1W 'WmlwWSmr I V ,& Wt trt THE LANCASTER DAILY TNTELLTGEXOET?, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1885. gJUjlJ i'l-M !l" K S :c !'- . i ter rn .v m '" w Eir. m- a & m THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER "fUBLlgHEO EVERY EVENING IN THE YEAR ri .- (iidv. ixcinie.) Br STEINMAN & HENSEl.' ' INTELLIGENOER BUILDING S. W. COHNEfi CENTRE .SQUARE. UNCASTcn Pa. DAILY-TEN CENTS A WEEK. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. OR FIFTY CENT8 A MONTH. rOSTAOE FREE. ADVERTISEMENTS from ten te fifty cents A tINE. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. ( eieht pages.) published every wednesday mornine. Twe Dmum Ytfl in Aevasci. CORRESPONDENCE Solicited from every PART OF THE STATE AND COUNTRY. CORRE SPONDENTS ARE REQUESTED TO WRITE LEGIBLY AND ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY! AND TO SIGN THEIR NAMES, NOT FOR PUBLICATION, CUT IN PROOF OF QOOO FAITH. ALL ANONYMOUS LETTERS WILL DC CONSIGNED TO THElWASIC BASKET. ADDRESS ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO THE INTELLIGENOER, Lancaster, pa. 5I)C Cmuestcr Intelligence IiAXCAbTKi:, JANUAKY 31, 1SSS. .-AJFfSrtTInt; Mayer. s- -liadelphia has a gay and festive mayor, "who Is conspicuous for the ameuut of time that he manages te ipciiu away from the Quaker City. It would be interesting te find out the exact number of days that he spent at his office since his election. Shortly after he took hi3 scat he started up te Canada vrlicre his sayings and doings were faithfully chronicled by the associated press correspondents of the places where he visited. AVuen the Liberty bell project was first touched, it tickled the fancy of Mayer Smith te such an extent that he advocated it in and out of councils with a persistency that was truly admirable. His fine eye had detected a chance for a junket ing expedition, and few mayors can re sist temptations of that nature. JLvyerSmith formed the advance guard for the Revolutionary relic and he posed te his heart '3 content befere a Xew Orleans andience as the first municipal officer of the city In whMt the old hell rang out its invo cations te freemen in the days of '70. He was received with distinguished considera tion in the Ciesceut City, as was fit and proper, albeit seme might be found who would sce in the honor paid te Philadel phia's mayor an illustration of hew a prophet is uet without honor save m his own country. But Mayer Smith, fend as he i3ef letting hi3 otllce run itself, is fender still of ; keep ing his name befere the public. The bubble reputation is te him a very sub stantial reality, and he is in thorough ac cord with Byren's sentiment, " 'Tis pleas ant, sure, te sce one's name in print." On his way home from New Orleans, he K-izc3 upon the occasienat Jacksonville, Tlerida, te telegraph te the Philadelphia county controller and clerks of councils his ap proval of the amended appropriations' ordinance passed by councils en Thursday. Perhaps hclud forgotten that his silence for ten days would hav e bcrn equivalent te assent. Altogether Philadelphia's major wems te subserve a purpose fu moie ornamental than useful. Perhaps it is just as well that it is se. The life of this great city docs net seem te suffer any jar in the ab sence of its mayor, and it may Ixj just as well te let him travel the glebo ever with out ndverse criticism, for it may keep him out of aheap of mischief. m mm w Cholera Precaution. The New Yeik Medical Recerd has a timely article calling attention te the need of piccautiens te be taken against the in troduction of cholera into the United States. Befeiring te the proposed appro appre priatii n of $LVi,000 te the national beard of health and SeOO,000 tobe used at the discre tion of the president in keeping away the cholera, it is stated that as tliisameiint w ill net be aailable before JIaich I, inuuhef the geed that this money might de will be lest. The machinery te successfully guard against the cholera must be get into proper working operation by Apt il 1 , and the limited time in which te compass tins cud makes every delay upon the part of Cengiess in the matter of appropriations a most serious matter. The tiutli about the chelcia pieciutien isthatcongiessmandenotgive it the at tention its importance demands. Ve aie net se far ahead of our bietlnen aciess the water in sanitary arrangements te feel assured that the disease will never get a secure foothold among us. The impossi bility of scrupulously clese inspection of vessels sailing between the United States and ports that liave been infected is seen from the slightest consideration of the situation. Most of these vessels are owned by foreigners who will net bioek American iutorfeience in the way of in spection, unless they feel that they must ; aud theso vessels that liave resident physi cians en beard are usually blessed with young medical sprigs imbued with a desire desire te see the weild, aud who would ordinarily give little thought te anything outsulethe ordinary routine duties of their offices. . The task of guarding against a cholera eutbieak is by no means an easy ene, and it is ji Rituitien which, if grappled at all, should be dene quickly. Let Congress give a little tune te previde against nn actual danger, instead of wasting weids ever Jeff Davis' position in the late war, or consid censid consid eiteg ticatics that carry en their faces the evidences of their impropriety. A Gallant Secretary. Sccietary Lincoln has established a reputation for gallantry that will shed lu.tre en hi3 uneventful administration of the navy department. "When Gteely re turned from his ill-fated Arctic expedition, thomap3eftho disceveiics made by him contained places that were named after seme of Grecly'u intimate friends. The headlands, capes, mountains, bays, fieids and glaciers, were called in honor of old army friends. This pioccdure was net i el el Lshedbythe navy department and Secre tary Lincoln a few days age Issued an eidt r that no names of persons should be placed en the maps of the discoveries in the Arc tic, except these of the meinbersef the ex ex peJit e t. There weic, however, two tei ices.