pmssr rv 'rf" t i LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1884. " f' ' .'. 11 1 y. 1 K 1 I" NEW YKAK'S DAY, f jr jh .si:i:x rnmtvuit Tin: . nt'tr J.i.v.t ut.Assr.s. A Olnute ill llm Old Clliliini or I'hjIiik Ne Yeiir'n Cntli n It tiure In New link t'lly IU PfReiHTHiy What te lVenr. At to-merrow1 will lie New Ywir'n lny It may lie of Interest te K" I"11''' "v,'r n01110 or" tlie curly customs tlinl iiinikml Hi nlwrvnnre mim n tlav jrlwii Ui te wkIhI Jollity In New rerk i-lty. Kilty yenrn ure It imw Iho (jny ciiMeiu for l;iilli, nrinyed In their romellcM, te keep ejH'ii heiiw, wht'ti net only frlcmlx tmil lnllnml("S but rerninl iu'ininllitnnci), nvnlliMl lliemtnlYnt of tlie epiHirtnnlty te cull In pcrwu nml jmy tlmlr iloxelm nt tlie tdirlne of tlniiiPHtletty. TlieiecniN Vtciu notcenllncil te mom n'iiiiilntntii'iN, cither. MerclmnN rxiwctcit tlielr clerks, thr-ir foremen nml nil their cmpleyci te pull tlie IhiII of eourteiy nml iiLikit tliu liew of rPHpeeteu tlmt ene ilay. Ohrlitmni was net an m-nnleu of elv servnnw. V "viit rt'Knriletl rutliur in n rollj; rellj; rollj; lein fcllvii1 llmli u Hix'ial ly, ami liy com mon celiKOti'. eh! iiMcrt took held of New Year'M ilay in (he ene oiiittleii v hen axtrcinra eeuld meet vtlthntit ellenw, and the morn rigid riilci of cllinji'ttii Ixiaeinnwhnt relaxed In favor of ilonieMlo rrptril nml eoiTanen eeurteiy. A plere of enke and n gins of Inn mnrktHl theseralli ulileli vcre mint iinllke the "lilts" of the iirescnt day. Tllll ff Itf-gllll. Thevi geed old customs did net stir vive the march et modern Ideas. iJach oilier hegan te men with Ids fellow a In tliu uumlier of rails uiuile, nod ladies took In IkbihMiik of their well tilled list of names. The rich hrg-.ui In make displays In tlie Lilite line, and Ieiib tahle.s took the place of li.milemu Mile Mile heard", and u protentleus menu huewiiIimI the modest i-.iLetind wlne. I.lttle hy little. as New Yerk grew, Inferior Ideas supplanted the eldtlmn nnlmiis, nud tlie purpese of tlin custom wu-s absolutely hwHcIiciI oil' Inte vul gar preRnmuues. .Snobs brought snobbery into fashion, and young men rtlslicd about tlie streets at neon In full ex enlng dress, per. fumed with eolngne nud suieUIng of ciga rettes. It being liupnsslble te meet for any length of time, many friends s-atlcreil eer a large urea, cards were Itncntcd te till the want, it Is new and has liecu long considered entirely proper te send e.inls en New YciirVn day, and lhnus.inds of baskets are hung out every year by ladles who have had nil" tlie Indls Indls rriuiiiinte hnndshaklug they earn for, and are mite content teempty ncanl basket Inte tlie tire rather than meet the Toms Dicks ami Harry's of their'a friends, new ie iuii:ss. Concerning the very imurtatit Item nf dress the following fiiim tlie New Yerk llcriihl will le of interest: "If mull make calls and women reecivetlipm, drtisslioeemes an liiipertaut coiihlenillen. tviineiiidi hne in Idea that "full dress" means a dress coat. Se It docs in tlie in tiling. Se It does net In the menilng. Nusertlieless hundreds of Idiots will cull en ladles liefore the hours of the aftcruoen are cune wearing u gaViucut which can lonppriiprlatiintheeenlngenly. Men, be they old or young, should wear a frock coat, with appropriate addenda ami gloves such ns comport with walking con tinue. I'nder no circumstances should they nppeiir In full ecning dress until full c cu ing has made its npicaraucc. In ether words, n call piesupMics a little Minietlilug better than n bow. "Ilnw d'ye de?" a bow, and "Oesl uierulng." If n man isips Inte a lady's presence as a Jack In the box Jump en tup of tlielxix lid, erks out a word or two and pe out again fie lilts. He dusen't call, and no self-ix-siss;ting young f,w iiiii,m w euld euro te litis, e such. Hut ns there nre men wholike te my they made 100 calls, soatethero women who nre fend el show show leg long lists. Such may like Iho Hit way of doing business, and there will lm many who will se de. Hut about the ladies' dres-es T Ah! That's a tender topic and must Ik handled gingerly. It all depends en the style of entertainment. Seme ladles will re ceive in morning costume until tle o'clock, when they will change te full evening dres. Others will have their curtains drawn, their sirlers darkened mid the gas lighted at eloven In the forenoon, after w lileli they will pi.iy it is evening ana appear in cnsuiincsa cnsuiincsa prepriatn te Is) worn niter the gas Is lighted. It would be dlllicult for ladles te err In the matter of dn-ss. because they are allowed tlie widet latitude In deterniiiiing the nature of the reception. Men, however, have but ene course te fellow. In daylight thev must wrjr eidinarv street coMuine and In (lie evening den the dress isnit. II V I", ClllT, AMll VM.s. Scvei-.d