394SiWn' , ,,-m UmM !-J ..f il' f -jT' X -!.-" TIIE TjANOASTEK DATLY INTELLIGENCE!?, MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1885. -.A . " "r.k k&- n - M rV V1" w ' y IV 4 m im rv. u- X .IB DAILY INTELLIGENCER fOtUWED EVERY EVENING IN THE YEAH (tunMTi iitmie.) . BY 8TEINMAN & HENSEU INTELLIQENOER BUILDING 8. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE, Lancaster Pa. DAILY-TEN CtNTS A WttK. flVt OOIURS A YtAR, OR FIFTY CtNTO A MONTH. POSTAOCTBEt. ADVERTISEMENTS rneM ten te nrrv cents A UNI. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. ( EIGHT PACES.) PUBLISHED EVEBY WEDNESDAY MORNINQ. Toe Deuam Yiak ADvcr. CORRESPONDENCE Solicited from every PART OF THE STATC AND COUNTRY. CORRE SPONDENTS ARE REQUESTED TO WRITE LEGIBLY AND ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY; AND TO WON THEIR NAMES, NOT TOR PUBLICATION, BUT IN PROOF OF GOOD FAITH. ALL ANONYMOUS LETTERS WILL BE CONSIGNED TO THElWASIC BASKET. AOORE53 ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS T03 THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, pa. l)c cmcnstcr3ntdligcnccv. LANCASTEIt, JAXUAltY K, 1SSS, Whether Insurance Insure. TIie supreme com t et our stnte has de cided lliat a country stere-keeicr, who had in his store, when It burned down, a little inore gunpowder than the quantity limited In his Insurance, lest the ItenelU eC the policy. This Is a decision stricllv in line with the well developed temper of the su preeo court et Pennsylvania, te contem centem contem plate legal qucstieus through corporation spectacles. The ordinary judgment will be that unless the cxc&is of gunpewdei in the stere could be shown te have caused the damage, it should net prevent the store keeper from recovering the less which he had paid his money te insure him self against. Thcre has been a great in justice dene te him in the sti ict construction of the contract. Thcre would have been no injustice dene te the iusnrance companies unless they have suffered their less through the violation of the stipulation ns te the quantity of powder. The less they would nieetby pajing the storekeeper for the damage te hU property is one that thev were paid by him te meet. This seems te be plain enough, but .icer tain class of judges and lawyers caunet sec it this way. They call for the letter of the bend, ns Shylock did. They say te the storekeeper " you agreed that the polio should be void if you kept rnore than se much powder; you kept mere than you vv cre permitted te keep and a3 you have violated your contract you must suffer for it ; and the insurance company can betli keep it3 premium and save the insurance it sold you." As we have suggested before, it is netable that theso strict censtrucrs of the law, generally find that their arguments favor the corporations, though they may net, as judges, be hired attorneys. It has long been .- realization of the in sured than insurance does net insure. When it Is applied for, the affable agent cannot laud tee highly the wealth nnd honerablo dealing of his companies. The mero insurance asked for, the mere he U delighted. He will take any amount of your money and give you any amount of his companies' premises te save you harm less from fire. He does net offer veu the policy until he gets your contract and your cash. Probably the mnjerity of persons de net read thcirpelicics when they get them. They have paid for them and they con cen con cludethat they nre insured if the company continues solvent. They make a very grave mistake. The possibility isthat they arc net insured at all, aa the storekeeper we speak of was net ; and the rea enable certainty is that their insurance is Jeopardized nnd curtailed by the stipulations contained in the notes, in vcr.v line print, that maybe re.ul with a magnifying glass in an ebscure part of the policy. Most persons never suffer from fire They are happy all their lives in the sincere belief that they are in sured ; and the companies gleefully take their money every year. It is a beautiful arrangement 01 rrovuience winch gives joy and satisfaction te no inanj jn-eple of diverse interests. Hut the beauty does net continue w lien the fire comes. Then the adjuster of Hit company appears, and is an exceptionally clever individual If he does net satisfy jeu that he suspects that you hae liml jour property yourself. When he gets down te a valuation of the less he calls vmir attention te all the line print pio pie pio vislens which ctcept from insurance a geed proportion or the thing yen have lest; and then he condescends te appoint an expert builder, whom he imports fiem abroad, as his appraiser, and allows you the privilege of appointing another. The expert generally gets away with the cetin try carpenter and finds a inluimuin of damage ; if he does net the company claims the privilege of rebuilding; when you get through with this experience of "heads I win, tails you lese," you nre u-ady te question whether Insurance In Fares. The