rV IV -'' U' i f- '.,.-' " n-vS aVB THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!?, TUESDAY, JANUARY l,i. 1885. 1'f W j- V' &3 ft i& ' Vftji' ; Vi tN B?' SSC- a '-ALONG THE SUSQUEHANNA. rixts'w run AMtivxr ev jUatAans 1 rett orrxixe btjiezts. A. Tramp Cornet l'Uycr Who Could Net Stand PresperityTim rrrllens situation of Tite ' Vntliic Men-A Villain Who Should 1S Hunted THinn. .Hcgnlar Correspondence of IsmiiejrcEn. Columbia, Jan. 13,-TIie Jury tow-toss ''.1inincrrt In the ntipnlnir of Chestnut, Second and Maner sirect, yc-itcnlny, attended, te that duty, only, liowevorvvlowlng- the latter street, tlie recent death of the manager of the Heiso estate, It Ji. Kwtck, awing n post ponement In the ceses of the otlier directs. Tlie following was their rctmrt : Te cstale of Pliilln Gesslcr. ilcceiwcil. $250 ilainaces, S100 te be paid liy the county, and $150 by the borough i te the ostnte of Smith and Barber, $300 damages, $120 te be paid by the county, and ?1S0 by Iho borough. Ne damages wero claimed by the Columbia National bank, or Mr. .T. C. Stencr, for use efthclr land. A Tramp Cornet l'laycr. Jehn Hruckliart, of Hnrrisbitrg, and te nil nppcarance a tramp,bnt a geed cornet player, caine te Columbia a vreek age, mid told a sor rowful tale te the jiicmliers of the Columbia bnml, who c-uxvl for him until they wero nole te procure him work. Until Saturday night he remained nteady, but then he let hlniseir loose, bceaiiie drunk and abused his landlady, Mrs. Kdward Cellins. Last night an adopted son of Mrs. Cellins, n cornet player in the band, met and soundly pun ished him for lite insult. The band then ills pensed with his serviees. Personal. Oscar Heffman, until recently collection clerk in the First national lank, new tills the position of receiving teller In the Col umbia national. Mr. J. It Zeanicr has returned te his llrst base, and is new acting ns receiving tellerin the First national. Delly Price, aged 3 yours, died et 10 o'clock last night, from a spinal (lliea.sc. Her re mains will be interred in Mount llcthcl cemetery en Thursday nt. ISM p. in., from her late residence. Ne. 127 .Seuth Frent street Mr. It 15. Esslck's funeral yesterday after noon was largely attended. Ills remains were interred in Mt. llctlicl cemetery. Meedy net Coining. It will be with regret and disappointment that Columbians will read that the great evangelist, Dwight I Meedy, has canceled his engagement for Columbia. Ills manager, OoergoC. Needham, writes from llielimend, Va., teller. Francis J. Ciay-Meran, that Mr. Meedy "is se much occupied with l.resent engagements that lie cannot make ethers Just new.1' Twe Men t'psct In Ilenl. Yesterday whlie Oea Heaver and (icorge AVelsli were doing snme work en the river in front of Pence's lower end house, in a lieat, a sunken cakoef ice, coming te the surface underncatli their bait, toppled it ever, end lefl.the young men struggling in the water uiulcrthclrbe.it It was with the greatest dlfllculty they prevented tliemselves from being drowned. Hunt tlie Villain Ilnnn. All unknown rascal last evening en Cnlen street assaulted n Miss Olldersleove by stcp ping and insulting licr. The frightened girl ran screaming up Union street, the villain pursuing, but being unable te catch her, de parted for parts unknown. A party of men hunted high and low for lilin, but he could net, luckily for himself, be found. Notes About Tixm. Pennsylvania RulIre.ii Detective .lame Kcnnedy has had quite n lively- Tlme with train-Jiiinpcr.i On .Syjplny lie arrested three at Middlctewn, jurcl four ut Ruck took. Yesterday, '.SqulrjerTrnukceuiinlttciltlicni te jail, each sep4nK ten dajs. Therecently te-organized Metropolitan .XOrecliib, In u praetice gamu last evening-, succeeded in defeating the champion Colum bian's, after n clese and interesting contest, of 3 goals te 2. The two clubs will ferce each ether in a champion and exhibition game, next Thursday evening, .it 0 o'clock. Chas. Campbell,sen of Catnpbell the livery man, wblle leading a hoise across Fourth street this morning, was kicked in the face by the vicious animal, knocked down and trampled upon. His body was severely bruised, wlille tlie Injury te his face consist efn long deep wound through the left cheek. Dr. Craiq rendered medical iissistnnce te the littlesimercr. Fer the liast six months Mr. Gee. Oehn's mind lias been atl'ecled. It gradually bocume worse and worse, until ilually n few weeks ugeTTwas found iienessiry te place lilin In the lancastcr asylum. 'Ucceicring wmc. what, he was returned te hi-, home in Colum bia, along the Lancaster pike, where last night he died. The time of his funeral has net yet been announced. Ce. C. is te Imve new uniforms, and liner ones than lliose new in use. Te help pay for the same, the treasurer was, last evening, instructed te mircluv-ea S100 U. S. govern ment bend, whicli will De chanced oil, at 10 cents per chance. There will be GOO cliance-i. The congregation of the Trinity Reformed churcli, desire te add soine needed icpairs te that building, and wish te have the nionev en hand wlien tlte work Is completed. With tills end in view they will held a fair in Arnieny nail commencing tc-morrew even ing. The congregation deserves te be liberally patronized, for it Is seldom tliey ask fur public assistance. ,i xiaiiT or vini.ir iuiaxa. Tlie .Manner In Which the Tlihet.eM.caic. Man " Was l"iit en tlin Stae. The New Yerk .Standard Dramatic com pany began a week's engagement in the eper.i house en Monday evening, presenting " Thc-Tlcket-or-Lcave-Man " te n crowded house. There are two ways of considering tlie cheap performances te which the local public are new being treated. Tliey may be Judged by the criterion efainuscmenst given nt the old prices that prevailed, and he considered they are very deficient Or they may lie measured by the