Hvf jWm jiiiyiiiniiftViiiiigtaiiriy; mk 'SSSS3SE3 TSt ) .JT. ;, stjwt : CS "if r1-;7' ,W- i.,V'' ' THE IiANOASTBK "DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, MONDAY, JANUAKY 12. 1885. t ' -,-. : fey." m "t norm rjtex celvhjma. aj-iawsslkerHTyanrtlnnastriMlnUlUgenrc- A Suit About Ire. r, CetVMMA, Jim. 12. The Columbia ami :" ,Flft"NaUrmal IwinK -will elect eillecrs nml ' Utreotersto-morravv, According ten rumor new belnir circulated, J. 11 Zenmer Inte reenter the Columbia Na tional bank. Therlvrrlbngaln 011 the rise, 3-eitenlny h rameauMngtheciianBC The Columbia night aehoel -vns nfalluie, tit existence dating only two months. It was closed last Friday evening. Our efficient (?) police roreo li net te be aircnctlicned by tlie addition of n special policeman. The pollce conmiittce thinks this ii'tiselesi and expensive luxury, nml iw cenn eil-rayollicraiiiitiierlty tenct in tlie matter, they will snake no appointment. On hut Friday night Samuel Stontrcnbcr Stentrcnbcr gcrv set n trap In 'WiIheii'h carpet weaving establishment und caught an eiKvmm, w Iiicli when dressed weighed 12M pounds. Tiiii is the gliet which no nlarmcd tlie enrpet reavcra for the past two weeks. About 60 persons en Svttinlny evening sur prised Andrew lyitr, V. IL 11. lercmin of track repairmen, at Columbia, nnd assisted him te celebrate ills 2Slh birthday. It was n pleasant occasion te all concerned. Mr. I-etz received several handsome and nsctul presents. Mrs. Wngley, of Kltchentewn, aged CO years, yesterday tripled e era plcce of ear ear pet, and tailing against n ste e vevcrely cut her head. A sheeting match will be held next Fri day back of tlie Continental hotel, for nlive deer. After the match a mflle for tliree large turkeys will be held. Literal-), Itollgleus ami Industrial. Instead of holding Its meetings en Tuesday evening, the Columbia Literary society will meet en Monday evenings. It will meet this evening at Mrs." Dr. Mcllilde's. Itnvlvnl services line ncnln commenced and will be held overy evening this week In the Methodist tplseeiml, Ilctliel nnd I'nlled Itrethrcn clmrclies. At the children's sorvlce licld yesterday morning In the II V. Lutheran church, and which was largely attended and interesting, nlne children, ten years of age, wcre pre sented vim n iiaiiiuonie inuiu uy 1110 iwitnr, Iter Wm. 1'. Evans. The ladles having in charge tlie CelumbLi Industrial school, tccl much cnceuiagcdat the large nttendance they had at their first meeting en Saturday afternoon, in tlie rooms of the Cherry street" school building. The faithful nnd clllcicnt services of Edward Fager, as organists in St. Jehn's Sunday school was rewanlcd yesterday bv ids being presented with an elegant gold geld headed cane. The organist of tlie church, Miss I'hoebu Mclllnger, was net forgotten, nnd received a line silk umbrella. The week of pravcr has ended, the last meeting being licfd in the Columbia opera liouse yesterday afternoon. The auditorium was literally packed by an Interested and attentive audience. The meetings hae been n success In every Kene or the w erd. A Suit About Ice. Early en the ninrning of January 5, 1S33, James Tlnsman, of Wrightsvllle, secured all tlie ice in U10 canal in lrent of that borough, mero than was necessary ler himself or em em plevcs. Tlie same day when Lel I,cwls lfafncs went te cut Ice, 'Tlnsman threatened tolnjurellalnesif he cut vvliere the Ice hed been scored. Tlie result of the controversy was n law suit, nnd r.s the doings had Iinp tiened within the lines of Lancaster county, IIainc3 sued Tlnsman befere 'Hiiutre Evans for assault. A hearing was had en Saturday List, imu will be held underndv isement until next 1 rliluv. The titiuble will probably be settled. Ureke Through the Ice. Twe boys named Gable, whlle playing en nn ice gerge at the Union street wharves yes terdays cre precipitated into the rlver.liy the sudden breaking of the ice. Tlie water was tee low te drown them, Us depth being; hardly six inches, yet they might have frozen te death, nt it was impesslblu for them te climb the slippery and smooth sides of their Ice prison. They were rescued by se oral gen tlemen who had been nttracted by their cries. Officers Elected. The following officers and beard of direc tors wcre elected en S.-uurJay for the Col umbia Gas company. rrcsldent Cel. H.unucl Sheck. Secretary and Treasurer Jeseph .Tunseu. Superintendent llobert Iteechcm. Beard of Directors 11. M. North. Hainuel Truscott, U. F.Ilruncr, Chas. II. 1 1 inkle, C. E. Grayblll and Cenrad hwartr. -i.y ei.it jtivs auicztu: Mrs. rnnny gtnrgis, of l.ltlti, I'uuml Unroll melons, With n llrekrn Itepe nt Her Slile. Sunday attcrnoen, Mr. Fanny Sturgls, widow of August Sturgis, of Lititz, died from the effects ei an attempt she had made en Saturday te commit Hiiicide. It appears that Mrs. Beeth nnd Mrs. Fjeilciicks nciglibers of Mrs. Sturgis, called at iier heuse en Sun day te pay horn visit. Mrs. Sturgls lived alone and when they colored the Iioip-e they could hce nothing of her. On nuking further Investigation they found Mrs. Sturgis lying In n closet with n piece of rej e nreiiml her neck. Sheiiad hung IierM'U' in timilesct, placing me end of tlie rejH) te 11 timber nnd the ether around iter neck, and in her strug gles the repe luoke and she It'll te tlie tloer. SI10 was unconscious when found and re mained se until Sundayaftcrnoen at 2 o'clock v, Hen oho (.licit, Mrs. SturgH was CI years old, and llcd nleiic the most of her time. SI10 had been raitlally insane for a numlier of years, but It was net thought that she would take iier own ille. Corener Ilen.uuau went te Lititz tills nftnr nftnr nftnr tioen te held nu Inquest. Iier funeral will take place en Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. niectleu of Oi.Uertf. Following arc the officers of Lancaster Typographical Fulnn, N'e. 7(i, elected en Saturday night for tim ensuing year : I'rcsidcnt Flank Derwait. First vice-president O. S. Feaglev. Second ke-president V. Hever." lice, secretary OlherF. Leeii. rlu, secretary Jehn C. llaiu. Trca urcr Jes. Gaintuer. Sorgeant-at-Arms. 1. K. Drepp-inl. Trustees It. H. Kaullumu, Gee. Lelbley. Henry Fislier. liusinew commilice O. S. J'caKley, II. S. Kaulfman, A, II. Tener, O. .'