V P f..S rf -,. if' tiie- mM. 3 ; ir rf VOLUME XXI NO. 1 10. LANCASTER, PA., TIIUHSDAY, JANUAliY 8. 1885. PRICE TWO CRNTIM &1) ip iintclUq a A V 1. !8. 'a. .UK I.K, e, Jes. TIIKHAmEOFNKWOULKAXS. si:ri:xrti:in commi:meiiatiox or a I'AMOVS AMIWIVAX VIUTOItV. Htm (leueriil .littkneit Wen IIU Spurs mt tit ittltiiiul Ait'iiaI'iii ki-tilinitt'n iKiittinhi. Inn. Iicfr-it Htimn t'lmnlt ti-i-l.tle Mini.'. f "(11.1 IlliUni)," Te day Is tlin anniversary of the fatuous liatlle of New Orleans, fought .Ian. 8, ll."t, in which lien. Jnckseu inliite lil llrst Mop up tlie ladder of runic. Ter many year tiller It nctiiirrcucn the event wan yearly celebrated nil cier tlie (iiutitiy by civil itiul inllllaty displays. There used tt Imi parades public iiioellun". public dinners, wllli sentlnienls nnil ps.s-hes, KilWnt night, etc, etc Am ii local minivers iry even Indcpendcnce Day wns less in oeniurison. Hut slneu llie lain illl war lilt) popular pinetloeof ohsertlng It hni fallen almost Inte disuse, Ily this victory Louisiana was sived from tlie domination of llritlili nrius, which tint Kngllsh cnmmnuiler, (lencral I'ackcuham, sought In neisunpllsli by hrcuking faith, mill taking the lx'ople nt tint mouth ul tlie Missis sippi hv sin prise with n veteran Hilllsh nriuv, tlie pick of tlie troeiw who li.ul cutied icuewii during tlie Nnpoli-eult- war1. Hut they wero ilore it oil, ami their o.KMlenoeti unit gallant cnmiiuuulcr nlalti liv n devoted liaml et Aiucrlcaus.umch luforier In number, Imt led liy a ueiu-ral w he iliilteil tlie Indomi table will of tlie natural cDiiim.iudcr with llie genius of tlie backwoods bushllghter rr.id.v te niiikii tlie most of evrry available mean's ofilefi'iisiiofwliloli tliOHltiiatlen was susooptl suseoptl susoeptl 1 il'. P.irUcnhaui was cut in h.ilfliv n caution lull, nnil, like ninny an noter, nmle his last nppoaniwe en the stage in "two pieces" while lilstlimpH, nfter hall iiflhcmh.nl lieell slaughtered, saved themselves lt going en luuril tlie lliitlsli Nhljisef war. Strange te re late, lioweor, this oenlllt't nt New Orleans lu ISM w-as nnueeessrirj te settle nil ieliit, for a few days iK'ferun treaty of peace hail lioeii signed hy tlie plenipotentiaries of tlie t'nlleil States ami (ireal Ililtalu at (Jhent t hut Htlll It must I te ronieiiiliereil that If tlie result of tlie engagement li.ul been illllcient tlie Mississippi might Ks.slhly new he tlie western Ixiiiuilary of tlie republic. At all events, the credit el American arms Mat Dually established, ami American prowess In the llelil has ivmalueil unquestioned from Islanp te this time, .larkMiiiunit IIU Cntltm Halt Ittttipirt The story or the Initie, hew, through tlie dauntless leailershlpef (icneral Jacksen ami his cotton l!e rauiarts, mill thu deadly illln of his haslllv -gathered nriuv, the Invading lorce of veterans who had Is'cti hardened iiml tempered in thollresof an linmlred Kit tles went ileleati-d and driven te their ships, isf.iuiiliir. Though Jacksen was net a cul tured man in the polite sense or the term, he had a strong well-lKiIimccd iiilml, am) lie would go through IbrestM or sophistry mid iiLisses nf liv.il ojiinlens stralKht te the'Hiint. J!oerner Wise, of Virginia, who admired tit in jsreatlv, used te tell u lery lllustratloef tlie ieiikIi Wk of Old lllckery'n character. During the administration of I'resldcnt MeuriH', (icncr-.it Jnekseu, in command or wime (iim)h, in ailed l'lerlda mid captured Arliuthuet mul Ainbrlster, two Kiiullslimeu who, It was charged, Incited the Indians te depredations. He nt imce ordered n ooiirt eoiirt oeiirt ' martial, nml liad them haiiKist wltli Imt llttle time te proure Ter their future plaw of alxulc. lie was nrraiiKed ler the ellencc lieferi) tin" cjblnet of Mr. MniinK1, nml Mr. Adams ttie si-cretary efhUte, defeuded him en the IiIkIi Kreuml of international law us expounded In (iretius, Vnttel nml l'utleii l'utleii ilerr. Jack suit, who h id (iiiarrelled w ith Mr. Menree, was disiejcd te legal it the matter as entirely iHreii,il. "Confound (inities; eon round I'litTomlerf; confound iiltcl,"H,tlil he, "this is a nieri' imtter Ijctween Jim Monreii nml me." It Is also h dd or him that, indine, the iiicstlen ordispute botweeti this country ami Trance in i-cpint te the dein.iiid for Ki,0iKi,. tiilil, Ids jiiess.u5i te CeiiKress eoetalmsl a direct mul niMiltim; threat te Leuis I'lilllpiHi. The cabinet unsulteit ami urRed a i haiige or the pliniHi-olej;. Mr. l'orsythe, then hoero-tar- or htati', adieltlj changed the lauuai life dli fated by the president, te Milieu it ami in. ike the message mere dliileinatii lu terms, mid mere eemfnrl.il lie te pmecful nml courteous national inton-eiii-v. Hut when Mr. Donel Denel Donel heii, the president's private Heeretan, rend te him treui tint proof Hlus-ts, Jacksen stopjied him when he get te the pait relating te Kraiioe. "Itend that nmiiu, sir," Mild he, "that is net my language, It has been changed, and I will have no ether expression of 1113" own meaning than my own vveuls." The original words were Hiilistitiiled, and his absolute dio die dio datien w rung rrem rrance the money which never could have been obtained through ill M ileiiiik'. .siwatei: rAiirs ueM.t.ci:. lien tin .Mtiritctl mi Irltlt flirt .lntet It) Aisl- itcnt rnr Arii. "Senater J.iiikm (1. I'air, of Nevada, was Isirn within five mlloser wheie I was" said a gentleman ennuis toil with the Chicago jsillce departinenl en Wedncsduy. "Thore havolieen many anicdetcH piilili.-lied alsiut him, nml especially nlieut Ills divorced wife, hut I think that I call tell hew she became his wife, li :i mere accident, as it were. Jim's laiuily lived in ceuut.v Tyrene, while oursc.iiue Irem an adjoining county. Tlie I 'airs were known in nil the ceuntrv around as llghtersaud right geed ones they wcie. llo lle ll"i lieing rellews that knew hew te handle 11 bUkthern, they w 010 very geed carpon carpen terC J Iiii'm father mid mother did net live ery happily together, no thoeld man packed up 'his trails mul cauie te America. He in.uie luonev nnil went back te m'O linw his laiuilj was gutting along. At tlie time of his return Jim was alxiut twenty yearsotnge. Jlewas the father's pet, and when the old chap was rcadv toceiuo Iwck te America he took him wltiriilm. At tills same time Jim was on en I'ltirett ten vitiinir tflrl liami'd l'canee. I can't h.iv iinythtllg alsiut the nutlng that tertk plitce hctwicu them, hut it must have Ix'cn 11 tender 0110 011 the part of tlie future senator, as subsequent events hIiewciI. " At any rate, nfter he and the old man get ever te America they went nt ciipentering and made money very fast. J Ini thought of his HWi'etheart, mul longed for her. He scut iiHiiui of money te 11 filend tepay ter her out lit and passagu te the Cnited States " tlilnking that she would sixm isune te Jein Ins fortunes in the New World. .V few months after this veiling I'air received i tenly from his friend te whom he had sent tlie letter. The nature or the nilsslve must liave Mil red Ids heart te the depths. It was te the otleet that Miss l'e.uce had married another young man. iindeoiiseiliicntlvceillil net be expected te will en the ne.xt ship te her expectant loer. "Hut thou 11110 letter which conveyed this newH also said that thore win no occasion for sadness. It reminded young I'air that thoie was 11 younger sister lu the family whose beauty and gra.