Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 16, 1885, Image 1

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je 5tmtfate
veLtnsnc xxi---;ne. i it.
-.m iis ist.ii.u is tiii:
in- n:.sri.rj.i.i.
Ill" Is N'nllllllilti'll III, llltll "tills wiir III III!'
I lllllsl .Stall' Srnilli. lij nil Oll'tlllll lin
ing Vetellic l.mitiiti'r llih'i;i.
lien t'limilntitii I'tir Him,
II Vllllllll'llll, ,1.111. If. Tlin Republican
members dl thu Senate mid Heuse met In
i nil iii .it t v in, tiMlny. Tim mil fur the
incctiiig uns signed by Messrs Lnugcucckci'
anil ( nlhiiiii, tli'M'Imlimcii nf llie Semite ami
lleiii'i'iiui UV4, A roll-call showed the pre
sence enhhty Senater mill 1:11 t't t -n tt
Senater iill tillcrisl a loselutloii reciting
lliiil In lliciniuluct or (he ji.irty imilthesclcc-
Ien f tl andldatci iiuitynt action hii
hifihlv th-slr ililii that morn personal prefer
dices should l)i yielded III carrying out sui li
result, but lle pui-seu 1 ieiiIi 1 liitceuxlilciciltis
lacking in jvirly fealty who docs net se unite,
II the sup(iert nftlicwlll ul the majority In In
selves m his ulta v ielatlim of conscience nr
il the expicssctl will of Hie itniHliieiir hi'
Senater iilliiiiil Representative Redding
I'ru'lty siiiiitcd tlie icsolutlen, the latter
In hiring iril did imt ia-v:ill lie would
Senater Anil's loselutloii was li'tiiHir.iril,
withdrawn, when Senater Leoelloretl n teso tese
11011 d-ehirlng Hint mi nomination be new
niiuli'. Imt Hint instead tlie Republicans shall
in Hum iiisKi"llve Houses vete ler thociudl theciudl
diiles of their iliolie, anil that whenever n
ui.iiertty or tlm Republicans shall vote ter
nnv poison for Raid ofilce, nil opposition te
his election shall lie withdrawn ami his olee elee
If'lt Qio.-te1.
mpi.ii iiimiimi itl.sei.vtlu.x.
Vn.itei I'oepor olleri-il a aulistltiiie as fol fel fol
eows: WnrniA, It In essential te parly unity
ami suei csslhnt tlm will of tlie majority, when
wnly iiwt'rlaiticil, shall lie rcspis'ted s that
tils Is Hie fundamental prlnelple of nil mr
Mei iiiul el our Iree institutions :
mi vs. There is no dilloreiico In
lih I in ,'iim Iple Is'lwictl n isilli'Us of the Hit
pulilii an iiiemlierH of thn Smale mnl lleiisu
of Ueprc"iit.itives for the purpose of liulul
ii.iimg a I'niti il Mate M'liutur iiiul tlie action
il ,i iiiuw-nlieil of delegate ter the pitr(mse
I nominating n senator or repii-sent.itlve,
ihe.r luring of nntniu.itieu helm; eii.illy es-
mill le Mieiire the miifi'ss of Iti'putilli-an
.inilnl.iti-s theri'fere:
Uftlfl, That iiomiuatteiiH for I'nilcil
smi s m'liutur, equally with ether noiiilu.i neiiilu.i
'Mini for national, slate ami ivmity elllisjrs,
pel'liilv unele In ttiiiirtlani e wllh jeirty
usai'i-i, are I Hint tf j upiu tlie reprecntatleiH
"I the urt, iiiul esM'ially iijii Ihiw iar-
I" IpltlllK tllCK'ill.
Senater Anil Ik re renoHeil his resolution
i-i mi .iiiieniluieiit te tlie siilistltute.
sirmrgle for proeeileiieo Is'tweun the iin iin
V"siiieus I iy their friends ciilmliuted in a
IMiliaiueut.irv tangle, in whleli jkt-i
l rilies wen iiiemuntarllv lireiiilneiit.
nater I'h.irueil that beuafer Coeht, liy
upermi lie in s, was i-mle.nerln le prevent
a ilirii l Mi- .hi his ( lyfe's) resolution, iuas
iiiiii ii is the 'uiistitiile, Is'iuj; veteil en ilrt,
M'tilil -iippl.eil the original ir s i-it lni.
Sjjnat.,i c.,hi indignantly deiiied this,
uiiSte show Ins i;el faith wlihdiew what he
ui th prop'xitienn were then aain pic
s whI in sin li a way us te require u ote
int 1 1 1 ii i thu omieiii. mating: from Mr. l.e.
Ill" lit. hours' animated ilt'hate whe li fol fel
low isl hid little refuri'iice te tlie peniliir'
tin stieiis, Imt ,u in, duly devoted te erllt-
imiis 1 1 1 h it i the piililie in Is and vole, of
M nater Cameren liv his op)iemiils, and ox ex ox
pliiuatielisiil tlieselii remarks eilleistlr of
itie m n.iler ly Ids supporters, who, as ludi
iled hy tlie' frequent hursts of applause,
lrarly oiuiiumlx'ied Iheir aut.ieiists.
Initi'r l.ii' es'iiis the iI'm'Iiiii li en
iarint; iiMiii Iho uiaiiltude et the iciioiisi iciieiisi
I'llnv dl nlieil ll l i thee.iueus, as an expo expo
e nt et spiitinient In selet tlm; for
tie 1 mil t M ites Small' n iii.iii nl the urcnt
i st hImIuv. and in iiMiidiui; one whose elee elee
lieu wnulil rekiudle faetienal dillerenei.
lie iskid. was llie H'rsenal aliilutieii of a
-ililii iuiliv .dual le threw itile the imrty
tlireuijh nit tin' slate a lireliraud te di life it ?
llr. euipl.iiueit that the nrty had het'ii In mil
le sleep en tile senatersliip Issue I'V a disdar
.iiiuu lii'in Chiirmau Cooper, el tlm Male
mmimtti e, ill Hie i'vllil! et tlie ealiipai;n,
( Seuatei Caiiii'ieii would under no i ir-
umstauis'S In? a t'lindidate.
Senater Cooper retorted with ,iu emphalk'
denial that he had ever lu.icle such a divlara divlara
lieu. The misrepreseiiLilleu eri);uiated m a
unwsi.i.r pulilii iiiinn of an Interview with
linn-" It w hi. h n it ei'iirreil, and w hli h he
-illerw arils i-emslcl. His only btatemeut
had Ihi'ii that the senator would net air.uu
.issiiini' the eilli e if his lit-allli was net ro re ro
slensl iihseiiuently Senater Cameren
staled te him Iliat he would net he a candi
dal! unless the condition of tlm parly made
his elei-tieu llie safest thltif; for its interests.
It he did net new tiolievc that a lare major majer
itv el ihe jiartv pn'fcrrcil him, Cameieu
would luslaiitlv withdraw. His pepularitv Ihs'U deuienstraUsl, and ill Chester,
lluutiii"diiu and V"i'stinoreIaiiil,fer instanee,
win letlie aiiti-Cnmereu isitie was raised, the
V'liatei's li outstripped theli p.uly
associates in the r.u'e for tlie election.
i norm leni'i.ii te ih;i t.nh ui.vthi:i.i'.
Mr. CiMijier deplored the eeeniiiii; I'llert
new te revive a Imried I' animosity,
and mgeil Willi hu-icisin w.irndh ami veho vehe veho
meine the duty of lEepuhlicaus tn remuii1
Hint majorities "shall rule a principle whleli
is el the essence of tree government.
Ml. ltoliuiseii relerreil te his own pii'M-nce
as an nuti-Camereii man in pi oef of his asser
tion that this one te the party.
He lnlini iled that Mr. Cooper had Ik'OH guilty
of duplkily in announcing in his newspaper
(hat .Senater Cameren would net he a candi
date o.xeept under tlie most favorahle elrcuiu
htunees. He npH.'.iled te his lieners te vete
as they would in Hie atmosphere of their own
homes, ami net in tlie glamer of the false
li;!ld et the eapitel menu.
Mnialer I'Unuiy said that, as an arileut llo lle
pulilieau, he had opened his pocket-hook In
i'haiiiii'iu Cooper. Ills coutrlliutleii, and
these et ethers, had hecn utllUed hy that
gplitlriiuu te build tipthetil.lHHI majority in
llie htate when financial aid hlieulil
lieen given le tlie National committed te he
applied in cloe htatcs,
Mr. Cooper iuterrupteil, and detailed his
individual ellerts te assist Chairman Jenes
in cellefling hiibscrllitieus for llie National
eoumilttce in Philadelphia and elsewheie.
He explained that thu ntatu eeiiimlttee had
never iitiiUe ti iliiect appiopriutieti In tlie
tin r eoiumittce.
