t3 . .VTV TA-v hsxi" .jv-. v:.. .v- . vh ,y.fei..'-- r.i " frwvr ' ju' i n , r . ,nfr " - ' . .ti -- ".' " W-M? T . F " C i -- r- i "SSI 5 "J, THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLTGEKOEB, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1884. r-u U, w ma ' CAME RIGlITjVr LAST. cnosiise Tin: evuas te .mis inn vjiemisiih nnsiusit. A IrmiMe Di l.lJ W lie Cnnm Ot er te Ilrr Tnnly llrliloBreoiii.ini Wenlil limn (inNmiteiiw Ner Delay A limit llie i'rrniieuj. Tlin Itiiiiiniilln HlnryTeM. A l'rulty lKUc romniice wis tcriiiliutleil In New Yerk en Ciirlitmni me by tlie innrrluKC of JaefiiiiKrn'Hll-x'hfii nml Hern MiMellmrRli, both of Vlennn. Tim lirWU'ltrueni im llie heii efn wtiiltliy Austrian Irnllier mmvlintil, but ns lie rrtMxfvl lelitleiiil In busliKxt, lie wan Heme llirre yraw "lii' wntletliii t'lilteil .Stales te brraU iipliNevllnHstwIalliinn. Cnlli'il back te Vlennn, he . Incv. n lU-nlre te Icnm the leather ImNluc'.-, mill what leliure hour remained itflur llie ilittleM ..film tiny hoilo heilo hoile voted te the Hoek'ty f Inily wlieitl lie neon wuiiQ te rcgnril ih tlm leuillcit of her box. Dew Mink-lbiirKli, tall liriuintte, vtllh n III nml u Ibrtune oriiev own tlie latter niiioiint niiieiint lug it Ih ulil, te lialf n inlllleii llerhis 0011. vcntcil le hi null. Ke (Hit llie imreutH, nml nml nil unit well for tliu levers In Hint guy cnpl.nl. Jnr.M"riiiiiule New Yerk hkhIii ti nbmniJu.f liN Tutlier'n home. He wn-t te return te Vlennn li.t Npiliiftle lie innrrleil, wlicnncutiloilliieUh nnneumvd tlie fullure or Oev.ltwlitm A t'e., Tern million Hotline JneiineM wnt In despair. Deni neiirlMlied n linim which net nil tlm mienliia nml Ini-or ttmltyer licrimrvntH nml frlendH leuld up. root of vet bec-ninliit: Mndnine linwltx'heii. Deprhed or hH nllowiince from limnr, hit nrewliiir biiilneMS nipped In llie liml. Jnciiien uave liht ltftlirotheU her rreodem mid bnuely hemm tlie work of re-lmllillnn bin mined reftnne byhellliiKnt retnll, In a eilmti'tli' wny, vnrleus nrtlcluM eoinpmed under tlie enl "iiotlent." A eorreiendenee, Inrjrely en tlie jeuhk wenmuN Kide, was kept "l1. S"e wanted him te return nml linre lifir boine nml llnrins. lie rpfiied. Klie IiihIMciI, nml niinllyiiuiieinieed ber tlelerniliiatlen te mil nt ence for New Yerk n(id dullver lilm from lilt dlMre4 by marrying lilm. Witlieut wnltliiK te rccvle u written reineuMmnee, Mie eniiie, tniOen tlie lii(Ter leve. On Wcdnetdnv tliey met nt tlie wbarf. Slie ytvlh nulianl In Mlk and furx. Thne nml tiop tiep tiop nrntleti bud enlinneeil bcrelinrint Iwj'eml lilt fendett expo'tntlen. "AVIienj It tlie mayor' elllreT" ulientked. "Tke me tbere first nml leve me ultir ward." A rnaeli wilt rnlliil. mill tenctber tbey went te llie lnw ollk-e of Delaliuntnr it Vllnt, In tlie Tribunt bulldliii;. Tliere Jelin l)cla hunter, nn old frlcml, drew u) tlm inarrlane papent Tim neipieduet eetnnilnMim was lit Kintlmi, Willi Mnver IMheii In tlie cliuir, lit the ndJeluliiR rrniiii. He stepped tlie deoltlen onneentraettoKho ear te the legal reprc reprc wntntlve or Jnee,ue nml Dera. Inferined of tlie lnterestlnK f.iett nl ready narrated, he con sented te marry tlieni nt tlie elose et tlie com cem com niiitleu Hellien, l'reni that tlinu evcry iarllainentary bietle of wlileli he was matter wat cinpleriHl te batten tlie proceeding. llviiieit w-nlted tivutly nml in hiiiIIm en bit honor's pleasure. At flvn o'clock n pro pre pro rcttleii tttnrted ncret. tlie city hall park. Tlie mayor wat followed by Jncquet nml Dera, Jelin Del.iliunter and iieleud of clerks nml curious wltneiwcs. Tlie snow fell fiwt nml tlie rude wind deciicd tlie blushes upon tlie cheeks of tlie fair Anstrlnii sirl, viile elitiiK te the nrm of ber levor, obliviens te nil elte. Arrhed at llie city ball, the mnver round lilt olllce closed mid locked. Tlie bridal party halted mid tlie mayor MXimcd IrrcMeliit A IfsceehliiK leik from Dera derided lilm. "llie hlde dcx)r," be cried, and led tlie way threii;li a gloomy ixismiirc. A sIiikIe ptt jet burned nbove llie lieadtoftheyoiithfiil eeiiple.nnd illuminated tlie benitrn eotintennnco of tlie mayor nt he Mtoed In Irent of hit iletk and said tlie fateful prdx. Se lliev w ere married, nml en Christina) eve Dera saw the end of ber long quest, nml eiery witness then1, from the mayor down, wlsb'ed lioMntntHiiie of n merry (,'hrlstmat as wnt Jacques. min H'Asrve te hi: " tiii: yiei." TlieUiiccrHaixTjIlllini uT Jih Jrr-j llrlilr. Iii Newark tlie nuptials wero eelebratyd of a yeuiiR lady, nn only daughter, n blomle of 18 years, and a groom of la It was tlie bride's llrst lu.itriiuenlal venture, but the groom wat a widow er. Helms Ik-kii promi nently connected for many years with a lend ing butlncst house. Tbe guests, te the num ber of nlieut fin, were assembled in tlie parlors of the bride's parents, nnd the ceremony was begun. Tlie Hcv. Mr. Dupuy,' formerly of the Prot estant Kpisisil dlot'se of Xuw Jor Jer cy but new of New Yerk, efllcinled. A palnfni suspense ecviiried during the mar mar riage coreineny. Tlie jeung lady had premised te "love, honor, and eliey," nc nc cenlini: te llie ritual, and the groom pledged himself te 'deve nnd cherish" bit prospec tive bride, whereupon tlie officiating cletgy mau dlnx'ted the neirriage ring te be placed upon tbe maiden's linger. Tlie groom tried, nnd after fussing for seme tline confused blutlies mounted bis cheeks. Tlie guests were Inqusitlvoaste the cause of tbe delay and the nllnlstcr seemed nnxieus lest there might be some fan . "tle sure te place tlie ring well en the