r h r " - s ..- V LANOABTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1885. i "tmi i iw v rcvn ft WINTER FARM WORK, somktuixe rmt tiu; .uintuui.Tvtwiv je : xtitSKtsu a new. N'Mfd mill Hiimt'ti'n I" Hnianii tnr tlir ! Imtiiliiiini itixl lli"Mi'liiTMT-l"arin l'rnli. Icen nt llnmn ami Abr.mit 1:-. Irnl n I'll pi) fur Curing llrrf. rriini Hie Ocriiiniitywn TeleKrapIi. Atnriile, (.irincwcixM)rlMa'i) no ilinU'tilty In kt'Cilii(f lieuf tlnrluK '""''l wiwllier. Trolllile nrlsm, If t Ml. in III" loiuteriiturii of Mimuicrvmiivftntt. We liaui ucit tlin fol fel fol lewing rorlie for iittiiiy) (Mix, mid ilul HI" Mcneuln'tkT )niiiHi)fir tliu Mfu kieiliiK of beerilinii ny ether Hint vtnliuvu tried. It Is ns HiUimwi Ter nvery mm liumlrnl K)Ulidi of until Inke four timil of Liverpool linn iult, four miuri'K of Milliter mid four ItmimWeriirtmiifiiiKiir. Mis nil tliose lull, mutely tejrctlicT, mid hnn the iiii-ut li lucked, hlcli should iHieletuly, cprlnUle tliu mix mix ture u only ever the hiyern of incut. Keiiii the inciit eleely prcsted touetlier by the use of u geed weight. Tim HUKurnml full, uttlitlie JulccieftluiiiKv.il, iiinkeiill the lirinu that Im necessary. Tliv Wlirnt I'roblem In I'.nuluml. Tlie Londen J.'cenumitl, uiidur thonhevo hcullup;, dlneuiwithe fuiiiretif wheat In that country. It npinjars that there has been mtcli a vodilctlen In the prlce of wheat nt te ennien twiilc It lt very evldrnt that the nnullsli iaiiucr cannot iroduee this oisentlnl nraln at the prlce it hrhiRs In the market. Tim acre, lige of wheat has Ik'h ilcmwliiK In KiiKliiml for the Inst vear, and will eontlnue te de se much nuite" rapidly I" the future at ruling prices. There l no country that will con cen con tiuue te t;rew wheat at n less. The decline el prlceis imrtlyaltrlliutatile te the surplus hi this country and India, and will eontlnue no long as the surplus exltts. An exhalation of the surplus will renew such demand as will onlmnce the value, and then wheat culture will he mero largely engaged In. Whcther the existing generation of English farmers will see a return of ruuuiucratlve prices Is somewhat doubtful, Wntxr for Murk In WlnlT. IJvery farmyard should Iki supplied with an abundance of water for winter use. It Is n. great waste te compel or allow animals te trnvel a long distance te sotne stream or creek te obtain wati-r teanswCr the demands of na ture. Animals should be allowed te drink what they want, which they will net de in Unpleasant weather If ceuipvlUsl te travel nuiiylbrlt. In order te sectire the liest re sults animals xheuld be nholterctt In inclement weather, hut if they nroeeniKUil te pi for water they hccoiue no thoroughly chilled ns te requlre the entire day te restere the normal heat nftlin liedy. Again, us nmattcref economy, hi tin Having of man ure that will be dropped in passing te and from the distant watering places and while thocnttle am lingering by the way, it is much belter te keep them confined, as then the manuru will bu accumulated whero it will Isi called into use. Wells or cisterns can easlly be provided anil which will fur nish all the water required. r.itl.nln; Sleck. Y'lein the Orange county Farmer. The great secret of i.ucces in fattenfng sleck is te feed well In moderate quantities and te feed at regular hours, it should be one man's business te leek alter the feed ing and care of stock, ami oue man's alone. It isnclmrgcth.it can ncver be cenlldcd te ethers, liuuii less Inexperienced young men or novices. Theso have, net the Judgment of elder hands and are llable te wasle or ever feed, which is almost as bad as under feeding or net feeding regular rations at all. The latter should always 1h determined by the state of the weather. In mild weather, stock will net need as much feed as In extremely cold weather, and any filling oil in condi tion or improvement will Iki readily detected by the practiced eye of the practical border, ifrecn corn nubbins or chopped feed mixed with corn, eats and rye, Isiiled witli pump kins and jiotatees te the consistency of a mush or pudding, Is the liest of all fwd for fattening a pen of pigs and hIhctIh. .ext te tliksK a clean bed of straw, well sheltered iKiiii storms and a well arranged fetsllng trough (Irmly planted en a hard stene tloer and tmvur mere than lour or ftve shoals hi a ,.pii at a time, and your pigs will grew at viie rate of a -wiuml a day, and ifnet, you can be sure that there Is something wieugin the management of the pen. voter. riteM tii I'AIIM. Inn Miy that uiv lib- a nmiiil of lull '. Tin' stuluurl .inner said. That 1 scarce ran wn'H Irein the iifttllh'd soil Jlv plttance of tl.illj bread T W I'll, what von loll uic in Mlt I. Iru, 1 aiii"Jdim tin iillu man, lint 1 -im- the bU-liiKOf lest, us jiiit, Wlie liat i! niilcti of it. never call. Anil milrly, I h.ivc never