Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 17, 1885, Image 1

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H.YSSKS S. (illWT.
irejr.i.v mt iiis hi 1 1 in it
ruiiTi'xi: axii nrrrsi n it.
A ltccupltiilstlniiiir Seiim-iiCI Im Main Iuilih nl
of Mr. VV. II. Vaii'ti-rlillt'i tlini'Mei-
Offer te Mr. lirnnt-llii IM-
ll-lln lli'fmnl.
Slnce llie Ullure el Grant V Ward last
prlug, General Orent lias Ikm'ii In sued n
position financially us te distress Ills friend,
nnil te set ihem about providing ineuus for
his rolief from business nuxlaty. Tbim far,
hnwover, nothing has been contilved lei this
purpose which has Iwi ncreptcd. 'Ihu
Scnate bll te ponslen llic genenl uAe
thousand dollars 11 jour for liii, beginning
with the (Inte of his retirement Inim tlm
presidency. oveke.l from lilin mi unm!i.
tukably emphatic no. A movement by rich
friends nfthoillustrieuAsoldlcrnud stntcinan,
te tide him ever his llin'Ullirs wan In its
turn promptly "squelched" by lilin. Mom Mem Mom
ever the prlucely gouereslty of Mr. W. II.
Vandurbilt, In thn shape of u' proposed gift te
Mrs. Grunt, has been it-fused by tint ladv.
The proposal te obtain from Congress mi m t
n storing li t in te the tinny us n retired otllcer,
but wltli full piy, has been only no nd-saiu-ed
as te ImCe resolved nil "aillruiative
vnti' In tin.' i';. A Mliluspnsul feclhiKel
admiration mid gratlmdu towards the soldier
who did iniirh te sve thn Union, will
surclv net in) I'ontent wllh Icsi than the
knew b iIk his iinsfertuins hnte Imtii
Mrs.'n n nun iiplNXirs in cenuri'ticui
with thfin, ami she is apiln premliU'iitly If If
fercn publi'' ulie knew licrse well durliif;
ihu eiglit vfain In which Rhe pn-sldisl as
" iiiwi" el the White Heuse. The isjiitrnst
n'tween the reason of llie publicity of her
iianie then and new Is nuiulul. As' nilMrt'si
f the ostsjiUUe mansion slie was an admir
able lawless, estcemi it by all who enjoyed
her micenslns hospitality j us the wife of an
uufortunate v.ti;r:iii, he appears eon mere
suitably, us a woman M mi if; te endure with
lilin iudcpendi'iitly and with dinniii, tin
storm winch has ewntaUrn him.
It appears fn in published eerreinnib'in'0
tluiteii May 4 last, f.cneral tiraut ealltd en
Mr. V. U.'Vanilerbilt, NcwiYerls, and lr lr
rewevt from that g ntluniau the sum et ;l"0.
ikxi, as he beliewd te r:irry the Marine
National bank ever a d iv, be tit? nssunnl that
the bank wns solvent, bill owing te unusual
tills needed assMnncn until It ismlil I in
its leans. During the next twenty-four
hiiurs n widely ilitlerent oeudltlon of
thhijrs was reivalel as te the condition
f the UidU mid both it and the firm
t (jMnt A Ward susiendi'd. i.eneral
and !rs. ijiant llien'm en sent Mr. nmlor nmler
I lit deeils of thi ir leml ir..srti'i busixer
the obligation incurred in the livin. These
were retuined, but durinfr Mi. Vnnderbllt'H
abs' nis' In Vurope the tteni'inl ilellteieri te
his attorney nn 'rtuaires upon all liU own real
estate, household etlei-ls, mid the suenls.
medals and works of art winch were the
ineniflilaUcf hfe vhlnrics, and the presents
from Kovcriimenlsall ever Ihu weild. 'I'hose
sccuritlc'i, whi' h wvie thmiht bv ieu.
eral t.nni te Ixi worth si.ji,ihi. the
mneuiit of the debt of honor In- had m
cttrred by this transaction with Mr. Viindor Viinder
hilt, after ncenaary steps by juiljriiicut, etc.,
te rcduisj these pnipeities te possession, wote
bellghtiu bv Mi. ViinderbiU, ami the amounts
bid applied in i eductien of the debt. Mr.
Vandeibilt thurcupen wrote le Mrs. linnit
presenting le her as hoi sepir-.te estate the
debt mill JiulnniL'iit he held airiiliiHt her lius
b.ind, also the mortgages upon ttcneral
lrant's real estate, mill all llie household
tiiriiilure and ornaments, leupled with
the condition that the awards, eoiumis eeiumis eoiumis
meiis, meilals, gl(t-s freui the I'uiteil
htatc. cltiei and lerclgu geverniiicnts and
all article! of historical aluc and tntorest,
should beat the general's death, or Hoenur,
prrscntid te the gosernuicnt at Wailiiugteii.
lu ix ply te this Mi's, liraut dtvllncd l!m
piuiKisliieji excepting the trust which applieil
te aiticlcs i iiimieratcd te go te Ihu govern
ment et the Inued hUtes. In icply Mr.
Vaudurbilt insisted uku his purpuie, and
announced bis Intention as fast as money
should be teethed from the sales of the real
estate, te depisit It in the Union Trust com
pany, and wuh the money thus realized le at
once create with that cenijiuny a trust, with
proper prowsiens for the income tu be paid
te Mrs. l.raut dining Iter life, and giving the
power te her te niake such disposition of the
prhulple by her will as hIie may elect.
Uencral Grant acceeded te this loiptvet, but
Mrs. Uiaut sulROijiicnlly w Itlulrew her con
sent. Her action is net mirprlsmg te theso who
knew her iiitiuulely. It will be bome in
iiiiud when her triumphs as hostess el the
Wliite Heuso will be teincmbcied only as a
nit: m:.u Avi.r.ivmtn.
A lati Whom tlie t'ewlmjs Salil TiiiKti'il
ClillUitlmi and Cot I'lmireil."
The Kail of Aylesferd was liked and
pitied at his home in Colerado, Texas, a cen
tre of the catllciiKii. He was gcuei ally admiied
rei Ins splendid physical appeaiancc, and It
was usual te speak of lilin as the "llnest ani
mal lu TcxaV Ile bceined te be full of
geed nature, without clioice as te his com
panion -i, deeply intimate with none, but en
tiee and easy terms with all. In business
trans.ii liens he lacked bcuse. Uu put up
Jlii,eOO earnest uioiiey for thu puivhase et a
biuu'liel cattle home time age without the
slightest prmpust of being able te complete
the puielinse, and thoeensofpieiico was that
he lest his money. He wen sympathy by
this tranacsitien, bocaiise the generous cow
men thought that he was tee Noxerely treated,
lie ewnud a small let or eattle near Dig
spilngs, mid lived upon his ranch in a nils nils
enible lltlle pine house. Ilewasa Miinilslug
eoiiHimier of vhiskv and bialidy, und when
he began te drink he lest all leg.ud ler
money, msupiees were neer nun. nv
Melencc. nnil he wu nlwuyscuvd ler by his
mero sober acnualntanees. He iliepped Inte
the Texas btyle gracefully, and went about
in a lluuuel ubirl, top boob), big spins, leather
leggings, hombreie, and (dicker. He was
fend e!" hunting ipiail, pralrie chickens and
antelope, uul eagerly shot all the el"s be
unlit get within range of. Veiy little was
known heie et bis ileiucttlc trouble, lie
iliepptsl his title, se ihat niuiiy did net knew
that he pe,tecsd one. He was called Ayles
ford. Ile had a meiry laugh, and was recog
nized ns a jellv fellow at the bar.
Tlii'ie was Heiuethlng pathetic about his
lire liere when he was nober. He would ride
ler Iieum and hours ever the pmlrles all
alone, and at night would walk about en his
ranch looking up at the ky, us though in u
icvcrie, iHibreken nave by the howl of the
eoveto. lie was restless, mnl seemed te leve
u. well us te hate Knglund. Howusauxleus
te hoeemo n eattle king, seeing the growth
ii m i imeasall around lilin, lint did net
n'.'into L-j alile te conti-el any large kuu
uteiwy X one time.