linger," tie said, breaking tbe uluful silence. . Thonilineuitlou bad the tendency eulv te confute the groom meruuml niore. It wntef no avail. Dewh.it lie would he could net succeed In passing the ring ever tlie second Joint of tlie linger. The ceremony was nt length concluded nnd blessing? niiil congrat ulations wero nest in order. Seme et the guests sy m path ized with tlie young brlde upon tlie delay In tbe proceedings. With a merry twlnkle In her oye and ber f.ice brightening up with smiles, hIie told the secret. She wanted te be " the boss," It appears. Hlie explained that u marricit lady friend, the wife of a bread street Jeweler, had told her net te jicrmlt the groom te pass the ting ever thosecend joint, becnuse If lie succeeded he then would be tlie "boss" nnd rule the roost, and she desired that dis tinction reserved te herself. The elllciatlng clergyman hearing efthls explanation mlldly admenlshed the brlde upon tlie lelly of super stition. Tlie brlde and groom nren happy jailr. A lecoptlen was tendered te them nt tliorcMidenceof her mint. cii)i:ii reit Tin: im.r.ies. An I'mircieilrnteil Ylvlil of Ihn Drlli'leiii Jntcc. Frem the N. V. Times. Cider making isnt Its height, ami never nt this thne of the year has the product been se cheap. The npple crop of 18S0 was luuncuse, but tills year's crop Is us large, If net larger. The Increase Is In the Western states, Ohie nnd Michigan raising big crop'. New Yerk raised n big crop, but In seme counties It Is an elT year, while luOiwege county, for Instance, thcTcrep was net ur he large. The facilities for turning apples Inte elder In 1880 wcie at least 25 per cent, less than they nre tills year, Much of tlie crop of 1880 was wasted, millions of apples having been destroyed by mi early frost The greater partofthe crop of Pl will be utilized by the 11,000 or mero cider mills lit the United Htates, with capacliics ranging fietu 100 te 50,000 barrels of cider In n season. It lscstl mated that (hese mills will nvoruge J00 Imrrnls for c:U'h mill, or 6.WW.O0O barrels In the nggregate. At 'least one-thlrd of that quantitv will go into npple brandy nnd vin egar, leaving about 3,CU(000 barrels te lopro lepro lopre Ment tlie elder erep this your. The local do main! In New Yerk city nnd adjoining cities from September te .Suiitember is cstimnted ns high as 600,000 barrels. The priee paid for apples has averaged less than 30 ccnls n hun dred weight, nnd the priee of Julee nt milts has ruled atnbeut 1 ccntsn gallon. Forelder In the New Yerk market prices have averaged frem7 tell cents, with little pi aspect of going lower. It Is belloved that fresh clder can be had until ns Inte ns Mny. Why Yeu Clink Your Glass. Newark Prcs. "Te coirie Irack te the original subject," be resumed, "tlie reason why men clink glasses is n roineinbmneo of tlie llve hense. "I teucli my glesi te yours ; tliey give out a sound Hint's bearing, ene sense. tYeu soe the glntses In your nnd my lumd; that's the sense of seeing. "Yeu feel the glasses vibrate under the teucli ; tliat's sense Ne. 3. "Then you touch It te your lips, ut tlie same thne smelling tbe Uquliitliat it centittis. "Then you gratify two senses tasting nnd smelling, and then yen liave your llve senses hearing, Beelng, feeling, tasting mid siuoll siuell lug. "New you never thought of that befere, did your" said the old gentleman with n Binlle of delight at tlie reporter's leek of astonishment. A CIIIUOTMAS WISH. nV flter. WltttAM M.KKVIW. Wenbl that I cre n inlllloniure C ih, tlien, wlint t would ilef rnriimny iirnirais, ircniinim i eiijccl lliein te my vlnw i Anil If I ueie I would tWu rate Cncli etm te carry through. llicn well I knew Hint I would re All tlireuuli tlie city wlrtn. And seek Dm places, rnrnnii nrnr, Wliore most tlin poervrnldn j And then I'd Mrvn ench Joyless home Willi liniinth's ter Christ (lite. (Hi. tell tun net tlmt, had t rcM Of Kldn hidden stun', I Mould iiiitclm-n It thus te iifli'i Hut .trim te tnnke It uinre, (Ir hie rely lleut injr dement lrteiid, llrgiililless of llui jienr Full ninny selnl fi lends luive I, (Jfnliem rinpioiidtelxi'i.t, And writ) t rich I would lint full , Te he tlielr Jovial lieit, , lint ntlll would mmhI nlirend snine rhrcr, Inrthesn tlmt iircdlt liiUtft. Wern 1 pesKOss'il of nmple iiirnu. 1 fear net te avow, Te prompt inn te the kindliest iIimmH, My heart I would allow, Till I liucauiu ns peer nijslii Xliunst ns 1 inn lien. Oh, niAuy tilings Ume inuiln me Kind. And semn lime iimdii inn ui'lmc. Hut still Hilt truth I'm tifiliKiig fmt, And e er will tielliivc I'ls letter f.ir, by jtriMitm- islds. 'leKlte thin te rccnlvc. Itrervied Chtirth .Meutnyer. The kldiiHjselcnune the sstcni. It Ulinlior Ulinlier taut tnkivittlictii heiltliriiliiiidnrttn", unit tills t lii'stdenc with lle.XT's Kidney nnd I.lver ltc lltMtnv. It Mimpccillcfernll kidney, liver slid iirlinrvceinplnlnls. Munoef tlie worst rlirnnlc dues, (lint have hern nl en up te dlnliy pliy.i chns Hud friends, lint e licen ciirtst( drtlwdeeilAW tVeinilii'a SiUTerliiR nnd Itrllrt. TlirKe ImiKiild, IliTseiiie iensntlens, canning ou te feci scarcely nhle te been your recti tlmt constant dnilu that Is tiiklng from your system nil lu tanner elasticity drttlng the. bloom fnim your cheeks thsl eentliiuat strain iimui your vital forces, rendering you trrttalilu nnd fietrul, enn easily he rcinetcd tiy tlie usnnf that mnr vi loin remedy. Hep Hitters. Irregularities nnd obstruct Ions of your system, ain ivllcted nt eiusj while, tbe special reiiM of periodical pain aic perinniii'iitly letneied. Nena lecclvn much benefit, nnd noun nrn se pinfettndly grateful, nnd show such mi Interest In n'eeinincndliu Hep ltltlcisas women. A reslnl Cunt merj. I was nffreU'it ith kidney mid urlimrj' Trouble ' I'er I welt e years!" AHer trying nil tlie itoctersnuil pslcnt inedb clues I could hciirer. I used two bottles of Hep "Hitters;" And I inn IMirfuetly cured. I keep It "All tbe tlliiel" ii speel fully, II. V. Iloelb, SiiuUhury. Tenn. .tiny J. lsse. r.iiAurunii, l'A(Mny9, 1S7S. It Iihs cured me of gevend dlseaies, such as iierteiisiiess.slckiu-ssutthn stniiincb, monthly troubles, etc I hate net seen a. steUilaylnn jenr, ulncc I took Hep Hitters All my iicljjh 1irs no thrill. Mm 1'asxic (Iklex SH.