r.K ' tT THE LANCASTER DATTAr INTELLIGENCE!, FRIDAY, JANUARY 510, 1885. wj .'it 3 i- M & r,- k& W a it -."; tir It m u m THE1 DAILY INTELLIGENCER WW.WHEO EVERY EVENING IN THE YEAfl M (tunDtv lictrrte.) BV8TEINMANAHENSEL. 'INTELLIGENCER BUILDING 8. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE. Lancaster Pa. OAILV TEN CENTS A WEEK. FIVE DOUAflS A YEAR, OR NFTY CENTS A MONTH. POSTAGE TREE. ADVERTISEMENTS rneM ten te fifty cents A LINE. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. ( EIOHT PA0E8.) rUBLISHEO EVERV WEDNESDAY MORNINO. '' Twe OOIUH A YlAK IN ACVCt. CORRESPONDENCE Solicited from every tart or the state and country. Corre spondents are REQUESTED TO WRITE lEOISUY ANO ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAFER ONLY; AND TO 8ION THEIR NAMES, NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BUT IN PROOF OF GOOD FAITH. ALL ANONYMOUS UTTERS WILL BE CONSIGNED TO THEVWASIU BASKET. AD0RES3 ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, pa. S!)c waster Intelligence LANCASTER, JANUAKY SO, 1SS5. Tlie IncmclcncjofCenprcss. The Inability of Congress te vassl;i3 which the country demands has become se apparent as te bring many intelligent men totheconelusionth.it the bedyisutteily useless for the purposes et its creation. Ter several years it has been impossible te se cure, healthful and necessary changes in the laws, while- Congress has been in a contin uous wrangle ever the most inconsequen tial matters, and has succeeded in doing nothing except te pass bills for getting money out of the treasury. The sentiment of the country, as well as justice, have long demanded a declaration en the part et Congress of the forfeiture of unearned land grants. Although the de velopment of the evil was made manifest three or four years age, and the demand was at once made that this wrong should le remedied, Congress lias done nothing. Bills introduced into one branch te be re ported favorably and passed, have failed te sccure consideration in the ether house, and as a result net a single acre of land has been declared forfeited. And yet party plat forms and public sentiment have demanded as with one voice, that reform was necessary in tills respect and that the lands should be held for actual settlers. The same is true in all fiscal matters. The national bank system has been per "mittcd te remain in a thoroughly unsatis factory condition, in spite of a general sen timent et friendliness and an urgent de mand for a mere definite and better estab lished basis for future operations. The silver question has failed te receive any consideration, se that the government has geno en paying geed money for bullion and piling up silver dollars in the vaults of the treasury, when nothing was mere certain than that they could net be utilized or drawn into circulation. The trade dollar is even a plainer case. A swindle en the government and the people, it has been absolutely impossible te secure any legisla tion te redeem or withdraw it from circu lation. Evils in the levy and collection of revenue have geno uncorrected, under under valuateon and smuggling being practiced continually and openly. Still Congress has dene nothing and is, te all appearances, utteil oblivious te these simple business questions. On the ether hand Congress has mani fested a readiness te waste the money of the country and te indulge in bad or doubt ful legislation. The pension legislation of the past few years has been little better than absolute swindling, while the river and harbor bills have tee often been in effect a conspiracy te take money from the treasury. Public buildings have been authorized when no demand existed for them, in violation of recognized business principles, while places f.ir mere deserving of thorn have been entirely ne glected and shut out in the leg-rolling which generally controls this legislation. Educational bills, appropriating immense, sums of money, have been introduced and have excited as much discussion as if they were practical and constitutional. Last but net least, tlme has been wasted en buncombe resolutions of sympathy with people, nations or individuals, whose busi ness was no concern te the United States, or it lias been deveted te weak and useless culogiesof weak and useless statesmen who have had the geed senw or misfortune te die. And yet net a senator or representative has risen in his place te pretest plainly and bluntly against this waste of time or the recognized failure of Congress te de the weik entrusted te it. It must always be the case tint the re.d affairs et the country are entrust "d te a few men. AVe have these in both houses of Congress; but they fail te de their weik. If a half dozen men should btart out te take that leadership which character and ability naturally con fer upon them, and insist upon Congress settling -iUeir te real, decisive, earnest work.they would net only find general sup. pert