' i ... 'Xsa Q v- m .. -'?u n j. i r " -x'r., . ..j. - u i --.yc r K ATA LANCASTER DAILY INTEIJLIGENCEK, MONDAY JANUARY 5, 1885. M&L. L-- ST'? i& tfc Rg. ,-& w ;fv ip Er s. ,TK 41V m & ir 8 yJ . i-sV'1 h !-" ''it ' "? . W 84&i.. TJ pj' H $' '! ?? f feW. rs i (;- IK L-P K rn. ' tr &y DAILY IKTELUGEKCER ItVMYtVCNiNOIN THE YEAP" ' (bimm iMn.) t rrttNMAN A HEN9CL. - - .y .v . . nnmUGHBf OCR BUILDING ex . ,fft uvmrwtn utn i nt suuflnc, " LweATt)t. Pa, 'Z-S4,- 1WT OtHTl'AWK. FIVE DOLLARS A VIA. OR WFTY CENT8 A MONTH. MMTAOC PRCt, HiVPITlMMCNTS FROM TEN TO FIFTY .OWTA UN. WEIKLY INTELLIGENCER, jA, " "UMHT PASES.) ay-j - MAY WEDNESDAY MORNING. T0 Deuam a Vu m AevAxct. w tf JDOnRCWONDENCE SOLICITED FROM EVERY -"t , WWT OP THE STATE AND COUNTRY. CORRC c PON0CNTAftt REQUESTED TO WRITE UGIBLY ' .f ANOONONt WOt OP THE PAPER ONLY; AND TO iy,'l THEIR NAMES, NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BUT $i Ht PROOF OP GOOD FAITH. ALL ANONYMOUS V utters Will be consigned te the wastu t & BASKET, ADME88 ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO 4" THE INTELLIGENOER, z,"X' r Lancaster, pa. tij l)e Lancaster jfatcUicjcwcr. LANCASTER, JAXUART 5, 1885. Ahead or Our Neighbors. There Is a very remarkable difference in progressive spirit between two cities se close together as Lancaster and lleadinj;, and in nothing is the lead et Lancaster bet ter shown than in the vast superiority of hi r street rolling stock. Heading claims twi e the population of Lancaster and ought te have twice the number of private carriages and public liacks and livery stables. Hut in fact the private carriages in Heading can be counted en the fingers of the hands, perhaps even of one hand, while in Lancas ter they are se many that no ene could readily number them. The liveric3 in Lancaster are much mere numerous and better equipped than in Heading, and as te cabs Heading does net knew wliat they are. There are none standing in her streets or at her depots or hotels. A carriage can only be hud at the livery stable. In Lancaster cabs stand at the depots and en the streets at all hours of day and night, ready for call at a cost of twenty-flve cents te convey a passen ger and trunk from and te any part of the city, and ready te obey a tele phone call te any house te carry a passenger thence for the same charge. Heading has two street railways that are better patron ized than ours, but their service is in no way se complete and satisfactory as our cab service. "Why we should be be much mere ad vanced in this direction than our neighbor is net readily accounted for. The greater number of private carriages here indicate greater individual wealth, which we no doubt have; but Heading lias plenty of wealthy residents who can afford te keep fMirrhlrwi hllf. An Tinr Tim CAnllmaiit s sems te be that it is an extravgance, and extravagance is the one sm the; Heading folks will net be guilty of. They leek at a carriage ride as a forbidden luxury ; and a cab staud would be avoided by its people as a temptation of the devil. It would net become us te say that they are less intelligent than our people, though color is given te the suspicion by the f.n't that they taavobutrbne small book store. toLrtrek0 of J""'3 fn tl10 summer, and of a thotewruH'nfie we have five geed enes7atT?.Ve.r??,tta:k,PrJ'siI,1:l, On0 reiH,rt fLWcentra thev have a handsomer bepr saloon than any of ours. Ilarriaburg is anetlier neighboring town that prides herself onamuchgreaterpopula enamuchgreaterpopula onamuchgreaterpepula lation and mero aggressive spirit than Lancaster, but she is far behind us in the accomedations provided en the streets for travelers. Her wealthier citizens have mere and better turnouts than are owned in Heading, though net ahead of Lancaster, if indeed up te her. Hut public accommoda tions there, in the way of liacks and cabs, are utterly lacking. Years age, it is claimed, the railroad company irrevocably and un changeably granted te one individual the exclusive right of landing passengers en and taking them from the platform of the station. That monopoly, al though excluding all competition, has never had greater enterprise than te put at the Harrisburg station occa sionally an old omnibus with a trundle cart behind it for baggage, such as were used aforetime in Lancaster, but have been abandoned for nearly twenty years. Al together Harrisburg is worse oil if possible, than Heading; and it was the disgrace of the capital city, that when its last governor elect arrived there lie could net even hire a hack te convey him te the executive man sion. When the luckless traveler readies that city he incurs about equal chances of finding no omnibus at all at the station, or if there is one in waiting, if net tee dirty te ride in, it is apt te be overcrowded. The Pardoning Power. The beard of paidens, in disposing of the case of Dr. Albert G. I Geersen, the Philadelphia wife poisener, puts en recenl and before the public its pretest against being asked te substitute its functions for these of juries in every part of the com monwealth, or te supersede and