yUWHmMt, -,, ii- A -i LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1885. tfipi( .r 1 J "r:.h Kt -Vi H wr G$ sr IC- Bf m. nw W m ; THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER i PUBLISHED EVEHY EVENING IN THE YEAfl . ( imun tuctf rte.) By 5TEINMAN A HENSEL. INTELLIGENCER BUILDING 8. W. CORNCn CCNTRE SQUAW:, Lancaster, Pa. DAILY-TEN CINTS A WEEK. HVE OOUAnS A YEAR, OR riFTV CENTS A MONTH. TOST AOC FREE. ADVERTISEMENTS rneM ten te rifTV cents A UNE. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, (ElOHTPAOeS.) PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNINO. Twe DOUAM YlA IN AOVASCl. CORRESPONDENCE Solicitee from every PART OF THE STATE AND COUNTRY. CORRE SPONDENTS ARE REQUESTED TO WRITE IEOIBLY AND ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY; AND TO 6ION THEIR NAMES, NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BUT IN PROOF OF GOOD TAITH. AIL ANONYV0U5 LETTERS WILL DE CONSIGNED TO THE WASTL BASKET. ADDRESS ALL LETTERS ANO TELEGRAMS TO, THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, ta. QII)c nweGtcr Intelligencer. LANCASTTK, .rAXV.VKY 17, W What a Weman Can De. The question U often agitated, what cm a woman de? It might peilinjw Ik? Ix'tter asked, what can slie net deV Her versa tility enables her te achieve at least a moderate success in nearly cverj lliins she attempts. Tlicre te a lc Yerk woman, Sarah 11. Leggett, whose career during the Inst six years is a complete- answer te the first ques tion suggested above. In that time she has organized in tiie face of gigantle difficulties a bearding heuM) for business women in the meat metropolis. She began with a small building at"S'e. CO Clinten riace. By gradual accictiens the institu tion new contains tliiity-sevcn roenn equipped Willi the best modem arrange ments for domestic comfort. I lev rooms are well patronized by saleswomen, milli ners, dressmakers, teachers, stenographers, telegraph operators, ail students, trained nurses and women who are making their livelihood in special lines of weik. The beard paid at tins feminine cnirmui Kivy is net extravagant, ranging fiem $3.60 te $1.50 per week, in which eveiy thing but laundry work is included. The project is purely a benevolent one, as is evident from the statement of the work done during the past years, the avenge annual surplus being SIS.l I. Here would seem te be the modern prac tical realization of that ideal feminine remmuuitv that Tennyson's heroine 1'iincess Ida, wished te establish, or the feundress of which Ladj I'sjchc said . "Der-p, Indeed, Their rlebt of thanks te her vv lie first lad dory I Te leap the rotten jralci of preiiulkc, llyekc their necks from custom, and neit Xone lordlier thnn themselves out that which made Weman nnd rrmn ' Hut the feundicKS of thw mnttu'iitli cen tury institution naivelj liliitsiuher leneit that men arc net held in the disrepute that attached te the male set in Princess Ma's castle. The fact that ' a number ha e left us te be married " satisfactorily establishes this conclusion. It is net given te all women te de the weik in which this cneigctiu Xcw Yerker poems te have been se successful. But each may find in her own spheie, humble though it be. abundant material for well doing; for the eommen.plaeo things make up the ticautiful whole. Vicious nml Illogical. It must ha e occurred te Senater Lee that lie demeaned himself ami injured his cause when he urged against brnatei Cameren's re-election such votes as theso cast for the lestoratieu of Pitz Jehn Peiter and for the admission of Senater Butlei. Itegaidless of the merits of theso cases, neither ineled any political piinci ple nor was either made a paity issue. It is true the Democrats were a unit with respect te them, but the Republicans weie net. This was because they involved pure questions of fact which led Id one certain conclusion, unless the mind was swayed by piejudicc and pas sion; and te vote against a majentv of one's paity in wilier ease was only such ,m act of independence as the element te which Senater Lee belongs lias m Ire- quently praised and encouraged. It has been supposed te be the ivpreuch of the Cameren ring of the Republican party that it exacted from its members partisan allegiance without consideration for truth or light, and this is the issue the se-called Independents m this state have often made way with it. Lee's attack shows the cloven feet. He proposed te punish Cameren fei independence. It wan a most remarkable pubitiun for tin- lunler of the antl-C'amcren feices te It lacks virtue as well as logic Yihu Takes the ItM,. The Si'ianten Jlqntblican, whuh "el itself up of late as an nuthorityen state finances, sajsthat " the commonwealth is always seemed against less, at least te t he full amount of the tieasiiiei'h bend which is half a million. If the slate treasurer