Mr. Hiuery, resiiiuing, nsseited that when
making his donation he was nssiiied by
Mr. Cnes'r that Cameren would notbe aeau
didute. Others had tlie Hamoiimlerstaudlug.
He leileratbd his complaint that the statu
inimuittce had used his own money and that
of ether mill Cameren logislnteis, which
niirtiey should have gonu-le aid the mitienal
ticket in ether status. In lefutatieii of the
claim of Cameren's iepularity, he Instanced
his own district, In which he asserted the
party sIikmI ilve In ene ngaiusi tnai guniiiv
iii'iiii friends,
HI !l IIVVN llf.Oslls.VSIvS V Ql'USTlON.
Iteprosentatlve lliuslus interrogated Mr.
llmury as te whether, as geed Itepulillcaiis,
hf and his constituency were net willing te
lake the candidate of the majority.
Mr. Ktnery " We will take any oilier
man under Ced Almlghty'R heaven hut. I.
Donald Cjinoreu." Uiughter mid deri
sion. Mr. Itresiiis went te nigue that Senater
A nil's pet Hen wiw objectionable as liviscnlng
jKirty lies am! dostructlve of the purtyorgaui purtyergaui purtyorgaui
.illen. Leulcrshlp was essential te uty
senator lmiery, in reply te an Inquiry by
Senater Hughes, hore adiullled that If .Sen .Sen
aeor'n piopesltlon piovalleil and Cain Cain
I'leu received n majority of the Republican
votes in the Joint convention, he would Mill
piesist In his rufusnl te vote for him.
Senater Hughes argued that as the propo prepo
sition linplied that If adopted thore would be
a united Republican vole, Kmery'rt answer
.ihevvpd him net te be acting wllh that, geed
taitli ami honesty of purpoue vv hlcli he ami
i.'sr.sseclales be.iteil of for tlieiuselves ami
eiulciiined pthera for wanting.
Mr, I'uicry claimed that his enlj ebliga
lien uiiiiM then lie tiieeac hlsopiiesltloii,
iamkiien ss.mi.i;ii vmi iii:ri;.Mii:n.
Senater tepllnl te r. fiHiper. UN
own piotHisltleu wnulil net suhwirl the liu liu
Jerlty itile, Imt Nliupl. fnilistltuten ilillerent
inoileofa'erhiluluu that majority. It weulil
iHsiiiuiuiHlale ineinliers ulm wein pleilKeil
net In ntii for Camel en h enalillnit thi'in In
Mile ler any ethri i.inillilati'. I'eiiimeullliK
IIhiii an usseitleli li, Ml. Cooper Intlioito Intlieito Intlioite
Imlo that as one whose leeeul t net that of
n mhiiuI Itepuliliean "eulil tei else Ills Nilp Nilp
pert for the I . N. scuate, Mr. I.i'eihs'lateil
that Seti.ilei Ciunenin hail ri'iHiitedly eo ee eo
eiK'iiitiil wllh Hie Ilonieeratle opposition at
VviisliliiKlnii auileoieliiteil his own mrty in in
sei'lalen, llv his Mile le-eat lluller, of Seuth
Carolina, Cameieu ns'ilsleil toile the sulne
iim'til eoiitrel or the Senate In the DriiioeraK
AK.iln, he tiMili N-iin ulth liN paiJv Uhhi tin;
hill In leliislate I'll. .Inliii I'm lei, also in Mit
hiK te lejieal the ii"Uiuplleil action of 1S7."i,
and upon the iUcstleu el the III. mil dollar,
while lie Is new h polled in I'.iMirliif- tlie
pending uslpieeitv Ireily. 1'niii mi'ii
Hal pii'siieii Si'ii'iter Cimiereii, in his puli
He ai ts hid In eu against the prill' Iples el his
St nater Unfiles filth Ned ,ee's arialu
liicnt el t'niiii'iini for IiIshIIi'j;i'iI luilepeiiileut
eeurse as ishiiIuk fiiim the same souree from
which new emanated the rlnlniH tolmlepend telmlepend
cnee efrnlii'iis in lien. Vtlhe lathOssien the
senator from Vcii.iiiku ( !') helteil the party
iMiieiis, ami wllh tliin'e oilier iiit'iulicm of the
Slate Senate Mited Keparati Iy Ireni his iarty
and with the liemeirats oil the apiortinu apiertinu
lueut and elhei measuies. The Keutlemaii
euulil net ilinv this was n tiutlifill
Senater "1 de deny It," fCiics of
"(Hi! Oh!" and derHen.l
Senater Hughes nppvaleil totlieteeollce tetlieteeollce totlieteeellce
llinis of tliiisi preMMit and le thu record le
Niilntanll.ite his KLiteiiivnt. Ceneerninjr the
nduilssleii of Duller te the 1'nlteil Stales
Senate, he explained Hint ir llie leir.illty of
tlm oleetjen et the Se'ilh Carolinian, which
was the. only jmlut at Ksue, had ln-en decided
Hiheixely In him, lluller would haw lieen
ie-els-tisl liy Ins stale legislature, while
Kellegu, a Itcpul'licnui'enli'itaut I'rein l.oiihl l.eiihl
ana, wliose i'ai was ea liy similar te
llutler's, would lieen rejis'ted and a
Demoeiaiweuld haesui'rsiled him. CndiT
theeouipreinlse adniltttm IkiIIi, tlie Uejiuli
llc.ins gained a iiiciiiInt. 'J'lie I'llJehu
l'orter case was one In whUh leadliiK liepuh
licitnsainl Demrn'rals, with tlie military eom eem
misskiu whieli ieiew(sl Hand Clencr.iMlmiit,
nveuimeiided the eeui-s" taken liy Senater
Cameren, who had I t'eii iersenally MthlUsl
of Perter's lnall livi'iiiiMrs-itiens Willi him
1 1 mill LT the wai. 'I he sns'ie p.winrntsaiiil
tlie lllalid dell. il iiiestieus were net jMltisnu
In his (lliruhns) opinion Senater I alnereu
Iiiul merited ur.iti fill rrssiuilieti liy his party
for his riius'ie!ittnus lldelitv te Ills cenvic
tien. Ids fearless imliiH'inleiiei and .ii;:ieleiis
rnurse, nliii h had Ih-eii fiultliil eIlhnlKvst
results te the enunlrv.
Tlieameiidiiiuiit et .Mr. nn then re
jected jeas -ui, iuvh I in. Mr. Anil with
dim his amemlmeut.
Ml. CKiH-r s snliliiue wiiHtideptpil with
out a ilhUlnn. mid Hie resnliilien us Hun,
uluendi'tl prevailed.
Alter tlie rend 1m; il a letter el duelhiatieii
from Hcneral llravei, a Inllel ler L'nlled
Stnteit SeuaUir resiillisl : ,1, Deiinld t'liurreii,
llll : Jein-s A. Ileaer,"ll; Win. I). Kelley, :;
(nliisli.i . (irew, .1 ; Ueorge Shtras, jr. f.
i in: i err i.v itr.r.iii.
I In VV liiile t.ntiititir Hi lcuntliiTi lairnl
si in
llin ttllllrti CiiIiiiiiii.
I'ellnwiiig is the i cvnll of the llrsl Ixillet
that was taken (or tlie lellnl Slatii Senato
rial tioiiiliutieii. ut HhiiisIiiiis, en Thurs
iltiv :
r.ifti mihe
sinniiirs t huh, (imilv, I (itutit. -.. ii-Unim",
siiilth and iteliurii,er 1'liitnili'lplit.i ; Csiicr, of
iinlavvnn' : tlusrffii, of (auilirla iluliln. et Lctm
lien; lliirtnn, tit i hr-lir , lluir, of VV enlimni'
lien ; li.ilir, ersi'liujlklll , Mel lille.el Mfiiei :
stm'l, Mi'Ni II null t iitHTiiuni. of Alti'w!n"ii) ,
Vli'ii'ilfth, of VruiMtreiiir t Xl tin uinlst.Uiibiii, el
liuenster ; Wulltnif, el l.rle Ni well, et llnul
ford . W llliMin-. ul l.iii rni I tinini'seti, of
lianilitii 1
Iti'iirx-si'iitntlVf" .Mel Im nu v. VI el ion iM, Flint,
Wtlt. II. I ItnMT t llV llli'VV I, Peill'lse, llctts,
Vl iilliiujili, hnld. Mi'Nillt.'l.i'iiri;!' Iteliliiaim,
VV . V. Mi nurl, JltMlli mi bull "retl. Weriiiii
Ki' tU'iini'll. liisinti ii. Iiiimk-,, Uiiic r. V
Ttieuiim, H.isiH I, Vlr V i VIcNillt. ( nlilii'l mill
Uemii;, et rhtlmleliihlii vticrs hii'1 siiH,fK, mrf
et V'Liiiis iH'ifhtlv, .1 I. iriti.iiii. Ilvnit smi,i
utiiNH, VliiuhliitM. lilt luiiil-, i titircli. Vloeri',
I alii it) , IIeImtisuii 'I lmiiiiMiu iiiul smiqtn ,,
AIIcuIh nv iiiiiiinl Vriu,liiiiiK:
s.iunf, ni lt,'aii Im'hIm'ix, nl Htnli si,. )
Rl II . .1 tl ShllW nu, (,H It el llrnlfiii't , st,H.
