.. rvs LANCASTER DATLY INTLELTGENCEK, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14. 1885. M y DAILT INTELLIGENCER I EVERY EVENING IN THE VEAFl -' f nfc a 1 ir 8TCINMAN & HENSEU IQENOEE BUILDING V. CONNER CENTRE SQUARE, , LANCASTER, PA. EN CENTS A WEEK. HVE DOltARS A I fffTV CENTS A MONTH. POSTAGE FREE. EMENT8 FROM TEN TO IFTY CENTS t Jfli .' PtEKLY 1NTELUC.ENCER, (EIOHTPAOES.) .lMEO, EVERV WEDNESDAY MORNING. J J' Twe Dww Yum m Aerttcct. ,V' DNDENCE Solicited from every 'OF THE STATE AND COUNTRY. CORRC' ENTSARE REQUESTED TO WRITE LEGIBLY ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY! AND TO I THEIR NAMES, NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BUT PROOF OF GOOD FAITH. ALL ANONYMOUS itTTERS WILL BE CONSIGNED TO THE WASili KET. ESS ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TOl 2f fPOTP TMTTrT.T.TnWMninR. X Lancaster, pa. :amastcr Intelligencer. V'LAjfCASTKrt, .TANUAKY 11. 1SS5. Is ItTmel '41 Bit true that the county officers have ileyed three lawyers te set aside the law riblng salaries for their officers instead feesi and have engaged te give them a eUMnd dollars each if they can persuade Jibe courts that the law is uncenslUu- .HpBal ? ,If this la se, who will be appointed te re sist the motion V The report further Is that the county commissioners are in sym pathy with the motion, anil will net employ any counsel te resist it; and that any show of resistance en their part will be a sham. ,Yct the motion will net go unresisted. HkO county commissioners and the row Calces de net own the county jet. They annet defeat the law even by unauimeus &: f-icenseni r Fit- Vnlnrnl fin Wnnteil. SOwnersef gas stock had better sell out Tteforethe day of letributlen comes for "them. There is no set of people who are 'mere obnoxious te the public sense than y the managers of ga companies They gen- m: ,J ' J : "t J r: :. , " 4t"ieir power 10 euiain uxiruvugiini. prices yier ineir gas. .n einnig seems sinmger man ytbe very high prices new paid for gas. It ..js ,eu known unit ns linunu acinic i n't) fcheap. The materials of the water gas fcest but about ilftecn cents per thousand feet, and tlie coal gas is net much inere costly. At the "West Point military academy., where the gas weiks are under irevtulTment control, the mice charged isbut e'75 cents per thousand feet ; which covers ill tlie cost of manufacture out of wtst- morelandce.il, and leaves a surplus fund which suffices te pay for the chandeliers Jand gas fixtures in the houses. It is mani fest that if coal gas can a furnished for " crate a thousand feet te u small and widely i separated community, such as that at "iVel Teiut it can be furnished at Hint mice. Willi a larct profit, te a ,Jf densely populated city. Hew it is then that n charge of two dollars a thousand is endured In cities is net easily understood. Eudently there are big leaks somewhere. prThO Philadelphia city gas works must have a number of big leaks. In this city, the company has u plant net worth fifty thousand dollars capitalized at three bun dled thousand, and we have te pay the in terest en it, and just as much profit as the managers want ; which is just as much as they can get. Gas as well ns water should be supplied by the city. The supply is necess-aiily a Vrtnrm'lt mill mi mmmttnlv In tlie MVWl'V'J , ...... . ...W.WJ-,..., ... ...t. V ntcessariei of life slieuld be per mitted when it can be avoided, by the assumption of that supply by the public authorities. This Is about te become veiy easy be cause of the practicability of bringing in the natural gas from the "West in pipes. A company has already been formed te supply I he East in this way fiem the uatiual resorvein beyond the Alleghcnies. "We suggest te our city authorities that they inquire Inte the expediency of bccur 3ng a supply of natural gas for the use of our pseplc. Either alone or in connection wlFi ether cities en a line between us und the reservoir it may be found te Ve advkable te lay a line of pip -t , or it may be deemed preferable te jet the pipes be laid by individual enter prise- If, however, the gas can be Piped te us, we should think that the better plan would be te secure our own .supply - nnd our own pipes. The matter is weitli looking into ; and we think the probability of the advent of '' natural gas into the East as an Illuminator : ?3 sufficient te induce wise men te take . time by their forelock and sell out their t artificial gas stock. Pennsylvania Ami the New Orleans Y.. position. Cne of the stale coininissieiuisuppoiuttd te leek after Penns)lvauia's exhibit at New Orle ns 5j It. II. Themas, and his eueigy and general administrative ability well qualify liau