Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 12, 1885, Image 1

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1 1. .,'
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t mtf&tif
frice two emvk
MII.LWXAtllV VAMtrMlllhT TltlllS 1()
11m i;nrrciuiiipiiitllinl Pneil lletncrn Mr
W. II. Vnlidrrlilll mill .Mr. ami Mm, t'. S.
Omul An IIITcr Accepted Hint
Win AueriliiriU ItcfU'ril.
Following nre keiiiu oxtretis from cones.
IMiiirienee between Mr. II. Viui.lerlillt initl
.Mr. unil Mrs. I'lj-sscsN. (Irani, In which tlm
former ollcieri hi cntltelj- forgive tlm debt
due hltn by the gonerul :
VANIiliHHtl.T TO Mill. (HUNT.
Ka me rtnii Avenue, .run. in, mb Mr
riysses H. (Irani Deur Murium : Ne many
misrepresentations have npcnreri in regard
te tlui hull made Iiv me te linueial (Irunt,
iinilieilei'thig intjitstly ii)mii Iilm mid mj'siilf,
Hint It seams proper tii brlell v loelte the farts.
On .Sunrinj', tlie -Idiot Muy hit, den. (tiunt
called lit Tuv Iieiihii mitt iiskcil ntri te lend
him fl.VUMO rer oho rin.v. I gnve him my
cheek without iiicstleti, net Jst-ause tlm
transaction win buslness-llke, Itiit Nlitiity
liocause tlie riiust ennui trem - (Icncrut
flr.iud Tlie iiiisl'nitiuK's which overwhelmed
him hi the next twcutj'-reur hours aroused
thnsjiiipnthj mul regret of tlm whole conn cenn
Hy. ' Yen nml he sent mew Willi it lew tlnj's
tlm deeds of our joint prexrtliv In cover
this obligation, milt in god tuv nceoptunce en
the ground that IhN wiii tlie only debtor
honor which the general leul porsenall.v lu
eiirird, mul these deeds I returned.
During my absence in Furepe the gcuc ml
delivered te luvuttnrucj's mortgages upon all
liisewu imLiIi', household vlhfts and the
swords medals nnd works of iirt which were
tlm memorials of his victories nml the pres
ents Irem governments nil eei the werhl.
Theiii securities were In his judgment
worth the SlMvmtl. M lilt solicitation tlie
nocessarv steps weie diKen Iiv Judgment,
i'li, te rctliicn these proertios le imstessien,
mil the articles nieiilleneil have lieen this
ri.lj' lieught in Iiv llli', mill the iiliinliut bill
applied In reduction of the riebd New, that 1
inn nt liberty tetniit these things us my own,
the disposition of tlie w hele mailer liiest III
iiivnnl with inv feelings Is this: I present te
von ns jour N'parale estate the iliiht mul
judgment 1 liehl iigulnsl ilcucrai (Irutit, also
the iiioitgavcsupen Ills real estate mul nil the
household liiniitiire mul ornaments, eeiipleit
eulj with Hie eoiiillllen tliat the swerils,
commissions, medals, gifts lrem llm
t'nlteil Stales, stales, eitles mul from
foreign governments, mul nil articles
of historical Milue mul Interest shall at
the gimernl'n If j en ileslrn It noener,
Imi presenttsl te the go eminent at
Washington, where thej- will lenialn
us is'iputuai meiiierUls of his l'auie ami
of the histerj- of Ills time, I enelose herew ith
astlgmneiit toj-niteftho mortgages mul Judg
ments, n lull of Rile of the personal preivrtj
nmla ilei'il nf Iru-t In wiileh theurlleles of Interest me enumerated. A eenj- of
this triiHt-diHsi will, Willi your aipreal, lie
ferwarihsl te Hie Piesulent et the I'niteil
states for deisit in the proper ilertnient.
(ist te Mii:uiui,r.
)r r An Mrs. drant wlsliesmetoatiswer
your letter of this evening, te siv- tliat, while
slie appreciates jour gnsit genereslt.v In
transferring te her the mortgage glxen te
secure mj ileht of Jl.VUN1", she eannet accept
it in wli'ele. She ueiepts with pleasure the
trust with li applies te articles eiiuninnitiHl In
jour letter te go te the. government of the
rnlted Mates at my ilenth, or wtner, nt lier
option. In tills matter jeu have anticipated
the disHltien which I had eoutPliiplated
making of tie' articles. Thej- will l rit
llveitsl te the geveniment as seen us nr-r.ingcineut-s
cm lie made for their leeeptinu,
I'aK3rs relating te all ether iirejKirty will
Imi returned, with Hie request that j-eu liave
it sold and tlie preeisnls aiiplhsl te the llipil,
liatien of theilelit wlilch l de justlj' ewe J en.
Yeu have stated hi jour fetter with the
inniutest iKs'iii-.u'j the history of the trans
action which drought ine in j'eiir delit. I
havoetilv teadd that I regard jour giving
me tlie check for the nmetuit v Itheul initilry
as nil net of marked and unusual fricmlshii.
Tlie lam was te me pei-senallv-. I get tlie
nieuej", as I lielleveri, te earrj" tlie Mnrlne
Nntienal dank eutii riaj Iwing assured tliat
the was siil cut, but owing te unusual
rails needed iissWtnnce until it could cull in
its liKins. I was nssureil bj t'cnlliimul Vanl
tint tlie linn of Urant "A. Ward liad ever
SW'j.i,(hhi te their credit ut that time in the
Marine kink, U-snk'sf l,::00,000 of unpledged
securities in their own anlts.
vvmii Hindi's iii:jeini)i:ii.
(ien. V. S. Grant M.v Hear Sir: On my
return home last night 1 found J'eur lotter in
nnsvverte iiitne teIrs. (irant, I appreciate
fullv Iho.sentlnients which actuate both Mrs.
(iraiitmid vmirself in declining the jurt of
HIV prepicillin! reiaiiui; m inn ii-iii t'swiii;, i
greatlj' I egret that she feels It her duty te
make this decision, as I e.irnestlj hoped that
thesplrit In whh li theellei w.isiuade would
e eti-ome any wruiiles In aivepllng it. Hut
I must insist that I Mrill net liedcliMted in n
purimsu which I have mi inueli ut I
will, tlicrelere, its last ns the inenej- is uw
culveri from llies.iles ortlie ical estate, deposit
it In the I'liien Trust eempanj-.
With tlie iiioney thus rcalbtd 1 will nt
onciicre.ito with that cempnnj' u 1 1 list, with
proper piovislens for the income te he paid te
Sirs, lirnut during her lile, and giving tlie
tower te her toinake Kiich disposition of the
prim I pa J y her w ill ns she inaj' elect,
llltVST AI'CIM'TS inn uri'uu.
DenrSIr: Your letter of this date is re
ceivid. Mrx. (irant nml I i egret that J'en
eannet neeept our proKsitleu te ictnlii the
piepertj' whk It vas inertgtigeil in geed faith
te secuie a delit ofhenor. Hut j'eur generous
ilcteriiiluntieii ceinpels us te no longer
Mil, en v-st ni: M.vr.s IT.
Xi:w Yum;, Sunday, .Inuunry 11, lhs;.
My Dear Mr. Viuiilerbilt; I'pen lending
j'eur letter of this afternoon General Grant
ami inj-sclf felt tliat It would be ungracious
te refuse veur lirlncelj-nnd geneieus eiler,
llenee his'note te von. Hut upon reilectleu
I tlmi I cannot, f beg that you will pardon
this npparent vai illation, and consider tills
answer dellnite and llual.
Willi i egret nml a hcnse of olillgatlen that
will ulwnvH renuiiu, I nm j-eursveij grate
fiillv, " .ll'l.l V l, Gil VNT.
.Nfi. William II. anrieibilt.
!.(! II'.V !'! .V A TI'll.
Tme.VIiii Kllliil anil IlieC'eiintr) Armiiiil Slu-H n
VV ltd l'mgliirntK "f tlm limit.
Tlie tug Mlke Dougherty was fompletoly
domellshcd near Kllzahetli, N. .!., about 10
o'clock en Suuilny bj tlie explosion of her
boiler. Twe of her crew wero killed mul
ethers badly hint. The Ikm.1 had put nshore
near llcllovue landing te inake repairs te
Heme part of the inaehhierj' that had drekeii
down, nml the explosion etvinieil whlle she
lay thoie.
The killed nml Inliired nre : William
Heller, Alleghenj-, killed; William Mnt
thuwn, (leckriiuiil, Allegheny, killed ;
Garriner JnckHen, captain Allegheii), choek
laid e)eu. Themas McQiialu, ilt'ckhanil,
I'ittsburg, leg hint Hllghtlj'.