. I.eed, Jehn Snyder Almce I.(e Iter S.IIiiers in tlin Sluil. Atnilu from Ewumlllc, Iiul., toNasli teNasli lllc, Teun., la Hendersen, conveying tlie Aiirioe treupe.was delnjed at Pembroke, Ky., by the burning of the bridge nver tlie Yellow T'orkrher. The passengers had te walk through the weeds te get te the country toad. AimeolestlicrFrcm.il fcllnpers In the mud and had 'te walk a halt mile In blne silk Bteeklngs.,. After crossing tlie liver te take the ether train they had te wait tour hours in thoepcmiir. A heuse was built in an old corn lield for Almce, w ith 21 trunks. A llre Avas built In the centre ofthecouitsn formed. The trpupe did net arrhe until in oMeckln the night, tee late te play. Delatrare Itlrcr A- Lanmktcr It. It. unicern The stockholders of the Dcl.iwara IUvcrJ: Lancaster railroad, at their annual meeting this morning, elected the following officers for the ensuing year : Frcildcnt He)rt Crime. Directors Dr. Henry Carpenter, C. 8. Knuflman, Dr. Jehn Lhieaweaver, ltebert Crane. Isaac W. Uulditi, 11. M. llelenlus, Aloxander Sellers, Samuel K. Casscll, V D. M uiie, .Mlchuel M, Heiisenlg, Joel Venjrer and D. U. Case The Cluri Aeuhut i:iierel. Tlie cases against Jacob Eborelo, indicted for burglary and arson, are down for trial iti the I ictaneurruarter sessions court this week. Ebcrsole was convicted of herse stealing In our court but was net nentenccd se that the Lebanon uutherltics would get a chnuce nt him. After being In tlie Lelwnen jull n short tImo)iecscaciliuid Is still at large. The ontheritloi luivu tlie cas un this week's trial list te get a trim bill against him. A Timely I)inirr)'. Prlvate Wittehiuati Erisman's tinuly dis covery of a llre en Saturday night prevented u ocrleus conflagration. While passing llirsh'a store he noticed llre en tlie fleer. He (Wilt word te Mr. Hindi, and upon his arrival lhe store wua eicncd nnd the lire was ex ex tjngulshed. It was caused by one of the em em peoyes, thteuing a lighlcif match en the fleer. ,, At Ihe Soup Ilcutr, ,, There vera fi26 rations distributed nt the ipuj liewte UKhiy. M T1i;i"ropeeil Circuit Court, rreiu the Cnrllilc Sentinel. The Philadelphia lawyers tire preveiblally smart. They always leek out for Philadel phia. This characteristic Is displayed in a high degroe In the preposition te establish 11 cir cuit court, emanating from n committed of the Philadelphia bar. It proposes, te estab lish circuit courts for the counties' composed of the common plcxs Judges in the prcserllied circuits, and let Philadelphia take the pres ent supreme court as her own court el ap peals ; ler this is the practical clfect of the legislation proposed. Tills Is fine, but It won't da Four-fifth of the pcople of l'enn- sylvanlallve outside of Philadelphia, and they aie entitled te have- their causes heard in the supreme court without delay. What is actually needed is te cut oft" fully one-third of our common pleas Judges, nnd Incrc.-v-e the judges of the supreme court se that it mav Ixi divided Inte two parts liming co ce co enflnato and final jurisdiction in certain classes of cases allotted te each. It was a fre quentlv oxpressetl sentiment of the late lamented J. McDowell Sharpe, that "he hoped te live long enough te help te undo the evll tholncrcase of common picas judges had brought upon the commonwealth uud that be had assisted In as n member of the constitutional corruntlen." Increase the supreme Judges and reduce the number of common pleas judges. An Old Weman', ixinc .imirnry. Frem the S'ew Yerk Times A very old woman, cheaply clad, arrived at Patcrsen lreiu Newark en Friday night en her way te New berg, where her two chil dren lived. She said her naine was Llizabcth Smith, 78 years of .src, and that she hadcome from Leechburg, 3T miles from Pittsburg. Her husband had died at the former place a short time ntre, entl she had spout the $100 sent her by her children te pay the funeral expenses and her car fare, and started out en root. She received assistance at llarrisburg. Philadelphia, Trenten ami "New Brunswick, w hlch carried her te Newark. The policemen at Patcrsen contributed her fare te Turner's w here she expects te get enough aid te com plete her Journey. They llntn et Ileeu Imltcd. The Masens are acitated beeaua they lnive net been invited 10 tahe pari in ine iiciucn iiciucn Hen of the Washington monument. They laid the cornerstone, and expected te play n prominent foature In the dedication, but the management has net invited them te de se, though they have been preparing for months Tueiiuui .tnn11.1l Dinner. At a meeting of the Tiicquan dttlj, held at the olllce of the secretary. Majer A. C. ltcln nid, Thursday evening, it was decided te have the annual dull dinner at tlie Mienncr Mienncr cher hotel, tin Tucsilay next, the nth instant. There will be thirtv ewers The County CotntiiUtelirr. The county comtnlvsleners h.ne adopted Mendavs and Thurstlays as their "business davs"" Persons having business wltlithem will govern theiuselxes accordingly. AlUUHrinrntK. Chtap Entertnlnmrnt.TM evening the New Yerk standard dnunntle ceiupan will play " 1 he Tlekct-eM.ea e Man " In the opera heuc The