wnrkcil In tain, Kmni the Spring te the Reliien Fall: The harveit hui ever breugtit wuvlna Kralii, KneiiRh unit te spare for nil. Anil nlien In Out evening flee from cue, I nit at my farm hon-e 'toev, Jlv wife unit III tle ones wiiltlnff tlure. Oil, what Iiud the millionaire muiu 7 Mv children may never have bearded wenlthi Their lives nuiv at times he reagli i Hat If In their hmneu they'volevnaml henltli ; They will Ilnd thein ilches rneuijli. The only land lliev will ever own. Is the land thai the Mmhk tight arm And the patient fearless heart ulene Can till ten fertile (aim. d my dy dii And u little ter cleu :a i Hut no grlni spi'dm my thiusheld liaunU, Micll iis Oliver and geld might raUe. Around me are eyes that with spalklLnu ullltli Or ith placid contentment i.hlne Amine wealth-clogged hint upon nil the earth lias a let mure blc cd than mine. .Mr, A. W. Ileniaml, of I'rovldenee, It. I., wij-h: "I most cheerfully iccemmcnd 1Iut's (Kidney and I.lvrr) Uuuf.uy HiiikHfu and lellablu cum (or kidney dlicase, and It in the only medicine 1 have ever found taut doe exactly what It Is nd nd nd vortlMMlte de." JlJ-lwdeisI.Vw V'eiuali'a huiri'llng nud Itiilc-f. Thesu languid, tlre.oeine sensations, causing j en te feci bcnrcely able te be en your feet ; that constant drain that I taking from your system all Its former elasticity; dilvlng the bloom from your cheekit ; that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you Irritable and fretful, can easily be removed by the ue of that mar velous remedy, Hep llltters. IiTegularttlc and obstructions of your system, ure relieved at enc irhlle the special cause of periodical pain are permanently removed. None lccelve se much bencflt, and neue are se profoundly grateful, and show such an Interest In recommending Ilu iltttcr as women. A I'ealnl Curd Slur). I was nllectcd with kidney and urlnury Trouble " Fer twelve years!" Alter trying ull the doctors and indent medi cines I could hear of, I ued two bottles of Hep "lllttumi" And I inn perfectly cured. I keep It All tliu timu!" rennectfullv. it. r . tloeth, Mtumiiury, jciiu. .nay 1. 1-0.1. . . . .. ..... lliutireiiu, Pa, .May 8, ISP. It has cured me of M'vunil dlccat.es, such ns nerveusiu'sii, sicknusi at the stemaeh, monthly troubles, ete. I have net seen a sick day In a year, since I took Hep Hitters. All my neigh bor 118C tlieill. .11198 I'iXME GltKKN. WJ.IMK) l.ti.t, "A tour te Kiirepe that cost me f.un. dene 'mu u goeil than one buttle of Hep Hitters j ' they ale cured niywire efjllleeu years' ner- ' tens weakness, hleupIeueicsM and iiyiieiiln." ll.il., Auburn, X. V. be. 1SLO0MIN0VILLS, I)., ilay 1, '70. hum I liave been sulfcriui; ten years, nud 1 tried your Hep Hitters, am 1 11 uenu 111c mero goon t im u uu I lie uucLers. Miss a. s. IkslSK. Ilaby Savetl. We am se thankful te say that our nursing baby was periiiiiucntly cutcd of a dangerous mid protracted constipation uud Iriegulaiily of thu bowels by the use of Hep Hitters by Its mother, which at the sainettme reateicd her te perfect health and strength. The Parents, Itechester, N.Y. n-Suue geniitnu without a bunch of green Heps en the whltn iubel. Hhun nil the vlle, poisonous st ull' with "Hep "or "Heps "In their name. ilccltl-luulAw Let I's Tell Yeuf Let us tell you that a person wUu l bilious or constipated fa net a well person, and further, that nearly every one Is subject le these irregu. laiitlcs. Let us tell you also that Ilurtleck Jtloeil timer uiu 0110 ui mu uucsv uiiircucs uuu uperi ents ever yet devised, YOUNG MUX I-UUADTHK. TiiK Voutaie Hkit Ce., of Mm-shiill, Mich., otter (eseiid their celebrated LlectiusVoitaie Hklt uud ether LLBCTiuoAi-ri.uxcr.aen trlul for thirty day, te men (old or young) mulcted with nervous debility, less of vitality mid manhood, mid nil Ulndied troubles. Alse for rheumatism, neural gin, paralysis, and many ether kindred discuses, Complete restoration te health, vigor nod man hood guaranteed. Ne lisle Is Incurred as thirty days trial Is ulleweil. Write them ut onee for llluslrutcd paiuphleUiec. ileCJO-lydAvv AHT IN A3IEIHCA. A Nntiennl roeullnrlty Illuntraled by n New rarUlnti Pnlntlntr. New Voik H'etld. "Is Ammliau art ciiide t" " Yes, I think se) but I ule Ihtnk," says .Mr. Jiiiuc Might, the wiill-ktiewu nit cemiuitMuir of"57 llreadnay, Xniv Voik, "Hint lu faw years we tdiall surpasi Hid world lit art, W'u am A mixed people and when we have our artistic, character funned we wilt excel the old weild. Our ilnvelepnient since Ihu war has been great." " Indeed thev de. And an the no .iiiniric.iim miieii pniiiiiur.u jereigu nil tm u ns iliey iiay inn ncai V lull iirlres thegnlletlesef Iho Vimilci iillti. Aslers. of ii, it. nun, ,-tiriiitiiHiu or ( iiiciign, jiiicuny 01 ilnckay of l.'nlirernln, Hniilln me I'll ade phla,nnd ethers, contain gems et nil the tiindern