TOP?Wqp S; ifS- 1J "V- 'ft-. V THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15. 1885. 5. ... ,f V 7 , I1 T 1 i . r- ra fc SS iv s. -' m CAPTAIN THOMAS P1IELAN. i$l JiifKm&J tvfassfrrfssw Tar xax wnesv ass.i&sixatiux h.ix Txr.irrrrjJ i.v e'nvss.vs ernvr. Mtclch or lilt IJarljr I-lfe and Sonic I'iicIs In the History of Ills rrnmliiciice In Djiin- mlle Circles The Iaitcst liug- lUli TUploslen. Captain Themas I'helnn, whose, ntteinpteil nssasluntieti liy Mellaril Short In the elllce f O'Doneran Itessa in New Yerk en 1'rlilav last has hlthcrtn been given in ilcf.ill. lias bconleng Identified villi tlie men who tire conspiring te lllicrate Ireland fiein it con nection xvith tlie British Empire He is im Irishman by birth, having been Limn in the county Tlpperai-y, December 13, Is".". As an inmate, of n prominent Irish family mimed De la Pouer he rocel cd n geed education. In his tventv-seoend xcar he sailed for tlie f e.vv AVerld.aiid.aftcr MiendliiK a few month cast, went te Missouri, in which stale he has eer slnce rcided, with the exception et thrce years spent in Waslilimten. liirlj in ills llfe in Missouri lie reeci cd a pistol vi eund of which he btill bears traces, Hern n man with vilieni he had a quarrel nml who shot him In the left hand. He served in the war, and was clcited register or .lackseu county, Mls-seiui, In ISeS. Twe vcars nfter lie was electcd criminal clerk ofthORame county, llavini; cred out his term in this capacity, he trax clod with an other expert, show Inp hi nkill in sheeting. IUsonipleymcnU In Washington xvoie Hist us a doorkeeper in the IIouse of lteprcscn lteprcscn tatlve, and then as nentenant of the capital police. He nftorwerds returned te Kansas City with hi f.milly and began an ice busi ness. In the spring of 1m1 he was undo superintendent of the vioikheiisc, a position of which he is still the incuiubenl. Nothing was thought of liisconnection it ilh tlie most pronounced. Irish conspirators until alter he suddenly left Kansas City, in April, 1SS3. 'When, in August or the enine xiur, news was icceivcd James Care. 111 111 111 lnfonner in the Phoenix paik, ImMln, iniii dcr cases, had been assassinated, l'licl.ui was wldely supposed te be the O'Cetmell who had snot him. This preved te ls a mis take, but brought I'hclan into great promi premi promi nencoasau Irish leader, the fact that he wa se being no longer concealed. It appeared nfter his i cturn that his business in l,urope was te proem e information which would pie vent the threatened extradition of I'. J. Sheridan. He is said te procured ovl evl ovl dance.that Sheiidan was in Paris at the tlme of the murders in Phoenix park, and te hnve secured two wltnes-ses. who would preve thi In case the lit ltishge eminent persisted in its demaud for the extradition of Sheridan. The demand was xv ilhdravvu, and I'liclau's sor ser viccs as stated wcre i oiiseiruonlly net 10 qulrcd. niti.AN's nccenp. The jifiltce haxe ascertained that Captain Plielau Ilveil in .Sheffield in ls,3, and onenly avowed himself nnagent of 0'IJonean Hussa. He always du-sed well, wealing a dillcicnt suit of clothes e cry day, and seemed te be nbundautly supi'lied wifli iuenc. He had a large quantity of luggttge, Including a tHuss. ing-cae containing sih er and ivory toilet re re quUltes. He denounced the liiiuderef I.eid Frederick Cavendish, and Under Secretary lturke. Kiying tliat it was u tad plan; but wheu James Carey turned informer against the assassins cursed the infermer.and uttercd xague threats of xetigeance ter his ticacliery. l'hclan's acquainuiucts m sliei Jlcltl remembered this fact when Careyvtas slain bv O'Deuucll, nnd tliey believe that Phclnnliad seinctliiiig te de with planning that crime. The Litest l)n unite Outrage. The tow nliallat Warminster, In Wilishiie, England, was partially wrecked by an exple sien efdvuamite, Tuusday night. Several heuses in tlie noiuhherliood worn Ijadly bhaken, many windows hhattcred and beveral persens thrown te the ground by the Molence of the shock. Tlie report of the oxplosien heard for two miles around the town hall, and gieat uxciteincnt was cuiscd, until it was itsoei itseei tiilucd that no ene had been t-orieusly in jured. 1'ieccs el tin tubing, which had apparently contained a fUKN were found near tlie scene of the ellosieii. Twe suspicious looking strangers weie noticed loiteiingaieuud tlie lull iliiimg the iillcrnoen. and jiellut ate scarehmg for tin m, but thus far no arrests have been made. TUU CAVIVllli or c.;.isx. haute At count nf llie Tiin or nT a Viitiirhni llmie Ihlcl. Tilghman tlem'-en, who has Iks?ii wanted by the pollce for home time, was ancsted by Censtable Dew man, last evening, near Klnzcra and is new in Jail here. William Joue,n companion, was also arrested. Clein son has the reputation of being a notorious horue thief, unit it Is bolhned that he is wanted in Ma j land, Dclavv. ire, New Jcrev ami several counties of thi slate. Clemsen is charged w ilh having i-tuleu a (errcl heif-e, buggy and liainiss lreiu Jus Wilsen, of Nevvaik, Delavvate, en bopiembei 7lli. lbSi. lis Is also supposed te hav e stolen a horse, w agen and sevcral sets et harness from the premises of W. f. foble, in Mont gomery ceuntv, near Phlladelphiu Ile is believed te be the party who stelen juir of black maics limn J. S. Price, of Parkton. Marj'laiul, about t-ix wetks age. It will be remembered that tlie pirtles who stelo these herses dreve them te sjhenk's l'crry, whcie lliey croseU the jlvcr and dreve in thn di di llen or this city. The animals arc said te hav e mjch in Clcmsen's iKjssessien at dlllercnt limes, in (he neighborhood w here he was arrested. 