Wlcn lie went le Lugluud lift year Im
Mid lie will going te sui'illlce Ills Income for
years for mi advance large cuniigd l eniible
him In go Inte llie imHU' liiiHlnr- iw be
dosiied. Tde eowhevs weie limed attached
lu Aylosretd. They never cuti Im innde te
Imlluve Hull tin1, ill ad i'.ii I was oilier than in
D ey oxpiess It, "ili1'.. v Im tackled civ III.
iillnii mill get Hei" "I." Tin v i'iih In' tiusled
te leek nllci his uileists until some nun
conies te rrllcve ilnni. Ills properly hem Is
net large, nnil lit) li.ul ii'it hud II long cmeiikIi
le begin te draw u luvriiiiu fiem II. It will
take seme time tn ltd till' nesussary in . i
here, nutheiiliu; the sih ut liN much, In
the mean time tlie t.itvei hfleiiicliig In lilin
will he branded lit llm hum iniinilii, mid tlm
iiei'l euttln will he shipped iitiuu iiiu spring
mi) account ei ills I'-niie. i in general
comment unen hi
ll.'llll I- 1. 1 III. It K
'PiH.r ilosfenl."
.1 ne.i.i.v ii.i.vk nwtisiitnt
MllhilmwM Her IH'"i1! fniiu the nrn. mnl
'1 hl'J 1 "it 1 1 In CnHS'iilrlMr.
Ihf general surprlse at the lai go liabilities
of J. J. f'lsce iV Sens was satlsllisl when It
wns understood that Mis, C, II. (liecu alene
was a depositor te llu: exlent ofalieilt J1,ivki,.
bed. The lailuie was prcclplLited, In fact, liy
the jioremplery demand of Mrs, (
a large miiiii r.inulil be transferred at once le
u b.mkMhlch she named. Theltrm has Iks-ii
her agent ciersince It was estulv.
llhlied, and held the bulk of her sis'iintli's lu
lb. v mils. The f.iiltuewas r.nixeil euliiely
by the large ilem mils of Mrs fiiecu, who
was the pi .no p.ililrNisller.
Mm.(rei n, whose maiden u.ime was Ilettie
IIoiiliiseu, has been leputed for many years
le Im the tidiest w'emiin III llie 'United
Slates. Her foititne Is estimated at Ireni
thbty te feily million-, ami it may bestill
larger. She is exceedingly careful in her ex
penditures, and fclie lias elwavs kept the
mauaemenl of her fottuue fn her own
hands. She has been largely Interested in
ths I.euisllln ,V Naslnllle 'i.illnud since
her husband was connected with it, and
while he was president of the company nlie
Imught the seeiiritles frecl v. It w as tnjiertcd
rrlila.V that she diinandel the tninsfer el her
deposits when the iiiade that
uer misiianil s aiveuiu sihiiiui ne cuiirgeil
against her own.
.wri i:i.i .1 rei.'sj; iiiir.r.
Hum He Vl.lli il Ctliiiiittla mnl ItrtilMlril Willi
.lllllllicr Sl.lll' llillnf.
I'riilay uieininga man gitnig his name as
II. II. I.ucas bieught a Hue herse worth ?'JiK)
te Metter's stable, llanisbuig, anil ettered te
sell him for 100. Suspecting that wimething
was wieng lletl. Dclwellcr, te whom llie
herse wu9 etrered, ipive I.ucas J.i te bind
tlm bargain telling lilin ut the Kamu t line te
call In the aiternnen and get llie lest of the
iiienc. Chlel Uimlis in the meauthue hml
roeclved ailispnch from Constable Wtttick,
of Columbia, giMng e descrlptleii of a herse
that had he n stub u ticar that place en the
night pre loin and elleiing rs) reward for
Us nsewr). Th" telegram was placed in
the hands nt Olflier l.eiu. l)ctts'tie Abe bud tss?u liiteriinsl by Detv eiler and
iin liiM.'stiifatien it was leiiiui that the de de
Kcrlptien Khun m the telegram tallied nx
aetly u itli Ihe unimal etlered for sale. When
Lucas returned for llie Uilam-cel bis money
lie was nrrmttsl and miifuMcd his guilt. lie
w us jailed te aw alt aetien of the owner of the
horse. I.u-sis has be n in trouble before ami
bis bnither his also serMsl time for Mirieus
etrensts. I In was taken te l.-iueirsier last
night In ehaitr" el Censtable Wittick.
The bcletige I te Chi K. New comer,
of Washington iKireiigli, and was a large
unimal, dark hay In color. We loll his sta
ble deer tinlei ki.d en Thursilav uislit, and
the thief isiely cnicrcd, put n Nubile and
in idle oil the animal.
and is i ik.Iv in. tile oil
te (Kiits unknown
iir..ivv sMiir sr;:is.
I lie l.rsilrl IllWurit of tin' Winter Ki'perli'il
In the NiHtliei.t.
s'clnl dlsulclies from nil jxirts et Iowa
und isi-en-tii, and IlHt'-ls, iudii-ate the pre.
ulenre of one of tln weist snow storms of
the winter, lu Iowa tti snow Is remitted te
be ladly drifted, and in a uunilicr of instances
trains liave been uKuuluiitsl. Thn east lieiind
pisseugtr train en the Illinois Central re.ul,
dun at I)ubuiUu en Tridav uieriiiiig, was
abandoned id ietlJC City, und, owing te the
hue suen dulls and high winds, miiew
plows mid gangs of men areat work en all
the lines cndc.ueiiiifr te kc p tin ti.nks
. leaf.
Ilisixy i.iin storms aie iciUcl from I'lits
burg .nid I uicinmiti. and it is feared at both
plmsss Ihat tlm nviTs will oiertlew their
lu some plucen hi Iowa the drills upon llie
railroads nre theiis,iuds of fuel long, mid the
depth in miiiid pluces averages ever eight feet,
ltepoitsthew tluil lu but few places is the
tlieiuionicter Ik'Iiiw zero.
Kllluil ami Iturncit licr lliistiauil.
Win. Druse, a farmer in moderate eiiciuu
st iiiccm, living in the town of Warren, Hnrki
nnr isiiinty, three miles from lEIchlleld, N.
Y., has been missing fei it mouth. He had
finipiciit ipianels witli his wife, and for i-ev-euilda.vs
it was iiiuinred that his wife had
ninrdcred him, cut and burned the body and
nlaced the bones in n swamp. An ae, owned
tiv Dritu'. was found lolled lu paper at the
liotleU! of WcaHierbee's ikiiiiI, en Saturday
last. A nephew of Mia. Druse, niuncil Oati'K,
aged Is, was "simecied" by the neighbors
and ceiilessed that she had sbet her husliand
while he (Oates) and her win were out el the
house. L'peiHiales' return Mrs. Ill Use put a
ieh' aieiiiul his neck and eempulled him te
llie into the body. Tlie it mains of the
murdered man were then bullied mid the
bones which lemaiiied were luirled. The
(sloref burning llesh was noticed in the
vicinity of Diuse's house en December lb.
Mis. Druse and (iatosare new iiuiler ariest.
It is said Ihat Ihe woman has admitted hei
guilr. An unpinst is new in piegnus. Mrs
Druse has a brothel in New Yolk.
I'reli sting .t;iiliist Interim- r.lliitlnj;..