-es wero as cliniuiing as theso of the elder 0110. His fileud con cluded his letter with the nionesltlou Hint he should oll'er the Using fortunes nml the inouey of Pair te 0110 who could ueceptthem. Te cut It short, Jim sent back word that he could de he, and it was net long aller that when the younger .Miss I'eaicu sailed te Aiiierleu te vveil the future Ixnianj king nml senator. llcrHilbsequent history has been told In print many n time, Imt I think that this story or Senater l'ulr's imi ly llfe will be new te thu general public." 1 'i i;.vi is ir r it ami's. Tiny lteli unit .lliiltlale iiTnuk Walker Hint I.nave lilm Ilelplrfeii mitt ll)lni;. Jehn Nniek, a llungailaii, was employed en the Lehigh Valley 111llre.ul as 11 track wulker between Nowpeit and 1'iilnlew. Whlle making 0110 or his usual trips last Monday night he was attacked tit Kspy Hun by three tramps. After roli reli blng him of his vvntch and chain nml sev eral dollars lu silver they stripied liltn and divided the clothing equally among theiu theiu selves. Net satisfied with hav ing taken overy every overy thlngliein lilm, they threw the man 011 the ground, Hed ills hands and feet and lullleted Injuries Hint may yet Is) thocause or Ills death. The ninii pleaded liard for the rascals tospaie his HI'", but they paid no attention te It tin. Autliey wero again about te niake nse of thokillle the wostern oxpress which leaves limten at () 11. in., caiiig lu sight. The t nunjis liocame lriglitened at the nppitneli or thu ciiik, took lii their heels nml ran through tlie weeds. At the tllite or the nv Miiult tliontiuesphoro wns ery isild, nml a Mill bteoze wns blowing. The track walker lay lileeillngand rivelng, with noplneelo go, powet less mid helpless, nnlxxly within tlie sound of his video nml death storing him In Ihn Ian-, lln was feuud by 11 (xisslug train, HUltseqitetitly, nnil, though we.il: and ex hausted, imiv iwever. When llie crew of tlie train that cartled Vnrek te Hlvervlew IliHlHivv him along tlie track he was xtalucd with bleed flout head te fisil, nml they I bought lie had been knocked down nml lolled under 11 tnilu. A .WATMMOSlAh VOMI'I.ICATIUW Tint I 'iirinitr Oiiicriifs utie Marriett 11 Wlihttti r ullliHU ClillilriMi. Clara Kclieldcmau, In 11 hill ler soparate tualiitonaiice tiled In thu Nitixirinr eeuil, Chloige, s.iy liar husband llenry was a widower with six children lu IsSl and she a gevvrucs'i lu Iowa. Ms wrole lier tint hi) wauled 11 hojtsekcopor, and tiller hoiiie cot cet cot rei imleuce Induced her te iicoept the ikm. lien. IIoneoii ivs'ompllHhed her ruin, mIie claims iituler premls-j of m trrl ige, mid nfter lopeattd ilnmaudsen her pift nml lu Tuna Is 011 Ids the ui'irrlngoteok iluce, biithoexnctoil from her 11 "enutra.'t III (smtotnplntleii of nnrrlnge." Shu could net reail Kuglisli, and claims that hIie did net understand this con. tract and repudiated It 11s HiMin 11s she knew" of Its Imiiert. Aller tliiMiinrringii he Inhuiiie Miry cruel, ftlui .iyN, mul onei'diovo hci'eut or'thottoc er'thottoc or'thettoc ond uteiy window, compelling her te ntny IMirchetl rorhenio II1110 uiien the window ledge. She had te le.ivn him last mouth, mid new asks th it he shall iirtkoHiiitnhle prevision I01 her support. He Is acalilnet-in iker, Is worth alsnit S'itMKjO and has nu Ineenii) of f.),0Vl or fc-l,NH)n jar, The contract Is in mihstatice that ir Clara Ncvvinan (Mrs. McIieIiIciiiiii'h tiialdeu naine) hlieiihl Ikvoiiie iliss.ttlsllbd nml wish te liuve Schelilenian she could de se and live Kopa Kepa Kopa niteand njurt Irein him. If she should leuve within the yeirs nfter their uiarringe hlie ngreetl te accept fritl in full for her claim en the estate j If during the hcceihI Ue venrs, her portion would be SI.Oile. In case .Sfhcldi" man should die during the llrwt II ve MMrs, mid hIiohIieuIiI net live pc-iccrullv with his ramlly slie was te have (soe; tf lie should die during the ttcueuil tUeycin Khowaste have 51, 'JW. in iwmi of a divorce suit luvtlto luvtlte tisl by either thirty during the llrst lve jears Alie must rest s.itl.hed with f.'(H)iiliiiieuv, Imt uaitohave SI.OCO ir the suit w.w Instituted during tlie second the years. In cese eriiis dfi:ith aller ten yeirs sliu would Ihj entitled te S2,rmil, mid If nrier- tvvolve yairj, SJ.O0O. A ny inoneyor pnicrty left by her was te gote thedilhlreii. She was te signull deeds or elhei p.iiers us he might dlris-t, and t cIe.uk the estate bem any claim for alimony, devvrr or witlew 'saw ard upon icceipt of the stipu lated nineiiuL i:.isti;;. t.r.Auvt: .n:i:riu Nil ' nits r.iilthi'lv laiHriil-'lliii llM.int- IIOMlt tT till 4'levt'tllllt ('lull. Tlie Isianl of directors of the Kasteni l.oague imfo-isleiMl base ball clubs nut at the Itiugham house, Philadelphia, en Wed iuMln. Thore wero prosent.I. Henry Klein, of Trenten ; Jehn Copland, et Lancaster ; Michael Si-inlan, of Washington, nml Ilcnrv 11. Dlddlclrak, president. The organization was reitertwl in 11 nourishing condition. Six clubs had positively enteied, a nc.incy win loll Ter Jersey City and the eighth eltili Is t'XiKvttsI (online from llartl'erd, Trey or Al iMiiy. The loslgnatieu of James V. .MeCar rlck, of Norfolk, from llie beard of directors wnsiiiTOplednnd A. W. Ctruves, ofthesaino city, ni ehs-tisl te till the anincy. The Hiiestien of t'ie adoption of tlioelllei.il ball for lsVt was considered in execiiti ve session ami resulted in the adoption of the Shiho ball. The rutin i) of the Cleveland club has been lln.dly settled. It has dlsli.iuded and Its roslgnatleii from tlie National League, te- gether w Ith llie ieKmsii of its players. Is new 111 1110 nanus 01 rrt'siueiii eung, Itroeklyu will get seven of tlie iilaven HllnllOUg, Kicig, H.irkius llet.ilin ng, l'hllllps riiickney npil Mnillli. A geed round sum is said te liave been iMiil ler these pl.ijers. The deal was completed 011 Monday and the plav ers, in charge of Manager lla'ckctt, have Im'eii taken te a town near the Canada Ixirder, where thev will lie kept under close sun oil lame until the.v h.i e slguetl contracts. This Iiisuics .1 siren'g team ler llroeklyn, the ether players se far signed being lliiyes, Tciry, Cassiily ami swarlwrssl. Ilttt (littitllt tr Vintlicrtt Iniliimtrtfs. Tlie I'alllinerc Miiuufiieturfri' J'ectml, in its annual lovievv of Southern Indiistilcs, piilillshes 11 list of all manufacturing and mining 1 nlerpiUeserganli'cd in the Southern states in )s.sl, giving name, location and th.ir.it