in tne country, but tliey would give themselves a power which was formerly exercised but has new fallen into desuetude. They would net only establish thuir own reputation as useful men, but they would de something te make the Congress of the United States ether than the reproach it is becoming se rapidly. The "Solders' Orphans." The commonwealth of l'ennsjlvania last jcar fjitiit $3T2,l-U.G2te educate the so se called soldiers' orphans ; and since the lie ginning of the system it has cost the state S7,G32,37 1.70. The war has been ever "M1 nigh twenty years, ami children new in these schools under sixteen years of age could net have bem for years after the war ended. There Is no obligation upon the istate new te clothe, feed and educate a "soldier's" orphan that is net equally press ing with regard te every orphan within the limits of the commonwealth. Every preposition te continue or enlarge the pre sent system bheald be steadfastly opposed by nil upright and hi longheaded members of the legislature. It nprcara from a bill Intieduced by Senater Cooper, that it is proposed te con- tlnue the present system under the name of " industrial schools" for all " neglected and dependent" children under 10. This is at irast mere frank and fair than the feld'cra' orphans" pretext ; but it is ene efdiibtful exiellency. It, is a sjiIeus question whether the state should under teke Mich am responsibility. If there are te be children' homes every. here, had it net better teleft tecicli county teestablbh and control its own? The tendency te get away from local M-lf-gevernnicnt nud shoulder all 1 extensibility nnd power en the federal and state gecrnnieul ought not.'te le encouraged. Insufficient Valuation. In 1W4 the assessed valuation of prop erty in lanca.ster, tuitble for clly pur poses, was $12,7(H).W. Since the assess. inent en which that valuation was based was made, the nuinlier of building iermlts issued from the mayor's ellire in the cars following has liecn as shown by this table : 1ST! SI. 1SS75. ,V. ISTrt. 63. IS77 fti 1S78. W. 18711. ea, I8.MI. II. 1831 "p. ISSi 07. issa. tes. IS.-!... 111. Tills total of 7IS does net. liowevrr. rep resent the entire number of new buildings erected in this period. Often a single per mit embraces a block of buildings, and sometimes the permit is doubtless forgot ten. A total of 1,100 new buildings many of them of the most substan tial and costly character of improvements would be a fair estimate of the additions te real estate in this city within theja-'t decade. Considering the average excel lence of these structures, an advance of $3,000,000 in the value of the real estate of the city iu this period does net seem te le an exaggeration ; and jet it is found that the aggregate valuation of the assessors lias in fact fallen off mere than half a million. Of course there has leen some shrinkage of real estate values in this time, but net enough te impair the logic of the conclu sion that our local svsteni of taxation is suffering severely from inadequate and unequal assessment . The remedy is unfertunatelj just with these who will net npph it. Assessors, as a mle, knew en which side theii bread Is buttered and liowte make political friends. The present svstem is a bad one. There should be a competent beard of capable and impartial men te make, or at least te revise the assessments for the entire citv . A Uaiikisuuiie legislator ants iioteiu'lirr under eighteen years of nee ; tlie suite wants no feels In the legislature, Imt it srin te liau one that Is well developed, Tun lieight te which the ene man evMr can attain in politics is wonderfully illus. trateit in tlie supremacy that ene Mike Mc Donald, a saloon keojer and professed pun bier, enjoys In Chicago. The story of the Inlcr-Ocenn, of that city, concerning Jiiiu nlmest siiriessCH Itcllrf. Net only is lie a power in tlie politic of the city, but his potency in the .criminal court is that of n C.i'sar. Herein tne't of his strcnetli is derived. A gambler or thief in tlie toils of tlie law sends for Mike McDonald who promptly gees III bail and peck a jury that pronounces him innocent. In this way he lias obtained control ever tlie classes who nostrils are net eflended atusinpdirty means te the end, nud who wilt run eery risk iu order te return tlie favor McDonald had dene them. f?e powerful lias this man be be be ceme tliat reputable citizens desiring muni cipal legislation for the public get hI frequently find that tlie only stire way te success is through McDonald. It is a sliining disgrace te Chicago that this man should liveund thrive, making luerchniulKe of the cry worst elements of human nature. The amusement scusen in Laiu-.itvr was a llttlolate iu coming, but it is here new with considerable vehemence. I r is stated that there are mere pyji-ies in this country than iu Kiifdnml which was ence tlie meeca for all classes of Ilelieniians, nud within the past