-ions raade in the shape of pennMeu te retain the namesef Mrs. Greely and Mary Murray Locltweod, the favoilte sister of Lieuten ant Lockwecd. Perhaps the exceptions were male In these eases bccaiue the hearts of the fair weie with the daring explorers of the -North, though their per sons vwe talent, U any rate it was a graceful act en the patt of Secretary Lin- coin, and if women suffrage was universal, and the secretaryship of the navy an elec tive office, he would stand a geed chance te be his own successor. ' Iowa 1ms taken the tint premium nt the New Orleans Exposition for butter ; Point Peint vl van la should be given the prlze for the greatest unconcern about it, m m Tim Harrlsburg Inttrpcndwt calls upon the legislature for n llre proof building for the state library, the nudtter general's elttec the land olllce and the treasury. It tleclnrcs that thcre Is net ene of the buildings en "the hill" that mny le called fire proof, and tates that the recent additions mid alterations made In the depnrtinontsef the above named elllces liave only nerved te increase the jes. Blble peril from the. There nre sonie ery vsluable works In the state library and seme priceless archives In the ether elllces that money could net replace, and it befits the legislators who wate se much tltue In the introduction and consideration of Impracti cable bills te get down te the iu obligation of this live question. WIille the soldiers' or phans nre getting 5700,000 or gratuity nnd jirivate charities are putting thelr hands without warrant into Pctinsvlvatila's treas ury, the state' representative should see te it that enough funds remain te adequacy protect raluable state property. Tiirigreuml-ligpa"; i, nourishing when "ThC Sigiiiu&Crsice is a forgotten memory. Tiir.rtKis an opening as large ns a barn deer in the rcstiictlens niaile te exclude from registry the Republicans in the Tncnty.flrt senatorial district of New Yerk, because of their failure te vete for Blaine at the Nev em ber election. The appeal te register is address ed te theso "who voted for the Republican electors at the last election, barring absence from home or ether circumstance" beyond their control," In the latter of the two clauses all the Clec1and Republicans mny safely find exemption, for the belief that Itiaiue was unfit te 1 president which actuated their inetises must certainly le classed among the " eirciimstnnees bemud their control." TiIK fate of the Nicarasuati treaty presiges that of the Spanish and Mexiran treaties yet te ceme. IIexnsT sins cm afford te Hugh when swindlers decelve swindlers and thcre was an excellcnt Illustration of this very thing in Harclten, Ohie, a few days nge. l'cter Ito'cn Ite'cn Ito'cn bergcr, of tlut place, for seme tlme Ins been sending letters te various parties in Ohie and Kentucky, eflering te sell them an excellent quality of counterfeit mouey that could net be detected even by experts. He had many victims. In his letter iie gave miiiute in structions te the parties te go te a lir-1 class hotel and register, and te then inquire of certain business men for his place, Some of thc-se letters full into the hands of the au thorities, and by following the directions Inclosed rteenberger was arrested. He was banking en geed capital for he knew that these whom he swindled w enld net prosecute him through fear of betmving their own guilt. II The grand juryel Dauphlu county were instructed by Judge Simonton te include In their reiert their views en skating rinks, considered from n moral aspect. They de clare tlie rink a "nuisance'' that is "detri mental te the health of our young people and in a great measure dostructive of the morals of the youths w he frequent them." This is a sovere arraignment of rinks, ler it charges them directly with all the remote eil consequences that may possibly arNe out of them, which is manifestly unfair. There is danger that the opponents or the rinks may overreach themselves in tee latter n crusade. Opposition may pre just the kind of fuel that these institutions will Imst thrive upon. m m PERSONAL. Ite-h Count. v has adopted a babv. She declares that "a- . i novelty the babv" is verv interesting." I'ais.m:i.i is mUI In have an Kngtisli go eminent ellker in ids wake lotake down treasonal-le utterances. StNATOn-ELKCT V. M. EvvlIlM Will lK giNcu a ns-eptieu by the Union I.cague tlub of New Yerk en edncsdav. Mas. Muua MAnnrM.yi. f-cm.n was buried at I.ansdale, Montgomery county, en Friday, aged 100 years anil 3 months. Ult. Die Luwts s.us that tomatoes are a medicine and net a feed, and should only be eaten when prescribed by a physician. i:niaii Watsen has been continued as collector of internal rocuue for Delaware, and Nicholas II. Owings as secretary ter Washington territory. Hi:riiKsrNTATin Smiiii en Friday pre senteil in the National Heuso petitions of citizens of this county against the ratification of the Spanish treaty. Jeiiv M'C'i'Li.ermi talks of producing a new play in liosten early in the spring. It is called "A wife of Miletus" and was wi it ten for him by a Oreek. Wir mam S. STcnr, litely assistant colner at the Philadelphia mint, has been continued by