r- xjiiBfy!M-''wiriwpr" , ""' ;..j U13 .'- JJAKOASTElt DAILY TOTTjISLIGENCEK TUKSPAY, .TANUAKY V.l. 1885. Ai .r :m & s ,V 7. " W IS.. ixr Sue git , TIE DAILY INTELLIGENCER . WJBUSHED EVERY EVENING IN THE YEAH 'liS (UKDY UCtnlB.) ? .... rTnimnl JL UCWSFI . x tireiunmn i i"-"" INTELLIGENCER BUILDING ' 8. w. cerner'centre square, Lancaster, Pa. niti V-TrM CENTS A WEEK. riVE DOLLARS A 'VJ1C5 "rrlr TmONTH. POSTAGE FREE. ADVERTISEMENTS rnen ten te fifty cents V ALINE. H WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, ( EIGHT PAGES.! PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING. Te DOIUM YtA I" AOVAXCt. CORRESPONDENCE Solicited from every PART OF THE STATE AND COUNTRY. CORRL SWNOENtI ARE "EUESTED TO WRITE UGIBIY AND ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY; AND TO SGN THEIR NAMES, NOT FOR WBLICATION BUT IM PROOF OF GOOD FAITH. ALL ANONYMOUS LETTERS WILLBE CONSIGNED TO THE WASTI. BASKET. , AODRESS ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster. pa. $l)c fqncnstcrantclligcncct. I.ANCASTKIi. JANUAUY 13, lsM. The .Ten" Davis Scon-l'ren. Jed Davis la tlie ItepHbllean scare-ciew and about tlie only enu left tlu'in since tlie bloody shirt lias been worn out in its ap peals te tlie passions of the people. The Republican senators evidently think that there is still virtue in the Jeft P.n is buga boo, and they Indulged themselves in the Senate in what was wemiiiRlv very silly talk about the evpiesident of the Southern Confederacy. It iniRlit haveheen of seme account te them, pendinj,' a imiIiU ical canvass, te endeavor te Ihe theXorth theXerth theXorth cniheartagain3ltlieSoutheniConfedentes, who nre new the Southern Democrats, but It cannot avail them new, at the outset of n Democratic administration. If they de sired te show niore clearly than new air pears that se far a the Democratic p.uty is concerned the issues of the war ate ever, and that the Southern Con federate litis the wne standing in the rosteied Union as lias the Xeithcrn i-iti-7en, they me welcome te the successful icsult of their cffeit. It is just what the Democratic paity aims te establish ju the policy of tlie country. Then' Is te be un der its.administralieu no distinction main tained lietvveen the citizens of the Xerth or the Seuth, who are new citizens of a common country. The pictext for the Senate debate was found by the Republicans in a communica tion made by General Sherman te the war depnitinent, intended te show that Davis when president e f the Southern Confederacy maintained the right of coercion by the Confederacy upon its constituent states te pieserve tliem tlieiein. It is upon tlie face of it unlikely that Mr. Davis would have maintained n dectiine se wholly at variance with that of the right of secession upon which the Confederate states withdrew from our Union. Hut it is of no itnior itnier tanceat all new what dectiine he held as the Confederate president, the confederacy being dead with the Issues it attempted te maintain. The whole establishment has passed away, save, its piesidtnt, who still lemains te point a Republican shaft and adorn their tales. General Sherman's brother in the Senate, ex-Secretary Sheinian, who has made a profitable profession of his patriotism and does net enjoy the reputation of 1 icing hon est in any manner or form, inuuiii-d whether nil) one in the next thousand years would dispute, the fact that Jeff Davis was a traitor. Whereupon Senater Lamar aiese te .say that no one would evei call .Teftersen Davis a traitor in his piesence without meet ing with mi emphatic denial of the truth of the statement. Se tli.u senator Mier man had net te wait a tneusind years te hear a denial of what seemed te him nn undeniable fact. What else could he have expected from Senater Lamar, who was just as much of ji tr.iiteras Davis was ? Se weieall the ether Nmtheni senators who steed by their states in secession. Se weie all the Southern people, except the small mineiity, who steed aside, as did the Teries in our levolutien, fiem their fel lows. They weie called traitors by the people of their states ; loyalists by us ; just as in the lovelution Kngland called the Teries loyalists. We called the Southern people traitors; they styled themselves patriots. What lsiets it new who was right V The Confederates decl.ue th.it they seceded from the Union under their lwlief that they had received the light te K--cede. They come back into it Veaiix they failed te maintain their jiositien by heir aims. They have suueiuleied it, and new accept the dectiine that the Union is oneto 1k maintained by feice. They havepiellted by the new dectiiues. Their land is piesjieiliig. It is net their Inteuat te deny the Union. The net set of traitors aie niueh innie IiKelv te 1m found in New I'.iigl.ind or en the Tactile slope than in the Seuth. That beet Ien new takes vv.uinlv toils embrace the dectiine of an enfeieeil Union, which hereaftei it will be tieasen te deny, the iiiiehtiouef the fight of secession being foi fei foi ever settled by the issue of the 101)0111011. The Republican effeit te put en .left. Davis the