fertlie place. He denies the ! recently quoted lemaik attributed te him ilmt he was thoroughly disgusted with Peu" ylvanla's prospects for an exhibit j woii'iyef her. Ne acknowledges tome disappointment in the completeness nf the display, out is hopeful that before the clese of the present month It will eouie up te the -fu'1 m -asure of what it should be. It iiuu li te be feared that Mr. Themas in c wit ie -inguine disixwitien concerning P3. ,4'ihm interest in the New Or Iciju c vpestlitm. The bottom fact is aad it'ii unu'latliig enough that Pennsylva nia .s showing about as much enthusiasm OVi tite big Southern siiew, as it presum nblymigl.tlua conrentleu of Seuth Sea JCslanderi discussing classical education, Pennsylvania bUenld put her lnst feet forward in this ease, if net fiouietatc Amide. i.t least for tlm mY nt p'-gntUtude. "Wl.m the Centennial was 'bwachert th' bister htates all U-nt a SfJUavs 1 nil, contributing te its auecess. !t fTliC memory of favera done should insphu tjifrte the icngth of the Uibllcal precept in mufi elng Jtcwiw. i rfiroapsblielsiietcntiiely te blame for 1h inertness. The cxpe-dllim kiiiis te litiyebcen under very bungling manage- jnifnt The original d ite tlxwl for. the eieiisiig of thu show euhieldeJ with Uie V5;n. tn of Congress, lendeilng the '-pr&en eef the president nnd congressmen iwp-Rslblc, TltetUite of thoejcnliiga net mere than half the cxlilblls placed. To day twenty-l.re lcr cent, of the exhibits are net in shatw. Added te all this there is a lack of funds, and the general manager of the exposition Is even new traversing the streets of New Orleans in search of &2e0,000 found necessary ie mnke the show complete. The transportation arrangements te the opesitlon grounds are net jet finished. But even these de net condone I'cnnsjl TOnla's negligence. Her citizens should make some effort te have her magnificent resources well represented, and if it is te be done, it must lie done quic'ily. A Profitless inquiry. If the United States Senate had nothing mere Impoitanttedo.lt would be excusa ble In lending Itself te the elucidation of the liistoricalquestien, which General slier man, having nothing te de, proposes te the war department. But the Senate has ether mere Important weik, and was net wise te pass Senater Ilawley's resolution, calling upon the war department for this bhcrtn.iu communication. The general, in the en joyment of Iris large salary and large leisure, may profitably amuse himself by contrib uting te the history of the times; but he need net burthen the win department or CengreSs with his theories and facts. The newspapers and magaziuesaie open te him, and he has no occasion te assume te lie supe rior te this ordinary method of communi cation with the world. Prem all appearances the geuer.il has barked up the wrong tree inhis venture upon Davis. If there is a squirrel in the weeds. It is net where he has located him. He says that lie saw a letter from Davis te a Southern governor, new in Congress, threatening force .te keep his stale in the Confederacy. D.iis says he neer wrote such a letter, and all tlie Southern gover nors in Congress siy they ueer received .such from him. Senater Lamar savs hu was, all through the war, en the rlesest terms of intimacy with Dais. and he knows that he never held such a view of his power. It is public histmy that such a view was opposed te the theory of the Con federacy. Under these denials ut the tiuthet ins statement. General Sherman will find it quite impossible tn maintain it. especially as he does net have the letter and does net knew any one who has it. The general went te the war depaitment. with his tale and the ioer proofs lie could mention for it. because Mr. Davis had said he had told an untruth. As an officer of the army the general re ported the ground of his statement te his superiors; and the Senate is proposed te be turned into a court of unjuirj en the ques tion. Except te General Sherman, who stands accused of making a false statement, it is of no consequence whether Davis did or did net want te ceeice a Confederate state. Any little interest the que tien has is entirely historical. It is a dealing with the dead past,r which is a wholly profitless waste "'eT tlm limo.ef the. Congress. The vanity of the whole mat ter is forcibly exhibited in the fact that the Senate has been for two days debating whether Da is is a traitor ; the fact being that if he is, all the members of the Senate who took pait in the rebellion are traiteis tee. "What felly it was for senators te de lute whether benaters are traitors, w hen the fact was se clear that if they are traitors they could net be senator'. A Sr. Leuis