oceanic dillor diller dillor ence lit prices between the old anil the new iiuiUKcmcnt-!, and here it must be hencstlv said that wliile the prices are red need four fifth, the reduction in the presentation is net He gicat It is the confusion iirisln-ifrein the mixing of these two lows that causes mi many diametric.illy nposite conclusions m tlie mibject of cheap theatrical performances. Tliore have been worse performances at Fulton ejiern liouse than that given last even ing but net many. Throughout the rendi tion of the play the obstrejiorotis gallery gods seizcil upon every occasion ofl'ered te inei-cilesslyguy thoperlenncrrt. Tlie liahuice of the audience took a geed-natured view of the situation, rellecting that that which is very bad dramatically becomes proportion ately geed as a caricature. Mr. V. C. Miller, the leading man, as Beh Iirtcrl;, did well enough until he lie lie caiue a convict when heassuincd a paliitullv high key or voice, that totally ruined hfs work. -Miss Lettie Stevenson as Ham H .7 .7 leu.yliliy, and Mr. Kdivin Harry as Jumca Valten did well enough, becemini; thereby eases In tlie desert of incapacity. Tlie n-st t'r the cast was bad. Hut we cannot expect te get the earth for ten cents, and tlie low price ofadmis-len must be considered in weighing tlie defects of the presentation. If the company contluuet te reccive as geed patrenage as that gi en last night, thcre tsiioexcuso for tlie pxr mate rial it feiv.s upon the public. t'repcrly Aliandeiiud uy Traiupt. The empleyes of Iho Heading railroad, Matlened at the outer depot, chased n large number ertrainps this morning, whowcie leafing en their properly. Tlie trumps left behind them u Ihix containing ten block handled knives and thirteen forks. The knives and forks are supposed te have been stolen and the owner can get the same by calling en Olllcer Haw. About neon Oillceis lieas and Weaver arrested three tramps en suspicion of belonging te the party who wero chased. The tramps wero locked up nt the station heuse and will be committed for n hearing. ltetl; Itelt mi tlie Hnllre.ul. Monday evening about 0 o'clock a mass of rock fell from the tide walls of tlie deep cut in tlte Pennsylvania railroad near I'.liiabct'j I'.liiabct'j tewn bleckiug the track mid compelling the ocvend f-cctien of tlie day express cant te coine in via Columbia. Will Jein the MlmtreU. Jeseph Iteycr, Jr., who recently returned from New Orleans, ivhcre lie left Jiullale Hills "Wild Wet" company will Jein Arm Arm Mreng A Deckstiulcr's mindrels, in Phila delphia en Friday, with vhicli lie will travel ns n musician. Tlie Chlckrn khew. TJie cshlbltleii of the Jvincister Poultry as sociation contiiiuei te attract attention, the jittcndawe increalng largely eince the tc iliietlmi of .(lie price pf ailmitslen. .renEVH itrnxews casks. Itnarines Wnltrd unit llrfrnitant's Trial VlxnX for Jmnuiry Quarter Si".!nn. Counsel for Jeeph Hcnteg, charged with fergery, waived hearings en the charges pend ing at the offices of Aldcrmen llarr and Fonl Fenl Fonl ney, and in each case a commitment in do de fault of $1,000 ball for trial nt the January cenrt of quarter sessions, was sent te the county prison, llcrzeg was net brought from prison, the hearings having been waived this morning. The charges at Alderman Harr's nre that lie forged tlie names of Jacob Powers te notes for 000 and 200, which wero discounted by the Lancaster County Nations.! liank, the liame of Harry Nlxderf te n nete for $100, and Milten 1 Huch te n nete for MOO, which wero discounted nt tlie Farmers' National bank Tlie charges et l'erdney's nre that he nego tiated with Samuel Hums forced notes for ever two thousand dollars. Tlie cases will all be returned te the January term ei the quarter sessions court, which will be In ses sion next week. ANOTIIKIl CIlAllOi: 111' I'OnilKRY. Jeseph Hcrzeg forged the name of Henja mln Owens, of Columbia, te the iimeunt of STfiO. Owens is employed as n machinist in the Pennsylvania round liouse and was made aware ei tlte fact this morning. Lvttcti Granted by the ltcstster of Will. The following letters were granted by lleglster of Wills Stener for the week ending Tuesday, Jan. 13 : Administiiatien Louisa l'islcy, de ceased, late of Lancaster city ; Jehn Kl.slcy, citv, administrator. Jehn Kindt, deceased, late of Cist Coealice tewnship: Joel Kindt, Herks county, and F.satas Hilllngfclt, Adamstown, ndtnlnistra ndtnlnistra ters. Charles Suiter, doceased. late of West Coealice township; Jehn If. Stiller, Wet uocaliee, mimnitsir-.uer. Annle Wlstier. deceacd, late of llapiie tewnship: Jehn Wlsucr, Itnphe, ndmlulstrn ndmlulstrn ter. Frercrlek Miller, deceased, late of Lancas ter city ; Oeorge F. Miller, city, administra tor. Ites.imin Toinlinsen, deceased, late of I .au caster city ; Charles 1. Hates, city, adminis trator, c. t. n. Martin O. Stlrk, deoeased, late of Lancas ter citv j Martha R Stlrk, city, administra tor. Kdward I'ullerten, deceased, late of Ooney township ; Christian It Sn3der, Ceney, administrator. Ti:stami:ntauv. HannaliKeniijhiuaclirr, deccivsed. late of l'phrata teiinsiilp; Lel Melilcr, l'phrata, executer. Magdalena Stunau, ileceascd, late of Maner township; Klizabeth Stener, Maner, execu trix. llebccca Halm, decevscd. late of Manhelm borough ; II. A. Heider, Menhciui, executer. Jehn A. Wltiner, deccasel, late of llast Kampcter township ; Sue K. l-'rantz, Hast LaniiHiter, executrix. Lucv Stener, deccivsed, late of Lancaster city ; Aniiabclla Stencr, city, executrix. Dr. Npuiu.iii U(.iH,4ed. The Madisen Avenue Congrepitienal church,- New Yerk, ever which Dr. New man has presided, held Its annual election of trustees Monday night I'olice were in at tendance te keep tlie brethren In erder. Hut for all that there was a very lively time and net the most Christian spirit was displayed throughout Tlie