(MK) Ij.l. "A tour te I'.iirope that cost me. 3,(e. dene "nie less oed tlme onelMillliiof Hep Hitters j they nle cured my wire of nrtcau scars' ncr- " tens f:ilmn, tlvcplcsitness and dyspepsia," It. M , Auburn, N. I Se. llLoesiisavittE, O.Mny ,'T9. Sim 1 luivn been suITfriiig ten j-cars, nnd t tricit tour Hep Hitters, ami It done ma mero Keed tlinn nil the doctors. Silts S S Heuse. Ikiby S.icil. We nre se thankful te say that out nursing Iraliy wns pernmnently curtd of a diiiiKcreus nml pretiiiclcd contlMitlen nnillrreKUliirlly of the lsiwcls by tbe Um) of Hep Hitlers by its mother, which lit the Minn time restored h'jr te perfect health and strencth. 'I liu 1'iireiits, Itnchcstcr, N . air-Nene genuine without u bunch of green Heps nn the whltn'.lnlivl "shun nil tlie vile, luiUnneus ntuir M Ith " Hep " or " Heps" In their name ilec!9-InidAir srr.ciAt. xeTTcr.s. Ijnlles i-lieiild wear iiAjji flatter ever the small of the back, ns It curesnll pains nnd nehes. n rents, nt any drug store All leady te upply. 7imTflTt. When the proprietors of 7unecl llletnl lilt lert put this icuew ned medicine onlhematkct they hit It etiictly. 1 hey hit dyspepsia, IndlRCs IndlRCs tleu, nnd liver mill kidney complaints n hard blew, irem blch they will never rccet er. Fer it iln by II. H. Cochran, druggist, 137 nnd IW North IJuecu street A I.AVVi:t!'S OPINION OK INTHItKST TO Al.l. J. A. Tn net , esq., n lending ntteniey of Win mm, l Inn., writes- "After iislnu II for inoi-e than three years, 1 tnkn (treat pleasure In slating Hint I rejtard lr King's New lilncei er- for Cen- umpllnii.ns the best remedy lu the world for G'euxiH mid Colds. It tins never lulled te euro thn most ret ere colds I have had, and Invarlably relietes the pain In the chest." '1 rial lietlles or tills sure cum for nil Threat nml I.ung Ulscases may tie had Freo ut Cochran's tiniif store. Nes. 137 nnd 130 North Queen street, I jinc.islcr, l'u. I.arKO sire, Jl.lO. ( 1 ) The grip et incumeula may be warded ntr Ith Hide's Heney of llorelietind and Tar 1'llte's Toethadio Dreps cure 111 one minute. ilt! lwdccsl&w A Cioeil Thine. 1 siinietlmcs w ish I could take held of the sale el rieisiu' IMtctric Oil for 1 tell you 11 is a grand thing, mid 1 nn conscientious lu saying 1 renld de n geed eik." llnv. K. t". Crane, worry, l'u. Uclectric Oil cured this gentleman of quinsy of inanv years standing. Versalc by II. II. Coch ran, druggist, 137 mid 13U North Queen street. tiunTkeplk ' Wells' Health Hcncwcr " resteica health mid t Iger, cure Jiyspepsln, linM)tqncy, Sexual De bility. 1. i) AN ANSWi:its WANTKI), Can nny one bring us uennoef Kidney or I.lver Complaint that Ulectlle Bitters will net speedily curnt ttc say they cm net, as thousands of cases id ready permanently cured and who nre dully recommending Klectrie Hitters, will prove, llrlght's disease, Diabetes. WcAlc luck, or nny urlimrj' cemplnfiit quickly cured. They lmrify the bleed, icgnlale the bowels mid act dlrcctlv en the dlsnuvd parts. Kverj-bettleguai-unlced. for snle nt 50c. nbottleby II. II. Cochran, drug gist. Ne. 137 and laf North (Jueen street, Lancas fur, 1'a. ( 1 ) ""jtesT violent explosions of coughing me slop ped by Itnln's Heney of llorcheunu mid 'lar. l'lke's Toethuclio Dreps cure lu olio lulniitii. dlS-lwdceilAw "ltOUUll ON COUOII9,'' Ak for " Heugh en Coughs," for Coughs, Colds. Seif Thnsit, llnrscness. Troches, 15c. Liquid, 23c. (-') III er)' lci son te lie n ltinl Sueccis III this life must hive n specialty ; that la. must concentrate the abilities or body and mind en seme ene pursuit. Jlunletk Meed Jllttcrt have their speclallvus a complete mid radical curuel dyspepsia, and Ilt crnml kidney ntrcctlens. Fer alu by 11. II. Cechmn, druggist, 137 and 1J North (Jneen stitet. " Mite. lilt. WALTON'S l'KUIODIOALTF.A. Mether Walten lias prescribed this valuable medicine tarn great many years In her private practice. ItluMptevcdnn unfailing specilte In the treatment of the many disorders te which the le mate constitution is subject. It is u sure euro for the monthly tieublcs that se many women sutler. Mailed en receipt of pi Ice, 60c. held by II. H. Cechmn, 137 und 1J0 North Queen street. (3) llltOWN'S HOUSHHOLD I'AN'ACKA. i iiietiirMteireellvu l'nlu Destroyer in tlie w eild. Wilt most suiely quicken the Idoed whether taken Internally or fapplled cxteninlly. mid thereby mero eertulnly ItRI.lhM. l'AIN, whether chronle or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, anil it i whi ran u,v..ir.il, nt nnir aluillariii'eniinit whi ranted dnuhle llie i ration. ii cures pain in inn aim-, .mh;-. , .,,.-,-, ."!' Threat, itlieunialisni, Toothache iinil ALL ACIIIN, imil Is Thn fSi-eal Itcllever of Fain. IIHOW'N'S HOUhKIIOLD FAN AUKA " should be In et ciy family. A tenspoenfulof the Panacea In n tumbler of het water sweetened. tr pro pre rerred.l taken nt bedtime, will HltHAK III' A COLD. S3 cents n bottle, .,... in3l-lyd.M,W,SAw lieUOIl ON P.1N." " Cures colic, cramps, dlarrlnea; externally for itches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, ilieu mnllsin. Fer man or beast, fOand&OC. I) .