State's Leeches. The officers of our state go eminent have seme apprehension lest the legislature bankrupt the treasury. It has been do de plctcd by the refusal of the supreme ceml te aid it in collecting taxes from its friends, the corporations, and the proposals te cut off the licenses taxes nnd te give great sum3 for educational, militaty nnd char!, table purposes, crcate a very leasonable fear that the cash will net held out. The main usoef our legislatuie new is te deplete the treasuiy. "We have had moie revenue than we hae any legitimate use for, and if we did net have a very liberally disposed legislature, we could step collecting ncailv all state tax os. The btate, however, hasa national gtuud, which is a geed leech, and like a leech ex haxista its virtue in drawing its money. We have an expensive judlciarj , tee, which may be et seme value, although we know knew that for half of the money we could get ten tones better sen-Ice, if the Lord would but find us some way te get geed judges. The ncaviesianu most unjustifiable draft en the etate treasury is, however, In K-half of se called chailtable institutions. The are ail being saddled en the stale, black, blue and gray, of every order of merit, and in all conditions of dilapidation. The objection t3 the itate'8 sustaining them Is that they nre private charities, ee organized ; and that they are pitched upon thestate because the originators grew weaty in well-doing nnd think it Is wl, after they have had the glory of starting aud managing the iaiti utietis, that the state should pay the piper. Tue slate hsuld dj 1:9 6ueh thhitf. It should take care of all itspoerand afflict rd ; but it should de it .systematically, In asylums properly located nnd distributed, nnd wholly under its control. If local beards of magnates want te de neble things in the way of philanthropy let them de them as they list, but let them pay for the privilege, The Xen Jail. There 11111 be geed reasons te doubt the expediency of building a new jail, but they are net found in the considerations ad vanced by the last grand jury'sreiHrt. The depressed condition of business affords the best occasion for the erection of public buildings. Werk aud material ate us cheap, doubtless, as they willcver lie, and the lean which the county would have te make te meet the necesarv epensc can le secured new at an unusually low rate et interest. If there Is any immediate occasion for the erection of a new jail, new is the accepted time. The lucesslties for mere jail room aris ing out of the overcrew 11I condition of the institution, were supposed te havelwi-n met by the law passed allowing the local court tosentenceleng teun prisoners te the Kastern penitentiary. It seems they can be kept there mere; securely, and at much less cost te the county than here : if se, there they should go. It is certain that the prospect et confinement in that institution lias far mere terror fei criminals than that of imprisonment in the Iincaster jail. One of the met ipular reasons for a new jail is the desirability of occupying the present sitewith mere nttractive improve incuts than a castellated penitentiary. Mich considerations ought te have been forcible with the county authorities licfere the new buildings were put en the almshouse ground. The removal of the institutions te less valuable property and te a mere retired situation would have been a great gain ; and would have opened the way te lieautifyingeur eastern suburbs with improvements that will never be mndp in the neighborhood of the jail, jxnir lmne and hospital. n Vpt Criticism. Mr. U. W. Gesse, the eminent Kiii;li-.h critic who has been visiting this country, is credited with the following expression of opinion : In riiilaclelpliH tlu-re is ene of the most melancholy objects that I have von 111 this country. In the very centre et the city. I mean the new government luiililiutT, 0116 of the paltriest nnd most protesquo -structures uv or foisted upon n modern tow 11. The mono v spent upon the frightful lmildlug inlpht h.vwi made riiiludclphia the most IxMiititul of cities Mr. Gese will, net lie binned for any lack of politeness 01 breach of hespitalitv if it turns out that he really said what is here ascribed te him. The longer the new public buildings in Philadelphia aie con templated, the mere of wonder it will K K eeme that such a structure was ever erected.