13 i J: " , i" . - , r - ' ' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1884, I -it . ''J, v1 J '3U i-a r- E&f 15.' !& ? & tw it u t Hf & tQ, IflnTMEAS BUSLNESS. buvmxkkh' oxeaxizatiox ex ,, xmm warpath. ' . ) ttMTmvln'FretectiTe AMOctaUon-Cemmcr. - J $! Men te Amrt their RlghU-JUllrwidi ,." Xb Jlenl Miut Cema De wn ;? "' 'Wet '" Brt ."Tite traveling naleMnen vhe call them Mlvm "wimmpwlid men." bnt whom the -v i . jmlJl3 J ,werc opt te call " drummers," lmve c mi MMCwtien rer tne riroieciieii mm uuiunv :Bt of Uiclr rights, which they call the ' .Traveler's rrolcellyo Association," nml i 1 'through which thcr periodically declare their 's"enUnienUtBml tlovle ways te rcallre thcni. 'feThey bad n special meeting of the eastern & Wmbers of their society In Philadelphia la-t Sevcnlng, William Leeb, vlce president f&jjet I'cniisylvanln, presiding, and Ueorge iVM. Hayes, secretory. Addresses wcie , mi ' made by ft number of members, and Mr. Ilandelph lllankenburg, who was pres ent said that If the 150,000 traveling sales men In this country would unlte they would sccttre all tlicy demanded, and he would sce that the ten travelers in his employ would Jein the association. Resolutions were adopted condemning dls. criminations against commercial travelers, 111 favor of theatrical and ether professions by hotels and railroads, urging the passage by Congress of the Urower bill, requesting the railroad companies te issue tickets te mem bers of the association at net mero than two cents tier mile. Ac. The chairman then appointed the following committees : en raureuus diaries r. - Baker, Benjamin Aarens, Lerey (L Archer, W. A. Peltrer. Hotels Gcerge M. Hayes, TS Oliver Craig, J. M. Scldenbach. Tress Gcerge 2d. Hayes. Charles T. Baker, flee. W. Curtis. Tlie Brewer bill referred te In the resolu tions makes it a misdemeanor, punishable by ilne and Imprisonment, for any ene acting as an officer et n stale or municipal corporation tolnterrcre In any way with any commercial Vravelcr, selling goals of any kind, travel : -Imrfrem mtotlier state ether than the ene in which he lives, or in which the manufacturer or merchant does business for whom said traveler is acting. It was stated that a peti tion for the passjge of this bill had received O'ver 100,000 signatures throughout the country. WHAT THKTItAVELlUtSAl.M AT. The avowed objects of the asswiatlen are : "1st. Te promote free tnule between the pcMral states of the Union. "2d. Te secure a reduction of mssencer rates te merchant travelers en all railroads. "3d. Te obtain a fair and equitable allow ance of baegnge. "4th. Te secure hotel accomedations com cem com mensurate with the prices paid. " 'Te promote free trade' w ith this asswia asswia tlen mean te seen e n repeal of the objec tionable local and state laws that unconstitu tionally compel the commercial traveler te lavataxorllecnsefeoln various states and cities of the Seuth and Southwest, or aban don their profession in such localities. " 'Te secure; a reduction of pas.-engcr rales and ti secure an cqultable allowance of bag gage' means with us te induce railroad and transiortatien Hues te give the commercial travelers as low rates as are given te tlieatris cal companies (who furnish no Irclght te the railroads), -who are allowed excessixe lag gage and transportation at one-third less rates than the business man. " 'Te secure hotel accommodation commen cemmen commen surate w ith the prices paid' means that hotels shall recognize that the commercial travelers are their regular patrons, and as such are en titled te accommodations as geed as pre ided tourists or ether travelers, and at prices net In excess of reasonable business rates" inrxjT, en wixi:t Ylnlcalture Truneunccil tore I'relltiible Tluui Grew lug Cerealv The San Traiid'ce Chronicle, liie Les Angeles Timci, the S.ieraincnte lice, and ether leading journals of California are mak ing active warefare against using the soil of that state for w heat grew ing. The CireHicc says: "Acceuling te the ostlmate of the state bureau of agriculture, California produced this vear J7,0u0,00u bushels of wheat Deducting 10 cents iw bushel for transportation by mil te mailed, which will be found te be about the u crage te the whole state, lids crop will net the growers about 43 cents per bushel, or $S5,Cj0,i)uu for the uhole crop. TliUrep -Wiw ffimvn en- an aiorage of about 2,u00.00a It Is keeping within bounds te iy that had tills acreage been planted in fruit and grapes it would hae yielded from fcS0,000,0e0 te $I(.W.tj0,0e0. Tlie I'.irmers in tlmt case would liae realized a net profit, alter charging up their own labor, their hired help, the ce.it of plants manure, etc., of net less tlun f2(X),tHKi,lKiy, whereas it is reasonably certain that the wheat-grower this year, if he charges hlne-clf with his own labor, will find that he has net maile a cent. Te grew wheat for lev than a cent a pound requires exceptionally f.ivornble conditions." 