review the supreme court, "te whom every iktseu ac cused may new resort for the correction of errors," and the beard vciy plainly sajs that such powers de net belong te it and it will net assume them. Ne fault can be found with the beard of pardons for this declaration; and if it has been annoyed by unreasonable impeitunity, or if the celerity and certainty of justice, se essential te its administra administra lien, liave been balked by fruit less demands upon iU time and attention, it does well te warn sucli suitors that their efforts and money are wasted. It is clearly net the function of the state oill eill ccrs who comneso the beard te clvx nu. trials te every prisoner who may want a hearing, nor te review the supreme court's determination of law points. But the pardoning power is one of vast discretion, and the law which makes it such contemplates that it sliall be se exercised It Is difficult, as the Pennsylvania beaul no doubt has found, te fix by metes and bounds and inflexible rules precisely hew it shall be used. It was once understood that. n,n present beard would consider no case ex. f -cejit when facts were adduced which were ' Het developed In the trial. As was pointed ,j,v out by the Ixtellieenceh at the time, thiMA worn bntvl Hnq n.l cu....rui t t -0 . . disposition en the part of the beard .te urk responsibilities which it ought te , Hwae. "Under such a system the case of cthe lx men convicted In these courts of j being twuips and sent te the jienitentiary .-j-'fer Jhree years each, nt hard laler, could 'wtf haye 'rece.'y;-d any attention from the bwrL lu the declaration which accem- panies the Qocrsen decision, it prcscritea what it will hear as well as what it will net: " This beard will consider anxiously, and with an earnest desire te find geed grounds for executive clemency, nil case! in which are shown fraud, corruption, ci plain judicial blunder, testimony net pro duced at the trial, and an; manifest icreng or trrer beyond judicial rniinty." This is a bread, liberal prevision. lss the beard could net properly say, and mere the public will net ask. It will probably engage all the beard's time if it reviews the " plain judicial blunders " and the " manifest wrongs and errors beyond judicial remedy " that occur in l'enusjlvnnia. A IlArrv New Ykah te the county oillo eillo oille inh that go Inte olllee te-day. - m, m Gov. Pathsex lias uiaile a geed selection In the appointment of William I Cerbctt te the vacancy en the bench of Clarien and Jef fersen counties, caused by the recent midden death of Jnmcili. Knox. Uerbett 1 nn old eld old fashlencd, quaint-loeklng'ehap, but his head is stored full of law, his heart Is warm, hli mind Is fair and even, and when he was In me ocnaie some years ace me mere his ase- ciatcssawefhlm the better they liked hlm. Tiif. drama et "The Oyster and the Shell" Is atxnit te be enacted nt llarriibtirp. A Philadelphia husband gotadherco from his w Ife lccause he show eil In the taking onesumeny that she was shl cw Ish and loud voiced ; that she Manimed a bible dew n upon the lloer, w.s extremely dlsrejHx:trul te a uniting niiniMer, and otherwise unladvllke. It was net gainsaid that she had been a eare- fiu housekeeper, a kind mother, and a faith ful w Ife. New, the counsel of the divorced woman comes beforetho court and asks for an order that her husband pay ft a week allewance for her: and he cite the act of assembly permitting divorce en the ground or "cruel nnd barbarous treatment" which provides that, te guard agatustlthe possibility of the woman put away becoming a charge en the county, the husUind might be directed te support her afterward. It is a notch though net unprecedented cise, but it seems rcasonable that the motion should be allow oil. The woman's intimities nre notefaicious character and she may net be responsible for them; they are such as were tery likely disclosed before he took her " for w orse" as well as for better, and if the court frees him from obligations tolive with her there is no geed reason why the husband should be exempt from liability for her support. The Cameren machine, will seen hIiew hew w ell It has been oiled. AVhen electric lighting became popular a lew years age, it was thought that it would drive gas te the wall In short order, and large sums of money w ere Invested in the new- lighting scheme. There was great shrinkage in gas snares, ami tlie new iUuminant seemed te have a free llcld. Hut as time were en, gas began te recover and electric light te decline, the latter because tee many ieople rushed into it at one time, causing oerpro- uucuen ami consequent cheapness. The ixmdeii statist lias ugurcs te show that electric light investments can only at best return 3 per cent en the money imested, owing te its essential dearness. But it Is a mistake te oppeso the new light togas as they occupy totally ditlerent fields and the world has abundant use for both. ihe fact seems te have been kept some- tnme; or a secret that Chief Justice Wulte, who is new- In his seveuticth year, has been seriously 111 for six w eeks, the