Iiinkei, nl Uiu ks . I, .il. ., el I nnililtii ' Vtltti'i,
srul illid lllff uf llnillihlll Vit'ii, ill Kile; llel
l(v nl I li ,1 . I tun, I lilttlliiili .mil W tlite. of
I nilikllli . IlnvW lllesliii lli'iitclbmtgli, leiill
in v . Ivi'1iimt iiiiiI lliN,,,el I ,nii'.i,ti'r ; lulls, et
l.nw lum i' . liutMMliii iiiiiI leH'klcv, of 1 con
lien Instil, .Inliii I'. V llltHlll, I'ltlllcr
mitt ltltr.iv, nl l.iii'iiit tintl ljiikiiniiiiii,i,
Itllssl'll, llursll null ItftllfrlH, el VtellS'. ; lletf
man. of Vtiilllu , I iiniiliiKluitii mill lU'i'lillcr, et
.vioiitKeiiieri . i.nlili', .,f NintliiuiiKfrliiint :
ssnisi..r, of I'eii) : I. U 'I tieuias. Kanlinmi
met sht i limn, of si iiti)kill , s, hecli, of sn)til :
IiiIIh.iii, of iimi'i S'l , Iti'ssennlr, el siisj int
limimi s, Ii.hiIi , el I iiIihi Urine, el Will leu;
II nt timl i.ratmtn, el V. 0.111111011 lilek, 'I ,1
W 1111.11111 iiiul Hie Il.'v, nl W clliieii'lini'l, !.' -ll.'i
Sfn iler-. Villi, of Vlli'Kbt'iiv ., .it linll
llll. I
v ciiaiign ,
l llt'l kc
llll I I
Iti'iniMt'litnllvi's Ikirten el Vlli'Ulli'liv
stijill. .a llmtvcr Vcheiu ami 1 nltieiiiii'. et Iks'
lord 1 l.iliiiniiil s)i,im,i,i uiulr ; Lcigliiici unil
lliiiiiiimi.ef II111I1 r ; buliler, stitbti, and 1 eltcis,
of ( hi'strr , Mi hels, lleach. Kiillur untl Hales,
oft ran IiiiiI . ( tiniliilek hihI .Inliii It. Itolilmen,
et lii'liiiinii' , iliewu mnl Kile ; .1.
1 lte)i'i unit 1 .lies, ul lluiilingiluii l.eiM) ami
l.lktti, of liiiltaiin , srpju.n.UMi ,, ,ai iuiki'
IMnmi, 01 l.viutiilni; ; lltiglict, Mtiute iiiul
Veiltiriip of laui'inc, Hii'Mait unit t-iiin.1, el
.VIenlgiiliiL'l-) , llui'kell, et I'nltil ; rhilllis, or
sclllllkltl . MOIUUII, 111 SIim.I.I ; 1 ,mi, 111
Tletni . Itlililti'. of V 1 1111111:0 . .Iiiiisen, et Vlaeli
lli.M'111- .11 . lelul, Jti.
roil UI.01V
Ui pii M'litnttves ( exe, et Vllclu'iiy . Ite-i', el
Mi'lvtau: 'line, of .siiqiictLiiiii.i . l'licker, el
1 ietf.i . Ilaiiteiiburv, el Wuyuti i.
st'iintei l.iiiriy, et tVli'Kcaii . .Vhirtmlmie, el
riitl.ululptilu llepix'siitatli's Veuili'M. et
of riillaift'1i1iui . V a) ne, el l Itelcrt iickucII,
el Vi'iianue- J total, 5
tell hllllMS
Iti pit -.enlitllvu 1 1 ul I iij. el V e 11.1110-1
Senater Catiieieu'.s vete was amieuiiieil as
llil, but the tellers made a mistake in addi
tion. On motion of Chadwlck, of Delawaie,
wlie voted for lleav or, the nomination of
Senater Cameren was m.iiie unanimous. Ah
all who would net incept the lesult had left
Hie caucus theie weie 110 voices in tlm nega
tive, t I1.11 11 111111 Smith thin declared Ihe
caucus adjourned.
1:11 1 in m:i:.
: ;)(! 1.
1 Snnl of S., .ii
Attorneys lllillllj;!! ill
I'.ipers for and against tlie lele.ise el ICinin.i
Diekul I10111 the ius.iuu asylum at Nerustuwu
woie liled Tlimsday by A. S. U Shields, the
woman's leuusel, ami Histrict Altorney
Ciraluim, in Philadelphia. Subsequent te the
last healing in releience te the discharge of
Miss lllckel, Mr. Shields proposed tu lile an
amended iclnrii te that niade by Dr. Alice
Bennett. Te this District Attorney (
ehjCLtid en the ground that while Dr. Ilcn
nett was the estcnsilile lospendeiit in the writ
ofhabeasel 1 minis proceedings, the leal ie-
siemlenl was the loiuuien wealth of Pennsyl
vania, and that for Mr. Shields te amend tlie
letiirii would be, in l'.i'l, an amendment by
opposing counsel of .1 paper piosenledon the
ether Hide of the ca-e. This view Judge Mit
chell sustained, and icfiised le penult such
mi amendment te he tiled.
In elder, thcrcfeie, lu get beluie the court
a riveid of Miss llkkel's sanity Mr. Shields
yesteulav lileit depositions of VmileO'llrien,
thn ue.xt friend or the Ktid Kmiiia llickel,"
ami Dr. AUce Jlnuuptl, lesulent physician of
tlie Nortistewu as.vltiiu. The latter loeoiu leeoiu loeeiu
niemled the discharge el Kuuuii'llickel trout
the custody of the hospital iiutlun itles.
District Attorney Kraliiiiu met this eiler
with it replii-.illeu, in which he contended
that while It might be true that the woman
110 longer lequired euro hi a hos
pital, yet Hhesiill needed custodial earn mid
lestntliit for the pietectlnii et 1 Illens against
any liituie outbrejik of her malady.
I lie 'llinii.lliil lilln mid llinigi) Vlen.
A tneelhig was held at lllriiiiugliiini, Img, Thursday, wliteh was attended by llve peisetis vvlm me at piescnt out of
eiiipleyiueul. V resolution w as passed ask
ing the eoiperaltouol the eily le fin iiih tlieni
Willi einpleyinent. After llie meeting a pro pre pro
eesslon was formed, which maix-heil through
tlie Ktreets. It hailed bel'oieu liakery, and
Mhetits el " llreak in I" weiv heard. An
avtis.m stele 11 leaf et bread from the shop
anil win promptly ntrestcd. Much oxcito excito oxcite
mi'iit exlis among the working classes and
Il in -feared that violence will be icserted le
iiule;s, their couUllieu toen ml proves.
ihm.mi i:rit.wninsAitY
111:1, I'll 1. 1 .v Mt'itin.u
I.V I'll 11.. 1.
1 t:t.u.
'I lie('liilllillilX'llliuiiitis nf Anii'rliHil t'liUliui-
Ntiii'l mnl llt.iliiir.ite llrisirnllntif-ltiiti'
i;tli'iiH In I limi'M mnl I'.imlr) A llrll
Haul llaniiiil mnl ili-iii"ten
Tint annual dinner el the ruinous Clever
club, of Philadelphia, at the Iltlhiv 110 hotel
last night, wits a very brilliant invasion,
Theieweie ever a bundled covers laid ler
llie members ami a company of distinguished
gnosis. The elalmrale decorations of the
dining loom ami llie approaches tell, ami the
novel it Mies wliiili iniiiln up tlie iiirnit, ns
well as the number of eminent persons pies
cnt iiiaile It n 1111 morahle or.i"ieii. l'reiu
Umcaster .(no. A. IllesLmd, II. I'. I'-hli'iinn
anil VV. I'. Hiu-'el were present.
1 111; si'i.iiMieit et- nit: 111:1 en vi ie.ns.
The hall vv ay en the llrst lleur had been
transformed Inte 11 conservatory, tlie main
featuroef which was (he towering blanches
ofev oral gigantle rubber plants whose liare
trunks wen) concealed liy a multitude of
pilniM. Then began the dilllctilt a vent of
the Ntalrcase-dllUciill bceause the collection
of rare lined either side lea Utile
room ler jeiirnevlng. The mailing of
nature's uiet liciittil'til ellsprlug was unsur
passed, Including as II did both white nml
pink, vjrlcgalnd slev l.i. cilia lilies,
arecii palms, i-eafiiithea J palms, l.itanla
palms, replms palms ami r.ucstef all aJileas
111 lull bliNim a let' variety for this
season of the vear. At each iinale of the
stairway wish placed gold-pl.iled candelabra.
