Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 28, 1885, Image 1

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777; .v t.uxiex sur yet
The Precautions Tlinl nrtt Taken fur llm Pre.
Ifrtlonef rrepritj-. The. IlellertliM Cunning.
Iinni U nn ImiMirtniil Cnptnre A t'nrl
rilrr mi Hie Auther fit llinf'.xifiiliiii.
In nema icspccts Hid panle prtine,i by
Saturday's ovenl In Londen ha jcaily h?
vrensed. Feurs wW ciitertalnei mt tlie
dynamiters tnodlfnteil mi mlne't " ,llan ,
niilleiinl nrsennl mid n.-iviil sta',!,',.,, ' .1 .i10..
were plmtMl uniler si-cclnl r.nC ? VlmU
huu deck-yards the ,,elle. ;,;re lu, ,,, '
during the entire ,.,. 1 "k-.Ie . or.
M TlenJ, ,? r"1' U Wn,ntll,e Tower,
the Heuso of C'jU' ..,.. .....1 .. 1.....:
,-,.,. - ntuiiT imim t u.siimiisii'r
irllnU.!,,,. f """""" -viti line ii'iuiHti
Jhni. 1 ,ei' "ml nU tl,u r"l,llc d" "f
"".'""'.nienl buildings linve I wen locked
wnii our ,1 n, n inrrinie m, ,wn thrown
i' w ll10 ,ml1 nt ,l10 ,,m of "10 "hilrcuxe,
"1 -flel Mnjrndle niul his colleagues iire
"".milhinus In the conclusions that, the
'.trurtiirnl damages te lKth the Itouse of
Oonitnens nncl Westminster Hull nre only
VII MIL' A1...H1.,,,. . ... .
might, llm iwl or restoring the stained
window In tlie seulh I1.1II Is estimated nt
.K0,0ua The reef of Westminster hull a1U
hi thoroughly examined tiofero the nubile
nill be admitted into the building, although
It Is lxulevtsl the reef Is net damaged. Col
onel Mnjendle Is proceeding with his oxani exani oxani
hintlen orthe IJinnueting nail nnd Council
hatuber In theWhltu '1'eucr, l.omlen. He
Mr he Ims round within the bulldlnK no trace
efnn liilVrmil niiielilnoer efvmliiKs surh
jtslmve been found lion.'leforo mneii); tlie
lobrislell by tlie xiploslens prixlucitl by
mochanlcallyeponitoil oxpleshis. The rn
itm lit Wostniliister lull will be n roruildn reruildn roruildn
'Je fcvtk, ewliijr te the height of the loef. The
XoluHlen of iillen, from the Tewer Is no
strict that IMieu chiilmsfertl Has for n lenr
U1110 rernsCKl (iduilltnnrf, The llukoerOam-feridt-oliaHslMiitinlors
that newspnjvr rp-
"nin ty niiliiKi iron auiniMlen 10 tlie
The )-reiis in.lureil by the oxnleiiou nrd
uiiprevliiK. One of the H0111011 Injured by
the oxplimleii at the Tewer was rcudcred
lultetlmrund new lies In u nomewhut
K'Teus udltten. A ftiuuile I'ouipailieu
stafcnl that they wero thrown 011 thelr iKicks
and cevtrtwl with urnier. It Is conshlerod
mnrvpteus Hint lieth or thorn oseipoil with
thtlr Uveh. The ferce or polhe in nil tlie
Londen pibens has been doubled, l'arlln
uit'iit will beastiwl te vete nn appropriation
for nn addlliennl (mllce furea Iiicouscrp.ienue
oftlie rtxflpt erthrcits te blew up the gun
cntl nnstolUre the povcrntnent has entuiud
sptHiial propautiensiorthii proleotlou of thai
building. Tim jxillce h ive prehlblnid por per
10ns n .mi Itiitvruiz in the euter courts of
Jiiild Hall, nhldi lime uitially befn public
InuiiQlnv Iae.
Soveialul tlie iiiuiuiiiK iwperrt find it no
icwtiry te publish notice:! te their ro.uletn
itatlnu: that they have rocelvcd hundrodsef
lotters rpgun.lin;c tlie oxpleslons, nhlcli they
have txsm uuable te publish for wante'f
"Icc. Many of the mero characteristic or
tuipertniit Ictters are pitblblied, howevor,
.1111I they 01 copy bvveral celuiuns In each
pjper. Jrtt et the lotters urge retaliation
ipilnst llm lilsliiiicn nud Miinu or tlie plan-
irpsuii for tliclr piinishiuent nre 11s inge
nious as they are alisiird.
The police are lonviueod that Iho arrest of
4'iiuiilugh:iin was an iiiiiirt;mt captuie, and
tliey are certain lie took no act he part in
.aiLslni; the (xplinleu at tlie tower. Moan Mean Moan
ublle (il JJiii (Paris) makes soine wusa.
lieual itaicmenti nlxuit the oxpliMieiis. It
declares pesithely that the authors of the
explosions are the huiiie 111011 who undo the
lynauiile attack en Londen brldgoaudntthe
inwerstreet railway stoileii. The chief or
1; inuerel'lxVJi p'lts, the Oil Max asserts, have
wen for a leujf tnmi iiat and nre new 0111 0111
pleved in an UngUsh prinlliij,- olttce In IViriM,
inu until a recent ilate 1ikI;;i;I in the ht.
Denis quarter, In l'ari, nhure they m-tuu-factureii
the infeni.-il machines iibeil (u the
(llatliellisil uerk. tt'Iieu everythlns wn hi
rcaduiPss ler tlie perpotnitlen or the eoulcm eeulcm
pbiteil iitrfs'lues, ceuUuucs tlie Gil Itta, the
(ilcktsl men, who wcre te lodjje nnd Het tlie
mvldnes, depnrted HOjui-ately and by illfTer
t'nt M11U1 fir Ijouden, each csirrylng ultli
ti t in Hi- ir nmre 'iftlie inachiiies. This was
ex v .'k amx The fi Jllta k.ivm that no
mi.' ! tin. in uiii ipiiatorsspeiks rtenclj nnd
that nn uyiiilini' r the entlie Until mer at
ti ndcd naruhlst tucetings in Paris.
The I'.niccentiiiuiw its onslaught 011 Jlr.
Painell Mith a xtiugiug article, in which it
snyn that Mr. ParnelI'nKludleil Hilcuce rugauN
ing the ilynnuute outni'e culls te iniiul his
attempt te iguore Mr. l'epitcr's iudiutinent of
the l'aruellilesns moral nrcnninllceit of the
l'hceiiix Park iismssIiis, The Time ns.smcs
the Iriili agitators that their piosent jiellcy
ir m.triler and mlin.-e will net jxiv. They
Mill never micceed hi coercing the IIeumj of
t ominous into accenting naked revolution
by means 01 hpi.lsauen. Tlie Daily Sews
thinks it in nlineU an Insult te ask Kngllsh
men tokeeptliolr bends in U10 faee of mucIi
outrages as theMi of last H.iturdav, but fears
tluit tlie worst has net .vet ceme. ' It nrcdict
that "the next etl'ert of the cowards will bann
attack en some Infant hchoel."
i:neit.sixu rnt: vry.i3iirj:ii..
r!itan Vliit-rty .Iiiatlllc Their Ait
illcuergur' C'uiirtH Amirevril.
shortly befere the IIoui-e of ltoprecuta-
liw'H wns called te order en Tuesday, a uuui-
lieref nicniberi were discussing theieccut
explosien1) In Louden. Tlie discissien took
ptace In the cloak room en the Democratic
side. Among theso prcsent wcre ltepresent ltepresent
attves Cobb, of Indiana, and Huerty, of Illi
nois. The loruier expressed himself ns
fctrengly epp)scd te the means loserted te
by I rishuien te clfcct the result desired.
-Mr. rmerty lepllcd that undur the circum
stances the otpledou in Louden was justilla
blc. It was the only way In which tlie Iriah
1011I1I gain their cause.
"Yeu claim that te be justitlable?" said
Mr. Cobb. "JiHtluable when the lives of
innocent women and children urnjMixiril
Ired ? If you leek upon it In that light you
are net huniane."