masters." Arotlin woiksef the mediiru chosen above tllOMO nf llin nnrlinlt maid nrw S' ' Very much se. Illoterleai scenes, leal and Ideal landscapes and ilncldeil ehanielers In tig ure am the. most popular. Tholnnttliuel was In Fails t picked iipii fery sleng bit of drawing, which depleted ninliMUMigcd limn belntried tip In a milch Lo-citslileiii-il cleill.Iils luce and mp uiiliidlimsiiiillcalliiglnleiise ngntiy. Ills Isblti Is ct en ded with many a physician's plilal.nlian dolled lianilintes, and lued-up bllslers, llurore lilin it tuli of water lneeklnglvelii1s Its lliccute Inte his Irtce.aiid the uiatii iliu ehceilly blares In mockery of his iinhupplnen". Ills nurse, nearly dMractuit al her nmsler's fret fill and ever-varj lug ceiuiuaiiiU, Is a type of dismay, t reallv enjoy lisiklug ut tills picture I 1 know knew know hew Ihu old fellow IccN for I myself was for twelve yeats a vlclliii el liilhimmatery rheums tlsiii. F.very spilng and winter perfect tor ture twisted me ler two or thiee months during which I was efleu unablu le sleep for a week nl it Hum will tormented by con t liiueus agen)', and at mini lluu was totally blind ter n fei might, the disease having settled In my eyes. I had the best medical skill, Used all theappirireil sclcntlilc speelllcs, visited thn rumeil mineral Hpilngs of Atuurlca, of Curltbnd and Furls butewnyycur the (uiinu mud flrellt. ei-ally burned mn alive I When I leek nt that picture-It Mi'in" IIKcu mirror or my own experl nice, and I often laugh te myself us I think what an old l'iir I iuut have been when I whs suirer lug as tlie ntihjcrt of the sketch seems te be," "lien'l you think you uie templing fateby making sport of your old enemy." "Oh, I fcurhlm no longer. .My lat attack was ever two j ears uge, and all the agony of the pre ceding twelve jeurs centeted upon me then. -My physicians gnvoine no liepn et recovery. I had some faith fu myself, however, and when theygavume up I tindutlnek my enit treat ment," "Well, hew did II work 1 ' " I liiveutlguted the hole subject of rhcunia tlsm, and found that It was In my ease caused by a dUeanef the bleed, probably produced by pe riodical Inactivity el tlie kldnejs. I then began Warner's safe cure, twenty bottles of which rem- iiletely puilfliHl my IiIihhI, and I never hurecn nycd such itibust health n I de new. I presume have recommended that treatment ten thou sand immens lu Kurope and America, for gen er.il debility, inulnrlauiid rheuiiiatlim.rtc, and I have nuver heant ntethlngbtit satisfactory re ports." .wr. igni nasan iniiui'iie personal acquaint illicit with the best people In i.it rope mid Auier- lea, Isninun of the highest repute and character, riu enanicier, ti sllmeny te nun nneTperiencegive wcigiu irlve welchlv the remarkable puw er of the cofeliruled prepu ine rumiirha tlen named. " Yeu think, then, Mr. Wight, tharuuder the thin veneering of n'sthetlctem there is substan tial nitdcvelnpiiiciit in America t" "I certainly de, and I havu confidence, a I said befeie, tluit w hen the true American Idea Is etllediiKin,onrdevclopiiiciit will be both rupld and excellent " .si'V.viai, xeTirr..s. 1 Im Hep I'tmlrrt have u wonderful sale, and why I Hecausn they cum Hack Ache, Mlir.Ielntu, I'alu In th Mde mid Hllsen'iies In snv part. Fcople uppieclatn tlicin. Any druggist, 23 cts. iteuuii e.v ceutdis," Ask ter (leugh en Coughs," for Coughs, Colds, Swim linuut Liquid, -iV. Ilerseiiusn, Troches, i.Vj. (i) MOvcr the IHU te the I'mir IIeum..1 A person with Impaired or linevcrlshed bleed l en the ixmiI te physical bankruptcy. Jlurdack Meed lllllrrt strengthen and entlrli the circu lation, rvpiilr the tifsucs, mid build upthsen t lis s9tein THOt'SAMlS s.lVN). .Mr T. W Atkins, (Irani. Knn , witte: "I never hesltute te recommend vetir Flcctlle Hlt lets tniuy ciicteini-is tbfv give entire sallsfac tlnu and uie rapid sellers. Klectrle Hitters am the puirst unil iH'st medicines known, nud will peslilvely cure kidney and liver complaints, liirlfy the bliHst mid icgiilatc the bowels. Ne family can 11 ITeul te be without them. They will suvi! hundreds uf dollars in ibieter's bills every year. s(,ld ut tllly cents 11 bollle bv II. I). Coch Cech run, druggist, .n. 1S7 ami I.TJ .N'eith Queen stlcet, Uiueitsler, I'a. (5) A coin a galloping eeiituiuplinii by thiitlinely use of llule's Hiiney of lloicheuiid nml Tar. Flke's TiMidiuehe Uieps euro In oue inliiute, Jl'J-lndced.tnr 1.11. IVhat He Kiiems. " llest thing for bums 1 have ever trlut. Heals up grunillv ' I.. I'. Fellctt. Millien. Ohie, speak ing of 7'Aeiii' J'elrctrle Oil U0l"(iII OS PAIS." fines colic, crumps, dlarilucn ; externally for uches, pains, spnilns, In-aihiche, iieunilgia, rheu inatisni. Fer 1111111 or bcust. 'laiiiKA () mi. FKA.n;ii .