t( r of biiHiuiss 01 each. The list shows I.NiTi new onterprisos with nil aggregate capital reaching tlie enoimeus sum et ?10a, WJ,Ut. The list slievvs that almost every liiiuich if general m.iuutactlires Is iepri sented. Cotten and woolen mills, machlue shojis, foundries blastfurnaces Ice lacterles, S.IW mills, planing mills, building material factories, fiiiiiiture lacteries cmriage and wagon I icteries, handle facteiies. etc., are very liuiucreus. Tlicroare maiiv Heur mills nml ititirit Inlftts-ti r.teftirii. iiml it l.trtn. I number of isitten seisl oil niillsas well as mining enterprises el all kinds, geld, silv or, copper, inii-a, coal, etc. .v noticeable icatuie is tlie amount of N01 llieni and Western capital going Inte the Seuth, though tlie Southern people are themselves showing remarkable energy in developing their resources. llrttwlli ttT Hit) Mtiriniiii Ctinrtli, Sonic time age 11 New Yerk publishing lieusu requested liifoinntieu Irem llie inte rior ilep.uluieut, Washington, touching the Inciease or iuenilx.'1'shlp ()f the Moimeu church 1'ieiu IsiO te IssO. In icply the 1 ensus bin can states that tlie census of lS0 contained the only reliable leeeid of the iiumber of .Moriile'ns in Ibe Inlted States, the previous inquiries hav ing elicited information only in regatd te the number of chinch organiza tions and number of sittings, rieiu theso Inquiries it appears that in lbje thore were Hi 1 liunlt oigaiilzatiensnild 10,8S0 sittings; in lsiki, 21 organizations and l.kOtW Hittlugs ; lu ISM), ls'J organizations and S7.SW sittings and in 1S70, 2ii7 oiganlz.itieiiH and fi.'s2i7J sittings. Tlie actual niembeiklilp of tlie Moimeu cliuicli, nweiiling te the census et ISsO, wns 711,1-vi. Tlie Ancient rnniiiMvtirU or.lekcti. The framoweik ofjekos Is handed down fiem nne cueratlGu te another, llkoaudiiens and spinning wheels 1'er Instance : The Jlnrleril lbst, learning that there Is 11 coin lu Southern ltussla se small that It takes 2.VI of tlieiu te be worth fl, icmarks that they must be very convenient ler chailtable pur- ases. The Jeke npiH-ars In every age vv Itheut iiiucii niieiaunu. u is nrsi neuecu m i.ug llsh literature ntler the nsocnslen or Jaiucs I. te the throne had brought lu 11 herde or liun giy Scotch placc-liuuteis te tlie gieat disgust or'the I'nglish, who wanted all the places theinselM's, Jnkes at the oxpense of the Scotch, oftsiurse becaine very iMipular, nnd tills w.ih ene of tlie most Hipular : " Why nre they coining farthings again 7" "Te give Scetchmen nil opportunity te suhsciibe te benevolent objects." Mm rcfk'it Ureal t'lurlt). Hy the tonus of her will, pre luted en Wed nesday at Chicago, tholateMrs, ClarissaC. l'eck, vv Idevv or rhlliutder l'eck, left SlKi.UK) te hcrielatlves and the lemaluder eflieres. tate, estimated nt lictween f IO0,tXX) nnd gTiOli, (KMI for tlie foundation of a home for incura bles lu Chicago. Tim Old IVopIe's Heme of Chicago, Is loll 310,1X10, nnd the same amount ler the American Sunday Scheel Colen nnd the Lake l'eiest I'nlveislty. The Second 1'ioHhvterLiii Chinch of CliIcaiTO Is It-It Sic. (MO for infusion schools mid $10,QOO Is bequeathed te the Heard ot'lleino Missloiisnfthe I'resby terlan ehuiili in llie I'nlted States. I'rit.fdttitr Did Net Appt-ai. Hunt v Lecders, of .Mlllersvllle, was heard by Alderman Spurrier last evening en n charge of defrauding A. tleorge out of SO. The prosecutor failed te appear te push the case and Iedcrs was discharged from enstiHly. Wlnrti DM lle Mop-' Mr. 1. I. Hiker, WW Seuth Duke street, Yerk, writes te ascertain ut vvhat hotel lu this city ids son, A. H. Hiker, slopped nlwnt tlvu mouths nga Any 0110 who ran givothe information w ill "olilige a sorrow lug lather," FRUITS AND FLOWKKS. ro.vi'K.vne.v rut: mtati: iieiiti- Wl.TUItAl.AHSXWIATIey. rrtiKriiiiiiiift f'1 ItinTncnty.sUtti Aiiimnl Jllrft- Ing te lis llrlil In Ijim n.lir .Mitttin of tlMtltitlr. te ttn llrlt.f.it-.TIii ( I niters t.r llie Km III). The annual meeting of this association will 1st held lu I'slilemau'H hall, North Dukn street, Lancaster, en Wednesday mid Thlirs day, January Ist ami 2A1, IHS'i, otieuliig nt II e'clwk n. m. WiHlncsdny. Kxi'tirsleu vail lead raU'S liave Ihjeii secilied nnd leduoed prices nt the hotels. With theso advantage it Is hoped te secure for the exhibition tlie co ce co ejicratlou of nil ihtsehs fnterestcd in horti culture, llorlciillure, gardening and kindred pursuits; and their contributions or new or cIieleHKviineiis or fruits, Mowers or horti cultural pi eilucts of any kind scut by mall orexprossto the seoreUiry nt the Stevens Iioime will have prompt nnd careful attention. A question box will be piovlded for the ro re ro eppllen of qucstleu 011 horticultural topics. 1111: nximctMi'.s. There will be three sessions dally, as bil bil eows: On Wednesday at lln 111., 2 mid 7:30 l. 111. Thursdny at RiVt a in., - 11ml 710 p. in. The fellow lug prograinnie of uxorclses for the two d.ivs lias been nrrnnged : Wednesday, January 21, epculirg session, 11 a. 111. Address of welcome, nnd nwponse; miscellaneous preliminary business. After After neon session, 'J i. in. Heading minutes of previous meeting, mil call et inumbers, olec lien of olllcers, icperts of olllcers, reKirtser standing ceinniittces, rojierts or sjierlal coiu ceiu inittees, iiiillulslied biiHluess orrenuer meet ing, new business, essays, a Idresscs Ac; an nual address liy the president. "Horticul tural Adornment of ltunil Hemes," W. II. Moen, Meirlsvlllc, Pa. ; "The I'rult Indus Indus tries of the I'liclllc Coast," bv I). IX, Longs Lengs Longs derr, Mcchatilcshiirg, l'a.; " Horticiiltuie en the Kami," bv Dr. James Caldcr, Harris 1 111 rg, l'a.; "lVultd and I'lew ers In Connec tion with the I'rogress of Civ lllz-ttlen, by I'ref. Meehau, fierinaulewii, l'iu On Thursday evening, at 7 ::',() p. 111., Mr. Meehnn or I'liiladelphln, will deliver a Ice turn en 'Krtiltsund Flowers In connection with the progress or civilization." Win. Saunders ', of department or ngrlcultuic, Washington, I). C, nnd S. It. I'nrsens, or flushing, N. Y., nnd 1110 pxiss-ted te Ik) pro pre sent ilurliig the sessions. The billowing topics have Ikjcii pniosed for discussion : ".should Horticiiltuie 1st taught In our Public Schools?" "Hardy Cilinlxjrs vvhat varieties are Isist for shade nnil ornament ?" "l'otateos j Is'st and earli est varieties, and hew te grew them." "Canning versus Kvaiierating I'rult; which Is proferaolo 7" Metnliers nml ethers me in v ited te suggest ether topics for discussion, or present tliein tlireuglt the question Itex. 'llie following nre the referred nnd con cen tiiiueil subjects fietu last annual meeting : "Hew can we pievcnt the ravages et the Apple HererT" Te I-Satterthwnlt. "Hew can the usefulness and lntliience of our Asso ciation 1)0 best proinetod and extended 7" Te ProreHserMeiluii. ".Should ourStatoes eurStatoes ourStatees Htahlish a station for (xM,rimeuts in Agri culture nnd Horticulture 7" The present elllivrs of the society ure : I'resldent, (tee. 1). Stitrel, Heading; vlcc- iircsiiicnts, iieniy ,vi. i;ngie, .vianeua ;.iesian iKMipes, vv esi inesier; W. I'. Itlssell, I'itts- burg ; recording swretirv, I. It, 1 Ingle, Wavncslwiii; corresiiendlnir secretary, W. I. Ilriuteii, Christiana; treasurer, (fen, It. Themas, West Chester; lllinirian, (iabriel lllestcr, llarrisburg; piofessor of IkiUuv, Tims. Meehau, (ierm.uitewu ; professor of etoinelogv, S. s, Hathveu, Ijiuinster: pro fessor et' horticultural ihemlstrv, S. It. Helges Yerk. The cominitlee of arrangements for tlie Lancaster inecting consists of Calv in Cooper, Inn. 1'. Witmcruml 11 H. l'ugle, iipiKiiuted by the slate horticultural association, anil Dr. .1. 1. Wickershalii. M. 1). Keuilig ami James Weed, named bv tlie local organization. what mi: vveii.d mki:tu knew. Hew long Mayer Hoseuiuiller intends al lowing his pelice te peddlu i-ases te alder iiiuii'n elllees which he should hear himself. Hew many sviple are new living etl the soup house vv he are net entitled te any bone bene ilia vv hatever. Why the ether Republican candidates for alderman of tlie Sixth ward nre allow ing Mill. Tralni te get 11l1c.ul of them liy iiestlngcards announcing Ids cand lilac v, which nre as large asclicus bills. Whether "Ally" SH'ece's liicnd, Jake Kouilieer, Intends te run ter alderinau of llie Ninth ward te uscertnin hew much it is worth te some ether candidate te get him oil' the track. Hew etten the dlgnilled chief or pelice has lmraded North Queen Htieetslnce he swured Ids new overcoat. Ilow liadly Win Weaver will down Mint Keeae for the Republican nomination of constable In the Killh waul. Hew Mill 1'iiiliu and IM. it.irulmld both exjs'ct te 1k elected In the Sixth ward, when one Is sure te be InuidleapiH'd. new iiiucii unto pouce eiueers speiui 111 tlie skating rink, vvlieii they should !,1eH0t,"l' ,he ,",st('"1 I'!?1 00 eisevviiere, up tlie Lastetn I.cairiie In favor et the Shiho I wll. Count) Itt'tsirtl. St'lzctl li u .lelj. A telegrnui from 1'errest City, l'etter ceun ty, Dak., k.ijs: An armed mob from (let-' tysburg and vicinity c.une te reircstCitv Wednesday morning, and, under charge of C. W.liilcliiist, Jim Hilseiiaud 11 nianiiaiiied Doty, took HMsesslen of the public ixveids by tearing out ixirtsortlie building in which thev were kept and removing them by force, and tlie probabilities are that a tight wilt ensue. Citizens are coming In fiem all direc tions, and c. iv unless the recoulsaie return ed liy tn-tnoiiew the county will boaseono et blixHlshed and riot, A great inajeilty of the people dosite te seothe cenntvseat mat ter settled by a court, nnd will libido its deci sion cheerfully. The probabilities me tli.it 150 men, men aimed le the teeth, will make a raid en (iettvsburg te-night nnd demand the room ds. A Nctiiu-t It) llie Slmi-en Cast-. The Masen Ccmctery association, l'liiladel phhi, has In ought suit against ox-Hcmiter Shaieuaud ethers for desecrating 11 grave. During the dlvorce suit a witness testified that Miss Hill placed some of Mr. Sharen'rt iinder-garnients in u ncwly-iiiade grave ler the purpese or acting ns a leve charm en the millionaire o.x-seuater. Health Oflleer Me.ust. at tlie Instigation orSenaterSliaion'scounsol, had the gnive opened te ascertaln irsucli in tides wero deposited tliere. The claim is new undo Unit tlie grave was desecrated and fi.lHNl damagei 1110 asked. The suit is chletly te test the authority el" the health olllcers in such inatters. Can viu llii'iii wtili S'liiilav Mulls? 1'ieiu tin) Memvlm Can the delivery or malls and the transac tion of business nt oiirpestolllees be Justitled as works of ncceutty? Te be sure we 1110 u mighty people, and gie.it Is the dollar of llie Americans which must constantly be inade and vv ershlpped 7 Yet we can scaroely beast of acItvtlmtdees.ti business like tli.it of the old-fashioned town of Londen, Luglaud. lu Louden no lottery 1110 either delivered or col cel col leoted en Sunday. Itelf.ist, IMIubuigli mul n huiidied mul twenty ether Hrltlsh cities llnd that their business is net crippled bv dlsieiislng w 1th it Sunday delivery. Itciiiuinlii'iril All Imt tint 'It-it. t reni tlie New erk sua Minister (aller cliunh) Yeu seeiued very liiuclilmpiessed hv my sermon this morning, deacon. Deacon ( who had dozed thieuuh It all 1 Y-yes I was-er very much Interested, indeed, but would j 011 mind repeating the text 7 The exact w erds luv e escaped me. Minister He glveth Ills beloved bleeji. SlieuM I't'i'l Akliuinui! or Oiirschr. r'leiii tlie, 1'liUaiU-lplilA Times Ohie's exhibit at New Orleans cost fto.eoo ; Maryland's f 2 1,000; New Yerk's, f20,000; New Jeney's, 18,U0i), mid Pennsylvnnin'1 only ?7,000 se far, of which Commissioner Themas paid fiOW) hlinsell. The inslgiilll inslgiilll cauce of Pennsylvania's exhibit is u standing reproach te visitors fiem this state, and lets of us ought te feel ashamed of ourselves. a rtAtvnivinsa seutr.rv. The Aiiiihernnry of 11 Mtsshnmr Ontaiibiitltin nt (Jtnrryi llie, The Hi. l'nttl's Missionary society or the Koreruicd chitreli, or (lunrryvllle, held Its llrst niinlvcnury en Sunday, .limitary Ith. The o.xerelses consisted of the npestlcs' creed united In by nil; the gospel and eplstle for the Kplpliany or manifestation of Christ te the llentlles, unit prayer liy the vice president ; mi address by llie pastor, icpert hy the presi dent nnd treasurer's report, together with Hinging ntul I11stru111e11t.il music. The pastor prefaced his remarks liy stating that n letter had lieen received from Mr. Hey, vv he Is especially Interested lu mission work, expressing his regrets for net being nlile, In coiisequenee or slcknes 4, loenjey the pleasure efliclng ptccnt;nlKethatulcttcrhadbccn re ceived fiem Ilov. Dr. Appel, general sniior sniier sniior iiitendeiit or tnlsslens expressing like re grets In consequence efa previous engage ment te be lu Wilmington, Del., at tills tliue with the prospect of establishing n mission thore. Hev. Souder then leferred te the great missionary, St. I'iuiI, quoting soine of Ids sayings In the 1,1th chapter or Ills llrst eplstle te the Corinthians en which he based his remarks. The President's rcxil Indicated ti steady growth or the society, whlt-h was erganised 0110 year age. It then numbered Is mem Iwrs Its present number is 70. At Its last monthly meeting the following oIIcemwcio elected, lz : O. W, Hctisel as president r I. W. lleliniis vlce-prcililcnt; Samuel C. Heat as secretary mid (). J 1. Haul) ns treasurer, with the mster as president ex-etlli le. Ten incinlMirs additional te the elllcers vv ere npiwlnteil as an executive committee le in terest tlie society In the wei k or missions, le secure tlie names or new members, ami te carry out nny Instruction which may hegiveii by tlie society. As small Rtrcains help te niake great waters, se the little, the small amounts help te de n great works in tlie cause or missions. Tlie treasurer stated in his icp.ert that dur ing the year there vvereoentribiitloiis in dues Irein thu members te the amount of f-iacfl ; hy sjHH'ial collection, $3.Im ; In all lecelved, $ll.l ; exixjiises fl.lS t leaving a balance or $10 In the treasury tow aids meeting tlie vari ous demands lu the cause or missions. A disposition of the funds will lie made at the next monthly meeting. The pastor exprewd the desire Unit the priv Ilege iKX'enled of entering upon another year might i.erve te inspire the society with fresh courage 11 ml Increased 7e.1l for the master's cause; as tlie elder we grew, the inorewonro Indebted te tlie Lord for addi tional mercies se should our love beceme wanner, our synqulliv greater, our 7e.1l mere ardent. Thus dosed n very pleasant meeting or tlie llrst unnlversiry el the society. In.tilliitltiii tifCruntt Army OIIU rrs. Assistant Adjutant (lencral Themas J. Stew ait installed the following elllcers of Admri.ll HeiieJds pest Ne. la,, (1. A. H. en Wednesday evening : Cemiiimtler Washington I Hanibiight. Senior loe Ceimmtuler Rebert C. Mc Donnell. Junier Vlce Commander Smith Swords. ()uarterin.ister I. Itathfen. Surgeon Dr. J. S. Smith. Cliitplain A. C. Leenard. OlllcorerthoDav If. II. Het7. Ollleeref the (Juard Harry Hliekender fer. Counsel or Administration Jehn S. Ken dig, Adam Delict, Jehn R Leng. Representatives te State Lucampmcul I). Hartinan, jr.. It. C. McDonnell ; alternates, L. Rathfon, James Crawfenl. Inside Sentinel Veter l!eas. Outside Sentinel .lelin Ik Deruinver. Adjutant Jehn lllack, Jr. Qiiartennaster Sergcnnt W. H.llelliiieler. Sergeant Majer David llartninn. Atler tlie installation the mcmliersi !t the iiest partook or a collation at Uoergo 11. Mil ler's restaurant, urinys lories were retold, songs sung nml n geed time generally was had. Acitess tiii: (if.Nrv iiei:t)i:i:. Only ene deputy has been given te Sherlll lleyer, et ISeiks leimtv, bv the sil.iry Ixxirtl. Dining tlie ear ls.s there weie thirty-six tires in Ite-adliig, noneet them veiv serious. Tlie total levies by Hi e dirring tlie year ag gregated y.-.,;s.i)e. in iwi, 52isai7i. At 11 s)hvi,i1 meeting tr Lebanon cl.issiser the Itefonned tiiuicb held at Reading en Monday, it was decided te divide the ciassis tlie beund.uy lines te lie ihcSchuvlkill liver and the Itlue ineimtains. The territory lying west or thu livei and south of tlie mountains w ill hereafter I hi known as I.elia 11011 ciassis, and the teuilery north of the mountains and the east of thoiiverasScliuvl theiiverasScliuvl kill elnssls. Heading will lie contained in tlie new dassis. Lebanon ciassis will here after contain about 15 ministers mul Schuyl kill 2a. - sai sricim:. A lnlv Takes 3lurlatir Atltt Itt'catise Her llils- hiiliil's I'srlti VVa I'tiiff-lescil. Wenl was received 111 Scran ten, en Wed ncsday of the attempted suicide en Monday afternoon, under painful ciivuinstances, of Mi. 0car Hendricks, or Seuth AbingWn, Mass Mrs. Hendricks drank an ounce or mimatic aeld, under tlie impression that it would instantly end her life, biitstuce taking tlie poison she has lingered in Intense agony, which will contlnue until she dies fiem gan grene or tlie sleinaih. Tlie deed was iiiouieted liy the llnuielal tumbles of her husband, who has been unsuccessful in rais ing money te meet a mortgage 011 his farm, which has been foreclosed. Mrs. Hendricks Is tlie only child of wealthy jtarents residing at New MlH'erd, Conn., ami is an educated anil ui-complished woman. Tlie Next I.It'ilt-rKiiiiiz I'mut'it. The Liederkraii7. singing society lias an nounced its next entertainment Ter Monday, January 12, and Its members will enjoy un usual attractions nt the concert which alwavs precedes tlie dancing festivities. The comet soles bv PreC Wm. P. Chambers of llarris burg ; tlie renowned viituose 011 tlie cornet-u-pisten, nnd several seleitlens for zither, violin nnd piano, with singing liy the two Tyrolese, who have lately perlenued at L L ce'lsler hall, besides two new choruses by the singing S(x.'iety nnd new everturesby Gresh's eix'liestra will cot talnlv tenu a pregramme of mere than eidiuary 'merit, ltisuiaick, tlie liriuce or caterers w III luinisli thorcrresh thercrresh nieiits. Trentile Over 11 Mlvctl .MurrliiKC Tlie German population of Stapleton, S, I., ai 0 agitated evor the inariiage 011 Sunday evening or n colored woman named Clara Hradley te :t coachman who is the seu of a Mrs. Hew aid mid Is said te he simple-minded. The man lage ceremony was peiteimed by Hev. A Kueline, or the Stapleton Lutheran cliuix'h. The minister said yesterday that he did net knew that the bride was colored; tli.it he was taken te the house lu 11 coach; the room was net well lighted, nml he never thought of the bride being colored. Tlie groom ls'Uftyears old, ami tlie bride H. Tlie members of Mr. Kuchno's ihurcli me very iiidlguaut ever the ntl.iir. An (llislrurtljii lli'iiinicil In Time. A jievslbly serious disister was overteil en Tuesday evening by the timely discovery or 11 large rock weighing lieailv halt a ten which had fallen upon the track or the Co lumbia mid Pert Deixisit r.iilie.id fiem Cieiu- ley's mountain, just aller the 7:20 p. m. train north had pxsseil that xiint. Tlie next pas senger train south, due lu a few minutes was signaled in time, mid the took was removed, causing a delay of eulv a tew iniunte-i. llUtiiibi-il ti) a slim k. The citizens residing nu High, HC Jeseph and Maner streets felt a sevete sli.vk lids morning nlxmt llve o'clock, The shock was se heavy that ornaments, Ac, standing en matiteis leppteu ever ami glass nun (picens. vvuie rattled in the cupboards. It Is supposed te have been the shook of an earthquake, or the AVie .Yd' headleis ghost w.uideiiug around lu the Klghth wanl. Helcaitfil 011 Itill. doergo Heller and Ham Mlllor.tvviief the incu charged withaiding lluny Sullivan lu escape, entered ball before Alderman Hair oil Weilnesdny nlleruoeiiund woie lelvased Irem custody te appear nt a hearing 011 Saturday ineinliig. MUTING OF CITY COUNCIL. tiii: rnisT evrivtAL livsixr.ss or tiii: xi:ir ykaii. Tim Ili'iliirtlnii from llie Hill nf llie IVnntj). vnnU (Httbe Oii.tilbit) Ceinpsiiy Ter llr- 4 1 pinlifr l'rr.f.itnllttu of rrtlllnn Th Clly Treimircr'n ll-Mirt. Select mid eonimeu councils met statedly In their lespei'tlvoeliainbersen Wednesdny evening. In select council llicre w ere present Messrs. llerger, Deiiiutli, Dlller, Urlum, Wise, echer nml Kv nils president. itKi'eiiTrt et" ceviviitti:i:s. The report orthe lamp commlttee wns raid. The committee reports that the bill or the I'eniiHylvanla Olobe Gasoline company for the mouths of Xevcnihcr nnd Dceeinber for ttiiOJO was presented. The commlttee inade a 1 eductien of f-in.75 for iieti-biirnlng lamps, nnprev Ing tlie bill for teruw. The bill of the electric light cinpany for the month ending Dee. 15, amounting te $1,I.')S.32 cents, was np np np proved aller dediieting ler neii-burnlng iampsf2.7l, leivlng the bill ?l,10e.rS. The commlttee stite further tint thpy hive en tered Inte 11 contract with the VjOiiusvlvnnla (llelxj Gasllglit company, the VI. S. lllectrie Light nnd Tower ceniiwny, nnd the Lancaster (iaslightand Fuel ceui)any for the lighting the city for the year ending Doeeinlxjr 11, MS.',. The reiKirt of the street commlttee was lead In vv hlefi they recommended granting tlie lirivilege te build asowcren I'astklngstrcet, lxtwceii ShlpjKm mid Jehn Rtrect, te Jehn II. lrlan and J. D. Connelly, at their own ex pense. Tlie matter or widening Pine street, wlilch wns nt ene time rcMised by the com mittee, was reconsidered, and the eoiiilnittce iexirt In favor of widening said street. The recommendations of the committee were aileptcd by select council. The report or the water commlttee In which tlie contract with tlie Mcllert foundry and inachlne company or Heading, te lurnfsli sl.x and eight Inch water-pipes was reported, and action orthe eoininlttee approved. The oidinance passed by council, changing the 11.11110 or Concord alley te Concord street was read three tlines and passed, all the members piescnt voting for It, Adjourned. COMMON C'OUN'CII- Cominen council was called te order nt 7 o'clock vv Ith the fellow Ing members present : Messrs. Adams It. I'miik, Auxer, Hare, Cor Cer ineny, Diukclberg, Lhcrmau, Hvarts, Hei Hei sliey, Hurst, Kendig, Llchty, Llppeld, Leng David li, Leng Jehn II., Mayer, Selium, Shirk, Spaeth, ami Dr. Holeiilus, president. Tlie minutes or the last stated meeting wero lead and approved. rilKSKNTATION OK VKTITION'S. Ily Mr. Spaeth, the petition of r. II. Wll helm, for the use of city water te wash the Hclglati blocks en Last King street and North Quean street, en condition that he remove the garbage from the city markets, Ter which '.10 ier year is new paid. Aiveinpaiiying the IKstltlon'er Wilhelm was one signed ptfci iiumtier el'inerT'liauts 011 Last Kingstiear, praying tli.it Wllhelm's petition lie granted. Heterrcd te the water committee. Hv Mr. Mayer, for u gas light at tlie corner of Walnut street nnd Cherry alley, ami by Mr. Hurst for a pis light nt tlie cornerof Plum and Grant streets. Heth petitions wero leferred te tlie lamp committee. CITV TllKASUIIKIl's ltlU'OUT. Mr. Hurst presented the report of the city treasurer for the month et December, ft showed that tlie mouth's receipts weie ?0,44t. 12; the expenditures ?10,"H.-I2. Tlie balance In tlie treasury Is J30,G."5.:il. I'OMMITTKEs' ltKl'OttTS. The llnancocelnniltteo of councils through their chairman, Mr. Hirst, reported In detail the business transacted during the month. Tlie commlttee retxirted favorably en the ordinnnce introduced by Mr. Mayer, fixing tlie license of skating rinks at S150 per year. Tlie market committee reixirted unfavora bly en the ordinance submitted te them abolishing curb stene innikets. On motion or Mr. Liciity, the dork was directed te have the ordinance printed for llii.il action at tlie February meeting. Mr. Llchty ettered as an amendment that the same shall go Inte oiled en April IhSiS, ns tlie stalls have already been sold ler the year IsS"). Tlie clerk wns directed te have the amendment printed and It will also lx acted en In lVbruary. Mr. Cennejiy presented the report or the tire committee ler the mouth of Decern Iter. It set forth in detail tlie bills nppieved dining tlie month. (ONTOltlt STUKKT. Common council ordinance Ne. 2cluuglng tlie naine r Concord alley te C'onceul sticet, was read a second mid thud time mid passed by 11 unanimous vote. Select council 0011 cuued. Adjoin ned. tAW.tr. docteiss str.r.T. Iltt'itleti tiT lllUcer A Vapor 011 .Mlrrorep mitt CliemUte. Tlie Lancaster county medical society held their regular monthly meeting Wednesday, and tlie following menibers were present : Albright, Hrvsen, Hleller, lSelenius, lllack, Hiebst, Hlackweml, Carpenter, Ciaig, Comp Cemp Comp teu, Killer, M, I.. Heir, Ik V. Heir, Hershey, Keuilig, Keneagy, Kehler, Lineaweaver, Livingston, H. Lciuan, J. II. Musser, 1". M. Musser, II. 11. Mew cry, J. L. Mayer, Miller, Nevvpher. (i. It. ltelner. Heed," Itoebuck, Heland, Hingwalt, D. II. hlienk, J. H.Shenk, Shirk, Sliaetler, Stewuit, Trabert, Welchaus, W. J. Wentz, Witmerand Ziegler. The election of elllcers for the ensuing x ear resulted as fellows : President Dr. Win. Compten, city. Vice Presidents Dr. lllack, of St'iasburg, and Dr. Kehler, of New Helland. Hoceidlng Secretary Dr. Hlackwoed, city. Corresponding StH.Tet.iry Dr. Hehmil, city. Treasurer Dr. Welchaus city. Librarian Dr. Gee. Helirer, city. Hand or Censers Drs. Albright, city; Livingston, Columbia; Treichler, llllKiboth llllKibeth llllKiboth tew 11. Medical K.xamincrs Drs. J. L. Atlee and Carpenter, city : Dcaver, HucR. The rcpeits fiem dlllerent sections of the county show that no epidemic exists and the health is generally geed. Dr. J. Ij. Ziegler read mi able paper en " Microscopy and Chemistry," anil illustia ted It with specimens. Aller the passage of soine bills and the transaction or ether business or no import ance te the public, the meeting adjoin ned. lltlriilni; OH nt llainKli's station. Several days age thore was aleak in the Standard elf company's; pipe line near Har nlsli's station, mid a row ban els of oil et- capeil. The leak was repaired, mul 1110 oil which ran Inte a gully was set lire te by tlie empleyes of the company en Tuesday after noon. The heat was intense for nn hour or two, nnd D. Itell'enmyer, a passenger en the afternoon train, had ids eyebrows nnd hair singed when he opened the deer of the bag gage car te leek at the burning oil. Why Mr. ltilliiini-i- tlitl nut (live IlentU. Ill the item published yesterday in refer ence te the replevin suit for 1 IS easeief to te to liacee brought against Jehn !'. Hrlniiner, it was stated that Hrimiuer declined te glve bemlH. The reason why beutl wns net given by Mr. Hrinuuer was because Ids counsel ml vised htm that tlie plalntills having elected te take the tobacco mid give bend, he was amply protected for the 1 hum he held against tlie tlriu. Arit'ntcil tut u l'ifi-s. Philip Thompson was relumed te court several weeks age for assaulting his wire, malicious mischief and surety of peace, mid who has licnii 11 fugitive fiem justice, w ns ar rested hy Deputy Sheriff Striiie this morn ing en a piecess issued by the court. Thomp son was taken te the county piiseu. Hill W't-etler' Trial. William W, Weeder, who was taken t. lieaiung ie answer n ei. arge ni nurgiary, 11110' Im Iteil u.irv-njl r.,ltt- I'Arns. titrttt In III., lrvv. prison, will be tried next week. Alderi!1''" Himrriei, ( oustable Kieheltz and a nuv of etlieiH liave tiven subpu'iuted te I court en Tuesday, I HTti.t. nitAirisa ntti 110C.SJ.V. Ttin C11111I0 Oprm Company llntn Twit llnui" Stere Cltnip Mitrn-a. tile That theap cntortaliiinent.s nre jmpulnr lu this city thore