1 In w-aslti the liabi of hiding them in all kinds ofeut-or-tho way places, especially In thehdls around theNickci Mines, xvhen pursued bv oflleers;.md it is bclioxed that helms disiwi-e'l of them. Clemseu i also h Ud te h iv e stolen a pair et Iieitjcs fiem Pat Gallagher, of Plilla Plilla ilelphla, about two yeaw asre, and w hen tliat criitievva cemimtttd Uill Jenes wu Ids companion. The Cleinm alleg-allen.chaiglug linn with stealing Mr. Piice's horses Is very stiiing, and the efllccrti chum that they havu him. He is no doubt guilty of numerous ether charges, mid when it becomes he is nuder arrest ether crime will be brought te light. Clemsen denied In Jail te-day that he was guilty of anv el the chargeRagulnst him. Tlie prisoner ishald lobe a relatlvoef Anins Clemsen, who led the turnout (lap gang years age, HoUaiic.xpcithersothlcfiuid hasnet only been x-cry successful in eluding olltcers, but has managed te disix-c of his property in a Bltllful manner. emcers of this city and ether places liave bsen en his track ler fcome time. On sevcral oixsisiens lie made narrow c-scaixw, hut he is knew n te hav e had tiustid friends w he alw ays kept him aw ai e of the olll elll cera' uiovcmeuts. Hosiysiiew that he uearlv idvvaysknevvxvhenhe wns being looked ler. Although Clemsen realty has no home he remained when net "at werk'' In the neigh. UirhoedofGap, Kiuzers and Nickel Mined. Jt I likely that mere tsmceiuliig him will be dcvuepcu later. JU'il.Miiu OiJnjIi'S TliciiHi hr,. Last evcnUig tlie (hlity-feurth amihcinary if Ec-sluih-Uo-iice tribe, Xa 'Ji, of I let Men, of this my, xnw cvlebnited In a suiuble nun jier by the member. Te the number of eighty they gathered in Excelsior hall, xvhoi-e tables had been spi-ead and xuppcr prerunsi lij llcnrv II. Kelirer, proprietor of ilttt "iienn u iii(( ample justicote the lari.i t tl i tvnitig was Fpent in fcliert Iech nialilng. &.; Vll nretcut unlte in xetlng it d. vciy pleasant uirafr. .t.'Li:s . IIMIM' - I tit 1ml t rnrllnilnrs t Tmsctlirr Willi Hi" .Itclnnrl III, Hiilrtilc le 1. I-ehN. The body of Charles it. llradj, of St. Loul, arrived 1" Uino.iter this morning en the line at SA'i o'clock. In charge of Mr. Hradynnd Mr. II. Oborbeck. A delegation ofinembersef Lamlxirteii Keilgel', and A. M. I met the pilty at the station. The dead IkhH was taken te the ledgo room; Mr. Ilmd was taken te the resldence uf Dr. Win. N. Aincr, nml Mr. lerbei k te the Eleven house Asstatcd In the I.xn i.l.lursi l.n, Wednes day, Mr. I5nidy'sledj was brought here tin the purpoe of being crcmalcd. In romplhtire et nwish fieiiueutly c.picrl In him. Mr. ltrady was a Cnlen soldier during thpwar, and li luembrr of General Mcl'lcllan's lietlj guard, l'nr li n xears hu lind Ikh-ii stib stib scilptlenclcik onthe M. Leuis iViificciii, but lest hi situation ulmiit the 1st of Janu ary. Since time no smicreii greatly iiinn mental di'piTssleii, and en Meral mxiisleus tlueatcncd Mikidc ills wife bciMinlng al.umed, cemniuiiKalid Iter fears te some of her liicmls, but she was calmed by (licit as surances that persons who talked 'iiIhhiI ismi inlttingsiiiiidi never did se, Ou'lhur-diy lat Mi. ltradv wn sittinunt his own lieme smoking and ismversiug wlih a friend, lle iose from hi chair, went te a rctiiing room, and n moment afteiward a pistol shot was heard. Hastening te the room, Mr, llradx leuud her husband Ixing en the fleer with a bullet hole in hi head and the icvelver grasped In hi hand, lle had curled out hi oft-rejir-itisl threat and died uv ins own nami. At the time of his tragic death Mr. was IS j ear old. lle washlghH esteemed by n large circle of acquaintance and eisai- pled liigli rank in tlie .Masenti inuerutiy. in accetdance with his ell-rcpi-aletl icqucst and her own proiui-e te him, Mr, llrady brought the Imdy en te Ijancaster ler cicm.i tien. She is almost heart-broken ever th tcnlble calamity that has bct.illeu her anil lier (w e daughters and this morning required medical attendance. Tim dccoaed was m inetnber of Washington lodne. Ne. Kr.i, 1 . and A. M . of St. leiirnmlaiuruil.'r of the Knight et l'vthia, Kulglit of llninu nml the Oilier Mutual Protection. At hnlf-pat two o'clei'k laiicastcr lodne met in their lodce rtsuii, which wa thri'Wti open te the public, and quite a large ihiiiiIht of ladles and pcntlemcn availed themselves of tlie epi-rtimity of witnessing the funeral servh-c. The casket containing the lwslv was plm-cd en n catafalque in front of the worthy mas ter's station. On the lid of the casket wnsa plate leiringtlie wenl, " t Ite-t." The Maxinic ceremonies, which etisit el a brief rcieiisive serv ice, was thou rttid by Werthv Matcr David II. W.vlic, Senior Warden Hcrvey N. Hurst and Junier War den II. It. Cochran, after which there was pravcr bv the chaplain, Di. Win. N. iner, and" an cxlc by the lodce. The worthy master apixmitcd 11. I- l.i -maker marshal, and the following ,ll ers : Messrs. i , Itcese. Willi. im chtiltze, Ceerge Marshall, C. U. Dai?. . W. Ilrew