- 1 ... .,... kl.l.t ll.nl. .. II. .....l-i L.-V. Put sat as attest i "Celden's Liquid Uccf Ispartleiiliiily usetiillii Diphtheria, Fever, mid evi ry depressing disease." dii-lw dced.t w Truth Crushed te Ullth Is hound leilse. Ciowddewn und smother the tiutlius ten may concerning 2'Aeincit' J-.'cltctrie Ott.tct the facts will llsa up that It Is ene of the best icmedles tar aches, sprains, und pains that haseter jet been invented. Fer gale by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, U7 and 1 W North Queen sttect, MOTHElltf, If you nre fulling t broken, worn and nervous, UsO " wells' llcailli i.'eiiewer, Drug- gists, t'J YOUNG MEN 1-KEAD THIS, Tins VoiTAte Uelt Ca, of Marshall, Mich., offer te send their celebnittd ElEeiao-VeLTAia Helt nnd ether Electuie AI'I'LIasclseu trial for thirty diiy.tomeiitoldovyouiigjullllctedwilhncrvons debility, less or vitality Knit manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse for iheuraatlsui, neural tia, paralysis, and uiauy ether kindred discuses, emplcte lestoratleu te hculth, vigor and man heed guaranteed. Nerisklslucuned us thirty dsjs trial Is allowed. Write them at once for iiiusiruieupauiuniviicvti. uvcwiiuaw MK1HCAU Riuiiy feh i:.M!:iiai:sciia NOTii Ing Is se handy te hsve In the house ns lieu son's Cupclne I'lnsters. Highly medicinal, "Km. quticuiia iir.Mi:mias. CUTICURA. a i'esitivi: ctntu reit i:t.iiy feiim or HI.OOI) IIISI'.AHK, I'llOM PIMPLV.H loeciteKtn.A. I have had I ha Psoriasis for iilne months. About five months nge I applied tondeetor nenr Hestnn, who helped me, but unfortunately I had te leave, but continued taking tlin mcdlclnn ter nearly thrce mouths, lint tin) iltsense did net leave. I saw Mr. Ciirjienter's Iclter te the IMilln delphla ItKceim.nnd fits ease perfectly described mine, I tried the Cut a in a ItEViuurji, using two liettlcs ItKsei.VESTnni1 CiTirrnA meap til jiioper tlen, and call myself completely cured. L. F. HAItXAKH. WATk-nnmn, N". J, "1KUZF.MA TWKSTy'viTaKH. L'rnxn Neta Sioser lis Kkmikaiiahck. Your Ctrrici'nA has doue ft wonderful cum for ine mere than two j ears nge. Net n sign of lis reappearance since. Itemed me of n very bad Kcreinn which hnd troubled me for mero limn twentyyears. 1 sballnlwa)sspeak wcllef Cirri critA. i soil n great deal of It. FltANK V, SWAN, Druggist. IIaveriiili., Mass, "" IIHST FOIl ANYTIIINO. Having used your Cuticviia 'ttEMcmi.s tar .eighteen months for Tetter, nnd finally cured It, I sin nnxieus In get it te sell en commission. I can recommend It lieyend nny icmedles I have ever used tarTetter, Hums, Cuts, etc. !n fact.lt Is the licst inedlclne I hate eter tried taraiiy thing.. U.S. IIOHTON. JltliTLK, JIUS. WCIIOFIJLOUS bOltllS, 1 bsil n itnreti bad sores iienli mv bndv. und tried nil remedies I could henref, ami nt Inst tries! jour Cl'TicvnA IIkmhhiks, nnd thpyhntn cured inn. i ii, iiAnuii.i.. 11 itiiRex, Thaj er County, I'enn. Kt cry species of Itchlng,fcnl)', I'lmplyScrofu I'lmplyScrefu I'lmplyScrofu Iens, ltiberlted nnd Conlngleus Humors, with less of hair, cured by Cvticuia Heaelvb.st, tbe new llloed riirlflerliitcrnnlly,iindCtTlcniAniid CfTicURA HeArthngrcut skin Cures externally. Held etcrvw here, l'rlces: CfTict'liA,50c! Seac, it rents. IIESOLVEXT, ll.i. l'inTER Dnce and Chemical Ce., Ilosten. DC AI "TV FerCliappednndOllySkln, UL.AU II. Cvrict'itA beAf. SEEEZE! SUEEZE! hnceie until your head seems ready te nynfTi until your nese and eyes discharge eseesslvn quantities of thin, Irritutlng, watcrj-lluld: until j our head aches, mouth nnd threut parched, and blneil nt fever heat. This is mi Acute Catarrh, nnd Is instantly relliitedbynslnglodnsnef HAN 1 OltD'.s UADfCAI. UUItirrer (JATAIIRII. Oompleto Troatment, with Inhaler, 31. One Imttla Itadlcnl C'utti, enn box (.'ntanli.il Soltentnndnne liuprntcd lnluiler.ln ene park park nge, may new be had of nil druggists for l.il. Ask for riASrenn's Kadicai. Ccm:. "Ihn only nbsolute specific we knew of." Med. Times. "Ihebest weliatn found Innllfe Innllfe tlinner siitrcrliig." ItEV. Ds. Wioeix, Ilosten. "Afteru longstmggle with Catarrh the Ham cal Cikk has conquered," Hev. it. W. Mo.miee. Lewlsburg, i'n. " I hate net found u cise tlmt It did net relieve nt once." Axduew Lke, Jlsn rhestcr, .Mass. 1'iittlti Dnrii and Chemical Ce., Hosteu. OelliriB' Voltale Electrie Plar.ers. Fer llie rcllernnd pretentien, thn InsUint His implied, of ltlieumatism, Neuralgia, Prlallca Leughs. Celd, tVrnk Hack, Stomach und Hew els, Mioetlng l'alns, Numbness, Hysteria, Female Pulns, l'alpltatlnii. Dyspepsia. I.lver Complaint, llillnus Feter, Miilartnunii F.pldcmlcs, use Col Cel lins' l'lasters (an Flcctrlc Hstterj' combined with n 1'eiTiiis Plaster) nnd laugh at pain. S3c. ei cry when'. deel-lvdW,S.tw G lin.VT INDIAN MKDIOIN11 KA-TON-KA. THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE -FOH THIi HI.OOD, I.IVHlt, KIDXHYS AND STOJIACII. It Is Made by the Indians. Used by tbe Indians. Sold by the Indians. it is Finely Vegetable. It surely cures all dlwnscs of the Stomach, I.lver, Hewell nnd Meed. It Is nlmest specllle fur all forms of Klieiiuuitlsin. It will euro dis ease, when all ether remedies hate tailed. Direc tions sre plainly printed en every bottle. All trlties of Indians have their medicines, but KA-TON-KA 4 Is u remedy of the I'actllc CiMst. and Is Utcd by nil. It ts cemiHVtcd of