ceuijiany Includes FninV Mnfrcc, formerly el the Antheny A Kills company. FnuiV lien nctt, tlie vri U known variety actor, and n mint her of ethers The show Is hound te dran at low pilces, and at neon te-day nearly the whole de n stairs li id liecn nld for te-night Ilaec$fer a Mrdal A ierle of races lire te lie given at the Mnmticrclier rink for n hcantlful Btlv or medal The ttlt one w 111 be held en ed ncwlay evnnlns hetween the follelii(r Rontle Rentle 111(11 . Kudelph lilies, ltebert Ureczlnircr, t'has. Wills, Frank Tii) ler nml Jehn MeGeuWU The races will be continued once n week until Jthe medal Is wen thrce tlmci by 0110 person ltKATIt.s NiXDunr .laiinir) 10. lss In thlis city. I'nthi line Mdnrf, In thv "Ith )ciirer hernpe. The relatives and friends of the foully nn ro re spcctrully Inrlted te attend the funeral, from her Inte residence, Ne ! W et James street, en Tuesday nftorneon nt I o'clock Interment nt I anenster cemetery liODrnuv. In this clt v. en the 10th lnt , Mar) . . relict of the late .lames II. Oedfrey, In the 3M year of heruRe The lelutlvcs and frienils, nl-e Fulton Heme and ltebeccn DcRue, nn respectfully lnv Ited te attend tlie funeral, 1 reni her lain residence, N'e. 311 North Queen sticet, en Tuesday afternoon at o'clock Interment at Lnncavter eeun tery. JanlO-itd Weriin. In this city, en the 10th Inst .Jehn Wechr, in t he 75th) ear of hU epe. The relatives anil friends of the fiinllj, are lespectfully Invited teattcndtheluucr.il from his late residence, N'e. CIS Seuth Queen strcet. en Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment at Zlen cemetery. Joiissex Jan. 10, 1sn1. In (lordenv llle I'u , hauiucl Jehnsen, In tlie S.M ) ear of his use The ulatlres and friends of the family, also, LodgeiJ, F and A. )l , are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral en Tuesday, at i o'clock, at the lliptlst church, (lordenv llle, te proceed te the fcplscepnl church, at r.inidle. where t,cr rlces will be held at 2 30 o'clock. lt Hull On the morning of l?thlnt , Mrs. Lou Leu isa Ilnll, luher.Mst vear.at the li'slilence of her sen-in-liM, J. F. Weaver, Ne 53 Went lierm.tn street, tills city. Funeral UI take plaee en Wednesday tlie llth Inst, at 'JJ4 o'clock-. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery St 3iai:ih:ts. I'hlladelphlu Marhi I. 1'niLADF.i.rniv, Juu lj. Fleur III in. hut less nctlve j superfine, f!S0sli7Si Fstm, ti "331 U; i'enn'a. filially. W 37(EJ73: Winter tlrnis, 1310 vi40itnHtraiKhts, l23Si;':.Mlnn. extra clear, l aiQiSO: de utrulfc'htH, tliilfl", KM nlnter pat ents, a 73i3 3"; spring ln, J...j,1 s; liv e Heur quiet at .l 23. Wheat dull and jiiIcim eiihlei : N'e. '2 Western lied, nt We j Ne. J de, at s3Ji.e : N'e. 1 l'a. de, lc! Ne. Clltlauaie, de, vie Cern quiet and uteudv : slesiner, K(3Ic ; Nn. 2 yellow and nil xed, SeJfWJc ! Ne. 3Ue, 45'i0e. D.ils struiiKenHcnicity, with Reed demand : N'e. 1, White, at tle; Ne. s de, 39 ; Ne. ;i de. He; lejected, 33iI37c t Ne. 2 lulMd, iOfjITe II) e steady nt itljc. Med-Clevertlnn at 7Gs;c ; timothy "nn at II 3"31 55 1 I laxseul firm et 1 bu W lulu brnu firm and scaice at il'i 23SIC, 73 l'lnvlslens linn, fair demand; mess perk, lliaiailt becriuuii8,tn(ug2l ; city mess beer, tissual I llueen, P,Tkc; hineked shoulders. iVI.file ; silt de bfjiiVfct Miinkcd lums, luViftlHic; lilckled de. yj'IViC. Ijird steady : city refined, Js';e ; loe hutclien,', (i'4(j7e t prime Mi-am, K '. llutter luuiket linn, with geed demand; Cnnmery cxtnn, nt 3-ic , II. C ami N. 'i . de, 27f? ssctdalr)' extms, 23c; de geed in choice, i U'-'ie. Ilellttt0i?20c; paelclnu butter. 7RI0e :kr iiinikct dull, lint itmi, owing li ncnre Its.-1 extras MftVc. Chcenc qntet but slendy : New Yerk Full Cieiiin, IJ)ifll3e; Ohie riatu, chelre. lle ; de Mir te prime. nKfJll'Jc; l'enn' 1 p.irt sklnis,5J7c: de full de, ,'!;. Petroleum dull ; liellnefl, 7i.e Uiiliikv dull at tl'Jii. N'i'W Yerk .Iiirket. New Yenit, Jan. li Fleur Slate and Western vcr) linn but 111 moderate demand "nnlliiTn lit ud) W heal opened llrm and a shade lillii'l ; Intel vvniknneil and dc cllned Ifile,; less acttv 11 : Ne 1 White, We ; Ne 2 Ited, Feb., O2.iuite ; M uch, 'J.tkFJlc; Apill.'j'g'si'ic; .May, yZft'."!.'; June. Vlhv. Cem (Jko lower; Mixed W extern, Spot, W JJUe; dufiittire, VjfiGii'if Ifats a hhnile eer; Ne 2Jan.al sniiW.e; Feb , 33c .Stale, :i3lle ; Western, .aile Cattle .Market. STOCK AllUS YC3T lillLAIlLLI-UIA, Jllll. W. Cattle lair demand t leceiptM, 2,7( licul : ex. treinea, :iti7e t inent sales nt 8fCe. hlieeii In fair demand ; receipts, 8, (no liead ; selitsaSUc. Hogs demand Inactive iccelpts, film) head ; sold at OfjiMJe Livestock I'riies. Clitcvoe. Cattb llerelpls, 2.N1 head ; shli liientn,2,ii head ; market xlteuir and active ; allseld; experts, sig0 IS) 1 Rmnl te 1 luiUn ulilp pliiK, lm uud l,iu jieundunt, 0l lu;eeiu ineii te lair, l 2HH3 eu; coiuiueu te midium buteherliiK iiteck t:2Si?l23i medium te cmsl, W lHHil 10 j uteekeiK, .! 3tiil j fiedcrs, figi ,Vi ; eern-lcd lexnin, l lleKK lleeelptn, 37,010 head 1 tililpinenti,, t,7l head; market peuerull) steady mid btreuuir thuii ut FiIiIiij'h close; ruiiKli aekluK, (I -""-ii 4U;packlii;undHlilppliii;, 210 In a-si peundeiK, A 151 1 em i Usiit. 