The engineer, In u broken voice, told his
Htmv. "Wowt'ie coming up light," hen.iid,
"anil everything was going right, vvhenn
vnlvOKtem broke. It was net uxorious thing
iiudvvii i-an itshote te li x It. Thin took about
half an hour, nnd we had get Just about
Jlnlshed when I sent the llrenian down into
the held te git a bold i ineugiii
the llrcnian was Htnylug loe long and
htarted down the steps iiij-seir, when
tlie boiler let go. The f ict that I was U'lew
mvetl me from serious Injury, ns the foiee of
the explosion was all upwaul, The llreuimi
was in tlie hele nnd was tlioenlv one unhnil.
ThucapUihi wasjust vvhene t had left, mid
w us luilly wuldeil. Metiuain w us blew u clean
e ut en Hhere, mul thus hud his leg liurb- Tlie
ether, two loer fellevvn had geno fenvnul the
Stewart te get dinner, nml Matthew ule let the
beat loose,"
Nlil.UOd for i llrnliiii llisitl.
The largest verdict locerileri in tlie cemts
, of riillndelphla In recent years hi it nuit for
ilunuigCM for personal Injuries wns icmlercd
tl the ense of l Marlen Davis, against the
i'lillndelplilr Iren and steel ceiiiiiany, tlie
iilaliitltt' rocevorhig a verdlet for fUOu.
J)avls, lu 1678, whlle working In the cum
tuny'ii mill, was struck en the lie.ul with an
Iren clanip which had lieceme detached from
u revolving lly-vvhoel. Ilbt Hkull was crushed
and hl capacity, for work wa perinaiieiitly
MIIS, 1IAIi:t 71 .'.111.
Tlm I'miiim l.ltlgiint Hlrrps Her ljt Merp A
Itiiuiiinllr ('nrecr.
The funeral nf Mrs. Myrn Clark Galuus,
who died en I'rMiiy night, tK)kplaee In New'
OrlenHsSituitaj'iill'nriioeu, frointhe icshlence
of .Mrs. U li. i'uvIm, Ne. lAO Timlin "treed
The house of mourning was thronged with
ladles ami gentlemen who had known the
deceased lailj' In life, eonsplclens among
them doing ninny leading iiipiiiIhth of the
bar, hcniled by .Itulge Hillings of the United
.Stales Dlsti let court.
The Itev. Dr. 11. M. I'nlmer, of the l'reshj--terlauchlircli,ellleiated.
He plctuieil her as
n woman whose uanie will go down In Ills'
teiy asseslaled w Ith Ideas of eournge nnd do de do
teniilnntleii us nne wliosewholo llfe was de
voted In the high endeavor of the altafninent
of the single aim of vindication of hnr iinine
nml irsloriitlen or tlie wealth that she was
entitled te. The IkhIj' vmis eonveji'd te the
old ("reole eeineterj', en H.isin nticel, ami
placed hi the tomb of Daniel Clark, her
alleged father, who died in 1HI.1, unit
whose prdpertj nIhi has been trylugte legaln
for the Inst feiij- jears.
AX tJVIlNTI'tTI, t.iviu
In ISO,", Daniel Clark, nhniidHeiuP,lH)llshed
veung nun, who had lieen for semu J'eiim
leiillua tlie life of mi Indian trader in Mis
sissippi, caine te Philadelphia tecis'iid the
whiter. Clark wasa ga.v lellevv and he tool;
hi all the pleasures or thii then im HeihiIIs of
Anierlc.i. In his leniuls he met a rreneh
beauty mul lell in love with her. This
woman's iiame was Zulliun Cariler, mid nt
the lime slie was living with a frenchman
named l.u Grange us Ills wife, hut slid Hiihse
iiientlj' claimed that hIie bad discovered Hint
li Grange had a wife living in I'rance.
Wlielliernlie wns l.a Grange's wife or net
is oue of the iHiluts in question. The
iliTeudants claim that she was Ids legal wife.
At uiiv rule, when Claik met her In IsVi
she left t.u Grange and went te llve Willi
Clink, and claimed that slie was pilvattlv
in irried te li I mi. In Imm Myrn Clark was
iHiru. At tills lime Clark scut t'.ulinie te
New Orleans and engaged hlmscll in inar inar
ringe. he had in.n
i led Ziillmc, ami when nIie came hack anil
pli'hed the ease in the I'hlladelphla oeiiltH,
she was unable te niiivi cd. Hut while Clark
would have nothing te de with the mother,
lie took geed euro of tlie child. Mvra Clark
was vell educated by him, and was ti cited
ns n ihiughler. He went again Inte India
trailing in New Orleiusauil iimassed mi Im
mense lurtuii". In isrt he died, and u will
was produced showing that all his prepertj'
was felt te his mother unit te tlie rltj' of New
'i hi: hi niiiini.r.s evtiii: iiih:t i.iiki vnt.
Mym Clark, then eulj" heven jenrs old, was
aiiicntlv 'niille,s-, and the oiis'iiters took
cliurge of tlie estate. Wlieu Myr.i grew te
the age of twenty she married a Mr. Whit Whit
nev, ami then she liepm te contest the will.
She claimed Hut she was the eulj' daughter
of Daniel Clark, nnd tliat his proierlj' wus
hers. 'I he claim was at mice hotly contested
nml Mi. Whitney died before It was tried.
The widow continued te prosecute Hie suit.
Shortly afterward she mariied Gen. Gaines
nml he entered Inte the case us warmlj us
herself. The case was tried ut New Orlenns.
It wus lest. It was can led te the Supreme
court nt W ashlngten. It wnsng-dn lest.
Ill I12 it hcoined a hopeless light and at
this time Gcu. Guines riled. Hut Mjm Clark
(t,ilnis wns net iliscotir.iged.nudshertlviiller
this tlme kIie discovered a will etei'uleil bj
her father certifying that Mym was his eulj'
child nml ci eating her his sole heir. I'peu
this will Hlieugaiu went lie fore the courts in
New Orleans, she ngnln lest. Sim ngaln
appealed te the supreme court nt Washing
ton, unit here. 111 lsi'd, she obtained u Jiulg
incut cDiinriniug this will nnd giving her tlie
wliole jirepcrty lelt by her father and the
I outs thereof ler the past tliirtj- j'ears. Tlieu
the war broke out and justice vvas again do de
lav'eil. Slnee then she has lecclveri about ,i
inllllen dollars from the citv, nothing In com
parison with her rights, and the lawj'ers and
ether iiHtHnt litigation eat iqi nearlj nil tills
Mrs. Gaines had tlvei lillilieu,thiie of vvheili
suivived their chlldhoeil. Oue of the
daughters died in New Yeikeltj" under sad
circumstances, ut tlie e.ulj- nge of Mtpcu i
the ether married, U'came the mother of
three children, and riiatl in the lull of IsT'j.
The seu married a very estlmable lad.v liem
Greeullelri, M.tss. His tingle death liem u
pistol in the hands of his hrnther-iu-Iaw,
.Inines Christmas, wns a great shock te her,
mul titturry iirtmtnitt'il Mr. Giiius, who hnil
long dcplereil the enmity existing lietwcen
the two men, but whelia'd net dreamed that
it would end in siicli u lerrihle maimer.
There nre in all s granilchlliheu, hi Irs of
Mrs. Gallics.
Alxiut linn if tlie ltu.aitl Itiii.
Prem tlie VVcU I'hcstci I oral Sch
A eolereil man naiiied Mllltmin, one of the
llur;'.ml gang, lias been stepping for seme
time with a coleied preacher it'ilding nt or
near.lennerville, known us " Cel." Meseby.
A daj' or two age Millliuiu and the preacher,
who had been living verj' hai monieuslj' lo le
getlu r, get Inte a rijspule ever seme matter,
when Millhiiiu scicil a gnu mid pointed tlie
nitiwlulewnrd the head of the host, but the
pieaclier suceeeeded In knocking it mono
Miile, utter which Millburu left in het haste,
when " Cc4enel" Mesehv- went te u neigh
bor's, preeurcil u gun ami with ten or twolve
ether colored men, nil of whom weieiirmcd,
started off in pursuit efMlllbiirn, vv hein thej"
followed te about two miles lielew l'eim sta
tion, w here tlioj-lest nil trneesef hlin. The
ullulr created quileau excitement, especially
iimeng the eolereil imputation.
slm Dliln'l VV'iaUcii.
Irlncess Loulse inherited a stilt dj teiujier
and will, which were displaj-ed us long age
usher j'euthful daj'.s. When Jehn liiewn
entered the services of l'rinee Albeit the
princecnlledhlm " llrewn," nnd the lej'ul
children followed suit lu speaking te him.
The queen ceirt'cted them, nnd thej" nil mi
ll resscd hi m ns "Mr. Itrewn" excepting tlie
Princess, Louise, who prcslstcri in the right te
use the uaiiii) as her lather did. Oue morn
ing the uiiccu heard her and iufeiuied her
tliat if she again uriiliesseri Mr. Itiewn with
out u iiaudle te his name site would he sent te
be.d The next daj' when llrewn appealed the
liiture marchioness mIi! : "Geed meining,
I Jnivv ti," nnd tlien she adileri : " (iissl niglit,
llrewn, for I mil going te lied."