A pretest of thelxKiid of directors of the
Peiinsylvaiila Academy el Tlue Aits against
the purchase by the government of n por per
tiait of lieneral (.ioei'so II. Themas by Miss
Hansom and the painting of the electoral
commission by Mis. 1'assett Ins been trans
muled te the Heuse of llepicseutatlves. The
pretest contains the following lesolutlen:
"That ibis academy does earnestly but re-
siectlullv pretest against the eontiiiuance of
tlie pracllce uv tlie government ei purcnas
lug lufurler pictures ter exhibition In the na
tional halls of the country, theicby ilegrad
inur Ameriuin ait and the work of American
in lists, net only in the eves of this country
but also In tho'eplnlon of cultivated foreign
el's new se constantly visiting among us.
This aeadeiny, theiolme, urges tlie passage
of Mich laws as will provide against tlie future
purchase und ohlbllien efw in thless pictures
mid llie earulul seloctieii of such us It may
be desirable tnaciiulre."
M'rliHi.Mnlailv Among WiuKincii.
The people of Akren, Ohie, me much con
coined ever a selium malady which has
prodratedaeilof the 7m) men employed In
Aulliiian, Mlller.V Ce.'s mower and leajier
win ks thorn. Mauyotheis throughout the
city me also suffering liem the tumble. Thn
Hyniplenis nre violent purging and griping
pains in tlie stomach ami bowels, while the
victim sull'eis eieriiclatlnij agony. Ne deaths
haveyct been reported. The euuse of llie
trouble has net been located.
Twe Mile lt.Kca nt the Jlilill.
Uist evening the llrst of a seticsei two twe
iiiiln laces was given at the Miennerehnrilnk.
The skaters were Musters Harry Strlue,
smart Wylle, Jehn Uekert ntld IM, Tiever.
The last nuincd went around but ouch ; an
accident happened te one of hisHkiitemmd he
wtibdiew. Y'eiine; 'vlie nbived en the
Hack iiulil the race was about ludfevur when
he wascomixilleil te withdraw also, iitiluu
and Uckert llnlshed, the leriuur vvhiuiiig.
Tin' time was 7:'!-. w Inch is very geed.
I'lipiei'i'di'iitcd t-'rnp r Cern and Wlu-iil.
Tde annual lOiKiit of tde depaitmcul of
agrlctilturu at Washington, new in piess,
makes the icisarit of corn invluctieti for the
year 1SSI, UOa.iH.m.l.iiWbushulsi that of wheat,
nearly 013,000,000. und el eats, 5sJ,oue. Theso
aggregate are the largest ever recorded.
The i.ite of ylcM eVUn dels ter corn, li
for and J7 l t r e;vi r.,,. net lie
111,'Uivs for permanent iccerd
iin:vmnivnv.s ami iiii: nu.Ai tints
ami wiiai t rnitr.srs rnt:u.
iil el llllrri'sl AleiMig the llliri-rrnt Itill-
ltt HeiliMlllll Itleill Vtllie IMPIMsllill nf
I rein illiitiNeiv Slnry nt l.btrnbi
mnl finileii-t Imnli New..
A i unit loiilempemry pilnlsa kltcr liem
mi luleiiillug pirsen, which sis: " My
tlieiiulits mid Inlerests, and desires nre con
tinually eeulerlng nt , lu Ihe chuiih of
whUh I am seen, if il please i,ixl, In Imi thu
unwiulhy pnlnr."
A tunvemnit among hading lliiildhlstslu
.In pan has ler Its object a critical examination
of the tenets efChrlsllanlly, with the view of
engrafting upon lluddhisni such pet I Ions of
theui as may seem desirable.
One el the most conspicuous tiises of
Juvenile vanity of rts-ent dale was that of u
twelve-vear-eld girl of Woedbrldgo, Conn.,
who tried te temmlt sulilde bucauu her
melher lefused te penult her te wear a new
eleik te i lui nil.
On the late hospital Sunday in Londen
nearly $"JiW,Wiil vvas received lunu I..VJJ eon een eon
grega'tleiis., the twclllh, thorewas
an fiicnrise el lilSlu theiiuiuberorcoutribut theiiuiuberercoutribut theiiuiuberorceutribut
Ingeoiicreuntloiis and of nearly 5 l,W lu the
mneiiut given by them. 'Iho largest contrl centrl
biitlnn as vet obtained from one ceugicgatinu
Mr. Meedy, the evaiigelHt, who has ic
eently lieen iise Lited with Mr. Neaslhaui, lit
lllchiiieud. Vil, hefian en Thursday last a
three davs' convention in Washington, D. C,
urtcr vvhiih he will visit Harrlsbur, and
about the tfith lust will eik-ii in Oeriuan Oeriuan
lew n. Mr. Neislham rcinalns at Hiclimeuil
for wiiiie time longer, but will spend the
mouth of I'iiuiii ary preaching throughout the
state of llisrirgl.u
The Methe lists of Ualtiiilorehave projected
whatihas lein: lieen grc-itly neeiled there,
ami for lai k of which Methodism has met
with serious losses a female college el high
grade. Seme time since Itev. J. 1". (JniHier
subscribed 2:,0tr) tow ads the f-AxVXJO
asked for, mid he has incteasetl
Ids subscription te ?V,(Xlii, and Mr.
Henry Shlik, el Ilimtmgteu Avenue Metho
dist Kplsoepal church, lu ltaltimere, hissul
h rilied flOjim1) The subscription new foots
up P 137,lii.
ev Vlinlr. of srpultiuc.
I'luiu the I'lilUiilclplna Ccc ink
When the Inquiring Haiulel itsked the
g -ave digger hew- long a man's liedy would
He in the grave before It was rotten he upcucU
up the consideration of a sanitary fpiostlen of
great hnjiertance. Hsnnlct was Informed
that if bodies were leiteu bofero they were
put hi the grave they might List eight or nine
years. SupiKismg the gravedlcger lobe cor
ns'! about the rate of decay in Denmark, it is
probable thai in a city 'like l'lill ulclplii.i,
vvliii li fcbires nwiiv in its cemeteries about
twenty thousand ill id Isidies ill a ear, there
must be a eeustant aggregate of ene htt'idrrsl
and sitv theiisaud bodies undergoing the
process ut ileeny. Te this human accretion
must Im udded the Iiodles of domestic ani
mals and the waste of animal substance year
by ear. hat a monstrous mass Hull makes
of uniiuagiliuble lurovtleti ! As cities grew
the graves grew thicker. It seen is found te
Im Impracticable te use the water el adjacent
"prings mid wells. Tie getting el grave
room boeeinos a serious matter; ami, dually,
the question el tns'iii.itieii gives msiisleii ten
siuitar.v dispute lictw ecu tlie dead and the
livinif. As li u .is with the an icnt llab.v lolls
itwillsiiii In with the modern II ibyleus.
I'lovlsjeu must be made ler eilliient sepul sepul
liire and the preservation of dead bisliesaftcr
Ihe iiiauuer of the Uuypliaus. fei cremation,
or for such deiiertatiun awav liem the habl-
latiotisef the living as may consist with tlie
safety el life in cities. Inall the larger cities
efthii world thoquestlon of the preer dispo dispe
Kil el dead Iiodles Is rapidly Isveuiing meie
a matter it s.milatieu than 'sentiment.
Intercut tin; ,iirirpiiiiitrnr'.
Mel-."' the Philadelphia'rcc'ii-Wis Wasb Wasb
iugteii cerrcsaidcnt, thinks he has a new
Lincoln Stanten story Vt least, the con
gressman who told u'ssike as though lie had
fust discovered the de uiiieut which is its
basis. It was mi application I'm a hapluiucy
in tilt, arniv, with a scnes et Indersements
by Lmceln'aiid Manten en its back, which
mil ever the available s,-.ii ,, ,,u tin- appliiM appliiM
tieu and dew it en a slip nf p.iper w hn h had
been addisl te liss'ive them. These were the
indersements, each Iieum dated : "Dear
Stanten : iijeliit thlsinami chaplain ill the
army. A. Lincoln." Diiir Mr. Linceln:
lie is net a pieav hei. I'.. M. Stanten." Three
ei four mouths elase. ev iib'titly, and then
we have; " Dial St.mten : lit is new. A.