Is no longer nny doubt, mid the onmle opera oeni)anynt (he eicni lioiive this week has been renplng n rich harvest. Yesterdny nllcrnixiu the opera or " lllllee Tayler " wns presented at amatlnce te u goeil sized aiidlonce. In the evening it was ro re lieatcd, and the building was packed. The company eppenr te lie much mere nt home with this opera tlinn nny thev have yet pre sented, andlaxt night's 'rendition was gowl gewl gowl The acting wns much better than the singing, but nearly every 0110 seen led pleased with the show. Or theso deserving special inott inett inott llen wcre Hen Ledge, as dipt. Flapper, i P. Smith, as 7.7iia lhtbicy, and Miss Pnlr bairn, ns l'larbc. This evening the company will present "Chimes or Normandy." nnd the prospects nre Unit the nudlcnce will Im ene or the lai gest ofthe engagement. Hy 8 o'clock Inst night every scat down stairs was sold for this ev en lug's performance, nnd te-dny theso hi the gallery nre being inpldly taken. The com cem jiaiiy descrv os te suceeed for 0110 reason, nnd that Is that they have rates wlthtti the leach efnll. The w hele or next vv eek will be ilev etcd te cheap shows, nnd the Standard dramatic cemiKuiy, ol'Nevv Yeik, will present a num ber or popular plnys at the low into or 10 cents, opening en Monday night with " The I'actery Girl." A Pointer for .Manaj-vr Yecker. Until othervv Ise announced, manager Asch Inch, nf Allcntewii, has decided te play his attractions ut reduced prices of admission, viz: Gallery, 25 tents, dress circle, 35 cents mid lnrquet f.0 cents. Ne extra charge ler leserv oil scats. This step Mr. Aschbach finds expedient te tnke owing te the general de pression in buslucssundthe low rate or wages carneil by tlie working iee)le, whom he speclnlly desires te favor. rettviux xvns. Tti-.lay tlin llnlr te the llrltli.li Threne Attain IIU Majer It CrlelirntliiE the Iltcnl. Loniien, Jim. 8 Prlnce Alljert Victer, of Wales helr prospective te the Hrltlsh throne, attained his majority te-day. This event was inade the occasion of rejoicings throughout the country. In Louden the day was opened with the ringing of bells, hoist heist ing Hags mul music At St James Place tlie University of Cambridge sent an nddrcss or congratulation te the young prince. Mure llartliquukcs lu .Spain. Madrid, Jan. 8. Fresh c.irtlicpiake shocks w ere relt yesterday at Nerja and Vclez, Mala ga, and several houses wero damaged. Tun llretliers Attack an lMlttir t'ttltis Ito Ite Ito lelvers l'rnmtttctieiiftlj. Pahis, Jan. 8. Twe brothers named Nerbert and Charles Hallcrlch, ofllcers In the pelice court, whose mother was recently murdered at Grcnelle, becaine enraged at attacks iipeii.thcm in columns of the Cri du Veuplr. Iist night at twelve o'clock they ferceil an entnince into the editorial rooms or the palcr. They wero armed with swords and with them they fiercely nttneked ene of the editors, M, Due, wounding him badly. Although se hard pressed, M. Due succeeded In giasplng his revolver nnd filed several shots In rapid suc cession. He then held both his assailant at luy until the ether editors nppcared 11 ran the scene. Thereupon a despcrate struggle en sued, but lesulted In the disarmament or tlie brothers. Nerbert was round te be seriously wounded, and was conveyed te a hospital. Charles had received no Inju ries and was placed under arrest Three of Mr. Due's shots took ctlectnml Nerbert was hit lu the breast, the thigh mul the back. Charles was in n state of terrlble excitement when he was bi ought te the pelice station. A judicial inquiry into the affair will at once beheld. M. Jules Vallcs, the cdlter-in-chict' ofthe paper, was absent at the tiine of tlie nil ray. rx cexaitvss. Thu Iliter-Stute Commerce 11111 lacs tlie Heuse li 11 Vete tiT 1.1.1 te ,5. Washimiten, Jan. 8. Heuse. The Heuse resumed consideration of the inter state commerco bill, the pending question being irunimend's amendment te Pci kins' amendment pieviding for a com mission, pievidlng that the commissioners shall net 1)0 appointed until March 5th. Tlie imieudiueiit was agreed te 71 te 12. Per kins' amendment as amended was then lest yeas (HI, nays 121. Dually the tntcrs-state commons) bill was pissed yeas 158, nays 75. 'This," said Heagan, when the result was onueunccil, " is a fitting celebration of the eighth of Januaiy." The IIouse then proceeded te the con sideration of the Alabama contested election case of Craig vs. Schelly. A Hrltlsh ltirk KiiciHiiitt'rs uu lirtliqnakc. St. Jehn's, N. V., Jan. 8. Tlie Hiitish bark Isabel, from Cadiz, Hpaln, reports hav ing eneounteied en tlie 8th ult, latitude 28-51, longitude 2i-55, toiritle cnitltqunke shocks, lasting IHIqeii minutes. Tlie thunderous sub-marine renting was appall ing. Tlie ship shook in every llbie, and tlie crew was paralyzed with fear. They cut tlie Ixiats loose, and nil discipline was lest, Imt the cessation of the shocks restored tran quility. tiii: t'rrtr: ltvcunu. A Texns Jail Iluriieil ttillie Oreiiiul Tne 1-rHe-ners lerlli In Ittu I'laiups. riiKnr.nit'KsiiuiKi, Tex., Jan. 8. The county jail was discovered en lire yesterday, and theso outside were benified by tlie agonizing cries or two prisoners in the burn ing building. The structure was burned te the ground and the charred remains of the two men were letind in the ruins One et them was te have lieen released en ball to day. Tannery Dvntrejcd. LeitlHVii.i.K, Ky., Jan, R Fred Hitter's tannery was destroyed by fire nt ene o'clock this metulug. Less, 523,000; partially In sit red. Sentutleii In the Swnlm Court Jtartlat. Wasiusoten, Jan. 8 There was a sen sation in the Svvnm's court niaital te-lny when tlie Judge udvocale asked the court te rule out the tostlnieuy or Witness Deakcrs en account orthe Litter's disbelief In Ged. Deakers being questioned said he neither believed or dlsbelleved hi Oed. A postponement was had te leek up tlie authorities. llfiivy Jiiilunu-lit Aflilintfa Itallrtmtl .MiibiuiIc. Nitvv Yum:, J.an. 8 Judge, Ingrahnni te- day gave Judgment In favor of the cjty against Cellls P. Iliintlugdnn, the ralltead inlllienalie, for f!7,500, with Interest, from August 1SS.1, besides the cost or the suit. The case was brought by the deck deimrtml'iit te recover payiueii for the use of tlinvvhnrr prepei ly. Nm ,lere'4 Stute Trruturer lit). Tiu:.niejN. J., Jan. 8. State Treasurer Wright dled at his residence In HoriUnlevvli willy this morning. Cheater County' Auditor. Choster count v'h auditors-elect, en learning Unit their pay would be only 81.50 n dy and that they would evon have te pay their own expenses, relued te take the oath orelitco ami went 1101110 111 utsgusi. TIIK RKAMNG HAILKOAIK Ai nn: i-jj.iv runs its itnuuiiAxig.tTt SAIIt TO Mi COXPZKTIt. .lMtrr Kalr of Intrrcl Ceiltrliiplttl tart ueneral .MnrKi tleiliK ami Thmt yhi ......,.,,, .-rut niitgnrr little ihih j Very llml Tmr.' r Tlin rnlitmlllnn .M,i,al.tnt..M .1.. ..n--t V w vwiwututiiijjitte nnnirn the Phllndelphia A Heading railroad n lmuv leceinincnded te tlie kiiv.l.