n and S. C. Miller. The icinains in cliarge of Kete Urethers uudortakers, w ere placed in a hearse, and the ladies and gentlemen present were provided with coaches, nnd the profession moved te the crcniateiium. Arnved there the body vvas prepared fei the retort, and being placed in front of it the concluding ni(Ieu of the Masonic ri c wns rcid, and the ed wassuuir. Mum. (ii 1 11-M.N. Hie ( .ititiiiomtealtli IMre lusnr.tiif e (empaii). of I nlinnhl t Ine I eintl.t Ikinks. Al the election held Wcdnesd.n the lelluw mg gentlemen w ere elet ted a as officers and director el the Commonwealth Hie Insur ance cenip.inv : Piosident, I'. , Bennett: xice president. J. 1'. Lbv ; tnisitipr, J. II. Herr : sovretarv. Jacob sjiicith ; dliucter. C. J. Kliedes, J. r. Ebv. A. (.. (.uiles. H. 11. llolse. V. A. Ilciiuett, Hucli Denley, S. -. Klalr, P. A. Kredcl, J. W. Miller, Di. ('. I'. Markcl, Win. Harm, J. H. Herr. It ip iitleiial lUnk Directors. Tiie tallewing are the names et dlretters clectetl le ere for the ensuing vear: Je. C. Walker, Jacob Itiinvccker. Jacob Lby. llcnrv S. Ilutler, Cliuleii Ilitucs, Jonas I'liy and ll E. Walker. Kvrh.iuge Nutleiiiil It ink e( Vlarlttta. 'I he Ext hanue National Kink, of Marietta, olec ted the following duet ters : P. ?, Hic Unil, I. I., llcmlmld, M. It. lIesnnu. Henry iliestand, Jeseph Miller, Jehn Shillew, lli'iit.imiu Hosteller. V 11 .Mln.trel. Ilill v Wolcli.the iHjpnlar mmstrcl, who has many Irlends in Lancaster, is in town te-day alicuil of the uty plnving "A Celd Da.v When We get Lett," Mr. Welch is a native of Harrisburg, and he and his paitncr Johnny Itich, were for vears .uueiig the best song and dance men en tlie stage. Their sketches entitled ' The Mischievous Oll-sprun-" "Hn the Lev 00" etc., made llieui famous, nt laic vears Mr. Well h has been managing tninstrei tnsips.He had C.illeinlerV lrt te Luropeaiid cIesliI with them but re ceutlv. Next be will Ihj w ith Ilavi r ly's new ieniau. lie loves te talk of the getsl tunes he had vears age when he visited flus cit with old Sam Saudlerds. His wile is a Ijiuoastei lady and their lieiuc is in New Yerk, nt premt, ri.itlerlus riiiiilltien nf the Moravian ( liurrli The annual church council or business meeting el the Moravian church, in this city, was held last evening. Tlie lopert et the triwmer, Mr. li I). Hurst, show eil the con gregation te be 111 as satisfaf teiy and nourish lug acomlllieu as it is spiritually. Itesides paving all Us own ciiriuut 1 xih'iises, it lui during the past v.-ai contributed between Sspennd 1,'iO leilillcienl missions and ether IkiioveIciU causes. The tleclleu el elllcers resullid 111 the KM'lectien el Mr. Edw. Ebcinian and Dr. O. T. Huoliener te the Iminl el, and Slessisj. D. 1". i;berm.m and It. O. Albiighl te the Imard of elder, lleth inslei and piyipleare te boieugmtiilaled en iliu piosiieiis condition of their ciiurch, and lis bright pros) is ler the tuture. The congregation is one of the most t-arnest and active us well as the eldest and me( solid 111 the oil v. "l-int l.jnlie'' .11 the Op, r.i Heuse, l-ist evening the Stiidiril Draiualu 10111 any. had uiiothet luge miiliciuc at (he eptfa heiiM. Thcv piescnieil drama "East Ljimic," in whii h they inadii a beltei iiiiircMsieu than anv piete thev have vetgivui. Tlierc wassotiie 10.1l geed ai ting and tin. pine pleased. V i'aite entitled The liddi 1 el 1 limit" liilleircd the drama, and l'l.uik Ileum u made a hit In a negre charac ter. Mi. Magee, 0110 el the besl .ulnr in the i-eiupany Is still Hiilleinig fiem a bail celli and is unable le talk nlsive a whisjier. He will I unable te appear in "Hazel Kirke" this 1 veiling and 'loin Dailv, of this 1 it v, will play tiie iit ut J'lttactts Vurnr. KoiiUniillen of (apt. ltiicumlllt r. Maver Itosenmlllcr has resigned his isisl I leans eaptdn et tlie Kev nebis rllles, and it lia been accepted. An enler te till the va cancy has net yet been Issued. VinilselueiltA. Ttu I'ttntts l'cniance The I..incati! inusi ml unKOviutinii will tin 4 the Pintles of I'en I'en zuiice,"itt t ultoiiepcut beuse, In April, under tliu m.aiiifc'eiiii'iit of Mi' Jehn Wnrlcl. Among the .iiib'ei villi hti MUjis, l.i I la llaer and lalltli JolitiKten, tiud Mone. I nmk vieclnlu, llillly l-hultz mid Jehn urful Acheiuanl leilj bus been kii uictl anil the lusoclallen will seen com mence tht Ir rchcarsuli. Profs. Units anill hoi n will illrett ih lus(nuncii(ul luiislc. :.i7;s Ilrsjomues 1)11 .luu. 13. turfS, Viihhn lleuilti toil. In the 7Sd euref hisuife, runcml serv lisis ut tt. Juines linieli en I it tluj , Jan. HI, at S o'clock. '.Mil llitnsK In tbUclt,eu Die lull lnsi , chris liana A llueher, In thuiltii eni eriiurnge. The rilutlvcsaud frtunilitef thu famll uieie spcctfntly luvttetl 10 utteiul the lunenil, fiem hci lute rclilence, .Ne. OH thuicli sticct, en Sunday utii 1110011 at 2 o'clock. Inleriuent at W'oeiliviuU Illll ccmeleii J.'ldTh,S Klljiimh. In Xe Helland, en thn ntlilut tVIUliiiii l.lliiuikcr, lived 71 teats 7 mouth ami I iln . The is unites nnd friends el the taiuil),uic itwicctliilly iiivitist tenlleuil the lunenil lreiu hl late iclilenet'. New llnlhiuil, en Monthly liieinliig Junuai l'i. 1 uneriil M'lvlce ut Chriut'ta ( hureli, LeiiisH k lewuhip ut 1 J o'clock, MAJ!lii:i.S. I'hllulelplil.l Mai Let. riiii.tiil'Li'iilt, .Inn IV h lour II rm ; iiunler.tle ileuuiiilMiMrlluc, 1ikl TV 1 l.xtm, r!75USIlii reun'ii. family. 