result of a iim it uuii nn lauuiy ure ury opprcnciHive and despondent, nnd the most intimate friends of the chief Justice ure hopeless of his tinal recovery. Some of the Hepublican ncwspinwrs, anxious about the succession, intimate that if he should have a lucid Inter val Btilllciciitly long te enable him te compre hend his rral situation he would probably resign in order te enable his successor te be appointed by President Arthur, and the suc cession has already been awarded by the correspondent teMr.Frellnghuysen, Arthur's secretary of state tliat is, and his reputed father-in-law that is te be. The Democrats meanwhile very naturally hepe that Cleve land will name the successor te Chief Justice Waite, irone Is te seen be appointed, and Jndge Field's name Is already camnssed for the high position. It seems tliat the silk stoe pipe bat Is a Chinese idea, appropriated by a Frenchman and imported into thLs country via ParK The ilrst or them started here In 18M, though from a glance at a Masonic funeral or a politi cal precession of "business men," ene might fancy that seme of the styles ante dated the Washington administration. - m Tun heroic conduct of the brakeman en the occasion or tlie recent railroad train job bery near Illsing Nun ought te be prejcrly fclgnalized by the cemiuny and passengers As seen as n pistol was pointed ut him he net only checked his purpose te pull the bell repe and step the train, but " succeeded In getting the deer of the wash-room partly open, and fcelzlng an opportunity quickly Jumped in side, mid slamming the deer, locked him self in." Tiikiie is compensation for these who seek it In all the situations or life. We often little knew hew that which we most deslre may ira uiui niuvii le US Will IM tlie IllCwt harmful. There Is no doubt that many a fair ene has sighed in vain for a seal skin Mcque In this trying wintry weather. Yet te a young lady in Sew burg, X. Y it proved a very unfertunate possession a few days age. She was promenading the streets rejoicing in tlie glory of her soft and high priced raiment, when a ruthless billy.ge.it began an attack en her that was Inspired by her hand some saeque. The manner lu w hk-li this young woman was butted around by his geatshlp was truly dreadful, and by the time he had finished with her, the saeque and the young woman wcre both mero holy than otherwise. The moral or this tale will doubt less, Iw easily discovered by husbands whose wh es are teasing for ene of these adorn ments. The Costliest ur Metals. There are nineteen known metals valued nt ecr ene thousand dollars per avoirdiiiieU nnilml Tlirt mnut .tujl. lu .. it . . . ,..... , .. ,,, vwiij ,n uiiuuilllll, WHICH Is said te be worth ten thousand dollars a pound. Of theso nineteen metals only ene is produced or used te any considerable eatent nnd that is iridium, which is alued nt tl,ie per iwuniL It is hemetlinci, but very spar ingly, used In electrical experiments. tiiu iiui an7 tub sbw. Out upon the frestyalr, wllh iiicuy musle The bells In churches' towers the coming New things i'retilK l'miC" l0"eut''' for belUrr M'UUthoeu"B '" ,h StW Yca,lm, 1"BlK out What earnest hopes their mellow inllnlnmii.rH,iiB ..ll tencs, lu W,WUud,.'v",i.rbeHt,U'r l","t"' """ ""l WKh WlthverxMiete a IieJkb Is raised, in ev ery clang ,V1'llthe"uid',,,,he"Nt'W' v,,arHlld rlnBhig out ThcjMeiUr future happiness, they sing of belter "a rhymV.Cttrt 0'oeUoc,' their sw cet mclodleu. And rel'uJ' '" ,h" aU,ttnee Cttch 11 J grandly Wbll,JJnyi'iJ'SluthoNewYerana rliiBlng out .f.'clMumf I, c7(Wij, PERSONAL. Oi.adstenk sutlers from insomnia and has been ad lsed te rest Trem w erk. Jehn M. Wahd, the well-knewn ball player, will seen le admitted le the bur lu Bcllcroute. Gkeiuik Alkhi;iTevnsi:ni says: " IT I wanted te mertlly the l!csli,nnd beu pilgrim, I think that Instead or becoming it monk I should liecnmc a lettcrarrlcr." Cei. A. K. McCluhi: starts te-day ter a Journey or se end weeks In the Seuth, In cluding n week or ten days nt the New Orleans cxostien. lti:Mir A. Dunn, n leading cltUen or Xor Xer Xor rlstewn, died Sunday afternoon or gout and consumption, nged forty-eno years. He was en extensive uiurble dealer and mn'imwt in leading local enterprises. Uev. Dn. Neah Hunt Sciikm-k, iter erst. Ann's en Urn Heights Kpisoepal churvh, Uroekljn, died athN home lu UrtMkl. n, en Sunday morning, from the elleets of WikkI poisoning brought out by a wire com. JunriK HeAiihas nahl that the reason Wen dell Phillips and Hen. llutler no er quarreled --though each quarreled w Hit everybody clse was that "neither cersueccedcd'ln finding anadjecthe In the dictionary mean enough te apply te the ether." Hen. Jesse resrim, or PettsUlle, died Saturday in his S3d jear. His brother died et the age or 1)1 a few mouths age. His wife, aired fc", with fic of a fainily or thirteen children, thiriy-sK grandciiildreu and thirty-four great-graudehildren, sun 1 e him. Heshv W.Scett, a brilliant young law jtr or E.vsten, onee a student at Mlllcrsille state normal school, was quietly married en Saturday excnlng te. Miss