meeting, resulted in the olectlen of livoantl-Newman trustees out of the nine and tlie passage of a resolution de claring that Dr. Newmaii is no longer pastor of that church. Attempted te Kill Ills Wire. William Lutz was released from custody yesterday after entering bail te answer n eliargoefdrunkenness and disorderly eon duct prefericd by a member of ills family. He went te his home, breke the deer eien with an nxe, and attempted te strike ids wife with the axe. He was re-arrestcd nntl In do de fault of lull committed fern hearing. An Attarliuient Under 111" Art eriKIU). D. H. Hratult lias issued an attiehmcnt against the property of F. O. Mb-simcr, who it is alleged has absconded from tlie county. The atildavlt en which the attachment Issued cts forth that Misslmcr Is indebted te Hraudt In the Hum of 3,000 nnd is about te rcmove Ids goods from the county with intent te do de fraud ids creditors. Slluetln;; Mutch. Anether sheeting match, between Charles Frnnciscus nnd Henry Gardner, took place yestcnlay atthe Concstega hotel, en .Seuth Queen street Each man killed six birds out often and were thcrofero tie. They shot at three each, Frauciscus killing all and Gardner none. The fermer was declared the winner. Illllftrlimis In IIluelu. A bunch of dandelions in full bloom were left at this olllce te-day. They were gathered by a gentleman from this city while walking along the Ilarrislmrg pike. Chlckeim Killed. On Sunday night seme unknown animal get among the poultry of Mrs. Jaue Frank ford, en North Mulberry street, iuuI killed seven chickens. Jurer te lie Ilr.iun. Jurers for tlie February and March courts will be drawn by Judge Livingston, Sheriff Tomlinson nnd the Jury commissioners en Thursday, ut 1 o'clock. At the station lleiuc. Fifteen vagrants occupied the station house list night 'flier wero discharged this ineni-lg- Auiletit te Murry .Miss Ctelle. A warrant for the arrest of Colonel Jeffers, of Chicago, a patent hair restorative man, lias been sworn out by a dime museum attrac tion known as Miss. Fstellc, the " long haired woman." It Is alleged that he wanted her te act as an advertisement for ids hair restorer nnd finally sought lier hand In marriage. Ujen her rejecting him lie began following her en the street. On Saturday she met him in North Clark street, tthonhheagainrofusod te marry him. "Then 1 will kill you," lie exclaimed, drawing u razor. She screamed and tlie man escaped without seriously In juring her. Itr.ATUS. Wist. In this city, en llm Uthlnst.. Elizabeth, relict of tlie Inte Win. F. WUc, In tlie Mth year or lii'ruuu. The reliitlven and frlends of tlie family nre m Bpcctfally Invited te nttviid the funeral, from lier late residence. Ne. l.7 Kiiat (inint street, en Wednesday nltemenn ut 2 o'clock. Service ut KustKlng street M. i:. elmreli. Interment ut I.uncaslcr cciucterj". Hett.. (in thu morning et l.'lli Iimt.. Mrs. Lou isa Hull, In her Slat year, nt the resilience of her mnln-luw, J. F. Weuvcr, Ne. M Wet (iuriiian tiect, this city. Fniicral will taks place en Wednesday tlie lltliliist. nt ti o'clock. Interment ut Woodward Hill cemetery. t Arrtr-njirii Jnn. 12. ISS3, In tills city, William, fcnn or Daniel Alllvbnch, In thu 21th year of his uke. Tlierclntlvu and friends or the fniniiy, also Lancaster Ledge, Ne.cs.iind Inland City Ledge, Ne. ks, K. or V., are respectlully Invited te at tend thu runcnil from hU late residencn. Ne. 7J9 North 1'rlnce utreet, en Tliumdav nftrnioennl 2 o'clock, and at 3 o'clock ut tlniee Lutheran Church, Inti'rinent nt l.nncnster cemetery. JfAHKETS. I'hlludelphlu Aim ket. riULAOKLi-iUA. Jan. IS. Fleur linn, with fulr demuiidjSiiperilne, tlbmrl 7,j F.xtra, J2 75'it31Ji l'enii'u. family, $.1 37J.173t winter clears, Will H0 1 de straights, l25Cjfl75i Minn, extni clear. lwiglWj deHti-alghts, I.VMt3 en j winter pat outs, $1 7aSM upriugde, )3 h7. Itye Heur (inlet ut -'! i". ii ....I.. i .. ., -. . i, iivnk iiiii iiiii i,ii,-n eitftier( ,e. Western lted. at Rie ; Ne. 3 de, ut eSUe Ne. 1 I'm (In Wti Vit I lulu iLMi t ilit .fin . mv, wj" 1 iw. iniiuninv, uu, ie. Cern quiet nnd easier 1 steniuur, tuWRVle 1 Ne. 2 -cllewiind mixed, OiiflSIKej Ne. 3 de, I'.W.vV. O.usuui'Ctllcdund megular; suiiplles light! yc Ne, I, White, ut airaiikij Ne. 9 de, DsflXk! 1 Nn.S -..- --... iiiibiiiiii t ou i iiini limit i de. 3-sij lejeeted, i537e 1 1 Ne. 3 mixed, S$gJ7e. .b.S'tiSi,uvtT "n" 1!l.t7i6,,Ke I Timethy linn at il auiijl SJ 1 Flaxseed ilrm 111 )i a. winter bran II rm and kcaice at (IC 23Jli1 73, I'l-evlslniia iiteudy, fulr ileiiiaud ; incus perk fl3liU8ll bcer hums, rwiXXjJ-:!; city incs, bwt, .. w.,... liiail.L't Hi in, with nctlve demand 1 Cieuiucry uMnm run, ut 33Q31Q 1 II. C. and N, Y, de, ((.strut), UJej itegiKsl te choice, iw sticac; uuiry u--e llnlla lit 17sV . i.r.nlrl.... !..,.. mn. fcggs murket dull, but linn, owing te scare lty 1 extnu,31fWc. nUhcea unlet but steady 1 New Yerk Full Cicam,12i8Ua: Ohie rfuU, choice. llct de lair te prtme, !vllcj l'cini'ii part skim i,6S7ct de full de, X0 Ike, Petroleum dull 1 ltellned. 7Kc, VhlkydnHnttl'.U ' n Iiacen. IMi'.ilin : MiieKeil f leulileis. i:i;T,. , Bnlt de, Slifitfet sniekisl hams, HiljaliUci jilekledde.liVJtllvyc. " . Lurd steady 1 city refined, sflS'fei loose I... t 1..,.-.., it ly jf. a ....i.......,..n... vr...' ltnlfn,. Wctcrn drain Mnrhrts. C'niCAiie. Fleur market Vim stendv i cholrnte fancrwhlte winters, w mff l 7 MlphlK-in Win. ten, f-1 !KM( I S3 . Minnesota lukprs'. .t2VH.1T.V Ityenenr, Wrff.iav lluckwliPftt, (36ISl. Whe.it 1'ilcrs closed showing n declluc of 5ff Je en theso current fertjM'talit hour nite. Kates mnitrd : .tun., closed nt Tl",e i 1'rti., closed at stXtfiSiiiie i March rleed nt Wf,c i Mnv clecd at silUe i .Ne. s spring clnpdnt n,c : Ne. Strains Btnstjct Ne. 2 lied nt!lc. Cern The market was unlet nnd prices closed nhewlnjrn decline of Ue en thoe current foity feity clalit liourstnpe. 