'J he Les Angeles 'Ttines in the sanieiein laisesthequcry: "Aie we net devoting tee large a proportion of our rich and tertile lands te wheat-growing, which might much mero protlteblo bodcetcd toIne and fruit growing?" The lice says : "An aero of vineyard, any where In tlie state, will yield the tens or grapes, worth fJO u ten, making a total of 5lu0. against a total of fiabO from a yield of thirty bushels of w heat en the same area of l.uul. The profit en the grain is Sl.bO, en tlie grapes ut leait SluO. The estimate for grapes Is moderate. A single n ineyard of 3ue acres near Fieiiie is pnHluelng this year about 2,000 tens, wertli f.")0,20u nt fJT n ten. It would Uiko about 2,000 acres or land, produc ing thirty bushels te the acre, te raise grain enough te bring that amount this year. What a vast waste of valuable sce wheat growing involves iu California." xui:iiUY of Tin: itvj:xi.a ji:ck. l"att About CutaManca. u Here for Vt'liem All l'itk I'eel burr) Few but knew tlie very pretty plece of jieetry by Mrs. Heliums, " Casabianca," com mencing, "The boy steed en the burning deck." The led was net the son of the ad miral commanding the llagship L'Oricnt, which took lire and exploded. Tlie admiral was Brueys, who was wounded in tlie head and hand early In the action. He continued te give orders until cut into by a cannon ball ; he uttered a request te be allowed te expire en deck, which he did In thu course of sumo minutes. Cityen Casablanca, tlie lather of the poetic here, then took command; his son was n middy, but only aged 10, net 13. At that porled lads entered the navv vcrv veung. Casablanca was also a deputy, I'endfng the action his son was by his sidb ; tlie father was -merully wounded In tlie liead bv a splinter iuidboe:ime insensible; he gavo'ue injunc tion te his son, but the latter would net the less quit Ills weunded liaient. Bv this tlme the ship was en lire. Several of" tlie sailors had lelt and caved tliemsclves en spars until picked up by tlie Knglisli beats. Aided by the purser young Casablanca and his fatlier were lowered down en a piece or a mast tloat tleat Ing by, but they had only get a short distance, Tem the 120cuu Orient when slie blew iiiv UWU JIUIiilll blancns. mero was seen of the Casa- Hut the noblest thing that perished there d u tlut young, filhlul heait. Tlie CouuulMlenen Appeal. The county commlsslenors this ancrnoeu appealed from the finding or the county au au dlters surcharging them with 7,013.05 ille gally paid te aldermen, constables and asses sors during the year Its Tlioeeminlssloners were obliged under tlie law te enter kecurity in double tlie amount of the surcharge, or UJ.OStUO. One or the com. mLsslencrs securities Is B. M. (Jreldei, liresi. deut or the beard orauditers tliat did tlie sur eharglng. The comniUsieners have retained 8.H. Reynolds audj. Hay Brown as their cenuscL A Generous Gift. lr. William M. Slngerly has algiiiflcd te the heard of iruuiagers of the Seutliei n Heme for Friendless Clilldrtn, Philadelphia, or which his deceased wife was president, his intention of contributing during the remain remain dereriils life, "-COO a year. This sum was the anuual subscription or Mrs. HIngeily tothe Heme, and Mr. Slngerly intends tlie annual 'jtitt as a continuance of the work te which shJ was se devoted during her life. tlrluriiei Ueiue. Jcweph Hever, hen of J. R. Rever, eon een tjfti&Hivr, wjie Jim been traveling will) Sj.lelllll'4'Wjkl Wet, as a musician iif-ftw band. M(uruF;e this city last night. He Jaft the jlicY;l!i.New Orleans, where Ills billed for tliree mouths, and will remain at lionie during Ibe winter. Death of Knee no Stanten. Kagene Stanten, son of the late Albert T. Stanten, died at the residence of his mother, Ne. 32 Seuth Llme street, yesterday. De ceased was well known In the city and pre vious te his illness he carried en the busi ness of collee roasting for his mother. He was In theSOth vcar of his age, and a member of Inland City Ledge Ne. ts3 and Division 7 Uniform Hank K. of P., and Lancaster Cir cle 11. U. (II. F.) Pa. The funeral takes place Friday. Toek the Oath lit Office. Shcrltr-elect Tonlllnsen took the oath of otllce te-day befere Deputy Recorder Fas. lincht. The shcrllV-clect was escorted te the recorder's otllce by two of his predecessors, Sheriffs Strlne and Itrcncmnn, Deputies Hlppey and htrine, and a numlwrs of the ether count v elUeers, with Handy Jake Helllnger bringing up the rear. An Alderiiiniilc MarrliiKc, Samuel Patterson and Kate Walt man rolled at the otllce of Alderman Barr, this afternoon, and requested that obliging official te unite, him in the holy bends of matrimony. The alderman inade them linmiv. Hen. Leenard "officiating as the ljcst man w 1th Jake l'rice as ins partner. Sheriffs Vile. Onlj $113 was realized trem the sale of the personal property of J. II. Abraham this morning. The amount realized from the sale of Jeseph Strauss' beet and shoe store yes yes terday was?s53. Sale of securities. Jacob 