tr.iin-rebler, f.eorfre II. Mi Fjddcu, who planned uud executed the rjcilic express robbery in St. Leuis in March last by which he and an nceompllre received 5100,000, plead guilty en Monday and was sentenced te three years' imprisonment in the penitentiary, l'er being tramps dimply six unlOTtimate men were sentenced by Judge littei-50ii in the local court for the same period of time. A nil yet there is .some difference, between a beldS100,000 train reblxr and a peer insignificant penny tramp. Ur In Sinibury the preachers and the pro prietors of the skating rinks have peeled their issues ; and hereafter every Sunday evcning tnore will be tree preaching by ene of the town clergy in the bright and cheerful rink. This is probably better than the h.immer-iiud-lengs way of net getting along. l m Tiiinu: is a very geed example net te the belligerent Judges of Northampton county who are quarreling ever the title of president Judge in the action of the Lawrence county judges. Judge, Keeder's success in a Demo cratic county has made him Imagine himself a bigger man than perliaps he N, and because he defeated tlie former president judge, he Insists that lie must reeelie that title. And he will ask the supreme court te sustain him In this i lew. Out In Lawrence county wearers of the ermine tin net appear te have, any tline te waste In petty squabbles ei this kind. Judges Hazen and McMichael d row row lets Ie settle the question w hicli w as president Judge, and Hazen, having w en, received his commission fiem Governer Pattison. This method or buttling the question beats an appeil te the supreme ceuit all hollow. Tliuai: who prepared thy plan for circuit ceuits for the relief of the Supreme Court must feci well Mtiified with their work, liven Allegheny county hassentadelegatien tellarrisburg toepjos.o it. Oev. Ill LI., or New Yerk, ha liiKNiiggeMeil In Ids message a discussion or some instanta neous and painless method of executing criminals., electricity steps te the fere will! the most complete apparatus. Tin: collector of the pert el Ilaltimurv and he nssittant secretary of the treasury had belh decided that altar ornaments, consisting or ''embroidered angels," Intended forcemo Catholic churches In Italtimoie must pay duly as they were ihtcndul te be K'weit te an altar cloth and, net being "madeiip," wcre dutiable. The broader-minded and longer-headed secretary took another view of It and the articles get through the custom house free line ether church regalia. 1. -- 1 1' the New Yerk Aim cat is animate, let it le given a much needed resL Lest, Htrayed, or stolen the preposition foraiievcursioiiofllio Pennsylvania editors te the New Orleans exposition, about the 12th or 15th of Jnnuary,.1$KV' 111 Western hljlcur 1VII, I'leintliu Sail I'ljuil-ie I'eit. A charming young girl, accompanied by her m-tegi'iMiJan great grandmother, who is all that the name Implies, enters a drvgmnls btore. "Hew much is this riblien?" hheasUs or the pollte young clerk, who h.u, hounded iigllelyeicrt.eiei-.il htoelmo wait ill en her. 'A klK.su yard 1" replies the veiimr mas! or gallantly, ' "(llie'iw ten yards, then, lirandiu.i'II uiv shepphi'g." Vi,-WKtU1''S "' m W,,c" K" Titlin Ulep.Ml. Jonathan Madlll.a bulldcr,aiid,Mis..luiliii olejwd from Toreni.1, Canada, last fall and n row w-eeku iiftenvnrd ivlunied estresinK IK'iuienui anil were forgiven. Tlie pair hew. ever have again eloped, and are Hiipprwed te be In 1 lerlda, " ' , SHUYLER COLFAX'S DEMISE. new m: lttr.e m FiittM neiti: is a n.itur.iv invar. Sketch i f 111 Cnrrpr. In I'liliUc I.lfe nt lli Arp of Thlrtj.Oni". A Sinn of Ability Wlin M'ns Net Very Sirti ttuliiils rirc.haanullt Ills Dcaltl. Lv-Vice President Schu. lrr Ceir.ix dropped dead at lOAi Tuesday forenoon, nt the Omaha depot. In Mankato, Minn, lie arrived en the Milwaukee ami St. Paul mid from the Ijist at ten o'clock, nnd walked te the Omaha depot, a distance of llitvo-feurths of a mile, w ilh the thermometer "0 degrees tclew rem. fler arriving at the depot he lit cd only atH)itt Hie minutes, it iupjiesed that thee.tieme cold, the subsequent heat and ever-exertion caused a steppaiw of tlie Hew of bleed te the heart. On arriving at the Omalu depot he en tered tlie waiting room, set his satchel dew n and, stepping ever te the w Indew, looked out. l'eople in the dext notleed that l-e looked pale and breathed fiit, as though I e had walked rapidly, but otherwise hcni. riearetl In excellent health. After paring out of the window- a short tlme he returned te his seat and Ml down, cras.lng his leg". In a moment the agent and what passengers w ere in tlie depot w ere startled and alarmed te sec him fall suddenly terward