the honate as chief colner, te till the va cancy caused by the resignation of Majer Uesuyshell. Gr.v. OonneN Is a great omeker, and is amply pre Idel with tobacco, lie rises bo be bo fure sunset, and alter darkness has net in iie starts for lhe ramparts, which he perambu lates all night, seeing that the sentries are all properly lasted and en the alert, and cheer ing the .tioepsby his coinersatlou and ex ample. Mn. Jehn Revi.i: O'Rr.tLLV. aud Mr. Jehn E. 1'itzgerald, of liosten, called upon the president-elect en I'rldav and had quile a long conversation with him. The isit et these gentlemen is reported te have been fur the purpose or advocating the appointment ei Congressman Cellins or seme ether promi nent IiMi-Amcrican te a cabinet iiesitluu. m - rm: vcit jt.v;m.s. lien tlie CerrninnlesarnCeiiducteil lii Irmie DUtribnIliiK Itre.ul te tlie l-enr. ltencu Correspondence X V. Tlnus. 1'imerals in this laud are conducted in a manner quite ditTorent from our own. Thore is much that is touching about thorn. Yeu are feimally invited te attcnil them. The in vitation is a printed form w ith a (loop black border, the names of all the relitlves being written in full. At the bottom jeu are told the relationship, end then yen are asked te pray for the soul of the deeeased. The day of the tuueral the entrance te the heuse and church is draped with black cloth, with geld spots nnd geld friuge ir for an old man, with hIIvei for a young ene, with white and geld or silur if for a weinin or gill. The cellln, coy. crcd with its jull, Is plaicd en trestles Just within the entrance or the court. At the feet is a slUer vessel filled with water and a brush, i:oryperson passing sprinkles tlie cellln, making the sign et acrei, and overy man or boy takes oil his hat an he passes, l'rem the tlme of the death till the fnnei.ila loafef bread is gien te each mer lorsen who rings the deer bell by the ier ant who Is stationed at the deer for that puriiose. When the funeral jxisscs te the eliun.li, headed by the priests chanting and boys carrying lhe crucillx ami lighted tapers, eveiy head is bared till the funeral ear has passed. In tlie church a leaf erbieadis placed behind the chair of eery peer person present. A curious lawMiit connected with a funeral e.ime oil' last week. A baker was Hiied for cheating In lhe weight of bread supplied for lunenils and had te pay a hea v line. The I.vliluli Valley llu 11 Itullreinl. The Lehlgh Valley ltiillie.nl ceiumny has acquired control ei lhe hleck mid ijends or thn Southern Central niilread, which is Hi miles long and tuns treiu the northern lioundaryef l'eunsylNanla near Waveily. N. ).,tel'ulr Haven, X. Y., en the shore of Jdike Ontario, utsslng through tSavie, Oi Oi wege, Hartferd, Aubui n, Tre IlloimdWi-eds-jiert. It has a lease or tlie Ithaca, Auburn it A eslerii railroad, JOmlles long, and gives the Lehigh A alley a lnkopeit en Lake On tarle for iwceul trade with Canada. ALCOHOL IX TIIK SCHOOLS. -t rj;.vrj;MT; uiiiVMiSTAUAiMiTAX ii.t.i t rm:v i'KOJ'twi rie.v. rlillclrcn .Net l.lkrlj le e Item llltd ,t.v test ItoeK llluitmtteii of tiillitnirit Stnniiilis Sctioet llimlt Liiv Nut Tlie Itet rrntcrtlen gnlnst le from the Philadelphia t edst r A compulsory law ordering the pictures of drunkards' stomachs Inte the sehoel lioeks nnd the study of Intlainmatieii'-ind conges tions Inte chlhlrcn's class exercises should net be hastily rushed through the legls laturc as an easy relegation of the subject of alcoholism te the tender young generation If grown men, who knew by every da'sii! !orntlen and the popular information con cerning alcoholism that I" s,. iroelv ib" tnbuted In the public prttitH, de net tlnd thcinselvcs strong enough te regulate the subject of liquor trattlc. what is te U- pained by putting such repnlsle testimony lfore Kibes? A child fed en Robinson Crus,s ilruxd aI luiliitusi ii ilcvil ef tlirs m luf ill (if 111'C 7 ", II1H-H-V Ct U I lll ' lS.' ". f S" III .- j Defoe's eloquence of pmatien, he rather b r ciincs te set up en a desert Warm 61 his ew u until the eflevt issej-rtf. Ner Is thore anv special tntnty te the jincnile eye in a dia gram e'ftlie (ule pink stomach et health eer end nle e the deep red and lis Id spots of the diseased erpin en n chart It might, in deed, be tried whether n clas, after a lecture en poisonous candies, could le trusteil te pas-, round n lwx of the dancor dancer dancor eus sweet", and merely te leek and net tate. Some of them would be apt te etiture en a little one of the bright preen or yellow sugar plums, just te sce If what is said is true. VVhit morn Information us te lhe physical, mental and menl ruin of intemperance is needed by the legislatures of the country than they new jiessc" ? Senators ami repre-sentatm-s must lie out of the region et 17.0 slglit as well as newspapers, indesl, who de net fully understuid that liquor fills the courts w ith criminals, the jails with prisoners, the grave with suK nles nnd murderers; that it is resssnsit,le for many Ulseasx1 and crip pled children, for imheciles, and seme insane, that it costs the state and its municipali ties in appropriations fei public institu tions far mero than can oer no rtturued in it bt theaagn-g-ue in all the bills for ehnrttv pin peses new betere the legislature. It the mass et the roeilc de net knew tluv everv legislator does 01 may knew it. ll ery in- i temperate man or woman kiewseneigh about liquor te l restraineil. if aiizunicnt woreall. They also Knew that seme et It is pleasant te take ; that it teeds their cra ings, and eises them a lift eer present dullness ; that It deadens their icrceptien of treuble nnd shame ; that it furnishes