KW7gwfr W ijl- m ". & IiANCABTflft T)ATLY INTELLIGENCE!., SATURDAY, JANUARY 21. 1885. lr i f A fc' ' Li ", !it & S. W' ft . THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER HJWUSHED EVERY EVENING IN THE YEAR 5 Br STEINMAN & HENSEL. ', INTELLIGENCER BUILDING J s. w. corner centre .square, -jT LANtASTtR PA. ."" BAILY-ttN CCNTS A WCCK. riVC DOLLARS A ' l YtAR, en nrTY cents a month, testagc wec. S ? ADVERTISEMENTS met ten te rifTV cents A L1NC. , Weekly intelligencer. ( EIGHT PAGES.) PUBLISHED CVERV WEDNESDAY MORNINQ. 1 Te Deiun Yr i Asmmi. CORRESPONDENCE Solicited iiiem evehy TAUT OF THE STATE AND COUNTRY. CORRE SrONDENTSARE REQUESTED TO WRITE LEOIBLY AND ON ONE SIDCOFTHE PAPER ONlYj AND TO SION THEIR NAMES, NOT TOR PUBLICATION, BUT IN PROOF OF GOOD FAITH. ALL ANONYMOU3 LETTERS WILL BE CONSIGNED TO THEASTL BASKET. ADDRESS ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO J THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster. pa. Eljcamastcr 3tclligcncct. LAXCASfKH, JAMJAUY 51, I'M. The Snplilj" of (.'a. The Philadelphia pns tmst is premising a reduction of tlic luice te consumers te a dollar nml a half per thousand feet. TIip price is new ene dollar and seventy cent; net long age it was ene ninety. These re ductions are made notwithstanding the gas is supplied te the city without charge ; and this isa matter of a hundred and lift v thous and dollars. The city ha li.oen public lamps, which cost her nothing. The citi zens pay for the gas binned in them and still have cheap gas for themselves. Tlie Philadelphia system is certaml the best one when' reasenablv honest management can be -secured. The supplies for the people which need (0 1)0 carried in underground con duits, should be entirely under munici pal control ; because theie should be but one set of conduits, and no private individuals should Ihj given the contiel of such n mon opoly. "Water should be provided by the city. Se should light and heat, if they aiu te Iks served through pipe". The profit of the scrvice should be the people's. They Should have thre necess.uies of life as cheaply as tliev can lie furnished. If they let the nllicers in charge of (hem cheat them, it is their fault : and when they get tired of it they c;m put them out. Hut when they give a company of individuals the right te occupy their streets and supply their water and light, they aie net only sine te 1k swindled, hut they are .sure of continuing te be. even aftm they are tiled of the fun. since they cannot fire out at pleasure the fellows who aie sitting en them. The Philadelphia trust a tew years age was cheating the people sully. Thej put the thieves out mid new aiu lewarded with cheap gas. Their works cm make profit enough at $1.60 01 1.00 imt tiieiisind feet te light the public lamps, make large renewals of pipes and enlargement of far-ill-i ties, besides accumulating 'a handsome .surplus and paving oil aniiuall) a slice of the debt. If this can be dune in I'hiladelphia it can be done m Lancaster. Has can lie furnished heie eheapei than theie. The first cost of the plant te make it will lie much lower, and the interest charge would be tiiflmg. The waste Irein new pipes would be small. The city could put a plant here te supply gas made from coal, which is se much su perior te water .gas. and could readily pay the interest and cost en the investment. and have frte gas for lighting the slieets, at a charge net exceeding 31. 25 per thou sand, and pieb.iblyatil. As wehavebefuie paid the charge for the gas at West Point . is but seventy-five cents per thousand, and at this price the ellicer in charge has a surplus at the end of the year after paying all expenses of manufacture and repaus. and even ler the chandeliers hung in the officers' quarters. .Meet the Issue. The Xurth ..lmciiuiii, of Philadelphia, docs no credit te its sense of decency or pa triotism when it savH, appropes of Oev. Pattison's alleged appointment of an ex confederate soldier te be a notary public, that "if the governor has neminatrd a .former Confederate ellicer te any position whatever in the state of Pennsylvania he lias done a very unvrise thing, and the Sen ate will de a mere uuwim' thing if it per mits sueh a iersen te If commissioned. Theie arc some things that ought net te be done, and the selection of nnj man who voluntarily beie arms against 'the I'nited States te held office in tins state is .me ei these tilings." The war has i-eenevei for twenty veais. Mere than half the persons that -iMitici. pntcd in it are dead. A nun generation lias come up since its close. The last pies idcntial election was decided by Miters born since Getty t.uuig. In the judgment of reasonable mi n and by the aibitrament of the sword it has lieen decided that the North was ngla mnl the Seuth was wrong. Hut iheie am few who will net admit that miie-teuths of these. who went into the Union army would have been Confederates had they lived Ninth; and an iquully large propeitkm of these w he became Confederates vv euld hav e 1 nen I'u ten men undcrethcr conditions. All this has been ucegnized in the isilicy of the general government fur yean. : and it has met with the appieval of a and geneieus people. The ltepubllcan leaders have utilicd it time and again when paity advantaga could be made by it, firant called Akermau, an ex-Confederate, Inte his cabinet ; and Hayes appointed another, Key, his jwstinaster general. Judge Settle, an ex-rebel piesidul ever a UepubUeanuatloimlcenventton;I.onghtieet