te the lloer. Tlie aeent, assisted by passengers, did every thing they could for the unfortunate man, but it was tee late, and, with ene or two short gaps, he died w itheiit saying a word. The Odd 1'ellews of the city took charge of the remains and a telecraiu was immediately sent te Mr. Studebaker, of Smith Mend, hid. The boil v was removed te the residence of Dr. Harrison and prepared for shipment. A telegram wasreteivcit from Mr. studebaker ordering that the remains le sent immedi ately te Seuth llend. and the body left nc nc eempauied by I I. Hunt and L rattersen, two eminent Odd l'ellew. via the North western railroad, at 11 o'clock te-night. s-kruli of III C.irepr. Mr. ('elf.ix was a native of New- Yerk, having Imsmi born in that city en the 23d of Mari'i, IS?. His mother, who, shortly lieferi this was left a w idew, married again In ls.T.1 a gentleman by the name or Matthew Tills event breught'the lxiy's career at school te a close, and during the next three cars he vvasemIeycd inhis stepfattier's store. In 1SJ5 Mr. Matthews iTinevts.1 with his family te New Carlisle, St. Jeseph county, Indiana, nnd the five year sutsKeuing this viere spent bv Schuyler as a clerk in the v Hinge store. However, buried in the wilderness a lie was, he did net let his inborn taste for knew 1 1 pilire l.inmilsli. nml pverv moment wis taken advantage of by the studious lad. In 1M1 his stepfather. Mr. Matthews, was elected county auditor, and removed te Seuth llend. "Schuyler became his deputy, and w as al-e ery busily engaged in the study of law at this time. In Wll, being then "twenty one years of age, he began the publication of the Seuth llend Jlrniftrr. a Western wecklv, which he edited with an ability whUh made him distinguished in the West. The ll'iistcr acquired a" very large cirr illation, and was devoted te the interests nf tlie old Whig party. Advancing in iepiil.iritv with his advance in years. In ISts he wan sulcrtfd ns a delcgatotet'he Wliig national convention, the office or secretary of w Inch he tilled during Itssosleu. CelLix w as new twenty-live years of age. In 1S.V) he lecaiiie a inemlier et the Indiana Constitutional convention, and again In 1S.12, reappe-ired in national polities as a delegate te the Whig National ronsi'iitien for that year. Or tills body, as of Us prede cesser, ( elf.ix was elected secretary, ixirtM pating in the nomination of (.Jcneral Scott This nomination having eventuated m the disastereus defeat or his party and its subse quent dissolution, he followed tlm motion of the political current or the times, and finally Ixuinie identified with the Republi can party, in tlie inclpiency el which, in -h, he was elected te till the Vu-t't of renre-enta-tia in Congress for the inth district of Indian.!, ami nt the nge of thirty-one, there fore, he undo Ids appearance in public lifeat Washington. Mr. Colfax seen rese te the rank of ene of the acknowledged leaders of the party, nnd, making every use of his inlliieuce, pipbably did Inero te advance the cause of Republican ism in tlie state of Indiana than any elivet single man in the wcm. In the rrement cain paign, in lsjO, he was ardent and Indefatl gable.stumped Ids own state with iem:irknVle thoroughness rer tlie Kcpuhlii-nii nominee, and found tuuu as well te be present nt nu nu increus gatherings hi ether parts of the con n try. ' I Iict.ilniiig Ins seat in the IIou-e bv succes sive re-elections, in the fall of laett he win elected Speaker of the Thirtj -eighth Con Cen giess, and. retained the speakership until he vacated it in M.uch, Isffii, te usainni' the du ties el I he v ice presidency. In May, 1m!s, the Itcpiibllcan National con vention was held in Chicago, and en tlie 11 ft tt and last ballet Colfax was nominated. His oeniietitorsw-erc llenjamin I'. Wade, iteuben I- rcnten, Henry Wilsen and Hannibal Hamlin. He failed te be rennmin-itcd hi Wi lieing defeated by Henry Wilsen en the only ballet taken. Cpen again Ijceeiiiing a pri vate citi7Cii, ilr. Colfax turned his attention te lecturing. Fonr.sii.vnewiNu ins M-.n end. On Thursday of last week Mr. Colfax was in Chicago, lecturing Imfore a large audience en "Landmarks of Life." In one of the first scnteucesef that lecture he forshadewed his near end. "Tlie liope of the nation," he read from his manuscript, "is in its youth its young men nnd women w hese eradle of life, unlike my own, which is nearing the socket, burns with nil its first splendor." While here his physical condition seemed perfect. PERSONAL. J.w (ieui.n nover laughs and seldom leeks happy. Heniiv Cu:ws says men who drink go te iiiuwauen vvnusiieut. Gen. W. W. H. Davis,' imiht demands re form hi the pension .system. Mil. Danv savs tlie New Yerk Sani famous oil! co eat is a Tem-cut. Govcnxen William IIai.i:, r Wyoming Territory, died Tuesday evening at Cheyenne. Cr.r.v lL.ixn willbOHWern in en Wednes day in dweek. Se were Jellei-Mm nml Jack Jack eon. Geed luck. fJ.vnMevi.n, the lord who jilted M!s l'or l'er l'or tescue. Isn't much of n leul. His fatliir was admitted te the peerage in ls07. Mn. GKonen Auecstcs S.vi. v has a mania for sumptuously-beiind editions of itamlard books. Levi I. Mohtex, llke Andrew Jehnsen, was once a tailor somevihoio in New Lng l.ind. New he Is minister te France, and likely te he Culled States senator. Miss I.aimiv A. l'Ei.res, niive of Hen. Samuel J. Tildeii, vias marrleil Tue-dav, at New Yerk te William Ajrault Haz.ird, jurtncrortlie late frauds I). Muiilteu. SibTRii Jl.vnv Cvnit., or the Charity Hos pital, New Orleans, was last week invested with a golden crown, In i-ommemeration or the completion or fifty v ear's services in her Older. J-'atheu Vei.inski, is tln name et mi Austrian priest of Shenandoah, who belongs tothetireek Catholic chimb. Ilecause he hnsn wife, the ltemau Catholics of tlie place will liave none or hlui. IATiiiiK.T..SiiYTir,ex-'r. 1'. rerTiiqierarv, died in Louden en Monday, aged trj. Ile vvns ene or the lat survivors of the Yeuii" l!?1'1,1"!. JM,,yf WtS- 'e rescuer of Jehn Mitclicll irem his imiirlseumciit, and oue of the most brilliant of IrMi orators hlnee Gr.it tun. Oscvn Wii.nusald the ether day. In his loctureat (ilasgew, that nothing distiesscd hlui mere than te we in u Mnigmph that such and such a -oler was going te be fash fash fash louable next season, and he held that It would net be inore ridiculous te i end in a musical magii7iiie tiint " 11 Hat" whs going te beu fashionable note. ri h Mn. riieiJPK is going round tlie world, partly for thesake of his health, and partly because, ns he Hays, I mVe grew u tired of Jho chatter which my last voltimuseu (Jar (Jar lyle liave brought forth, nml thought Hint in six months, e any rate, the world would forget the exlstence of se iiuluckv a person ns the biographer oft uly le." lli;v. eiei.nsMini Uvv Cviuuiw, 1. n h, ahiloiuldiessen "'Phe Introduction of Moth Meth Moth eUiniii Inte the CoiuiueiiwiMllh of I'enusvi. vanla" befoie the slate hisieriral society gave these dates ut w hlch Methodism win In In In trodiiced hi the principal eltle of the shm, . Heading, 1772 : Yerk, 1781 ; Wllkesbarre, l.M: CarlUle, 17sV j WilUamsiveit, 1701 ; l'ittsburg, lsil i Lanwrttcr. ls:t; UuirUhuiv, 1S10, mill Scranton ll'i, b Oen. iu-nniN Waiu, oreiin, preveshluis. self u warrior y his following tribute te Jack seu j Jacksen when he saw-the devils of plutocracy mocking the rights of the im-e. pits hurled the lthuricl le.ir of his ete at the vllals of monopoly, and It Meed revealed ns an ugly harpy, eeweiing from thai day te this under the e.igle oye of Ilcniecnu-y. lie ran the pleugh-share of reform Inte the sier rile, fallow ground of lary slneeiin and fertilized the Holds of eUU-e 1V a in w sun light and air." s.vn.vii Hr.UNitAntiT never similes the parts for which she is east Pi n regular meth odical manner. She works at all times i when she Is dressing, when she Is taking n drive especially when he Is taking a drive. In going te nnd coining from the thea're she tliluks ever tlie part. It Is nt relie.irs.us inai she make most way. She lias the groatet conlldence In the Judgment of her comrades, and she Invariably takes their opinion en her moile or rendering a lilt about w hlch she has any doubt When they say Ne. It t net qutte that," she begins again, and keeps en .lying till she satisfies them. lli'.itln of Nelnliln Old renplr. I . It. Masen, an old Southern ratlnvul con tractor, and head of the tlrms leasing the Kentucky ivnltentlary, died near Staunton, Virginia, en Monday night, aged Stt Jehn it. Jcrvis, a veteran i v il engineer, died nt Heme, New Yerk, en Monday night, In the Wth year of hisnge. The town of I'm t Jerv is was named after him, ami he Kvame famous as tlie engineer In eharge of the con struction of the great Croteu acqucduct. Capt. Isaiah ltynders, for nearly .'0 years prominent in New Yerk elltlcs, and formerly known astho"VnrHerse of the Democracy," died suddenly last night. Mrs. Margaret Myers " one of the eldest residents" of Asteria, Leng Island, died yes terday at the alleged age of lesyears. sn.cr.ii, xeticj . ltivagrs of ltlietllil.lt Imii llrp.llrct1 Thl is worth reaJIng. It is from a well knew n ladv, of llit.ivl.i, X. Y. : " 1 vvrlte te Inform v ou or the wonderful effect of Urewn'n Iren Hitters Inr ttircevi.irs I was afflicted with rht umiitlin, which adl lnipallvtl my health Si uituilh age 1 bejtn n taking the bitters. The improve iiieul ?ur.rlc(l us nil. A rapid nnd pcnimncnt npst, tuition le health has been Ihc lmiII I coo I ulilti inv-tlf enttivlv cured. sin, i, M.irj i: tnn t ei- ,itiii.iiLv ivnirtiv uu i'v ii.mi in (trilrfgl-t noii.tiev nut " l'.uuiih nn Itch" cures humors tinpiien-. Una worm, letter, salt rheum. fi-l il f t i, i hll blnlns. 