A lllll'itlietl of Kthillfttr.
Fliini tlie .Vleinplils (Trim ) Aviilanclie.
The chief exeeutive of Teiinessee displaj's
his own dignliied kiiowledgenf wliat Isdue
his ellk'lal station when lie fails te call en
unvberij'. The governor nf Tonnessee Is net
enlj' net IhiuiiiI te call en nnj IkmIj-, but he
forgets his station If he does. He is no mero
constrained te de it, within his smaller
sphere, tliiui the preshlent of tlie I'lilted
States within his sphere. It was Mr. Ran
dall's business te call en him. If he nog neg nog
lecteri that duty It wns Ids illscoiutesj- kept
them liem Interchange of civilities, nml net
Gov. Hate's.
11777i.v .; ltvsnnv.h mili:s.
Alloutewii is te haveu new hotel "which
will Is) oue of the largest mul lsist uppeiuteil
in tlie Lehigli xnlley."
McHvers I'eruinn. nreslilent of the l'lrst
Nntienal bank of Kasteii, died en Suuilij',
uged 70 j'ears,
Coienor David Hniith, of Carlisle, w HI seen
be 6J yeai-s of iige, nnd Is still lively nnd
active, lie bus been in continuous servlce as
coroner ler nentlv tvventj-j'ears, und is well
able te attend te his duties.
Heccints for last vv oek nt the Yei k i ev enue
olllee t fieer stumps ftiS.-d' jeigurnml clgarette
stamps, Jh,-UiiUH) ; toku-ce btamps, flilO, ami
sjhh lal taxes f lfl.du ; total f8,W4''5'"'.
TheYivnng Men's Deuioeratle nssoi'Iatleu
of Yerk, liave been -x itli u hanri hanri
seme silk; banner by tlie Democratic ladles,
of the boieugh., who vvas probably the
eldest person hi Schujlkill ceutitj', riled ut
Geriuaiitewu, ugeil 100 jears nml "a months,
lacking a day.
Heading Is te lmve a new Sunday jnqn'r In
a week ei two.
K. II. Celeman, of C'olebreok, Lebanon
cenntj'. hassl.x mules measuring lrem 17 te
IS hands high, mid jie said te be tlie largest
In that section of the state.
Kalu or .Mules.
Llntuer A' Greih sold nt publle sale ut
Kciiuet stenk j'nids, Choter county nu Tues
day, nlne head of Kentuekj' mules at prices
ranging from f 200 te W10 ier pair.
uhxi'ms eniiu: i.vcky mints that
ii ev tiii: I'ltr.MivMH.
Tlm .lintgrs I lntd Tliclr Werk nn Mtiinlnjr
Ktrndig mul lite Vliinr nil Htsirfd
Siiiiinirlnl Allniilliin Tluit Hi"
MilllllRi'lilrlit Oriel.
The birds en uxhlhltien nt llie poultry
show hnve nil Ihth seered, Ihejuilgcsdavlng
ilnlslieilthulr work en Satuidaj' alleriiiHin.
TlioHcerlng wns earelullj' tlotie, nml gives
verj" general satisfaction. Visitors will new
hav e an eprlunUj' of scanning the prize
birds, mul cempalring llielr own Judgelitent
with that of tin) elllclaljuilgcinent.
On S.ilnrdaj' evening as was previously
nuneunceri, thesoclelj-gnvenwnj- u jialr of
I'lyinimtli Ilix'kHiiuri n pulreffiuicj- pigeons.
The helrinr of ticket 101 took tlie pigeons.
On Werinesdnj' evening next a tidily eight
peimil turkej' will lie given uvvaj', mid all
visitors en Meuriaj', Tiiesdnj-, nml Wcdues
iln.y vv 111 hav e it eluuice en It. A pair of fniiey
pigeon will 1k given te the Imj'nrglrl hold
ing ii winning ticked
IteeegtiMng the demand eT the ptidlie ler
low prices tlie management of the exhibition
liave reduced the price of tickets te ten cents
for adults and the for chlhtleii.
Judges llrewn mul Keeker completed their
labors en Saturday night mid awarded the
fellow hlg premiums :
Light Hraliain 1'ewls. It. Klehl Sml pre
mium, Thes C, mid .!. 1). .immeriiiau, "d.
Light HmliiiM Chicks. Thus. C. ,V .1. D.
Zimmerman, tlrst mid second ; ilvnns ,v
Gutlitie, third.
Dark llrulima Cldeks. J. S.
Ce., Ilrst and sissmil.
Whlle Cechin I'ewls. Win.
WhllnCiM'lilu Clilcks. Win.
IIoIceiiiIhi A
.1. Hildwin,
.1. Hihlwiu,
Itlack Cechin I'ewls, T. 1'Y.uik Hvnus,
llrst nnd sissind ; Samuul td Lugle, third.
Itlack Cechin Clilcks. Thes. C. A .1. D.
.Immeruiati, llrst ami A sccenil ; S.iuiuel (.
Lngle, tlilnl.
Hull' Cechin fowls. Jehn Giesh, sis-eud.
Hull' Cechin Chicks. I' llumplirej--xllle,
llrstj Thes. C. Zimmerman, mveihI
nnd third.
I'artrlrige Cm'lilu i'ewls, Peter lliuuer,
Dartridge Cishln Chicks. Win. .1. Haiti
win, llrst mid ws-eml : Uivvienni Knapm Jr.,
K'uigsiiui Chicks. J. Hew ard Downing,
tlrst, sis'eml nnd tlihil.
Hest lllack, Wldtoer Hull Cechin Hreed
Ing Pen. T. Knink llvuns.
I'dASS Id (I vmks.
Itlack llre.isUHl Keri Mai is T. Miller, Hist;
J. I'inrseti, Hiveml; Jeseph K.'l'rissler, tliiui.
Silver Dilckwlug I'ewls Harrj' Nanriers,
Silver Duekwlng Cliicks II. A. Schrej'er,
tlrst j J. II. llolceinlie A Ce.. second.
Hed I'lleGiune i'ewls W! A. Schoenber Scheenber
ger, llrst ; J. S. UnlcnmlwA. Ce., seceiul.
Ileil l'lle U.iiue Clilcks J. S. HoUsmibe.v
Ce tlrst
Hlai'k Gaine I'ewls Helmut TI. Harms A'
Hre., ilrsd
lllack Game Chicks Herman II. ll.ums
A Hre., lirst.
Hest Game Kieerilngl'eii .leseph It. 'frisk
ier. 1'I.VSS III (ItMK llVSTVVts.
Hlaek llieivsled Hud (dune Hautatu I'ewls
G. Huirj ltceri, llrst : llnirj' Sanders, sec
ond. Hlack Hreasted lied G.uue Hantmn Chicks
J. S. lloleembo.V Ce., Hist, and a tie lo le
tvveen Geerge Gell nnd J. S. Holceinlsi A
Ce., forseverul premiums.
Yellow Duekwlng Game. Hmt.un I'ewls
J. S, llolcnmbe A Ce., llrst nnd soeoiul.
Silver Duekwlng Game Hantmn I'ewls
J. S. Holnimbe A Ce., llrst.
Mlver Duekwlng (dune Hautaui Cliicks
A tie between Jesse ti. Darlington unit J. S.
Holeembo A- Ce., for llrst picmiuin : Jesse
C. Darlington, second.
Ileil l'lle Game Hantani re,vsI. S. Hoi Hei
combo V Ce., llrst.
Hed l'lle Game H.inl.un Cliicks Walter
Smith, first.
White l'ile Gaine Hintain Cluck J. S.
lloiceinbe, A- Ce., llrst.
Hest Hreedlng Pen nfGanu) Hantaiu Jesse
(. Darlington.
1'I.ASS IV II VMlll'llfls.
Hlack HambuigChlcks-H. Heyer, llrst;
A. P. Sell?, second ; Waller Smith, thiid.
Gelden Penciled Hamburg i'ewls .1. S.
Ilolcembe, A Ce., lirst.
Gelden Penciled Hamburg Chicks .1, S.
Unicernis' ,v Ce., llrst.
t'd vss V SI'VNISH.
Spanish i'ewls Thin,
Hlack Sluuilsh Cliicks Joint (, Hist
mul Hiveml ; Thes. Powell, tliiui.
llrewn Leghorn Clilcks llneij' Neater,
Wiiite Leghorn Chicks Henrj- Neater,
llrst; Win. J. Baldwin, nwiiiI ; J. S. Hol Hel Hol
ceinlK) A Ce., third.
Dominique Leghorn I'ewls Lewis Knight,
Hest Bleeding Puis of While and Blown
Legheins llcnrj Neatei, Yerk.
1'I.ASS v l
Plymouth Heck, I'ewls Aug. U Weulzel,
first'; Levis. Themas, set-enil.