wiie lel the Confederate assault at OeUv s s s burgwasniiuleeyllectoref New Oilcans, andMo.liyvhe bushwhacked the I'nien bejdiers was given a consular appointment by a Republican administration. Malienn and ltiddleberger were welcomed as asseei. sites by ltepubllcan "senators, and the list might Ikj prolonged indefinitely . New it is proposed te reverse the iMey of twenty years and exclude a man from thejietty otliceofnotaiy hi lhl.sgiit Mate becauw. forsooth, he wjis aiiobseuiusol aiiebseuiusol aiiobseuiusel tiler in Hie armies of Lee and Jacksen. We trust the issue will W maile clear and un. intstnhitble, and thai every Republican sen ator will be put uiKurthe lecenl. Senater Ie'h leceiit hi the ltepubllcan caucus justifies the usix-ctuiey that his wing of tJiejuuty will be found nauevv enough te oppose the roiiflinmUen en the ground piei05(iL S) lie it. GoyinicrPattlseii lias been vn gvuer. eus te the opposition In giving them about all ihe notaries they asked for. Here, in Lancaster, ferlnstance, where, time out of mlud, no Republican governor ever made a Democrat notary, the Republicans have nil been reappointed and the emoluments of thlsefilce have been almost entla-ly re tained by Republicans. If this up-country apK)iiitmenl of the governor shall 1h re jected, solely lccause the man named was a Confederate, iiev. l'.itUseii will have less sphit than Ids friends nceredit te him if he ever again sends the name of a Republican te the Senate for anv inisilien within his ftlfl. The Proper Thing. Reiuesenlative nrmcnti-eut and N'liattir Cameren h.ue lix-n conferring w ith a view view te airauging forthe formal piesentatien te the I'liitnl Males of the statues of lleU-it Fulton iind Peter .Muhlenlerg. placisl in the capitol gallery of the I'lilted Mates by Pennsylvania, the weik of her aitistsand the contrilmtien of this commonwealth. As pointed out by the 1nti:lli(i:.vci;i: long age, Ihisis a very proper thing te be done ami in Mr. lament rout's hands it is unite certain it will lx duly attendetl te. Mr. Krmentieut. welielieve, was a lnein bei of the commission which wlectisl the subjects and assigned them te the sculp tors ; se was Senater Cameren's father. These two lepicsentative. in different branches of the Peileral legislatmc, tand, for the two great strains of Pennsyl vania ritfreiislup. which it was iutendeil should lx? repiesenteil lj MuhlenWi-g. the Pennsylvania (ierman. and i' the se-calletl Scotch-Iiislistei'k. The sjiecches of presentation could be appropriately made nu occasion te vindicate the selection of subjects; the works thetusctves ceufuiu the wise choice of artists. Resides, it has lven deiiusl that Cameren can make a speech. He can de himself pi eud by a eulogy of Pulton ; and he ewes it te Pulton's native eeimtv. which has jut given him thesuppeit of a solid delega tion. Til l, i-oert et the Old I.ll-eit.v Itell is loud er (linn the Revolutionary telle. Tin- Heading beard of health hmelmd an analysis made of the milk furnished te the citirens of Heading liv the arieiis milk dealers. The examinations weie nrnde vitli the tactemeter, the tenijiomture of tlie milk lielue about ie J ralircnheit. One hundred nud seventy-si aiiipUs uete examined and ftem the analysis it was deduced that the standard below wlilcli pure milk should net fall was : sMTifir pr.nity, l.tCe ; jhi jhi jhi Fer the ipialtty it as found that the worst milk was oue-toitrth nter, whk'li (icrei'iitagn of the mpieeus was (Ail v found in ene simple. In the pervciilnge cream, the host n tllUsen per crnL and ttn worst one per eent. Tliis doubtless is r-lneip.tlly due te IhelK-tteretcam-prtKlueing iiiilitlcs efecrtaiu kindsef iitilU. Tite vheme f(r the mv estimation or milk is a geed otte, mid if iusHi:tleii waserten made and at un exjiected times, the .piality of the lacteal lluid would l.e lar letter. .Ieii.n U si'i.i.iv.vN thiiiksliiinself a strong ift.iu ; but rum is previngitself tnurli strong er. Nei se much attoutieii has hei'n recently given te the impositions practiced in tlie silo of cheese ns te some of Itsrognate product, milk nud liutter. "Yet se great they boceine that an T!ngllsh divine. A rehdeaoen I'enlseii, feels lmH'll.M (e raise his in pretest ngamst tlieir authors. He declares that the famous Chuddar chiese is as rare as si black swan, owing te the insane process u rapld making for n rapid silo. Thsiimea lien he Mames en the onto Americans who conceived the plan of artificial drying. In his opinion a f heildar should net lw eaten under eighteen months Irem the date el luaklng, uud is lest wlien two years old. As the Kuglish area cheese-eating nice te a greater extent than perhaps any ether, the decision el the question et pure iIiepm) is te them (piite momentous Tiil trlsky avahinche is leceniiiig enliiely tee boisterous when he buries worshippers in h church. I r Is vdd that there am 21,0e0,(i acres et laud In the I'nited Mates, the title te which Is held by foreign uoblenien, and a very large aggregate also by untitled aliens. It is posslble Hut it this alien neu-residcut own ership Increases much, a system of landlord landlerd ism may arise wholly opposed te the Iree in in NtitutletiH of this country. It is therefore net inexpedient te call a halt upon these who have been acquiring these large blocks of lauds by putting restrictions en them ter Us coining owners thereof. The lands of the United Slates are for the actual settler and a system of tenantry, such as caused Ireland's