- The site is in all respects inappropriate, occupying! he crossings ()f the t vv e t horougli herougli horeugli fares where ,of all places, there should be an open square. A massive pile of architec ture should be located en an eminence or in such u position that a clear view of its en tirety could 1)0 had ; there is no point of view from which this Philadelphia public building shows te advantage; indeed the project is mooted of buying ,1 block of buildings south of it te tear themdevvn ami 1ft the huge marlile edifice Ik- seen from Chestnut street. But when seen it is no great shakes. Many millions have been spent upon it, and seme of its details are very handsome ; but as a whole it lacks striking beauty, grace or impressive splendei of any sort. The ugly, mansard slate 1 oef which surmounts it would sikiiI the effect of almost any building, and i is difficult te see hew (he great tower that is te go up will add te the stiuelure anything but gretcsquenes. A 1 1 iti si:i advertise themselves liv losing their diamonds; I'mellf-liter Sulliv.in tiikes n short cut te the same end l,y pettiup mag nificently drunk. A 1'iibriv Hieiy comes from -s.ilt l..,,. City, the jire.it Mermen centre, which show s that Cupid knows no section in playing pranks 011 his faithful doveleos, and tlint ills dart is Just as cflli-.ieieils in thu liluo-lileo,! of Mornienisin, ns it ever was with the light hearted shepherds and shepherdesses of Arcady. Nothing npe 11 daughter of llrig hiun Yeung fell in lev 0 vv ith her nephew, and M10 was promptly sent Kast te school in the liellef that the infatuation would seen ias.s nvvny. In the ordinary eoiirse of all.nrs this would li.ive only resulted in utrcngtheinu the attachment, but with Mm Yeung thore was nn entirely dilTeicut sequel. While nt school she fell in levti with n New Yerk phynician named Harrison, nnd their iiiur iiiur ringe en Sundav ended a most delightful leinn'vc. This union is an assault en M01- meiiiHiii at its wenlcest point. Let but llie daughters of the Latter Day Saints re.ilize the dignity and happiness of their Kastein sisters in the monogamous relation and thu "twin relic of barbarism" must go steadily te the wall. Ne better plan te forever bury Ireland's lmpes for n brighter day could Imv e been con ceived than the Londen dynamite . PIomIeiik. Ix thu llerks county case, in whiili the master divided that a tut npiku company had nojiewertonppropiiato 11 public highway te ll purposes, without nn express charter grant, ,Iudj;e Sassainan has nppioed the finding nnd made pei manent the injunction against the turnpike company, pielilbitlng it from entering iipeu the read with its fates or collecting tells. li inaj bium n llttlu difficult te believe, lint the fact Is vouched for by all intelligent travelers In the Seuth that the educational facilities for the negre liulew- .Masen and Dixen' line are far nuporlei te tho-e given him in the North. These who harp en the old hiring that the negre only needs educa educa tien te make him a model citizen ate cither Ignorant of the fact or forget that all the Southern Mates Mirjiam their Northern broth breth ren In keeping the lamp of knowledge well burning. Seuth Carolina juiys 111010 colored teachers than nil the states of the North, and Alabama employs 1,000 colored teaeheri. The hauie inny be tald in lesser degree of North Carolina, Uoergia mid Mississippi. Theso Northerners who me advocating the uneon uneen uneon Htltutieiul lilalr bill us u panacea for all ills should give 11 little attention te the educa educa tlenal M.UUtics in their own stales, when they will be forced te centes th limy me eetilnil their Southern brethren in the eiiert te dispel ignorance from the land. IlAliu times mid a low rale ler money are geed reasons why the present is Iho best tline te build u new county prison. incur 1.1 vine. Think tnil) , niitl thy thei-H lit shall tlm w erhl' latnliie lue-d 1 3Ii!"f truly, una ttach word or thlu shull be u fruit hi I wjej : l.iv e truly, and thy Ufa shall be I - kiiuiiu neuieciutu II, Mvnar. TirPTKVWT mi IITRYUIY ! jit m -ir - l$r 1111 nriteir sin.iuri: 1110 till mr irrr.j- or 1111 a m-j. letaller Hie Ilenmntlc t'ureer el l!ni;LitHt' Heroic lilrltaln-V iilill(ir Win, Loved Iin;er Illsl'atuttutUhleleKlilva vtisuitlcent Leeking Man. When, after the battle et l u Kle.i, the utorieus Hntish sought the missing trem their ranks, the dead Isxly of Lieutenant Colonel lturnaby was found, his hand grasp ing the threat of the Arab whose spear hnd given him his death wound. The news of Ids denth was received in I'.nirl.md with gieat sorrow. Uuniaby was a soldier of excep tional physical and menial endowments, and courageous and noble te the height of hereim His life forms an interesting chapter in the volume of romantic biography. rrederick t.usUivus llurnaby was Ivern at ttedferd, Lmglaud. in March, lsti UK fa ther w as a clergyman of the church of Eng land. The famih te which lire Ivny helemred was of royal stvk. He was the nineteenth In ilescent from Kmp Ldward I. ene et the grandest figures m Lngland's Insteiv. Y'eung lturnaby was educated at llirrew, where he get into trouble by sending some literary squibs having the school as their subjeet, te the editor of r-afh, who pub lished them, and the writer hardly escaiKxl expulsion for his iierfermnn. While at vhoel, lie was remarkable ter his linpuMie ability. He studied earnestly the Spanish. Italian and Ru-slau languages', in addition te the ancient nnd modern tongues includ.