1 Ight lent ill heightaud healing clghlccn wax
candle-, the white light of which shene res
pteiiileiillvamiiiigtlic surrounding foliage.
Over tlie railing el the lialceny were placed
hanging baskets containing running vines,
ferns, ilewerlng ln'geiila, primieses and
tullis. Ineveiy window plaee ami corner
of the upiier lialceny were groups of palms
and Honoring plantn,
V leur-li'aved clever imiutcd the way
te the banqueting hall. Tills portal once
p issed a scene met the eves of the guests that
they cm never torget. There was net a por
tion of tlie large loom or of us walls thai had
net been ullll7id as a cijgu el vantage fur
decorative purpeM-H.
The reguiui feili leaved table was in Its
place, but In order t" .uieiuiiiimI ite llie
large atteudunie .1 hmse-shoe siirrotmd siirretmd
ed the regular beard except oil lis levicr
side. I'rem tlm cent u spiang an
iree maile of laurel brain lies, upon which
were lasteiirs.1 white canieli is. Atits base
was a bank of mess 111.11I0 brilliant hy the
searlet lilosseuu, et eupherbia peitsctl.i. In
front of the president, and between him and
the loving cup was a great Meral plnen 00111 00111
jnised of the choicest Mowers ami lopresont lepresont lopresent
Ingii elevei lilosseui, surreuiuled by a horse
shoe, (in each of the Mower leaves of the
clever Utile proper uum Meral platcjtis three
feet in diiimcter. They were alike hi design.
Their main construction was of loses and
cirnatiens. In the eeutre viasa leur-lcafcil
clever, undo of lyceinxlitim, ami In llie cen
tre of this was a double "C" iuonegr;i coin cein coin
Kisi'del wliiienml pink carnations.
At the portion of Hi" table furthest ro re ro
inevisl fieiu the pir-siilenl's chair was a col cel col
lectien of lour iniir-lenled elnv ers--01 what
might Ik termed a Nixlcon-lenled clover clever
consisting of growing clever, which ropic repic
scuted the wainiiug work of a het house ler
the last three months. Interspersed between
these Meral trophies wen- large candelabra of
gilt and ei v st.d and uilcrtw inud around ev cry
table ileceraliiiu weie seis'iiliue trailingset
the smilax. Ni much for the table.
Tlie ether liii'inshiiigs et Hie room made. 1
brilliant Inuue lei tills gorgeous pictme. The
four doer-wiivs weiu draped with silken Hags.
a brilliant elteil U'lng obtained by a combi
nation nfthe yellow- nitilli'iy liaimers, Hie
blue regimental Mags and the Ill-colored
ualieiial ensign. Tlie gtis tlxtures of the room
were tiuuHinirilv chaugeil in honor of tlm
iHSiisien. On nuinemiis braekcls were
placisl glels's of inanv and brilliant colors,
and t ruin llieceiliiigliuug tour brilliant crys
tal chandeliers, the glels-s being of Ihe liuest
In one corner, backisl by an antique As.
tr.u'li.iu rug, was a gig.intii' 111 uhd llgure
iipiarentl.v- tint hi le.ditv 11 stove, vihich ob
tained its ilrauuht tlireiigh the legs of the
melal giant. The origin. il of tins was niade
for William II. underbill for H,mm, Ite
himl ihe president's chair was a I'C.iulilul
feature of the setuuir. It was a glass screen,
ipiMrcutlv h.iiiil-naintcd ; but the Meweis
tliat the lights behind il rev ealeil in delicate
tllicery weiv giitlieieil near Keine, tlielr
isilers'piesciviil hv sonic VMiiulerlul ait, and
tlie piesscil lilnssems Willi tlielr lines un
sullied preserved belwien two Him plates et
glass in the lerni et .1 li tier " C."
Oil sideliinrils and Ismllels weie richlv richlv richlv
colered H1111gnr1.u1 vases, .mil en thn walls,
liosliles (laintiiigs and watei eoleis, vveie
uotalile win ks el ait.
It is net dilllciilt le imagine lliis colhs'tieu
et line ami Isiiuliliil things as ceiubiiiiiig le
ni.iku a marvileusly lirilli.iut sniui, Imt the
lily was indeed pauited and the guests still
mere amazed when just as President Handy
placed the loving cup te his lijis, tlie
troe in the icnlie of the table lil.icil leitli ill
the sin isissing splendor el eighteen incande
scent eleetnc lights, furnished from the
llrush ilreiut. s the siirpii-ed lumjuelers
lieluld the novel elbstaml looked ter the
fust time 011 a semblance of the golden fruit
in the Harden of llcsperides. mveluutaiy
applause greeted Ihe wink el tlie Clovei
club's busy hands.
lltll'Vtl'llS 01 VII lis lit l'l 11 1 Ml.
The oysters w ei e pi elaced by two tit-bits.
Tlie llrst was a atiltitlr Ifultiiml, composed
principally el salt heirini;, onions and iHita-
teos chepiH'd Hue, mid lliis was lollewed by
riiimif ii fu (.'rcciiic, whieli lerni was given
le a piece el toast 011 which was spieada
iaste made of civi.ue, lucid ciumbsand
almonds in equal ptopeitious.
Tl 10 oysters of eein-se i-.uue next and thou
the set ii'i, Tlie lattei was a 111,11 vel et culinary
art; a chicken tmuilleii was made into the
clcaicst ci ;!,,, en (i. limiting hi whieli woie
pules of the whlle meat el pheasant and
tin key and dilleielillveoleied.
Oyster-ci-alis hi sliells were a lilting prelude
le what iiilght be teimed tlie juice itY nan
In iiiv. It was termed -tiein legard for the
prejudices et uiituteied guests and ill elder
te conceal the scent et Its making - "a dainty
dish of lisli," under which was concealed the
billewing: V base composed of skale llsh,
iilHiu which was leared aceue of snails fed 011
inulberrv leaves, Hie vvhole being covered
with a wlille wine sauce, and Mil mounted by
the club monogram, "C. C." in trellies. Tli'e
aeceinpaniiiicnts weie potalees 11 11 Jlueliuin
tciiK and cucuiuliers. livery 0110 enjoyed
the novel dish, iii.uiv wrylaces
vveiomade vvlicn 11s tniuiiosiifen vas 10
ve.iled. The next dish, whleli was the rulrec, was
net an unworthy companion ler us prede
cesser. It was tcrint'il an i';i";i'ii"in; tie fine
init. uii one sine was a nun sine 01 phea
sant lueasl ami en Hie oilier cainni limned in
the sluqsi of. 1 cutlet. Hetweiu these was
jififV tie futt' ii'im, the liver of the juiiiipcivil
giKise giving an iiidesciibalily delicate Liste
10 1110 game meal, vvmcii was iiciglileueil ny
the addition of aiesette of Unfiles ami vil
li rul sauce.
Saddles of Southdown mutton, Imported
from Kuglaud, wero dtcssed wltfi the head
and tails of the sheep, and decorated witli
rare-colored ribbons held in llie hands el
jix'kiesciirvodfieiu t urn ipsaudi .umts. 'I hey
weie cooked very 11110 ami served with
jelly, the aeeempamiuenls lieing Kictich
green peas ami lieans mixed and siuolhered
in cream and erouqitetlos of imlutoes, which
en being eieiied rovealed tlie presence of
Hiiluach of nihl-suiumer ureeuuess.
Hut the sei bet demonstrated, If demonstra
tion is needed, llie Clovei lies uie men
of surprises. I'jsm a wooden gildiien, deco dece
mted wllh elev er-leav es ami blossoms and
thn emblematic quills crossing bciuath, was
set 11 waxen lae-siiillte 01 llie llil'ce-li. nulled
loving cup. This being lined, the delicate
Iteinan ptiueli was disclosed and subse
quently consumed.
Then, i'.uiie the game, ami it was the only
lepicsciltatleu of the featheied Uibe I lie
club could put upon its table, Asa matter of
cotirse cuch half duck for no man get or
consumed less was hi cempiuy witli ieiiits
ofeeleryimd hominy lillteis.
TI10s.1l.11l went b.v the name or rhutrlume,
which sliuple term meant a combination of
bhriiup, crab meat, celery, i-.urets, turnips,
I Uulbah and mounted en a base, of Hiked te-
.Mnyonunise nun meal jcitv 101 null in a
lilaleand Icttk'O. Kach salad was niade sep
nratcly. AlliTtlioiliWielinil lieen nibbled nl, thu
gas lights were low ens! mid the electric cur
rent svv Helical etr, n prix'ossien of Walter
marched around the room with a inimlier of
llliiiiiin.ilcd pieces In Ice nml conlcctletis,
prouiliteiitnmeiig which worn I'lllrile
f'lurt'r and . I'mre (tlie Mglil IIdiimi) tlr
firncr Diirlltnj, the hitler N'ing set 11(1011 u
solid rock oflce. The traditional cakes, fruit
ami iiillee closed llie feast.