Iuiogctie, daugh ter of Cyms 1-iuall, and a lolle of Iisten. Society, which has coupled their names, was quite unprepared for the intelligence of the marriage, and in censcqitcnrc tlie wedding is the talk of the tow u. Jehn It. McI.eas gin te his bride en the eve efhis departure from Cincinnati Ter tlie Iiist was a necklace or diamonds that cost $S0,WX). Tlie diamonds are forty-one in mini lcr. The centre stone w eiglis (H e karats and cost $,",Oia Tlie twenty gems en cither side gradually docrease in size te the clasji, which lsconieedor six sin ill diamonds or rare brilliancy. bl.LA WHEELEU WlLCOX, spe.lkillg or licr hopes rer a daughter, ir she should eer have enis wys : "1 want her te be line leek ing, healthy, tender, brainy and capable or attracting men w itheut le ing them. Women should be lu leve with the world and be able te meet its resxjnsibliitics te And a charm in tlie society of many instead or in the com panienship or any one man. At least she is happiest when she can de this." The Nratrst ami One or tlie Ilrat. Frem the Ifellefente Watchman A Tew weeks since the daily Lancaster I.n telluie.nceu was enlarged by the addition era column te each page and dressed in nn entire suit or ery pretty new type. The make up and press work en the "paper has also been Improved, se that thol.vTELLlftEN thel.vTELLlftEN ceh is new the neatest as well as oueortliolicst papcrseur state has te beast or. The ditlerent editorial and news departments are conducted In a manner thnt w euld de great credit te a much mere protentieusjournal and Its editors and proprietors, Messrs. Stelr.man A Ilensel, desene the most liberal annmrt nml mi. eeumgement from the Democracy or the state ler ineir etterts te furnish them a paper of THO .SCIIO()I.li:i.l.()U s. 0 ur th hill nnd rallev, tirawn liy the steam here- new er. The Itailmiu Klnis la speidlnu 1'tfty miles an hour! Hn counts his wealth by millions, lly thouenud counts his men : OVr ten thousand miles of gleaming mils lie wnes his sceptre-pen. The dlaiuendi of the cixil mines, Where tell the miners Krtin.. Anil thouelj efthu wavlnii cernllilili 1'ay tribute unto hlm. lint psle and worn is the monarch : Utiheedlnir i the ej e ltefere -hlch the smlllnffceuntrj- Geu ttlttlng and whirling by, And he hics but does net notice The runner rein old limy At the crossing, te let the sptcial luss, epecrMUj: upon its way. SLitirart and strong is Farmci Jelin, And bronzed with sun and weather. "llK,if.i" he laughs, "jeud necrthinW Hound I were bes together I " He, that sbndutv, silent and ly. -,i bigger than my nun. He owns a hundred millions ; 1 llu e only you and the fatm "Cut, Lord," laughs Farmer Jehn : "whed change ? Peer fellow he never sees Our upland meaduw of clever red, Uur blosneuilug apple-trees. He only hears the clanging hteis And the engine's w histle shrill ; urs ere the nuinmlng of the bees And the wild blrd'K musical trill. " And wlillu in the dusty town he tnil At a tell tint ne'er Is done, I swing my sc the te a merry song In the cheery wind und tun. "'.Mi? whaU be Jogging behind old tinu n hen in earth his bones shall lie. Hew- long de these meudew keep the sound Of his swift train rearing by ?' I'liltAiiEiriiiA, December 31, leSI. bVECIAL XOTICKS. Tuatllug the 'atlents. Alphoime Kerr recently Hentl V , ID nil . TU.Ia.... ... . I -I...... i ...riV '..""' .J .. OVUlU 1IHJ8I . mus in i uns ui r mnner, ey ellcrlng a te.ist te the health of their patients. Sima people think diictera de net like their patients te get well. There nie many doctors in this country w he net ..uly want their patients te get welf.biitgHe then, Prow n's Iren Hitlers. Dr. O. X. ltol,eien Mm roe, . C, sas. prescribe Hrew u's Iren llltlem and tlnd It all It Is recommended te lie." Cures mnlarUanil ull nervousunddysiien nerveusunddysiien tlc troubles. " ' CUKK fir ASTHMA AMI SI'INAI WKAK. XKsS. 239 West tine Stbeet, New Vensr, May 17, 1K3 Though it may be irregular for u physician te give a certlllcute lu fuvoref u proprietary medi cine, still, In the cause of humanity, I venture te say u word lu futoref Allcwk'sI'okeis Plas ters, which I esteem the most remarkable ex tenial remedy of this century. I taie known thesu Plasteis te cure spinal Weakness where the twtlcnt had been confined for months te his bed. A blacksmith of my ac quaintance was severely Injured In the back by the kick of a hnrse ; four Allcock's 1'oiters Plasters quickly rcliecd hlm of excruciating agony and cured hlm lu a week. Anether patient, suffering with Neuralgia of the Heart, was completely cured In four hours. In Asthma, 1 knew or n cuse where they were worn for three mouths nnd fully restored te health. In another case where n patent had Sporadic Cholera, nothing relic ed hlui until he put en thrce Ailceck's Perners Plasteks i In tnchoheursull lulns In his chest nnd steiuneh disappeared, I knew that these Piasters, ap plied en the pit of the ttnumch, are a seiciclgu remedy for Dj spcpsln nnd Constipation. Finally, if persons once use Allcock's Pokeus I'lakteiis they will uecr use any ether; they me se piresaui, ijuick ana painless nature's balm) assistant. II C VAXXOItHA.V. M. p. " Allteck'a tcr ' Is the only O'enuine J'uieut Plas- VKKV HEMAItKAIILE ItKCOVEItY. ?i-?Mxi.y' YrUI,l,,K,.ef J'f'hestcr. Mleh.. wiltes: "Jly wife has been ulmest helpless ler live j ears, se helpless that she could net turn 0MCr.i." iS?. ttle"l,-1 fh "l two llettles f Llectrle Hitters, and is se much Impieved, that she Is able new te de her own work " Electric llltteni will de all ttmt U i lubued for them. Hundreds of testimonials nttest their gientcurutlvtineHera. ilnlvsriu ....,.