-U in the curriculum of the institution. At sixteen years of age lie was n handsome, scholarly veung fellow, as romarkaeie for leats of athletic strength and skill as for his attainments. He chose te be a soldier and in lsj9 ussetl the pre-eribed examination, and w as gazetted cornet in the Reval Herse Guards. In lttfl he was made lieutenant, and the years afterwards captain. His nomina tion for major took place in 1-70. In l-se. he attained the rank of lioutnnant-enlenol. and the next year was made a lieutenant- olenel eninmanaing his ew n regiment. an ADvnsTrnnrn TrtAvni-rit. "olenel l'.unmby was known throughout the ei Hired world as nn adventurous trav eler, lie traveled, 111 l-m, through spniu nnd Trance, and became as well known 111 the highest circles of these countries as of his own. In 1570 he mid a brief visit te IUihm.l Three years atier he was in Naples, w here he was struck down with fever. The Duke of Ceimjiight. who happened te be in the cliv al the time, had the patient removed trem "a hotel te mero eeiufnrtiible quarters and did much te forward his roeov cry. In 171 Cel. Iliiruahy , isitcul Spam and iittaehed huiiRe.i te the army of Den Carles. He .isj-ttel at Alie, Dii-astille. Vera nnd Mani-ru, as well as at the capture of Kstell and the siege of Tolena. At tne cio-eel is, 1 Colonel Hurnabr was in Central Afnea, where lie went te' visit "Chinese f.orden," who had organized and wns m command of an expedition formed under the auspices of the 1'gvptian e em inent for the purpose et exploring, nnd if is,s-.ble, civilizing the "Cnknevvn Ivud." I'he first step itrattaiuing the latter end was the suppression of the -,lae trade, winch was carried en in n barbarous and revolting manner by the Arabs. General Corden found in Colonel Uuniaby ene of Ins most faithful and energetic auxiliaries. hie fmeis nmi; te kui v. Ibirnabv's '-Hide te Khive," t.xk pla, e 111 1S75-70. During his poifermaneoof this vvou vveu derful leat of courage and enduranie, net eiii.v vve ne exisecl letlin liunlslups ..I m Asiatic-Iliissiau niidvv intei. but the goveni geveni goveni inentel the Czar hadstrii tlv fei bidden foreign ers te Iw admitted into the'Klnvaii territory. Nedllhcultv. hew ever, could deter llurnaby from his purpew. which he mveiuphshed without serious itijuiy te his health, though he had a narrow CM-apii trem leimg both hi hands and arms thieugh frost hue. He rode liein Scutari te Anger.i, Sires, Dnirki, Aiah kir. Lrigau ami theni-e by the i:ii)hmtes te I'l-zureiim. I'rem Hey lie rmie thleugh the Koteoi I'a,s le Van, the capital of Armenia. During the grenter part of iii, tour he hail te tinversea dilllcult country, in which erv lieqiiently tliere wns no neil nt all, 111 thick layers of mud. In ls77-7i he repaired te the seat of the Hiisse-Turkish war and rendered eminent son ii-e in looking alter the sick and Wounded, but though acting only in iipurecivilcapai itv he was ever found m the midst of danger. An attempt was made te poison him nt i.um- tlnllina bv n Ilulf-ri.in ,ii-il'lf, lii tl... ... .. j --...n... ..... ..1 ... , , ... ,,, .coin' oftiie t.reek archhishe!. flaker l'nsha had also a narrow e.s-u(i en the same occasion, but owing te the skill of Dr. i.ill lieth gentle men rcKsjvered. In IsTS liurnabv !mn-,iiii iMUdidate tin a M-nt in the Heuse of Common", but was dofeated. lie was married the next year te the only daughter or an Irish baronet". Tiini.i; i.xri:oiTiess te tiii: seluvn. The lamented soldier made three nxjicdi nxjicdi tiens te the Soudan. As already stated the first was in ls7l, wlitn he found Gorden, en the Sjehail river. One inuiiienal el this meet ing still exists in tlie form of u photograph, in which the famous colonel appears amid u gieup of the Afiicau heioesof ihe day, 1011 spletmtis among whom nre Majer Caiiipbull and Oorden'H brilliant young Italian iiouten iieuten ant, Itomelo tiessi. llurnaby'ti second visit te thu Soudan was in th spring of ls4, ns an elllter attached te the flying column with which Ue110r.1l (jrahain'everthrew Oman Digna near biuikin. During that -amp.iign the colonel was severely wounded m stoim steim iiigun rab iiiireiiclimciit, which he vvus tjie lirst man le cutef. He ns-overeil from his In juries en that occasion only le die by .111 Arub Mpear a jcar later, vt the lale buttle In- was u veluntcei. ltmuabj, though a iihkIuI seldiui wan a broken man ut le. MW, Wlutslied vva- ut tnicted te liliu tiy reading Ids book about iviuvii. nnu naivtu 101 iiilioUuclien, and, being pleasid witli him, endowed him with JicrM-ll nnd f:i0.Ou0 a year. She lias lately been st,iMrated trem liiiu and lias amplnved horseirlu cliinbiiiff iiieuntaius and writing accounts nt her tidvtiiture-s, i!i.viiMsci;xri-.s ei- nt nsviu. W. It. ltalch, of the American, I'hiladul phiu. met llurnaby abroad and ceutilbuteh te that journal home Interesting reminiscences, of him : Sl. feel ,md 11 half In height, he weigiied llliOlll K IULM...L .. .. .....!.. .' 1. t V pounds, vv as perfectly fairies and auimated always Willi tiicyloveof advciitute. lle vva an excellent nuw-bpaper man, haying 11 keen C) e for Iho pic'lureMiue'hml terdcluiU, with u geed editorial some of the prebable ullcet of it-suits. His liver was the catue of his lirst international notoriety. Ilav Ing trouble with il, ills doctor advised a het climate and ISurnaby went te Kgypt. Svvcltuiiiig thcre did net produce the oilcei the ph.vsici.m desind, ami u cold elimate vi.iSHUggei.nd. Tins icsultvtl 111 the udete Khiva, which, when published, bieuglit lis uiiuei a jieutt nancy, .nun anil the undying lulled e the ICusrtian government ler in that lioek he dlKclOKt-d a imshlhle, shrewd plan t Itussmn aggi-aiidizeiiient in Asia. It was only bv Mmtegy Hint the clever soldier reached Khiva, ler bavin" been warned that Iho Itussmn government would never permit him te icach the city he inadeii doleur liem his de-claicd route nmi aw Khiva ami its Khan. On his leturii he found nt Orenburg I think orders ler bin Imiuodiate return te Louden. He had no ne no ceiupllshed hlsebju-t and vvus ouite willintr tit tli..i a Uillliigtlie lliiiisi.m Tin Kish war he did everything lu-cwld te aid the Turks. One dnyntllombuig.ven-derllotie. in the um- the Kursani. nnd iimiised myself wttli rcud inc parts of Ids "Hide through Asia Miner," which he vmis then it-siMnp lleviaswri tinsnt the ehmi window, whuh was latticed wlih white nwes. "What are you writing" I nsked. "An niseiuit of ltusi.tn nlrcvillcs en the IanulK 'from nn cje witness' It's for t lie 7(ii'v yVfrernpA. Tliev pay well three guineas ,1 column. This my fourth letter. This wasjustllkchiuuhP carrtnl Ids ltrltlsh loyally into cvcitliint,- h did. Tiring the ltritish heart through -he 7m-'1 iTff-i;r,tA wa net, however, "exellinp enough, nnd In tht fellow Ing autumn he drew his svvnnt for the Turks keeping Ins mi also employed Vssihiii usthe Itutstaus knew he vas with the enemy they Issued orders te sheet at sigln ntiv "tnau with the iih'iuv ever sl feet high. VN Vl-VOMfUsllKn 1.ISCU 1st. Colonel llnrnnby ii well-Hltcsl for his ndxenturnns traveK as lie Mike evruteen languages and ii'i le teml eight mere. V Idle nt ltemburg e met n Hi-uimn pro-fi-sser ene evenlim who s,vke ihirtt-feui. aiul the wnv the iw lin-ci unge 'words Kuknuil forth was te me biulilv amusing, though, et course, unltil''Ultfilc. What llui nabv knew he knew tlioieuirldv. and en his ewii gieund the profissereoulif net oust him. Trulxvlily before his death nnd during his Luyptlnn cmipaign he hnd mastered the dhiltvts with vvlilch lie came m contact, nnd I have no doubt Hint dvimrw ith his hand en an infidel's threat he"w 's iMe lei-utstc him in his native tongue. He wns a very pewe inl msn and no end of gisd stories are tel 1 et his muscular prow ess. He l-olengodlo The lllues," the crack l.nglish reglinpnt, whu h takes it turn with two ethers in lieiej; yi-aily ipiarterel nt Windser. While I hi n-'en one occasion eme elll. ers of the nnss p t held of two Shetlitml ponies that had just nrilv M for her uinjest 's -tables and Induced tliem te w-vlk uist.iii-s, w here they vvore pnIiiIiUcmI en the mess room table. After the tun was ever the oueus pirt.-aiueln hew te pet them out ngaui Die pnntvnstuuiwrtilv rehewsl te step ,fiu- 1 asuiclv stei, Atlci isery i-viH-dient had tailed Ituriutiv solved the trouble, tucke-t j one under eticli arm nnd earned them down ' stairs. se strong was he that he was uMe with his lingers t bend a halt nnnv. ' lip wain very us, ful officer, n geini one, I ami his death will l- a seuren of proleand j 1 egret te Imgland. lie wis, ns miy " im- 1 agiiusl, vvhole-seulid, ginereu. lev mi; ami an ideal man of the sword. TEKSONAL. InviMi's third week in I'limuM showed let.il res-eipts, of jleVT . Illsvt vncK Is said 10 Is- worth only KkiO.OI'e, and he has been in peltti'-s all his life, Tn.nnN is said te buy and read mere hooks than any ether man inthe I'tiiteel States. Leut) Tr.v.vvi' n writing a pem sn gratulating Prince VHsrt Victer en reaclnnc his majority. 51 vuy Amikrsev will net play in Londen during " Hely Week " Her place will In filled by Medjeska. ,Ieit .T. Outev. niie "I the toreniest law law yerset Wisconsin, died al his liume in Mil vvaukee en sjaturday night. Ltiw. T. D.vviR. aged Cs, who died from appople.y in Pottstown last week, owned aud ev.rnted the Colem.mville Iren works, in tiii county. I. L. Moenv, the ovancelist, opened a ivo ries of meetings in the L.v;kawanna rmk at i.inten, 011 Sunday. The total altend.uus at the three M?slens was 18,000. Lvnt. C.vin.vs. the father of Lord t.ar t.ar mevle, has sent Mis.sreitcne l,iDtocever tiie'e.eiises et the lain r's trial acamtt Lord i.armeyle for dam iges for tnew-h of preim-e of m.irringa l'nvM!i.t B. i. evvr-.