, 2 v.n '11 K :w-' :C '$.- -Si'"- i - 4 LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY, JANUARY e, 188p. . i e lt A FARM LIFE IN THE OLD WOULD. m:ns of uiiivii xatiexs ts riV.I.U AXD AT llO.HlU TliK A Sketch tlriul liy llfurve W. llcuarl, llcfbrc tlm Utmiutrr t'etittljr Agricultural No ting, nt lis McMIiik Monitor, .Inn uury Ilia SlIi, IHHI. What strike llie American "tourist most forcibly upon lniitlltiK nt Qiioenslown, I tlie inetlvy crew illiy which lie h liiimrtllntely mir mir retiiuleil nitwit mul Uirofeot IkiJ' light wllh well ether Ter tlie privilege of ramliiK Cew pentile by I'lrryliiRone'ii iNWgnKOt tlie Miniltliilfnixl HeitrMiliiK in llielr whips, (e ntrnct nttonlleii, liy tlietlilvern of tlie Jaunt. lug ear, tlie iloiikeyeiirli, elil weincu who ncll uprli of Mininreek itnil tuition hnlu betnptcK Tlie npjKviruticti of tlie jioepto ta he ieculliirlyIrHi, that they Morally "liave the limp of Irclaiitl en thelr f.iccV The lioteli liave nn niirlcnt leek. The olil elil olil fiixhleuoil iitulmg.iny tiililct, t'lmlm nliil nldo nlde nldo Itenrtls, mul tlie ntithpiateil ollvrrwnre, lNh c, etc., ntrlke you when you enter tlie illii Iiir room, whero "Ltlile HlewanH" thny call them, ilreswil In nwallew-tatl coats, tuke tlie onler for your hreakfaM, In n ntnlely way, nml Bvrrn you with much iMilltcue, with hum mul i'kki, or iiiutteu chops ten or colfeo, lircncl mul butter, without hilt, for which you will pay ulKUtt 3 atilllltiu; mul il pence, or t Rhllllitfrs. The principal infill te the regular tiible de liote. Dinner Is regularly norvetl from llve te six o'clock mul In ujenenilly n reimI meiil, In cnurioiefHiiup, 1Mb, roust beef or mutton, Mew eil rabbit or bare, potatoes, carreti or ttirnliw. They iln net glve you any nMe iIIiIick, mul very few vcjjeuiblcii. Fer thin you will uy from llve te hIx hIiIII Iiik, Tliere Nun nbteticn of slewed frultx, com, Inm.ituc, ,Vc, anil I never mw butter en a Kumpeaii dinner tablu ; nor any pies for ilpecrt. ThNpener.illy ceiislits or n kind eftnrt (well named, for there I en nlmoet total nbiencu of sugar In their eoiupesltlon), or plum pudding. i.n Tin: nun vi. nimnicr, lit piling threiigli the country the flint tiling tliat attmcti attontleu It the geed re.nK They an- all in icailtlaiuUctl and kept In tlie bentoferiler, and nre at smooth ai a fleer. Thlsnppllui te nil the Midi In the t'nllcd Kingdom. The vahlcltfiaru iiiucli heivler thin nuri ; they havouellglit buggle-t ; citu and luu luu tern nre principally tmcil In tlie rltlc. The 'Jaunting car U found In Ireland only j It li renttructcd femcthlug like n cart, with two low wlteelN, out w-lileh Is erected a teuten either nlde for the pattengcri, who Mt filing the slile of the street, thu driver haling a eat In front j they nre drl en ery rapidly and with great dex terity til rough crowded thoroughfare. There nre also moiiie ery pretty pony cart ; heavy carriage Memsthing llke ctbi, many of them open, drawn by two and four Iiei-mh, with liveried drivers nntt outriders nre moil for family purioes. Yeu will m-e Patrick and Middy mounted en a cart, nurreunded by butter tlrkiuiund cabbagm, Ketnetlinm leads of peat, drawn by a donkey net much larger th in n New foundland deg, en their way te the nearest market town ; and after refreshment! nt the wayside inn, they iippe.tr ns happy as thrwe who rlde In mero pretentious conveyances. en nit: no .i. The appearance of the country near the ei coast Is rough and mountainous lint as you recetle from the ceist It is rolling, and In tlie interior Is qulte Imii. , The dwellings iniyba divided Inte three classes, theso of the txier peasantry, the mero prosperous renters of small farms, nnd thnte of the rich ew ners of landed estate. The cettagtis of the or are generally built or stone, low, ono-stery, with thatch reef nnd dirt or Mone fleer : many of them presenting n illl.ipldated iiptH'arance, mid othera nxjlleis and uninhabited. I'udcr the Kime reef with these peer families the row, the donkey, pig nnd chickens generally Hud shelter. Tlie dwellings of thu small firmer are Ix't Ix't ter j frequently of two wtories and reefed "wlthhlatoertilo. . The rich landewnerH llve hi geed style, in Alie houses surrounded by large xirks, through which run elegant driving reads ene estate near Klllamey having ever Lt) miles of this kind of rn.ul through its parkH. Kine sluule trees of lirouze beach, elm, oak, herse chestnut mid holly abounds ; around thu dwellings me beautiful walks through grass pteta lntcripersed, with flower lictts large quantities of rliodtMluudren, etc These parks are enclosed by high walls, nuny of them ten feet high ; the mason work of the most substantial character; tlie ihnrtar In it Is net ntKs-ted bv the weather, which Is no doubt due te the fact of Its net twtng subject te thawing mid freezing as with u. These walls nre nearly all covered with Ivy, which grows cry luxuriantly In this climate. AnSKNTKn I.ANDI.OIIIIS The largerestatesnre generally managnd by agents the owners living nnd spending their incomes out of tliu country, which is it source ei tiiucii complaint all ever ireianu. .Many of these estates are heavily luciimbeieil, mid llie young lordly iw ners nre looking out for rich American girls for the purpe.su of (letter ing their shattered fortunes. Ijarge districts of country are owned by siuule individuals In semu eases us much ns i"i,(X)0 acres. Much of It Is cut up into