.1 iu.a.wi: at virv vui.iiivs.
Iniiiiilbiirii Anil siliiinl lllrpilin, nlm (;ii (Inl
.Coining relinmry C'unl i-sls.
The lertns of llie following m Icel coimell ceimell
men oxplreoii the ilmt Meiidny el April, nml
tlielr places will be taken by these clotted en
the third Tuesday of Kcbruarv :
Harry A. Diller, I'JItli ward.
Oeorge M. llerg'T, Sevcntli ward.
Philip Zccher, Ninth ward.
Tlm terms of nil the common cettncilincii
iilsoe.xpheott that day. The prosent mein
bers of common council are ;
Plrst VVnrd Win. T. I'.berinnii. .I0I111 II.
Leng. William K. Heard, iiiul Jehn C.
Second Ward Adam J. Au.xer, HorveyN., Prank II. Itat'O.
Third Ward Ueubcit llcrtllcld, Charles
HuckiiiH, Ahriim Shirk.
I-'euitli Wiinl Jehn K. Schimi, (ieergH W.
Cerineuv, Dr. It. M. Ilelrnlus,
I'lfth Wnnl Ki'iibcn Hershey, Clarence V.
Sixth Ward l.em. C. I..iby, Israel P.
Mayer, .I0I111 Mclitighliu.
Suveiith Wnnl-I'' Kvarts, Philip
Dlnkclbcrg, II. Frank Adams.
Illghth Ward Charles MpHiUI, P.enjamhi
Iltlber, Jeseph Adams.
Ninth Ward Jesetih K. WnlcH, David il.
Leng, Jehn S. Kendlg.
The present ceilueli utands politically in
follews: Select, Iteptibllcans 11, Doinei'nits
;i: common council, Ileptibllcns III, Detno Detne
eiatsil Oitticntng Sihii'il Dlri'iliirs.
The lertns of the following school dlrectei-s
c.xplie hi November, hut their successors
will be 1 liesr-ii at thu rebruiry iniuiicipal
election :
Domeotuts : iloergo Daruisletter, J. M.
Johnsten, Win. McCemsey, S. W. Haub, C.
Uelmeiisiiyder.Jehn McKlllips. Keiiuhlicans:
D.mlel (i. Ilaker, Marriett Itresiiis, A. K.
Siiurrier, Win, O. Marshall, J. W. llyrneiind
lleiiry (iast.
Alderineii in llie l'eiiith, Sixth ami Ninth
wards will also be chosen in February. Vs Vs
sessers, coiistableiv Judges and insiiO(.ter.s
will Isi chiHen In all tlie wards.
seiiin of thn Coming Centrstn.
Nearly all of the old ceiiiicllmun will lie
iMiulldates for rei'lectlen, but In seme of the
wards they will net secure Hie nomination
without a contest. In tlie Fourth ward a full
ticket will be run against the present council
ticket. On UnllTlm the names of Henry
Will, Wilincr J. Hess and Jehn Humphrey
ville. The knowing ones predu t a close light
with the chances ill favor el the new ticket.
In H10 third wai-d Jehn W. Menl7er and
llcnj. Henry will Iks eilidnlati's ler council,
as will Hie three old members
III the First ward all the old members can
lx lo-ueminated If they se w Mi. Thcre may
lie, a change in tlie Second, also m the Fifth.
In tlie Sixth w ill net be a candidate
for re-clei'tlen and hissinvesser has net been
'agreed upon." Tlie light for iilderiunu hi
Hits ward may have something te de with
selecting the 1 eimcil ticket. 'Ibere are new
tiveciindidates ler the Hcpiililican nomina
tion foraldcrni.iiieftheSixth. Miller Fniim,
D.ive Deen, Oeorge llriuiitnall, Augustus
lteininlil and Jehn W. Samsgnnre willing te
serve their country in that ciqiacity.
In the Fourth ward the Republican cnidl cnidl
dales for alderman me A. lCSpurrier, II. F.
W. Urban, Peter It. Ferdnev ami llenrv 1
In the Ninth ward thecaiididnlesare Hairy
A. s,chreei, Jeseph Uiuhlc, Willi.uu Reelini
and iieorge W. Vinkerten.
.10.X- .viritrin.
Ills Ciuiiii'itlen Willi tin K.irri,tMii-g Cur ( inn-
I11113 stieng 1'iiitsti lern Inii-.ilriini.
I rum tlie It iiiUljulg Tcleenqin
This gentleman entered the service el the
oemjMiivovcr tlnrtv vc.irs age as acaicutei,
from vv liiih huuible oi'ctipatien he has In
come one of the most liuj "ivt.iut elllci.ilsin its
business oK'iiitiens-that of soliciting agent
of llie uiuipauy. Possessing a warm, genial
iialure lie lias 'the (nippy facility of making
e.u lies! fi lends in everv spfure et llie
into whieli his lmsiiiess or social rela
tions calls him, while his thorough knowl
edge of the trado.tegpthor vv fth extr.ierilinary
meutal jiewer, and a loadiiiess te present the
Is.'st pointef .margumeiit in the most pei-sun-sive
and lon'ible manner, wilheiil autigoui autigeui
zmg uiipleas,uitly,jeiiiid w lib a close applica
tion te business, produces results of the most
giatifvhigehaiaoter. The .minimi of contracts
Mr. Murphy has seciiied fei the company is
simply enormous, and Ihev have always
been 'made at the best attainable rates.
Much of the business was obtained thieugha
warm Iceling for Mi. Minpliv pi isenally.
Indeed, his ollective service 111 Is'lialf et lliu
i'eiiixiuy havebcen theenvv et thcautheiily
of all ether Ostablishliicuts uigaged III llie
same industry, who :11c t.imiliai witli
his operaliensi Mi. Muiphv is lejally
develcd te the lu.uiagii, and lc
tweeii llie two the fulh st mutual cou ceu
luleiii e exists, lu hisprivab illations of life
he lias all llie qualities el a gentleman, lle
is full el mildness and geed iialuic, tmd we
doubt if ever hopive expression te an thing
tliat indicated :m angry m unkind teeling
lewaid any man. A spirit of geed feeling
toward evei ylsxly seems te breathe through
out everything he s.iys ; and Ins manner is as
kindly a's his conversation. It is genial and
pleasing 111 the highest ib gioe 111 sheit, of
tliat quality which cannot l.ul te win the
esteem el all with whom he associates.
lliu Alli'gi'il VII' nqit te A. si. .lull.' (nl. Untl).
1 loin Hie l'hlliiilclplila Nem n
A day or two since I Had an ugly para
giaph In seme el tlie ikqieis. t 1 1 u ellevt that
some person alteiupted te ass.issuate
Colonel Jmnes Dully, et Maiiettn. This is
net ti ue. Tills man begin lile in a very
liumble way in tlie little town where he new
lives. All of his early he outlined the
haulships of a life en the gicit ilvcr tliat
Mews lu front of the splendid home he has
niade ler himself. Ne toil known te 11 rafts
man's life Hut he has net known. Whan he
grew alKive every-dav luminal labor he
helped his fellows and added te
the town inaiiufactiiiiug and oilier iudiis
ttics, until for years he has contributed mero
le these vvlinluber than any doen people in
the place, lle has ever bin n upon the best
of tciius witli all these who arc employed by
I1I111, and a man deg enough te be an assas
sin vwiuiu net select mm ler a target, incre
is 110 dastard hi that region mean enough te
seek te de this kind man, tins kind friend,
this interesting gentleman, bmlllv harm, ,v
boy feeling w itli 11 pistol accidentally discharg
ed'!!, anil the lull (kissed tbieiigh tlie window
of the Colonel's lesltlei,. e. Tlie lin.igin ilien
of seme person lu that sin ill town took held
of the simple accident and telegraphed it ever
thu country us 1111 attempt te assassinate. If
It was 1101 a malicious siattmeui, 11 was an 111
tiiued one, nml has caused the Colenet ami
Ids friends much unney.un c I saw the Jelly
soul for an hour, and he was never better or
I rliMMint Clillilieu's Ikill,
(i. J. filllesiiie's clultlieii's Ikdl and
adult's reception ut tlie VV est Kingstieet rink
last evenlug, was a vnv succcisful and
ple.1sur.1ble event. The children weie hand
somely dressed and 1 xhibitetl avvoudeiful
skill in dancing. After Hie liltle ones had
finished the adults occupied the Meer until a
late hour. Thore wero in all aljeiit lWlpcople
present. The billowing fancy dances wero
ilcliuhtfiillv civen : llerniiilie. Miss Grace
l.ogue; Iirghlaiid Fling, VIiss Lulu Flss ;
Hornpipe, Miss Teresa Mcliovern; li
Miislderii, Mlsses Katie McTague, Mary Lant
and Prof, (illlespie i'ltnuuiiet Pelka, Miss
Fiss ami Master lEIch.ud lc(ii-.inii ; Tiiple
Hornpipe, Mistes Teresi MeUeveiu, Urace
l.ogue and Prof, (illlespie.