170 te 2l3iuumdeiN, il 2.VJI II klpn.t.l3uyl let market ctiMd ullli IJ.ixl he.111 unsold, Miceii IteeeliiU, 1,300 head t slilpmcnti., 1 am head t tiaillna brisk nnd Values llrm ; interior In fair ut ti 2ej J wi 1 medium 10 kikmI, t 23fl3 M , geed te t huh c, M 73i I is). Kabt J.iukiitv. Cattle market continues in active and tinchuiijrcd, with all the cen-ln-mentx belni; lhnjUKliiulO!stpiimc, $3 3e,(23j fair te (,'ixxl, II 23$3 -in eomineii, lfi .Vi lteietptH, N9i head ihhlpineuU, IDliead Unas linn at yesli iday' prices; liiiludelphlas l 7ckJst73j YorkeM, 1 4lil IM, leeclpts, 3,7ue heiul ; dhlpuicnU, li.lle liead. bhwp wcre lu lulr demand ut unclmiiL-cil prlu'ti i pilme, tl 2331 w t fair te geed, t-l 23-5 1 : common, tlfij; ivceipts, 2,100 head 1 vhlpmeutu 6,400 head, Stock Market. Quotation! by need, McOmim ft Ce., ilankcru, Lancaster, l'u. 11 A, it. 12 u. 3 r. M. JlUoeuri Pacllle .... .... .... Michigan Central, , Ncwierk Central W 57 M W New Jersey Ccnlml ij at Ohie Centril . H IS Ik Del. tiek X. Western iV, tmU WJ? Deuvir.V ll.eUnnulc .. .. ? 'K Ilrte tk UK 'S Kansas ft lexns inji 1N H Mkoliere r.f, ill i,i t'hleageft N. W., com . ... .MsJ tn ijj X.N. Ont-ft Western .. . .. 1J M. lmil ft Omaha Mi Pnellle .Mail M M M1 llix-heslerft. littsliui-K .. ... .'., St. 1'iiul "V, "" 7H Tesns 1'iiclllc r; 11K ljij Union frtcltln .,..,. ... C", s) 4 HJ WnlMish romuieu . 1 W nlmsh-rirrerrcd .... 11 Wesfn t "nlen Tclesmph . Ti 5;f .ST lulsvllloftNnshvIlle . . 'AJ -( S.vJ N 1., Chi. ft st. I tjj lehliih Vallev JJ iehlRh Navlcntlen . . . .. Xi I'ennsvlvnnla M1; 81K M ltetulliig 0 1S-W "H V. T ftlluffiile 3 Mi '.'' Northern l'nclllc t etn Ml 18K let Nertlicrn l'uciile I'lvt . $ I4i 10 Uistenvtlle .. .. rr.tliulelp)i!.ift lhle Northern Centnd I'nderBreuud . ... Canada Nnithern no oil TtH TIH II PeeiileV rAsseiifOi ... JrrscvCcntnil New Yerk, Quotations by Associated Pres, stocks lest active and lower. Meney, New erkCentr.il Krte Knltnvid Adims l.xprevs , MUiilRini I entml Knllmul Mlehlirim southern Uuttreml Illinois i entml liallreul (leviliindft I'lttslmrs I: illie.nl t hienseft iteefc Island liallmul Pittsburg ft Fert Wnyne Kallrttiil Western t'nlen Telegraph Company . ToHsleft Witliash New Jersey Centril ... New erk.Ontiu left Western IglKc. :::SU .MS . . . 1?: 13) ...i :. T :-.S' fhllvdelplil.v. Quotations by Associated l'res. stocks steady. I'hlladclphl 1 fti:rleit 1! Heading itallmul l'cnus)lrniili ILitlrtxul . I.ehlgh alley U.iilroed I'lilted Companies of New .lewejr .. Seithernracinc Northern Pacific 1'referred . . .. Northern Central ltallmnii . . Lehigh Navigation Compan) ... Norrlsten n lUillread Central Transpei tatlen Ceinpanr .... Uuirale, New Yerk ft Phtlailelphtv.. I.tttlesrhuvlklll Kallrend Hivtn . wtC 17 . Si's sl 1B7 . . t MS Lnnil stuckii and tleiuls. l!eierte1 by J It Leng Par lAst value, mile I aneasterlliv.fi per nt . IsSS . .iim TH- l-W .. im US ISWk IO) 13) 3 per ct. In ler 30 years . 100 110.30 4 " school lean . . 110 1 in 1 or ft) yearn 100 ten 4 " in 5 or 20 years li) 1( 4 " Inl0er2i))er 1(V) tmin Manhptm Ikirengh lean 1 103 DA MI TOCK First National Hank . Ifle 2)3 FumieiV National ikmk .. 80 lit I'ulteii National Hank 100 UH iJincnster County National Rink Vt 110 Columbia National ltink ,00 W Christiana National Hank . HO 113 Kiilirntu National llmk ICO 131 Flret National Hank. Columbia HO 133 First National Kink, strusburg 10" 133 First National Hank, Marietta. IW Ju) First National Hank, Mt. Je) . 100 131 J I.ltltz National Hank . ....no l.vtn) .M.inuelin National Hank- lii ir.1.23 t'nlen National iUuk, Mount Jey FO 77 23 New Helland National lUnk ice 111 tiap National Hank 10) 113 Quiim-v ille N'utlenal llank .. . Ill) 1 10. if Trn.riKE btcsk.s. lllg spring ft Heaver allc) . S3 10 llrldgeiiert ft llorsctbee . . 13k. 23 Celuiublii ft Chestnut Hill 23 Is CelumbUft Washington .90 t(0 Concnteg ft Hlg spring 4 Se ( eliimblti ft Marietta .. 23 . Mavtevvnft 1 llzihetbten n S3 10 Umcasterft Iplinta . S II I Jincaster ft Willow stieet 28 4sm strasburgft Millport SS 21 .Marietta ft Mavtiiwn .. 23 0 .Marietta ft Jlount.lev . 23 .11 lame . hliz ibothtewn ft Mlddletewn 10) 70 Liuciislcr ft t rultv llle . Sn M Lancaster ft I.ltltz .. 21 73 F. 1st Jtrandywlne ft avnesburg ft) 1 laincaster ft WlllUnisteivn .. . 23 103S l-ancastcrft- Xianer f-, ltd I.-mcastcrftMunhcisn 13 Lancaster ft Maiietta . 23 S3 l.ancu-li'r ft New llellaud . . , lit) "3 1.111c inter ft -usqucliaiina. . . S Cm Lancaster ft New Danville 23 710 MISlEtLAXEOCS dTOCKll. QnaiTyvllle l: 1: 63 2.23 Millers! Ille strict I ur CO n lnqntrer Priming Compan) ... fl W63 I, as Light and Fuel Company 23 a) stevens Heuse (llends) . HO lm Columbia I. a Company 23 23 Columbia Water Company In s susquehanm Iren Lemitan) . . loe te.) 23 .Mani'tta Hellew ware 1(0 210 Stevens Heuse . . fcl 3 Mlllcrnv ille Nermal -ehoet 23 l U3 Northern Market 30 73 F.ustcm .Market . ....Se M Western Market .... Se SI Lancaster City street Ualluay Ce. 30 00 iiis Company Hemls .. . . 111 nt Columbia Horeugh Hemls . li) ) .vy.-ir .tnri.i:Tif,j:.ui:. r.s, -irANTi:D a enti. te neTcrrrinrN It work or assistant cook Appl) at the Leepard Hetel. lt ASCIIOLAUS1IIP OF MarsluiII C ellege for sale F11ANKL1N .1 Price, jioe. p ,M VUsll.VI.I.. nlv te ItUIII.IiT I. Janl2-Cld Lebanon, Pa. -rANTi:i. tl A gewl lllrl, te de general llensewrrk Appl) ut ltd 111 iOL'TII QUKKN aTltLF.f rpin: ML.Mnnns of tulten iiemf, X Ne. , II. C. it. F. of I'u., are requested te meet nt tlieli Hall to-mnrrew (1 LTi:sDAV latter neon ut 0110 o'clock, fur the purpose of attending the funeral of our late i?ltci .Mary Uodtrey. ltiD K L. BAsT, II s h TILTON NATIONAL HANK. Lam vstuii. Pa, Jan 12 lss3 DIVIDEND, MO. 1. Tlie DIiihU rjefthls Hank liave this diydc clired n Dividend of 4 percent, payuble en dc. maud. 1 . r,j.s 1,, JanU-ltdftltvi Cushltr VrOTIf'E TllF MILMIIKKS OF LOIKJF. i- 43 F. and A. M will miet ut the I'cniHjHn ula llalliivid station at 1.' 13 o'clock 11. 