few years they have largely Increased their strength here roam ream ing from Canada te Texas. Tlie pyp-ics proper claim India as their fatherland, mid tliey received the name "gypsy" from the fact that they.w cut trem tlieir home bythuway or Egypt, Tliny are divided into bauds, each band having its ruler or chief, and tlie chief tainship descends, by inheritance. These wnudering, hand-te-mouth tribes. Hud a joy hi the life they lead for w liich the refinements of civilization would have few 'nmcnsn 'nmcnsn tiens. Kises up tlie lank form of ox-benater ;oe. V. Lawrence, of Washington ceunty.iuid .sajs it wants te be the Republican candidate for nentenant governor in issfl. He was ene of thonuti-Cameien men, like Davie, whewas never Independent enough te hurt ; nud as Davles get his reward in the same nomina tion in Iss-J, only te be beaten, l-iuronce tiiiuks it is about tlme te recover his stakes. It leeks as though HI Mahdi would remain the under deg. He.vateu Hill, of Colerado, seems net te knew hew- te take his whipping like n man. He wns defeated ler ro-eloctlon !y Secretary Teller ami new lie is uuui'.e enough te ili claru that his downfall was due te "the lavish expenditure of thoceromtion money nud mi enormous nbuse of I'odenil patronage." I'eilups Senater Hill would net have used these potent influences had it lieeti In his power te de se. In tlie IJepiiblicnu rule of morality "all's fair In iulitlcs." - Tin: Liberty Hell must be accented bv New Orleans in lieu of that $10,(KHiappropiu $10,(KHiapprepiu $10,(KHiappropiu tien. Ix u juper read before tlie I'liil.idelphla Secial Science association Dr. J. M. Anders pleads ler forest grewtli in public mpiares for Its Ijeuetlcial Military iiillucuces. Tlie oine derived from an aggregation of trees would be a great puiifying agent of tlie atinospheie from the organic matter contained iu it, while the trees themselves would be a beauti ful night for the 03-0 tited of looking at tlie monotonous cobble-stones of tlie street and tlie tiienome h.imcneN.s of the houses that border thereon. Thu essayist should ha0 an unanimous audience en tills subject, for It would be hard te find aiiyoue foolish enough te contend against forest grew th in public iKirks. A park without trees would be Hamlet with tlie I'rlnce of Denmark emitted. Wiiltlng for an Aiuui-i. A young lady Jiving Iu Dallas, Tex., iliv missed u young man te whom she was en gaged because lie drank. A lew days iittoi iittei she had told him alie would nover speak te him again a llttle negre liey brought a note from .the wretched young man, whom we shall call Ueerge. The unto read : "l'aith less yet beloved, Funny : Myulleriiigs 1110 nioretlian I can (tear. I cannot Hve with out your leve. I have thoretero lu.st tilccn poison, the cflectH of which I am illicitly ho he ginning te feel. When you riant these 'lines I will already have Joined tlie great silent majority. I will be 11 corpse. See that I uin decently buried, ami shed a silent tear ever my tomb in romemhrauce of the hannv dayH geno by. Your tleatl Ucergu." When the young lady had finished reading the m,t M10 asked the little negre who bieught it wliat he was waiting for, "De gemnun told me ter wait for an answer." Mute Heard or .Vfrlcultuir. The sessions 0r thostate beard of ugrictit. ture In Harrislmrg en Thursday w era tlovot tlevot tlovet ed te the general discussion of various topics. The proposed Oleemargarine nnd new tJon tJen eral Iteatj bills were adopted ami ordered te be sent te the legislature. The beard nd nd Jeuriwd te meet at Tevvandu early next June. 1IKHK AM) TIIKHK. .Jehn IL Morten, new el Senct-a, Orange county, Flerida, writer Netth te friends that he N nhimdiuttlv satisfied with his uew I home. Ills laud is within the limits of " Concstegn." nnd lie considers that it is j growing Iu vnlue 1 whlln with wages of 51. e Js'rjday, vegetables glowing nil the vcar mound nnd free fuel abundant, heseesnui reason te doubt that ether Ijmcnster iuiun I grunts te the land of lleweis will nn1ii their rosy hopes. He c,ieets te liave hW fence-sup niul Ills nraliee grove set out in time for the wet sell which lirglus hi .June The cold vveulher down there new is nlut the temperature of n lneaster May. Tie ex-Cenfederatc and Futon soldier mingle midget nlenc cordially, nnd Northern tin 11 meet n generous w dreme : the elections 01 quletei nud treer there than here. This thing of priming inniiv pagi d mi. I copieuslv illustrated spfctal otlitiens t ih nevvsmperx is mi new idea. Among He ctleets of the late .Jacob Souder vscili lnllv preservcil a copy of tlie ,,etm iiuiiiIh 1" "I the Itestnn quadruple Selwn. pullitnd ' t5erge ltelierts June 10, Jsl. It pnuiillv anneuncetl iteif "tlie largest print ml sin yet scen iu this or any ether country." li liad 10 paces, eaeli of them tvNlce us larp- as one of the Ivlt.V Ivtklmecw t:n, and nil printed en one sheet. Its Urst page illustrailens