Oulik Werk.
Yesterday Captain Wilcox, the tobacco
man, with four attendants unleaded I roll 1 11
Ihix ear which was standing en a aiding, nl
the warehouse, &0 eases of tolmcce lu the short
space of S minutes, tlie sumo tobacco win
iH-nti),l flliit lltt.,1 II. .t t.f tlw. l .11 .di.iiwe
, in Jd minutes,
mi: i.asvahthh :tivit jt viu it r ti
111: itr.Mevr.ii.
An llllinil limn In lake tlie ri.nilVV I1.1I Hi"
llrii'il uf tlm lii'liiiinii Will lle mi I'm-
rt,T In tlm Vvrnt laiil-Cinilil It
imt lis Kept In IjinnKlrr?
Arrangements have been niade and arti
cles of agreement are nhetit being signed
for the transfer of the Umenster
Watch eeniiaiiy from this city te Grand
Cressing, four tulles from Chicago. Heme
yenrsageasiiltabin building for a watch fac
tory was erected nt that point, but before the
factory reuhl lw put Inte oieratleu the com
pany failed. In the proposed tiaiisfer, ar
rangements will Im made for the payment of
the mortgages and lleatlng debt against the
present ceuiimuv. All the machinery, tools,
jiattcrns, Ac, will be taken te Chicago. Mr.
Illtucr, who holds a controlling Interest of
the sleck of the Lancaster eetiijumy will be
Interested in the Chicago company, mid will
go there In ense the arrangements are com
plied. Thore Is a great dcslre tin the part of many
of our eitlrens te have the lactery remain
here. Hundreds of thousands of dollars
weie Invested In its erection and equipment.
Its location In the western suburbs el thn
city greatly enhanced the vnlue of all
adjacent pieperty. When In operation tlie
lactery gave employment te liundrcds of
men and women whose wages weie
expended among the business men
of this Pity, thus increasing all
all branches of trade. Itn removal will eatisu depreciation in tlm value of tlm real
estate of the wutch factory, as wellasull ether
real estate in the vicinity. As an evidence
et this it may he stated that a few years age,
w lien the factory was in full blast, Mr. llitner
niade an assignment el his estate, which was
aiipraised at fOrt.Oijn. IIe niade another as
signment after the factory had shut down mid
his estate, consisting of tlie sanie property,
was appraised at only ?IO,One. The rotneval
of the factory will cause a still further
depreciation of this and nil ether adjacent
propei ty.
If half 11 dozen or a dercn wealthy west
euders were te put their heads and their
purses together, the factory might he again
set en its loot, nml be put in full running ew
ration, and the stock w hlch is new vvertliless
might be again run up te par ; ami even if it
didn't the ownersweuhl reap Indirect prellls
hi the enhnticejl value of their adjacent prop
erty. 'fhe only present owners of stock in the
company we bcliovenro Mr. A. llilner and
Dr. floury Carpenter. Tim mortgages and
jiidgineiitsagahist the property, which also
cover the machinery, tools Ac., are about
rtivcisn it.s reiicj:.
I our lliiuilrril Kuipliijci of tin SpiliiKlii'lil.
IIU., VVnlih raiting te tin IMsclmrgeil.
Si'itlNiirtKLP, Ills. 10. The Sprlngllelil
wntch factory has given uolice tliat two
thirds of its empleyes will be thrown out of
einpleyinent alter Saturday night. The fac
tory usually employs 1,200 hands, but has
U.'cnina very unprosperous 1 ointitien for
snmn time, employing only WW hands since
September. This leaves only 2m hi em
ployment alter this week.
met in:
Cmiipli'tu Sins!--Tin'
Much I'reKtnitcil
As we went te pi ess Thursday the I1n.1l
cerenienies attending tlie cremation of Mtij.
Charles H. llrady were beiug conducted by
I.imtierten Ledge, F. and A. M., at the Laii
iiistercreiuaterluin. Thobeily having l;cen
prewired tlie caUfalqtle itjieii which it rested
w as placed 111 front of the retert. The ladies
wlie were present, twelve, in number, includ
ing the widow of tlie deceased, were sealed
en chairs placed around the cellin, ami the
members of the ledgo tunned a square, out
side of the ladies mid in this imsitinn the
final funeral service of the Masonic order was
read, at Jho conclusion of which the body
was placed In the retort mid the deer was
The ordeal was .1 very trying one In tlie
widow, wlie fainted when the IkxI.v dlsap
leared in tlm scelluug reteit.
Mrs. llrady was conveyed te tlie residence
of Dr. Wm.'N. Amer, vv'hcre slie passed the
night. This morning she and lier csenit, Mr.
Ohcrlicek, took the Niagara express for Har
risliurg, whence they ment te Carlisle near
which plai.e Mrs llr.ulv has two sisters liv
ing, one of whom, Mrs. Harlan, Is also a
widow. Alter paying 11 short visit te her sis
ters slie w ill return tn St. Iuis, wheie she
has Unco daughters living the eldest aged
!Si, tlie second IS and the x eiingest S years
old. Sim will probably biingher children
Fast.asthere Is netliing'lclt te lnakeSt. Leuis
a pleasuit home for her, while she has many
friends and relatives living ill Carlisle and
The hiclncrataeii was veiy complete, the
ictett lieing ut u white heat vv lieu tlie Isnly
was nlnceil in it. Tills morning when tlie re
teit vvasniKmed Micro was nothing remaining
of tlie body hut a few pounds of jmre white,
ashes. These were carefully gathered anil
placed in a tin case, which will be heimcti
cilly sealed and teiwmded by Dr. M. L.
Davis te Mi-s. llratly.'
A Wrilillug In WI1UI1 Ijiiiiastrlaus .WsUteit.
Ill St. Jehn's l'pisoepal church llellefente,
Thursday afternoon a large company witness
ed tlie inarrlage of Miss Jennie Curtlu Itcy Itcy
nelds, daughter of Themas 11. Keynelds, of
llellofeute, ami niece of ex-Oovenier A. (i.
Curtiu ami Majer W. It. Reynolds, te
Jtiiucs l'ierjieliit. The lkirty was
led by usliera Kskrulge Lane. W. Fred
Reynolds, P. Carskaddeii, (1. F. Drew, J. L.
llauiiil and J. M. Dale, six bridesmaids, in
blue, pink and corn-colored silks, attended
the bride. They were Miss M Irian Themas,
Miss Mary Themas, Miss Nellie Reynolds,
Miss Fnifly Valentine, Miss Flera 1-ex anil
MissMiiiuie Simiisen. The bnde woie u
white sitlu dress and Mewing veil of l.icunnii
can led a large bouquet of white roses anil
lilies of tlie valley. All thediesses were
uiagnlliccnt. Mnny distinguished persons
fiem abreatl were prcsent. The presents weie
many and very handseiue. The marriage
ceremony was perieriucu ny 1110 ucv. .101111
Tlie bride Is aiius'oef Hen. S.ll. Reynolds,
et lliis city. The bridesmaid were dressed
most elaborately lu pink, blue mid corn
colored silks and laces Thoc bride were a
white svtlu dress with point lace and tluvv ing
veil mid carried a magnificent bouquet of
white roses and lilies of Mm valley. The
luescnts were very costly ami handseme
lieiug silverware and bric-a-brac, vv llh checks,
etc. Hen. A. (. Curtiu, undo of the bride,
was lu attendance. S. 11. Royneldsand Miss
Fnier, of lliis city, Hen. Jehn Orvis, Judge
Furst ami Hen. James Milllkcn, were also
riteM Mini nv 1'i.aci.s.
Jeseph Downing, of Allcntewn, has fallen
heir te a fortune in Fngland computed at
CeiiEressuian-elis2l Scranteu has been stud
ler libel hv William Council, a wealthy coal
oM.rnter of Scianteii.
Tlie trouble aiising in Chester county fiem
the recent elected auditor lefusiiig te serve
iH'Ciuse of the low recompetiho (Sl.RO) per
day, tins been In id god ever liy the com I tip
Muiiting J, tl. Moses, Caleb 11. Kiuuard mid
Septimus 11 Nlven te tuitlit tlie accounts of
the county elllccrs for tlie tuist year. Tiioie
is a bill oeforo the state legislatuie asking
that tlie pay lie iiicrciiscd te 55 per dlcin, the
old figuresbclng relics of nn act passed half
a century age or mere.