- , . at Cochran's iDrug store, N en. JS7 and IJtl North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. ( Dlt. FltAZIEIl'S JlAtJIC OINTMENtT " The ifrentest lileutflinr llmt l,u l....... .n.... I., th,J-..Z. ....... V "."" r-Mt "". " Seres. C und suft pies i una llletclics. l'rlceaue. Nild b Druggists. Sold by II. II. Cochran, 137 nnd le North Oueeu A.V EDITOIPIJ TltlUUTK. ITht;!11 i.'; ttKi"r, editor Ft. Wuyne, Ind., tlattltr, writes: -Fer the past llxe eutiihuvu lUwuy, uM.d Dr. King's Sew Discovery, for coughs of ment sevcre chutacter.us well us for thoseef uiulldertype. ltnevcr falls te effect u "i"-v" .w..'. t iiivuuii hi wriiuin i nave recem inendisl It speuk of It In tome high terms. Hav- Ing been cuivd by It of every cough 1 ha'vnhud leriiveyeurs.i consider It only rellahleandsuixt hi l i uv liall ut Cechniu'ii Drug Stere, N Steru.Nflu. 137 nml l.l V.,r.l, .. laincaster, I'n.. mid get n J"rre Ti-t.il tii.in.,' Lurgu Size (l.uu. N vulll.i ----- -.. .-- (V Mi:mt'.ii. ruexiin:ri:its. nnn ki r r vr ni 8NJ' H .11 O O VT XT W XT IIHII l II WW WW nstu K l (I WW WW H W H M OO W W a n II PRR HI tit II 11 K O " NN I mil II II N N ji ft R II O N N il H U IH) N N N N N N NN ! TTtT niT fi k mm T T K 11 H It T T Ut llllt It R l K II ? T L. Kit SSS" This medicine, cenibbilngliiiu with ptireM'ge tnlilii tonics, (inlcklv nnd eiiiiipUlelv CUUV.S lMSPKl'slA, I.VDIUI.ssKin; MAl.AltIA, WKAKXl.ss IMl'tniK lli.OOl), IU1.I. unit FKVhUnndNKl'ltAl.til lly rapid nnd thorough nstluillutlnn with tint bleed It reaches cery part of the s)ilcm, purl Ik's nml cutleries the IiIishI. stlvugthens the muscles nnd ncrcs, nnd tones nnd invigorates the system: A tine Appetizer Hest tunic knew n It will cure the worst eu-e of Dieiula. iv iv me lug all distressing yyiiiptems, such as Ta1 lug the Feed, lk'lchlug, Heat lu the stomach, Iletirtburu, etc. The only Iren medicine that will net blacken or Injure (he teeth. tl fs Invaluable for dl-eae peculiar te w omen, and te all persons who lend isltnitnrv lle. An unfailing rvniedy ferdisca-es of the l.lier nnd Kidneys. Persons sutTcrlng fiem the effect of e ernerk, lien oils troubles, less of iiiH'tlte, or dcbilltj, experience quick relief nnd lenencil energy by Its use. It does net rausn llendache or nrudiuc Censtl IMtlen-OTHEIt Iren iiiedlclnes de. It Is the only preparation of Iren that causes no Injurious effects. Phlriau and druggists recommend it ns the bef. Trv tt. The geuulnu has Trade XbitV and crescd red lines en w nipper. Take mmlher. Madeeulyby llltevi N CHEMICAL CO., llALTIMOKE, MO. seiit9-Iyil.il w II OP PI. A ST int. SHARP PAINS. Crlik, Sprains, Wrenches, lilicuumtlsui, Neu ralKli.tfclatlcn, Pleuil I'alns, Milch lu the side, llacknche, Swollen Joints, Unlit lline, sere Muscles. I'nlii In the rhel,iiud till pains mid aches either local or deep sealed are In tant! rcllewiliiiidpeclM cured by the well known 7f,i 2'ltister ( eniisnuuleit, as It I. of the medicinal x Irtues of fi h Heps, Oums, lV.it. vims and llxtrncts, it Is Indeed the bttt uln ktlllng. sttmnlattng, seething und strengthening Pereus Plaster exer iiinile Hep I'tmlrrs are sold by all diugglsts mid country stores 25 cents or live ferll i f;i JHntlT CV., l'repilc ters and Mauutactuiee. lflen, )! HOP PLASTER. "Ceiiteil tongue, bad breath, sour stomach unl llxer ill-easti cured lx Hawle's stomach and Liver Pills cents nei.VldAn(:) TDAWNnriUTrnu's. Pawnee Bitters. LOTZ & CO.'S TONIC FOR Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and Cramps. 1K)sK TwoTnblpspeunful lie fore each meal Mauf.UH tilled nnd for sale by Letz & Ce,, LANCASTER, nug'.MSimlM.ts, r.v. B HANDY. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article wa-s velnnturilv sent te Mil. II K. sLATMAKKlt.Ageutferlth'IOAUT's OLD WINK STOKE, b u ptemlneut practicing physician of this county, who hascxtenslxcly used the llrandy refernsl te In his regular prac tice. It iscemuicudvd te the attention of these afflicted w 1th INDIGESTION AND DYM'LPSIA. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much nbu-id Alcoholic Stimulant w as never intended u.s a hex crage, but te b used as a medicine or greater potency In the cure or someettbu dcstructlxe dlstu-es which sweeps away thtlraiinual thousands of victims. With u purely philanthropic metlxc, we prei.ent te the faxentblu notice of luxallds esiiec Lilly thme allllcted with that miserable disease. Dyspepsia, a spectlle remedy, w hlch is nothing mere or less than 11UANDV. 