1 1) i.irrii.i: ritevi min.vieii .i vceits. SXATr CBA5IBXII. ALnAST, .V. V . March .11, ISsi for a long time It has been my habit te - liiusDr.ETU'8 PiLts. In fact, I have seldom had occasion te use any ether uirdu-tiir. nnd It nffents me great pleasure tesuv that for bilious ness, dyspepsia, nnd the ether Ills of the tem, te which men lti public life are mere upt than ethers tobesubject, they are in Invaluable win. cdy JOHN I ,1 A (.Oils Ter Constipation, lndlgpi.ll. tt. lout st,lUiJt1( Dizziness and Headache, no liictlK Ine r.ual "Unindrelh's fills." Pure nml simple, contain tng no mercury, they niv th1 lumll nittlii'lnc chest and s,ife-guaitl. .v.ie.'frc.vi:i;r. KATKKS Olt FCn.NACIIS. TI .. BE T n STEAM ENGINE -AMI- Beiler Works, HEflTERS furnaces! row Priuite I)ivellini;s, SclioeN anil I'iiIi- lie Iiiiildint-'s. Lull nnd cb them. .Vlnde of htsivv Inm, slm lilt, of construction, durable, economical, tlie most Itndlating -llrface ,,( mly nner in the market. Nothing Cheap But the Price ! OUR OWN PATENT. 3IIavlng Dcen in use tn many of tlie largest resiliences In I.ancuMr In the lust ten cuts Is thu bw of uv ideucu of Its merit- AdditS", Jehn Best & Sen, Xe. 33 LIST FL'LTOX STREET. JuulS-lvd.t's i. .c.srKie, r.. n A VINO m.SsOIiVKI) IAl.Tl:ItSHll und peniuinently cle.tl the Chestnut Ml vet Irun Viirk, 1 desire In Inform my old nations und the. public generally, that I um htlll in the liindm-ss, being limited in the l'enn Inm Ciiinpany'9 H'erUs, nrth 1'liiin stnet, where I am nuking lien and Ilrussi Castings of ev cry de scription, uud will be pleased te serve nil who inuj favor me with their patronage. Fiem 10 yeam experience In thu business uud using the best material und employ ing the bet ineclunlCD, I um eatlstlctl I enngu.irnntect ntirenullsfactlen. Lasting made fieuiu mixture el lien uud steel which ii iv mere reliable for stiength unddur:i lilllty than the Let cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls und rolling mill work n l . Lilly. Lnstlngnnudoef verj soil Iren, uud bnisn ensttngs of ever)- detl1plien I have ull the pul pul teniHef the well and f-venililv known .Mowrer Cern und Cob ( nishtr, ritlttiHl und linprevett. ulse ou hand. Mills completely utted up ur In parts, toicplucueld ones whleh luivcbctmln use ler j cure, guuruutcelni; them legtve satisfaction. II. C. MiLTI.l.hV. HUg-lltiUld lOIIACCO.t.Vl) VIO.tUl. YJ 1- STIHIMAX .t CO. Holiday Presents. .MKF.KSCHAUM SMOKUUS AXI) PIPES, TITKKIMI I'll'F.!, FltENUlI l'.IUAi: l'lI'KSCUJAU AXI1 CIOAItETTi: IIO!,. DEIts, Clfi.iU CASES, hMOKEIfJj SETS, CIO AUETTK CASES, A-.H ItECEIVEItb. MATCH CASES.CA.VES.Ae. .Ml Ingitsit variety nnd nt very low pi lies. L'nll uud exuiiilne eurf -oed. Xe tluublute.bun them. te II. I, STEIIIIAN CO., Ne. 116 North Queen Street. mkiuv.Hm HON lUTTiniH. mm imii ' w w wnn w.ss, ::;. i:""i. . -.. ... . . . i:.. il H"3 il il it il i' .t w ,v ,t nt n n - u llllll llllll O 11 WW-WW NNN rSSj Il II II fill O WVVWVY (ll R ij illlll II il OO W W N NM rHSa ti mm oe pt x I K II (I O NJ N ii unu e e n n n II II 11 11 ON NN II II II Ol) N .S.N urn i i it I urn i i ii i um i rnT mr tkk nitii 8vs.v, t i; It it . nt " t kkr It Ii PNSV . This meillclne, combining trim wllh pare v cue table tonics, qulrklv and reinilclcly I'Ultl.s UlsPKI'SIV. lNOIIlKssleS. VfVI.AlllA, WKAKM.ss, IMPfUt: III llllll, CIIH.I.S unit KKVEItniiilXKri! M.IIIA. Ily rapid nnd thorough nsslmllatlen with the Wiusl It reaches cveiv jmil of the system, pull tics and enrlrhm the bleed, Mrcnatheu ll" muscles and nerves, and tones und lnvlgenite the Mtdciu A tine AiipplUcl Hist Ionic known. It will cure the worst ease of Dyspepsia, le le mevlugnU distressing symptoms, null as Tint ing tlm feed, lk'k'hlug, llcut 111 the Menuirh, I ic annum, etc. The enlv trtni medicine that will net blacken or Injuie the teeth It Is In vnluablfer diseases peculiar te vTemcn, and lenll persons who lead sedentaiy lives. An unfailing remedy fur diseases of the I.lver and Kidneys. Persons suffering from Ihc effect of overwork, nervous troubles, less of nppctllc, or debility, cvpeilence quick lcllcf and leucwed cneitty by Its use. It does net caue Headache or nroiluce Ceusll. jwtlnu OT1IKK Iren mctllclncs de. It Is the enlv pieiNinitlen of Iren that causes no Injurious etlfcts. Physicians nnd druggist recommend It us the best. Trv it. lhe gruulnc has Trade Mark uud iVessed red lines ou vvmnwr Take no oilier. Made only by nuewN i hemic vt. co., ISaltiviekb, Mn. septJSil.lj w I J ami: 11ACK. ! J HOP PLASTER. 