- hoot niTTnus Frazier's llisit Hitters ale nut 11 ilraiu t.hep I l.lNll, l.lll.'ls Jill1 llllL II UHllll Mll(ll but uiu strictly, medicinal in every' ey act strenglf upon (te i.lvernnd keep the bowels open and regular, eeverage, nut sense. I hey Klilnevs. kct ej 1.11 1 ini. f lift IiIimkI Mint ai-rtlmii ttt ,v.rv ltiiiitiHti- Sold by dniggUts, i. Sold bv II. ll. Cochran, ll.tiiiil IS) N in III tjiicen sticet. (-.') or .Matchless .Merit. Fer the tiesn and tlmsit, externally 01 Inlcr milly med, Tlinmm Urtertrie Oil is matchless. Asthma, ratlin ti, nml seileiis tlmsit allectiens am Htnenable le this ellkiunt remedy. MOTIII'.lts If jeii are falling 1 broken, worn and nervous, use "Wells' llcullli Iteuewer," fl. Krug gits. (3) Ni:vi:neti;ui'. If you are tumbled -vlth nervous or sick head iiehe, de net give up your cue a Incurable until you have tried Or. Leslie's SH'Clal Prescription. M tliu lestlllleuialM in unether celiliuil. dJD-lwd I li.ne been deuf lit one ear ten ears, unit par tially deal lu the ether ler two months; have been t'eutctl bv ear specialty doctors and lo le celvrd no benellt. Having used liv's C10.1111 Halm for about 11 month I find myself gicatly Improved, and can hear well and consider It a most valuable ivinedy. I liadaUe nasal catanh, with dropping of mucous Inte my IhriMt uitd uiln ever my eyes, which tleublcs also have en tirely dUappc.ii'cd, I). H. Yates, Upper I.UIe, HniouiuCe.. N. Y. JHSwtlceilAw Tiiix i'i:efli:. W ells' lleallh Hcnewer " restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, liupeteiicy, S-exuul Do De blllty. tl. (2) lil.FS! 1'lLKbl! l'K.i;S!ll Sum cure for llllnd, Hleedlngaiid Itching l'tles. One Imx luis cored the weist eases of 'At yearH' staudluir. Ne one need sutler live minutes ufter lining William's Indian File eintiiieut. It ab sorbs tumors, allays itching, nets us poultice, gives Instant rcllet. l'rcpaicd only for Files, itching of the piivute pails, nothing cWc. Sold by ilruggUts and mailed en iccelpt of price, fl. Snld by ft. 11. Cochran, 1J7 and IK) Neith Queen sttcet. (1) , fliied Tulknr On the stage or platform, in society or at home, must net only possess brains but 11 clear, strong voice. Liiiairu, or 11 severe co 111, is almost cer tain te Injure the voice Hut thesu complaints may be completely eradicated with a lew appli cations nf 27ieiu' J.'etectrie Oil, unrivaled In Its specialties. A WALKING SKliI.ETON. Mr. K. Spiinger, of Mecliuiiisburg, I'n.. writes ; " 1 was ullllcteil with lung lever and abcess en lungs, mid reduced ten uxiUimj skeleton, tint a fiee trial bottle of 111-. King's New Discovery for Consumption, wiilchdld uiusemiich geed that I iKiught a dollar bottle. After using three bottles found myself once mero a man, completely re stored te health, with a hearly appetite, and n gain In tlesh el 4s pounds." Call nt Cochran's drug store. NTes. 1.17 and IS) Ninth (jiteun street, unit get a free liiul bottle of this certain euro ler ull lung diseases. Large bottles $1.00. (.1) A l'listal Curd iinui Mrs, Dennis Smith, Leulsv Ule, K ivs : 1 Fer bleed Impurities Jlurdvck Jllued li luipuriiics lUtlcri seem jmtlciiluily uitaplcd. Never nuitlculuilv adan befeiu hud comulexlon se clear, t se all the tunc. HIJCKLKVS AltNICA SAI.VIJ. The best Salve In the weild for Cuts, llrulses, Peres, Clceia, Salt ltlieiim, Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chllblalii.i, terus, mid nil skin F.ruplleiis, and positively cures tiles, or no puy required. It is guaranteed te give perfect natis natis factien, or money lelunded. Price, a cents per box. Fersulebyll. II, Cochran, diugglst, Nes. ui uuu ij-j .eriu tjuecu strcei, i.uneuslur, I'll, Celiik.v's Llipild Hoef Tetile iinpai Is strength te body mid mind. Tukv no vllirr. Of Drug gists. JFMwilead.t S" rOKAOK .VMI COMMISSION WAIIEHOUSE, D.YN1LL MAYKH, 111 West Chettii ut street. I.IFK INBUltANCi: COJI. decJ-Iyd I7IQUITA1H.K ABSOtS, 854,000,000. Surplus, 812,000,000. Inilisjiulalle Crctlilers' Assurance Eijiiilaljlc lk Insurance Company. Tlie only llimlnvus Jliiu'a I'elk'y wrltli'ii, imy. iililu in lu, IJ nr vM yt'iti'H, and iion-Unli'lliible tiftur yuura. TliUhjirtst iiiM'linunt nml beat inlying uuu. EgLMTAIILE UOEt THE LAII(11T I.VSOli. sutt.vNcii rn.bi.VEs-, in -1 in; would. W. J. MADDEN, lQNOUTHQlEIJNbT. WlUTK FOB IHVWMAT30SI. .vr.mv.ir. A YHH'S CIIKUHY l'KCTOUAU AN OLD SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCE). "I'ALVKtlT, TKXAS, Jlay.1, 16S2. "I wlh tee pi ess my appreciation of the val uable qualities of Ayer's Oherry Pectoral, AS A COfflll IIKMKDY. " While with Churchill's army, Just bofeiollm battle of Vlckhbutg, I conttnclei 11 sovcrecolil, which terminated In a dangerous cough. I funnd no relief till en our march we camntea country store, where, en asking for some rem. cdy, I was urged letryATEii's CHriittYl'iMrteiui. " I did se, and was rapidly cuied. hlnce then, I have kept the t'Eoreiutcoiistuntly by me, for family use, and I have round It te be an Invalua ble remedy for Threat ami Lung Diseases. .1. W. W1I1TLKY." Thousands of testimonials certify te the prompt cum el all bronchial mid Lung Affec tions by the line of Area's CitEnnT 1'ECTetiAL. being very palatable, the youngest children take Handily. rnKin&ii nv Dr. J. C. Aycr & Ce., Fimvcll, Muhs. Sold by all Diugglits. JanlMeillyd&w t ami: hack. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is absolutely thebxtt ever made, combining the virtues of hops with gums, balsams and extracts. Its poser Is wonderful In curing diseases whom ether plasters simply re lieeo, Crick In I tin buck and Neck, Pain In the hide, or Limbs, MHT.Ielnts and Muscles, Kldney Troubles, llheiiinatlsm, Neuralgia, Sere Chest, Atrectloiiserthollenitaiid Liver, and all pains eraches til any part cutcd Instantly by the Hep Vletter. -Trytt. I'rleeH rents, or IHe for ll.eiWft Mailed en receipt of prlce. Held by ull druggists and country stores. Hep Tlatttr Company, Pro prietors, Husten, .Mass. LAME BAOK. STFer constipation, less of appetite mid dis eases of the bowels lukelluwlcy's Stomach nnd Liver Fills. M cents. dJrtydAw(3) Ci iiay's srneiric mkdicink. X The Great Kngllsh lliimedy. An unfailing euro for Impetcney and all Diseases that fellow Less of Memery, universal Ijissltude, Fain In the Hack, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and inanv ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a licuiattire Orave. Full particulars tu our pamphlet, which we do de slm te send free by mall te every ene. This Spe cific medlctnn Is sold by nil druggists nt tl per package, or six packages for t- or will be sent lien by mall 011 receipt of the money, by ad dressing the agent, II. II. COCIIIIAN, Druggist, Nn. 137 and 139 North tjueeu street, Luucester, Fa. Oniirceunt of counterfeits, we have adopted thu Yellow Wrapper 1 the only genuine. TftU OKAY MKD1CINK CO., Hulfale, .V. Y. T 1IOUHANILS OK CASKS OF SICK Headache utu permanently cured every year (as the hundreds of testimonials In my possession will testify) by Ihu use or UK. LESLIE'S,' .Special Prescription. This Hcuiedy stands to day without a ilvul, nnd with scarcely a com petitor In the weild. Thousands of Physician throughout the country have acknowledged their Inability te cum It, and are new prescrib ing Dr. Leslie's special Frescrlptlen ferult cases of Sick HEADACHE In clthel Its nervous, blllotisercongrstlvo form, arising from obstruct Ien, congest leuur torpidity or the liver. IV hull 1 say that Dr. I.eslle's SPECIAL lieseilptlen w II I ell rut he 11101 obstinate cases of Sick llead.iehe, I mean Just what 1 say, and that Is, that It net merely relieves but; POSITIVELY ; cuies.ne matter hew- long the case may have been standing. I have testimonials from persons who have been iilllletcd for twenty years, being confined te bed two or three days at k tlnu) every two weeks, that liave been permanently cured by two bottles of Dr. Leslie's special I'liEScmrriex hey have lmt had an attack loreverllvo se that years. If you are w Uh te be troubled Willi Mck He.ulaclm and CURED be sine and gtve this leiuedy 11 trial. I'nit'E, ILUO. S. It. AUCIILK, Saratoga Spilngs, .'. Y. FOlt SAl.i: 1Y DUUUUIsTS. dJlyd Fer sale only at .1. It. KAUFFMAN'S Drug Stere, Ne. M North Otiecn street, 1-ancustcr. Fer colds, use Ktiu It man's Cough Syrup, the largest and best for 'ii cents. -1ATAKHU. ELY'S CREAM BALM ;ci;iti:s COLD IN H1:AD, CATAItltll, ISOSF. COLD, IlAYFl:Vi:ii,Di:AFNESS,IlKADACHK. Kusy te use. Price, &"c. N. Y U. Fly S. A. Hre's., Oswego, HAY FEVER. F.LY'S CltKA-M HALM Cleanses the Head, Alluys lultaiiiiiiiitleu, Heals the bems, Kcslercs the senses et Tustu uud blue)). A quick unit positive cure. SO cents at Druggists. 00 coots by mull, registered. Send ter circular. Sample by mull, lu rants. . ELY BROTHERS, ja-eed.Vvv Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. anevr.niv.s. A t uunaicfs. COFFEES! COFFEES!! .lust leeelved an Invoice uf Aim Mieiik llle Ceiree. Can't fall le give allsfsctleu te luvers of streug celfec. Mandeh ling Java. .lust received an Invoice of Flne .MundehlliiL' Ceilce, in YEAits et.n, w hleh will liiaUe you a royal cupefilch. elegant eell'ce. JavaCotfcestninrevo en uge, net se wlthltle, It will loe Us quality. Kim: AniuUN Jlecit Coffee, ('HOICK Laei'V-Yiias CerrEE. UlCll Ul'ATKMALA LeFrEE. -Ileiiieniber we buy our Celfecsnll given and have them misled here almost dully, therefore have them flesh. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. JIOVSlWVKXtSHIXU tWOIIS. T m: CHEAPEST PLACE TO III'V Al LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Ceal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -IS AT- J P W Xe. 21 Seuth Quoeii Street, fubZHya LANCASTElt, l'A. VIMTMXtl, BREAK-UEOKPRIOES. At present our prices are se very low that they would bring disas ter if long persisted in ; but the raceia nigh ever for this season and we mean te make a geed finish. If you are in need of Clothing new is the time te buy at an ad vantage. A. C. YATES & CO., 002, (504, 000, CHESTNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA. NeTirr. Estimates furnished te Clubs for Overcoat for the Inauguration. si-imd T AII.OIUNG. W. B. Nelsen & Ce. CiUmPORTING TAILOFtS,S TAILOFtS,S Ne. 121 NORTH QUEEN STREET. All the Latest Styles tu Foreign & Demestic Cleths. A FEItFF.CT FIT OUAIlAXTEEn. We would call speclul attention tu our Cutting Department, which is In charge of Mr. NKLSON, who has has had extended oiperlence In that branch of the business with the finest houses In ths Knit em and Western cities. G .HANI) Clearing Sale ON ACCOUNT OF ALTKU1NG STOItE. Frem New Until March 1, 1885, Wa will sell any of the floods we huv at prices which will Insure speedy sales. They will be tn ourread wrdlebulldlng. Cullutence llrstchelce Is best choice. Ne Reasonable Offer Refused. OVnucOATSatlialf-valuc. HIIT!, lrem common te the finest, nil sizes, all colors, nt half of their value. rXDKItWKAIi, a), SI, 33 te 1.J0 for the best. a LO VKSSull qualities, reduced one-half. XECKWEAlt, finest qualities, ruffs or flats, reduced from $1.00 te 43c. 750 MEN'S m BOVS OVERCOATS MU.STI1E SOLD WITHOUT It rtOAItl) TO COST OFTI!E OAUSIEN'TS. "Open evciiInjjsuntllSJO. HIR3H & BRO, Penn Hall Clothing Heuse. COUNEltOFCKN'TltES-QUAItE AND NOIITII (JL'EE.N sTltEET, Luncastur, l'u. E' COL'OJIY IN I'l.OTHINU. L. GANSMAN & BRO. Yeu are doubtless Intciestcd In theptirchase of Cletlilug, ami want the best goods for the least money Me arc equally Interested In secuiinc your patrenui'iMind we have placed ourlnrge stock at prices within the reach of all. rices w iiuin ine ivucu ei uu, The times are rlpe for It. The wnrkliiRinan aces no use In paying $15.00 for an Overcoat or a sun, wnen no can uuu un nencsi uuu geed looking ui ttcle here for $U.uu and W.KJ. SUITS ! SUITS, ll.fltt, .oe, ;3.oe. SUITS, $10.00, Pi), J14.00. BEST WORKMANSHIP. 1'ItICES FltOM 10 TO 15 I'KK CENT. LOWEH THAN KI.SEWIIEltE. Overcoats. Overcoats. OVEKCOATS, M.0O, $100. J1.(. OVEHCOATS, $S.00, 110.00, li.). OVEKCOATS, 113.00, H.0i), 113.00. Itcst Qualities. Lewest Prices, anda Vast stock te select fruin. Our goods were never se low as new, while they uie us desirable as ever. I. GAUSIAU & BEO, THE FASIUOXAllI.E JlKltOIIA.NT TAlLOitS AXI) CLOT1IIE1I8, Neb. 00-08 KORTH QUEEN STREET, Hlght uu ths Southwest Cor. et Oruuge, LANCASTER, FA. "tf-Net eeimecled with any ether Clothing Heuse in this City. ir-lLt l-Al'Mlt. HIAHKS W. KUY. A Combination Cornice and Pele Combined. In Witlmit nml Ebony, ut l.mui plcce. Thrsa lntve been i educed from tUtK We mv iLMtieim of eleslnu ttieineut. I'eltig fur fk.', 75c, Jl.eu and lli-uuK, llru.g Tiiuiuicd, Ebony, Wulnutund Aub. LACE CURTAINS r'erttV'.ll.UO, tlM. 11.73, f-i.00, fiA 13.(10, $3.90. HM), l.le, A.(ie, up le tJi.oe a l'ulr. One l'ler Mirror, Wiilnut rruiut, fts.oe, former J nice, Jijo.ue. One l'ler Miner, Walnut Kruine, le.(J, former price, WKW. One l'ler Mirror, Wiilnul inline, .3.ui, lenucr prlce. iu. ene Miiutle Mirror, 75.00, former price, tliu. WINDOW SHADES, lu NEW l'ATTEUNS. l'liiln Goods In All Celers unit Width. Klxtmctf Cunt mid Spring Oi'iiuuieuU In Assortment. WALL PAPER, or EVEItY DESCUII'TION and GUAHES. Ilavu your w eik ileuu new, im pilcvt were never no low. PHARES W. FRY, NO. 87 NORTH 4QUEEN ST., LANCASTElt. l'A. Tlir.Y CAN AM. COI'Y I'.l'T NONU can equal the lluvnim Yellow Frent 5c. Ct gar, at - JIAHTMAN'S YELLOW FUONTtlUAIt STOItE. M001Y 111 Cletlllllg ! nevHr.vvnstunis'a aoenn. J? LINN ,t HHENEMAN. HOUSEFURNISHING. e nre new manufacturing a cotnpleto line or OLD STYLE TINWARE. We ube only the best Tin and empley only the bout Mechanics and our Ware la superior te any te be had In the elty. Thore has been anether Great Drep in the Price of Steves and Ranges, Examine our Stock baibre buying. FLINN & BRENEMAN, LARGEST STOVE STORE, Ne. 1 52 North Queen St.. Lancaster, Pa. ren F lOIt HKNT. FOR Reems in the Building Ne. 6 WEST KING STREET, including OFFICE en First Fleer. Alse Stable en Mifflin Street. H. Z. RHOADS, LAJiCASTEH, FA. ctmcics, si unions JUST Ol'KNED. Christmas 1884. x JUST THE LAIIGE8T AND CHEATEST LINE OF French Clocks, lirrers and Bronzes WE HAVE EVEIt CAllKIEl). Music Bexes of All Grades. A FULL LINE OF GOODS TO SUIT ALL TASTES. ZAHM'S CORNER. ' CAltl'KTS, C. S1 IIIIIK'S OAIU'ET HAIiIj. BARGAINS SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Selling Off te Clese Business. EVERYTHING 3IUST POSITIVELY )E SOLD. A Kull Linn of 1IODT Hltt.'SSEl.S, TAl'ESTV, nnd All Grmlcs of INGltAIX CAUl'ETS, HUGS, llLANKETS, COVEltEETS una Olb CLOTH. ALL AT A SACRIFICE. 