"I am humane, sir," icterled Mr. l-'iiiuer-
ty, '-as humauoiwyeit are, and a sight
inore mi. I wish thesu poeplo would be
Itlewu te
Tlie dispute euded at this. Ilelli members
wure censldenibly agitated, but controlled
tliem-ii'lviM and coullned their dlsputu te
On Tuesday . 1 committee of lrlsh-Aiuericau
resident et 'Haw Yerk (whose named me
net given) scut te .Senater lUddlobergor. of
Vii-gluLi, the following telcgrani : " The
Irish-American citizens of New Yerk wol wel wol
ceuio your spoech of yosterday. They will
net forget It."
.SI 1 1.1 j UAItl'IXO O.V Till! KXVLOSIOXS.
Ilrathif; IrUhmcii fin the Street of Louden
Thre.itrnlii; Iteua nnd Ferd.
Lo.suef, Jan. -i It Is reported that in
the easlern portion of Londen nttaeks have
been inade en Irishmen us the result of the
feeling as brought about by the explosions,
and that many of them have been beaten en
the streets ut night. The feeling of animosity
ugalust tlie I lihliHpreiding, mid the pollce
have been orderod te be en thu alert te pre-
out outrages,
The nowspapers nre still ewamped with
letters containing suggestions ns te the
treatment of the Irish; oue mm eilers te
equip n steam yacht for the purpose of
raiding the United States and kidnapping
O'llonevun Uessu and Patrick Ferd. He
guarantees his expedition will be a success
anil pledges himself te hang Itessn and Ferd
at execution deck within thrcu weeks ufter
Killing from Unglaud.
We Told Yeu Set
Yesterday, when nil ths weathercocks in
tlie city wero pointing hi dlireteut directions
we ventuiedthe picdktlen tluit we would
"have a upell of weather." Te-day every
uealhcteceU j'eints strnlglit towards Mani
toba nud a dispatch from the signal bureau,
'ated ct icne this hienilrj, gives wanilng
lint the mercury wilt full aj degreci during
the day, which will lewer the tempciiUiu
9 vend utre blew wre.
HA1HV iriSSUtU'9 flUUT VOllhlPK.
fernplng lirnlli at llm Itamts or Her Metlitr
Who Klllnl lhrlliellirr 11 nil llrnrtr.
The letlcrn lea by Mis, Cnrrle Wlnslew,
Ihemnnkicngentln Iho tragedy In NewiHirt,
Ky., en Sunday, nhew tlintnlie had planned
the niurdorefhor ehlldreii mid that her
eirert In threw them lule tlie clHtern en St
urdny Mas really oanieM.imil net njoke, as
Nholelgiiott Jtlnbenllcr hi 10 had failed In
her pnriKwe. The elder Interest Is In Dnlsr
Wlnslew, the bright tlttle duugliter, who
feuglit dosperalcly for her llfe unit naved It.
Sim exhllills tlie most vivid roi;elloctlon of
Iho lorrrlble ordeal through which who
sspd. Hhe told Imr nlery wllli drauiutle
eilcel. Hhe A.dd t
Miiuuna ueuldii't let us go te Hiuulay
school, and wouldn't allow the horvantle
uiakn the Im.mIi, but mnile theiu herself.
Afternllliad geno te church lnniuumtoek
1110 nnd Wnller upntiilrMtoher room. Then
he Bent 1110 den 11 stairs tegctn paper. When
I cntne Iwclc I knocked nt the deer, but It
wns locked, niul I H.iid : 'Mamma, let me
in.' SI1OH.1I1I: 'Walt n minute, diirllng,
end I will let you In.' Alter 11 whiln nhe let.
me In, and 1 kiw Walter with the cord
nreiind his neck, nnd I iH'renineil nud nald t
'Oh, mamma, jeu lme kilted Waller.'
Then tdnuiuia hit 1110 thrcn times with a base
ball batnutl knocked me down 011 my knees
nnd inade Ihj blind meaning tliatnliewas
dared. j I fell ever, nud when mamma
thought I nus dead tui klssud me three
times nnd nald, 'flood-by, Daisy.' I nald,
1 flood-by, inauiiun.' M.nnnm knew when t
hald that that 1 Hasn't dead, nnd kIie tuelc a
ramrnnd rut 1110 in Ihethrnat. I eaiight her
hand, nuilnhe cut my handx Hlth the razor.
I foil ever nnd pretended te be dead, hIicu
she klssed me again. Shn knelt liesldn me,
cut her own threat, niul her bend fell en
mine, 1 lumicd up mid tiled te get out,
when a policeman kicked the deer In."
Dr. Pythlin testliled: I was called te the
Iiouhe 12 o'clock. I feuuil the liey WnU
ter warm, anil noveral pujnens trying "te ro re
misvitatu hfni , hut lile M.ts extluct, death
lielngcanspil by htrtingulatien. Mrs. Win Win
slew was also (lead. She Has lying en her
bac't en thu fleer, with bleed (dreaming from
ndcopweuud In the left Hhloef liertlireaL
Thociretid arterj' had lipenBOered. 1 hnu
been the family physician ler Ix yejm. Mrs.
WlnMew'M InMiilty wus puerperal mania,
Hhlch Hhowed ituclf ntter the birth or thohev
Waltcr. Alter a whlle he womed te get
Iwtter. hut Mill nuffercd with religious mel
ancholia and hyuterla. Inil sumuiiir I
(tent Iier te the Collcge Hill Kanitarlum(
where she remaluisl lour mouths and lm lm lm
preved grelly, although oho frctleil
nnd Herrled bome. When hIie rcturnrsl he
took a deep Interest in relgleus nud
uharltnbte untters. Her action of buuduy
Has net cnusctl by any Immediate drcutn drcutn
Vtance te excltu her, but t think the dced wns
premeditated. Liltle Daisy told me thik
morning that when she retutued te her
mothers room with the paper he let her In
nnd Daisy said: "Mamma, w here is Walter T"
Her 111.1 icnlled. '-He Is nslceii" "Ne he
Isn't, you h.ive killed liini." The mother
thou Mid : "I think we bad butter die to
gether," iintl Htmel. her Willi 11 base ball bat.
The mother then knelt by her Mde and said,
'Hjeixl by," and cut her own threat, her
head falling; en Daisy's lap. The child has
unison her IihiuI, which I think were caused
by her warding oil the mother's bleus.
nutr iriTi:v v.iumir .if
The 1.kiiI Afsuei'ti nf tlic Vfiiiu UirrUlrr
T.ilknt of fur Attorney llrncial.
1 relu thu New 01k TUtiunc.
A lawyer who hni had long oetmcction
with city litigation wid te me yeatnnlay; "In
your allusion te the c-ise of the city against
lCellum, h hicli CoriKiralleu Counsel Whitney
wen In ISTtler T. Oue of the prettiest pioces
of expert testimony ever given 111 court went
en the round in that casu. The deleuse net
up by Mr. Whitney was that the whole court
house job was a fraud, ami that whlle it cost
S8,W0,ihxi. it ought te ha 11 cost near -ely oniv eniv oniv
feurth of that. Toprevotlus wasalloreulf.ui
tns. Whitney eng-iged an architwt, who
Wis set nt work ton.v.eitain what tlie buildinic
ought te have eet He iH'g-.m wltli thu
i;niiiid, remftvsureil tlie exc-.iatten, ascer
tained the ruling price for work of that kind
nt. tlie 1 11110 II was porlermixl, measured up
tlie walls plast iring, brlek work, nnd ascer
tained the ee-ant ruling prices; continued in
tliH manner from cellar te garret. In his
seliedule was nvnrythlng from a ten-penny
nail and a quarter inch screw up te tlie solid
juaseurv and huge Iren beams in the Hours.