iiiiiirienn) made as te fliedis- sitlen te Is; made of hat, coat ami caue by the caller. It nil dcemls en the nature of the swit. If It's te lien lilt keep your coal en veur luck nml held hat ami iime well in hand. If you make a very ceremonious cull de the Mine, but If thcie boa servant as there should lie at hand, let him rare for your citrus while you make what the ladies . will appreciate, .1 "geed old tishiened rail." S These lillle matters really mean much, par- tieiilarly If the day be stormy, if htiew Is en (i the ground or iin'ibrellas anil top ce.its nre wet or damp with rain., coat, nvershoesaiid iinibiellasmiist, of course, Isi left in the hall by ev en the llightiest lilt In Christendom. TKJirr him mm. In olden time a glass of sherry, Madeira or jsirt with which te moisten a bit uf cake or biscuit wni considered quite the thing. Of late years the habit of vulgar display by (iceplb who knew no better led up te tables which gieaned with eatables of every do de do serlptlen, from oysters te game, from sherry te champagne, from whisky te eggnegg. une iNiuticiaii iKUti every 1st 01 January te a fashionable cateier ?l,fiie for his "spread," wlnesnnd Hipiers extra. Others followed his exampln and their houses were sought by a rabble who went te gliitteiilnaud guzle and laugh at tlie oxjiense or their entertainers, A revulsion naturally followed nud for boiiie tables nre the exception nud sense less displays Imt occasional. It is said that "overybisly drinks nowadays," and imfoi imfei tunately it Is almost a provable assertion. Women who think at all will be apt te think tw lee licfore they deliberately put temptation In the hands of young men or any man en New Year's day. If it is well te drink here, why reluse there T And with soine isieple, ouee started the end is hard te llml. A new I pear begun vv 1th debauch Is net nice. It Is ud enough for the man who loses his head. Hew about the woman who tempts lilm. A Nmv Wuiktilngteii Itcnut). butter In st I.eiila (ilolin-lienieciut There Is a new beauty In society this sea son ever whom all are raving. She comes from the laud of Mrs. I.angtry, nud this Mix Herace Helvar, wife of the new secretary of the Hrltish legation, is a blomleof the purest and fairest Saxson tyis;. She is a voting woman, tall, slender and graceful, nud Iho pink and white of her erfect complex ion Is ns delicate its an Infant's. Slid has 11 pretty mouth, d.uzllug teeth and an nrlsto nrlste nrlsto, while with her blueeyes gees u mass of Hue, crinkly hair, us bright ns spun geld. Willi her perfect skin she can wear js-arls by daylight, stand nny kind of 11 cress-light or rcllcclien, unit her favorite gray broadcloth suit only enhances her dellrale coloring. Mrs. Hclyer has been greatly ad mired from tlie start, and when the season is in full Hweepnnd the beauty us seen In her lewels nml ball toilets the city will Isi rlng- ingwltli the prnlsi-s of the young Kngllsh woman. Mr. nud 3 Irs. Helyer have been given many diuucixnnd entertainments, and ene pretty nirty given very seen nftcr their 'arrival was by the assistant secretary of state and Mrs. Jehn Davis. Mrs. Davis Is tlie most brunette of the three daughters of the Krellngliuysen family, nud has eyes mid hair 111 dark nsu Spanish woman. The eentnist between her nml Mrs. Hclyer is most strik ing, and us they ure often together each adds te tlie ferce of the ether's charms. tiii; twilight or this ykak. Frent change te change the year gees circling down, The horlren brightens ns the zenith pales, The forests catch the Heeling hues that crew 11 The unreeled peaks) then shndewg till the vales. And w rlnkle smiling earth with mil nyu frown. Hushed la the whispering air t then llutteilug gules Hear aiiliiuin's latest breath ; from geld Ie blown The feiests Ihune gees out and tw lllghl'u glory lulls. One. lenn last leek the passing sun bestows. Then nirlcss sink, behind the mountain's lliu, l'urth sinks ut omens nf I he coming snow n, The dead leav es rustic Hke a srteut glim. In steely puler new the hoi Inn glow , The shlv erlng luudsenpe hides 1 the hills grew dim Le t through the plnesi iv geuller raurumr Hews ; AB'-rgleuinsIn tUoKeiit I no cherubim Ills ceinlns tell, yet dying Nat ure knows Ills advent, nud a world rewukes te welcome Itliu Hi. Mclntnh, Tin: vm ev tiik vrn. Tt.s year 1ms !"