8air ranged t cah elecd tit 3M,'R.17p i .Iniumry closed nt "rc i Vcbmarv clecd lit IWV i March closed nt STei Mill closed nt lOlfe. (l.its declined Hti1jc ; Jnminrv nnnitnnl W'c ; February closed ut iiVc I March eleseil at ap;e i Mnv closed nt si4c : .itnnlcs nn track ralrlvnc tls e j Xe. 8 m hlte sold nt ii30Ue : Ne. 3 sold nt S'MtfS. llje Prices i-an up Ifil'je ; for Ne. 5 In novo 4?c wns bid, nnd r'.c was paid for Ne. Sen track. Itirlev ey II rm and ft trllle higher : Ne. 2 In store quoted nt (3.V samples en track vanned nt Wftt'le for Ne. rtnnd W.Vr fur Ne. t. .Mess Perk ('mil, 1I s;i4l'J i Feb. rinsed ut II ftMIllli7Jj ; March closed nt tl'207l,IlJ la , Stay closed ntli37HlS4'. ' I.srditruii prices SHfiJc higher: eush, i 77U fi! Jnn., $J77Jr 1 Feb. chHedut l!J?tiS7 t Mnrrh closed nt f) WGfl 97W 1 Slay closed nt V li llexed Meats prices steady: drv silled shoulders. $1 ftijfti short rlbrsldcs, tg02 1 liert rlear sides, ,U 4(n(i . Sngni-s Unn and unchanged. Afternoon beard, wlusit ruled tinner, 'SV Cem Ilrm ard iinchnugedT O.its 5,0 lower. Ferk closed SSlOc hlshcr. I-iird closed 2Hc higher. The butter nuiket 011 the produce etfliangc ruled tlnu 1 line te fancy creameries, 3Sc ; eholce te line dairy, '-Tc Kargsensy: fresh laid. 3ft!l. MiiWArKcr Fleur buerant. Wheat u-enk 1 Ne. 2 .Mllwiiuken, ;s:c; .tnn., 7Si,c : Feb., 7 ,c ; March. Mic : .May, S'.Kc. Cern nominal 1 Ne. X 37c : Ne. 2 wtilte, SPUc. Itye steady j Ne. 1, 57ie. lUrlcv tlnu : Ne. B spring, 5.1jT.V!tj;e. l'rovfjlens higher i Mess I'erit, Hi IJ for ensh and January : 12 1U for February. I-ard I'rltne steam, t1?7 rer cash nnd Jnumirv : SS for February. -Sweet pickled hams nt gCie. liuttcr rlmicr ; choice creamery, I3j$-iV Ne Yerk M.irkct. New Yeuk, Jan. IS. Fleur state nnd Western steady, but only moderately active. Nmtheni slendy. Wheat -"ilJl'tC lower, henvv nnd unsettled, with a nieiienitebii'.iness : Ne. 1 White, ti.'e : Ne. 8 lied. Jan., tile : 1 eb.. WVWSe : March, te1, Q9!c; April, taH6'-sVc: Mn IwUfltlTH- Cern V,rc lower nnd heavy ; Mixed Western, sjiet. Mu.kie : de future, 4'Jltlic. (.its n shade lower; Ne. 2, May, at .'ii.'K ,e . Shite, SSlle; Western. MJtUc. I.iieStixk Prices. Chicago. 1 nltle Keeelnt. 0.an head : hli meuls, 3,Jxi hcaJ ; market fairly active : values HiTu: experts, 3txwifl 41: geed le eholce ship ping, l.SO nnd I.Dui peunders, SJ 7-VffJ !SI ; l.'.MO te 1.SO0 pounds, f.Vff.1 40 : comnien te fulr, l 2S fffl W ; Inferior te fair eon 9, il jejjj.l SO ; medium te geed, 1 GOg-l 11 : Mockers, UlOftl: feeders, Jltil .'A liegs Iteceipts. s.oeo head : shipments. 4,(0 head; market eitened streng: quality peer ; the speculative demand u-ns stieng; rough packing, ft 25fflin : packing nnd shipping, 21 te 3iW pounds. IC0(Jl 70; light, lit) te 21D pounds, I SUtJI 4 ; skips. .'! S)tjl r ; market closed wenk with 20,0m head unsold. Miccp Itccelpt.s, 5.1I head : shipments, 1.2IO head : market steady ; ceminnn te fAlr at 11 M (!.12."; medium te geed, M .V)(JI ; choice, ft 2-iv 4 2. ; choice lambs, f.1g.1 23. IIast I.ibcbtt. Cnttlu maiket te-d.i was active with the tendency upward ; although no important advances from last week's closing figures were reported, liecelpts, l.t.' head ; shipments, 1,102 head. Hogs were In fair deiiiand nt tlnu and higher prices; Philadelphia,?! WglsS: Yorkers, JIM) tflML ?heeii dull and a shade lower than last week : trceipis, ',,(..) lie:id ; shipments, l.Mihead. LheMecK Market. 1'IlIt.AUEt.riitA, Jan. 13. The receipt nl the dltTercnt stock yards were : Fer the week Itcevcs, 2.709 ; sheep, lo.em ; hogs, 0,000. l'rci letis week beeves, a,3 ; slirsp, WW; hogs. 4.3"). ltccr cattle were In moderate request nnd, with lighter arrivals, prices continued steady en nil grades except common, which were weaker. We quote ns fellows : Extreme. 3(i7c : mut sales, l'(3?),c ; e.xtni. C-ifvTe 1 cecsl, Sljgre ; meillum. iCjjJSie ; eom eem eom men,.lle. Fat cows were dull and lower at S.'lie. Milch cows closed Inuctlve ut J-103). Veal cilves were dull at JJjsC Sheep and lambs were Inactive, although rates closed Ilrm. We quote us fellows : Extra, 3..(e ; geed, !lf011je : medium, .tt-,fj 4e conimen, 2E3c : lambs, 3tl)e. Hogs w ere active nt 0Qfv,e. c itv vnEssED nnnvts. City Irescd Peeves were In fjlr demand and mtes closed weaker nt CtigWe, with tales of 4') head nt the abattoir nt that rate, Ilnullev's Western selling well ut TVJffjJic Cltv Dressed Mtccp wei-e active at SKglOc., nbattolrsclllng2fWnttluitr.ite ; Western tuvssed closed steady, llradley selling 27 heail at 0J 7Hc Steek M.irk.-ls. QuotalleiiH by Heed, MeUrann t Ce., Ikinkrrs, iincasier, i-il 11 A. M. 12 M. 3 ! M. Mls-eurl I'aclfle -Michigan Central Scsv Yerk Central New Jersey Central Ohie Central Del. Lack, .v Westem Denver Kleiiraudc Erle Kansas A Texas I Jike Shere Chicago & N. W., coin N. N.. ent.A Western St. Paul A euiaha l'acltle Mail ltnchester ft Pittsburg st.I'anl Texas l'acltlc Union l'acltlc W'nbush Common Wabash Preferred ttVsl'n Union Telegraph. Loulsvllle A; Nashvllle N. V., Chi. St. I. Lehigh Vulley Lehigh Navigation I'ennsylvanLi Itmdliig 1'. T. A llutTiile Northern Pacific Cem. ... Northern Pacille Pref. ... He-lemtlle I'hlladclphLtA Erie Northern Central Underground Cnnadu Seutheni Oil People's Pacngcr Jersey Central S-sAi 3-.il I? 111? $ te .1 7i 1M, V i 1UK r.7f? Si 17'1 4.1 3z Hi W7, 70JJ 7CH 7,'eiv Yerlt. (Juotatleus by Associated Press. Htecks weak and quiet. .Meney, lgte. New Yerk Central Erle liallread Adams Express Michigan Central Ihillrend M Ichlgau hnulhern K.lilraul Illinois Central Itallread .' Cleveland ,t Pitt-burg Itulli-ead Chicago ,t Ileck Island Eallreud Pittsburg Jt Fert Wuyne Kallmul Western Union Tclegniph Company TolcdeA Wubash .,..?. New J ersey ecu t ml New Yerk, Ontario A. Wustern .. s74: .. n ..lis" -. 