1 3?ft 175: Winter clears, ftie rtl KMilelniinlit,, l il-gi;. vtliin.;exlra clear, liji.vit ikibtrelKlilK, itsaaj ()( winter put cut.. (I prlng de, ,g1 7. Itjc ileurituli t ut M iV, Wheat (iil(t unit prices sle.ul) ; .Ne. 1 W ctein Ke.l, nt wa ej Se. 3 ile, nl ;ci .Ne 1 I' . ill, ' " . ,N 1 slir'vw.up de. ttienB' e, C ru . viil 1 1 t th iiiaiidiBtciiiicr, is ' -t N Jvi '''V 1 .d inliiil, :Ki31; Ne, 3 de, t . AH O lilliiut-Ne. 1, White, ulliA:; .Nu, 2 de, TitrcitnM.tTiex err 3 - ltJItM n nlii, ' mixed, .TfJT.V Itve te:id ut ill1 ' . i; tril ii t;, icil Clever I) i in si S1V Tbnetliv in in at fimilm llnxxMil linn nt l v(ji ti W Intvr bran linn nnd carce at IM avli ;v t'lrivMen filr-ntv , iiulPt ilcumnil . ncs eik IINsrll j bccriiauis, tS-l . illj mess liccf, (l.l.-xsill llaceii, twt'ii,! . Mnnkcd linulitcr. t07f lt ile, J'.H'ie; Miiekcd luims, tii'fll'jc pUklistde.tiNfffti),!-. Ijinl tnil ; i ItV ivflnrd. VJ' lensr butchers ,tr(tTr ; tnlinc sti-nin. 7 ' Itnttir umlki't linn, notlie fur fnv gnulrs , I ivninervcxtms, al 3.HTlc : II l anil N. tiv iTIKic ; il VI ry icxtni, 2Sc ; de gemt te chekf, a Itell al nlS': iiarktiigbutlci, TWIIr Kirns mnrkct lltin. ftxsli stock tciv si iic ulv cxii-i,31gWc I ( licce iliill hut leadv .Sew lnrk lull I t'liwin, l!, nhle I lat. chok-e. ll4e ' t talr te inline. s'gll4'c, l'enn'n pH skim, SQ'c. i lair le piunc, s"(t u'c in full ile. UHkv. i'c(relcinii dull : Kcflned, VV hlkv dull nt it !. imt Verk V irHi I. j Slw erk. .Inii l.x Vlenr stale nnd W cici n I II i in. nltb light trading im thorn limlv ' VV Urat opened iaSc lovier lat r inlcil i stronger nml excited, nuvnnrliig s.Alc, villh a i f.ilrbiiMncsx: Ne. i licit. I ih fljlc ; Miux'ti '.'lUC''iC! April. WVJ0eT)(c. May. fcflW Cimi i,fl'c higher nml rnlhir qnlef Mlveu Vetern, imiI,MS.MI,c , de fnliiif .WJM.IC I Oiils n shade holler , .'. Mtv, iit.V'.i state, .nilc Wi-lcin,.8H I le stock Ii lie. Cnu v ( nttle l!ccelpt, (! heml ship nictit", S.IMI hciut : ihmKM uvnkauditlis lixt l.s- levrt'i tm all coninieii IoreihI illlc oxpeils, 6'"': eesl toiliek'o ihlpilnp. I li' nnil 1 "" isnimts, M 8" a . 1 Jte I im peiiml", (art1 i 01 , ceiniimn le fair, l.inn) (e l,xi pounds l te (Uii Infciler ! tiilris, J 3il lneiliinii le ceed, tJ avgi a stechcr, 3J9$IU fcisteis., (I .gl ,V Hogs Kccclpt, Vll.") htsit. shlmnrnls. .!.' head: maikit slixv at vistcrthiys cliliii prices rtxiuh packing l UIJlSl: iwcklna and hlmilnc 2lii le lut iniunds SI JM1 Ji : liuhl. 1150 te 41V iKiiimt. lltl :kl(v. f.lHXIxi market closest with nbeut aouxlhemt liicliiillng late arrival-, uneiu hecp-l!0CC!pts anii iiraii. smpmeiii. ; , lit mi ; uiai iv ulii v um it.n ...n. ..,,.. ...... terAirHt i: ixfijui.tiieiiiuin teu.ssl i vi.ntv iholec, ilftl :i . lumhs, Mj:. IIvst I.IUEIlTY There Wli- a t.ltl 111 ilk t le da) for (attic, with prices siesdv nml firm prime held at sUfi i tali te iietsl nt J i.T i . eomiiien nt Jlv lit ilit Vjil head shipments, !nV head Hogs viore shev and wwiKer. rhlladt Iphl i i i ncrotiueliHl a( l 7ni I 7S , Aeiker, it lagt 'e IlKrlpts. 2.101 iMuil , shitmienls, 'J,9hca1 -heopeeullrnied In fair ilelimmt and prltcs slcadt piiine, fliVjt.V) fair te Reed, m ae 3 73. common, HtJJ. rctlpt, I v head ship ments, tne head stork Mllkets, Itccd, Mi Crann A C" , lUmkei. lJiiiitatlen lv latucnster, l'a IU ! 11 m Jr a Missouri Pacini" -MIchlOTii Central New VerkCentnil .Neiv Jersey Central Ohie Central .... Del Ijiek. A Ve(eni . Hcnvci A llie l. ramie Kile . . Kansas .t Texas Iji1e tiere ( hlenge A . W' coin N N cnt .t Wesicni ( Paul .t OmiiU.1 . rnclllc Mull .. Het hosier A PlttsburB st. Paul Texas Pnclllc. Cnleii Pacific . VV alush Connnen VVabish 1'rcfeiixMt VVesl'n I'nlen Teleuraph l.eiiNtllle A Nushvule N. 1 , Chi. A si. L I.ehlgh Vllllc) I cblxh .Niivlgatleii Pcunslvauu. Itendtng P. T. Allutfule Northern Pacllk Cem Northern Paclllc Prof llustonvllle Philadelphia A Lrti .Nerihcrn Ccntnil t'ndei-ji round Canada 'euthcni Oil People's Pastengcr Jcrs'iv Central !". 13. tn, II HIU 7r "7. I". "4 It ." BV, elt erk. Juetnlluus hj Asoctaleil 1'rcst. stocks vcr Irregular Clancy, IQ2 Nei VetkCcutnii brie Hnllre.ul .. Vilams Kxiircss .. ... Michigan ( eiitnil l.'allrtud Mlthliruii southern l.'allnniil Illinois C mitral Itatlixsid. . .. Clevulanil A Pltlshuig Kallnud Chicago A l!K,k I-l inil Itallruad . Pittsburg A Feil Wiijiie llatlread . .. Western I iileu Tclcgiaph Cemisvu) Tolt de A Wiihash Ne tv .lersev Cent ml hew x.erk. Ontario A VVcuterii ... . 13-1 .131 ' t .fl 109', Bll 37 11 a. ii .ii i:itTisr.j:Ms. -I7I0K bAl.i: CHEA1.' 