! le " Kl"n"'!B With n milnnilnr of IT1 piiil (jelil, As If from Iho lieav ens blllnw Of the minuet llm linrt rolled t As II caught In the tremulous branches, And lest In thfllilllsersr, When) tlieiiMiiuU of wandering Riinlieaim 'I lint hint Blniyiit from Itic gules njai-1 Hew ncp l the hush of the woodlands t Anil ev er the meadow chllt Whom the summer Keng rung loudest, Huvr nil Is utrniiKcly Mill. Is It Ihut imtiire calls us Her service of jience te bIihie! As tliu setiif, tlm illruce After the prulse, the pmjei 1 Answer, (I iridic spirit, And heart Unit Is mid mid bciv, Te I he h 01 hlU'iis expectation Tlmt In eat lies fiiiiu Iho piixslmc yrnr. Fer new In the duikeuhiK feirst The holly iirewsilpe nml red, And n new, iii-niilit'llnliutm On tlie sky of lliu east Is shed. M'hU h thou till the (jelilm dsbiruk, When, with lips 110 lengnrduiiih, Te Iho whisper, "The CI11UI Is coming I" Theu iliall answer with song, " He is come I Ceiigrfgtilldtiiilltl. HVVVIAT. XOTTCE9. I'hjslelutis lecemiiMind porous ilBteis In rases or Hack Actie, Ijiuie hlile, btllf Muscles, Itnmiiitntlsm iindBll lisal pnlns. lien llatlrrt nre the hnttniKde, rniiiMnllig Flesh Heps with (ilium. Itrndy In use, iiliminil ami powerful In Bctten, sicts. at any drugiteiv. "iteiuiii O.V IIATP." " Clears nut rut, mlce, muelies, files, ants, bed biiirs, skunks, clil)iiiuiiks, (iiphcis. Vis, HriiR. It Ms. ID Fer Coughs, nuikn a timely use of llnlim Hiincy of HnrclKiunil mid Tur. like's Toelliachu limps cure In 0110 minute. ilHileedAw NUVKKUIVKUr If ion ant trnuhled -lth nervous or silk hcml- ncli die, ile net glvniip uiircnse Hslneumlilii until en have Irled lir. Leslie's Speelid l'rescrlnllun. e the leittlliiniilats III niiethur column. dJJ twd Rf A.N KtllTOIt'STIIIIlUTK. Themn I'. Ilealer, edller FU Va)iii, Ind., (hitrlle, writes "Fer tilts pest ilvii jenrs havn always imeil llr King's New lllseuvery, for eniiKlis of most severe rhiinicler.ns well ns for these nf u iiillder tj m It never lulls te effect n (pudvemt). -Mv frlenilii te w limn 1 luv e rveein. tiivniled It speak of It In soiue high terms, llav. Ing leeii cun il by It nf every eniiKh I have Imcl forlveenrs. 1 roiislilerltoidyrellatileandsuro can- ter Cuuglis, Celils, etc " Cull nt CechrnitV I)rugStoiv,.,es. 1.17 and ISI North Oiiren street, jnuuler, l'n., and get frtr 'trial llultlu. IjllKehlzutl.i'i. (2) lliiiidniKst luitMiktrrit Thlttvet Theatiuvenie terms applied tethn imrellalile nml dlslniiiest Or. Tliumnt' Xrrlrlc Oil for diphtheria, c-itmrh. usthnm. rheumtitlsiii, nml nil nrhes, rpraliis, nml pains U nut 11 thing of ile rcfitleii hut a plrjimuit ninl hmicst remedy tt Is lieneslly put up, lieiH'ntl v sulil, nml itws what Is claimed for It. Fersnlnfiy II It. l.H.linui, (ling gist, 137 nml 1JJ North Quteu sited. 1IKAUT iXTN-. I'idpltntlnii, Hmpslcnl flwellliiKs. Illr.ilness, liiillKeatlen, Hendiiche, Mieplessness cnrtdliy Wells' Heiilth lltncwer " tl) , lirHMtit AiklimvlDlKinfiit. "Ibid sour stemnch nml miserable appetite for months, ninl crew thin every tlav 1 tiseil llnr llnr iec ;nel Jlitttrt with the innut man cleus n' suits ; feel spleintld.V Mrs Jeseph Jehnsen, I'lttsliiirg- Fa Fer sale hv II II. Ceclmin, drug gist, 137 und 13U Verth (Jtiueu sliect. Cemiks's I,itild Itcef Tonic Is enderied hy phvstclnns. dt for Celtlent, ir 110 ether. Of ilrnm?ll. iiljtivvNs notJsiTneLi) panacka. lsthvmestcir'ctlc I'alnDestroverlnthewrirhl Will most suniy uleken Iho bleed whether taken Internally or Supplied externally, nml tht'ivliy mero certainly IIF.I.IKVK PAIN, whether chnnilc ev acute, than any ether pain nllev tutor, und It Is warranted double the strength of nny simitar picpa ration. It cure ivilu In the bide, Itaek or Ilevrels, Snm Tlimnt. Itlieumutlsui, Tisittuuiie nml A hi. ACHKs. and Is Hie limit llellever of I'kIii. " IIIIOVVN'.S IIOCbt:ilOI.I l'ANACKA "shiiuld lm Ill every family. A teiiH)enful nrtbn I'uniirea In u tiiintiler of hut wnler sweetened. If pre ferred, taken at lsdllme, will II1IKAK OVA OI.I. Zicvntsit bottle Us5lldM,W,SAw (Iniiil II Out.' ThenlMire Is an old saw us ss.v nicns It Is sense !. I011 cairt "gnuit uul" ilsjiensla, nor liver ceiiiplatut, nor iieiveuiness II they once (let 11 geed held Thev don't remove theinsclv e in that wv. Iho taking 11 lew deesnf Jlunlerk llloetl Iltltert is better than " grunlliis It nut." W lmt w can euro let'g net endure. Fer sale by II. II. Cechnin, druggist, 1.17 and 1JJ North ijueeu street. " lll'CIIU-l'AIUA.': Oulek. isiiupleleeiini, nil Kidney, llhidileriiiul 1 rinury iriseitsen, munnuiK, iriiiuiien, rieiie. l.ravel, Citsrihef the lltudiler 1 lliugglsts HI Tteu ViAtl Depend On It. "Fer xevtre toetharho and NeurHlgla of the liend I ued 7'Aenim' Krletlric Oil. This Is cer tainly the best thing 1 ever knew for relief of lulu of uny kind. The houe Is never without it," sir-. A. VI. Frank, 177 VV Tepper St., Iluf r.ile, N. V. 1'ers.ilBhy II. II. Cechnin, driigglt, IJiiiud 1X1 Ninth rjueeiisticct "Hel'till O.CnTlt.Ns Ask for Wells' " llnngh en t ern " l.V Ijiilrk eeinplele cuie llunl or soft corns, wails, bun tuns fl) 11C KI.KNh AllMt A VaT.VI:. The iM'sli-alvelu the world for Cuts, Utilises, Seres, fleers. Salt Itheiim, Fever .hiivh, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblatiis, Coins, mid nil bkiu i:riiillnns, und M)ltlvel cures Files, or no pay rciiilrcd. Itlsgiianinteed te nlve peifect satis liitthm, or money refunded. Price, i3 rents per box 1 or sain hy II. II, Cm bran, drugglitt, Nes. 137 und UJ North Ijueen street, Luncantcr, l'a. MOTIIK1ISI MOTHKIts'l MOTHKIISI!! An' you disturbed nt night and broken of your rct by n, sick child sutrerlng mid crv lug with the uxciuci.itliig laln of cutting teeth? If mi, gout nnreund gel 11 bottle of Mis. WINM.OVV 'h sdOTHINU SVIll'I. It will relieve the peer llltli! BiifTcrcr linmedliitcly lcpeiul ukii Hi there Is no inlMuke about II. Thcre is net u iiinther 011 earth who has ever ued It, who will net till you at unce that It will ivgutiite I lie ismi'ls, mid give rest te the mother, mid teller ami health In the child, operating like magic. It Is jtei fectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant In the taste, und Is the pivserlptlen of 0110 of the eldest and best female phy slel.tus In the Culled states. Kilil everywhere. SS cents n lsitlle. uiay3l-lydJI,VV, Thit Itestirrei thin nf Ijinirtis Was 11 miraculous opemlleii. Ne nnu thinks of raising llietlend these limes, though smut) des IH'mtely olo-e te ileeth's disir have been com plelely tvuteivd by tliinlnek ltloetl littler te genuine und hedlug health. Cixiinm, driiggisl, 1J7 und 13;' North (iiiccn stiert. YOCNtl St K.N 1-ftKAl) THIS. Tint Voltaic Melt Ce.. of Slurshnll. Sllch., offer te send their celtbnited Klkctiio-Veltaic Hklt nud ether KlkctiiieAii'LIacu en trial for thirty day. te men (old oryenug) utlllcttsl with nervous debility, less nf vitality und manhood, 11 ml nil kindred troubles. Alse furiheiimatUeii, neural ula, jural) i, and uiaiiy ether kindred illscuseH, Cnmplete ivstoratlen te health, vigor and luan luHsl guamiitceil. Ne risk is liieuncd us thirty dii)B trial Is ullewed. Wllte the 111 at unce fur Ulustnited iiamphlct free. decuiydAw A Yelling lUliy Is something te be uvulded. Habics ithceld, babies with croup, babies with scalds, burns, bites, aches, sprains, 01 jkiIiib nre bound toho teho tohe coino nnNy tenuiils of the heiisehnld. Dr. Tiemas Kcltelrie Oil will cnie all these com plaints. Fer Mil" by II. II. Cechnin, druggUt, lJ7 und 1.W North Queen street vi:uy vitivAiii.r. hecevkuv. Jlr. Gee. V. Willing, of Slniiehestvr, Mich, writes "Sly wile has been utmost helpless for tlve ) curs, mi helpless that she could net turn ever In lied nleiie. She used two Ilottles af Flectrle Hitters, and Is se much Improved, thut she Is utile new- te de her own work." Klectrle Hitters will de nil tlmt Is claimed for them, lluudtvds of testimonials attest their gicatcunitlve powers. Onlylllty cents u bottle lit Cochreu's Drug htore, Nes, 137 and 1JU Neilli cmceiistivct, Laiicnstcr, l'a. (S) r;;..i.s.sir.i7(;. IT Kill .t MARTIN. CHRISTMAS -AT- CHINAHALL China, Glass and Queensware, FnncY GOODS reu HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 4S Largest Asseituicnt. Kxamlue our stock before purchasing. Higli & lartin, NO, 15 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTElt, PA, Mr.viv.iu rKADY l-'OK KMHHOKNCIKHNCyrH Xl lug Is se handy te bsvt In His home ns Iksn Iksn sen's Cspclne lissters. Highly intdlclnAl. 2M, QUTicuiiA UKMi:im:a OUTICURA. A 1'OSITIVK CtlUK FOU KVF.HY FOIlSt OF Ill.OOIl IlISHAHK, FUOM PIMPhKS Toeciterui.A. I Iimvii liml Ihn I'suHasls for nine, months. About tlve mouths no I Bpplledtn a doctor near bosten, who helped lue, but Illlfnrtuiintely I hud te leave, but continued taking the inedlrl nenilv Itimn tneiifliH. but tlm fllseftse d wvc, uiiicuniiniicn lusing inn ineuieinn mr ncnily three mouths, hut the ulseain did net leitvn. I suw Sir. fMimciilet's letter In the l'hlla dolphin Itiresn. nml his cuse perfectly described titlnn. I tried tlie Ctrricfiu llEMr.iurs, using two buttles llKseLVsTnndC'eTlcenA Seap In preper Hen, and cull mvself completely rut-mi. I., K. IIAIIHAKII. VV'ATinnmi), N, .1. F.CZKSIA TWF.NTY YKAKK. Ccnim Net a Hiiin or Its ItEArrKiRAscie. Your t'CTirenA hns ilone 11 wonderful euro for 1110 mera than two years ngn. Net n sign of lis runppsnrnure since. It cured 1110 of u very bad F.czcmn which hnd doubled 1110 for mero than twenty years. 1 shall bIw-hvs speak well of Ccti icra. I sell 11 glint dcHlef It. FHANK C. HWA.V, HrugBlst. IlAVEnuiM., Mass. IIKST FOlt ANYTHING. Having used your Crticnu IKitvtiiiis for eighteen innnlhs for Tetter, mid finally cured It, I mil anxious Inget II le sell tin commission. 1 can recommend II bcyuiid any remedies I have overused ferTeltnr, Ilunis.Ciits.etc. In fact, It Is the best medicine 1 have ever tried for nny. thing. )!.(. HOIITO.N, SlTKTLE, SllSB. CUOFi;i,OUH hOIIKS. I had a dozen bad sores upon my body, and tried all irmedics I could hcarnf, nndHtlasttrlcd your CiTitcnA IIcmkdics, nml they hsve cured ine. JNO.tlASKILL. HinRe, Thayer County, I'cnii. Kvcry species of 1 tchllig, Mealy, l'ltnply bcrefii, tens. Inherited and Contagious Humeis, with less of hair, cured by Citicciu ItrsetvinT, the new Illoed l'urlllerliitenially.BndCCTtcrRA and Cutici'ra Seat the great sklu Cures externally. Held every when-. Prices CnicciiA.SOct SOAr, SI tents., H in. Perrrn Dnce addCuemical Ce., llosteu RCA I ITV for (TinppedniidOlly Skin, UtnU I I (,'tTICCHA SOAr. SBEEZE! SMEEZE! .sneeze until jotirhceil seems rendy te flyeff i until jour nose mid eyes tllscharge excessive qunntltlesef thin. Irritating, wntcryflnldi until J. our bend aches, uieuthaud thrtsit patched, and ileiMl at fever heat. This Is nn Acute Catarrh, and Is Instantly relieved by aslugln tlesnnf MAN FOUII'.sitADlCAlCl'lll.ferCATAllltn. Complote Troatment, with Inhaler, $1. Oue het I In Itiidlrnl tuie, nun het Cntiinlml Solvent unit one Improved Inhaler. In 0110 psck psck hke, msy new be hud uf nil druggists fur il.U). Ask ferSAsrimn's ItAtucALt.'i'RK. "The enl) absolute specllle wn knew of." Mxi. Timks. "The best we have found In a lift) lift) lift) tlmoer sufferlng." Itr.v I in. Wineis-, ltosten. " Altera longstrtiggle with Catarrh the Ham cai, Ctni! has ceiKiueiTd." ltr.v. . VV. Sloxnec, I.ewlsburg, l'a. " 1 have net found n case that H did net lellovent eucc." AMmtw Lkk, Slan chester, SIuss. l'lrnrn Urco asd Chemical Ce., llnsten. Cellins' Voltelo Electrie Plastera. Fer the itilef and prevention, the Instant It is applied, of Ithcumatlsiu. Neuralgia, .sciatica I'nughs, Celd, Weak Hark, Stomach mid llnwcls. sheeting l'idiis, Siuiiibness, Hysteria, Female Pains, I'idpllutleii, Iiytpepsla,'er Complaint, llllleiis Fevcr, Slnluriaund Kiiideuilcs, use Col Cel lins' Plasters (1111 F.lectrie Itatlery combined with a Pereus liasler) and laugh at pain. 2V. tivcry where. tlecl-lydW.sAw iTt H at 1 nT) i a n si Si) Tc TnI i KA-TON-KA. THE OREAT INDIAN MEDICINE von Tin: III.OOK. LIVKH, KIli.NKYS AX1I STOSIACH. It Is .Made bv the Indian. I'se'd by tint ludijns. old by the ludlnt,s. It Is Purely Vegetable. It surely cutvs all diseases of the stomach, I. Her. Ileweli und HIiskI. It Is utmost sM!etllc for nil form-, of llheumatlsm. It will cum dis dis ense w hell all ether leinedies have lulled. Dlrec Dlrec tlens are plainly pilntetlen cveiy bottle. AH trilics of Indians have their medicines, but KA-TON-KA Isnjemedv of the I'uiillc Coast, and is used by all. It Is composed of nsjts, heibs mid barks gstheifil ami piepuit-d by the W All SI splllMJ Mi VNsljF lllthl.ON, And Is tiivembly known nud used In all parts of thoweild. The sick or idling should nut delay Its use. It will preveiitiis well as cule disease. Its price Is ene dollar per bottle, or six bottles for tlve dollars. Ask for It and see that you get tt. II Is ferlsnln liy nil Druggists, and by the OHKtitlN INIIIAN MKIUCINU COJll'ANY, Cerry, l'a. Medoc Indian Oil, Till: filtllATKsT PAIN SIKIHC1NK ON KAItril. IT HAS NO EQUAL. SIOIIOC IN HI AN Oil, Is certain tocuioTooth tecuioTooth tocuieTooth nchii In enu luliiute, IIiuiI.kIie In live minutes, F.unit.he In len minutes, herc Threat In 0110 night, eitniigia 111 mice 10 iivumiitiiics. SIOIIOC INDIAN" Olblsusedlntcriinllynswell 11s externally. Hveiy faiullv should haveuhut tie within leach. It lsndectnr In the house. Fer sale by all Druggists. Pilco'iV.pcrbettle. Iirge size bottles. See. INDIAN' COI'lill hYKlir is u prompt specific for Coughs, Colds and Lung discuses, fS'. per bottle. ln ten ka, .Medoc lnillan Oil and Indian t'eugh srup for salu (whelesiiluuml nitall) ut fisiiran's Ding Mniv, Nes. 137 und 1X1 North Oticcu stieet, liucttster, l'a. uiXljilW.tVtvr (-1 HAY'S Sl'KCll'IC MKlUCINi:. X The O rent Hugllsh ltemedy. An unfailing euie for liupeteucv and all Diseases thut felluw Less nf Slemeiy, Culvei'sal Iissltude, Pain tn the Rick. Dimness of Vision, l'lclii.ittlle, Old Age. nml inanv ether tllMases that lead te lu Hiiulty urCoiistiiiiptleiiandn l'leiiinline Grave. Full piutlciiliiin In our pamphlet, which we do de sliu tuM'itd fiee bv mull te every one. This Spe cific medicine is sold hy all iliugglstNitt tl per Iiuckngc, or six packages ler 9-v, or will he bent ree by mult oil receipt of the money, by ad dressing the agent, II. k COCI1KAN, DiUKKlst, Nes. 137 and 1311 North Queen sticet, Luncasler, l'a. Ouucceunt of eetiutei felts, wn linve adopted the Yellow Wrapper 1 the only genulne. Till: UllAY SILDiClNK CO.. Iluthile, N. Y. vavi:ii. IDHAHKSW. I'llY. A Combination Cornice and Pole Combined. In Walnut und F.beny, tit These have been reduced liein f.'..M. W'u aie debiieus or closing them out. Poles ler .Vie, 75c, tl.eland ltrnss, llnihs Tiliiiined, Klieny, Walnut und Ash. LACE CURTAINS Forueo, tloe, tije, 11.73, wee, tisa, M.en, JJ.50, tt.ue, (l.rsi, turn, up tofje.uoa pulr. One PlerSIIner, VVidnut Fnune, t33.U), fniincr iirlce, fiO.u). One Pier Sllner, Wiiliiu' Frame, w.l, fenucr price, fiO.le. tne lier Sliner, Walnut Frame, tTMe, former pike, llel. enu Mnntlu Miner, 73.00, former pi ice, Jim. WINDOW SHADES, In XKW I'ATTKKNP. Plain (itsjds In All Celers and Widths. Fixtures Cenl nud Spring Oinuiiients In Assortment. WALL PAPER, Of EVKUY DLSCHIPTION and IIUADKH Huvoyeur work deuu new, as prices wcre never se low. PHARES W. FRY, NO. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCA&TKK, PA. STOCKS. poeit, wnrrKXcb.r " .BAjNKERS.fe- I'UIMi: UAII.WAY SF.CI'ItlTI ES ALWAYS ON IIAXI1 FOU I.NVEsTSlENP. Sliu-jenpells HeQl Estate7pcr"ccnt. beuds for rnlent inland lntetcst. Proprietors of "Peer's Mimliul of Kullways." Corri'speuilenro Invited. 46 Wall Streot, New Yerk, ectl Jydced ren hAlk en nir.vr. IJtOK UKNT. J The store Itemn and Dwelling, Nes. Hand II Setilh queen street, from the nrst of April nexl. The stnre het ens of the best established and largest wholreale nud retail cigar and to bacco customs in the city, Apijly , NT0K did tfd Ne. 38 South'tjure'n HtreeU pUItI.10 HALU OF CITYJUOHIDKNUE. ON WKDNESDAY, DKC. 1, 1M, Will Ijo sold nt the Cooper Heuse, cm West Klnjt slreet, tlmt two-Mery. uotible front IlllICK HES IDK.NCK..N0. 110 North I'rliice street 1 contains hall, II rooms, cellar mid basement, range, het nud cold water, gas, excellent wallcd-in furnace. Ooed brick stable, nil!, Ac. Ths let fronts en l'rlnce slreel, 37 feet, V,i Inches, nnd extends le Water strict. Fer fuller description see large bills. fnlole commence nt 7 'p. in. AMiKN A. II F. It It A CO., Agents for Sirs. Kllrnbcdh Longenerker. II, .snunxitr, Auctioneer. dZMsd TUIIACCU AM) Cltl A1IH. p.STANM811Ki)i me, " H. C. DEMUTH, SIANUrACTUItEItOF Demath's Celebrated Snuff -AND- FINE CIGARS. NO. 114 EAST KING ST. W c have new In stock a Fine Line of Goods siillulile for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Consisting of FINKSILKIIMJlIAUS! AND FHENCH UltlAlt PIPKS, SIrersehnuiii Clgnr mid Cigarette Helders, Cigar, Clgarettn und Slatch CJasen, In Turkey Morrecoo. ltnasln, Alliguter, Calf, Seal, Heg Skill nnd fsole leather. dl3wd H. USTKHMAN.kCO. Holiday Presents. SIEEHSCHAUSI 8J10KF.IIS AND TirES TU1IK1SH PIPES, FIIENCH IiKIAK PIPES, CIOAU AND CIOAHETTE HOL nEUS.CIGAlt CASES, HMOKEK'S SETS, CTC.AItETTE CASES. AMI IlECKIVKHS, SIATCItCAE9,CANEi1Ac. All Ingreat variety find nt Tery low prices. 4irCull and examine our goods, tieuble te show them. Ne II. I, STEI11N h CO,, Ne. 116 North Queen Street. MAcmyEiir. tt i:atx:us eh fuknauks. "BEST" STEAM ENGINE AND Beiler Works, WTERS -01!- FURNACES FOU lVivnle Dwellings, Schools ami J'ub He Btiililings. Call nud sce them. Sfade of heavy Iren, sim ple nf construction, durable, economical, the most Itudiiitlng (surface, of tiny Heater lu the luuikut. Nothing Cheap But the Price I OUR OWN PATENT. trllu lug neon In use lu many of the largest lenldenceslii Lnneasterln the past tell jcurttlg the best et evidence uf Its merits. Add less, Jehn Best & Sen, Se. 33 E.IST FlUOS STIIE1T, LANCASTER, PA. II .WING DISSOLVKI) l'AllTNKltSIIH mid Dormnnentlv 1 leed the Chestnut t-tieet lien Works, I iH-slre te Inform my old patieiisnnd thopublle generally, that 1 11111 still In the business, being located lu tlie l'eiiu Iren ItlSlllCHS, ui iv'a Works Company's Works, -Neitli Plum stieet, whcie am uiakuig Iran und llrass Castings of uv ery ile- bcilptlen, und will be pleused te serve nil who may favor me with their patronage. Frem 40 j curs experience in tlie business nud using the host uiaturtul nud employing thubcstmechuulcs, 1 11111 satisfied I can guunuitiucntlre satisfaction. Castings made from nuilxtuie of lien and stwel which are mero tellable for stiength unddum hlllly thim the best cast lien known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a spec ialty. Castings mudu of very xoftlreu.audbrnss cnstliigs of every description. I huveiill the put terns of the well and favorably known Slewier Cern und Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved, also 011 hand. Stills completely fitted up or lu paits, te icplucu old ones w hlch have been In use for V ears, guaranteeing tliein te give siitWfuctlnn. It. C. SliCULLKV. augll-Cnul c HKAJI OV ROSKS CUBM ClIAl'l'KI) IIAN1IS, MPS, KACK AXI ALL ItOUUIINL&SOr' TllKMil.V. It doe. net hurt like 01 ccrlne. l'ltlCE, 10 mid 23 C i:.T8, at OOOHRAN'B DRUG STORE, .Ven. 137 AND IS) XOUTII IJUKKN bTUKKT, ili'cHiuil Lancaster, l'a. KnnUCTION IX 0VEHC0ATS. Ill elder te reduce our luigu aleck of Kur lUuivern. MulteiH, Keineyn and Cerl.ciuvi fur Oterruntliit;.. I will, for the next ui uub, uiuku uptoiiiirerder,lii II ret-clm hlle, ut (neatly itdureil pileeH. Alltjiiiiiii-iitsaruguiirunteeil te tit petlvct und only tliu bunt euullty of trim liilugj are used. A. II. KOSEXSTEIJT. Flne'l'iilleiinir. 37 N'erth Oucen street, oimenllu tlie l'oatellicc. I JJlJKuulU nnr w HAT WILL YOU 1JUY T USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS -AT- METZGER&HAUGH MAN'S. A I-ADY'S COAT. A OIHI.'S COAT. A PAISLEY SHAWL. A 11LANKET SHAWL A DLACK TIIIHET SHAWL. A 11LAC1C SILK DUESS. A DLACK CA8IIMF.IIE. A CLOTli imFiS OFANTCOLOIt. A CALICO DRESS. A PAIItOF I1LANKETS. A COUNTEUPANE. A CAKl'ET. A PIECE OF SIU8LI.V. A HANOKERCIIIEF OF 811 K LINEN OH COTTON. An USiltUELLAOF SILK, ALPACA Oil OINOIIAM. A UOSDAMF' rOllANYOrYOUItFHIENDS.OflANTTHINOKLSE IN OUIl LINE TOU CAN BUY AT THE VEUT BOTTOM PltlCER. Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER. Between the Cooper Heuso nnd Serrel Ilorse Hetel. TkxTTi)ToiirTeinTcf5uR ' - - - FAHNESTOCK'S. HANDSOME SEAL PLUSH LADIES' COATS. REDUCED IN PRICE. $50.00 Flush Coats Reduced te $40.00. $10.00 Flush Coats Reduced te $30.00. $30.0 Flush Ceat Reduced te $23.00 THESE ARE RARE BARGAINS, AXD NOTHIJKJ JtOItE SUITABLE FOK A HANDSOME TKESENT. ALSO LONG AND SQUARE RR0C1IE AND IMITATION INDIA SHAWLS. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. HA(J AOER A. UROTHnU. HAGER & REDUCED LADIES' WINTER YJAPSM Plush Garments, Russian Circulars, Newmarkets. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. Shawls, Dress Goods, HAGER & Ne. 25 West King Street, r'0. S. OIVLKK. Te Reduce wn REDUCED PRICES TO Ladies', Misses and Children's Coats all reduced in price. Seal Plush and Cloaking Cleths all reduced in price. Shawls, Skirts and Dress Goods all reduced in price. CARPETS, an astonishing reduction. Everthing marked te sell. K CflLL.AND SEE OUR GOODS AND PRICES. J NO. S. GIVLER &CO, NO. 25 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. newKnsiURSTr " ' BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. - WJIITK III.AXKCT4 TO IIK HOI.I) CIIKAP. CI It i: V IILANKKTS TO IIK SOLI) CJIIEAI'. f-CAJtl.KTlll.A.NKKTSTOHKhOI.OCIIICAr. COMFOKTb TO IIK SOM CIIKAI". Te 1 cilii en stock iiri'purHtury lulakliiK Inventeiy. -A V OlTur an Kleimnt Une nf SIIKETlNGBiuIhlllimNlJ 11UMINR, TAIII.KLINKNS.TIUKINUS, CHECKS unaNAI'KIXH, All Very Leir te Ilciluce Sleck. 1jh1Ii' IVlille nnd Scurlct Mfiine Unaerwcar. Mi'irVlillo,JiyAScarlt.MiirluelIuclorwear. ClilKlreii's Wlilte ft Scarlet Merine Underwear. All bold Very Lew. S-Iteniomlier we deduct 10 per cent, from overy cash sale large or .msll a a .pedal Induce ment te purcliHur, In order te reduce uumteck liefeie tukliiK InTviitery. J-rLEA8E 01 VE Ub a call! BOWERS & HURST. CAltVJSTtf, XV. CUIHK'S CAIUUJT IIAIili. BARGAINS! SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Seiling Off te Oleee Business. KVEltYTHIXO MUST POSITIVELY BE SOLI). A Full Line of IIODY UKUSSELS. TAPEbTV, Bud All Grades of INGRAIN OABPETS, EUG8, IILANKKTS, COVEHLETS and OIL CLOTH. ALL AT A SACRIFICE. 1'ieiiipt Attention Given te the Mauufuctuiu of Hug Carpet te Older it SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and noens. Lancaster, Pa. BROTHER, PRICES.? Skirts and Underwear. BROTHER. Lancaster, Pa. ?EO. 1'. KATHV02J. Our Stock ! HAVE SUIT THE TIMES. A. We Offer tbe Vutt Makes of IIOSIEKT. GLOVKS, C0IISETS. Ae., Veiy Lew te Iteduce hteck. BARGAINS! -AT- Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. riufxtxtfit VMK. u h;, jA?9,A8;r, JS MlLliKMYlMJ. ...... anitiwi AiiRAant e rmwait t(H. SUNDAY, lr, Vfit , XOKTlnVAUII, Lenrp. jl.v. King St. I .tine. ft. 4 l.nnnntcr ,,,.,. 0.17 Miinhelm ., 7.1.1 Cornwall...... 7.U . Arrive. I. rbannn .,....,, J. mi . SOUTinVAUl). Leave. a.m. I.eliaiien..,,.,,, Cornwall 7.11 Manhelm , 8.rl ljinca.ter,...,. an Arrive, MmnWv. r.M. Mm MH 8 37 e.7 A.. r.M, -i Km MO 9,41 lis 1.M T Bfli and 11:30 , m., nnd t Swln& J!B-LBLV0A"ASrC 'T,. XMttits, 11.1 21 .t5 aet i r.x 11.W 11 w MS Mi r.M. l'i.,1) l'i.4.1 1.1.1 ilO r.i, 7..HI 7.W K.H 8.H A.M. 7.:) 7..V1 KIiir Rt,. Ijine. 8.W .M 9j; &m j. M. WltifiK Mni, t ft. 1 t it I. M. llATAn'n, HupC C) an(l'.'ft ilt. II. II. It. Oone Kttt, Supt. l'.ft II. II. H, taa-iyft R KAUIXO ibCOLUMllIA. AUUA.VOKME.NT OF l'AS! TIIAIXP. 8UNDAT, MAT lfl, 1W. NOIITHWAUD. LKAVH. A.M. r.M. r. . a, Wiinrryviue ...... .,.,..,... n;a iJincnutcr, Kingtilreet..ii.7:: l.nnrjnlcr.,,i. , r 7:10 Munhclm,.... .....,.,. 8.17 MiiHotfaJunctleii.,.....,..7:M Celumlila 7:ue AnnrvE. Headlre... 915 ...i 8:40 .... s.ra ,.,. .ffl .... 4:"l .... 310 .... 2-Si) l::w l:W 2:10 :m &m SOUTinVAllI). L1GAVK. X.r Reading , t 7:ie ls.ui . r. M. A, M. C:10 .... 7.M .... 7:10 ... 8:'J.1 .,i. 8:11 8:r 6m U.'.-i li-.Wl AKItlVE. Marletlu Junction. ...... 