1 This noreus nlaster IsntiHelntelv thtbet evtu niHrtc. cembluliiR the virtues of hops with gums, balsams and extracts its power Is wendeilut In curing diseases uncle elhri plasters simply re llevi' I rick In the bark and .Neclc, l'aln In the side, or I.imbs, stiff Joints nnd Musrles, Kldncv Treublcs. Ilheninatlsin, Neundgla. sere Chesi, Atrcrtlnnsef the Heart nnd l.lvcr. and all jmlns eraches In nnv part cuivd lnstnntl) bj the 7ep Platter. WrTiv It I'rlec S.V rents, nr llvofer II i-v Mailed en tveclpi of prtw sM by nil ilrngglsts and eenntiv stores. Jiejt Vlatlrr Cemniutt I'm piiclnrs. Ikwten, Mass LAME BACK. Jrir-l ei itmstlivitlen. tnsaf appetite nnd dis eases et the ImiwcIs take Ilawley's stomach nnd l.lvcr Pills. -iVecnts. iU, lvil.w (31 -l ISAY'M MMUHIC MKDICIM V,I lhe l.ieul l.ngllsh Iteinedv An unfailing cuiv for ImiKitciirv iiuiIhII I)-eases that fellow I.e-s of vtemery. Cnlver-al Ijw-ltude. l'aln In the ll.uk, Ulinne-s of V llen, I'reiimlure Did Age. and many ether diseases that lend te In sanltv or Consumption uud a Pieiuature di-ave. Cull artleulars In our pamphlet, which we de sire te t-iiil tree by mail te ev cry one t'his spe elde medicine I. sold by nil druggists ut tl per luickage, or slv packnges for fa, el will ls sent free bv nuUl en receipt of the money, b ail dres-lug the agent. II. It. COCIIKAX. Umeglst, .Nes l.r: ami 13J North tjuteu stieet, 1-iucaster, Pa nn aisiMUiitnf counterfeits, we liave ndeplcil the cllew W rantier ; the enlv genuine THK OKAY .MlIlllCIN K CO . lluir.de, . Y. risIDl s.AXD.s.Ol-CASIX)!-' SICK llrndacbe aie iiprnmiiently curetl every jear (as the hnndreds of tisttuienials In uiv )ius9Csien wUl tetily) l the ue of 1H. LESLIES special l'rescrlptlen. This Uemedy stands to day without a rival, and with scarcely u coin cein coin ptlltei in Hit world rtieusuinU f l'hslciins tliiiiiigheut the ceuntrj have in knewletlged tin Ir in ilu'ltv te run it und are new prcscrlli-iu-i In. 1 -lit. "M . jut p t nptti.n ferall enses "'HEADACHE tnclthei lis nervous, bilious or congestive form, urisiuu iiomelistruiiton congestion or tertildlty of the liver. l hen t s.ij tlial llr Leslie's SPECIAL rret-rrtpMni! will ureth' iuott'sliii.teo;ii' uT it r ntim.H'Ui. l ineuu juhi i nai i say, ami iuai Is, that it nut mervly rillu va but; POSITIVELY curt, ih matUr h IeiilT the case maybai' bven Hluiitlin. 1 Iui U'ltimenlftls fiem por-en-j who hiire bfn nfllletiMl ter tut ni ip, btinir centlncd te lnttl two or thrvt' U)s ut a tlim- uwry two wfkH, thnl Ihim tn'en prnntinpntly tureilby tue liottknef la 1-tslic sic. lal lMtESCl.Il'TrOX m tlial the) tuivc net had .in attack ler our live .sirs. iryeu nie tiuubbd with -kk lleidmhcnnd vrlsh le be CURED be urc and give ible limed) atiiul. 1'iulk, tl.l"). S. U. AltCIIEII. .s-irategn spilngs, N. 1 . lOIt bALE 11V Ii:L'(i;lSTs. djiljd for ale only nt .1. 11. KAl'FFM V.N's lirug fcteie, s.e. M erlh IJucen sticet, laiucntcr. Fer ceIJi, un Kunnman s Leilijli ) rup, the largest und best fur 5 ccntM. rvnsiTrm:. TTOI.IDAY UOOPS. WALTER A. HEIMTSH, XO. -iS EAST KING '.STI1EET, LANLAhlEIE. FA. Tills Is THE FI.ALE TO IIUV luUI! HOLIDAY GOODS, -IX- FAXCV L AKIXET WAKE, CAIIIXETs, liKIC-A-llltAC, EAsEI.s, I'EUEMAl.S. .-I.Il'I'EIS HACKS. lll.ALKIMi CAs, COM.MOIiES, HAT UAUKb, TOMEI. IIACKs HOOK It CKS, Ac, Ac. A very lange Line et these guilds, und ninny n pleasure te almw thein.; WALTER IHEIHITSH, Ne. 28 West King Street, ducirijiml noers .ix it sner.s. -p.VWi.UNS IN' HOl.rilAY SI.l'l'lintM. WM.H.GAST, XO. 105 XOUT1I UEEX HTUEK'J. DEALEIl IX Beets, Shoes and Rubbers. 'i have liave u nlce let of Funcy .'Uppers for Ctiilstniiis I'liM'iiis, m prkci mnglngiieui !.) uii. AUe u lull linn el Medium I'llccd Iloetx, Shoes uud Itubbers, which villi be Mild lit tlie lowest possible pilce. Xew Is the time for bar gains, whether 'in llctiily-uiadc or Ordered Werk. Wncontlnue te leud nil ethers III meiiK uicd work forludlcsei'gcntlcuii'n.iiiidour Finn Firiich Calf Congress lloetmir lluttnn Slioen, ter W..V1, wflguiimnleole be equal tn'imy Isuishoe te be Imii utiywhere. Ily our new- inethtslue overcome ull mint-uklng, which I no tibjictlonu tibjictlenu tibjictlonu lile te many porneim. OIVE 13 A TIIIAI. AMI VOL PI.EAsEI). WILL HE XTOTIt'l-: TO TUKSfASSKltS A.VU Xsi OUXXElth. All persons urn hereby for. blildcn te trespass nu nuy of the lamU of the Ceniwull erhiieedwell entutei, in Lebanon uud I.nucHster counties, whether Inclesed orunlu erunlu orunlu cleed, either