Plj'iueutli Heck, Chicks Thes. W. llnepei,
llrst"; Hvans .V. Guthrie, seeeml ; l.ev I G.
Themas thhil.
Wj'anriette, Chicks Clint les P. Themas,
tlrst 'mul third ; il. A. Sclirej'er, second.
Dominique, Cliicks lessc G, Dailiugten,
Black Java, ChicksMis I, M. Pad hen,
llrst nnd second.
Best Plymouth Heck Bieeriiug Pen Aug.
U WenUel.
ri.vss vil. rei.isii.
Wliltu Ciested Black Polish i'ewls.).
Weslev Briiekliait, llisd
Wliltu Ciested Black Pehah Cliitks .1.
Weslej' Briiekliait, tlistuiid secenil.
Best Polish Breeding Pen J. Wesley
Silver Be.uded Polish I'ewls J. S. llol llel llol
ceinlio A Ce., lirst ; W. A. ScJioenlieigor,
Cliicks J. S. Holeembo A- Ce.,
Gelden Seabright ll.uit.uu I'ewls I. S.
Holeembo A co., llrstiiuil second.
Gelden Seabright Bantam Chicks J. S.
Holeembo A-ee., llrst.
Silver Seabiiglil Bantam I'ewls 1'iank 1).
Lewis A- Bie., llrst and second.
Silver Seabright Bantam Chicks Frank
I). Lewis it Hre., tlrst ; Jeseph It. Trissler,
second; David Beitel, tliiui.
ltose Combeil Black Hantani Cliicksi-Jo-sepli
It, Trissler. llrst.
Japancse I'ewls J. S. Holeeuibo A Ce.,
lb St.
Bi ene Samuel J. Lngle, lli.t.
White Helland Cowls J. Wesley Hiuck
hint, llrst mid second; 11, 11. Tsliudj, tliiui.
White llellnnd Chicks .1. Wesley Biuck
llurt, seeeml,
Pckin J, W. Gresli, tlistuiid second.
Cuj'ugn J. N. Holeembo A Ce., Ili-sl,
Peafewls Jehn 1'iesli, tlrst.
Hairy Simdcis Second en lied Mottled
tumblersjiud blue Kuglish owls.
Jehn 12. Seliuiu Plist en lllack Swnltews,
llluek tailed Turhlls, Hellers, Iee pigeons,
Black Caitlers, Piilllucks, Blue 'i'lirblts,
Blue, Wing Tuihits, Black tjnakei's, Black
Priests, Blue Priests, Yellow Pi iesK White
Tmniietiir. .Second en ileil Swallows,
Yellow .Swallows, Blak Tulleri Tuihits, lee
ChniitH H. Leng I'irst en BlueOvvls.
l' A. Kenimel l-'lrsl en Yellow, Hedtiml
Blue Swallows, lllue Priest, Hed Quakers.
W. II, Gell 1'irsten Black Tumblers Blue
Hngllsh Owls
Henry lleltul Phut en White Owls.
Win. Breciner r'lrst, wveud and tlilnl en
Hl'tX'IAd I'llKMllIMH.
Hest pair or Asliitic, Thes O. ,t J. D. .Im
merinaii : special nieiuium of 810 : Is'st pair
of Spanish, Heurj- Neater, Yeik, $j ; Iicst
pair of games, Hurry Schrej'er, f5; host pair
of Americans Thes. W. Heeper, f,-, ; ix-fst lmlr
efBuiitntuS J. H. IlolceniljiV Ce., ?,i ; liest
collection of pigeons. Jehn II. Helium, f ." j
Is'st Incubator, Prank Hiimphreyville.
Will OH I TIM IXSll.t'Klt.
A .Mountain of Rllrrr rippiiri'il Inr litlilliltlnn
nt tin; New Drliiina shmr.
Krein the III Paw LoneHliu.
Tliuni linn nrrlvcil hi thiseitj'fiem Clilhua
hlin, mi lutorestlngexhllilt for the New Or
leans exosltleu. It consists nl' n cast of a
mountain, mnrie of silver, resting ill sin a base
alsiut llve feet long, three and n half vvlde
nml eight Inches thick. Tills hase Is of solid
sll or nml iK-nrH lliKin each side a medallion
nflllrinlgeniiri tlie words hi Spanish, "Frem
the Stnte of Chlhliuhuu te the Sew Orleans
K.xMmlliiii." Tlioeiuftnfthaiueuiitnfu which
is hollow, but novertliclessinasslvo, is about
three and a half feet high. It has two enks,
is quite naturnl In npm'nrancu, Is eev ered vv Ith
enctl and oilier Mexlcuu vegetation, and has
n band of soldlers scaling Its sides mid mi In
tllnit Rhnetlngn deer with n Imw nml nrrew
nt its liase nil cast in silver. Tlie whole
tiling vvelgiisulHiiit three tens mid is valued
nt tiyjttO. Wells. I'nrgeA Ce's express nre
doing the ferwmilitig.
A Hllirr .Vlmlrl of sIHn, (liurrli.
Thoilcpartmctitefsditehas ns-clved fiem
William llgan eV Ce., or Cerk, Ireland, n
ftelld sliver mislel of Sh.uiihm churcli, Cerk,
which Ih Intended for exhibition at tlie New
Orleans Hxisisitieu. This is llietliureh inade
famous through tlie familiar (ss'in, the
"Bells of Shmdeii," Iiv the lite IVanels
Malienj' (Father 1'reut).
I'..'.vrr erviu.irt: casus.
Itniiilrliiie 11m IntiTvriitlnii r tlm stern (liinnl
latis of tlm I'litdlc I'caii'.
Mrs. James Jacobs upis-arcd at the olllee of
Alderman l'oiiluej', en Saluiday uveiilng,
withdrew the suits et assiuit and bitler.vmid
surely or peace she had cnteied nguinst her
husband and lald the costs.
Christopher Columbus titvvnkn languishes
in Jail hecause be wus unable te furnish lail
te answer a. cliai'ge of assault uud liatterj
lireferreri ngnlngt hlin bj- his wife. Abler
in in Spurrier will dispose of the case.
Dennis Sullivan, a stranger, was nriestcd
bj' Olllcer Merrlnger en Njtunlny eveulng
en a warrant Issucil b.v Alderman A. i.
Denuellj-. Dennis wus committed te tlie
ceutitj' prison this meining for a short teim.
Jehn It. Guntiicr, charged with emberling
f 100, Hie prepertj" of Heist A Hre., cigar man
ufictuiers. vvas tuiestcil bv Olllcer Weaver
en Saturriaj- night. Tlie accused entered
hail for n hearing liefoie Ahleunan McCon McCen McCon
enij'. Tlirl.v-tliree vags weie iiiiuiles of tlie
sditlen' hoitse en Saturdaj- anil Sunriaj
nights. Tliey w ero dlstliarged tills morning.
Jehn Cress, rer Ihreatening te de lxxlily
harm te Cliatles Oiislein, was lie.itil bj
Alilernian A. P. Deunellv euSaturilaj niglit.
The nceused nnd presei uter airanged their
illllleulties iKjfore tlioceiicliislnunf the hear
ing, mid tlie suit was withdraw it.
Krnst Arneld, prosecuted bj Jehn Ihslej'
for siiretv or pciee, was requited te enter
lil Ter trial nt court, bv Alderman Denuellj-,
ortlie Hlghth ward, en s.iturriaj night.
Ixiite Butz unit Charlette Betr. were heard
bj' Alderman Dennelly or the Lighth Ward
eh Saturilaj- niglit; en chafges preferred bj bj
Jehn Kisley. Tlie cases weie ictiinied te
court nml the ilclenihuils entereil Udl for
Murgsiret Fisher, of Bieiientan's court, was
heairi bj Alderman Barr en Satiirdaj' even
ing, en "charges of assault and battel j' am!
siitetj' or tlie isiice. Marv Dermer npiK-ared
ns tlie pieseentrix. Duriiigthe hearing
puet liei-ame enrageil at the piesecutrix, ran
at her nnd struck her sevei-al times iMtfore
nnv oue could interfere. Margaret was coni ceni
mftlcd hi default of Kill for trial nt court.
Peter Short nnd Frank Bej-il were heard
bv Alilerninn Barr tills morning en a charge
nt'stcaling a bullale lobe lrem the carriage of
Hiuij' Lintnci. In default of bail they were
committed ter trial.
1) iv lil Jenes, arrested for assault and
lulterv en Themas Mackln, and William
Lutz, arresleil ferdruiikennessaud diserderlj"
conduct, will be he.nd li.v Barren
Aniitlit-rOlil It'll.
Tlie newlv uihuilt Lutheran cliiiich nt
Selieellei slew ii, Lebanon cenntj', was dedi
cated lecentlj-. The ihurch vvlilih it le
places was elected, it is suiri, ns e.uly as 17IVV.