111.. en 'J IfKsii.W. JAM AUY 13, sr3, or the purpose of nltendiiig ihn luncnil of our late mother, sjinml Jehnsen. "Die, member of I nmbcrten Ledge, Ne 470, are respectfully invited te par ticipate Full Masonic drew. The Ledge will have en the 12.3s p. 111. train uud proceed toGerdonvllle ; returning, will 111 rlveln Luncnstcrat 3-A3 p m. llronteref aesiii'.v I'm 1 u vi m , 1. it,, ,,, in,,,', 1,1 JOSlll'A I.'IAIL, W M II. S (,ai:v, secretarj. lid pi'llLIF SALF. OF UFAL FSTATI'. ON t HDNT.sD.U, JAN ILK-S, at the I.eepairt Hetel, lu ihe City of laincustrr. Pa, ulleusnand Let en the seuthuavt corner of North Lime nnd Kast Fulton streets, Lancaster, Pu. Lot'jefcot fionten Lime Hticct and extend logon Pulton slice! ci net, 3 lndu-H. Improve ments, n one nml a lnlfsterv llltICK liv IM.L l.Vtl JIOl Mi:, with Fniine Kitchen nltuehed Ferlnrtlier lufoiiuitien mill en W. P. CO.MP TeN,-i , 17 Knst liranl stieet, or en Hie occu pant. Sale ut sev en o'clock MA It. i: hll.W IIi.mu sn ntirr, uctleiiecr. Janl2-3bt -vTOTici: is ni:iti:iiY ciivITn'tIlvt X the partnership lutclv subsisting between Jacob llutnlshnnd A Inner liens, of the clt) of Lancaster, under the llrm of Harnlsh ft Ce., his thlsI2th da) of Jiinuarj, A 1) , lss.3, been dis solved b) mutual consent. All debts owing te the said partnership are te be received by the said Jacob lliimi-li, and all deinands en the said paitncrsblp arc le be presented tehlui for piy innnt. JA( OH II MtSlsi UIl'MLKlil.ss Thanking thu public Ter l'.ueu In the past I Heulillieribv usk uioiitlnuaiue of the s line, hiving this d.iy uineeliiti l Micluel F. Harnlsh vi II h me In business w hlch will be carried en nt the old stand, en West King meet, under the llrm iiumeet lIAHMslI ft CO. JACOHHAKNlslI, Jam aiiv 12, Iss-V Janl2-:itd lTiS'l'ATi: OF FHAN.JOSFPIl DOltFL, lii latent lainrnstcr city, Iamcaster count), deceased, Tim undersigned uiidlter, uppeluted tnilUtrlhutv the balance ix'iuulnlng lu llie hands of Jehn A. I e)1c,imi , uAeculei of the villi of wild decwii.ed, te uml among these legalll) en tltlcd te the Mime, vt 111 sit for lliat purpesu en .MONDAY,.IANL'AltY2il, 1ks3, iitiea in , In the I.lhliiry HiHini of tbe Ceiilt Heuse, in the City or Uiuc.isler, where all persons Interested In said distribution may attend. JJ.3leav lli:l! J. JI1TLL1I. Auditor ITlSTATI.OP FLFAllLTII YOS'l LATH ill of laiucasti r clt), de eased 'the under slglH'il uii.llliir. appeliilid te dlstrlbutn the bill mice 11 aiaiiilug lu Ihn hands oil holies Human, iidiululatnitnr of said dciedeul, te and uiueiig these li gaily Liititled te I lie same, will sit let tint pin pose en Saturday, .I.1T111 u y 21, ls-j, at 10 niliKkii in., in the Library itoeni or the court Heuse, lu the ill) of laiucaster, when, all per sons Interested lu said distribution in ty attend jeiin 1:. malum:, Ji-Sldnavv Auditor. .STOCK. i3oen, viiiti:".v;ceT, "" vBANKBRS.0 PltlMlUtAILWAYSKCUIirriF.S ALWAYS ON HAND I OU INVESTMENT. Mlnueflpells Itcal Kitatn 7 per'cent. bend fur sole ul nil and Interest. Proprietors of "Peer' Manual of Hall vvu)." Corrcspendenca Invited. 45 Wall Streot, New Yerk, ettl-lydccd .v i; ir .i n 1 1: tisi: m i: r... -VAU.VCWAHS ONLY Tic.. OFAltAN 1. teed Yam. nt ltAUT.MAN'9: KI.I.OW KKOST CtllAII sieiti:. ClOABS FHOM Jl lMMi llt'NDUF.l) TO the Vtrv lines! Oimllty In tHirkiiges sulla. ble for the llellibivs ni UUtrVlAVs KIIOW lilONT Cltl.Ml slelil. Q1 f ftivivmevuiAAi::n ylU,V lJ 7 (,eh1s te be sold nt n v cry hem v reduction, en account of removal te our m w store, Mi North Queen street. NKW S.OUK AND V Mils MII.MNKUY CO , JanS-tfd ?i W est KlnR s l.nnciintei, l'a. 17I0K l1 PI 111: TK.s. OFFKKSFItKll UOsrK!1 DMI.Y, ISUAXI 1 1KD sft; Mt.r.Uc i.oTeii. iii;i;y, Ne 3S West hlnK smct lAlinAlNSI llllillNs 1 ' liicat Indueements elTered tetbe public by the undersigned, who aiv new selling off their entire stock of V lues and 1 Iquiirsnt cost prices Ne 41 North Queen st , aneaster. Pa. JanS-tfd HDl'sHALft CO OAIUU'.USUOP FOIUIKNT. J A geed ch inec l.u a v hlle Harber. Ajipl) te 111 vi 1 1 .111.11, JnnlMvvd I hilsttaua, Pa. fANTF.l)-TO TUAPi: A MASON A llamllu Oigan (oust one hundred and lift) dollars) fera watch and ihatn Part cash Applv nt this oilier lt W 11 HI I! I Ish. WDUF.W.s -T ANTF. 1). -VN FXPFKir.NCLD Scheel leiu hi r I. n turther particulars meet the Kdcn township -.choel Iteanl at Qu tr ixvllle, en llU'l:Di. JVM'llil IV at 1 e clock, p. in. W Fl! NK1 IN UK's, sccrctuiv. JUStd QHirnvIlle. l'a. YirANTi:i LAPY riLN'l Feil 1 " QV KKN I'ltOl Lt roil.' daisy stocking nnd skirt supporters, shoulder braces, bustles, besom fei ms, dress shlelds, ,ifctv bells sleeve protectors, etc ; ntiiclv new devices, unprece dented profits ; we have, ve ngents mnktngfliU mnnthlv . ddi-c-s with stamp. 1 II 1" vMPllF.LLft CO luni:imoed Ne l)s. Ma) st ,1 hlcngu itTfju'ctien IN oviritceA'rs-T ll lnenlei te reduce our large stock of Fur Heavers, Meltons, Ker-c)s nnd Corkscrews for Overceatings. I will, for the next i dajs, make up te) our order, tn first cl us st)le,at grcilly reduced price. 11 garments nix'guamnteed te ., ....H.u. n...l n..l. .,... I.,..., , ...... It.. rt ,rl... Ill 1C I1VVL IIIIH 1'IIIJ III,' I'l.l .tl,ltllj ,', lllll lntiigs nre used II UOsKNsli:iN, Finn Tailoring 37 North Queen street, opposite the Postnlllce Iu2l4:mdi: J. SVAJ!ll A CO.. (irricK- N'e. 2i enti, SyUnie ares: i:at Walnut and Matsltall stieets. (BtewarfsOld ).nl ) Heth nnl and ufli.-c ceniiecled with the Tele phone Hxchanee P4-K1NDMM, WOOD Vspi'.i'iAI.TY.