15. Leng, broker, sold te-d.iynt pri vate sale six shares Farmers National liank at 112 j feet) gas company fl ler cent. lnd at par and Interest ; JeOQ city tt icr cent, lrend. due 1KS5, at par and interest. Treperly Vi Itlnlrawii. The tiillcspie preiierty en AVet King street, was etlered at publicsale at the Cooper house, but was withdrawn at lP,ftH Tellce Cses. Tins morning Alderman McC'cueiny h.id one drunk bclere him and he was sent te J.ill ter 10 days. I He lliimlrcil ami Seientieil Ilatleus. The numljcr of rations ghen out at the soup house lenlay was 617. Amusements. Jlemc UiUertattwicnt.TO'niexivw evening a hemceutcitiilnmeiit will begtwn In the opera house, and the bill contains the n.ime et cieiy ninntcur actor In the town. There nru no less than eighteen specialty acts advertised, and the show will conclude with a siurrlug match be tween Frank Montretlllc nml Lewis Munrec, who wilt contest with blackened glove for points. TIiihe who attend the show will cer tainly get the w ei th of their money .1tAI!ItJ.UU..S. HtCK terKissp On Dec ith, at ltcneia. !'., by Itcv. .1. 1. Cook, at the resklenca of Daniel Graw, Mr Mimurl Iluck, of Driftwood, Ta..nnd Miss Mary A Cepelaml, feimcrly Mrs. saln,ef this city. KniiTEiv t WunrUk. Die. is, i., Charles 1!. iCrelter, uged ?i j ears, a mouths and IS daj . Funeral en 1 hursday, Jan. I, at 2 30 p. in. Ser vices in ihe Murailun Lhurch. Helatiics and friends niv respectfully lulted te attund with out further notice ltd ToMUvset In this elly, en the SDtli Inst , Hesnnmi, ivlict of the late .1 runes lemlinsun, aged 33 j ears, 0 months and 11 duys The relatli es and friends of the family tire re spectfully bulled te attend the funeral, from her late residence. Ne. 3H New Helland aicuuc, en rrnlay nftemoen ut i o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. d31 2t bTAMOV. Dee. SB, lssl. In this city, KiiRcne N , son or the late Albeit T and A. -tauteii, In his iith j ear. The relating and friends of the famll. ulse the members of I". It. K. I'., Inland City Ledge, Nu. Ml and Lancaster llrcle, Ne. 10, 11. L". (II. i ) Ta ure respcctfullj luilted te attend the funeral, from his mother's residence. Ne. SI euth Lime sticct, en Fridu) aftenioeu at I o'clock. d1l IV it. i:icj:t.s. Tlill.ulelplil.i Market. TiiiLAnKUMil v.Dcc Dl. Kleurtlrm, liieicncttvc: SupeiUui', .' agl W; Lxtra, t! .'fi3: Tenii'n, famll. W 'Jift.150; Winter clears, W.mvj i ii; de straights, tlfi I no t Minn, extra clear, jy 5ifl3 7 ; de straights, .IT.vri i". ; wlnttr patents, it 553 5; spring de, flW.,?il. lte IleuriitMSTKQaSil Wheat drin, under light eirerlngs mid geed dcmiind: Ne. 2 Western lted, 77c ; Ne. 2 de, 7W? 77c i ieLl"a. de. K) jc4.u-SUelnw are, de, i;$e' Cern tlnu, under geed ilvmaml and light sup nil i Meaim-r. isfil'jc ; Ne 'Jjcllew und uilxiil, ilft.'.te; .Ne. 3 de. l-c. IJ.its 11 nil but unlet ; Ne 1, White, :VHjO: Ne. i de, lie; Se. & de, 3le, reletlid, SIR.ae; Ne. i mixed, ."ttgJSJic. Ue nominal at ti.M(fhe. ! eds-clevi-rdull at r,a7Kc; Timethy dull at $1 lini I.'j ; 1 laxeed linn at tl 10. W Inter bran linn at f 15 7.'wjin Trnilslens dull und teady ; mess perk, fltftl I .Hi ; beef hums, H'J .V(i-J) ; city mess beef, JlJ.'i.Hill. Itucen, 'Jj'J'jC -iiiekcd Shoulders, lAif?7e ; Milt de. MjifiJc nuieWedhuius, leUgllVc , pickled de, SQvfte. IjutI diill ; city rellued, tc ; loeoo butchers', CUc ; lulmu team, il. Ilutter market nctlie and tending upnards Cix-amery extras, 3:c ; II. O. and N. V. de, -;e-ie dairy extras, i,- j de geed te choice, ieg.c. Itells utttfjlsc lurking butter, 7Slt)c I'ggs maiket dull and weak-: extras Su-fTTrc. Checse dull and nominal ; New Yerk Full t'n-uni, liflJe : Ohie 1 hits, choice, llc : de fair te piline. "JiQll'c; Tcuii'a mrt sklins,5ffi7e; de full ile, i(Ti',e Tetieleumdull ; Itetlnetl, Tic. H hikj dull at f I JU. Neu Vurk Market. New Yerk. IH-u 31. Fleur state and Western firm but ratheriiulet. s.uiheni stcadj. Wheat eiK-nrd iG'e loner; later ruled stiengcr nml rceetereil moil of decline ; Ne. 1 White, nominal; Ne. S lted. Jan.. 8l'4i!i.V)fe; Feb.. ttamfe I Mar , Wfi$,'c ; April, 'Jll,G'Jlic ; May, rif.QMJie. Cern Dec. Jc higher ; ethers !6',Xc lower; Mixed Wti'rn, bet Isjjsie ; de future, 47(j77e. Oat Jiye lewer: Ne. 2, Feb., JIVje t Mate, illiXv ; Wvlcni,X!av. I.lie?.teck Vrlies. Chicago. Cuttle. Market steady ; geed le chfitis', of lixilll 1.30IO l.Xl JKIUluU, fj jljl',(,l; 1,'JW te LJi pounds, .i3 wit common te fair, JI'Ji'SS W ; Inferior te fair cows, J 20.33: medium togeod, ties 09; bulls, tltvftaui; culies, Jlftd'.sJ : itM-k-ci, USSWt feeders, lil 3U. Hogs. lieugh packing, ilgl Ju ; p.icklng und .hipping, of nole -.Milte jHiuudi., 1.1 toy I ai ; light, lul to-JI0peunds,QI'J.1; dosed weak. sheep. C'omiiieii te fair, iJ HtfiS l) ; medium te geed, U 103 w ; ibelcc te extra, 1(71 'JJ ; Iuinb,ia.'