roots, herbs und b irks gathered and prepared by the WAKM M'IM.VO INDIANS OF OlttH.ON, And Is favorably known and used In nil juris of the world. The sick or ailing should net delay its use. It will prevent as well ns euro disease Its price Is enu dollar per liottle, or six bottles for live dollars. Ask tar It and see that you get it. 11 is for sale by alt Druggists, und by the OlihCON' INDIAN MF.DICFXF. COMPANY, Cerry, I'n. Medoc Indian Oil, TIIF. GltEATESr PAIN KAltlll. MEDICINE ON' IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN OIL Is certain tocuieTooth tecuieTooth tocuieTeoth nche In one minute, Hcadncbe In live minutes, F.aruche lu ten minutes, bere Threat in enn night. Neuralgia lu tlnee te nve minutes. MODOU INDIAN OlLlsuscdtnternnllyuswell ns externally. Kvery family should baton bot tle within leach. It Is n doctor In tbe house. Fer sale by all Druggists. I'rice'JSc.pet bottle. LnrgesUelmttles, Sec. INDlANCOUlill sYHUP Is a prompt spcclllu for Coughs, Colds and Lung diseases, sue. per bottle. lui-teu-kn, Mistoe Indian Oil und Indian Cough hyuip tar sale (wholes'ilennd ietall)at Cochran's Drug Stere. Nes. IS" nnd 121 North (Jueen street, Luncasler, l'u. . m'HydWS.SiW pAiticnii'-s TONIC. Bulwer Lytten's Bridge. WiikUE It Tevcncs tub Snout am) the Cheat C'OLUVXS IN MlD-STIIEAV. " What n beautiful hi Idge between Old age and childhood Is religion. Hew intuitively tlm child begins w Ith prajer nnd worship en entering life, und hew liitultttely, en quilting life, the old man turns back te iinijer and worship, putting hlmselfngaln slde by side with thclutaiit." re minks E. llulwcr Ltleu lu his "Strange Merv.' les, but between its distant abutments the bridge of Hfe has many high and awful arches, through which the wild wulers dash nndiearlu wrath and desolation, l'raycraud worship alene de net sustain these. Nature's solid rocks must He unshaken beneath, nnd human urt und skill must rear und selldlfj- the structure overhead, (ied's will Is best exemplified tn the law silo has made for the cieatures whom lie has placed under their contiel. Ncltherthe child's trustful "our Father," nor the old man's ' Ferget me net In the midst of niten infirmities," will alter this by the weight et a single grain, bclcnce and nit llrst then faith und prayer Ih tlie order of Heaven Itself. Dltlnlty heals through Its agents, mid these. ugruts are the dis coveries of man ; net the vague announcements of prophets or seers. Is life a burden te yeuT nees lime urug j is uur power 111 euiu Willi life's problem und duties weakened t ion nre net well, lour bleed Is sluggish or tainted, perhaps t or some Important organ Is torpid or everwurKt-u, nil iiii'iuui jiuii iuhi'ii uiu lenii or dyspepsia, rheuinntUm. gent, malaria, pulns In the stomach, chronic headache, or any or a dozen ether Ills. l'AItKEIFS TONIC will Int lg. ornte you, as trrsh nlr Invigorates theso who lmvu been shut up lu damp, tat Id cells. It is jiewelful, pure, delicious, scientific, safe the keystone of the central urch of t bu bridge of llie. decl-lmds.tw hoots asj sners. B AllOAINS IN HOIjIDAY SM'PinifS. WM.H.GAST, JVO. 105 X011TII QUEEX STREET. DEALEKIN Beets, Shoes and Robbers, Wu have have a nlce let or Fancy Slippers for Christmas rrcseuts, ut prices ranging fieiu l.lJ nil. Alse ii full line or -Medium Priced ll'sits, Khecs and Kubbcrs, which will be sold ut the lowest possible prices. New Is tbe thne tar bur gains, whether lu KeadtMiiade erlOrdcielV Werk. Wu continue te lead all ethers In meas ured work for ladles or gentlemen, uud our Fine French Calf Congress Heets or Uutten Shoes, for $a.Se, we guaruntee te be equal te'uny JS 00 shoe te be had nuywhere. Bj our new method we overcome ull silueuklug, which Is se objectiona ble te many persons. OIVE Ud A TIIIAI. AND YOU J'LKASED, WILL HE reit HAt.r. en nvsr. IjlOIl 11KNT. . - - ! TheHtornlleoinnnd Dwelling, Nes. tlsnd 41 Knuth gtiemi street, from tbe llrst or April next. The stnre has ene or thn best established nnd largest wholesale nnd retail cigar nml to bacco customs In thn city. Apply te W i I HH liSTi I Af d!9.tfd Se. SS Seuth gnean Btreet. "pUUUO SAI.R OP CITYnKSIDKNOK. ON WKDN'i:9tAY, lir.C, 81, ISbl, Will be sold t tlie Cooper Heuse, en West King street. Hint twn-stery, double-front HltlCK ItEii IDH.NCi:, Ne. tlie North I'rlncn street contains ball, U rooms, cellar nnd basement, range, het mid cold wnler, gas, excellent walled In futnsce. Heed brick stable, Irult. Ac. Thn let fronts ou I'rlncn street, .17 feel, $4 Inches, nnd nttends te Wnterstiicl. Fer fuller description sen large bills. Sfnln lu commence nt y ' n. in. AI.I.llXU, HKUIt&CO., Agents InrMrs. KtlEnbeth Lengcnrcker, II.Hiii'eriiT, Aliclleiieer. ilrHs.l puiuar ham: ATt'oei'ini'H hetkt., Tl'F.tDAY i:Vi:NIN(i, DIX'.BO.lsSI, All that vnlunble hiislnrss prejwrty, situated Net. 31 und ."VI West King street, Ijuiciistcr, I'n., inldwny between Ccntni .tiunm mid Stevens Heuse nml Heading railroad depot, end opposite Cooper's lied Lien Hetel, nnd new eecupfed by F. II ii t ns n grocery fctere. It lias n frontage of iClleet " Inches, running back HJ tact, with the right of way te tbe 0 feet alley, en tbe west, while et er the alley the second, ihlrdand fourth slot Irs belong te the pioperty, making the whole 1 1 till t. O H.UI I luiiii, n j, ,!,,,, i, ,i, iiiivj i,, te which It has the right of free Ingress nnd ireniaj icci I incurs, nxeiiiim in inn nncy way esirss lit any time nnd nil times through le West Mifflin street. 