-Sn ecllMmd.MftFP. T-TOF iSeda. Tin bkticiecs wixTtcn DKVEavnE het ciioiei.ATi:, HOT COFFLK, HOP ttIVUF.lt. HOT I.LMOV, OSLV .3 CESTS vt COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, Nisi. 137 AND IS) NOIITII Ql'KKN sTHF.HT, dccJ",tnd Lancaster, Pa. OFlltnilF.'N "IIAHII CANFLU" OF O npiiarcntly a rapid tvpe, Is often teund In elderly inmnles, cspcclalfv tbe uuiniirrted, or thoewhe,itin.irried. have net had an) children In this ease n tnmoref a hard natuic Is snddenl) discev ensl In the breast 1 NCl.lts uud riMOHsef all kinds cured w Ithent pain or using the knlle : also, sfcln Dis e se. ( hrenlennd Prtv ate Diseases successfully treatel b) Dl'.s II D nnd M I.ONC.AIvKK, Olllce 13 livst W alnut street. Umcaster, l'u Consultation free J12-3tdftw rplIIS PAl'i'.K IS PIUNTKfl WITH J. K, WRIGHT ct CO.'S I rairiiiQuut Ink Werk. 2Ctli and m Aunue, JanO-lyd PHIL DCLPIUA, P . J 71STATF. OF LOHTNT .SPF.IDLF, -i Late of Ijmcastcr cltv deceased I he en derslgneil Auditor, appoint! d b) the Orphnns Orphnns Ceurt of Luieasterceunty, topasseiioxceptlons te the account of Ilenrv peldle and Abraham speldle, -xecuters of the will of said deceased, und te make and report of tliejjalauce In. iiiiiny eftald accountants te and among these iegnll) entitled thereto, will sit for the purpose or his appointment in the Library lioem in the tenrt iiiii-, 111 me ,,11 j 01 iiucjisier, ens.vi l itii.v 1 , r r.i,. , ivsi, in m ociees, a m , wn vhere nil per sous interested mav attend. FDU P Jnnlj ItdM IIRIMO.N, Vuditei rjiO-NKlIIT, TO-NKIIIT. i.lt VMisfl I 1 t, I! Ml si ft I.' OF I UK 11 Dramatic Ce, 'Ihe sensational Diiiuiuln.3 etsentltbd The Ticket-of-Leave Ian ! Te Is follewi d I V liOAUIVt! I AP.tl. OlttN'D FMII MVlINI.Ks, Utdnesday and Saturday ulti nn ..us nt 230, for Ladles anil Children. ADMISSION, 10 Cents. r3-liescrvedseut.i, inc extra. Te be laid at Dnenv Heuse Ulllcc telll. BlIIU Te.WOID lilMl JL'td u rNDFIlTAKIND. 'L.R.-R0TE,t UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen ami Vine SliecL, l.vvi vSTtn, Pa Pet senal attention given te all enleis. Fvei) thing In the Undertaking line rurnlshcil. Having necured the seuiresef a lltst-cl'iss inc. rhanlc, 1 0111 pieisiiidtodenll kinds of L'phol L'phel L'phol stering nt very underate pilces. All kinds of Fumlliire t'phelsteiid ulve meaeiill. L-. R. ROTE. JanlO-llil DISSOLUTION OF PAIITNFU.SIIIP. The lurtiieienlp herctofero existing be lueen I. IS. ft A 1. Hete. lu the undertaking business, has this d iv 1.,'tn dissolved by iiiutuul eenscnl, iM'rsnns luving claims against, or knnulngtheinselvi -.tu uu Indihtcil te the above ilini, will present thuu te L. It. Itnte, who will coulliiue tlie business at the old stand. l. it neTi:, ,,,. a. a lien:. J VM'AKV 10, ISM, Thanking the public for fa vers ion lei n si upon thellriu or L. It. A . c. Kete, In the past, I wiinblheiebynsk the contlnuance of the same, at tlie old stand, corner of south Queen unci vine stti ets. where 1 will be found at all times ready te till Ihe wants el thu people. JU-3t L. It. ItOTi:. S" :tati:mi:nt or EquitaWe Oas Light Ce. OF BALTIMORE. DKCKMIli:it31. USI. Cai ital Stock .1,6JU,Wii) CO First MeitTOAiir. Ik, m .. i.oue.ooo 00 ItetL Kstatb Wenh BIt 2,I.M,bM II Cash IX IIam .. 51,11'J 07 NO FI.OVlINd DEHT. CSinxcii), tiKO I.. (lltKK.V, SEtnETAiiv. We offer for .ile the First Mortgage Six per cent. Hemls of the above Ce, at loe and neerued Inlei-est. Hy the agriemeiit icceutly made be tween the llalllmeic das Companies, the l.q tilla ble I guaranteed iiueui nut of 213.(),UWfect per annum, AWThean bends are being bought by very conservatlve ja-eple Schall, Danner & Sperry, !. P JD2wdU 1ATA11KII. ELY'S CREAM BALM cuui'.s tOI.D IN IIKAD, CVTAltllll, HOsK COLD. iiayfi:vi:u,1)kfni.ss,ih;adacii Kasy le use. Pi lee, 5,c. Kly llru's , Oswego, HAY FEVER. i:i,VM ,VUl:A'V. ,,a.!'m Cleanse the Iliad, Allavs liillainuiatleii, Heals the bores, Ke.tel'es the Scnses of Tusta and Hmell. A quick and neslllvu cure. M cents nt Druggists. Ce cents by mail, icglstercd. bend for clicuhir. Sample, by mall, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, J23-cedtw UruBglste, Osvvr go, N. V A 1, uuilKltll'l .v;n .t m'KUTi.sKM i:r. IjsLF.rriON NOTK'F-l-i Tttc Kastern Mahkut riotsuCe., Lancaster, Pa. Ilicanuti.iliucctlugef StecklmldeM and elec tion fur Directors nt this company will be held at KM Hest King street, en ll'F.Mi.W, JAN. Ik belVM-eu the hours of In o'clock, a. in, and neon M.I.W . IIHIlil. dMdlji: Secivtarv. lTLFFTION NOTU'li l-i l.VM VSTEnCOt.STV VATIOXAL ItVXK, ( December 12, l-Wl The annual Flectien fet Directors v 111 be held at the Hanking Heuse, en Tuesday, January 11, Isss, Itctvvceu the lumrs of 11 a in ami 2p. m. 1 be auniiiil .Meeting or the st,H.iii10ders will be heldnt the same plneeenthe same day at le o'clock 11. 111. I II 1UIKN F.MAN, JUVStdsftM Caslilcr. TiiTAifiTTiHi: insfilvnim: fem". VI PAN OFFlULV.DhI.Plll Alrnrtis l.titrrr. Picsldent .1 vvirs 11. ALveuti. Ice Pre and Tieas. F.tev is t Ml.Kiul 1 seen tar) It tim Ik AtLKS, Assslleiit secivlar) . ASSKIS-OM: MILLION, TWO llt'XDUF.D M FIF13-V1M: IIIOlls.VND, MM! 111 NPKKIi AM) sir. sl. t. DOLL MIS M rOltr- NIM.CI'.MS, All Invested In solid sccuiltles. laisses promptly settled and paid RIFE & KAUFPMAN, Agents, NO IIWHsl' MM! slUHKI is-tlslindVI.WftMl ITKlFlTAltLi: LIFi: 1 NSFlfANcl: FOM 111 PAN Assets, SG'l.OOO.OOO. SurpliiB, 812.000.000. la.liiulalilc Crcililers' Assurance Equitable Life Insurance Ceuipati). 'Ihoeiilv lluslness Man's Pellev written, pay able In Id. IJ or 20) ears, and lien lerfeltable alter 3)eais 'I be safest lnv cstment and best pa lug one F.Qi'irAin.i: deks Tin: laheksi inscii. -CHAM F. HI slMs l -l 1 1 1 ; WOULD W. J. MADDEN, 10 NOISTH QUF.F.N bT. WnuK reu t.Mvr.MATiev i'ii.irc.i.. 1?Olt ALDF.UMAN. P. B FORDNEY, or Feiimi M.n sriUCCT T0 Utrrniirw lints JuulO-trd -pOK AI.nFLVNlVflfW.Vlll), JOS TJMBLE. sriuicT te KKrrnniAS lints. e .vim; ok iii:t. 17IOU UF.NT. iJ A Dairy Farm of 13 Acres In the Cits of Lnncusteraiid Manhelin tnnnshlp from April 1. Applv te .1. St. Ill'KKF. j5-tfdft w Ne. 1) North Duke -tieet. F OK l.KNT. Frem Anrll 1st. in simiiLr If disliisl. thnde- slnible resldimceNn. 