Went te Neiv Orli'iintf.
l,ast evening ut'tlOH. C. Deiiiuttiimd wilb
and Miss LizIe Uetz left thU city by the
Pennsylvania read for New Oilcans te visit
tlie exposition. They vv 111 be geuti for some
Three gentleiiieu fiem the country lull for
the Crescent city ever the Reading raid day
before yosterday.
The light, title and interest et J. Tayler
Huddlcseu lu the Franklin Iren ceutiany of
lloluerstovru was sold at shcillPs Hale at the
ceiut hoiue this meruhig. William!!. Mcu
ilcuhuU was the purchtwernt J70.
M .' .VKII .1 lltO V Clll.VMIIIA.
Ileiiigiiilfjitlnii nf llie ((lit Ciiliimlil.i l'nlitle
(Ireiinil Ciiinpnii)- lliiriniKti llrlcfu.
Ilpputiirt'uncipnndencaef lsTitiuaEstrn.
t'et.tnitilA, Jan. 10. Thu trustees: of the
eltl Columbia pitblle ground company met nl
.I.C. Pfahlci's lat evening, mid organized for
lVJe. Jehn A. filnde was elected president
mid J. C. Ffahler as secretary and treasurer.
Mr. Pfahlergave a supper.
Only 0110 session was held yesterday and
lo-dayet the public schools, owing te the dls dls dls
agcoc.ilile vveatlier.
A large dark bay horse was stolen fiem the
stable of Christian Newcomer residing near
Washington borough ; nlce 11 saddle, bridle
and halter. The projiei ty has net as yet been
llllile classes are te be lerined lu several of
our Pretcsbmt churches, for persons who de
net new belong te any Sunday school.
Pennsylvania pay car arrived here yes
terday. Nothing further will lie doue about the
Columbia Institute until the olllcialsef the
Pennsylvania railroad company state hew
niuch'thev will eeuti Unite.
A.Mr. T'reilell had his IcR arm badly cut
liy a bettle bursting. He Is a clerk In Mark
et's drug store.
(iee. Helm's remains were interred in Mi.
Ilethel cemetery, this morning.
The river Is rising about half an Inch an
A leaded Height car while being shiited at
Chickies funiius) Ne. 1, broke loose, rati dew n
the street and Inte an engine house crushing
in 0110 cud.
The following donations were received by
the Relief association : Sl.x pairs of blankets
from Mrs F,d. F. Stair, P,il leaves of bread
from Mrs C. C. Smith and blankets fiein J.
W. i 0011111.
The Metropolitan and Columbia pole clubs
played a draw game, whieli required l.'i min
utes te H11M1. Neilher side scoured a goal.
l'rli .V Swartz have a steer new 011 exhibi
tion at the Franklin heuse that wciglis .1,000
pounds, it fs te Im publicly slaughtered 011
the ITth of February.
Mrs. Daniel (iritlltli ami family have re
moved te Yerk. They lived here about lllly
S7'. ,IOIl.V, V.MfllATIC lUlXIAIm
He S)i ilm Clinrj;i's ,i;iiliit llbii Are l'.iKc
I'rinii llrgliinlng te Iiiul
Minni.aI'OMs, Mimi., Jan. 15. I'.x-Uov-emer
SI. Jehn arrived here this aflorneon,
in respense te an inquiry by a press repre
sentative as te whether lie would consent te
in.ike a public statement regarding the
Clarksen-Legalo publications w'liich have
recently appeared in tlie newspapers regard
ing his course during tlie lale campaign,
sild :
"Ne. I have thus far dclinetl te make
any statement beyond a mero denial of tlie
accusations but" I may prepare a statement
iiiul furnish you with llie manuscript before I
leave the city. I have net yet determined,
hew ever. Ifl conclude teanswer the charges
at all, further than te merely deny the vv hole
nllair, I w ill net dcienil upon the memory of
any one, but will furnish tlie copy te you
"Yeu de net hesitate, then, le brand the
entire allair us false?" said tlie reporter.
" The charges," he replied, "arofalse from
bcgiimingteend. Legate is new thohlreiigest
vv ilness against nij accusers autl I have had
no communication w itli him or anyone else
about the matter. The press dispatches of
the past tew days should be stilllcient proof
toativeno that tlie ch.rgesaie l.ilse. Legate
admits that the letter, or part of It, Is a
forgery. All that 1 desire te siynew is that
1 am Innocent of these charges, and 1 hepe I
de net leek like a guilty man. Ifl conclude
te make a public statement 1 will furnish
j 011 vv itli a copy ev er my evv 11 signature, as I
said.", Mass, Jan. le. A loiter from
cx-(joveruer St. Jehn te a local prohibition
ist is published hore te-diiv. lle says : "Tlie
vvhole story te the elbsjt that 1 or Ilia Prohi
bition I'etumitteu hnvu received a single
penny, pledge or premise, iretu tlie Demo
cratic ur any ether party, person or persons,
dinx-'tnr indirectly, hi coumsitien with llie
campaign, except iny personal exjieuses paid
by the Prohibition committee. Is infamously
aiid inalii ieusly lalse."
tun in i:iiii iiiul.
A bill in equity was tiled 011 Thursday
allerneuii by counsel for Abraham lllsseret.
ul..igainst Ileury II. Nisslev, Samuel l'hy
and tlie Farmers' bank, of Iai7.tbelhtewii.
Tlie dcfiiidants me leqiiestetl te answer
whether Sl,5.'i0 deMisileil in tlie Fanners'
bank of Klizabcthlewn, in thu individual ac
count of Henry II. Nisley en Aprils lssl,
was net the money el tlie eslaloef Henry
Nissley, deie.iseii ; and nlse whether the
balaiice rcuialiilng en tiepesii 011 acpu ti,
IM5I, in the individual ais-ouutef llcniy 11.
Nissley. is net the money of the estate of
Henry Nissley, deceased.
Hie l.ll.ilii'llitunii II ink I nihil e.
loin the Llilenlclc
A committee of tlie iloiOsileis examined
into the assets ami liabilities and found them
qtiile satisfactory. T110 eonimittee were se
well satisfied w 1th the assets being largely hi
excess of tlie liabilities, mid estimated Mr.'s estate at nearly MO.oeti, which is
lLihle, they say, for all the liahllities or the
bank, that they, with numerous depositors
loeiiestod liini le resume as speedily as ikis-
sllAe te which he has agreed, If desired by
the deiKisiters, and we are illicitly reliably
informed that llie bank will resume hi a low
A Creamery t'rujuit Ali.lliitulieil.
1 10m tlie Lttltz llcceul.
Tliecieaincry proisisitieu agitated by 1. II.
Wanxer, of Wisconsin, who, assisted by sov sev
eral of our enterprising citlcus wanted te
establish a butler cieamery at this place, was
abandoned for the pieseut because low jkt
sens weie willing te take stock. The matter
Is net dead, however, but will be tried at
seme later period. Mr. Waiircr went te
Fphr.ita and will see wlicthcr the icople
theie are mero ciiter(irising than nt Lilit.
sullil chunks or Wl-aliiiti.
I10111 the Philadelphia I.rdgcr.
It does leek as if the ti-aus(N)rtatieii parade
of the Liberty bell 'Is bordeihig somewhat
en the ridiculous
Instead of spending fifteen thousand dol
lars for a picture if the Flocteral commission,
whlcheoiniucinerales a pioeo of history tliaf
might lietter be forgotten, Congress ought te
spend fifteen minutes in Kisshig an electoral
count law, miking such a commission 1111 1111 1111
noiessiry licrcailer.
Tin- llliii; Triumphant,
(ins Trustees MoMaues, Stanten, Moeruand
Weik, vv he were selected at Thursday after
noon's Republican " couference " te succeed
themselves, were subsequently elected by
Philadelphia councils At tlie sauie "con "cen
feieuce'' Fire Commissioner Fiuleug was
reneiiiiualcil. 'llie election et a llie com
missioner will net lake place until thu first
meeting of common council in February.
Aikmisu' Ciiicrnur luuiigiinitcil.
(loverner Hughes, or Aikimsas, was Inait
gunitcd, Thursday, lu his inaugural he sug sug sug
L'cstHtliofiiiuliiiireftlie. imdlsnuteil debt In
JO-year bends urged the holding of state anil
national elections ut the same time, and la
yers the establishment of a state bureau of
Miners Wuiii's Itnluivil.
PirisuL'itii, l'.u, Jim. R Tlie Champien
coal iniues in the fourth peel resumed te-day
at a leductien el" li per cent, per bushel lur
milling. This is tlie lowest price juid for
years The Caledonia and Neel iiihies have
notices posted, ordering a similar reduction,
Ii 11. Hubert M. Ilriuleii Hies.
I'll 11. vtii.i'iiiv, Jim. la General ReU'rt
M. I bin ten, died hore te-day.
Iiitluiuiiku In l.i'lminin County.