'Ibis nroectty Is In etssl rennlr snd has been uid us a shfsi sterqnnd dwelling tarnenrljTXi ) ears, 1 no-thirds of tbnpurchatc money ran lemnhi Itt Iho property. Mile te ciiinmrnee nt 7n'rleck, w ben coudltleiis or sain will be made known by CIIAHLKtOILLESI'lE, Esenutoref Chnrles (illlespte, deceased, dccn,ai,?7,:w IiJKAli iyTATB AT IMfjII.lF.SAI.K. !V F.stateef (.'utbMlne McCnlTerty, deceased. In partition. Ily tlrlim of nil order of the Or phans' Court of Lancaster county, Ihn under signed wlllrTposetoptihllcsulonl the Fountain lun, youth (Jueen stiert, Lancaster city, On TUESDAY, the Kith day of DF.CEMHF.il, A. 1 1., lHI,Ht7o'rIerkp.m.,thnt certain two-story HlttCIC DWELLINO and ether outbuildings and let of ground, of the iMnle of said deceased, situated en tbe south side of West Vine Btreet, Ne. 11, in said city, containing In front nn said West vine street, sixty feet, und extending In depth efthat width, south te property of tbe estate nt the late Hcrnardhhert.deccased, thirty two feet, two and n-half Inches, mero erlcss. Terms of sale t Fit e per cent, down nt tlme of nle; ten per cent, en i-onllniutlen of suln ; nnd llie balance or tbe purchase money en the llrst day or April, A J)., 183, when possession will be given, mid n deed or conveyance delivered. Persons wishing te view the premises can call thereon between the hours of two and four o'clock In the afternoon, en any day prrcrdlng the sale .Ml. II. W teNEIt, Esq, llEMtv aiiCBnirr, Auct. Trustee. t-dccS,H,15,SJ,:7,5J YAI.UAIU.r. CITY I'UHLIO SALE. I'KOI'miTY AT ON MONDAY, DECEMHEU . iwl. will be sold at public sale, nt the Cooper ileusn, en West Kins street, Lancaster city, I'n , the fol lowing real estate, vU : Ne. 1. All tint eertaln three-story HltlCK STOHl: AND DWELLINO HOUM;, with a large two-sterj' brick back building: three-stery brick confectionery, three-stery brick lee house, brick bakn house, engine house, elevator, brick stable, carriage house, etc. The let fronts 32 feet, '." Inches en the west slde or North Queen street, nnd extends westward In depth 2U feet, mero or less, te .Market street. Thn property is situate Nes. 138 and 13, en tbe weitsidoet North Queen street, und Is in first-class order and repair ; nnd fera confectioner)' establishment there Is none superior lu the city of Lancaster Ne. 2. All th.it certain one-story FKAME DWELLING UeWtK, with frame kitchen nt. tuchtd i nlso.nnetber FKAME HOUsE ill rear, well with pump therein, fruit trees mid ether linpret cinents ; und let of ground thereto be longing. 1 be let fronts SI feet, mera or less, en tbe south side of West Orange street, nnd ex tending in depth l-2)i feet. '1 lie property Is sit uate Ne. tin West Orungt) street, and ndjelnlng property of Abraham Erlsman, Mrs. Helbein and Sirs, stiter. Ne. 3. All that certain two-story BllICK DWELLINO HOUSE, with u two-story brick back building und balcony attached ; n geed well of water; also, cistern wntcrln the kitchen. The let fronts 3j feet, mere or less, en West Orange street nnd extends lu depth 105 feet, te u ten-feet wide nllcy. This property Is situated Ne. C57, en the north slde of West Orange street, nnd ad joins property of Christopher I.lllcr and Jehn Lerentz. Nn. t. All that certain two-story HltlCK DWELLING IIOUSsE, with one-story brick back building; well or water, hydrant unit cistern. The let fients 'JO feet and has a depth of Its feet, ten ten feet w Ida nllcy. 1 he preperty Is situate Ne. 121, en the east sluaet Net III street, and ad joins property of Isaac Harden und Charles Hon Hen mnn. bale te commence nt 7 o'clock, p. in., of said day, when "cndince will be given und terms mude knes bt I.EWWKMITII, WILLIAM bl'AETH, Exccnlers of the w ill of Louisa Mittlcr, dee'd. II. Slu'DKnT, Auctioneer. d'J Ud MAvnisr.nr. H t i:ati:iis en fuiixaccs. .6 BEST STEAM ENGINE AND- Beiler Works, HEjITERS -OK- FURNACES FOK Frlvnte Dtrellincs, Schools ami Pub lic Diiihlinirs. Cull nuil sce tlicui. Slmle nf heavy lien. tm ile of coiutriictlen, durulile, oceiiomlcal, the inejt ltitdlatlng burfuce of uny lknler In the inurkct. Nothing Cheap But the Price I OUR OWN PATENT. ra-lliivlng neon In ue In muuy et tlie largeat losUleuccs lu Luucaater lu tlie jui.t ten yeariU the hcst et orlilunce el lu merit. Atldic.a, Jelm Best & Sen, Si 33 R.IST HILTON STI1KCT, JuulS-lydvtw L.NCA!TL'll, PA. HAVixa msseLvr.D i.viiTNnnsiin nnd iierumucntlv closed the Cbentiiut tativct lien Works. I ucsire t lnfenn my old juitieniiand thoiiulille Kuncnilly, tliut lum Htlll In the bu.tui4, liclitK levnti-d In the l'euu Iren Cempiiny' Works, North l'lum street, whero 1 mu nuiking Iren and llruss Cufttliig el every de scrlntleit, and will be vleitscd te surve all who mny favor me w llh thi'lr initreiiiigu. l'reni 4U yc.irao3tncrIeiicnlii the lniiiies4 uud lMlni,' the nest mnterlul und cninlej Iiik the best mechanics. 