1'ieuipt Attention Ulven te tins Munufucliuc of ltagC'iuiii-'ts teOnlcrut SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. WestJKing and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. OLASSWAHE. rriGir & mautix. QUEENSWARE. - - QUEENSWARE. CHINA HALL VK AUt: Ol'FEItlXO A LINE OK Queensware AT SPECIAL ntlCES. Tea, Dinner, Breakfast ASD Toilet Setts, &c. B- Call Riid eee the were and secure Bargains. High & lartin, NO. 16 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTElt, l'A. JIOOK.1. TOllN HAKH'S SON'S. BLANK BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, CASH BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, &e ATTIIEUOOKSTOUE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 15 and 17 North Queen St. DIARIES FOR 1885. A VAHIETY OF SIZES AND STYLES. AT THE llOOKSTOHE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 16 and 17 North Queen St. Scrap Reeks and Scrap Pictures, IN OUEAT VAHIETY. AT THE llOOKSTOHE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nes. 16 and 17 North Queen St. -lirANTKD LADY AOKNTS FOlt V " QUEEN l'HOTECTOIt," daisy stocking ami skirt supporters, slieuldur bruees, biislles, tiosein feims, Uiess ahteldi, sufuty bulls, sluute lirotccters, ete. ; entirely new dm ices, unproeo unpreeo unproee dented pretlui wohuvuSeu ufenU UlakluKilM nieiithly, Address with stump. E. II. CAMl'llELL & CO.. Jauliliueea Ne. tf 3. May St., CUIwije. ur.ST. RENT. Ne. 4 West King Street. axi nnexzr.s. Zahm's Gerner 1884. OPENED BARGAINS AT- tubSJ-iiwlAw VltY GOODS. H. JMAKTIX iFceT HEFOItE TAKIXO OUlt ANNUAL INVEN. TOItV, WE AltE OIFEKING SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN PRICES. IN ALL OUlt DEl'AUTMENTS. ItEIIUOED 1-llICES IN IHtVttOOIJH DEfAKTMENT. ItEUUOEU l'lilOKS IN NOTION DE1MKTMENT. ltEtlUCEIi I'lllCES IN OENT'S KUHNISIllNG DEl'AltTMENT. KEDUCE1) l'ltlUES IN 1.AD1KV COATS AXU SHAWLS. ItEDUCEI) I'lllCES IN COMKOltTS AND 1ILANKET8. ItEDUCEO I'lllCES IN UI'IIOLSTEKY DEI'AKTilENT. ItEUUOEU 1'ltICES IN OIL CLOTHM. KEDUCEI) l'UICKS IN MATTlXli:. UEIIUUEII l'ltlCES IN TOY DEl'AltTMENT. KEDUCEI) l'UICES IN CAUl'ETS, WALL l'Al'EHS, HUGS, WIN. DO W SHADES, &c. 3- WE SOLICIT A CALL.-Wi J. B. MARTINS CO. Cerner West King and Prince Streets, (Ojipeelte StOTens llouse,) LANCASTElt, l'A. S PECIAIi HAKGAIXS. WATT, SHAND & 60., 8 and 10 East King Street, Extraordinary Sale of lllrucbcd and Unbleached Muslins, Sheetings HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Owiui; te thu grcut depression in uiunufuctur in It we nnweirurnii liiimciie stock of popular and slaudurd goods at Ics ttiiin tlie actual cost of production. Jl'fiT Oi'uxcu a tnuicK I.IE or Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, Of ourewu Importation ut very low rate. SPECIAL SALE OF REMNANTS AXI) ODDS AND ENDS In all departments previous te Inventor)' atclcartut; out prices. MW YORK STORE, Nes. 8 & 10 East King Street, LANCASTElt, l'A. Tuoni:.sAVKr.eNosixcnnKcii)Ki O tluit the Yellow Frent Be. Clfur Is the best lu tbe state, at HAUTMAN' YELLOW Jfc'ltOXT CIUAlt iTOUE. TiurxtKH' triii r. Cats lenve LnnciHlrr for MIllemTliin L . ,a D.en nn. llflOn. in , .nil t.'Sf es5 aifcwVSi m Cnrtleuve Mllirrnvimi for rttmntrtttPiE J 6:0 nml liwwn. in. mid uw, 3M,t.wuJli&lifc , J LArainAIStt JOINT V,t LINE KAItltOAU, Alittiieiirt nr rtwun tumks. SUNKAY, X0VEMI1EU Krtli, I9st. . NOUTIIWAltl). Leave. a.m. Mllff St. Ijiiic.. Ii.40 Lnnenitur 11,17 liiiitirtm ....... 7.15 Cemwiilt 7.13 Arrhn, Lotmnen fl.00 . hOUXUWAItl). I.eave. ji.m, Lebanon, ,,,,,., 7.ai Cernniill, 7.3.1 Maiilu'lm. .,,,., aui Ijincnsler,.,,,, 8.3J Arrive, KliiRSt,. Lane. M0 NumtttM. r,v. .V) MM .1.37 d.07 0.H r.M. T.IW T.M H.M MU A.N, I'.M, i.M . S.I M7 H.K1 1A.VI i.a l.M ais r.M, li.) 12.4.1 1.1.1 2.W Mil Ml U.13 9.1.1 R.0S A.M. 7.i 7.W a-it Mi V.H. M.M VIM M-1 RM t.W MM i. -n, i ILHOX, Hupt. It, it 0. It, ll. .1. SI. HAVAnu, f npt. c, nnd t), , Ml, II. It. It, Giercie EtTi,upt. 1'. A It, luii, InJl.lyd w Ainae A. OOLUMMA. AIIUANGEMENT OF l'ASSE.NdElt 1'IA1N8. SUNDAY, NOV. 10, 1831. NOUTHWAIlt). LEA vi. . a.m. l'.M, Uiinrryvllle. ....... ....,., UVA1 .... pincniilcr. King Struct.,.. 7U ... Ijinciwter 7: in li-.M Chlckles , ,,, 7:ii ,,,, V. M. A. M ;:. 3:10 ,.,. 3:.V) ,.,. &.11 t... 4 HI .... 3:1 Aiuricuii.) unction 7A1 Columbia , 7::w li-M Annivu. Uemllii.. 0:1.1 SOUT11WAUO. ISO 5:J0 tKAVE. A.M. M. 12:00 r.M. r. k. 0:10 A.M. UGUilliiR..... 7:ie AltltlVE. Mnrlellu .lunctteii ., 8M Clilckles ,,,., i;-jrj Columbia , s-,n l.anainlcr si. i Lanaifiler, King street.... tirjii UuurrrvUle less T:M 8:i1 :& 8:1.1 S:W 2:113 IMJ 9:il rorceniiccttonq nt. llrmllnrf. nitinl.i.ti T...... raster .luncllen.Marictlu Junction and Celum. blu Sce time tables nt nil Muttons. SUNDAY. Leave Quarryvllle,7:li0ii. in.; Ijiticnutcr, KIiir strJ'et.'