Lincoln.-" DctrMi. Lincoln : Ilultheieis
no vac.mcv. '.. M. suuiteii." "Dear Stan Stan
eon : Appoint him a chaplam-at-large. A.
Lincoln. " Dear Mr. Lineelu : Theio is no
warrint et law for that. 1. M. Stanten."
" Dear siuuleu : ppeuii him anyhow. A.
Lincoln." " Dear Mr. Lincoln : I will net.
I:. M. Stanten." And he didn't. Hut ap
parently he told the applicant that he could
leave Ills application en tile, for thetc it is
among the uiy old doeuincnts.
I'l.'elijlt'rf iiiisiu In I'.iikI out.
l'rcsbvterianisiu has el Inte years made
vei.v considerable progress III Londen. Its
Democratic mode of tmicintneiit seems te
have lu it Miiiiethiug which commends it te
the rising classes. The pinspuiity which has
attended Presbyleiiauisiu has been revealed
also in Liverpool, Malichestei, and ethers of
Iho large elites. At a nicotinic el the commit
tee of the synod, held in Louden, under the
piesldcucy'ef 1'ief. Leene Levi, it was unani
mously i evolved te request the ltev. A. A. MeiH'th, te write a "History of
Presbytcri.inlsiu in Hnglaml. The request,
it is understood, has ln-cn compiled with.
i ti.-;.s.s.M a
lllil; VI in 'Iclb Hen lie Kllb'il u I'eitillcr Ter
Ills Vlnncj. ii.i.i:, Jan. 1 . llebert Mor Mer haslivisl Im iii.iiiv in tlie town
of Greece, MenriH. leimty. He always de
clared that catly in life he lollewcd the sea
as a pirate, mid he has related icimiilsceuccs
eflils lib) wherein he figured us the murder
er of mere than ene person. People general
ly loeiccu upon nun as a monomaniac en me
subject of piracj, and never believed Ids
Meuiiant served through the war et the
rebcllieu, and en his return te i.icrce tisik
up his residence in tin old tavern known as
the llldge (Ce.ul tav urn, w here he llv ed w lib
his w Ile ler sei end yeaiv, A few weeks age
Merchant was piestralcd with illness. On
Sunday last he was told tint he must die.
On hearing this lie seemed te stiller great
mental agony. On Monday he vent for
sjujiorviser Iliitten, saying that he could net
die in peace until he had made a confession
el was en ins iiiiue.
Supervisor Hutleu visited Merchant, who
Hindu the declaration, believiug that he was
dvlug, that in lM.0, w lille living lit the Hulge
Keail tavern, ii man wue was pcuuimg
tlueiigli the county came le the tavern te
Slav ene night. Merchant found out that he
hail quite a laigc sum of money in his pos
session. In the ulglit Merchant crept te the
man's bedside and' killed liim with n hatchet.
The money was seemed, ami the lsidy of the
murdcied man bur us I hi the cellar, in the
nurthiestceui"r. Meiehanl died en Monday
Twe men were scut te dig in tlie cellar
wheie Meichaut said lie had bulled the ped
dler. They found thrce feet belew the ibsir
remains vv tiled were undoubtedly these of a
human body. The ix'ople of Greece new be be be
llovelhat Meivdant's stoilcsef his pirallcal
life weie true.
A lluniiwiij.
This iiiernlug us Mr. Ultlell, ihu ice inei
eliuut, was delivering ice en West Cdristiau
street, mvir Charlette, ene of the horses at
tached te a two-herso wagon slipped hi
in idle and tlie team run oil ut a furious guit.
They w erofcteppeil near Chestnut and Neith
Qiliieii by Isaue McCulchen. Net much
iliiiu.ige viiis done.
Ileulli nfii vililui-i.
I'l.mkle Rebcils, thuiutdgut, en whom tlie
Ccsarlun operation was pcrlenncd en Wed
nesday, died Frltlav allernoen in .Syracuse,
N. V.
Celitcl Wciitliei-
ng te
mil!.', i
Lieeje -in the poieftl.-o this ineniintr. and
lrem nidi'-'.tnins tlurw .n ix. come lively
I weathci
.ii it. ii i:xn i:iise's uv.-.
Mice! Itrpml. nil In tlie C'eiiillllniinf IIHIMatr.
Nothing Ilrlbilte KmiHn.
With the death or -Mr. ArneS. Hctutcrivju,
who vvas hulled yeilerday, pised away Iho
lustin 'iitlier of the old banking heuse or. llie.
1. Heed ,K Ce., later Heed, Hendersen ,t Ce.
lis four original tueinb'Ts, Divld Sliultz,
Isaac V.. (Hester, J no Iv. Ureal mnl Ahius N.
Ilciulwrsen, all cnliie te llie city fiem the
eastern end of the county, anil from that soo seo soe
tlon, as well as ether puts, Ihclr heuse had
for many years enjoyed a large pilromige,
II could net have been otherwise than that
this business vvasillslnrbcd by llie w ithdravval
of ene of tin.' partners, mid later by the death
of two ethers. The pist ten years have net
been generally prolllable for prlvale banking,
and the soverepaiilcaaud financial strlngency
which havonllertod most business hive lioen
felt with sMi il force by tills ia's of Institu
tions. Durhtv Mr. Hendersen's sj-vi ie illness his
son William, with jsiweref atteruey,liasbeeii
acting for lilin; with his ileath this jiower
wiisoxtingulshed anil having left no will nor
designated any executer, the buslnesi of
ceurse comes te a st mil still and the bank Is
closed. This clrcuinstaiire gave rlsote many
and varied rcjKirts en the stnit this morning
asle the condition of tlie bmk and Mr. Hen Hen
dereon's estale In general, the substance of
which was that it vvas Insolvent, tint tlie lia
bilities of the odale could Teet up fi.W,0O0,
and that the creditors would be he ivy losern.
There Heems te be no definite information te
Justify such statements.
l'reiii Investigation!) made by iIihInti:m.i
(ii:nci:ii and liupilrlesnt rellible sourees of
Information, It appears tint thoeLitoof Sir.
Hendersen, ll.ible for his personal obligations
and any unsettled Ijiisiiiess of the late tlrin of
Heed A (lomleraen, consists, besides the twr-
senal pioperty, of the banking building en
North Duke slreet, the private residence en
(last King and a farm In Salisbury township.
Against these there are no ineilgages, Jndg
nients, Hens nor incunibrances of any kind,
se that the entire ostale Is available for the
liabilities against it without preference,
.vtr. SUllc. Has ,ilinlnlterel.
At the request of the family efMr. Hendor.
son, Mr. Joint D. Skilcs.ef tfilscity has taken
out letters et administration upon the estale
and will pro'eedateucotos"ltloiip Its atlalrs.
He has given Isviul wild Jehn I. Hint man,
Leu is S. Hartuiaii. Jehn It. Huner.iml Henry
ll.itimgardner assureties.
The funk, as stated, will remain closed, no
money will be received en dopedf, and nnne
can be paid out en check or certificate. Mr.
S'kiles has begun nt ence an investigation of
thouiruirsef the bank, and the condition of
Mr. Hendersen's estate. As seen as this has
been concluded, which will necessarily lie
sotne days, his inventory will set forth the
amount of llie estate and Its assets in detail.
The liabilities of the institution el course
consist mainly of debts toether banks, te call
dcpiiitersand the liolders of ccrtillcates fur
mtciest deposits. What the amount of them
is cannot Imi told until a thorough examina
tion of tlie books is ni ide. and rtqierts which
assume te li the sum total must necessarily
be nierocenjocturo and speculation.
If It shall appear, as seems likely, that the
liabilities of the instit.itlen arc m excess of Its
assets, the eauve will likely be found in the
decline of the bulk's business of late years
and its payment of lamer interest en deposits
than the" condition of business wairant".