A lorrespemlont in" tlie f.ittu rait OLservi'r,
in leferiiiig te Hie dedication el the ciiiinh,
seaks as lollevv s of the old chinch and Its
liell : "It wasa massive, slruc
tuie, with a line steeple and a lell which was
cast in Ihigland, and was nne of the llrst, if
net (Ac llrst church bell in America. Tradi
tion s,ij-s tliat it contained n conslderable
aiueiin't ofgeld and sliver, whL'li was thrown
in among the molten when it was cast
1 1 j- the uobllltj'ef Kiigluml. In 1Si!7 it was
enifked whilsl being tolled terim uged meni
licr of tlie ihurch, who, m a moment efgreat
anger nt his sler, predicted tliat it would
liurst wnen it was rung 101 msiieatii aiimig
w hii'h actuall.v bsik pl.u c. It was sent le
Meneel.vA Ce., teltti iccast, but members or
tlie congregation assert that thej' saw the
identical old bell, einekeil as it was at our
national Centennial iu is7ii."
I.Ut nT I'llf ladiicil I. Iters.
Following is tlie list of unclaimed letters
lemaiiiini; in the pnstollli-e et Uuic.ister ,P.i.,
for the week ending Meiulav, .laiiu.irj' lith,
lsSTi :
l.aiUes' List. Mis. M.iri i Athlen, Mrs
Mary Hut, Miss Ihnma Kin man, Miss I'.Hlo
Funk, Miss Funiiv lletlei, I Inn let Mnllsey,
Miss Minnie MeCulleiigh. Miss LUlie N'fiv
ple, Miss Hesie Mav 'stelgei, F.niuia U
.stew ait.
(,'rut's And Abraham P.niklielder, Jehn
11, Clair, David IMvv.utls, X.iren Citnier,
Win. l'sweitliv, James It. Frj. II. Giigg
(rer.), FiederieU Hihlebunil, D. '1'. Hema.i,
G. Kellers, Jehn KnnUcr ( I), Wiliner Kuutz,
Patrick Mallog, Dersev Muriel, Anreu
ltehrei, Valentine S unlet, I Sheallei, K. M.
Weidel, diailes Yeagci.
Tilt' SpanKll Trc:ll I'ulliN a .Mellld
Fi-iiin Ilia riillailclplutt liieulclt-llt'ialil.
The L incasler feinilj r.unieis tlen't want
the Spanisji tieaty latihed, Is cause II will
mill the tobacco raising. But Pi esident Ar
thur does want it, ami, theicleie, se does Sen Sen
aeor Cameren. It vv ill l a beautiful sect.u.'le
te see the Ijaucistcr eeiuity delegatieii ut
Hurrlshuig, led I ij' tlie suave Mjliu and tlie
iniiij- mciimau, selling out uiu iiueicsis m
their constituents hi eulei te help tlie Cant Cant
eien in.ichine. Anil mi.intinie tlie l.mcaster
Vrmmner will be Hie oiganet the Kile, anil
the -Yeit' J'ra which seems te hav e lieueiiiti
an old one stands silently bj', linving been
iinpresseil, pet imps bj tlie ussei liens of tlie
Plillailelphia 'Vinci Hi it Cameren is alie.ulj
eleeteil, unil that tlie people tieeri net try te
Sates nl Ileal i:t.iti.
Allan A. Herr A" Ce. sold last week at pri
vate stle tlie fellow lug estate :
Twn-slery brick ilvvelling, Ne. 113 1-ist
New stieet, ewuetl bv Israel P. Mayer, te
Mis. Giwke Troj'er, ter Jl.sOtl.
Tvvivsterj' brick dwelling, Ne. 1,5.1 Hast
New stieet, owned bv Israel P. Mayer, te
Mrs, Hudislll, for Cham.
Tv e tw o-sterj' frame dw ellings nt Knitters-
town, Luneasler cenntj-, owned b.v Jehn N.
Hiuliaker, te Hcnrv Umriis, for ?700.
A l.eiiin fur Hie (iiiicrniu.
TlioAVeineii'sSllkCultuio.issiviation which
Is laboring earnestly te make America ti silk
giewiug mid silk luanufaetuilng ceuntrj-, is
ulsnit te present a handsome silk loom te tlie
goveinerol'tho citv of Snijuu, in the Hely
Lnuil. UisOilciiLil Hlgliiies.slss.iiri te he a
vetv liberal and just i tiler, uud ismieiicour ismieiiceur ismieiicour
ngeref tlie silk- Indiistiv. The iisstvl.itleu
will llrst Hciiriuhunil loom, which will Inter
be tollevved bj one epeiattd lij steam.
I .line I inierad
Tlm funeral or lalw.uri S. Mllley took
place en Sunday afternoon m.ri wasuttendetl
by Uuicaster Lmlge Ne. 117, I. O. O. F., mul
Couestnga council, Ne. i. O. I'. A. M. Ser
xlct'S weie hehl nt the Bethel Chiucli, Itev.
.Seilhuiuer eilit'lating. The interinnut wns
iiudenl Lnucastorceineterj.
Tlie Neate.t Paper lu jintiitnr.
Frem tlm Jlarlctyi Itculstci
The neatest ixiin-r iu Ime,ister tlie I.v
Tr.ddUiKSt'ijit reels pi oil I .that It was u
tlie vv hilling slde hi national uilairs and
lias "spruced up" according! j'.
tiii: r.u.Aiir.Tiirttwx iiaxk i'aii.viii:
riirtlifrl'iirtlitilnrftli Onmli In llie Northern
1'inl TulkhiB r it Nitllenal lHult Tlm
I're.blent of tlm llnfiuirt Ceneerii
Itliiinrii tlm Nevntinpers.
In Snturriny's I.VTdddttiKNCKit theie wns
n brier nntlee of the susensIeii ortlie Farm
ers' bank ri:il7.ibothtevvn, a private banking
heuse owned mul cenihtcted by .Samuel
Kbj. It was supposed at, that tlme that the
closing et tlie bank would net amount (n
much, ns the deposits went said te be
light, and Mr. Lhj''s lent cstnte wns
known te Ihi nniplj sullleietit te cover
the $M,000 in judgniciits entereil up
against him. But, since the doers of the
liank tlescil, llicre nre miners tliat the
rieiKislls nre quite heavj' a majority or the
depositors being the Dunknrd nnd Mctitio Mctitie Mctitio
nlte farmers lu the ndjnccnl ceuntrj, who
wcie tempted te place tliclr surplus cash hi
tlie bank because of tlie lllieral Interest (.liter
cent). ald theiii for ids me. Fer seme j'ears
past tlie bank has been In rather liail odor
with tlie prominent business men of tlie
borough, and tliej' have given it the ge-bj',
transacting their business tlueugh the banks
of Midiiletewn, Mount Jej- and this citv-.
One objection which tliese men nre said te
have hail against the bank, Is that it has In
tel let red with their projector establishing n
national hank iu tlie Iiernugh.
Tiie closing ortlie lntik created n geed ileal
or excitement in I'.ll7,ibethteun nu Satuidaj,
and when the news spread into tlie ceunlij'
and reached the rural depositors, nutiilN'rsef
tlieiu lleekcil te town te leek after their tem
Miral Interests, lnsteailofgeliigto'inceling,"
ns is their Suudaj' custom. All kind of ru
mors prevailed "among them and e.xagge-
rated statenieuts concerning the tondi tendi tondi
tieu of the bank were made. The
most reliable statements are te tlie plltvt
that tlie liabilities are lrem J0,(XKI te
$100,000. The amount or assets nutslile
or Mr. Khy'H real estate, is net known, or
nt least is net made public. Mr. l'liy himself
Is sick and unable te attend le business nnd
It l i lay be seme ilavs lieforean neeuratosdite neeuratesdite neeuratosdite
mentls made, Mr.lUij' issniil te licinuchchn
gritied at the rumors which gave rlse te the
run ujieii his bank, ami te h.ive threatened
seme of the nowspupers w ith prosecution for
tlie accounts thej- liave given of tlie suspen
sion. Had It net been ler thes" rumors and
the pnbllcitj given te them through tlie
imiers, he says he w eiilri have pulled through
all right ; nnd' he IsMIeves he can pull
through j'et.but It may take seme tlme te de
We nre assured that tliere is no truth in the
report that Abratn Cellins, Mr. Lbv's father-in-law,
unil Jehn HertIer, Ids clerk, hnve
been appointed nssguees by Mr. Hbv'. Cp te
11 e'elisK this morning no assignment of Ids
preK.'rtj- had been made.
msTeitv ok Tin: hank.
The bank was started hi 1T.O, and Mr.
is said te liave lieen backed by Mr. Cellins,
Ids fatlicr-lu-l.ivv. It is said tliat Mr. Cellins
iias net, ir lie ever had, anv pecimiarj' in
lerest in tlie concern. Fer the lirst eight or
ten vears of its existetice tlie lunk nppeared
todeathiiving business and was Jargelj
supimited bv tlie business men or the
iKireugh ; but Mr. Kliy, having met with
lieavj' losses In tlie stock or the Hanover
Junction ndlread, lie lest their connilcnee te
a conslderable extent, and their patronage
wus withdraw n, nnd the business of tlie bank
lias lieen steadilj going luck.
Tlietolslittle doubt that active measuies
will be taken lij soine of tlie wealtli.v men of
Fiialietiitown'te erganize a national hank In
tliat borough, as tlicie is net in the county n
IiMilltj' where ene under pieper manage.
inent vveuld meet mero lllieral siipjiert.
in: nu.r. nnr.srr.t: xe mom:.
Imuran ('. Kevi (llvt'i l' III Siiliieii unit Aid
tetles te lleteiim u .MInNter.
The announcement wnsniade iiiCIeveland,
Oliie, Sunday night, that Diuieun C. Kevt, (he
laineus Seetcli athlete, had given up his sa
loon business, renounced athletics, unil had
decided te enter tlie ministrj'. Te a rtqiei ter
who called upon him Mr. Hess said :
"Yes I utn going te glve up iny saloon and
shall vv restle no mere. I hav e decided le
enter tlie pulpit, and nut hew pel feeling mj
plans for that purpose. I have te-night vv l it
ten u letter te the facility of Trlnltj' college,
n theological seminarj' at Terente, for ad
mission. 1 hepe te obtain a f.ivorable leplj",
and ir I de I shall immediately close up mj
alluirsnnri outer. Mj' purpose is te dike a
tw e j'ears' eourse or study in theolegj' uud te
then enter the ministry. "
"Wliat lias caused veur present determina
tion?" "PrlnciiKillj' n desire te help mj' lellevv
men," replied the uthlete. "Sineo mj- vv ire's
death 1 have no heait te lesunie inj- wiest
llng inatelies, nnd the siloen business lias al
ways lieen obnoxious te me, besides I am
new cehv incctl that in tliisw u.v I can de the
most geed, nnd that It is mj duty. In my
iiiHli'iilnr ltnwtiic-4 I d.ivn seen ln.inv tdillD'S
that vv ill he useful te me iu the pulpit.
" It w 111 net Ih) m.v pin pese te wage a war
upon saloon keepers espeelallj'. In ether
words, I shall net xse asn relerined iliunk
mil, for I have never been a druiikaid,
neither will I preach and advocate teuiper
ante extliisivelj'. It is lather my design te
nelnt out lolhe"vouiur the ilauirers that lie in
w ait rer theiii in the great cities, mul te adv o e o
eate a v igoreus war en the disieputable tlens
that inlest cities I 1iek) te get away liem
the eitv within two weeks, mid te enter tol tel tol
lege bv the Hist el" Febiuarj'."
ltossisenoortho lies! known athletes iu
the country. His leinaikiible matt lies with
Cel. McLaughlin, MutsuriaSerakiehl, Mul Mul Mul
iloen ami man V ethers will U lemeinbeitsl.
He has hi lifs X)ssnssnu uliuest UK) medals
wen Iiv him in athletic contests Fer the
(ust veiir he bus been traveling tlueugh the
country, lirl!eipallng In tlie Caledonian club
( nutests open, nlilj' toScelthinen, uud has
wen nt least ulut'tv-llve ier cent, ortlie
medals olleictl.
Aii.lmMi Wt'itilliig.
JehiiK. Mast nnri MKs Sthinie oek, son
mul ilnughtcrnrvety vvenlthy Atuisli tanners
residing near Morgantevv n, vveie m.uiieil en
Satiirtl.ry. The plain ceroinenj- of Joining
hnnils took plaee in tlie meeting-house, nfler
vvhitli a lengthy piocesdeti iiinivlicd te u
house, vvlioie u great banquet was held. A
feature or the feast was as follews: A j-eting
inuii seleeteil his Hweetlieat t and both went
te the table. This action was lollevv ed by
similar selections until nil the j'eung couples
had geno In. A hyinii was sung, when roust
ing for ten minutes followed. Then all
arose, each couple heldlugn book lietwcen
them, ami another hyinii was sung. Feast
ing then continued another ten minutes
vv hen tlieiu was mero singing ns heroic. In
this vvaj- the festivities were kept up ler six
lelill Id lleilliUeii'it Tielldlei.
Jehn IX Dennlseu, vvlie Jumped his ball
mid nbsceiuled fiem tlie jurisdiction of our
court, was brought liem B.iltinieie en Satur
dnj' ev ening lij- Slierill Touilinsen, mid
leilged in llie Lancaster county prison.
Levi Hensenig nppeared nt the olllee of
Alderman Ferdnev, en Katuiiliij', mid tiled n
complaint uguiust bouuiseii for l.ilse pretence.
He ulleges Deiuiiseii bv falsi) unil ti-auri-ulent
ieiesenlntlens obtained cattle te tlie
value el' I.M!i.S7 fiem him. A ceniiiiltiueut
vvas sent te the county ptisen tn detain Dcn
nisnii bj' Alrieimau 1 euliiej-.
Tills morning Themas J. Davis, esq,,
Issued an attachment against Dennlseu for a
debt nr$TitM.l I owing te Uenrge W. Slyer and
tlie Nhuiiir attached fitti hi inoney and u geld
watch anil chain whkh Dennlseu hud with
lilni wlien lie was brought te tlie prison mid
which Is new In thu hands of Koepcr Bttrk Bttrk Bttrk
holtler. The slierill nlse seied a herst) and
buggy belonging te Dennlseu nt his home in
.M.IJ'lOW 11.
Thirty MgliU (Int.
One electrie nnd tvventy-nliiu gasollne
lights vvoie roierteil as net burning en rint
uiday and Sunday nights
Death nr .sMlnitcl An
I'atnes Aim),
A Red
Samuel Jehnsen died at hi rcsldoiiee Iu
Gorrieuvllle, J'eslerdny nged nlwut M j-enrs
Deceased hns been niannger or the Pcquea
sleui) qtiarrles owned bj Jmnes Yeung ,t
Ce. He was taken sick seme tlme nge nnd
died of a complication orillscases Downs a
popular man In the neighborhood, vvliete he
will lie greatlj- missed. He leaves a wife and
n family of grew n children.
Death nriui Old Cltdcn.
Jehn Wechfiiwell known resident or tlie
wmtlient sjctieu ortlie city died en Halurdnj-,
atlilsresIdcneoNe. OH Seuth Queen street,
aged 7.1 j-ears He wns n slieein iker Iiv trade
and lived In the heuse vvhere he il led ter
ever thlity ye.u. His ruiieral will take
place lo-meriovv nnernoen at 3 o'clock.
SiKlilen Deatli ndi Tlieatrli-it Ai;ent.
Hdwnrd N. Clark, who was nn agent nnd
member or llie New Yerk Sdiudaitl Dramatic,
ceuipatij-, which npjiears In this city te-night,
died suddenly in Potlstew u, j-eslerdaj-. Mr.
Clark spent last Tiiursdaj' nnd I'ririn.vln this
city, advertising his show nnd then icttlrned
te Pottstown. On Saturday evening while
standing in trout or the opera heuse he com
plained or reeling ill mid cenchideil te gote
the home of n relative. La-steveuitigii muni
tier or tlie teinpauy went te tholieuscto in
quiie after him w lien it wus ascertained that
he vvas dead. The company were te hnve
plnvcd "Hazel Klrkc" here this evening, lint
owing le Clark's death the Mil will 1)0
i hanged te "The Tickct-ef-Leav e Man."
Clark wns nlient SO j'ears nnd unmarried. He been with tlioceinpanj Initii week.
Iteiuiliili lit Toe Itelatlte wlni Icnl Net Met
for JVIuin Tliau l'erly l'enrs.
Themas I Bell, or Nerwnlk, Conn., Is a
weil-tiMln tailor. Foiiy-tluee j-eai-s nge he
lived with his parents nnd nn elder brother,
Hrivvnrd.nt Berwick, en tlieTweed, Scotland
One morning I'd ward wns missing, mid it
was round tliat he had run aw.iv- rrem home.
Nothing was ever heard of hlin nnd iie wns
siipiKiseri te lie dead. Iu 1SJ0 tlie parents tiled
nnd Tliem is emigrated te America. Fer tlie
pasttwcnt.v j'ears he has lived hi Nervvalk.
On l'rldnv last u str.tnger ntrlved in town
nml began inquiring for one Themas Bell.
He vvas taken te Mr. Bell's place of business
anil "there unneiinecrihitnself ns the leit
brother lMwnrri. Mr. Bell was nt first In In
creilnleus hut tlie stranger gave conclusive
pi oefs of his Identity. Mr. Bell was finally
eenvliiceil mid Joyfully weleetued him.