LmiANON, P.l, Jan. lit Vu eurthqiiake
tremor was felt at Sheallorstewu yesterday.
vi:ATiu:it txeiVA i'uix.s,
VV.isiitNoreN, 1). C, Jan, 1J. Fer Iho
Middle Atl.-mtle shites, cloudy xveather
and rain, variable winds, generally easterly,
slightly wanner weather, lower lureincter.
Fer Satuiday, rain followed by fair weather.
vex. CAMt.'itex .xieir.v in: js xur a
PAVI'.lt Si:XAT0U,
liitriiituiliig A .vteniiirlnl In llie ftcimte tn Hip
i:tTrrt Tlml Hin Spanlrli Trfiily Is tip.
piMist te Hid Cniiiitrj,' Inlrrcjb. The
(limit Hill arts A Iltiiw.
Wash tse toy, Jnu. in, Senate. Catno Catne Catno
reit (Pcntia.) presented a memorial from
3.1XKI I'lgarniakcrs of l'linndelphla, srttliiR
forth Mini the rallucitleu of the pemllitB
.Spanish treaty would threw out of employ empley employ
mciitmeiocltli'cnsorihoCiiltcd States than
thcre me inhabitants in rmte Rice, and pre.
testing against tlie ratlrU'nllnn, A nitmhoref
ether petitions In the sanie strain were pre
sented and appropriately referred.
At two o'clock the chair laid hofuie thn
Senate the Intcr-state ceiiimcrcu hill.
Ifotise Cobb (Indiana) reiKirted the
conference disagreement 011 the bill te forfeit
uucaiiicd Atltiutle it l'.iclllc liliul grants,
stating that the dilTorenco belwccn the two
houses grew out of a Senate amendment
commonly knew 11 as the Morgan tuiietul ntent.
lllsoeek (N. Y.) moved thai the Heuse re re
cetle from its disagreement te the Sounds
amendment. lUsetick'.s motion was lest by
a vete of 4 5 te 65. The disagreement xvas lu
insisted en and the comtulttee of conference
Ala meeting of the llouse coimullteo uu
mititaty allalrs, Rcprosentatlvo Slei'um wns
aulherired te call uplu the Ibmse, ntthe first
epivjitunity, the llrst bill iulreduqed in the
Senate at tlie present Congress providing for
the placing efUraut en tlie retired list.
At a meeting of the eonimittee toslav.the
motion imtherl7ingliim te rill up tin) bill
passetl by the Scnale en the I lib, having for
Its object the retiring of Grant was lest by
vete of 8 te i These opposing the preposition
worn Itescenuis, Slectim, Morgan, Woirerd.
Murray, Connelly, Lvinait and llavne, mid
ami Steele.
The Senate miieiiiliiiciiis te the Oregon
Central land grant bill went nlsoneit-cou
curretl in.
McMillan (Tenn.) mevisl that the llouse
go into eoimuittce of tlie whele en the
private calendar. This was ep(Kse(l by
Tevvnseiid (HI.), who wishctl te call
up the Mexican pension hill and who
liiatlc the point that no quorum hud
voted. IIe and McMillan were appointed
tellers, but n dispute arose as te the positions
te be occupied liy them, nml a eonlrev ei-sy
ergiuntiug hi fun grew slightly hltler.
Finally Helmaii wasapiMOiuted in Tovyiiseild'M
place and tlie motion was agreed te; se nt
li)0 the llouse went into committee of the
w hele en the private calendar.
Till: STATU l.l.lllHI,ATVItK.
'llie 111110.0 Adjourns After rawing Ilia I'lillu.
ilclptiin iHKltrate lllll Neiiilimtlniit
Net Approved.
Special Dlapnlcli te the IXTELtiecsctik
IlAiiiilMlit'iKi, I'.t., Jan. lit. In thu Heuse
tiMlay the chair was authorized te appoint a
eonimittee te dovise Improved means of
ventilation of the lull of the Heuse, The
bill te ineroase tlie number of magistrate's
courts in Philadelphia from 'J 1 teftj, te comply
with a constitutional lcquireuiciit, was
passed finally yeas l,"s nays li!. Without
further business Uie llouse adjourned until
7ii0 p. 111. Monday.
Seme Nominations Ilmt Wi're Ulijccteil te.
lu the Senate Adams, et l'hllnilclphla, by
request introduced a bill te punish male
women beaters by iii!llethi-a punishment en
the bare back net exceeding tlility hishes
Senater McNeill, or Allegheny, roferrcd te
the appointments or the governor awaiting
action mid said uu mere should be sent te
the Scuate until theso before it were con
firmed. All were iaverahly ceiisiilercd ex--cept
L. 1'. Ashmcad and Themas Walter, of
Philadelphia, as trustees of the Xorrlslewn
hospital, the managers ofthe Mining hospital
at Ashland, and a feu-netaries public, some
senators having niade olijecllon te the con
firmation of these nominations. The Scinte
adjourned until Tuesday evening.
Hy Asueclatetl l'icss.
Hauuisuuue, Jan. 10. llouse. The
only Pliiladclpliiaiis voting no were' Mc
Caffrey and Morgan. The hill was scut te
the Senate.
Semite. Tite appointment of Rev. A. H.
Stutlcbakci', or llarrisbiirg, as chaplain, was
announced. In the list of nominations re
iKirted unfavorably Smith objected le Ash
mcad, nnd Reyburu objected te Waller.
Little Climicn Tin' mi i:xHiItIuit Appniprlatieu.
biicclnl DUpatch te the IxTELLltiuxcnu
IIauuisdciki, Jan. 10. R. 11. Themas,
Peiinsvlvania's commissioner at New Or
leans, is here walling ier the governor's slg-
natiiie te the concurrent lcsolutien pledging
mi approptlatien of ten thousand dollars te
eiiable him te make a creditable display at
the exposition. Information Just received
gives v cry little hope of favorable action en
the resolution.
1111: Ftntiuax livmu'.r.
lalmtiiiil Villi's, of the Londen "Wnrlit' l)c
U'ritiiiieii tn .iitu Jail 1'url.lbiil,
Londen, .fan. likEdmund Y.ites, editor
of the llei7if, Is npiMrcnlly determined te
undergo the four mouths' ltnpiisemmmt te
which he was sentenced by the courteftlio
qeeeu's bench for libelling Lenl Lansdale.
The court of appeal te-day dismissed his ap
peal against Mils sentence.
Edmund Yates has decided te abandon
fuithernpiiealsniiil will new go tn prison ami
serve out his sentence. He will rank as a
first-class misdemeanant.
fears that 11 Steamer I l.eit.
Londen, Jim. Hi. firave fears uie ontur entur ontur
tainetl for tlie silety of thu steamer Ailmlral
Mori-seu, plying lietwcen Dublin and Holy
head. She Is IS hours oveiiUia at the latter
pert, and as Micro was a bovcie storm last
night It is feared has been lest. The Dublin
agent of the line telegraphs that Admiral
Met rsen had few passengers
I'lre In the Carge eTn Steamer.
Londen, Jan. It). A fire in the cargo of
the steamer Acuha, which was partially
subdued last night, broke out afresh te-day,
ami is new raging werse than before, A
heavy swell prevents lugs alongslde from
doing ollective fjorvieo.
The l,HiiIMUer' DI.
Paris, Jan. IG. N'orbert lUUerlck, wlie
assaulted the editor of the Cft (lit JV'itpe ro re
ccntly, and was himself badly hurt by his
intended victim, died te-day.
Oliver llititliers .V I'hlllips teJInkn btntcmrnl.
PiTTsnuitd. Pa.. Jim. HI. It is cxpecteil
Mint next Tuesday Oliver llre's. it Philip j-'S
vv HI make a formal statement of their allftb's-
In the meanllniQ there xvlll be iiuicji
spoculntlen as te the condition of their
ntinliN. nnd numv wild rumors may
Ikveiiic nubile, but thev cannot I bascil en i'J i
any defiulte knewlcilge. The Unit wys It 1
will make a btatcincnt te the creditors flrsf
and the imulte afterwards
, 1.T' Tl lliihltiixa rinuknd Ilui-ltat!, I '
LiTTt.11 Uecic, Ark., Jan. hi Thonertu A
hidoefthoiuibllo square nt Joneseoro, am.,
Includlni; beven busluciu houses ww bunieil v
yestcrJay. The le is ostlmated at 70,H .
Iiij1I lleiieiiiliiateil Senater. ., .
Tetbha, Kansas J. lAAt alataheur
be. t nielli tlie liepuiiiicau caucus unanimetw
lv nominated Jehn J. lugidU fe
for reltleH
te tlie United States ijonale.
Hc.illiiif Jteur AiliiilniireT!!.' ; , n
WAMtiNoreN, Jau. hi Rear AiluslwVl
M. I'evveU, (rfctlaHl),'aiedJirelwtBgMs rt,