1 he aged, with feeble appetite, und mere or les debility, x til And this simple medicine, wheu used preiicrly, AfeOVEllEICV ItEMKDV I'er nil their Ills and uches. Ile It, hewexel, strictly understood that we prescribe and use but eue uiticle, and that Is Eegart's Old Brandy, Sold by our enterprising friend, II. K. bLAV MAKLlt. This brandy has steed the test for ears, and has never tilled, as far us oureipe eureipe lleuiu uxteuds, und we therermu gtxettthe preference ex'er uil ether brandies no matter with bow many law breaking 1'rcnch titles they ure branded. One-fourth of the money that 14 curly thrown uwuy en x-urieus Impotent djs pepsla sK'cltlcs, would suffice te buy all the llrandy te cure any such case or cases. In proof of the curatlxe power of KKIUAKT'a OLD IIItANDV In cases of Dyspepsia, we can summon numbers of w Itnesses one case In particular w e xt III cite A hard working farmer had becuaiUictcd with an cxh.iustlug Dyspcpila fura iiumbcrefearsi his stomach would reject almost everr kind of feed ; he lud seui enictuilens constantly nnnn- ...1.1... In ,,., I. A ....... ..,.1l...l ... -. ..t .. I ., ' . wurc-in ML. uw niw uuiiKrs 10 resinei uis illel e crackers and stale bread, and as u be erage he used McCirunn's lloet liter He Is a Methodist, mm men, us new, preaeni.u Ul limes, anil in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te try ltElOAUT'S OLD liUANDV Inhlscnse, he looked up xilth astenishment: but ufter hearing of his wonderful effects In the caes ei some ei nis near acquaintances, he ut qualu fv i . last consented te fellow our ud ile Used the llnindy faithfully and stiudllv : the Nrstbntiin giving hlm an appetite, und before the second was all taken he was u sound man, wlthiistoiu wlthiisteiu uch cnable of digesting un thing which hv choesotoeut. He still keeps It laud uses a little i ..,.-.. ... ..... .... s. ...... . .n ,t ,.,i,, iini-i n iniie occasionally ; uud since he lias this medicine, he has been ei very nine peeuniury A rracUilng l'hytltlnn. doctor. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AGENT FOIt KEIOAKT'S OLD WINESTOItE. ESTAHLIMIEDINKM. ' liuierterund Dealer In Old llrandy. Sherry. Su perior Old Madeira, imported In lsls, l7 uud 1S.EI, Ctiamiiugnes iif every brand, Scotch Ate, Perter, Ilrew n Stout. Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster CONSUMPTION. " I hax e n ixjsltlve remedy for the above dis ease by Its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of longstanding have laim cured In deed, se st mug ; is mv lunn in lis emmi-v that I will send TWO HOTTI.hS FIIEE. together with n VALITAIILK TltEAIISKef thodlsl-iise teuiiy euiss.iv. jjv-jj.s-a.s..i f, tll)( VMM. Dlt. T A. WLOCUM, n'.'idmreiiAOiiiw 11 Pearl St., N Y JIOOTM AXI MIOKS. J IAItOAINS IN HOLIDAY HLI'l'irjRS. WM. H.GAST, A'O. 105 XORTU (JUJCKX STltEEl. DKALKIt IN Beets, Sbees and Rubbers. He hax e luive n nlce let of Fancy Sllppcru for Christmas Presents, ut pi lies ranging fieuifl u up. Alse u full line of Medium Piictd Heets. Shoes und Hubliers, x hieh will be sold ut the lowest possible prices. New Is the time for bur. &"? .lle,m,r. ln ."cady-inade erj Ordered V erk. VV e contlntie te lead ull ethers In mens, tired w eik for ladles or gentlemen, mid our Fine rench Calf Congress Heets or button Shoes, for W.W, we guarantee te be. .equal te uuy w.u)Bhie te be had iitiywhcre, lly our new method we overcome ull squeaking, which Is se objectiona ble te inuiiy persons. invi: us a TlttAL AND PLEASED. VOU WILL HU NOTICK TO THKSl'AfjSnitS AND , . . . ''t''.VKIIS. AH liersens ure hereby fei. bidden te trespass en any of the lauds of the Cornwall or Speedwell estates, lu Lebanon uud Luui-iister counties, whether Inclesed or uuln. closed, either for the purpese of sheeting or Ash ing, us the law will be rigidly eiifereetragalust nil trespassing en said lauds of the undersigned uftnrthlsiiotiee. " WM. COLEMAN FltEEMAN, It. PKHOYALDL.V, ' EDWAUD U FHEKMA.V. ... .,, attorney for II. y. Velviiuu'tt helm. ectlltraAw VT.tmil.Mi. The new yenr finds us with seme lets still en hand which we are bound te clese out. The $5 and 86 Overcoats and the $10 and S12 Suits in our windows are seme of thorn. In fact, our entire stock is well cut down, and at the low prices ought te interest you. A. C. YATES & CO., 1V iiOl, (!0(J, I'HKSTNUT NTS. PHILADELPHIA. R n.MOVAL AM) Ol'lIMNt!, I.ascastir, Pa., sept, te, IsSI. I desire te make known te my friends and i ustemers, and the public In general, that I haxe returned from NO.SI NOIITII iil'EEV .hTUKET, te NO. lilNOltTH QUEEN STltEET, formerly weuplcd by the ltnn of Smallug A lluiismun, xhere 1 liaxe opened with a large assortment of English, French und Ocnuan N eveltlcs, together wlthnUirge Line of Domestle Fabrics. Com posed as my New Stock Is, of NuwUoedsand Newbtjlcs, 1 feci nured that In soliciting a coutlnuance of your utrennge, you w til haxe un opportunity of making selections from a stock uuenmilcd lu Its x-arlety nnd adapted te the present demand, which Is for geed xiilues, gentlemanly .jles and effects, and exquisite rlt. Neth'- but thexerybestef werkinanshlp; and prices te suit ex rr body. PIene fax or me with