Thev had net met bcforeforfoity-tlireo j-ears
"When I left home lu 1311," saj-s Kdvvurd
Bell, "I enlisted in the Hngllsh nrtlllery. I
did tvventj'-one j'ears or netive service, nnd
witli the urtillerj', wns hi tlie Crimean war.
At tliccloieof tnj- servlee I was peusloneil
nnd nt onee lell for my old home at Bervvlch,
en the Tw ecd. On my arrival thure I learned
that my parents had died j'ears before, and
tliat Brether Themas had geno te America. I
could diseoverno trace et his whnrcalieubt,
and llnalij- gave up the seaith.
"Alxiut a month age I received newsfreiu a
Irictiil that mj brother was lix-ated Iiere In
Nerwnlk. As seen ns possible I ielV ler this
place, and here I am. I nm overjoyed nt
meeting him again, anil I think I shall re
main here tlie rest of my riavs I nm in
comfortable circumstances, nnd shall make
inv home with mj- brother."
i'dwarri Bell Is 01 vears old, and is of line
phj'sique. His brother Themas saj'h Hint if
JMwnrtl is willing he will take hint into
aeiix ki:t.i.y's vAvv.n svsrv.xns.
MI taken Management in Polities I)etlt tlm
Tamilian) (Irgvlii.
The New Yerk Slur en Sundaj' unneuneed
tliat it liasli id te succumb te tlie haul times,
anil vv ill eulj-apiiear iu the ruttire as a Sun
day piper. Tlie real causes rer tlie paper's
devv nl'all nre easj- te Unci. It began a j'ear or
songe piintinga seiies of diagrams showing
the location of everj- gin mill and thinking
saloon in the city. They vv ere marked out hi
lilaek blocks nnd nil counted similarly, the
uive nun tne giiueii puiace snowing niiKe.
Tins made hundreds or the keepers or the
bcttci class nf saloons mail. Then came the
presidential campaign, and here the Star
hint itself badly bv its cold support or Clove- itsleaningtew.ini Butler. It hadn't
much el u margin te weik en, nnd this elec
tion business breke it up.
It is said tliat Jehn Kelly had ene or two
gisid elleis ter it, but rciuscd them bet ause
tlie would-be liu.vers would net plctlge thorn
selves te sustain Tamilian v Hall and Jehn
Kelly tlueugh thick and thin.
Tlm Indication or ParNian Olrli.
All exceptinnallj- well infeimeil Paris eor eer eor
iesve)ident wiites in reterence te Parisian
girls' cilucatleii : A personal niieedotevvill go
luitlitr te teullim mj statement nluuit the
degrading, though perhaps net altogether un
justifiable, suspicion of Fieneli parents with
rcgaul te their girls.nnd of tlie restraint iui iui
pesed upon them te tlie tla.v of their mai mai
liage. I iiumlicr nuieug mj' iit.jUainlKxer--,
nn Ihiglisli indj-, vvell-'nevvu in tlie world
of literature, the mother or two charming
daughteis, eighteen nail nineteen. Though
anxious that her girls should become
tlioreughlj' lamlllar v ith l'lencli, m.v friend
nbleeteil tii tlie huiniliatingsysteinol'surveil-
lauce of the Frenti liairding whoel. Se
while in Pails, she se it her gills te n fust,
class I'stublislinient ns outileor pupils. The
school was net u quuiteefun hour limn iier
own losidenceat Neuillj. Oue daj' the elder
vvas aecennianlcil thither by her cousin, n
lltie Hngllsh lad. Tlie scnet.'.inlsttess told
lier that such bihavier weulii bring her
houseintoilisieptito. Tlie girl replied that
ihiglish girls had no need of being watched
te Is-iiuve themselves. She never ciiteml the
house again.
Aeilileiitatl) Cut His Threat.
I Ian j- Boek, butcher, or Strusbi.rg, met
with quite ii setieus nivhleut nt the ('MM
Kej's hotel, West King stieet, Ihi- eitj-,abe ut
11 o'clock this meining lie wiw assisting-In
en rjing a large cnii of laril into he cellar,
w hen u small piece of oue el" the stejk' liroUe
oil', causing hli.l te loe-o his looting, nnd lie
fell te the IrOl.ent et tlie sdilis His neck
stitiek. upon miner the "" e! the 1 ird can,
which cut a Rash just below liie chin, nierci
than an inch and a half In length and leach leach
Ingalmesttf the wiuriplK Ilait the weutid
been nu intl lower It weUid lirebaldy lmve
been fatal. The injuied man was taken tn
Hull's drug Mere, where tlie ragged wound
was sewed up.
till. til. I.-) Xetes.
Captain Chnilcs W. Felgor, emy son ofthe
late secretary or the tieu-surv. has died hi
(icuev.i, New Yeik, of consiimplieu, at the
uge of 40 jenis He leaves nw lie nnd llve
t'nl. i:. 11 lllce. who wns United States
minister te Japan under tlie administrations
or Presidents Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln mul
(Ir.iiit, dietl In Washington, nged 01.
A. Fuller Crane, n well known lihleniid
leather ineicTiuut nf Baltimore, died hi tliat
city, aged 01.
Ilieke Ills Arm.
Sutidav iiieriihig Geoige D. Wmi'el, nged
1 1 j-cats n son of J. K. Wurrel, or Intercourse,
went te tlie hflioel liouse in which Miss
Snllie hlehinan Is teacher, Jbr tlie puriiose of
keeplug nil the llie In the steve se that the
loom would be warm Monday morning. On
his way home, he Inadvertently stcpiied oil
the plank-walk nnd, lulling, breke his left
nrinnbovetho wrist. Dr. W. II. Smith, of
Intel course, set the hiekeii linn.
Ailinlnlcil a Niitlnmil ABileulluml DelfpUe.
from 111" Mount Jey Her.dil,
Hen. JcsMi ICennedj', formerly ortlie Mount
Jnv orphan school, nutsiu incuienihlu caildl caildl
.liie for CeiiLrres.s finiii tills distllc,, Ulld
lalclvrcmeveil te Iowa, has beceme u pro pre
IK'iiruslaiuier, and has lieen apiKiltited by
tlie governor or his state u delegate, te the
Natltmal Agricultural socletj", which will
meet in New Oi leans ne.xt j'enr.
'Tlie Jt.iarut" en Mturitay Jt'lglit.
On Saturday evening llie BeiiuettA: Moul Moul
ten epem eempanj appeared lu the eient
hottie Ter the lust time, and the audience was
again very large. "The Mascot" was suiiff
in a stvie original with this tsmipany and it
seeinetl te please. The treni went trem Iiere
teTieiilpn, wherotlieyupiiear this week.
tiii: MeitTtr.niY
1 1
i:u:n:x or ri;ti'i; vt.ritHuiAr.mi
ini.t.v.n n t- a i.ocehoti r ?
-. -,!A
They Ilseapn lrein Their IMnlnre Near I'tuM-
luirg, Ohie, ,re titertaUeii inn Nurrewf,
Cut nml (Irniiml I'leres liy it Pnueu. $
KfrTiidn-TliB Titflnti Woimtteid ""!'
MMiixenni.t), e j,,. i2.A fmv lniu.
w est or I'lattsbiiig, cinrk county, rrttimn'i U
..,H..,, mrim t lytiusiiaie uorses escaped i
from thelr stnre nnd were eik the
railway truck, near Hawkins' (Jut
W lieu the cast bound train rmnnnlnntr hf. id ."-s
rate efn tnlle nnilntite, Tlie frlahtencil heiW J "
ran nleiifr tlie track ami were ehased hy llmf 1
"leiuini,,. Jmi, uiii narrow cm, niillcueuciOM
togethcr. crewillmr eacli ether. 1 fei-e tlm lMlf ' 1
caine thiinderliig nleng nnd hi a second thtji thtji thtji
liorseswcre mnslicil ngainstthe enrth Hlrieira? '
cutiiptuidcr tlie wheels or dnsheil high In 3j '
the air. The locomotive nlew oil tin ouch llmtf
shrieking mass, killing cloven out of tfiSJ
iwcivc, unit nntiiy wentidliig the tvvelfl!i.i
Tlie great speed of tlie train saved It fremjjj
neing tuieiieii. The ctiglne wns only slightly XI
tlnmnged. The horses were Mtluetl nt fawSH
per liead. -jjS'5
Tin: I'llllAlililA-irrA .t ni:.inrvn. &$&
Tlie Allltll li 3Ieellli!? Tlin I'lnnn, Inl cn. t.i.
llie mi.l dial nml Iren Cem- ;i
iwinjr Set I'lirtli.