were very creditable outline drawings of WetxUr, tlien secretury et statu; of llrvnut. In Ids zenith; and of Daniel O'Connell. Fer literary mleellanv It drew from many fountains, nnd among Its special feature wns an oriel nal romance en titled l'ertunes of tlie Maul of Are," ly Henry William Herbert, tlie I'.nglMi born author, who developed en American seli, nnil w he had net yet entered upon the career as "Frank Ferester," which was te give the Amerii-an sportsman u pliwe in literature. IIerlert had lieen associated lKfore this vvitli t'liarles I'enne Hellmaii en a iiingii7ine, and one of tlie triumphs of this blanket hft quadruple .Virien was its collection "f Holt Helt man's fugitive nius, wbtilint that time had never leen printed in lxfc form. This first collection, gathered in trem tlie masaiiH's and caieltes, nmnls'n'd some thirty, and nt the head of them, rigid fitly, was '" Moenlicbt en the Hudsen." Heffman had jut then iwrn rd an honorable rtllci In the custom liouse" in Ito-ten. He dusl lut lately at the II irri-burg lunatic .ivluni. after Jeng v ears of net verv rigid confine ment ; tho'eareer w Inch esncl s, Imllinntlv and premised se much was e.uly cleiuksl with mental infirmity. A whole juse el I'urk IJenjnmin's iieetrv is collected 111 the same manner. Other favorite w riters of that day were Captain Marrvat. W. II. Ains Ains vvertli, James T. Fields, Tv rene Power nud ltev. I' II. Ciiapin. Thirty one views of Mount Auburn cemetery added te the grav ity of the iKindereiis publicatien: and that advertising s a line art was in its infancy is show nlythe few patent medieinecardsw liich madeuptlie entire advertising department of tins extra .Yo'ieh. . The "Old Subscriber" keeps coming along w ith his neisHint of the big hog nnd the prize bullock. Somebody tells iu the Country Gcntiemnn of a jxirker which dresvHl 7ijO pounds last Novcmlier. Hut in hi-memorable "Notes en Virginia." w liich Themas Jef Jef fereon wrete liefere tlie etntury vias born, and w liich was about tlie first btk that rec ommended the material re-enires of the "yeunir empliP of the west," Mr. Jetrorsen Kivs that in Connecticut and llhode Island wiicie tlie climate wase-peeudly "gmsl for crass" ljullecks luul 1ksh ralsisl that weighed -'.Olie, i-JOO and even 2,."iO0 xiuuds, ntt. in Williamsbiirir, Va., he had (Xii a hoc that weighed I.OTiO und, 'lifter the bleed, liewels and hnir liad been taken from him ;" before Ijcing killed they hail tried te weigh the linite en a 1.2O0 ieund steelyanl, hut it wouldn't tle. There were giants in Uiesc days. Alter Sir Ueerge Campbell had taks.11 nn Fuglishinan's trip through the I'nited 4tates he vrote a lioek nlsiut it, uud called it " White and Ulack," becau-e he thought he Had learned something ulmtit " the nigger question." The hook luis get ontethe shelves of the Ms-nud hand book sellers ; it is net utterly had and Msvsses some features of eiiriens Interest. The author manaced te see n geed deal iu a tleetuig sort of wn.v and jolteldown his impressions without malice, anyhow. Mr. secretary of Mate Stenger probably never knew- iiew Campbell happen ed te hear him uuke u sncecli, nud what he piiblished about it. This is a iiage from the Jaiglisli traveler's journal : " At the font of the incline at Altoenu there are great ntilw.ir works; and an hour fur ther we came te Huntingdon, a nice rural town, wheru I stayed for the night. I found that the bell was going for a Democratic ' litical meeting, and I went there. The pro ceedings were ocned livu brass hand. It seems that a iiiusie.il performance ei tliat kind is an important vart of political demon strations. Tlie people were very quiet and orderly. I heard them saving. 'Tlie Demo crats are going te have a geed meeting. 1 nere was 1101 se iniiuli iipinMruuee et iartv reeling as there generally is w ith lis. The people seemu I very uim-li like these of oue of our country towns. I noticed one or two negre Ihivs 111 the meeting. They seemed quite at home, and no ene objected te their presence. Tlie meeting was kept waiting a considerable time, and seemed weudeifnllv Iitient. At last tlie Honorable Stinger, tlie inomljer for the district, entured, and was moderately cheered. A resectible elderlv gentleman was called te the chair, and there was then a very formal nomination of vice presidents and secretaries, but I could net make out that these functionaries had nil' tiling le de. The president inade n nice little speech. Then the Honorable Stinger eame forward nud ui.ule the speech of the evening. 