present mfsenihln condition ill net he toler ated. PERSONAL. Kmpliieh Wii.i.iam is new ellh i.dli re porled as entirely i ixerercd. Hieur lti:v. rjinnnitirK Ti.mpi.k, bishop of Iixoter, has Ijecii apM.iinli'd by the peiK as bishop of Londen. Hiiwin Itoeru has net Ix'en in the U-ti liKilth lurMweruIyesirs leiit vearhesiillered acutely from dyhpejisU and melancholy. Till'. I'newv I'niNdsH or .Swi.Dii'x has been inade seriously ill by uixeuic in the nun iper ei ner vvrnmg anUfcleepiiignsmis I)IlKl:.s American tour netted Uj,euO, net cenn ling two counterfoils were among the iccelpis, one u Yl and the ether u t'M note. ('OI. J.DII.S l. Hunt fei a c-.ibinet place and Hen Jus II. Hepkins for tlie Kussi.m mission are possibilities; under ('lev eland that seem te tlckle the l'lltsbuighers Coi..TiieMh (J. Williams died at Nin Anloule. Teas en Thursday morning. He wu assistant quartermaster general of tlie nnmuLi.ii-v m me i.mcr pan ei the war. Ml:s M. J. l'ei has been unpeinted notary public by Jiulge Stiles, of the com mon pleas mint, ut Louisville. She is the llrst woman npi.luied te that olllce in Kuu tucky. t'nii:i Ji-Miu. VViiii. .md party ar ,', ,VtU 'I J'wksenville, i'le., IVldav meriilnK. Iho I hid Justice js inuch Improved ill lieallh imil was out walklngen the dav of hln arrival. ItKV. (.'iiAiiMiH .Naei.i:, foimerly ri.ltltz, will preach hU lnln.iluelerv Konnen in the I list Moravian church, Phlladclphla-to-mer-iow luernlng. llishep ' DeSchweinitz will bepiesent. Ovi'T. M. J. lviiiu:i.i having ihiiiue of i-Hiiv iiv,iiiuivm ui me,siieu at e Orleans, illed in that city en Thursday jilght, at the age or tti. llewas ene of the best known deteitlv e hi the L'nlted States Jamks RuhsiiLi. l.ewm.i., Pnltcd states ministerte Lnglaud, wasasked recently bv u .New- Orleans Hxpo-dtleii eslilhlter terlifs nutegruph, and usked tovvrlte It iiixin a nlece of silk which was furnished, 'llie ink en thesllk blurred Uidly, anil returning It, Mr i.ui.euei en mu loiieuiug; "i hudhose fill tll.tllilc, lut ..1 ..I ... I i1 . auuuther might Isj glad te have what he wrltusspiead, but 111 this i-ase 1 have vainly trhsl tepiuveut It." HllHiNei.1, the tenor, had his vt siiiH'r.stltiens like many uctei-s and eiht.i Singers ludecil. be,wu,.il . l.., ..rr.,i..i. InthOhhiipoefastuileildcer'sJioadwlthhulf. grown antlers, which he always curried en mV!H". Lf,u'..Ar. hl' W'K ". " 5, " s"",se "",l K' """' tlowemhe took el'lc1'' , J "" "f, his trunk undiiatted and tLn?? i '.U.c '."' ValU"1' " 1,u "darling" mid all mat, but it hohndiiKierliousi)uiidbadre. ..?.!'". ''" I":;"1'"''1 uiHjii bis fetich the ,.....,,, ,..N.iuinc-t in iu lour languages uiul niapis'ii iu lace. IIKHK AVI) TIIKKK. In the Inti-li un sci:u of Tuesday, vt. 22, 1S3!I, appears the fellow leg "local :" By the exertion of Constable Hughs, of this city, a fellow by the name of Jeseph Durrani en whom suspicion bus In-en fixed for miin' time ns a horse thief, was arrested last week. The lads that have been developed since his ni rest, p te pieve that he has made It a regular business te steal wherever and whatever he could. It iipniis that be stele seven hersi, riem as niniiv imliv iiluals; thirteen head of cattle ; feitv lie-ul el sheep nud ene lirkiu eftuiter! 'in a stable at the outskirts or the tnivn, which he seems te have rented for the purHse .f a general di lsnitery, these aiticles wen geuemllv found. Alse, ulieut felly ililekeus a liritll'e, n Uig with the Initials :. W. together with oilier articles It will lie seen therefore Hint Mr. is a most giecdv blnl. " '1 here Is im riMvni te believe that this was n progenitor of the lad who was convicted the ether dny. lus-ansc i0 Mlre u Hid nanio.ef w earing a psiir of suspender-, and a limit ing rabbits M, ,i pistol under Ids j.iiket. Hut It shows tint the nuw supers of forly ferly forly tlveyrsago were just as much disposed te v iclein puns as their successors el IimI.iv. .. hat a v oluiue el interest one of these old newsiuiiersls te tie sure! Vnd hew It links the present with the nst ! Torty-llie ycirs Is.i geed stretch, and there nrw people In business in UiniMsler new, who were at it then. In the sune mier from which the almve extiact is made A. W. Huusel, "for merly iu the employ el t'el. lioe. Mayer," had Im.u anneundug for uinnths that he had eH?msl a lurdw-nre business en North Queen street, between the court house (then In Cen tre Squarej'nnd Orange. A. N. llrdieman. late d(ve;isiHl, whose name is continued, wis carrying en and ndvortlsed his lmetaml shoe store. At the Cerner of 'jls Kiilgaml Lime streets- thepreinlsosstillewueil by pr. Jehn I Atlee W. U Atlee adiertisc'd a grrjt va rietv of nursery stock, cousplcueus among it the worn multirniiht Iree, for the culture of w hich there w as then a popular rage. Xew -pjipcr essiyists extolled the profits et silk culture; Heh't t. Carsen, sis-retaryer tlie Lancaster enmity silk grevi ing society, called a meeting el its meinls-rs, and some enter prising country man otFered sulphur silk worm eggs fur sale." T. 11. Tetr wu then in the hat business, , , no continued down ten late day. The small m was prov ident in sonic parts of tlie city. ,s S. llal ileinau was seen te lecture lofetv the lyceuni. Mike Khrman had a 1k11 fnuudry Uu-k of Hobt. Mederw ell's frelglit station, wliere the V. II. It. warehouse is new. and Medeiwcjl carried dour te Philadelphia nt .17', cents per bairel It isi-inew. Christian Kieller who is still with us had rented the ljincaster City mill, and it was asking for "country and merchant work," the reads thereto being "in excellent condition," whiih is moie than could Iki said of them since. Where Dr. II. II. Parrs' drug store new is, 'between Duchman's and Miarp's lietels" Dr. Kty I'.irry pnicticed dentistry and his -sign of llie tcsth adorned the advertising col umns of the iNTfi.Liei.