Cochran, druggist, 117 and 1SI North caiin strut, Iamcasler, l'a IIUCKI.K.N'S Alt.NIC.V SVLVK. the best balve In the world for Cuts, IlruUcs, Sens. I'kein, Kill llheum, Jrevir bores, letltr, ChaiiiMil Hand, Chllblidus, Conn, and all fckln hruiilens, nnd peslthil cults riles, or no pay it'iuired. Itlsuuaranttid te ulve pirftitsatls pirftitsatls faitlen, or money reliinilid l'rlce, a cents per box Fer suit) by II It Cochran, druggist, .Nes. 137 and 13U .North Queen strict, Laucasler, l'a, A GKKAT DIsCOVKItY. Xlr Mm Thomai of Newton, In.mjs "Jly w lie has been tt rleuslj nirielid withaieugh for tw enty II vn 1 am, und this Hprlng uiei-n seven ly than ever bilere. Mieliudusid many nintdks without relief, nnd biing mgid te trj Dr. king's New Discovery, did se, with most gnitlf) lug ro re sulls. The llrst bottle nlievtd hir vcr much, and the strend lias absolutely lined her Mm has net hail de geed lit al th for thirty 1 ars. Ti lal beitlts frie at Cochran's drug store, Nes. 137 nnd ljj.siniii tiiein stiiei, ijeie.isitr, l'a. j.nrge te, ll.ee, () AOltKAt DlSCOVKKV. the greatest dlscevtrj of I lie nlnt tienthccn tiny Is Dr. I.esliu'srpitlid l'icscrlpllen terslik hi udathe, which Is the discover) of mi eminent plrtslilnnmul iiicit bv him for ever tlilityjtars before giving ft te the public, nud It stands to day without 11 rival Ittnd iidviitlseuicut In another column. I.I.T TIIISi: THINGS Hi: CONsIDI-ltl-D. Thousands ofincndle every day whoteidd be saved, 1'njudlce Is mainly te blame for this lossefllto. Hit weie bcllevid that tlie sum of disease may certainly be rtdiiiul by phjsle, much would be gnlnid. And jet the preposition is very slniple: If jeti take out ttally mere lm purities than Is dally gentrattd, eit will mmii be rid of Iinpuilties. The ciret t of this vvlse practice Is seen seen In llllleus, I.lvtr and Kid ney troubles. Hut it Iseiiually of value In head andbraln allectiei.s In Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Apoplexy and l'aralysls. In chronic and aeutts ltheumatlsm.and In nil affection of the bowels, tills principle toen re. licit' and cures, when the midlcluu usid Is llKANOiitrru's 1'iLU). les, w hun all etliti means and mudiclne luive fulled te ivlluve from patn, these pills have cured, by taking linpuritics from the bow els and bleed, und thousands of men and women new place iliuspBrru'e 1'iut ameuy the hll"K of mnnkinu. .vi.'Hiaij. .vi.'Hiaij. rneN liiri'KHs. pun nnn 00 vr w vt ni ""six, h 11 ii 11 e vv w w vv N N N " D linn null e n vv vv ww Sv "tut, il 11 II UO O WW WW N NN 3 nun it 11 en w w n ret W It Rtm 1HI MM !t II II It II O N " V if llltll O O N N N ii is 11 Kit n m 11 im n .is pun it mT m r tku unit s.ss, H 11 11 t i i" k 11 r " flllll il T 1 H: llllll ''S.SSa II 11 l T IK II U nun 11 1 i.Kt: it 11 bss pk 1 hl medicine, combining Iren w llh punt v ego table tonics, mitt klv and tsiiupklely C'I'IIV.S DVSl'KI'slV, INIVIIIKSSION, VIM.AUI.V. WKVkNl.ss, IVlPt UV. Ill ODD, ClIll.l.S and H.V I It and N 1.1 