small patches uf one, tw e and three acres, en which nre erected the cottages of the peer ; and where the peasantry ""llve, the coivthechiet support of tlie family and the atient donkey, their lxast of burden. This class of tenants llve prliicljially en iotateos and milk ; (siting Uttle meat, but occvsieunlly flsb. They have large families nnd it keeiH them busy te v the rent nnd iiiaintdn them. There is n spirit of discontent mining thorn, nnd It must be confessed that tliere apiiears te be Uttle chance for the bettering of their condition. They nre proud te tell you that they liave sons sisters mints uncles mid cousins in America, and think you may knew them, as they llve in Chicago, Kansas or Nan I'mncisce, nnd when ene tells them these places are from bOO te 3,000 miles distant from whero be lives they leek at him with astonishment and In credulity, picture en their faces There aicars te be a great deal of all'ectleu among tbose peer people for each ethor, and repcct shown by cliildrcu for Mrents They would nil llke te ceme te America, but in conversing with many of thoyeiingmeu they told me their pirentswore tee old te emigrate, mid they could net loave them. AMONG TIIK HMALIj PAnSIBllS. The class of small farmeru uppear te Isi mero thrifty ! their Holds are larger, they are generally ralsers and dealers in stock, of which thev liave geed herds, of flecks of geese, turkeys, Ac. They visit the monthly market town fairs whero they drlve sharp bargains with their neighbor and ethers. There is n totatalwenco of what we call barns; n few straggling out-houses for housing stock nre about thu extent of their stabling ; they stack their grain und hay, nnd they build their stacks very iirtlstlcally. The traveler docs net see many wooden fences ; In the rough nnd mountainous districts they are built of stene; in the lolling coun try neat trimmed hedges of hawthorn i mid In the level country ditches nre used i the latter also sorve the mirnose of drains In journeying from tha .Seuth te the North, ene rinds a change for the better, bith in agriculture and manufactures. Yeu Piss from the Celtic, element te the Scotch Irish, the descendenU of the Immigrants te whom Cromwell jareelcd out the laud. Tliev nnn&ir te be a happy combination of the thrifty nntt canny Scot with the mero prodigal, but vturm hearted nnd hoi plbiblu Irish. The people of this section, of whom the inhabitants of llelfast may be taken ns a fair tye, nre Intelligent, enterpris ing, cultivated und rcllncd, nnd in their home life exhibit all these traits which go te inake up the true Christian character. The training In thelr schools und learned profes sions Is very thorough. Tin: cners ev NenTHEitN i it i: land. The principal productions of the laud nre potateos, eats, Has. Itarley, beans and some wheat, i'ully tw e-ihlrds of tha country Is In justure laud, en which lorge numbers of cattle, sheep anil horses iire raised as In the present depressed stale of agriculture It is deemed mero profitable te pasture the land. I noticed large tracts of Isig or eat lauds nnd for miles along thu line of (he railroad could Is) seen men, women und children cut ting nml drying it In the sun und carrying it in baskets en their heads mul backs Much of thelaud Is geed, particularly along tlie btreams, but tliere lsnlsotilnrgeiiuiouutof thill soil. The crop of potatoes looked well ; the peasants plant nnd work them all with spades, and while the potato is the principal crop they de net plant us geed varieties of seed m HO de. While the pasture Is geed, u leug line grain something like our orchard grass tlie mewing ground looked sparse anil would -vleM it light swiirth. The wlicnt, outs and barley were small. TheV hiivoullthe noxious wends we have, Including thu wlilte daisy nnd Wild carrot, te which limy lie wlded the yellow butler chin Their html seems te lsi net preicrly rotated In crops, mul evidently needs mero clever nnd forill ferill llremt they nre lieglntilng In maun factum nml use thu latter. I most missed the llclds of Indian (siru we have, as Micro Is none grown In the kingdom s It will net ma ture for liluialle reasons Tlie beef mul mutton, nnd pirlicularly the latter, nre exceeillnglv flne largu quniitllles of It nre exported, duller Is produced In great qiwntltles nml llnils a ready market In ethor inrts of Mioklngitein nnd en the ism tlnent. Cerk Is said te liave the llnest but ter market In Europe. One pwullarlty that strikes mi American In that no salt Is put Inte the butter used en the table, here or In any ether part nfKurope. The production of flax Is a leading Indus try around llrirastmid In the counties north of it, Iteirast iK-lng the' great linen centre or Ihireic There nre large tnwt of lmitl used ns gnme preserves these, with the pnrks nnd plens plens ure grounds of tlie gentry, withdraw n con siderable numlH-r or iicres from ngrlculturnl purposes A frlenil whom I met in Italy, nnd who traveled through Ireland six years age, told me ngoetl story llluslratlve of this lie had passed In nt the porter's hslgn te leek at the grounds I'peu his return, Patrick, the por ter, nsketl him what hu thought or it. "It Is nil very nice," was the nuswer, " but 1 think if thoew nor would clear oil' u portion of the land mid plant It In potatoes, liarlcy, eats. Ac, It would be better Ter the country." ' Yes" replied I'at, " ir it was net for Ibis Olrlantl would liate Mm weurhl." " I