-M-Ku. The suiie bsue that had the announcement of Charlev lloughter's niarrgige contained the noti.-e of the ilestth of Themas 15. llurrewes in itister township, at lie-pine- new- known .is 'Knapp' ilia." lp m the northwestern art of the i ltv Kiac iiiluiere, the Matthew Plugs or ins Jay, was sTipiug chimneys ami preaching rsi-cutrli ilssiurs,Ts Judge Cliatnpnevshail iust med In opinion relusingn new trial te llenrv Kebler (Mil, selinan), thosel-enfcsscil liiurdcrer .r Ijiz arus Zellerhich, and at the newsKiH.r elllws and Ixxik steni the history of that famous tragedy was ollered for' silo, l-'ertv-tlve years age ! Kerty-live years heni-e what de you think will lie the features of a specimen Issuoef tlie tri-U.dly lMi:i.M)iiiM-Kit ? I asked Ches ter Wilsen, the electrician, the ether day, what In his judgment would Ik- the next triumph of electrical dicei or v. Yeu w ill stand at the telephone," he snd "and net only talk te the man at the ether cud, but scolds face and features" That will Ik- real ued, lie pn ilii'ts, within a generation. L'ndir L'ndir greund telegraph wires are enlv a question of cjene. Mr. Wilsen su-s 'lliosys 'lliesys tc in is entirely practicable and sooner or later will mine into general use. Iln Ims imiler. taken te lav a system often uiria for Jiccnt-s a loot, iu l'hiladelplua, anil if this can 1- noue lucre seems ie lie no ie.-imiii whvthe isilesaiiil ev'irheiul lint's should net go. 'Iick of perlect iiisulatieii is imped iment te the transmission of telephone mu. siges for illimitable distances II a continu ous wire, thick enough, could be laid from bore te Lgvpt, the signal could U heard theie as lead dy as we jievv talk from the I ri.Li.iriBVcrii otll.-e te the protheuotarv 's In the Dvn.v of Jan. Jtl, UO, von will iind sptx-ials by tolepheue from the le,,t of the ireat l'yraniiil, whicli will ceme nenm the sind anil sea at a gait el s.oeo mileM a second. They say that llartraufti the man whom the bosses will slate for governor m ltiM), it they get a dunce te give Heaver the cold shake. Ilruslus net Mariett, but litlle led Jlillv liresius from Drumere has the senatorial beeinhis bonnet uud sonielsxly has been tick ling liim w ith the idea that he is te smveed Mylln when Mylm succeeds J.u k llies tand. 'I hat is the reason why Ilnwius se cheer lully consented te Dr. Representative Davis' preiKMitiQiithat he should name Hilly Sny der ler paster and Telder at Harrlsburg this winter. Seiisenlir. umler ibn il.lni,, ti, ,i Snyder was ene of the best werkeit in the ward, who had served him se often, had given Hiesius tlietip. Hut when it turned out te boa smyder who I, new net Levi and ami the Lev lies, uud when the weather was Harve Raymond get hilt, anil when Snyder refused "te take saw and come home, and let Havmend de the work () ami draw the pav, it wa given out r.itlier tee freely that the hands en the Cleck of Time would Iki turned back, that .Snyder could ufler all be displaced nud Kav Kav mend get his place. Couitney heard el it. Net that he liked Snvder lnore ; nor In. Davis i but lie ami his friend MeMellen had a grudge against Love te feed fat mid Court Ceurt Court ney get Miyder sworn iu butween two days and set him te draw iug his salary, if net "te earn it. row die mid nenu resign. Snyder will stay until the last horn blows 'Head mid piint this" said the I're.idu-r, handing hi a slip from thu -Missouri IteimbU cait, about tlie rvcent tomfoolery at young Staiiterit's funeral in Sun I'miiuNce; and a very geiKl piec-e it is, recorded ever there in thetlil leluinn of the third page of this paper, rcfereiue whercunte belnL' bud b . in inore full v and ut large appear. " And," the Preacher went en, "slnie oiervbody new believes in creinatlen why deii't your so se eiety go en and impress upon the notice et the eeinmuuity sonie of the funeral lererm which Its namu Implies There Is a gieat work te be dene in Hut ilireclieii. (feed sense us w ell as geed taste a slop be put te the empuud jurade, the xpense and iu the ceuntiy the ieiistlug that i-hametcrlze luuerul celebra tions dowers, I Iiopc,!ite coining into dis use en Niieh occasions Hut woi-he than all Is the precession te the grave. Why should mournful Journey! It I no place for the feiuale relatives, te be e e lesed te the gue of the curious and te the ixilgnant Muttering of the Icavc-takhig and te hear that heait-brcnking thud of the clods en the cellln lid. Uwl pity us ! it Is no place fei women, nor for niiy mere men tlian ure uivesviry te sie that it is decently uud ninpeily done. And again mid again us we have steed IuicIiciuIlmI at the graxe, with me (lamp e.utii uiuler us uud the damp atmosphere all ubeut us,I havesccii the seeds of a deicii deaths sewn at one funeral." . . Aim tlie vvenuiliig, everheailng it, said : "The thing ulieut liinenils that I think most need reforming is the funeral sermon." Sl.VDHAI). Dr. I'm rv, the eiiu-ci, a lii falliur lnul lniiile ler Iu i-pcclul tut: tlila iWHl cut utawt el ledli with Mhlcli hU mil ui tlvcineul u lllui, li-atcil; iniiltliu eilglnali-iiit. ktill Iu thei'iliu'l of the piciuUc w here III. P. lelil,-,. A Wliluu