12 A Xlasen A Hamlin Uranii and u smalt 1 Proof af. W t. lOI.IIL. J15-3C N'e lli orange slrecl CJET OUT ! SET OUT ! O Grind snuer Kraut t-ct-nt thl (Till It 11 V ) cvcniiii;, and noiue of Ihi Hest Ikers en llniti-ht nt Xe 11., Nettri unreii -tru i it .ieiin ndli: Q-r rrn x"nTii or mtlein eh y 017sxJVtJ 1,'KXls te b sold .n a v. it heat V letlui lien, ei uei oil lit of l, iietal t i in mvv fter. , fill North (Jlletn -tint .NKW Veltlv VNlll'Allts Mil I INI K ( I jaiis-tlil i W tft Ivlun t , 1 iiiiiiiit i. Pa -r .sv v. Ti"T a.n"- i:xiM:iTurNcirD It s,)HM, leaehir I ei fuethei mrtiiiil us mi et the 1 den teitu-htp i Iiim.I llenid at Oiiiii THLi:l.i, JV.NLAItY I". at 1 e tlis k p. m W IKVNKLIN, s,,r. t.m Jl Jttl Quairyvllle. Pa OM'ERT AT Kehlcr's Lien Brewery Saleen, -ei- Tliiiril,iv, 'riJiv an1 SatUllhl ECIIlIllN bv C VIII. licit 1V11I I KllnndJ AtOltlt VI I II. the'l v roll-in iiiaei l.i .Nillevtry renlng Janll ltd ( hOI.HLbK, Pieii'r I7isTATE Ol' IIEIINAHU COXnl.l.V, lid laleef ullsbill tow nshli, deeeasi d III ters of iiiluilnlslnitioneu saide-lute li.iv lut been gninted le thuumlerHlgueJ.ull jieraens lutlebteil thereleaie reiiuested te make Immtdiate ii.iv mciit, and (host) having claims or demand-. aiiaiust (he sunn), villi present Ihim ttltheut dt lav for e((li meu( te ihe limit llttntd usld lug ut tllteuiilh unil I Illicit stints, Phllailel iilila PA I lilCIv ( UNOl.l.l C C Jmi. Kex.sedv. Aduilnlstiater A. COVLK, A(lOHll)s Jan7 ItdAOtti rx c AM'EH PATIENT, TIIE SKIN OI' Ih1v becomes e( a tllitv uiiiddv hue. 1 the efthci talleuv. or tfugtsl villh tin ollteoi gieeu Ishsluide Tills condition el the kln l peculiar teC'niKci ; It may exist iiirlv.erlt mtiv.en tin. ether li mil. be i nlfiely abent at all tIa i ntltely atient at all triages CAM Kit. TCMOK SKIN lllsr. Vh- al-e ( hrenle and Private lilsouses uctcssliill iieaiisi i.v lilt. II 1 and VI I.DMiVKI.i: ilillie U l.ut W'ubiut slixs't. Laiiouler Pa. Consultation tns" JI.VStdAiv s ii'Ei-r'Ei. 1,111.11 M'lIC I'A( I.I. ANI HI. i.l ss.s, And all Iho lutcit patents and iinpiermul le astUt vision unit proservti eight, constantly en hand I U ASll I. H DULAbUJ TltEATI Dr. O. H. BROWN, Ne sj t U( orange tstrcct, Lancaxur, l'a. rjl'lTLU. SALE OlMtEAE ESTATE ex t ci:uax , jam- vuy ;e, isj at 7 e tletk p. in , at the public hoineef l.ueas I'litz. corner el bt. Je-eph utid Iierviuit strict, uill be sold Hint teruilii let of gieund, bltiintctl .Ne 0J- t. Je-eph etictit, tilth ii fmutauiief Jl leet and a depth of tr.' fut, en vihlch Is eivited a Ttiosterj lllllfK 1 KI.U.Ni; llel'si: tilth I'mine Hack building AUe tha( let or gteund, t-II u.ilttl .Ne C.I3 l'iiilrhiiecl, itih a fniutageu( II fci I nml ii depth of hj fiet.en ti hlch lseiei ttd n '1 no-Story llrlrk lluclllng lleu-e, tilth 1'niiiie Hick llulldbig .Ne.KMliusii giant vtell of vialei .Nil, GaaU ti nevi heu-u and lia a hdiiint at lachid. JNO COYI.i: II fuiiiniT, Vuel J.inlu.l3.13,17,tM r.r.a.u. xuricr.s, INSTATE Ol' t'OXHAl) VlAST, 1. VTE OP lu thecltj of l.ancasti r, deceased I.clteis temaiiieiitaiy en said isitalu hav lnt; been gmiilcd te the undersigned, nil nelsons Indebted then te ate iceuentcU te make Immediate payment, and these, itavlug claims or ilmiiands against Iho Mime villi pltsent tht ill vvllheut iKI:l) fei settle incut te the undcrslgiied Wills ( I, VST. J M oil Mil I.V, IMMIM.II VlttM N, jaisctdlli f.xeciiteis A.SsIf.NEK ESTATE Ol' .lOSEI'lTiniri .lOSEI'lTiniri egand vilfe, i Uimastcr oil bumiister county. Pa .lesiph Herze ami vtlln, et lam cislci, hav Imr b ih cdef veluntar iis-lguuicnt, dated I eii mbei l", l--l,uUncd inul tnin-teni .j nil their estate and cuVcts te te nudiiitl.tiitit, for the bent III el the creditors of the said Je.tph Ilciett, lie lhoiefereglve netlti te till peieus bull bli d tiifetild asslaei, te make ptti incut te Ihu iiuileili;md ultliiiitt ih lay una tfiuce luu UK t laliiis te piesent them le 1117-GtdU A HU.seN V..l.'iue INSTATE Ol'' l'KAXIi ill. l.NN, EATE ill' J.J lauiciister t ity, tlttt ici1.-lAteiii tel.i lueiituiven suld tstnte ImvIiik bt'ii grunted le the iiiiilcrslgm d, all s'lsen. iudtbted tin ivte am leeiil'steil te make Immediate nivmi nl ami Ihesn hiving claims 01 ih maud- ti;iilni the lame will pivscnt (hem without di 1 1 ler m tile icrin niheinidr ijmd t. idlin la bin , UT v ii" 1 lull .1 VV 1 wift llici r IJIIN J 11 II, acurii, 1 vtrtiitn-. Atteuicvu lUilileatiW av i itTisi ir is. V SCUOLAUSIHI' or X V Mimlmll (...Hi or im site rilVNKLlN lllll illll s l.lll'.t 111 I fanUCtil I tiMiten, 1 -rAH.VCIU.Vlls, 1 (ccilnri, at ONLY .'k.. Ul'AUxN ii niM n i;ii:m.ii SlOltl Uiiisrctu it Cn. ap.s rite.M $i rni iuMmi:i te tlie iry Hnct Oiialliv, In iiaikagcs miitn bio fei tin- llultili n! IIAItlMAN's M I liiw lii:i I mix i ( K, Mt u riuit ft III' II. s, ( niir.i: rni.sii ne"ii.n nwiv l.ltVXfl VI 1.1) l l, US.KUc. 1,11 Tet I. VIIM.-. X West King stivel llAlttiAINSl mni.MNsI 1 (Heat liiilnrrini'iiis ellrn-d tollie pahllc liv the niiileslsiici1. vvlionec new selling tilt tlieli enllrtinteck or VV Im s and I l.ii.nsiiil tsist prices Xe II Xerth Oarcii si Lain nster. I'i JanMf.t licit M..W.A IL ri iTDirrrfeNTiN e rnT-eATs. ti III enler leiedmc our hui?e sleck of Km beavers. Meltons. hetevs nnd letksciuvv fei Ovciximlliigs, I villi, fur Iho next 01 tl IJ si. limkii ii te join enler, In tlrst class stjlcat givntl ii duct d prices. Vll (iiiiuiiMilsnifgimi'iitilceil te III perfect nnd enlv the host iiu.illty or 1 1 till inlngs nic lUcd It lltst;NsTl.t I Ine IntlerliiK C Ninth (Juicn livi t opposite the t'osteHlec in:Hiiintlt N etici: or isri:MK eli: riev. vxxi" vi Mi i.nxi. Ijancaster Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Ce. 1 hetweiilv third iiiuiuhI moelliig et the mem la rs 11II1 he held al (he unite et the com pun v. Ne 137 Last hlng street, 1 minister, l'n . en I HI l. the lGth ilnv et .IVNLAKV. lssj. ill 7 1 e'i lis-k it m.. at it 1'iirh mis'tlm? an election for lhmillmmr, te tplv(1 ,r ti1(. ensuing Uirce tout unit thiee