them with fi-enry or ticrcenes.s te de mean and brutal things ; tli.it the day et reckoning may be in the distance, with ijeggary. disrace uiid phy sical torment, nnd tlTat the gratification is ery neir, scry pressing, in the present. When theie aie 110 ether aids te te.nperanee than knew ledge, the nppei untitles ter indiil indiil genee that nnkes brutes out et men cannot be oicctel te ;eep school children philoso phers w ben school children nre grown up. IlliiVratleiu nri)Ui'a-e.l stumsili. Therefore it is liardtosee that the youth of the country will be se much braced up with the hatied of alcohol by the exhibition of pictures et ilisoased stomachs while the examples set them by their elders run the ether way su-'h, for instances, as teach thein te associate with government atlairs elese familiarity with a taern window as a place ter holding elections; the place where the citizens e.xen-ises Ins highest dutv. Se long ns peer little uncomplaining t'aabianras maj be sent nnd must go with unlawful pictures te "side-doers ' en Sundays with, the fullest knew ledge that thev are te dedge tlie public eye, hew will a lovsen en imlamed tissues set oil this tjiilili.tr handling, sun 11 and taste of liquor? Tlie pictorial kuowlislgeef the hiiitfuluess, or een the parental injunction, does net keep the small ley from eating green apples in cholera time, if he lias n ehance at them, or trem swallowing cherry stones or ethei defiant cxieimient, any thore than the in telligence ofthe peurmmd keeps him from the lndulgence that will cut bim etf with ISnght's ilisease or gout When the boy has had the iselic and the sensible man his warn lugs li eui suturing, iie is ready for the ap plkatien ofthe text Rut the application et the results el applied liquor oxpneneeceme tee late m most instant ' te li el use, and it Is certain that no early training m temier anee liygiene w eulil alone brai e up n weak child with hereditary nppetits when the temptation is thrust upon him and the u.ste is acquired. In no way de we menu tluit there siieuld uet be the best understanding of ilie bur dens that inteinperamv imLs uiien the com munity and ujieii individuals. Hut a legis lature may se easilj satisry itself w ith order ing the matter into the school books and lit ting it alone everywhere elset it ii easy te reler tlie subje t ti a generation that has'vel te grew up. Tint th-j inform ilien w huh" is already in ixxsossien of most mature people in this commonwealth will work some miracle upon tiici eiiung r.u' may tie doubted If the using generation is lei t with a si heel heol hoel book 1 iw as its protection against thu i rovvij revvij iug tctnptatieus te drink. 111 I. I ISKI' WILL CAM.. 1'reiluctliill of tile Alii, -iiuptlill Agreeiarnt .SIhiIe at ISerlin. The sixteenth hearing in the great Fiske xx ill litigation, was resumed in Ithaca, New Yerk Friday, Ixlure Surregate I.jen. Judge llear'dmau tes titlud tliat he drew up the contract between Jcnnie McfJraw and Professer Will.irU Fiske, ssliieli w.is signed at llerlm iu-t prier te their marriage, in ssliich. Miss Mc-Graw was pivm full jesser te de with lit r prerty as it net maiiied. The following is the unte-iiupli.il agreement : IrOAiioserTin: I'sitrD Staths op ameiwa ( llEULt.N, July I.-, lsai. J In consideration of tlie agreement of Jennie McCrasv, et Ithaca, N. V., te marry ine, and of otlier consideration", 1 de contract aud agree that she shall hase, possess control and di-qie-,0 of ber property alter out said mariiage in thos.ime manner and te as per fect and complete extent ns if she had ic mained single and unmarried. Witness my hand aud seal this day and year lint afore said. (Signed) WiLL.snn ristn.. In presence of Andrew I). White nnd I) It lardm in. Frank C. Cernell testified that the lands sin rounding lhe Fiske mansion, embracing about twenty-eight ncrcs, wi r weith i0,(i. The contestants closed their slde et the case with this healing, and an ndeurnment was then taken until l'ehruery U'l, wlicu tlie do de do fense will be piepaied te go en ss-ith the suit. They have a large number of svllnosses, and much time svdi neccssarily elaivse bofero the cese can be submitted te the surrogate. Tlie Yeung 1'ilnce nilivaril. I.onJen Correpondcnco New Yerk Times. It is a pet theory of profossers or heredi ty tint sexei are roversed m each generation and that sons rotemblo thelr mothers. Prince Edward ceitaluly lwiks like a caricature or her. In his face the sweet and stately Gothic lines et the I'liiicess' are exaggerated into almost a monstrosity of vacuous narrow ness. Thcre is no speculation in the eves nor depth; tlie ten-head is slim and short; the mouth is feeble, und bolesv it droops a chin se long nnd purposelcs-s ns almost te amount ten dcieniuty. Tueie are numerous anecdotes allatt sub reta te show that lhe S'Ollth (VHIUiu !irtir...tl I.. 1.... . I. .,!..,... .i ... " 'v "J 'os iiuiiuuss, ac cepting the theory el maternal responsibility. , ! , y. ,eul "10 "10 el,10r osenlng or this, which she heiself heaid. It was the opening day or an exhibition of old masters nt the Royal academy, and the president was cs. ceiling the princess through the rooms stepping bciore a c-elebnited picture, he said. "An, this deseives special attention; this C upld and I'svche Is ijulte the most Interest ing thing So-and-se painted." "What is it nbeut?" asked tlie ptlneess "It jepresents Cupid and Psyche as " Sir Frederick was replviiig, when her rd.val highness asked, " he were they?" Tlie Illlnul. I.rKi)atiirii tuiiuue. Ueth Houses el the Illinois legislature met Friday, in Joint convention, at Spriugtleld, and, allot uuivasiing the seli-s