is loelisli eneuph te keep mono) In banks without sufficient Fecurity hw bondsmen aic the parties te complain, for the risk is their and net the common wealth's " If the Jlqmbliam Kudus ain thing about the subject which it tries te discuss it knows that the balance m the statu tieasm y is seldom less than a million dollars; and if the Humes act, a Democratic measuie. had net passed the last leglslatuie this balance- would be time millions, for which the commonwealth would net hae se curity in ever one-sixth the amount. As it is,the eidinaiy nile stems te be lewrscri, and instead of the state tieasuier giving bends in double the amount et money m his keeping lie gives K-curity for less than half, The lulauce of the risk is the com cem com menwcalth'b and net his sureties. What It Slgnillch. If Oliver Brethers failed Ihxmuse of opeintlens outside their iron business which made their capital unavailable, ihe condition of the iron trade will be u-lii-vtd from responsibility for the collapse. If they failed because they have been selling goods at less thnn their ce-t te them, the voliapseof siicliau tiuwist'i'elicj will be a very geed tiling for the lien busiuu, ;w it Will relieve it from the presume of the offerings of goods at lw than cost. If Oliver Brethers ,"c Phillips wr-re doing this tort of buslnesw they wen' undoubtedly net alene in jt. nml thcr suspension ma) be expected te be I alleweJ bv that of etitis. Het M WO le ii it think it J.krly thAt the 01.,-'T i"aia trujihe ,u te iinv very great extent tlue te their losses in their business, the probability is that it will be the only one of its kind. It seems clear from the general sitnatleu of the iron business that no great firm in Pittsburg should cellapscat this time from the condl cendl condl tlen of its business, and that theieferc the Oliver concern fell from the pressure of heavy boirewings for uses outside its legitimate business. Veiilllale II. The new ilouse of liepueiitatnes at Ilarrisburg lias appointed the usual com. milter te " improve the ventilation of the hall." We believe no Heuse has i'cr emitted te de this. It is the iegul.it ion thing ; and nearly every committee pro ceeds te ngree upon a plan of nitil.it ion, te get an appropriation te tear out the a p. raratus put in by its piedeceernnd te con struct another and worse one. The money that has been spent en cut Haters for that hall would no doubt have sufficed te re move the capital te I.aur.f-ler and elect lit buildings here. The last ventilating app.uatus put up had cold air Hues, en the lloerot the hall. Thelast cariet put down in the Heuse w. s cle-ely and effectually nailed ever these, se ns te render the apparatus practically use less. This may or nia net have improved the ventilation of the chamber. Perhaps the trouble is with the at inns, pheie of Harilsburg. It may lie some seme philie that the mere of it that is pumped into tiie hall, the worse it is for the mem bers. By all means let the subject be in vesttgatcd, regardless of cost. ' Nut this ycai, vim e ether year," lm bc'ti nn H1 refrain te the enrs of den. Hra i-r. 'J'liwui. is ,i Dnptist i hurrli in Hivkrmil, III., where the bretlicrn ile net ilwell in that pcace nml amity that lmuUl , har.ii'teri" the conduct el Chri-Uaiis A few days age their pastor tt'iulered his rcshmatiim and the ete tool 3T) fm it and 37 against it. This ap pears te liac liccn liie original lly in tiie ehitmcut and when the customary certificate of dlsmisxal and geed standing as ask Ml for. tlicre uere tour church ineniliers lie veiisl against its pranting. Ohe of the di'.wmter. as a prominent tnerelunt of tlie town, and fbrhtsnrt tlin jMter promptly dcnetiueed him, charging liiuiwitli keei'liiK li is store openen tlie S'alib.ithand stirinp up turmoil and clianslen wlieneer tlie "-casinn eflcred. A nother parishioner here joined in tlie altercation long enough te tell tlie shepherd of the fleck that he was " elThls Uee," Then the pastor sl-.oek his list in the faroef the prominent niereh.uit, and an ex citing secne followed m w hich the pastor'" w ife ui.ule her entrance iq-en the M.-ene in a vain effort te persuade her huuband te le.ir theehureh. llwns a cry quiet mid cim-sclcncc-stricktn juirty that lea tlie rliun-h that night, and it is Mid thnt the uncedly portion el the town hae added insult te ut ility in making open merriment out of the occurrence. lVAiiTS hurled. i leu-ef liis 3C!iurrl,tiia verba into the ranks of tlie opposition, .mi lel the senatorial prheh within his pm-p. Tlii.nr. is a genius iqi in 1'rauklln county, OtteTrudgeln by name, w he has inviuled an Instrument that he calls the phyginegr.qh, which when worn en the person will uner lingly ltidlcate the point at nhicli liquor cen',C3 te be a stimulant and becomes a posi pesi posi tlve injury". It Is no small that it can be fas tened conveniently upon the vet near the nrin-hole, and se delicate in construction that It will laitli fully perform its work of regis tering the various en"ects of alcohol upon the system without interfering with the move ments of the person. Such an Instrument would work wonders in this county and cause our warring judges te lie in rrleet harmony en the license question. 