don't knew about that, said Mr. II., " wu lme thlrly-clghlsuitesnndslxtorrilerlosnnd think we excel In thowevor productions "Is It the territory e inane,'" nnswerwl l'at j " be dad If we had that Olrlnnd would bate the weurhl." tiik KiTcnnN uaupi:ns. Netirly nil the well-to-de classes have large kitchen gardens surrounded by walls ten lect high, In which tliev raise geed vege tables, and small fruits such as strnwisirrlcs which grew ery tlnecurr.ins, gooso geoso goeso borrlos Ac. About all the fruit seen Is grown in these gardens, where they plant s'ars, peaches plums, ioe up te and all iireunil the walls, against which they stretch out the limbs, fasten them te the wall and grew them along It. In this way they ralse some flne fruit. Hut thoykiiewiiothlngofour splendid profusion of apples lwlies, sweit nuaiees nun leniaus'S Ireland Isn pretty country te leek ujieii, nml is well-named thu "l'.mer.ild Isle," from its flue iKisttire land, which, owing te the meisture of the climate, always leek green. Itslnhablbuitsuru w-.irin-hcnrtcil, generous mid hospitable. Ven can get closer te them than any ether isjople in liurepe. My stay nmung them Ter two weeks nnd the remem brance nrthelr kindness mid hospitality, will always be ene or the greenest spots or mem ory. It. I'AKMIMl IX f CI)T11SI. here Me-plirnls IJnue Thflr liurks eit llir Imnitulii hlileif hlileif Tlie trip from llelfast te Olasgew Is a twcl u hour ride by steamer. There Is a very clese connection of business Interests between the two cities nnd the people aru of such similar appearance, language, religion nnd origin, that ene docs net notlce the tllircrcnce of nationality te any great extent upon first landing. Hut the country leeks difl'crcnt. The teeming hlve or Industry along the Clyde, the neat cottage of the issirer clnase-s the lietter tillage of the land, larger ileitis mid Ix'ttcr farm htilldliigsdltinguMi Scotland. In the mountainous parts of thu country tliere nre largu game pmscrves frequently leased for sheeting puresOs at high rates, te English mid American sportsmen. The mountains nre covered with heather iiieii which the grouse, n fatorite gamu bird, feeils. 1irge numlsTsef a hardy breed efblack he.iileil nml small horned mountain sheep pasture mul nre herded by shepherds in these hills mid mountains In the lake district there Is vcrv Itttle agriculture until ene gets tlew n te Cullender nnd .Stirling, l'reni the latter jilace te IMIiiburgh the country is roll lug, Willi some tiinlsir scattered exer the facuef it. This is a rich agrlciiltttr.il district ; the land is getsl ; thu farms leek very neat, and the crops premising. Hedges surround all the fields wiilch are generally of the or six acres. The caltle appear te be belter than In Ireland, w hum they are rather small The sheep nre very line ami the flecks numerous The farm houses are rather small, ami a in Ireland they have no bams but slieds mid out-houses These shisls are well built generally ; anil are used for farm implements, housing Meck, feed, Ac. The stock of horses is inestlv of thu Ulvilemlnle bteed, large ba-s weighing from l.HiO te l,b00 Ihs. All the dray horses in the cities are of tills breed nnd thev sell at high prices ranging from &1j te ifuOvaiyhigacvordlngtengo and finality. Tlie horses used In omnibuses hansoms cabs roadsters and riding horses lu the kingdom nre all "decked." Thev think it adds te the apHXirauc of the tint mat, wiille they say they are net troubled with ttles. ThoresirofeOino very flnopenlos; ene of the llnest turnouts 1 saw was u Kny cart with out-rider in livery, going through the Treisachs Tliere is mero horseback ritliiig than with us mid many of the riding horses are line sKs;imeus. In Scotland is found the same class of reads as in Ireland, anil thu Kime kind of vehicles are used, ex cept the Jaunting car. which Is a (ceuliarly Irish Institution. The herse cart is very much in use by the fanners, nml for heavy hauling purKises in llie cities. l'ish niKJiind hi Scotland ; herring being very abundant. The l.ech Flne burring are hlglily esteemed for their line quality. They also hnve salmon us well us ether llsb. The Scotch are mero canny than tlie Irls.li, and their agricultural system shows n higher do de do Srce of thrift. III. f.'.VMA.l.Vii'X AHItlCULIL'ltK. In Ihu Hay mul llsriet I'lfM, of Ihe .llutlicr riiiiutr. Tliere Is net much itgricultiire in thu lake districts of Kngland, except lu thu small villages between the mountains. Traveling down from Penrith, en tlie Great North western railroad, ene passes through oxtcu extcu oxtcu slie sheep pastures en the hillsides mid large enclosures surrounded '"' stene fences. Ilcte largu herds of sheep aru seen in pasture. Further en the country Uptimes mero diver sified. I passed th tough this region In hay making. Thu hay Is cut by hand, with thu old-fashioned bread scythe. I did net see any mewing machines, although they have our American iiiowersuutl reapers in seme parts of the country. AN KNUI.ISII HAY MAKIM1. The hay nppcars of geixl quality uml stands fair en the ground. Tliere is Uttle clever, but occasionally small patches Frem the number of persons in the Ileitis I Judged a corresponding amount of work Isnotdeno ac cording te our American Ideas They did net appear te hurry but worked very leisurely. The work is nil dene with hand rakes, und the hay was shaken out and spread with forks, as we used te de before