TPy . - ""j-t "i' - .T, I "?' V- . i-, ;- , , fcN.. -'.' 41 ., I LANCASTER DAILY INTEIjLIGENCER, lRIDAY, JANUARY 2. 1885. a S -,A fcK P. ? , VLjC asV , ;jX . -" MVj yt fc m ml t-. & r r & s'f PC r ?' fi fi - i ! O DAILY 1MTELLIGENCER RWiKilED fiVERV EVENING IN THE YEAR ,' w , - tiernn uctrriff.) v X BV,STt:iNMAN & HENSEL. DrriCLLIQENOEB BUILDING ' n XV'COftNEtl CENTRE 'SQUARE, a; "-' ' UAKCASTCB, PA. TfN CNT8 A WEEK. FIVE DOLURS A EAR, OR FIFTY CENTS A MONTH. Advertisements from ten te fifty p CENTS A LINE. fc.'i-AWEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, ? ( EIGHT PAGES.) PUBLISHED r.VHY WtDNEEOAV MORNING. Twe Dema Yi in Abvenci. Fi ? CORRESPONDENCE Soiicitee from cvery ninr nr THE f.TTE AND COUNTRY. CORRE SPONDENTS AtlC REQUESTED TO WRITE LEGIDLY AND ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY? AND TO 6ION THEIR NAMES, NOT FOR PUBLICATION, OUT IN PROOF OF OOOD FAITH. ALL ANONYMOUS itrrtR3 Will be censignee te the waste BASKET. i ADDRESS ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO TVm TNTTT.T .T JGENOER . LANCASTER. PA. fy 01l)c Cam aster Sntclligcnccv. ""lajjcastkh, JANTAKY i. 1NS.V Our Traile I)cpreslen. In these days flnnnce seems te be the tn&st engaging subject for the statesman. The aineve te tackle it and fed sure that tbev would fix it all right if they had their waynbeutiU Mr. Uayard is wid te have expressed a preference for the treasury portfolio ever the pecretaryshlp of state, which up le the present date lias firmly maintained its place of preference as the headship or the cabinet. Foreign affairs useil te be the lmwl important in the eyes of our xtatcsineii. It was a feeling that fprangupin the dajs of our youth and weakness, when we did net feel ourselves tn lie altogether the greatest nation in creation. "We have reached u ilif- erent era new- Our internal concerns have come te Ikj mere intciesting te ir than our external, and our ielltlcians propose te imitate the example or their EnuVi'li brethren and make the exchequer the chief cabinet pUce. At tliis Is the impression of Mr. Hayanl's position, and we judge that he is in sympathy with a growing tuntiment; Mnce vv knew of ether public men who .seemingly would prefer (e get into the treasury if thej should get into the cabinet. Mr Randall is one of them. He is new engaged in dirqussing finance and busi'iess in the Seuth and is wrestling K-verely with the balance of trade question which has nnhevsrctl h many political ecouemlsta. The trouble with tlte doctrine i3 flmt it does net j-eem te lmik the sanie way every time. Prier te our 1S"7 panic, for instance, we bad the balance of trade running heavily against us ; and Ja panic was ilue, according te the doctrine laid dowirferthe time. "When it came we gut no sympathy liecause it wvsnomere than we deserved and had icn.soif.te expect. Rut new we have a business depression which Is !!- s-tvere a test upon our buoyancy .T- ever n,i the worst panic we have known, and Vi-f we have long liecn exiwrting mere than we iititnit. .md have the balance an chored down in apparent immovability en " our Ule-of the water. ntl yet ivv are net happy. We de net (tin te want it : ur at least it diH-s net .seem te be all c want. Perhais the ron ren tmdictien of the mtuatien is mere npierent than real. We went up m lKi7 lieeause we bought meic than we could jiay for. 'e went down in lM because we pro duced mei c than we could get -alf HT. What we wanted then te enic us was te buy less. What we need new is te stl! mere. We need an en larged maikel . The situation has radi cally changed. The protection we need for en industries is free trade with ether cx'iiiitrJe-i, instead uf cenllnemcnt te our own, It is a revolution in the conditions of our prosperity. It istiie fetters njieii our free felling te tlie woUd.imiiel te give u-. compensating prices for our sales at home that have stepied the wheels of envfactiiies and prostrated our nidus Irks. With tins e ium.' pl.iinlv shown, the reined ijcle,ul pointed out. The I.air of Tmaplki '. It is ceitainly in accord with public pel icy, and it fctfins te be as geed law as it is geed sense -as was decided by a master in cquitt ever in Reading the ether day that a chatter te a turnpike company does net empower it te seize upon and appropriate te it-, u'-e-. a public lead laid out by the count) U public eNpenseaiid dedicated te is se speeifleall de clared b the ceiiipnii.i's grant fieiq the coinmenwealtli. It willlMMcmi'iubcicd that a fev eais .igeft pmale tunipiice eemiiany feimiiig m thu-J city proposed te occupy tlie "Old Jlead " miming t this-city fieni Inter coir' through lliiil-iu-llaml, and by dumping stone upon it, te establish the right te swing loll j.