8Y Manhelm v,, ,, 8..HI Columbia.... , u.'il Lancaster , n.l Ijincustrr, King Street.... i' Uuarrvvll e... lu.22 r. v. l:ii l:il IAKI 2.KI i rain, connect ai Kenning wnn trains te and from Philadelphia, Pottevllto, lliirrlslnirg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via. Hound Kreek Iteutc. At Columbia with tralna le and from Yerk, Hanover, (lettyaburir, Frederick and llultltmire. At Marietta Junction with trains te nnd front Cblcklcn. At Mauhelm with train, te and from Lebanon 8UNIIAY. Leave Quarryvlllc, 700 a. m.t Lancaster, King Btreet, 8 00 a. in., 43 p. in. Arrive Heading, 1(1 oe a. tn., 6 JS p. in Leave Heading, 8.00 a. in., 4 p. m. Arrive Lancaster, King stieet, 9 57 a. in., 8J0 p. in,; (Juarryvllle. 0.10. A.JI. WILSON, Supt. PKNNSYIiVANIA IlAILItOAD SC1IEU ULK. TraliiK leni e Iancalur und leave nud arrive at I'tilliiaelphlHnu folleM,: T.enve Lf'nvn WF.1T1VAUD. riilladelphln. Luiii-aslcr. Vftwn Kxiiii'hI . 4:.a. m. C X) II. 111. WarrunHengcrt . 4Jl H3) " 3 " PM " 9.50 " WB " lAlp.m. 1:4,1 2-T0 " B-2.1 ' 7:30 7:40 " 11. IS 1 S13I1. 1U. .Man in ruin vlaMt. Je 7.00 " .Vii. '2Jtull Train tin. Cnlum'a. Mngara Expri'M, 7:40 a. in. iianoverivccem... ,vla. Celum'a. . U:10a.ui. via. Celum'a. ,vln. Mt. Jey. . 2:14 p. in. . 4.10 . f,:H) " . U:le " . ll:au " tail l.lniit ............ Frederick Accem , Lancaster Arcem...., Harrisbnrg Accein,... Columbia Aeceui...... Ilurrlslmtg KxprcMi.. Western hxprcss f .... l'aclfle Uxpres.f KASTWAltO. Mall KxpreM t -. ... I'hll'n. KxpreBHt . . Fait I.lnet , llarrlnburg Kxpresn Ijincntler Accem. ar , Columbia Accem. ..... HcaMieru Kxprose Jolinntewn Kxpi-CHif Sunday Mall Kay Kxpresst llarrlsburg Accem.... Leave Arrlvent LnnniHter. 1'UlIadelphla. j : v u. in. .me u. m. 4:il " 7-V) 10-20 " .via. Mt. Jey. 11:15 a. in. 3.15 p. m. 6:00 " .1:1.1 " 7:25 " 8.15 " 5.3.1 K.I0 8A1 BOO " 12.Mp.lll. 2.20 " 2.1J " 5:1a 0: " The Marietta Accommodation leave Colum bia nt rs 10 a. in. nnd readies Marietta at H-5S. Alse, leav t' Columbia at 11:4.1 a. m. nnd 2:15 p. in., reaching Mntletta at 12.01 and 2.31. Leaves .Mar ietta at i.Q p. m. and arrives at Columbia at S.U) 7 aleo, leaves at 8.33 and arrives at 8:4-1. The Yerk Accommodation leave Marietta at. 7:10andarrlveiut Lancaster at 8.U0, connecting with Harri'.burK Kxprcs at 8:10. The Frederick Accommodation, wcnt,cnuwc Ingnt Lancaster with lam Line, west, nt 1:33 ji. in. w 111 run iiimuge 10 r iviiuni-K. The Frederh'k A lun, rust, leave Columbia at 12.23 and reaches ljuieahter at VIM p. 111. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Kpre&sut9..10u. 111. will run through te Hanover, dally, uxcent Sunday. Fast Line, w est, 011 Sunday, when nagged will top at Oownlngtewii, Ceati'KVllle, l'uikesburg, Mt. Jey, Lllzubetlitewuend Mlddletewn. t The only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train west rutin by way of Columbia. J Leave dally except Monday, ORNWAIili AND LEBANON" AND COLEBKOOK VALLEY UAILK0AD3. BOCTUWAIUl. Tnilns leave Lebanon dally (except Sunday) nt 6:30 11. 111., 12:30 and 1:M p. m. An Hunt Cornwall at e:10a.m., 12.10 p.m. nnd 7:10 p. in. i ut Conewago at 7:20 a. ill., Iril and 8:20 p.iii.,ronuectlugwiththel'ennHylvaiilaItallroad ler peInU east and mektuwabd Tnilns leave Coucnage at ,:30 a. 111., 8.30 and 8:23 p. in. Airlvuat Cornwall ntS.CHi u. 111., 4:13 and 9.03 p. in. t at Lebanon at 8:20 11.111., 4-3naiul9:l.lp. m,. connecting at Lebanon with Philadelphia and Heading Kailreud for points east und went, nnd the Lebanon uud Trcment Ilrancu for Jones town, l'lnegrove and Trcment. The 0:30 u. 111. train will step only at Cornwall, Colebrook and llcllalrc. if.lT.V ASli CAW. ATESTSTYIiBHATS A'I) OAl'S. IS FULL OF THE LATEST STYLES OF Seal Capa nnd Turbans, Seft and Stiff Hats, Silk and Cass Hats, Children's Turbans, AND GLOVES OF ALL KINDS. ALL NF.W AM) OF TUB FIXF.ST; MA.NU FACTUHE. Persons wishing te make Chilstinas Tres. cuts In our line will prellt by examining our 6teck before purclmslng cltewlieiu. 144 NORTH PEN ST. (OUXl)AKEU'S OLD STAND,) jusr aoevs. N KW GOpDS. WATT, SHAND&CO. CM Have reclved upwaid of Fifty Cases of NEW flM UVUHO) DU1VI.IVU ClUVU.IIJ( .u. x. (- GHBISTIAS 6-IETS. 8ILKHANDKEHCHIEFS. SILK MUI-FLUUS, 4 LINEV IIANDKKIICIIIEFS. EM11HOI- WV-'ffl DE1IED IIANlHiKHClUUFS. V Wfl GENTLEMEN'S TIES. SOAKl'8. BUSl'liNli-, , " ' Ellb. . yS I) 4 Ji AV IMMF.VMi: A8SOUTMENTOF ( VI CHOICE BOOKS, Eultuble fur young and Old. at ONE-HALP . -iiKinti. pituiKM. ' "-.a iiirTiii,M itnnirs RTnnv iiiifiiru AFTTn iij UUAl'Il uud fcUIlAP 1100K8. TOYS.GAMES, BOLLS, ,' WOHK 110XE3. WUITINO DESKS, JJKESSINO 10AES. JEWELIIY, l'EIlFtJMEny,EtC.,Btc MW YORK STOIB,. NOS. 8 & 10 J3A6f Kma 9$ LANOASTEH, I'A, MKnitSClIAUM AJill Rf A nudSmeiers. acuoleelet ta at price that dfy coaipetWlee, t .. IIAUTilAX'S TEiW HKMIJKIA -. .J WK W I -,li? Vi-- .i?i i."f& it: -A &" m M aJ a i$ it- m jr e" -sa rs cl T St 1 i c?f? .&! J" ri1 Si ' ?.s fe. n MU' i'-i, "yi ?$ : .-?' : r 1 .'tn fS v. r .V a KUJB-CUw i n