ve had intent hay rakes tedders uml mewing machines. They were hauling their hay lu en herse carls, which appeared te be a tedious process Thore wits lltlle wheat In this part of the country j eats barley, potatoes, turnips nnd herse iKMiisnre uxtunsUely grown. Turnips appear te be a gru it crop lu Kngland ami Scotland, nml much attention I glcn te their culture. They are drilled lu rows nml carefully cultivated and heed. I counted as many as liucii, women and boys lu ene turnip field. The turnips nre largely used for feeding stock, anil are much meru easily pio pie servetl than with us ewinsr le their net bcinir subject te ft cezing. Tliu cuttle seen III the fields nre nriucinallv Short Herns mid semu Jerseys. The price of an erdlnnry geed Short Hern cow is nlxiut ?M In Londen nt tlie Health exhibition 1 iuw a very large roan cow of this breed, for w lilch tXi was usked. As you get within 100 miles or Londen tlie country is qulte love), llke our vnlleys, with no broken or waste binds I saw iuorewlie.it, which was then in head, and looked well. Thore nre some ditches, mul the hedges leek charmingly neat, The rami buildings are net largu and im posing, but generally small nntt ordinary looking ; no barns, but the usual eut-bullil-jugs for stock nnd Iced. The grain is all Mhn.L:eil tinil threshed flllt of thmrs Uv fcleniii treshers very many of Mm farmers having house fur them. Tliu stacks are models of symmetry mul neatness. The pasture lands certainly excel j the glass Is very thick, uml the pasture npixmra te be veiy rich. I noticed large quantities of water cress in the Mreams which finds ready Rile In the Londen market. riNi: elii Titles One thing which udiU much te the Kiig. llsh lnndwn)e Is the number of tieeii scat tered ever the countrynet large forests but grand old oaks nnd elms through Mm Ileitis and along llie lawns. They nre guarded with Jealous care, nnd It doc) net leek as if they ever out niiyilnwn. One remarkable feature; In IhH country Is thn uniformly geed reads mid (hi) stilMsntlal manner In which they nre built. M'M grati fying or nil Is Mint they liave no tell gates te bar the wnv te Mm great lilies nnd marts of trade, which Is In striking iimttust le tunny erthn thoroughfares which lead te our towns und cities Thu railroads, tee, are built In the most substantial unmoor, without regard le cost, but with great regard le the surety or nvsscu gers mul tlie nvoldauce of accldents They nre nil iiIkivii the gratle of thn country reads mid the streets of the cities, iiusslng ever Mm teis of hoitses hi the same iiinnncr that the I'cmisvlvanlii railroad enter Phila delphia from the .Schuylkill te llread street. It occurred le nle Mint neat Iren truss bridges across ravines would 1st tus durable nnd ttsjk better Minn the heavy struclurd of high u relies en brick piers sixty feet high nnd built nt great oxeiise. They say here that thelr best railroads pay small dividends, owing te the cost or construction and the competition of rlvul reads Prem Londen te Oxford oleng Mm Valley of the Thames Is a geed agricultural district, llore wosawliierunntl better wheat than nt any tlmoliefero. It was new the 11th of .1 irty and it was fairly lu head. TIIK Itl.MM Of OXKOnll. Oxford Is nn elil city i It was it city 1,1)00 years age t n portion of the old wall still re mains; much of the history of England cen tres around this old place with lu twenty seven colleges The " Walk or Addison," along n nulet stream, slmdetl by large nml luiignTflccul old inks anil elms te the park, full or these same flne trees, with n smooth, green sward, upon which n number or ticer nre quietly brows ing, reminds ene that ever Mils wnlk have I Kissed many or Kuglantl's greatest, wisest nnd host statesmen, soldiers, prclntcs, pefcts mul wrllers. -MAIIKIIT tlAltllKNINO. doing south from Iontlen through the rich district of Kent le Devcr.by way or lbx;hes ter, ami through tlie elil cathedral town or Canterbury, we assctl through a flne rolling country, rich lu agricultural products, from w lilch large supplies of vegetables and small fruits nru taken te the Iindeu markets Cherries und strawberries or line quality nre grew n here. There npKinrs le lie mero ad vanced agriculture here Minn in any rt or lmglaiitt we had seen. We passetl through hern en our return from Mie continent nbeut tlm latter part of August, nnd saw evidence of a geed harvest w lilch had lxwn gathered, nml the farmers were preparing for seeding. In this section tlie American reaper and mower Is used, nml better farming imple ments generally. I failed te see the suiKsrier quality of I'll gllsh roast beef ever the American ; but their mutton is better. Our hotels nre sit sit Jierier te theirs ( they nre mero modern in construction, bave mero conveniences ami the comforts or tlie guests nre much groaler nnd at less cost than the UngUsli. American beer is In all their markets, and it finds ready sale. It Is net looked upon with laver by producers but consumers are glad of its ln ln ln troductlen, as It tends le cheapen the prices of meat; which are higher than with us. Tliere npiears te 13 a geed deal of depression In ngrlculturelu Kngland, and much com plaint among producers. Owing te the vast extent and low prices of lands witli us, theysaywe can outsell them In thelr own markets. With the high prices of land and its concentration in the hands of n few owners high rents about i?2 per aero