,.... . ...... , . M. -r
i iiii,Ani;i.niiA, .inn. i Tlie mitiuiUaliM
lneetlng or the Phllndelphta k llendhig
railroad eeniiiany was presided overbvKri-
want T. Wiielen nnd has thus far lioe!ir;
entirely harmonious Tlie annual re- ISl
pert wns except ienally bilcf. Tlie fti
tlohteftho mllreiul, InrliitlliiiricuclvcrV cerxi"
tilliailesis$'J,0s(l)2H; citrieut liabilities $7,. .ft
770,815; tetil debt 51P,a)7,050. Tlie fieatliifr ?
iiuut et llie coal and Iren company'
is c-.i'e-v,-.!.! j current liauiiuies Olc-tjl, ' ;,
in, i euu ei ueiu conipanies, fi,rli, s.-5
Hit. Tlie st.ileinenter earnings nmloxiienso'"N
sliovvedgres earnings or $I7,4.")0,81S ; sreas"'!
,n ,u,, v-.,"", '. t iii;i ailllll, t ,',-n , Js
ra '' 1.1
'Clin l.nn,ll,n1,lMpf .tint, !. ..!..... -e f JW
i,,Vi .,. ,wii we M1,II, ,(,u 111 111, lUIltl tfl Wl
,. 1.I..1. t. ...... I.h.. ,...,.,l,.l 1 I.l 2 i!
, iiiun ii i, i, wt-t'ii iMiifiiaiit'vi, was presunieu
nnuAir. ifatikim it. tiewcu uinilen lcngthv ,143
speei'h lu Its r.iver. Arter Sfr. (Hewen
had concluded his remarks the election Ih
was proeooiled with, and tliore is little, S
ii any opposition te tlie regular
ticket, as follews: president, Oeorge UeIJ. ,fi
ICclni : niannirers. J. It. .T.lnnlnentl. I- V. -Sf
Wllllautseii, Franklin A. Comly, Jeseph t
Wliarten, Joint Wauauiaker, llnberl lli "$&
Sayre ; secretary, Albert roster ; tro.mtrer, m
Win. A. Church. 'AM
Plielnn Will Oet Well. !M
Nr.w Yerk, Jan. li At the hospital te-
daj- it vvas refuted that Captain Phclan vvafejO
progressing veiysatisfacterilj", most of the 'SH
vv emuls being nlreadj' healed. It is oxpected '$$
mat tne weunti w iiicu iracitiruu llie uone ei ,nv
l. let ... I .!.., .... rAut-.... . i.7j
inn it-ii in in, nun iiiu iiiui nuuuus llU9llsa
wound of nil in the Ien arm, will he JieaIe4t?5
by te-nlglid The captain's wife Is with hliti,it
t.i...,.r, ....v.. 'rail Ir, llm. r.i.ti 1. ....e... f,ll. t-.l-
, jiiinrii umiiiv inuii iiuisii. t.ll. itPi
Iniiliiii Paper .Make Merry Over 11 ewe Jc?
Londex, .Inn. li All the nevvspaperH&f
speak in n sitirleil manner of O'Donevail $M
Itessvs priulcnce lu doing absent from hid fj
olllee during tlie rraejsen Fritlaj. tjM
Ilelvu dntdnnuil VViiuU Her Vetes Ceunteids
VV ASin.NOTt).V,.IUll. ij, iscnmej Ainengss
the petitions preiented was ene from Uelva3-
Loekweod, pi-aitig Congress te .sce thntihera
etes cast for her-for prestdcirt-be tuiiuitutl. TfM
Heuse. Among tlie resolutions Intre-','i3
duccil wns one bj JIcAdoe, (New Jcrsej-),'
f'.iltlliivtiivm thn lielmnsitne rrniieml fill- Ilia &
,A,i,l.kti ,,u l i Itnlltn t ,,rt ll, It.lil l,M, htlS
i,, ,.', ,n ., ,,..u..,i-. ... i, ,..,j i,. .',. j5
law applies te letter carriers j8f
- - - - spN
Mining Sttigiiutinu In tlie Lehigh Vnlley. ..,,
Wn.Kitsiivititi:, P.u, Jan. li The Allien' 4
coal ceiiipatij' nt Alden, near this city, iiescil?gj
their mines this liinriining for nn indefinite JuS
lime. Thej' liave employed S00 ineii. It Is j
rumnied nineiig coal opernlers here that the ,jJ
I.ehlgh Vnllej" coal company nre nbeut teM
shut ilnwii in sntnnil ivf lliplr cnllnnps wlllcll f-7
will th:ew 1,000 parsons out of omplej'iiient.r
A Wife .Murderer Sentence t In lie Hanged.
B.i.Ti5ieitt:, Mil., Jan. 12. Jehn Sett,jS
coleied, convicted of the murder of his wife
bv poison, w-asto-rinj'feentcneedtolioliniigod. jt,
The governor will Iiv the date. AVhcn seu-,5
lencen ,eeii secmen moie ucau inuu uuvc, ,..!
He isWitTeriiigrromceusumptionniid paralyMg
sis uud at liesl cm llve but a short tlme.
Chars c Apilnnt an Army Olttcer
WASmxfiTe.v, D. C, Jan. li Gen. IlaranAtSfi
chief signal eniccr,has tiled with the secretary &
of uiir I'nrtenl mniliist (leu. ('li'illlleflV-.rtt
... ..... .w...... ......n. - n. .-.-- ... -,, ?3l
McKcever, assistant adjutant gcnernl, feraH?a
legeci reinarun iierog.uerj- te i.ieuu ureeijj
unil tne management ei ine o.xiwtiuien nents
te Ids relief by the signal ofllce. t'
' , .. . . - 'jfJl
YevKitns, N. Y., Jan. li A Tour Bteryfg
brick building eecuiiied by Iteetl A Cermlck, m
A M'llO.OOO Ilrn 111 Viltllrer. . X. '"'.S
lnauut'aetiiiliig chemists, the Maltlne manual
tactiiiiiig eempanj-, ami me iew ierK
I ll.lllliai ll l-wmi;,i,iiwii, .,- lUlllirjul ..J ...wj,
cmlv tills nieriiltig. Less ev er ?200,000. &j
111. .... ...... .1 .... ....I.. II..,, .. na iln.lpncnil li lira J
... ., , ,. ...,. -!
neilTd l.lllll, tiling in u j.ii;iisi, .,.,, j".
I.o.sne.v, ,ian. i. .v severu gaie prevairara
nlonirthecntlii) British coast. A niiillbereTi
v essel'i me icperted w reeked and many llve'?
i'' k
A -Miiulcrer Seiiteneeil te 1'! Years. "k
f.,... llm v V T Tn, ID vjti
.111,1' 1 llllltlil, -. ., ...III. I. lWltWT J
Kilej-, tsmv icted of nun der Iu tlie second Jb-h
giee ler Killing naniuei r. iieruer.wns uwujr 9j
. .... . . . , ,... . t.. Vn,
scnieuccii loiweivo jcait uupiiseiuufiii. iii,j
Hie state prison. j
Apimlnteil State Tieaturer of New Jeniey,
TitdNTe.v, N. J., Jan. li The govorner
Blaekwcll state treasurer, vlee Wrlgh
A Celd Wave In Diihqtn.
I'Atttie, Jmt. li A cold wave Is Kiveeplnjr
tlevv 11 OH mis seciiuu nun is uavunnri
Onut.vdTAit, Jan. li A slight KirthuuiikaVi
tIia flllinillnr lEneic SllllUell. , l1
wns ion ncre ie-tiaj-. m
-- ' ; JVM
WAKin.vtnesf, D. C, Jan. li Fer'HnH
Mhhlle Atltiiitle sUttes, generally xil
clearing weather, preceeded by lhjhCI
lrn,l iilns. sniithwesterlv Hhlftlllir te cellUti
nertliw csterly winds, rising preeeedcil en Urn .
cixist by railing barometer.
Ill en HI luaiiiriiratleu Ere. ,''i
f; en end Marmadilke la lvluir In Ills ree J
nt the Hetol Verther, Kd TmH uiliwl
wild heiunrrlin'C nnd toero W.S
...xui,,! Ilmf llm l,il, rriimt epmillOlltOA willed '
are te formally Install hlin In the efficii tt4
govx'rner of the Ktute or .xiiweun
IIIUV IlllV" l' I'W pnil"'!"'" ...--- ,---tf
i. .. .. i, ,v.rL-imr ttiiii thu i2overtier-(
l.. lul.11, llin llntf of lllissl nml tti 1
initlent hi condition t" g" through,!?
lermailtlt'i ei me niiiiiKuniMiMi. vjw
Marmadilke Is kept iierfettlj' tpilet mti
from eju'lli'iiiuill, win no reni.w
ihug'j will take place, tliw Uwniwf J
I .. II, I... ..II Vl.,1.1 !.,' llllt 4JH I
iixtltciiioiiter rush of btoetl te thci,!'
result dlsaUreuslj', t ,.
Arram-lnif fur H'lttr I
e.....i.,i,i( t il.e Water WadW i
1 lallech was ut Heading eh ?
HOIS (SllltUttOtl Willi HWCOWWWVU. tmm j
lert fiiiimlry cenilwiiyjW' inKi
pljsi for our nit)'.' " ,
t., -