-l,1,i,,rM fellow fug ticket for election nttliennnv meeting of the company en Monday, 13th nisuiui, nauieiy : I'er President Oeorge delk Keltu. Ter Socretnry Allert Kester. I'er Treasurer William A. CIhiitIi. ..J:.9r Manngers J. H, Llppincett. U TIP. vv liiainseii, Franklin A. Ceinly, Joseivli vit": vvimnen, jeiin wminninker, Heuert JlJ xj, s : t Tlie present beard of malingers hns united . in tlie iinainlnieua roceiniiietitlntloii or th) ticket aliove presented, nnd Mr. l'ranklln B.' Gevvcn, who holds n large ninnlier of prexlW i has Hlirnlfled his Intention te ntn r,p 11 j ' I'lfir.Aiinr.i-iitA. .Tnn u ti. ...... ....5 "- ....... u. ntviu uin nnother meeting this afternoon or thrt,' sttli-eoiniultteo of tlie Heading railroad benil-'? holders, nppointed te forimilate a plan for' f ' the reorganization or the reinp.iiiy, anil ns farij iw Is known the work en which it has been "it engaged rorthreo days pist, was eompletod. ! reni wn u can Da learneil It Is uudorsteoil ,1 that the plan decided upon liy the sub-coin-''" niittce, nnd which will be presented te thaft gcneral coininlttcce nt n meeting te be held 1 pi 'I this ovenlng, conteinplntes for n short porleillci a lower rate of interest en the gcneral luert-, gage nouns, nun iiien ler nnother tertti n""!, llltzher l-nte lltlttt tit tltdt tlin Citll Itilnrat .wilt '' lx) resumed. iA In the nioantline It Is prorKned te make tit A thodlirercnco with scrip, payable nt the tlmtr"j when the full interest payment arrives. Titbits' .1 much or the plan, It Is undorstoed, was niitr-JiM ' gostedby Mr. Gevvcn. The holder or thf i iiicoine mertgage bends will net be asketl te It is rumored that a new obligations will ba $i offered in cxch.iuge for the consolidated O'n, and debenture beiuis at u lower rate ennpu terest Tlie ether iunler secnrlltes wtllaS be sealed down and It Is bolieved that if$A collateral trust lean w 111 be issued. Whether Vd or net there will be an assessment en tlif" 3 suicii is sun a question. , u;i The sub coniiiilttce in arranging lu plans $M inn u upon uie nasisei las-tyear's business 1 wlitcli, It Is gonerally admitted, was the (l; ..--.. -.. ... ..,.i,i i.,;iii,.ttt vwi uiriuiicuvi iy? nnd it Is believed that the revcuues In the fUvi ttue cuinet rail below Uiose of 133t The Idea 1 j l.rnit thnl!Artai,Iu.tnn.t..n..A...A.l 1k was te reduce the Interest charges te a figure v'.t,"i that could be met even hi such a yeTtr n was. nerir r.r.as cut ort'. lx. The Torrltrie Arrlttpnt That llefel Oeorge H. 1 kiiii isear i.eaiiian I'lace. ( . wF.-i.i. i.isi,tttt:tt ttt ttit; A.srKi.i.iiiKa,CEa. - -l r ....... Tl. ..... T.. . ... ...! I. .-A' it.v.i,.. i tttl., uitil. a At l u C1UCK MHjW day Oeo. II. Haln, aged 32 ye,irs,;ef thlsplaoe,' ft was fatally Injured by tlie cars nt Williams. V tmvii inlvnrt. nttn ttilln nnut nrtlitu .iUa. Ir.... 1H " " "' ""-l'"v. ..O - attempted te get oll'cugltie 09 cast, but feil1 i under mid had both legs cut off below thaife- knees. Drs. Albright and Welchaus efltiui. U cester, were sent Ter and nre burn. Tlin In.". lured man is a fireman en the railroad, but ?,i ifts uvuit spvuttiit nijtttu lltllll Hi 111H IIDlllU'-?; bore. He is unmarried nnd a son or Aaren jj Ilnln, who has been baggage ui.ister here for liniJ lt.inlt et m illiitv uii-in Alit.A ..4 t.t.. 1..- r1 ' 9 twenty ycaisi. . The lmfortunate man has been in the em ploy or the company for several years. He was regarded as an efficient man, mul had- recently Iiecn promoted. He cannot recover. Tin: tiiaih: situatiex. Parts About Sema Hulling MIlls-A llrlglilar '";i Outleiik In ClateUiiil Wclern Iren Works Held. ,' Ciiicaoe, Jan. S. A Hcleit, Wis, speelal-Hi sajs: Pursuant te en order of court tlns MeirllLt Housten iron weiks wcre te-day- sold at auction for the bcnclltef creditors. rreimsril Change In n Itelltng Mill. -t?K imhamai'ei.is, inu., Jan. h. nie in- &, .11 , , .i.. ... . aM uiuiutimus liiuitjaii ruiiing linn ceuipauy lias"" decided te convert the property Inte a nier cliaut Iren mill. Net u wheel turned ilurilllf List vent nnd tlin tlnnrwlntlnn In tlin li . " ",E value of tlie preperty Is estimated at $30,000. A llrlKhter Outlook. Cuic.vae, Jan. a A Cloveland, Ohie, ?,. special k.ij-s : There Is n brlghter outlook' J among me roiling nuns mill iron uimuces 111:. Clovelanti. it wn.r. COST $lf,000,OO0. Mark I: Ilepklui.- Wlttevr le II11II1I the l'rttlt fc-,' lltmst) In the United State -f. PtTTsrir.i.t), Mitss.Dee. a Mrs. Hepkins, ii vv lilevv or tlie Inte Mark Hepkins Culirernla millionaire, is te build her new residence Br.'-' ' - s fit-eat It irrbu.tnil. Aivnt-illtur In llin tilnitntliaV W beuse mid lrreuntls will nnst flt-tt mtlllnti tlnljfij larsnnd tlioerection of tlie bitlhllnir will Inltn W ene theusaiid 111011 day and night for threap years She intends' te have tlie most ex-Jf penslve hottse lu the United States J i I'lenilUli Act of n Chicago lad. y i Ciiicaoe, Jan. a A warrant Is out for Ilia $ arrest of Joe Shelden, a Hfteon-year-old laiM'-y against whom Mrs umbrecht relates a story or almost Increditable and flcittlish cruelty. She says her thlrtoen-ycar-eUl son, whlle re 5 turning from school was seized by young ,-" Shelden and anether boy, and whlle the lat- - ter held Uinbrccht,SIieldreii rubbetl vitriol. in tlin Mfchi nrlila f.ipn -. " .! A Stall Ilaj; Stelen In Maine. ,-j Vf . ir,T,.,r T . Afn Tnu 13 A fTitlliwI tf'M ., . &..1,, .M,.,., ...W(, WM,.. 1 -b V..,.S' j. .Suites mail ti.ig, containing a large mail irein tlie Watcrvllle onice going cast ana went," , was stolen from the platform of tue Maine' Central depot about half past 0 o'clock lai , night The carrier rrem tlie local otllce !, the b.ig unguarded oil the platform. Tiw wero nioiiey lottew containing cliecks tyn?i, Hosten liuuks and jioteiiieo enters in tue j ( a- . -. ,P1 fatal lliet Caiuctt by btrlktnir Mlnern. ' -3 IVtti MmM. T.-i.. Jan. fi- A srteclut frmu ""- ' " M- Atimis wivs that striklntr miners started ." riot there last evenhig and dreve all tU' uiluei's who wero at work out of town, Intm Ing and kicking tlieiu badly. Ona mauwbe , defeuded hlmselt was Kllleil, six etnerii aw , reported seriously wounded. The town jwj new in possession of the strikers J ' i ' " '- 'J t'liiiliettlrut hlate Otltrcnt UlcrlKt. ; .. llAitTKenu, Jan. H The l.egiilatuw, ta ' joint session te-day, elected uiule etlleeri, M'j candidates having a majority or all the V6 cast ut the last election. Th ft le-duv was the election of ilia Iteniil nominees as fellows : ( lovemor, llmiry''' Harrison t lieutenant governor, Lotte A (.'oeko secretary of slate, Chart A, HlMHll,( trtasuier, Valentine n. uiiamiMKiiu ; , trnller, Ttticerne I. Atuiwen. ,j , WKATUKK iXUltUrlWH. Wahiiinutem, D, V., Jan. '.- Ker Middle Atlantic, staivs sightly Wanuat weutber. mnlthwrtst teimrlliWf' whid big, pns'eded In Hn --swtkHi bjr i itarinneu'r. 21 M