our eixleiv. leurs Very Truly, D. R. WINTERS, WTl WISH VOL' ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR. VE VUsll lOl ALL TO COML AND PAlt TVKE OF THE GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOTHING Which we haxe made nnd are new making, tun ing come ucress dltleieiit Hues of goods which must go. COME AT ONCE -FOIt THE- -IBIRGIINS:; MEN'S COMMON OVEItCOAT, JiiJU, i6ic 1 iX. MEN'S I1ETTEK OUALITV OVEUCOATs, flli.HSii,ni te M hi. JIEN'S FINE DltE.sSttVEltCOATS, WUll..WteJlXi. These goods are all worth from -A) te Wwr cent. mere. CHlLDIIEN'sOVEItCOATSas low ns tl.SS. HOY.s'OVKIlCOATSaslewus.u. CIIlLDltEN'ssL'ITafreuiI.50uii te,.Ui. I Other BargainsPreparing for Next Week. CALL AT ONCE ON HIESH & BROTHER, Penn Hall Clothing Heuse. COItNEUOKCENTItESOTAKE AND NOltTll O.UEEN &TIIEET, Ijincaster, Pa. IIALL ANNOUNCLMKNT OF FINE TAILORING AT MY MART'S, Ne. 6 East King Street. 1 have In Meck the most complete and choice usertiuent i ei HNB WOOIENS FOUTHE FALL AND WINTKItTKADE EVKll OFFEItED UEFOKE IN THIS C1TV. A great x SUITING. lualitlcs. reatxailetyef LATEVTSTVLECHKCKED cuiixm,IEsj in ull shades und A SPLENDID A&hOUTMENT LIGHT AND IIEAVV-WEIUUT OF OVERCOATING. , Prices AS LOW AS THE LOWEST and ull goods warranted as represented. H. GERHART. JfCONOMV IN CLOTHING. L. GANSMAN & BRO. Yeu are doubtless hiteicsUd In the purchase of Clothing, and want the best goods ler tlie least money. We are equally Interested In securing your patronage, and we have phtied uurliirgueleckut pi Ices w ithlu the reach of ull. The times ere riie for It. The werklngmun aces no use In paying IIS.ne Ter an Overcoat eru s Suit, wheti he can tlud an honest uud geed looking article here for tl.oe and 8.eu. SUITS ! SUITS, ll.ue, HI'l.'W.lA sui rs, 110.00, tizoe, iu.oe. BEST WORKMANSHIP. 1'ItICKS FUOM 10 TO IS l'JSK CKNT. LOWEU THAN ELSEWllEltE. Overcoats. Overcoats. OVEUCOATS, riW, ll.Ctl, .IM. OVEUCOATS, A00, 10.00, 112.00, OVEltCOATS,13.00,H.00,15.00. Hcst qualities, Lewest Prices, uudii Vast Stock te select from. Onrgoeds were never se lewjis new, w hllu they are as dcslruble us ex er. L. &AISIAS & BRO, TIIF. FASII10NAULK MEUCIIANT TAILOUS AND CLOT1UEUS, Noe, 60-68 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Hlghtnu the Southwest Cor. of Orange, LANCASTEIt, PA. 3.Vnt counectod with uuy ether Clothing I Heuso lu thin City. ' Economy in Clelliii ! CI.UTlltMi. irlLLIAMsdNTre.STiriVH " " TIHUD SKMl ANN17AI. Special 31 Days' Sale. Ibiv lug cstiibtMu , H i nt,, , elo.e out. nt special prices, the residue nnd surplus stink ereachdepaitmeiit,nt Iheeliisu et Fall nnd Spring seasons, we nn nellfv our friends and imtrens that our IIIIIIDSL'.MI.ANNCAL SPI.CIAL31 DAs' SALE will romuicuiueii Monday, January tlie Fifth. Ihls curly uetiiu Is given te enable lur lur etrtiujcrs li take itdvntituue or Ihn ciulv lavseniiesnle. Fer as ciicb line of (Iihhis nre sold out they will mil be iliipticntiil. there wilt be Sacrificing Prices ! -e. - OX Kit) O ls, x lis, C'lllLDUIASTI.OTIllNO. ODDC'OVIS. HDD PANT, ODD X l.sts, SOFT XD STIFF HATS, WINIEUC.M'X, t'Mli:itvEU xMi IIOslEUY, NECK WEAII.sl .'i:MIEltsAMHl.il t.s, MEN'S HOOTS AND SHOES, I.ADIFS' AND XtlsEH' HOOTS AND; sliei'.s, IlL'llllElt OVEltsllnr.s ND iietns Hviciir.i.i. Tiii'.Mxs AMI V.I.Isl, All of which are In complete lines of fresh, new stuck, lu urn next Issue we will lur nlidui detailed price list which we iveuldrxv l'ilfnll reiiuest our trlcints nnd patrons te take notice el ee-eniinil aflii .1 VN..V Issx. our sleti swill close (satiintaxsexieplnl) at tie'ilmk p. in., until lurther netlie filliiiiiiseii Xoi. :., ., :; - :s Ki.nI King si., LANCASTEIt. PA. HATS AX It (.'.11 L ATi:STSTYI,i: HATS AND CAPS. (II V P FILL Ol THE LATEST TYLLS OF Seul Cups 'und Turbtvns, Sert unci StiirHntM, Silk unci Cuss Huts, Children's Turbuns, -A.SD- GLOVES OF ALL KIIDS. ALL NEW AND OF THE FIN EsT MAN'U FACTUItE. - Persons wishing te make Christmas Pres ents In our Hue will pretlt tiv examining our stock before putcnaslug ilsew here. 144 NORTH QUEEN ST. tlSI'Ml XhLlt'S OLD STAND ) y.M. D. sTAiPrnn. jeiin sidix KEDt'CTlON! lIEtirCTIOM ItEDUCTION C.UEATESTUA1UJAIN LVEU OFFEItED! FUltS AT AXI) BELOW COST. PUOFITst.lVEN 1(1 ClSrOMEU?. We haxea nice line of FPUs we are closing out at price's that will stirprt'e ynu, 'I hey must be sold ln enler te make room. Theso who cull tarllest will get theluirgalus. Don't fail te take -H.nunt.ige of the t.til'.AT MAltK DOWN. a riu. lisk or HATS CAP-, FUlls. CLOVES HOMES AND CMHltELLAs ALWAYS OS HASP, AT LOWEST CASH riiKES. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., (?hullz's Old Stand.) Ne3. 