1 um utlalleil IruuKuaruntvoentiieuutlsfiictloii. Onstlngs made from a mixture of Iren und steel which nre mero 1'cKable ler streiiKth undduni blllty than the best enst Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling milt weik a suca l.il'.v, CnstliiKs Hindu of very soft Iren, uiKlbruss eiisiiiig of uvery tlcucrliilleu. I liavu ull the pat terns of tlie well uud fuvurubly known ilewicr Cem und Cob Crusher, iclltled und improved, also en hand. HUM coninletelv titled un or In nurts. inrln, te te.iiuce out ones men nave eceu in use for yea rs, geamutceliit; them IokIve satis ruction, ' "lF 1 Url'IIMI'V ve sans raciie MCCULLEV, It. C uusi-llfiind YAnA OIOAKS, ONLY 6c, QUAUAN teed Yam, at II AltTMAN'S JYELLOW FUONT ClQAIl BIOUE. MKCltAXICAX. TOT If. F UNN ft IIURKEMAN. CHRISTMAS GOODS FLINN & BRENEQDAN'S. The Largest Hteeknnd Lewest Prices, We nre new Opening our Annual Exhibition of HOLI DAY GOODS. Dells, Dell Carriages, Express Wagons, Spring nnd Hebby Horses, Hhoeflys mill Velocipedes, Tin nnd Mechnnlcnl Toys. Merchants, Churches nnd Sunday-schools supplied nt New Yeilt Prices, YUM & BRENEMM, Ne. 1 52 North Queen St., clocks, millions QIIRISTMA.H. HOLIDAY INVITATION, 1884. As this Is about the last tlme we slmll have a cliance of saying anything about our CH KISTM AS (100DS before Christmas Day, we would Invite n careful perusal of a few or our prices suitable te the present time, which we give lielew. We hate HOY'S WATCHES from K teflS. MEN'SSILVEK WATCHES, tally guaranteed, from $10 te 130. MEN'S HOLD WATCHES, ft-emtiS te 00. LADIES' NICKEL AND 8ILVEK CHATELAINE WATCHES rrem fl te I1I.B0. LADIES GOLD CHATE LAINE WATCHES, 115.73 te I0. LADIES' GOLD CHAINS, Queens nnd ether.'short potienis, e le MO. GENTLEMEN'S DIAMOND SCARF PINS, H te t.V. LADIES' DIAMOND LACE PIN8.I10 te K-O0. LADIES' DIAMOND EAHItINGS,30te tt,M0. DIAMOND KINGS, tar Ml'scs, tftefJO. DIA MOND KINOS, tar Ladles, f te IM. LADIES' POLLED l'LATE I'IN9,S0c tcCJU. WHITE STONE PINS AND EAKKINGS.tl te 10-MUSIC HOXKS, TScts. le31, OIL PAINTINGS, 10 te I00. FKAMED KNOKAVINGS, ! te H3. H. Z. RHOADS, LANCASTEIt, PA. XUST OPKNKI). Ghristmas 1884. x JUST THE LAKOEST AND CHEAPEST LINE OF French Clocks, Mirrors and. Bronzes WE HAVE Music Bexes A FULL LINE OF GOODS -AT- ZAHM'S HOLIDAY JXO. S. OIVIiER, rI0LIDIYG00DS. Children's lligerslewn Dogskin Mitts, Fur Tops, -FULL LADIES' AND GENTS HAGERSTOWN GLOVES AND MITTS. LADIES' KID GLOVES. Silk Knit Mitts and All Kinds of Gloves. GENTS KID, CASTOR, BL'CK, CLOTH, SCOTCH AND SILK CLOVES. All Kinds of Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Christmas Presents. JNO. S. GIVLER &CO, NO. 25 EAST KING ST., J.BM RTIN A CO. HOLIDAY f -1. v DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Raw Silk Stand Cevers, Jute Table Cevers, Turkish Tidies, Plush Tidles, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, 811k Handkerchlefs, Suspenders, Neckwear, Gloves, &e. CARPET DEPARTMENT. Smyrna Rubs, Moquette Rugs, Sheep-Weel Rugs, Art Squares, Sce. CHINA DEPARTMENT. Embroidered Glass, Amberina Glass, CarlBbad Flower Vases, Bisque Figures, China Fruit Plates, China Dessert Saucers, Musical Decanters, Water Decnnters, Tote-a-teto Sets, Smoking Beta, &e TOY DEPARTMENT. Meohanleal Toys, Christmaa Troe Ornaments, Deg Carts, Mules and Horses, Steam Engines, AND A THOUSAND J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prluce Sts., LANCASTKlt, S' fORAQE COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIEL MAYEII, dcci-lyd IG West Chestnut street. rlON8UMITION. VJ I have a positive remedy for the above dis ease by Its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured, lu deed, se strong Is my faith. In Its clllcacy. thut 1 will send TWO HO'lTLES FUEE, together with u VALUAIILE TltEATIUE of the dlsease te any sufferer, Ul e express and I', O, address. UK. T. A. SLOCU Jl. n42meed&6iuw 191 Pearl bt., N, Y. 1-t-t-M-SSV-S.SI-MtwAl ; Vs ' AT- Lancaster, Pa. asi mieszr.s. Ne. 4 West King Street. Zahm's Gerner 1884. OPENED EVEK CARRIED. of All Grades. TO SUIT ALL TASTES. CORNER. GOODS. G CO. P. HATHVOX. 25c. Laditf IlagerstewTi Dogskin Fur Tep Mitts, 25c. LINK OF- Silk Umbrellas for LANCASTER, PA. GOODS. L OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Opiieslte Slevens Heuse, I'A. G HAY'S SPECIFIC MJ.D1CINC The Great English Itemed)-. An unfalUnfC cure for lmpetcney and all Dlsuusrs tbut fellow linns nf leinerv. fjiilversal Lussltude. l'ulu In the Hack, Dtmue..s of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether dlsetues tlmt lead le In sanity or Conauiiiptlen and a Premature Grave. Full particulars In our pamphlet, which wn de sire te send frce by mull te every one. This Spe Spe cllleuiLdlbliiels bold by all druggists at II per pavkuge, or six packages for W, or will be tent tree by mall ou recupt of the money, by ad dressing the ugent, II. II. CCCIIKAN, Druggist, Nes. 1S7 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster, i'a. On account of counterfeit), we have adopted the Yellow rapper t the only genuine. TUB QUAY MEDICIN E CO . llulTsJe, N.Y. tAtM . PanllliW..M,,Mi . curs leiivn MtlMHr-.vu e oe and r,i i. m. nnA l, tn, TKBANON T.AMOASTKR : - 1,1,11, n.iunviAI, if ityc nuuxutoiE-aer rAxn(!rait iiUim. tf.'' HU.N t.T( NOVEMBER tn, m. 1 " XQKTinVAItl). l.CAVP. A.M. Kliif-Ht, Ijinc. A.40 l.anrnstrr,..,,. (1.17 Manhelm,.,. 7,1,1 Cornwall.,,,., 7,4.1 . Arrive, Lclntnnn ,.,... Km . HIIUTIIWAKII, Lcftve, a.m. Iiclmnnn ,, 7.91 ('eriiwnll .,.,., 7.t Manhelm,,,.,,. n.in iJinnntcr,,.,,. RSI Arrive. r'M Mbi H 12.M) I.M n.ifi i 0,07 . .."", nn &1.1 . Mft W s ;. 3l.! 7.W T 7.99 -, 9M , &4 J., Klllff St.. TJUIC. MO H.M A.SI, Wiuer, hujit. It. A 0. 11. It i ,- J. SI. llAVAnn, Hupt'. c' nml'c.' ilt. U. K. K. f Obobeb r.tit, Supl, 1'. A It. It. It. ' $' r.v. v.v. linn 7..1U 1 14.1 7.M 1.11 8.1H tUI M im InJl R IUDINQ & COLUMBIA. vB' AnitAxaEiinxT ei i-abbcmurh tkaix8.V SUNDAY, MAV 1(1, 1S9I. XOUTinVARD. A.M. LEAVE. r. v, a. w ?unrrj-vllle. Aiienster, Kliiff Street,. Lnnrnster..., .,,... ,..,,,. Mntiliplui ,..., .... Mntlctta Junction Columbia .. ..,,.., ARIUVH. r.:n ;:.v; ;w B-40 SX 4 4lU .1:10 , 7:10 ,!:17 , 7:M 7S S'.W 1:3.1 1.UI 1:10 .... .... Heading.,,, en SOUTIIWAIID. tM .. LKAVn. A.M. Ilcnainrr ,,. .. 7:10 AIinlVK. Mnrlcttix Junction t-.'a Mniihi-im.... tt.t) Columbia... . .... , ic.'W Lancnsler.i , ... V-M lnncaitnr, Kins MUcct.... u.l w. 1J) V. M. 1:M lril 2 0.1 4.C0 r. i. A. m, (110 .... 7) 7:40 8-M S:M B.SS 5.9) U.M cjuarryvllle IKK Trflini connect nt Ilnadlncr with tnihiH trrnnd irein 1'iuiaucinniu, rniisviue, iiarnsnurir. ji- ... .. . . ;. - .. . r- w.. .. -----;-- .-:' icinewn nnu iiiew lc 1'erV, via. ISeuntl ilroelf ueutp. At tnlumlila vllh Iraln in nnd ffrtin Ynrlr. Hanover, (lettysburir, Finlerlck ana llaltlinore. At Marietta Junction with trains tn and from Chlcklcs. At Jlimhcliu with trains tn ami from Lebanon SUNDAY. Leave cjiurryvlllc, 7.00 a, 111.1 Lancaster, Hlnij Street, MM a. m., 4 X p. in. Arrive Itciullna, 10:00 n. 111., 0A3 p. 111 l.cnve Heading, 6:00 n. in.. 4 p. in. Arrle Ijineaster, KingSlrii't, 0J7n. m., r.:V) 1. ui.t fjuanj ville, C:P. A. M. WILSON, Siipt. pr.NNSYI.VANr.V UAILROA1) KCHKD -A Ul.l.. Trains lenvn Iincastcr nnd lenve and arrive nt l'miaucipma as iniiews : Lenve IVT.STWAItl). riillndelphln. News Lipresst . .... 4:3) n.m. IVayPaMcngcrf .... , 4-00 " Mall train via Mt. Je t 7.en " Ne. 2 Mail Train. ......via. Celum'a. Leave Lancaster. 0 20 a. in. (!4W " th3l (133 " VM ' 0J " ' 12.1 p. m. 1:45 SJ0 " 5:4.1 " MiiRura Uzprc9s . l-.U) n. 111. iianovcrAccem Fust Llnef Frederick Aeeetn.... Ijincaster Aeceru ., llarTlebnvg Accem.. vl.i. Celum'a. . ll:lea.m. .via. Celum'a. ,via. ML Jey. 2:14 p. lu. , 4:40 " 5:10 , 0:10 " , 11:40 " Leave ueiumuia iccein.,... . Hanlsburg Lxpress.. Wcilcni lixiuessf ..... 1'atlMc LTpressf. .. .. KAST1YAHD. Mall Express t. l'hll'n. Lxprcssf Fast l.luef .., Ilarrlsburg Kxpress .. Lancaster Accem. ar. . Columbia Accem Senshore Express Johnstown Kxprct , Hundajr Mall...,. l)av Lxnressl 7-10 " 7:10 ' 11:15 " 1:33 a.m. Arrlvent Philadelphia. Lancaster. . 1:00 a. 111. . 2.47 " n.3.1 ' . 8:10 . 8:M " . 000 " iiuiii. m. 4:43 TM 10-20 ' via. Mt.Jer. 11:13 a.m. s-15 p. m. fi-05 " 8-43 7:3.1 " 14 M p.m. 4.40 " 2:11 " 5:H " C:U " Hiinisburg Accem.. 9;J5 Tlin Marietta Accommodation leaves Celum bia at 0: 10 a. m. and reaches Marietta ut 6 55. Alse, )nnvi ('nliimltlii nt 1141 n. m. nnd 4:15 n. in.. i cachlnir Marietta ut 14:01 und 4.33. Leaves Mar ietta nt Je 11. in. nnd arrives at Columbia aTXH alie,lc.iveAutS:35 and arrives at 8:45. 3f?iTJ i no erK Accommeuaiion leaves jinneiia ni , , )- - 7:10 und arrives ut Lancaster at 8-00, connecting with llarrlsbure Lxpress ut 8:10. The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect- , Ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, nt 1:33 j). m will ran through te Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, cast, leaves Columbia at 14 43 and reaches Lancaster nt 12-50 p. in. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting nt Lancaster with Masarti Kxprcss at 9:50 a. in. will run thrnnr-h In llnnnver. itnllv. excent Snndav. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when nagged will"" - 1& stopntDewningtown, Coatrsvllle, rarkesburtr, ,?.? IIU .,11, J lllllll. ,, IllbUI ,i, .u,,j ui, u,t,..j the Mail tTalirwtbt nihTiry way orCelumbla. 5 Leave dally except Monday. CORNWAMj AND TiRDANON AND COLKJIKOOK VALLEY HA1LUOADS. SOCTHWAtlO. Trains leave Lebanon dally (except Sunday) at U:30 n. in., 12:3) nnd 7:30 p. in. Arrive at Cornwall at b:.0a.m., 15.10 p.m. and 7:40 p. m. i at Concwage nt 7:40 n. m.. 1:13 and 8:20 p.m., connecting with the Pennsylvania ltallread for points cast and west. XOIITUWAHB. Trains lcuie t'oncwage nt 7:S0 n in.,8.Mand 8:45 p. in. Arrlin at Cornwall at 8.00 n. in., 4:19 and 0 05 p. in. at Lebanon nt 8S0 n.m, 4-30 and 9:151). m,. connecting nt Lebanon with Philadelphia and Heading Ual.reud for points east und west, and the Lebanon and Trcment lininch for Jones town, l'lnegrovennd Tiement. 1 he C:30 a. in. train w III step only at Cornwall, Colnbrenkund ltellalrc.. HATS AS 1 C.LTA. T ATHHTSTYLI-: HATS AND CAPS. Mk Only Hat Stere IS 1'ULL OF TIIK LATEST STYLES OP Seal Caps and Turbans, Seft and Stiff Hats, Silk and Cass Hats, Children's Turbans, AND- GLOVES OF ALL KINDS. ALL NEW AND or THE FINEST,, JIANU TACTUUE. Sf Persons wishing te make Christmas Pres ents in our line will prellt by examining our stock befere purchasing elscwnertv 144 NORTH QUEEN ST. (GUNDAKEK'S OLD STAND.) H OMDAY GOODS. CHBISTMAS PRESENTS;" FOUOHNTLKMnXi Kine 811k Hats, Film Stiff Hats, Nice Seal Caiw. Heaver Gauntlets, Handsome Orey toxBeu,, - ? HandsomeWoiritobes, . I; -r FOIl LADIES i v-vY lleautlful Seal Coats, Ileautlful Seal Cap, ' te llcuutlful Seal MufTs, Fur.Llncd Circulars, , t Ik-aver capes, ueaveriuuus, wuw auiw, i-be'sj bilk Umbrellas. ir Every y USbFUL Cllll iiersen who thinks of giving" a ilST.MAS 1'ihai.M' SneiUUKlTO us n rail. C'ome CRrly In the day. "' W, D. STAUFFER & CO, (SlmlU'a Old Sumd.) Nes. 31 & 33 North Queen Street,- -''j LANOASTEILPA. mylO-ly Sloans. -pOOIl, WHITB& CO., BANKBS.l h ' PBIME ItAILWAY 8KC0KIT1 Wj I ALWAYS OX HAND POK l.NVKTMKXT,f Jllnncniiells Kenl Kst-iteTlereBt; ' J saloatieland luteiiwt. l'reprlt of ."Tpfff Jlamial of Hallways." Cerrespuadfjieu IntNM. 45 Wall Street, New Yerk.A octl-lyaeea ?!3!RC9flss)-i A TtOITGlI. inilKGULAR. WAl ... mlieli llnnlwuMl Ut fefeA lAl4rk. 1 effensle and but little p!n sue. W . nary rancor ei me cuk pi. i tuiniy uaiis-oreus, 11 eni mm j. CA'CEBS and TUMOHi M '.! M without jvaln or utrler th knlfnj . W M ene, Cbrenle. au4 rrtre rWumn mtumii ft.llyjrea.ea bfj &Tj , u VOKaJi OKce-U Kt WalUMt atKe-M. I-ueMtsB, Truirm ystvrf TUSK j 2sx?S ' -ff 7-1 H h' 6.' iiX ,' -W -.- 15 '-S' ."I i :m )K' S: 'A' M fv.T ry. HI h ?. jin fev,1 sf: . ' ', iJj. .., m m w tl J ' ,' tfi