approval of the doctrine of an enfeiced Union smacks of a desiie te make the idea unpopular. Can it be that since the Democracy have e.iptuied the Union it has 11 less sweet smell in the Republican nestiils, and that they contemplate cutting off a safe Republican section of the coun try te lie all their evv u V m m - The Liin rcnccOlercer (Jiii'stlun. In the issues arising out of the judicial contest in the Lawience-Meicer distiict .ludgeXeale, of Auiistieng county, in his lnluerity opinion held that a county of evei 40,1)011 population, cieated into a separate judicial distiict by the constitution and in consequence shorn of its light te elect as as as bociate Judges, was falily entitled toclieosu ti judge of its own, who should lu lesident in tlie county and lw detei mined ex clusively by the vete.i of Its own people. In suppeit of this lie cited the opinion of Judge J'axssen and a majority of tliesu tliesu meme court in the Fayette, county case, in which it was held that le!ng constitu tionally aurt by designation of the legisla ture a " separate district " Fayette rnuuty was entitled te net have associate judges, although Greene county, " attached " te Fayette iniistcontlnueto have them. It must be admitted that the decision of Judge Poxsen inthls exse, carried te its logical conciusleii, sustains Judge XcsuVa contnictien of the Judicial article of the constitution. Read in one fray there is no iscapefrem the idea thatsucli was tlie In- tipt, A reumty cannot However no a -bepa. mte" district and at the same time have another county "attached"te it with pouei te elect the judge or judges and depilve the larger county of practically all theiights the constitution gives it, except the light of "net having associate judges" if that deprivation is a light. On the ether hand the constitution Just as explicit' confers the light of suffrage in "all" elections niHm duly qualified voters ; it makes judges elect h e iy an the voters of the distiict ever which they are te pieside, and it seems telKan alwuid idea that tlie teeple of an " at Inched " county should have no voice In the selec tion of their judges. The l.ittei has net yet been decided by the supreme court ; it did net arise in the Fayette county case, although Judge Sliarswoed manifested his curiosity en the subject. Rut as the com" never decides auv tiling that it can avoid, this knotty ceuuuudruui was net' allowed te trouble it. The truth is that then' is a direct contra diction in the constitution. Its previsions are utterly irreconcilable ; just hew the supreme ceuu wenui uecuie wneu mis question comes befeie it again can hardly lie guessed. Since the Fayette county division Judge Cl.uk has succeeded Judge Sharswoedandthe ethei si judges were then eiuially divided Mercur. Uoiden and Cirem limine side, and lisnn, Sterrett and Trunkev en the ether. At lxwt the derision of the eemt would be legislative rather than judicial. As geed an luitiiineiit can le made for one side as the ether. Diffeieut previsions of the const it ut ion sup sup eoit different views; judges will decide ac cording te which pait of tlie const ut it ion they lay the gicatei stress upon, and as often as the supreme court nieml'erhip N changed the law may Is- unsettled. It is obviously the duty of tlie legislature te pro pose an amendment te the constitution which will bring it into haimeiiv and con sistent in its judicial article. JOHN VAX1.KR1ATS 1.0.MAXCK. rut: uv.n.iT VAiTi:irs nisi: i'kii.v .t 1'USITIOX OV OUSCVIilTY. Hum nmn ltiirrfrotcge Climbed the Isitlilrr r Piiini 11111I Wit 1'eriril l si tll l.ni' let On' liuislilrr 11I ltiiiiillliitr Mi it. A seu This country does net nlene enjoy the lux ury of tramps. There lire joe.noo of lliem In (iennany. llUOOKI.VS elivslcLiu. Ir. .1. ,. JOllll- Imh for seme time heeii lisinij i-orresho Hiibllmntens niuire for illplitherla. Strancely eneupli, the curative preperties or this pois onous iimeiiuil were iliscevrrnl nwlilen tnllyby 11 l'cnnsyhanla physlcbn. A elillil sick with illphtlieria li.irti-orreshesublim.iU'. which had been used in tlm botise as liedlmg loisen, administered te her by mistake. She grew rapidly lietter, and the medical frater nity found en incstic.Uten that the poison ous -iimieuii(1 killed, w hen properly nilinin Istercd, the minute liai'teri.i, or germs of the disease. Tlie only drawliaek te its use as a remedial iigent N the eare with which U must be ndminlstcreil, and as the risk anes with the strength of the patient, the phjsi elan v he w euhl ue It successfully must lie cool-headed and saeaeieus. It Is fortunate for St. Jehn that he w ill net have te nnsw or for nil the lies that nre told about him. JriMiiNit from the length or time it leek General 1 leaver te llml out whether he as a eandldate for the Cnited States Senate, It is mero than imssible that the ene-legsed I'hristlan xehller and sLitesiuan has been lay ing thnt Haltering uiicllen te his soul.Tlie eaue for e doing is net easily discernible. All recognized the Insincerity of the .Vcm- Km' audacious mention of him for the Cameren succession, and in the