The incrcast d iiuinNr el nation. il banks, the
plethora of money, the general sluggishness
of trade and va'riem ether circumstances
have combined of late years te cause diminu
tion of business ui tlie institution. Withal
it has continued te pay land .i per cent, te
depositors willed will net atlenl vuffliiciit
margin for pietltable operations.
The business of the bank hav lug terminated.
Its atlulrv being In vafe hands and premised
diligent ami speedy settlement, the creditors
can eulv await the filing of Administrator
Skllcv' "inventory for a eomplele exhibit
and tlie "settlement or the estate
for the ascertain nu'nt of the dividend tube
paid en their claims.
ma ten arxmttr. iimsiu.y.
Itib't vUi'Hli el .1 I'm mer Iinratfr CiMiiitlrfii in rlillmli'litil.i.
Majer i.eueral ICebeit Morten llrmten,
whose death in l'hiladelphu was announced
en l'riday was born m ljincaslei county,
J line i'lth, M,1. His fithci, Ilmi Ferree
llrmten, was for many veal's oueot the as
sociate judges of the I.ancastci Judicial ills,
trie!. Tlie Ilrinten family was of Huguenot
descent and among the earliest settlers of
this state. Ill September, I'd!, when lurdly
eighteen vein set age, lleliurt Morten Ilrin Ilrin
eon entered the sorvice as second lieutenant
of the Second Pennsylvania calvary, served
in tlie Army of tlie Potomac, under General
Pei, until' after tlie second Kittle of Dull
Hun, w ben bis regiment was assigned te the
Second brigade of Jitalil's cavalry division.
Lieutenant Ilrinten was then detailed as as
sistant adjutant general, w hi. li position he
is'iupied 'during the winter and spring
of lsit;-J, up te the time of the
battle el Gettysburg. In lsi',1, by a special
order from the secretary el war. Lieutenant,
new Captain, Ilmiten was diluted te report
te General Chailcs Griffin, commanding the
tlrst division, llflli army corps, us poisenal
aid-de-camp. When Majer General Giltlln
was placed In command of the lilt It army
corps, Captain Itrinteu became major and
senior aid-de-cainp en the ceris st.ul', und
he iclained tills position at the time etticueral
Lee's sun ender at Apiwinattex Ceuit Heuse.
A commission as brevet lieutenant colonel
was cenfened upon dim by President Lin
coln for gallantry at tlie battle of 1'ive Pelks,
General Griffin wussulrscquentlv assigned
le the department of the east, the states of
Maine and New Hampshire In-big within Ids
luiisdlctlen, and Cel. Ilrniten accompanied
'him as assistant ndlutaiit In the
spring et IvW he resigned Irein tliuiinny.
He alterw.irds took great interna in tlie
Nntieiiid Guard of I'eimsvlvaiiia, serving for
sevcu years en tlie stall' "I G uetal Piovest,
and later us colonel and aid en the stall' of
Governer Harli-anft. In W.i he was appointed
te the command et IlielirM biigude. National
Guard, with the rank el In igadier general,
and lu March, ls77, bow us nominated bv Gov.
Ilartianll, and centlrined by the semite,
as maier general of the 1 uM division,
National Guard of Pennsylvania. In August,
ls77, Genend Itrinteu ceniiuiuided m ihji-seu
the troops of the National Guard during the
Pittsburg ilets, and occupied, with his stall'
ami a laige leice, thu leuinl heuse in that
city when it was attacked by the mob en the
night of July 2i&. Gcni i.d Ilrinten was also
engaged in siippicssing the labor treubles
among the coal miners In iln billowing month.
Picssuiu of busitiess ebligid him te leslgn
thu jioslllen ei tlie national
Guaid lu May, lstti.
General lliluten was ilit chancellor of
Pennsylvania ceuimandery of the nillitaiy
order of the lleyal Ligieu of tlie United
Slates, and acting chanccllei.ui-chief of the
United Stales. Ile was also a ptemiiieut
member of I'est 'i, G, A. It.
(ten. Ilrinten was niariUd in October, 1SH7,
te Miss Octuvia II Fesdii k, el l'uilland, Me.
who, with llveelilldieii, sui vives him. The
deceased was engaged in the ium and steel
business nt imi Cemmeiie sireci, I'liliauci
phi.u The tuncral will take phi i Monday
liieinlug next, at 10 o'clock, at ChrUt chuivh
clitipel, Nineleeulli and Pine streets, Phila
delphia. The Pennsylvania Cemiuaudery of
the Leyul Legien will attend in a lusty.
Ctningu of Telcunipli Mtu.
Chailcs J. Perter, who has been supcilu
teudcut of the Weitern Union telegraph
olllce luthUcity for six mouths past, lOsigned
his position yesterday en account of 111 health,
l-dwat'd S. ICress ha been appointed te take
his place. Mr. ICress Is a leidcnt of Lan
caster, mid has been In the employ of tde
company ler many years. De will no doubt
till the position te the satisfaction of the
public and his employers. Waller J. Ceylo,
and Oliver Bailsman, two well known
operators will be assistants in Mr. Kress.
Neiiatnrlal situations.
I U....I... V 11 '.. .... a .....u .... l'.,l,.,- n. ,,..,,,. I l en, until of ltnillntllin lMni. Ni.S7.UO! IlOtli
lumcdTvWhoDeindi;. of M. ' V. Duel., fieaw . nete of J. HeKs, , out anyone In thU sec Ien knew ,,g where iw
Caieluia U'glsltttttru bv aeeluiualieii. i-170,u0; nete of D. Helvs, fuliOOj , nete el F. was, evidentlj', fient late liiiHaitlens, , Is i stav-
iuuh'ii h Ywiiiuruwiu irui mu i.'. turii ,iiiiiij iwwt hvivuii jvif v,wv.uv, ...,-
ienatorlalcento(.t In favei el Mt l.varu Is , or A Muhlieb, S49A00. note or Jeseph Her Her
bcllevcd te make vcctin llie latter s election. I zey, S1,(HX).00 : neU of Jeseph Hcrzeg, S
err.viH.vr ni.r.n mo me mo
iie.y.s Disreinu or ki-da.
1 lie tlnr.H Itiiifi. et llm si.s.'iri. (lit Clfar of
ilicb I'liin llnlr. for Neit Trial. Nut
tli-iintril lll.pntili ni" Ceiiililer-
atite Currrut llniliif...
Court met at ID o'clock this morning, when
opinions wciedbllvcicd lu a number of cases
by Judges Livingston mid Patterson, and a
large Hiiieunl of ctirtent business was truiis truiis
neteil. Judge Livingston delivered opinions in
the following cases :
Jehn U Ilrandt vs. Alberts. Kisser, rule
for new trial. Thii was an action te recover
damages for the less of services te plaintlll'
by loasen of the seduction of his daughter
by defendant and the verdict of the jury was
in laver of the plaintlll'. The rule for now new
trial was denied.
In the cases of commonwealth vs. Levl II
De Haven, Henry (low-man, Martin L. Glau
ber, Tayler (lilr, Sylvestcr Kurtr, Jehn II.
D.irrew- and Daulel" Howe, certiorari by the
defendant from the judgment of Justice Lee,
of Salisbury township, the exceptions were
sustained and the proceedings of the justice
w ere set aside Theso were suits brought by
Censtable ISewmati, against the iiartlosnbeio
named for racing en .Sunday en the
fras track, and the proceedings nre sotaslde
becauke the record of the Justice Is dcfoctlve,
Inasmuch as It failed te contain thotestituony
en which the conviction was had.
In the suit of Hetiryb". Shirk vs. C. A.
Oblonder, the rule ler new trial was denied.
A new trial was denicd In the suit of Uen
Jamln 1. Myers vs. Jehn Kshlemaii, tried
hoiiie tlmu age. The verdict of the jury was
in r.iver or the plaintlll.