ter tin. puriHimi of jhnetlug or Itah lng, us the law will be rigidly culerced against all treKpittklug ou vaid lnnds of the umlcrilgncd tiller till notice.. VI M.OOLEMAX FHEEMAX, It. l'Lltm AI.UEV, LIIWXKDL. FltEEMAX, Attorney for II. W. CelciiwnU lieira. uctll-tfdjtw itnr s IT.CtAL NOTICli m -& AGER & x1EMBR01DERIES.l A Complote Him of MEDIUM mill FINE QUALITIES, us well tin sonie of the MOST KtitlOANT DEStONS IMPORTED, te wlileli we Invite apoelnt nt nt nt totttlen. rH.AMBURG E-MBRPIDDRIDS, Cambric Edgings and Iusertings, Nainzoek Edgings and Insertings, Swiss Edgings and Insertings. ALLOVERS AND FLOUNCINGS. Ladies' Muslin Underwear. A JOB LOT AT MUCH REDUCED PRICES HAGER & BROTHER," Ne. 25 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. -vti:.t pooh te Tin: ceriiT nersr. sWFAHNESTOCK'Sia HOlTSE-FUMESraG DET &00DS, - IN yl VNTllIi.s vi- PAHNESTOOK'S, Next 1'cis.ens commencing heusekcpplnir. or these about tn replenish, should rpiiietubtirihal iui ton ten is staked with cases und bulcs of sll l.t. I I M. AMI MIIUTI.MS Mt'sI.I.Vs, tllintlir.1 mid I u blcachcil. In nil the various widths end gnide, bought rer ciuhut lower prices than t rbefu. a knew u, nnd w ill hu peld ucisirdlnglv Alse lltlenchrtl und rnblenchetl'liible Linen, Towels ;rtinellne,Niiiikln, Tickings I heek- rli ftC. Alse, ilUlUket. Lomrelt. IJllllls, l,iiiiilerii.llies,TurkevI!eii Tnbleund Mtind I iivel- tie t l ' Alse, t arpets. nil ( leth uud lings R. E. FAHNESTOGK, Next Doer te the Court Heuso. pni:.i' sTuitr. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE. la new Tull of SheetiUK und Shirting Muslins of nil the Popular Mnkr-s in till ' Wldtha nnd Qualities, at lower prlcea than evor bofero. Tickings of all grades under the regular prlcea Table Llnenu from Auction from 20 ctB. up te 81 50 per yard Napkins and Towelo -In large assortment. CounterpancB from Auction. C?; NEVER BEFORE SO LOW..$i letzger & Hauglmian's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER. lid n evil the I oepci llouseand stirrt I lloisellettl J OIIN S. GIVM.ll JANUARY, 1885M Te rciliifc eiii' slerk we liave reiliiml piites lesuilllic limcj:. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats, all reduced in price. Seal Plushes and Cloaking Cleths and Trimmings, all reduced in price. Dress Goods. Shawls and Skirts, all reduced in price. -Carpet Departments We are receiving our NEW SPRING STOCK in Velvets, Brussels Tapestry, Extra Supers and Ingrains. Prices Never were se Lew! Persons wanting Carpets the coming season, it will pay them te leek at our Stock and Prices. nri,Teiti: cexxj:itj:h with n:i.i:i'jiti. i: -; I'lelu .liiiiunrj ,', lsJ, our stele will Lc closed ut 0 p. lu , ulfpl siilurda.vs, ion II fuithcr netlic .v SfdJOHN S. GIVLER. & C0.K Tni Ne. 25 East King Street, revi;u.s .v. humst. J ANUARY IV i: SMALL Or'FKIl WHITE, SCARLET and GREYBLANKETS -M'.lilccitly llcduicd I'rlec, te nni out llic I'.nllre I.nt. us vie de net mini tnc.iriv thciue.ii Hie M'usen. liBiiieiubcr, nctlcducl 10 pur lent lieiu every Ciudi -iiIi. COMFORTS. COMFORTS. Klcitmit line tocltweoutMllhluperinit. deilucled fieui every t null Mdi!. f'A.V'lON FLAN.NKI.'s freiuftcentHpcr yurilup. SII1:i:t1.NO AMI .-II 111 lINCi MUM.IN.f, Luike Stock el Lew I'llees, with 10 per lent, dcdnilcd lieiu every rush bulu. Wuepen tinluy cxtm l)uuqiuilllleiln fmnil IS Inch PILLOW OA&K MUfcl.l.Sbut Lew I'lit-cn, viilh lOpcrctnt. lUductcd lien uv cry Cali enlc. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Black Silks and Black Cashmeres. We efTcr them low, with 10 percent. deducUd rieiuuvciy tiuh alc. I'linscttlvu usa chII.iim you will hUHiiru tntnvu money en yourpuichntuef u. A40ur iteru will cloud ut Up. la,, vicept sulunluy, unlit further netlic. BOWERS Nes. 26 and 28 North TrnADQUAUTKUS KOIt TU1-3 imia.v.mi:iicixi:s, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT Lecher's Drug Stere, NO, 3 EAST KING ST., LaiiCiuHr, I'n. oei. B ROTHER. Doer te the Court rfeuae. Lancaster, Pa. rji:e. r. HATiiveN. Lancaster, Pa. ALE! Of 11 hTOC K OK & HURST, Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. rplIU IiAIlCKST, lli:.ST AM) .MOST ! 1 coiniilctenssoitiucnt of l.mliie, latine uud I'likcrCiinU lu llie town, fiem ic. pel luck ui. nt " 1IAI(T.I..N'S 1 lll.LOW I'KOXTLII.Ai: I 31 till I.. j pONfU'Ml'TlON. i VV 1 lutvc u po.lllve i-cnicdv ler ibv nlmve di case i ; ,y Its no theuu,id of iumh cif the ngnt deed, se treii(j Is my faith in IU cflic.icv, that 1 ,m, iiiiieiuuiik niitllillliu mil u IM'OIICUICU. ill ki i n-uu x .1 w w i j,i nt r,, together v Hi. ullcicr, dive cxjircii nnd 1. (, urtdrca. n'.VfluiceilACiuw S in., x- a, ri.ui L.M, 161 l'curl ht X. V, -4fc.x. 7T-rt -j