Cimerenian ramp us meaning was net mlsiindeistoed. It is mere thnn possible that the AVic V.V.i desired te ise the Centre county suitesiii.in a urtlng stab in naming hltn for the senatershii, as it doubtless well knew thateominendatienfrom it must carry discredit with these who went down with" the Republican ship in lssi Reaver new authorizes the statement Hint he Is net 11 candidate for the I'liiled States Senate. He has worn the Cauieieni.m cellar tee lein: te 1 iiiinnv is I by Us dialing new . lii;s' 111 ri.KIl has bieuglit a IiIk-1 huh ngalnst the lliHten Ifrmhl forS'Je.OOO damages for tin article relleeting upon his conduct dur ing the war. If he took as a luslset his suit the remarks of the prcs en his conduct dur ing the late campaign, every ncwspniei in the United Slates would perhajr, Im made n defeiulant. Hut llenj.imiu i-ares net for these little ripples en the surface of ililics. He projiesos te direct all his cflerts toward mak ing it warm for his aueicnlenemy, the liosten Herald. When he gets down te real work, he will inike the fur ily. llnUten In thi Nr 'V erk 1 line When the American historical novel comes Inte fashion 1 knew of an unmarked grave up the Hudsen which will tempi pilgrim ages from the neellst. II Is the grave ofenp erthc most unique tluns in the hlsterj of this untien'K first hutulreil ear. Jnlm 'i.n derlyn, a ismntry Ind of nvolutienury linn's who' rose te honors, knew mam of the choicest Jeyi of tlie w erld. w ts the friend of riileis en two ivntlnents mid tlnnltv Ihe ic- tlm of n broken heart, II buried there. It is nstrancc story thnt of Jehn Vnnderlyn's career. A liy in the street, w itli a bit et charcoal and Koinethlng akin te impudence, he sketches en n blacksmith's dour niiirica niiirica ture of n visitor te the vi ee v Hinge et Kincs Kincs ten The visitor wax Annm llurr, nnd be unw the picture saw It, mulled, ami vsked iliiostiens ntmut Its jioris'trnter. W hen Aaren llurr wenllieck te his law nfllce In New Yerk lie took the lad with him. He lieught him lMnk, illrei-tisl his studies nnd finally phuwl him as a pupil under lillicrt sstnnr.. wins in rtiiln rtiiln delphiit, was finishing hi famous pertniit el vvasliiiiBlen. muuies m rnris nnd Reme followed. The clmreenl ket bes of n country town was developing into a won derful painter. In competition nt l'nris, where nit the nrtit of Rurnpp were stnv live for honors, he places a tsild, rmieh, harsh picture eelil. rninrti, and harsh at least in eentniKt-viith the iraudv colorings vvhMi all the rest of the world hnmr up. " M inns en Ihe lliunsef (' irthage" be cilltd it. Tin old Reman In ni was represented st.indum alone, sorrowful vet ilethint. iimiil the wris'k offennei itlerv. N-qioleon marched tlm ui:h the pniit art irallerv. Winn lie r.ns'd the picture lie lialtisi, nunc in ! new si.iniisiui, nnd lu admiration was mntc (or n minute. " (live themcdal te Unit, lie conininiiiieii. Jehn Vnnderlvn was l.imeus. nd all the fates rusheil 'forward I" make him itlad. Annm lturr was preml. lie was urnleful Iihs Or fortune had dealt unkiiidlv with him moniitiuie. He had stmm l.r the presi ili'nev of his country nnd had lest. The mur der of llnmlllen nimle bun nn iile. Uen nrrms interest it wns thnt he rccttxcvl Ulsin tlie money lie had triven Vandeilvii, wlie w as new ii here In l'.ureH's u istecralic cir cles. The arlist s,.insl all his i mers nnd nil his peld with his old-time lcnef.icler, the man who had become te one hemisphere the verv Mrsoiiitlentien or evil, ami vet who in eariv days, with no selfish nun or hope, had taken from humble pi we n strnnire lad te sjieiid money mitl nflis'tien upon. ins i.evi. niii tukoI'e-1 v ni in:, lliecrnptiicul iliitienani-s and art histories U'llulmiit Vnnderljii's professional nchievi nchievi ments. 1 care uethins uleut thorn here. His ' Ariadne " is famous the world ever. His panel in the National Capitel of The landing of i ominous was none in answer te his country' urpnt iciuet. Ml tins evcrylnxlv knows. 1 have learned seinethinc widely different, something far mere tntorest tnterest iug, for as the world vv is love tar outstrips nrofessienal nehieveiiient. Jehn Vnnilerlvn quarter era centurv nge. dlisl Monday even tint, nt his home in Philadelphia. Hit. Wn.MAM 11. Cell. Democratic Con Cen gressninn elect rrem the Third oem-rossloiial district, lslvlngerltlcnllv III with erysipelas nthlsiesldenceln llaltlmore. 