lieing n fair nverage, nntt wages of farm laborers lelng from VI te 1 1 shillings per week they say It is Impossible for them te cempete with us. There Is much te adnilre lu Kngland, nnd lu the sturdy character of the people. Its liberal rerni of government, ceuixired with ether nations of Europe, Mm respect shown te the head of the government, tite faithful disehargpef public trusts the almost certain punishment which fellows crime, whether the criminal stands high or low in the social scale, nre subjects whl-h we may study te nilMiutage. (Concluded Te-iiiuirun SIT.CIAl. SOTXC12S. liiynlcliius lvoeiiiinend porous planters In iac.ief Hark Acli.i. Iiiir.e S!i!e, hlltr Jlusiics, ItliviiliiiitUiit uml all liHittl p tins. Ilejt I'latttrt tire llie het intuit', cetaliluliiK t'li-sh flops with limit's Iteaily te m, tilcus.uit anil powerful in itrtlen. -2S it, nt liny drug store. .VtA'EiuiTvKUP. If you are tmutilvil "ith nreus or sick head- iichc, tin net uUniip yonrcaettslticuratilo until jett liaietrlcil Dr. Leslie's hHcLil Prescription. be the testltiietilaU In unellier column. tlit-lHtl OtMin AnvicE. Ue Hale's Heney of llorctietinil nml Tar tern cough or cold l'lke's Timlltncltu ureps cure III one iniiitiie. Jii-Iiiili'tiil.Vw IIOt'dH ON IIATs." 1 tears out rats, mice, leuche, lllcs, iittls. bed. lniKs. ikunks, chipiiitniks, Keplterv. 13v. Drug gists. U) illtOW N'a lluUbi:ilULU PANACKA. I llie iiHulerTecttvc Pain llcslreyrr lu the world. Will tnttit suisiy iiiiickrn thu lihssl whether taken Internally or Jaliiillcil exteniiilly, mut tbetvhy inntii ci'rtiifnly HELIt:VK PAIN, whether chronic or nctite, than liny ether pain itllcvliiter, mul It Is wanitnted dotihle the sttriiKth of any cltnllnr preparation. It cares pain In the blue, llack or ltewrl, ero Threc.t, ltliciitiiallsm, loethncho nntl ALL AIJI1L-, nml Is The limit llellnvrr of Pain. l!UOVN IIUI'M:IIUI.1 1'ANAL1:a " heufit Is; In e cry futility. A tcaiioeiifiiloi the Puiiucva In u liiuihlcr of het water iswerleiietl, if ptv lerisnl, tuken at tieJIIine, will UltKAK UP A CO l.V. QScentsa liettle, ui3!-lyaM,W,sw llriint It Out." The shove i? tin old saw its naviiKea It ts hciiuu lens. Yeu can t " grunt out" ilypcpaln, nor llier ceniphilnt, nor tiervfiiibiicss If they once f:et a kckkI heht. They tlen't ix'inove theiuselvcs n thin way. 1 he taking a few clones of llurdeek Jlloetl JlltUrt Is better than "grunting It nut." What n u cm cure let's net cinliire. ter sale by II. II. Cochran, ill uggUt, 137 mul IS) Xerth Queen direct. HKAltT PAINS, l'slpltiitlen. Drepsical dwellings. Dizziness Initlscstlen, llcnrhtchf, blceplessncss cured by Weils' Health Itcncwer." (I) Vim Can llepentl On It. "Pur aeicre toothache ami XruntlKla of the heail 1 iihciI 7VieNi(i' Eclcctric Oil. This ts cur tulnly thu best thing I el er knew for relief of imlitef any kind The henu Is never without It," Mrs. .V M I'rank, 177 Vv Tapper St., llnf llnf inle, .V V. Fer Mile, by II, II. C'ei Iirun, ilrufKUt, 137 mul l'JVl North IJttccu street. TitJCKLKN'S AltXICA SALVi:. The bent ."-nlie tn thu world for Cuts llriiles, Nirt's, Ulcers, alt lIliHiiin, Kuier son-s. Tetter, ('hiipttcilllitiut. Chilblains, Cerns, and all bklu Knijilleiis, uml pesttlliiy ctues Piles, or no pay lC'iultcd, It Is Kiinratiteeil te L'lvu perlcct satU t.tctlcin, uf money tclumlcil. Pi ice, a cents per Imix. Fur mle by II, II. Cechnin, ilrugKlst. os. 137 mul 1X1 Aerth Ijncen street, Jaiitcuster, Pa. M OlTl KIIS 1 MOT IllUtb II MOTIIliiwIlT Ale vetidlsttirtieil tit iilnlit ami broken of i our ivst by n sick clUUl stillcrhiK uml cning with thu excruciating palu of cutting teetb 7 If m, go at once ami get a buttlu of Mm. WlNhl.OW'S SoeTMIMi 8Y11UI'. It will lellcvu tliu peer Uttle "iilfcrer liiiiucdlatiiy lcciul upon It; theie Is mi uiNltiku abuttt it. Theio Is net n uiothcreu earth who has ever ucd it, who will tot nil you ut eucu that It will regtilatu thu bowels, mul give rest te Ihu mother, and relief mid health te thu child, operating like tiuiglc. It Is putfcctly nfu te iieu in ull cases, uml pleusnnt te thu taste, ami Is Ihu prescription of one of thu eldent uml beat fuuialu pliyslclans In thu United States, bold eyery whole. lUceiitsn bottle. nm)31-lydM.V,sSw " HUCHU-PAIIIA."; Quick, complete, cure. all Kidney, llhtdderund t'llnury Iliseiiscs, bcalilinir. Irritation, blenu, tintict, CutHiihef thu UlaiMur, 1. lMitb'glMs. nvsrErric. ntirvetis neenle. 'out of soils," Celdcn'y Lliittld llvef Tetiiuwlll cttiv CMen'i, el Druggists. iv. .uvur JS-lwileatl.t IllllnbUKsl llniiteit Tldeiesl Thu idioie nre terms applied tethu unitiliihle and dlshenext. Dr. Thomai' Ecltctric Oil for diphtheria, catairh, anthuta. ilieiiinattsiii, nml nil uchus, Btirulns, nml pains is net u thluir of de ception but a pleasant nml heitevt remedy, It U honestly put up, honestly sold, and does what U cluhiied fur It. Kursalu by II. II. Cechnin, drug gist, 1.17 unit 13-J Net tli Ijueun sticcl. "ItOUHll ON COKNH." Ask for Wells' " ltetiith en Cerns." l.V. Quick complete cure. Harder soft coins, waits, bun ion. (!) A lieiuaut Aikmmlfilgmriit. "Had sour stomach and inUeruble itpputltu fur mouths, und itrcw thin eery day. 1 used llur llur eoek Jlloeil Jliltcr ih the most uuirieleus re sults I feci splendid." Mis. Jeseph Jehnsen, littrbttrK, Pii. Korsale by II. II. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 13 Xerth Queen sheet. MIIS. VII. WALTON'S PERIODICAL TEA. Mether Wulteti has prescribed this vuluublu mudlclnu feriiKivnl luuiiy jears In her ptlvule pructlee. It has proved uu iiiiftillliiKpcclllfl lu ihu treatment of tliu many disorders te which Ihu fciimle constitution U subject, ltisusuru cum fur thn monthly tumbles that se many women sulfur. .Mulled en receipt of price, 30u. Sold by II. II. Cochran, 137 uml is) -North Queen sneci. (3) The llesurreclleii uf Lazarus as a tnlt-.teuleus opcmtlen. Xe ene thlitki of ralmitK the dead thee tliiiei, though nunc des )erately close te death's deer hale been com pletely restored by Jlurileek Jlloeil Jlllleri te uciiultte und hMtliii; heulth. Fer sale by II, 11. Cochran, drugulst, 137 und 1W Xerth liuvcu slice t. HKIUCAU Yini'H ciiwtriY ri:creitAL. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. "Cnticrt, Texas, May i, mi. "1 wish te express my iipprcclitllun of tlie valuable uutilltle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a cecuii lir.MKur. " While with Churchill's nrtny. Just before Ilia bailie of Vlcksbtirg, t ceutntcled a severe Celd, which terminated InadiinKcroiisCeiiMii. I found no relief 1111 en our march weeiitne. ten country tore, where, en inking for seme remedy, I wns urged te try Atkk's Cmcnnv PncTenAL, " I did e, nnd wns rapidly cured. Slnce then I have kept the 1'ECTenAt, lenstniitly by me, for family tisu, nnd I have found It te bean ttirnltia ttirnltia bie remedy for Threat nnd Lung DIsearca. " .1. W. WlllTLKT," Thnusnud of testltnenlals certify te thepmtnpt euro of nil llmncliliil mid Lung Affecllens, by Ihuttsnef ATKit'sCiirsnr I'rereRAU ilclngvnry palatnhle, thu youngest children hike It tcaillly. ritisrAiiEU iiy Dr. .1. C. Ajer k Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by ull Druggists. JsnI-7-lydtw UIOUSANUS OF CASKS OP SICK Headache nre pcniemenUy ctiied every enr (ns the liltnilrcds of testimonials In my possession will testify) by the use or 1)11. LESLIES fsK'elnl Picscrlptlen. This Iteintdy stands to day without u llval, nnd with scarcely a com cem com petlfor In tlie world. Thousands of Physicians throughout thu country lime ncknewledged their fiuiblllty te cure It, nnd urn new prescrib ing Dr. Lesllu's Sjivelal Prescription for all casus of Mck HEADACHE In cither It nervous, bilious or congestive form, ullnliig from obstruction, isiiigestloiierloriildlty of the liver. When I say that Dr. Leslie's srmAL Prescription Mill cure the most obstlnuteceM's of Mck Headache, 1 mciiiiltist what I gay, and that is, that it net merely relieves but; POSITIVELY cures, no matter hew Ions the case may have been standing. 1 have testimonials from persons who have been mulcted for twenty 5 cars, being confined te bed two or three d.i at u time every two weeks, that hnvu been icriiuineully cured by two bottles or Dr. Leslie's Special I'llKSCHIPTlOX se that they have net had an nttack ler ever fl vu years. If you lira troubled with Sick Headache und wish te be CURED be sure und give this remedy atrial, l'nice, 11.00. S. ll.AltCllKlt.Samtegii bpriiigs, Jf. Y. Velt SALi: IIYDUUGGISTS. diO-lyd Ker sale only ut J. II. KACKFMAX'S Drug Stere, Xe. Set Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. Ker colds, u!.e Knutrinaii's Cough Syrup, the lai-gcst uml best for 'i cents. G MAY'S SIMICIl'IC MlUIICIXli Thu Great L'ngllsh lleiiicdy. All unfailing euro for luipetency and ull DUeases that fellow Ihs of Memery. IMilversul IaisHltudu. l'ulti In the llaek, Dlntncs of Vision, Prematura Old Age, Slid iiistty ether di-eases that lead te In sanity or Consumption nml n Premature tirui u. Full puiticulars lu etirimmphtet, which wu tlu tlu sliutescnd free by mall le every one, 'ihlsbpu tillu mediclne Is sold by nil druggists ut (1 per package, or six packages for $.1, or will huruul Ireu by mall en receipt of thu money, by ud dressing the agent, II. 11. COCIIltAX, DmsgUt. X'es. 137 mid 139 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. On uccetint of counterfeits, we luive adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the mil v genuine. Till: OKAY MtlDiClXKCO, IJtttTale, ., T. jutv noens. J. 11. JIAUTIN"A:"tre.' " llLFOIti: TAKING Ol'lt AXNTAL I.NVKX TOltY, WK AUK OFFKIII.NG SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN PRICES. IX ALLOUlt UKPAUTMEXTS. ItEDUOKD IitU Ks IX IIUV GOODS DlIl'AltTMLNT IIKDUCED liiH F.s IN XOTIOX E1'UTMEXT HEDUCKli I'llICES IX GENTS FlIll.MSIIIXt. DEPAKT.MEXT. IIEIIUCED I'llICES IV LADIES' COATS AND hllAWI.S. IIKDUCED l'IIICI IX COMFOUTs AND III.AXKETS. ItEDUCED l'IHCI.- IN rpltOL.sTKliY DEPAUTMEXT. iieduuf:d pkiles ix oilcloths. ItEDUCED PltlCKs IX MATTINGS'. ItEDUOKD PlIILEs IX TOY DEl'AIITMENT. ItEDUCED 1T.ICK1 IXtAItPET, WALL PAPERS, HUGS, W1X- DOW SHADES, Ac. 3- WE SOLICIT A C ALL.Tl J. B. MARTIN & CO. ZST23 West King and Prince Streets, (Opposite Melons Heuse,) LAXCAbTEII, PA. SPE l'F.UIAIi HAItQAIXS. Embroideries, Embroideries. WATT, SHAM & CO, 8 and 10 East King Street, lluve opened their llrst ceuslitumciil of HAMBURG EDGINGS AXD IXSE11TI0XSL An Iniincnse vul luty of Choice l'uttcnts. WOlkcd en thu llnest Cuiiibilc, ut the Lewest Priced eci knew 11 in thu busluesH. SPECIAL BARGAINS: 10 i WHITE IlLAXCETri, tl.75a pair. 10-4 AI.L-WOOLllLANKKTs, W.Jtiaiiulr. 