ri state olll elll olll cers, the new elllcci-s wc-reinsudlisl. Uov Uev Uov erner 0'leiby, m ids inaugural, loviewed the feutuies et lhe three constitutions under which the state had been governed, mid strongly roc-emmended changes in the crim inal lasv practice. He bclleved Iiithoabel. Uliment et the right of change or veiiueiuut peremptory challenge of Jurers called te try a case. llonlserecomnunJs changes In Jho picsent election i co as lemakc lr.miluient voting dimcuit, and, in amcaaire Impossible. s-UliiB Their riilMrrn te Chinese. The newspapers have ent red en a crusade against nn iniquitous practice Just discovered In San Francisce of mothers selling their ille gitimate children l the fhinesc. Inquiry shows tint n system.i ic ti idle in them hns tH-en going oil for a long time, inalnlv through lhe ngencv of j-uvate Ivlnp In hos pitals Four ensesef w lute b ibes in the -sesslen of the female piopiieteronf Chinese brothels liave nlruvlv Issn discovered, nud there nre goeil gretin is ter liellevlng that there are hundreds of ethers but the Chi nese, fearing discovers have hid them out of sight. It Is nssirtid new en excellent authority that these t, i ib hildren are pur chased by Chinese sp.i ul tieis ami rout te China, xv'liertv they no i used until twelve sears old, when flies ,n sold te ri h China men ler large sums i plwM in thelr harems tlimsnt fur VV hlpplns n SI in te Dratli. U Corning, Clay enmn rk.. en Friday, Lafayette Mclleu.a s 1 i . in ti, naed SO, svns lumped for the tiiurd. -ill rmklin Hale four year apis, It svas pi s. 1 in the trial that Melten wnsiicjpt.un m -he Is" Klx brotlt bretlt eiliiH,l. Hale had ln Hiking about tlie order and a plot ss as i nn I te sn hip liilftr-.V masked jxirtv found II ih miV-VA,wxls nt night and wldinxsi J m -ieilenth. Melten "aioeiiiiotcTrehleltvon the esidence of 11. "sTLass rence, otie el tlm jwrtv, sshe turned state's evlilcuce a your after the occurrence. 'i:ciai .seiivi s. I estBLL, Mas I, lW 1-erslT sears 1 hut klilinj ai-Be with pain lu bark iiml htps. 1 iuiio-esed en one tsoule nf Hint's (llvtnu ntul tlvnl IHMtnv nl tsre ti ttles cuutl me." w If itlitnch ixl, llixien A I.eell 1! 1! )i! IsTdeediss i'i:r. nt weitb.s 1 lilies srhosseulil reinln firshties. nrnt sisne in Den t Uil tetir SVilN Ib-illh Itctiewer " (U - A sjiiarter ef n rup of ti," U, mnitam," said the Douitnte. "Jnt ensilri of u eupnt t . if seti please, nnd half a ncr ei iwisi. mni is hii i cin mi ihiet preiehlng this errntng fr uiv dyNmln l e bait M-riiieti, svlilcli put his h, irera te slcs-ti lint s hs -heulil a mtnUtt r h is ,ts srn iwfu lis lone u llreuns Iren UltU-rs ts te Ijo hut m the anis stores The Ites". St, ertl-s of N'ewliern, N t . savs. ' 1 coiiMiler thewns lien Jlitters one of the best uiedtcim-s knuii i nr pner man pnarnisi nn ustiuiij ury VlOTUHis' MOT lints VtelllEK-s-" Vte von disturbed nt ni'it and brolrenef your ts-t lv a slek child sii t. mil and rrs tug ss Ith the oeru-laltng piei t i iitiniK t.i tn - If se, go Ht once nnd get is 1 nn if Mis. SlNt.OW s soelllISO YIt P I -vs 111 reltcsc the toer Uttle sutterer lituu ! tt, Is di pend upon 11, ttit re t no mistake uiieui tt Th is Is net n nieilier en earth sshe li i-eser used It. who srlll net tetl j en nt eni the It stll reunlste the tesveli, nnd ctve is -t te the tnethci, and relief nnd health te the child ei'mttn(t like iuiirIc. It Is iHTfectly safe te use In ull cases, und fsleusnnl te the taste, nnd Is the piv-,eilptleti of one of the elde-d and tiest fenml, plis -ieiuns in the t'nltcst state shiIiI esvrssslu ' 1'ieentsn iiettl, tiMj JI-l)dM,l.,tst Alliiss Is i sir riiitngoed dent of fie sntreriiiK I" this srerld can t0 us-elilcd 1J- purchasing Itr Ihernas' f - Ucine Oil. nnd Uslnu It us pn din cilens It 1-. nn InfnUllile euro for Huth-- pi tins indrsilns loruleb II 11. Lechmn, druirlst. IjT u-iJ S erth Qiuen street, Ixincastir, I'e. a s,rAr.rLi.vtJ Distevr.u Mr W tn Jehnsen, of Huren, Duk , ssrltei that his wife hnilbcsin trenlilid sslthacute Unmchltis for in ins- years, and th it all n uiedles tried ijase no penimncnl relli f until he procured u Iniiii,, of Dr ICixuft Nesr Di ir, rs- for consumption t eutfhs and CeliN, u hleh find a m ttflcul i ifeet and iiriMlueetlnpeimiinent ure It lsjfiininteMt te cure alt Disease of 1 tussit Lutijfs ei Iliou rhiil Tubes Trial IV .t tl. - t ise t I eehran s Drill? store N'es IT; and I i North Queen stret. l.tiniaster, Pa I.srje size ft en i"0 Hie Cllinese Xlunt (in. Anil e must neuralgia and ruemiintl-ui, si lien Or Ttiuma Uclielrir Oil nil ek thi .n This IneiUcine ts n lnarsoleus product of Ingenious thought IliiYltrtnd tts it 1-or sale bv II U Cechmn, druasi.t, 137 and 1J! erth t.'ucen street, laiuciuler, Is " KOL'UII OX- TOOTH vein, instant relief for Xeuralgta Toethnehe, Pure Hrht Ask fei "Ueugh en TOtdhaetn. loc and i'? II) Dr. taiiuer-s steinicb Dr liiuucr eertainlv has u creat lemiich preal beeunse of Us vtivngth nnd endiimitee W e my c rr tn saying that the de ter ii-cn liurderk Jlloetl HMer, but if he dees.hwdme-tlse powers ere esslls- accnuuted for JlurJixk Iiterl Hit I rt lieins a standaid lnediclue im- sold lis- ill drnj-jrists termilcbyll U c"chran, ilrnkftfl-t. 117 Kiid IW North Qtie"n ttitet, I amidst, r. 1' i let.sci Ml.N -HE M T II I- Th V etTAic IIklt Le . of M irsh.ill. Mil h . otter tesend their cclibraled I.lk'tbi-V eli ah IIklt aud ether KtKcraicAriaiAsi u en trial for thirty ilas. te int ti (old or seutitz) afillf lid u ith neis eus debtlttv, l,r-s of vfialli) and tnanhoed. unit all kindriMl trouble Alse for rheumatism naurul ta, s;irul ifs, and inau etbi-r liindnHl dt- i.p, Complete restop.iten te h.alth, vler und in i i heed trnaranteed Ne risk I-. iiietimd as thtnv dii) a trial Is allesitd V ntc tie in at teiee fii UhistruUd iuuiphl t tii d, JiljitAsi I.H I. r-IUshllV J.li II iu an losing sour rip en Mfi , tiv ell III ulth It ni tr -' Wis llllttt ti siak ii- (il vn Kxu le iiem: s( ii vim xt. 1 duuril Jshtpherd, of Ilan-KiMinj, pi wi iiis inn itireistju si, uniin e. ut-ui iiem i.iccmc Hit l..r 1 f,il llni.iliil, l..l. .,.T. .In., t. ..,.,.. .. eiiifis, I in-i iluituui) 10 it-1 -,iiiii.riiiiiiuillliniiy kness it Have hid a running sire en ms leg for elhl jcars: my dtsters told me 1 sveuld tvise te Ins e the bone -i ri(M.il or It giiinpiituted I ite.l li.al.viil ,l,mn l..