1 thought it real I v verv geed and oHeeiivo viell-reasmied, lear, anil even independent, it seemed te me. 1 think he vi as a law or by profession. lie thru went into state government ullnirs, but I did net distevertli.it there Was any burning questions oeept iorsemd ones, anil n twin tliese Iiew as very bitter. He aivnsml old Simen Cameion et jiersenal rule nud all sorts of jobbing te put his son, Den Cam Cam eeon, and etheis et his paity, into elllce, w ith the view te raise money for election ex- IH-nsfs, Anether man followed, whom I did think iiiiuh of he was mere of a muter. On thowhelo I should say the speakers w ere mere demonstrative than witli us, nnd the people less se. There was no opposition, and no 'heckling,' nor any vote nt the cud uierolvajiplause and then everyone went away." I cannot help wondering who was tlie ether man, who followed Stenger te such dis advantage. What Campbell says about our Lineaster county farms is also worth reprinting: "Frem llarrisburg we passed through Lan caster county. There thu cultivation is ery geed indeed; tlie fields well enclosed anil carefully w erked. I still notlce tlie abseuce of roet-i-rops. I Uud tliat tills county lias the reputation of being very highly culti vated; In fact, Iuicuster utid Cuiulicrlanil counties of I'eiinsylyauia niesaid te be the bust cultivated iu AtnerieiL Tlie lutul looked very much iike coetl Scotch or J'uidish land w itheut green crops. Tlie farms are small or of moderate sl7e, tlie great majority owned by the farmers. Itcntmg, they Hay,' seldom answers." Sinpuap. A I'nlir-Mlli-Sltlltllij VluUli. There was mi exciting four-iuile skating contest nt the Manhattan uthletloehibgreiiuil in New Yerk en Monday, in which lieorge D. Phillips, the ox-champlen, regain his lest honors. He wen the match In In cut v v v ene anil one-half minutes. Tlie participators were Charles I'icf)', W. W. Oliusteuil, el Tur Tur rytewn ; II. It. (ieetschiii, Tim Dounhue, of Newburg, vihe finUhul a close Heceml, anil L'd Jtichurd. a wi.STi:n i:vi:nim;. Like ghosts el muttotleiu lilnrk clouds uieirez ing Finin out tlie water-given et lliu eeltl west i The ycllevi IcHOftliu reuiitt moon i lilnzlng lfieit tlie wlilte world's slllieuutted lircuitti Alieve Hie frozen ticcs Its sialic Is rlidiig. Wlioe bruitcliM lth tlumllvneuuruliiimcM Cll, l.tku'-feiiiiMi- lliflr ruble )i.ldew bllOH I'jien the jnldery aiidcieakluy mew. S)ii txt little uiitlil witli the wcct hlue c u, V h art thou dunulinr .eimicli undse high ' siittcll luHldiue hcr.l iptl Ueiul 1 un u heupliisi 't "I ueUl l.ii.i ithesiilil -JJurdtttc IKI'KKHSOX DAVIS. l 11(11 Ol Till III! Ill III! I - rm.Min i (if i iu i 'iv 1 1 in f; ir i. Mr. Jt.ivls ts new an obi man ivist thiee sfere antl ten years, s'ventl wltlch hut few mortals live. He was lern lu Kentucky in the vear Wis, received u military education at West Point, and entered the regular ai my. When quite a young man he was ehs-ted te the Heuse of llopresontntives-at ashingten, where he was seen distinguished ter Ins graceful eloquence and abditv. He nsiiu short time idoeteil te the Fluted Mates, mite, lint resigned In erdt r te take pun iu the Mexican war. in wlmh he iic,intvd tlis tlis tinitien as a seldeT. He was aj'intitl swivturyef warliy President Fierce in IVst. and is sitd te have exerted a demin.itina in fluence in the cil'inet. Whrn James lliu Italian liecsuue president, in is.7, Mr. Dav is took his si'at as one f tlie 1 nitetl s-tntes senators, from Mississippi, which he occupied until his assumption nt the pari liy w liu-lt lie is lxst knew n. His leadership et th, feiitedciacy v as rat ified by his election as its presidcnt'Fehruary ls, lil. He was re i lis nd for si ,-;ii-s in JsiJ. In lsti',1,0 w-t , iptnred liy Federal soldiers m tlie attempt le ev.qe after the tnll of I'ichineuil and the collapse- el the inn itsleniey. n linpriseiiiui'iit of twevcars in l'ertress Menreo fellow isl. II" was then releespil en laii, ami st t at lihetty Deeeinher 2. lsiis, by the ainn stv et tliat date. Mr. Davis new resides in tin state of Mississippi. The right of citizenship is still denied te him. PERSONAL. Tin; QrF.ns lias promoted i.encnil "stew art te the rank el major general. O'Doveva.v Hessa's ilcn new eentums tlie placard, "Ne ltcperters Atiiniltisl." ,0'i:r Onoennti vs. the New erk sporting man, left an estate et 527,0t. J v tiet i,n's son t.eerge has pun"ii.id a sent iu the New Yerli stock excluince. J vi K Mi Dn.VAi.u. Ilcciinn's ses-end m his nieineralile tiglit witli s.ier. is dying in l.enduii. lit. vitv M. Si ,i.r. is i-ipidly lushing te its completion the ni.iiiiiscupt f a verk en his African labors. Ci. vi.i. id is crcilittsl with the remark : "Wlieu the editors get through cabinet mak ing, I w ill try a whack at it myself." Mlssrs. Flewi vnp M vf k vv will, it is said, evs't two buinest blneks in S.m Fran Fran ciseo the coming summer te cost f I..'st0,iioe each. Jeil.v W. Ii MUiUTr's ("-late ftmis up ;.", OHI.OOO. Mary Oarn-tt, the only diiuchter. is ratisl at t?L!,uo0,0e0, antl is 'probably the richest single woman in America. Rev. llKnr.n Xmrrtiv is uetliing. if net sens.itienal. His latest pulpit claniiitien is "Iiew frightfully Iswenil the dream el in sanity is the isieti of the oitlKsles liell !" Mils. Tevt Tin Mil uniieiin es her inten