. Last I.incaTT. There a a falrdeuiand fei cattle te-4Li at uuLliaugeil prices. negs iiere hieu ; I'liuaii Thlladelphlas, fl .Vl.71 U) ; lOlliOIX, UOyflKl. Mieep nere dull und unchanged. lloiuelieM Market. bATCUDAV, Ducembct -J7. lJlllil. ( ivameiy Ilutter khj lluttet V B. jeguu CiniCheese.twecupn Se Cottage Cheene. two pieces 5c Dutch Cheeae V lump bfllue IsjrLTI'.V. Tuikeyn yi piece (Hie) 1 tin. , ", " (diesscd) l.'j3tii. Chickens V i.ilr (live) .'lOi-fius " f piece (elcaiu d) Wiio Tlgeens 11 jialr Sifi KJe DnckBV iitein (cleuued) UnRiZe liuhblts 1 plue -ji,e UI3CELLAM.UC8. Mlnce Meat -p fc j0 Apple llutlery (jt -iie LggiVdej: auflj-'e llein'vV' rr?ile JendV ft loaiJe Oysters 1 l'.i ..ui Dry lleef, chipped 4ec Hum, sliced 'j0 JlluceMeat.pcrli, , ini0 nil its. (.ram-s'fl B, . UV7200 ApplexMJfpk lJrtiVj llauuuasVde , ...,.., sanloe Coeeituuts, each Sfllie Cm rents fl a (dried).... jec Di led Apples V 0.1 tee Dried l'euchekfl ut u0 TiuueiiUS. mum Lemens u dez lortJUe ilraiigesiliiz SMaiia TeiirsVkPk if.-.m Chen iiiiis'tljt ijg15t, (raiibenics V 'It TTJeu Tineapjiles, luili JoitiSe VEOtTADLtS. :ubliage7l head ioe Tetutis-sl I'pk ioe lbaiis(I.lma)) qt , jjj- Carret f) bunch , f lleadbnfad ..'. 5X Onions V bunch "."..'. La bwect Totatees tfJipW TJfi-jne ltadlnhcsflbuncli;:.. . 5e Nupllciin)lnl. i , ,iie SiiliiiichiSiik.... hvtiv; Nillly tl liiineh , buleu Turiifpl u pk ......'.-,.!:; 7e ArtuhekJu'ii'jjpk :.:.::..::.. s Teniiers )ide .7l5c Cattlnhya ,' , iji Teuh.."..,.. . .: '" "ink .;'.'. ; . leS IIIhcIc lbs... . . I,, '"."." S Tike '.. ' : " : ; "'.""i'lie While null "....". lpS ., . ebai. ' Wheat .,. , ,, T0(, "J0 iwe llsy per ten ......,.ni6l8 Slnrk Slnrkrtiu Quotation by Heed, McUnuni A t'e. Ilaultfltt, iuicu9itr, i a. 11 A. 51 12m. 3t Missouri I'HClrlc,. Mlchtcau Central . . . New eik Central New Jersey Central . . Ohie Central Del. Lack. Western . . . Denver KleUrnnrUi .. .. Krtc Kansas A Texas Lnke Shern Chicago N W" coin N". X..Ont.A WeMern St. l'nul Omaha. Tacine Mail ltettictcr A l'lttsUiirK St. 1'anl Texas racltle t' n Ien lMelllc Walsish Cnuimen ... . Wntrasii I'rcfcrnM. .. Wesfn I'nlen TeleKniiili IonlsllteA.Nnshllle . X. Y Chi. ft St. h Lehigh Valley I.ehttth Navigation 1'ennsjlvanla. ... Unutlni! . . '( u II s&i WJi pi il d.vta 1 w s I i.i; V) e a 1'. T. A llulTule Northern 1'icllle Cem.. Northern l'aclUc l'rcf llcsteiiMllc rhtladclphiaA Kric Northern Central UnderRreuntl CnuaiLi teulheni Oil l'eeplc's rassenger .. . Jersey Central a-'; Vi Uii l'liilnlelilila. Quotations y Asseclatej I'lxis Stocks Irregular. PhtlnJcllihlA A Lite IS. It llemltui; llallieml rcnnslvunU Itiillnsiil I.ehlith Valley ltnllreail t'nltcil Ceiiip.inles of New Jersey Northern Tactile Northern Tactile Treferrvd Northern Central It.illreail Lchluh Navigation Company .. .. Norrlsten uallreiul S IVld ... .! ,...MH " "5 !'.'. sV .... asv .if Central Transportation Cemnanv lluimte. New Yerk A ThllaiUlphla.. . . l.UtleSchirWktll ItullnMit UK New Yerk. ('notations by Associated Tress. Mecks ilrmer. Mencj , lJic. New erk Central f-Vi Lrle lCallread II AllllllLH EitircM 1JJ Michigan Central lt.illn.wd S.1 Jiicnipnn seutnern iiaureau .. Illinois Central Itallitvid Cleveland A Tlttstiurg Itallrisid Chlige.x Heck Island Hallmid "IIS . ...US' J Ill 1I01J .. .Ut ::M UN 1.I1S lltshurcA Fert Wayne Itallread . . Western I'nlen Telegraph Cempanj Teledo alah New Jersey Central New Yerk, Ontario A Western LechI Stocks nml Itemts. Itejietted ti J. II Leng Tr List mine sale Lnucusler City, 0 per lent , l".! lis) flOJ I'S isai. . " S per ct. In ler J0 j ears " 1 ' Scheel lean I " In 1 or 20 ear 4 In 5 or 'JO i ears " 4 ' In lUerSJjeura Mjnlii'lin Iloreugh lean U) M Hi 1HIJ0 1W ioe ine leiM 1!B HO IOO no li li) H1 lea AX'ir Airj:iiTirjiivfTs. SULLINO ROOTS AND' SUOi:3 Rl g'irdless of cost The entire contents of the shoetore, No.ftlNerth Queen street, consisting of Itoets, Shoes, ,Vc w ill be sold at private sale, regardless of cost. ltd XT0TICI" A statke MinrriNe or jL " lht Ijincaster Athletic Club" will he heldatllsrixiinenlllL'ltSDAY, JAN 1. A D ISs5,ut o'clock ti m Attcndmicn desired Attest T L SLAYMAKKIS. ltd S. cretary L A C TTtOR RRNT. .IT A first clues Dalrj Farm, sllunte two miles from Iaincaster A 4 acre Let In 7th ard, clt j A 4 aero Let In Mh tturd, clti several small houses. d31-lmd UlltSlI .v IIT.O. TllR ATTENTION OP l'Al.TIl'S COX COX COX tenipIntliigpurchiislnKahouseof moderate nlze and price Is called te Iho two-Mery nnd Mans.inl reef dwelling recently elected ut Ne. CJO North Duke street: eight rooms and bath room, and all modern liupmiciucnts. Particular en the premises, or of ALLAN A. IIL'ltltACO. Itial Estate ami Insurance Agents. It It1 Last King street. CAXCKR DUTRRS TROM ALL NOK luiil dtiucturesb being distinctly and es sentially n new pnyluct nexcr, under an eli cut'ist.inres. existing lu a healthv s&tem. C VNChlts and ICMOKs of till kinds cured without pain or using the knife also "klu Ills Ills ceses, Chronic and Trliutu Diseases successfully tleated by 1)11. 