1'r. Cole N a jouinallster isvnsldorable loputatleu and n iiremlnent memlwr or flic Irish National hind Leamie. Ills death is hourly ex pected. Jevm IN Mlt.i.uu writeslhat lie has found In New Orleans the noblest worn m hoever saw, and he professes te have "seen the world well." She wns !in le weallli. ie-i-elveil a i-areful education, traveled evten slvelv In RureiH', nnd at lemrth Issmiue ptmr. She new keeps n little shoe shore and vvmks with her father nnd sistci at making the stock. I'iuik. I'isi'iu:u of Munich is s.iid te have ehfaincd from dlstllleil civil a w Idle crysta llite iswv der which, in its action onthesys. tent, cannot lmlstlni;uihcd from iiilulne. Itselllcacy In reducing fever heat Is thought lelie n'ln irkable. Ilieiii-li n w beles.de driurillsl s.iv s that the amount et Ihe ill in; required Je produce this ellivt is se lame as te preclude any rivalry K'tvveen it and genuiiie qiiliilne. l'el't: I.kii Xlll was Isirn seventy-four enn imn and wns gifted with the keenest of intelligence. He was but twentv-si when he was railed te the prelnev bv I'epi'Oregiuy. In three short months 'be put down the In iipuulage in the province te which he was ilclcmitcd. With a true sense of Justice lie nerferined his duty nt the risk of ills life. t thirty -three his toward was Archbishopric. .u.'iur.ir.. HON lUTTKUS. nut it vrvr rut I II II t t urn it ! I II I 'I T urn ii i r 71M (XIOIIS. s ilMHMAli NOTUT. that of the Tin: sivingsef Jehn MeCiillnugh amount te Jia,0Oi surely enough teglve him thelsst protection the iK'st asylum jillbrds, mid save him Irem the public manifestation of Ids mental infirmity. Whii.k the election of a llemecratic Sena Sena eor from Illinois would net have any imme diate effect in changing the lielitic-d complex ion of the Senate, its iullucnce misht li very jietciitin making both branches of Congress Democratic in tlie last two years of the C'lev eland administration. If Illinois should elect a Democratic Senater the Senate would btauil after the 4th of Man h next :ir Demo crats te II Itepiiblicaus, ineludmg Mnheuc and ItuldlelsTger. The DciuiK-iats will un doubtedly gain Mahone's se-at in 1SS7, :j l ni their only iesliiity of less is in tlie sent of Senater 1'ali, el Nevad.L Then their ihauee Is excellent te displace the Republican s-enn-torset New Jeisey, Ohie, Indinnu, California, Comiei'ticut and New Yetk. I'er success in these states much will deK'iiil upon the char ucter of the administration, but theie is little doubt that it will entirely munsmn up te tlie lequiroments of the Hltuatleii. Tut: C.uucrenlan opjiesitiou has a tail in the papers of t'alvin Wells and Wharten Darker, but it s.ully lacks a head. Tinti:y uiMsrt.r lir.reiti: Tin: cuts. The Jnliliiitimii i:ires strike mill limtantl Kills n Mum nt Illll-ilnlc. 1'rem I lie Ibirilsbsi Patriot. .Samuel H. Ileurne, nged forty -seven yearn, a stone mason by occupation, who has a wife and children residing at itmOiester, N. Y., h.vs U'cn employed by Opiiernian A- (ire en, at the Conowage quarries forsemo time Mst. Monday nlxiut H'ld p. in. Ileurne was stand ing en the truck of the Pennsylvania railroad nt a jHilnt called Hillsdale, about two and a halt miles U'levv the intersection nt Middle town as thu Johnstown express train was going cast en schedule time. Just as the train was almut te rush tist llouriie he de liberately Htepiml hi front of the engine, was hurled lrem the track mid was Instantly killed. His limbs were net mangled, uer lils face dlsllgured, but tlie blew he received en the chest killed him. The body vv its (.n. veyed te Italubridge, hut as the accident oc curred in Dauphin county, Corener Hhlndler had it brought te Harrisburi; .Monday night and will held nnlnquestnt 11 o'clock Tuesday morning. The remains vv ere taken in chnnre by tlie J Messrs. lleyd, undertakers, nnd will iKitliipiKMl te JtcH'hestcr, N". Y. Deceased wnsnmciiils'rel the Mnsunloeider. Hullliiin nml llrecnllelil .lint. Atn lute hour. Monday afternoon the Iteaid of Alderiiicn gavea lieense for the Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan (Ireenllildglove light In liosten. Tlie eon test took plaee at the Institiite J'"alr building, luthe presenee of 1!,(MX1 icrsens, and wns tame and thoroughly dls.ipHlut!iig. Sulli van led in points In the llrat and second rounds. In thu third lie get a blew en Green field's neck, ami tlie latter blipjU down. In the fourth round very llttle work was ilone. but the light was given te Sullivan as having made the most twinta. (Ireenllcld get in a number of clean hits. The amlleiue hissed liberally. never married, vv liv lias never ishiiiei(i in print. The tew relatives who survive deocslentsel u brother talk sometimes of a romance in his strange career. One of them lias gessjpied te me, and I hnve listened with a deep interest. Jehn Vnnderlvn loved Tlioeilosla Jlurr, Anren Iturr's efily child, and Theodesla llurr loved Jehn Vaiidcrlyii. Iteared nt susceptible uses in the same house, leve was net uuiuitiind in a brotherly and sisterly fashion : se far the great politician was tileasisl. A letter from Paris Hint fell Inte Ins hands through the confident e of his beautiful daughter showed him thnt the yeunc artist was dividing Ins time lietvveen sights in the Leuvre and thought-, m New Yerk. In this letter Jehn V.uideilyn pmiml out the story of hi strong allis'tieu, nnd nsketl the girl te premise that some day, when I'lace and fortune should be wen, she would Isi his wife. Anren llurr first smiled, then sitlisl, and filially, in anger, issued or h ii. Thwi Thwi Thwi dosUeboyoil. A dutiful girl she was, for ill doing hoi" father's will she did it knowing thnt there was mere than alight reason for the moment only in his direction. He told her plainly of ot'her plans arranged for her : plnns vv