-,,,!.,.. t.t I li.nl.ln llli.,.j und si veil boxes Ilnekli n Ariiicu .Sulsc, und ms lut: Is nest sound and at II " Klei trie Uitters ure old ut tlftyei'nts n bottle, unit llucUlen's Arnica ntu nt i"te. )-r Ues; by II II Cochran, Druggist, -N os 1J7 and 1 North street, I-uncastcr, l'u (S) stliiseu's l.es nud Leiks. Wht n Ddilahclippiil eir Sanisen' locks that mighty nthlete at once became " ns utnei men " If it cenld hopres-cd that the possession of luv orient hair would emtlili men te tenrepen lien' Jusss. Uiscex .t Ce. sseuld Ik- drisen urlld In the ullert te supply enough el 1'iirkt r's Hair Ilalsaui te inie t the demand At it Is, the Uahum pre vents your hair from filling out, and l-estere thueifglnil color if lulid or gras. Ili-shlis It Is a great addition te the toilet lublu bitupl us a dieamig An Kscilluit Itepert. Hen .lee 15. GoedndKO, of ilroeklsn, .N , suites this- "Cannut (i)iies msanff In stun Clently pruisewnrthv terms Jturdeck Jlloeil Hit tm has e used for thi pj-i two years j keen uiV Htemuchtu splendid turn ter sale by 11 It Cochran, druggist, JS7 and IS) North CJuccn street, Laucnslcr, l'u. I.I.TTKlt ritOVI A WKLUBOlVX NEW yelllC Al'CTIIINKKII. llOi 1H i:3r Utii Smncr, -N'cw 1 euk, May llh, ls&J, I has e been troubled w 1th an Irritation of the 1 hreut and a Cough fur seme time. I am alie a martyr te Dyspepsia Uy the udvlee of a very learned physician I cpplied tsse ALiceci- I'oners Piasters te my chest, and ene en the pit of my stomach. In time duji, my Cough tins cured and ray Threat tu well. 1 havn non worn the I'lasters tsse necks, nnd my nppi.tite and dlgeatien have much tinprescd I am con fident tlut tit another week my Dyspepsia svill be entirely lcmnved. I have neser used te jiltasantanil agreeable a runrtly In my life liiO- MATIIi:sV3 ' Allceck'n"ls the only genufne I'oreus 1'lus ter; all ether se-called i'oreus l'lasters ureluil tutlens. Take Your Choice. Yeu can he sseak.nersnas, dubilltated, andde andde tpendent, dlsauullfled fnr si erk of head or liand or you can enjey a fair share of beulth and pcuce of mind iluranek Jlloeil luilcri ss-lll alluvtute J our in scry und de you a srerld of geed If you will but huve faith te tiy 1'er nale by If. It Cecbrun, druggist, 7S und 139 North Ouccn ttieet, laincaster, l'u IIL'CKI.i:.N'-s AK.MCA bAI.Vi:. 1 he best !iils-e in the world for Cuts, ISriilses, Serea, Llcern, Salt Ithiiuin, l-'eve- eiis. Tetter, ( happed Hand, Chilblain. Ceras, nnd all hklu hrtiplteug, und piMltlvel) etilia I'lle. or no jiay rciilrcd. It Is gminuifeed te gls e tierfect fuitia fuitia factien, or money rcrutidcd Price, a tenia per bes;, (or aide by II. II, Cm hnm, druggist. Sin. U.nnd 1JU North (Jueen utreel, laintsialer. 1'a. ni:. ri:.u:u-s itoer iirrrKits. rrazlei'a Heet Ulttcia hi-e net u ilram Minn beverage, but are atrictly medicinal in nvutv ini.e They net Mrengls upon the l.lserund Kidneys, ki ep the boss eta open und i ocular, rleaiise the bloeil and j stt m of evui v Impurity t-eld by druggist, 11 Sold by II II Cethniii, U7utid 11 North Queen .ttcet (jj A mid of iiiiusu'il MVeilty iihlehl tisek last nntniiiii developed Inte a dittlculty decldedlv caturrhal lit ull Itaclunicteiiitlca, tfiicuteiiingii return of in) old chronic malady, catarrh, one bottle or I.I) 'a Cream Halm tninpletely emdl rated every symptom efthit painful mid tire vailing di.etder. K. W. Wuiuer, t iiinf.en hi., iieehester. Catarrh, rei tvtiiil) jeurs I was asiilleier nemcalaiih of thv head and lln'enl, ill-u lets' uiililieatleukiir llly'a t uaiu Itiliu I leicived de tided beuellt was cured bvene bottle t'har t'har t'har lotte 1'arl.er, Uaseil), N. . J.'l '.'wdi-eiUiv lMI.i:st 1'II.I.sf IMI.KSilt Stny eu.e rer llllnd. lilcudliigiiud Itching Piles. Olie Im ha cured the vsei-,t ciiif .Ujeara' Mtniidlnu; Ne oue need sutrer 11 v e minutes ufter mlng IMlllam'. Iiiilliui I'll,, ointment It ab sorbs tumors, ullus Itching, nets as poultice, Kls-cs instant relief 1'iciiaicd enlv fjr Pllin, Jtcbln-: or the private parts, imtl lit- il-e i rid ''feVi ) nnd ma led en i rtlpt eftirlec.jl bold by II 11, cechruti, 157 uud lj'Neilh Qui en StlcCt. () MrmrAh' TlV'NTS UF.MHDY. HUNT'S MUSKS, VMH.IVint REMEDY! Nevor Known te Fail, n ts a rr.ctnt I til Istdnes slid liter Troubles, Madder, I'll- ni v unit I Iver Uistuset, Drepr, Crnvl nnd l'labctc ti is ur.i.iAiu.i: In ,iliiB Urlglit's llcne. t'atns tn thaltnii., t etn or silo, Itetontlen or Nen l.etonllen of I line iitt.iii s nixeMJtr.vDr.u It cur Ullteusness, llendnche. .Iniimllie, si,r "teinmh miepsla. constipation mid l'ltws it wettt;s rne.Mi'TiA, And in" s lntempernnce. Nervous Diseases, tif nernl DelillltVj l".pee unit l'emalc Vcakue -vt: it at exer. - It restore itie Ktdiicv, liver nnil nesielstn n hettlthv action unit cuis vthen all ether meit lrlncs fsil lluniliTl hase liecu wisest who iws'e be u yls en up le tlU tr fi leiuls nn't dis-sl clans l'RICK. tl -i:m run w-Lt'siit rKD pxmpiu.i.t n HUNTS HEMEDY CO., l-l'.OVtDKNCK, r. t es-seLD m M.i. Dr.rcr.iT5-.a (sSTulh.S.Vw (Ji ptev ui rrn it-s. nnn nnu t sv st ir ss v1 n it it it t ss sv sv st ss v IIBIt lll'.ll O WW WW M V V l 11 I! It tl 1) WW WW .V ss UUll U il CK) W VV N NN it mm no ns s II It II O It N.S S ll i.r.tt i e N s s It It K tl O N NS tl U U Oil N .N.S urn II TTTT TTir UK nun Rsss, 11 tl II T 1 I K It 5. ." Juki it t r 1 1: una psss, i n it t i i n n, J lltltl If 1 1 IKK u u 'sss I his mi dlelne, combining Iren with pure vege liihle tonics, tiiilrkls and eotnpletelv Ct'Ul.S lsp.p v lNIIll.l.ssles MAI, VIII V. Ht.MiM,". isn't i:r. lil.oell, ClULI.s and I I V Kit niulNl.l'K Vl.l.l.V. Uv ripld and thoreiigti assltnllatieu with the tiliMsl it risiehes eserv i.irt of the ysstem. pun ties und enrlili, s the bleed, strengthens the outsell sand tiers es, and touts and Invtgeratc Ihesssteru A fine Appetizer Itest tentc known, tt wtll tore the worst ease of Ils-spejisls re re tneslngall distressing symptoms, such us Tast ing the hoot). Iklcblng,' lleut In the Mem.ieh, Heartburn, etc 'f he enlv lpn tiiedlciue that sslll net blacken or lnui-c the tisdh II is lus nl untile for diseases iK-eultir te sremen, and te all iHrsens sr he lead -tslentarv Uses Vn unfailing lenitd) for diseases of the I. Iver and Kidneys Persons -tiirertng from the effect of oserwerk, ners-em trnutites. Iis. of nppt tile, or dibltlt). eHrientefiuuk nliif and leuessed encrjty by ItS US. It diK-s net cause Headache or produce Cenatl imtleii OI Hl.lt Iren medicines de It is thuenl) nrepunitlen of Iren that Cannes no Injurious etlccta Physicians and druggist reeenini6iid It us the best Try It. Tha jrenntne baa l rade MarV and en-seil risl Hues en wrapnei lake nenther. )Iadoeulyby liUOM.N CII1.3I1CAI. CO. liiLTisenii, Mn. septO-tyd.Vlyss p II. MAKTIN. U. SSUOLESALB ANDHRTSIL Dealer in All Kiwis of Lumber and Cual. 3-Ann Ne 4) North Water und Pilme tivet, utiese I einun. l.iiuenster nXlvd t m.'.h.ai:dnf.ks.v ji:fki:hii:s, COAL DEALERS. nrnics Ne lJa N'erth ijticeii street, and N'e it.i N,rth I'unce street 1 iKisi Neith I'llnte stre t, near lteadlng Deliet i vn vsrF.it, i v UllglVtlll "IDA I- M. Y. B. COHO, SX-VOltril VV.vrrit sikkKI, IJtuc-aster, Pa., SSIIOLESALE A.VU UtT ML prALEn IS LUMBER AND COAL. CoJtNEfTleV SI ITU THE 'ItLrrttOMC ClCMAMlK. 1 Ann asu OrncK Ve .i NOIITII VV.VTI.lt sTKI.h'l febiJ-ljd I J. hWAItlt A CO., COIL. Orrn e Ne Ju Centre S-qunte jakds hist Walnut und ilulshall sttcets. (Stewart's old lard ) Ueth Vardund Olllcc. connected tilth the Tele phone l.sclmngu r-MNDI,INi; WOOD A bl'I.ClAl.rY.t ectKMiindMAFIt rvjtsiTUtii:. w Ai,Ti:it a. iinixrrsii. NO. 28. NO. 28. Special for Spring, 1885. MV STOCK OF FURNITURE Fer tlie Spring Traile, Is I.OL'AL TO .V IN- TIIK C1TV, AND AT l'ltai.sTHAl CANNOT UU UNDEIISOLD ALL GOODS GL'AltANTEKD. WALTER A. HEINITSH, Ne. 28 East King Street. LANCASTLU, I' A. dueOCnn; 110 vsvFVuxts iir.ya a oevs. T in: CHEAPEST PLACE 10 lll'Y AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Ceal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures. -IS AT- JOHN P. SCIIAIIJI it SON'S, Ne. '-'I Seuth (Jui'eii Street, Iebj7-ll LANCAblKlt. I'A. pOTi:iSMAKIXU CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT t3.00 DOZEtf, AT NO 100 XOltTII (IVUK.V STHEKT, Jaul'Jtfd Leucujtgr, Fa. ' vumii.(i. AirlM'IAMHUN .V FOSTlllt, -I PROMINENT -AT Till.- GfiBATSPKCIALSALE -VIII- BARGAINS FINE OVERCOATS. Coats Hint ale serv eitiefitlls made and trimmed, the tit of svhleh nre tally up te the highest standard of eseelli-m-esihenceiu pared si Ith the t litest t ttstetii Werk 1 hese eeuts nre selling ut iltteu nud 1.1'is) hut are leally ssetth mom menes and would eeniiinind a much higher figure if the lurgir half et the si Intel was net pint, but thev are here te be sold, and the eaily ctllcrs sslll gel the Ini-gcit selection siiuiptes of them can be ecu In out T", ST rLeriiixr. windem BUSINESS SUITS, $15.00. In Whipcord or tlne llnlsht-d I itssstiticie, strongly mnde and trtinmed with serge, cut st) llili und lire pleasant lltllng Kitrinents, biiliig imek civit ttnide si tth soft role nnd hollow shout tiers Siimtdes of lewet gride lluslness Suits uitt e hlbltedlneurU bl CI.OIIII.NO VM.NDOVV XIUX'SCAUPIG X I VCKl.Ts.3Ti-. AI.I.-WOOI. IIOSB. lie SCOTCH t.lt.V I'SIUIKIVI. Vlt. i- ( MlI.hT Vt.l-IVOOL f.VDKItUl. Vll.Ois Dlt VVVI IIS enlv HATS and CAPS. V set Tilt. U Is II VT. li' lMIEs'TF HL.VCls II vr l ' V l-UtIIs( COfs Vss.OUTMr.Nl el I t It sTtrr it vr. ijc HOYS-FANCY rOLO?.c NKiritIV Hit GIOVKs I.IM.H WITH I.AMIIS WOOL. II ,V1 DOllIt.U PLfSII LAI" ltenUs, tii. 1100 Is 11 M.S. V BOOTS AM SHOES. In both latdlesnnd t.imtsthit were thretin lulu Special S de have taes-ed out te out entire, s-itls-fictien, but tin re are some lines tiisshlchsu, huse a full rauge of sizes, lint are dt strable, durable and vers cheip Iaidles- )llis and chtldien's Spring VVtdge and High Heel Shoes In Kieneh and Amerlran Kid ; also Pebble, Oeat and Cuntcea Hid of the latest fashions Gent's and Ilevs' Shoes for dress or stt t e;tr In all quilltlcs, tminn strong (icged shoe le u tint, handseme Calf Gaiter RUBBER OVERSHOES In tiesiiuiri and smUiln . also heaw Art-ties Vlaskus nud long ltubber n-sits fet jKirts men er5tnres c'esp nt i p m iitept sttitd.iss until furihxi netfn WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER, 32,34, 36 and 38 East King St,, i.ANCAsrr.it. r.v MAciiixr.nr. j ji:ati:hs ok turnac-ks. U BEST" STEAIVI ENGINE -AND Beiler Works, HESTERS -OH- FURNACES ten Private Dwellings, Schools and J'nl. lie Ituiitliiigs. Call and are them. .Vladn of heavy Iren, sim ple of construction, durable, econeuileiil, the inet Itudlatlnj Hurfaee of any Heater In the uiarlctt. Nothing