tion te marry fount Itewebud, a midget. he says : I stippe.se all the s"epl will wonder at "my getting married again, but I have as iniii li riclit as any one." I.CMihni Dk lln.rv. a Hellander, vias a peer gardener" near Kiilum izoe, Mich., Iiftei'ii ve.irs age trying te make ti living irti irti ef some m irshy land he had purchased, new he has a hundred acre celery held, from w huh .VI tens daily of this succulent vegeta ble are shipetl. Ufv. Sri:i'itr:.N i,i vhsiene, rector of Hauardeu and son et the Prime Minister, was married in l.ondeii en Metulay te Miss Mary Wilsen, ilaughtcr of Jir. Wilsen, a re tired physician. A notable company was present at the ceremony, conspicuous aineni; vvlimn vas the groom's" father. C. 11. WnteiiT, president of the Taeema lnnl ctuuany, has pricntcd ; ji.oeo te the Annie Wiight seminary, recently ens-ted bv Illshep I'aildeck at Taceinn, Washington ter ritory, at a cost of S30,oeo. It is the intention of Mr. Wright te make a snnd ir endow inent te nn institution for young men, shortly te be established at tlies.iliu place. (irsTAVnl'Eriri'iEiinr., a man of singular nnil origin il character, who tiled recently in IJeueva, vas possessed by the desire te in vent n writing etiu.illy suitable for all l.iu l.iu guaces. Fnigrapliy v"as his jiassieu and his ilream ; he saw In it a first step toward the establishment of the universal language fore told by the prophets. He had accumulated en these subjects a great variety of notes, which liis friends who shared iu his ideas of ten urged him te publish ; Imt lie was never sufficiently "sUislitsI with tlie completeness of his work te comply with their request. svr.ciAi, xurirrjt. CetiililPtit the rnr llit;lit. Hen t make tee many resolutions, but held en llkngrhu death te tlite )eii de make. If jeui pliyslcnl sjBtcm Is out of elder you should at tend te that at once; for lis no tise trjlngte keep n stiff upper Up when jour kidneys or livci me taking thuceiimgu out of you. If you icitlly inade up your mind le nun ever a new leaf, ceiniiicnce-tlie jeui b taking a thorough course of the cclehrattil kldnc) Welt. Tlieiis. iimls of poeplo testify te Us getst ciructs for kid kid netMllsciisi.stttlletisiicss, piles, crtiiHtipatlen, etc. iun-iiiitli'e.JitJiiin VVlial Will Tn.Mermn llrlng. lien t I. new. I'ltlivrdctr weather or cloudy Llthei storm or sunshine l.lthtr idekiicNS or lu-ulth. or elnO, pcrhapn. u iniUillliig condition lialf way between one uud the ether If ou are idling and poorly te-dui en imiy be ctijej lug lfllef te-morrow. If jeu ill only take IlteHn's lien Hitters. II ou ha this ,rinc et Ienics lit the heiiK;, leek Jeyfullv and hopefully for the coming of Out morrow It cures neuralgia, hcatlitche, dypepila, wcukncs, etc .111 lUrrlleiit Itppert. Ilmi Jes. (i. tiiMKlrlilK, of liieuklvu, .N. V , writes this: " Ctinnet express myseir In gnffl cleiitly imlovrertliy Ic-nus Jtunluck Jllueil Jill tert have tued ler tie iut,t tue yenra ; keep mv Htemuch Iu splendid trim " ter mile l,y II. 11 Lechntn, drtiRKlst, LIT uud IS) .Nerlh I; in eu Htrcut, Iiiiciitur, I'u, i.iriTi:it 1'itevi a w ('.unknown ni:v vewc At'CTHiM;i:u. UO.t IIS i:HTllTII SlIIEKT, Nkh 'i ebk, -May ISth, Isil. I haielieen tieulilcd lth mi Iirltntleii of tlie Tlirent uud u CeukIi fei fc''in time. uumlHOii lnmtyr te Dysjicpsl.i. Il ihc udi Icoef u very leuiiied lihynlcl.ili I itiiplleil tun ALUOtK't l'tutei's I'LASTEM te myilictf, nud one en thu pit of iny stenmcli. In tlme dnys luy Oeuijh a cured mid my Tlumit wus iell. I lme new eru tlie l'liibtcia two weeks, nnd my tipiictltu und dlgohtlen liaroiniit'hfiiipreveil, I nm con fident Unit In another week my Dyapepsla will l entirely removed. 1 luve uever ued a jtlctttaiitftntl tnjretable u remedy In ui) life. TJItJ-j JfATilKV.S. " AllcecJ.'n " Is tlieenl) Ki'ituliiu roieun 1'lus tcr; nil ether te (tillcil l'uieui. flusters urutml urutml tittleii.. Take Yimr Ch, !-. en (nn lie vte.il.-, nervu, dtfbllltiited.tiuil tle- liiidcnt, tlUiitiull"''1 l"r work ufliciicl or litiiul, or jeu nm enjoy ii lair share of hcullhnnd penct) of iiilnd, Jturilnek JClenil IMleri will alleviate enr unm'ry iimi un jeuii world el l'ihm! If ion will hut Iiii'mi lull li te trr. i-or sale uv II. li. ( echraii, ilrii'fjl.t, 107 uud kttVLt, Jatticaslei, Va. 1,'fO North ijiiccn p.vNcjnt nii'rnits khem am, neu. J mal Btiuctuies hy heluir distinctly und e fiitlully il new pieduct, ueier. under liny eir ciiiut,iiice, evlslliiu In u health! svsteiu. CA.C'i:itS uud Tl'Mllllh of I'lUaintU cured without pdu or ihIiiu' tin l.lilfc iile. hkln UN viKt'tt Clireitluuiid l'uvutul)leueuc.t.fnlly treated by DltS II II nud .VI luMi hnit Office 13 Kut Hiiluui such l-iinciitcr 1'a (.uiimilfutlen fi. Ji3td,Vw .vi:niiu "HON Hl'lTHKS. pun i u iiim p n illlll lull, iM" ,T ,. (, ,n r. - i "-S I II II II W SV W Y S st s " s S tltll (I II WW WW N N sj "da, I II II II WWVIW N sj sj I II III) w W S .NN "sa It titlll