11 D. unit M A LONOAKKIt. Ofllce 13 East Walnut stieet, Lancaster, Tu Consultation fice. dK!td E .stati: or FRANK QCINN. I..VTK OV Lancaster city, deceased. Letter testa- mcntari en said estate hartng been granted te the undersigned, all ihtseus lndebtid thereto aic lceucsttd te make Immediate pujincnt, and tho-e haling claims or demands ugalnst the same will present them without delay for settle ment te the undersiguid, residing lu said city. IIKV. A F KACL, J W F wift, llT.IDOEl'Ql'LVN. J. II 11 Waemb, Executers Attemejs rtJ-etdeawU Rrpert or Tin: conditien: or Tin; Fcltcs Natieval Ha-ik, of Lancaster, 1n the Muteef Tennsylvunhi, at the close of busi ness, December ju. list KE.sOL'ItCL Leans and discounts . w.i.uis 02 Oienlnilts si 01 V. -. Ileuds te secure circulation . . l),rm ij Due from uppteied reserve agents. . 3fl,u7ii JH Due from ether National Hanks .... 4,230 fih Due from Mate llniikH und buuk-Lre. .. lCTO.Vj Ileal Estate. Furniture and Hxture 31,i hi Current expenses and tuxes paid 3.711 Ul Tn-uiiums paid h,jie oe Checks und ethor cash Items ... . 5,432 IB llltls of ether banks 4.SSS 10 Fractional papercurreney, nickels und pennies 71 01 Specie Jl.Ti'A 7i Legal tender notes 11,013 en Itedemptleu fund with V. b. Treasurer (3rcrcent ofetreulatlen) 4,.vi0 iw Due from I'. -. Treasurer, ether than 5 percent, redemption fund l,ie ui Total Ks:,2ll 50 t JIO.OK) HI 40.KO . 17.U10 ( . iw.ue te JS0.I.M 15 1,-JIJM M f,7AI 43 LIA11ILITIL: Capital stock paid In.. Suuilus Fund . ... Undivided Tretits National Ikmk Notes Outstanding. . Individual deposits subject te chuck Demand certificates of deposit Due toether National Itauks Due te Slate Hanks and bankers Total ai,211 50 State 0 l'ennyhanla. County of lAincaiter, $ I, C. A. Fex Dkrsmitu, Cashier of thu ubeie named bank, de solemnly swenr that the aboie htuteuient Is true te thu best of my knowledge uud billcf. C. A. I ON DEKsMITII. Cashier, huliserlbcd und sworn te befere iuethis3ll day of Dcicuibei.lsst. Jlhemiaii ItlFK, Netlirv l'nlilie Coned Attest JOHN 31, hTEfl.MAN, JOHN D. S-KILE-, SjAMUELUIIOFF, Dlrecteis. ltd TV IIjMAMSON ,t KOSTKU. With the closing daj 8 of a prosperous J ear woetrei te the public mi oppertuultv topio tepio topie cure un Overcoat, u Dress Suit, n lluslncss suit, ut prlcus that ure exceedingly low. He Will 1IOH Sill JOU A GOOD OVEUCOAT, $.1.ue. A DltEs blllT, 13.10. A lllJslNES", SUIT. Js.KJ. And lu Hats and Caps thcpilcesaiv Kiiul )y iiioderato. A STIFF DKES9 HAT, 11.00. A SOFT MAT, 1.'J3. AfaEALTintllAN, tl.'U. BUFFALO, tVUI.Fnniri.t7SII LAP IIOIIES, ut break prices. A iCAULET 3IEUIN0 HOSE, all w oel, 25c. WHITE WOOL UNDEUWEAIt, 53c. FINE Ml.lt NECKWEAR, 50c. and 2Jc UUCKMtl.V CLOVES, 50e. FUll TOTTED KID OLOVEs, 11.23. I100T3 ANDMIOES Men's Scotch bottom, extension edgu, a first. class Winter Mhec, tJ.50. Ladles' French Kid bhoes. Common Sensu style, l en. I.udlcV Fiench Kid Opera Tee, 11.00, 'Ihesu goods have been reduced from turn. ltUllIIEU OVEItMIOES, Men's Turn (itiiu. 73e. laidles' TuruUum, I3u, Children's TureUuin, 33c. ee-Oii uud utter J AN. 3, Ite3, our stores will close (t-utmiluys excepted) utU o'clock p. m , until further uetlcu. ) Xes. 3'2, 31, 30 k 38 East King LAXCASTClt, TA. St., Wiliamsen it Festei xinr ri:v oeous. ( ypen OOODS. NEW YEAR, 1SS5. W"etenda lei-dIM Invitation te tcrj hotly LARGE AND NEW ASSORTMENT WATCHES, e DIAMOHIS e ABB JEWELRY, si i.i.ii ki ion inn iiuiiNe xr.it In tittiid that with Ihe New A ear comes New H. Z. RHOADS, LANOAhTElt, TA. S-Our Stere will i lese nil) Alp in pi.INN ttliuUNKMAN. CHRISTMAS GOODS FLINN & BKENEQDAN'S. The 1-nrgcsl Slwk and Lewest Trices v are lien Opening our Annual l'.xlilbitleii or HOLI DAY (JOODS. Dells, Delt Cnnliises, Kxpivss Wagons, s,,!!,,,- limi lkiM.y Iteises, shixillj-s and Vileclpcde. Tin and Mcchaulcnl Tejs ?- Merelmntj, Churches and Sunday schools utippllid at New eik Ttlci's FLDOT & BRENEIAN Ne. 152 North Queen St., A'A'ir A 1 ri.'K Tl s VMVXT.t, -lirAXTi:!). 1 Twe country' girl' want Itiintleus te de ltd gcueral houses erk. pplj ut this efllce. -VTARA CIOAUS, ONLY X teed iini. at 5e., CiL'AR.VX- H.VKTMAN'-i.YI.I I OH STOKE 1KU.M HGK JCDUKS HA Vi; LONG S1NCR DCCIORD that the Yellow Frent Ac, Clgir Is the best lu the state, nt 1IAUT31AV 1 ELLOW FT.O.NT CIUAK sTOKK CIOAR-S FROM fl I'RR HUNDRRD 'PO the Very Finest (Juallt), In puckuges sultft ble for the llelldais nt HAKTMAN's YELLOW FltONT tll.AIl STOKL RAND TURKEY IirXClI,-" 1ONI01IT. At t miner's "ulcsm, ba-cmcut of Imiulrer build ing, North Uucen street. it -ty-ANTl'D-A M1DDI.LVAG Rl WOMAN 1 te keep house nnd take care of children Apply at NO Ml POPLAR STllELT, T-ANTEU.""" "It A German tllrl wnuts eltuutlen tu de general housework Appli at OW' w L -TKING'TKEET SSIONl'.D ISTATi; OK JO-sKPH IICR V. zegund wife, et l.incaster eltv. leincustcr reunty, Ta. Jeseph llerxeg and wife, of laiii castcr, haling by deed of leluntary assignment, dated DecciiilicrlVls, iisslgncd undtranslcmd nil their state and etri its te te undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors of the said Jeseph llerzeg, he therefore, gilts notice te all persons Indebted te said assigner, le miike pavment te the undeislgncd without delay, and these hai lug claims te present them te dl7td W IV. -. MI l.ON, Assignee IAXCASTI'R COUNTY NATIONAL J HANK. DECEMIIEK2U,lss EESOUr.CES Leans nnd Discounts . . . .. L'. f Ilends .. lteal Estate Current Expenses and Taxes Paid Checks and Other Cash Items Due from Hiuiks(exclusleef rcserxv) Legal llcsei e 1 unds ssr.lse IS Jl.t.lMI t)0 ilJSO 13 I.TW M 2,Cs.