iiiiillter tostrve for onevcar. will be held lwtttisMi the benis or 7 anil Jn e clock n m. of said dav fhe annual loisittef Iho elllcers of the ceuipanv , and also tluit of the aiullter. w 111 be submitted te sahl lueetlns, and sueh busluts transarted us may la? pioseuted or calltd for. All person- Insured; in said ceiupinv are members thereof anil nitltted te pirtlellmle In the election nml ether proceedings, and are lpspeetfiilly Invltid tout tend, lit ortltref the lieinl et !liectnt Jll 31 i II I I M V 111 ei renin s ;TrEMEN'I nl Equitable Oas Light Ce., OK HAM'IMORE. i'H i vinr.i: ji, ist t iriTvc s-etk ,IkBihi Oil 1 IBST MORIOAOl' llestis I.IOI.IO'O'I KrvL IsTtTE VVePk rn JSr.sau Cash is llAsn 51 1 19 i7 M) 1 I evn.Ni, liKIII 1-WVtH! OKU I liltl.LN, Ki FEIABV We effi r for sale the I ir-tt Mertguae su pel cent, bends of tht above Ce at lit) mid accrued lutcicM lie the mm im nt iccenllv made bc iMt'en (he ll.iltlmeie t,. is Companies, the hqulta hlnlsguarantetd an out put of ill ikm-hi feet per itnnuin. JTif-Tliese bends ate oelii(, beuphl bv verj conscrvatlve people Schall, Danner & Sperry, WV.K. PV pswdt! 1 sONlitHT. TO-Nl'.HT i. II nm ( c I ss (.KAN THI. lsfCCE N. Y. Sim In th- uivHt KuHdiciial Pnuti i mi t t. iuttlrt1 HAZEL KIRKE. Tebr tellincdbv ullOVItlSl. fAIICK eutltle.l " The Fellow That Leeks Like Me." iiltAXI) IAMII.1 M ITlVfcB en saturdnv altumoeiitil Sja, fur laullcs und C hlldrcn UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Vll.MIs-slON c9-iIeciTtd imt. Otwrti IIouse Olllre 10CUN1 be lixil at D en't 1'aii. te lamiai i. TIM 111 si "I'peuri'Nnx m Te hfci I III Illl li Illl A (loetl unci lielialili' 'l'i hip Ki't'iicr Vt Heretofore I nhmnl Pin,- at Nn pi NOItlll I.U'LL.V STKLK T PLCI I. VLI Ol HIT LANCASTER WATCH. Vlaiiri let el vhii h -! -(uiftl ut a great i' ii IK i.. In fait ut It tlum th i e-tt nf nianu fac tiii' A guuntiile with eci watch, gmmui it itiu tt tebf tb uuiil of nu uutcli uimlt' Hi I VM CIICVI'IM W vrcil IN Till. MMilvhl Vit.itruu mi th-'in len't Liil te -ttuic one ut out, hall th. It n1 filial inlrv Mwi lei K-. -llvcnxirt , ami u K-Uunil line vt rf-HtOt im itminK ten ,ir. lasi jnni n mei1 r w atrii t -1 a -m t i.Ui JOSEPH UEESEE, 101 NORTH QUEEN STREET (Opposite shebcr Ileltl ) Jit lw NO "ternr I'HOCI.AMATION. V.' VV htreus, (he Honorable Jehn 11 I It Im.- sten President, und Hoiieruble Hav Id VV I'al (tis.en, laiu-Asim late Julian of the Ceiw-ts of Common Pleas In and for the county of Iiucas ti i, ami of thn Centts et Over and lunnlncr and Jail itllvti and (jiuiiti r e8lims el the l'eace In and let the county of latncnHcr. havi Issued their pu tept te mu directed, ie. ilinrln nieumeiu elhei thins te make public piOLlamatteii throimheiit in) bailiu Ick, that a ( eitrt ofe.vel und 1. 1 uiim r and a (Jineral Jail liellvcry.ulsea Ceuit of Oiucnil (Juurter ses sions ol'lhe l'catt and lull Iiellvciy. villi com tiiente in the Coun HeiMe tnthecit eflaiuias ti i, In Iho CoimueiiH. alih et Pcuiixjlviiiitu, ON Till I'llllill MliMi v IN JM I(V, I lie- lUlll I, ie, III lnirsil.inte et Mln, h pieci ill public netlic Is hereby Klv en le the VIaer and Ahlcriucn of the 4 lt of laiucastcr In the -,uld ceiiuly, and all the Jtistltcsef the I'uiie, the (oieutr and Con Cen stables of the said C lit unit ( euuty of laincti (i r, tltit they be ihtu and them 111 (heir euu piepcr pel boils, tilth thelrrells, l coerds und ex ex aiuliiatlens, und (iiiiilitieiis, and their eitn le iiifiitbntntcs, lodeihoso thlnijs which (e (heir ollhe appertain In (heir behalf te be Uone : unit iiUeall theso who tilll prescctiic uKiiinst (he prisoners who are, or tin u shall be, In the Jail of of (he wild Count el Iainraslcr, ate te he then unit there loprenteuteuyaliisl them us ebull Ire Jiit. Datcilnt Lanmnitr, the wthil.iv of Iieccmbei, im. JeH.N II. IIIUll. Jitlii:(tt.t3(ilTli sheriff J'lll.lTJCAL. IOH AIJlEH.MAN. P. B. FORDNEY, or t'eimii Wnu. Miuixt te Kci-uiiLitAS ItiLcn. JauIO-lfd TpOlTAElJlUlMA N "ninth WAIII), JOS. UMBLE. SCUJtCT TO ltErCBI.ll.ASl ltlLES. roj'i-tct'e.i.v uitiAit.i. . bTEIIMANA CO. II.' Holiday Presents. .MhKlt-CllALl.M SMOKEI1S A.N I) l'll'EP, Tl71tKH l'll'l.s. HtK.N'CII IIIHAK 1'II'KS, CIGAIt A.N H CHJAIthTTK HOI. Hint:?, CIUAK t Asl.s, s.MOMIU'.S il.TS, ClliAltKTTKCAi-i.s, II Itl.CKIVKIt. MATCIIOASKs.CAM.s.Ac. All liiifieat variety and at vcrj low prkes. a'Ciill .Hid tv.ilulnu 0111 IoetU trouble, losheti them .Ne II. L I m 0 Ne. 116 North Queen Street. I rim .s.ti.i: eit itfr. B Mtltr.HSilOP relUtKNT. cmsl ch nice fei n Inle lluiticr Aiiplv IU II I I11MI l.ll, I.UlUlMlt I til till inn, Pii. tJlOU KENT. V I lisit ils lleiiiilinir lliiii"C. fiitiucilv riis kev lintel, Ne In Will Mug mivcl. Aptilv le III. lid IM' sXMll.l II . u tlil 17I0K KENT. 1 the large and isiiitmilntil smiii,n linuil stix'rt, ivii of tht Mntileitl'tilg iinicrtj. ti piv te JlUtrtW.IliAs I) V AI.IR'K IJIOU KENT. I1 V Hair) I aim el Ifl Vrics In the I'll; or I miea-tcrauit Mmihclin lenhlp from jnll t Aimlv te ,1 M. lll'ltKi:. jMlihtw Ne -i North Ihlke street lTiOlMtENT. I V ilmt class IMIry V'aini, lluale Ivviniillr Inmi lancasler A lacit Let In ;th Want, illv I iietre 1 nl in Mti W anl, till) Sevinil miall houses d3t Hint III USD A lll'-l. 170 111. E.N T. I' Al Ne ?.!