He showed that tiiese latter had been Hung
Inte tlie building regardless of the weiglil
neces-cirv te be misUinud and wholly in dis
pruKrtinu te ether parts of the buildlug. Te
.sustain Ids cndcucii 11 small army et men
posted as te the prices of material and work
t the time the court lieus 1 was constructed,
was called te glve evidcucc. It was posdble
in law te threw it all out if tlie clcfcncu
failed in cine Mingle pnrtlmilnr. The chain,
however, was uiarvclleusiv perfect. ICcllum.
failed togcttheTl'M.OO'jroV which suit was
brought, ami nWe faded te get &2iJ,uiK) of an
iiudltcd hill, en which judgment would
lmebcim admitted ir it bad liccu brought;
sopnr.Uely from tlie ether clnini. Whlluey
pald bis exiKirt, I understood, Heniethlni;
like l,Ca) for six months' work. It was welL
worth it."
Ilt'iuiuiicliii; Itie Silt rr Cnlnace Act.
Kdward Atkinson, the well known l!oteii
i;oueniit fays : "Thu ptescnt act, w hcrebj
thu treasurer is forced te purchasu Hllvcr bul
lien and te coin It Inte dollars of full legal
tender, which are worth only nlraul 81 centtj
by the geld standard te which all our mene-
tary trauBictleus uie adjusted. Is a fraud;
upon the public and is ene of the chief elo ele elo
ments which pievcut the restoration of activ
ity nnd prosperity in almost nil dciartmenti
ofbuslness. It is objcctieuablo alike te the
inoue-inetalUt. w he holds te a (lngle and that
tlie geld Btaudard, mid te the ht-metaUst.
who holds te the double standard of
geld and sllver. It Is submitted te,
and the colunge is continued becausn
of the Impudent demanilri of Honaten
and repie-scntatlvcs rromlhe se-called hIIvi'L'
producing states. Theso demands have net;
been resisted owing te the Kilitical coward
Ice of both parties. The ditUculticH which
have lK'gun te appear between llosteu ami
JfowYerkbanksaro only the beginning. They
will beceme mero d.vugcreus mouth by
mouth, until the geld standard Is lest ami
the country is thrown unen the single silver
standard based upon u clellnr of light weight
and uncertain value, The contraction of
credits, disturbance of values, lack of em em em
Dlovment. destitution and want In the midst
of abundance, which may emme uudersucU
circum4taucc4 w 111 be greater than this coun
try has ever scen. T here Is yet time te
remedy the wrenii by tlie suspension eftlili
coinage, nud there will be time even If action
is deferred until the meeting of the next
congress. I am therefere glad that the banks,
are becoming disturbed In their business,
and I hepe it will continue until the public
Is meused te rciuedy this abuse of thu public
credit tolerated by CongreHS."
A llniu l)iiaiultci Package.
Atn quarter past two T'uesday ufteruiHin
Mr. Uugenu W. Sixitlbid, ofthe linn of Spof Spef Spof
ferd Ures., of Ne. 'SI Stnte street, New Yerlc,
discovered lying in tlie hallway, en the
ground lloer of tlie building, nn odd-looking
package partly wrapped u in a newspaper,
and en examining it mero closely saw a
Uahted fuse attached te it. At llrut It created
conslderablo exoltetnont, but investigation
showed, that the affair was simply a hoax,
perpetratcd evidently for the purpesu of cro cre
siting a seusatleu. The tin box contained
about a quarter or a pound or black pouder,
which later Investigation proved te 1m smalts.
n coloring material nseil by painters, nncl
poirectly harnilesH. The fuse consisted
blmply of wlre cevered with gutta peicha,
liud It was net lit. Tite Ilrltlsh consul nud
vlce consul said they regarded the ullalrns u
Jeke from tlie first.
UiidcK tu Wuihliigtuu,
"Ne, there nre net se many, brides In the
heuse nt prescnt as earlier In the season, but
there Hieu number a dozen or se." This
was said by the chief clerk of nlai go Wash
ington hotel.
"Hew many brides lm e wu hid ut nny one
"Awhile age theie were something like
twenty, but they have rather slecked oil'
"Does Washington possess pecullav uttrno uttrne uttrno
tlens for newly married persons?"
"I should nay se, for Washington s taking
the lead In this resnect. It used te be Nlair-
am, but that hat fallen off for lema reanen.
Htir it i.s nvnnr.ixu axu Bott.txe
ritlng IIixTIiiip for tlm ItPiut)llri,u nnd neme-
nnlle t'rlmnrlM Soiuenf (he tulerintlna
rrbriur CeiitntU Willi Terci
rn.U of Iho Itn.iilU.
Ths IlepulillKiti city oxecutlve cuinmlttoe
met List evenlng te make arrangements for
holding their primary clecstleu Tertlin nomi
nation of canilldnlcs te be voted ler nt the
uueulug municipal election.
llobert CMcDenncll was called (e Iho chair
nnd Alderuiau Spurrier acted assecrelary.
A resolution was passed llxlng Monday.
Febnwry 2d, between thu hours of 7 and 8
o'clock p. tu., ns the time for making general
nominations j nnd Thursday, Feb. Mb, rrem
r te 8 o'clock p. in., as the time for holding
the primary election te mttle n ticket tlie
election te be held nt the usual polling places.
A resolution was nisi, passed llxlng Friday
February Gth, at 8 o'clock p. m., ns the time
and the common council chamber ns the
placu for the meeting et the delcgntns elected
te the convention for the nomination or school
directors. This Is n new dnarturet horcto hercto horcte
foro the convention hns assembled at 9 o'clock
In the evenlng of the primary election, but It the convention has eftnn
been delayed until near midnight by tlie
non-arrival of delegates from wards In which
ii heavy vete has Ih.-cii polled.
Tlie contests nt the ensuing
prim iry w ill Ik for the ofllce of alderman In
the Fourth, Sixth nnd Ninth wards. In the
Fourth wnrd thnre am four candidates A. K.
Spurrier, the present Incumbent. Pelnr II.
Furdupy, tlie ice man, Dr. IJ. 1. W. Urban,
ex-clork or iuarler sessions, and Harry I.
Frnlley. Te nit outsider it leeks as though the
chances or the candidates wcre In thu order
In which they nre nbove named ; but the
candidates themselves, like nil candidates fur
all ofllces, bellove that tliclr own chances, are
blooming, and that their opponents liave "no
show." A ah evidence of this it m iy be
stated that Dr. Urban Is se Saiigulne e"f his
election nnd is se certain that Alderman
Spurrier "Is net In Iho light," that he called
iijen Mr, Kchauui n low daj-s age nnd
wanted te rent from him for lln years the
ofllce newis-cupleil by Spurrier I Mr. Sliauni
who knew n that "doubtful things nre mighty
uncertain" nud thal"n bird In hand is wertli
two In the buch" declined the temptlng
In the Sixth ward there are fl e candidates
David I- Deen, Mliler W. Fralm, Oeorge
Urlcntual, Aug. V. Itelnoehl and Jehn
Samson. We have arranged them according
le their nmiarcnt trcngth with the "masses"
who run llcpublicau jirlinarlc. but net ae ae
cerdlnc te tliclr meriu It will be noticed
Hint ene ir two or the candidates are recent
cenverts. te Republicanism.
In the Ninth wnrd theie nre five Republi
can candidates foriihlermnn Oce. Y. Pin Pin
kerleu, lelter-cnrrier, Capt. Jescjih Umble,
ex-roglster,Wm. Iteehm, neUiry publlc,Harry
A. Schroyer, C'V-ceuucilman, niul Jacob A.
Sourlxjer, each of u bem thinks he will boa
wiunev. but reur If net Ile, or whom will be
left. The contest in tlie Ninth Is net se bitter
as in the ether wards.
Til Druioirntle rrliiiitrlc.
The Domecmtio city oxecutivo committee
meet en Tliursilay evening, nt 8 o'clock nt
theLr headquarters, third tler of the post pest post
elllco building te fix a time for the holding of
thu Democratic primaries.
nn.ii i tir. a a ritxntxu.
Hcciitltm tethq rrcliteut Clect A Coming
lcniiKratlc .lollllleeUoti tu I'ltt.bur?.
The reception given Tuesdiy night by tlic
Fert Orange club te President-elect Clove Cleve
land, Ginoruerllill.tho stale eUicials nnd leg
islature w as, beyuud qiiostlen, tin) most dis
tinguished social gathering ever held in
Albany. AtOSWthe prosideut-elci t arrived
In company with Frastus Corning nud D. S.