11-4 Extra Heavy HLAMiETs' .7J a pair. 60 DOZEX Ladies' Scarlet Underwear, ONLY 7Se. EACH, WOKT1I tlAtt, MW TOEK STORE, NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., LAXCASTKK, I'A. TTKADQUAUTKltS 10 II TIIK IXIIIAXJIEDICIXES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -vr- Lecher's Drug Stere, S0, 9 EAST KIXU ST., Luucuslcr, I'll. nehiDAr LIKN & 11IIENE.MAN. CHRISTMAS GOODS FLINN & BRENEQDAN'S. The Jjirijcst Sleck nml Lewest 1'rlcfs. We nre ntur Opening our Annual Exhibition of 1IOL1 HAY GOODS. Delli, Dell Carriancs, Express Wuens, BprliiR and Hebby Hemes, Shoeriyi and Velocipedes, Tin and Slccluuilcal Tey. Mcrchanls, Churches and Stinilnynchoels miiptlcd nt Xcw Yerk 1'ilirs. FLINN & Ne. 1 52 North Queen St.. CLOCKS, MlJtllOlt.t N- j:W (100DH. NEV YEAR, 1885. WeOAtcnilaconlhillnvltnllentooverybody, young and old te visit our Alt T IIOOM, aswell ns te see our LARGE AND NEW ASSORTMENT OF FINE WATCHES, DI AlOMS AND JEWELRY, SELECTED FOIl THE COMING YEAIt. Deiirln mind that with the Xew Yearceines New Goods and new idenn in our liutlucc. H. Z. RHOADS, L.vxcASTEit, pa. Ne. 4 West King Street. aOurMeru will clrwe nt C.SJp. m., en and after JAX. 3, until further iiotlce.-t just epi:nkd. Gkistmas 1884. x Zahni's Gerner 1884. JUST OPENED THE LA1IGE3T AXD CHEAPEST LIXE OK French Clocks, Mirrors and Bronzes WE HAVE Music Bexes of All Grades. A FULL LINE OF GOODS TO SUIT ALL TASTES. ZAHM'S HOLIDAY GOODS. TTOLIDAY GOODS. WAITER A. HEIHTSH, XO. J3 EAST KIXG STItEET, LAXCAbTEII, l'A. THIS IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUll HOLIDAY GOODS, IX- t'AXCY CA11I.SET WAKE, CAUIX ETS, IIUIC-A-UIIAC. EASELS, PEDESTALS, SI.1PPEU BACKS. UI.ACKIXG CASES, COMJtODES. HAT HACKS, TOWEL HACKS.: HOOK HACKS, &.C.. c. A very Larue Line of tltcke goods, nnd uliuija u plcniuru te hew theui. WALTER IHEINITSH, Ne. 28 West King Street. dccti-Cmd TOUACCO AXD CJO All. U STEIIMA Jf & CO. H. Holiday Presents. MEEUSCHAUM 8M0KEIIS AXD PIPES, TUltKISH PIPES, EltEXCH BUIAll PIPES, CIOAll AXD CIGAUETTE 1IOL DEKS, CIGAK CASES, SMOKEIl'S SETS, CIGAUETTE CASES, ASH 11ECEIVEUS, MATCH CASES, CAXES.&e. All In great variety und ut very low price. ajr-Cutl end examine our goods. Xe trouble te then them. ii, l mm & co. Ne. 116 North Queen Street. COAL. B, 11. MARTIN. WlIOLKDALt AND RETAIL Dealer in All Kind of Lumlier anil Ceal. Ov-Yard: Ne. I'D Xerth Wuter und Prince ttiuvtg. ubeiu Lemen, laiuciiBter, uMvd B UMGARUNEUS A JEFFr.RIES, COAL DEALERS. Oi-Ktcts; Xe. liu Xerth Queen street, und Xe. SCI Xerth l'riuce street. Y'akue: Xeith l'riuce sti-cet, near Heading Depot. LAXCASTEll, l'A. ttuglS-tfd pOAU M. V. B. COHO, 330 SOUTH WATEIl BTllEl'T, Ijineiwter, Pa., WHOLHSALK AAD RKTAIL DEALKU IN LUMBER AND COAL. Con.vectiex WITH tub riXKriioNie Kxciiaiiek. Yard and Orricu I Xe. 330 XOUT1I WATKlt STItEET. fehS-lyd c illEAM OF ROSES cvnta CHAPl'ED IIAXD-t, LIPS, FACE AXD ALL HOUUHXEbSOt' THE SKIN. I dote net hurt like ulyccrluc. rmcE.wauaiJCEX'tj.M COOHBAN'S DIIUQ STORE, Nes. 137 AND P XOHTH QUKEX STItEET, autiHimil Laucustcr, l'u,- aoenn. -,VT- BREiOTAN, Lancaster, Pa. AXD BllOXZKH, EVEU CAKIIIED. AT- CORNER. CLOTH 1X(1. F I0R GLOVES, Te keep the hnndu w nil MITTKNS, Te keep the hands w arm. SOCKS, Te keep the feet arm. EAK MUFFS, Te keep the cars trarui. MUFFLEItS, Te keep thu neck warm. UNDERWEAR, Te keep the liedy warm. Ge te ERISMAN'S, t Se. 17 WEST KIXO 8TIIEET. -vrYl-fltS A RATIIVON. EVEUYTHIXG IX WINTER CLOTHING -FOIt- Men's Youths' and Beys' Wear, L SUITS HEADY-MADE I SUITS MADE TO OllDEIt OVEItCOATS UEADY'MADKI OVEUCOATS MADE TO OltDEIt The Largest Aeanrtinent 1 Elegant Styles ! Perfect In fit I Qualltlm and Workmanship U11 cxcullcd I NEW PRICES FOR THE NEW YEAR! Guaranteed ns low a the lewctt n. noted by any Itclluble Clothier In thu city. nA cull solicited. Comparison Ceurtcd.- On and after Jsnutry ;th, thUntore -n 111 be closed tit 0 o'clock p. m., Suturdayg excepted, until March Int. MYERS&RATHFON, LEADIXG LAXCASTEll CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET, LAXCASTEll, TA. N ACROSTIC Gwal Pelilic! ll-y all means buy your goods, my friend, tl-jien this plan : from thete who ipend, K-ehelve te patronize home stores, (let ull you cau right at your doers, K-nceuruge these, who spend thelr cash, ltdgbt he re at home ; de net he rash I f. you'd be rush te go abroad buy your goods ou ether sod 1 R-heuld you net knew the place te go, U.ixm my word I think I'll show T-h.i t bSBt Is thut place lu the town T-hat always makes tha prices down I Of whom I write 'tis very plain, X-ew keep first letters iney'll explain I & Merchant Tailors nnd Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE BQUAHB, LAXCASTEll. PA. S-On and after January Sth our Ster will be closed at a p.m., Suturduys eicpud. STOCKS. pOOR, WHITE & CO., l BANKERS. PltlME HAILWAY SEOUIUTIES AI.WATH Olf HAXD t'Oll 1XVEST11EXT. Minneapolis Kcnl Estate 7 per'ecnt. bends for sole at 101 ana Interest. Proprietor of "l'oer'ti Manual of ltalU ays," Correspeudenco inrlted. 45 Wall Street, New Yerk. octl-lytlced Respectfully Dwatcd te a rsivuui. .'" T AX0A8TKR AND .Mrti&WlT23B oe nntt um n. m., und 4M3fJp!S' brn JcaTe iiiiersviii tec Uustester H HK e.w huu tow h, ui. miq iw 9M M sjIHI fSJt fvlfe, ahhaxkkkxt e rAtumiM wAitts; v BUXDAT, JfOVtSMHEK Mta, VM. -, . NOHTIMVAMt). . Leave. a.k. Klnget, Lane, A.M Lntienstcr...,., 6.47 Mitiihclm...,.,. 7.1-1 Cornwall,..,,,, 7,13 . Arrive, Lcbamm ,,,.., d.nft . SOUTHWAlin, Ijrnvc. a.. Lebanon 7,ai Cornwall.,,.,,, 7.M Msnhcltn cat lainestcr , 8.M Arrtf r.x r.i. ,! If' O.WI tus 12..V) a.tfl H.li i.ai MT H.M i.m u.07 ta wsc 113 . 