Id'ch sacrificed nil of her own fiituie te that of the parent whom she worships!. Politics was ut Ihi' I mt loin. This was Is lore the historic contest In 'engre-.s with Jillcr Jillcr seii for the presideiiiy. Anren Itnrr neided friends, close and in'llueiitial. Through the gift of a dnughter's liiiml he would vv in vv hat strategy might otherwise take from him. lie would inarrv her te n connection of u ivvor ivver ful jsilitical 'family of tlie state, and intluenees nt Alliany hitherto kicking might Is' de pended upon. There wits vMllingness with the lever, mere wlllmgne-s than Hn option. V slighting vcenl vias isiken of Jehn Vaiiderlyn '-a puuper" was flu phrase ihe eourting'leyor usmI. lie usisl it but once. Tlie bleed of Aaren Ilurrmouiitedtothocliivk et tlie daughter, nnd Willi an air that was bit ter us latter might Is- she dismissed him. A scene between father and daughter, n storm with nil the limning pyrefes'huics that the llurr spirit (fluid muster', came quicklv. viviutviNe 10 I't.i.vsi: iii:ii cvtiii.iu A lieuteii'intef the discarded lever's family showed speisly ivseiitineiit et the slight. Hven had lhe"spirited girl relented It bad been tee late. Cooing love had given way te warfare. Aurun llurr smiled another of lu biting smiles mid from upbraiding came te flattery for the honest rt she'll played. Hut no word would he hear of Vaiiderlyn as a suitor. The painter, still working hard, net yet recegnised, hml lusird liem his sweetheart's sn the story of n lather's interference, mid the inollve for it ; nnd he hail heard, tee, that nbevi nil thing en earth she treasured the iH'iiuilcss ilnler's love. There was u slinri letter mat came from I'jrls te llurr; but the oel-hc.ulcd jielitician essaved no nnswei. The next letter that Jehn Vaiiderlyn had from the llurr household wus brief nnd tree from any ardor; It was hut n feiuid iiimeuiicemciit el tlie betrothal of Theednsia Ituir te the bril liant young seulhern Alsten. Te seoure her lathefCareliiii.iu inlliienee slie wedded, lle wns mi honorable man, Ihishusluiidlowliein slie pive her hand ; iKrhns ere the sen lieted and swallowed thetn Isith up together she learned te love him. He was worthy el lier nllectieit ; te him tlieie was no knowledge tlint u wife e.mie in Iwrter and bv sale; be never susKS'ted that it was for votes le acgr.indiJ' Anren llurr that Anren Dun's daughter said lihu vca when lie nskisl her le his home. And tlu-re was iie further knowledge given te Vaiiderlyn eithei. Theodosin lturr was tee loyal tirher tirher self te dm lure a love that was wrong in the vvecld's inting. Sociiue it that Jehn Yaudor Yauder lvu fell into cynicism. Se it wus that he eliose te believe ire long that the hand bad geno where the heart had led ; nnd Anren lturr he exonerated el nil art in Ids fate. When lturr, in eueil of high treason needed a fiieiul and protector lie htrctched out his whole fortune us a tree-will eilering. lie wen fame and lived hi all the glory el it for years, tr.,1ug te forget what liiher thing he had heis'd for and lest. (Jiving no thought ler te-morrow, he drilled en, painting new and then, as the whim dictated or his purse demanded. And when the end came it found him penniless friendless, forlorn. When hi tlie menu room of a hotel in his native town, they found him one morning, :)u years age, clutched by death, there weie vv hisiiers that by his own will had the period lieen put upon his eareer. And new out lu the bleak cemetery en Wiltwyck ilelglitsa little unmarked mound, overgrown by briers, f.ues us as the world's tribute te a man whose genius would have davled mankind had the shadow of a bopo bepo bope lesslovo net fell niien it. When the story of Jehn Vanderlyn's life is fully told American history will have been strengthened. Had lie never loved Aaren llurr might loive been piesldcnt. (, n. sliprimtn's t'entrmcrsv Willi Vlr Unit. lu a letter addivs-ed te lien. Iteln'rt T. I.iuisiln, scx'reUry of w ir, which lie asks shall Is' llled wltli'the win nssirds, (.en. W. T. Sherman leiterates the charge that he had i en papers vv hich cenviiu'ed hini that Mr. Jitlersen Davis, presideut of the Southern Confederacy, "had during the progress of the war changed his stales rights doctrine ami had threatened te use roree r v en Loe's arinv-sheuld nnv state et the Cinfederaiv attempt te secede fiem that government. ' I. en. Miermui el.iluisth.it i.overners Drewn, el t.eergia, mid Vance, et North Carolina, new l'. s,. Senators, w ei c mxioiistetakethoir states out of the Cenfisleracv. and intimates that they were overawed by Mr. Davis. "I tecl for onaters ltrewn and Vance." he ailds, iistieiig personal respis t, nnd believe their ..etien during the war and since has Ihsmi manly nnd fair ; but there vviisaoorresponil vviisaeorresponil vviisaoerresponil enee U'tw ecu the governors of states in io ie liellinn witli the UK hnieiid authorities about the Msmscript law, tlie susH'nskn et the vvntel li.il hiis corpus and tlie use el state tnsis,' which, if publislicd, would K' a valu able ismtribntlen te the -history el our times.'" lien. Sheinian nukes a bitter per sonal attack upon Mr Dav is, and declares that "he enrolled his name with these of Arneld and llun in stem I of as he might haveibme with Washington and Lincoln." Appended te liem i.il s,liPrni.iii'H letter is a iipv of the " secret " tncss.igi' of Mr. DavU et l'b. 