1'er what saloon keeper would sell te a man 'MisiW.v Birccted," when he plainly siw by a glance at the spbygmegraph that he was laboring un der a larger lead than he could carry? The wearing of a plivgmegraph might be m.ide compulsory b a little streh h of the doctrine of sumptuary legislation. The iiiMrnter should Mipplomeiit Ids gieat work by .in in vention registering the exact age of each a plieaut for a drink, and thus the iniquitous sale te minera might be wiped away. Thai uitunl blatherskite, Captain Phclau, U said by his physician te lie talking tee much for his own geed. This has always been the trouhle with the O'Uyn.imite Kessa partv. Tin- liiirersliyet I'imuH lani.i has open ed a department of physical education Willi Dr. J. William White as director of physical training. In his address te tlie students the director declared that the aim is te esthnate in each case the present condition of the Indi- idunl by a scrle-j el measurements and tests of strength taken in conjunction with his cr cr fcenal and family history, thus show-lug at the name tunc net only his abselute but also his coinparatixe strength, demonstrating his jieints of KJ.OI ml weakness, and indicating therefore the diroctlen in whidi he most needs deelepmcnt. Hecreatne and comjieti cemjieti comjieti tlve fimrts whileef gre.il alue, deelep tin-IwrtH-ipaut unequally. They de net gie that sjiium tru-al, liarniouieus development nlik.li is armed at in a M.-ieutille hystciu el physical edueat ion. Thet-e aie priijier Kenti lueutv fmni the lips of a phynk-al iiistriu ter, and if they ui-e pnt into practice their liult liult age with the students must he sound minds 111 HOUlld lunllCS 'I'ut Situattf must iew uithseuiu .il.irm the presjieet of liaingMr. i:artswitiiluit. It new contains several scnateis whoare wendei ful word fountains, but wlieultgets Kvartait will have tin. Niagani in the word cataract line. 1 1 .V sicinll, I'lilili,. s IiihiU. Ne slate In the L'nlen surisses Texas in the niuuiilcenee with which it lias endowed its public fechoels. The jieople are fully alh e te the importance el iiiucaiieu, and the kcluxil Imildiugs m the large cities are fully eipial te any m the North. The btute super liitcudeut of schools a s that the constant! v Ineicasing demand for geed te.wheiit atrerds excellent enpui utilities ler professionals te loeite in 'lexas. The hal.uics of city und town suMriutt.iiileuts lange from jl,2oe te -,ri(.i0 or iiiinuin, the mlarles of teachers liem n mlntiuuui el ?in tc) a iiiaxiiuuiu of 5100 kt month. The st.ite normal institutes iireiusullicicut te hiipply tlie extraordinary demand for giKHl te:iLlieis at pieseul prevail ing in the state ; and such teachers as favor lilieiul salaries and u gencieiis treatment will be ass u led of a position. The communities nte constantly increasing and the liberal slate hUpjMirt is an iiiduceineut for the liiimo liiime liiimo (Hale organization of a school in each com munity, henee the demand for teachers 'is constantly en the inere.ise, and is an indls indls pulable l'.ct that the clllulcncy el the new system will net be complete until thorough, practical and elllclent teachers me the gieat niajeiity, instead of the miueiilv, a nt present. Walling for li.ihiicl'i Trieni. The Kail family, prominent Adv elitists el Ciosten, Iovva.ai-e Mill looking ler the end of the world. The men have thrown up their position and will net weik. Their lllbles me constantly befoie tlieni, ami thev are Mint up in their house vvaitlugler (lib end te come. Thcioaie twelve in all, men, women and children. It Is rumored that one young girl, who Is net a believer, U te b ollered up as a sacrifice. Tiie eeinimmitv fcam that Muse reinjieus cinnks will elose the pregramme v.ith a liagedv, and tlie lulh-e are witching thtm tlenly. " THE KXD OF FAMOl'S SUT. rito.ir.i.et weMiia mi i.vteiis nm wi.m teti .ir r.iBi irr. The ll U-tAives l.lhit CMses "lulies iv New mid l'nit.petteil Tutu In n runti len nf lri Jmv lij- Olie of the Vltiirv fur tht Hi frtulmit, 1111. Interest In Iho famous Uelt tvwes ttbel case In Londen, was suddenly twrlved en Thursday In a most sensatiennl manner. After occupying the highest courts of Kng laud for melt) than two year, It Is new cltargcd that the w hele w as tasvd nrsm per jury and a conspiracy en the part of certain speculators In art te obtain heavy damages apiinst a man who was sepp.ei t. be wealthy. The original libel ult, by lUelmid l latiili Uelt against