50 Iit King stivet, with nil inrslcrn cenv cnlences Fer terms, etc., apply at 3d Cast hlugstliet, Lmcaster, Pu JnnC-lM .1 F sTAl't FLU tieu1u:nt. Jlj A flrst-cbiss Dairy Farm, situate two miles from lamcnster. A I acre Let In 7th Wanl, city. Alnerelxnln sth Ward, city. M-veral small houses. iHl lmd Illllbll A HUO IrOUHKNT. ' At Ne 2LF.Nrilr:so,rAltr:,hentcdroonis en sec!ind and thlnl lloers, suluible for a seam slivss, elllce use or lodging purio-es. Posses sleu prll 1 Vpplv at M. II MtHKIU'sll's. Janltfd SOPenn siun'. LLMK KILNS FOR RKNT. Feuret the most valuable Lime Kilns in the count), alieut oue mile north of the clty Umlts, new doing a large business, nnd with n rapacity of about lio.eno bus. per annum, nil lu giMHieruer viipiy 111 II 51 MtlKlt.lletnpncId, C lOOI'Klt. Iilrd-ln Hand, Jt0-2nd Committee of I). VI. )In)er. ITIOR RKNT. 13 linnm In MIIll II KsT AM.I.K il.Mlli: bQt'AKK, latel) occupied bj nU: sp,.Xl Ter banking purposes 'ihe room Iiiutu the lrent apartment an excellent counter and n vault cenialnlng a line safe; wllhn large upartment In the rear, luv Ing a water closet ami slntlennr) wash,tand attached s also, a cellar underneath, with a geed turnaee Apply nt ROOM Ne. I, she O.M) Fl.t I.OQII Of ISI'II.DIM,, Northeast Angle of tentie o,unre J.inlatfd -pi'iiLic siALi: Of ri:al i:stati- ON 11 KsDA..I M'AI!V20.1tO, nlTo'eleckp m, at the public house e I Lucas Fritz, corner et st Je-epi and Derwart streets, will be sold that certain let of ground, situated Se CSS st Jeseph street, with a riontageef2l feet and a depth of 02 feet, en w hlch Is erected a Tvvn-terv llitll K DW KLI.IVI. HOl'Shvvlth Frame Hark Huildlng Alse that let of ground, situated Ne. OKI Poplar street, with a rroutage or li fe t and a depth efa,, fei't, en which Is erected a Two-sterv Hrlck Dwelling llmi-e, with Frame H.ick Huildlng Ne cvs hase gissl weilet water. Ne Kills a new beuse and lias u li)draut nt niched. .INO A I 0 I.K II siiinKirr, uet J inle.13 13.17.20 OlUMLVNSTOFItTSALi: Of aver) desirable lit) Kesldi'iice, en IIIl"lsAit.iAN ;. lssi, pursuant toauenler of the Onibuns' I eurt of Lancaster county. Pa., 1 wlllcTpeseiit public sale ut the Cooper Heuse, en Wcstlvlng stieet. Lancaster, all Unit valuable let "i pli'n elgiiiundsltuatid en the neithslde of lUstOningu slicctlu said clt) with the lm proveinents thereon en-cted. consisting of the desirable TIIIli:!. slOIFt D1V KI.LlM,, with luck building uttaehed, Ne. 211 Faist Orange street, luivlng all the modem linpmvemenis 'I Ills property has a frontage en Last Orange stuetef 22 feet. 1 Inches, und extending of that width In nnnrthcrl) direction lis feet, adjoining eastwardly the property or Mrs lathaiTnn lie 1 ly nnd nerthwcstwardl) with the property oflbe late s.itvih .McPhcrsen. ileeeased. Sate te eommence at J o'clock, ji in., when nttendance will be given and conditions made known bv sAMFF.LIIIiL'lKHAUT, Administrator or I.) din A. Davis, deed. llEMtV SUcnEnT, AllCt. J10,l2,li,2l,27,2s12l vvitxiTtnu:. TTOLIDAY CIOODST WALTER A. HEIHTSH, NO. 2M K.sr KING .britF.F.T, I.ANCASTKIt, PA. THIS It Till: PLACF. TO IIUV YOUli HOLIDAY GOODS, I.Y F V.VCV CAIHXKT WAIti:, CAULS' ins, IiniC-A-IlltAC, KAbKI.S, PKDKsTAI.S, .si.ippi:n hacks. IlLACKLVOCASF.s, COJIMODFs, HAT HACKS, TOWKI. HACKS,' HOOK HACKS, ftc, Ac. A very Lnrge Linn of these goods, and ulwnys aplcisum tenhnw IhLin. WALTER I HEINITSH, Ne. 28 West King Street. dcefKhiiil D i:irnLi:it a nchaum. TI-H5 LARGEST STOCK -OF FURNITURE IN LANOASTER COUNTY WHICH WILL HE SOLI) CHEAP. Persons going te Housekeeping or any purlin in need of Furniture will Uml bargains by cull ing at Xes. 27, 2! nml Ul Seuth Queen St. M. DEICHLER, J. P. schaum: JamVSmeawdM&w VI.OTIII.tl. QUAN1I Clearing Sale OS ACCOl'NT OF ALTKHIVIl SI'Olli: Frem New Until March 1, 1885, We will sell any or tbe (loeila we have at pilces which will Insure speed) sales 'I bev wlllbeln our read w hlle building Culluteucc-' tltstrlielee Is best ehelt. Ne Reasonable Offer Refused. OVF.UCOATSnt half value. SI' I rs, fi-em common te Ihelluesl.allsUcs, all colors, at bull or tin Ir value I'MiKllWI.AIt, 20, i MteJI Mint the best. (II. (IV l.s all qualities, reduced one half NFCKW I: Mi, iluest qualities, puffs or II. lis, icdiiced from tl i) le IV 750 JILVS AND I10V.S 0 KIICOATS mi st lip seu, w pi nei rum Miinoiesr OFTlll'.li IIMIA is tlivepen evenings until H ) HIR8H & BRO., Pcnn Hall Clothing Heuse, COIt.VF.KOFCKNlltKsetr MSIJ AND NOI11 II Ql'IiF.N sTIIKKF, Laneiisler, Pa AirlLl'tAMSON A FOSTFR'S SIXTH DAY -of Tin:- SPECIAL SALE. Price List of Bargains. .some of the best lines of have beeu entirely sold out, causing vacancies which have Ih'cii tilled by ethers equally as geed CHILDREN'S SUITS All-wool scotch t heriet, f Ls; a dark huleker liecker, very durable, Jl tu ; u dark brew u reui'h and ready, itss ; a verv dressv casslmcri', M.7i ; all-wool, very fashionable. Cheviots, Jllu; verv luindseme mixed cassliuere.VsOV BOY'S SUITS. Very stylish dirk i-.nslmere, )0H; line dark brown wonted, '.; very dressy lulled cassl mere, H () ; a geed strong school rnlslinere, W 00 MEN'S SUITS. atrengcasslmcrn, net all wool, T0t all-wisil bnslness cheviot, lmi, all wisd dress) cassl mere, tis.ni HAT3 AND CAP3. soft black tur bats, II i; gi-ifs stilt black fur bits, ItJ); boys' atlirwixil hit, .1-S' ; boys' chinchilla caps, 3Se : cblldn'n's rancy dress caps, tl ! : children's slriped peles, 2.V- ItKDl'lI.I) l'llll l.s IS lluirnle, Wnir.Cmitimil IMush Helies. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. All wool scarlet iindei shirts, sue.; nll-wisil scarlet tint wen, 5s ; duck ev eralis that will net rip, 50c,; Plymouth iluck lilevcs, ,'v ; all silk PilnceTeck scarfs, see.; men's shikerhose, nil wool, 2ic.; men's worsted hose, 13c ; children's woolen hose mil Weil mh ilf the tcgulnr selling price BOOT3 AND SHOES. (jent' Imitation lace eengivss gaiter. tl.W; fient'a button eiMini tee, tlimi gent's cloth top, ui.teiis and halt. tlu); genfs lutiidewed but ton opera the, very line, tr.eOj Ladles' button ojiert loe. Curaeeii kid, tJUl; billies' button common sense, Cunicuu kid, tri; ladies bpunlsli Arch Curacen Kid, French kid tl), fl.2) ; .Misses' opera tisi French kid, $T.V) SOur store will clesn at 1! o'clock p m , ev rept Satuida)S, until further notice. Williamson & Pester Nes. 32, 31, 3(5 & 38 East King St., LA.YCASTKK. PA. B 11. MARTIN, WHOLESALE ASllitSTAlL Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber and Ceal. rjAH0 Ne. 120 North Water and Pilnce streets, ubove Lemen, Ijiucasler, nl-l)d gAUMiLYIUlNIJUS A JFFFFRIK.S, COAL DEALERS. OrrtcEa: Xe. IS) Xertb Queen street, and Ne. Ml .Serth Prlnce street. abps-l-Serlh Prime stivet, ueai Heading LANCAVri.lt, PA. augl.Vtfd QOAI M. V. B. COHO, Sm.YOHlil IVATFK STItKKT, Lancaster, Pa., W 1II1LESALK ASIl DETAIL 11KALER IN LUMBER AND COAL. Connection with the Tklki'Hexiu L'xchakme. Vaiidimj Oncx: Ne. JCJi) XOltTII WATKIt STItKKT. lelriS-lyd iieti:ls. AT.FNNFKOIIOR IIOTFL Masnnercher Hetel. lniunnw-piepiied le iiciemmmlala the publle ullh all Ihn advantages eru FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. llOAltDIUtSbythn il ij- or for any length or lime can have all Ihe advantages el the best hotels. i Meals at All Hours. FINK HEWAUltANT ATTACHKD, Het Lunch ever)' morning from lOte lio'cleek. HENRY DOERR J gep231dJtep2a-&lfd FltOPItlKTOU. MKURSCHAUM AM) URIAH FIFK.S uud Smokers, a choice let te select from, nt price that defy couietllleii,ut IIAKTMAVS "V KI.LOW FltO.VT CltlAlt &TOKK. CUnlllM). IT0" (U.OVKS. ' '4 ; Te keep llm hands vvurin Ml'lTF.NM, Te keep ihn hands warin NOFIv-S, le keep Un, reel warm KAIl MUFFS, Te keep tlie ears warm. MUFFLERS,! TiikiM.p tbe neik warm, uxnr.uwi.Ait,! Te keep thu bisly warm. Ge te ERISMAN'S, Ne. uwKST Ki.Nii siki:i:t. J-YFU.S ,V HATIIVON. F. KIIM'IIIMI IN WINTER CLOTHING -Kilt- Men's Youths' and Beys' Wear. SUIT'S ItP.vliv Mini' , HIIITMllAUK 'lOOIIDKIt' OVKIlt it VTmiM.tiiv.li nil?; OVKIICO.VI 8. M. ); TO OllDl.lt llin Largest Assmtnienli Kligant Utiles! etcelTed V 0,,l"" '""1 Workmanship Vn. NKW l'KIUES FOR TUB NEW YKAlt ! (? M.Vl!!rl4S.r,lV.?lli,?fl,,,,l,nU,n,Jr",,', V SiTA call solicited. Comparison ('nutted. -ja On and allei .Inuuaiy 5lh. this store wl,, closed at II n'rlnek p lu , Nitnnbn cvcepled. until Maieh sl ' MYERS RATHF0N, i i.Mitse i. ni sri:u ( i ernii;ip, NO 12 EAST KING STUEET, I.ANtASTKl!. PA L ivi: anii i.irn.ivi: That Isagoestmetto, and that s wh) Burger & Sutten VI hill 11 SI T.UI.OIt-s SDl Lelllll Its, Ne. 24 Centre Square, Havecencludtd lm lese tbilr "tore cntir In gire tin ltemple)es a chance te live pleasant) v IHATsVMIi llll SLll.UfKIDS 1 The Lewest Possible ' Living Figures. UIAT-.UIIY I lit: PI.OPI.1. KM. lllil I srt OF AUK Oil (OSDI'lle.S Fleck te the Great Cash Stere. 1 hey realize that a firm that Kis Llrramt let live," Ter Its motle Is a geed, reliable Man. in dealul. I II. I. AMI llI.IOSVIMI.il BURGBIt & SLTI'ON, .MiMTlinul 'I'allei-s ami ClnlMeis, NO. 24OENTRE SQUAUB, LNc.vn:i:, pa M..'fflffH. Cl.Kinus. SI.KKIIIS. SLEI&HS! SLEI&HS!, EDGERLEY ck CO., e Builders, JIAIthLT sl'KKl.T, 1!KU OF P()s() p f LAM'Asli.l:. P Our large sleck of l'OUTI.ASD. VI IIVSV and DOUMLKSLKItJIIS. which we eiler nt largelj reduccil prices, nre decidedly the ilncst In thu city. -Del'TFOIIIIKT TO KMiimAHC WOUK THAT IS ALW-AVS ntLlAliLK. I all and get a bargain VII work warranted. WE It VVK IS HTia K Every Style Btifrp;y nnd Oarriaife ItKP.VIItlNii PllOMPTI.V ATri.NDF.II Te. Olie set of w erkinen cspee Lilly uuiiile) d ler that purpose. neOMMAw N JOHIJKOK A- ,MII,KV. Eine Carriage Werk -AT- NORBECK & MILEY'S, i Cerner Duke & Vine Sireefs, LA.VC.ViTKIt, PA HE HAVE IN .STOCK. AND INDKIt CON- STIllTCTION FOIt TIIECOMIMI SEASON, TIIK Finest Variety of Carriage Werk KVKltOFFKItEII TO TIIK PlllI.IC Our reputation for selling n llrst class Jeb at Lew Figures has been established 'i GUARANTEE OUR "WORK Te be constructed of as Hue iiuili rl il ns tiny in tlie count), uml Mill sell lurluleu elliei ileale-s. We Invite tlie Public te Inspect Our Werk (before being Induced tepiy Fancy I'llivs) and lolndge for themselves, as vi ute thu unit biuldeisef vemtiX'V city styi.i:x A FEW SLEIGHS LEFT, WHICH WILL UK SOLD AT I OsT TO (LOS I." OFT STOCK. W Hrpnlrliig Neatly Dene. rplIF CO-I'ARTNFRSIIII' FXISTINd J- betvrecn Cnnmd (last and Ames C. (lust, as petteis, has been dissolved by the death of Cen. nultiiist. Ames C.llasl will eonltnue Uu, biisl nessiis beielotere, at llm old stand, en corner of Pilnce ami .lames stti ets, bannister illy, JenS-ltd a MOS ( . (j.VST, AN ORDINANCF TO FlfANOi: TH1C name of Concord Alley le be hcrcnitci' known as Concord Street. He It ordained by Select and Common Councils of thocltyef Ijincuster, that Concord Alley, lu Mild city, extending fleui Crant sticet north, ward, between Mulberry und Charlette streets, be hereafter known na Concord street .... I-aucaster, Pa January7. 1nS. Head In Common Council and adopted nnanl. ineusl). ItOIIKltT M.JtOLK.SIl'S ..... ''r,eliltnt of Common Council .Vilest: Jacob .Vl.tiiltLAS, Clerk C.C. , laincuster. l'a., January 7, Is?", Head In Stieet Council und adopted uuuiil. meiwly. HOIIKIIT A. KVANs President or select Council Attest t lire. II. liEitKK. Clerk s. c. Approved January H, lssa. ,..,., - ItOSKNilll.I ;i:. l,nMW ilii)i,r, s- r t w i