-n ill senn m-m r en tirely his connection with the Ib-iding r.iil r.iil re,id. Jeseph W hurten will cans for the hnancex. end Rebert II. Savie will uttcnd le the railroad management. i:-rni-siDnvT Sidney 1ii ion. .,t I'uien l'.u-itie, is luxuriating m the country. I nu kid hemmy diet and twe-nule walks ever reuaii recnl before breakfast are piittuiL him in trim for another canixngii -it Wa-h-mgten and in Wall street. Hvirnnen Wii.i.iam centrutesl his recent Illness while attentting the burial el I'nucu Augusta, of Wurtemburs, his fuend and ux ux ux coiiimander of the tarde Cerp, and took cold lc-aune in the church he would net, out of respect te military traditions, vveai his mantle-. I'll v. O'Coxen and VVillmm 51. Kvarts once m nt te a bar dinner together, and look ing down the tuble lore they took their scuts, O'Couer said, in .his doubtful, com plaining voice : - I len l see w hat I can eat." Mr. Lvarts, thin as if his teod never Miukte Ills 1 ibs, also looking dew 11 the table, immti diatelv i'vi'I limed : "I don't see what I enn't cat." 1'nrp. ( . linieilTLY, of I'bil uMphi.cw hn, with his wile, en Saturday, celebrated the fittieih .inniventary el their marriage by ! iievving thejr marruge vows ,,t the altai and s. ith n nuptial mass at a Catholic church in Oormantewti, in the author and compiler et law boekH which are authority In many et the c- urts in different parts of the ceuntrv Ament: his best known works are "The lii gest of Decisions et the Spite et New Yerk' and 'llpghtly's I'urden's Digest" An Apt Itrp.irtt e I 10111 ik I'liUatlelphlu Timri, Vn-hbisliep Hyan in tin- eeurse el iu social experience in tin city hnsalready wen a name Ter wit and repartee. At a dinner iis-eutly given him Iv ue of our Cat'ielie t-itizens a brilliant company of gentlemen was assembled. Among ethei Pennsylvania railroad men vvcie the president and ene or the v le-prosldent and ex-Attorney Ucnernl .MacVe-ngh. vv he is counsel for the read. Mai Veagh as usual was st Militating ami 111 a fininv ujy said te th-guest et the evening: " our grace, you s, ,t-re ,1 ureal many rail rail lead men. Ve-i will meet them eiien en ul ix-catciens nnd veu will uluajs nnd that they tnke lie u ' lawyers Willi thorn. Hence I am hore. '1'ln.v won't go anyvvhore without their ceum-cl. .Vew, wu have nearly t-vtiy thing man wants, but I have a sugges tion te make te you for an exchange with us. We i-an give free (Osw-s en all the railroad of thu country. New if veu vv euld only give us say 11 froe pass te I'.uadue bv- way et ex ch-inge," "Ah," said his Oruct vvitlia merry ivvinkle in his eye, --X would net llke te sojiarate them from their counseL" srr.viAi. Miners. HI! WILLIAM'S IMU VN I'lLI. OINIMIIXT I. f. MeL'iilluin, condutieron iheji i. VV. It It , s,,rliignuld, O , Aug Hi, lsdi save " I have been u (jieat murcrer with the piles I used mi melons remedies and ti.ipleved many pliyle lam. but te mi luirpe-e A filencl n ceiauiendcd Iir. v llllani'M fndlan l'lle Ointment, which l am grateful teay has cun d nm " -old by 11 11. Cot limn, 137 unit 1IH .Surih Ijucvii street. Ml A sTAItTLLSt. UIs.0VLi:v! Vli VV in. Jehnsen, ut Huren, link , writes thai Ms wlie tiad been lruiiili-1 nlthucuie Urenchltl fei munv ) ears, nnit thai nil reinUle tried gave no permanent relief, until he procured a bottle of lir h'uig't New UI-cevhiv r Couiiuepilon, t eii,(Iis, and told., vvhii h had 11 magical e-ffect, umt produced a M.naunei 1 nu,. It UgunmnleeJ te line ull Ul-vuses el 1 iinjut. l.unir or llren lilul Tubes. Trial Bettle lieu ut Cochran's In up Mere, Xes IJTitud 1 Ninth Uueeu tn t, 1 .nieaaler, 1'a. latrge-size 1 un ii) axu.fek-u .vTTnpLHbe.N I he most unfeilunute pirjetl in the vv erld is oui-uiieuiru wii bilk m-aeutcBC, out tbey will IjeielleviMnt euee by tiding Or Le-IIn's Speelnl Pri-crlptieii. fece udve'iliseme-nl In .mother i eliiinn. (4I VX KM) 'lO IIOM. stltAPlXl. I, I Mind sjicpherd, of iiurrisbun;. III suy. " Having lecelvedfce much bencllt from l.Iectiic IHIli-re l b el it my duly le Ict sutlerini! hiimanll v knew- 11. Have hid a running wire en iny leu fur eight years tiny doctor mid me J would have te have the hone nenipud or Ic-guimmtuted I used, Instead, three bottles of Llectrlc llltteis unit n-ven bete's llucklcn's Arnica hulve, uml my lug in new hound nnd well " l.leeli-lc hitters me held at tlftv t-viit n bottle, mid Diicklcn'-i Ainlca Dalve at'iJc. pur box b 11. II. Cechntn, Dru-rgtut. Ne u; and lai North ktrcct, lincusler, I'a. (V) i.irni:it nie.vi a vv ki.ikmmvv xuvv veick ai i rni.si:i:it. UC.vVlltt Kaht Urn SinEKT, N rw V ehk, Ma) leth, ls-3, I Imve been troubled wlthun Irrltiitiun of the 'threat aud u Cough fei borne time. 1 umaUen inuii)i te lJ)spt-psl:i. Uv Iho udvi-e-et a ver Ii-uiii"d ph)biclau I upplieil two vllkkk l'or.ei l'LAKTEUs te in) t hcbt, and one en Iho pit of my stuniach. In llm-e du) ui) t'engh uusuiiie-dand my Threat was nt II. I lnve new worn the Plasters two wet li. ami ni) uppetlte and iligesllen have inucb iiupruved. 1 am con cen lldeut that In another neuli ui) Ii)spcpsta will he entirely removed. 