31 & 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTEIt, PA. invlO-lv JtUOKti. TO I IX HA UK'S hOX'S. BLANK BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, CASH BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, &e ttiii;i:oekstoi:e of JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nea. 16 and 17 North Queen St. niAKIES FOIt 1885. A VAHIETY OF SIZES ANDSTVLES. AT THE liOOKSTOItlOF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nea. 15 und IV North Qucen St. .Scriiii Heeks ami STai lMctuiX'S, INOUEATVAKIETV. AT THE HOOK'STOItE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 16 and 17 North Qucen St. n'AU. MI'.'f. J3HAKIC8 W. KUV. A Combination Cerniw and Pele Combined. Ill Walnut and Khnnv. nl. it din ,iIi,n, T1i.,u huvebceu reductd ll'iiin ji.Vi. We are deslieus of closing them out. Poles for sue, 75e, ll.nunnd llruss, llniss Tilmmcd, Ebony, Vulnut and Ash. LACE CURTAINS Fortv,leo. umi, .7.1. (! U' i3W, UH, ll.ui, I.VI, tJ.ui, up tofjii.euu pair. One Pier Mirror, Wuluut Frume, fB.ui, former price, ti no. One Pier Miner, Walnut Frame, W.oe, funner price, (i0.ije. Onu l'ler Mil rer. Walnut Frame, Hi , former pi Ice, IU). One Mantle Mirror, J7S.W, feuncr price, (lu). WIMDOW SHADES, III NEXV PATTEItNS. Pluln Ooeds III All Celers and Widths. Futures Cord and Spring Ornaments hi Assortment. WALL PAPER, Of KVKltV DESCItlPTION uud OUADE8 Have your work done new, us prices weiu never se low, PHARES W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN .ST., LANCASTEIt, PA. run sat.i: en nr.xr, pibn hknt. JJ The Stere Heeni und Dwelling, Nes.liund U Seuth (Jueeil stieet, Irem the llist of April next. 'Jhe stoieluisono of the best established uud largest wholesale und retail cigar and to bacco customs In the city. Apply te W.V. IlltlNTON, dlO-tfd Nn, 3)1 Siiuth (juceii Street. pHOAllS FIIOM fl IMJK HUXDHED TO iuu icr, r iiirLifiiaiiiv. , lu packages sulia- bin for the Holidays, nt HAUTMAN'S VEI LOW FItOST ClOAU hslcr, bXOUK. nt,i:i(iii,s. gLKIOHH. rlLHKHIS. SIEIGHS! SIEI6HS! EDGERLEY & CO., Carriage Builders, M.MtlvLT STI1EET. UF.AH OF I'OSTOFFICE. LANtiASTEIt, PA. """' Our large sleck- or POUTLANll, A LU AN V and DODilLIVSLEItlllS, whh h we niter ,u lieiy reduced pih es, me deililcilly the Hurst In the illy. "Des'T rerilKT TO RSUll BAOR HUM THAT 1 alw'ath nmiAniK. call and get n luiigaln. All work win muted, weiiaVk hi btikk Every Style BtigRy nml Ourrine ntsntre, ItEPAIlllNO PltOMPTLV ATTF.NDED TO. One set of w erkiueu especially eiuplex ed for that pill pose. ' nev.lVtrdAw N1 OKIIKUK .V MIlil'.Y. Sleighs ! Sleighs ! Sleighs ! GREAT BARGAINS ' -T- NORBECK & MILEY'S, (.'tinier Duke A: Vine Streets, LVNCASIEK, PA OVEE 40 FINE CUTTERS, 11(11 II POIITLAND AND ALIIANY, Net dlsiuxed nf nt sale, will be ettered te th publle (P.ETAll.l at I'll III. IC SALE PKICES. Our Sleck Is thu Finest lu the City, having sold te the most prominent nnd best Judges of same, w hlch ts ceiuluslv e piisif. DON'T RliV A CllrUl' SIIOIIIIV AllTICLR DONT HE LED 1(1 PAY ETltAX AOANT 1'KH.I.S, Hut call en the eldestund most reliable tlimln the city uud bucuiiTluctd nun weui; irsTAixei'i: weitit A FULL STOCK OF CAItltlAliE HOItK ON HAND. S- Iteiuiirlug Neutly Dene MAciiixrnr. TTHATHltS Oil I'lMtNAfHS. "BEST" STEAM ENGINE AN D Beiler Works, HEiTERS -en FURNACES reu Private Dwellings, Schools and J'hIi lie l!uil(lin-s. Call und tee them. Miutu of heavy Iren, sim ple of construction, durable, economical, the most lladlutlng Surface of any Heater ln the market. Nothing Cheap But the Price ! OUR OWN PATENT. V-Ilavlng I ice n In tine In many of the largest residences in LnncnMcrlii the lt Icn yean Is the beat of evldenic of Its merits. Address, Jehn Best & Sen, h. 33 EAST mm STHEKI, Juu!5-lydA LANCASTEIt, PA. H T-AVIXO UISSOIiVKD IAUTXi:H.Sim nlicl nenimiieillll- closed the Chestnut 1-llCVI l.lll l)UIM UCBIIU ,. II1IUIII. 111V Ulll patrons nnd the publle generally, that I iuu still In thu busluesH, being limited lu the Penn lien Company's Works, North Plum street, wheie I urn mukliig Iren nnd Ilruss Castings of eveiy de- am ncrlptleii, und will be pleased te nerve all who muy fin or iuu with their patronage. Frem t'l xeameAperiuuce in ine misiuess unu using the best material uud employing thu belmeclianlc, I inn autlutled IcunguanintcoehtlruHutUmctleii. Castings mude treui a mixture of Iren ami slsel which are mere lellablu for utiength nnd dura. hlllty than the best cast Iren known. V tec 111 roll pliitnus, rolls und rolling mill work u spue. Iiilly, Custlngn made of very unit Iren, nudhrusg tastings or every description. I hiiveull the put tenmef the well nnd favorably known Mewier Cem und Cob Ci usher, refitted und Improved, also en hand. Mills completely fitted up or In parts, te replace old ones which hav a been lu use for years, guamnlceing them toglvesetlafuctlon. It. C. McCULLEV. nug-ll-Cmd unecxntics. "10 TO IIUIISK'K. " -FOII- CIIRISTMASJliOCEHIES. Fer Ilaklng Mateilul. Fer Pure Spices. ForJ'laverliig Extracts und ltoe Water, Fer a Nlce, runcy Fi ult lliskut. Fern Ilasket of. rult. Fer Flerida Orange. Fer White drupes. Fer Fine liaising. Fer Choice P, s. Almonds. Fer nil Kinds of Nuts. Fer the llest Candy, i! pounds feril cunts. Fer Clear Toys. Fer the Hcst Cetfc. Ferthulk-st Tens. Fer Canned and Het tied IJisxli. Fer u lkinvl of Choice lluldwlu Apples. NOW FOrt THE BOYS AND GIRLS. A beautiful I'larim. or Card with each lMiuiul of Corrce during the Holidays. J.sCoine nod mv, It will pay yej, AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET.