RBSamVKITOPft" ,. I V tV & Ji ji 1 T, wirt'. ' ." LMw -' m l.H - .f, u -?- tf IS- vJS VA IS, a.'".,1 W f ss : uxa PT J t Sr, & m -e. b-.r , h- t'L & 1 ;'".? " 'r..- - ' " AY r ; & hfiifi'in r r x TO DAILY IRTELLIGEMCER iS WftLMHCD EVCRV EVENING IN THE YEAR '?: vx V tTEINMAN A HENSEU IttfTKiUOINOER BUILDING '' w mtun rcuTit cmniBC LANCASTtn, Pa.: .&' TIM CENTS vA' WEEK. FIVE DOLLARS A "y YEAR, OR FIFTY CENT8 A MONTH. - 7 FOCTAOE FREE. VA0VERTWEMENT8 FROM TEN TO FIFTY ; CtNT8 A UNE. i nam pmui WLIH0. f VERY WEDNESDAY MORNING Toe Deuam Yu ik Aevmct. "CORRESPONDENCE Solicited rneM every " Hrfcw ' WIT' Of THE STATE AND COUNTRY. CORRE- 8PONDENT8ARE REQUESTED TO WRITE LEOIBLY AND ON ONE SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY; AND TO SIGN THEIR NAMES, NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BUT IN PROOF OF OOOD FAITH. AlL ANONYMOUS LETTERS WILL BE C0N9KJNE0 TO THE WASTE BASKET. ADDRESS ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, pa. ti)e Cencaster Intelligencer. LANCASTER, DECEMBEIt 31, 1884. Popular OeTCrnmcnt In England. Nothing could better illustrate the rapid advance of liberal Ideas and of popular government in England, than the increas ing frequency with which the system of representation and franchise in that coun try is reconstructed. It took many centu ries of preparation by civil strife and war ring houses for the fullness of time in that great revolution, in which royalty was shorn of its sovereignty and the real iww er transferred te Parliament. And only nf ter the lapse of a century and a half subse quent te that was thelteferm Bill of 1632 passed, remodeling the constituencies, sweeping away the retten boroughs, enlarg ing tlw franchise and practically conferring the real governmental power of England upon the Heuse of Commens. The next peaceful revolution of tlmt sort was In 1807; and new, only seventeen years elae until the Parliamentary leaders nre driven by the urgent ferce of public opinion te put their heads together, redistribute the seats of Parliament and enlarge the franchise. Te a nation with a less flexible system than England's the rapidity with which its governmental changesare coming tebe made would be ominous of a powerful reaction impending or of a speedy danger of anarchy. Ne signs of these lower ever the political horizon there. On the contrary Liberal and Conservative leaders have agreed upon a measure of a very sw coping and radical character, the adoption of which with ease is foreshadowed in their ngrccment. By its previsions 100 seats new held by boroughs are taken away from them and placed elsewhere a reallettment of 17 mere seats than were comprehended under the gieat reform measure of 1832. "While Londen and its boroughs heretofore have had but twenty , two members and no ether city mero than three, Londen is hereafter te hae fifty five, Liverpool nine, Birmingham and Glasgow seven each and ether large cities a proportionate number. Again, whereas the total representation of a city heretofore has been elected from a single district, although since 1SG7 minority representa tion has been provided for, hereafter cities are te be di ided into as many districts as there are members, se that each one will l the sole representative of a district con stituency. Tills radical rearrangement of consti censti tuences, the adoption of the single district system and the gradual enlargement of the franchise, until the voting population of England, is nearly as large a percentnge as in seme of the commonwealths of this country, show a steady progress toward the highest idea of a free government. In deed they have made but a superficial examination of the English system, who deny that it compares very favorably with any government claiming te be "of the people, by the people and for the people." A ("Ilmpse or tbe Millennium. Tiie Republican newspapers seem te tw pleased with Gov. Cleveland's views 01 j civil service appointments. They are nil warmly in favor of civil service reform. It is quite a natural feeling. Perhaps our Itepublicau friends are net able te leek at the matter In a wholly uupiejudiced way; but any Impulse of theirs which brings them te an approving state of mind tew.ird a Democratic administration we are dis posed te reward with praise. It may be that in the course of the next few jears they may become se much In leve with the Democratic policy a3 te Jein the party, and the political millennium will have ceme in when the lien and the lamb lie down together. If the Republican beasts are all peimitted te remain undisturlied in their warm stalls, we have no doubt that they will be all lambs during the Democratic presidency. But as it is only the really geed office holders whom the coming president is dispes?d te retain, we greatly fear that there will be but a small portion of them who will net come out into the cold. In which event we de net anticipate a very great warmth of support from the Republican party in general te the new adminibtratieu. If our friends in the opposition, who held nice offices, had only Ik'cii duly and thoroughly permeated with the truesphit of civil service reform, during their incumbency of them, se that they would have sternly abstained from partisanship and devoted all their energies te discharging tlielr duties and earning tlielr salaries, they would have been in a fit condition te lejeice at their 'geed works aim te expect the award due te the faith ful servant. Unfortunately few of them, if any, have been se wise in tlielr day, and the premise of the president-elect holds out little comfort te the main army of the officeholders. Ne doubt they will be very well behaved new, but their oppoitu eppoitu oppeitu uities are gene for testifying te their faith in civil service reform maxims under the temptations and pressure of jwrty de mands. There is likely te be plenty of work for the axe under the new adminis tration ; though it may be slew, under the raised standard for getting in. A Hasty Conclusion. The JSrm(ncr jumps te the conclusion tlmt because the president-elect shows u disposition te carry out the civil service Taw In letter and spirit, apjwintments made for a term of years, as that of Pest-nx-ster Munhall,te Illustrate the rule, will net be removed, but when his term expires t will be In order te make a new appoint meet, and lie will, of course, be a Deino Deine ertt." Oureeteeuiedand hopeful contemporary uses a far fetched illustration Hint doesilet illustrate. Neither the case of Postmaster Marshall nor that of his appointees comes under the operation of the civil service law. It dee3 net apply te postmasters nor te let ter carriers at offices where less than fifty arc employed. But there is a paragraph of Gov. Cleve land's letter that refers te such as they. This is it: Many (new lielrlliiK Mich positions have forfeited Bll Jttit claim te retention, bccauc they have, used their place for party pur pur peses In disrc-rnril of their duty te the ico ice pic, nnd tjcenuxe, Instead of being decent pulillc servants they liave prev ed thcmel cs oirenslve partlsani ami unscrupulous manip ulators of local party management. The les les eon of the past should le unlearned, and such efllcials, as veil as tlielr successor should be taught tliut'efllclcncy, lltness and dovotien te public ilutj are the conditions et their continuance in public place, and that thennietand unobtrtl-ilve cxercisoef lnili- ual political rights is the reasonable, moasure of their party service If Postmaster Marshall and eery ether federal official in these iarts had tiet "uhhI their places for jwity puneses," or had been content with tlic " (juiet and uiiob uiieb trusie exercise of individual political rights," they might take seme consolation from thencw president's proclaimed iwlicy ; but having been actie, bitter, nebj "urti sans, they must go eicry man of them. Gov. Uroei.K, of Michigan, has written te a Detroit paper defending his course, in granting pardons apparently by the w liole liele liole sale. llesnvs: Frem my experience in our prisons where I have devoted much time, I earnestly lx lx lx liove that tlicre are 00 men in our prisons te-day in whose cases the ends of Justice would would Ikj better nerved by their re lease. Thcre are many young men serving out sentences for no ether crlme than licing peer. Thore are rings In all the large tow ns of our state, that arrest, com let and fend te prison persons for no ether reason th.ui te make business for constables slierltrs and justices w bem a small sum of money w eulil release- Intelligent and humnnc persons who liaxe ghen thoughtful attention te the subject will be Inclined te belice that the gocrner knew s v hat he Is talking about. Lancas trians need net go far lrem home te find confirmation of it, In their own Jail they can find men sentenced te three years at hard labor for a crlme w hlch is of little higher grade than the sin of jwverty. It hasn't been many years smce an offender who stele 135,000 get off with lighter sentence in this very court, If it were as easy te ring in the new as te ring out the old, te establish the true as te dethrene the false, te keep resolutions as te make thorn te-morrow w euld begin a ery New Year indeed. It Is easy te bellow 0 in the genuineness of the reperted discovery in a Maryland house hold of four carefully beted manuscript ol el ol umesef correspondence between Wm. Vans Murray, American minister resident and envoy extraordinary te the Netherlands and General Washington and Alexander Hamil ton, thopurpeso of the correspondence en the part of Washington and Hamilton having been te secretly obstruct and precnt Lafay ette's projiescd romeal from l'rauce te America, te becouie a citizen heie. At that tiuie they represented and espoused the ex ex treme Federalist side of the political ques tions disturbing America, while the Jeffer Jeffer senians drew inspiration from the French ideas which Lafayctte personified. The in in fiuence of his removal te and residence In America would have been te strengthen the antl-FedcrallsLs ; and It is net hard te cencch 0 of Hamilton and even Washington doing all In their pewer te thwart It. The correspond ence reported te be found will be Interesting and important. It need net go begging ler a government purchaser at ?5,000 as alleged. Tliere are newspapers in the country which would doubtless gie tliat for the first whack at the publication of it, and curiosity hunters who would buy the manu scripts after they had been copied, .it a geed round sum. Tub following story has been started en its rounds and will no doubt ) kept min ing : A terricrwitli a broken leg caine the ether day te the Charing Cress hospital in Londen ami when he was admitted held up Ids broken leg and barked. It was set by ene of the surgeons after which the terrier do de partod happy. This Is probably only a new crsionef the old incident which really occurred in Lan-c-Lsteriti Dr. Atlee's practice. Cosgreo'sdog, w hese master had been treated for a broken iinn, and who had frequently gene with the man te the doctor's office, ene day appeared nt the office deer with a little deg whom he had brought thore te hae his fractured leg set. The operation was performed and two happy dogs went offrejoicing. - m m What ret this is from the newspajicr, Progress, which assumes te be an exponent of geed society in Philadelphia: It is net geed form for a sister te accept an invitation te go te the theatre w ith her sister and her fiance. It is the host of form, my little Miss for sister's tlance te ask you and for you te go. Lem) no cluince. These opportunities w ill net be me abundant perha)s after he marries the girl. Ge it w 1U you are young. PERSONAL. Mrs. L. (J. C. Lamaii, wifoef Heuater I .a mar, has died in Oxford, Miss. "Tem Ukew.n" (Mr. Hughes) Is towrite the life of Peter Cooper. Gun. Hancock ImsJ been selected as grand marshal of the Inauguration Day parade. Jehn Kklly Is preparing te go abroad, or te visit bome of the Gulf States for the benefit of his health. Gov. Pattise.v will be the leader In the Week of Prayer Joint ner Ices, In Harrlsburg, next Wednesday. Ux-Ciiiiii' Justick Aexkw has been aj aj petntcd master in seme equity milts against the broken Pcun bank, Pittsburg. Miss Cathaiuni; Ci.uiiii, the Heading girl who married the ex-cenict, says hew she did net knew it and w ill apply for a dlorce. CHAiir-hs Wum.ku, aged 85, and grand father of the famous artist, Elizabeth Thern jw seri, who died recently In Ihiglaml, supplied Dickens with the intrenymlcs of two of his "Pickwick" eh jratters PniNCK IIihmahck'h next birthdaj his 80entleth which falls en next April M.wlll also Ik) the fiftieth annhersary of hiselllclal service, and en that account it will be cele brated w ith mero than ordinary solemnity. Maiik Twain thinks that when the allow who made the German language tries again, he should Invent n language with enu geed, square, rcsponslble box u language that weuldn'Uallu fish 'he," the scales "she," andthoilshwlfe "It." IlErnEHENTATlVK ALllKllT CllAWlOllU, of Philadelphia, has retired fiem the candi- dacy for uiciiiIkt of the state committee from the second Senatorial dlstrkt iu favor of Wil liam F, McCully, who has received the votes el a majority or the district. Damp Davis and his wlfe are going te Washington for a spell. His second marriage has turned out happily, although when he married at sixty-eight u lady tw cnty-clght years younger than he, his friends were ery free te say the marriage w as u mistake. Judge I), nmeruusiu better health than new. Oen. Heavuii says he Is net aud will net be a candidate for the llepubllcan nomination of United States senator. This is a very cold shake of the superei-niu-able organs of his party who helped te beat him for governor IjANOASTER DAILY INTELLTGENCET5, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1881. and new pretend te support him for senator. He net only suspected the Greeks bearing gifts but he doubtless saw tee, that they had nothing toghe. Isaac Ciiism, n young lawyer, has had A. Kneulc, editor and proprietor of the Ditity llcglstcr, arrested en a capias for libel elid placed under $1,000 bends te answer at court. The alleged libel is contained In seeral hu morous reports of hearings befere Magistrate Derr, in which Mr. Chlsin prominently figured as prosecuting counsel for the law and Order society and against alleged i i laters of the Sunday law. PniNCKss IIuatuick, the l.ct of Queen Victeria's children, her royal mother an nounces Is betrothed te Prlnce Henry, of Ilattcnburg, third son of Prince Alexander, el Hesse-Darmstadt, by hlswife Julia, coun tess of Haucke, created princess of Pattcu licrg after her marrlnac. He is the brother of Prlnce Alexander, ruler of Ilulgari.i, and 20 years of age. Princess ltcatrli e Is one ear elder. Gladstone celebrated his 7.MI1 birthday en Monday. He rivei ed e er ene hundred and fifty telegrams from etery point of the eemiass from Cape of (Jewl Hepe te the Kooky mountains, and the birthday gifts of two hundred vorreMeiilciits ranging from a pen w Iper te e siler ae, embraced the rep resentati e articles efe ery tradennd ceunti v, tributes te his unl crsd genius and unflinch ing courage. Pni:siir.NT AnTitrn once took his son Allan te Princeton. The chief magistrate w as called en by the boys for a speech. He responded, aud iu conclusion remarked with a great deal of feelingth.it he was about te eoullde te tlielr care what was te him the dearest thing en earth. The words were scarcely out of his mouth w lieu one of the youths ro-e and sung out iu stentorian tones : Three cheers for the thing." llASUl.lt ill MASKV.lt Ml.S. I.Jliehril for a Munlr of Wlilfli n .lur3 ll.itl I'uuuil film Innecfiit. Pleasant Andersen was hung by eiuht masked men en Meml.i night near the town of lll.ikesburg, Iowa, fifteen miles west of Ottumwa. The causes which led te the lynching are as fellow s : In Ne ciiiIkt, t1-, near Ulakesburg, Chris- McAllister was mur dered at his residence. A few months there after Pleasant Andersen was arrested for the murder and finally was tried one ear age at Oskaloosa, the trial lasting tw e w eeks 'I here was a strong array efclrcumstantl.il evidence acainst him, but he was acquitted. The opinion prevailed at Ulakesburg that he was guilty. Uad feeling prevailed, and last night 0 w"as seized at the hoife of his father-in-law and taken in a sled te school house. A mock trial was had licfere a Jury of eight menandbythem he was sentenced te hehunc. Nearly a hundred iorens had gathered at the school house, among whom Andersen seemed te ha 0 no friends and at about 10'JU last night they took him te the scene of the murder of McAllister and hung him te the limb of a Cottonweed tree. He protested his innocence te the last. The body was left hanging for ever two hours and finally taken dew n by the order of a magistrate, w he w cut te the scene of the tragedy, and a coroner was sent for. Prem the tcnqicr of the crowd It was evident that they would brook no in terference. Tin: jet iiTitQVAKi?. wnr.CK. rurtlrulnrs of tlix Anful IllsHsterlli.it 1 II Lpen siutlli. At Uraturia en Tuesday tlie "Te Ileum" was sung and praters, were offered for the cessation of the earthquake. At Prlege, in the province of Cordova, the shocks came w hile the theatre was crew ded with people. A terrihle panic lollewed. Many pon-ens jumped from the galleries and from tlie windows upon the crowd below. Twe were killed outright and forty were mero or less injured. At Malaga two lefty chimnevs forming part of the gasworks tell te tlie earth. Tlie patients in the hospital w ere se terrified that they forget for the time being their mala mala dles and fieri te tlie open air. Tlie cenv ius in tlie prison refused te enter cells and re mained all night in the court yard. Alhaiua and Santa Cruz were completely destroyed. Soldiers are nt work clearing up the ruins in search of corpses, which are found in large numbers. Many of them are horribly disiigureil. The number of crsens killed fs still unknown. There is no doubt, however, that the rcert which lixeri the number at '.WO is an exaggeration. There is much distress among the survivors ami the jieople are asking for relief. At Albunuehvt 200 persons reeeiv ed injuries mero or less serious. Prem tlie mined houses 100 l(edien liave se far been re-covered. Tlie barracks at Loje, iu tlie province of Uranaria, are ruined. At Zafiarraya. a tow n net far from Loje, titty ierseiis perished. The walls of all the churches iu M.il.iL-a were cracked, bever.d houses iu Canelles were destroyed and many jicrsens were killed. ITve persons wcre killed ami several ethers injured at Metis. faixtoeu houses were dostreved at Lanlaren, and numerous houses w ere demolished and lives lest in ether vil lages. Pifty corpses havelicen leunri at Veu tas le Tain Arranza. TllV VOTTOX CHOI'. A Ilecrraxeil Held or 3,5X0,000 Hales luillrulisl fur the Current x.cur. Tlie December report el the department of agriculture indicates a smaller yield of cotton than tlie returns of condition in October. The Oteber averagewas"! against tM in lhS'J; S in the great harvest of IMC ami ffi In the dis astrous season of 1SL The returns of condi tion in Ootelier and of prod nit iu Dctcnilier have been unusually divergent this year. The ilrst indicated a largcrcrepthau last jear ; the latter a product dlightly less, or about JW jiercent The camtsirathe riecliiie is in tlie states west of Alabama. The comparison with last j ear Is as fellows : North Carolina, 100 ; Seutii Carolina, 107 ; Ucergla, 101 ; rierlria, 103; Alabama 10T; Mississippi, III; Louisiana, t j Texas, fey ; Arkansis, tfl; Ten nessee, 101. Applying these proeentages te tlie Ilgures of the crop of 1, they indicate a product of 3!ss,000 lule Iu North Carolina, Wrj,(Ks) in Seutii Carolina, "HO.OUO Iu (ieergla, 00,000 iu Klerida, GOl.Oeuin Alaliaina,8l7.(K)0inMIssls sinni. 4S0.OU0 In Louisiana, MO.OOOiii Texas, 51,1,000 in Arkansas and 31 ,000 in Tcnness(e, The rcmaliilng territory will probably give about 60,000 bales. This makes an aggregate of fi,5h0,000. These figures are previsional and may le slightly mixlilled by futiire re turns, 'it is possible that the general dis appointment at the nutcome of the middle and lop crop has marie the December returns uimsallvisjiiservative. But It is certain the r.ite of yield will lie much lielevv the average. Mix Was it Carlisle, Herself. ltev, Mr. CIev eland, who hascharge of tlie Mariners' mission, Philadclphliv, dolivereri a lecture te his congregation the ether day en Themas Carlisle, his Ufe and works, hi his peroration lie expatiated lit seme lengthen the profit te be dcriv cri from the teaching of tlie great practical philosopher. As; he sat down he noticed an old lady In front of him wiie might have sat te 0 corge CriiikHhank its tlie model of 'Salrey Uainp." Clutching her enormous umbrella and shaking her big boiuhazlne bonnet she pepped up, tears In her eyes, and blurted out : " Illgtit, righu Mr. Olev eland has salil Themas was n geed man se he w as. 1 knew him well. In fact, I lived In Carlisle ; was a Carllsle myself be be bo fero I married Jehnsen, OchI rest his soul." Did Nut Want HI, Aid. It has been the custom ler years past for lien Dllley, a well known hotel man of Wllkcsburre, te place- a glass Jar en his drink ing liar, with a notice- that "contributions would lie received for the Heme for Friem'i less Children." l'crsens stepping in the place would drop u penny, nlckloerdlino in the box. On Monday it w euld held no mere, and en the contemn being counted It was round tlmtEJeO had been contributed. Mr. Dllley netllleri the managers of the linuie that the money was et their ilispesul. The managers wrete luck that thuy did net want any aid from such a source, and Mr. Dllley should bestow his charity elsewhere. Onu or the lle.t In the stale, from the .scranteu Truth. The Lancaster Itki,liuknl'kii has ic ic ic leiitlyltceuiovelutioiilreri Iu make-up and appearance, and Is new ene of thu best dullles. in the state. THE MANIA ON THE MARCH. .i.v i:i.uvi:mi:..t ami a .1u.1t1.1: .si:.v .si:.v A.tre.v .v .i.v onto rini.v. A VlHualtitj-Tulklug YniniB Man (liilnn tlir Cun. Il.tcncr of n Wealth Ag(l VI Mew, Mar- rli Iter, streU S 10,000. nnd Skip. (II, leg Hint Her fortune. An vtepcmciit and a $10,W0 swindle, in volving 11 rich w Idew of "0 and a man of 30, have Iwn brought te light, In Tilllii, Olil. Several year age Abrah.un Cromwell riled leaving his wlfe a fortune estimated nt JlOO, 000, nearly all of It iu riili Seneca county farms Karly last summer an oily, plausibly talking man, railing himself ltucklcy, came te Tillln and did n heav business selling llo lle heiulan eats at SS a bushel, lty seme means he UsTume acquainted w ith the aged w idew and In 11 short time gained her coniplete confidence, se much si, that she in trusted ?!0,000 te his keeping, and it lias etlectually disappeared, lly some strange change the woman's friends wcre net aw are of the proceedings until her money was gene, the first Intimation of the real condition 0r affairs Ix-ing discovered only en the announcement of the marriage el t lie couple, who eloped te Menree, Mich., where thev were married. They returned te Tillln, w here the aged wife new Is but the wherc.ilsmts of lltickley are unknown. It is learned that the old lady has m.irie her will, leaving the bulk of her property te her veuthful husband. The ali.ur produces a profound sonsillen, iinn threats of ielence te Buckley are freely In dulged In. The woman's friends w ill at ence proceed te recover the property. It is said lliicklev has a wife elsew here.'w he under stands tlie situation and Is a partner of her hiisluml in the matter. llnMilrl Win, Murrlidil Turin llnml Further particulars of the Llnkwoeri, Mil., elopement reveal the fact that Harry Giles Is a farm hand, and Maria Ciesliu the fifteen year-old daughter of a vt ry wealthy widow of that place. Giles was employed te de work alsiuttlie farm, and for seme tlme the experi ence of the coiiple was similar te that of Victeria Hulskiimp ami her Krnest. Fiuallv Giles' attention te the vutugglrl prompted Mrs Geslln te dismiss him. They corrcs cerrcs jsinded, however, ami eventually ran awav and wcre married. The pair are new at Giles" home, awaiting a reconciliation. .t CL.HV or si,w,wi. The Mi, re In Various Cities llequentheil liy 1 l Hinin.il k. Hr. William C.unmack, of Willlamspurt, for many v cars . laitned te le the ew ner of a great deal of preierty In Philadelphia and ether cities in tlie state, and when he died a few years age he bequeathed this claim te his widow, and urged his friends te aid her in its pro-cditien. Ills claims were based upon thefactthat in 1310 Themas UU1, who died intestate, was the owner of 123 acres of land iu West Philadelphia, 377 acres near Middle tow n, Dauphin county, and 600 acres en the Delaware river. The heirs-at-law of Themas Hill were all Kiiglisluneu and all resided in tlie land of their birth. Dr. Cammack, it is claimed, went te Hiig land, met the heirs and made arrangements with them by which he should represent their interests in this country, he te receive one-half of nil he secured. Numerous legal ditlleulties intervened, and tlie doctor died, leav ing as nn heirloom te his widow the half interest assigned te him iu the prospects of tlie Kiiirlish heirs. Mrs. Cammack continued the light, and the property, which is estimated te be wertli ev er $15,000,000. is new said te lie iu the hands of Judge KcHiy and Judge Peters of Wil mington, who have acquired portions of it by punhae. Mr. Caininack's claim is ignored by the present holders of the property, and none of them appear te knew anything about it. searching for the Heir of a Fortune. The njine of the Vincrlcun, formerly a resi dent of Huntingdon, county, Pa., who re cently died iu Squill, leaving n fortune esti mated at Uve million of dollars and for whose heirs search is being made in that county, was Oliver Perry McUchan. He had a sister who married Kdward Comfert and who has net yet been found, although she Is believed te live iu this state. .1 1U11ATV SCAXIIAL. A (Jiuirler Millien Dollars .ikeil for Corup Cerup Corup tiell Purposes. In tlie Heuse of Representatives the strong est opppsitien te the Nicaragua!! treaty comes from members of the Appropriations and tlie Pereign Affairs committees, before vvhl h Secretary I'relmghujsen last season iiimle his arguments in behalf of the S2J0,00O appropriation then asked for as necessary te negetiate the treaty. Oni- of these members has marie this extraordinary statement : "In tlie presineoef Mr. Itaiidall I mention him as ene of the prominent men present Secretary rrelingnuyseu shitted in ianguage plain though diplomatic that (0,001 was wanted te corrupt tlie N'earaguaii govern ment." This member went en te say that Mr. Prelinghuyseii was asked what Uencral Ur.int, Mr. Menec.d, and the ether parties te w hum the original iom.es.sien had been made would demand. The secretary replied that they would want ene hundred thousand dollars each, nndas thereweretwelvoef thorn that would amount te f l.'jHi.Wsi. Ilcing asked it he would advise the iuymeiit of that amount, he replied that he would agree te treat them very liberally in order te gel them out of the way. Speaking of the treat v, this member of the Heuse, who questioned Secretary l'reling hiivsen, says he believes that the concession liefjcrs comprising tlrsuit, Monecut, Pheljis and ethers, nre tlie lurtics who prompted tlie insertion iu the treaty of the prev isien reqiiiriugnn Interest iu the canal te be given te Nicaragua, and he lieliuvcs that a large pmpoitleu of this Interest would go into tlie pockets of tliese men. Need. Ne I"rnlse, Sneaks for IU If. from the He lesteu u Democrat. We cengratulate Stclumau A. Ilensel en the improved nppcaranee et the I-ani-aster l.v- TKLLKIRNCKII ill its I10W dress. New eletllCS are an improvement te a newspaper as well as an individual. ThelNThi.MOf.M;i:iiiieeris no praisu en its able management, that speahs for ilself. It Is A1iiilidliallel te go thieugh life with "snags' In thy month abominable net mero te the sufleiei than his fiitnils. liny SOZODONT anil demise the teeth which lcinnfn, or, hotter still, ue It new and save your teeth. MJ4UDONT Is coiiemlcal iU'ldt.ed&w filietl lleallli anil lmg Life, Tlie two de net ulwuysge together, but they ought te, for It Is acad hight te si e un old gen tleman or iiged lady drugging nut u palurul ex istence of disease, debility unit iidsury. Much misery can be avoided b elderl) people who keep up the proper proportion of Iren In their bleed bv taking lliuwii's lien Hitlers, 'lilts U net uAtlmiilaiif, but the best and truest iron tonic In tbe world. Tlli:K.l"KSTANIlUsTLTi:it.VALItI"JU:iV. It Is sufe te take lliuDiiirrirs Pills nt any lime, but te get the best results they should be taken en no empty stomach, going te bed. Ufa Mull en the night you Uiku them te eat little or no supper. As no two people nru alfected pre cisely the same by a like quantity of the same medicine, it Is dllllcult te determine the doe j and It Is something which must be left te thu llstrttlen of the patients, W'e w 111 say, though, the average dose for mi intuit Is from four te ten, in (sndlng te effect. for Constipation or Djspepsla, ene or two taken overy night will. In uahert time, iierferm an absolute cure. It Is well te take u purgulive at least ouce or tw Ice a mouth as a prev enlii e of disease, and n tliese 1'IIU nre entirely vegeta ble, and are made with the gicatusl care, we knew them te be the salestuud most clftctlvu purgative cvcrlntredutid te the public. They have been sold In tills country for ever fifty j ears, and have In that time attained an unpre cedented popularity. PILES I PILKSI! PILLS!!! Sure euro for llllnd.lllccdlngaud Itching I'llrh. One box fins cured the worst discs of -lij curs' standing. .Ne ene need stirrer II ve minutes after using William's Indian file uliilmeut. ft tib- seibs tumors, allays tubing, nets us penltlie, gives liistuul ILilci. rrcpaicil only let rues, Itehitnr nf the orlvate narts. nelhlinr else, .old by druggists and mailed en recclni of n rfw, It. bold by II, It. Cochran, 137 and lai .Seith vjucen ueei (I) street. Hit. flEAllKlfa lt0Ol"lIITTi:itS fnizlrs Heet Hitters tire net u drum shop beverage, but are strictly medicinal In every seu.u. 'ihey act strongly upon the Liver and Kidney, keep the bowel, open and regulur, cleans, thu bleed and sjstem of ev i ry Impurity, held ly druggists. 11. bold by II II. Cochran, lJ7uiidKW.NeUhlluccui.tn.et. (J) MKIUVAL. KON MTTKllH. mm 11 n 11 en i 11 IIBU Ru.e' iinn e K HII en vt r vr ai ( I, W VT VT VT M .T I e ww vvvr N N N n k 00 e ww vtw P 11" VT VT flil us8 is m, 000., ft & II H U OU H Ml inn 1 n 11111 1 n 11111 TTTTTTVr fmi nnn k k u pk imii KKK 11 11 k'-'' llilsiiuillclne. ceiiiVliiliiRliviivlthiiiiiTveir: talihi tonics, iiulrklv nnd reinpletelv CHHr.S mspU'SIA, l.MMlil.ssION, VfAI.AIllA, WKAhM.ss, IMl't'UK IlLOOli, CHILIS ami FKVKItamlNKI'KALllIA. , lly rsplil nnd theimmh nnslinllatleii with tlie Mixslll ivnches every part of the stem, purl t1. niul Kiirleliri the Meed. KtlTliKtliPlln llnv muscles nnd nerved, ami tours nml lnvltterntc the!ivlcni , , A line Appetlier Hest timte Known. It will euro the worst cae of lipcpli, le iii(ivlniriilltlltreslnR sjmptems, mch ns Tiist Ing tlie KixhI, llelclitng, Ileal In the .siemncli, llcnrtliiirn, etc The enlv Iren lneillclne thst will net blacken erlnjuie the teeth. It U!nvidtinlte fur dlsenaes peculiar te women, nml te nil persons who lead snluntarr llv es Ati unfailing remedy for disease of the Liver nml Kidneys l'crsens suiTeilhK fmm the etTect of ovrweik, nervous troubles, lis. of appetite, or debility, experience quick relief nnd lenewed snerKy tj Its use It does net cue llendnch or preduce Censti nation Olllhll Iren medicines ile. It Is the enlv preparation of Iren thst causes no Injurious eirects 1'hyslelnns nnd druggists rreenimeiid It ns the best. Try It. Th Kcimtne has Trade Mark and crossed red lines en w rapper 'lake no ether. Madnenlyliy nilOW N CHEMU'AI. 00 . . 11VLTIMOBK, -VI n. KcptDljdilyw T t.UKATslf(.'l's HOP PLASTER. This Pereus Plaster Is famous for Its quick nnd hearty Mellen In curing I nine "nek. Itheum mntlsiii.sclatlcn.l rlck In the llnck. Mile nnd Hip, Neuralgiast Itr.letnts nnd Muscles, Sere Chest, KMnnv Tr,illhlp mill all IVLlns or HChes eltliet local or decp-pated It seethes, strengthens nnd stimulates the juirts The virtues of hops combined w 1th gums clean nnd ready te nnpl) superior te liniments, lotions nnd salves, rrlie. 11 cents or 4 for II ix). MililtiyiilldrugKl'ts nnd ceuutry tens Slatted en receipt of prices Hep llasttr Company, proprietors, llosten, Mus A GREAT SUCCESS. -The best family flit made llawle's siemncli nnd Liver I'lll- !3c ricnsaut Inaction and easy te lake. nevA-lv.il.x'W (1) H OSTEITE R'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIHER8. In caes of dyspepsia, debility, rheumatism, fever and ague.liv er complaint, luactlv lty of the kidneys and bladder, constipation aud ether m gnnic maladlii, llestcttei's stomach Hitter l a tried remedy, te which the medical brotherhood huv e lent their prolesslenal sanction, and which nsa tonic, alterative and houeheld specific for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels has an unbounded popularity. Fer sale by Druggists nnd Dealers, te w horn apply for Hosteller's Almanac for 1KSJ. dl lmdced.xw T HOPSANDS OK CASKS OP SICK Headache ale penninctitlv cured every ear (ns the hundreds of testimonials In my possession will testify) by the u et lilt. LESLIE'S Special Picscrlptlen This Itemedv stand to day without rival, and with scarcely a com petitor In the world Thousands of f hvsliUus throughout the country have acknowledged their iiiablllt) tecurult nnd nre new prescrib ing l)r Leslie's s-peilal prescription fei nil cases "HEADACHE In elthel Its mrvnut, bilious or ceugi stive form, arising f rem obstruct Ien. congestion or terpldlt y ofthellver When 1 say that Dr Leslie's SPECIAL Prescription wlllcurotheniestobstlnatecases of sick Jieauacne. i mean iusv wiuti i say, nml lt.l. Is, that 11 net iueri.1) rclluv es but; POSITIVELY cuies, no matter huw long the case nutyhuve bien standing 1 have testimonials from persons who have been mulcted for twenty jears, being ceiitlntd te bed two or three d.is at a tlmu every two weeks. Ihit h-ive been jierinsneiitly luredby two bottles of Dr Lislio'sbjieclsl I'l.ESCIUl-TIOX fcetlmt thi'-f bat net h-idan nttutk lurtner fltt: j ear. If j ou are troubled with .Sick llemlachH nnd w Ifth te 1j CURED be sure and give this rcmsdy a trial. Price, 11 iu. P II. AltCIIKIt, f-amtega Springs, N. V. FOK feALK IIV IlltL'GGISTH, dJO-iyd for sale only nt J. II KAL'FKMAX'S Dniir Stere, J,e. 5il North (Jueen street, Lancaster. Fer colds, uve Kauffinan's Ceug Cough Syrup, the largist and best for 'Aleuts. riATAUHH. ELY'S CREAM BALM ICL'ltLS COLD I.V HEAD. CATAltltll, IIOSK COLD, IIAYFKVKIt.DLAF.VESS.lIEAnACHK. Easy te use frier, Mc. Ely llre's., Oswego, frier, Utc, N. V., U. Ely S. A. HAY FEVER. ELY'S CICKAM IIALVt Cleanses the Head, Allavs Inllaiiimntleu, Heals the Seres, Itesteres the Senses of Taste and smell. A quick and positive euro. 20 cents nt Druggists. Ge cents by mall, registered, bend for circular. Sample by mall, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, JSS-cedAw Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. tti:adquaiiti:hs for tub INDIAN MEDICINES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT Lecher's Drug Stere, NO, EAST KING ST., Lancaster, fa. CONSUMPTION. I lull n a poelllv e remedy for the above (Its. case ; by Its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. In deed, se strong I mv fulth In Its efficacy, that I will send TW O 1IOTTLK1 FI1EE, together with a, VALUABLE TICEATISKef thodlscuse teiiny SUucrer. uivuuxpitssuiui i , it. nuuretig. 1)11. T. A. SLOCUJI, lbl I'earl bt., N, T. liJJ-CiueeilACiinv NOTICB TO TRE.Sl'ASSKR.S AND GUNNEIW. All iwrsens ure licreby for bidden te trcsiass en any of J he lands of the Cornwall or SpeeUw ell esfntcs. In Lebanon and Ijincnster counties, whether Inclesed erunln closed, cither for Iho jmrriose of sheeting or fish ing, ns the faww 111 be rigidly enforced against nil troipusslngensaldUudsof the undersigned after tbl notice. WM. COLEMAN V UEEMAN, ft. f tltCY ALDEN, EDWAUD U. f ItEEMAN. Attorney for It, W, Celvuiau's helm, eetll-tiiUw VIAICKS, MIKRU11S JUST epi:m:d. Ghristmas 1884. x. Za's -Serner 1884. JUST OPENED Tin: i..i!iii:sT.xHi;iiE.iM:sr link or French Clocks, Mirrors and Bronzes wi: ii.vvb r.vKit Music Bexes of All Grades. A FULL LINE OF GOODS TO SUIT ALL TASTES. ZAHM'S CORNER. IWUItAV J. U. MAKITX A t'O. WOLIDAY DRY GOODS DE-PIRTMEiMT. Rtvw Silk Btrtml Cevors, Jute Tnble Cevers, Turkiah Tldles, Plush Tltlles, Trtble LlneriB, Nupklns, Tewels, Silk Hrindkorclilefe, SuspondeTH, Nockweur, Oloves, &e. CARPET DE-PyqRTMBJTT. i RugB, Mociuetto Rugs, Shoep-Woel Rugu, Art Sqim CH.INA DEPARTMENT. Embroidered Glass. Amberlnrt Glass, Cnrlsbud Flower Vurses, Blsque Figures, China. Fnilt Plates, Chlnu Doasert Saucers, Musical Decanters, Water Decanters, Tote-a-tcto 8ete, Smoking Seta, &e TOY DEPARTMENT. Mechanical Toys, Christmas Tree Ornaments, Deg Carts, Mules and Horses, Steam Engines, AND A THOUSAND OTHER ARTICLES TO MENTION. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West Kiui: nml lY'iiee Sts., LAMASTEft. nui.iit.tr (loons. n OI.IUAY fiOODS. WAITER A. HEIHTSH, Ml. ii EAST KIM. !T lti.hr. I. M.SThK, f A THIS Is Tllh fl.ALE IU 1IUY 10111 HOLIDAY GOODS, -l.N- i"ANCYtAiiiM:rt viti:. LAIIINEIS IlltlC-A IlltAC, EASELS fEDESTAL!?, il.II'l'Elt HACK" IILACKIMiLSi, COMMODES, HAT It VCKS, TOWhI. HACKS' HOOK ItAf.KS, Ac, A i. A very Ijirge Line of these giKsN, and ulmi)s u plinsure te show th in WALTER aThEMTSH, Ne. 28 West King Street. decfl-flmd CO At.. 1-y It. MARTIN, ) WHOLESALK AMUKETAIL, Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ami Ceal. ?1aiiii Ne. ti) North Water mid Prince streets, utievu Lemen, Luncnstcr, nS-lvt -i-au.mcardxi:rsa .ii:ri'i:Rii:s, COAL DEALERS. OrrirKs: Ne. lit North ("iiecu strict, unit Ne. WI North f rlnce street. Yauus. Nertli I'rincu struct, near l!e.iillug Dciiet. LANC STElt, f V. Iiugl5-tfd c OAU M. V. B. COHD, 33U NOI1TH WATEIt STltEET, Jjiucasler, fa , WHOLESALE AMI HCTA1L UKALER I LUMBER AND COAL. COKCTIO" VUTII TUB TCLZrilnMO KXCIIAICOC, Yauu ase OryitEi Ne. SM .VOItTIl WATEIt bTltELT. lub8-lyU HOOTS A XII ,nei:.s. JOAROAINS IN HOLIDAY SM'I'IKRS. WM.H.GAST, XO. JOS XQUT1I qUKEX HTUKK'J. DEALEKI.V Beets, Shoes and Rubbers. We have have unlce let of fancy Mlnpeis for 'hilstmas f resents, ut prices ruuuliig from f 1 KJ Alse n full line of MLtllum frlied Heets, Shoes and Hubbers. which wilt be sold at the lowest possible prices. N ew Is the time, for bar gains, whether 111 HeudV'-uittda eri Ordered Werk. lYu contliiue te lead all ethers lu incus, tired work for ladles or gen tlemeu, and our fluu i'ninch Culf Congress Heets or llultuii Mioei, for W.50, wuguarantiete be vifuul te any fsoeshoa tu be hud anywhere, lly our new method we overcome ull squeaking, which Is se oe'cctlouu blu te mauy persons. GIVE US A TItlAL AND PLEASED. YOU WILL HE milt" REST THING TO RU Y. DEOEMHEIt S7,lmSI. IsngoedhultofUnderwciir.il few heavy Com forts, Warm f aula, it pair of Overalls te slip en ever your old iianls, u pair of wurm lllltser lileves, an all-wool uhlrt, Woolen aud Cotten Mocking undn variety of seasenablu goeitt, all of whleli uiu selling ut v erv- reduced prlics, AlJIEClITOLDr-, Ne. 82 North Ouecii fctreet. SIce Houses filled with pull) Ice, fixe lrem any sewerage. T OUIH WKIIRR. WATCHES AND CLOCKS. 1IA1KIA1SS I9f WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAIN'S IIINGS, .SPEC TACLEs, Ltc. I'eiuitrlne of all kliuU w 111 itw-lvi my personal attention. LOUIs WhUtll. N'e. lXi)j N'ertti Queen street. T Hemember name nnd numlicr. Directly opposite City Hetel, near f euu'u DepetJ JyJMjd AXIt ll(.VJf:.V. cAttitir.n. UOOtts. GOODS. a TOO NUMEROUS 0iMsi(e Steu'iis Heuse, I' .tr.Kiiiii.t. t2i.i:iai!K, su:k;ils. SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! EDGERLEiY & CO., Carriage Jl.tltlvhT STItEhT. KK Mt LANCASTLK, Of f OSTOf i" II E, I'A Our large stock of fOUTLAM), ALllA.VYnnd DOL'IILE.sLhllills.vlileh vie eiler at Isrgily ndutcdprlies, mu decidedly th flmst In the -IIO"TrORllET TO KNCOIRAIIK HOILK THAT IS alwavs rkliaule. tall uinl get a bargain All work warranted. E UAVE IN8TW.ll Every Style Buggy and CarriaHO HEHIHtO ItEl'AIIIIM. IMIOMI'TI.Y AlTEVIU'li Ti lliiueutornerkiueiicspeclHllyemplnjisirorthat purpse nevJUfdAw jORHi:CK A MIIiKY. S7 Sleighs ! Sleighs ! Sleighs ! GREAT BIRGAIMS AT NORBECK & MILEY'S, t'ernei' Duke A; Vine Streets, LANCASTLH, l'A. OYER 40 lim CUTTERS, IIOTII I'OHTLAXD AND AL1IANY. Net dlneed of at sale, will be efTeied lelh public (RETAIL) at f UIIL1C .SALE f ItlChS. Our bteck Is the i Inest In the CUy, liav lug sold te the most iiremlnentand best Judgcsef same, hlch Is cencluslv e inxjf. DON'T BU.' A CIIEU'SIIODDV ARTICLE DON'T UK LED TO PAY fHICES, E.VTHAVAGANT Hut call en the eldest and most reliable II nil In the city und bu convinced. OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD. A fULI. hTOCK Of CARRIAGE WORK OX HAND. f Repairing Neatly Dene, anevEiuvs. 6 RURSK'r. -FOR CIIRISTMASJROCERIES. Fer Ilaklng Material. for fu rebnlecs. for flavoring Extracts and ltes Water. for u Nice, fancy f raft Uusket. for n Hasketef fruit. for flerfda Oranges. for White Grapes. for fluu Raisins, for Cheke I'.ri. Almonds. ferull Kinds of N'uls. for the Hest Candy,'.' pounds for i5 lent. ferCluir levs. for the Hest Coffees. ferthelk'st Tens. for Canned and Hettlcd Goods. tern Hurrel of Choice lluldwlu Appltt. NOW FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS. A beautiful flniiie or Card with each pound of Coiree during the Helldu) s. 4TCuiuu uud ve. It w 111 pay you. AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. Vr-rihJO.jin.t - i