ItAI.Ul V Uy rapid und theniugh nluillitleu with the lilnisl It n aches evt rj put e( the sjslt in, purl lies nud iiirlthes the bkssl, stiieigtheiis the tuiisi les ami nerves, and touts and luvlgeralis the sv stem A line Appetlitei lltst tonic known It will cum tlie worst cue of Djspepsla. m uiev lug all tllstrt'sslng ttvinptems, suth as rast tug the loed, lklchlng, Heat In the Meuiach, Ik irtburn, etc. 1 he only Iren medlclun that will net blacken or Injun' the teeth It Is I nml ti tble for discuses pi cellar le women, and teiill persons who letnl stslentury lives An unrillliignuitd) for diseases of tlie I. Iver nud kldnevs Persons suffering fiem the elTect of overwork, nervous trouble, less of appetite, or debllll, inperienietjulik nllef und ivnewid euerg) lo lls ne It dtHs net cmse Head iche Ol prtslme Censtl jvitlen Ol II hit Inin nit dlctnes de It Is the 011I) jiiepiratteu of lnm tint causes ue Injurious eilttts l'h)sltlaus ivid druggists leoeiiiuioiid It as tlit'lH'sl In It rhe genuine has 1 mde Xlavk mid ti-estd red Illusion wmpptr 'Inke no ether Xludennly by llltOVV N CHI.VtlCM, CO., IULTIMOIIJI, Me. seitl-l)dAl) w tUlY (IOOVS, 171X rK.VOUlllXAKY HAHOAIXS NEW YORK" STORE. 10-4WHITE BLANKETS, II 01 A I'AIlt KblH t ED rnexi f 1 . 10-4 WHITE BLANKETS, J173A l'Vll! ltEDl'CEDFKOVI Jive 10-4 SILVER GREY BLANKETS, Kit) A I'AIK lltDl'cr.D I HOXI fi7i 10-4 ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, iVO A I'.VIU UKDVCED FKOVI l)Oj 11-4 EXTRA HEAVY BLANKETS Ue A l'AIlt KI.DIT1.D FKO.VI tow M'tCI VLCI EAUINt. sAI-bOf Ladies'- and Children's Coats and Cloaks X T JI VM IslALl'HICI.s WATT, SHAND & 60. 8 and 10 East King Street, J. Jt. MAKTIX A CO. CARPETS -VXD- WALL PAPERSJ SPECIAL ! New Invoices Te-Day : Ml FltCl.s Tapestry nt 50e., last Sotipen, 75c. .- I'lECl's, Bedy Brussels, 81, Last Seasen, 31.25. nu. .vuevh CARPETS AltE VI. I. NhH, Just llecilvliig them Te-day,and thty uicthc Cheupest l.lnt of (eksIs hvir shiiwn, lHI.VJ.VItb NOT REMNANTS, And an in Ktgular l'licts, New l'att rn and 1 xitllint Ouillty WALL PAPEES! sphtl VI. PATTKllNbIN Bronzes, Flats & Blanks, AM. AT I.OIV fltICI atf-KATESIOHHANGl.VOwerenovtrselow. N'ew Is the time te have our work dene J. fl. Martin d Ce., Cor. West Kin? anil Priiice Sl., LAN-CASTE It, lV. TJOTi: IS MAKIXO CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT W3.00 A POZIV AT .NO. 100 XOUTH QUEK.V St IthhT, Jiiniatfd Ijintasltir, l'a CAi'i:, suitr. AXD sw:i:i)Y cum:. O HllltRI, V AllKIX'Kt.l'ailll hl'E.'UL DlgKAsE eftlthirBcx. Why be bumbiiggid by euacks. vvhinveucan llndln Dr VV right the only IIks. ILilt Puisiciax In l'kllndcliihli who makes a special!) of the above diseases and iuiks tlit-m T Ccuua iil'AR.vstkki). Auvitu rBtE.ilay ana uven. lug Mningtrstun be trttitcdnnd return home tuusinuuda), Ollltes pihate lilt VV II VVItlOHT, Ne 211 North Ninth strcit, ubeve Itnee, V. O Ikirc-l. l'hilndtlphiu. JunJU-ljilAw rplIIN I'AI'UU IS I'lUNTED WITH J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK, Fairmeunl