(te.s across it and te collect tell from all who might have te irr this much traveled thoroughfare. Notwithstanding it had lieen a public high. wa for ever a handled jcnni, maintained at the public expense, it was ceutemplateil te iie this tliernnghl'are gnidwl and laid out through a rich country ami with out the payment of a dollar of damages, le appropriate it us the lied of a turnpike, te be owned and operated bj a turnpike coin cein panj, which would thus save all expense of grading and of land damages for light of waj. The scheme would hae tueceeded, but for its prompt exjio-mie through the iNTElMliKSCKItUUtlll feieiblu pretest te tlie goieruer against the grant. It was never pres-:ed alter the public had been iiiadeaeqiuinted ivilh the character of the Jeb. If tlie law is net as iue, lieen laid down b t he Rerks county atteiney,gi eat clrciini !cctlmi should be eeiciel by the state authorities in gr.inUng lurupike charters; and in no case should a private company lie empeweied te appropriate te ItHUscs a pub lie read, except for satisfactory public reasons. The law is that when a public read ji nliandeued the land ever which it itius reverts te the adjoining iireirty utriiera; and it would lie aij iiileiesthig Issue te dcteriiiinu whether J Dip char.wter of a highway is ' ehaugLsl Hum ,v fnsi public thoreiighfuro le n tell read, the properly ewneis de net icgaln tlie rights of which they have been ilispasseascd for public, punmscj, and, if hi frfllged iiwn by a private corporation, are net iihi ru niiKiised. Ccrtaiul) the pub JIc la right n liieh u net telie lightly ictasiile, and m all tlie highways wlilch Tisye been pjieiittl by theitnte or county and 'fledlette&te public use; they are net te be iflC.:rul t private eewpaule ev ob- i Btmctwl with loll In w, ly llie sweep or n charter nibltarlly RruiituM-y tlioexecu tlieexecu tlioexecu tive department; ami we feel piltc well Kitlsfleil Hint If the subject In- brought te the. nticnthm of (loveriier Iittlseii anil Secretary Stenger, they will grant no chillier cinpewcrliiR u turnpike, company le appropriate public property without le le Bpenslbllity for ilninngps, se long rn I here Is any objection from the public te it. This community li.-vs fell mtt grievously thcbunlcn of tee many tell nwK The gatcsofsemeltttecntimipikesalpicMMitlKir the way in anil out of our city ; awl by the nets of the taglslnturu ami tlm ueeWien et the suiucine court one of their lurs U even swung across one et the streets of the city within the corporate limit?. It is doubtful if any ether town in Vennsjlvania is hedged ialmut with such an embargo en trade ami travel. True progress Ilea In the direction of lessening the numWr of tell reads, net iirreasing them, and of mj Improving the public reads that in the near future theie will be free reads fit te travel from nnil te every part of this eetmt . A Well Managed TruM. The published report of the condition of the Glrard estate trust fund, m Philadel phia, is a very gratifying exhibit and con trasts most favorably with se much that is done in a shiftless and slip-shed manner in the execution of municipal trusts. Few estates have ever Ihsmi held se well togeth er, and few wills have ever liven se long and se jierfectly eairied out te the sitisfac sitisfac tien of the public and in accordance with the wishes of the testator. When Girard died, leaving three or four million dollars, te lie sure he was a lieli man, but bis fortune would net have lieen, in these days, of very unusual magnitude. Rut these millions by careful husbandry, have lieen swelled te nearly eleven millions, tlie value of the estate te-day. The college property alone is weith three millions and its munificent punese is being realized in the education of an average of from loeo te 1,2(10 pupils. The puqierl) is productive and con stantly increasing in value ; se that for centuries, from present preme-es, the eblect of Giranl'.s bounty will continue in increasing number te shave the blessings of hislienellcenrcand tlie wisdom of Ids well- drawn will. It is noticeable that tlie estate of Asa Packer, of which se much is also employed in the work of educating Pennsylvania's youth, likewise shows large increase in value since his death. The. value of lieth these estates tleieuds largely upon the certain wealth of the anthracite coal in tere.1t of Pennsjlvania; a circumstance which is net without encouragement te these who aie interested in th feitunes of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad company- . Kvkn Juy Hublell nppreves Cleveland's letter: the iiilllriihiin i, Indeed, near at hnnd. m -i - Tin: question of eheMliip gum in tlie schools has new lieen decided anil the .Maren (Ga.) Telegraph rIvcm the details of the manner in which the decision was reached : "On Pridny afternoon, iw a certain m'hcxit was being diMiiKed,she (thcsehtHille-.ieher) pave out that llie class la arithmetic, eoin eein eoin Iesed of twelve liright pupils of Let It sexes, would be divided en the following Monday. Six of the pupils were te provide themselves with a moderate allowance of fu--t-cl:wscliew-lug gum ; tlte ether nix were te bejrumless. Accordingly en Monday inemini; there were six bright Mohelnrs aruicd te the teeth vltlt clicwlng Biitii. Tiicir javs were working llkosemany steam triivhatmners mid they wcre caper for the fray. Prem lliu nrithinetie the teacher selected ttvcnty-uliie problems and then the cl.xs.-i buckled dew n te buslnt'ss. The ether scholars stepped nudging each ethcrand looked ever their geegraphies and grammars at the dozen youngsters w he woie te dccldeiM cry important educational ques tion. The teacher began te threw the mathe matical problems into the cla.