OO Nt s. 11 It 11 II II SJ SI SJ ii iiitn e n SMi II It It O ON NN II It II Oil N KM pun 1 riT hit i t r r i r i r 1 1 it nun i i, u i u tutu r it u SS5j ten . ii r.ViS, tun f.l!K u u -sss' Tills iiuHtlrtne, ceiutitiiUm I mil with iintiTCije tnlilti tonics, ettlrklr mill tsiinpletclv OtJIll-.S KVxPKI'sl , IiM(,1.ssii; .VIAI.AlllA, WnAKM.ss. IVIIM'IIV: nitll, lllll.l.s and I i:V KKnmlM.I It Vl.t.l V Uy rttidtl and ttioreiiith nsstinllntlen viltlt the blots! It rencties eieiy vttt of tin sMttein, pint lies mid enriches tlie tilisitl. sitieiutlieiis tlie tinetcles antl ner, is, and tones ami Invigorates the svstem V tine Vppetlrcr Itest tonic known. It will cure Hie wevst case of l,npepln, it inev leg till dlstivsstiig sMiiptijtus, stii'h as 'fnst Ing the t'lsst, licit lilug. Ileal In the Stomach, llitirtburn, etc. tlie eiitv Imu iiiedtctiie th.it will net Ittncken or litjuiv (he teeth ft is in vat tmble for diseases peculiar te women, and te nil persons who lend sedentary lives Vu unfailing rvuiedj for discuses tif the I, tier mitt htttitcs. l'enuins siitlrtng from thoctrectef overweik, nervnus troubles, Iowa of appetite, or debility, experience nutck relief ami renewed energy b Its use It docs net cause lleaditche or nirvtiue Consti pation 1)1 HCIi Iren medicines de. It Is the only jiieiamtleii of Iren tint causes notitluiieiis tris--ts I'hjstrlatis and druggist recommend It as the tHs.t, fry ft. the neniiliie tils 'rrntle Mnfk and crossed red lines en n miiiH-r. Take tle ether. Miitleuiilv by ItKOW N IIIKMICM. CO, llALTIMOKtC, Mil. eiitiid.tl,rw T7-IPM v"YVOin'7 " inn s uii-m inn 1 1 in. or KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER GOMPLAINTS. Ilrt.it, -s. If m. t-en tin I I 1 II IlOWKl.P nnil IUm'!!!' It rl-vin- the vtotnenhppoi-nnmii liiuiier- th.t v eltip-, In Ktilui'v huu rriuary llert4. UHlieunt'-v. .I.iuinlle, i eimttiMitlmi, Vv ei in Kh-rmimtiMu, N urelRla, Nrrruu 1M- enli r rtnil an i eiu.-tU' i etntttHlnl fitf OLII I'lteOF OFTIIlTTa It will nnlv me I MNTIP IlON. I'll F. nn1 IIIIKl M UM h t iiutnfc TUEK AClles t till the iMgrms Aiut turn lien thereby CLEANSING THC BLOOD. fUlerlnn the nnrmil penei te thten nil ill lHerAM J AH Of thn rt f.nn nf thnrt trrrlhlrt tllc.p-. have lm-n uickl reHevtl itn'l tu ft hert time rnUKKtr TH H'HKI I'ricc, l t.ipiltl or 1i i.il ly druyt! Irr run tf nt bv inait W EI !.. IMC IlAKneV A te, lturltngten, t. "eml etrtini tnl liiv Almanac of KIDNEYWORT. jan-3ml4ei1A3mw 1 itA'ssiMU'inc Mi:iiriN!:. V-T ih itie.it l.it'li-h I.tMii.-tly An nnf.illlnK turr fr l!iixttiK ami all I1 nv trut fellow 1.4 it Ii'iueiv, t nUertl I .ts-Hiule 1'aln in tlie Itjiek, liiinu'"s f Mfin, I'rvuintiire Old Aut, uud mitn ether sllwii-tr-t 1h.it leinl te In wtnit ei Ci)uiuti1en liiiJ h I'rumatvire lnive. Kiill iwrtlcuhii-H iu mir iwimphlrt, hlch we ilo ile ilo iie te -mi.I fi li tiirtil tot very ene. TJiN po pe rlrtc nitHllfiiif t ld by nit ilrntt nt fl )or nurkutfc, or lx mrktfu fr -", ei will be nt tut by mull en rwrljU of tbe i notify, by ml drviiivp tha .Wilt. II II I mi llltAV. DruffgUt (le ACPtit. Ni UTun.l IJ North yutM!! htri'et, luuicutler, r.i en tuetiuiit of count. -rfpit. we hae liilepted thr il low rajier : the only f?tnuluc. TflV. I.IIAY MhDH INK CO , lluirale, N. 1. T TKAIHjrAltTKllS rOKTIIK 1NP1A.N Ml. IU INK-, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, Lecher's Drug Stere, Ne. i:.vi MM. st.. Latipiisfcr. fa. nrif vv.-r. t ri;.vTi:.s uii I'L'Unai-j:h. U BEST n STEAM ENGINE Beiler Works, HESTERS -OH- FURNACES Fen IVivale l)H('IIini;s, Schools ami I'lib lie liuililin-s. Cull unit see them. Made of hc.iry Iren, ilm. ple of construction, dumhle, eeonemluil, the most Jhidintlut; Mil fat e of any Iliater In tin, market. Nothing Cheap But the Price I OUR OWN PATENT. -Haln lac n Iu use tu many of the laics rrsldunccH In lnicaster In thu mt tvn Jeui.l the licat of uvtduiice of Its merits.; Addicss, Jehn Best & Sen, Xe. 33 EAST Fl'LTOX STItEhT, lanlMvd.t"' I.ANUASTElt, 1. n A VI NO DI.sSOIiVKD IAH'rNI.HSHII and pitriiiaiiently cle.cd the C'lieatnut Mieet Iren Werk. 1 ucslre te Inform my old imt runs mid the milille Kunendly, that luui mill Iu the business, belli); limited In the feiin lien Company's Weiks, North l'luiii Mrect, where I mil lnaUfni,' Iiim und Jlniss Castings of every de de kcrlptleu, iiml villi bu pleased te nerve all who limy favor me with their patrenise. I'lem tu vc.iii experience In thu biisluefrg uud lulu the best material mid employing thuhcstincchanics, I utiiHUtlsllcd 1 can Kiml-alUi'c entire satlafiictlen. t.'astlni;H iiuule fieiu u mixture of Iren and steel which me ineie icll.thle for btiuiiKth and dura. I 1 1 1 1 y than thu het emit Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, roll and rellliiK mill weik u tpec I tit v. CiuitliiB made of very Helt lien, und brusa uist'inenf ever'descrlillen. 1 have all the put terns of the vrcll and fiivembly known Mewrer Cem and Cob Crusher, reilttid and lmpieved. also en hand. Mills completely fitted up or In parts, te lcphire old eued which have been In ue feri emu, iruaniiitcelniit bciu te KlveKatUUct Inn, ' " It. C. McCULLUV. niiir-J I fimil Tr.MtVflOAHS, ONLY Be, OUAI.AN. 1. teetl Yum, at JIAitl'MA.Nb .-!.l.W rltCl.VrtlUAU flM tllHIIi.s. i iun. m. MiM.r.u. reiiN s. cm i.i'.ii. JOHNS.GIVLER&CO., OFFER lBARGAINS.Ie TOItniUTi; SKMKwemr VI Mi IS (I I OH I'll l( I Ien ! si l.; inl lli:1 tt A III.K til Mill ALL WINTER. GOODS. Blankets. Comforts, Shawls, Skirts, Dress Goods. M'W i m. in in t no tiv ladies', Misses', and Children's Coats, SEAL PLUSHES, CLOAKING CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, AVC. VV i: AUK 111.1 KIVtM) Sfl.t I M. Ml I. NEW STVLES I'N CARPETS. Ucxty nntSBels, Tiipcutry HniBsel8, Threo-Ply Extra aiijiern nntl litwrnlnB am. vt vitt ii i.ew.r.u iMiiri: than- i:vi:ii rs-l nil niitttrciliir Meck ami Price llrfnin llnjlli ltwlllpn) j.nl -fce JOHN S. GIVLER& CO, DRY GOODS AND CARPET HOUSE, Ne. Q5 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. pXTIM-.Mr.J.Y LOW lMUfi:.-.. 1885-DRY QOODS.-1885 b EXTREMELY Owlni! Inevrr pretiurtlnn br inaiiiifnvturris, nnd Ihr aenrml drill. leu etNtliii; dtirlnz th tci.t .vciir.liry tessfs Imir rrarht'd llioleiTe.t lend ercr known We havn nmde Imuc iiiirchn.es for rush or nil the best uiiikrs of I.ihsI.. Hud us Ibis i Hie seiis.m tut the piirchiislnir of iittim nnd l.lnen .oel n lleukt epr, un ep.,iinnlir I. ..tteted liituix I hem nt citivinely Lew Pi Ices Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Sheetings and Pillow Muslins, Bleached and Unbleached Table Linens, Napkins, Towels and Toweling, Quilts and Blankets, Brussels, Tapestry and Ingrain Carpets. Although the winter s.'.ltlier li.ti enlr fairly .t In. n hi, still ajlsigr util tine u t or tlr.linbln Dress Goods, Shawls, Skirts, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc., etc., W huh lun ben markml nt Terr low PHi. tm It... nut pib.r te Inreitlnry Feb 1. 1.a Ladiis Winter Wraps, Plush Garments, Russian Cireulars, Newmarkets, and Misses' and Childrui's Coats, at Reduced Prices. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. Q5 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. "50Vi:US .V: IllItST. BOWERS & HURST, Nes.26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa NOW 1)1 1 I. It I Vltt.K smc ts (il- Bleached and Unbleached Shirting, Sheeting and Pillow Case Muslins4 vr i evv i.sr ( s nut ,, Large Assortment TABLE LINENS Marked Very Lew. TICKINGS, CHECKS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, At I. AT I OtV Pit II l.s VV F OFFFU Oft! 1IAI M 1. Ol- s-jui R ,,f White and Gray Blankets at Very Lew Prices te Clese Out. COMFORTS -tll.K Al (.RF. VTI.i Hf.Dl't 1.1) I'HK F.s Ti ( l.esr. tit'T VMt VT VVF. II K BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. -vrnxT neon te tiii: ieim.t iiersi:. FAHNESTOCK'S. Ladies' Muslin Underwear. NIGHT DRESSES, CHEMISE, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, &c, &c. IMifCtfrem VlHnuf.ictuilr.. In Urge lut, at 1.IIIV 1'ltlC f.. In nlili-h c IiivIIh allt-nllin. ALSO HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, FiimiHs.Pl.uiAI. NEW TOItK lMPOItTLU" AUCTION SAl.n, vililcli n ma ttlili. In II ruiiiiSM liisflpsr rnt. U.. tliuu IIi-kiiIji l'lk.-s. R. E. FAHNESTOGK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, "MIKAV HTOHi:. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE. Is new full of Shoetlnfj- nnd Shirting Musline of nil the Popular Mnkea In all Widths nnd Qunlltles, at lower prlces than ever bofero. TleklngB of all grades under the regulnr prices. Table Llnens from Auction from 20 ets. lup te 81.60 per yard. Napkins nnd Towels In large assertment. Counterpanos from Auction. tar NEVER BEFORE SO LOW.A3 letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, llettt ceil .tlie Coeiicrllimeu unci Sen i-l llui.ii llett-1. VlUjVjtJU UixhU te Ve el'l t a very lii'iivy reduction, en Hi-count of ivmuviil tu our nun- store, te Nertli (juevu utrcut, (Mmiui'a Olil bluiid.i .VKVV YOltK AM) PAItIS MIl.l.INKUV CO , JuiiB tfit '.-J Wr.t KIiiK tt., f.iiucusttir, Pit. H OT .SODA. THE UKLK'IOl-B WINTEll UBVKI'AtlK. II0TC1I0C0LATK, lier COFFKK, ' HOT IJINIlKIt, HOT J.KMON, 0IV 3 IKSTa AT COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, Neu, 137 ANI PW .SOUTH (JUUKN STIttLT, UeciOmd LancMttr, Pa, r,i;e. HATIIVON LOW PRICES. Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Lancaster, Pa. u NDIIUTAKINO. L.R,0TE,0J UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vice Slrcels, I,AcAsrtu, Pji. . . V''1 .""'.1.1 "V,1'".' le" W c" " "" i 'I'll. K ci-y IIiIiikIii tluiUiiiIi.-rtiilliiKliiiuiiiriiUiii.a. " Iluv Iiiij kfcim-a lliu i-rvlt nt iif ii fli-Ht-riHM me eluuik-. 1 mil lti-)Uli-iltoUeiilIKIiiiIsof Unliel. ycriiijf ut yciy inpji-mte iiik-i;.. All kind" et rurulturuUiliel.tJixil uivoiueucall Ja,acJr R- ROTE. tJ 1 '3 .-