-, 11 33,0J-J VI 11,001 07 Tetul . .. IJJUK3 03 LIABlLtriEs. Capital Meck Paid In. Surplus!Fuiid Undivided Profits.. . Circulation Dlildends L'npuld.... lndiiidmil Deposits .. Due tellanks Total ... . ....sl.SfJJJ.-itB F. II. nitENEMAN, Cashier. IsltAFLl. I.INOIS, J I. 1Iartva, IlEJAVl.l LOXO, JR., Dlrccteis. ItdAw JOHN iuuR'a son': NKW mil CALLING CAItDS. XtlV S1YLLS, ATTHEBOOKSTOItE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 15 and 17 North Queen St. DIARIES F0K 1SS5. A VAHIETV OF SIEs AND STYLE". AT THE IiOOhT01tE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Ne8. 15 and 17 North Queen St. Scrap Heeks mid Scrap Pictures, IN01!EATAUIF.TY AT THE 1IOO K "TO UK OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 15 and 17 North Queen St. J.R CALUWULL A. CO. J. E. CALDWELL t & Ce. , Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, .Bronzes, ' "Porcelains, . " ' '' Clocks, Imported FanoyOeodB. 902 CHESTTOT STREET, riiiLADiariiiA, ta. i jen.tml te 1 7,l "O ll 37,IVi 37 'JiiV'U "I 'J.irrJ 73 SS7ASJ iu l.7'Jl 33 aivi:iitisi:.m:i.s. I vi.eriit.ti, i,Tinii. .'' VHP ItUOM. H.WlllMHtO '.fcS.W ,.','? , P'" i 7-fat h - " ' T" keep the fcet warm, " ? j euuit and old te M our bCC out OP FINF ""; - . . j Te keep the can warm, H& doedsntid new Ideas lu our busliienj. Ne. 4 West King Street. mi mid ntler JAN . until further notice. Ca J Lancaster, Pa. Ai;ir .!' i;i(r.'r.vr.s, WrANTRD-A YOTNG MAN WITH y $.' llt"l In Kctalt Ceat Iluslness In l'hll.idelphli Huslnt'ss establUhed four lears AliaiOss, liovjsienl h MltlOIIT. rhtludclphtu, r e DON'T L'hlf L1N1M1:N"1"s OR OINT litnuts One llensen s Capolne Fhisler Is bettui than all the gre.i compounds eucau carry. J-licnu. rplIKY CAN X can equal ALL COI'Y. UUT NONT. the lUniu.i Yolleiv I lout I.. Cigar, at HAltr.MAV S El I.OM FltONT ClliAIt "TOI1E. rpllR l.ARURbT, llW AND MOST 1. coinplrte assert uicnt of Euchru, Cnidiiennd I'eKcr earns in me lenn, iiem at per pacK up, HAKTMAN's YELI.OM' FltONT Cll. sTOl'.E Vlt TTOR LARGRVr STOCK OF COITnilS and Teas, for largest assortment of Presents, for largest assortment of Canned floods. CoTeCI.AKKE'., Ne is West King Street. Three Cam Extra Table Tomatoes for 23c -irANTi:n la dy aecnts reii ' QUEEN 1'ltOTEtTOlt " daisy stocking and skirt supHirters, shoulder braces, bustles, loseui tonus, dress shields, safety bclu, sleeve protectors, etc ; entirely new del Ices, iinproie. dcntid prefits: urban Seuagent making tl(U menthli Address with stump. L. II t AMl'IIEI.L A CO. dJD-lmee-1 Ne 9 JIuy "t., Chicago. c. J. MVAK11 A CO., C0JIL. nrncE Ne. JO entie Sriume Alies hail Mulnul nml .Iiir.lmll ktieels (stewarfs Old lard ) Iteth Yanl and etitic teuuecled with the Tele phone Exch.imre -KlNDLINR MOOD Abl'EC'lAI.n.-Sa ectlMindMAFU Ciirard rinn insuranci: X fVNY OFl'lIILADELPHIA. CO.M- AtrnED S. OiLrrrr, l'rcsldciit. James II Alveiid, Viie l'res. and Tieus j-.dwi t .iiERRau."ei.ieUry. Ji'Lics I!. Alie, Akssltaut "ecietari1: A"sLT5- ONE .MILLION, TMO IH'NDItED ni ukti-.mm: thousand, nine hunditei) and m.vty sevi.n dollars and 10uty- NINLCENTp. All Iniesled In solid securities Lesses piemptly settled und paid. RIFE & KAUPFMAN, Agents, NO IIM-EfcTKINC-vriiEET iwtl-CuulM.M'A'.l! "PULTON OI'ERA HOUSr. JANUARY 2d nnd 3d. THE GltEAT MEXO-DRAMITIC SCCCEM, HER. LAST H0PD Endorsed byl'ices and rublle the Jlest l'ewerful Drama el the Ak". T M'lLLC. COMTEK, CIIAKLE" O.CIIAIG And EDNACOUltl.NEY. "upperted by a ".pclally Luguged Company. New and Ileautlful "cenery by jeh. II. Ayns. Incidental .Music In Michael Connelly Musical Director, M'ullack'n Theatre, N. 1 . ADMISSION'.. .. . 75, 50 Jt CENT.". ItEsEltVLD SEATs 7JCENT.". Fer sale at Opvra Heiicc Oillcc. dseJJt -p RANDY. Iho follen lug article miis Tolunleiilv beat le .Mil. II. E SLAYMAKi:i:,Agcntferl(tflt!AltT'b OLD M'lNi:s.TOI!E, byu prominent practicing physician of this county, who hax extensively used the llrundy referred te In his legularprac legularprac tle. It iKcemmtiidid te the attention oftbecu nmictediilth INDIOI'.STION AM) DVM'l.'l'MA. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new innch abused Alcoholic Stimulant wan nei er intended an u beveruge, but te by used asatnedlclnoef gnateriHitcncy in the euro of some of the destiuctlie discuses uhlchsuecps anuy thclrnnuual thousands of victims. M'llh a purely philanthropic motive, we present te the tarerulile notice et Invalids espee Lilly thiMe nllllcted u 1th that miserable disease, Dspepsl.i, Bspedtic remedy, which is nothing moreorlcss than JIUANDY. Thenged, with feeble iinpctlte, and mero or lcs diblllty, Mill find this kliuplu lucdlilne, when ustd pteperlv, A hOVEllEIGN ItEMEDY Fer all their Ills and aches, lie It, heneier, strictly understood that no prescribe and use but one article, and thut Is Regart's Old Brandy, Sold by our enterprising ft lend. II. E. bLAY MAlil.lt. 'I Lla brandy has Meed the test for years, and has neicr failed, us far as our expo expe expo rlence extends, and we theniroie glieltthe prcrcrence eicr all ether Ilmndlcs no matter with hew many Jaw bieaklng French titles they ure branded. One-fourth of the money that Is yearly thrown aay en various Impotent dys licpslu speclflcti, would sulllie te buy till tlie llrundy te cure any such case or cases. In pi oef of the curutlie power of ItEIUAKT'S OLD IlitANDY In case of Dyspepsia, we can summon nu tube in of witnesses oue ease in lui tlculur w e w 111 clte : A luuu woikieg farmer had been aflllcted with an exhausting Dyspepsia for a number of years t iih steiiiaen weuiii ii'jfct uimest eicry kit Iikmi be haa sour cructutlens constantly no up. pellte lu tact no was obliged te lestnct his diet le crackers and stale bread, und us a bevcruge he used McU mini's Heet Ileer. He Is u Methodist, and then, ut new, preached at times, and Iu his iliKc.-etiri.es often declaimed eurnestly ugultist all kinds of Strang drink. When advised te try llhlUAHT'ri OLD IlitANDY III his ease, he looked up ulth ustenlahiuent ; hut ufler hearing of his wonderful etlecu In the eases of miiH of his near acquaintances, he nt last consented te fellow our udvlee. He used the llrundy fiitthiully mid steadily i the first bottle giving him mi tipetlte, and befere the second nasall taken he iiasuxeuud luati. with n stout uch capable of digesting aiiythlug which he cheese le eat. lie still keeps It fund lues u little occasionally t and since he has this medicine, he has been efvery little pecuniary benefit te the doctor. A 1-ractliinij 2'hyiMun, H. E. SLAYMAKER, AOENTFOIt UEIC.AItT'.i OLD MINE STOItE. EaTAIILI'sllED IN KsJ. Importer and Dealer In Old Ilrandy, Sherry. Su perior Old Madeira. Imported In 1818, lJ7 nnd Is'U, Chaunugues et every brand, fecetch Ale, l'erter, llrewu Stout. Ne. SO East Kins Street, Lancustey Brandy as a Medicine. The new year finds lis with some leta still en hand which we are bound te clese out. The $5 and $6 Overcoats and the $10 and $12 Suits in our windows are seme of them. In fact, our ontire Bteck is well cut down, and at the low prices ought te intereat you. A. C. YATES & CO., 02, il)l, iO(i, CHESTNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA. I'lind R UMOVAl. AND Ol'llNlNd. L.lM-ASTKIl, 1'a., Sept. 10, InM. I deslie te umke known te my frlciuU and custoiuers, and the puhllclii Rem' nil, thut I hai e reuievvil from NO 3 NOIITII QUEEN S.TUEET, te NO. Ul NOltril gt'EEN SritEET. fornierly occupied by the linn of "niallni: A Riiisiiiau, vrhore 1 luie opened vlthalnrxe assortment of English, French and (lerinuu Nei cities, together mlthaEalge I. Ine of Doincntle Fnlirles. Com posed as in) Ncn bteck Is, of Nun Loedsmtd New M les, I leel assuicd Unit In soliciting n contliiuance of your isitreuage, jeu mIIIImic an opportunity of making selections from a stock iiiieiiitiled In Its vurletv and adapted te the present demand, w hit h Is for geed aliic, gentlemanly ,lcs and effects, and riiiillte fit. Neth'--but the. very best of uerkiiiauthlp; and prices te suit everybody l'lease f.irer ine Ith j our elder" ours ery Truly, D. R. WINTERS. M YRIIS ,c R ATI I VON HOLIDAY SUITS AND OVERCOATS. KlUMEN FOnYOl'TII." tentlllLDlttX M'liat mere :nriptu!,lc mid npprectatlve gilts for the llellil.ijs Hie tlielN tlmii till Ele gaiitli Fitting suit or Oi eresit t M e have n great (.election of 1.001)4 IN HIE l'IKCE, embracing all the lending Novelties lu lelt E1UN AND DOMEiTIC M'OOI.I.V.", from which It Is rosy le inuke satisfactory selec tieus. Our Cutters arc skilled In thelrcullliig and w 111 guiirantee te fit you perfectly In hut ttle deslretl. our Tuflerft are uumbiMs.il among the best of Lancaster mechanics, and their welk uliiiiis beiiroildcncuef superior lUiiiiuf.ictiirc Me knew prlies when they wre low den u M e say ours are its low de a a- these of mil one n whele. II n mil) ask ler a ch nice tecuurluie ou of this fat t lyers & RatMbn, LLADINO I.ANCA"TLIt TAII.OIt. NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET, LANCAsTEIt. I' V p.vLL anel'nci:.mi:nt or FINE TAILORING VT- KNRY Ne. 6 East King Street. I hae lu Meck the most lomiilcte uud eholce asiertiueiit of FDLE WOOLEUS FOIl THE FALL AND M'INTEUTr.ADE L EK OFKEItED ill.FOUE IN 1 HIS CITY. A great ar1ctverl.Vl ESl'STYLECIILChED SCIII.NO. COliliM IILM's, In all shades and fiualltles. A SPLENDID ASsOUTMENT LHJlir AND IIEAVYME1GHT or OVERCOATING. Prices AS LOW AS THE LOWEST and all goods warranted as represented. H. GERHART. pCONOMY IN t'LOTUINO. L. GANSMAN & BRO. Yeu are doubtless Inteiested in the purchase of Clothing, and wuut thu best goods for thu least money. M'e uiu equally interested lu n'cuiliig your piitieiuigc, and nu hai e placed our largu sleck ut prlccH within the leach of till. The times are lipe for It. The weiklngiunn aees no use In paying $13.