- like se many Javelins. The telu-masliers warded offthe blows and held their ground. Ilefere half the problems were given out It was evident te the school that the tolu-treublers had moie gum in them than they had ln-en given credit for. I'imdly the twenty-nine problems wcre given, and en eenuthig up the score it was found that the chew era of gum had correctly answered twenty-one, whilnthc gumless six had only eight." Tite inlluence of chewing gum in schools must hramfter receive itsilne sli.tre ofi'ensideratlon. Tin: mercury, fiekle Jade, is again flirting desperately uithyere. Lima may lwa geed distance away from eurlxasted civilization, but it is net se far away that a llttle oecurrence there a few days age w ill fail te paint a moral for these who believe that there Is little worth of imitation hi the southern end of tlie Western hemi sphere. A dispatch front that point a few days age reports (hat "(he iinprearie of the Itnlliau opera has been lined forty soles for net niWngtlie curtains punctually at S p m." This outspoken revolt against theatrical Ijr.inny will lie eagerly hailed as the dawn of the day when the theatrical manager will Is'gln te rocegniro the value of the time of his audience. Tim: Southern perspective makes Itandall'H proportions loom up inrger. Acteiis and actrcs,ci-scf m fcr-hnve ilillcr ilillcr ent methods of keeping their names before the public. Mary Andersen allow h matri matri liieulal runiei's te de this work for her, vvltlle Sara llnrnhardt reaciii's the same end by an exeitlng herse-w hipping seene whlclt the press en lieth sides of the Atlantic rexirls in detail. Jaiiaiihchek gets into con troversies vlth nuwsjupers vvhew dramatic critics speak of her iinf.tventbly. Meiljcska and Janish nre new engaged in a controversy in which the public has no Interest, but te which the public Is faithfully treated in all its phases. If mm actress feels aggrieved by the remarks of another, it would seem te lie the part of geed sense for the aggrieved te prcscrve her equanimity If thes.unoure true, and prosecute te the bitter ciid.lfthey are f.tlse. Tni:Nianlsh earthquakes urn nothing te the commotion ciun-cd by CUn eland's letter among Itcptibllcau onicc-helding rascals. Ciiiiilllluii r llie M.ltc I'miil. The report or the SUte treasurer show that there was hi the treasury Thursday, oxclu exclu oxclu sive of sinking fund money, the following amounts, deposited hi the banks indicated : Allegheny National bank, Pittsburg ; fid,. KJHU j Parmer's bank, llarrislmrg, flO,(KK; Kurmcrs mid Mechanics' National bank, Philadelphia, W,MX;; Pirth National bank. Pittsburg, $M,000i First Na tional bank, llarrislnirg. 73,2(,11; 1'in.t Natien-tl lnk, t'liloutewu, ifiKt.em); rirst National lunik, Williniiwixirt ?10,000 j l'teiv held Uuik Pittsburg, 50,000 j (Ilnird National liauk, Phlladeljih fliMXHl : Musoule lunk, Pittsburg, fc!3,uui ; MerchauLs AMalluu;tluers, National liaiik, Pittsburg Wi,lKJ0;Mechanli5j liank. IlarrUburg, fco, fce, :iS0.fil j National Imuk, Middletown, WO.000 ! Venn bank, I'msbiirB.'Cbendsnicn), SUM); l'cople'3 Umk, Paotte county, $7,600 : adviuiceu, jirolesleit check in hands or attor atter attor ney : general checks nmt cash in drawer, ?JuM)7fl,ti7! tetsl amount In the general fund, HERE AND TUKRK. IT the mnnnfaeturcrs, the farmers, the oil pHHlucers. tliemerh.ililesniultliv inerehnnts of I'eunsylvnnla de net flint It te their Inter est or rocegnlro their prellt In sending ex. ltiblts te New Orleans It is very doubtful whether the legislature should ceueerii Itself te nppropilate money te supply their lack or energy and enterprise. A tVnns.vlvnnla miller tells me he has introduced "his lleursueeessfnlly tule Cuba; and has se far ueccee.leil in convincing some oflhe palers erllavnuii of Its excellence and .Sir. economy, tltnt lie IkSIevcs incre eeuiti eca great market for Aiueriran llourepcneil there v rre some of the tradu riMrU'lleus reuiev ed. At present Sp.mish Heur iiays SsCO jHTlmrrel, duty and American Heur I.MX If our Heur were nut en the ivune footing ns the treaty projHses, It could drive the oilier entirely out of the market. The opinions of American manufacturers are net entirely adverse te the treaty. Neither are the iron and steel makers agreed, by any means, upon the tarilY question. 1 hear of one of the inet advanced of American protectionists, who owns a share In a steel mill and lie is very anxious te have the Spanish ores come in free. And 1 have heard of steel rail makers whodeelire that with free Iren and frce ero they will lie glad te have all the duty taken off steel rail, that they will then enter the markets of Seuth America aye, gote Londen, and outbid the I'.ngllsh niaiiuf.tctiirers te supply rails for the foreign rallvvnv s. There is a growing disposition among man ufacturers te inquire wlicthcr or net their labor Is mere expensive than foreign labor. The jicr ilictii wages are unquestionably greater, but some of the mere Intelligent of them insist that with longer hours improved machinery, and niore intense application, the American laborer produces mere results for the s.une money than foreign labor. Over at the Allentevviislll; mills, they want free raw materials ; they de net cneoiirage the production of raw silk here, the planting of mulberry tns?s, theeultureefilk worms, or the women's annual exhibition ; they say that as seen as the yearly American crop of silk amounts te CO pounds It will have te be "protected" and the duty en foreign raw silk will close the silk mills of Allentown and Patterson. Thus would the protection of ene small industry crush out many greater es tablishmcnts. tint when it comes te the man ufactured article, the silk spinner wants his ribbons and dres goods "protected" by a sizable ilntv uiwu Preach gmxl", made by "underpaid hand ialwr." Se it is everywhere and there is many a Pennsylv-ania manufac turer who is a freetrader in tlie cclLir and a protectlenNt en the uppe lle.r. There are tricks in all trades but ours. . There are some furnaces miming, it Is te lie remembered. Mr. Paris Ilaldemait tells me that at riiicklcs they made niore iron last year than cv er before and the sales were within IJ0 tens of the output of the furnaces there. s Tite niore advanced l.aueaster county to te to liacce farmers are beginning te forecast the days when tobacco culture wilt net be the prune interest that it new is. 1 hey de net se much fear the Sumatra leaf, which lieiug peer worthless stuff te burn, has net the en during elements for competition, hut the quality and quantity of the Wisconsin crops. And then ierliaps the cultivation of the weed and the local trade in it have been nverdone I Discussing this the intelligent farmer limM ade7cu branches of small farming which miM piess themselves upon the attention of the tillers of the soil nuywhere within a hun dred miles of the great centre of increasing population represented by Philadelphia, New Yerk, Baltimore, llioeklyn and lite score of ether cities grouped around them, with fniiti llve te ten million pi-ople every year demanding mere market suiipllcj. . "Who has tried te raNe fet busliels of jki tat xs te the aero?" "And what of the preilts of onion culture?" "There's fortunes hi qitineas." "Pear trees may lie made le yield fremSii te J10 cacli." "Celery raising is the most profitable use ground can Ui put te." "The nectarine is the finest fruit grown In this climate, and the nieit salable." "Hut why is it se few of our farmers make pure drinking elder, when it will always cemnittud from ?S te Rill per barrel?" Oh, farmer friends long liefornyeu have quit raising to bacco you will tiud "ten acres enough" and wonder that you were ever satilled with crops of fSOO te the aero en your garden lands wltliln two hoursef a million jeople's gaping mouths. Siniiiiaii. PERSONAL. AucuiUMinr it van will rccoive the pd liiuti at the son ices hi Philadelphia cathedral en Sunday. Mits. Jkiiemi: IIenaiwuti:, of Washing ton, announces that her daughter, Miss Con stance Kdgar, will Like the veil about liistcr time. Miss Kdgar graduated last June at Ocstrgetewn academy. Statu SiiNATonMvneN I. Walk Kit, of Massachusetts, was the famous "drummer boy ofthe llilh regiment," euteringlhe serv ice when he was fourteen years old, and re maining hi it three years. O, A. Lvrni.NTi:, of Quelice, lias wen a grand medal, the lirst prbe offered for the liest ieeiu by the Hoeiele Artlstique et Litter aire, of Paris, The author was the only Ca nadian competitor, and his work surpassed that of twenty ethers. Zela's new novel, " Germinal," Is pub lished as a serial hi the Paris Otl JIUi. lle has agreed te furnish .'10,000 lines at a franc a line. When Geerge Augusta Sal.t wrote the Thanksgiving supplement te the Louden Uvuphie he was glad of half-penny a word. Dn. Moeniiot'sK, bishopef Melbourne, lias refused te order iiraers for ralu 111 Ills dio cese. His lordship gives as itis ri-avin that, berorecomplaiuing, pioile should de seme. thing themselves toward storing up the su lierlluity lit tlie wet season against the drought. Uess Wina.ns, ofltaltimerc, who lias se cured through purchase and rental seme three hundred and illty sipiare miles or less efdcer iireserving forest land iu the High lands of Scotland, lias prosecuted n slice. maker, who lives en ene edge ofthe inejieity for permitting a (ict lamb te pasture en the preserves. Iti:v. .1. K. Mn.i.nit, of llcavcr, was mar ried en Christmas evening te Mrs. Mary Wilsen. Dr. Miller, the groom, is new In Ids BOth year, vvhile the brlde is a c!u.rming vvldiiw of about 00 summers. Mr. Miller is a siipcr-auiiiiatcd Methodist minister, wlte has net been preaclilng for tlie past lifteen or twenty years, ami Is ene of Heaver's eldest mid most highly respected citizens. A Scanty Sporting Seneii, A Kunstultb, wlui Is an tuitlierity en hjiort hjiert IliK utalterH, n.iyn : "Tlie HlioetiiiRm-.tson that closes en .liiiiuary 1st, luvs beu u deplorably bad one, tlte dry iiutuiuu lcing tlie main cjitise of tlie birds. Ileitis wi K-nrce and m illllictilt In getat. Duck were net numerous, llieiisli line as regards fjtiulltv. Hull were moderately plenty, but low wider proventeil tlte beat getting, near tlieui. lju.ill, most ilellglitmi or birds te men (julck en tlie trigger, Heil te Hvrnmp.v Innds or le the weeds, vvliere they tire litini le kill, with seldom u cliance te upet llie mottled darlings In the Htubble." Tin: iieitivsiLiiviint. As he passed along the street When the heat, Like a llaiiie. Filled the atmosphere with luiiei 1 Hulas blazes!" He'd cvdalin. Tlie BOItK wixti-k. He accosts us w hmi the hreezes Almest fticie us Arctic days And, wlthcoelnos tluit aiuuxrs, "told us blazes I" Knir he says, Jlotten Sttturttui Kttnlng Uatetie, ,t .vir.ijeSAini: socialist. Amlrpnr Cnrnrsle Proclaims In Fsvnr or Snrlnllsllr Doctrine. A sensation will be caused by the publica tion In Pittsburg, In-day. of nn interview with Mr. Andrew Carnegie, or tlte Pdgar Thomsen steel works, an 1 many ether Indus trial establishments. In wlil'-h he proclaims hlmscir a socialist and nn advocate or socialis tic principles. Mr. Carnegie is a millionaire, the author or several works and has lieen referred te by William Itlaek, nov elist, ns the "star spangled Yankee." Mr. Cnrnegle recently spoke In favor of Socialism at a meeting or the Nineteenth Century club In New Yerk, at which Jehn Swinton was present. Mr. Swlnten in Ids p.qer proclaimed Mr. Carnegie a Socialist, mid w hen Mr. Swinlen's i cntarks w croshew n te Mr. Carnegie while here, he said : "Yes, Mr. Swlnten was present at that meeting, but lioiirawsiumgHeut. lliu eenie, wsik wiiu me te the station and weciiu talk. 1 did speak ns he says or the snobs of this country and the lords ofthe ether, for the time is coming when there will be a change te all this. Te an evolutionist and a student et history It is plain that werklngmen must rise in the future as they have In the past. Once they were all serfs, and Just ns sure as tin. v have obtained the advantages they possess te-day Just se sure are they te improve still further." "Hut are you n socialist?" was asked. "I bcliev e socialism Is the grandest theory ever presented, ami I am sure soine day It will rule the world. Then we wilt have obtained the uiilleiiium." said Mr. Cnrtiecie. "leu hope that the lien and the lamli win lie down sldebv side, all thincs be equal, and jiretits will share and 'share allke ? " "Thatistliostateweiirodrifting Inte. Then men will lie content te work for the general welfare and share their riches with their neighbors," answered Mr. Carnegie. ".vre you prepared new le iiivuie your wealth?" was asked, and Mr. Carnegie utlletl. "Xa net nt nreent. but I de net spend much en mysell. I give nvvtty every ear sev en or clght'times an inueli as I sjend ler personal comforts and pleasures. W ork erk ing people have my full sj .uptthy, and 1 alwaj-s extend a helping hand. 1 am a work ing man and In my young days worked In a cotton mill and ran an engine. In all my life 1 suppese I have done niore work than any employe I liare ever had. 1 hcliove In ad vancing'wertliv empleyes and Icarryeilt these Ideas en all invasions, as Is witnessed by the young men I have gathered about inc. Speaking of the present position of the werklugman, I lielleve co-operation Is his hope." " Still, Mr. Carnegie, you have closed down the I'dpir Thomsen we'tks, and seme people will weuuer Hew you can neiii sucn princi ples and threw your empleyes Inte idleness." lie said. "Te workmen nre te blaine for that." " In w hat resnect " " Thev allow ether Hoss-emcr mills te work nt less wages than we jxiy. There is the Pennsylvania steel mill nt'liarrisburg. where they can make and sell steel rails at i- a ten. e cannot de it, and must close rather than manufacture rails te sell at less than cost. I am a tlrm friend of the Amalgamated association, and no ene ev er heard of my having trouble vv 1th them." The Pittsburg ISessemcr steel works nt Homestead, in which Mr. Cantegie is in terested, hasiiested a reduction of wages running from il te 10 jier cent, The vv erks at present are shut down. About 1,200 men are interested. Tin: it. a. n. An vv.ssiexs. The Department Contention nnd the flr.ind Army i,r 3lu.icliui-tti. Tite Hosten Journal .siys: The deptrt ment cenv eutieti of the Grand Army of Mas sachusetts, which is te lie held this month, vv ill be ene of mere than ordinary Interest, as the attitude of the department towards the S3 per month pension bill will lie clearly de (lned. The Irieuds of that meesurv are using every effort le secure a solid delegation te the national encampment In favor nf that bill, but the indications point te an overwhelming defeat. Theje has lieen a geed deal of chaiige of opinion recently am ug the members of the orgaiiiiatieu in Massachusetts nnd several ether ests w hleli voted te endorse the bill have reversed thelracien. Apcnded is the general order from the national com mander disapproving of the efforts in lieltalf of the measure. He says : The Indorse Inderse ment of the bill is net merely n question of placing your comrades nnd jxist In direct an tagonism ti the national encampment, but far mere nnd worse. It is a question whether this column of ;sO),0(ie tiblo-bedicd and strong cenii-ades shall just new attempt te ellievi aside tlie already long-waiting pro pre cession of two hundred thousand disabled and sullerlngeiies, the orphans ami widows, that the larger and stronger column may first get their Ssa mouth. Letus in accordance with the action of the National l'ncampmcnt lirst unitedly demand such immediate legis lation ns shall give pcusi ms te tlie long suf fering ones new vainlv knocking at the por tals of the pension elllce. and close ferever the doers of the nluisheuse-, of our lands aeainst the old veteran and ids dc'H'ijdrnt ones. In Ged and humanity's name let the well veterans wait until the law can be amended te grant justice te the crippled and disabled ones. A rarlduu AdiertUeinent. Tlie Paris Figare states that the following curious handbill is being city : " Hovcnge your honor. De net wait the uncertain Line of an always insuuiclcnt justice, ncmember that no ene can indict the chastisement as w ell as yourselves. Do De pend, then, en yourselves alone, and every ene purchase the Itijeu revolver. Six shots a mhmte guaranteed : light, artistle and mode medo mode rato in price, q'ite llijeu rev el ver is the only ene which answers all the exigencies of society. Theso who will have madouseof tlie llijeu revolver will net, thereafter, care the least for vitriol. A mere useful or lienuti fill ptesent cannot bemadoteuyoungwoinan than a Itijeu revolver. They are sold in all perfumery steres." fetereojithen Eildliltlen. An Illuminated view of a dyspeptic stomach would lcn frightful ljtht nnd n dreadful warn, lug. A view of the Interior of n healthy stom ach ! net unpleasant, hut, en the contrary, like linra it' Iren Bit lers te Veep thestniunelt healthy orletentorolt when demoralized hv the effects .r Indlxcatlnn. Mls Ida Shivers, f.lllcett City, Md., say. "I HtttTercd from d)pcp9la and gen eral prostration, llmun's Iren lilttvrs Improved me from the aturt." VVfiinan' Suffering und ltellet. Thn-e languid, tiresome seniutttens, causing you te feel scarcely able te be en your feet that constant drain that Is taking from your system alllU fermcrehudlcltyi driving the bloom from your checks; that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you Irritable and fretful, can easily be removed hy the use of that mar velous remedy. Hep Hitter. Irregularities and obstruct len of your Mem, are relieved nt ence while the special came of periodical pain are permanently removed. Nene receive se much benefit, and none uie se profoundly gmleful, and show such an Interest In recommending Hep Hitter a women. A restnl Card Story. I wan affected with kidney and miliary T reu bin " Ker twel e years !" After trjlng nil the doctors nnd pateut meill. cine I could hear of, 1 iifced twnbettlesrif Hep miters !' And I urn perfectly cured. "All the linie!" reMiect I keen It reiiect rally, it. y. iueth. SaiiUburj-, Tenn-May i. Issj. llKAbreRu, Pa, Mays, 1WJ. It has cured me of M'vei-al dUeases.suchns nervousness, sickness nt the stomach, monthly tniubles, etc. I have net seen a sick day Inn year, sIike I leek. Hep Hitters. All my neigh bors iise tlieui. Miss 1'axmk Ukzc-i. W3.0IMI l.e.t. "A lour te Ibirepn that cost me a.oeo, dene "me less geed than one bottle of Hep Hitters ( "Ihey also cured my wlfa of tin ecu venrs' ncr- " veus weakness, iileeplessiieMs and dysiietislu." U. -VI., Aiihiirii,.. Y. re. 1Il(kijii(IVii.i,k, e.,Muy 1, TA Hnm I liavii been suffeilug ten years, nnd 1 tried your Hep Hitters, and It dene me mero iroed tnan all the doctors. Miss H. 8. llnby Ml ed. Wh nre se lliankfiil te say that our nursing luiby was ieniuineiitly fined or a dangerous and protracted mnstlputlnnunil trivgnlarltyef Ibe lieweU by thn use of Hep Hitters by Its mother, which tit the samutlme restored her te perfect health und strength. The Parents, Itechester, ?i, Y. 43-Neuu genuine without u bunch nf green Heps en the white Jliihel, Miun all the vile, imlsoneus stuff with" Hep "or" Heps" In their iiume. ducl9-luid.V,w "" nn. ruAziuifs jioetTiittIbuII ' Fruzlcrs lioet Hitlers ure net u dram shop beverage, but nre strictly medicinal In every sense. They act strongly himiii the Liver and Kidneys, keep the bowels open und regular, cleansu the bleed und system of uvery Impurity, fold by druggists, tl. Iseld by II, il. Cochran, 137 und 13u -North Queen street, (i) 3IKIHCAU ,VYi:ns cuKiiuY PECTORAL . t.- An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. "Culvert, Texan, May , IMJ. " I wish te eipress my itpprrctutlnn of ttie. VKlunMoquiltltpser Ayer's Cherry Pectoral A cel nil tiKVKnr " W'lilln with I'liiirclilll's army. Just lirfore the Initie of Ylrksbiirit, I enntrncted n nevere Celd, vlilrhtenntimtraiiintliiiirereiisCmi;li. 1 found no relief tilt en our march vvnniinn tonreuntrr Mere, w here, en iisktng fur souie remedy, 1 vs urged te try Av kii'n Cntniiv 1'ectervl. " I did e, and was mjililly cured. Since thou 1 have keiitthe I'ecteiul eeiistmitly by me, ler faintly use, and I have found It te be an tuvidun We remedy for Threat and l.ung llciuics. "J. W. WlllTLKT." TlioiisaiiilseftrMtinoii ltd rcrtlfy tettic prompt cure or nil Urenchlnl nnd l.utig AITectlens, by tlte use nf AykiChCiikurt Pkc-tehau llcltiKery iilatnble, the youngest ehlltlrru Inke It rt-adlly. riixrAiiiiii nr Dr. J. V. Aycr Ar Ce., Lewell, Mnvs. sold by nil liriiRRlsts. JanbMyiWw II UXT'S KKMKDY. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. NEVER KNOWfl TO FIL. It cures whfii nil ether liu'dlclnrs fall, iu It net directly nnd nt ence en the Kidney, Mirer nnd flew cl, restoring them le n hcnllhy uctlen. It Is n Bare, mire nnd pccdy cure, nnd hundreds have lcm cured liy It when lihydclnn nnd I iric fends had Kit mi t rtm up te din. It is Beth a " Safe Cure " and a " Specific," It CITltl'.S nil liencs of the Kidneys, Liver, bladder nnd I'rlnerv Organ: Drerur, Untvel, Dlabctai, Uricht' l)cae, Nervous Illhcases, Kxcesscs, Fciuale Weaknesses, Jaundice, betir stnmurh, Dyspepsia. Constipation, l'lle. rains In the Itack, belns and Side, Iteten. Hen or Xen Itctcntlen of Hrlne. 1.2S ATnuraeisTs tZrT.lKK -VO OTIlKll. Semi for llliistrateil Painphlet of Solid Testi monials of Abseluts Cures. HUNT'S REilEDY COMPANY, rneviDKNCf:, it. i. e -n it ANDY. Dramly as a Medicine. The follenlnc nrtlele was voluntarily sent te MP.. II. K. SLATMAKEU, Agent ferKKIUAKT's OLD W IMivreiiK, "ova 'imminent practicing physician of this county, who has extenslely ned thu Ilmndv referred te In his regulnr prac tice. It Iseein.ncndcd te the attention of these nmicted wtih INDlOKsTlOX .VXD DYSlMU-siA. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Stimulant was lie ver In tended us n beverage, bit I te bu incd a. n medicine of greater potency In the null of some nf the destructive dlC!ie which sweeps away their annual the..imls of victims. W'llh n purely phllanihronlcmetlve.wc pR-nent te the favorable neilce of invalids epec Lilly thiwe afflicted with that inti-enible disease. I)yi,peisia. a upeelflc remedy, which Is nn.hlng mero nr less thiui IlllAMtV. Tlie aged, Willi feeble appetite, and mere or less debility, will and lids simple medicine, when used proper! v, A srtVKItKlG.V ItKMKDY Fer nil Iheir Ills and iiehcs. Ile It, however, strictly understood that we prrsrrlle nnd u but one article, and that U Hegart's Old Brandy, sold by our enterprising filcnd. II. K. hLAY MAKLU. This brandy has utoed the test for years, and lias neve r failed, ns fur ns our expe rience extends, and we therefore give it tlie prefereiicu ever all ether llrandlcs no mutter with hew manyjaw breaking French titles they nre 1nuidcd. Ono-feitrth of the money that Is yearly thrown nwny en various Impotent dvs- Is'psla specincrt. would sutllcc le buy nil the Inuuly lecuruaiij- such cane or cases. In pioef of the curative power of ItKHfAUT'S OLD I1UAXHV In cases of Dyspepsia, we can summon Iininlcrs of witnesses ene case In particular we will cite : A haul working fanner liad been nnilcled w 1th nn exhausting DyspctislA for a nuni her of years: his stomach would reject almost cvery kind nf feed j he had HOurcrttctaHonscentdnnfly nonp nenp petite In fact he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and ns a beverage he ued Mclininu's Keet Ucer. lie is u Methodist, and then, ns new, preached at times, and In his discourses often declaimed earnestly ugalnst all kinds of strong drink. When ndvled te try IlKlliAlETV, OLD 1IIEAXDV Illhhcw, he looked un with nstnnlshiufnt : but after hearing of his wonderful circcis In thn cases of Heme of his near acquaintances, beat last consented te fellow our ndvlce. He uned thu Ilrjindy faithfully and Ktcudlly; the first bettln giving mm an appetite, una oetero the (.ecend was all taken he was a sound man, with a Mom Mem ach capahle of digesting anything which he cheese teeut. He still keeps it fund iles a llttle occantenally ; and slnce he has ihls medicine, he has been of very little pecuniary benefit te the doctor.! lamenting J'ijilclan. H. E. SLAYMAKER, AftKNTFOIl ItKIOAUTS OLD WINE feTOHK. KsTAHLISHED IM765. Imtiertcr und Dealer in Old llrandy, Sherrv-, hu- pcrler Old Madeira, Impetled In 1818, l27 and 1SB, Chamtiagnes of every brand. Scotch Ale, Perter, brown Stout, Ne. 20 East Kins Streot, Lancaster G KAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great Kngllsh Keinedy. An unfailing cure for Impotency and nil Diseases that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Iaissttude, 1'nln In the Hack, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, ami many ether diseases that lead. te In sanity or Consumption und a Premature CI rave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we do de do slre te send free by mall te every one. This Spe Spe clfle medicine Is sold by nil druggists ut 11 per package, or six nackuges for t- or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by nd dressing the agent, II. 11. COCHUA.V, Druggist. Nes. 157 and 139 North Oueen street, Uinraster, I'M. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine. THK OKAY MKlilOINK CO., Iluffale, N. Y. c tltEAM OF 110SKS ClIAl'l'KD HANDS, I.IPri; PACK AND AM. 110UOHNK8S OF THK SKIN. It docs net hurt like Olycorlne. 1'ltICL', lOand 33 CKNT.S, at COCHRAN'S DRTJQ STORE, Nes, 137 AND IS) KOKTJI QUKEN STltKKT, riecSCind Lancaster, l'a, J 7 LECTION NOTICIi li Tint Eahtehn Mill ItKKT llOlK CO , Lancaster, l'a Theiinniial iiieetliiuef Htockhelders und elec- Hen for Directum efthU ceinium iv w will he held ntlue Kant Kins Htrect. en Til TU:SDAY, JAN. It, between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m., uud neon. ALLAN A. HEItit, d.M-dtJ12 . becrctary. rpHE BEST THING TO BU V. DECEUUEIt OT, lfl. Ii a geed Suit of Underwear, u few heavy Cem. ferta, Warm 1'anU, apalref eyerulli te allpen ever your old lmulf, a pair of warm Mitt or moves, uu all-wool bhtrt. Woolen and Cotten blocking and a variety of casenable uoedo, all of which nre aclliiig nt very reduced jincen. At HECHTOLD'd, Ne. 6 North (Juecn btrtsit. 9Ire Heiue filled with put lev, free from uny sewerage. VLUTIUXU. .. The new year finds us with seme lets still en hand which we are beuud te clese out. The $5 and $6 Overceats and the $10 and $12 Suits in our windows are seme of thorn. In fact, our ontire stock is well cut down, and at the low prices ought te interest you. A. C YATES & CO., SOS, Ml, BOO, CHESTNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA. iJ-lmd ti:mevai, AN'1 OPl'.NINO. LAMIAOTEIt. Pa., Seit. 10, 1SSI. ldeslrute innke known te my friends nnd customers, nnd llie public In Reuenil, that I hav e retnevrd freinNO.U XOIITI1 (JUKKX bTUUKT, te NO. 1J1NOUTH (J11JKX hTUt'.KT, formerly occupied by the Ann of Sntallng A Uutstnan, where I hav e opened w Ith a large assortment of Kngllsh, French nnd (icrnmn Xevcltlcs.tngcthcr wlthnlJirBO Line of Demestic rnbrlc. Com Cem Com pesodas my New Stock Is, of Xew tiisslsnnd NrwStjIcs, 1 Iccl nssiircd that In soliciting n ronllnitnnce of jour jMtrenage, you will havn an opportunity et making selections from a stock uiiciiualed In Its variety and ndnptcd te the present demand, which Is for geed values, gcntlcmanlv .jlcs and effects, nnd eiqulslte tit. Xeth' tut the v try best of werkiuansnip j nnd prices te suit cverylsxly. l'lease favor me w lib your orders. Yours Very Truly. JD. ft WIjNTERS. ur,: wish Yer am. A HAPPY NEW YEAR. wr. wish vel all Te cem: and r.vit TAKE OF THE GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOTHING Which we hat e miuhi nml nrc new innkliifr, luiv Inj come ncre- UUTercnt line or ri"h"mU which muiit go. COME AT ONCE -FOK THE- CsfBMQfllNS.K MEN'S IOMMO.V OVEKCOATS. fil), t.VI,.1iV. MEN'S IlK.TTElt ljL'AI.lT OVEUCOATS. ft en. l..V). .vi te t ID. MEN'S FINE ItilESsj OVEIlCOATs, fu.iKC'itellXTJ. These giwsls nre nil werih from 9) te Wiper cent. meiT. CIULDIIEN'seVEUCOATmis low nsl.iV. IU)voVKKCO.TsinleirntJ.i. I- CHILDKEN's sClTs from !.:.) up te pl. Other Bargains Preparing for Next Week. CALL AT llVt'E ON HIRSH & BEOTIEE, Penn Hall Clothing Heuse. COUNEUOFCENTUEsQirAIti: AND .SOUTH (11,'EEN sTllEET, lincastcr. Pa. p.Uil, ANNOUNCEAU'.XT OF FINE TAILORING HENRY GERHARTS, Ne. O East King Streot. I havn In stock the most complute nnd choice assortment or im WOOLENS roil THE FALL AND WINTEKTUADE KVKK errEitED HEreni: in this city. A great vnrletynf J.ATI'.nT JiTYI.KCHKCKEH SU1T1NU. COItKsCUEW.S In nil shades and qualities. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT AND HEAVY-WEIGHT OVERCOATING. rrlcesASI.OWASTHE LOWEST and nil goods warranted na represented. H. GERHART. J7CONOMY IN OI.OT1IINH. L. GANSMAN & BRO. Yeu are deuhtlens Interested In theimrehase of Clethliiff, and want the heat geed for the leant inniiej-. We are equally Interested 111 Bccurtnc your palrnnafre, und we havn placed onrlarKcideckat lirlccs within the reach of nil. The times nre ripe for It. The werklugman nees no use In paying 15.(0 for nn Overcoat or a Unit, when he can llud nn honest nnd geed looking article here for ffi.oe nnd VU. SUITS I suits,, face, :(. .SUITS, f 10.00, fliOO, 11.00. BEST WORKMANSHIP. rmcEs ritOM ie te is peu cent, leweu THAN ELSEWHEKE. Overcoats. Overcoats. OVEHCOATS, i), fl.CO, tl.W). OVKHCOATS, .(), 1 10.t0, flitie. OVEUCOATS, fl3.U), ill U), f 15.W1. lent Qualities. Lewest Pi Ices, nnd n Vast .Stock te select fiem. Otirjroedii weiu never no lewkns new, while they nre un deslruhla ii ever. L &A3JSIAIT & BRO, THE FAhlllONAIILi: JIEItCIIA.Vr TAII.OKS AND CLOTIIIEUS, Nes. 66-68 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ltlltht en the Seuthwcat Cor, of Onin(!e( LANfJAbTElt. l'A. T,ifit connected with nny ethor Clethlntf Heme In this City, " Iceiiny iii Clothing ! .st.i:ieu.i. criKKiiiH. HMnnua SLEIGHS! SIEI&HS! DDGERLEY& CO., Carriage Builders, maiik'1'.t sriir.irr, of rosTerrioi:, lamJastku, l'A. Our Inrge sleck of POM LAND, AI.1IAN Y and DOUIIblT hi. KlllllS, which we eiler nt Urgelr reduced prices, nni decidedly Ilia llnest III the city. -D0S'TK0IIEr TO K MCOt' II lit! WlinK THAT IS auvavii nuiAiiLu. Call and get a bargnin. All work vMtrrnnted. WEIIAVKIS MOCK Every Style Uiiffiry niul OrtrrlnRe IiKSUlEtl. ItKl'Alltl.NO PltOMl'TLV ATTKXDIIU TO. One et of w erkmeii especlnlly employed for that liiniHxe. VTOHlll'.OK .vMlM'.Y. Sleighs ! Sleighs ! Sleighs ! GREAT BARGAINS -AT- NORBECK & MILEY'S, Ceiiut DiihO A: Vine Streets, I.ANClSTIMt, l'A OVER 40 HUB CUTTERS, IIOTH POItTLAXH .VXD AI.1IANY. Xnt dlsimsed of nt sdn, will be offered te Ilia public (UKTAIL! nt 1'1'IILIC SAM! I'ltlUKS. ourhteckls the Finest III thn City, lulling aelil le the most prominent nnd bet winie, which Is cnncluslte proof. DOyT BUY A C1IE.IP SHODDY ARTICLE. DOX'T UK I.KI) TO PAY KXTIIAVAHAXT 1'ltICUS, Hut call en Ihoeldostniid most tellable firm In the city and he convinced OUll WOltUMJbTAl.NSOl'lt WOIID A KIT 1.1. STOCK OF CAItlll.VliE WORK ON HAND. i- lteiiutrlng Nimtly Done. iTACIIISTMY. H F.ATE11S Oil FUUNATES. II BEST" STEAM ENGINE AND,- Beiler Works, riEiTERS -ei: FURNACES reu Privnle IMvKllimrs, Schools mill T'uli. liC llllll(lll-s. Call and rce them. Maihief heavy lien, elm elm ple of construction, diirahle, economical, the most ltaduitliiR Suri'ace of nny Heater In the market. Nothing Cheap But the Prlce L OUR OWN PATENT. 4i"HavlnK licen In use In many of I he largest residences In Lancaster In tlie past ten years Is the best eturldcncQ of Its merits. Address, Jehn Best & Sen, Ne. 33 EAST FUIM STREET, JanlJ-lyd.t LANCAfaTElt, TA. TTAVINQ DISSOLVED l'AnTXKIlSIIH' ana iicnuanently closed the Chestnut , Iren Works. 1 desire te Inform mv old Street J patrons nnd the pitblle geiierally, that lam still In the business, being located In the Penn Iren Company's Works, North Plum street, whom I nni making Iren nnd llruss Castings of uvery de. scrlptten, und will he pleased te serve all who may favor me with their patronage. Frem te years oxpvrleiice In the business and using thu best material nnd employing the bcstriieclunlcH, I am satisfied 1 can KiiuranU'O entire satisfaction. Castings made from n mixture of Iren und Ucl which are mero reliable for strength and dura, hlltty than the beat cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and lolling mill work a spec laity. Castings made of very soft lren.andbrussi cast lugs of even- description. 1 have all I he pat terns of the well and favorably known Jlewrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted ami Improved, nlun en hand. Mills completely tilted up or lit Juirta, te replace old ones which havohcen In usu or years, guaranteeing thorn te give satlslactlen. It. C. iUCULLKy. aug-ll-Cmd iitecj:itii:.s. ry te huhsk's. -reu- CilRISTMASJKOCIililES. Fer linking .Material, Fer I'll rubplces. Fer Flavoring Extracts and Ito-se Water. tern Nice, Fancy riult llasket. Fer n llusknt of Frulu Fer Floi Ida Omiiges, Fer White Ornpes. ForFlue Italslus. Fer Choice P. S. Almonds. Fer nil Kinds of Nuts. Fer the llest Cnndy, S peuinU fiiru cents. Fer Cleur Toys. Fer the llest Coffees, Fer thu llest Teas. Fer Canned nnd llettled (ioeds. Fern Harrvlef Choice ll.itdwln Apples. NOW FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS. A beuulirul Plaque or Card with each pound or Coffee during thu Holidays. -Come und see, It will pay you. AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST IONG STREET.. 4