( I.N llil.sgr Vltl , heiiUil itHiins en scetMiit nnd thtiit IIihiisi, siiltalilii let a kciuii sties, etlli e ue or bulging puiiHises losses lesses slini A pi 11 I pplv al VI II VliniMlfsll'S. Jan 1 I fit 9n IVnn sqtiiiie I.ME KILNS f'OU HE NT. TV I etii of the most Milimhlc I line Ivlbts In the ceuulv. Hhent our lnlln neith of tlie ell) limits, neii ilelng n 1 iitje. liuslni ss, nnil with iv apacllv et nlieut him cr nmiiim, nil In gmsl enU i Viielv le l X X vxki;, lleinpili-lit. i ( Itinl lii llanil, jtiitvil i iimiulltte of l. M Muvn irii.i- 1'emtivei.y m: m)1.d at ruhlti alcen MriNlivi, JAM'AllV nl I e clock l : i in . ut Cliestntil lree(, Ijitvcaslcr Pa all the Pain ru of a I (rt C las xiiichlne heit and leimdiv An iirciimuhitleii of si vears. tverv ttatleiu (hat (s ueeesary te tart a tlrst class establishment it itiiLi;t,i.i:, Mit t l.i i.v a ( e svyt El Huss, A net itTnlh.lA T?OH HE.NT. loom III NOUTIII VT Nl!l I I INT 111. Of Mil., latelv en unii .1 bv 1'Vllt A s..NK, (erlsiuklnj imiitesen The ixem basin (he (rout apartment nil excellent counter ami a vault containing a fine m(e , tv Ilh a large iiiurlmeut 1u the rem , hav lug a vvatet closet and Htiitleiiury trash-taml attarhetl . also, ii cellar iindnimxith, tilth a aixsl furnaec Vpplv at KOOM Ne 1, sKIONIi H.Oiilt OP llVlt.PlNti, Netlhea,t Ancle et ( t litre square ImilU-tlil xinm: V hiii)i:nci; AT 1. T here it 111 he sold SHEHIIT's u s.iri!li vkt. J N i; a(2oleck. at sheilll s sale, the private it si ilenee el l 1ms A Let her Ne. II, north side e( I'.ttst hlng stieet 1 he said residence fnmls '".iu ttcten fat Kim; street, ami extends mi tei I ineie or less, with an aliey right of i (cot (e shippen slivet T he house is In excellent eeu dllleu, i entatulng two luiih rooms, a tlrst chins lie) nebis heuter, range, line gas fixtures, ami nil modem Imprevemints JHStil II Vs. . Micltrit 4 AIWIAOLs. CrMVHl CAUIUA'ii: wehk. EDGERLEY & CO., 'i arrtng lluthlci. MAIIIil.l slIlfKI". Ill II! Ill I'esTOI I It K. L VNC Alhll, l' nl li L XliOl STOCK Ol BUGG-IES & CAEHIA&ES Comprises the Latest tvltsaml the must Kle trautlyHtilshetl, VMUcfl V AT cliUATM KI.HL'Cll) I'litt I. Thel 1'l.llIOK Ql Ol tifll WeltK Is no leniier questioned Oui it eik is lelluiiiw any made .u ihe hinjer cities and eI.H r IIALI Till. IMitcl. N l the timule unlet lersprliiR LNI Ol It U.l. I AH! lil.AI.INe Ami Honest Mink All Werk VVAliltANri.l). iii.i'.viitiNi. 1'iteM.rn.v at;n te. One et of Kerkmuu cspecl ill) tmplo)ctlfei that puitMse 3 A feir si.l.IUHlcitat l.oe KlKUres. tilve us u cull iiev"JJ-tfdS N TOHI'.IX'K iV MII.KY. Fine Carriage Werk VI- NORBECK & MILEY'S, (oilier DhIic A: Vine Sdr-Hs ni vrnt, p v w K IIVTh I.N IOCh. ANll I.MILII CO.N- I III 1 TION IOII T HE lalllM, st.AseV.THI. Fine! Varict.v el' Cnrriaixu IVerk I.V I'K Ol I l.litll Te rilK ri'HLK Uill itpiimiieu (or eutllns a Hist cla Jeb at lain 1 Is'iius hac bum cslabllsihcd H 11 GUARANTEE OUR WORK Te be teiistrtitlisl 01 .1 tine malerla us nn In the count) , ami tt III Mill lar btleit ether d tillers We Invite the Public te Inspect Our Werk (hi line being Indiirts le jiuy I iincy l'rl im) and tejudeu for tin umt lte, us ttu an the only builOVi,, el COltlU.'T 1'irV aS'J.i'X. A FEW SLEIGHS LEFT, HIIII II Mil 1 111. ei.ii vt iesr toci.esi; OL.T h'lOCK Ucpttlrius .N willy llette. a ir.rniin'A :;. li CAEDiVEM, ,V CO. J. J. E. CALDWELL & Ce. Dealers in Richly Cut GLASSWARE. T Alll.l. sl.lllc:I.S A.NMl elt.AMI!.NTAI. rtl.C'IXlK 'I Hi! 1'I.Nljjl' ()U VI.ll'V. Iu. llTlis nnd K.lluuites by Mull. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, l'Hll..VI)i:i,l'lllA. I'A. Ml'.EHSC'IIAUM ANI) ItHIAU PIPES ami Huiokerj a choice let te cle-t f.-nm, at prlctttl'tilcfy competition, at HAltOl V.N'S KI.I.OVY I'llOM tlC.AU VlOltU. I.MIHIMI. s il'lU'lVL NOl'll'l-. AnniMiutTiiu'iil Kxtriitinliiiiii'.v ! Illl. (lilt Vll l III III t 1 lux I V I II M MM IN FINE CLOTHING VI- Ne 0 RitHt Khnr Htroel In eiilei te iimIuiiiii hen stock bcfeic linn lug, I uliiill liuike up te nidi i all Hues et gtss! al A Reduction of 25 te 30 Per Cent. I have iiIau a nitiubci of CI IOM MA III. L'I IS, net callisl ler, which will be sold nl a gloat dscrtnie. 1 his induction li ler cash enlv, mid tt ill ex tend te thn t'llisr el MAIH II N II Will remove en or nlauit the Hist nl April le A'e. tt .vow 77 (jf.'iw .xr.,.7:', ((ipisclte the I'o.tellln ) H. GERHART. L ivr wn i.rr i.ivi I but l m mmI uiettt. and f lml h Burger & Sutten,! Ml IU IIANT I Ml oils ANUCI unill.lls, Ne. 24 Centre Square, e iiuicluilcd tei lest their store cmtv login thcli cinpjevtsui h mi e te lite plensaiillv III Vt VV Y Illl si I J (till ill U The Lewest Possible Living Figures. THAI VVIH Till. I'l.en l ItEllAlllU 1 ss OV At.i: Ol! ( O.ND1TION, Fleck te the Great Cash Stere. Diet ttalui that a 111 in that has ' liteand li t live," for Its motto Is a ciavl, n liable i1u i le lUlilat ( M.L M 111 ( lilillni S17TT0N, Mcrcliuiit 'I'liilnis unil ClutliiiTS NO. 2-1 JCENTUK fsQUARE, VNCAII li I' V V rli.I-l Mmi A I MSTIUt'S Second Week ei nir GREAT SPECIAL SALE. Overcoats, riialnie haudtemil) llnlsheil nithsjlk and sunn ininiiiiiict, ine selium at pnees tai lll.LOW KI.C.I it i,.iii i I I 1UI Iff. ut Iho GKEAT SPECIAL SALE. Dress Suits Of Uliliiiainl or Ceiksciutv Hl.i.'eiuil., In thieiiorteui bulimic utuivit ( eats, or siuulu nml double liuaMtd I rock, lhat lltofiualle cutiliitii