.8:0""'ln-'4;;l:lr-n,.t Limcaner, s:iu n. in. and 4:4.1 p. in. Arrive Itcudlng, lo.eon. ni., (X p. m Leave Iteudlnir, 8:m n. m., i p, m. Arrlve Lancaster, 0:49 a. in., and 3:12 p. in. LnnCMStcr. King street, twn a. ui., OvW p. lu.i liuari-yvlllo,ti:len. m. A. M. WILSON. Slipt. C. G. Hancock, Gen'l. rass. & Ticket Agent. PENNSYLVANIA UA1U10AD HC1IEU UI.L. TntlllA leave LnnPilftlirnlul timt'n nml nntrnnl riilladciniiia us ibiiewa : T.cave , WESTWAItD. riilladelphla. News Expresat 4:30a. in. WuyrasenKert A-M " MaU train via Xlt.Jeyt 7:00 " Ne.2Mull Train via. Celum'a. Nlajpira Express 7:10 a. in. Hanover Accem via. Celuin'a. Fat Llnef 11:10a. in. rivdcrlck Accem via. Cnlum'u. Lnncastcr Accem via. Mt. Jey, Ilarrldtnirg Accem..... s:ll p. m. Lcave Lancaster fcVOn.in. fiiTO " (Ml " 9:3.1 9W " 1I;.M ' 1-J3p.ni. 1:1.1 " 2-;!0 " BS.1 " 7-T0 7:10 ' VyOIUIIIUlli rflCOUlll. ...., 4:iU Harrlsburg ExprcHs... It:l0 l.tu.n. .. I. vmw... . 9:10 " 11:1.1 " 1:3.1 a. in AlTlVOIlt l'btludulplila. 3:aiu. in. 4:23 7:50 ' 10:20 " Ivla. Mt. Jey. 11:4.1 a. in, 3:13 p. tu, 5:0.1 ' 6:45 73 " I'aclllc E.xpicast 11:20 " Iave Lancuster. l.-euu. in. 2:27 " 8:33 " 8:10 " V-M " tl.OJ " 12Aip.ni. 2.-20 ' , 2:42 " EASTWAUD. Mall Expresst I'hll'a. Lxprc69 Fast I.ltie t llarrlsburg Express.. Lancaster Accem. ar. Columbia Accem Seashore Express Johnstown ExpreitHt Sunday Mall Dav Kxnriisgl S:1S 0:1.1 llarrlsburu Accem.... 9:43 Tlie Marietta Accommodation leaves Celum. bla ut 0:lii a. m. uud reaches Marietta ut 0:53. Alse, leaves Columbia at 11:4.1 a. m. uud 2:13 p. in., reuchlnjr Marietta at 12:01 and 2:3,1. Leaves Mar tetta at 2:50 p. m. and at rives at Columbia ut 3:03 ; ale, leaves at bull und nrrlv cs al 8:15. The Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10and arrives at Lancaster at 8:00, connecting with Itiirrttbun? Express at 8:10. Tlie Frederick Accommodation, west.cennecU Ingut Luncastcrwlth i'ut Line, west, at 1:33 p. In., will run through te Frederick. Tlie Frederick Accommodation, cast, leave Columbia at 12:25 und reaches Lancaster at J2M p. in. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9:50 u. m. will run through te Hanover, dully, except Sunday. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, wben nagged will step at DowntiiRtewn, Ceutesvllle, l'urkcsburir, Mt. Jey, Ellzabctlitewn and Mldillctewn. t The only trains which run ilailv. On Sunday the Mall train west runs by way or'Celuinbla. Leave dully except Monday. COIlNWAI.Ii AND TiEHANON AND COLEliltOOK VALLEY UAlLItOADS. BOUTHWA11I). Tnilin leuve Lebanon dally (except Sunday) ut i:3u anii712:30 nnd 7:30 p. m. Arrive at Cornwall at C:lea. in., 12:10 p.m. and 7:10 p. in, ; at Conowage at 7:20 a. in., 1:25 and 8:20 p. in. .connecting with the reimsylvnnuiltallread ler points oust uud est. BOltTHWAnO. Trains leuve Coituwage at 7:Jl u. ui., 8:30 and 8;25 p. 111. Arrlvent Cornwall :it S l; a. in., 4:18 and 9:05 p. m. ; at Lebanon ut 8:20 a.m., 4:30nnd 9:15 p.m.. connecting at Lebanon with l'hlludcliihitiaml lieadlns Itniltixul ter points east und nest, and the Lebanon ami Trcment llruncb for Jenes town, Plnogievoand Tremont. The 0:30 a. in. train will step only al Cornwall, Colobreok and llcllatre.. HATS AX1 CAM. Tj" ST STYLE IIATS AND CArS. Slmltz's Only Hul fc IS FULL OF THE LATEST ETYLES OK Seal Caps and Turbans, Seft uud Stiff Hats, Silk and Cass Hats, Children's Turbans, -AND- GLOVES OF ALL KINDS. ALL NEW AND OF THE FINEST MANU FACT U HE. 3- 1'cn.ens wishing te make Christmas Pres ents lneur Uuu will pretlt by exuuiiulng our stock before purcliqslui; elsewhere. 144 NORTH QUEEN ST. (GUNDAKEU'S OLD STAND.) w SI. D. STAUFFEH. JOHN SIDES. ItEDUCTlONI UEDUCT10NI IIEDUCTION GItEATEST HAKOAIK EVEIl OFFEUEDt FURS AT AND BEtOV COST. ritOK'TS GIVEN TO CUST0MEUS. Wuhuvounlce line of FUIIS we are closing out ut prices that will surprise you, They must be sold In order te miikuroem. Theso who call curliest will cot the barcalii". Don't fall te take advantage of the GltEAT MAltK UOW.V, a rciL like or HATS, CAI'S, FUltS, CLOVES, U0I1E3 AN UM11UELLA8 ALWAYS OX UAHP, AT L0WZST 0AIt ItUCM. W, D, STAUFFER & CO,, (Shulti's Old Stand.) Nes. 31 & 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTElt. l'A. 1UYIMV mllKY CAN T.Ii COVY. HUT NONK X can ciiuiu the Havana Yellow Frent Se. Clirar. ut HAUTMAN'S YELLOW VUONT C10AK bTOUB. TTOT SODA. TUB DELICIOUS WIirtEB BIVWIA0E. HOVClIOCOLATi: .rE HOTGINOEIL. ' OSLV 3 CESTS AT OOOIIRAN'S DRUO STORE, Nes. 137 AND 139 K0IITU QUEEN 8TUEE1',,., dccMma Lanceter. P., . WATCHKS, CL00K3 AND JEWELRY,, ' ; GREAT REDUCTION 7; in micES or V37f.JcA CLeqMjr .y. LOUIS WEBEirS, Xe. 159 1-2 North tyn SM, Opiieslte City Hetel, near re. 11, it. fw I sell Geld and Silver WatW. m1 rlrt uin at extra low nrlets. Jjl-iy rfc ilya ' . a i um t ' , - -.A Wt ,.V&51 w . i, ,.i :wa "Hit im "fi .A &-A