Ink Works, 2Clh and l'enn'a. Aunne Jana-ljd I'HILAHELt'HIA.l'A. u NDintTAKIXU. L.1aR0TE,C3 UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Slreels, Lakcabtkb, I'A. Personal attention glv en te all orders. Ev ery thing lu the Undertaking line furnished. Hav lug st en red the terv Ices of a Ilrst-tlass me clunlc, 1 am pniaied lotto all kinds of Lphel storing at ery uioderate pHces. All kinds of furniture Upholstered. Give lue a call. L. R. ROTE, jmite-tiu x.ti.i: en nt:yr. - The slum itsuii, corner of North CJiuhmi and Jnt ttmngn streets, new et milled by II, M. Mil et. Apply at j--.Mii tld NO II HAST Olt.VMir. 8T, pOAI. YAHIl reKUI'.NT. -" A t tmX Van), with all Iheneccxnry teuit 11 li-iirrs, n Olllw, Dwtlllug, ttlnble, lllns, Ac , Ac , and doing a large business, vi 111 be n tiled lrem the ltet Vprll ncM.eu nuseuiibkt terms Vp ,,Jr '!... .,. " M- bold.. Nil's. Jiinilnwtfd tit .south yiiien stm t 1?Oll KK.ST. " " " y V Hilrj luniinr liV Acn . In the cllv of Ijinra.l. r anil M.mtii tin tewmdilp, Knew 11 ns "llatdwlck lariu." ritnu Aiirll 1st. Aoelv le . .1. vi ntriiKi:, Ne. IV N01II1 Unite stint. Or MOUIIMI.lt VI W.ON1., Talk liens" ' Jnuil tldAw IJIOU HUNT. 1) At Ne ill I.Ntlli:s()P VIIH. heated iiNims in second mid third lliHirs, suitable ler a stum strtss, olllce ui or lodging pimeis 1'es-ts skin Vprll 1 Vppl) nt VI UMlEltlltsim, Janlird .K) l'eiin sijuare. "ITieiutiiN'r riKi.M vi'itn. 1, is.s.-,,(im: V Flue store Ktsnn, liivclllng nnd .hop, forinerlv kiiimu u shdk's ( arpt 1 Hall, cernt r West hingnnd Walt rstn 1 ts line local Inn ter mi) kind of mnnufiit tilling business, opposite sievtns Heuse ami Philadelphia, I'ctidlug A Ciimirvvlllf It It Hi'Oet Vnplv le JauJiS In it Ne .X.I VV l.sVk'INl. St KI'.hT I il' 1.1 e "ssTvT7iTe ir I'liitsTeNvl. vTiw- .- trt),nt Ne (dsseutli gut en slittt, Uiiicns In I It), en tl l.sDVV, FLIlltt VUV 3. lss.v. lit 1 0 elneW. n , Heds, lit tidings, t nrnt Is, line, mil. 1 .ii,.l... 1 .1 ,1..... liiblts, hairs of sheeumktrs tools,' let of -,n, . -, tin, ,iui. ,,, 111'iiiiist r s iisiis, 101 01 I eather, Outeuswam, Iluwait', and nUen bilge let ofethtrnrtlclts I 1 WeIHII, lints, full Hut I VCOIt IllSUAKEIL l.t t uter. Vnilleiiiir j:il .Mil "IDl'lll.K'SAl.-.-VVlt.l. 111! SOI, I) AT t public sale ON.sAll'KDVV I.V I.MMl.lllr. 7tn DVVOF Fl UllFAltV.NkXI, at the I ieianl llettl, In the ( llv of Ijtnea.ti r.a new two-ster) brick DW l.l.l.lNC, Het s , with CrtMiinsiiiidpla-tirttl garn t j h.Mlmnt und let of gnmnd, sllualeuiid Irontlugeii south side of last hetiiul stn I, containing In mint it ft it, Hiidevtcndliig southward lis feet te a public ullev JOHN Vll'lit'llV lltsiiv summer, Vurtleiu'er sAerL, Atternev Junll 7ld ji.ivJf.M.'iei. r.ATKKS OK l't'KNACl-S. n U BEST" STEAM ENGINE -AND- Beiler Works, HESTERS -OK- FURNACES ten Private Dut'lliiiirs, Sc'lioeN and J'lih lie Ituililin-s. Cull and see them ximle of lnnvy Iren, sim plu of construction, tlur.ible, tcoiiemlcni, the mist Hadlatliig ?nrface of any lltater In the market. Nothing Cheap But the Price ! OUR OWN PATENT. Air-Iluilng en n In iie In many of the Inrges rrsldimt s In Isineiistt r In the past tin )i.irsl thebist of uvldtiuetif Its intrlts Add! tss, Jehn Best & Sen, St. 33 HST I'L'LTOX S1IIFCT,. lanl.Vlvd.ts LANCAhlhlt, I'A. HAVIXG DI.SSOKVKI) I'AHTXKK.sjIIII' nnd pt niimiently destd the Chestnut Mnct Iren Works, I desire te lutenn my old patrons and the public geiiendl), that lam still In the biislntss. biing Imiited In Urn l'tnn Iren Ceinpanv's Works, North l'liiiu stmt, where I am making I ion and llntss Castings of evt ry du-M-rlptlnu, und vtill be pkmtd te serve all who ma) favor me vi Ith thtlr patronage. I'leui w Jearseinrlfiice In the busintss und Using the best material a nil tiiipln)lng the best mech mlcs, 1 nin Nitlstltd I caiiguumuttot.ntiieiutlsfactleii Castings mudu from a mUtlire of lien uml stttl which nre mere rellablu for sticnglh ituddum Ulllty than the best cast Iren known V ticth roll pinions, rolls und rolling mill work u sptc laity. Castings inade of tr) soft Iren. anil brass anting of evt ry dtscrlpllen. I have all the pat terns of the wtlf nnd favorably known Jlewicr Cem and Cob CniBhir, refitted and improved nise en hind Hills teinpletely lltttd up or In parts, te replace old ones which hav obi en In use for ) tars, Buaranttclitg thnn teglv ex-itlstat Hen. It. C. .VliUn.I.I.V. nug H-Cuid B, 11. MAHTIX, WHOLESALE AID IIETA1L Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber and Ceal. -YAnD- Xe. IJ0 N'erth Water und l'rlnte atixets, above Lemen, Lancaster. nJlvd TrAUMOAiii)Xi:HS a .ii;ri'i:nn:s, COAL DEALERS. OrncKs Ne. 1JU North Quten strict, and Ne. Ml N'erth Prime strict Yahoo; (North l'rlutu stitet, ileal lEcidlug Utpet. LANCASTElt, I'A. uugl&tfd c OAIs. M. V. B. COHO, KONOUTII W'ATEU STHHhT, Ijinuistir, l'a. W110LE8ALB AM RETAIL PEA I. EH IN LUMBER AND COAL. C'ONSEOTION WITH TIIK TlLl!I HOMO ElCIIAMIB. Yard ame Orricn: N'e. an MOUTH VVATKIt StlthLT. feb-lyd j e as I'.yujtsis ii txe e e n.i. T 11 K CHEAPEST PLACE 10 JIUY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Geal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -13 AT- n en ii & m 1 . 01111 Ne. 2t Seulh Queen Sti-eer, l"V7-lya ItAKCASTEIt, fA, VI.OTIII,l, peu OLOVIM, Te keep the hands waiiu MITTKNH, IttVetp thelmniU wanu NOOKH, le Kn p the ft 1 wauil, UAll MUl'I'H, te kiep tlinenr wanu. Mi'rn,i;itw,l lekiepllm ueik warm. I'.N'DIMlWIIAIt, Te kit p tlie body waim Ge te ERISMAN'S, Ne HWHSTKINOHIUKKT. T Wll.OltlXtl. W. B. NELSON, I.atk or l It W ii thus, Nnnrii Jii.iv SrimiT, t.VMANTI.11, I'V Importing Tailor. m:vv veitk i'vnieit'4 ESHLEMAN'S LAW BLOCK, North Dulte Streot, LrtnctvBter, Pa AliIiTIIKIiATi:STSTYIi:S In 1'oitKiet am Hemcmii ( Lems ter si ira Aai lltOlSlHS V Hl.ltri CI I'll III VKVN IKI.H 1 Inn e Just opt nt dat Ihti tiliere :ulen wltlin tine line of ten Inn and UnmiMic l.tsnls for the W lull ruudsiirlugef lss.1, when 1 will be plrwird te baie in) minds anil the public call uiwIm'h luysleik W. B. NELSON. Cl'lH'lAl. XdlR'll AiiiieuiiciMiit'ii! lti,i()i-(Iiiiury ! 1HH(tl!i:.VIhr Itl.llHUTION LV Lit M VIH. -IN- FIEE CLOTHINS -AT- Ne O Etist Kliiu Streot lunitli r toivdiiten hrav v slot U btfommev Ing, I shill inaUti up tiMirdi rail Hues of goods at A Reduction of 25 te 30 Per Cent. 1 have aln a niiiubtr of Ct "TOM MADK blJI l, net calleil for. width will be sold nt gnalsicrltlru this rcdiirtlen is furnish Old v. and will evtind le tin. pilpyi el VI Vltcll N. II Will remuve en or about the first el April te se. v south qvj:i:x .sweet, (OpimwIIe the I'osteftlcf ) H. GERHART. A XOI'IIKU M VltK IIOVVV vr IRGER. k SU'ITONS, Merchant Tailors and Glethiei's, NO. 24 OBNTItn SQUABC, We me otrerlng the ImsI birgaliw In lltady Vlntle nothing lu the cltv Our asertmiutls compltle In MK.VM'tt-, teimrn suit, IIOVS bUIf" HILN'SOVKItr OVT-. veuTirs ovnitre vt-, IIOVS'OV 1.UCOM-. W e inake all our ew n lethlug, mid an safu In gmtninttelug them tobewt II made und lit pir ftct CALL AN I) Hi: tONVINILK i am making te order VII W net Mills I loin Hiieup V gissl lltgiianinttfd Cull and sie the drive we are making lu Ties, Ties, iiii.v viti: (joeh, nlvv vnd neihiv YOL'IIC HOICK lOlfiVc The best H1IIKT Is the DAI TON for sale by Burger & Sutten , MI'KUIANT TAII.OKS ANI CLOl llll.lfi, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LVNCASTLIt, PA JjVCOXOM Y 1 X C l.0 11 1 1 N( j. tot n nte work rer our hinds and keen them tegi'theridurliig the dull siastm, we organtze te "lay al SPECIAL SALE in erit CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Having bought for cash at n late New Verk silnal.arge and line Llnu of I'ANTVIOON. IVl.Smi ure priuirid te dirir M'LCIAI. IN. DUCKMLNtb. ALIW'OOL PANTS, madu te enltr, .itMnn. ALI.-WOOL I'.VNt-., maibitoeidtr, lit.! VI. ALlVVOOI. l'A.Nts, iiiadoleordtr,utIUI Al.lcVVoeL l'.VNTM, miidoleoiilur, at I.V'. ALI.-WOOL l'ANt.s, make te enltr, at fMi. thtie am clmiitts im lllg llaigalus In this offering. The pilits aie down iv, i and 60 pt r lent. Iien't fei get ninldst HioheImi ot'llie tloth tleth lug drulei-s. Just new, that we have the Ilrst tlalin en join uttiiitleu us ell'nit rs of tlie Hest and Newtst Clothing and iltNsls In the I'ltteut l'rltesgiiaranttidluwtrthaii imv tomiieiiinru IIBNRY fiKRIIAUrS, Bargains Added Te-day. PAMI'LHritHJI'SliiourNeitliweet Window, Ml Markid in l'iaiii Ilguics W Business Suit te Order as Lew as $10.00 L. GANSIAI & BIIO, Nea. 06-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Klgliten thobeuthwistCor. of Orange Btiect.) LANCASl'lHt, HA. .?.",,)f'".".'-.cl,"K- until Se tleik. halmday mull Hi o'clock, ' HtOVKS. pOOlt, VVHITliA CO., 3J BANKERS. ''""'klu'lHIVLilU80 Mlnnenpells lteul l.'stata 7 per ttnt. bends fei- ; sale at 101 and , luleiest. l'nprii tem of pisir' Manual of Itallwavs." Corrtspendenio Invited. 16 Wall Streot. New Yerk. ettl lydeed pieAiis riteM et i'i:n ijuxdhi:d te rfeVe,Mi,,eUtt,,t,' '" patua,s" u,,tt JlAltsiUN'd ifiLLOW Vl'O.Vr LI0f.it m I fl