Charles Ilcnnett Laxes, was brought before the vnuit of qutcn's Ijctich In Uecciuber, bS2. Detli the platntitf and defendant are sculptors. Uelt had 1ceii n pupil of Lcwes until IsTe, w h u he estnlv iislicd a studioef his own. lie achieved tou teu tou sldcrable success ; but In l'sj a long orticle in I'eiufy Fan; In which It was ehargtst that the w erks w hh fa lie S..U1 as hi ew n w e rv net modeled by him, but were the produc tions of two skilful but unknown mulpters named Urock and Vci hoyden, one or the ether el wlieui was alwavseenc-'aled Kliind a curtain in his studio. Mr. 1-awes made himsvli h insiblc for this article by sending it te the lord mayor enclosed In a letter in w hich heeusrht te pro pre xent Mr. licit from obtaining eeruiin com missions about te I awarded by tliecerivra tlen of Londen, Mr. Uelt therotien iiiul Mr. Law cs for libel. The trial occupied fort v v thrce days, and thejury awarded Mr. Uelt Si'sOOil damages. This was the longest trisl and the largest aw. ird in the histerv el liNI suits in England. i Mr. I-vvves np".ilpd, ami, aftn the lapse el , nearly ayear. the court of jpwjliUsided, en I December 1,. Ivsl, that a new trial r.uist Ihi i had unless Mr. Uelt would consent te a re- I unction "f the damages tiem ?is(lOii te J..,ive. Mr. Uelt agreed te this reduction, but Mr. Law os relused te neuies.-e, saying that he must le (s,iiiiUhI te pay the w huh amount or nothing. The e.ie was rnp nod, another tedious argument ensurtl. ami in M.inh 14. the court of apjeal realliruifl the erigmnl x erdiet of U5,Oui and costs airamst M i liw es and refused te allow- a nw ti i.d The costs en both sides had lws n eiiei moos. These of the plaintitl were fJ ,oeo and the expenses ei tne eeiense anieuntcil te 5.4.siKi, se that, with the $-i',noe dainages, Mr. Lawes leund himself eonlrentcl with a bill of $fe5,0u His father was -i ri li manufac turer and the head of the Lawes Chemical Manuie company, but he r fused te come te his son's relief, s.,v nig that he bolieted the whole proceeding was bl.e kin.ul " n spiiaey. Mr Charles Iiwesetli ied ti jMX Mi. U-It the ?:3,00O damages preve'ed that"cjeh party should pnv his own ousts This efler was, re fused. 'I lien Mr. Lawn declared that hu was utterly unable te satisfy the Judg ment and filed a cliueu in Imnlmiptcy- In his scliedule he svvere that his debts" were 125,oeo and hi assets l.f50. Iho most sensational incident cl tlie whole case occurred Tliursday in the preeeeditigs In-fore the lemkruph-y court. A Mr. !5-het7 liad been ene el the 'principal w iluesses for Mi. Uelt in tlie trial, of the libel suit. The ieuusl for Mr. Laws read an affidavit made by Mr. feclietr, in which he confesses that he and another witness named Curti, e were suborned te perjure themselves in Mr. Ik-It's bchall in the heK el sharing the heavy damages expe ted m ! ol el tailied Ireni Mr. Iiwes. 'I he eenles. slen vletails the manner m which Mr. Uelt fooled the public and deceived the court and Jury as te his ability as a sculptor, and describes hew he secured the false testi mony given en tlie trial. The cmfe-ssie:, says that Mr. Uelt proposed that Mr. Sehetr should sheet himself in such .iwav as lecalise a slight xveund, and should theu'eharge Mr. Verheydcn, the cluet witness t"r Mr Lawe, w lth nil attempt te murder him This Mr. Schetz refused te de. The reading of the cut, yien was eagerly listened te by a crowd which packed the court i oem, and It has lecenie almost the ole topic in legal and artistic circles. The ceuit promptly ordered the discharge in bauk rupety e"f Mr. Lawes, and he new-proposes te apply for aieversal of the x edict. He will also demand that the geveinment pnv seen te Messrs. Uelt, Scheti and Curtice ter conspiracy and subornation el pcinnv, PERSONAL. Jehn SjlltriMA is said te be the slated Republican i-audidate ler governor of Ohm. s.j:.vateii Ulackbi-hn says that there arc .HsdO applictuits for eflice in 'Kentucky alone. Svl.v says: Lord Welselex-'s suctvss is due te the fact that lie thinks as will as lights. MaIWis hi; Tfncin, halt brother el D'Alembert, has Just celebrated his hund redth birthday anniversary at his home m Paris Mussns. neMVNlis, Dayurd, Pendleton, WiNen of Iowa, in the sieuate, and Cailisle, Curtin, Kclley, llandall nml Keagau in the Heuse, nevcr w cut te college. Tni:onem: Tii.ten is living in Palis, w here he is described as giv ing geed dinners te geed persons, wilting a volume of poems, and mingling in artistk society, Including that of Sarah Uernhaidt. Pnnsmr-NT Aiithuu is siviken of ler the presidency of Union college, his ii ,aatc , when he retires from the national presiden cy, 'jarllcld loekevl forward te a college presidency en leaving the executive chair. Piiixcnss Ukatuici-, bv her iiiarnage w ill beeome sister-in-law te the Prhiee of Uul gari.i und, etirieusly, sister-in-law