0.IJ a;? M """, -f ' r.u. HOT 111 2.UI r.r. 7..TI1 7.M M1 A.M. 7. 7.W . r.w. 1J utt UM i'J B.1I il'v King St., Ijinc. Kit 6i.j .. D.47 . .,,iV """'i B"P" R. C, . H, . . J. M. IIavard, Hunt. C. and ). i itf t. II. H. M. 'tf OxcOxELTI,8ttpt. l'.AB.ll.U, 1 "vji (nxi-ira TOEADlNa A. COLUMBIA. AHKAXUEMEXT QV PAS3EX0EU TBAlNl?. -M fttlXDAY, ilAT18, 18S4, XOUTHWADD. tCAVK. A.M. P.M. r.M. A.M Qunrryvllle a.ai .... n.i .... Lancnstcr, King Street,... 7.30 .... IN ,.,. Lancniiter ,, 71K) ZM s.M .... Manhultn,...., 8:17 list 4. .... Marietta Junctle , 7:M 1KI 4.04 .... Columbia , 7JU 2-.W 3.(0 .... ARR1VX. Heading e-M SJO 5:M .... SOUTHWAUD. tCAVE. A. M. M. V. M, A, M, Heading ,. ,7,10 ujn B:lu ,.it AttXITK. r. M. Marietta Junction, ....... g-M l:M 7JVI .... Manhclm 8.111 irn 7;le .... Columbia 8.-25 ::ie tt:2t .... Ijiltcilntcr ,. t):U ".(in h:I3 b:in Lancaster. King Btrect,... 9-iS .... :si jn guarryvllle 10-.23 .... 0.11 B.50 Trains connect nt Heading with trains te mid from l'hlladclphla, I'ottsvllie, llsrrlshurg, Al. lentewn uud Xew Yerk, via. Hound llroek lteute. ..At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Itnnevur. tlcttynburp, Frederick nnd Baltimore. At Marietta .Junction with trains te and from Chlcklcs. At Manhclm with trains te and from Lebanon SUXDAY. Leave Quarryi llie, 7:00 a. 111.1 Lancaster, King Street, 8.00 a. tn., 4 J3 p. in. Arrive heading, le oe a. in., 0:35 p. m Iave Heading, 80 a. tn., 4 p. ni. A rriveLan winter, King Street, UJ7 a. in.. 6M p.m.: Ouarrj-vllle, 0:M. A. M. WILSOX. SnpL PKNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCHED ULE. Trains leave Lancaster and Icave and arrive at Philadelphia as fellows 1 Leave Leave WESTWAUD. Philadelphia. Lancaster. News Express f 4:30a. m. 6:Wa.m. Wnvl'nusenirerf i-Ml ! .. Mafl train via ML Joyt 7KXI 9J1 ' .Sft-I Ne.SMall Trnln via. Celum'a. 9-J3" 4Vffl niagara, express 7:10a.m. ime " Hanover Accem via. Celum'a. r.".a ' rest Llnef 11:10a.m. VJnp.ia. Krcderlck Accem via. Celum'a. 1:45 Lancaster Accem via. Mt. Jey. 2:30 " Harrtsbnrg Accem 2:14 p.m. B:i3 " Columbia Accem 4:40 " 7:30 ' HarriHhitrg Express.., 1 8:40 " 7:40 ' ttj iveHieni.r.xjireNT into " 11:13 " &'uciuex.Aprvif9x 117M - iua.m. y . i.cave Arnva at EASTWAltD. Lancaster, l'hllndelphla. Mail Expresst l:t)u. ui. 3HHa.ni. l'hll'a. Exprcssi....... S.-27 " 4"4J " Fast Line t 8-3S " TM - Harrisbarg Express... B:10 " ltMW " Ijtncater Accem. ur.. H:.M " ivla. Mt. Jey. Columbia Accem :) " 11:15 a.m. Seashore Express...... l'.'-.Mp.m. 3:111p.m. Johnstown Express f . 2.20 S:uS Sunday Mall 2:12 ' :43 ;. nay Axpresst , d:ih v.a liamsenrg Accem b:u ir.u " j The Marietta Accommodation leaves Colum bia at 0:10 a. m. and reaches Marietta at 1M. Alse, leaves Columbia at 11:45 a. m. and 2:15 p. m reaching Marietta at 12:01 and 2.33. Leaves Mar ietta at i-M p. in. and arrives at Columbia at 3-.W ; also, leaves ut 8:33 and arrives at 8:43, The Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:lvana arrives at Lancaster nt c.w, cemiccm niiuiuuiiquuiK x.Aiivea ui r.iv, , The Frederick Accommodation, west, connects Iitgat Iincastcr with Fie.t Line, west, ut 1:33 p. 1 in., will run through te Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, cant, leave Columbia at 12rJ3 and reaches Lancaster at 12:50 p. m. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting nt Lancaster v 1th Xlagara Express at tee a. in. will rnn through te Hanover, dally, exceet Sunday. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when nagged will step ut Downlngtewn, Coateivllle. l'arkesburg, ML Jey, Ellzabethtewn and Mlddlctewn. f The only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mail train west runs by wny of Columbia. Lcuve dully except Monday. CORNWALL AND LKBANON AND V CULKUUUUlv VALLEY 11A1LKUAU3. HOUTUWARD. Trains leave Lebanon daily (except Sunday) nt Gukl a. m., l'i-,30 and J 3a p. 111. Arrive ut Cornwall at U'.IOium., 12:10 p. in. and 7:le p. in. : nt Coucwiige at 7: M u. in.. Iris and H:2) p.m.,cuniiecttnKwlthihel'uunsylvitiihiItaill'ead fur points caul and iveit. KOnTUWAUD. Trains lcave Conewuge ut 7:30 n. m., 8U)0aud 8:25 p. ut. Arrive nt Cornwall nt8:03 11. 111., 4:19 and 0:05 p. m. ; nt Lebanon at 8r0 a.m., 4::uiiiidu:13p. ui. eiiiincctlug nt Lebanon with Philadelphia uml Heading Kallvond-fef points cast and went, untt thu Lebanon and Treiueut Vrauch ter Jones town, l'lnegreve nnd Trcuieitt. The 6:30 a. ui. train will step only nt Cornwall, Colebrook and liellalte.. ei.AsswAin:. H IOII .t MARTIN. GLASSWARE. GLASSWARE. -AT- CHINA HALL WE AHE OFFEHIXQ A LIXE OF GLASSWARE AT SPECIAL VltlCES. CELEHY CLASSES, FUIIIT HOWLS. PITCHJ-ItS, DISHES, 4C, 1 GLASS LAMPS WITH FAXCY CHIMXErS. ( S- Examine these goods before purchasing'. High & lartin, NO. 16 EAST KINO STREET, LAXCASTEll, PA. HOVSEFURXiaillXO GOODS. rpiIE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, ? Geal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixttres, -18 AT- NP. Ne. 21 Seuth Quecn Street, feh271ya LAXCA8TEB, l'A. QATARRH. & ? ELY'S CHEAM BALM f UUES COLD IN HEAD, CATAHKir, K08K COLO, - IlAYrEVEK,UEAr.''it,ttSAUAWMii.rf,,;' Easy te oe. Trice. e. Kly .. 0w)fc X. Y., V B. A. 1 HAY FEVERS e ELY'S C11KAM I1.1LW ChMMl'tl Allays lutlaiuuuitlen, Hel tb. tm. the Beusrs of TtAte sna Wiii. iMHiltve euro, w cenw w in by uiali, regttterta. Bend for. by mall, 10 cents. -- SCHAI&WSil iHriteiXn ' , pwmw,eiwtH ST id Vi & IVJ AT 1 J S8 5. ; Wij :? U .M vita MJ8 4. iT'tt m .'-;