'I, H5I, te tlie I onfedonito Congress. The uiess.ige gives Mr. Davis' reasons why, m Ins opinion, the writ et halieas corpus should Is'susiieuded. It is of great length, and has been already made public. siT.vi.u. nrici:. A Will Cii.tmniT cut te tiding store ami iskwl Ter SK.iilKix 1 "lhC sterckt'ClsT Slltll, VVCIV OUl Ot tluit llll here i sflim'tnlng just h rhh1." Ihecustenier nlil "Nn veu den t und vv nut ten neighbor liiK tnis' nn'd get n ImiUIi el M01M)N I' JlJlvulced.Vw l'nn, as n llcir. I'essllilv u is bpenuxc veu haven nervous lietidaclie thou-mils of people lnve nervous hfiitbii-hi' which ircnernllv nrmeed from had dl cestien Vnn knew hew cns it makes them Xlr 1.. I lntti'ren. nr Oxford. X I .had tier eus heniliiche one day Incnrh work, lie w rites, "I have been intng brown's Iren Hitlers nnd II ml It nn excellent tnntc it entire!) inrcd me " nun jinn no w w vt nn j" n u ii u ii e vv vv vv vt nn n " jL" lltlll llltll 11 O WW WW N N N "SSrt II II II il 11 O WW WW N NN p q linn ii u no vv vv n nn nna it linn no nn ji II il It O II NN N II llltll II (INNS II It It II II N NN I II H 0(1 N NN I I- It lllllt SSS I II II 2 -S 1 1: nun ps.ssj i: ii iu 3 kku it u fss M'liljim.,lli.lnn oemlilltllifr i till lllim V Oa' table tonics, quickly nnd completely I'l'lll.S UVsPl.l'si . IvtVUil.sslex, Vf.M.Vltt.V, Wr.AKM.ss, iMl't'lfi: 1II.OIII1. OUII.l.s nnd Ki:v i.iinniiM i u vi nt v. , llv rapid ami thorough lusliulliilleii with tlie bleed II reni'lics everv init et Hie s.vstein, puri nes nml enrUlies tlie bleed, stnuiKthens tlm luiisclcsiind nerves, nnd tones nnd Inv Igenitcs tlie sv stem A tine Appetizer-ttcst tonic known It villi euro ttii worst ease of Dyspepsia, lx' iiievliignllilltiTslng syinpteins, such as 1'iisl lug the I'ikhI, Ik lchlng, Heat In Ihe Memach, llearttmru, etc. Ihe enlv Iren medicine Hull will net blacken ni Injure (lie teeth It is Inviilniblc iirdiscncspociilliirtevvonion, nod te all persons w be lead s, dentnry lives. Vn iiufatllug reined) for discuses of the l.lver mid hlilncvs 1'cis.ens Kiitreitng fnnn tlie etleet of overwork, nervous tumbles, less or iqipctlle, or debllll), cxpeitcncc quick lrllcf nnd icncwcd energy b) Its use. It does net cinse llead.iclie or produce t'eiistl tuition HI III It Iren medicines de II Is the enlv nrciutwtlen of lien that causes no Injurious elfccts. I'll) slot ills nnd druggists recommend II ns Ihe best 'Civil I lie genuine his I rnde Mink nnd crossed led lines en vvmpiH i lake no ether Vlndeenly by lll'.OVVN t lll.vill VI. III. llALTIMOIIK, Mil. SPpt11.Vll.tl) W i ami: dvck. HOP PLASTER. 'I Ills isireus plaster Is iilielutelv tht but ever liinde. (einblnlng the v Irtucs of hops w llh guuu. Iwlsniiis nnd extricls lis power Is viomlerliil In eurtiiK dleaes v, heivetliei plasters simply ie lli'Vi i i lik In the Isick nml Nick, t'liln In the side or I linbs, smr Joints anil Vlusclcs, kldnev 'troubles. Kheuniutlsm. Nciii-iIrIi, snie I host, tlc( liens of the llc.-1 nnd l.lver. nnd nil piilns ermhes In nnv psrt i nied Insliuill) b) thu ll"l llaslrr -lrv It Pins' 1 cents ei tlv n for II en tl Mailed en reielpl of price shl b nil druggists suit ceuntlv sten-s ii Vnvfir (Viniis'iiu I're tirlcters, lUwten, Vlnss LAME BACK. -l'er const Ipnt Ien. less of nppollte nnd ills esses of the bowels take llnw lev's steinnch nnd liver fills iVccnts (1.V1 Ivd.tw (I) ( v lt.'.ssl,.clI ic mi.dicim:. VT The lirenl l.nglish Keinedv An nnfillltiK cun' for linpetcncv and all IHsinses that fellow Lessef vtiMiierv, Cnlversnl fjissitude, fain In Ihe flack. Dimness or Vision, Premu'iiiv old Age, mid iii.ui) ether discuses Hut lend te lu sniitt) or Consumption nnd n l'n'innture l.nive full parlleulnrs In our pauqihtct, which we dc sire te send five b) mnll le ev erv one 1 his sp,. citlc ineillelne Is Mild 1) nil druggists at 1 isr package, or six packages for V, or will bestnt tree by mill en receipt of the lnenc), by ml dressing the agent. II II UU'llKAN. Druggist, Nes 137 nnd lti North (jtiecn street, 1amister, fa (in Hcceiint of counterfeits, we luive ndnitid thoVellew Wrapper : the enlv gemilne rn. (iU.vv .vif.uiti.NKce, lluledn. X. . JTacSr & ROTHER elEMBROIDERlES.t A Complote line or MKDIUM unci FIND QUAIdTIKS, nn well ntt nonie or tlie MOST ELEGANT DESiaNS IMPOHTED, te wlileh we invite opeolal nt nt nt tontleu. 