te her ew n niece, the daughter of the Princess Alhe. who is married te the elder Mether of Ueatrice's bctielhcil. Kvr.it vi. Jacksen ihil Imht bcluud tot- ten bales ut the liattle el New Orleans, us is show n by an examination of the plan of the battle drawn en the Held at the time by 11. Ladelte, assistant engineer in the Louisiana army, lslft. The engraving has lieen pie- scned. and shows the cotton bales in dispute. A rcceid se reliable and Indisputable should buttle the iicslien. Jwn-.s Aiic-lliMi, one l the tluee or foul most distinguished imrtrait painlcLS of Ion Ien Ion deu, lias lately come te New erk unherald ed ami quietly set up his Mudie. He was eliestn by the Ituferm club te jKiiut tlie Kir tndls of Ijirl I! us-el I and Leid Muenuhiv which hang tqHin their walls, und hasjut leeii summoned te Washington te paint the portrait of Mr. Ul.ilne ter the state depart ment. Levvis lliiui ii has luver Ikikii in Wash ington since the assassination et President Lincoln, and has resisted all entreaties te go .1..... vim i i i ... ... : there. iicii uu piays in itaiuuieru iieueis nlavs in are put en sale in Washington, nnd a (-pedal train is usually chnitered te carrj-ox-er per sons xv he want te sce him. A nnniber el juemlneut gentleiucn in Washington are nnw er-0Miil7iiis 'inictly an nddrcbs te tlie great plaver, ltr'liif? him te forego Ids resolution ainl p there and reeclve an ovation. UAMIJ.lt '(. Mvmtr.it. All IlllniiU Mill Who Kills Tiv of IIU I . Unit, MrniiKl'ii. A njieei.il tilegrani te the isu l.euu J,st. liitputeh from I'dwardsville, I1L, Niys . " William IVIia Henry, colen.nl, was liangnd here l'rulayfer the iiiurder nf llenry Itess and Henry IJePugh, both coluretl, and both Miiglumuii. The two inen wure found mur dered in their house at Itoekv J'erk, uiieut six inlle from Alten, in Marxh, lvj.1. The crime was traced te W. I". Ilenrv, win. win arrested, convicted nnd nltervviin'l conics-ed his guilt, liiiriug the last four davs the doemisl nun apis-ared te tlnd great coiwela. tlen in religion, and wan almost constantly attended by clcmv men. Thui-wlav night he did net bleep, lie passed thctiiucjiuivingen the rrcneh hari. (elllng stories und dinging bongs. Tlds morning he dicssi .-.ircrnllv, and at eight o'clock the death warrant vva's read him. "Tlie ltcx. .Mr. Del'ugli, lather nf ene of his victims, xlaitisl the eeudemned, took his iiami ami lorgave nun. Alter joining in lira' ,cr, the deemed man was jimlencd mid I cltothe gallevvH. The l.la.-k'cai "as ml- j justeil, iimrnt lljl-J the trap was bpntinr. and . , .', v iiie lines later ii iu iii.iii was ueail. Wright Lorey was lunged at lieij en 1'n day, hi San rninclsciv, (in August 13, Issi he dcceveil Nicholas Skerrelt, an aged e.nvi tulUt, whom he had pursniiallv known u I a long time, Inte one et Skcrrutt'a empty houses en the plea that he wanted te rent it. Wlide Inslde Lerev told skerrett that he would kill him nnlea-j he wu.d.l g.ve him tt elieeU for a la rye nun c. mencv Hkcrrctt tcrused i, de ilni e.n.i I Ci-e lilKKhcd liim (low It. eciZVsl bun I . tlicihlu-.it and. bv centtnulnc bis ilv il- i ll'-Kr,l liim te death t.er w taserxcsl s mie demenuer en the seailehi, and asseilcd les inms-eiue te the last. His neck was broken by the kill. s,evrlty ns an Mrmcnl et Meral Urlnriii. I'leni the PieTtUcux S - On the uluht of Ins-eniN-i .l. 1SS.I, thiee young men drunken wiili wine, sut around a tavern tire in a Connect.! nt town. When Urn clock struck li 'iie of the young men said: " Ueys the new vcu has i-eme, tit's swoarelland form a h mpt'iaiice seeletv." "l'wassHikcn in Jest. the ethers enteicd Inte the "fun ofthe thing " rttcles of asse- rtatien w ere draw n and sntnisl. The ts'itaUy for violation wus "t.u and leathrrs," and the society becune knew mis the -Tnr and Kent It er Te'iiiiHiranee mk-kIv." and ether young men Joined. At the lese of the year no member laid brnkeu the pledge, and at a "grand ball" given en 1'ce mln-r 31, tSSI. it was agreed te held l i it another year. The society Uulge Is a blue riblmn with a Itunp'er tar llllevl with fe'ilhein attached. Thi shows that In niei d p li'nn uevcllv Is the impeil.uit fcatuic. Al'J.'t'f . etn i . Xlr A. W Itevvlaml e 1'ieMili nee, U L, saj 1 most cheerfully f e muipiirt ltcst s IMilury nna l.lver UtMEDT ie.iisit ml rellable euro fei lildney dlcie. nml u is the only medicine 1 have ever reiiuit thai dues xavtlv w-hat It 1 no ne xcitlkml te de." jlJ-lvxrtrmlAw Xlnintcr mil viti"r. i.ilin ell dlseac He ienics .Tlihul lav lla tlen lakes n seal ami Invites himself te stay Ile takes possession mid remains until he is diivcnent Wlii-thei in (tic form of neiirnlBta. ilvpepla. liver trouble ei vlttatefl blimd, dla eiuies, writes Mr It 11 Wltllams, of I.lnden. Ms , "anil lli-evvn's lien llttters cniTrt me after eth r remwlles fjlltsl 1 heretere, buv llnivi it's Iren Mliem of veui itrmKlt kihI vast Iho monster, dvupenula out i trrrr.it i-ikmi si-n vtkis ,i. eik sr VTC n-VVIIER. Ainvsv V Y . Mnnlill, ls. 1 uraleim time it 1ms lien mv habit te tnr llRjtsDBVlu's Pais. Intact llinve eldeui hml eicnstiin te use iinv ether uicdlcluc, and it Mlerds me sroet pleasure I" say that for bilious liens, dyspepsia, and llic etbet 111 of the syatrra, te hich men In pnt lie lite ure morn apt than ethers te be subject tin v me sn Invaluable rem idv Jiilix i J t Ull-s I ei l ousilpatlen Indu-stien foul stemaih. IMzilncss nml llemliich.', no luedlrlnn pquuU 'llrtindreth- Pills " Veir und simple, contain ing no mercury, thev itu- ibe tauillv medlclni" vhest anil sufe gntiid ill i iuim s TLLI(.10L"S si K ILL-. WILL ; held in the i,.IIhiiib thurvhes te morn n In the morning nt 1" m In tbc I'venbiR at 7 1 Minduv sihoel at I !-" p in When the hum Is dllleixnt It Is speel'itlv ii"tcl MCMentvtt Phesbv ri.i t)-sniuli fjuecn stiect Services merninit hm 1 evening ut the usiinl hours MiiDatli -tins'' e r, p rmver meennK Tllltlailiv exeiltlti; VViUeinc In jll Ttlelnan ninnisiin. pastei ntiviT lUrtlsr Cecil, h Y M I lioems Ucv M t'rayne past it smidnv s, hisjl nt 1 p m -Ecot 1.vaeklii L t LmxHsh ), en lulberrv striet. above Orangi 1 W ertnaii, pastor rccitcrilng nl 10-30 a in andutT la p ui s,inm, sihoel nt i p. ui. llevlv at services everx even lutf dining the vveek except en Saturday m 7 , shin t n but 1.1-riir.u.vs. tnri.cn West htng stiert E L Heed paiiei sumjay school at IX, p in tiHKB Lctuecvs Leiner of North Queen nud.lamis street lt.v 1 Ivtn lleupt pastei sen b c-, at lu SO a m anl 7 l'i p m sineMi t,t J p in H t Miaates W m 1'enlik ptstm Prce h toil In the meriilnu Kiel iviningbv thepitsbir siindny m hif.il at I l'i It- v tvnt s.ivicestveiv evening X LEctlnr will rs iHltvrii'il tliis ivrninu in West Mls,ien, bv the pastei, entitled A Irlp te l.nisland " Music will be fiirni-hi.il bv mem bri-ef the College I, tec I !ul TIip iidinlssien will 1 tnn, hut a basket collection will betaken tn aid of the Mile and Litentrv eclctv Ilr.renaED(sr Lcee'si MatiettauMinie, It, v Win. I Llchltter, puter IMv Int- services mi 10 . a innndTlJp ui Sunday school at 2 p m Prehdvtcrian Preaehlm: In the meriilnic and evening by the pastor, Itev J Mitchell. 1) 1 1 laaT ItE'renMEU sei vk cs b)-uiorrevT morning b lir. i: V. (..crhait and in the evening by Her. I) W. Ccrharvl, of -New Helland euucla) sch.iel at 1 M I xitee ISnETunEs ix i nnisTfl evesvst) West Oraniju street, bttween Mulljerrv aud C narlelt" trerts, (fernierlj known us sfcm) llev M J Mumina. pastor l'r, aihinir tnerninp and even Inu su,idrt schiHit ,e - p te Ui viviil serx lcs durinc the week. si l'Art. s Illrim serx-lec morning and en n liiu snnitav bchoel at 1 I p l stes llETUEt Uv O W Preaching at 10.-30 a m , and set vices durlnir the week cilhamcr, paslnr : I 1 p in lt v Iv itl (.olieee t iivi-Et Divine service ut 1 m n m bcniien bv lii v 1 G pple, li It st I'aii 9 Jl 1 Lntani services ineriilni: and t veiling b th' pntui sundav sthinl ut 1 15 p m MeRAVivf J Max H10V iwsiei 1", m litany and sermon . .' p ui slln,i,r .rheil . 7'4 p m . ev, nteg service itrv W iietste've will preut h le moirew i.nn flavi evenini in Getwala chapel at 7 1j T Jehns 1.ciueka Itcv svlvanu. stall. pastei Preaching In the merulnir and eveuinu nyiiev. aucoe mih'i. ,U V . et cwbcrn , s Sunday school ut I IS tiv I.IICBI.U. I I'hlludelidiia. will .1 11 Hibbard. D I), of pliia, will erei n to-niurrew nierninuat il heui. In Liu4 s building Netlh euv, n the usual sfi el, und alseiidnilui-lct tiie s ,, rim,nt el the I rd v supper. luipracrnicclInset the Wemnn.il hilstuin Icmiitranc Union will bn held at nuuitti pa-t i o'clock te-morrow rsimday) afteruixin in the Wc-t Mission 51 K church, .Veith Charlette htriet, aud wUl Ik h Id by the iwster The weekly meeting of the l'nlen Ishelden I ucsday nncrnoenat 3 o'clock, in the hull et M c A Seuth Ouien street liOOhs. JOHN ISA UK's. Sij.N-s. BLANK BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS. CASH BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, &c r nir iiHuiisieijL ei JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nes IS and 17 North Queen St. I1IA1IIKS I'UK 1SS.'). A KILTY Or r nil. i. sl s VXllsli 1 K- MiKslnlti. iii- JOHN BAER'S SONS, Noe 15 and 17 North Queen St. Sci-.iii IIiMiks ant! St'itip I'iclinvs in i.ia v i vit 1 1:1 r Tin; ui)iikiih:k hi JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nes 15 and 17 North Queen St. f'i-iAsn.i:-. V MAKTIN. irMi QUEENSWARE. - QUEENSWARE. CHINA HALL, 1. AIIHUrr'I.IMM. VMM; (IF Queensware W SI'IXI l. PltUl.s. - I Tea, Dinner, Breakfast TeileFSeits, Sx. Gtir all mid ce the w.nc and bctite lUrtrnln. TT, ., n , Uinh AT ItTe TT1 TI Uliill 06 llLcll lllli, j"",-Oj"l VA' -"-U.WX UXJJ.I NO. 15 BAST KINO STREET, l.AMASTI.i:. '. "ANTKI) I..VIIY r.NT.S l'OH H I LX I'ltOTl.iTOIt,- dal.y itecklnif in J Wirt .ujiperturK, theiilder hniee, buttles, be.i.in tennn, iliee hlc!d, wifely bcit, sleeve proieitera etc t entlixlv new device, unpreee lLicli.r-iflt , we luve Seu u-entvi uiukluglUO ' iihli Addixss with ft nun 1., II I VllPltl.lLAf ), j.uil'limcnl Xe.yh, May hl.tl'ICiiBO. it vnt's Ki:.Mr.m-. HUNT'S lilPM M 1 It I It REMEDY! Nevor Known te Kail. It t mrs when nil eltHirmeillelnrs full, n tt net itliectlv nml nt onre en the Klilnrvs, l.lver ami flewrls, li'sterlnp them te it hnnlthy m-tteii. It Is a n'lli'i sum iiii1ihc1j Hire, and hniulix-ilj h.ivu Ik wii turrd tv it when phvslrtsiu ml trlcuili bail Rtv en them tip Iedic. His lieili a "S.ire fare" ami .1 ''Specific'' It trill. s all lilsen.es of the Kidneys, l.lvei, llladder ami t'rliiaiv (inninsi Htupiv, t,r.ivel, Dlnbetu. llilithl's Disease, Nervous Htseases, Kxecs.ci', tcinnle Winkiiesses, .tnmidlce, Sour s0111,ici, livspcnst.!, loiutlrcitlen. Pile., Pnlus In the Hack, Leins und Side, lielru lien or Nun Itetentteii et Uilne 1 ii vr onreoists :- '.ivi .v viu. n. S'nd tei Iihisti ucd Pamphlet et -am I esit uienlaNtil biittilH t uies HUNTS REMEDY CO , l'rev lilcine. T. I UOV III ITI'Its tinn unit rsi w vv it n """s"s ii a it it ii n w w vv w , v c n Itnn MRU e e WW WW s-.V sj es H It n It O t WW WW V N S - J hHU H U OO W W JJ pb4a It ItKR OO VV S II 11 II II II N N V II unit O V .V N II U K II O V NN II 11 U OO N .SM It !l II t t v k r r H i.bh n t r VK miit ,:hs1 n n ii i i r k k A Itim 11 I T KFR U It PSSS' I hWu.Hlktf-p, MMiiMtilns 1 1 mi with vuie "s e' tiiMe tonic. iiulekl ami f-iHtipletrU Cl 1S HV-'IT.I'-I . IMilltElON. AfAL VIM V, H'Kr- IM1M KK III (KIP. ill I I.I.) nml 1 K hUmulNhl It.M.ltlA. Ity nip til nml thnruu,;li uluiHiillni Hli the IiUxmJ il rciii'hiM ?rr jmit nf thii itrin, iui1- iii--i Hml pnntnee me ihixhi, niinuuiiirn inn mu-cU' utitl ncl, -,ntt tone ami ui lynntp the j-ti,'ii. tliirt Appftiirt IV-t tunic Unemi It ill nut) the Mtrt cu-e of PjpepMii. ih iuu lug nil iINtrt-lng tnptumt, iiii h ui Tint ing the FtMrtl, IlitiliiR, Unit lu tlie Muiniuh, llrHrttiuni, etr riif itnlv lnn incltcliie thnt will imt tttAikpti or tnjuiv the t'th It U lnvuluable tnr iltp.r prcullat tt women, rt ml tu all porenf m he leiul i-iMlrntarv U c u uiiuUtug rrmeil Iurtlieitc3 of the I.Ivci ami Milne l'ereii. "siitriMliiK liem the rirnct of overwork, mneiiH Uuiiblra, U nf npp ttte, or liability, xpTr1eiHequi. W ri liuf ami it-nenvil nciv " Us u-l'. Il din' net fiinM Ilontlaclie or proluie C until patlen il I'll Kit lien metllclnc-i ue. It in the enl iiopiinillen of Iren th.it cnui-n no litjurten rtruit l'hslel:in- nml tlmltt-t rereuiiiienil It a the tct. Trr It. The tfcimtne ha Initie Mm uml eit)-. tl led line- en wniniier luke no ether. Mmloenly by UUOWN HIK.MICAK CO, lUrTlMenie, Mu, 'I'I'UmI.vI) v. .iMC7fr.M:-rr. T. KAT1.KS (K 1TIINAI i. U BEST 55 STEAM ENGINE -A"s U Beiler Works, HESTERS -(JK- FURNACES ion l'rivate Ihu-lliiiiis, Sfhoels iintl Pull lit tuilIiii-s. Cull ami ui' tlieni. Muile el liiuty liim, sliu )ile of coiisiriictleu, ilunihlii, ('(.iMieiiiitiii, tiie most llvilluilng si,rla(,, ()t y ii,.,nir in tlie uiurUi't Nothing Oheap But the Price! OUR OWN PATENT. llii I1114 hreu In uue tn nuiiiy uf thv Iuimi'h reDhlcnteH lu l.niicjutrr In the pul Uti )cainl the brat of uvl-lenic of IIh merits. Uii nt Jelin Best & Sen, Ne. 33 HIST FI'LTOX STIIEKT, Jan l.vl l,v. - I.ANCASlKIt, 1'A, HAVING UI.SSOl.VKl) I'AHT.VjniSIin ami iH-iiiiiiiiviitly tleti'd tlie Chestnut fctint 1 1 nn Works, 1 ilcsliu te luierm my elil lutiiiiisiiiul tliu iiiinllc Kiincrully, tlial lam still In tliu biisliiiiD, ljflnjr liicatt-d In Iho 1'enii Iren Ceinpanj'a WuiKs, .Neitli riuin strcet, vrlicrn 1 urn iiuikiiirf lien mill Unit LastliiKAef evcry ilc ni'ilptlen, unit will lie jili-ascU te M-rva nil Mini may l.ivur inn vvjlh llii-lr iiati-eniiKx. Frem I') yciM vxirlHiicn l the biilii(is anil uslnjr tliu nest ni.iliTl.il nml i'liililu Ink llmlirntliieclmiilCH, I utn kitiitli'il 1 1 mi giianiiiU'ii entire KutUfiictlun. C'.intliins uutilu fiem a lultture nf lien nml stvrl vvhlcli .uu nieiu lrll.ililn for stivnijtli umlilnni. Iilllty limn tliu lust vast iron known. V troth roll pinion. relUnnil lolling mlllviuik h spec lull v. Castings niiiiloef cry sett Ireu.iinillmins cistlnss of in cry ili-ncripllen. 