Dircctera of tlie peer and heuse of employ
ment, of Lancaster county, vs. Max .Shultz,
rule en Max Shultz te show caife why he
should net maintain his mother, Magdalcna
.Shullr. The court directed that he nay $l.r0
per week for thosupjKirtef his mother from
March, 15S3 te July, 1831, during willed time
she vvas an Inmate of the county almshouse.
In the suit of Philip Iludy v same defend
ant, a similar disposition, was made of the
rule te stav proceedings.
In the suit of Henry F. Hartmau vs. Henry
IC. Ilartmaii, the rule te show cause why
sheriffs appralsenient as te goods claimed bj
Levl L. Krekler should net Ix; set aside, was
Nicholas Ulrlch vs. Levl O. Getz, appeal
from prolhenotary's taxation of plaintlll s bill
ofcesls. nxcctitteni susbiliitil and bill re-
turned for revision,
J. II. Kaull'maii vs. Jeseph Lecb ,t Ce.,
rule for new trial. The verdict of tlie jury
was In favor of the plaintlll'. The rule for
new- trial was denied.
In the suit of Philip Doarsem vs. Jonas It.
Garner, the rule te show cause why ft fa and
all proceedings should net be stayed, vvas
Thes. C. Cellins, deceased, exceptions te
auditors' relKirt. The repertwas lcceunnittcd
le the auditor te inake corrections in accor
dance vv ith the opinion filed.
The rule le show cause why judgment
should net be oncned. and defendant let into
a defense, lu the suit of W. It. Townsend it
Ce., vs Themas Tillbroek, was discharged.
In the suit Henry S. Herr vs James
ICecmer, the exceptions te auditors report
were dismissed anil the ropeil of auditor was
Ustate et Isaac Rlfe.doceascd, exceptions te
auditors ieert. The rojiert was lccomtuit lccemtuit
ted te auditor te make correction, the court
deciding that Win. P. Itlfe was" entitled te a
distributive share in ills father's estate.
The Ijincastcr, Llizabothtewn and Middle
town turnpike company was returned le the
August quiuter sessions court for neglect of
duty, and a demurrer was tiled te the indict
ment. Tim court entered judgment for the
defendant en the demurrer.
Opinion, by .lulls0 l'.tttcrsen.
The commission of Judge Patterson was
lead by the clerk of the ceurt.after winch the
judge dclivered opinions in tlie following
cases :
Hist Ilcinpficld township read, nile te
show cause why the confirmation should net
Ihi set aslde and the action of the supervisors
-laved in the meantime. Rule made abso
lute mid all proceedings aet aside.
Tlie exceptions te report of viewers In the
Kjst Karl township lead weie sustained and
Then. Sterb, Jehn l- Rare, and Samuel .Steily
were npiininled revleweis.
Joel L. Liglitner vs. Jacob D. Denser,
guardian of cliildren of Jehn M. Haitinaii,
apiieal from prothenotary's taxation of costs.
Alter making a few corrections tlie taxation
as made is continued.
Tlie exceptiens tetde uudilet's reisjit m llie
estate of 11. 1'. Cox woie dismissed and tlie
lonert of the auditor is confirmed.
The exceptiens te me auiiuei-s report tit tue
assigned ostateofSimou Goe. I woiedisiuissod.
A nile was granted te show aitise why a
new- trial should net be had in the suit et
Keen vs. Shirk.
In the suit of Jehn G. Hanei- vs A. I".
Itotneiil, the rule te show cause why appeal
should net be stricken oil" was made absolute.
The exceptions te the auditor's report in
the estate et Reland Dlller wero dismissed
mid the report of auditor confirmed.
cunniiNT business.
The restaurant llconse of Jesse Jenes,Third
ward, city, was transferred te Ames K. Hotl Hetl
lucicr. The court tills aftei neon en motion of R. F.
nshlemau removed the sultef Jehn Sigle vs.
the Londen and Provincial insurance te tlie
United States circuit court.
Jeseph Haider, of Celumbi.i, convicted of
maintaining a nuisance w as sentenced te pay
a tine of f-0 and costs.
V Unlit Sentence fei- Mniilei.
Georire Smith, who pleaded guilty te mur
der hi the second degtce en Oclober Hist,
vvas brought Iren the county prison tills
morning. The court he.ud the testimony of
tlie panics who woie piescnt w den Henry
Struck received the Injuries at the hands of
.Smith, willed resulted in Ids death.
Counsel ler Smith argued that at most
tlie testimony showed that Smith was guilty
only of manslaughter. Counsel for the com
monwealth held that a plea ei murder In the
second dogreo had been cnteicd by the
iiiiseuerand en that he should be sentenced.
This aftomeou Smith vvas brought before the
ceuit and Judge Patterson addressing dim
said the ofleiise was minder in the second
degree, and he then sentenced him te
undergo and Imprisonment of flve years and
thiee months In the Ilistem penitentiary.
The mildness et tne sentence exeiieu gen
eral surprise. It will he roinembered that
Smith went te tlie heuse of Ills victim, young
Struck, ut night; called him out and in tlie
dilllciilty that. ensued stabbed him te death.
Tlie punishment uiipescd Is scarcely half
that of Millard Ilildebi-aud, or Strasburg,
w he was convicted of a lower degree of hom
icide. Rut it Is a little heavier than Was vis
ited upon the six iiien convicted and sen
tenced by Judge Patterson as tramps. Ens.
Tin: renar.itii.
A IIIU in lliiulty le t'crpi'tuatc Ills lelliimiiy
I licit by Cniliain'4 CeuiibcI,
Mr. Dana Graham, who is the repeited en en en
iloiscrefniauyof the Hcrzeg notes alleged
te be forgeries, finds that as the notes tmiture
they are protested en the assumption that
they nre genuine. Accordingly lilsceunscl, S.
II. 'Reynolds and W. A. Wilsen, css., d.ive
filed ti bill in equity of Hei7eg's testimony.
Tlie Dill explains uscu ami us uveiiueuis ami
prayer are as follews:
I.' That the said defendant, "tde Farmers'
National bank of Lancaster," is tlie holder of
divers promissory notes for luige sums et
money, upon which the niune el your orator,
I .tun urauam, appears us an uiiuersui, te u,
the following netes: Note of A. Mlslillch,
rl00.00; noteofj. Kline, S700.00 ; note el'N.
ltrubuker, Si76.U0, nete of J. Dowdewer,
S17&.IX) ; nole of Uciijaniln Uiey, fn0.00 ; nete
of Jonas Kiltie, S.Vje.lH) ; nole of Benjamin
Urev.isJIO; noteofll. Nlxderf, W70.00; nete
of Win. J. Stevvurt, HJ0.00 j nete of M. F.
lined, 100.00; nete of A. Mlslillch, 100.00 s
nete of Henjiimhi Owens, SeSuOO; noteof
lionJaiulnUrev,?! 10.00 jiioleofN. Hntbaker,
f7sa00i nole erilenlauiln Urcy, fa 10.00; nole
of A. Mlslillch, f7M.U0; nole or Heiijnmlti
Owens, ? 130.00; nole of J. Dowhewor, 510').00;
nete efF. Mlller, JIWOO; noteoi m. i. uucu,
000.00 1 noteofj. Hclss, SlOftOOj noteof Jes.
(Icrzeg, $2,0.10,011. That the salil detenthnt,
"the ImticistorUeiinty National bauk,"ls the
holderof a promissory note, upon which the
natne of your orator, Dana Graham, appears
as an endorser, le wit 'the follewing: Note
of Jeseph Hei zeir, fl.OiKl.00. Thntthe said de
fendant, "Iho First bank or Lan
caster," Is the holder of divers promissory
notes, en which the niime of your orator,
Dana Graham, appears ns an endorser, te
wit, the following netes: Nole of
Jehn llei'is, S1SU0D: nete of II.