Cheap But the Price I OUR OWN PATENT. S-Huvlni; nceu In m In many of the larues resldencealn I.aiiciuter In the pan ten years I the beat of evidence of Ita merits ; Addieaa, Jehn Best & Sen, Ne. 33 LIST FL'LTOX ST1IELT, lunl.Vlid.V"' I,ANCASTi:it. FA. HAVING DIS.SOLVi;i lAIlTNI:K.SIIll, and peituaueiitly closed the Chestnut Mrcet Iren Weika, 1 de.lie tn Inform my old patrons and the publie Kencnilly, that Iain still luthu bunlness, rieini; leeated In the I'aim lien C'einpairy-a W'erku, Nerlh Plum atlset, sshetn 1 am iuiiUIiik Iren and llnma Caslliifs of every de. acilptluu, und sslll be pleased tn serve all sshe may fnvur me si Ith their putrnunKe. Frem te sea oipfi-fence In the bilelliCBS nud tilni the best innterlul and emple Inn thu heat mee huiifca, urn biuiHiicu leunBiiuniiiieeeitiiiuaaiiMiiiciuui. C'aatlnga made fieinu iiilsluie (it Hen and atetl svlilch are liiwu tellablu fnr atteuitth uuddtini bllity tlun the beat euat iron known. V teeth oil pinions, lolls unit lelllnu; mill stork a spec laity. Caatluita liinde of scij soil lien, iiinlbmin awtluita of us cry description. I h ive ull the pat tern, of tlie well und fuseisibly known Jlewicr Coin and Ceh Crusher, refitted und ll'ipieved. ale en hand. Mill completely fitted up or In nurta, te leplace old ones which has ebeeu In tiau fei s curs, guaranteeing-tLetiitoL'lseMUttsriietlen, It. c" JUCULLEV. augdi-Suid YARA ClOAItS, ONIA' Cc., OUARAN teed Yam. nl UAIUJIAN'S YELLOW' KltONT ClOAll blOUK. ri.iiiiu.Mi. Feu til.nvi:s, 4s 'In Keep the hunts uiitm ' -, MirrKNH, Te keep tlie I11111U tun m SUCKS, '10 keep the Ii el statin i:ah Muri's, In keep the earn win in. MUl'l'liKUM,) le keep Die netk ssnrni. i'Ni)i:uvi:Ait, te keep llmlied) ssariu. Ge te EMSMAN'S, Ne 1, W I.ST KINO blltl'.KT. rp.vri.tMIlNM- -- -' W. B. NELSON, ,ktr it 1) tt Uistkrh Nennt IJitk tntKT, I M st! IM Importiieg Tailor. M.W VOIIIC P Vltl.tllts. ESHLEMAN'S LAW BLOCK, North Utike Street, Littuenuter, Pit ALL TIIK liATKSTKTYLlvS Is I enufis vsti HevraTii ( terns ren st na ssn I rut hiK. A PKIIl'F.cr Fllt.t' VII VNII.KD I have Just eiw-ncd at the nhes-e parletn sstili a film line of l'nirlii nud Dniiiestie t.isids fur the W Inter nnd stniitiirnf ss.V si here 1 si 111 be pleased te lull ii ins-mend und the public call and sen luv atctel. W. B. NELSON. s il'KClAl. NOTICli Aiiiieiiiin'iiinit r..tr,iiinliiiar. ! iiif, mtr. vn.si uiiuiiieN i v i n m vdi IN- PIMCLOTHOfG ' vr - henry iiiuiirrs. Ne. 0 Knut Klmr Streot In order te is-slmen hens r teek iwfeie tnev 111);, 1 shall uinke up toenlurill lines uf i;iHidii.it A Reduction of 25 te 30 Pr Cent. I have also n iiittnlier id ( t" deM M AUK st'ITS, net eallut Inr. sihleh sitll t Id at a Krent Kiiertltce. 'lids rodnellen Is fei eiili enli and sstll extend te the t'll!l nl VI Vlti II V It Will rsitutee nn or iImuii i h, tiil,, April te .ve. a south qi'i:i:x snir.i.i; (Opposite the l-ewtefllee ) H. GERHART. J. K. fc.MAUNt.. GREAT SLAUGHTER HUE OVERCOATS. VV e offer te 1U1 n rt din lien uf i", le Tn per cent lieleiv last menOi a iiti es t reinhiu i relebmtcd and popular Osi ri outings THE UF.sl IN till. Wultl D In all the dirfetent shinies and ststes Ms tans, I'urx, Veleuis,, Vicunas, Utllapels, l!a tlu.19, .Mentiiniik's. AniniLhaiis, et, 1 Alt Ld nitens, Czarlnes, Duffel's and I'utcut Hearers, lfiy.tl Irish Frieze, t.arrresseti. Petershams, Ntc tteus and hetNey these goods can only he hadatteinllni; heiKcs In l.iryc ellles and eingn InprltMfrnni .') tn tIix We me m lliticr tin in f retn fit te K) A full line of Iiem, ,ti, Kal rli . raiiKliiK tn prlrt s fieui it i te $. SUITINGS of nvi.itv Di:scitiPtitiN at piiicls cei: ItLspe.NDiNt.I V I.tiW All eelura are subjected tu n tlioreugh cheiut'-t-al test our ssnrU Is of the best and highest Myloefnrl Our leni,' experience In hutlni- aud clcs.e Inspection enabli s us te lie thnreughlv fniulllir ssith all the best iiuiuiit.ictures nnd latest alvlea lu the uiutket tilre u. a trial and ha cenrlncisl. .vr- Ne. 2 Weat Kltur Street nnd Contre Sqimre. Sibling's Tailors Guild. inarlO-lvWAS E CONO.MY IN CLOTH INTO. Bargains Added Way. Teercnte sseik for our hand, nnd keep them tegethet ;durtuir thu dull avasen, no urbanize today ns SPECIAL SALE IN OFH CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. llavliiK betiRht fur cash nt a Inte N'esr Yerk naloaLurge and Une I.lnti of l'ANTAI.OON. l.NOS, sin nru prctiuied te offer SPUCIAI. IN' DUCUMI.NTS. AI.IWOOI, 1'ANTS, miiitiTii order, ut M no. AI.I..VVOOI, PANTh, mutlu te order, at 1191 AI.I..WOOI. 1'A.NTs, m.iilelneidei atsliie AI,I,-VV oei. p.v.N'l s, iniiihi lii eiilcr, at ! an AI.I.-VV00I. PANTS, inaku te elder, uttSUu. There urn clmnrcs fur illjj ILugulus tn this etlertiiL'. -llin prltta me tletriiAU uudSOfier tent. Don't fei get amidst thoiieUnof thu cloth ing dealers, Just new, that sie li.isetl.eili.il chilmm your attention as etrereia of lhe llcst and Newest Clothing uud l.oeda lu lhe l'leceut 1'rlcca giinniutecd loner than any competitors. S.VMl,I,i:Plllci:9liieui Neiltnseat Window. Muikctl In Plain Flguina. Business Suit te Order as Lew as L CrAISIAI & BED, Nea. 60-08 NORTH QUEEN ST , (Klghten thoeiithisc'at Cor. of Oruiiyu hlieet,) I.ANCAsTKIt, PA. a.S',.',!,l.",,:!;"1"''- Uhtll 8 e-eluck Sjtuulay until lue clock. ' pOOR, W'lIITII.t CO., ibamkbia:s.k n"J"' ' Wan YIVeV'Rvffii? V8 O .Mliineapella Iteul l.atatnTper cunt. beiuU fei aaluiitleiiind Inteiest. l'roprluleni or "l-iajfa Manual of liullstuya." Ctirieapeudeiicu Invited 45 Wall Streot, New Yerk. octH)dced CICJARH I'llOM fl PER HUNRRRD TO Inn lnrt l-ir.Ai...i(.. .. . iTn rnZihWuUUVJ1"' " l'w JiAJtXiiAN'a VjSllew fhent ciqau Diimb, t "-SW''' t' "