1 Inn e nil tln put-ti-msef tin) vi I'll anil liivernbly known ilewtfr Cern unit Cob inishur, letlttcil nnd luiprevinl. also en linnil. .Mills (einpli-tcly litted up or In parts, te lcplace elil out-s vv hicli have been In ue fei cirs, uiiuniiitrrliiKlhcnitnKlvnaallsiiiotlen. It. C. .McClTI.I.KV. anz-lM'ma tth.i)QUauti:us l'en thi: INDIAN MklllCIM:", Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -Ar- Lecher's Drug Stere .0,UlAbT KINO ST., IJincuetcr, l'a. mirsi.niiMsini uoens. -1-s.l.tNX A HHi:M'MN HOUSEFURNISHING. We ure new tniiiiuruetiirliiK n remplntu line or OLD STYLE- TINWIR.D. We ttBe only tlie best Tin und employ only tlie bout. Mcehnulcn tintl our Wtire In tuiporler te tiny te be hud In the eltv Tliore bun been anotlier Great Drep in the Price of Steves and Ranges. I'xiuiilne our Stock bofevo biiylmr FLINN & BRENEMAN, LARGEST STOVE STORE, Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. init'As m intuitu Tl'ST Ol'lNi:t. Ghristmas 1884. x Zahni's Gerner 1884. JUST OPENED 1IIK I IUil -r MM III. MM sT ui French Clocks, lirrers and Bronzes W I II V k I I II I VUIMI l Music Bexes of All Grades. A FULL LINE OF GOODS TO SUIT ALL TASTES. ZAHM'S IKI'I CUUtK'S IMSl'IT II Ml. BARGAINS! SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Selling Off te Cleso Business. I'Vl'K Villi Mi JUST lUSITIVi:r.V UK SOLI). lull I lupnf IIOI Illtl S. s p s, ,,,,, x i,, ,!,,,,( lM.l; N ( MII'lTs, III l,s. IH.AVMT" M' ini US, mil OIL I 1.1)111 ALL AT A SACRIFICE. I'l ilnpl H nllell Vlivi n tn till Mnuiifin till. i, It it; I illpi U t,. iihIi-i lit SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. WestiKing and Water Sti , Lancaster, Pa li I .'. .'II ..H ltlt JJ' evi:its a in itvr ANUARY H K sI VI. 1. Ol I WHITE, SCARLET and GREY BLANKETS At feiratlv Reiluntl IT!' i-. te rlesfi tml the I'.ntiM- I t a xrv ile net ncint leturr-. th tn itxvi tb rain Ktiueinlier, we Iriliu t 1 cr tint liuim mrv Ca-th Kale COMFORTS. LIK;vnt lliir tin losneut vrlth Iiiimm rrnt cli ilurlid fruni th'itt ( nsliSuIr ( AN ION I I NNI.ls fiem 5 cents pir vaitl up sn,.l lN(, AN li S-IIIll I I.Nu Jll s i.n, ai uL t I mi Piln with in )irr r.-ut ilPdurtcil fiem i mtv Mh isulii U n upi'ii tediiv i .tni Hub uu iIIUps In l, nnd l Inch I'll. I (IH t SL Ml sl,l.Nsut Lew Prices, wiih lupvi i,m cKilui tul timi i ,uir ( ih s,ip NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Black Silks and Black Cashmeres. Vt'r offer tlieni low, with ID in.rd.il dcduriid limii i virv I .ish si(, pu l.i ,ii ikikkII i, J-OU will lit- sin-,, tesnvit iiinnev en eiir purrlui-! st ns OurMeie will rlesiU ut ti p lu ixs pt sutiinliiv -, mini tiiiilii t nutn r BOWERS Nes. 26 and 28 North N lXT UOOK TO THi: I'Ol UT HOl'SI . FAHNESTOCK'Sj HOTJSE-ETJRnSIIIN& BET &00DS, IN I'l' AM1I1I s l FAHNESTOOK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Prisons Leinuicnclni! lietna'kcrpliiif ei tlns nlniiit te l-iilriitli. slmulit it im-mln'i tliat 0111 leia Is stecki'd with rases mid bulcs of sfil.l. I INi.S AMI stlllt ri.N'O Ml "sl.l.Ns, llli'in liiil mid l'u llenchcil, In Hll tlie vnrluns vi Mills und fiiidtii, beugtil ler rush ut lewci jirirt-s lliiui wcr liefeiu W new n, nnd will be sold necenlliiBl v Alse (Hlinrlird and I liblfUClii-dT'lblc Linen, TewiKflun-tilluu, Niiiiktim, '1 U kliiurt,. tlicckn, etc , i-tf. Alse, lllunkets, lotufeitK, ('iiiltx, Ceuuteriuiu-H. Imktv It- d I'lilifu nnd stand tevnr, t te , iilu Alse, t'arptlH, OH Lletli und liUK' R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. -iHi:.Yr sreiti:. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE. Ib new lull of Sheeting; and Shirting MubIIiib of nil tlie Popular Makeu in nil Widths nnd Qunlltiea, ut lewer priccw thtm ever bot'ero. Tickings of nil grades under the regular prices. Table Linens from Auction from 20 cts. up te SI SO per yard Napkins nnd Tewels in large assortment. Counterpanes from Auction. m? NEVER BEFORE SO LOW..?.. Metzger & Haugliinan's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER. llftwti'ii tiie Cooper lleun und Seiiel lloie Hetel. poeit, wiirrn.v ve., CIBANKERS.I& I'ltlMK HAIMVA V M'CI'WTII'S AI.JVATi " ON 1IAXI1 I'OU INVKVrill'.NT. JIlllliraiH.lh lleul i:tute i H'i' eut. lieuiN for wile ut 101 .mil iuteiest. PnipileleiH or "Poer'n Jlunuulef Itullwuja." loiiespendoniu Invlltd. 45 Wnll Streot, New Yerk. ectl-lydcfHl IIEY CAN ALL COPY ni'T NONK can tnuiil tliu llnvniiH bellow Krrnt .V tl "" IIAUTJIAX'SYEM.OW f ity.NT CIGAU b'lOKL'. .i.vii maivrx VI CORNER. is, ,(('. BARGAINS! M lilllllf: I U (Il It sTOl Iv Ol COMFORTS. & HURST, Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. C1TOUAOK n -am- COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, PA.N1KI. MAVIIII, decMjd Itl Vet CliCstniit btlxet. vreTiri: te Titicsi.!s.si:ns and XI lirNM-'ltsi. All persona mil lieitliv- fei lilililen tnli-tuipuss en liny of tlie IiiiiiH of Hi i.'ei-nwiill ei'bptidwi-l i-htnti-i, in Li bnneu nnd Ijiih ustrr teiintliM, wlirtliir lu-le.nd orunlii erunlii orunlii ele.ed. cither fei llie punni-n er.hwiiiiut or illi liiff, u. tlie law will be rfcidlj enteu-ed niniliisl till iixMuwsliii; en smd it 11 b of tlie undvrtljriicd niter tliU netieu, JVM COI.EWAS V I! HUMAN li l'i:itl Al.lll.N', UnVAIllll HlbllMAX. ... ., AUeuii'yftjrlt. W CeUuiuu' lieiw. ectll-tfd&vv fP" NALE! A