Sliaub, ;i,jU(!Ot nole of N. Iliubaker
S17u.Wi nete of Jeseph Hoieg. $.iriO,UQ J nete
of Jeseph Herzeg. ?IOO.OU That Ihu (slid
defendant, Samuel Hunts, Is Iho doliler of
two promissory notes,, utieii willed the n.iuin
of your orator, Dana Graham, appears as alt
endorser, te wit, tlie following notes : Note te
Jeseph Ilerreg, SI,71Giiiote of J, If. Abra
dam, W25.00.
2. That the nnme of the said Dana Graham
upon each and every of the said notes is
net the genuine signature of your orator, the
Mid Dana Grnlmu, nnil was net written by
him, but das been forged and eeuntci felled
by another poren.
3. That tlie said defendant", the heldcts of
the said netes, se endorsed as nloresaid, are
can img the said notes te be protested as they
arrlve et maturity, and have declared thelr
intention and purpose (e held the said Dana
Graham te liability Um)U the said notes as en
dorser thereof, they claiming or pretending
te claim that thu said endorsements mu
1. That nevertheless the said defendants
have brought no suits upon any of tlie said
notes, te tlie end that thme may be a speedy
determination of the lad whether the said en
dorsements are gcnulne or mil, and your
orator lias no jKiwer te compel inciii te ue se.
e. That ene Jeseph Herzeg, at present con
lined in tlie Lancaster county prison en di
vers charges of forgery, Is lit possesien of
material information touching tlie genuine
ness or falsity of tlie said endorsements upon
tlie said notes, nud, tdorclere. If tlie said
.lesepd Hcrzeg sdeuld die, or should be con
victed of the said charges of lorgery, and be
sentenced te imprisonment for the same, and
your orator should be deprived of bis tcstl tcstl
timetiywhcii suits shall have been brought
upon the said notes, and shall ceme te trial,
great and manifest injustice will uccrue te
your orator.
Te the end. therefore, that your orator may
liave the said witness Jeseph Ilerzeg ex
amined, and his testimony tecerded In this
court In ordcrte the perpetuation thorcef, se
that your orator may have the benellt there
of, at any time when there shall be occasion,
may it please your donors te grant unto your
orator a writ of subpoena te be ddected te
each of the said defendants, requiring thorn
te appear In this honerablo ceuit, en a day
tderem te be natued, te show cause, if any
tliey have, why a commission should net
issucundcr the seal of this honerablo ceuit,
te be directed te sued person as the ceuit
shall appoint, for examining the said witness
Jeseph Ilerzeg fiipei-neuait rci manor iim
for the proof of Iho matters ot'erosald.
iti.s x.uit: is .M'jtcriTT.
Ami He H.illt rrem u Staunch Democratic Ward
In Itticastnr.
The liilladelphU J.'rcss lu an odlterlal par
ngraph te-day s.iys : "A prominent Republi
can pajier of the Interior Is nutderlty for tde
statement that n gentleman named McDeyitt
and hailing Ireui Lancaster county, has been
agreed upon as tlie next uommce ler state
treasurer. The fact is net ae much ofasur efasur
piise us is the publication of it, It is net un
usual te have such little matlcis prearranged,
but it is net customary te make thu an
nouncement se long in advance. This leads
us te Ixiiove that the Scranton IttpuHican Is
follewingji blind trail, eris starting a falsa
lead for the puriKise of deceiving ethers."
A the l'ress is net in thu contldence of the
gentlemen who compose the supreme coun
cil of the Republican party in this state, its
Incredulity cannot lie taken as any indication
of the inaccuracy of the report te which
it refers. Fer seme time there has been
a quiet discussion In thu inuer circles
of the party of the nomination by the
next Republican state convention of Mr.
James A. McDevitt, of the Lightb ward, this
city, ler stale treasurer, and at last accounts
the nomination dad lieen well nigd dotor detor doter
mlticd upon; it vvas freely stated tdat Mc
eovitt iwuld have it, if he would take it.
Tilt-clioice of the Republican managers is
perhaps better known in tlie political circles
of Western Pennsylvania than in thispait of
the state. De was funnel Iv a lesident of
Pittsburg w here he had extensive business
interests, mid is a close liicnd of Chris
JIagee and ether Stalwart politicians, no is
a son-in-law of Mr. Ambiese McConeiny of
this city and has been living for seme years
hi the Fightli waul lu the rusldence
feimeilv occupied by Mr. 11. Z. Rdeads.
Mr M'cD. is a young gentleman of
popular maimers and ex'-cllcnt social
nualities. wild awide eircle of lriedds. llu
was a leproscntative dclesatu lrem ene of tde
Pittsburg districts te the Republican National
convention at Chicago in lsst), and steed up
and went down with the "JeO." In polities
Mr. McD. sympathizes unmistakably with
the Conkling-Cimeren wing of the party,
mid should he conclude te be a randid.itu ler
the nomination et stato;trcasurer "from Lan
caster county," It would be Justliku lilin te
net ask the 'Xcw Urtt's permission.
Ail Dirlclilil OIIUr.
liem the Columbia Herald.
The truth is, that Lancaster has had mers
and larger llres te combat slnce '.Chief En
gineer Iiewell was appointed than at any
time lntthe history of that city. Any ene
wlie remembers the work of the tire bugs
will eonecde that thoeflleoor chief engineer
was anything but a bed of resus. The charges
of "Justice" aie se vague that we cannot en
the face of it think otherwise than that the
author is ene of the chronic pLico-liuuters
which the Examiner pictured In such an un
enviable light. Wu have known Chief
Hewell personally all our life. As te his
efficiency, he was bem and bred a flre boy,
and his lather befoie linn, and no family In
I-aneaster ceuntv lias ever rendered mero
etllcicnt service." We were present at the
memorable Ranck and county heuse barn
tires, when the tire bug III liunier was caught,
and, notwithstanding tlie Intense excitcuiuut,
we found Chief Hewell cool and calm.
Klcclbiii of Dlreiters anil Amllters.
At the election for directors and auditors
of tlie Lancaster Heme Mutud Flre In
surance company, held last evening, ut tlie
elid per llie company, Christian Gast, Jehn
A. Chailcs and Martin Krelder wero elocted
dltccters for the ensuing three years j thu
beard consisting of nine, divided into three
classes the term of ene class explilng overy
ye.u. The baud new consists of Christian
Gast, Jehn A. Rurgcr, ltev. W. T. Cethard,
11. C. llarner, Themas Hays, Jehn A.
Charles Martin Ktclder, 11. C. K ready, esn.,
anilC. II. Lefovie. II. Z. Rdeads, Jehn D.
skilcs and A. J. Fbeiiy, esq., were
unanimously re-elected midUnn ler th
present year.
All In tlie l'miilly.
Otllccr Hiishengyestenlay arrcsted William
II. Kevvls (or Keels), colored, en charges or
deseitinu ami adultery. Rachel ICewis Is tha
presecutrix, and she ullcges that KewK her
Iiusbaud, eeniniltted the last nanied otleuse
with Jusephlne ilredis, her daughter by a
former husband. Mrs. Kevvls also inude
complaint against her daughter for fornica
tion. Alderuum Foritney w ill dispese of the
cases this alternoeu. The iMttles obevo
uaiuedliiivelK'eu living in eru county ler
several iiienthsaud hadanunilwref lawsuits
similar te theso pioferred befoie Aldenuau
A liny te tin I'llt Anil).
Joint Gasscr, wlie was cmiglit soiuetiuiu
age stealing money from Jedti L. Arneld,
nud then piemised te teferiu after his fatdcr
dad paid tde amount stolen, was cuuglit com
mitting tde S.UHO oll'ense last evening by ene
of Mr. Arneld's empleyes. This allernoen
thu bev was taken befetu thu Judges, who
sent htm te the Heuso of Retuee. Officer
Rarnlield will take him te Philadelphia next
llu Cniiiitti Ne'.
riimi the Muiiiui ICi'sltter.