iiiadi Karments, nic selllnir at prlt, lur Ilhl.OV Ithlifl.AK FlClItt.s at the GREAT SPECIAL SALE. Seft and Stiff Hats, ill Hie l.nlest New oil. IvIch, In Kur ami .Nutria nl t!i latent and mint peiulurshadts. BmTale, Wolf and Plush Lap Robes, and Herse Blankets, iiiev-lllugat prices fm IHM.eH HLC.l'I VU I'lUUItl.satthc GREAT SPECIAL SALE. Gents' Furnishing Goods, That ceiisi,i e hllk Sccktuui, Scailct t'lidcivicar, Woolen and VV erstcd llone. Silk und Cambric llamlkeiuhluls, llutksklu (.loves and Mittens Ovcralla tliat mu kuui iiillccd net le rip, urn clllni' ut prlita lar IIKLCMr ltKOtl.AU HdUtiTsnttlic GREAT SPECIAL SALE. Beets and Shoes, i or Im1Uh, OuuU, .MIi-iiH nml ChlKticu, tin it ait nude ti v)ii tliu latrtit and mu-t aiipievt'il iihh.lK InuiHlhitf tliu hpauUU Arcii, Com Cem Com iiieit Scitfi, Opeiu 'i(M.s OvutH' Opuni lip. Kiciich 'let'. Londen 1m, Imitation Lhclmi ( eniva. Cleth Tep ItilHen nmt Jt.tU ( Unti Iter UerliKja for Ludius nml Mlnat, fei fcprlnjrer um1ke tiecl ; uml (ii'iitn1 Ituljht'iH, aieKilllngutpilc.H fur HI.I.OW Itl.din.Alt rKJUIU.Satthe GREAT SPECIAL SALE. ( ouitceusiiltiiillou Klteii all iJllcu -S(oie villi cloke u( II o'tleckp. ii tcpl Satuida)!!, until furthu-uetke. Williiimneii il Pester Xes. :i-J l,:iiiAr:i4 1-Lis,i Kin-SI., I.ANCAslhl!. I'A. T UISlUI'l-TtlS I'llINTini wtTil- J. K. WRIGHT &. CO.'S rnry mum. liiirmeuiit Ink Hurts 2Ctli ahJ i'cnu'a. Avenue JuuiMvil IMIILADKLl'lUA, J" A. ri.inmsti. ;i. 7011 UI.UVE8, Tekiep tliehniids vvailii Ml'lTENS, Te keep thn luiiidH vMitui HOOKy, Te keep the feet vial in HAH Ml' ITS, te keep thu ears warm MUVTJ.EIIH,! le hi ep Iho iui ic vtatni l'NI)EIUVHAI!, le kicp llie body vt ai in. Ge te ERISMAN'S, no iTwi.srKi.venrur.uT. M Mills A IIATI1VON. I.M'.Ul'llll.Mi IN WINTER CLOTHING IOII Men's Ywillis' and Beys' Wear. ;:f HI'llS I1KAIM JtAHKI srii) .mahi: Toeiini. T ev i:iK e I OVbllCOA ms tu: 1 M ADI, lOOUDl Thn l.atui'st Asmilmcnl I l.lcxnnt Rlhs I'etfccl In ill ytmlllles ami V erkmannhlp I n excelled ' NEW PRICES FOR THE NEW YEAR ! ftiininnleril a low nsthe lowest quoted by any tlcllable Clothier In the cltr. DiTA call solicited ( einpnilst n (.elllllil On nnd after .lanuarv Mil this store wllllm rlesut al 0 e clock p in iilnrilai I XLepted, until Match 1st MYERS&RATHFON, I EAIHMI I.ANCASTJ.It f LOT HIlHt. NO 12 EAST KINO STREET, i.a.ncastt.i:, r jiAcmxr.iir. II i:ati:iihek i'thnac'i:s U BEST n STEAM ENGINE NH- Beiler Works, HESTERS -Oil- FURNACES loll I'iv.ite Duellings, Schools nml J'uli. lie Ituililinu's. Call und re tlicui. Miuleel hcuvv I inn, liu ple nf rnnstrtictleii, durable, economical, the most. KiUllutlni; (iurfacn el any Heater In the, market. Nothing Oheaj Bui the Price I OUR OWN PATENT. fliTHm Inn been in usn te many el the I intcs lusldeittCH In laiucastcr In the inmi ten )iiirt thehtstl oluvldcliceot Its mi ills Addicst, Jehn Best & Sen, Xe. .'.'I i:.ST ITLTOX STIU'.IT, Junli-lvdAt I.A.NCAsl', PA Having;!) PAinNnitsmi' ami perm mt ntly timed the Client nut Miect lien Werk", 1 ileslte te Intenn ui) old lmtrens and thu public Kenerally, that linn still In the business, belnjrlecutiil In the 1'eiin lien Company's Works, Ninth Plum strti t, where I mu link fiitf Iren unit lltns Casilnsef cverj tie ecrlplleii, and villi be pli.u. d (e nerve all who nuij favor me Willi t lit. li- pumnui;:e. I'lnin VI veals expel leu te In the busliiess anil iislnt; I he best inatuiiiil and cmple) lug thu best lucchanlta, I niiiKitlslIed 1 cull k'lmmiiteet ntircbullsfiictien. CitsdiiKs Hindu fiem a mlxtute e( Iren uniUstccI which me uieiu lellablc ler ktltntb unddinii blllty than thu best cast Iren known V tieth roll plnletiri, lellaamt lolling uilll wetU a spco spce l.illy. Castings mailu of t or noitlren.iimlhrusH iistiU(;Het cveiy dist ilpllen. 1 hav cull (he put ti ins i)I (he Hi-Hand faienibly known Mould Coin uuil I ob dustier, united unit Improved also en hand. .Mills completely lilted up or In parts, toil phtrueld ones it hit h have been In Use ler vcais.uuara utceliiB them toKlvesallsiuctlmi It. if 3KCUI.I.KV. llllg liquid Bit. MAItTIX, VVIIOLEaAtB Atll) ItLTAII. Dealer in AH Kinds of Lumber and Ceal. JryVAim Ne. 4"J .Net th VVtilcr and I'rliue btiects, above l.tinim. laiucaslei. li'Uvd eAUMOAiuiMiits a jr.iTi;itn:s, COAL DEALERS. Orricm- Ne. l'i) Neilh (Jiieen direct, and .Ne. Ull Xmth l'l lute nil eel. Vjvnna: Neith l'lliicu stieet, near Ituatllnit Depot., I'A illlKl.Mld c OAU M. V. B. COHO .)JU NOUl II WATI.K hl'lil.CT, lauit iistul , I'll, WllOl.lJliI.1'. AND r.LTAIL IM.ALl It IV LUMBER AND COAL. COXMSCTIOX WITH TUB TCLErilONIO KXCIIVMIK. Yaiid ami OrniK: .N'e. 3. .NOItTII VVAThll MKL'KT. fcb-ljd e. .1. V CO., COL. OpritK : Ne. 2U( cntie !iuaic. YAnnst laist Walnut und .Mitiehiill stucU. (ble.H nit's Old Vaul ) lleth Vtnxl and OiIlcucetintLUd with the Tele phone Hxt hiiiiLre rf-KIMII,l(i VVOOII AhlFtl.ll'V-9 eaiKiniilJUrit IT NDHHTAKIMJ. h'L.R,ROTE,iJ UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seulh Queen and Vine Sheets l.AM.lSTl-l!, I'A 1't.i.eual ullcutlen plven leull enlern. livcri- tlllllU'lll the UllUellnklllirlllinrnriiUlieil. Iluv Inu seemed (he set Ices efa lh.clnss mi tluinlc, 1 inn prcnaivdtotleiill kludeif Lnhel. Bteilng ut very mederatn nrices. All kind, of 1 iirnlime t phelitervi (live me a cull , , L. R. JkUlU-tUt ROTE.