Itelilinl by lli-r Sun. Twe vueks age .Mis. Margaut S. Likert, a widow, of l'hllllpshurg, N. J., ucUvedfl.lOO pension jnoney from the government uud jilaeed It in u hiding place known only te the family. Thursday her seu Jehn, better known as "Chip Aceiii." disappeared, and mi Investigation showed that he hud taken eight Slue bills uud some smaller denomina tions, niiieuntliiK te Jtnu. it is thought ha is in 2m Yeik. WHAT VV VS til The ttltuts blew flcrrc Ihesiiimas veil Vml snow covert it Mrei-t uiul iiienr- siiiipllen of WMl niut meal mnl bivAil III Iclt nt n blew s it,s-r Vml he ilia well What irns hl mrl ' I ran net tell lie grnlly hitticd at tlic ilnnrHlul tllllicil, A II oeeiiiMl, anil iinl)., d nuai Vml hfrh wnr ihe lisiiii lir that liiitneil. On Ills or the widow chci-V.ii that day " I de net Knew. He spoke We w oni on! Mhlrllnx snow In the wind - heard W lu-tv tint ami hiiituri and cold Btsslr lie never was rarawav Vnd wlien tin) chime. In the Iewmt wrrr Inllril. He never win tieant l I"." et Intelhi- is III" alms best en lllsfnltht W Iwl ii U 1 de net knew lleknen no sect, .low i reck or Vt,r, Ner, iierih-n. h nor iw. Hill the way te the tinin, - ,.( Ihe Hlc tssir Vnd the baeiiient rtHiiq' wen), I line In heat or ceM. Ill nlghtm dn. Iliscivtsl . wlul i- II " 1 cannot iuiv I'nrthe bunicrv peer he N Ucvul In hrwid Vml dot he ter llie rnvv .1 mirt wM, Vnd tncl for healths w bcrc cel nvn (lead ! Vail heart that uevei ur" old llisscctt IIIsciwmI? Ills tilth T Who known" Mlsthe,'pr-nt. t ei nil, ' III Mil tin lint it ;les .S'I.'CI.II. V(U('. Noiiilirerevtsr jet tic. ' K v maiv repulaiv, -u'lii. Thau teeth that ni a-, neit mnl Mmk Or one luotepun nnd lnijhl Than re of m-.e'. ihiiill iiinr vaunt w de put their tiiitii i i siietni'CT J.sntdnvl.iw lil. lUmni' tn l.nglauil It Is cen-ldrrcU s rsml Ihlna le Ih-Ieiic te tlieueblUtv nmt tehav, lit veui viin what Is called "noble M.vwl Un It eflen hspiHMis that the lilen.1 et i neblrnmn Is net oetnl te. that of the v (colon nun w he taken caie of the nehlciiitiii' row itu.l iiig, Truly noble bleed Is that whicli i( uriched Ith Iren and dr rulatcs In healthy bodies liicllev W It smith, l.ratten, )U.,mi. I u-ej llmun's Iren lllt-n-rsftiruleH tati-et 1 l-,sl ind dcitrid great benefit Siiiisnil's I '" Hlid l.eck W hen Delilah dipped off Samson's lock that niighty nthlete at once 1-c. nine - h ether men " It it could be proved Hi it the possession of lu uiient lull would eimt'lc ineii te tear open lien-.' Jtitts, Illseni ,V Ce. neuld lw drlii-n wlltl tn the effort lesuppl) eneuu' I Parker's llnlr lUKun te meet the v it Is, thr Uilsam pre vt ats your hair from 1 1'Mne out. antt restores far elfiriiial rotor ir tub dm gray lleslden It Is n great addltteli te tie i.-iKI table slmplj-ti-n dressing. Hep I'tntltm aic rlrun nt and pli-asuut te nst. Irish Heps cemi-im U with lUtlaain nud Cuius Move peircrtul than nnv ether porous planters, il cents K0Vv.ll ON HATs." l lears out rats, mice i.'sichrs, tllr. nnt. bed bugs, sKuuks, clilpuittnks mijihrrs. 15c Draff Slits (1) HiLE'a Heney et Ibu-t bound and lai cmc cough,, bronchitis, mnl tousuuiptlen Plke'n Toothache Dreps i ure Iu one minute JKMw .lend, Th.Mlsiiiuts I im tbetl-.iuils id dollar, huve spent In ndvertlslnu tin celebrated llurileck IWfUl lltttert, but thin tad accounts only fu imrt for their enormous alu Ihdr merit has iiutiiv tneni wliul they ure the bit hb,iHl medfdnt- ever dcvUcd b man IIKAIiT f.VI.N's I'lllpitntleii, Dreptk-ul stteinu IHrlnrsv ludlgi-stteu, llendache s, ceIca.iicss turcdl.v Wells' Health llenevii-r di" V UE.M Vlth III I. LH VPf Vlrs Vlarv V Djilev. et TuukMuiKnk, I'u . m, afflicted for alx vt-ars with Vsthma an. I llreti ihitis, during whkh Hue- ih, In-st phi sh inn could givi no relief Mir life wna Ui-siHitnsl et, until In lat Oclehei she prmnn-d 4 llettle of Di Kings Ntn Dl,rei , rv , w hen liuiiK-.llaU- rdlul was tell, and by continuing Us Use for i short time she was complete!) v.inl. gaining Iu Ib-sh !tt Bis. in a few months. free Trial Dettle of this n rtaln ure of all Threat and bung DUuisia ut II II I .Hhran's Drug steiv, .Ne. 137 and l.ti North (Jmcu sirvet, I.uiica-icr, l'a. Iirgu Dettles, il (. (I) Dull for the src. bet lis nil pull out el Ihl.s sea of sickucxsaiid di-sindeec.i . and get ou ten rock foundation or kemI, xtreng health. Ilurt'eck III owl Jtitltrt are the thing te pull fei They are one of thu most reneHneu nrultb re-tern! I w faitured ever uianu- "liL-CHL'-P.VIllV ; Uuhk, leiuplrteciirr. all Kidney. Illaddernud I rlimn- Disrates, scalding. Irritation, Stene. l,rniel, I atiirrhef th Illaddar Jl l)ruj;IH , ID MelIlKR' JIOTIIhlfs" WOTHl.ltS'" Vrc von disturbed nl night and brukiiief veur list by a sick ihihl suirerlng and cr lug with Hie ciirudallng iain or cutting teeth ir se, gout once and get a bottle of 31r H1N-10I s seinniNi, sVitci" It will relieve the lamr little dtllcH i tmmeduitelj di-peuil upon it thtn' Is no mlNtuke ubeut it Ihcie Is net a iiiothrren r-.irth uhelus ver us.-d II, who will net tell ou at once that it villi regulate the ImiucIs, and give rest i Hie moth) r mid relief and health tuthc child, op, rating like magic It it jierfectly a!c te ue in all cms, , and pleasant leihe taste, and Is the prv-crfptieu of one of the iibli-si and tn-it frrunk phvsi, Inn. iu tin- I nlted stales sold i verj n hen iV r, nts u lieitle IIUJl-l)dM,VV,s,w rtthsi; aim. -eLiirLvcis rhe 1,,-st bl(Hxl purlilerand siitcin legiilatei icr placed within the reach et aittreriug humanity, trull isj.letirlc Hitters Weak Kid m-va, or liny tUMLse el the uiiuiiiy ergtius, or wheuwr requires un apiictlzer, tonic- or uilld stimulai.t, willalmtys tlud Llectiic Hitters the best and only certain cure known. Ihcy act sin, di and quickly, 1 1 ( r bottle guaranteed te give ,-nilre salfsutctieu or money ietitudcd. sold tit Ilftj icnts n hoi i lc by II It Cochran. Druggli.t. .Ne. 1.T7 umi y North (jueeii street, I.HUCiltel, P.i tij Kiidtnrt I poll Dllilcnte. Ilkhitrd T lEubtnsen Is a druggist living iu hit cine. Wis. Ilerel- what hu says ".VlUlctcd with laryngitis t ni uiiablu te articulate a weid ills tlnitlv for tully twoiuenths A liberal iipplictt Hener Themna1 J'cleetne Oil completely uired me. Am pleaded te re uiuimnd it. "UOb'till e.N LOli.VS ' Vsk ler WiU " Ueugh en Ceriu." 15e. (Juick cemplftu cure. Haiti ui neli corn, wtirts, bun ions (ij 1 en chills, feier, ague l.liiuld licet Tonic. erliruggiita. enl ueiikiiKst, f'elilcn'a ilih h'm . 'ale no vtier. JI'J-lHdeiulA lOL'XU MI..N -UUADTHIS I he Voltaic Helt te or Jlumhall, Midi., eiler te send their celcbnitid l.tntut Voltaic uiul ether ELrr-rmcArrLiAJO ueu trial for thlrtv d ti. te men (oldervoungiitilllcted with nervous diblllty, les4 of vftuUtv uud mimhiHXl, and nil kindred troubles. A I no ler i hcumutlaui, livurub gla, anil8ls, und mani ether kindred dlseuei. Ceiupldu restoration te h, ulth, vigor und man hood guaniiiticd. .Ne n-k i incurictl as thirty ilsis trial Is allowed W rile them at omefor llliintnitcil iiauiphlcttre decJOljd.viw I It.iie been deuf In en. ten cars, und par lliilly tb-af lu the ether ler two months ; Imiu bicu t.eated by cur n.ilaltj dectnra and re idled no benellt. Having used blj's Cl'Ciiln Dilin ter ubeut n mouth 1 find inysilf greatly improved, and can hear well unit consider It u most valuable remedy. 1 had aUe nasal catarrh, with dropping of iiuiceuii Inte my threut and nil n ever my ejes, whlih tmublcs also have en- nieiy iiisappeurce u n mu (x, I'piM r l.lslc, Js-intleedAw llroeme Ce , .N. . "I'm All llruke I p !" This Is Ihc usual eiclnnutlien of one ulllicted w Ith rheumatism, or lumcnes llhuiiuiiitlc m e pic are Indeed entitled te our Incere sj uiputhv und coiuiidsscmtieu speedy rullur N etrcii-d them In Dr. Thomai' .electric Oil. It Is the aiiern (.uumy of all uch.-s und pnlm. leur-I'irili,. Ot our AnieiiiJiii peeplt arc mulcted with sick heiid.iehi. Iu cither its n.-rveus, bilious ei con cen con gustiie forms, cuustd b lircgulnr ImbllM, high III lug, etc., und no remedy has i ver reiKiuercd it until Dr. l.elle's,M-clul I'lescripllen wtudls wtudls ceicrcd. (ilveitu tiiul see udvcitUcnieut lu uiielhcr column, (3) TdU thu Truth. This un dlclue I can highly recommend. Jlur Jlur ileek Jllenil Jlillert lira the hist bleed ptirlllcr wu linn eier uid." CIus. V Unit, I) (,'euit St., lliulule, x. V. limlruitlie III. tiling, some el tin. testimonials from dilluicnt people Hl.tlli.'Ie Ttminaj' Kiteetric nil, and tliuieUef It lias given I hem when tll.lns-1-.l by hcudiiche, (nnichc, and liaitluu he ure its inten-ktliig ingiis you will Iind. This being u staudai.T uietll due, Is kbld every where b diuglHts. i:viim:nt mi:iu- i. ri istmiiinv. Ill l.AST SiD STUKET. New- 1 enn, JIurdi 13th, issi I huve Used ALLCOCK'S 1'eKOla Plasteiss Iu un pmctlccviithrciiiaikablesiiKcxiiiuifeuiidthi-iii peculiarly elllendeiu vi hunupplled te the back for Weak spliieaud .N'erven. lliliuustteu ; they nireiil almost limlant relief inleugha, folds and I.liii ( emplalnl. I cerdi.dl lcreniuicud Iheni u tin bei und enfest plasier ever made, and would eitulleii the public, ugabiiit tlic iiuiueruus ether i-eculbsl l'eruua l'l.ilira lint uiti eiight te be palmed eir ou ll l minimis uitllr i tlicj me irei llllc-s uud eflciilliucti d ingeieiiH. KDIIKKTfs. M.WTO.N, JI. D I u. f S. XmW i. hlefdu tllnl.pie Heipltul fur Dl.cuses of thu 'threut uud Chest, Mcdlcul Ollicer te the Londen Hospital, Clinical Assistant lUiyul den Ophthalmic Hospital, .UsUtaiit tn thu Hoi Hei pltul for Dlaeases of the Skin, Londen, Con Cen lilting I'hyilclau und Surgeon When jeu mint Ih" most llilully pn-paix-d and beat l'lusli-r made. t-k your Diuirglt for ALUixK'tt l'eiuui 1'laiU'r, .Vl.'llll'.lb jTUNT's iti:.Mi:i)Y. Thltly V nils Hi cord. I.udeix.t by Ph.iKlilau HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. MEYER KNOWN TO F1IL. CtJIIl'.S ALL DlshAsLs, ()l- Till. DID.Nbns, LIV 111!, IILADDLII, AM) flilNAISY 011GANS, DUOl'sA, (iiiAvni., DiAiu:rt:s, huiuht's dishasi:, I'AI.N'st.VTIIHltACIi, I.Ol.NeIt SIDK, NUItVQi'S DISKAsr.s, i!i;ti:.ntien en ne.n - im:ti:.ntie.v ei- flllVK. Ily ihe tie of this IIKMHDV. tlie MiMnnchaud laeiels spctsllly ivplln their tlenglh.uud Ihc llloed ! purttted. It l prennunreil by hnnilmU et the bent doe dee doe ters te Ik the ONLV ( I Id. tin nil Mints of Kid eey Diseases. Ills purely vegetable, and rurc. when ether medicines mil. It Is prepared ixpinlv for these diseases, nud las never Ix-cn known te tall Our trial . til eoiiTlnce you 1'ersalrby nil druggists. I'llllC, sii.-j.v 'tin ren 1'AitrnLET or rKsttMeMAis HUNT'S REMEDY COMPANY, DlteviDi.M r i: t in ue nirrnns min iikii ( n n u it umi mill e u n u u (i I W VV WHV si O VI" IV IV IT s, .N ,S II WW IV W N N N () WW WW N XV nun u u IH1 VV VV X .NM s It ni!K (X) Nl II l; 11 (I ( N V N II Kim () () N N V II U It (l () N SI II K 11 OO -V .N.N nun it ii mm i it iiim it itit rn-r II T i it r t it r r ii I T UK Ulllt h K It tit HUH K U It IKK K H 1 his medicine, combining lien nttli purevege table tonics, (iiilrkli and completely Ct'l!.s DVM'Kl'sl . indh,i:sien; WLAb.NLss, IVIPI-IIK 11LOOD, HULLS and KKVt.ltaiid.Nl.ri!ALl.lA Ily rapid and thorough us-dmllatlen with the bl.Hsl It riaeh(s every part of the sisletn. purl titw and eurfi-hcs the littMnl, strengthens the muscles uud nerves, and tones and Invigorates the v stem A tine Appetizer Ik nt tonic known It will euro Hie worst case of Dyspepsia, ic mm lug all distressing symptoms, such as last lng the Kiss I, Udcldug. Heat tn thu .stomach, Heartburn, etc. The enlv Iren mcdlciue that will net btackeu or tiduie the ttcth. It N Invaluable for diseases priulLir te women, uud le all persons w he lend scdcntnrv lives. Vn unlading remedy fordlseaaes of the Liver und Kidneys Persons ..iitri-iiug from the elTrrt of overwork, neri(.us Doubles, les of appetite, or dt-billty, experluuce iiulik nllcf and renewed energy l 11m Us. ItdtH-s net cause Hcadathe or preluce Ceiistl IKitien Iren medicines de It Is the only preparation of Iren that rnucs no injurious ,-iitH Is Physicians and druggists Icreuununil It as the bct. Try- it. Hie genuine has I'ntde- lark uiul cressml i-ett lines ou wrapper Tike no ether, .viadeeuly by IIIIOW.N CHI.VI1CAL te., ltiLIIllUKG, VlD. M'ptDljd.tlyw m.i rn.i;r. TT KATKKS OH 1'1'ilN At.'l. U BE5J STEAM ENGINE -AND- Beiler Works, HESTERS en- FURNACES ten 1'rhiittt I)w el I intis. Schools ami Piili He linililins. Call and see them. Vlade of heniy Iren, sliu plu of censiruulun, durable, ccouemlcid, the meit lladlatlng surface of any 1 hater Iu the market. Nothing Cheap But the Price I OUR OWN PATENT. 4,7111 lug licen Iu ii m' In many of Iho largiK rrnlilcnies iu Ijinnntii In the past ten yen is t thu bcl of uvldcuie of Us merits; Addie.i, Jehn Best & Sen, Ne. 33 EAST FL'IJOX STHKCT, LA.N'CASTKIt, l'A. HAVING I)I.SSOI.Vi:i) PAHT-VKItSlIII1 uud permanently dosed the Chestnut Micet Iren Works, 1 tlcsliu te Inform my old nations ami thu public guuurally, thatluiu still lu the business, being located Iu thu 1'enn Iren Ceinpani'a VVetks, .North I'liim atlcet, vvhein I urn making Iren and llniss Lasllugsef every tle- acilpH umi will be pb-iucd te Kerve all who may fiver me with their patronage. I'lnm te v ears eTH-rleii(e lu the bunlues-i and using the best underfill and employ lng the beat mechanics, 1 aitiMitlsllcd lean guarantee untlruiiutUr.ictlen. (listings inade from n mittiire of Iren and fdeel which are inore reliable (or atiength andduni hllity than the bent cat iron known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work n spec ialty. Castings uiadnef lery soft Iren, and linn.,, castings ei,ev cry- descilpllnu, I have all thopul thepul teriiMOf the well und favorably known Mould Mould Lern nud Cob Crusher, rdlttetl nntl iinprevtd. itUe ou hand, illlls completely fitted up or tu liarta, tin eplace old ones which huvubcuulnunu ler curs, guaranteeing tlicintOKlvewil Intact Ien. It. C. .MlCULLLY, aug It-Amd I Hll.Sl'Al'KHIS l'Hl.Ti:i) J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK, FairHieiiDl Ink Weiks, 2Clh and l'eiin'a. Avenue JtinG-lyd I'lIlttAUVM'ilU, l'A. II MS .I.VII C.IIW. 1815. 18S5. STAUFFER& CO. (Suiiesmiiste shiilln A Iho) Hatters and Furriers. Hjeii mint tebui albit.lit) te V II VITKIt. If want In buy ft .Mil CtMit,. Seal Cap, I'm l.tni d ( Ireulur, tieullcmenV I lira. I'm T ilmmliigs, or mil kind el I'ur Heeds, no H) A t'l'lllllLU. UlLeNM VI' M.VNI'KVril IILIIS VND t IIIKILIIM I.N Till: CI IV. (Latabll.hed, s III I' VllltNtl done Sciitlvnud I'leuildli VVebiiv rmt ash und sell Jul raali, giving cus teiiii-rs tin I'i'ihIH or tin-cash tninsacllen 1 lie highest tush pilcepild fl Umi I um. W. D, STAUFFER & CO, Nes. Ul &: aa North Qiioen Btroet, l.A.NCAVrni!. I'.V. nivlDlv pllUAT li.UiHAlN.s. Slmllz's Only Hal M VVeme etTeilng our (itssls nt Hill'. VT IIAIi. Ii MN-, and II Mm want un) thing lu the way of Fur timl Dress Gloves, Seft, SUIT, Cnss or Silk Hutu, Sestl Cnpti of till Styles niul QuiilU tics, TruveliiiLr Bnirs timl Htmrt SutelielB, Ohlliireti's HntB and Titrbnus , .New Is the time te ew n prltc, tit 1,, t Ihriu tit almost veur 144 NORTH QUEEN ST. (l.t .NDVKLU'S OLD MAM) ) ri.nriii.Mi, sM.Vl.lNf. J.K GREAT SLAUGHTER -IN HUB OVERCOATS. utTer iulfl t x !ih ti ii if 13ii nr , vn lKlen un ni tn nrttt t i i mliu a lrhr it'1 mnl (miMilar Owniutliv 1J1K IlT-r IN Tllh WiJUl l In till tin slurrrrnt ch.ide uiul tv.e Kty tianM, Kun, rluur. lrunjt, IjillnpfN. tn tina, Mimttmuk's Atmcli;ii.s, utv. K A II l.d riHlimii l XHiiuit. lutfi I'u ami lulnnt Hearers, Hnnl Irith rlccc itiirreTkti, lVtumlmtti, Mfilun uiul Ktm 1 hvtf immI can only 1m bad t IcrtUtnjr tmiit hi lnrirr ctltrst. tml rungf In irliMniii ise ti Ht i mr llhm thrm fmm.1ttj lull Ihifer lomes.tlr tii.irlr, mngltig In rU-iH imm m tn fjn SUITINGS ei- lli: ll M IMITION r IMIIl I.n ten i:i.-riMiiM,i - II ciilur tire MibjerU-tt ten tliitietiKh ihrml till trM Our erk in of ilm nrsl tuul hluhrrtl t.tI f nri Our len ixjR'iitnc fit ImMur und ch-e ItMpertUin f uali1t4 us tu In thefnuptily minium mm an inr !. uuiiiujnriurt'! iinu latt'Ht h1Ie tn th inaiVct. ttlvi' u , trial ami be ctn ifm-i tfl. -AT- Ne. 3 West Ktiup Streot and Centre Squure. Smalings Tailors Guild. mnrl'.Hv VVAs ll.l.. IM '.(. Oil Kl.s I 100 Dade Window Shades IN V V YIMM V l DI si,s V Itii !i have hum uri uinulutLni; Hit pnst stMsen, ivr will t-lesc out lteiii i te itttts upl.-cr Among thimuru seim in-ttj jutliins Iu jeing through our stm k ul CURTAIN POLES We timl a roeiI muiiv ixlil, mnl t-mls, one, tun unil Hint of u klnil. sunn! in, i U.tliuit, seiim KlMiny uud semu ilruss lrimiuc-d '1 ht'su uii-ull bitmpli-d umi tht. pricr from 'S ti) 40 ci-ut ttiit cr Oui LO.V1 III. NATION COK.N1CL' til hbnny uiul VVulniit ut i ,i pli-cc, Is u hurs.iln, it-tlurt-tl freuiilu -NKW MM-.SOr' Dade Window Shades lOlt SI'UINL, l'liiln Celein niul Widths for nil slj li' of win win tle, '1 lit und Weed Silling Itellur, I'lxtUK-s, IIell.tnils.Llui-ii I'rlinjr.Mektl i'llllt, Kinds, etc V u tuUc mcusurrs und tlet,h:ulr ivetk et uvery doscriptleii In tlrst-clacs iniinni-r. Onli-r your Titper Ilitnt'liiK ilone new I'lcres wi'ie licit-i no low und nlll ye hlKlisl. PHAEES W. FEY Ne. G7 NOKTH QUEEN LANC V"Ti:il, PA. STREET. rvjtximtr. w Al.TUt . IlKINITSII. NO. q8. - NO. q8. Special for Spring, 1885. VI V MOCK OK FURNITURE Ftir tlie Spring Traili', IH Ler VI. IO ANY IN Till, II V. V.ND AT l-niu.vriiATt.vN.Ner in; rxniuixeLD ALL l.OODs (.1 AltA.NTL'LD. WALTER A. HEINITSH, Ne. 28 East Kins Streot. I, VNCAsTKIl, PA. ilruWiind siur us. poeu, warn: a co., BANKERS.rC BANKERS.rC i,itiJii:iiAiLv'AYf.i:ri'itiTii:sAi.vvA'.e.v HAM) loll INVKSTMKNT. -MinufiipellH Itral i:atutu7pur rout, heiidd for Kiileut HU and lutiivnt. Propilutei-H uf "PiHir'tt of Itulh.uys." ConieponiltiKti luiltvd. 40 Willi Street, New Yerk. (Kit lytli-ed rplU:V tWN Al.l, COI'V HUT nem: JI. inui'ipiitl thu Ihiiuuu YvIIuh I'lunt Se. CI Kur, nl IIAUTMA.N'S YLI.LOVV KHO.NT CIRAK b 11)11 1:, OTeiiTai: J AMI- COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DAMLL ilAVKH, dti-:-jd iu WcslChtnuttrccl. CI.OTIIIMI, peu oi,evi:s, Te kci-p llm liuiiils iinrtii Ml'ITIINS, 'lekt-rpthuhiinds iinnn HOOKS, le kitpthe 1,-et ivntin IUU MUl'I'sl, Tn keep thnems vvuriii Murn.i:iis, lekccpthn nek n.ti iu. l.'N'DniUVIJAIl, 'Iti knip hu hotly vvrtim. Ge te BRISMAN'S, Ne ITH'r.OTKIN'USTIIIXT. rpAll.OKlNO. W. B. Nelsen & Ce., ICQPORTIjNG TAILORS, Ne. 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. I.AMASTi:il PA ALL llli; LATI.ST sTVM.S IN Fereign& Demestic Cleths reifsnis ami iiiei'hi.hh A l'i:i!l'K(T KIT (.1 Vll VMI.I.D " -Npw (,tMlnrr renstnntlr lN-liia t-nlvttl nntl Milts will h,. innilit mint HrtliiitMl 1'rlt-es hn. tni-cli this nnd .VI AKL'II I M yi:hs a- KATHVOX why iiivi:u, vviii.n OVERCOATS AIM. s() nu w- OVEncOATS j $0 OO te 820 OO OVERCOATS ) $0 OO te $U0 OO OVERCOATS S 90 00 te 820.00 r.i.i.r. v.vr pittivi. vn i:itivi in stv 1. 1'.' 1 Nl.( 1. 1. 1 D IN H'AI.II V uthln(;if (i hiMhlv Nntuii- inlrm into this innkpup f.iprv .nrnn-nt t.uiitnul. nl -n ltt-t inffiittil ALL WOOL sfl I'M Kilt VIIN' VLL WOOL rils pint Vel 111 ALL WOOL piii nut pi, is- NO st fir VseltTVl.NT A- lit lis lsi WIILIil. e"I'rlrrs worn Never Vleu lir memii.i, ihnn new terltl.VI. ll.Vllli.VINs INtlellllNI. i;lr us ii mil MYERS & RATHFON, I.LVDINIl MM ASTKIl ( IOIIIILIIS NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET, i.axcam i;it. p v "ItrlM.IAMSON ,V rOSTP.I!. Seventeentli Day et Till iREATSIIIALSALE VALISES VI- SPECIAL SALE PRICES. An oppertunllv for tlm trim II, i iul.-ur lenlst tui-ci-urt- ii llrstilns nulls. ,,r cai-lm ut I'rln-s luliiiv th lit-itiilnr liuti-s lit hint nim llctl guanllly of thl-sl" itoedl, se Hi. mn ultir will fitre the tT.t solid vleriec. lrnthcr lined, ni, w. I , k nntl reieretl frume, slze -J) Inches, Unit iv is . tit , i.t (law, w e new eirur for Jis () Anether of the Mime class, Is imht". nei-l for fj te, dim ii te 7 . A siiKiIler one vv u murked f" Is new iU und uliiiii h viill.i tint wits tiAu is 11I1.V id in. 1 lii'sa Vnllsi'i nm nil Turkish Moreeio. of the nen Inn Celer, lined tvlih tine ruir rkln. umL harueutlde iwKket villh lileklr tlxttires Thej urn ier) elntip nt their prest in unit ure bound te ceiunuiid u rapid suit -Tllh- OVERCOATS Aic diminishing in (uuntltv rapullv VV liy -llu-y uiti down m steilnl nitiw. the ores Mill of the times lU'iimud. SUITS AND ODD COATS, Fer Men und Ilejsntul Lhlldieu nn Included lu tills Ki'neml trlkt ut leimer prlies kiiuiII iimmlitv or Children's lleuvj Weight I ntli-r vveiiriit 10c per iturmi-iit. A ljir;;eiintl Lliillenl Vurli-ty of nil kinds et GLOVES, Incliidlnir.irnmiir, I'ljineulh, Tim (.ituntlt l. ulth liiKksklu l'ului, mid Uoelun (.loves with thick 1'uliu, Hllnt IIAL1 V DOM. A I! SILK NECKWEAR, 25c. IIILVV Y W I.NTLIt CAPS.efiill kinds, ler Men orl', fiem 'i'Kt te ,'k- II rl.s tin: Di;is VVKAU, flui. I't'lt .VIL't'FLKKS, UL V LltsllILK PLUSH LAD KOIIIls, l u) MEN'S SHOES, liichiillnu inrleus (,tjlc tlwt um new lle s HOhS, ufull sizes,, tuivt) hud the peii airuck threuuh their f eliVILK i'iti(;i, and ure new ekfi:u4:d at ricui;) Hint un- miru te tarrj' thciii out. LVDIL.S', .MISSUS' A.NDCIIILDKI.N s SPRING HEEL SHOES, Ihut uitiheth ciimfertuhh) und fushieniihle, um new hum in Ciiniteu Kid und JlHiidsemu Pehblu lieut. Od- flores clusvt at ii p. m., mcupt SiiliinU) Xes. , i, (i & 3S Knit King SI., I.A.NCAhrKIt, l'A. A S CA.NC'int AI)VA.NCr.S Tin: .SKIN .V la inore und mere ilmnii Inte the tumor, t-unied and puckered. There N lucretiM-d piiln, crumps uiul the results or thin pre. "cA.NCEIISTUJIOKs, KI.N DlSILVSLS-nUn, Chroule uud l'rlv.itu Dl-fu-.c.s-sucei-fnlly tri-uted h DIIS. H. D. and M.-A. I.U.NUAKKU, Oillce 1 i Kust Wit lu ii I meit, Lnneuster, Pu, Consultutlen frce. J?i3td..w plum, l-'i.euur STEELTON MILLS PEARL FLOU R MAKES WIIOI.LsO.VIi: AVD DLLU'IOl IJIIUAD, KLPT HY este .1 L. III.N'KLKY, J ritl.NK IlLlVl', W.VI. ULH.KLM)i:itl'EH Luuiuatur, I'd. JuullUUtf