Frederick O. Mlssemer, of whom we spoke
I last week as being absent slnce Dec 31, with-
financial difficultly, U tlie latent version of
hi disappearance..
or Titn rmtjK hiavl;i rnjLT
i'j.-.v.v.vriiM.VM nrr.1.
McMr.0,llMeii nnil Veiins In tin Hen.eOrtrt
Sninn V'i)npiiier Itr(verli Concerulng
Tlifin-Tlirsliciiimii Conuinuilutlen
tioereit In Tlie Stmte.
WAsitiNore Jan. I7.-IIouse The com.
tnlltee en the river and harbor appropriation
bill for next year completed Its consideration
te day. It appropriates ?H,aei),UiX. Among
the appropriations nre ?33,000 Ter the harbor
at Eric, la j $100,000 for Iho Dclaware llrcidc llrcidc
water j $3,000 for New Custle Ice harbor, and
$15,000 for Wilmington.
Gibsen (West Virginia) made a personal
explanation regarding the nowspaper report
that he had made a haisd and unjust criticism
en Mr. Randall. Ile said It dad relation te a
conferonco about the tariff vvdere, of course,
Randall's nnme had been mentioned. But
solar from making any unkind allusion te
tdat gentleman, he dad declared wiille
he might dllTer from dim In seme pelnli,
Randall's' long lccerd had taught lilin te
respect his capacity and Integrity.
Mr. Hepkins, or Pennsylvania, from tlie
commlltce en labor, rcported a resolution
dlrectlngtliopestniastor-genoralto ask the at
torney general ferhls opinion astowhcther;tlin
eight-hour law applied le Icltcr-carrlers.
Mr. Yeung, of Teutios-ce, rising te it per
senal explanation, sent le the clerk's desk
and had read nn nitlcle published hi a
Washington paper yesterday, criticising the
oxpendlturo of tlie contingent fund of tde
Heuse, and making tlie statement tdat Mr.
Yeung's oxpenses during the Het Springs In In In
vostlgatlen amounted te5125, he declared that
there was nothing conuectod with the Het
Springs investigation which authorized any
such statejient.
At the expiration of the morning hour tde
Heuso went Inte comtnitte of the whote en
the consular and diplomatic appropriation
TliosliTirmiCeininunlcalloii mid ontheTablo.
Senate. Miller proslded In the Sonnte
te-day. A tncssage was lecclved from tins
prosldent, transmitting the communication
of General Sherman te the secretary of war,
regarding tlu policy of the Confeilerato cx
ccutlve departtnent. It was laid en th
nr.JLr.TAxr iiaxu vr.r isnrAVixa.
Celebrating llie Opening of Tlie I'rnufjlvenltt
bchiijlklll Vnllry ltnllread.
ItiADiNO, Jan. 17. A grand banquet vvas
given by tiie merchants and manufacturers
of Reading te-day In honor of tde opening of
tde new Pennsylvania it Schuylkill Valley
railroad. r.x-Cengre63nian Ancona prcslded,
and 150 persons sat down te tde tabic Itwas
the most netable gathering of railroad men,
busines men and capitalists of tde Schuyl
kill valley and Eastern Pennsylvania willed
ever assembled dere. Theio were guests
present from all parts of the state, including
tlie judges of the Derks county court, and
representatives of the daily tapirs of this
city, New Yerk and Philadelphia.
a tx tvvx rvnsuxs into irxne.
'the Steamer Admiral Moersun Suuk In a Col
lision AVltli a Mtlp.
Ltvcnroei., Jan. 17. The Dublin and
Holyhead steamer Admiral Moerson, re
ported missing yesterday, was sunk by a
collision with tlie American ship Santa
Clara. Tlie steamer carried it crew of be
tween twenty and thirty. The Santa Claru
has landed twelve of the sunken steamer's
crew and two of her pa?sengers. The stoamer
was struchramldship and-sank almost im--inodlately.
A heavy sea was running and
twelve of her ctevv and four passengers were
drowned. The Santa Gain was net much
later accounts say Admiral Moerson had
eleven passengers, and that only two of Idem
were saved.
Attempt tu III itr Up a II it Shep.
nnmoKt'euT, Conn., Jan. 17. An attempt
was made at oleven o'clock last night te blew
upCrefutit Knapp's hat shop at .Seuth Nor Ner
walk with dynamite One end of the build
lug vvas completcly blew out. Sevenlcen
ompleyo3 wero asleep In the building, but
though tin-own from tdeir cots and badly
shaken up, vvcru net soiieusly hurt. Tde
shock vvas felt all evor town. It Is suppeied
te bw tlie work of dissatisfied strlkvrs.
TlioSleim iJlke Railroad Acildelil.
Duduque, Iowa, Jan. 17. The lastadvlees
from the Storm I.ake railroad accldent yon yen
terday says that fifteen feet was the height of
the embankment. Twe coaches alighted
bottom up In the snow. Theio were 25 pas pas
scugers aboard and nil oxcept ene 'received
Injuries mero or less serious. Jehn I). Flej'd
and J. D. Van Duren wero probably fatally
lluriild te Death at tlie Age of 110.
Pi'.TCitsnuite, Vit, Jan. 17. Lcttie Jenes,
aged 110 years, the eldost persen in the
city, was fatally burned this morn
ing. At tde time of the occurrence she
vvas standing with her back te a flre when
her clothing ignited, nud running out or tlie
heuse wdlle tde wind wind was blowing
fearfully, slie seen bcraime a mass of flames.
A Ttlg l'llt.liur.- Aliljnuieut.
PiTTsncne, Pa., Jan. 17. D. W. C. Car Car
eoll has assigned all Ills property, real, ior ier ior
senal and mixed, valued at sevcral bundled
thousand dollars fur the benefit of Ids credi
tors Tde limited partnership new operat
ing the Tort I'llt boiler works under the
firm natne of D. W. C. Carrell fc Ce. (limi
ted) is net atl'ectcd by tde assignment.
A Great Induitrlal Euirtsntten.
RnADisa, Fa., Jan. 17. Tlie Plitladalpiita
A Reading repair slieps at Scliuylklll Haven,
which in brisk times cmployed sevcral hun
dred hands, have been closed until further
orders The rolling mill at tlie s.uue pluce
has also stepped.
Eargel'luurlllll llurned.
Ciscix.vati, 0 Jan. 17. David Kcefcr
Sens', flour mill caught flre this mernlUK in
Covington, Ky. The wiiole ostabllsliment
was doitreycd. I.esi $0,000; Insurance
$10,OIX. "
Artuiiicnt llejuii in tlie bvratm Caie.
WAsiusaxest, Jan. 17. In tlie Swalm
court this morning, Chandler, associate
counsel for tlie prosocutien, epened tde argu
ment en behalf of that side. II will occupy
tlw entire day.
Wasuinutev, 1). C.i Jan. 17. Fer tlie
Mlddle Atlantle states, much colder clearing q
weather, high westerly winds with gale en .
the coast, rising barometer. Fer Htiuasy
fair, colder vveatdur is indicated,
Tlie Lutlltti' AuxiUiiry OrpuUed.
The Ladle' auxiliary of the Yeung MenV
Christian association met lu the hall of the
association last eveulng, und adopted u con- &;
iii, ei,,, Tlm fnllnuiiiir nurmaiicut OlIlceilT
weie chesen: PrcIdent, Mr. Ooergo K. .
Reed: vlce presidents, Ir Charle Af.s4'
lleinltsli and Mrs. I. C. Woldler; wcreUry,
Miss Jenule M. row-ew! treasurpr, My '
Mezle 1- Sinllli. The mcntberslilp Of 01
auxtlktryl divided into tvre cla-MU-aitd
associate, The annual fiw for neUv
uiembere was flxed at 50 cants ; for Mseefa
nieiubers ?k00. A .pumbar of oemtnium
wero appointed, and tlm project et beyV
reading room en thetfcwiil Ur ceklrd.
A siveclid meeting ' Ueiil "' ,u, -en
Meaday mitt, at 7 o'clesif, p. in.