5PX ?k ..121 ..131 ::! I'hll.iilelpbl.i. (plotatleus by Associated Picss. btecks steady. Philadelphia A Erle It. it Heading itallread Pcunsylvniiln liallread Lehigh Vallev It.illreail E::";.ji United Companies or New Jersey .... Northern 1'ncl He Northern Pacille Prererivd Northern Central Itallread Luhlgh Navigation Company N orristewn ihiil read Central Transportation Company liuirnle, New Yerk A Philadelphia Llttleschuvlkili Uallread...... ....VMH .... 17 .... HI '.'.'.'. kU ....107 .... 3 .... 2k ... S21 .vi;ir .ii vj:i:ti.i;mi:xts. Wa nt 1 : u, te'thTyTiiT." aIlCmTivFex organ, cost J1S0, rer n Wnteh nnd Chnln, and part cash. Apply at this olllce. ltd B.niii':usiioiM'errnKNT. A geed chance for a Whlie linrber. Annlr te II. C. WITMEIt, Jiml2 ld Christiana, Pa. Mi:i:iis"ciiAL'M axd" ImlAiT'iMPKs and Smokers, a choice let te select from, nt prices that ilely competition, at IIAUTMAN's YELLOW FltONTCIOAIt STOKE. ir A NT Kl). AN KXI'KKIKNCKI) r. Fer further enrtlenlurs 1 1 school Teacher. ii-ci iue i.iirii KiniiNiup .scuoei lienru III liuar- lyvllle, en TIIUP.SDAY, JANUAKY 15, ill 1 o'clock, p. in. W. FItANKLIN HESS, Secretary. Jli-8td limirry vllle, Vn. PciihiesAi.n. The undersigned will sell ut Publui Sale, ON TIM'ltSDAY. JAN. 1 ut 1 o'clock p. in . ut SI! New Helland avenue, a let or Household nnd Kitchen Furniture, In cluding hud room sets, Ac. CHAltLESfi. HATEsJ, ,, . . , Administrator e. t.a. 1'. il. W miEm, Auctioneer. JI3-2td "i SSIONIJiJ'S SAlJx ON SATt'ltDAY, JAN. 21, IsM. the lUiduntlgiKMl, AsslgiieoefJosephSanistui ami n,,v, ,, iMlinufti'i .J, lll t'AIK0 IO 11UUIIO saleen the piemUes, Ne. 213 North (Jucen street said city, tl.e rollew lug personal preiivrty or said Kaiseuiine. stencil, Cleck, Clethes and ether uiiiui-s. .iu, ii mi m niw iiiaieriai lurineiuan. ufiictme of brushes .or nil kinds, Including handles, blocks, casings, cocoa, hair, cagrass. biltles.ctc.,ctc. Al.e, u large let ei J 1131 lev's blanks, books, chairs, steels, etc. sale te commence ut 1 o'clock en said day w Leu terms will be inadn known jy ' ' THOMAS 11. COt HUAN', Assignee. IL hitl'DEirr, Auct. junia.tfd sTXi S7i i i S 'is lew 10V; 1 ufl! ti,J saV! i isS I3J 4'.'JJ s 7-1G 42 sv.w Airi:iiTisi:Mi:xT.s. V TIOH 11KNT. FOR RENT. Reems in the Building Ne. 6 WEST KING STREET, including OFFICE en First Fleer. Alse Stable en Mifflin Street. H. Z. RHOADS LANCAsTKIt, PA. .vi;ir .1 iirj.7:r7M:.i;i:.V7v.. triiiij "1'esiTivr.i.Y in: sold at l'ubllc Sale en MONDAY. .lANTAUY 19, at 1 o'clock p. in., nt an West Chestnut street, Ijinenstcr, Pa., all the Fnlternsef n Urst-Class MiichluaMiepnud Feundrj An Hccnuiulntlen of 20 years; evcrv lMttern that Is necess,irv te start 11 ftrstelass estnMlshment. UAltlltltC.KU, McCll.l.FY A ( -AVt'iil Hess, Anet It-Tu.Th.FAs OAlinTlNH. 1 All winter goods selling 01T without regard te cost. New Is the time te bur veur I'lulerwear, Hosiery, Knit Jackets. Woolen Shirts, (ileies, Mitts, Comforts, Counterpanes, etc. This op pertunlty will net hist long. The Indications nre for better times and prices. svp menev nnd eallsoen. llENUY HEl'll fnl."l. Ne. 32 North tjiiecn Mreet. I'.si. Houses and eholce building lets ter sale. Alse building stone and sand. pnei'. n. .i.lnTi.TTsiMii's Cliililren's Itnll anil AtliiHs Hoi-eptioii AttneuiMv 111 1 1. him;, west King m., NEXT THURSDAY EVENING. N. n. Subscribers can procure their tickets of rref. (llllesple nt bis ncademv, Kshleman's building. Ne, 1 North lluke slleet, en Wednes day and Thursday nltenioen JnnlJStdlt lT'STATKeFsi.MDN (SKOl-'K. l.ATi: Of ll Mmsburg township, Ijiucaster county, dee'd. The undersigned Auditor appointed te distribute the lialnnee remaining In the hands et Ciiilen (iretr, executer of said Simen C.retr, de censed, te and uiueng these legally entitled te the same, will sit (or that purpose en FI!I1. Y, FEIt. C, lSS5.nt Hi o'clock. In the Library Itiviui nf the Court Heuse, In the Cltv of Ijincnsler, where till persons Interested In said dlstrtbiitleu mnv nttend. W.r.XAMlKK HAIiltlS, " JlJ-ltAllw Auditor. rpONKillT, TO-MC.IIT. tiUANDsl'l tKs GUAMisUCCF.ss. ei THE N. Y, Standard Diiiatic (). In the pewerrul rti niestt. Drama In 3 Acts, LOST IN LONDON. Te be followed 1 A KO.VIEI.Vti I'AKCE. C.ItANI) FAMII. MATlNEEs, Wednesdav nnd Saturday afternoons ut 250, for Ijidles nnil Children. EAST I.Y.N XK will be played nt the Mntlnoeen Wcdnesdav ADMISSION, 10 Cents. ea-ticserved senls. 10c. extra. Te be had nt Opera llousellfllre COME F.AItl.Y TO AVOID ltl'MI. Jl-2d TOTlCK OI' INsrilANt'I-riTLKfTION. AXXl'AI. MEF.TIMl. Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire Insurance Ce. The twenty-third annual meeting of the mem bers will be held nt the ofllceef thecempiinv. Ne. 157 East King street, Ijinenstcr, Pa., en Fltl 11AY. the ICth day of JAXCAKY. lss.1, at 7 o'clock p. m., at which meeting nn election ter three directors te serve for the ensuing three veers, nml three auditors, te serve for 0110 vear. will be held lietween the hours of 7 unil.