(0 for an Overcoat or a h bult, when he can llnd an honest uud geed looking article hcie for t'J.Ou and H w. SUITS ! SUITS, II.UU, KM, f,ts.W. hUlTS, 110.00, 11100, IU.U0. BEST WORKMANSHIP. rillCEH I'ltOM 10 TO 15 l'EIl CENI'. LOWEU THAN ELSEM'HEHE. Overcoats. Overcoats. OVEItCOATS, fi.00, l.00, tC.(, OVEECOATS, fS.lO, fIO.00, HUM, OVEECOATS, 13.(XI,1 1. W, 115.00. liest Utiulllles, Lewest l'lices, and a Vast .stock te select fieui. Our goeils were never se lew.ns new, w hlle they art us desirable us ever. L. GAISIAI &BE0,, THE I'AUlllONAIILi: MEItCHANT TAILOliS AND CLOTIUEltS, Nea. ee-ea north queen street, Eight en the beuthw est Cel. of Orange LANCASTKK, PA. sTS-Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In this Clt. ClTORAai: O SJD COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIEL MAYKK, dec 1yd '1C M'e. Chestnut stivet. mum Economy in Clothing ! Te keep the hinnU win lit. IBi'V Miri'RNH, K1 Te keen the hands warm. tH In keep the neck watm. fH lnui:rwi:ar, Te keep Iho braly iiartu. i. Ge te ERISMAN'S, Mii Ne, 17 WKST KI.VO ftTIIF.KT. -nUROCIl ,V SUTTON. I Mk COMPLIMENTS I? -of Tin;- I SEASON. I i Happy Chrlstmut, 1th each blessing, lias bien with us, filled iilthjey i New Yeai new I closely pressing, llrlnglng bllsH, iillheut alley i New lcsoliisnre new tu imler, thtry iiiiiu 111 umke muue e Simiir je te formikedlsoider, tllve It up, and de It no Fill jour wlfe and frlinds with pleiisum Hy j our Just icgiiid for diess Call, and no n 111 take your nicasuie. At a lest that won't dlstiess BDRGER & SLTTON, Meicliniit Tailoe ami Cletliicrs, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, I ANCASll.lt. 1'V J. K SNrALINtl. GREAT slaughter -IN- HHB OVEECOATS. M offer teslav a reduction effil te 30 per cent, below lust ineiitVs prices t romtile's cclehrHtcd und popular Oiurceu lings. THE IIEST IX HIE MOULD In nil the different Mrulcs and styles Ely slans, Kun, Velours, leuiius, Ijilfupels. Ita Unas, Mentuiiak'ri. Attrnchuus, etc 1 A II Ed redens, Cuirliies, liellc l's nnd I'uletit llcaver, Iteinl Irish V'rlcxn. Ourryenrn, retershauis, Miltensnnd Kersejs. Ihese goods can only be had at lending houses In lirgn elites, nnd runge In price from M te tliu. Me tire silling them from M te IJH A full line of Demestic fabrics, ranging In prlies from Jllle S.H 'SUITINGS OF I.VEK DEsCltll'IION' AT l'llICLs loll Uf-reNUlMiLY I.OM' All colors, nw subjected te a thorough cheiul rat lest. Our work Is of the b-""it and hlghtst style of art. Our lung experience In business and clese lnsK'ct Ien enables us te be thoreughl fundi tit r with nil the best liiiiiiufncturej nnd latest styles In the market l,le us at rial and be convinced, A1- Ne. 2 Wcat King Street und Contre Square. Sibling's Tailor's Guild. niarW ly W.t B UY Fer the Holidays, THE BEST THE CHEAPEST. 800 MEN'S OVERCOATS, i.(u te $l.i 450 BOYS and CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS, AT $1.55, $1.6 $1 00 te V5.W. all mn or ni:ekavi:ah. SILK IIAXUKi:ilCUIi:i-t, IIOSIKRY, HILK SUSl'UNDKItS, uxi:i.wi:ah, !i.evi;s. shirts. KNIT JACKirr-S, UMHRULLAS, RUHIIKR AND GOSSAMI'R CLOTHING, TRUNKS, At Prices Which for Gheupncea Can Can eot be Equalled. HIESI & BROTHER, Pcnn Hall Clothing Heuse. COKXEItOKL'KNTllKxgUAIti: AND NOItTU O.UEEN bTKEET, Ijiuiuster, l'. ITIIilXTfeNOTIuli 2J The Eastern Mahkft HeruK Ce . , Lancaster, 1'a. The annual mcetlm? of SteckhnMera ntei el,-,.. tlen for Ilirecters et this tetuptiny will be held utiea Eust Kins street, en TlVESDAY, JAN. 13. be tn ecu the beiiia of 10 o'clock, n. in., uud neon. ALLAN A. IIEItlt. ddtjn . becretary. piQUITAnLU lill'll INSL'RANCK COM- ABSOtS, 854,000,000. Surplus, 812,000,000. Indisputable Creditors' Assurance Equilalilc Life Insurance Company. The only business .Man'n I'nlley written, jy. able In 10. 15 or VI) yea in, and lionferfpltulile utter 3 yearn. The safest Investmeut and best paying EQUITAHLK IKIES THE LAKOEST INSUlt. 8UKANCE UUHINESB IN HIE WOULD. W. J. MADDEN, 10 NORTn QUEEN ST. Write fob Information. w- I). STAUFFI-R. JOHN SIDUS. ItEDOCTION ItEDUCTlON I ItEDUCTKIN OHEATEbT UAHGAIN EVEU Or'r'EKED! FURS AT AND DEL0W COST. l'ltOr'IT.sniVEN 10 CUSTOM EltS. We have a nice line of FL'ItS me are closing out at liricen that Mill auiprlsoyeu, Thdyiiiust be sold In order te umke loom. Theso ivlie call earliest WinJet the bargains. Don't full te take iidaiitaK0efthuUI!EAT.MA!tKIOWN. A rt'LL nwE or hats, caps, rvvamvKi. iieiils and .IVWAT8 OX HAM), AT LOIVE1T CASn miCKI. W. D, STAUFFER & CO,, (fehultz'ii Old Stand.) Nea. 31 Sc 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER I'A. tuylO-ly m fi! ii m ! imAtmm:&&tdlJilkikWi tt w wtJ.wi nnie.ll.jl'