4 HAM BURG DM BROIDDRI C-S.H Cambric Edgings and Insertings, Nainzoek Edgings and Insertings, Swiss Edgings and Insertings. ALLOYERS AND FLOUNCINGS. Ladies' Muslin Underwear. A JOU LOT AT MUCH REDUCED PRICES HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 2S West Kine; Street, Lancaster, Pa. 7NJ ji:xt Deeu te Tin: ceruT ikh'si:. FAriNESTOCK'S.r HOUSE-ETJEnSHnG- DET &OODS, IN IJI VN lllll s FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. n 3iAi-iui:i:r. KATlHtS OK FIKNACKS. .. i.irni.i: ritiivi si:.s vim: .i.vcetw. SKXATK tllvvnull, Atnixv, .N. )., March 31, h-i I'era Ieuk Hum it Ilis been in) liabit te use IIUAxnacTii's f lLts. In fact, 1 have seldom had is'Ctisfeii te use nn) ether mi dlcluc, nnd It nirenls tne crenl iileasure te say that fin tillleus ness, dysM psla, and Ihe ether Ills of the s)stein, te which men In public lite aie meie apt than ethers te hcsuhjci t, tin') nre iiufuvnl liable lciu isl) .KIIIN I .1 VI (His for Lenslliuttnii, ImliRrstlmi. foul lniiuii h. Ilizzliicss and lli-adache, no medicine equals llniudrcth's fills " fun-nml simple, contain Iiir no lucrcur). 11) me the fiimtl) undlclu. chest ami Riife sumd A itr.mvAi.' Y 1 Ill's! sa USA I'A KI l.I.A. A HOME DEUGG-IST lNini1arll at hmnt- ts n t alwujstlie lit tt'-.t l MitTil Illlt ' JMllllt pKUllllj t tin Iitrt tluit n. uthiT iiiimIU'Iiii ln wen let ltlf Hiu h nnl- itm:(I njtpreb itlen In it- own nl, -tatr uiul mil r iul unions all jM'enli , u-. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. the fellow Intf leltt r from one of our best known MiihsiicIiiim its Uri..-(;isis should Is' of lu tin st teeven sutb n r - PHFNM AT1SM ' ' ht 'l"r'' "R" - ' "" llt finCiU-UiillOJl. i, k,. Ithiuinatlsm. sesevere that I could nel nn. vi from the bed, or dress, vvltlieut help. I trhd vera) icnicdles viitlieut much ir any relict, until 1 took .Vv lr'h s,4usai i.iiLv.h) the ul' nf imi tiettles of which 1 was eeuiplelel) cund fl.ivci.eld tnrcu iuiiiitltli-s of veur sausai'aiiu f , and It still letalns Its wonderful peimlnrliv 'flic many notable cuits it lias etrccted In this vlrlnlt) convince me that It Is lie best bleed in. .Urine ever elfered te the public. K f. llAiinis" fflvcr st., lfueklund Vlas Maj U, lssi r tt. n m DCiDl STEAM ENGINE VMl- SALT RHEUM. ,?, A.MiitEwa. overseer en ell Cartii t Conieni linn, was for ever tweni) ve.irs before his re uiev.il te I .en. II nlllt-ti d with silt Iflieuui lu Its ieist form. Its ulienitlens nctiiall) levend ine'et him half the mi face of his body nnd limbs, lie was entliely cured b) A v hit's saiwai'aiiilla s,.e ccrlllleate In A)ei s Miuamic ter fss.1 Beiler Works, -Off- FURNACES Frivnle Dvvpllini,"-, Schools anil Pub lic lliiililiiis. Cull and see thctn. MmIii or heavy Iren, sim ple of construction, durable, economical, the most Umlliitlug "inrficii et an) llenler In Ihe in irki t. Nothing Cheap But the Price I OUR OWN PATENT. B-HavliiK iiei'ii In use in many of tlie larKCsl leslileiiCLs In fjincaster In the past ten ) ears Is the best of ev Idenrn of Its met its feiMins ceumictu liiu heiisekeeplni; or these about te i eplenlsh. heuld lenieinber Unit our stele Is stocked with nes and lubs or 1I i:V. 1 1 N (il AND SIIIIsriNU )lt s Ss, Itleilihed nnd I u I'bxichiHl, In nil the various widths nml Biiides, iHiuglit ter ensli nt lower prices than ever belou beleu belou knewn, uiul will be sold ucismllnirlv- Alse IllUsicheil nnd t'lihlciirlitil'lnhlv l.lm n. lowels,;iewellnj:, Naiiklns. 1 Icklnirs. i links u etc Vl.ii. lllnnkets. I oinfeils. IJutlts ( eimtirimiies 'lurkev ltisl lnlireluil stand l en is u ! Al-e, I ilipets, (ill I leth unit Hubs R. E. FAHNESTOGK, Next Doer te the Court Heuso. Lanc.oster, Pa. C HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE. Ia new full of Sheeting nml ShirtinR- MubIIiis of nil the Popular Mnken In nil Widths tmtl Qimlitica, n.t lewer pricea tlum evor bofero. Tickintffi or nil Krntles uniler the regular prices Tnble LlneiiB from Auction frem20ctB up te 81 CO per ytvrtl Nnpklnn mul Toweln in lnrge n.88ortment Countenwnoa from Auction C-," NEVER BEFORE SO LOW in letzger & Hauglnnan's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER. T Ittw( '! the ' iKipttr lien-' imil smn-1 llep Ih'tl el OIIN (il I.IMt. (.; v i:n. r I!vtii(in. rn JANUARY, reduce our stuck u 1885.$' siesiiiuiie i1 '0. uui'vnbii nv llr. .). C. Ayer A: Ce., sold Ii) all llriiiiitisis ; II, Lewell, Msiv.. ilx bottles ler VI. Jans lll)d.tw J. su.vr.UHAiti:. !:. c'AMiwin.i. a co. CALDWELL & Ce. Address, I'EIISONAI.,. I'iii.iiii:n Si'Piim:es Is kiIiI le liave iculieil mere liearerH than ally man hIiicu tlie Apostles. Ui:i'i:i:si:m viivi: ('.vuiii:uhv, of I'liila (lelphia, wlie lias I wen llt ut Hie. (inillil lietel, llairisliurK) ferwvcr.il d-iys, is net e. peeled te nx-ever. (iovinixeu M Vint Mil Ki or.Mlssenrl.vias InaiiKilriiteil en Metula.v. .7. . Martin was inaiiKiiniU'il lioverner of Kans,is, (iovenier tirny vvas in,iiiiiiniiPil In Jiulfaua. full i .ksilir vin, luus mail. eil ox ex ox etitlve ability lle lias enormous prlile in, Ilia position nnd lias pursued tlie labor con nected witli it almost witli (us. ion. Tiium as Of viuivjl yirs old, tlie leinulcr of tlie I'ljde steamship 1 lies nml ene of the bent known Hliippiiij; men In l'tilladclphla a BRONZES DECORATED CHINA. RICH FANCY GOODS. a visiTToeiut slum: is vi:nv i!i:spi:t;r ftU.I.V siii.ici'l'KH. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, ffllleVIIKI.flltA, PA, ,tetici: te tiu:siassi:h.s and i UU.N'.N'r.ltS. All persons inn hereby for bidden te trespass en uny of the lands of the Cornwall or hieedvM.II estates, In Isbmum ami Ijinciintcr ceiintlcs, whether Inclesed omnia emnia i le.ed, either for thu purpnae ofiiheotliij; or llh tin;, iilliuliivvlll be rhfldly enforced nKalnst ull tiespnssluKouiuililhiudef the uiiilerlniu'il lifter this notice. VVM. COI.KMAV FUEKMAX, It. I'l.lltY AI.IIK.V. KUWAIIUU. PltllKMAX, Attorney for It. VV, Celeman' helm. OCtlltfilAW Jein Best & Sen, Xt 33 KST FI1.T0S STIIiH, JanhVlViLV'" l-A.NCASl'Klt. PA. HavFxe i)iss,eiiVi:i) i'AnTNi:ii.siiii' . nnd pennanentlv closed the Chestnut btrt'l'l Inin VVerku, I dcslre te inlenn my old liutrens nml the public (tencnilly, Ihatluiu still In the business, 1elni; located lu the fenn lien (einpanv'H Works, .North flum utrcet, where I nm inaklnij Iren and llniss Cnstlnus of every (In HCrlptlen. nnd will be pleased te serve nil who limy favor me Willi their patronage. ! rem W ) cam experience in tlm business nml using the best material nml emple) lug the bcHtinechanlcs, I inn Mitlslleil IiiiiiKiiiirniiteiii'iillnnialUr.ictlen. CastfiiKS inaite fiem u mlitiim of Iren nnd steel which nre mero rcllable for Htrcnitth niulduni bllity than the best east Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, lolls and rolling mill work u spec ialty. Castings Hindu or vcr) soft Iren, nnd brass eastings et ever)-(Ii scrlpllen. 1 hare all Ihe put terns of the well nnd favorably known .Vlewrer Cern una con iriisncr, reuiieu mm liupievcii. also en hand. Mills completely tilted up or lu Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats, all reduced in price. Seal Plushes and Cloaking Cleths and Trimmings, all reduced in price. Dress Goods. Shawls and Skirts, all reduced in price. -4-Carpet Departments We are receiving our NEW SPRING STOCK in Velvets, Brussels Tapestry, Extra Supers and Ingrains. Prices Never were se Lew. Persons wanting Carpets the coming season, it will pay thorn te leek at our Stock and Prices. arsreia: ce..i:cri;i 1177 77;..''e.v;-63 freiii.liimiar) S, fss.-,, our stoic will he closed nt (1 p. in , eleept sntuida)s, until liulliei notice f'JOriN S. GIVLER & C0.M," Ne. 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. B OWKHH .V III'IIST. parts, te replace OKI ones wmen juiveeccuiu use for ) i urs, giiaiiiutceliig them te glv (-satisfaction. u. u. mlkjv i, or, i . llllg ll-fillld hoots axi .suuM. OAIIOAINS IN IIOIiIDAV ,SMTIi:UN. WM.H.GAST, XO. 10S X011T1I QUKUX STHRK'l. ni:.i.i:it in Beets, Shoes and Rubbers. Wn hnve liav e a nlcn let of Viincy Slljipcrs for Chilsiuiu i-ieseins, nt puces raiigiiik' iienui Alse a luff line of Medium g fieui il.l.i Priced lloel., mi hhec and Kubbers, which will be sold ut thu lowest possible prices. .New Is thu Hum for bar gains, whether In ltendy-inadn erJOnleicd Werk. We continue te lend nit ethers lu meas ured work- for ludleser gentlemen, nnd our Finn freiich Calf Ceugrca Heets or Mutten shoes, for tk9n, vvogiiarannnte lm eiiiinl tejaiiy (snosheo le be liad uny where. Ily our new nielhoilwe overcsiuie ull s(iU'Hklng, which Is e objectiona ble te uiuiiy persons, etvi: US A TIIIAI. AND fl,i:ASKD VOU VVII.I. UK Ol f Cff VORTIlOPMIIJilNnilY tplXJfJJJ Geed le be iield ut ii very iicavy icductlen, en account of removal le our lltlW H1II1C. is. .s.ei lit winrii s.i. r. M l-.VIl IVn iipin.iiu.iiii NKW YOltK A jaii-ia UHMll.l.tNKItYCO it Went King Ml., l-unea.ter, fa. JANUARY SALE V l: Sit VI.I. Of f Kit Ollt hTlll K Of WHITE, SCARLET and GREYBLANKETS At liically llediiecd fllces.le elose out the Unfile Let, as we de net want tecarr) them evi I' the bciHen. Ifuiuuiuber, vie didilLt IU per cent, from eveiy Lasli !de COMFORTS. COMFORTS. I. VNSfl.S ri out 5 1 cuts per )urdup. SIIKK'l IM. A.N 11 MII1IIT I.NU .VU'SI,I.s), Linge HlecK lit l.ew ruces. ulii, in ner eciii. dcducled Ireni everv Cash babi. Vv'ueneii today uilm linn riuitlltlesln IVunil 11 Inch fll'l.OVV C i: MUSMNSul l.ew l'llrcs, w llh lflpci cent, ikducted fieucvciyi ash Mile KliL'.int linn le close out with lnper cent, deducted fieinevei) Cash hale 1 AVION I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Black Silks and Black Cashmeres. We etrer them low. with HI per cent, deducted from uvery l naii Nile, f lease give us u tall as lOiirpiirciuiwusui ." ... , ., in., uxcept haturda), until fiiitlivrmitlcc you w III be suie le nnv e money en ) our purcluses et us ij-iiiirsieie win (leseuui u BOWERS &, HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. rrnADQUAUTr.us keii Tim in'iiiak jii:i)iei.N'i:s, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, AT- Lecher's Drug Stere, NO.OKAbT KINQ 8T., Lancftttcr, . riim: i.AurmsT, hi:.st and .most .L ceinplnlc assortment of Kuchie, Cuslne and f ekcr Cauls In the town, from ic per pack up. II VKTllAN'S YKM.OW KltOXT ClOAlt Hl'OIti: CONSUMPTION. I have a positive reincdv for fhe nbeve dls case by Its uu thousand of ca-os of the went kind uud of long standing have bi.cn cuicd. in deed, te utreng u inv rultli III Its cfllcacy, tlint 1 will Mild TWO llern.KW fltl.i:, together with a V A 1. 1 A lll.K 1 lti;.Vl 181: of thu dlseune te any mtferer lilvepxpiessund 1 O, nddrcss. llK.T.A. Hl-OCUil, iitiuicecUeinw 1U1 f earl bt N, V. A