1 have nerer used te l.luHim'dnd agrttvl'lt i rer.rdu In my lite. TIIOS MATIIKW-J " Alleeck' " I Ihrtenl) iii'iiulne Poren-i l'la ter i all ether no-ealled 1'er-ms I'hmgrj ureliul ureliul tutleus. r iiriAits rneM ?i rr.i. iiuxnunn Te J the Very Y Inual t'unlily. In iael.ai.-cs stilta lib' rm Hie HelidaVH.nt IIVlUJLVN's .EI.MIVV HiONl' CIGAll h'X'OUL .w r.mvA a. HON lUTrUKH. tinn ttnn 00 vr vr vt nn 11 11 h it 0 11 vv vv vv VT k M N nun ttltll 0 l VVVVVVVY n n 1 VT KM " -M. 11 n 11 11 e 1) vvvv vvvv v unn 11 00 vv w KN ti nun txi ni rt II II It O IV N V N 11 unit II II N V N I II it (I e N Nt li It H Ocl N NN I!",, II illlll il 11 1 r it-it 1 kr unn s.ss. I r r 1, it l r -I II! Mi P8SS imu il r 1 !' u 11 . li I 1- Mill U II -SSS' TlilsinedliJiie.ceintilulug Iren vvttli pure v rue lalile Ionic, eiilrklv nlul eelnpletelv (IMll.H liVs'i:i-sA. IMVll.l.sslllN, VIAI.AUIA. wi:aim.s ivii-iiii: 111.11011, tim.b.s and t'KV l.ltaiid.SI I IE VI.OtA Itv rnpld nnd tlietvniitli asluilIatleii with the bleed It icaelies everv prt of Hie nvsteni, purl tics nnd enilcliet the bleed, Ktiviiutlieiin the Hiusctesaiid iicrvcH, nnd tones unit Invlgeratta the wVHtein V line Vppptlicr Ili-t tonic known. It will cure Hie werM e-ae of Hy'.pepsla. m moving all dl.iv-.-.luK iviiiileias, teieh n 'rat lng Hie Kcmh1, Uclchlng, llcat. In the Meuiacli, HcnrttMirn, etc. llieenlv Imu nie-illclne lhat will net lilacketi erliOniv (lie teeth tt f In vnl liable for disease peculiar te vveuip 11, and In till persons who lead pcilcntaiy lives An uuianlng ieiuetl ferdl-cnscs cif the l.lvei and ktilnevs Persen. uirnrlug fivvin tlie eircct of overwork, ncrvoe IreiiMiK, less of iippellle, or debility, evperleuceiiukk relief and renewed energy l,y It iit. It doc tint cnue llcuhirlie or prtKliite Ceiinlt 1 Kit Inn HI II i:U Iren lucdleiiic tie. It 1 the enlv pietMratbin of Iren that eaiip no liijurleu ellt-cl I'lividrtnn nml ilrugRNlN rfM-eiiiiiu-iid It a the bet. '1 rv It. The irt-Miilne 1m 'Inule Mark ami t-ro.ed nsl line 011 w runner lake noetlier viadeenly by IIIIIIVVN IMl.vilfVI. te, UALTlMcnB, Ml' Ppl'l-tVllAl) W 11. t r .ivk c.u-s. 1845. 1SS5. STAUFFERcSti CO. ucn-viie shnltr A lire I Hatters and Furriers. Hven w nut te buy all it. t.O TO AIIATTUIt If wini lebuv n s,m1 ( 41.1t, smt rap, Kur I lncd itreiil.tr i.etiilenieu I'ur. I urTrlmiiitnc-, or an kind of lur inml,iiOTil A (TUIilKIt Till. UNIT 11 VT Vt VM'K VCTritr.tts VMi 11 ItltlElis IS lIIKtJT (Established, 1IV ) lini' VintSi. done Nentlvnnd Promptly VV e liuv for cash and ell for rah. nfv Inff t u u temers tne leni-flt of tlie cnh transaction Th highest eiuli pnee paid fei Univ I'tirs W. D. STAUFFER & CO. New. 31 it 33 North Quceti Strcet, 1. vc vsti u, l- v uiTia-ir itKAT UVKt.-VINs.. Sulk's Onlv Hat Slei'c. VV'e are eut'iin eui G.xkl at t.Ul.Al UVIt C. VI ns, nn J 11 veu snt imv thing in th nnvul Km- and Dress Glovea, Seft, Stiff, Cass or Silk Hats, Seal Caps of all Stylea nnd Quall- tics, Traveling Bans and Hand SatclielH, Chlldren's Hata and Turbnus, New 1 the time in get ibfin at almost tout ew 11 price, at 144 NORTH QUEEN ST. (t.t Mi Vkhl: s el 11-irvMM jf iriiii r. i:TLKSHH 1 I'lfi'At h" II U BEST" STEAM ENGINE -AM)- Beiler Works, HESTERS -Olt- FURNACES L'rivatt- Dnellinus ScIhmiIs anil J'nlj He Itit i Id i nirs- (,all and see thtiiii .Miidu of henry Iren, flue plu el construction, duralile, ecoiieinleal, the liiect. Itaillalhig surf.Kii el liny Hv.iler In the market. Nothing Cheap But the Price I OUR OWN PATENT. eiTHuvhig nteii In uu In iiiaii) of thu largcs it-Uilenccx In Ijtiu-uster in the past tun jcai-,1 the belli of uvMeiicc of Its luvrlts ; Adiliess, Jehn Eest & Sen, k 33 HIST FILTOX STIIEET, anli-hd.t- LA.NCASTF.lt, l'A. TI tavinu iissei.vi:n iAitTNi:usHii ami permanently doted the Chestnut Mreet Iren VVeiks. 1 dcHlre te Inform my old pit roil and the public gum ntlly, that lam Mil! In the buslnci.. iieliur located In the l'enu Iren Company" VVmks, -North Plum street, where 1 mil nuikfng Iren ami Ilr.ss Castings of every de de KCrlpllen, and will be pleaM-d te serve ull who uui) laver ine with ihrlr pnlreiinge. liem e veant experience In lh buslnt-s ami using thu lit-al iiiateiltd and em ph) lug the best mechanics, 1 am unbilled I caiiKii.tiiiutet entliusatlslactliiu. Castings iiudti tiiiiu u mlxtuie of lien and steel which aie mole it liable for slitiiKth auddiini bllity than the best east linn known. V teeth loll pinions, lolls and rolling mill ueik u spec ialty. Castings made tif very soft Iren, and brass casting of everv deserlplien. I hav e ull I he pat terns el thu well mid mveiahiv known Mewier Cem nnd Ceh Crusher, letltted mid improved. aUelui hand. Mills eeuipleti'ly lilted up or tn Inl rt, le itpliieoeldnnes which have been in ue in yisirv, guamiiteelngtheiiitoglveiuillsfaetteii. It C. lleCUI.LEV. aug liquid rAUATia.uis, "eni.y'S., .i,Yan- 1 tied Van. nt HAUTMANS KI.I.OU MtOVl ClbAU tjlOltU. iir.'r oeonv. "INTItr.Mi:L LOW l'HH i:"s. 1885-DRY GOODS.-1885 EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Owlnn te ever intiirtlen tv miiuil teliiivts; and Hie cnmd driiirslin evlstliig diitliiit tlm past vcai.Urv lloeil lmvi inn tied Hi, lewe-i bvilevn known We have uimli, hnre imix-Tiiises 01 -.ili efiiirttie bci.1 make nf t.miil and .1 Mil I the ea-eii ler the liiiicliiislng or Ciiltnn unit Line 11 lu-enl., bv lloiicleepeni,niiiiiioiiii'iliv 1 eib inl lelmv lliciunt evln-iiiel) Lew t'Uce-s. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Sheetings and Pillow Muslins, Bleached and Unbleached Table Linens, Napkins, Towels and Toweling, Quilts and Blankets, Brussels, Tapestry and Ingrain Carpets. Althniiitli the w Intel w, nliri lueiil) 1 ilrly rt In, we have atllt allanj'' acviitniciil el dcslinble Dress Goods, Shawls, Skirts, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc., etc., VV hti-h linvp been nmiked al verj bow !'ile-, teM,c out piler te Inventory IV b I, lssv. Ladies' Winter Wraps, Plush Garments, Russian Circulars, Newmarkets, and Misses' and Children's Coats, at Reduced Prices. HAGER & Ne. 25 West King Street, J OIIN .. OIV LI. It. 1CARPETS.I New is the Time te Buy Carpets and Save Meney. They ennnnet be mnilf ui Hi pile Uirv are sold but lliat I no tault el eui, nnd we sire reii the brnrflt of our tiaijaln vv i ii vvn nrn.iv n u n NC-W SPRING STYLDS In Wiltens, Mequettes, Velvets, Bedy and Ttvpestry Brussels, All All Weel Three-Ply, All-Weel Extra Super, Ingrains, in all Grades, Styles, Patterns and Colorings. i NLvr.n wrni. a pituTfi vs imv vur. iiu rMi vvrt.t ARANTEnecii ritii rs a low s vnv net si. is pnti .viu.i.piii v m w vhiik n KisLvvituitK rem s a vi i: qi ,t it. nd m.vv i-vnrnN-- Vny person wunilns Carpet the reming Spiii, i- w in ,ij- ihru, i l,ik in un t I . miiv a vr ere c1IIiik c iri-is new te ptirtics wheil.in I wiint te uu itieii before Vpiilei vtM Iiu ft) le and Qualities il' ever)thiiiK ' Cull ami e out gisxl VV e will hew- you th I ari;it I ln of New Put I mi- , v , i il i, il in lancasterbv un lletine JOHN S. GIVLER & CO,, ' DRY GOOD3 AJD CARPET HOUSE, Ne. 05 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. pOVi:UH A IH'KSI. ERS Nes.26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa NOW Off ER L WUtl -reckiOt Bleached and Unbleached Shirting, Sheeting and Pillow Case Muslins .vr Luii i.sr can i'iiri Large Assortment TABLE LINENS Marked Very Lew. TICKINGS, CHECKS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, ALL Al LiJlV Pltll f.s. WI. Ol I r.It'el It I! VI VN( 1 Ol si ijf h 111 White and Gray Blankets at Very Lew Prices te Clese Out. COMFORTS -III l VI (,KL ITI 1 Ill.tH LI I'KK Ls le I Us. ( l VV1IVT VV I. 1IVV1. BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. ti:.nt noun te tiii: cm i.t iieusr. C:-FAriNEST0CK'S.! HOUSE-ETJRIISHli& DEY &00DS. IN (.iir.VNTntl.s Al FAHNESTOOK'S, Nest IVliuns vfiiiuucuciiiK lieiinilffrp'ni: ru thni nlieiit liiiiiliuilli.fiIiniiliii-iiii-iiilit-rllint(iiirHlore Is dtliCktsU Willi cili-e mill bull's et ftlll.triM.s AVII .slllli'l I.SO .VII isLI.NH, Illl'lK lull mill t u t.'li'.iclicu, in ull thu viirleus wliltli unU itnulcs, licmalit ferc-u-liut levvi-r pike tliun uvcrlM-feri! kuewn, nmi will buaeliliirt'cirilliiKlv Al"i llllrnclii-il uml t'lililiiicliitl'l'iultt I.lncu, Tewf-lsl'imi-lliiu, NnpKliiH, Tlrl.lii'-, f IhtLs i-r pte Aim, lllniiketx, ( ouiferlt, ('ullta, ( iniiileniunc's, Turkey Itttl TiiIiUiiiiiiI sliinil ( iivcls. etc' etc-' Alu, ( uipi-t, Oil I letli mill Itiiiin. R, E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. viii:.i' stehi:. ' HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE. Ib new Tnil of Sheeting rtnil Shlrtinu MubIIiis of nil the Pepultir Makes In ull Widtlis and Qualltles, at lower pricerf"than evor bofero. Tlcklnps of all ffrades under the regular prlces. Table Linens from Auction from 20 cte. iup te $1 60 per yard. Napklna and Towela in large nBaortment. Counterpanes frprn Auction. Ky NEVER BEFORE SO LOV.a letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER. llctvvccn tlie Cooper llouse uml Serrel Iter llett I Qi n fifiA" enru efmii.t.iki:hy ijXJ,JlJKJ Goeil te bv fceld ut u very Iicuvy ludili-tluu, en ueceuiit of leiuevul te mil iiuw teie, IJJ elill Uiicun street, (elruusB's OKI Miiuil.) M;w'tOltK AXD PAUlsMU.I.I.VKItYCO, J.uiS tfil -.- U'e.t Mil); M., I..imuhtei, I'll H T-OT SODA. TnC PtULIOr WIMl.il ULVLIIAUU. HOTCtlOCOI.ATK. nor cji'fi:i:. nor uiM.Kit, mil i.i:mex, OStY O CUiTg AT COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, Xe, 1ST XSO 130 MJKTII Ql'KKN STlttET, IkKt-Ouia Luucajttr, l'a. BROTHER, Lancaster, Pa. re. r. HATiiveN &. HURST, Doer te the Court Heuse. u NDKHTAKINU. iOL.R.ROTDii' UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Qjccn rnul Vine Streets, r.AJCAHTLII, l'A. I'iiiheiiiiI iiiirtilldii iflvi'ii te nil erili ru. Every tliliilu tlm Umlurtukliii' liuv tiiinUhitl. Ilitv liiu n't-uii-il tlie erv lis- nfu Hi-stK;l8s nm chunk-, 1 uui pii'purcilteiluull kind or L'pliel Htt-rliiK ut f-ry iiieilcrutu piic-en. All kind et 1 iiiiiliuie L'plielktuiLiI. ijhe men cull , L. R. ROTE. JunlO-tM