Lanient, Tiev. Hill nrrhing u few minutes
later with (ion. Kathhuu. The club rooms
wero tistefully decor-.ileil. Over TOO Invita
tions wero Issued and nbeut .VK) guests wero
present. The president-elect was in his me-it
gracious mood nnd received the various
guests with marke 1 cordiality as they us-jed
through te groet him en his l.i-1 public iq iq iq
poarauce in Albany.
A uunflier or Democrats of Alloghonj Alleghonj Alloghenj
csniiity, P-i , desiring in vmif manner te llt
tlngly celebrate the resiilt of the Inte presi
dential election, have decided te given ban
quet at the Moiiengahela Iieiimj in Pittsburg,
en Thursday eveulng, Februarj- 12. Among
tin distinguished Democrats ItiMled nre
Piosldeutand Vlee Prcsnlpn-elecl Cloielnud
and Hendricks s. J. q'ildcn, Generals Mo Me
Clellau and Hancock, ex-Senators Thurman
and Wallace, Chairman llarnum, Samiiel J.
Hand ill, SpoaUer Carllsle, Senators Hay.trd,
Pendleton, Lamar and (inriuan, Ciovcrneis
PattNeii nud IIiniily and nil stnte elllisirs and le Coni;ressmeii or Pennsylvania. nrsiXJ-ts.
t.puilliiS itepuliUcaii JeurnaU Itubiikn lli Nnr-
rnu-Mliulcilnt'4 of the Senate.
I'ieiii the Phllndaliiliia l're.i, Itup
The question of Issuing a commission as
notary public te n soldier In the Confederate
army during the late war has been exciting
commeut In Huntingdon county, and has
new reached Ilarrisburg en the question of
his confirmation, Ids nauie having been sent
te the Senate by tlie governor. If this is the
only question hiNehed, it is a cry Iccble
one. 'Iho war is evor, and the question or
citiremdilp, with all its privileges, is soltletl.
We constantly Insist tliat tlie Seuth shall
bury Its prejudices en this subject, nnd It is
only lsiceuiing that wu should practice what
we preach, ir there Is no belter argument,
Captain Stone should be continued at ouce,
nnd the Republicans bheuld be utneug tlie
first te elu in (ids direction.
(Jeiiitrm tlie Hey lit elm,
t'ltilu llioscnmteu K.-pubitcin, Ui-jt
tiev. Paltiseu h,is appointed uu cx-Confed-crate
Hehlier, new a citizen of Pennsylvania,
te be n notary public, and it is piopesed that
the Republican Senate lefuse tocenllrm the
iipiKiIutmeiit. This leeks like rather small
business, we must confess. If there are anv
geed reasons why this ux-Coutedcrate should
net be inade a notary then Ids rneo rnee rneo
tlen by the beuate would be all light,
but te mfiise te cenllim liini solely en tlie
ground that he was a Confederate soldier
would, In the light of eeulsus;urrlngduring
uiu past years, oe exceedingly luillcreus.
With Isitli Houses of tlie National Congress
conqiesod nearly oue-half ofcx-Cenfedcmtes,
what sense would there be in gagging at an
ox-rebol for notary public. Moreover, Re
publican pre-Idenw have placed prominent
Confederates in the hlghest positions. Grant
scut ox-Ceiifederato Governer Orr, of Seuth
Corellna, as minister te Russia, took the e. e. e.
Cout'edonito llrigadier Akerinau Inte Ins
cabinet, and appointed Ocnernl Longstrect te
soveral liuiMnUiut fedeial elllces, Preslilent
Hayes ulse took n prominent ex-Confcderato
into ids cabinet, and In view of theso facts
why should there be a fuss made ever a pctt v
npiHilntuicut llke the ene alluded te?
ILilletlns for Senater In Oregon.
The Democratic members or tlie Oregon
legislature held n caucus Lite Monday niaht.
and passed u resolution te vete solidly for
seme Democrat for United States Senater.
Oue ballet wns taken today and resulted i
James II. Slater, Democrat, & The Itopnli Itepnli
Hani wero us follews: Solemon Hindi, of
Portland, 13 ; W. Carey Jehnsen, of Oregon
City, 8 i R. It. HeUe, of Saleui.S: M. O.
Geerge, of Portland, 6; W, D. Hare, of
Washington county, 1 1 Henry Falling, or
Portland, 3 j Ccorge H. Williams, of Port
land, ll; lenialnder bi'atteilng. Feity-slx
votes nre required te elei't. The above ballet
dees net Indicate the full strength of nnv one
Older Tlmu the IJbei ty Hell.
A shoemaker en Him Mroet, Seulh Both Beth Both
lehem, says he U the owner or an old cow
liell which his great grandfather had
brought from Germany nud which Is elder
than the Llberty bell, or Philadelphia, or
the Columbia tire bell or Allcntevvn. The
sune sounded en the SchwaUwalil (Black
Ferest) mid afterwards In Bucks eeuutr
when the English occupied Philadelphia unit
the British made foraging paitlus In the
country. The eew that ivore this bell
alarmed the end rescued their
Tin: CAnxn'At. at mextiikai.
Hew (he Cmi.lillnn. "):Jey Their Kitrelucty
Celli Wrathrr.
The second day ofthe Montreal rarnlvnl
proved even brighter nud mero Inspiring
than the first. Thu mercury had fallen con
siderably, whlle the sky was clearer nnd the
slinrp nlr inade people- hurry nleng briskly
te keep wnrui. Seulo of the visitors from
across the line nppeared le feel tlie frosty nlr
greatly, and recent arrivals speak of the
chsinge from overhoatcd sloeplng cars te the
sharp wind that cuts cleng the stioets. The
Ice iiolace showed te perfection, the final
touches having been nut te thu structure ami
tlie lKilcs and scnlfeldlng taken away.
The carnival of the Victeria rink was n
brilliant nffiilr. The Gou'mer gcneral nud
Lady Lansilowne arrived nbeut a quarter
jinsl eight The skntcrs fermed Inte a deuble
line, through which their excellencies jiasscd
ten dais. The unveiling or the group or
statuary then took place. The statues wero
illuuilunted by electric light passed through
colerod gbiss, producing u ery net el nud
pliMsing en'ect. Tlie hocking match betn eon
the Ottawas nnd Vlcterlai, of Montreal, was
wen by Iho Ottawa, A torchlight proces preces
sion rrem the Island took place between
night nnd nine o'clock, and was witnessed
by thousands of jiceplc.
a uusvr.KATi: iiiir.r.
Attempting te Murilrr tlm Man Wlieir 1'fiu.
l-cs Iln Wat Jteblilng.
A tall young man, with curly hair and
wearing a geed suit of dark clothing, called
nt the rosldenco of Levl Trlce, In Reading,
Tuesdny night, nncl asked Mrs. Prlce Ter
somethhig te eat, which was given te him.
About hairan hour thereafter he was found
en the reef of Mr. Price's pigeon house, nnd
wns orderod te ceme down and leave the
fireinlses. This he rofused te de. He
i.-vl taken from the summer kitrhen n pair
of overalls nnd nn overcoat belonging te
Mr. Prlce, and he Imd tlie overcoat In his
possession h hlle en the reef Mr. Prlce, as
sisted by his brether-In-law, James Faust,
and Heward Runkle, attempted te eject the
stranger, w lien he struck them with a clothes
prep, and a ladder, and finally drew a large
pockct-knlTe and stabbed Price en thoslioiil theslioiil thoslieiil
dor, cutting through hlsclethcsand Inflicting
a dangerous wound. The threo men ran te
the heuse, pursued by the stranger, but he
was kept out or the building by locking the
ihxir. An ofllrer was sent Ter, who arrested
tlie stronger after a desperate light. It Is said
his mother keeisi bearding hetis In Phila
delphia. Leiter Hnil !,e3il.
Frem ths Oxford Pren.
James O. McSparran, of Druinore has been
appointed by GoieruOr Pattison a state dele
gate te the New Orlcaus Exposition.
A convention of farmers will be held In
the hall nt West Orerp, Clicster ceuuty, en
Thursday, l'eb. 5, nt ene o'clock. Prel.
Cochran of West Chester will read a aper
en Milk ; Thenies Ilaker of Uancastcrceunty
w 111 read ene en Imitation Butter.
Mrs. Annle Runner, widow el Samuel
Runner, died at the roildcnce of her ben-iu-law,
Little llritaiu township, en Sunday af
ternoon. She had goile from her home near
Fnlrmeunt, en the previous Thursday testay
a low days with tlie family of her daughter,
and was taken with a chill en Wednesday
night. Her sickness nvtutned the symptoms
of pnoumenU, but enl Sunday nu attack of
dlscase of the heart catised her death. The
deceased was in her G&tli year.
Frem the Oxford Daily.
I'lh Commissioner Spanglcr hnshippcd n
iiumberel California trout te be distributed
m Fishing nnd Octorarecieeks.
Aimer Carter has purchased Weeds
chromeplt, Lancaster county, nnd will make
changes in the spring
Ledgo I. O. of G. ')'., of Russell vlllu, and
Crlswell of Cechranswllc, and Octornre of
Andrews Uridge have consolidated, and will
hprcaftcr meet at Hoinevllle.
Airrileil en An leOlnnn Tvlesniiii.
Slicrltf Tomllnsen received n letter mi
Tuesday front Hosier Walter, sbcrllf of
Wabash county, Indiana, requesting him te
anest Paul Augustus Gorden, who was
believed te be working at a railroad restaurant
in this elly. The charge for w hicli Gorden Is
wnnted was stated lu the letter te be grand
larceny. Tlie sheriff from the description
furnished him arrested n young man nt
Shin's hotel and nud took him te thu county
prison. The man aaresled at llrst denial
that he was tlie parly wanted, but finally
admitted that he was. lie has Iheii in this
city soveral weeks, ntl has been working
for Mr. Sides since he came here. A telegrnm
was sent te tlie Indiana sheritf informing
him of This morning the sherill
received a telcgrani asking hew long Gorden
can be held nud stating that some one would
ceme en for him.
Xeir Yerk's statu Clurltlr..
The eighteenth annual report of the state
beard of charities of New A'eik says the total
valuation of state charitable property en
October I, 1S3 1, was $1B,SeC,070, against f 13, 13,
303,173eu the corresponding date of tlie pre
ceding year. Tlie receipts wero 511, 133,yjs,
and the expenditures J10,6I2,7C1, against
SI0,772,ClK.', iccclntH nud $l.i,"i1,0J7 oxiienill exiienill
tures in lsS3. The report says the increase.
hi the iiumber of suite paupers "is wholly
due te the defcctlvq administration of the
federal laws lespecting immigration, by
which large numbers of iutlrm alien jumpers
fliul their way te this state te burden the
cities, tow usniid counties who should lie re
jected nt the ports nt which they laud, and
then returned te the vessels brlnglug them,
us the federal net prescribes."
llm ISe ml of CliuiltliV ll cniniiiciiilulleui.
Tlie Pennsylvania beaul of charities will
roiterttho estimates for the next two years.
The amounts applied for me ; I'er 1S5, ti
70J,7O3.7l ; for 150(5, ?1.97,71. The nmeunts
receiiimendcd nre: Fer", S.'I0II,3U,71;
for ISsit, 51,710,721. Of these sums there is set
npait for malntcuance In ls5. fSlt,971;
for in 1600, ?SOI:i; building in
l!55, 81.101,3511,71, nud in IssO, ftiij,.
7u0. The iKinrcl rpconunend 5100,000
for each of the vears l-s7 and lssSlorthe
state hesiiital at Harrlsburg, and $2e0.00i) for
lb7 rer the Philadelphia l.euse of Refuge.
At the SLatliis Itliikh
There was a large ciewd nt the West King
street link en Tuesday evening, tlie attrac
tion being the pole match between tlie Lan
caster club and the M' irevilitan club of Col
umbia. Tlie games wcre evitlng niul to te
sulted In u victory fort lie Lancaster club by n
scere oftliree te two.
Rebert Greizhiger was tlie winner for the
third time of thoinile lare nt tlie Mieiiuar Mieiiuar
clier llulc, en Tuesday evening in 3:15. Theie
wcre ilve contestants last eveuhig, but (Jrio (Jrie
zlngcr wen with ease. There was also u geed
attendance at this link.
Anether Afljluin In I'lamm.
A lUouttlieInsiuallospitallu Indianapolis
Iiul., Tuesday niermug was gut under eon een
tiiil after destroying the engine room nud
laundry nnd bakery nud seme smaller apart
ments located in nrcar building, connected
with the main structure bya large three-story
building containing Iho kitchen, sloeeplng
rooms for empleyes, the chapel or the Insti
tution, finished only last spring, and the dry
house. The less, Is estimated at 75,000; no
insurance, Tliore was no aiiic among the
seventeen hundred patients, most of whom
watched the lire, nnd none were Injured.
W'unl te Start a C.irilagii I'.kIeij.
Cuutcxville Cor, of I'.ca.llnR Haule.
A company from Lancaster are hore trytjig
te rent the old shoe factory en East Main
street belonging te Themas C. Rnlb, of Phila
delphia, with Intentions et starting a carriage
Hew Stan)-
Hew many of our readers ever noticed the
points upon n watch face? This matter is
new quitira catch. In a crowd every person
designated tlie lotters IV as standing for 1
o'clock. Loek at your watch nnd you will
see that IIII stand for t. Hew many of you
ever noticed it?
A Nun- Dally.
The Oxford Publishing company has
started a newsy little Daily, which opens
well ns nu enterprising organ of the local
Interests of that thriving tow u. It will be a
penny publication,
m re irrr.v ir xfab ire.vr te nn Tin:
rAHtnexAitLi: irj:m.
A Correspondent Olres Heme lnturcttlns Te-
lisece ttemlnlicenrrt In Which HeMnkes
ria for n OiiprcMcil Variety of
(tin raf rathlnn't Caprice.
Cws. iNTni.uer.scun. Scanning the to te to
bacce repert en the first page of your issue of
Iho 27th instant, Including your editorial
"squilis" en thosauie subject, nnd especially
the query "Why net inake whito-vetnod ci
gars fashionable?" I recall the whlto-veinod
and wliite-rlugcd cigars of my earlj boy boy boy
heed, mero than threo scere years age, In
deed thorn was n third variety, n.imely, the
whllo-5ietlcxl, nnd tiiese were, pcrliapi, tlie
most common of the threo kinds. Frem
whence the cigars came, or whero the tobacco
grew, I de net think I ever was Informed,
but there Is no question In my mind nnd
memory alieut the fee-that they wero an ar
ticle or trafflc lu Lancaster county, as early as
1S27, and nlse suliseqncntly. Ner did they
belong te the si in pi e Spanish, the hair-Span-isli,
the common or the "ponny-a-grablersj"
they had nt least a quasi status of fashion,
oblcness t wcre considered foreign, and sold
at nn advanced price.
At the iwied te which I rcfer, nnd for
rome years prier te that dnte, I de net knew
that there was n siugle tobacconist nor nn es
tablishment oxclusively cenllncd te tlie pur pur
cliase nnd Kile or tobacco and cigars in the
town where I resided, (Marietta, Pa.,) but
they were kept for sale by the dealers in dry
goods and groceries, the taverns, (there wero
no hotels) the oyster shoes, the confection
eries the hucksters, and last but net least,
by the npethecarles, which kept the finest
"goods" in that line, nnd notably the white
lined, whlte-ringcd and whlto-spetted. These
macuUtiens wcre regarded as eIi'inis 'if
superiority, nnd by no lneaui tu iufu. .or
The Imy-smoker, who could obtain ene or
these luottlecl cigars at that period, felt him
self a head hlgher than any of his less fortu
nate companions, and the young men
"snorted" thorn as something "qulle the
go. ' I think It nover has been successfully
demonstrated that this partly colerod tobacco
is inferior in quality te the Inunaculate leaf,
and Ir net, why should fashion selfishly
withheld the seal or its august approbation ?
These wcre perhaps euly a sonvitlenal
vnrlety, but they wcre an "awfully" mean
variety, and sometimos produced awful con
sequences, especially It tampored with by n
youthful novice. They occupied amongst
cigars nbeut the same status, that "Rifle,"
or "Jersoy Lightning" does amongst the
whiskies. Common cigars w cre usually tied
up In bundles of ene hundred, or fifty,
and these wero retailed at various prices
two, three, or four rer n penny nnd
tlie "cullings" wcre threw u Inte n common
rcceptacle a bag or a box and sold at "a
jienny n grab." This was, however, only
local and occasional, nud net a regular custom
.nnd only obtained when n dealer happened
10 accumulate a mean let en hand. My first
essay In cigar smoking was Willi oue el these
vicious nlcotauceus "nods ;" It w as as liard and
as dark as a year-old Catalpa bean. After
cellaislng my choeks for about ten minutes
in tlie ollert te draw siuoke through It, I
threw It away with disgust. In Ilvo minutes
thereafter I necame as limp as n rng ; n "cold
sweat" mised ever my whele body.
" I was net Jiujik, but, O, se sick, '
and in that condition was carried home, nnd
but for tkaOact that thrce ethors were found
lu my brecTlies pocket, niy situation might
have caused parental distress. Ne cigar of
nny kind passed between uiyllps again for
seven ycais.
Tin: c.vrnicns of fashion.
It is said of tlie first Napeleon, that he en en
thely Ignored circumstances as a fundamen
tal l.wter in determining Ids actions. He,
himself was the potent ccntrcstance which
created the circumstances that gave char
acter te his career, (bis ultlinate failure,
hew ever dlsqualitleshlin as a model), but it
has been long since demonstrated that fashion
is mero petent and has a longer reign than
anything that liears the name of Napeleon.
Still, fashion may be wooed into an endorse
ment of the wiilto-veincd cigar. Without
material substance, fashion could net mani
fest itself; nnd n iw, ai it Is running rampant
in all the gaities or the floral, the sylvan and
the feathered world, it -would boamcre slde
step te extend Its domain Inte the realms of
Frem the foregoing, It will be perceived Hint
11 fashion even did take the vvhite-veincd cigar
into Its special favor, would net be an en
tirely new tiling, nud this fact might mllltate
nsainst Its final adoption. Fashion Is net per
ac an abselute progression, howeVer; it isn
revolutionary evolution nt best. It's nxe Is
fixed nnd immovable, nnd each revolving
evele turns up with perhaps a slight modili medili modili
eatien, nnd oflen n slighter improvement,
something that existed long before. Any man
or woninu.efoven ordinary observations who
lias attained te three or four scere years, must
have witnessed the same, or ncailv the same,
fashions, half n dozen times. With all Its
abuses fashion evidently has Its uses. It
works up and utilizes a vast amount of raw
materinl which otherwiso would never find
a mm ket, and In this respect Is even a bene
factor. J ust new It could, If it would, rclle ve
many a hard-working cultivator from dis
couragement and less by vouchsafing aehcer
t'nl recognition of the " wlilto-vclued" pro
duct of his tell, without subiectlng society te
degeneration of quality. Iflt will net give
heed te the voice of lcnseu nnd of charity,
tlie peeple will have te assume the otlenslve
rather than sacrifice their luteiesls te the
mere caprice offashlen. GnANTHLLfs.
Cutting Ice.
There is excellent Ice en the Coucstega nnd
ether small streams and en the elty roservelr
nud the ponds In tlie vicinity of tlie city, and
the ice merchants nnd privnte citizens have
been for a few days past busily engaged in
filling their houses The Lancaster Pisca
torial association during the foriner cold snap
cut n grout deal of ice six inches thick and
clear as a crystal from their ponds en Myers'
rami north bf this city, and nre new cutting
u second crop from tlie sauie pond. Their
ice heuse Is the lnrgest and best constructed
in the vicinity of Lancaster. Mr. Hartiuau,
who obtalned conslderablo line Ice from the
city reservoirs during tlie late cold snap, is
again cutting even better ice than befere as
the water is new clearer. The present pros pres
jHS't is that all who choeso te de se will bti
able te obtain nn iimple supply if they avail
theniselv cs of the present opportunity.
Implosion ufl'inuler In n Miner's Heme,
Matthew W.Lawsen,u coal miner living near
Hays station, AUcgheuy county, took home
h ilh hlin a three peuud paekage of blasting
ixvwdcr, and placed it en n tabloundernsholf
en which steed a lighted lamp. While I,aw I,aw
seii was abient nt work a pioce of plastering
from the celling overhead fell ujien the lamp
oveiturnod It, nnd Igniting tlie powder,
caused an explosion. Jjiw seu's wllu
was blown ncresv. the room, her he.ul strik
ing the wnll with torrltle force, ronderod her
unconscious Twe or her sons, aged nine mid
thirteen, were knocked down by the lorce or
the ex nloslen nnd both wero iiiluied inter
nally. A daughter, nged live, will probably
die. Aside from the Injuries she recoiyed
fietn belng dashed against the wnll.hercloth wnll.hercleth
lug took lire mid a part or her body wns
bin tied te a crisp.
During the absonce of Sheriff McAlevy, of
Huntingdon, the prisoners in jail, who nre al
lowed the freedom of the corridors, engaged
In a desperate conflict between thomselvos,
In which Alexander Gray received danger
ous Injuries bybelnglbeatcn ever the head with
n poker by a fellow prisoner named Tem
Petter, The insurrection was quelled through
the heroism of Miss Luurn MeAlevy, n nlece
of the Rheriff, who forced the quarrelsome
prisoners back te their cells ut the point of ii
Where Uu Yeu Hay Your Itutler t
A Philadelphia commission merchant
beasts that he ships te a grocer in this city
from tin ee te ilve Urklns of oleoinargarlno
per week that It has been repeatedly tosted
nud tasted slde by side with pure butter, and
that geed Judges give P. the prcforeuco ever
country butter. What's in a name ?
A Yerillrl Asslna Patrick Clirrjr-Tellmeny
In n I-anil Ifcmitige Cnp.
nnrenn judeh mvinostes.
In the suit of Jeseph llrlentnull vs. Patrick
Cherry, action te recover damages for lnju
rlcs sustained through the carelpnncss of ene
of defendant's empleyes, the Jury rendered,
a verdlet In favor of pbdntlll'ler f,"5.
The suit of Jehn H. Holllnger vs. Geerge
Dennett nnd Victeria Dennett wns attached
for trial en Tuesdny nfternoen. This was an
nctlen te recever damages nnd plaint!!!' ense
ns outlined by tliclr counsel nnd sworn te by
their witnesses why ns fellows : Helllngcr fs
the owner or Iho dwetllng heuse Ne. 433,
North Queen street, nnd tlte Dennetts own
the ndjelnlng heuse. On Helllnger's promt premt
Ises there lsn well of water, but part or the
well Is en Itonnett's let. Mr. Helllnger's
family used the water rrem this well until
they found a b id and offenslvo stnell. They
then had the well cleaned and In n short tlme
the water again became oIlenMvo. Ilollevlng
that the Hcnnclts had something te de with
causing the oilbnslve smell, n watch was set,
and Mrs. Bennett was discovered (muring
slops nnd ether olTeusive matter into tlie
The dofcne was n denial or the allegations
erplalullflsthat Mrs. Dennett bad thrown
Ultli into the well. It was further claimed
that the water was bad before the Holllngers
moved te that house. On trial.
ncFenE Junei: rATTnnse.v.
On Tuesday afternoon, tlie plaintiffs' wit
nesses examiucd In the suit of Cathnriue D.
and Agnes Kelly against tlie county of
Lnncaster, for damages sustained by reason
ertheirland Iming taken by projieseil open
ing or Juniata street, corroborated the testi
mony or the witnesses first called as te the
value of the land taken, and the damages
plaintiffs would sustain.
Fer tlie defense n number of witnesses tes
tified that tlie damages el plaintiffs' land
would amount te between ?250 and TSOOnnd
a few wero of opinion that no damage would
be sustained, bocause the nd vantage te the
remaining property by tlie opening of tlie
street would inore than lialance the less or
the laud take 1,
Theluiy rcuduied a verdict In favor of
plaintiff and assesed the damages at ?2,000.
The next suit attached was another land
ilamigecase, In which the rame partles fig
ured as plaintiffs and defendant- This stilt
is te recover damage te the land of the Kellys
by inasen of the proposed openlng of Green
btroet. After the Jury had been empanelled
they went out te vlowthesito ofthe proposed
Mroet, ntter which testimony wns heard.
ALAirxxK jturirALtsr.
Wm. I'. CoiiipteiiTakesnlfancllntlie Religious
Itetlral In Ilerks.
A remarkable religious "ivave" is causing
great oxcitemonl In the smaH villages of
Berks county, the number of cenverts ut the
various meetings greatly o.xceedlng nny
previous oxperionco. In Morgantown, a
small village, soventy-fivo wero convertod in
a short time ; in Jeanna, sixty, and hundreds
at ether places Many hotels have involun
tarily Blopped selling liquor In consequonco
et the many new recruits in the toinperanco
cause. President Flder Dickcrsen, et Phila
delphia, is the moving spirit nt the meetings.
Anether sect, the Mcnoulte Brethren in
Christ, Immersed converts threo tlme in the
Schuykill river, they new lielng compelled
te cut through tvvelVB inches of ice le de
A special from Reading te the New Yerk
World says : Wm. Compteu, a tneiulier of
the Lancaster bar.Is taking a prominent part.
Entliu villages have bocemu praying com
munities. Jeanna has bocemo n tompernnco
place, nud the hotels me doing no business
At Lebanon nearly one huudtcil conversions
were made in a few days A sect known as
the Mcnnonite Urethral In Christ have or
ganized in many small towns They baptize
by iiumorsleu. The new converts unci the
members march fietn the churches te the
river in a body, singing songs, hauled by the
deacons, who carry nxes with which they
chop away tlie ice, which is frequently ten
inches thick. The clergymen then wade into
the water te the waist, taking with llicin men
and wemen eonveitx, whom they lmmcrse
hi the Icy wider threo times the crowd sing
ing songs.
Ilushic&a ut (lie lterllli rotelllce.
The Christmas business of the Berlin gen
eral posteilleo was in great excess ever that
ofthe previous season, necessitating the em
ployment or 839 extra members In the ser
vice, taken from the army, and 633 civilians.
Tlie Germans seem te have entered with n
geed zest into the celebration of New Years
Frem 5 o'clock p. m. en Dec. 31'f, te neon en
Jnnuary 1st, 5,tw0,i0 letters and cards ar
rived in the city of Berlin, which togcther
with n round i.',000,000 city letters, inake n
total delivery et 7,000,000 letters nnd cards
Neil. Bultcit in Ulevcn Cases.
Frem the CsrlUle Sontlnel.
The Mauhcim Mutual Live Stock Insur
ance association was tlie plaintiff in eloven
caes of Hpjicalfrem the judgment of J. Ii.
Marthi.Justiee of the ie.uv, the defendants
being C. C. Kutz, Ileury Ilackonbergcr,
Jacob F. Kutz, Charles Kutz, W. A. nnd M.
Fpplcy, Chailcs Deitch, J. M. nnd W. C.
Morrison, Fills Whistler, Jehn M.Ilenwoed,
Eli Svvean and W. H. Couch. PlaiutllT suf
fered neu suit in eacn case.
Acxlitcnt te Jtnle I'attemen.
Last night after Judge Patterson finished
his worklnliLseffico he turned off the gas and
attempted te pass into an adjoining room. In
the darkness he slightly mistook his conne
nnd Btruck his hcail and fice heavily against
tlie Jainb of the doei'.causingnn ugly abrasion
of the skin en bis forehead iintl noe. His
injuries are net serious, but te-day he leeks
as though he had been' ' knocked eut'' by
Prof. Jehn L. Sullivan, oflleiton.
ir.tAi.vre.v xeu's.
PrijEtiig I'ji nil Jehn rerler A-.-ilu
sennte In ;tecutle hecmleu.
Wariiisoten, Jan. 23. Heuse. Slo Sle
cum (New Yerk) from the committee en
military nlTalrs, reported back a resolution
lequcstlng tlie picsident te transmit te the
Heuso n copy of the recent appeal of Fitr.
Jehn Perter. Steele (Ind.) moved te lay the
resolution en the table ; lest, (,'J te 110. The
resolution was then passed, yeas 170, nays
77. llelman (Indiana) presented n confer cenfer confer
ence report en tlie six months naval appro
priation bill, and it was agreed te. It limits
repairs te wooden ships totwenty per cent,
of cost of a new ship.
The heu.ite in Kxtciitlte Scsleu.
Wasiiisote.v, Jan. 28. Seuate. With
out transacting any Important business the
Senate went into executive session.
Iren Works In Clcvelnm! te ltetutne Werk.
Ou;vi:lani Ohie, Jim. IS. The Union
roll mills, which has been idle for the past
six weeks, will rcsume Monday, glvlug em
pleyment te about four huudred men. The
Union blast furuace will also resume Monday.
The llcssoiuer steel works will also start up.
A IH'tperuiIe Mectt II Is Dciilh.
Helena, Men., Jun. lis. Cen Murphj;,
the dospcrade, was captured near here ufter
n desperate light, en Monday. Ills captors
started with him for Helena yosterday, but
vi cre overhauled by a parly lreiu here who
took Murfhy nnd swung hhn from a biiilga.
His lifeless body still hangs there.
They Were en n Fli'Islilug biiree.
Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 2i Early this
morning four men wcre found In a sleigh lu
the westcrn part of this city. Only oue of
them was nble te speak. One was dead niul
the ether two drunk, nearly frozen and un
conscious They had been en n spree.
I'olteuet by Wlue.
Reading, l'a., Jim. 8. Cln-MInn KniH
and family of seven, living nt Hunker Hill,
Lebanon county, woie poisoned by drinking
soine wine. Onq child has since died, two
ethers nre net expected te rc,cevcrautl the
ethors nre seriously HI.
Vat Destruction lu Eaateru Oregon.
Pehteand Oregon, Jan. 4 During the
past six vvecks cattle and hersus have per
ished by tlieusatuU from oxpesuro mid watit
of feed lu Eastern Oregon. Many human
lives have also been sacrificed In the prevnll
lng storms
because arxtrAnr xssAm a
as rrcToittevs.
Attacked bj- th Arnbt, lilt Force RepM
Them With Hfary Loitei-Ttre Cerret t?
tinitoeti nmt n Nebtemutl Kllltil $ ),
The Tall of Mctemncb. -j" ' '
Londes, Jan. 2i, lln. m.Atlipaieti JlMd
rccolved nt the war olllce says, Ooneml 8t. .
nrtsfurcels ontrenchod seulh of Mot Met Mot
neli. Itnlse conveys tlm grallfylng infer.
matlen IliatSiewart Islncominunlcallen with'
Qortlen. The ferce had several fights wins)
Iho Arabs bofero reaching Moteinnch, anl'
htewart himself Is badly wonniled. FIvoefs a
the Miihdl's emirs wero kllled. j&. "3
A cllsp-ilch front Oen. Lord Wolsaleyre&"
i'im uiu U-U111.111UU1 -icuiuuiiieu vy me iinu
1.1. -,
'"" . w:
The news from Stewart's ferce causes jrrekT',3
rejoicing tu England. OillcJal dlsmtehe "n
show that Stew.irt'sllltln nrmy hd no easy'A s
task In ferelng tlie way Ireni Abu-KIca WelUll
u -Meieiiineu. it wns a constant succession ;?,
of rtorce battles mill Ilrltlsli vlelnrlns. Thn
Arabs made n dotennlned onslaught en Iho' ""$
llrltlsh en the 10th, nud It was in this lialtle,.' J
umi.numui was wouuuecl. in tills tlgllttlle kA'-'v
Fngllsh formed, ai usual, in a sqmre and v
steadlly advanced te meet the wild onset of i ?3
the loudly choerlng onemy. The Engllsli &
ilre did such bloeilv work Hint net nn A.nh&i
get within thlity j-ards of the sqaire. '
uiu.vr.iui s'jeu roiireu, laivmg i,iwcieaclJ ;
en the flelO. Cnmoreu, n correJi;
pendent ofthe Louden Slanthtitl. and Her J
bcrt, sicelal correspondent or the Morning rft
It, wero both kllled. Lord St. Vincent. b.d
"i iiiuiiiiiuuiv, was aise Kiueu. niewan "n-i
rn....iin..H . i ,.,,(- -.. .. vv1
wound, tlieucrh net fiilnl. nltt .IIsiUIa l,l, v. ' JViiTS
the rcmaluder of tlie campaign.
umciai ciispatciics loave ll uncertalti u.Si
wiiether Jlctemnch was captured or uet.
the state trarsLATunr.
An Anll-Dlicrlmlnntlnn UIU Introduced 111 tkaH"','
llAnnisnena. Fa.. Jan 23 The United
fitfttrs cnvnriiirifiil. Imvliir- ltnnt, m1trin1 li''7i-
the state about Sl.00n.WVl itiirlnw llm wi- l' V 1
put down the robelllen,MgCullough,of Fhlla "'f-t
cieipiua, ouereil a resolution in the Heuso te-'S
nay requcsung I'enusyivanin congressmen 1';
te vete ler the bills for the repayment of this w
mennv. Cmivfnril nrereutnil tlie rssimlflje-.t.AAJ
atlen ofthe re solution by calling for thoerdcr
of business -
In the Heuso te-day Hillings intreilneedV
nu anti-discrimination bill which recites tlte
common law declaration In roftirence te the ""v
dutv of Common carriers : lirehlhlta crrpatr 3'
rliftrfre Fnr n btinrl haul IIism Crr n Irmrw t,fi1 . .
which Includei the sherter: prohibits tlib'v;j'!
granting of drawbacks, abatements or allow ""$vj!
nnccs in any form ; requlrcs the railroad pfcjj
compaiues te pest up lu each depet where fs?Jj
freights nre received or Uolivcrecl, a schoduie Fi7;
showing the rates for enrrying nnd tcrmlualH
facilities; provides for damnges for ever!j(?5
charges; extends the equity jurisdiction of .Mpm
discevery nnd fixes criminal penaltics tetahylM
vioiatleu of the act the nne net te exceed. e a
52,000 nud Imprisoument uet exceedlng; lxzj
months ? &&
Thn nw Hrtnns nnTirnnrltfrtn lilll sv-a?
rcnorled. aulherizlnt; the 810.033 te ba naU te'S1
thocemmisslonor and alternate comiulsslener-E-l
Jeintlj'. J$A
Among tue euis laverauiy roparteu werjii,-
the fellow-In;- ; Exleiidlin- the hrhoel Icii-m In5?i
six months; fixing a standard of weight!?
and lucasure for the sale of mill: ; tdtfi
pcimit detendants le testlfy in cdminaLi
cases; topreviuo ler tlie sole te tlie state evtM;
the Heuso of Rcfuze bulldlnirs In Phlladcl-S-
phla ; for the suppression of opium joints i$M
fnjclnr llllm,lllel I, till lMff.llnr 1 1 n j lrf s2
form book koeping in the slata de-,k'jC:
nartments: lcnuirincr nil fees received :&
by the state elllchila te be iiald Inte. ,
iiw sinie treasury ; auiuerjzing me nuei- vjy
birr iiiemaiitll.i anoralsers' lists : renulrlnt alliffl
warrants en the state treasury te be slcnecV
by the auditor general. Faunce Introduced ?9
a bill appropriating nearly 510,000 te pay ilie.f
expenses of the lunacy commission. Cea'f-&M
sidoratlenof the border-raid bill" wu pesW4
lencd. A bill te place In the department et'S'i
secretary ofiuternal atlairs ihe records or UieCSSj
canal commissioners xisseu iiuuiiy. . s
A 1,111 (,r,l,n nivrnilTllrtii r ftnnflmt I'll
ganlzatleii or caoperath'
ig fatniers, lalwrers, ettvS1
associations among
was also Introduced.
T 4tOS.IA fe A AH nl islf4 41t , -lal 4 1 '
xii iiiueuii4tbUibkvuitmjii uu kiiu .n ui(j9 ey,
UgUUll W1U UII11UU OUlbV wu i.i"tm t -,-,-
te reconsider the action In rejecting Aahmead v
as n Norristown hospital trnntoe, The Senat
rol'usedto rocensldor, Tim vete reftwliif; teS,
rocenslilcr6tooai0to31, Uushe vetlusnyaf
zz: m
a KELiawus Jtri'eitjfEic 3taj:nEiiKBtV
. ... VH.
t,nl.t Ii TTI twi linflnv 11j(f itusti. ti .
Vienna, Jan. 23. A uonsatlenal story, ra.S -
sembllng in some respects that of the Hun- J
.!. ....... ..... ...nail.. .,1.4 ..Anw Mi.mA . ll
gariuu nvuueguu umiuvi ui iet.i.i, vuiiwe i
J.A... TI..,.A...... .l.A Mll.l A, riA9S.Al,t' l." .
1IU1I1 1V1I.UV I1UI1, tllU Ull'lUIl Ul UWtuiM, 4IJL .i
Rnssis 51. Rulfcnewltsch, a lnwyer of some
ni'onilnencoin tlie cllv. was reeentlv feund.5:. '
.1..M.1 TttWAillMlInn el,A4tArl 1 If, f ht 1," ft luUtM V .
nuirdercd. Ne clue ceuid at the tltna
uociiscevorca, leaum ve me muuiujr ec mi.
assassins 51. Itcbinewlt9ch had becn a very '
religious man ami hau neon raieu wr;
Orthodox Jew : but sorae yeara age lie bf
came convlnced of the dlvlne nature -af,-.
Jesus Christ This conversion, howevor; 01
uet extend te the belief that Christ bad com
te abolish Judaism and substitute- for It t!w
new religion of Christianity. 51- Rdblne-S
wllsch simply bollevoil that, Christ's nilssleitj
m1 .U-A tf n iifiui 1iittA r.ntr.1 fnt IllA IWII.'-' i
trel or mankind. After preachlng thU iet .
iuliiA Iah cntisn 4liis,issit till AiluIilrttllll4L TinAAWfl'.-
IU11U 1U1 auuiU IIIMU IIIVU ,v'mvmwiw i.vj,
he feunded a new sect nineug bis lleurew,
brothren and called his reformed bolief Th
nollclen of New Israel." It Is new aaclarWF
by the Christian uuthorltle of ICichenertMni 3
.Vl.llCUlUOWllSCIl IliO UIU1UHVU ujr uivviMTf,,
des Jews ',-U
Will Nelttier Eat, 3tep Jfer UflukJ
Datten, O., Jan. 28. Dartholemowljelt.
H-nger, a rosldent of this plase, has just !
taken te the Insaue asylum About iiiaoeife
age he had a quarrel with the priest fit I
eliurehofwhlelihelsa inomber. Thejiw
,.,v,,-r,l imnn hUmlnii that he cnnsldctred 1
soul beyeud rodeniption aud finally bectwf tej
sine. The facta uecaiue generally kuewu
iinv. Fer three wcokshe lias net hlent,''ter 1
dav'shasnet histed neilheir feed imrdrhOi.,
nor can he be Induced or fercca te'Muw
elther. lie Is new In n precarious stst-
Still successfully robeli against nny ," J
te feed him. mi&
Henert thntn Ytiel CxnlgdediKHai't km Wmil
Miiavaeuee, Wis, Jan.U8.Utl 'igtgj
that the propeller 51lcblgnn l'?"""!"M
near Oraiicl Haven, yMterwiy,?Ma w i
wcre ldllcd. 'W 4,
lllnlherla ItaEln tn Xbfk '
muni. Neb.. Jan. Ji DFplkl
-,.lrrr fn flvO WCOkll lU tllM lOWH Crf 1
tpn, N'ance eeiinty, end lu lbt'tlaf
qreu nave uicu. , . ,.-;
wathkk tmueAtfrn
Wasiiisoten, It. &., Jaa.'
Mhldln. Atlantic dtetfts Il
rain, fellow ad bv celdw. eJrlg'
rising baremster, wna iMUif l,
weaiviiy, ,. jg
t .