-Ol o'clock p. 10. of said day. The annual report of the nfllcerx of the company, nnd also that or the auditors, will be submitted te sunt meeting, and wirh business transacted 11 mnv be presented or called for. All per-ens Insured in snld company are meinbers thereernnd entitled te purticlpnte In the election nnd ether proceedings, and are respectfully Invited te attend. Itv enler et the Heard of Directors. JH-31 C. II. LEFE ItE, secretary "VT TOTICi: IS IIKKKIJY OIVKX THAT -s-l the liartucrshlp lately sabslstlnir lietween -lacnb llarnlliadiUtmer Hess, of iii-e4lj-r Lancaster, under the Ilrm or llarnlsh A Ce.;has this 12th day or January, A. 1)., ls-cs. i,een dis solved by mutual consent. All debts en big te the said partnership are te be received by the said Jacob Harnlsb, nnd all demands en the snld partnership nre te lie presented te hltu ter imy ment. J At 'OI! HAIt.NISll WITMEIt II Ess. Thanking the public ter r.ivers In the isi 1 would hereby nslc a contlniiance of the Minr. liaiing this day assm-lated Michael F. Harnlsh with me In business, hleh will lie carried en nt theoldstnnd,-en West King strict, under the tlnu name of ItAUMSII A Cf). JACOll HAlt.NISII. .lAXi'Anv 12, 10. Janl2-3td Tyxni:nTAKixn. r3LR.R0TB,w UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen aci Vine Sfreels, Lamjlstcr, Pa. Personal attention given te nil orders. Every thing in the Undertaking line rnniished. Having secured the services et a llrst-elns, me chanic, 1 am prepared te de nil kinds or L'phol L'phel sterlng ut very moderate prices. All kinds or i umltiire Upholstered, tjfvn me a call. R. ROTE. DISSOLUTION Of I'AUTXKIt.SHII. The partnership hcretotero existing be tween L. It. A A. c. Kote. In the undertaking business, has this day been dlsselied by miituul consent, iiersens liuving claims ugnlnst. or knew Ing themselves te be Indebted te the nboie II nn, will present them te L. It. Itete, who will continue the business at thn old stand. L. It. ItOTE, A. C. ItOTE. JASi'jinvle, iss3. Tlianklug the pnblle rer r.ivei-s conferred upon the Ilrm nf L, It. A A. C. Itete, In the past, 1 would hereby nk the contlnunnceorthosnine, nt the old stand, corner or Seuth Oueen nnd Vine streets, where 1 will be round nt nil times ready te till the wants nt the people JIMt L. It. ItOTE. 8' 2TATHMRNT OI' Equitable 6-as Light Ce,, OP BALTIMORE. DECEMIIEU3I, 1. Catital stock ll.ca.euu ai 1 Inst MoirreAoii Ite.xrw l,ai,Oju (i It ical Estate W'eaks, etc (i,i,i;s3 1 1 Cash tx Hasp 31,11'j 07 NO Fl.OATI.Vlt 1IEIIT. (Siu.sep), GEO L.(iltEE.V, Secbetauv. We eirer rer sale the First Mertgage Six per cent, bends et thoubevn Ce., nl bound accrued Interest. Uy 'the ugteement recently made lio lie tween the lUltlmerii (tas Companies, the Equita ble Isguaniuteed un nut-nut of 'ilJ.Uiu.iAiu feet per iiiiiiwui. w itivau quints nre ncing neut ng bought by I cry conservative people. Schall, Danner & Speny, YOUK, l's J9-2wdlt pKAPIKO A COMJ-MRIA. AltltANdEME.VT OF PASSENdEIt TKA1.VH. BU.VDAY, NOV. 1(1, lnist. .VOllTHWAItD. LKAVK. a. . P. U. r. M. A. M Quurryvllle c,:2S .... :l .... Uinrnstcr, King Street HU .... B-in .... .minister 7:10 it.lt SM .... Chlckles 7,-ii -jm .Marietta Junction i-m 4:01 .... Columbia..., 7:3il P2:1U 3:W .... jumiVE. Iteadlng.... 9:U SOUTHWAUI). 2:50 6:50 LK4VC u. 12-.U) P. M. P. V. A. CM , 7:59 . S;25 . MM . 8:i:l . 8:2U Heading AKIIIVK. Marietta Junction Chlckles Columbia., Ijiucustur , .aucuster. King Sticct. (junrrvvllle u. ... 7:10 ... MSB ... ft'JH . . BrJS . 0:12 .. U.-20 2:113 saw ..lOr.M B:S rm viMiiicciiuiis ut iieiiuing, launcim, ijiii caster Junction, Murietla Junction mid Coluin. b la see time tallies nt all stations. SUNDAY. Lcave-Qunrryvllle,7:uia. 111.; Lancaster, King Street. (Win. 111., tulip, in.! Luucuster, S:I0 a. in? undl:U p. 111. Arrlve Heading, lftuea. m..Ci3p. in Isive lteudiur;, M)n. m., 4 p, in. . Arrive Lancaster. 1:I'J u. in., and 5:12 p. m.i Ijincaster. King Street. J7 a. m., SJ0 p. in.! tJiirryvllle,6;ep. 111, . A. M. WILSON, Supt. , Ocn'l. l'as. & Ticket Afcnt, 0. G, IIakceck, J Na. 4 West King Street. -"-" y-ti nut ii iih ijmJBBBESHBHBBBBBBDBBBP .v;ir Aitrv.uTisr.Mv.XTs, A SCIIOUAHSIUI' OK 1'HAXKl.IX .t jv JInrshnll ( ollege for sale. Pilce. lnn. An Pllce, lli. MAltSIIALL nlv t i:diii:itT jnnl24'.td .ebnnen, I'a. YAUA CUlAKS, DXI.Y h:, Ol'AUAN 1. teed A urn, at II. M I'M ANN ; LI.I.OW FIHINt'ClllAK slOKF. CKIAUS I'UOM $1 l'KU lllT.NDUl'.l) TO the Very Finest Ounlity, In packages suita ble for the llelldavs, at IIAIITMAVS i:i.l.OW FUONT CltlAlt sTeiti:. l?ou" " "" " I. rt'iti: teas. COFFEES FlIESH UOASTI'.li DAILY, tilt WTI.ATEIt MTdAlt.fiS'e- tioTeCL'AUKE'S, Ne. M West King street. 1AKAIXS I IIAUOAIXS I 1 liniit Inducements edcred tnthe public bv the undersigned, who are new selling en" thefr entire stock of M lues nnd Llquersnt cost prices. Xe. 1.1 North tjureii St., Uiucnter, Pa. JanS-tfd IIOUSEAL A CO. Rkiu'ctiex ix evKitcavrsT loonier te reduce our large stock of Fur Ik'avers, Meltons, Kerseys and Corkscrews for Overceatings. 1 111, for the next IM davs, make up toyeuronlcr. In llrstclass style, nt grently reduced prices. All garments nre guaranteed te lit perfect and only the best quality or trim mingsniv used. A. II. ItOSF.NSTKIN, Fine Tailoring. 37 North (Jucen stieet, opposite the Postetllce. mllmdlt ITlQUlTAltLl; LIl'i: -IIj pany. Asseta. IXSrUAXCIIt'OM. Surplus, 812.OOO.OO0. 854,000,000. Indisputable Creditors' Assurance Equitable life Insurance Company. The only business Man's Policy written, pay able in 10. 1.1 or 20 years, and non-l'erfeltnble after 3 years. The sutest luientnient unit lest pa) Ing one. EQl'ITAItl.E DDEs THE LAIlliK-T l.VsUlta sl'ltANCE Itrsl.NESs IX THE WOULD. W. J. MADDEN, ltfXOItTll Ill'EEN ST. Write fob IsreiiMATlOK. ret.iTic.tu IIOIt ALIIKHMAX. P. B. FORDNEY, or Fecrtu Waiip. smiEn- TO UKrrnLictx Kilks. Jnnie-tfd "WOK ALDKKMAX NIXTH WAUD, JOS. UMBLE. SIBIECT TO Ittri'HLICA.S Itl'LES. vuk .s.ti.r. iit i:i:xt. 1710U UKXT. . A Dairy Farm or 125 Acres In the City 01 Ijincasternnil Mnnhelm township rrem April 1. Apply te j. Si. m.'UKE, j.Vtfdtw Ne. IS North Duke Street. 17ieimu:xt7 " .lJ A tlrit-ciass Dairy Farm, situate two miles rrem Lancaster. A 4 iicre Iit In 7th Ward, cltv. A lucre Let In Mh Wnrd, city. Several sma'll houses. dJl-lrnd IIIISMI A lllte. I TTIOlt UKXT. F At Ne. IS CEN'I l!E SOI'AP.E. healed rrsmis en second and third floors, sultabln rer a seam- siress, emee use or lodging mirie--s. Pih.cs Pih.cs slen April 1. Apply nt M. lIAIIEItllL'SH'S, Jan 1 tfd :ie I'cnii Sipmre. LIM i: K I LNH FOR iTlXT. Four of the most valunble I.bne Kills In the county, nbeut one mile north or the city limits, new doing u large business, and with 11 capacity of nlieut im.ihi bus. per uiinum, nil In grsMl enler. Apply te II. r. MAYEIt.llemptlcId, C. COOPEIt, Illrd-ln-lland, J10-2wd Committee of D. M. Mayer. TTICmHKXT. JJ Koemln NOItTIIEAsT A.VULE CENTKF. SQtrAltE, lately occupied by IIAIK A SIIE.VK, for banking punees. The room has In the front apartment an excellent counter und 11 vault containing 11 fine safe; with a large apartment lu the rear, having a nnter closet nnd stationary wnshstand attached ; also, a cellar underneath, with a geed furnace. Apply at Itoe.M Ne. I, SECOND FLOOlt OF Ill'lLDl.Nfi. Neitheast Anglu of Centre square JiinllMfd pUIILIC SALi: OF UI.AL iIsTATli OX Tl'LsDAY, J ANCAItY SO, !(, at 7 o'clock p. 111.. at the public heuse of Lucus Fritz, corner et st. Jeseph nnd Herwnrt streets, will be sold that certain let of ground, situated Ne.CH St. Jeseph street, with a frontageof 21 feet and a depth nfw feyt, en which Is erected n Two-Mery IIItICK DWELLINIi HOUSE with Frainn Hack building. Alse that let of ground, situated Ne. KB Poplar street, w Ith 11 frontage of 11 feet and a depth of n5 feet, en which Is erected a Twe-Story llrick Dwelling llmp-e, 1th Frame Hack building. Ne.CSS has a geed well or water. .e.i-.iisii new- liouse and has a hydrant tit - tached. JNO, A. COYLE. II. SiicnEnT, Auet. JnnlU,13.1S,17,2e prULH'.SALKOF HKAL I'-STATK. ON WEDNESDAY, JAN. H.lvO, nt the Leepard Hetel, lu thu City of Ijincnster, Pa., a Heuso and Let en the southeast corner of North Llme and East Fulton streets, Lancaster, Pa. Let 20 feet front en Lime street and unend ing en Fulton street CI rect. 3 Inches. Improve, menls, aeneand a hair-story IIItICK DWELL IN; HOL'hE, with Frame Kitchen attached. Fer further Information cull en V. P. COMP TON.esrp, 47 East (irant stnet, or en the occu pant. sale ut seven o'clock. ... . , MAItYE.SIlAY. llEsnv siit'iiEUT, Auctioneer. Janl2-3td i.r.eAh xeTivr.s. 'ITiSTATK OK AXXA .M. HKIIPIXOTOX, .J-J lateur Ijincaster City, deceased. The 1111 derslgned Auditor, appointed te dlstilbute the bulance remaining In theluinds erMui-' J. lur. ion, udmlnlktratrix or said estate, te and among these legally entitled te the same will sit rer that purpose en TUESDAY, J A.N I'A It Y 27, 1SS5, at 10 o'clock, 11. in., in the Library" Itoeni of the Cenit Heuse, In the City of Lancaster, where all iter iter seus Interested lu sidd distribution may attend. . ... ,m. (i.C. KENNEDY, JunK-Std! u Auditor, ITi.STATKOK DAVID IIAUT.MAX, I,ATK U el Ijincaster City, demised. The under signed Auditor, upKliited te pass 11(1011 tlie ex ceptions te the account and te distribute thu balance remaining In thn bauds of Daild Hart man, executer of David llartiimn. Inte of thu city or iJincnstcr, when) all iersens Interested in said distribution may attend. Y. V. HEYEIt, JanClldTn Auditor. fSTATK OK WIIJiIAM WkUTiI.TaTK Jii or Uinrnstcr city, deceased. latlers or udmlulstr.illeii en said estatu luivlng been granted te the undersigned, nil persons In debted therein am requested te luaku Immediate payment, and theso having claims or demands against the same, will present thcin without de. lay for settlement te the undersigned, residing In the city of lumcnster. WALTEIt WELSH, Executer. J no. A. Ceylk. Attorney, deoMtdeaw TSTATH OK "lOtAXZ JO.sTlI'II DOIJIUi, lli Inte of laincastcr city, Ijincaster county, deceased, The iinderslgiied nudlter, apimlnted tndistrlbnte the balance remaining lu the hands of Jehn A. Ceylo, esq., executer of the will of said deceased, te and among Humu legallly en. titled te I he same, will sit for that purpose 011 MONDAY,JANlAltY2i.lKs3,utlUa. im, m the Library ltoem of the Court Heuse, lu the City of Lancaster, where all persons interested In said distribution may nttend. Jliiw iIENItY J. lllJTLF.lt, Audi ter. ITiSTATK OK KM.AIIKTII YOST, LATK U of Ijincaster city, deceased. The under signed uudltnr, nppeluind te distribute the but. mice remaining in thehands of Charles Derwart, administrator or said decedent, te und among thesu legally entitled te thn sumo, will sit for that puriiesu en Saturday, January 21, li3, at 10 o'clock a. lu., in the Llbrury ltoem of the Court Heuse, in thu city of I.uuruster. whero all per sons Interested lu wild distribution may attend, JOH.VE. MALO.VE, J.'ltdeaw Auditor, cij in iriiiicasier lenniiuiiinng tuose legnllveu ,lll,.ll,.l.n. ...... ..Ill ..,. f ...... ..... - .i:'. ' " "'iii' -, win sii. nir itiui iinrpose oil WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2S. I8S5, ut lOn'clecic, a. in., In Iho Library ItiMimorihe Court Heuse, in 11... VLVTIIIXU. cri:ciAi, NOTieix AnuoiHUTiiienl KxtmnriUtiiiry ! TIIEtlltEAIEST ItEIU'CTItlN I'.VEIt MAUI -IN- HUE CIOTHIM - AT- IKY GRRIIARrrS, Ne. O East KIhk Streot. In enler loiediiee 11 heavy sleck before mov ing, I shall mnkeuptoenlcrall llnesnlgiKMlsnt A Reduction of 25 te SO Per Cent. 1 luiic also u number of Cl'sTOMM ADE sl'tTs, net called ler, which will be sold at a great sacrifice. 'Hits reduction Is for cash only, mid will oxteiidle the FtltsT OF M. MICH. N. II. Will temeie ou or about the llrst of April te XO. 41 .XdllTlI W.V.'.Y NTHKKT, (Opposite the Postelllce.) H. GERHART. AiriLl.lAMSOX A- l'OSTi:U'S Second Week OF THE GREAT SPECIAL SALE. Overcoats, That ure handsomely tlnlshed with Silk and Sntln Trluimlngs, nre selling nt prices fur IIEI.OU Kl'.l Mil I..ME I ll.l lil.s at I I Iho GREAT SPECIAL SALE. Dress Suits, Of W hlpcenl or Corkscrew Diagonals, In thn'e or four-butteu cutaway I eats, or Single and double-bn-nsted Freck, that lit eo,ualte eUHtem-mnile garments, are selling nt prices far IIEI.OW UEllfLAU FIlil'ltES nt the GREAT SPECIAL SALE. Seft and Stiff Hats, efthe Ijilr-t New eik styles. Ill Fur nnd Nutria of the latest and most (lepular shades, -Al.sO.- Buffalo, Wolf and Plush Up Robes, and Herse Blankets, areselllngnt prices tar IIEI.OW ItEOI'I.AIt FIlil'UESnt the GREAT SPECIAL SALE, Gents' Furnishing Goods, That consist of Silk Neckwear, scarlet I'ndorwear, Woolen nnd Worsted Hese, Silk and Cniulirlc Hnndkerchlets, buckskin lileves and Mittens, overalls that are gnnr nnteed net te rip, am selling ut prices far IlELOU ItEttl't.Alt Flltl'HESntthe GREAT SPECIAL SALE. Beets and Shoes, Fer Ijulles, llenu, Misses und Children, Uiat nre made upon the latest and most approved models. Including the Spanish Arch, Com mon Sense, Opem Tee, Cents' Openi Tip, French Tee, Londen Tee, Imitation Ijieed Congress, Cleth Tep button nnd Hals., Itub ber Overshoes for Ladles and -Misses, for spring or wedge heel ; nnd Cents' Ituhlicrs, urn selling nt prices rar IIEI.OW KEtiirLAIt FlIil'ltESntihe GREAT SPECIAL SALE. Court eousutteiitlen given all cullers. aj-Slore will clee ut (i o'clock p. in,, ex. ccpt Satuid.iys, until further notice. Nes. 34, 3R k IJ8 Ktist King SJ., LA.VC.VSTEIt. PA. COAU Ba MAUTIX, " WHOLESALE AMllIKTAIL Dealer in .III Kinds of Lumber and Ceal. -Yap: Ne. 4S North Wnter and Prlnce streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. n.T-lvd T3AUMOAItDXinTHATjrKKKKUIi:.S, ceAl dealers. OrricEH : Ne. 12U North Queen street, nnd Ne. Mil North Prlnce street. YAiina : North Prlnce street, near Heading Depot. B LANCASTEH, PA. uugl5-tfd IOAI M. V. B. COHO, Kle NOHTH WATEU 8TUEET, Jjincasler, Pa., WIIOLCSALe AMI1 RETAIL llEALEU IN LUMBER AND COAL. COXKKOTIOV WITH TUB TKLEI'IIOXIC EXCIIANUK. Yaiui axii OrriCK! Ne. SI0 NOUTH WAT'Elt STKEET, frb2S-lyil c. J. HWAKIl .V CO., ce.aL. Orricx: Ne. 20 Centre Kqiiuru. YAniis: East Walnut and Marshall slu-eu. (Stewart's Old ard.) both .Yard and Olllce connected w Ith the Tele phone Exchange 4-Kl.VDLlN(l WOOD A HPECIAl.TY.Ti ectKWlindMAFU .,. H TOT SODA. Wliiiiwn I Fester, THE UELICIOl'a WIMTEII UKVEUAUK. HOT CHOCOLATE. HOT COFFEE, HOT C.I.VGEIt, HOT LEMON, OXLV 8 CUXTS AT OOOHRA'N'S DRUG STORE, Nes. 137 AND 130 NOUTH QUEEN STKEET, deeS-Omd Ijincaster, Pa. QClHHIIUrW"IIAKD 7wlXCkTi7"-.6k O apparently a rapid type. Is often teund In elderly icnudcs, cspechdly the unmarried, or theso who. It married, have net had any children In this ca.e utuiftnref n hard nnt 111 u Is suddenly discovered in the breast. CANCEItS nnd TCMOIiSef nil kinds cured without pain or using the knlfe j ulse, Skin Dis eases, Chronic and Private HUeuses successfully treated by Hits. 11. II. and .11. A I.ONGAKEH. Oftlee-13 EasUValiiiit street, laincnster, Pa. Consultation free. Jl2-3td4w VIAITItlXn. ITIOH tU.OVKK, Te keei thn hands w nl m MI'ITI'.XH, Te keep the hands warm, NOt'KH, Tekeeplhn feel warm, KAU MUKKH, Te keep the cars w nrin. .mukkm:i:h,j Te keep the neck wnini, kxdk,uwi:ah, Te keep the body wnnii. Ge te ERISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WI'.KT KIND HTItliKT, JkTYKHS A- HATIIVOX. EVr.llYTlllNtl IN WINTER CLOTHING -FOIt- Men's Youths' and Beys' Wear, j SUITS ItEADY-MADK! ""t I SUITS MADE TOOIIDEU' I OVF.ItCOATS UEADY.MAI) kT I OVEItCOATSMAHETOOItDEII The Largest Assortment I Elegant Styles! Feircct lu til 1 Qualities and Workmanship Un excelled !j ' NEW PIUCKS FOR THE NEW YEAH!" tlunnmleed ns low ns the ten estimated be any ItlLitileCloltderlnlheclly. ' ' A rail sellclled. Conipaiiseii Coin led. -xi On and arter Jnnmity 5lh, this store will be closed nt 11 o'clock p. m., snluiilays excepted, until March 1st. ' MYERSMATHFON I.EADl.Nll 1.A.NCASTEU I I.OTIIIEItS, NO. la EAST KINO STREET, LANCAMCIS, PA. j ivk'axd i.in'iiivu That Is ngissl motto, and thst's why Burger & Sutten I MEItCIIANT TAll.OltS AND CI.OTItll'.ItS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, Ilsve concluded te rlose their Sloreenily teglva their empleyes a chance te live plcnsintly. THAT'S WHY THEY SELL COODS AT The Lewest Possible Living Figures. THAT'S WHY THE PEOPLE, ItEOAItDLESS OFAtlE Oil CONDITION, Fleck te the Great Cash Stere. They rcnllr.e that n ilrm t lint has "Llvunnd let III e," ler Its motto Is n geed, reliable plnoe te dealnt. CALL AND HE CONVINCED BURGER if SLTTON, Mt'i'tliimt Tailors anil Clothiers, NO. 24JOENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTEIt. PA. .ir.i:iniis. s I.KKlllS. HI.KUlllS. SLEIGHS! SLEI&HS!' EDGERLEY & CO., Carriage Builders, MAItLET STItEET, ItEAIt OF POSTOFFICE. LANCASTEIt, PA Our large stock of POItTLAND. ALII WY and' DUUHLEHLEKills, which we Oder at luruely reduced prices, nre decidedly Iho finest In the. city, srliON'Trenairr te :ncoi'-.ek wekk that im ALH-ws reliablic Call and get n luiriraln. Alt wen: uaminted. We IIAVK IS HTU'K Every Style Buctry nntl OnrtinRe nfcs1nr.11. ltEPAIItl.VH PKOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. nevAltfiLtw N' OHHKUK .V MIIiKY. Mne Carriage Werk -AT- NORBECK & MILEY'S, Cerner Duke & Vine Streets, LANCASTEIt, PA. WE HAVE IN STOCK, AND L'NDEIt CON- STItl'CTION FOIt THECO.MI.Vd SEASON, THE Finest Variety el' Currhige iVerfc EVEUOFFEItED TO THE PL'IILIC. Our lupiitntlen for sclllnt; 11 first-class Jeb nt Lew Figures tins been estubllshed. We GUARANTEE OUR WORK Te be constructed nfns llnu material as any lu I the county, and 11 III sell far behw ether dealers. I We Invite the Public te Inspect Our Werk (bofero belntf induced le pay Fancy Prices) and teJudKO for themselves, ns we urn Iho only bulidcrger VORUKCT CITY STYI.IM. A FEW SLEIGHS LEFT, WHICH WILL HE SOLD AT COST TO CL03E OUT STOCK. 8- Itcpalrlnif Neatly Dene. HTOCKS. -pOOK, WHITE A CO., J BANKERS.!?? PHIMEltAILWAY'HECIJItlTIESALWAlSO.V HAND FOIt INVESTMENT. Minneapolis Ileal Estate 7 per'ecnt. bends ler sale nt 101 and Interest. Proprietors of "Peer's Manual of Hallways." Correspondence Invited. 46 Wall Street, New Yerk. octl-lydced IJ1III.S PAPER 18 PRINTED WITU J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK, Fairmeiiut Ink Works, 2Cth anil lWa. Avenae, JanO-lyd PHILADELPHIA, PA. H I t 0 '.feAfsir.: